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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(4): 1349-1360, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089512


Resumo Este estudo avaliou o custo de um serviço público de telediagnóstico em oftalmologia. O método de custeio baseado em atividades e tempo (TDABC) foi adotado para examinar os componentes de custos relacionados à teleoftalmologia. Com este método, também foi possível estabelecer o custo unitário padrão que o telediagnóstico deveria ter, dada a capacidade instalada e utilização de profissionais. Dados de um ano de telediagnósticos foram considerados, e avaliou-se a mudança do custo por telediagnóstico ao longo do período de adaptação da tecnologia no sistema. O custo padrão calculado por diagnóstico oftalmológico a distância foi de R$ 119, considerando a emissão de 1.080 laudos de telediagnóstico oftalmológico por mês. Foi identificado um desequilíbrio entre as atividades que sugere a capacidade do método TDABC orientar ações de gestão e melhoria na alocação dos recursos. Ao longo de um ano, o custo unitário real passou de R$ 783 para R$ 283, ainda havendo espaço para se aproximar do custo padrão estimado. Avaliações econômicas parciais possuem importante aporte para subsidiar a incorporação de novas tecnologias. O TDABC merece destaque nesse sentido, pois permite obter informações mais precisas sobre custo da tecnologia, melhorando a capacidade de dimensionamento e gerenciamento da organização de saúde.

Abstract This study evaluated the cost of public telediagnostic service in ophthalmology. The time-driven activity-based costing method (TDABC) was adopted to examine the cost components related to teleophthalmology. This method allowed us to establish the standard unit cost of telediagnosis, given the installed capacity and utilization of professionals. We considered data from one year of telediagnoses and evaluated the cost per telediagnosis change throughout technology adaptation in the system. The standard cost calculated by distance ophthalmic diagnosis was approximately R$ 119, considering the issuance of 1,080 monthly ophthalmic telediagnostic reports. We identified an imbalance between activities, which suggests the TDABC method's ability to guide management actions and improve resource allocation. The actual unit cost fell from R$ 783 to R$ 283 over one year - with room to approach the estimated standard cost. Partial economic evaluations contribute significantly to support the incorporation of new technologies. The TDABC method deserves prominence, as it enables us to retrieve more accurate information on the cost of technology, improving the scalability and management capacity of the healthcare system.

Humans , Ophthalmology/economics , Telemedicine/economics , Brazil , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Delivery of Health Care/economics
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 73(6): 494-496, nov.-dez. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-572210


Objetivo: Analisar a evolução do número de cirurgias realizadas no centro cirúrgico ambulatorial de um hospital universitário e avaliar sua viabilidade financeira durante e após a interrupção da Campanha Nacional de Catarata em 2006. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo analítico retrospectivo entre 2005 e 2009 no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP) em que foram avaliados a viabilidade econômica do centro cirúrgico ambulatorial, o número de cirurgias de catarata realizados e o número de cirurgiões presentes diariamente naquela unidade. Resultados: Seria necessária a realização de pelo menos 400 procedimentos mensais para garantir a viabilidade financeira do centro cirúrgico ambulatorial. Este número ficou abaixo do esperado nos anos de 2008 e 2009 (média de 370,6 e 390,1 cirurgias respectivamente). O número de estagiários de catarata diminuiu de 13 em 2005 para 3 em 2009. Conclusão: O principal fator para a redução no número de cirurgias de catarata realizadas no centro cirúrgico ambulatorial após 2006 foi a dificuldade de acesso da população necessitada ao hospital, decorrente de restrições à realização de projetos de triagem. A maior utilização das salas cirúrgicas por outras clínicas e a diminuição na admissão de novos cirurgiões, adequaram e viabilizaram o centro cirúrgico ambulatorial para a nova realidade políticoeconômica.

Purpose: To analyze the number of surgeries performed in outpatient surgical center at a university hospital and to assess its financial viability during and after the interruption of the Cataract National Campaign in 2006. Methods: Retrospective analytical study between 2005 and 2009 at the Clinical Hospital of the University of São Paulo (HC-FMUSP) which evaluated the economic viability of the outpatient surgical center, the number of cataract surgeries performed and the number of surgeons present daily in that unit. Results: It would be necessary to perform at least 400 procedures monthly to ensure the financial viability of the outpatient surgical center. This number was lower than the expected in the years of 2008 and 2009 (average of 370.6 and 390.1 surgeries respectively). The number of cataract fellows decreased from 13 in 2005 to 3 in 2009. Conclusion: The main factor for the reduction in the number of cataract surgeries performed in the outpatient surgical center after 2006 was the difficulty of access of the population to the hospital due to restrictions on the development of screening projects. The increased use of the operating rooms by other clinics and the decrease in the admission of new surgeons, made the outpatient surgical center appropriate and viable for the new political-economic reality.

Humans , Cataract Extraction/economics , Hospitals, University/economics , Outpatient Clinics, Hospital/economics , Anterior Chamber , Brazil , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Cataract Extraction , Feasibility Studies , Hospitals, University/statistics & numerical data , Ophthalmology/economics , Ophthalmology , Outpatient Clinics, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Retrospective Studies
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 12(5): 333-338, nov. 2002. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-341991


Objetivos. Presentar una evaluación de la Unidad de Cirugía del Día (UCD) del Centro de Asistencia del Sindicato Médico del Uruguay (CASMU) de Montevideo, instalada en el Sanatorio 1 de esta institución, un hospital de 107 camas destinado antes a la actividad quirúrgica de mediana y baja complejidad. Se analizan los resultados del proceso de reorganización de la actividad quirúrgica bajo el régimen de la cirugía de día mediante indicadores estadísticos de utilización del servicio, costos y satisfacción del paciente. Métodos. Se utilizaron las estadísticas asistenciales para determinar la cobertura del nuevo régimen, los días de internación, los costos anteriores y posteriores a la puesta en funcionamiento de la UCD y la opinión de los pacientes sobre la calidad de la atención. Resultados. Tras los primeros 2 años de funcionamiento de la UCD (1998-1999), más de un tercio de las operaciones de las especialidades seleccionadas se realizaban en el régimen de cirugía de día. Dichas especialidades representan 84 por ciento del total de las actividades quirúrgicas realizadas por la UCD. Los días de estadía en las especialidades incluidas en el sistema disminuyeron en 26 por ciento. El análisis de costo-efectividad de esta modalidad muestra resultados dos veces y media más favorables que la forma convencional. En general, los pacientes manifestaron gran satisfacción con los servicios prestados por la UCD. Discusión. Los resultados obtenidos permiten recomendar definitivamente esta forma de atención, dado que es de buena calidad, logra la satisfacción del paciente y reduce radicalmente los costos, gracias a la disminución de la estadía y de los recursos necesarios en los servicios de internación. Existen posibilidades de expansión de este nuevo régimen mediante la incorporación de otros procesos patológicos y de las técnicas elegibles

Objective. To evaluate the Day Surgery Unit (DSU) of the Medical Union of Uruguay Health Center (MUUHC), in Montevideo. The DSU is located in the MUUHC's Sanatorium 1 hospital, a 107-bed hospital that had previously handled low- and mediumcomplexity surgeries. The results of the reorganization of the surgical activity were analyzed in terms of service utilization, costs, and patient satisfaction. Methods. For four surgical specialties that were selected for study, health care data were gathered and used to determine the coverage level with the new approach, the number of days of hospitalization, the costs before and after putting the DSU into place, and the patients' opinions of the quality of the care. Results. For the 1998­1999 period, which was the second full year of operation of the DSU, the DSU was carrying out more than a third of the surgeries of the four surgical specialties being studied. These four specialties accounted for 84% of the total number of surgeries carried out by the DSU in the 1998­1999 period. The total number of days of hospitalization declined by 26%. The cost-effectiveness analysis showed that the conventional approach, with hospitalization, would have cost some two and a half times as much as the day surgery approach for the same surgeries. In general, the patients expressed strong satisfaction with the services they received from the DSU. Discussion. Our results indicate that it is definitively possible to recommend this day surgery form of care, since it provides good quality of care, it satisfies patients, and it dramatically lessens costs, thanks to the reduction in hospitalizations and the resources needed for inpatient services. It may be possible to expand this new regimen by including other conditions and surgical techniques that are appropriate for day surgeries

Humans , Ambulatory Surgical Procedures/economics , Health Services Research/economics , Ambulatory Surgical Procedures/statistics & numerical data , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Health Services Research/statistics & numerical data , Hospitalization/economics , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Ophthalmology/economics , Ophthalmology/statistics & numerical data , Otorhinolaryngologic Surgical Procedures/economics , Otorhinolaryngologic Surgical Procedures/statistics & numerical data , Quality of Health Care/economics , Quality of Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Surgery, Plastic/economics , Surgery, Plastic/statistics & numerical data , Uruguay