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Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 403-412, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981016


Early life nutritional environment is not only associated with the growth and development of children, but also affects the health of adults. Numerous epidemiological and animal studies suggest that early nutritional programming is an important physiological and pathological mechanism. DNA methylation is one of the important mechanisms of nutritional programming, which is catalyzed by DNA methyltransferase, a specific base of DNA covalently binds to a methyl group, to regulate gene expression. In this review, we summarize the role of DNA methylation in the "abnormal developmental planning" of key metabolic organs caused by excessive nutrition in early life, resulting in long-term obesity and metabolic disorders in the offspring, and explore the clinical significance of regulating DNA methylation levels through dietary interventions to prevent or reverse the occurrence of metabolic disorders in the early stage in a "deprogramming" manner.

Humans , Animals , Female , DNA Methylation , Epigenesis, Genetic , Clinical Relevance , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Metabolic Diseases
MedUNAB ; 25(2): 279-289, 2022/08/01.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395815


Introducción. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que más del 40% de las mujeres embarazadas a nivel mundial tienen anemia, y la mitad de estas padecen deficiencia de hierro. La prevalencia en América Latina es del 40% y en Colombia del 44.7%. Fisiológicamente en el embarazo se produce una mal llamada "anemia dilucional", existen condiciones en la embarazada que la predisponen a tener una anemia patológica. Esta última es causada principalmente por un déficit de hierro, de allí la importancia de diagnosticar a tiempo esta entidad e iniciar el manejo. La administración de hierro es la base del tratamiento de la anemia por deficiencia de hierro. Puede ser administrado por vía oral, la cual es la preferida en la mayoría de las pacientes; sin embargo, cuando este no es posible administrarlo, es esencial recurrir al hierro parenteral. No obstante, el hierro parenteral es poco usado como primera línea en el manejo de la anemia gestacional. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión que permita identificar la terapia con hierro parenteral como una alternativa eficaz de manejo para la anemia gestacional, teniendo en cuenta las características farmacológicas, la administración y el uso entre las diferentes moléculas disponibles en Colombia. Metodología. Corresponde a un estudio de revisión de literatura en bases de datos y bibliotecas electrónicas, los criterios que se tuvieron en cuenta fueron textos publicados entre 1996 y 2020, en español e inglés. Se obtuvo un resultado de 95 artículos, de los cuales se seleccionaron 49. Las palabras clave para su búsqueda fueron fisiología, hierro parenteral, anemia gestacional, déficit de hierro, complicaciones del embarazo, compuestos de hierro, farmacocinética, diagnóstico y tratamiento. División de temas tratados. Fisiología; ayudas diagnósticas; características farmacológicas del hierro parenteral; ventajas, indicaciones y contraindicaciones del hierro parenteral; efectos secundarios y forma de aplicación. Conclusiones. El hierro parenteral es un tratamiento seguro y eficaz para manejar la anemia en el embarazo, se debe tener en cuenta las indicaciones y la farmacología de las moléculas para elegir la más adecuada. Además, repone más rápidamente las reservas de hierro y los niveles de hemoglobina.

Introduction. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 40% of pregnant women worldwide have anemia, and that half of them suffer from iron deficiency. The prevalence of this in Latin America is 40%, and in Colombia, 44.7%. Physiologically, a problem called "dilutional anemia" occurs during pregnancy. There are conditions in pregnant women that predispose them to suffering from pathological anemia. The latter is mainly caused by iron deficiency, hence the importance of diagnosing this entity on time and starting treatment. Iron administration is the basis of treatment of anemia caused by iron deficiency. It can be administered orally, which is the preferred option in the majority of patients. However, when this is not possible, parenteral iron must be used. However, parenteral iron is rarely used as the first line of treatment of gestational anemia. The objective of this article is to carry out a review that allows for the identification of therapy with parenteral iron as an efficient alternative for the treatment for gestational anemia, considering the pharmacological characteristics, administration, and use among the different molecules available in Colombia. Methodology. We carried out a search in databases and electronic libraries. The criteria considered were texts published between 1996 and 2020 in Spanish and English. 95 articles were obtained, of which 49 were selected. The keywords for their search were physiology, parenteral iron, gestational anemia, iron deficit, pregnancy complications, iron compounds, pharmacokinetics, diagnosis, and treatment. Division of Covered Topics. Physiology; diagnostic aids; pharmacological characteristics of parenteral iron; advantages, indications, and contraindications of parenteral iron; secondary effects and application method. Conclusions. Parenteral iron is a safe and efficient treatment to handle anemia during pregnancy. The indications and pharmacology of the molecules must be considered to choose the most appropriate option. In addition, it replaces iron reserves and hemoglobin levels more quickly.

Introdução. A Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) estima que mais de 40% das mulheres grávidas em todo o mundo são anêmicas, e metade delas sofre de deficiência de ferro. A prevalência na América Latina é de 40% e na Colômbia de 44.7%. Fisiologicamente na gravidez ocorre a chamada "anemia dilucional", e existem condições na gestante que a predispõem a ter uma anemia patológica. Esta última é causada principalmente por deficiência de ferro, daí a importância de diagnosticar esta entidade a tempo e iniciar o manejo. A administração de ferro é a base do tratamento da anemia por deficiência de ferro. Pode ser administrado por via oral, o que é preferido pela maioria das pacientes; porém, quando não for possível administrá-lo dessa forma, é imprescindível recorrer ao ferro parenteral. No entanto, o ferro parenteral é raramente usado como primeira linha no manejo da anemia gestacional. O objetivo deste artigo é realizar uma revisão que permita identificar a terapia com ferro parenteral como uma alternativa eficaz de tratamento da anemia gestacional, levando em consideração as características farmacológicas, administração e uso entre as diferentes moléculas disponíveis na Colômbia. Metodologia. Foi realizada uma busca em bases de dados e bibliotecas eletrônicas, os critérios levados em consideração foram textos publicados entre 1996 e 2020, em espanhol e inglês. Foi obtido um total de 95 artigos, dos quais 49 foram selecionados. As palavras-chave para a busca foram fisiologia, ferro parenteral, anemia gestacional, deficiência de ferro, complicações na gravidez, compostos de ferro, farmacocinética, diagnóstico e tratamento. Divisão dos temas abordados. Fisiologia; auxiliares de diagnóstico; características farmacológicas do ferro parenteral; vantagens, indicações e contraindicações do ferro parenteral; efeitos colaterais e método de aplicação. Conclusões. O ferro parenteral é um tratamento seguro e eficaz para o manejo da anemia na gravidez, as indicações e farmacologia das moléculas devem ser levadas em consideração a fim de escolher a mais adequada. Além disso, reabastece mais rapidamente as reservas de ferro e os níveis de hemoglobina.

Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Anemia , Pregnancy Complications , Pharmacokinetics , Iron Compounds , Iron Deficiencies
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 34(2): 197-210, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154558


Abstract The Developmental Origin of Health and Disease (DOHaD) is an area of science dedicated to studying the processes by which insults during critical periods of mammals development leading to physiological changes resultig in diseases throughout life. Studies point to a complex interaction between nutritional status in early life and cardiovascular system homeostasis in which maternal malnutrition during gestation and/or lactation, as well as early weaning, are associated with development of cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. In this context, epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation, histone acetylation, and change in microRNA expression have been considered molecular bases of cellular plasticity, which can also be gender-dependent. Experimental studies have demonstrated that interventions encompassing the consumption of functional food/bioactive compounds, as well as energetic and nutrients adjustments on the diet, may attenuate or even prevent consequences associated with plasticity of development, improving cardiovascular health. This review aimed to gather and discuss the findings within this context, published over the last ten years.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Breast Feeding , Cardiovascular Diseases/etiology , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Fetal Nutrition Disorders , Functional Food , Weaning , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , DNA Methylation , Malnutrition , Epigenesis, Genetic , Phytochemicals , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Homeostasis
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(2): 224-230, abr. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115492


Las alteraciones durante la vida prenatal tienen diversos efectos en los organismos. La restricción alimentaria materna ocasiona modificaciones en la conducta alimentaria como hiperfagia y su exacerbación ante la exposición a una dieta hiperlipídica. La evidencia experimental indica que aun cuando existe una preferencia por los alimentos altos en grasa, cuando las ratas realizan actividad física, esta preferencia disminuye o se elimina. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de la restricción alimentaria materna sobre el consumo de una dieta suplementada con nuez pecana y cómo influye la actividad física. El experimento incluyó 22 ratas, 11 del grupo experimental y 11 del grupo control. De los cuales 6 realizaron actividad y 5 permanecieron sedentarias en cada grupo (machos y hembras). El experimento duró 114 días, de los cuales 42 días tuvieron disponible la rueda de actividad. Los resultados mostraron que la restricción alimentaria materna no modificó el comportamiento alimentario, sin embargo, cuando incrementaron la actividad por la disponibilidad de la rueda de actividad, los sujetos experimentales aumentaron su consumo de nuez pecana. Los resultados se consideran contradictorios con respecto a la literatura, ya que muestran ausencia de hiperfagia e incremento en el consumo a la par del incremento en actividad física.

Alterations during prenatal life have various effects on organisms. Maternal food restriction causes changes in feeding behavior such as hyperphagia and its exacerbation when exposed to a hyperlipidic diet. Experimental evidence indicates that even when there is a preference for high-fat foods, when rats do physical activity, this preference decreases or is eliminated. Objective: to evaluate the effect of maternal dietary restriction on the consumption of a diet supplemented with pecan nuts and how physical activity influences this relationship. The experiment included 22 rats, 11 experimental and 11 controls. Of these, 6 performed physical activity and 5 remained sedentary in each group (males and females). The experiment lasted 114 days; the activity wheel was available on 42 days. The results showed that maternal food restriction did not modify eating behavior, however, when rats increased physical activity, experimental subjects increased their consumption of pecan nuts. The results are contradictory with respect to the literature, as they show an absence of hyperphagia and an increase in consumption along with an increase in physical activity.

Animals , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Rats , Exercise , Feeding Behavior , Animals, Newborn , Behavior, Animal , Body Weight , Rats, Wistar , Caloric Restriction , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Fetal Development , Diet, High-Fat , Food Deprivation , Food Preferences , Nuts
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 63(3): 199-207, May-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011160


ABSTRACT Objective Determine the milk quality effect during lactation on the metabolic and thyroid programming of hypothyroid offspring. Materials and methods Ten-week-old female Wistar rats were divided into two groups: euthyroid and thyroidectomy-caused hypothyroidism. The rats were matted and, one day after birth, the pups were divided into three groups: euthyroid offspring (EO), hypothyroid offspring (HO) and hypothyroid with a euthyroid replacement wet nurse (HRO). During lactation, the milk quality and offspring body length were evaluated. The body weight and energy intake were determined on a weekly basis, as well as the metabolic profile at the prepubertal (P35-36) and postpubertal (P55-56) ages. At P56, the animals were sacrificed, the adipose tissues were weighed and the thyroid glands were dissected for histological processing. Results The milk of the hypothyroid wet nurse decreases proteins (16-26%), lipids (22-29%) and lactate (22-37%) with respect to euthyroid. The HO has a lower body weight gain (23-33%), length (11-13%) and energy intake (15-21%). In addition, HO presents impaired fasting glucose and dyslipidemia, as well as a reduction in seric thyroid hormone (18-34%), adipose reserves (26-68%) and thyroid gland weight (25-34%). The HO present thyroid gland cytoarchitecture alteration. The HRO develop the same metabolic alterations as the HO. However, the thyroid gland dysfunction was partially prevented because the HRO improved under about 10% of the serum thyroid hormone concentration, the thyroid gland weight although histological glandular changes presented. Conclusions The replacement of hypothyroid offspring with a euthyroid wet nurse during lactation can improve the thyroid programming without modifying metabolic programming.

Animals , Female , Rats , Thyroid Hormones/metabolism , Lactation/metabolism , Congenital Hypothyroidism/metabolism , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Thyroid Gland/pathology , Rats, Wistar , Disease Models, Animal
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 53: 57, jan. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014535


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate whether weekly gestational weight gain is associated with anemia, vitamin A insufficiency, and blood pressure levels in the third trimester of pregnancy. METHODS A prospective study with 457 pregnant women attending primary care in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre. The weekly gestational weight gain rate measured between the second and third trimesters was classified as insufficient, adequate, and excessive according to the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine 2009. The outcomes at the beginning of the third gestational trimester were: anemia (Hb < 110 g/L), vitamin A insufficiency (serum retinol<1.05 μmol/L) and blood pressure levels (continuous values, in mmHg). Age-adjusted prevalence ratios, schooling, and use of vitamin and mineral supplements were calculated in Poisson regression models with robust variance. RESULTS A total of 18.6% of pregnant women had insufficient weekly weight gain, and 59.1% had excessive weight gain. The frequencies of anemia, vitamin A insufficiency and hypertension (systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg or diastolic ≥ 90 mmHg) were 17.5%, 13.4%, and 0.6%, respectively. The prevalence ratios for anemia among pregnant women with insufficient and excessive weight gain were 0.41 (95%CI 0.18-0.93) and 1.00 (95%CI 0.63-1.59), respectively, when compared to pregnant women with adequate weight gain. For vitamin A insufficiency, the adjusted prevalence ratio was significantly higher among pregnant women with insufficient weight gain (2.85, 95%CI 1.55-5.24) and no difference for excessive weight gain (1.53, 95%CI 0.84-2.74) when compared to pregnant women with adequate weight gain. Pregnant women with excessive weight gain had higher mean systolic blood pressure (111.10; 95%CI 109.9-112.2) when compared to pregnant women with insufficient weight gain (107.50; 95%CI 105.4-109.6) and adequate (106.20; 95%CI 104.3-108.20). CONCLUSIONS Insufficient weekly gestational weight gain was associated with the risk of vitamin A insufficiency. Excessive weight gain, in turn, was associated with higher blood pressure values at the beginning of the third gestational trimester.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Avaliar se o ganho de peso gestacional semanal está associado à anemia, à insuficiência de vitamina A e a níveis pressóricos no terceiro trimestre gestacional. MÉTODOS Estudo prospectivo com 457 gestantes assistidas na atenção básica em Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre. A taxa de ganho de peso gestacional semanal medida entre o segundo e o terceiro trimestres foi classificada em insuficiente, adequada e excessiva segundo recomendações do Institute of Medicine 2009. Os desfechos no início do terceiro trimestre gestacional foram: anemia (Hb < 110 g/L), insuficiência de vitamina A (retinol sérico < 1,05 µmol/L) e níveis pressóricos (valores contínuos, em mmHg). Razões de prevalência ajustadas por idade, escolaridade e uso de suplementos de vitaminas e minerais foram calculadas em modelos de regressão de Poisson com variância robusta. RESULTADOS No total, 18,6% das gestantes apresentaram ganho de peso semanal insuficiente e 59,1% ganho de peso excessivo. As frequências de anemia, insuficiência de vitamina A e hipertensão (pressão arterial sistólica ≥ 140 mmHg ou diastólica ≥ 90 mmHg) foram 17,5%, 13,4% e 0,6%, respectivamente. As razões de prevalência para anemia entre gestantes com ganho de peso insuficiente e excessivo foram 0,41 (IC95% 0,18-0,93) e 1,00 (IC95% 0,63-1,59), respectivamente, quando comparadas às gestantes com ganho de peso adequado. Para insuficiência de vitamina A, a razão de prevalência ajustada foi significantemente maior entre gestantes com ganho de peso insuficiente (2,85; IC95% 1,55-5,24) e sem diferença para ganho de peso excessivo (1,53; IC95% 0,84-2,74) quando comparada às gestantes com ganho de peso adequado. As gestantes com ganho de peso excessivo apresentaram valores médios de pressão arterial sistólica maiores (111,10; IC95% 109,9-112,2) quando comparadas às gestantes com ganho de peso insuficiente (107,50; IC95% 105,4-109,6) e adequado (106,20; IC95% 104,3-108,20). CONCLUSÕES O ganho de peso gestacional semanal insuficiente foi associado ao risco para insuficiência de vitamina A. O ganho de peso excessivo, por sua vez, foi associado a valores pressóricos maiores no início do terceiro trimestre gestacional.

Humans , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Blood Pressure , Nutritional Status , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Gestational Weight Gain , Pregnancy Complications , Pregnancy Trimester, Third , Brazil/epidemiology , Body Mass Index , Child Health , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Maternal Health
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 53: 52, jan. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014536


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To investigate the relationship between the dietary patterns of pregnant women with maternal excessive body weight and gestational diabetes mellitus. METHODS A cross-sectional study conducted with a convenience sample of 785 adult pregnant women attended by the Unified Health System of Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo, between 2011 and 2012. Two 24-hour dietary recalls, corrected by the multiple source method, were employed . For the classification of the body mass index and the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus, the criteria by Atalah and the World Health Organization were used, respectively. Dietary patterns were obtained by principal component analysis using the Varimax rotation method. The relationship between adherence to patterns, overweight and obesity was analyzed by multinomial logistic regression models and the relationship with gestational diabetes mellitus by adjusted unconditional logistic regression models. RESULTS We identified four dietary patterns: "traditional Brazilian"; "snacks"; "coffee" and "healthy". Women with a higher adherence to the "Healthy" (OR = 0.52; 95%CI 0.33-0.83) and "Brazilian Traditional" patterns (OR = 0.61; 95%CI 0.38-0.96) presented a lower chance of obesity, when compared to women with lower adherence, regardless of confounding factors. After adjustment for maternal excessive body weight, there was no association between dietary patterns and gestational diabetes mellitus. CONCLUSIONS Among the pregnant women, greater adherence to "traditional Brazilian" and "healthy" patterns was inversely associated with obesity, but no relationship was identified with gestational diabetes mellitus after adjusting for excessive body weight. Prospective studies are recommended to investigate the relationship between dietary patterns, overweight and gestational diabetes mellitus, reducing the chance of reverse causality.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Investigar a relação entre os padrões alimentares de gestantes com o excesso de peso materno e o diabetes mellitus gestacional. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal conduzido em uma amostra de conveniência de 785 gestantes adultas atendidas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde de Ribeirão Preto, SP, entre 2011 e 2012. Dois inquéritos recordatórios de 24 horas, corrigidos pelo multiple source method, foram empregados . Para a classificação do índice de massa corporal e do diagnóstico do diabetes mellitus gestacional, utilizou-se os critérios de Atalah e da Organização Mundial da Saúde, respectivamente. Os padrões alimentares foram obtidos por análise de componentes principais, utilizando o método de rotação Varimax . A relação entre a adesão aos padrões e sobrepeso e obesidade foi analisada por modelos de regressão logística multinomial e a relação entre adesão aos padrões e diabetes mellitus gestacional, por modelos de regressão logística não condicional ajustados. RESULTADOS Identificamos quatro padrões alimentares: "tradicional brasileiro"; "lanches"; "café" e "saudável". Observou-se que mulheres com maior adesão ao padrão "saudável" (OR = 0,52; IC95% 0,33-0,83) e "tradicional brasileiro" (OR = 0,61; IC95% 0,38-0,96) apresentaram menor chance de obesidade que as mulheres com menor adesão, independentemente de fatores de confusão. Após ajuste pelo excesso de peso materno, não houve associação entre os padrões alimentares e o diabetes mellitus gestacional. CONCLUSÕES Entre as gestantes, a maior adesão aos padrões "tradicional brasileiro" e "saudável" foi inversamente associada à obesidade, mas nenhuma relação foi identificada com o diabetes mellitus gestacional após ajuste pelo excesso de peso. Estudos prospectivos são recomendados para investigar a relação entre padrões alimentares e excesso de peso e diabetes mellitus gestacional, reduzindo a chance de causalidade reversa.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Diabetes, Gestational/etiology , Diet/adverse effects , Overweight/complications , Obesity/complications , Brazil , Weight Gain , Body Mass Index , Epidemiologic Methods , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Feeding Behavior
Rev. bras. ciênc. saúde ; 23(3): 321-330, 2019. tab.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1046114


Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência do baixo peso ao nascer e suas respectivas associações com fatores gestacionais e maternos no Município de Buriticupu-MA. Materiais e métodos: Realizou-se um estudo de corte popula-cional retrospectivo, onde as informações foram adquiridas através do banco de dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivo (SINASC) referentes ao período de 2008 a 2012. Resultados: As variáveis que condicionaram os baixos índices de peso ao nascer foram: idade da mãe, escolaridade materna, sexo do bebê, locais do parto, tipo de parto e consul-tas pré-natais, já as variáveis condicionantes ao fator de risco foram: mulheres que possuem relação conjugal estável, tempo da gestação e gestações primíparas. Conclusão: Através da análise do estudo foi constatado entre os anos de 2008 e 2012 foram registrados no município de Buriticupu 06.934 nascidos vivos, e destes, 223 com Baixo Peso ao Nascer.

Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of low birth weight and their respective associa-tions with gestational and maternal factors in the Municipal-ity of Buriticupu-MA. Materials and methods: A retrospective population-based study using data from the Birth Registration System (SISNAC) during the period of 2008 to 2012. Results: The variables that conditioned low birth weight were: maternal age, maternal schooling, sex of the baby, place of birth, type of delivery and prenatal consultations. The variables conditioning the risk factors were: women with a stable marital relationship, pregnancy time and gestation of primiparous women. Con-clusion: Through the analysis of the study, it was found that, between the years of 2008 and 2012, there were 223 recorded low birth weight in the municipality of Buriticupu, of the 06,934 live births.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena
Enferm. Investig ; 3(2): 79-84, jun.-2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-999918


Introducción:La amenaza de parto pre término consiste en la presencia de contracciones regulares después de las 20 y antes de las 37 semanas de gestación Objetivo: Determinar los factores maternos que inciden la amenaza de parto pretérmino en las mujeres gestantes que acuden al Hospital Básico de Yaguachi.Métodos:Sé realizo un Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, y transversal en el Hospital Básico "Dr. José Cevallos Ruiz", con una muestra de 20 adolescentes de sexo femenino, con el diagnostico amenaza de parto pretérmino, a las que se les aplicó una encuesta que constó con 5 preguntas entre ellas: Edad, educación, domicilio, controles prenatales y patología asociada a su embarazo.Resultados:Predominó el grupo de adolescentes correspondiente a los 17-19 años con un65%, instrucción secundaria el 55%, el 80% de las gestantes residía en la zona rural. En cuanto a los controles prenatales el 60% de las adolescentes asistieron de 1 a 4 controles, y el 50% de las adolescentes presentaron como factor de riesgo para la amenaza de parto pretérmino, la rotura prematura de membranas como patología asociada a su embarazo. Conclusiones:El factor materno que predominó fue la rotura prematura de membranas, sin embargo la infección de vías urinarias y los trastornos hipertensivosdel embarazo, también se encontraron presentes y por ello, la educación prenatal debe ser tomada en gran consideración

Introduction:The threat of preterm birth consists in the presence of regular contractions after 20 and before 37 weeks of gestation. Objective: To determine the maternal factors that affect the threat of preterm delivery in pregnant women who come to the Basic Hospital of YaguachiMethods:Aquantitative, descriptive, and transversal study in the Basic Hospital "Dr. José Cevallos Ruiz ", with a sample of 20 female adolescents, with the diagnostic threat of preterm delivery, to which a survey was applied that consisted of 5 questions including: Age, education, home, prenatal check-ups and associated pathology to your pregnancy.Results:The group of adolescents corresponding to 17-19 years old predominated with 65%, secondary instruction 55%, 80% of pregnant women resided in the rural area. Regarding the prenatal controls, 60% of the adolescents attended from 1 to 4 controls, and 50% of the adolescents presented as a risk factor for the threat of preterm delivery, the premature rupture of the membranes as a pathology associated with their pregnancy.Conclusions:The maternal factor that predominated was the premature rupture of membranes, nevertheless the infection of urinary tract and the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, were also present and therefore, prenatal education should be taken into great consideration

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adolescent , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Pregnant Women , Infant, Premature , Risk , Abortion
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 94(2): 207-215, Mar.-Apr. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-894119


Abstract Objective To evaluate the vitamin A status in serum and colostrum of postpartum women with different socioeconomic status, comparing the colostrum retinol supply with the vitamin A requirement of the newborn. Methods Cross-sectional study conducted with 424 postpartum women. Vitamin A maternal dietary intake was estimated using a food frequency questionnaire. Colostrum and serum retinol levels were measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Serum retinol concentrations <20 µg/dL were indicative of vitamin A deficiency (VAD). Vitamin A levels provided by colostrum <400 µgRAE/day were considered as insufficient for term newborns. Results The mean maternal vitamin A intake during pregnancy was 872.2 ± 639.2 µgRAE/day in low-income women and 1169.2 ± 695.2 µgRAE/day for high-income women (p < 0.005). The prevalence of vitamin A deficiency was 6.9% (n = 18) in the low-income group and 3.7% (n = 6) in the high-income group. The estimated mean retinol intake by infants of the high- and low-income mothers were 343.3 µgRAE/day (85.8% AI) and 427.2 µgRAE/day (106.8% AI), respectively. Conclusions Serum vitamin A deficiency was considered a mild public health problem in both populations; however, newborns of low-income women were more likely to receive lower retinol levels through colostrum when compared with newborns of high-income mothers.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o estado nutricional de vitamina A no soro e colostro de puérperas com diferentes condições de renda, comparando os níveis de retinol fornecido através do colostro coma necessidade de vitamina A do recém-nascido. Métodos Estudo transversal com 424 mulheres pós-parto. A ingestão de vitamina A dietética pelas mães foi estimada através de um questionário de frequência do consumo alimentar. Os níveis retinol no soro e colostro foram quantificados por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE). Concentrações de retinol <20 µg/dL no soro foram indicativas de vitamin A deficiency. Os níveis de vitamina A fornecidas pelo colostro < 400 µg/RAE/dia foram considerados insuficientespara os recém-nascidos a termo. Resultados A ingestão média de vitamina A das mães durante a gravidez foi de 872,2 ± 639,2 µgRAE/dia em mulheres de baixa renda e 1169,2 ± 695,2 µgRAE/dia em mulheresde alta renda (p < 0,005). A prevalência de vitamin A deficiency foi de 6,9% (n = 18) no grupo de baixa renda e de 3,7% (n = 6) no grupo de alta renda. A estimativa dos valores médios de ingestão de retinol por lactentes de mães de baixa e alta renda foi de 343,3 µg/RAE/dia (85,8%AI) e 427,2 µg/RAE/dia (106,8% AI), respectivamente. Conclusões A vitamin A deficiency no soro foi prevalente em ambas as populações, entretanto, recém-nascidos de mães de baixa renda foram mais propensos a receberem níveis inferiores de retinol no colostro em comparação com recém-nascidos de mães de alta renda.

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Socioeconomic Factors , Vitamin A/blood , Vitamin A Deficiency/diagnosis , Colostrum/chemistry , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Diet Surveys , Cross-Sectional Studies , Postpartum Period , Nutritional Requirements
Rev. bras. saúde matern. infant ; 17(1): 7-15, Jan.-Mar. 2017.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-844239


Abstract Objectives: describing the effects of maternal supplementation with folic acid (FA) exclusively during gestation on offspring's liver at later stages in life. Supplementation with FA during gestation has been recommended by the medical society worldwide. The liver has a central role on the substances of metabolism and homeostasis and some studies have shown that a high intake of FA at other periods in life may cause hepatic damage. Methods: a systematic review through which the following databases were consulted: Medline, through platforms of Pubmed, Lilacs and Scielo. The research was performed by keywords such as: "Folic acid", "Gestation", "Rat", "Offspring" and "Liver". Articles which evaluate the effect of FA consumption during both gestation and lactation were excluded. Results: FA consumption avoids disorders on expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) and glucocorticoid receptor (GccR), its lack did not change enzyme activity of the male offspring's liver in adulthood. Supplementation with FA during gestation did not change iron hepatic levels or lipid composition, but had an antioxidant effect on it. Conclusions: supplementation with FA at recommended doses did not cause toxic effects and is very likely to avoid deleterious effects in the liver of the offspring regarding the epigenetic level.

Resumo Objetivos: descrever os efeitos da suplementação materna com ácido fólico (AF) exclusivamente durante a gestação no fígado da prole em fases tardias da vida. A suplementação com ácido fólico durante a gestação tem sido recomendada pela sociedade médica em todo o mundo. O fígado tem papel central no metabolismo de substâncias e alguns estudos mostraram que o consumo de altas doses de ácido fólico em outros períodos da vida causa dano hepático. Métodos: é uma revisão sistemática para a qual foram consultadas as seguintes bases de dados: Pubmed, Lilacs e Scielo. A pesquisa foi realizada pelos descritores: "Folic acid", "Gestation", "Rat", "Offspring" and "Liver". Artigos que avaliaram o consumo de AF durante a gestação e lactação foram excluídos. Resultados: a ingestão de AF evita desordens na expressão de receptores ativados por proliferador de peroxissoma (PPARα) e receptores de glicocorticóides (RG), já sua ausência não alterou a atividade enzimática do fígado da prole macho na idade adulta. AF durante a gestação não alterou os níveis de ferro hepático nem a composição lipídica, mas teve efeito antioxidante neste órgão. Conclusões: a suplementação com ácido fólico nas doses recomendadas não causou efeitos tóxicos e é muito provável que evite efeitos deletérios no fígado da prole em nível epigenético.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Folic Acid/adverse effects , Liver/drug effects , Maternal Nutrition , Prenatal Nutrition , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Pregnancy
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 93(1): 40-46, Jan.-Feb. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-841316


Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the effect of maternal supplementation with vitamin E on the concentration of α-tocopherol in colostrum and its supply to the newborn. Method: This randomized clinical trial enrolled 99 healthy adult pregnant women; of these, 39 were assigned to the control group and 60 to the supplemented group. After an overnight fast, 5 mL of blood and 2 mL of colostrum were collected. After the first sampling (0 h milk), the supplemented group received 400 IU of supplementary vitamin E. Another 2 mL milk aliquot was collected in both groups 24 h after supplementation (24 h milk). The samples were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The α-tocopherol content provided by colostrum was calculated by considering a daily intake of 396 mL of milk and comparing the resulting value to the recommended daily intake for infants aged 0-6 months (4 mg/day). Results: The initial mean concentration of α-tocopherol in colostrum was 1509.3 ± 793.7 µg/dL in the control group and 1452.9 ± 808.6 µg/dL in the supplemented group. After 24 h, the mean α-tocopherol concentration was 1650.6 ± 968.7 µg/dL in the control group (p > 0.05) and 2346.9 ± 1203.2 µg/dL in the supplemented group (p < 0.001), increasing the vitamin E supply to the newborn to 9.3 mg/day. Initially, 18 women in the supplemented group provided colostrum α-tocopherol contents below 4 mg/day; after supplementation only six continued to provide less than the recommended amount. Conclusion: Maternal vitamin E supplementation increases the supply of the vitamin to the infant by providing more than twice the Recommended Daily Intake.

Resumo: Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da suplementação materna com vitamina E sobre a concentração de α-tocoferol no colostro e o fornecimento dessa para o recém-nascido. Método: O estudo clínico randomizado foi feito com 99 parturientes adultas e saudáveis, 39 alocadas no grupo controle e 60 no grupo suplementado. Após jejum noturno, foram coletados 5 mL de sangue e 2 mL de colostro das parturientes. Após a primeira coleta (leite 0 h), o grupo suplementado recebeu suplementação com 400 UI de vitamina E. Foi feita nova coleta de 2 mL de colostro, em ambos os grupos, 24 h após a suplementação (leite 24 h). As amostras foram analisadas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. A quantidade de α-tocoferol fornecida pelo colostro foi considerada para uma ingestão diária de 396 mL de leite e comparada com a ingestão diária recomendada para crianças de 0 a 6 meses (4 mg/dia). Resultados: A concentração média inicial de α-tocoferol no colostro foi de 1.509,3 ± 793,7 µg/dL no grupo controle e 1.452,9 ± 808,6 µg/dL no grupo suplementado. Após 24 horas a concentração média de α-tocoferol no grupo controle foi de 1.650,6 ± 968,7 µg/dL (p > 0,05) e de 2.346,9 ± 1203,2 µg/dL (p < 0,001) no grupo suplementado. Aumentou-se assim a oferta de vitamina E para o recém-nascido para 9,3 mg/dia. Inicialmente 18 mulheres do grupo suplementado forneciam valores inferiores a 4 mg/dia de α-tocoferol em seu colostro, após suplementação apenas seis continuaram a fornecer quantidade inferior ao recomendado. Conclusão: A suplementação materna com vitamina E promove o aumento do fornecimento da vitamina para o recém-nascido e fornece mais do que o dobro da ingestão diária recomendada.

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Young Adult , Vitamin E/analysis , Vitamins/analysis , Colostrum/chemistry , alpha-Tocopherol/analysis , Milk, Human/chemistry , Vitamin E/administration & dosage , Vitamins/administration & dosage , Lactation , Dietary Supplements/analysis , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-297240


Maternal nutrition during pregnancy plays a vital role in the health of the offspring. Methyl donor nutrients, including folate, vitamin B, choline, betaine, and methionine, directly affect DNA methylation and are closely associated with the health of the offspring. As an important part of epigenetics, DNA methylation plays an important role in the maintenance of normal cellular function, gene expression regulation, and embryonic development. Recent studies have shown that maternal nutrition may have a long-lasting effect on the health of the offspring via the changes in genomic DNA and/or methylation level in the promoter region in specific genes. Therefore, this review article focuses on the effect of maternal intake of methyl donor nutrients during pregnancy on DNA methylation, in order to explore the effect of the changed methylation status on the health of the offspring at the molecular level.

Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Betaine , Choline , DNA Methylation , Folic Acid , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Methionine , Vitamin B 12
Int. j. morphol ; 34(1): 71-77, Mar. 2016. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-780477


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of maternal protein and energy restriction during lactation, analyzing on morphological dimensions whether there was catch-up growth through normative nutrition restored, as well as on mechanical axis of femur of the offspring at adulthood. At parturition, Wistar rat dams were randomly assigned to the following groups: 1) control group (C) - free access to a standard laboratory diet containing 23 % protein, 2) protein-energy restricted group (PER) - free access to an isoenergetic, protein-restricted diet containing 8 % protein, and 3) energy-restricted group (ER) ­ fed with restricted amounts of a standard laboratory diet. At weaning, all pups were separated of dams and received free access to a standard laboratory diet containing 23 % protein until 180 days, when the rats were anesthetized and sacrificed. The dimensions of excised pup femur were measured directly using pre-established anatomical points. Morphometric analysis of the femur (macroscopic) showed that most of the measurements in the ER and PER groups were significantly lower than in the control group, with the greatest reductions occurring in the PER group and several structural abnormalities. Our results show that protein and energy restriction during lactation leads to an incomplete catch-up growth in adulthood. The femur showed significant reduction in most of the parameters in the two treated groups, particularly the PER group, when compared to the control group.

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los efectos de la restricción de la proteína materna y de energía durante la lactancia, y analizar las dimensiones morfológicas si hubo recuperación del crecimiento a través de la nutrición normativa restaurada, así como en el eje mecánico del fémur de la descendencia en la edad adulta. En el parto, las crías de ratas Wistar fueron agrupadas aleatoriamente en los siguientes grupos: 1) control (C) - con acceso libre a una dieta estándar del laboratorio, que contenía 23 % de proteínas; 2) con restricción de proteínas y energía (PER) - acceso libre a una dieta isoenergética, con restricción de proteínas, conteniendo un 8 % de éstas y 3) grupo con restricción de energía, alimentado con restricción en la cantidad de alimento de la dieta estándar del laboratorio (ER). Al destete, todas las crías fueron separadas y recibieron las dietas establecidas hasta los 180 días (d180), luego fueron anestesiadas y sacrificadas. Las mediciones de los fémures de las crías de rata fueron obtenidas por puntos anatómicos preestablecidos. El análisis morfométrico de fémur demostró que la mayoría de las mediciones en los grupos ER y PER eran significativamente menores que las del grupo control, con mayores reducciones en el grupo PER. Nuestros resultados muestran que las restricciones de energía y proteínas durante la lactancia conducen a una recuperación del crecimiento incompleto en la edad adulta. El fémur mostró una reducción significativa en la mayoría de los parámetros en los dos grupos tratados, en particular el grupo de PER, en comparación con el grupo control.

Animals , Male , Female , Rats , Diet, Protein-Restricted/adverse effects , Energy Intake , Femur/pathology , Lactation , Malnutrition/pathology , Body Weight , Femur/growth & development , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Rats, Wistar
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 20(1): 66-73, Jan-Feb/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-741440


OBJECTIVE: To determine by means of a systematic review the best treatment, whether interproximal wear or incisor extraction, to correct anterior lower crowding in Class I patients in permanent dentition. METHODS: A literature review was conducted using MEDLINE, Scopus and Web of Science to retrieve studies published between January 1950 and October 2013. In selecting the sample, the following inclusion criteria were applied: studies involving interproximal wear and/or extraction of mandibular incisors, as well as Class I cases with anterior lower crowding in permanent dentition. RESULTS: Out of a total of 943 articles found after excluding duplicates, 925 were excluded after abstract analysis. After full articles were read, 13 were excluded by the eligibility criteria and one due to methodological quality; therefore, only fours articles remained: two retrospective and two randomized prospective studies. Data were collected, analyzed and organized in tables. CONCLUSION: Both interproximal wear and mandibular incisor extraction are effective in treating Class I malocclusion in permanent dentition with moderate anterior lower crowding and pleasant facial profile. There is scant evidence to determine the best treatment option for each case. Clinical decision should be made on an individual basis by taking into account dental characteristics, crowding, dental and oral health, patient's expectations and the use of set-up models. .

OBJETIVO: determinar, por meio de uma revisão sistemática, o melhor tratamento entre desgastes interproximais e extração de incisivos para a correção de apinhamento anteroinferior em pacientes Classe I com dentição permanente. MÉTODOS: foram feitas buscas nas bases de dados eletrônicas MEDLINE, Scopus e Web of Science por artigos publicados de janeiro de 1950 até outubro de 2013. Os critérios de inclusão foram estudos que abordassem tratamentos com desgastes interproximais e/ou extração de incisivos inferiores, de casos Classe I com apinhamento anteroinferior na dentição permanente. RESULTADOS: dos 943 artigos encontrados após a remoção dos duplicados, 925 foram excluídos após a leitura dos resumos. Após leitura dos artigos completos, 13 foram excluídos pelos critérios de eligibilidade e um pela qualidade metodológica, restando quatro artigos, sendo dois retrospectivos e dois prospectivos randomizados. Os dados foram coletados, analisados e organizados em tabelas. CONCLUSÕES: tanto o desgaste interproximal quanto a extração de incisivo inferior são tratamentos eficazes em Classe I na dentição permanente, com apinhamento anteroinferior moderado e perfil facial agradável. Há fracas evidências para determinar a escolha do melhor tratamento para cada caso. A decisão clínica deve ser tomada em bases individuais, considerando as características anatômicas dentárias, da severidade do apinhamento, condições de saúde dentária e bucal, expectativas dos pacientes e ensaio em modelos (set-up). .

Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/physiology , Myocardium/pathology , Obesity/pathology , Blotting, Western , Fibrosis , Heart/embryology , Matrix Metalloproteinase 9/metabolism , Myocardium/metabolism , Obesity/metabolism , Phosphorylation , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , Sheep , Signal Transduction , /metabolism , Transforming Growth Factor beta/metabolism , /metabolism
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 20(1): 79-84, Jan-Feb/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-741451


OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to determine the morphological differences in the base of the skull of individuals with cleft lip and palate and Class III malocclusion in comparison to control groups with Class I and Class III malocclusion. METHODS: A total of 89 individuals (males and females) aged between 5 and 27 years old (Class I, n = 32; Class III, n = 29; and Class III individuals with unilateral cleft lip and palate, n = 28) attending PUC-MG Dental Center and Cleft Lip/Palate Care Center of Baleia Hospital and PUC-MG (CENTRARE) were selected. Linear and angular measurements of the base of the skull, maxilla and mandible were performed and assessed by a single calibrated examiner by means of cephalometric radiographs. Statistical analysis involved ANCOVA and Bonferroni correction. RESULTS: No significant differences with regard to the base of the skull were found between the control group (Class I) and individuals with cleft lip and palate (P > 0.017). The cleft lip/palate group differed from the Class III group only with regard to CI.Sp.Ba (P = 0.015). Individuals with cleft lip and palate had a significantly shorter maxillary length (Co-A) in comparison to the control group (P < 0.001). No significant differences were found in the mandible (Co-Gn) of the control group and individuals with cleft lip and palate (P = 1.000). CONCLUSION: The present findings suggest that there are no significant differences in the base of the skull of individuals Class I or Class III and individuals with cleft lip and palate and Class III malocclusion. .

OBJETIVO: o objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar diferenças morfológicas da base do crânio de indivíduos portadores de fissura de lábio e palato e de má oclusão de Classe III, comparado-os com indivíduos controle com má oclusão de Classes I ou III. MÉTODOS: oitenta e nove indivíduos, de ambos os sexos, com idade variando entre 5 e 27 anos, Classe I (n = 32), Classe III não fissurados (n = 29) e Classe III com fissura labiopalatina unilateral (n = 28), oriundos do Centro de Odontologia e Pesquisa da PUC-MG e do Centro de Atendimento de Fissurados do Hospital da Baleia e da PUC-MG (CENTRARE), foram selecionados. Medições lineares e angulares da base do crânio, maxila e mandíbula foram realizadas e avaliadas por um único examinador calibrado, por meio de radiografias cefalométricas. Foram utilizados os testes ANCOVA e correção de Bonferroni para a análise estatística dos dados. RESULTADOS: com relação à base do crânio, os resultados não indicaram diferença estatística entre indivíduos controle (Classe I) e os indivíduos com fissuras (p > 0,017). O grupo com fissura foi diferente do grupo Classe III somente em relação à medida CI.Sp.Ba (p = 0,015). O comprimento maxilar (Co-A) apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa na comparação entre o grupo controle (Classe I) e o grupo com fissuras (p < 0,001), sendo que os fissurados apresentaram uma maxila menor. Não foram encontradas diferenças na mandíbula (Co-Gn) entre indivíduos do grupo controle (Classe I) e indivíduos fissurados (p = 1,000). CONCLUSÃO: os resultados sugerem que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na base do crânio entre indivíduos Classe I e III e indivíduos com fissuras de lábio e palato com má oclusão de Classe III. .

Animals , Female , Cardiomegaly/metabolism , Cardiomegaly/pathology , Fetal Heart/metabolism , Fetal Heart/pathology , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Overnutrition/metabolism , Overnutrition/pathology , Biomarkers/metabolism , Calcineurin/metabolism , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Extracellular Space , Fascia/pathology , Forkhead Transcription Factors/metabolism , Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental , Myofibrils/pathology , NFATC Transcription Factors/metabolism , Natriuretic Peptides/genetics , Natriuretic Peptides/metabolism , Phosphorylation , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , Sheep, Domestic , TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases/metabolism
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-264585


Because linseed oil may influence maternal and fetal metabolisms, we investigated its role in the modulation of lipid metabolism in cafeteria diet-induced obese rats and their offspring. Female Wistar rats were fed control or cafeteria food, which were either supplemented or not supplemented with linseed oil (5%) for 1 month before and during gestation. At parturition, serum and tissue lipids and enzyme activities were analyzed. Cafeteria diet induced adverse metabolic alterations in both mothers and offspring. Linseed oil improved metabolic status. In conclusion, linseed oil displayed health benefits by modulating tissue enzyme activities in both obese mothers and their newborns.

Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Rats , Animal Feed , Diet , Dietary Supplements , Linseed Oil , Metabolism , Lipid Metabolism , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Obesity , Drug Therapy , Metabolism , Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects , Drug Therapy , Metabolism , Random Allocation , Rats, Wistar
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-258879


The study objectives were to investigate the relationship between early exposure to genistein and obesity in young adulthood and to evaluate changes in reproductive health during puberty and adulthood following in utero exposure to genistein. Thirty-two female rats were randomized into four groups; low dose 400 mg genistein/kg diet group (LG), mid-dose 1200 mg genistein/kg diet group (MG), high dose 3600 mg genistein/kg diet group (HG), and control group without genistein diet (CON). Rats were fed genistein at the beginning of pregnancy along with a high-fat diet. Pups were sacrificed at week 4 and week 8 after birth. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) results showed a correlation between maternal genistein intake and genistein concentration in pups' plasma. Compared to CON, body weight reduced significantly in male HG group at week 8. No statistical differences were found in plasma estradiol (E2), testosterone (T), interleukin (IL)-6, and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels with early genistein exposure. Furthermore, uterine histopathology showed notable changes in groups HG and MG compared with CON at week 4 and week 8. In conclusion, maternal genistein supplement could reduce body weight in male pups and alter uterine histopathology in female pups.

Animals , Female , Male , Pregnancy , Rats , Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Body Weight , Dietary Fats , Genistein , Blood , Pharmacology , Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects , Random Allocation , Uterus