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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e257815, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558741


Este artigo analisa os desafios e estratégias de atuação de psicólogas(os) nos Centros de Referência Especializados de Assistência Social (CREAS) do norte de Minas Gerais durante a pandemia de covid-19. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quanti-qualitativo, de corte transversal e com análise de conteúdo e estatística para a interpretação de dados primários e meio de questionário eletrônico, emergiram os seguintes eixos temáticos: (a) Perfil sociodemográfico das(os) trabalhadoras(es); (b) Medidas de prevenção à contaminação para quem? Impactos da pandemia na práxis da psicologia no CREAS; (c) Chegada das demandas no CREAS; e (d) Tenuidade entre as potencialidades e vicissitudes do uso das tecnologias digitais. Observou-se que a inserção das(os) trabalhadoras(es) nos CREAS é marcada por contratos temporários, altas jornadas de trabalho e baixa remuneração. Além disso, com a pandemia de covid-19, têm enfrentado obstáculos como a falta de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI) e de prevenção ao vírus. A chegada de demandas aos CREAS também foi afetada pela pandemia, como apontam as análises estatísticas dos registros mensais de atendimento dos municípios. As tecnologias digitais se configuraram como a principal estratégia adotada no ambiente de trabalho dos CREAS. Conclui-se que, se por um lado, a pandemia engendrou e acentuou obstáculos para a práxis da psicologia; por outro, a imprevisibilidade desse cenário e a potência da psicologia norte-mineira possibilitaram diversas estratégias para assistir os usuários.(AU)

This article analyses the challenges and strategies over the psychologists activity at the Specialized Reference Centers for Social Assistance (CREAS), from the north of the state of Minas Gerais during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a descriptive, quantitative-qualitative study on content and statistics analysis for interpretation of primary and secondary data, with 19 psychologists participating. From interviews made with electronic questionnaires, the following theatrical axes emerged: (a) Social demographic profile of workers; (b) Prevention measures over contamination directed to which public? The impacts of the pandemic over the practice of psychology at CREAS; (c) Demand reception at CREAS; and (d) Tenuity between potentialities and vicissitudes of the use of digital technologies. The workers insertion at CREAS is notably marked by transitory working contracts, long labor journeys, and low wages. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic is causing hindrances such as the lack of personal protection equipment (PPE) and virus prevention. The demands received by CREAS were also affected by the pandemic, as shown in the statistics analysis from monthly county treatment records. The digital technologies were the main strategy enforced by the working environment at CREAS. In conclusion, if on the one hand, the pandemic produced and increased obstacles for the practice of Psychology, on the other hand, the unpredictability of this scenery and the capacity of the psychology of the north of Minas Gerais enabled diverse strategies to attend the users.(AU)

Este artículo analiza los desafíos y las estrategias en la actuación de psicólogas(os) en los Centros de Referencia Especializados de Asistencia Social (CREAS) del norte de Minas Gerais (Brasil) durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, cualicuantitativo, de cohorte transversal, con análisis de contenido y estadísticas para la interpretación de datos primarios y secundarios, en el cual participaron 19 psicólogas(os). De las entrevistas en un cuestionario electrónico surgieron los siguientes ejes temáticos: (a) perfil sociodemográfico de los(as) trabajadores(as); (b) medidas de prevención de la contaminación ¿para quién? Impactos de la pandemia en la praxis de la psicología en CREAS; (c) la llegada de demandas a CREAS y; (d) la tenuidad entre las potencialidades y vicisitudes del uso de tecnologías digitales. Se observó que la inserción de las(os) trabajadoras(es) en el CREAS está marcada por contratos laborales temporales, largas jornadas y baja remuneración. Además, con la pandemia de la COVID-19, se han enfrentado a obstáculos como la falta de equipo de protección personal (EPP) y prevención del virus. La llegada de demandas al CREAS también se vio afectada por la pandemia, como lo demuestran los análisis estadísticos de los registros mensuales de atención de los municipios. Las tecnologías digitales se han convertido en la principal estrategia adoptada en el entorno laboral de los CREAS. Se concluye que si, por un lado, la pandemia engendró y acentuó obstáculos a la praxis de la Psicología, por otro, la imprevisibilidad de este escenario y el poder de la Psicología en el norte de Minas Gerais posibilitaron varias estrategias para asistir a los usuarios.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Psychology, Social , Public Policy , Social Support , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Patient Advocacy , Patient Care Team , Patient Escort Service , Personal Satisfaction , Population , Poverty , Prejudice , Psychology , Quality of Health Care , Rehabilitation , Safety , Sex Offenses , Social Class , Social Control, Formal , Social Environment , Social Isolation , Social Problems , Social Welfare , Socioeconomic Factors , Stress, Psychological , Unemployment , Violence , Population Characteristics , Child Labor , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Unified Health System , Child Abuse, Sexual , Occupational Risks , Activities of Daily Living , Accidents, Occupational , Family , Child Advocacy , Residence Characteristics , Triage , Occupational Exposure , Workplace , Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation , Communication Barriers , Community Health Services , Comprehensive Health Care , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Conflict, Psychological , Cultural Diversity , Life , Health Risk , Personal Autonomy , Whistleblowing , Harm Reduction , Human Rights Abuses , Depression , Economics , Employment , Equipment and Supplies, Hospital , Violence Against Women , Job Market , User Embracement , Measures of Association, Exposure, Risk or Outcome , Ethics , Professional Training , Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services , Family Conflict , Social Networking , Compassion Fatigue , Physical Abuse , Digital Divide , Psychosocial Support Systems , Occupational Stress , Access to Essential Medicines and Health Technologies , Respect , Solidarity , Universalization of Health , Social Integration , Right to Health , Universal Health Care , Empowerment , Mediation Analysis , Social Inclusion , Emotional Abuse , Financial Stress , Neighborhood Characteristics , Sociodemographic Factors , Intersectional Framework , Social Vulnerability , Citizenship , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Socio-Educational Measure , Job Security , Emotional Exhaustion , Time Pressure , Accident Prevention , Health Planning , Health Policy , Health Services Accessibility , Housing , Human Rights , Interpersonal Relations , Leisure Activities , Life Change Events , Masks , Mental Health Services
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432153


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES To explore the perceptions of residents regarding their health and well-being in areas of personal and collective life, in relation to the experience of urban transformation originated by the Program for the Recovery of Neighborhoods in Chile "Quiero mi Barrio" (PQMB). METHODS Qualitative study conducted in eight neighborhoods, which were subject to interventions between 2012-2015, located in seven communes of Chile: Arica, Renca, Padre Las Casas, Villarrica, Castro, Ancud. Eighteen focus groups and 27 interviews were conducted between 2018 and 2019. A content analysis was carried out following the social determinants of health approach. RESULTS Material conditions of neighborhood infrastructure and psychosocial determinants were the main emerging and predominant categories in the residents' narratives. The new or improved infrastructure enhances sports and playing practices, as well as contributes to the feeling of safety and to the improvement of walkable spaces, support networks, socialization and dynamization of social organization. However, neglected aspects were visualized. The program had limitations of structural character that operate locally, such as aging, individual lifestyles that limit participation, and contexts of insecurity, especially in neighborhoods victims of drug trafficking. CONCLUSIONS The urban changes originated by the PQMB included improvements in neighborhood infrastructure and in the psychosocial environment, which are perceived by residents as beneficial aspects and promoters of collective wellbeing. However, global phenomena, and those related to the program, limit its scope and have repercussions on the perception of overall wellbeing of the residents in the neighborhoods. To go deeper into how this or other state neighborhood programs may or may not favor equitable access of different social groups, or which works may be better used by the groups, is an aspect that enhances the integral action with other sectors and local actors in the territories.

Humans , Male , Female , Urban Renewal , Chile , Community Participation , Qualitative Research , Social Determinants of Health , Neighborhood Characteristics
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 39: e187957, jan.-mar.2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1098510


Penso a relação entre diferentes psicologias sociais e as cidades. Para tanto, caracterizo tais psicologias como manifestantes que foram às ruas em 2013 nas chamadas "jornadas de junho". Faço, a partir desse experimento ficcional, uma reflexão acerca do compromisso ético e dos desafios práticos e epistêmicos que as psicologias sociais enfrentam em diferentes campos empíricos, tais como: a luta por direitos humanos; as políticas públicas; a prática científica e acadêmica; e os movimentos sociais. Neste processo, destaca-se a cidade em sua radical heterogênese como potência de desacomodação das formações estereotipadas que assombram as práticas e as pesquisas em Psicologia Social. Por fim, este texto relaciona estas reflexões com a temática do Encontro Regional Sul da ABRAPSO de 2014, em Londrina, que foi "O clamor das ruas", problematizando a dialética rua x interioridade que é constituinte da subjetividade contemporânea, com vistas à problematização de uma dimensão comum que tem na cidade seu modo de expressão por excelência.(AU)

I think on the relation between different social psychologies and the cities. In order to do that, I figure those social psychologies as demonstrators who took the streets in the so -called June Journeys in 2013. From this fictional experiment I make a reflection about the ethical engagement and the practical and epistemic challenges faced by social psychologies in different empirical fields: human rights struggle; public policies; scientific and academy practices; and social movements. By doing so, the city in its radical hetero engenderment is highlighted as a potential inconvenience to the stereotyped formations that haunts Social Psychology in praxis and research. By the end, this text relates those reflections with the theme from de Regional South Encounter of ABRAPSO in 2014, at Londrina, "The claim from the streets", questioning the dialectics street x interior which is constitutive of the contemporary subjectivity, in order to analyse a common dimension which has in the city its expression par excellence.(AU)

Pienso acerca de la relación de las distintas psicologías sociales y las ciudades. En este objetivo caracterizo estas distintas psicologías sociales como manifestantes que salieron a las calles en las llamadas "días de junio" en 2013. Pienso en la relación entre diferentes psicologías sociales y ciudades. Con este fin, caracterizo tales psicologías como manifestantes que salieron a las calles en 2013 en los llamados "viajes de junio". A partir de este experimento ficticio, reflexiono sobre el compromiso ético y los desafíos prácticos y epistémicos que enfrentan las psicologías sociales en diferentes campos empíricos, tales como: la lucha por los derechos humanos; políticas públicas; práctica científica y académica; y movimientos sociales. En este proceso, la ciudad se destaca en su heterogénesis radical como un poder desencadenante de formaciones estereotipadas que persiguen las prácticas e investigaciones de la Psicología Social. Finalmente, este texto relaciona estas reflexiones con el tema de la Reunión Regional del Sur ABRAPSO 2014 en Londrina, que fue "El clamor de las calles", problematizando la dialéctica calle x interioridad que es un componente de la subjetividad contemporánea, con miras a problematizar una dimensión común que tiene en la ciudad su modo de expresión por excelencia.(AU)

Humans , Psychology, Social , Cities , Politics , Poverty , Prejudice , Prisons , Psychology , Public Policy , Quality of Life , Rationalization , Safety , Science , Social Adjustment , Social Behavior , Social Change , Social Control, Formal , Social Environment , Social Isolation , Social Justice , Social Perception , Social Planning , Social Sciences , Social Security , Social Support , Social Values , Social Welfare , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Sociology , Stereotyping , Unemployment , Urbanization , Violence , Behavior , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Urban Sanitation , Unified Health System , Brazil , Humans , Activities of Daily Living , Power, Psychological , Adaptation, Psychological , Accidents, Traffic , Family , Economic Development , Poverty Areas , Construction Industry , Urban Cleaning , Rural Areas , Environmental Health , Hygiene , Mental Health , Vital Statistics , Liability, Legal , Population Forecast , Population Density , City Planning , Civil Rights , Communication , Roman World , Colonialism , Urban Area , Congresses as Topic , Community Participation , Nature , Life , Confined Spaces , Demographic Indicators , Healthy City , Creativity , Crime , Communitarian Organization , Disaster Vulnerability , Culture , Surveillance in Disasters , Capitalism , Health Law , State , Federalism , Public Power , Decision Making , Economics , Education , Emigration and Immigration , Emotions , Environment , Projects , Infrastructure , Workforce , Age and Sex Distribution , Job Market , Population Studies in Public Health , Ethics , Professional Training , Equity , Sustainable Development Indicators , Industrial Development , Land Management and Planning , Environmental Policy , Social Participation , Homophobia , Social Discrimination , Human Migration , Protective Factors , Xenophobia , Social Norms , Sociological Factors , Emotional Adjustment , Work-Life Balance , Mentoring , Survivorship , Political Activism , Academic Failure , Cultural Rights , Access to Essential Medicines and Health Technologies , Social Oppression , Freedom , Corruption , Citizen Science , Social Cognition , Food Supply , Transit-Oriented Development , Home Environment , Neighborhood Characteristics , Social Cohesion , Citizenship , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Government , Group Processes , Health Services Accessibility , Housing , Human Rights , Individuality , Industry , Jurisprudence , Life Change Events , Middle East , Military Science , Morals , Movement
Physis (Rio J.) ; 18(3): 469-482, set. 2008.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-500168


Assumimos que "onde você mora é importante para sua saúde, para além de quem você é". Entendemos que o impacto do local de moradia ou unidade de contexto (UC) na saúde das populações se deve à heterogeneidade dos atributos do entorno físico e social da UC, para além das características individuais ou agregadas daqueles ali aninhados. Estes atributos, embora dependentes dos indivíduos, são tipicamente externos a eles e potencialmente modificáveis. As UC são compreendidas como unidades ecológicas inseridas em conjuntos sucessivamente mais amplos e interdependentes. Quando relevante para a hipótese do estudo, unidades geográficas administrativas podem ser utilizadas como aproximações da UC. Outra alternativa é a que utiliza a percepção de seus moradores, a "vizinhança percebida". O ressurgimento do interesse com relação à determinação dos efeitos da UC sobre a saúde correlaciona com novas tendências na área da saúde coletiva: incorporação de novos níveis hierárquicos de exposição, as iniqüidades e seus determinantes, a urbanização e seus efeitos e a avaliação de intervenções multi-setoriais. Nosso objetivo central é rever opções para a escolha da UC a ser investigada além de estratégias para a aferição de seus atributos físicos e sociais, utilizando a observação social sistemática (OSS). A combinação de dados originárias de dados administrativos, da vizinhança percebida, dos inquéritos populacionais e da OSS ainda necessita de maiores elaborações conceitual, metodológica e analítica. Entretanto, a compreensão da distribuição dos atributos físicos e sociais da UC permite compor níveis hierárquicos de complexidade relevantes para o entendimento da ocorrência dos eventos relacionados à saúde nas populações.

We understand that "where one lives makes a difference to health in addition to who you are", and that the effects of the place of residence or context unit (CU) on public health are due to the heterogeneity of the physical and social environment characteristics, in addition to the individual and aggregate attributes of the population nested in the CU. Those attributes, although intrinsically dependent on the individuals, are typically external to them and susceptible to intervention. Also, the UC's are understood as ecological units nested within successively larger communities. Depending on the study hypothesis, census-defined areas may be used as proxy for the CU. Alternatively, the CU may be defined by the individual's perception of his/her neighborhood. The renewed interest on the health effects of the CU are associated with new trends in public health, namely: new hierarchical levels of exposure beyond individual level characteristics, inequalities and social determinants of health, urbanization and the need to evaluate interventions not traditionally associated to public health. Our objective was, first, to review options while choosing the relevant CU and second, to review strategies to determine and quantify the characteristics of the CU using social systematic observation (SSO). The combination of census-defined data, information on the neighborhood defined by the local population, surveys and SSO still needs conceptual, methodological and analytical development. However, the distribution of the physical and social attributes of the CU will permit to incorporate other hierarchical level of complexity to better understand the incidence and prevalence of health related events in populations.

Humans , Residence Characteristics , Urban Health , Neighborhood Characteristics , Housing , Demography , Public Health