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Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 452-460, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153359


Field experiments were carried out in the reclaimed land east of Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, Village of Wardan, Giza Governorate, Egypt, to evaluate the impact of using nano-gels pheromone for the first time on the attraction of the RPW adults by pheromone traps compared to the control which is normal pheromone during two successive seasons in 2018 and 2019. Also, this study aimed to compare the efficacy of two types of trap, traditional trap (type 1) and dry funnel trap (type 2) in capturing of RPW adults. Results revealed that the nano gel pheromone traps attracted significantly more adults with an average of (4.26 and 3.56) adults/trap and total of (55.33 and 46.33) adults/trap compared to control with an average (2.69 and 2.46) and total of (35.00 and 32.00) adults/trap for the two seasons 2018 and 2019 respectively. Results indicated that the use of nano gel pheromone for the first time in field improved the trap catchability to RPW adults by 22.51 and 18.30% of total number of RPW adults captured throw out the two successive seasons respectively. In addition, there was no significant difference between the total numbers of RPW adults collected by the two tested type of traps over the two successive seasons. Furthermore, the sex ratio between males and females of total collected RPW adults found to be1: 1.43 and 1: 1.94 at 2018 and 2019 respectively.

Experimentos de campo foram realizados na terra recuperada a leste da estrada do deserto de Cairo-Alexandria, vila de Wardan, província de Giza, Egito, para avaliar o impacto do uso de feromônio de nano géis pela primeira vez na atração de adultos RPW por armadilhas de feromônio comparado ao controle que é o feromônio normal durante duas temporadas sucessivas em 2018 e 2019. Além disso, este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a eficácia de dois tipos de armadilha, armadilha tradicional (tipo 1) e armadilha de funil seco (tipo 2) na captura de RPW adultos. Os resultados revelaram que as armadilhas de nano gel de feromônio atraíram significativamente mais adultos, com uma média de (4,26 e 3,56) adultos/armadilha e total de (55,33 e 46,33) adultos/armadilha em comparação ao controle com uma média (2,69 e 2,46) e total de (35.00 e 32.00) adultos/armadilha para as duas temporadas 2018 e 2019, respectivamente. Os resultados indicaram que o uso de feromônio nano gel pela primeira vez em campo melhorou a capturabilidade de armadilhas para adultos com RPW em 22,51 e 18,30% do número total de adultos com RPW capturados durante as duas estações sucessivas, respectivamente. Além disso, não houve diferença significativa entre o número total de adultos RPW coletados pelos dois tipos de armadilhas testados ao longo das duas estações sucessivas. Além disso, a proporção sexual entre homens e mulheres do total de adultos coletados de RPW foi de 1: 1,43 e 1: 1,94 em 2018 e 2019, respectivamente.

Animals , Male , Female , Pheromones , Weevils , Seasons , Insect Control , Egypt
Parasit. vectors ; 13(142): [9], 2020. tab, ilus
Article in English | BVSDIP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1562019


Background: Studying the behavioral response of blood-sucking disease-vector insects to potentially repellent volatile compounds could shed light on the development of new control strategies. Volatiles released by human facial skin microbiota play diferent roles in the host-seeking behavior of triatomines. We assessed the repellency efect of such compounds of bacterial origin on Triatoma infestans and Rhodnius prolixus, two important vectors of Chagas disease in Latin America. Methods: Using an exposure device, insects were presented to human odor alone (control) and in the presence of three individual test compounds (2-mercaptoethanol, dimethyl sulfde and 2-phenylethanol, the latter only tested in R. prolixus) and the gold-standard repellent NN-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET). We quantifed the time the insects spent in the proximity of the host and determined if any of the compounds evaluated afected the behavior of the insects. Results: We found volatiles that signifcantly reduced the time spent in the proximity of the host. These were 2-phenylethanol and 2-mercaptoethanol for R. prolixus, and dimethyl sulfde and 2-mercaptoethanol for T. infestans. Such an efect was also observed in both species when DEET was presented, although only at the higher doses tested. Conclusions: The new repellents modulated the behavior of two Chagas disease vectors belonging to two diferent triatomine tribes, and this was achieved using a dose up to three orders of magnitude lower than that needed to evoke the same efect with DEET. Future eforts in understanding the mechanism of action of repellent compounds such as 2-mercaptoethanol, as well as an assessment of their temporal and spatial repellent properties, could lead to the development of novel control strategies for these insect vectors, refractory to DEET.

Pheromones , Skin , Citrobacter , Chagas Disease , Volatile Organic Compounds , Microbiota
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(6): 2043-2052, jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011815


Resumo A integração entre os níveis de atenção é um desafio contínuo mesmo em sistemas de saúde consolidados e de alta performance. A reestruturação do sistema público de saúde do Distrito Federal, baseado no fortalecimento da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), na reconfiguração da atenção especializada (ambulatorial e hospitalar) e de sua rede de urgência e emergência, trouxe como desafio a necessidade de integração entre esses níveis. Fez-se necessária a criação de um dispositivo que desempenhasse o papel de "gatekeeper" conduzindo o acesso equânime, transparente e seguro para a atenção especializada e hospitalar. Neste sentido, foi estruturado o Complexo Regulador em Saúde do Distrito Federal (CRDF) e suas Centrais de Regulação (CR), orientados para a execução de um processo regulatório de acesso para os serviços de internação hospitalar, ambulatorial (procedimentos e consultas especializadas), cirurgias eletivas, alta complexidade, transporte sanitário, urgências e transplantes de pacientes do Distrito Federal e de fora dele. Este artigo descreve o processo de implantação e de implementação do CRDF e de suas CR, de forma a refletir sobre as potencialidades e desafios de seu papel enquanto instrumento de integração entre os níveis assistenciais de saúde.

Abstract The integration among levels of care is a continuous challenge even in consolidated and high performance health systems. The reform of public health system of Distrito Federal, based on the strengthening of primary health care associated to the reconfiguration of specialized attention (ambulatory and hospital) and of its of urgency and emergence network brought, as a challenge, the need for integration between these levels. Thus, became necessary to create an instrumentto perform the role of gatekeeper, leading to equanimous, transparent and safe access to specialized and hospital care. Thus, the Regulatory Complex in Health of Distrito Federal (CRDF) and its Regulatory Centers (CR) were created to carry out the regulatory process of access to care services, such as hospitalization, ambulatory care (procedures and specialized consultations), elective surgeries, complex procedures, sanitary transport, urgencies and transplants of patients of the Federal District and outside it. This article describes the process of the CRDF implementation and its CRs, aiming to reflect on the potential and challenges of its role as an instrument of integration among the levels of care.

Animals , Pheromones/isolation & purification , Stomach/chemistry , Tilia , Flowers , Honey/analysis , Pheromones/chemistry , Volatilization , Bees , Plant Extracts/chemistry
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(6): 1532-1539, nov.-dec. 2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-968933


Tomato fruits (Solanum Lycopersicum) are intended for human consumption in its in natura or industrially processed form. However, the expansion of its cultivation area has favored the emergence of pests, such as spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), which significantly affects the production. The objective of this study was to quantify and evaluate the repellency of tomato lines to spider mite in function of the gene Mi and of the individual and synergistic effects of acylsugar and zingiberelene allelochemicals. The experiment consisted of a complete randomized design with four replications. For the bioassay, four fully expanded leaflets with similar size were removed from the upper third of the plants at pre-flowering phenological stage. The bioassay was carried out in a cold chamber, at 16±1°C, and 64 ± 4% RH. The gene Mi was not effective in conferring repellency to spider mite. On the other hand, zingiberene and acylsugar were efficient and equivalent regarding repellency to spider mite. When combined in tomato lines, zingiberene and acylsugar had synergistic effect, which increased repellency to spider mite.

O tomate (Solanum Lycopersicum) é um produto destinado à alimentação humana, seja na forma industrializada ou "in natura". A expansão da área de cultivo dessa cultura favoreceu, entretanto, o surgimento de pragas e de doenças de difícil controle, que afetam significantemente a sua produção. Assim, o objetivo, neste trabalho, foi quantificar e comparar os efeitos do gene Mi, do alto teor de AA (isoladamente), do alto teor de ZGB (isoladamente) e dos altos teores de AA e ZGB (simultaneamente) na repelência de linhagens de tomateiro ao ácaro-rajado Tetranychus urticae, e detectar possíveis efeitos sinergísticos da presença dos dois aleloquímicos relativamente à presença de só um deles, isoladamente. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com 4 repetições. Foram retirados 4 folíolos expandidos de tamanhos semelhantes no terço superior das plantas em estádio fenológico de pré-florescimento. O bioensaio foi realizado no interior de câmara fria, à temperatura de 16±1 ºC e umidade relativa de 64±4%. A resistência conferida pelos genótipos ricos em AA ou ZGB, na repelência ao ácaro-rajado do gênero Tetranychus urticae, em todos os tempos avaliados, superou todas as testemunhas, inclusive o TOM 684. O gene Mi não alterou na resistência. Houve efeito sinergístico entre AA e ZGB.

Pheromones , Solanum lycopersicum , Tetranychidae , Plant Breeding
Mycobiology ; : 407-415, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-729735


Pheromone (PHB)-receptor (RCB) interaction in the mating pheromone response pathway of Lentinula edodes was investigated using synthetic PHBs. Functionality of the C-terminally carboxymethylated synthetic PHBs was demonstrated by concentration-dependent induction of a mating-related gene (znf2) expression and by pseudoclamp formation in a monokaryotic strain S1-11 of L. edodes. Treatment with synthetic PHBs activated the expression of homeodomain genes (HDs) residing in the A mating type locus, and of A-regulated genes, including znf2, clp1, and priA, as well as genes in the B mating type locus, including pheromone (phb) and receptor (rcb) genes. The synthetic PHBs failed to discriminate self from non-self RCBs. PHBs of the B4 mating type (B4 PHBs) were able to activate the mating pheromone response pathway in both monokaryotic S1-11 and S1-13 strains, whose B mating types were B4 (self) and B12 (non-self), respectively. The same was true for B12 PHBs in the B4 (non-self) and B12 (self) mating types. The synthetic PHBs also promoted the mating of two monokaryotic strains carrying B4-common incompatible mating types (A5B4 × A1B4). However, the dikaryon generated by this process exhibited abnormally high content of hyphal branching and frequent clamp connections and, more importantly, was found to be genetically unstable due to overexpression of mating-related genes such as clp1. Although synthetic PHBs were unable to discriminate self from non-self RCBs, they showed a higher affinity for non-self RCBs, through which the mating pheromone response pathway in non-self cells may be preferentially activated.

Lentinula , Pheromones , Shiitake Mushrooms
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; (77): 1-8, 2018. mapas


Variáveis relacionadas a fatores epidemiológicos, ao ambiente, ao agente etiológico, ao vetor e aos reservatórios parecem atuar na determinação dos diferentes cenários de transmissão da leishmaniose visceral no Brasil. No estado de São Paulo a leishmaniose visceral (LV) não apresenta um padrão epidemiológico homogêneo por todas suas regiões, parecendo refletir uma multitude de cenários propícios para a ocorrência da transmissão dentro do território Paulista. Lutzomyia longipalpis é composta por um complexo de espécies das quais duas são encontradas no Estado de São Paulo e parecem possuir diferença na capacidade vetorial. É provável que essa diferença seja o fator determinante na caracterização dos diferentes padrões epidemiológicos observados nas diferentes regiões do Estado. No presente estudo, procuramos determinar a distribuição temporal e geográfica das espécies do complexo Lu. longipalpis, dos casos caninos e dos casos humanos de LV como elementos chave para ajudar na caracterização de alguns cenários de transmissão da doença e apontar áreas de maior risco para a aquisição da doença. Por outro lado, a recente e inesperada ocorrência de transmissão da LV em localidades sem a presença da Lu. longipalpis, caracteriza mais um novo cenário, onde a transmissão da Leishmania infantum ao homem se mostrou possível, configurando um novo desafio para as autoridades da saúde pública. (AU)

Variables related to epidemiological factors, etiologic agent, environment, vector and reservoirs seem to act in determining the different scenarios of transmission of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Brazil. In the state of São Paulo, VL does not present a homogeneous epidemiological pattern across all its regions, seeming to reflect a multitude of scenarios conducive to the occurrence of transmission within Paulista territory. Lutzomyia longipalpis is composed of a complex of species of which two are found in the state of São Paulo and appear to have a difference in vector capacity. It is likely that this difference is the determining factor in the characterization of the different epidemiological patterns observed in the different regions of the State. In the present study, we sought to determine the temporal and geographic distribution of Lu. longipalpis species, canine cases and human cases of VL as key elements to help characterize some scenarios of transmission of the disease and to indicate areas of greater risk for disease acquisition. The recent and unexpected occurrence of VL transmission in localities without the presence of Lu. longipalpis characterizes another new scenario, where other species of san flies can transmit Leishmania infantum to man and configuring a new challenge for public health authorities. (AU)

Pheromones , Psychodidae , Vector Borne Diseases , Leishmaniasis, Visceral , Mass Media
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 77: e1757, 2018. map
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489584


Variáveis relacionadas a fatores epidemiológicos, ao ambiente, ao agente etiológico, ao vetor e aos reservatórios parecem atuar na determinação dos diferentes cenários de transmissão da leishmaniose visceral no Brasil. No estado de São Paulo a leishmaniose visceral (LV) não apresenta um padrão epidemiológico homogêneo por todas suas regiões, parecendo refletir uma multitude de cenários propícios para a ocorrência da transmissão dentro do território Paulista. Lutzomyia longipalpis é composta por um complexo de espécies das quais duas são encontradas no Estado de São Paulo e parecem possuir diferença na capacidade vetorial. É provável que essa diferença seja o fator determinante na caracterização dos diferentes padrões epidemiológicos observados nas diferentes regiões do Estado. No presente estudo, procuramos determinar a distribuição temporal e geográfica das espécies do complexo Lu. longipalpis, dos casos caninos e dos casos humanos de LV como elementos chave para ajudar na caracterização de alguns cenários de transmissão da doença e apontar áreas de maior risco para a aquisição da doença. Por outro lado, a recente e inesperada ocorrência de transmissão da LV em localidades sem a presença da Lu. longipalpis, caracteriza mais um novo cenário, onde a transmissão da Leishmania infantum ao homem se mostrou possível, configurando um novo desafio para as autoridades da saúde pública.

Variables related to epidemiological factors, etiologic agent, environment, vector and reservoirs seem to act in determining the different scenarios of transmission of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Brazil. In the state of São Paulo, VL does not present a homogeneous epidemiological pattern across all its regions, seeming to reflect a multitude of scenarios conducive to the occurrence of transmission within Paulista territory. Lutzomyia longipalpis is composed of a complex of species of which two are found in the state of São Paulo and appear to have a difference in vector capacity. It is likely that this difference is the determining factor in the characterization of the different epidemiological patterns observed in the different regions of the State. In the present study, we sought to determine the temporal and geographic distribution of Lu. longipalpis species, canine cases and human cases of VL as key elements to help characterize some scenarios of transmission of the disease and to indicate areas of greater risk for disease acquisition. The recent and unexpected occurrence of VL transmission in localities without the presence of Lu. longipalpis characterizes another new scenario, where other species of san flies can transmit Leishmania infantum to man and configuring a new challenge for public health authorities.

Pheromones , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/epidemiology , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/transmission , Psychodidae , Brazil/epidemiology , Disease Transmission, Infectious
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(3): 287-290, Mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-842056


This study aimed to evaluate the ability of a saliva collection device (Salivette®) to measure cortisol levels in saliva samples of domestic cats and to assess the effect of a synthetic analogue of the feline facial pheromone fraction F3 (Feliway®) on cortisol levels. A total of 28 domestic cats from a private high-quality sanctuary were sampled before exposure to the facial pheromone and after 35 days of exposure. Two pheromone devices were placed in the area where the animals ate to guarantee the exposure of all cats. The collecting device yielded a sufficient volume of saliva (≥0.20mL) to allow cortisol measurement. Cortisol measurements ranged from 0.02g/dL to 0.16µg/dL, with a difference between before (42.1%) and after (62.6%) exposure to the pheromone (F=3.2351; p≤0.0002). No difference in cortisol levels was observed between before (x =0.078µg/dL) and after (x =0.066µg/dL) (t=1.79; p=0.08) exposure. However, salivary cortisol levels decreased in 75% (21/28) of the cats after exposure (x 2=12.07; p=0.0005), suggesting that the animals have different susceptibilities to the pheromone or that they spent different lengths of time in the area where the pheromone devices were installed.(AU)

O presente estudo avaliou o uso de um dispositivo de coleta salivar (Salivette®) para mensurar o cortisol salivar de gatos domésticos e avaliar o efeito do análogo sintético do feromônio facial felino - fração F3 (Feliway®) sobre seus níveis de cortisol. Um total de 28 gatos domésticos mantidos em gatil particular tiveram amostras de saliva coletadas antes da exposição ao feromônio facial felino e após 35 dias de exposição. Dois difusores de feromônio foram instalados na área onde os animais se alimentavam, a fim de garantir que todos os gatos fossem expostos. Os dispositivos de coleta salivar permitiram a coleta de volume salivar suficiente (≥0,20 mL) para a mensuração do cortisol. Os níveis de cortisol salivar variaram de 0,02g/dL a 0,16ug/dL, com coeficiente de variação de 42,1% antes e de 62,6% após à exposição ao feromônio (F=3.2351; p≤ 0.0002). Não foi verificada diferença entre os níveis de cortisol salivar nas amostras obtidas antes (x =0,078µg/dL) e após (x =0,066µg/dL) (t=1,79; p=0,08) à exposição. Entretanto, os níveis de cortisol salivar diminuíram em 75% (21/28) dos gatos expostos ao feromônio (x 2=12,07; p=0,0005), sugerindo que os animais apresentam susceptibilidade diferente ao feromônio facial sintético ou que passaram períodos de tempo distintos na área onde os difusores foram instalados.(AU)

Animals , Cats , Behavior, Animal , Hydrocortisone/analysis , Pheromones/analysis , Saliva/chemistry , Stress, Psychological , Immunodeficiency Virus, Feline
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 68(6): 1487-1496, nov.-dez. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-827934


A non-surgical sterilant (NSS) was used with the objective of assessing the zootechnical performance, carcass and meat quality, and hormone levels. 90 male piglets were selected with birthweights varying between 1.5kg to 2.0kg. The control group was constituted of 45 males castrated by the conventional surgical method, at the seventh day of age, and the treated group was constituted of 45 males castrated with NSS (active principle of zinc gluconate in the concentration of 26.2mg/mL associated to the dimethyl sulfoxide at 0.5%), with the application of the first dose on the seventh day of age and the second dose on the fourteenth day of age. The zootechnical assessments were carried out on the farm and consisted: weight gain in the periods per animal and feed conversion. The slaughter of the animals and the assessment of the carcass and meat quality and hormone levels were carried out in a slaughterhouse and the municipality of Campinas (SP). The study demonstrated that the use of NSS was a viable alternative in relation to the zootechnical performance and the carcass quality. In relation to the meat quality there was no significant difference in the majority of the assessed parameters.(AU)

Foi utilizado esterilizante não cirúrgico (ENC) com o objetivo de se avaliar o desempenho zootécnico e a qualidade de carcaça, de carne e de níveis hormonais. Foram selecionados 90 leitões machos de peso entre 1,5kg e 2,0kg ao nascimento. O grupo controle foi constituído por 45 machos castrados pelo método cirúrgico convencional, ao sétimo dia de idade, e o grupo tratado foi constituído por 45 machos castrados com ENC (princípio ativo de gluconato de zinco na concentração de 26,2mg/mL associado ao dimetil sulfóxido a 0,5%), com primeira dose de aplicação ao sétimo dia de idade e a segunda dose ao 14° dia de idade. As avaliações consistiram de: ganho de peso nos períodos por animal e conversão alimentar. O abate dos animais e a avaliação da carne e de níveis hormonais foram realizados em um frigorífico, na cidade de Campinas (SP). O uso de ENC foi uma alternativa viável em relação ao desempenho zootécnico e à qualidade da carcaça. Em relação à qualidade da carne, não houve diferença significativa na maioria dos parâmetros avaliados.(AU)

Animals , Castration/methods , Castration/veterinary , Chemosterilants , Meat/analysis , Swine , Gluconates , Pheromones
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 32(1): 98-107, jan./fev. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-965251


The interference of chemicals in the germination and growth of plant species, known as allelopathy, is one of the main ways of eliminating competition for resources through the release of allelochemicals. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of secondary metabolites in extracts prepared from leaves of Vochysia haenkeana, evaluating their allelopathic action on the germination and seedling growth of lettuce and tomato. The plant material was collected in the Taboco region, Mato Grosso do Sul state, and after drying and grinding, underwent extraction with the use of water and ethanol, concentration of 200.0 g L-1. The method using an ultrasound bath was followed by maceration for 24 h in the refrigerator without the presence of light. The extracts were subjected to classical phytochemical analysis and the determination of pH, electrical conductivity, soluble solids and allelopathic tests. For bioassays, the extracts were diluted at concentrations of 25.0, 50.0, 100.0 and 150.0 g L-1 and the experimental design was completely randomized. There was a reduction in the percentage and speed of germination at concentrations of 25.0 and 50.0 g L-1 in both extracts. The seedling growth was also adversely affected, both in the germination chamber and in the greenhouse. These results are probably associated with the presence of different allelochemicals in the extracts, such as phenolic compounds and flavonoids, indicating that this species presented allelopathic action.

A interferência de substâncias químicas na germinação e/ou crescimento de espécies vegetais é denominada alelopatia e tem como uma das principais funções eliminar a competição por recursos através da liberação de compostos aleloquímicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a presença de metabólicos secundários em extratos preparados com folhas de Vochysia haenkeana, avaliando sua ação alelopática na germinação e crescimento inicial de plântulas de alface e tomate. O material vegetativo foi coletado na região do Taboco, Mato Grosso do Sul e após secagem e trituração, sofreram extração com a utilização de água e etanol, na concentração de 200,0 g L-1. O método utilizado foi banho de ultrasson seguido de maceração por 24 h na geladeira sem a presença de luz. Os extratos foram submetidos a análise fitoquímica clássica e a determinação de pH, condutividade elétrica, sólidos solúveis e testes alopáticos. Para os bioensaios, os extratos foram diluídos em concentrações de 25,0, 50,0 100,0 e 150,0 g L-1 e o delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado. Ocorreu redução na percentagem e velocidade de germinação, a partir da concentração de 25,0 ou 50,0 g L-1, em ambos os extratos. O crescimento das plântulas também foi afetado de maneira negativa, tanto em câmara de germinação como em casa de vegetação. Estes resultados provavelmente estão associados a presença de diferentes aleloquímicos nos extratos, tais como compostos fenólicos e flavonoides, indicando que a espécie apresenta ação alelopática.

Pheromones , Flavonoids , Solanum lycopersicum , Lactuca , Phenolic Compounds
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2016. xiv, 60 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-971508


Lutzomyia longipalpis é considerado um complexo de espécies capaz de produzirdiferentes quimiotipos de feromônios. A borrifação de inseticida residual para controle deflebotomíneos tem sido incapaz de impedir a propagação da Leishmaniose VisceralAmericana (LVA) no Brasil. Desta forma, novas abordagens com um bom custo-benefíciosão necessárias para controlar populações de Lu. Longipalpis. Mosquiteiros Impregnados deLonga Duração (MILD) oferecem uma nova estratégia de controle e pode ser umaalternativa para borrifação em locais de agregação, tais como galinheiros, fixados em suassuperfícies. O feromônio sintético (±) -9-metilgermacreno-B pode aumentar a atração de Lu.longipalpis em ambientes naturais. Neste estudo, testamos duas estratégias potenciais parao controle de Lu. longipalpis utilizando o feromônio sintético em conjunto com MILDs, com oefeito de "atrair e matar" o vetor no mesmo local. Este estudo foi realizado em GovernadorValadares, Minas Gerais, município de ocorrência de LVA Brasil. Experimentos de campoforam realizados em galinheiros experimentais para comparar a eficácia e efeito residual deinseticidas e mosquiteiros impregnados na mortalidade de Lu. longipalpis, associandoambos os tratamentos com feromônio sintético. Este estudo mostrou que o mosquiteiroimpregnado e a borrifação mataram aproximadamente 100% dos flebotomíneos em até 2meses após os tratamentos. Após 4 meses, o efeito letal do mosquiteiro impregnado reduziupara 69% e inseticida residual para 89%. Concluímos que o MILD é uma ferramentapotencial para matar flebotomíneos em locais de agregação, e o feromônio sintético podeaumentar a sua eficácia atraindo mais insetos para serem mortos pelo mosquiteiro. Maistestes de campo por um longo período são necessários para identificar a viabilidade detratamento de superfícies com mosquiteiros impregnados como parte do programa decontrole da leishmaniose visceral.

Lutzomyia longipalpis is considered a species complex with variability in pheromonesproduction. The residual insecticide spraying to control sand flies have been unable toprevent the spread of the American visceral Leishmaniasis (AVL) across Brazil. In this way,new cost-effective approaches are needed to manage populations of the vector Lu.Longipalpis. Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) offer a new control strategy and can bean alternative of spraying on aggregation sites, such as chicken sheds, fixed in theirsurfaces. The synthetic pheromone (±) -9-methylgermacrene-B can increase attraction of Lu.longipalpis in natural environments. Here, we test two potential strategies for Lu. longipalpiscontrol using the synthetic pheromone in conjunction with LLINs, with the effect of “attractingand killing" the vector at the same site. This study was conducted in Governador Valadares,Minas Gerais, a municipality of the occurrence of AVL in Brazil. Field experiments wereperformed with experimental chicken sheds to compare the efficacy and residual effect ofinsecticide spraying and impregnated netting in Lu. Longipalpis mortality, associating bothtreatments with synthetic pheromone. This study showed that the impregnated netting andspraying killed approximately 100% of sandflies in up to 2 months after treatment. After 4months of exposure treatments, the lethal effect of netting reduced to approximately 69%and residual insecticide to 89%. We concluded that insecticide impregnated netting is apotential tool in killing sand flies in aggregation sites, and synthetic pheromone can increasetheir effectiveness attracting more sand flies to be killed by netting. More field trials for a longperiod are needed to identify the feasibility of treating surfaces with impregnated netting aspart of visceral leishmaniasis control program.

Humans , Leishmaniasis , Psychodidae , Pheromones , Insecticide-Treated Bednets
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 31(4): 1037-1048, july/aug. 2015.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-964556


The herbicides application can be reduced with alternative methods, as pathogenic fungi use, that produces several secondary compounds in growth medium, which has phytotoxicity. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the allelopathic activity of culture filtrate produced by pathogenic fungi: Fusarium solani, Macrophomina phaseolina Fusarium graminearum and Diplodia maydis, on germination and development of horseweed (Conyza canadensis), hairy beggarticks (Bidens pilosa) and wild poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla). This effect was also tested on soybean and corn crops. The experimental design was completely randomized with twenty treatments (four filtrates of fungi culture, with 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% concentrations) and four replications. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and regression. The results indicated that filtered of Fusarium solani culture presented a negative effect on horseweed, hairy beggarticks and wild poinsettia without affecting negatively soybeans crop. Diplodia maydis provided some reduction on horseweed and wild poinsettia growth without causing damage to maize crop.The while Macrophomina phaseolina filtrate decreased a seedlings growth of wild poinsettia without affecting negatively corn. This suggests filtrates can be used to control weeds in a sustainable ecological way as well as an alternative to reduce herbicides application, thus, protecting the environment.

O uso de herbicidas pode ser reduzido com a utilização de controles alternativos, como emprego de fungos fitopatogênicos que produzem compostos secundários em meio de cultivo, os quais apresentam atividade fitotóxica. Objetiva-se por este trabalho caracterizar a atividade alelopática do filtrado de cultura produzido pelos fungos fitopatogênicos Fusarium solani, Macrophomina phaseolina, Fusarium graminearum e Diplodia maydis sobre a germinação de sementes e desenvolvimento de buva (Conyza canadensis), picão-preto (Bidens pilosa) e amendoim bravo (Euphorbia heterophylla), também foi testado este efeito sobre as plantas cultivadas soja e milho. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com vinte tratamentos (quatro filtrados de cultura, nas concentrações 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20%) e quatro repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e regressão. Os resultados indicaram que o filtrado de cultura de Fusarium solani apresentou efeitos negativos sobre buva, picão-preto e amendoim bravo sem afetar negativamente a soja. Diplodia maydis proporcionou redução de crescimento de buva e amendoim bravo sem causar prejuízo à cultura do milho. Também, o filtrado de Macrophomina phaseolina diminuiu o crescimento de plântulas de amendoim bravo sem afetar negativamente o milho, sugerindo que esses filtrados possam ser utilizados para controle das plantas invasoras em questão como alternativa na redução da aplicação de herbicidas e proteção ao ambiente.

Pheromones , Glycine max , Zea mays , Allelopathy , Fungi , Fusarium , Plants
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 48(7): 616-621, 07/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-751339


As an essential trace element, copper can be toxic in mammalian cells when present in excess. Metallothioneins (MTs) are small, cysteine-rich proteins that avidly bind copper and thus play an important role in detoxification. Yeast CUP1 is a member of the MT gene family. The aim of this study was to determine whether yeast CUP1 could bind copper effectively and protect cells against copper stress. In this study, CUP1 expression was determined by quantitative real-time PCR, and copper content was detected by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Production of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) was evaluated using the 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein-diacetate (DCFH-DA) assay. Cellular viability was detected using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay, and the cell cycle distribution of CUP1 was analyzed by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. The data indicated that overexpression of yeast CUP1 in HeLa cells played a protective role against copper-induced stress, leading to increased cellular viability (P<0.05) and decreased ROS production (P<0.05). It was also observed that overexpression of yeast CUP1 reduced the percentage of G1 cells and increased the percentage of S cells, which suggested that it contributed to cell viability. We found that overexpression of yeast CUP1 protected HeLa cells against copper stress. These results offer useful data to elucidate the mechanism of the MT gene on copper metabolism in mammalian cells.

Animals , Humans , Mammals/physiology , Pheromones/physiology , Behavior, Animal/physiology , Behavior/physiology , Odorants , Olfactory Bulb/physiology , Olfactory Mucosa/physiology , Olfactory Pathways/anatomy & histology , Olfactory Pathways/physiology , Olfactory Receptor Neurons/physiology , Pheromones, Human/physiology , Smell/physiology
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 13(1): 237-244, Jan-Mar/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-744510


Bile acids are potent olfactory and gustatory stimulants for fish. Electro-olfactogram recording was used to test whether the olfactory epithelium of pintado catfish Pseudoplatystoma corruscans is specifically sensitive to bile acids, some of which have been hypothesized to function as pheromones. Five out of 30 bile acids that had been pre-screened for olfactory activity in fish were selected. Cross-adaptation experiments demonstrated that sensitivity to bile acids is attributable to at least 3 independent classes of olfactory receptor sites. The taurocholic acid (TCA) and taurochenodeoxycholic acid (TCD) were the most potent compounds. By using avoidance/preference tests, we found that P. corruscans prefers water containing TCA. Bile acids are discriminated by olfactory epithelium of pintado, supporting that these compounds could function as pheromones.

Os ácidos biliares são potentes estimulantes olfatórios e gustatórios em peixes. Registros em eletro-olfactograma foram usados para testar se o epitélio olfatório de Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, pintado, é sensível aos ácidos biliares, alguns dos quais têm sido propostos como feromônios. Foram selecionados cinco de uma lista de trinta ácidos biliares previamente testados em atividade olfatória em peixes. Testes de adaptação cruzada demonstraram que a sensibilidade aos ácidos biliares se dá por 3 classes independentes de sites de receptores olfatórios. O ácido taurocólico (TCA) e o ácido tauroquenodesoxicólico (TCD) foram os compostos mais potentes. Em testes de evasão/preferência, P. corruscans prefere água contendo o ácido TCA. Os ácidos biliares são discriminadas por epitélio olfatório de pintado, evidenciando que estes compostos podem funcionar como feromônios.

Animals , Bile Acids and Salts/adverse effects , Sexual Behavior, Animal , Pheromones/adverse effects , Adaptation, Biological
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-728514


Chronic inflammation has been proposed as one of the main molecular mechanisms of aging and age-related diseases. Although evidence in humans is limited, short-term calorie restriction (CR) has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects in aged experimental animals. We reported on the long-term treatment of daumone, a synthetic pheromone secreted by Caenorhabditis elegans in an energy deficient environment, extends the life-span and attenuates liver injury in aged mice. The present study examined whether late onset short-term treatment of daumone exerts anti-inflammatory effects in the livers of aged mice. Daumone was administered orally at doses of 2 or 20 mg/kg/day for 5 weeks to 24-month-old male C57BL/6J mice. Increased liver macrophage infiltration and gene expression of proinflammatory cytokines in aged mice were significantly attenuated by daumone treatment, suggesting that short-term oral administration of daumone may have hepatoprotective effects. Daumone also dose-dependently suppressed tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)-induced nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) phosphorylation in HepG2 cells. The present data demonstrated that short-term treatment of daumone has anti-inflammatory effects in aged mouse livers possibly through suppression of NF-kappaB signaling and suggest that daumone may become a lead compound targeting aging and age-associated diseases.

Animals , Child, Preschool , Humans , Male , Mice , Administration, Oral , Aging , Caenorhabditis elegans , Cytokines , Gene Expression , Hep G2 Cells , Inflammation , Liver , Macrophages , NF-kappa B , Pheromones , Phosphorylation , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-279270


The tuberous roots of Aconitum carmichaeli are largely used in traditional Chinese medicine and widely grown in Jiangyou, Sichuan, China. During the growth process, this medicinal plant releases a large amount of allelochemicals into soil, which retard the growth and development of near and late crops. Therefore, a pure culture experiment was thus carried out by seed soaking to study the allelopathic effects of extracts from tuberous roots of A. carmichaeli (ETR) on the seed germination and young seedling growth of Lolium perenne, Trifolium repens, and Medicago sativa, the late pasture grasses after cultivation of A. carmichaeli. The results showed that three pasture grasses varied significantly in seed germination and young seedling growth in response to ETR concentrations. Seed germination of M. sativa was stimulated by low ERT concentration (0.01 x g(-1)), while all of pasture grass seeds germinated poorly in solution with 1.00 g x L(-1). Seed soaking with 1.00 g x L(-1) also inhibited significantly the growth of pasture young seedlings, with M. sativa showing the highest seedling height reduction of 42.05% in seeding height, followed by T. repens (40.21%) and L. perenne with about 11%. Cultivation of L. perenne could thus be beneficial to increase whole land productivity in A. carmichaeli-pasture grass cropping systems. In addition, hydrolysis of protein, starch, and inositol phosphates was blocked and free amino acids, soluble sugars and phosphorus were decreased in seeds by seed soaking with ETR, which could be one of the reason for the inhibition of seed germination. There was a significant reduction in root vigor, nitrate reductase, and chlorophyll after the seed treatment with ETR, indicating the suppression of nutrient uptake, nitrate assimilation, and photosynthesis by allelopathic chemicals in ETR, which could lead to the slow growth rate of pasture grass seedlings.

Aconitum , Chemistry , Metabolism , Allelopathy , China , Pheromones , Metabolism , Pharmacology , Plant Extracts , Metabolism , Pharmacology , Plant Roots , Chemistry , Metabolism , Poaceae
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-330216


To explore the effective components represented by fingerprint contributed to allelopathic effect of different Salvia miltiorrhiza aqueous concentration on seeds and seedlings of radish, grey relational analysis was used to establish the chromatography-efficacy relation. The results show that 15 peaks devote high allelopathic contribution to radish seeds and seedlings. The study will provide a new concept for allelochemicals screening and study.

Allelopathy , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Pheromones , Metabolism , Pharmacology , Plant Extracts , Metabolism , Pharmacology , Raphanus , Salvia miltiorrhiza , Chemistry , Metabolism
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2014 Jan; 52(1): 5-16
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-150327


The chemosignals from mating male are found to be responsible for protecting his coital partner against pregnancy failure induced by strange male or food-deprivation. The stud male pheromone not only provides luteotrophic support in female of vulnerable condition but also exerts luteotrophic effect in pregnancy-blocked females by inducing pseudopregnancy. The luteotrophic stimulus rendered by stud male to prevent pregnancy failure is mediated through the main olfactory system, and not through the accessory olfactory system, since the accessory olfactory system is primarily involved in perceiving the luteolytic stimulus produced from strange male for causing pregnancy failure. It has been shown that pericopulatory period seems to be crucial in females in the formation of stud male chemosignals, and the olfactory luteotrophic memory of stud male is further proved to be a short-term one. The precise mechanism involved in accessing and retaining the stud male chemical cues is unclear. In this brief review an attempt has been made to bring out the luteotrophic process of stud male chemosignals, the olfactory pathway and critical period to access the signals. The possible neural mechanism and neural chemistry underlying the formation and recognition of mating male chemical cues are also highlighted.

Animals , Female , Male , Memory/physiology , Olfactory Bulb/physiology , Olfactory Bulb/metabolism , Olfactory Pathways/metabolism , Olfactory Pathways/physiology , Pheromones/metabolism , Pheromones/physiology , Pregnancy , Sexual Behavior, Animal
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-300187


It has been showed that there were obvious obstacle effects of Panax notoginseng replanting. Crop rotation was the main effective technique to overcome the obstacle. To find a reasonable crop rotation system for P. notoginseng, aqueous extracts from root, stem and leaf of P. notoginseng were analyzed for allelopathic effect on three maize varieties (which are often grown in regions where P. notoginseng grown). The main results were as follows: (1) Allelopathic effect of P. notoginseng stem and leaf extracts on the three other tested plants was stronger than that of root extracts; (2) Corn was more vulnerable to the effects of allelochemicals at seedling stage than at germination stage, and the corn root was more sensitive than aerial part to allelochemicals; (3) Lusan No. 3 and Yunrui No. 1 showed resistance to P. notoginseng allelopathy, with respective comprehensive sensitivity indexes (M3) of - 0.089 3 and -0.159 2, while Bainuo No. 1 is sensitive at M3 = -0.261 0. It then can be concluded that Lusan No. 3 and Yunrui No. 1 may be an alternative rotation plants for overcoming P. notoginseng continuous cropping obstacle.

Allelopathy , Panax notoginseng , Chemistry , Pheromones , Pharmacology , Plant Extracts , Pharmacology , Plant Leaves , Chemistry , Plant Roots , Chemistry , Plant Stems , Chemistry , Zea mays
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 74(2): 115-122, 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-726161


Introducción: El órgano vomeronasal (OVN) descrito por Jacobson en mamíferos distintos al ser humano, es una incógnita tanto en lo que se refiere a su localización así como a su función en la raza humana. Se considera como un vestigio del olfato, que en los animales mamíferos parece influir en los hábitos sexuales (feromonas) y sociales. Hasta la fecha han sido escasos los estudios concluyentes al respecto en humanos. Objetivo: Conocer la prevalencia del órgano vomeronasal en nuestras consultas. Material y método: Presentamos un estudio prospectivo de prevalencia de la frecuencia de aparición de dicho órgano en 150 sujetos distribuidos por edad y sexo, explorados por endoscopia nasosinusal rígida. Por otro lado, analizamos la influencia sobre la libido (normal-disminuida-aumentada) en el posoperatorio de 35 septoplastías, a los 15 días tras retirada de taponamiento nasal y a los 30 días y lo comparamos con un grupo de 40 pacientes intervenidos timpanoplastías. Resultados: Estudiados 150 sujetos, encontramos la presencia del órgano vomeronasal en el 39,33% (59), de los cuales el 72,88% (43) fue unilateral (23 derecha y 20 izquierda) y el 27,12% (16) bilateral. En 91 (60,67%) no hallamos dicha estructura. La libido de los 35 pacientes intervenidos de septoplastía estaba disminuida, a los 15 días, en el 77,14% (27) frente al 40% (16) de las timpanoplastías, normal en el 17,14% (6) frente al 50% (20) de las cirugías otológicas, y en 2 (5,7%) poseptoplastía había aumentado, frente al 10% (4) del otro grupo. A los 30 días, en el 77,14% (27) de las septoplastías se había normalizado frente al 90% (36) del grupo otológico, en 2 (5,71%) de la cirugía nasal continuaba disminuida frente al 10% (4) del grupo de las timpanoplastías y en 6 (17,14%) tras septoplastía había aumentado. A todos los pacientes se les aplicó el mismo test no normalizado. Conclusión: El órgano vomeronasal de Jacobson continúa siendo un gran desconocido. Es una estructura que, al parecer, no es constante, al menos a la exploración endoscópica nasosinusal. Es difícil valorar si la cirugía en sí misma o el trauma psicológico posquirúrgico son los que afectan la libido de los pacientes tras la cirugía.

Introduction: The vomeronasal organ (OVN) described by Jacobson in mammals other than humans is unknown both in terms of its location and its role in the human race. It is viewed as a vestige of smell, that mammals in the animal seems to influence the sexual habits (pheromone) and social. To date, few studies have been inconclusive on this in humans. Aim: To determine the prevalence of vomeronasal organ in our medical consultations. Materials and methods: We report a prospective prevalence study of the occurrence of such a body in 150 subjects distributed by age and sex explored by endoscopic sinus rigid. On the other hand, we analyze the effect on the libido (normally less-plus) in the postoperative 35 septoplasty, 15 days after the withdrawal of nasal pack and 30 days and compared with a group of 40 tympanoplasty surgery. Results: Studied 150 subjects, we found the presence of the vomeronasal organ in 39.33% (59), of which 72.88% (43) had unilateral (23 right and 20 left) and 27.12% (16) bilaterally. In 91 (60.67%) did not find such a structure. The libido of the 35 patients who underwent septoplasty was decreased at 15 days, at 77.14% (27) versus 40% (16) of tympanoplasty, normal in 17.14% (6) compared to 50% (20) of otologic surgery, and in 2 (5.7%) postseptoplasty had increased, compared to 10% (4) the other group. At 30 days, in 77.14% (27) of the septoplasty group the libido was normalized against 90% (36) in the otologic group. In 2 cases (5.71%) of nasal surgery group was still decreased versus 10% (4) of cases of the tympanoplasty group, and in 6 (17.14%) postseptoplasty was increased. All patients were administered the same test is not standardized. Conclusion: The vomeronasal organ of Jacobson remains the great unknown. It is a structure that apparently is not constant, at least in the endoscopic sinus exploration. With regard to their role, it is difficult to assess whether the psychological trauma after surgery or the surgery by itself is responsible of the libido changes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Vomeronasal Organ/anatomy & histology , Vomeronasal Organ/physiology , Pheromones/physiology , Time Factors , Prevalence , Prospective Studies , Vomeronasal Organ/surgery , Age and Sex Distribution , Libido/physiology , Nasal Septum/anatomy & histology , Nasal Septum/surgery