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Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 18: eRC5041, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090042


ABSTRACT The yellow fever is a systemic disease that was under control due to the effective campaigns against the vector and promotion of vaccines programs. However, since 1999, outbreaks appeared because of inefficient control of the vector, and led to the need of amplifying the immunization in large scale against the yellow fever virus, and consequently, raising the risk of adverse reactions to the vaccine. We report a case of previously healthy infant, who was referred to our care service, after 3 days with fever, chills, nausea and vomits, he received support therapy and was discharged from the hospital. After 24 hours of supportive measures, he was discharge. The patient returned to our service with general condition decline, strabismus, inability to control of cervical musculature and reduced force of the legs. The patient vaccine had received all vaccines from the calendar, and he was vaccinated for yellow fever 20 days before symptoms. During the hospitalization, liquor was collected, and ceftriaxone and aciclovir were administered. After negative cultures from the liquor, the antibiotics were suspended. The computed tomography of patient's brain showed no alterations. Research for antibodies against yellow fever was requested, being positive for IgM in the liquor, and confirming the neurotropic disease associated with the yellow fever vaccine. On the fifth day of hospitalization, the patient showed improvement on the strabismus, cervical tonus, and musculature force. On the tenth day of hospitalization, patient showed complete improvement, and his laboratory exams no alterations. Subsequently, patient was discharged. The vaccine against yellow fever is safe, efficient and highly recommended, however it is not completely free from serious adverse reactions, including death.

RESUMO A febre amarela é uma doença sistêmica que estava controlada graças às efetivas campanhas de combate ao vetor e aos programas de vacinação. Porém, desde 1999, os surtos reiniciaram-se, devido à ineficácia do controle do vetor, levando à necessidade da imunização em larga escala contra o vírus da febre amarela, gerando aumento do risco de ocorrência de reação adversa à vacina. O presente estudo se propôs a relatar o caso de um lactente previamente saudável, que procurou pronto atendimento, pois, há 3 dias, apresentava febre, calafrios, náusea e vômitos. Em 24 horas após medidas de suporte e alta, evoluiu com queda do estado geral, estrabismo, falta de controle da musculatura cervical e redução da força muscular de membros inferiores. O caderno vacinal encontrava-se completo, tendo recebido vacina contra febre amarela há 20 dias. Durante a internação, foi realizada coleta do liquor, e foram administrados ceftriaxona e aciclovir. Após cultura negativa do liquor, o antibiótico foi suspenso. A tomografia computadorizada de crânio não apresentou alterações. Solicitou-se pesquisa de anticorpos contra o vírus da febre amarela no liquor, sendo positiva para IgM e confirmando a doença neurotrópica associada à vacina da febre amarela. A partir do quinto dia de internação, o paciente evoluiu com melhora do estrabismo, do tônus cervical e da força muscular. No décimo dia de internação, apresentou melhora completa do quadro, sem alterações laboratoriais, recebendo alta. A vacina contra febre amarela é segura, eficaz e fortemente recomendada, porém não está completamente isenta de reações adversas graves, inclusive podendo levar a quadros fatais.

Humans , Male , Infant , Yellow Fever Vaccine/adverse effects , Nervous System Diseases/etiology , Immunoglobulin M/analysis , Strabismus/etiology , Muscle Weakness/etiology
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 64(6): 498-500, June 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-956490


SUMMARY The Yellow Fever virus was isolated in 1927 and the disease is considered endemic and epidemic in tropical regions of South America and Africa, with thousands of new cases reported annually. Several side effects of the vaccine have already been reported. Although reports of skin rash secondary to the vaccine range from 0 to 15%, no image or detailed description of the lesions were found in the literature. Here we describe a rash on a toddler vaccinated to travel.

RESUMO O vírus da febre amarela foi isolado em 1927, e a doença é considerada endêmica e epidêmica em regiões tropicais da América do Sul e África, com milhares de novos casos relatados anualmente. Vários efeitos colaterais da vacina já foram relatados. Embora os relatos de erupções cutâneas secundárias à vacina variem de 0% a 15%, nenhuma imagem ou descrição detalhada das lesões foi encontrada na literatura. Aqui descrevemos a erupção de uma criança vacinada para viajar.

Humans , Male , Infant , Yellow Fever Vaccine/adverse effects , Erythema/etiology , Photography , Extremities , Torso , Travel-Related Illness
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 1(3): 245-256, jul.set.2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380463


A febre amarela é uma doença infecciosa grave causada por um arbovírus e transmitida pelos mosquitos Haemagogus (ciclo silvestre) e Aedes aegypti (ciclo urbano). Os sintomas mais comuns são febre, calafrios, cefaleia, mialgia e náuseas. Uma parcela dos pacientes desenvolve as formas graves, que podem cursar com insuficiência hepática e renal. A partir de 2014 a febre amarela passou a ser endêmica em áreas extra-amazônicas, tornando-se um grave problema de saúde pública. Por isso, a vacinação contra a febre amarela é essencial para o controle da doença no Brasil, tornando-se a medida mais eficaz, com imunogenicidade superior a 95%. Em relação à segurança, a maioria dos eventos adversos após a vacinação são locais, e os eventos adversos graves, como a encefalite pós-vacinal, são relatados principalmente em idosos e imunossuprimidos. Por se tratar de vacina de vírus vivo atenuado, é recomendada cautela na sua indicação nesses indivíduos. Outra preocupação em relação à segurança se deve ao fato de que, por ser cultivada em ovos embrionados de galinha (maior quantidade de proteínas do ovo), a vacina febre amarela é contraindicada em indivíduos que apresentam história prévia de reação anafilática ao ovo. No entanto, diante do cenário epidemiológico atual, indivíduos com história de hipersensibilidade leve ou moderada ao ovo podem recebê-la seguindo as recomendações de segurança revisadas e sugeridas neste texto. O objetivo deste documento foi revisar as indicações e contraindicações da vacina febre amarela e apresentar uma abordagem prática em situações especiais, com a finalidade de garantir a imunização à população de risco.

Yellow fever is a serious infectious disease caused by arboviruses and transmitted by Haemagogus (wild cycle) and Aedes aegypti (urban cycle) mosquitoes. The most common symptoms are fever, chills, headache, myalgia and nausea. A subgroup of patients develops severe forms that can manifest with hepatic and renal failure. As of 2014, yellow fever has become endemic in extra- Amazonian areas, and therefore it is considered a serious public health problem. Vaccination against yellow fever is essential to control the disease in Brazil, and it is the most effective measure, with an immunogenicity above 95%. With regard to safety, most post-vaccination adverse reactions are local, and serious adverse events such as post-vaccinal encephalitis are reported mainly in the elderly and in immunocompromised hosts. Because the yellow fever vaccine is live attenuated, caution is advised in these individuals. Another concern regarding safety is the fact that the vaccine is cultured in embryonated chicken eggs (high amount of egg protein), contraindicating its use in individuals with a history of anaphylactic reaction to egg. However, in view of the current epidemiological scenario, individuals with a history of mild or moderate hypersensitivity to egg may receive the vaccine, observing the safety recommendations reviewed and suggested in this paper. The objective of this article is to review indications and contraindications of the yellow fever vaccine and present a practical approach in special situations to guarantee immunization of the population at risk.

Humans , Yellow Fever , Yellow Fever Vaccine , Yellow Fever Vaccine/adverse effects , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Hypersensitivity , Patients , Signs and Symptoms , Brazil , Public Health , Risk Factors , Vaccination , Egg Hypersensitivity
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 110(6): 771-780, Sept. 2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-763093


This randomised, double-blind, multicentre study with children nine-23 months old evaluated the immunogenicity of yellow fever (YF) vaccines prepared with substrains 17DD and 17D-213/77. YF antibodies were tittered before and 30 or more days after vaccination. Seropositivity and seroconversion were analysed according to the maternal serological status and the collaborating centre. A total of 1,966 children were randomised in the municipalities of the states of Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and São Paulo and blood samples were collected from 1,714 mothers. Seropositivity was observed in 78.6% of mothers and 8.9% of children before vaccination. After vaccination, seropositivity rates of 81.9% and 83.2%, seroconversion rates of 84.8% and 85.8% and rates of a four-fold increase over the pre-vaccination titre of 77.6% and 81.8% were observed in the 17D-213/77 and 17DD subgroups, respectively. There was no association with maternal immunity. Among children aged 12 months or older, the seroconversion rates of 69% were associated with concomitant vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella. The data were not conclusive regarding the interference of maternal immunity in the immune response to the YF vaccine, but they suggest interference from other vaccines. The failures in seroconversion after vaccination support the recommendation of a booster dose in children within 10 years of the first dose.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Antibodies, Viral/isolation & purification , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Seroconversion , Yellow Fever Vaccine/immunology , Yellow fever virus/immunology , Yellow Fever/prevention & control , Antibodies, Neutralizing , Causality , Diarrhea/ethnology , Double-Blind Method , Fever/ethnology , Hemolytic Plaque Technique , Hoarseness/ethnology , Seizures/ethnology , Treatment Outcome , Vomiting/ethnology , Yellow Fever Vaccine/adverse effects , Yellow fever virus/classification
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 87(3): 269-272, maio-jun. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-593195


OBJETIVO: Relatar um caso de meningoencefalite, provavelmente causada pelo vírus vacinal da febre amarela transmitido pelo leite materno. DESCRIÇÃO: Paciente de 38 dias de idade, internado em 23/05/09 para investigação de febre. No dia 25/05/09 iniciaram-se as crises convulsivas. O exame do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) foi sugestivo de meningoencefalite. A mãe havia recebido dose da vacina contra febre amarela e o bebê estava em aleitamento materno exclusivo. Recebeu alta com controle das crises convulsivas. Foi detectado anticorpo IgM específico para febre amarela no soro e no LCR. COMENTÁRIOS: Em 2009, ocorreu o primeiro caso confirmado de meningoencefalite pelo vírus vacinal da febre amarela transmitido pelo leite materno. Descrevemos o segundo caso, em que, possivelmente, o vírus vacinal tenha sido o agente etiológico da meningoencefalite. O Ministério da Saúde do Brasil recomenda adiar a vacinação de nutrizes até a criança completar 6 meses ou orientar alternativas para evitar o risco de transmissão do vírus vacinal pelo leite materno.

OBJECTIVES: To describe a case of infant meningoencephalitis that was probably caused by yellow fever vaccine virus transmitted via breastmilk. DESCRIPTIONS: A 38-day old patient was admitted to hospital on May 23, 2009, with fever. On May 25, 2009, convulsive crises began. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) test results were suggestive of meningoencephalitis. The mother had been given a dose of yellow fever vaccine and the baby was on exclusive breastfeeding. The baby was discharged after the convulsive crises were controlled. Tests identified IgM antibodies specific for yellow fever in both serum and CSF. COMMENTS: In 2009, the first case was confirmed of meningoencephalitis caused by the yellow fever vaccine virus transmitted via breastmilk. We describe a second case in which the vaccine virus was possibly the etiologic agent of meningoencephalitis. The Brazilian Ministry of Health now recommends delaying vaccination of nursing mothers until their children reach 6 months or providing them with guidance on alternative options to avoid the risk of transmission of the vaccine virus via breastmilk.

Humans , Infant , Male , Breast Feeding/adverse effects , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Meningoencephalitis/virology , Yellow Fever Vaccine/adverse effects , Yellow Fever/transmission , Milk, Human/virology , Yellow fever virus/immunology
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 44(2): 252-253, Mar.-Apr. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-586092


INTRODUÇÃO: A febre amarela é uma arbovirose prevenível por uma vacina eficaz e segura. MÉTODOS: Acompanhamento clínico prospectivo de 49 pessoas que receberam uma superdosagem equivocada de vacina contra febre amarela, durante o surto de 2009, em uma localidade rural do Vale do Rio Pardo, no interior do Rio Grande do Sul. RESULTADOS: Durante os 45 dias de acompanhamento clínico, em apenas 1 (2,1 por cento) caso houve a manifestação de um possível viscerotropismo agudo leve, como evento adverso pós-vacinal. CONCLUSÕES: No grupo de pessoas acompanhadas, após a superdosagem de vacina antiamarílica, percebeu-se a quase total inexistência de eventos adversos.

INTRODUCTION: Yellow fever is a preventable disease when using a safe, effective vaccine. METHODS: A prospective clinical follow-up of 49 people who received an overdose of the wrong vaccine against yellow fever during the 2009 outbreak in a rural area of the Vale do Rio Pardo, State of Rio Grande do Sul. RESULTS: During 45 days of clinical follow-up, only 1 (2.1 percent) case presented manifestations of a possible acute viscerotropism as an adverse postvaccination event. CONCLUSIONS: In the group of people monitored following an overdose of anti-yellow fever vaccine, observation confirmed almost total absence of adverse events.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Yellow Fever Vaccine/adverse effects , Yellow Fever/prevention & control , Brazil/epidemiology , Drug Overdose , Follow-Up Studies , Medication Errors , Prospective Studies , Yellow Fever/epidemiology
Rev. saúde pública ; 44(3)jun. 2010.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-548003


São apresentados aspectos epidemiológicos e do controle da febre amarela no Brasil, considerando os ciclos de transmissão silvestre e urbano. Sem registros de transmissão no Brasil desde 1942, houve casos de febre amarela urbana em 2008 no Paraguai, depois de mais de 50 anos sem essa ocorrência nas Américas. A redução do número dos casos silvestres e a manutenção da eliminação dos casos urbanos são os dois principais objetivos do controle da febre amarela no Brasil. Embora haja consenso quanto às medidas que devem ser tomadas nas áreas endêmicas para a forma silvestre, isso não ocorre em relação às áreas infestadas pelo Aedes aegypti. São discutidos argumentos favoráveis e contrários à expansão da área de vacinação. Há necessidade de estudos ambientais e entomológicos para o reconhecimento de áreas receptivas para transmissão silvestre, mesmo que estejam silentes há muitos anos.

This paper presents epidemiological and control characteristics of yellow fever in Brazil, taking its wild and urban transmission cycles into consideration. No urban cases have been reported in Brazil since 1942, but urban yellow fever cases were reported in Paraguay in 2008, after more than 50 years without registered cases in the Americas. The two main objectives of yellow fever control programs in Brazil are to reduce the number of wild cases and to maintain zero incidence of urban cases. Although there is a consensus regarding control measures that should be applied in areas endemic for the wild form, this is not so in relation to areas infested by Aedes aegypti. The arguments for and against expansion of the vaccination area are discussed. Environmental and entomological studies are needed so that areas receptive to wild-type transmission can be recognized, even if they have been silent for many years.

Se presentan aspectos epidemiológicos y del control de la fiebre amarilla en Brasil, considerando los ciclos de transmisión silvestre y urbana. Sin registros de transmisión en Brasil desde 1942, hubo casos de fiebre amarilla urbana en 2008 en Paraguay, después de más de 50 años sin ocurrir en las Américas. La reducción del número de casos silvestre y el mantenimiento de la eliminación de los casos urbanos son los dos principales objetivos del control de la fiebre amarilla en Brasil. A pesar de que exista consenso con respecto a las medidas que deben ser tomadas en las áreas endémicas para la forma silvestre, esto no ocurre con relación a las áreas infestadas por el Aedes aegypti. Son discutidos argumentos favorables y contrarios a la expansión del área de vacunación. Hay necesidad de estudios ambientales y entomológicos para el reconocimiento de áreas receptivas para transmisión silvestre, aunque se encuentren silentes desde hace muchos años.

Animals , Humans , Aedes , Communicable Disease Control/methods , Insect Vectors , Yellow Fever Vaccine/administration & dosage , Yellow Fever/prevention & control , Brazil/epidemiology , Yellow Fever Vaccine/adverse effects , Yellow Fever/epidemiology , Yellow Fever/transmission
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 42(1): 23-27, Jan.-Feb. 2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-507360


A febre amarela é endêmica em alguns países. A vacina, único modo eficaz de proteção, é contra-indicada em pacientes imunocomprometidos. Nosso objetivo é relatar uma série de casos de pacientes reumatológicos, usuários de imunossupressores, vacinados contra a doença. Foi feito um estudo retrospectivo, por meio de questionário aplicado em pacientes reumatológicos medicados com imunossupressores, vacinados 60 dias antes da investigação. Foram avaliados 70 pacientes, com idade média de 46 anos, 90 por cento mulheres, portadores de artrite reumatóide (54), lupus eritematoso sistêmico (11), espondiloartropatias (5) e esclerose sistêmica (2). Os esquemas terapêuticos incluíam metotrexato (42), corticoesteróides (22), sulfassalazina (26), leflunomida (18), ciclofosfamida (3) e imunobiológicos (9). Dezesseis (22,5 por cento) pacientes relataram efeitos adversos menores. Dentre os 8 pacientes, em uso de imunobiológicos, apenas um apresentou efeito adverso, leve. Entre pacientes em uso de imunussopressores, reações adversas não foram mais freqüentes do que em imunocompetentes. Este é o primeiro estudo sobre o tema.

Yellow fever is endemic in some countries. The anti-yellow fever vaccine is the only effective means of protection but is contraindicated for immunocompromised patients. The aim of this paper was to report on a case series of rheumatological patients who were using immunosuppressors and were vaccinated against this disease. This was a retrospective study by means of a questionnaire applied to these patients, who were vaccinated 60 days before the investigation. Seventy patients of mean age 46 years were evaluated. Most of them were female (90 percent). There were cases of rheumatoid arthritis (54), systemic lupus erythematosus (11), spondyloarthropathy (5) and systemic sclerosis (2). The therapeutic schemes included methotrexate (42), corticosteroids (22), sulfasalazine (26), leflunomide (18), cyclophosphamide (3) and immunobiological agents (9). Sixteen patients (22.5 percent) reported some minor adverse effect. Among the eight patients using immunobiological agents, only one presented a mild adverse effect. Among these patients using immunosuppressors, adverse reactions were no more frequent than among immunocompetent individuals. This is the first study on this topic.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Rheumatic Diseases/drug therapy , Yellow Fever Vaccine , Yellow Fever/prevention & control , Immunocompromised Host , Retrospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Young Adult , Yellow Fever Vaccine/adverse effects
Rev. bras. enferm ; 60(4): 444-448, jul.-ago. 2007. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-467439


Este estudo trata do perfil dos eventos adversos pós-vacinais ocorridos em Teresina em 2006. Os dados foram coletados mediante a aplicação de formulário com 73 participantes em 18 Unidades Básicas de Saúde. Os resultados mostram que as vacinas que mais produziram eventos adversos foram a tetravalente, BCG e DPT. Os eventos mais freqüentes foram: febre, episódio hipotônico hiporresponsivo, irritabilidade e manifestações locais moderadas. Dentre as condutas adotadas pelos profissionais de saúde, aproximadamente 80 por cento foram adequadas. Os menores de ano foram os mais acometidos pelos eventos. Todos os eventos evoluíram para a cura. Conclui-se que a ação de vacinação ainda continua requerendo capacitação constante dos profissionais da área. Sugere-se aprofundar o conhecimento com relação ao manejo, diagnóstico, investigação e tratamento.

This study focuses the profile of the adverse events after-vaccine occurrences in Teresina in 2006. The data had been collected by means of the form application with 73 participants in 18 Basic Units of Health. The results show that the vaccines that had more produced events adverse had been tetravalente, BCG and DPT. The events most frequent had been: fever, hiporresponsivo hipotonic episode, moderate irritability and local manifestations. Amongst the behaviors adopted for the health professionals, 80 percent had been approximately adjusted. The year minors had been accomitted by the events. All the events had evolved for the cure. It was concluded that the action of vaccination still continues requiring constant qualification of the professionals of the area. It is suggested to deepen the knowledge with relation to the handling, diagnosis, inquiry and treatment.

El presente estudio trata del perfil de las ocurrencias adversas de la después-vacuna en Teresina en 2006. Los datos fueron recogidos por medio del uso un formulário a lo cual participaran 73 personas en 18 unidades básicas de salud. Los resultados demuestraran que las vacunas que tenían más ocurrencias adversas fueran la tetravalente, BCG y DPT. Las ocurrencias más frecuentes fueran: fiebre, episodio hipotônico hiporresponsivo, irritabilidad moderada y manifestaciones locales. Entre los comportamientos adoptados por los profesionales de salud, 80 por ciento fueran ajustados aproximadamente. Los menores de edad del año habían sido acometidos por los acontecimientos. Todos los acontecimientos fueran desarrollados para la cura. Se hay concluydo que la acción de la vacunación todavía continúa requiriendo la calificación constante de los profesionales de la área. Se sugiere para profundizar el conocimiento en relación a la dirección, a la diagnosis, a la investigación y al tratamiento.

Humans , Vaccination/adverse effects , BCG Vaccine/adverse effects , Brazil/epidemiology , Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine/adverse effects , Hepatitis B Vaccines/adverse effects , Immunization Programs , Vaccination , Vaccines, Combined/adverse effects , Yellow Fever Vaccine/adverse effects
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 102(1): 117-120, Feb. 2007. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-440634


The objective of this paper is to propose a protocol to analyze blood samples in yellow fever 17DD vaccinated which developed serious adverse events. We investigated whether or not the time between sample collection and sample processing could interfere in lymphocyte subset percentage, for it is often impossible to analyze blood samples immediately after collection due to transport delay from collection places to the flow cytometry facility. CD4+CD38+ T, CD8+CD38+ T, CD3+ T, CD19+ B lymphocyte subsets were analyzed by flow cytometry in nine healthy volunteers immediately after blood collection and after intervals of 24 and 48 h. The whole blood lysis method and gradient sedimentation by Histopaque were applied to isolate peripheral blood mononuclear cells for flow cytometry analyses. With the lysis method, there was no significant change in lymphocyte subset percentage between the two time intervals (24 and 48 h). In contrast, when blood samples were processed by Histopaque gradient sedimentation, time intervals for sample processing influenced the percentage in T lymphocyte subsets but not in B cells. From the results obtained, we could conclude that the whole blood lysis method is more appropriate than gradient sedimentation by Histopaque for immunophenotyping of blood samples collected after serious adverse events, due to less variation in the lymphocyte subset levels with respect to the time factor.

Humans , B-Lymphocyte Subsets/immunology , T-Lymphocyte Subsets/immunology , Yellow Fever Vaccine/immunology , Yellow fever virus/immunology , Flow Cytometry , Immunophenotyping , Lymphocyte Count , Time Factors , Yellow Fever Vaccine/adverse effects , Yellow Fever/prevention & control