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Rev. arch. med. familiar gen. (En línea) ; 21(1): 11-19, mar. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553481


Introducción: la creciente preocupación por eventos epidémicos de origen zoonótico generó la necesidad de estrategias integrales que corrigiesen la baja adaptabilidad y tensiones que se generan al implementar acciones de orden jerárquico superior en el contexto comunitario. Con el objeto de explicar un Enfoque Rápido en Contexto Comunitario (ERCC), este trabajo se propone evaluar dentro del contexto de un programa de salud pública la participación comunitaria en la prevención del Hantavirus en la Comarca Andina del Paralelo 42. Metodología: El presente ERCC utilizó visitas y observaciones al sitio, entrevistas cara a cara y grupales, precedidas por una revisión documental de la literatura. La información se recopiló en un corto período de tiempo y el análisis se utilizó para desarrollar recomendaciones informadas para los tomadores de decisiones de salud pública. Resultados: Se observo que cada comunidad enfrenta desafíos más allá del hantavirus y es esencial que epidemiólogos, prestadores de servicios asistenciales y municipalidades trabajen más estrechamente con la población local para prevenir y manejar mejor cualquier brote de enfermedad. Se pudieron identificar 6 recomendaciones que le permitirían a las comunidades un mejor manejo de futuros brotes con un enfoque participativo. Conclusiones: El ERCC es una intervención rápida y discreta que puede ser llevada a cabo por un pequeño equipo con una interferencia mínima en la comunidad. El ERCC también podría ser adaptado por las autoridades de salud pública a muchos contextos diferentes, incluso con grupos vulnerables, para ayudar a que la promoción y la prevención sean más relevantes y efectivas a nivel local (AU)

Introduction: the growing concern for epidemic events of zoonotic origin generated the need for comprehensive strategies that correct the low adaptability and tensions generated when implementing actions of higher hierarchical order in the community context. In order to explain a Rapid Approach in Community Context (ERCC), this paper aims to evaluate within the context of a public health program community participation in the prevention of Hantavirus in the Andean Region of the 42nd Parallel. Methodology: The present ERCC used site visits and observations, face-to-face and group interviews, preceded by a documentary review of the literature. The information was collected over a short period of time and the analysis was used to develop informed recommendations for public health decision makers. Results: It was observed that each community faces challenges beyond hantavirus and it is essential that epidemiologists, care providers and municipalities work more closely with the local population to better prevent and manage any disease outbreak. We were able to identify 6 recommendations that would allow communities to better manage future outbreaks with a participatory approach. Conclusions: The ERCC is a rapid and discreet intervention that can be carried out by a small team with minimal interference in the community. The ERCC could also be adapted by public health authorities to many different contexts, including with vulnerable groups, to help make promotion and prevention more relevant and effective at the local level (AU)

Humans , Preventive Health Services , Local Health Strategies , Orthohantavirus , Community Participation , Communicable Disease Control/instrumentation , Intersectoral Collaboration
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046004


Objective: To investigate the distribution and hantavirus (HV) carrying state in host animals of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Henan Province from 2019 to 2022. Methods: Host animal monitoring was carried out at the monitoring sites of HFRS in Henan Province. The real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR was used to detect hantavirus in rat lungs. The types of hantavirus were analyzed. The positive samples were sequenced and then sequence homology and variation were analyzed. Results: A total of 1 308 rodents were captured from 2019 to 2022, 16 specimens of rat lungs tested positive for hantavirus nucleic acid. The positive rate of HV was 1.22% (16/1 308). According to type, the positive rate of HV in Apodius agrarius was the highest (68.75%, 11/16). According to distribution, the positive rate of HV in field samples was the highest (2.50%, 12/480), and the positive rate of HV in residential samples was 0.53% (4/759). The typing results of 16 positive samples showed that all viruses were hantavirus type Ⅰ (hantaan virus). The positive samples were sequenced and eight S gene fragments (GenBank number: OQ681444-OQ681451) and six M gene fragments (OQ681438-OQ681443) were obtained. The S and M gene fragments were similar to the Shaanxi 84FLi strain and Sichuan SN7 strain. Phylogenetic analysis of S and M gene fragments showed that they all belonged to the hantaan virus-H5 subtype. Amino acid sequence analysis revealed that, compared with the hantaan virus vaccine strain 84FLi, the 74th amino acid encoded by eight S fragments was replaced by aspartamide with serine. Tryptophan was replaced by glycine at the 14th position of Gn region in XC2022047, and isoleucine was replaced by alanine at the 359 position of XC2022022 and XC2022024. Conclusion: The hantavirus carried by host animals in Henan Province from 2019 to 2022 belongs to the type Ⅰ (hantaan virus), and Apodemus agrarius is still the dominant host animal of the hantaan virus. Compared with the vaccine strains, amino acid sites are replaced in the immune epitopes of the S and M gene fragments.

Animals , Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome/epidemiology , Phylogeny , Orthohantavirus/genetics , Murinae , Amino Acids/genetics , Vaccines
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046327


Objective: To investigate the distribution and hantavirus (HV) carrying state in host animals of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Henan Province from 2019 to 2022. Methods: Host animal monitoring was carried out at the monitoring sites of HFRS in Henan Province. The real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR was used to detect hantavirus in rat lungs. The types of hantavirus were analyzed. The positive samples were sequenced and then sequence homology and variation were analyzed. Results: A total of 1 308 rodents were captured from 2019 to 2022, 16 specimens of rat lungs tested positive for hantavirus nucleic acid. The positive rate of HV was 1.22% (16/1 308). According to type, the positive rate of HV in Apodius agrarius was the highest (68.75%, 11/16). According to distribution, the positive rate of HV in field samples was the highest (2.50%, 12/480), and the positive rate of HV in residential samples was 0.53% (4/759). The typing results of 16 positive samples showed that all viruses were hantavirus type Ⅰ (hantaan virus). The positive samples were sequenced and eight S gene fragments (GenBank number: OQ681444-OQ681451) and six M gene fragments (OQ681438-OQ681443) were obtained. The S and M gene fragments were similar to the Shaanxi 84FLi strain and Sichuan SN7 strain. Phylogenetic analysis of S and M gene fragments showed that they all belonged to the hantaan virus-H5 subtype. Amino acid sequence analysis revealed that, compared with the hantaan virus vaccine strain 84FLi, the 74th amino acid encoded by eight S fragments was replaced by aspartamide with serine. Tryptophan was replaced by glycine at the 14th position of Gn region in XC2022047, and isoleucine was replaced by alanine at the 359 position of XC2022022 and XC2022024. Conclusion: The hantavirus carried by host animals in Henan Province from 2019 to 2022 belongs to the type Ⅰ (hantaan virus), and Apodemus agrarius is still the dominant host animal of the hantaan virus. Compared with the vaccine strains, amino acid sites are replaced in the immune epitopes of the S and M gene fragments.

Animals , Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome/epidemiology , Phylogeny , Orthohantavirus/genetics , Murinae , Amino Acids/genetics , Vaccines
Horiz. enferm ; 34(2): 392-403, 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509723


INTRODUCCIÓN: La investigación en enfermería surge de las necesidades y experiencias en la práctica y debe contribuir a generar, redefinir y actualizar el conocimiento de enfermería a través de comprobación o generación de nuevas teorías de enfermería. El conocimiento nuevo generado o actualizado debe retornar y mejorar la práctica del cuidado de enfermería dirigido las personas, familia y comunidad. Sin embargo en ocasiones la interrelación investigación y teoría no es clara, afectando de esta manera la relevancia de la aplicación de las teorías de enfermería en la práctica del cuidado de enfermería. OBJETIVO: La presente reflexión responde al objetivo de ejemplificar cómo se aplicó la Teoría del Cuidado Cultural Universalidad y Diversidad de Leininger al estudio del fenómeno de las prácticas de cuidado preventivas de hantavirus. DESARROLLO: Sistematización crítica de la experiencia investigativa a través de una propuesta metodológica, que describe cómo la Teoría del Cuidado Cultural Universalidad y Diversidad de Leininger guio el proceso de investigación sobre las prácticas de cuidado preventivas de hantavirus, factores personales, sociales, modos de vida y creencias culturales. CONCLUSIONES: Un elemento fundamental en toda investigación de enfermería es mostrar de manera clara y explícita cómo la teoría se interconecta con todas las fases de la investigación y en consecuencia genera conocimiento de enfermería para la práctica del cuidado.

INTRODUCTION: Nursing research arises from needs and experiences in practice and should contribute to generate, redefine and update nursing knowledge by testing or developing new nursing theories. Such new or updated knowledge should lead to improvements in the practice of nursing care applied to persons, family, and community. However, sometimes the interrelationship between research and theory is unclear, affecting the relevance of such theories to nursing care practice. OBJECTIVE: The present reflection aims to exemplify how Leininger's Theory of Cultural Care Universality and Diversity was applied to the study of hantavirus preventive care practices. DEVELOPMENT: Critical systematization of the research experience through a proposed methodology that describes how Leininger's Theory of Cultural Care Universality and Diversity guided research related to hantavirus preventive practices, personal and social factors, lifestyles, and cultural beliefs. CONCLUSIONS: A fundamental element in all nursing research is to clearly and explicitly show how theory interfaces with all phases of research and consequently generates nursing knowledge for caring practice.

Humans , Male , Female , Orthohantavirus , Panama , Disease Prevention , Culturally Competent Care
Con-ciencia (La Paz) ; 10(2): [1-14], nov. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416083


INTRODUCCIÓN: el síndrome pulmonar por hantavirus (SPHV) es una enfermedad viral aguda causada por miembros del género Orthohantavirus, familia Bunyaviridae transmitida por roedores presente en zonas tropicales y semitropicales del departamento de La Paz. OBJETIVOS: diagnosticar hantavirus por serología IgG e IgM, en el noreste del Departamento de La Paz, Bolivia, en pacientes con sospecha de infección por Hantavirus mediante la prueba de ELISA y realizar un análisis epidemiológico básico. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: este trabajo es un estudio de tipo transversal descriptivo, se utilizó el método de diagnóstico ELISA (Euroinmun) para detectar la presencia de anticuerpos inmunoglobulina M (IgM) e inmunoglobulina G(IgG) para hantavirus en muestras de suero, con un universo de 138 muestras de Enero a Agosto de la gestión 2022 en pacientes con sospecha de infección por Hantavirus enviadas de distintos hospitales y centros de salud al Laboratorio de Virología del Instituto Nacional de Laboratorios en Salud (INLASA). RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES: se detectó presencia de IgM e IgG para hantavirus en las muestras de suero procesadas por serología en el Laboratorio de Virología, de las cuales de 138 muestras, un 12% son positivas para IgG, 4% positivos para IgM y el 84%, restante es negativo. Estas muestras provienen de centros y establecimientos de salud del noreste del Departamento de La Paz, observándose un mayor porcentaje de casos en el sexo masculino afectando al grupo etario de 41 a 50 años y existiendo un número elevado de casos presentes entre los meses de febrero y abril, además de observar signos y síntomas registradas en fichas epidemiológicas.

INTRODUCTION: Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (SPHV) is an acute viral disease caused by members of the genus Orthohantavirus, family Bunyaviridae, transmitted by rodents present in tropical and semitropical areas of the department of La Paz. OBJECTIVES: diagnose hantavirus by IgG and IgM serology, in the northeast of the Department of La Paz, Bolivia, in patients with suspected Hantavirus infection using the ELISA test and perform a basic epidemiological analysis. MATERUAKS AND METHODS: this work is a descriptive cross-sectional study, the ELISA (Euroimmun) diagnostic method was used to detect the presence of immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies to hantavirus in serum samples, with a universe of 138 samples. from January to August of the 2022 management in patients with suspected Hantavirus infection sent from different hospitals and health centers to the Virology Laboratory of the National Institute of Health Laboratories (INLASA). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: the presence of IgM and IgG for hantavirus was detected in the serum samples processed by serology in the Virology Laboratory, of which 138 samples, 12% are positive for IgG, 4% positive for IgM and the remaining 84% are negative. These samples come from health centers and establishments in the northeast of the Department of La Paz, observing a higher percentage of cases in the male sex, affecting the age group of 41 to 50 years, and there being a high number of cases present between the months of February and April, in addition to observing signs and symptoms recorded in epidemiological files.

Orthohantavirus , Cross-Sectional Studies
Medwave ; 22(3): e002526, 29-04-2022.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368125


INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome cardiopulmonar por hantavirus es una enfermedad causada por un virus perteneciente al orden bunyanvirales, y transmitida hacia los humanos a través de roedores. Esta enfermedad en Chile es considerada endémica, la cual tiene una alta tasa de letalidad. En la actualidad existen estudios que evidencian el contagio entre personas del virus Andes, cuya localidad se concentra en los países de Argentina y Chile. OBJETIVOS: Analizar la posibilidad de transmisión de hantavirus entre humanos, mediante un modelo matemático tipo SEIR. MÉTODOS: Se plantea un modelo matemático tipo SEIR (susceptible, expuesto, infeccioso y recuperado) para expresar la dinámica de la enfermedad por hantavirus, incluyendo la posibilidad de transmisión entre humanos y la percepción del riesgo. Resultados: El máximo de contagio entre humanos disminuye cerca de 25% tras aumentar la percepción de riesgo de las personas, mediante la reducción de la tasa de resistencia al cambio y aumento la velocidad de reaccionar de las personas. CONCLUSIONES: Es urgente revisar las estrategias de comunicación de riesgo y medidas de prevención ante esta posibilidad de contagios masivos entre humanos, además de fortalecer la investigación y proyectar el desarrollo de una vacuna para proteger las poblaciones expuestas a esta enfermedad con alta tasa de letalidad.

INTRODUCTION: Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome is an infection caused by rodents of the Bunyanvirales family towards humans. This disease in Chile is considered endemic, which has a high fatality rate. At present, some studies show the contagion between people of the Andes virus, whose locality is concentrated in Argentina and Chile. OBJECTIVES: Analyze the possibility of hantavirus transmission between humans using an SEIR-type mathematical model. METHODS: An SEIR (Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious and Recovered) mathematical model to express the dynamics of hantavirus disease is proposed, including the possibility of human-to-human transmission and the perception of risk. RESULTS: The peak of human-to-human contagion decreases by about 25% after increasing people's perception of risk by reducing the rate of resistance to changeand increasing the speed of people's reaction. CONCLUSIONS: It is urgent to review risk communication strategies and prevention measures in the face of this possibility of massive human-tohuman infections, in addition to strengthening research and planning the development of a vaccine to protect populations exposed to this disease with a high fatality rate.

Humans , Communicable Diseases , Orthohantavirus , Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome/epidemiology , Hantavirus Infections/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 39(1): 47-54, ene.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389927


RESUMEN Objetivo. Diseñar y analizar las evidencias de validez de contenido, estructura interna y fiabilidad de un cuestionario de prácticas preventivas de hantavirus en una comunidad endémica en el contexto panameño. Materiales y métodos. Estudio cuantitativo de diseño instrumental. Esta investigación se desarrolló en cuatro etapas: revisión de literatura, validez de contenido a través de juicio de expertos con el método de agregados individuales y el cálculo de la V de Aiken; prueba piloto y validación psicométrica, a través del análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y análisis de fiabilidad de las puntuaciones del instrumento con el alfa ordinal. Resultados. Se evidenció validez de contenido y se reportó valores de V de Aiken superiores a 0,70 en el límite inferior del intervalo de confianza al 95%. En la estructura interna se identificó que los 8 ítems subyacen a un solo factor que explica el 60,70% de la varianza total de la prueba y con cargas factoriales superiores a 0,40; en el análisis de fiabilidad se obtuvo un valor de alfa ordinal de 0,84, valor considerado como bueno. Conclusiones. El cuestionario de práctica preventivas de hantavirus es un instrumento breve que muestra propiedades psicométricas aceptables para medir las actividades o conductas que realizan las personas para prevenir el hantavirus.

ABSTRACT Objective. To design and analyze the evidence of content validity, internal structure, and reliability of a questionnaire of preventive practices for hantavirus in an endemic community in the Panamanian context. Material and methods. Quantitative study of instrumental design. This research was conducted in four phases: Literature review, content validity through expert judgment with the individual aggregate method and the calculation of the V Aiken, pilot test and psychometric validation, through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and reliability analysis of instrument scores with ordinal alpha. Results. Content validity was evidenced and V Aiken values higher than 0.70 were reported in the lower limit of 95% CI. In the internal structure we identified that the 8 items underlie a single factor that explains 60.70% of the total variance of the test and with factor loadings greater than 0.40; during the reliability analysis, we obtained an ordinal alpha value of 0.84, which is considered good. Conclusions. The Hantavirus preventive practical questionnaire is a brief instrument that shows acceptable psychometric properties to measure the activities or behaviors that people carry out to prevent hantavirus.

Preventive Medicine , Orthohantavirus , Surveys and Questionnaires , Validation Study
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 81(4): 617-623, ago. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346515


Resumen El síndrome cardiopulmonar por hantavirus es una zoonosis emergente en la Argentina, que presenta baja incidencia, pero elevada mortalidad. No existe tratamiento farmacológico especifico y la única alternativa actual es la terapia de apoyo. En este artículo se expone la patogenia del síndrome cardiopulmonar por hantavirus a través de la revisión de las experiencias clínicas de otros países de Sudamérica, en particular Chile, y la adquirida en el Hospital de Infecciosas Francisco Javier Muñiz de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se discute sobre la administración temprana de corticoides en este síndrome, teniendo en cuenta que la evidencia a favor de su uso es insuficiente.

Abstract Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome is an emerging zoonosis in Argentina, which has low incidence but high death rates. No specific pharmacological therapy is available and symptomatic therapy is the only current alterna tive. This article presents the pathogenesis of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome through a review of clinical experiences in neighbor South American countries, mainly Chile, and the experience acquired at the Infectious Diseases Hospital Francisco Javier Muñiz, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The role of early corticosteroid therapy is discussed taking into account that there is insufficient evidence favoring its use in the hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome.

Humans , Animals , Communicable Diseases , Orthohantavirus , Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome/drug therapy , Argentina , Zoonoses
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 67(8): 1102-1108, Aug. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346966


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to build a prediction model to discriminate precociously hantavirus infection from leptospirosis, identifying the conditions and risk factors associated with these diseases. METHODS: A logistic regression model in which the response variable was the presence of hantavirus or leptospirosis was adjusted. RESULTS: As a result, the method selected the following variables that influenced the prediction formula: sociodemographic variables, clinical manifestations, and exposure to environmental risks. All variables considered in the model presented statistical significance with a p<0.05 value. The accuracy of the model to differentiate hantavirus from leptospirosis was 88.7%. CONCLUSIONS: Concluding that the development of statistical tools with high potential to predict the disease, and thus differentiate them precociously, can reduce hospital costs, speed up the patient's care, reduce morbidity and mortality, and assist health professionals and public managers in decision-making.

Humans , Orthohantavirus , Hantavirus Infections/diagnosis , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Logistic Models , Risk Factors
Rev. salud pública ; 22(1): e481535, ene.-feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139436


RESUMEN Objetivo Evaluar la relación entre la temperatura ambiente, humedad relativa y el material particulado ambiental 2,5 con el número de casos de síndrome cardiopulmonar por virus hanta en Chile durante el periodo 2015-2017. Métodos Estudio observacional transversal en 197 casos de síndrome cardiopulmonar por virus hanta notificados y confirmados, ocurridos entre los años 2015 y 2017 en Chile. Se realizó análisis bi- y multivariado entre variables de estudio. Resultados Se determinó una relación positiva y significativa entre temperatura ambiente y número de casos de Síndrome Cardiopulmonar por virus Hanta y una relación negativa y significativa entre el número de casos de Síndrome Cardiopulmonar por virus Hanta y la humedad relativa. Además se observó que la temperatura ambiental junto con material particulado 2,5 aumentan significativamente el número de casos de Síndrome Cardiopulmonar por virus Hanta. Conclusiones Los factores ambientales están relacionados con el número de casos de síndrome cardiopulmonar por virus Hanta en Chile entre los años 2015 y 2017.(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective Evaluate the relationship between ambient temperature, relative humidity and particulate matter 2,5 with the number of cases Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome in Chile between 2015 and 2017. Methods Observational, cross-sectional study in 197 cases of Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome reported and confirmed, occurring between 2015 and 2017 in Chile. Results Positive and significant relationship was identified between ambient temperature and number of cases of Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome and a negative and significant relationship between the number of cases Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome and the relative humidity. Also, ambient temperature together with particulate matter 2,5 was observed to increase significantly the number of cases of Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome. Conclusions Environmental factors are related to the number of cases Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome in Chile between the years 2015 to 2017.(AU)

Humans , Orthohantavirus , Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome/epidemiology , Temperature , Chile/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies/instrumentation , Humidity
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 8(1): 1-8, 01/01/2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1102796


Objetivo: Analisar fatores associados ao óbito por hantavirose no Brasil. Método: trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico analítico do tipo caso-controle aninhado em uma coorte de casos contidos no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Para a análise bruta univariada, foi realizada regressão logística considerada p<0,20 e, para análise multivariada, foi realizada regressão logística do tipo stepwise-backwards, adotando p<0,05. Resultados: foram identificadas associações significativas com maior letalidade por hantavirose para os seguintes grupos: mulheres (Odds Ratio (OR): 1,43 - IC95% 1,02 a 2,00) para indivíduos com escolaridade não informada (OR: 3,86 ­ IC95% 1,71a 8,66) e ensino fundamental completo (OR: 3,88 - IC95% 1,51 a 9,96). Moradores da zona urbana (OR: 1,56 ­ IC95%. 1,15 a 2,12), indivíduos com choque e/ou hipotensão (OR: 3,37 - IC95% 2,51 a 4,51), sintomas respiratórios, e indivíduos cujo primeiro atendimento foi realizado com até três dias do início de sintoma (OR: 3,76 ­ IC95%: 2,51 a 4,51). Conclusão: algumas características do paciente podem aumentar as chances de óbito principalmente devido à baixa suspeição clínica e a possível demora na adoção do manejo adequado dos casos. A busca precoce de atenção, além da presença choque, hipotensão e/ou sinais respiratórios podem indicar evolução rápida da doença e maior gravidade.

Objetive: to analyze factors associated with death from hantavirus in Brazil. Method: This is an analytical case-control type epidemiological study nested in a cohort of cases contained in the Notifiable Diseases Information System. For the univariate crude analysis, a logistic regression was performed considering p <0.20 and for the multivariate analysis, a stepwise-backwards logistic regression was performed, adopting p <0.05. Results: Significant associations with higher lethality due to hantavirosis were identified for the following groups: women (Odds Ratio (OR): 1.43 - 95% CI 1.02 to 2.00) for individuals with uninformed schooling (OR: 3.86 - IC95% 1.71a 8.66) and complete elementary education (OR: 3.88 - 95% CI 1.51 to 9.96). Urban residents (OR: 1.56 - 95% CI 1.15 to 2.12), individuals with shock and / or hypotension (OR: 3.37 - 95% CI 2.51 to 4.51), respiratory symptoms (OR: 3.76 - 95% CI: 2.51 to 4.51), and individuals whose first care was performed within 3 days from the onset of symptoms. Conclusion: some characteristics of the patient may increase the chances of death mainly due to the low clinical suspicion and possible delay in adopting appropriate management of cases. The early search for attention, in addition to the presence of shock, hypotension and / or respiratory signs may indicate rapid disease progression and greater severity.

Hantavirus Infections , Prognosis , Mortality , Orthohantavirus , Death
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 53: e20190132, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057283


Abstract INTRODUCTION: In Colombia, there is insufficient epidemiological surveillance of zoonotic hemorrhagic viruses. METHODS: We performed a sero-epidemiological study in indigenous populations of Wayuü, Kankuamos, and Tuchin communities using Maciel hantavirus and Junin arenavirus antigens for IgG detection by ELISA. RESULTS IgG antibodies to hantavirus and arenavirus were found in 5/506 (1%) and 2/506 (0.4%) serum samples, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Arenavirus and hantavirus circulate in indigenous populations from the Colombian Caribbean region, and the results indicate that the indigenous populations are exposed to these zoonotic agents, with unknown consequences on their health, despite low seroprevalence.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Immunoglobulin G/blood , Indians, South American , Orthohantavirus/immunology , Arenavirus/immunology , Arenaviridae Infections/epidemiology , Hantavirus Infections/epidemiology , Antibodies, Viral/blood , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Colombia/epidemiology , Arenaviridae Infections/diagnosis , Hantavirus Infections/diagnosis
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 53(2): 245-251, jun. 2019. graf, map, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019257


Los Hantavirus son virus con ARN de cadena simple pertenecientes a la familia Bunyaviridae. A diferencia de otros virus de la familia, no tienen artrópodos como vectores; sus hospederos en la naturaleza son roedores y algunos mamíferos pequeños. La transmisión al hombre ocurre por la inhalación de excretas de los animales infectados, rara vez por mordeduras y se ha documentado la posibilidad de transmisión persona a persona. Existen dos formas clínicas de la enfermedad: fiebre hemorrágica con síndrome renal (FHSR) distribuida en Europa y Asia, y síndrome cardiopulmonar por Hantavirus (SCPH), en las Américas. El SCPH se presenta clinicamente en cuatro fases: incubación, prodrómica, cardiopulmonar y convalescencia. En el laboratorio es frecuente el hallazgo de trombocitopenia, junto con otros cambios hematológicos y bioquímicos. El diagnóstico se realiza por la detección de anticuerpos o PCR. Recientemente en Epuyén, Provincia de Chubut, Argentina, ocurrió un brote que afectó a 34 personas con 12 muertes asociado a la transmisión interpersonal. Se revisa la situación actual con respecto al tratamiento y las posibilidades futuras de intervención. Aunque se trate de una enfermedad con una baja prevalencia, la alta tasa de letalidad y el alto impacto emocional y económico que sufren las localidades afectadas hacen necesario seguir investigando la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas de tratamiento.

Hantaviruses are single-stranded RNA viruses that belong to the Bunyaviridae family. Unlike other viruses in the family, they do not have arthropods as vectors; their hosts in the wild are rodents and some small mammals. Human transmission takes place through inhalation of excreta from infected animals, rarely from bites, and the possibility of person-to-person transmission has been documented. There are two clinical forms of the disease: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) distributed in Europe and Asia, and cardiopulmonary Hantavirus syndrome (HCPS) distributed in the Americas. The HCPS presents clinically in four phases: incubation, prodromal, cardiopulmonary and convalescence. In the laboratory, a thrombocytopenia is common, together with other hematological and biochemical changes. Diagnosis is made through the detection of antibodies or PCR. Recently, in Epuyén, Province of Chubut, Argentina, an outbreak occurred, affecting 34 people with 12 deaths associated with interpersonal transmission. The current situation is reviewed with respect to the treatment and the future possibilities of intervention. Although it is a disease with a low prevalence, the high rate of lethality and the high emotional and economic impact suffered by the affected areas make it necessary to continue investigating in search of new treatment alternatives.

Os Hantavírus são vírus RNA de cadeia simples pertencentes à família Bunyaviridae. Diferente de outros vírus da família, não têm artrópodes como vetores; seus anfitrões na natureza são roedores e alguns mamíferos pequenos. A transmissão para o homem acontece através da inalação de excrementos dos animais infectados, raras vezes por mordeduras e foi documentada a possibilidade de transmissão de pessoa para pessoa. Existem duas formas clínicas da doença: febre hemorrágica com síndrome renal (FHSR) distribuída na Europa e Ásia, e síndrome cardiopulmonar por Hantavírus (SCPH), nas Américas. O SCPH apresenta-se clinicamente em quatro fases: incubação, prodrômica, cardiopulmonar e convalescença. No laboratório é frequente o achado de trombocitopenia, junto a outras mudanças hematológicas e bioquímicas. O diagnóstico é realizado pela detecção de anticorpos ou PCR. Recentemente em Epuyén, Província de Chubut, Argentina, houve um surto que afetou 34 pessoas com 12 mortes associado à transmissão interpessoal. Revê-se a situação atual relativa ao tratamento e às possibilidades futuras de intervenção. Embora se trate de uma doença com uma baixa prevalência, a alta taxa de letalidade e o alto impacto emocional e econômico que sofrem as localidades afetadas tornam necessário continuar investigando em busca de novas alternativas de tratamento.

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome/drug therapy , Hantavirus Infections/complications , Argentina , Orthohantavirus , Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome/diagnosis , Hantavirus Infections/therapy
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764236


In February 2019, the order Bunyavirales, previously family Bunyaviridae, was amended by new order of 10 families including Hantaviridae family, and now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). Hantaviridae is now a family of the order Bunyavirales, and the prototype virus species is Hantaan orthohantavirus. The family Hantaviridae is divided into four subfamilies including Mammantavirinae, Repantavirinae, Actantavirinae and Agantavirinae. The subfamily Mammantavirinae is divided into four genera including Orthohantavirus, Loanvirus, Mobatvirus and Thottimvirus. The four Hantavirus species have been found in Korea including three Orthohantaviruses (Hantaan orthohantavirus, Seoul orthohantavirus and Jeju orthohantavirus) and one Thottimvirus (Imjin thottimvirus).

Humans , Bunyaviridae , Classification , Hantaan virus , Orthohantavirus , Korea , Seoul , Virology
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 44(1): 30-39, 2019. Tab, ilus, Graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026437


Introducción: la infección por hantavirus es una zoonosis endémica en Chile. En dos décadas la letalidad ha descendido a una cifra estable de alrededor de un 30 por ciento, pese a importantes esfuerzos por disminuirla. Objetivos: describir los eventos que ocurren antes de la hospitalización y analizar la relación entre estas variables y la letalidad, con el objetivo de identificar momentos de intervención para mejorar la sobrevida de los pacientes. Material y Métodos: se analizaron retrospectivamente todos los casos notificados a través del Boletín Notificación Enfermedades de Declaración Obligatoria (ENO), la Encuesta Epidemiológica de Investigación Ambiental de los casos de Hantavirus del Ministerio de Salud de Chile. Resultados: existieron diferencias significativas en la letalidad por HV determinada por zona geográfica, tipo de trabajo y hospital donde se atendió primariamente el caso. Conclusiones: Hantavirus, por su rápida evolución hacia una condición catastrófica debe tenerse siempre presente en el diagnóstico diferencial y proceder en consecuencia para tener un diagnóstico precoz y acceso a un centro hospitalario con experiencia en manejo de esta patología.(AU)

Introduction: Hantavirus infection is an endemic zoonosis in Chile. In two decades, lethality decreased to 30 percent and has remained stable,despite significant efforts to reduce it. Objectives: to describe the events occurred previous the hospitalization and to analyze the relationship between these variables and the lethality, in order to identify moments of intervention to improve patient's survival. Methods: we analyzed all the cases reported through the mandatory declaration diseases forms of the Ministry of Health of Chile. Results: There were significant differences in HV lethality determined by patient´s geographic area of residence, type of work and hospital category at admission. Conclusions: due to the rapid progress of hantavirus infection to HCPS, this infection must always be present in the differential diagnosis and proceed in order to have an early diagnosis and the opportunity to send the patient to a center with the best resources to manage the patient.(AU)

Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Mice , Chile , Orthohantavirus , Risk Factors , Mice
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 78(3): 151-157, jun. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-954970


Se describe un brote de síndrome pulmonar por hantavirus en el departamento de Burruyacú, provincia de Tucumán. La detección en 2016 de un caso de hantavirosis en una joven de 23 años -en ese momento considerado el primero ocurrido en dicha provincia- promovió un estudio epidemiológico exhaustivo, que permitió detectar retrospectivamente otro caso ocurrido en un niño de 5 años, un mes antes, en el mismo departamento. La infección fue confirmada por serología en ambos casos (caso 1 en muestras de 4 y 7 días de evolución, caso 2 en muestra a los 4 días). En ambos casos el genotipo viral fue caracterizado como HU39694 y los contactos fueron serológicamente negativos. En las áreas fueron identificados roedores pertenecientes a los géneros Akodon y Calomys y a la especie Mus musculus, pero no a Oligoryzomys, el reservorio habitual del genotipo HU39694. Tampoco se detectaron anticuerpos anti-hantavirus en suero de los roedores capturados. La ausencia de registro de viajes a área endémica de este genotipo y los hábitos recreacionales de los pacientes, sumados a los resultados serológicos negativos para hantavirus en los contactos, permiten inferir la posible exposición de los pacientes a fluidos de roedores infectados durante actividades recreativas o sociales al aire libre en sus respectivas áreas de residencia. En conclusión, se demuestra la circulación en Tucumán del genotipo viral HU39694, hasta ahora considerado restringido a la región pampeana central. Se extiende así a Tucumán el área endémica de hantavirosis, pero no se identificó el reservorio en el área.

We describe an outbreak of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in the Burruyacú Department, Province of Tucumán. The detection in 2016 of a case of hantavirosis affecting a 23-year-old woman, considered at that time to be the first case occurred in that province, promoted a thorough epidemiological study. The investigation allowed the retrospective detection of another case occurred one month earlier in a 5-year-old child in the same Department. In both cases, the infection was confirmed by serology (case 1 at days 4 and 7 of disease onset, case 2 at day 4) and the viral genotype was characterized as HU39694. The contacts of both cases were serologically negative for hantavirus. The rodents captured in the area belonged to genus Akodon, genus Calomys and species Mus musculus. Oligoryzomys, the known reservoir for this viral genotype, was not found. Specific anti-hantavirus antibodies were not detected in the captured rodents. Given that the patients had not visited hantavirus endemic areas and their contacts were negative for hantavirus, we infer that the patients were locally exposed to fluids of infected rodents during their usual social or recreational outdoor activities. In conclusion, we demonstrate that hantavirus HU39694 -a genotype until now considered to be restricted to the Central Pampas of the country- is circulating in the North Western province of Tucumán. The endemic area of hantavirosis is thus expanded to this province but the viral reservoir in the area has not yet been identified.

Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Young Adult , Rodentia/virology , Disease Reservoirs/virology , Orthohantavirus/genetics , Orthohantavirus/immunology , Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome/epidemiology , Antibodies, Viral/blood , Argentina/epidemiology , Rodentia/classification , Disease Reservoirs/classification , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Disease Outbreaks , Retrospective Studies , Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome/diagnosis , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Genotype