Introduction: Mouthwashes play an important role in the dental clinic, but their role on viruses requires investigation. Objective:to review in vitro studies to identify the effect of different mouthwashes on the main viruses associated with routine dental care. Methodology:The following databases were searched in September 2023: PubMed, Embase, Scopus and Web of Science databases; the Cochrane Library and the Virtual Health Library (VHL); and grey literature. In vitro studies that used mouthwashes to reduce the viral load were selected. The PICOS strategy was considered to define eligibility criteria: the Population (viruses involved in the etiology of oral infection), the Intervention (oral antiseptics), the appropriate comparator (positive and negative controls), the Outcomes of interest (reduction of viral load) and the Study design (in vitro studies). Results:Considering the eligibility criteria, 19 articles were included in this review. The efficacy of povidone-iodine (PVP-I), chlorhexidine, Listerine®, essential oils, and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) rinses were investigated. PVP-I (0.23%) had its effects mainly associated with coronaviruses SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome),demonstrating a significant reduction in viral load after 15 seconds of exposure. Chlorhexidine (0.05%; 0.1% and 0.5%) was ineffective against adenovirus, poliovirus, and rhinovirus respiratory viruses. Listerine® demonstrated superior efficacy against HSV-1 and 2 viruses and influenza A, and cetylpyridine chloride also demonstrated virucidal activity against influenza A. Conclusions:The type, concentration, and time of exposure to antiseptics varied between studies. PVP-I and chlorhexidine digluconate were the most studied substances, butin general, PVP-I was more effective in reducing viral titers, especially concerning coronaviruses. Other antiseptics such as CPC, H2O2 and Listerine® have also shown significant reduction in viral load, but this is a limited number of studies (AU).
Introdução: Os enxaguantes bucais desempenham um papel importante na clínica odontológico, porém seu papel sobre os vírus requer investigações. Objetivo: revisar estudos in vitro para identificar o efeito de diferentes colutórios sobre os principais vírus associados ao atendimento odontológico de rotina. Metodologia: As seguintes bases foram pesquisadas até setembro de 2023: PubMed, Embase, Scopus e Web of Science; a Biblioteca Cochrane e a Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS); e literatura cinzenta. Foram selecionados estudos in vitro que utilizaram bochechos com o objetivo de reduzir a carga viral. A estratégia PICOS foi considerada para a definição dos critérios de elegibilidade: População (vírus envolvidos na etiologia da infecção oral), Intervenção (antissépticos orais), Comparador (controles positivos e negativos), os Desfechos de interesse (redução da carga viral) e o desenho do estudo (estudos in vitro). Resultados: Considerando os critérios de elegibilidade, 19 artigos foram incluídos para esta revisão. A eficácia da povidona-iodo (PVP-I), clorexidina, Listerine®, óleos essenciais e lavagens com cloreto de cetilpiridínio foram investigadas. O PVP-I(0.23%)teve seus efeitos principalmente associados ao coronavírusSARS (Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Severa),demonstrando uma redução significativa da carga viral após 15 segundos de exposição. A clorexidina mostrou-se ineficaz contra vírus respiratórios de adenovírus, poliovírus e rinovírus. Listerine® demonstrou eficácia superior contra vírus HSV-1 e 2 e vírus influenza A, e cloreto de cetilpiridinio também demonstrou atividade virucida contra influenza A.Conclusões:O tipo, concentração e tempo de exposição aos antissépticos variaram entre os estudos. O PVP-I e o digluconato de clorexidina foram as substâncias mais estudadas, mas no geral, o PVP-I foi mais eficaz na redução dos títulos virais, principalmente no que diz respeito aos coronavírus. Outros antissépticos como CPC, H2O2 e Listerine® também mostraram redução significativa da carga viral, mas trata-se de um número limitado de estudos (AU).
Introducción: Los enjuagues bucales son importantesen la clínica dental, sin embargo, su efecto sobre los virus requiere investigaciones. Objetivo: Revisar estudios in vitro para identificar el efecto de enjuagues bucales sobre los principales virus asociados con larutinaodontológica. Metodología: Las siguientes bases de datos fueron investigadas hasta septiembrede 2023: PubMed, Embase, Scopus y Web of Science; Biblioteca Cochrane y Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS); yliteratura gris. Se seleccionaron estudios in vitro que utilizaron enjuagues bucales con el objetivo de reducir la carga viral. Se consideró la estrategia PICOS para definir los criterios de elegibilidad: Población (virus implicados en la etiología de la infección oral), Intervención (antisépticos bucales), Comparador (controles positivos y negativos), Resultados de interés (reducción de la carga viral) y diseño del estudio (in vitro). Resultados: Considerando los criterios de elegibilidad, se incluyeron 19 artículos.Se investigó la eficacia de povidona yodada (PVP-I), clorhexidina, Listerine®,aceites esenciales y enjuagues de cloruro de cetilpiridinio (CPC). PVP-I(0.23%)mostró sus efectos principalmente asociados al coronavirus SARS(Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo), demostrando una reducción significativa de la carga viral después de 15 segundos. Se ha demostrado que la clorhexidina es ineficaz contra losvirus respiratorios adenovirus, poliovirus y rinovirus. Listerine® demostró una eficacia superior contra los virus HSV-1 y 2 y el virus de la influenza A, y el CPCtambién mostró actividad virucida contra la influenza A.Conclusiones: El tipo, la concentración y el tiempo de exposiciónvariaron entre los estudios. PVP-I y digluconato de clorhexidina fueron las sustancias más estudiadas, pero,PVP-I fue más efectiva en la reducción de los títulos virales, especialmente en lo que respecta a los coronavirus. Otros antisépticos como CPC, H2O2 y Listerine® también mostraron una reducción significativa de la carga viral, pero se trata de un número limitado de estudios (AU).
Humans , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Chlorhexidine , Infection Control , Mouthwashes/therapeutic use , Viruses , In Vitro Techniques/methodsABSTRACT
Se presenta el caso clínico de persona viviendo con VIH, con mala adherencia a tratamiento, sin vacunación previa para mpox, que evolucionó con un cuadro clínico probable de síndrome de reconstitución inmune posterior a reinicio de TAR, debido a la progresión de las lesiones cutáneas. Recibió tratamiento con tecovirimat por siete días, con evolución clínica favorable. Corresponde al primer caso reportado que recibió terapia con tecovirimat en Chile.
We report a clinical case of a person living with HIV with poor adherence to treatment, no previous mpox vaccination, who had a probable mpox syndrome immune reconstitution after restarting ART, due to worsening of skin lesions. He received treatment with tecovirimat for 7 days, clinically improved and was discharged in good condition. We reported this first clinical case that received tecovirimat in Chile.
Humans , Male , Adult , HIV Infections/complications , Mpox (monkeypox)/complications , Mpox (monkeypox)/drug therapy , Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome/etiology , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Phthalimides/therapeutic use , Benzamides/therapeutic useABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The largest growth in cases of COVID-19 worldwide during 2020 was in the Americas, and Chile was one of the most affected countries. AIM: To describe, characterize, and evaluate the use of drugs as treatment for COVID-19 in hospitalized patients in Chile during the first wave of the pandemic. METHODS: We performed a multicenter, observational study that included 442 patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection admitted in Chilean hospitals between March 21 and September 22, 2020. The analysis included demographics, comorbidities, specific drug therapy, and outcomes over a 28-day follow-up period. RESULTS: The median age of patients was 68 years (IQR 55-73), and 38.9% were women. The most common comorbidities were hypertension (57.7%) and diabetes (36.9%). Fifty-seven (12.9%) patients died. Hypertension (HR 2.99; CI 95% 1.43-6.26) and age ≥; 65 (2.14; CI 95% 1.10- 4.17) were the main predictors of mortality. Primary drugs were azithromycin (58.8%) and corticosteroids (51.1%). In this sample, azithromycin was a protective factor regarding mortality (HR 0.53; CI 95% 0.31-0.90), increasing clinical improvement and avoiding progression. CONCLUSIONS: The patterns of use of drugs to treat COVID-19 in Chile during the first wave of the pandemic were very dynamic and followed the international, evidence-based guidelines. The low mortality rate indicates that the clinical management of hospitalized patients was adequate.
ANTECEDENTES: Durante 2020, el mayor incremento de casos de COVID-19 se observó en el continente americano, donde Chile fue uno de los países más afectados. Objetivos: Describir, caracterizar y evaluar el uso de fármacos indicados para tratar el COVID-19 en pacientes hospitalizados en Chile durante la primera ola de pandemia. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Un estudio multicéntrico observacional incorporó a 442 pacientes con infección confirmada por SARS- CoV-2 admitidos en hospitales chilenos entre el 21 de marzo y el 22 de septiembre de 2020. Se analizaron variables demográficas, comorbilidades, terapia farmacológica específica y desenlaces clínicos para un período de seguimiento de 28 días. Resultados: La mediana de la edad fue de 68 años (RIC 55-73), y un 38,9% fueron mujeres. Las comorbilidades más comunes fueron hipertensión (57,7%) y diabetes (36,9%). Cincuenta y siete (12,9%) de los pacientes murieron. Los principales predictores de mortalidad fueron la hipertensión (HR 2,99; IC 95% 1,43-6,26) y la edad ≥ 65 años (2,14; IC 95% 1,10- 4,17). Los fármacos más utilizados fueron azitromicina (58,8%) y corticosteroides (51,1%). En esta muestra, la azitromicina fue un factor de protección respecto a la mortalidad (HR 0,53; IC 95% 0,31-0,90), incrementando igualmente la mejoría y evitando la progresión. CONCLUSIONES: Los patrones de uso de fármacos para tatar COVID-19 en Chile durante la primera ola de pandemia fueron muy dinámicos y siguieron las directrices internacionales basadas en la evidencia. La baja mortalidad sugiere que el manejo de los pacientes hospitalizados fue adecuado.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , COVID-19/mortality , COVID-19/epidemiology , COVID-19 Drug Treatment , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Comorbidity , Chile/epidemiology , Treatment Outcome , Azithromycin/therapeutic use , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2 , Hypertension/drug therapy , Hypertension/epidemiologyABSTRACT
El síndrome "blueberry muffin" es una dermatosis maculopapular eritematoviolácea como resultado de una hematopoyesis extramedular. Se ha asociado con infecciones del espectro TORCH y causas no infecciosas. Presentamos el caso de un recién nacido pretérmino, quien desde el control prenatal presentó una ecografía con signos sugerentes de infección congénita por citomegalovirus (microcefalia, ventriculomegalia y calcificaciones intracerebrales). Al examen físico presentaba una dermatosis macular violácea compatible con síndrome "blueberry muffin". Se detectó carga viral de citomegalovirus en orina (81,200 copias/ml) e inició tratamiento con ganciclovir, con desenlace fatal. La infección congénita por CMV debe considerarse ante el síndrome "blueberry muffin"; el adecuado abordaje diagnóstico debe ser oportuno y debe incluir antecedentes maternos y perinatales, así como estudios serológicos para infecciones por TORCH con el fin del inicio precoz de tratamiento para evitar complicaciones y secuelas.
Blueberry muffin syndrome is characterized by an erythematousviolaceous maculopapular dermatosis due to extramedullary hematopoiesis. This entity has been associated with TORCH spectrum infections and noninfectious causes. We present the case of a preterm newborn, who since the prenatal control gave an ultrasound with data suggestive of congenital infection by cytomegalovirus (microcephaly, ventriculomegaly, intracerebral calcifications). On physical examination, he presented a violaceous macular dermatosis compatible with blueberry muffin syndrome. Cytomegalovirus viral load was detected in urine (81,200 copies/ml), with fatal outcome. Congenital cytomegalovirus infection should be considered in the presence of a blueberry muffin syndrome; an adequate diagnostic approach that includes maternal and perinatal history is essential, as well as serology studies for diseases of the TORCH spectrum in order to start early with treatment and avoid major comorbidities.
Humans , Male , Infant, Newborn , Cytomegalovirus Infections/congenital , Cytomegalovirus Infections/diagnosis , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Ganciclovir/therapeutic use , Fatal Outcome , Cytomegalovirus Infections/drug therapyABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the demographic characteristics and clinical influencing factors which associates with the occurrence probability of persistent or intermittent hypoviremia (LLV) in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) treated with nucleos(t)ide analogues (NAs). Methods: A single-center retrospective analysis was performed on patients with CHB who received outpatient NAs therapy for≥48 ± 2 weeks. According to the serum hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA load at 48±2 weeks treatment, the study groups were divided into LLV (HBV DNA < 20 IU/ml and < 2 000 IU/ml) and MVR group (sustained virological response, HBV DNA < 20 IU/ml). Demographic characteristics and clinical data at the start of NAs treatment (considered as baseline) were retrospectively collected for both patient groups. The differences in the reduction of HBV DNA load during treatment was compared between the two groups. Correlation and multivariate analysis were further conducted to analyze the associated factors influencing the LLV occurrence. Statistical analysis was performed using the independent samples t-test, c2 test, Spearman analysis, multivariate logistic regression analysis, or area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. Results: A total of 509 cases were enrolled, with 189 and 320 in the LLV and MVR groups, respectively. Compared to patients with MVR group at baseline: (1) the demographics characteristics of patients showed that LLV group was younger in age (39.1 years, P = 0.027), had a stronger family history (60.3%, P = 0.001), 61.9% received ETV treatment, and higher proportion of compensated cirrhosis (20.6%, P = 0.025) at baseline; (2) the serum virological characteristics of patients showed that LLV group had higher HBV DNA load, qHBsAg level, qHBeAg level, HBeAg positive rate, and the proportion of genotype C HBV infection but decreased HBV DNA during treatment (P < 0.001) at baseline; (3) the biochemical characteristics of patients showed that LLV group had lower serum ALT levels (P = 0.007) at baseline; (4) the noninvasive fibrosis markers of patients showed that LLV group were characterized by high aspartate aminotransferase platelet ratio index (APRI) (P = 0.02) and FIB-4 (P = 0.027) at baseline. HBV DNA, qHBsAg and qHBeAg were positively correlated with LLV occurrence (r = 0.559, 0.344, 0.435, respectively), while age and HBV DNA reduction were negatively correlated (r = -0.098, -0.876, respectively). Logistic regression analysis showed that ETV treatment history, high HBV DNA load at baseline, high qHBsAg level, high qHBeAg level, HBeAg positive, low ALT and HBV DNA level were independent risk factors for patients with CHB who developed LLV with NAs treatment. Multivariate prediction model had a good predictive value for LLV occurrence [AUC 0.922 (95%CI: 0.897 ~ 0.946)]. Conclusion: In this study, 37.1% of CHB patients treated with first-line NAs has LLV. The formation of LLV is influenced by various factors. HBeAg positivity, genotype C HBV infection, high baseline HBV DNA load, high qHBsAg level, high qHBeAg level, high APRI or FIB-4 value, low baseline ALT level, reduced HBV DNA during treatment, concomitant family history, metabolic liver disease history, and age < 40 years old are potential risk factors for developing LLV in patients with CHB during the therapeutic process.
Humans , Adult , Hepatitis B, Chronic/complications , Retrospective Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Hepatitis B e Antigens , DNA, Viral , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Hepatitis B virus/genetics , DemographyABSTRACT
Objective: To understand the basic characteristics of previously reported patients with hepatitis C and analyze the related factors affecting their antiviral treatment. Methods: A convenient sampling method was adopted. Patients who had been previously diagnosed with hepatitis C in the Wenshan Prefecture of Yunnan Province and Xuzhou City of Jiangsu Province were contacted by telephone for an interview study. The Andersen health service utilization behavior model and related literature were used to design the research framework for antiviral treatment in previously reported hepatitis C patients. A step-by-step multivariate regression analysis was used in previously reported hepatitis C patients treated with antiviral therapy. Results: A total of 483 hepatitis C patients, aged 51.73 ± 12.06 years, were investigated. The proportion of male, agricultural occupants who were registered permanent residents, farmers and migrant workers was 65.24%, 67.49%, and 58.18%, respectively. Han ethnicity (70.81%), married (77.02%), and junior high school and below educational level (82.61%) were the main ones. Multivariate logistic regression analysis results showed that married patients with hepatitis C (OR = 3.19, 95% CI: 1.93-5.25, compared with unmarried, divorced, and widowed patients) with high school education or above (OR = 2.54, 95% CI: 1.54-4.20, compared with patients with junior high school education or below) were more likely to receive antiviral treatment in the predisposition module. Patients with severe self-perceived hepatitis C in the need factor module (compared with patients with mild self-perceived disease, OR = 3.36, 95% CI: 2.09-5.40) were more likely to receive treatment. In the competency module, the family's per capita monthly income was more than 1,000 yuan (compared with patients with per capita monthly income below 1,000 yuan, OR = 1.59, 95% CI: 1.02-2.47), and the patients had a high level of awareness of hepatitis C knowledge (compared with patients with a low level of knowledge, OR = 1.54, 95% CI: 1.01-2.35), and the family members who knew the patient's infection status (compared with patients with an unknown infection status, OR = 4.59, 95% CI: 2.24-9.39) were more likely to receive antiviral treatment. Conclusion: Different income, educational, and marital statuses are related to antiviral treatment behavior in hepatitis C patients. Family support of hepatitis C patients receiving hepatitis C-related knowledge and their families knowing the infection status is more important in promoting the antiviral treatment of patients, suggesting that in the future, we should further strengthen the hepatitis C knowledge of hepatitis C patients, especially the family support of hepatitis C patients' families in treatment.
Humans , Male , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , China , Hepatitis C/drug therapy , Hepacivirus , Logistic ModelsABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the efficacy of chitinase-3-like protein 1 (CHI3L1) and Golgi protein 73 (GP73) in the diagnosis of cirrhosis and the dynamic changes of CHI3L1 and GP73 after HCV clearance in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) treated with direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAAs). The comparison of continuous variables of normal distribution were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and t-test. The comparison of continuous variables of non-normal distribution were statistically analyzed by rank sum test. The categorical variables were statistically analyzed by Fisher's exact test and χ(2) test. Correlation analysis was performed using Spearman correlation analysis. Methods: Data of 105 patients with CHC diagnosed from January 2017 to December 2019 were collected. The receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve) was plotted to study the efficacy of serum CHI3L1 and GP73 for the diagnosis of cirrhosis. Friedman test was used to compare CHI3L1 and GP73 change characteristics. Results: The areas under the ROC curve for CHI3L1 and GP73 in the diagnosis of cirrhosis at baseline were 0.939 and 0.839, respectively. Serum levels of CHI3L1 and GP73 in the DAAs group decreased significantly at the end of treatment compared with baseline [123.79 (60.25, 178.80) ng/ml vs. 118.20 (47.68, 151.36) ng/ml, P = 0.001; 105.73 (85.05, 130.69) ng/ml vs. 95.52 (69.52, 118.97) ng/ml, P = 0.001]. Serum CHI3L1 and GP73 in the pegylated interferon combined with ribavirin (PR) group were significantly lower at the end of 24 weeks of treatment than the baseline [89.15 (39.15, 149.74) ng/ml vs. 69.98 (20.52, 71.96) ng/ml, P < 0.05; 85.07 (60.07, 121) ng/ml vs. 54.17 (29.17, 78.65) ng/ml, P < 0.05]. Conclusion: CHI3L1 and GP73 are sensitive serological markers that can be used to monitor the fibrosis prognosis in CHC patients during treatment and after obtaining a sustained virological response. Serum CHI3L1 and GP73 levels in the DAAs group decreased earlier than those in the PR group, and the serum CHI3L1 levels in the untreated group increased compared with the baseline at about two years of follow-up.
Humans , Hepatitis C, Chronic/drug therapy , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Membrane Proteins/metabolism , Liver Cirrhosis/diagnosis , Fibrosis , BiomarkersABSTRACT
Objective: This article investigated the clinical characteristics and distribution of drug resistance mutation sites in HBV RT region of hepatitis B infected patients. Methods: Retrospective analysis was made on 1 948 patients with HBV infection, who had been tested for NAs resistance mutation and had a medical history of NAs in the Laboratory Department of the Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital from January 2020 to December 2021. Basic clinical information and drug resistance related mutation information were recorded. Meanwhile, the serological index data of hepatitis B were collected. Drug resistance gene mutant group and non-mutated group were grouped according to whether the drug resistance genes had a mutation in HBV RT region, and the clinical characteristics and genotype distribution of the two groups were statistically analyzed. The pattern of drug resistance gene mutation, number of mutation sites, drug resistance type and mutation of NAs resistance-related sites were analyzed in 917 patients with drug resistance gene mutation in HBV RT region. χ2 Inspection was used for counting data. Meanwhile, two independent samples t-test and Wilcoxon rank sum test were used for measurement data. Results: Among the 1 948 patients with chronic HBV infection, 917 patients had drug resistance gene mutation in RT region (47.07%). The proportion of patients with acute hepatitis B and CHB in HBV RT resistance gene mutant group was lower than that in the non-mutated group, while the proportion of patients with HBV-related cirrhosis was higher than that in the non-mutated group, these differences were statistically significant. Compared with the non-mutated group in HBV RT region, the age, the positive rates of HBeAg and HBV DNA, and HBV DNA load of these patients were increased in drug resistance gene mutant group, these differences were statistically significant. Genotypes of patients in both groups were dominated by C, followed by B and D. The proportion of patients with genotype C in HBV RT drug resistance gene mutant group was higher than that of non-mutated group, the difference was statistically significant. There were 53 gene mutation patterns in 917 patients with drug resistance gene mutation in HBV RT region, and the main pattern was rtL180M+rtM204V+rtS202G (9.70%). The mutation sites were dominated by 3 (20.74%). There were 5 types of drug resistance, LAM+Ldt (21.25%) was the most. Among the 18 sites that were clearly associated with LAM, ADV, ETV and Ldt resistance in the HBV RT region, 14 sites were mutated, and the most common mutation sites were rtL180M, rtM204V, rtM204 and rtS202G. what's more, the proportion of patients with NAs drug resistance was LAM>Ldt>ETV>ADV. Conclusion: In order to prevent adverse consequences of this study such as disease recurrence or disease progression caused by HBV drug resistance, HBV infected patients, who have long-term use of NAs antiviral therapy, should monitor the level of HBV DNA and drug resistance genes in HBV RT region in order to optimize the treatment plan in time or guide individualized treatment.
Humans , Hepatitis B virus/genetics , Hepatitis B, Chronic , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , DNA, Viral/therapeutic use , Retrospective Studies , Mutation , Drug Resistance, Viral/genetics , Lamivudine/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the efficacy and safety of letermovir in primary prophylaxis of cytomegalovirus (CMV) reactivation in patients receiving haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Methods: This retrospective, cohort study was conducted using data of patients who underwent haploidentical transplantation at Peking University Institute of Hematology and received letermovir for primary prophylaxis between May 1, 2022 and August 30, 2022. The inclusion criteria of the letermovir group were as follows: letermovir initiation within 30 days after transplantation and continuation for≥90 days after transplantation. Patients who underwent haploidentical transplantation within the same time period but did not receive letermovir prophylaxis were selected in a 1∶4 ratio as controls. The main outcomes were the incidence of CMV infection and CMV disease after transplantation as well as the possible effects of letermovir on acute graft versus host disease (aGVHD), non-relapse mortality (NRM), and bone marrow suppression. Categorical variables were analyzed by chi-square test, and continuous variables were analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test. The Kaplan-Meier method was used for evaluating incidence differences. Results: Seventeen patients were included in the letermovir prophylaxis group. The median patient age in the letermovir group was significantly greater than that in the control group (43 yr vs. 15 yr; Z=-4.28, P<0.001). The two groups showed no significant difference in sex distribution and primary diseases, etc. (all P>0.05). The proportion of CMV-seronegative donors was significantly higher in the letermovir prophylaxis group in comparison with the control group (8/17 vs. 0/68, χ2=35.32, P<0.001). Three out of the 17 patients in the letermovir group experienced CMV reactivation, which was significantly lower than the incidence of CMV reactivation in the control group (3/17 vs. 40/68, χ2=9.23, P=0.002), and no CMV disease development observed in the letermovir group. Letermovir showed no significant effects on platelet engraftment (P=0.105), aGVHD (P=0.348), and 100-day NRM (P=0.474). Conclusions: Preliminary data suggest that letermovir may effectively reduce the incidence of CMV infection after haploidentical transplantation without influencing aGVHD, NRM, and bone marrow suppression. Prospective randomized controlled studies are required to further verify these findings.
Humans , Cytomegalovirus , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Prospective Studies , Cytomegalovirus Infections/prevention & control , Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation/adverse effects , Graft vs Host Disease/prevention & control , Recurrence , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Chinese Society of Hepatology and Chinese Society of Infectious Diseases, Chinese Medical Association update the guidelines for the prevention and treatment of chronic hepatitis B (version 2022) in 2022. The latest guidelines recommend more extensive screening and more active antiviral treating for hepatitis B virus infection. This article interprets the essential updates in the guidelines to help deepen understanding and better guide the clinical practice.
Humans , Hepatitis B, Chronic/drug therapy , Hepatitis B/drug therapy , Hepatitis B virus , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , GastroenterologyABSTRACT
Hepatitis type E virus (HEV) is one of the main causes of acute hepatitis globally and has thus gained attention as a public health issue. The diverse clinical manifestations of hepatitis type E are typically acute and self-limiting with mild symptoms, but populations with underlying liver disease or immunocompromised patients can have severe and chronic symptoms. Severity and chronicity can arise and manifest as fulminant hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, or even hepatic failure. HEV infection-induced hepatic failure (acute-on-chronic liver failure), based on the different backgrounds of chronic liver disease, is a clinical phenotype of severe HEV infection that requires attention. In addition, HEV infection can exhibit extrahepatic clinical manifestations of multi-system and organ involvement like neurological diseases (Guillain-Barré syndrome), renal diseases (membranous/membranous proliferative glomerulonephritis, cryoglobulinemia), and blood diseases (thrombocytopenia). At home or abroad, there are no antiviral drugs approved, particularly for HE treatment. Since most acute HE can resolve spontaneously, no special treatment is required clinically. However, in patients with severe or chronic HE, ribavirin (RBV) monotherapy and/or pegylated interferon-combination therapy have achieved certain antiviral effects. Combined small-molecule drugs and RBV have been attempted to treat HEV, but high-level evidence-based treatment is still lacking. Thus, new, highly effective anti-HEV drugs are clinical priorities to address these concerns. Severe and chronic HEV infections' clinical phenotype, early detection, mechanism, intervention, and outcome need additional study.
Humans , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Ribavirin/therapeutic use , Hepatitis, Chronic/drug therapy , Hepatitis E virus , Liver Diseases/drug therapy , Liver Failure/drug therapyABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the role of transient elastography technology in the assessment of disease staging and treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Methods: Patients who were clinically diagnosed with chronic HBV infection at Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital from January 2018 to December 2021 was collected. Liver stiffness measurement (LSM) examination was performed more than once by transient elastography. The count data were expressed as cases (%) and the χ (2) test was made. Fisher's exact test was used with theoretical frequency less than 5. The measurement data between two groups was compared by t-test. Multiple groups were compared with an analysis of variance. Results: 1 055 patients were included in this study, including 669 (63.4%) males and 386 (36.6%) females. 757 (71.8%) patients were untreated. Among the untreated patients, the LSM value in the immune clearance (10.2 ± 3.8) kPa (187 cases, 40.4%), and the reactivation stages (9.1 ± 3.4) kPa (114 cases, 24.6%) was significantly higher than that in the immune tolerance (8.7 ± 3.6) kPa (78 cases, 16.8%) and immune control stages (8.4 ± 3.5) KPa (84 cases, 18.1%), and the difference between the four groups was statistically significant (F = 5.31 and P = 0.03). With ALT (male: 30 U/L, female: 19 U/L) as defined the normal value, the LSM value in the immune tolerance and the immune control stages were (5.8 ± 0.9) kPa and (7.1 ± 2.5) kPa, respectively, which were significantly lower than those of patients in the immune tolerance and immune control stages, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.01). There were 294 (38.8%) patients with uncertain period, excluding patients with fatty liver. Patients with uncertain periods were divided into four gray zone (GZ) groups: immune tolerance stage: LSM (5.1 ± 1.3) kPa was significantly lower than GZ-A (6.5 ± 2.4) kPa, t = 2.06, P = 0.03, and the difference was statistically significant; immune control stage: LSM was (5.6 ± 1.5) kPa, which was also lower than GZ-C (6.8 ± 1.3) kPa, t = 3.08, P = 0.02, and the difference was statistically significant; immune clearance stage: LSM > 8.0 kPa. LSM values showed a year-by-year reduction in patients with expanded indications who started antiviral treatment and were followed up for three years. Conclusion: The LSM value is significantly lower after the decrease of the defined high-normal ALT value in patients with the immune tolerance and immune control stages of chronic HBV infection. The LSM values of GZ-A and GZ-C in the uncertain periods of chronic HBV infection are higher than those of patients in the immune tolerance and immune control stages.
Humans , Male , Female , Hepatitis B, Chronic/drug therapy , Liver Cirrhosis/pathology , Elasticity Imaging Techniques , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Liver/pathologyABSTRACT
The resolution of the hepatitis C issue has raised expectations for a chronic hepatitis B cure, driving the industry to expand investment in research and development efforts to strengthen functional cure strategies. These strategies have a wide variety of types, and the published research findings are heterogeneous. The theoretical analysis of these strategies is of great significance for determining prioritized research orientations as well as sensibly allocating research and development resources. However, due to a paucity of necessary conceptual models, current theoretical analysis has not been able to unify various therapeutic strategies into a proper theoretical framework. In view of the fact that the decrease in the quantity of cccDNA is an inevitable core event accompanied by the process of functional cure, this paper intends to analyze several chronic hepatitis B cure strategies using cccDNA dynamics as a framework. Furthermore, there are currently few studies on the dynamics of the cccDNA field, hoping that this article can promote recognition and research in this field.
Humans , Hepatitis B virus/genetics , Hepatitis B, Chronic/drug therapy , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Virus Replication , DNA, Circular/therapeutic use , DNA, Viral/genetics , Hepatitis B/drug therapyABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of entecavir combined with Biejiajian pills and its influence on TCM syndrome scores during the treatment of chronic hepatitis B with hepatic fibrosis and blood stasis syndrome by prospective, randomized and controlled study. Methods: Patients with chronic hepatitis B with hepatic fibrosis and blood stasis syndrome were selected as the research subjects and randomly divided into a treatment group and a control group. Entecavir plus Biejiajian pills or entecavir plus a simulant of Biejiajian pills were given for 48 weeks. The changes in liver stiffness measurement (LSM) and TCM syndrome scores before and after treatment were compared between the two groups to analyze the correlation. The data between groups were analyzed by t-test/Wilcoxon rank sum test or χ(2) test. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analyze the correlation between TCM syndrome scores and LSM values. Results: After 48 weeks of treatment, the LSM values of the two groups were significantly lower than those of the baseline (P < 0.001), liver fibrosis was significantly improved, and the LSM values of the treatment group were lower than those of the control group [(8.67 ± 4.60) kPa and (10.13 ± 4.43) kPa, t = -2.011, P = 0.049]. After 48 weeks of treatment, the TCM syndrome scores of the two groups were significantly reduced compared with the baseline (P < 0.001), and the clinical symptoms were significantly relieved, and the total effective rates of the improvement of the TCM syndrome scores in the two groups were 74.19% and 72.97%, respectively, but the differences between the groups were not statistically significant (χ(2) = 0.013, P = 0.910). Correlation analysis showed that there was no obvious trend between TCM syndrome scores and LSM values. There were no serious adverse reactions associated with the drug during the observation period of this study. Conclusion: Based on antiviral treatment with entecavir, regardless of whether it is combined with the Biejiajian pill, it can effectively reduce the LSM value, improve liver fibrosis, reduce TCM syndrome scores, and alleviate symptoms in patients with chronic hepatitis B with liver fibrosis and blood stasis syndrome. Compared with entecavir alone, the combined Biejia pill has greater efficacy in improving liver fibrosis and a favorable safety profile, meriting its implementation and widespread application.
Humans , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Hepatitis B, Chronic/drug therapy , Liver Cirrhosis/drug therapy , Prospective Studies , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Objective: To understand ten-year changes in clinical characteristics and antiviral treatment patterns of chronic hepatitis B in China. Methods: Patients with chronic HBV infection:demographic, virologic, hematologic, blood biochemistry, and antiviral treatment data were extracted from the China Registry of Hepatitis B (CR-HepB) database between 2012 and 2022 for descriptive statistics and change trend analysis. Multiple group comparisons were conducted using the Kruskal Wallis H test, while counting data was compared between groups using χ (2) test. Results: A total of 180 012 patients with chronic HBV infection were included, with a median age of 40 years old, and a male proportion accounting for 60.2%. The HBeAg positive rate was 43.3%. Over time, the median age of new patients each year increased from 39 to 47 years, while the HBeAg positive rate decreased from 51.3% to 32.8%. The initial diagnosis of patients was mainly CHB (71.4%), followed by hepatitis B cirrhosis (11.8%), inactive HBsAg carrier status (10.6%), and chronic HBV carrier status (6.2%). Among the newly registered patients every year from 2012 to 2022, the proportion of hepatitis B cirrhosis remained stable, but after 2019, the proportion of CHB increased and the proportion of other diagnoses decreased. The proportion of patients with cirrhosis increased with age in different age groups, with 3.5%, 19.3%, and 30.4% in the < 40, 40-69, and≥70 age groups, respectively. The proportion of women in patients with cirrhosis also increased with age, from 16.1% in those < 30 years old to 44.3% in those≥80 years old. From 2012 to 2022, the proportion of patients receiving first-line nucleos(t)ide analog antiviral treatment increased year by year, from 51.0% in 2012-2013 to 99.8% in 2022. Conclusion: The CR-HepB registration data reflect the changes in clinical characteristics and antiviral treatment patterns in patients with chronic HBV infection in China over the past ten years and can thus provide a reference to promote hepatitis B diagnosis and treatment practice, as well as scientific research.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged, 80 and over , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Hepatitis B, Chronic/epidemiology , Hepatitis B e Antigens , Hepatitis B/drug therapy , Hepatitis B Surface Antigens , Hepatitis A , Liver Cirrhosis/drug therapy , China/epidemiology , Registries , Hepatitis B virus/genetics , DNA, ViralABSTRACT
Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infections caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) continue to pose a significant global public health challenge. Currently, the approved treatments for CHB are limited to interferon and nucleos(t)ide analogs, both of which have their limitations, and achieving a complete cure remains an elusive goal. Therefore, the identification of new therapeutic targets and the development of novel antiviral strategies are of utmost importance. Natural products (NPs) constitute a class of substances known for their diverse chemical structures, wide-ranging biological activities, and low toxicity profiles. They have shown promise as potential candidates for combating various diseases, with a substantial number demonstrating anti-HBV properties. This comprehensive review focuses on the current applications of NPs in the fight against HBV and provides a summary of their antiviral mechanisms, considering their impact on the viral life cycle and host hepatocytes. By offering insights into the world of anti-HBV NPs, this review aims to furnish valuable information to support the future development of antiviral drugs.
Humans , Hepatitis B virus , Hepatitis B, Chronic/drug therapy , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Biological Products/therapeutic use , HepatocytesABSTRACT
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox when it first infects humans, and the virus may reactivate in adulthood and cause herpes zoster (HZ). Broad-spectrum antiviral drugs are one of the treatments for varicella and herpes zoster, but the emergence of drug resistance poses many challenges to this treatment and increases the burden of disease on patients. This paper discusses the resistance mechanisms, resistance sites and resistance detection methods of anti-VZV drugs in order to help further research on new anti-VZV targets, new drugs and monitoring of resistance to existing drugs.
Humans , Herpesvirus 3, Human , Herpes Zoster , Chickenpox , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Drug ResistanceABSTRACT
This study aimed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of Chaiyin Granules compared with Oseltamivir Phosphate Capsules in the treatment of influenza(exogenous wind-heat syndrome). Based on a randomized, double-blind, positive drug parallel control clinical trial, this study evaluated the pharmacoeconomics of Chaiyin Granules with cost-effectiveness analysis method. A total of 116 patients with influenza from eight hospitals(grade Ⅱ level A above) in 6 cities were selected in this study, including 78 cases in the experimental group with Chaiyin Granules and Oseltamivir Phosphate Capsules placebo, and 38 cases in the control group with Oseltamivir Phosphate Capsules and Chaiyin Granules placebo. The total cost of this study included direct medical cost, direct non-medical cost, and indirect cost. The remission time of clinical symptoms, cure time/cure rate, antipyretic onset time/complete antipyretic time, viral nucleic acid negative rate, and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) syndrome curative effect were selected as the effect indicators for cost-effectiveness analysis. Four-quadrant diagram was used to estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. The results showed that Chaiyin Granules were not inferior to Oseltamivir Phosphate Capsules in the remission time of clinical symptoms of influenza(3.1 d vs 2.9 d, P=0.360, non-inferiority margin was 0.5 d). Compared with Oseltamivir Phosphate Capsules, Chaiyin Granules would delay the remission time of clinic symptoms of influenza for 1 d, but could save 213.9 yuan. 1 d delay in cure time could save 149.3 yuan; 1% reduction in the cure rate could save 8.2 yuan; 1 d delay in antipyretic onset time could save 295.4 yuan; 1 d delay in complete antipyretic time could save 114.3 yuan; 1% reduction in the 5-day cure rate of TCM syndrome could save 19.2 yuan. Different from other indicators, there was no statistically significant difference between two groups in the effect of negative conversion rate of viral nucleic acid, but the cost was lower and the effect was superior, and the pharmacoeconomics was not different from that of Oseltamivir Phosphate Capsules in the field of influenza treatment.
Humans , Antipyretics/therapeutic use , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Cost-Effectiveness Analysis , Influenza, Human/drug therapy , Nucleic Acids/therapeutic use , Oseltamivir/therapeutic use , Phosphates/therapeutic use , Treatment Outcome , Double-Blind MethodABSTRACT
The infection of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) can result in severe consequences, including chronic hepatitis, liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. Effective antiviral treatment has the potential to slow down the progression of the disease. HBV serum biomarkers play a crucial role in the dynamic management of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients. However, the conventional hepatitis B virus markers, such as hepatitis B serologic testing and HBV DNA, are insufficient to meet the clinical requirements. This review provided a comprehensive overview of the current research on the quantification of HBsAg and anti-HBc, HBV RNA and HBV core-associated antigen, which summarized the crucial role these markers play in the administration of antiviral medications, predicting the efficacy of treatment and anticipating the likelihood of virologic rebound following drug cessation, as well as assessing disease progression in CHB patients.