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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(1): e53860, ene.-dic. 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559318


Abstract Introduction: Leptodactylus latinasus and Physalaemus cuqui are sympatric anuran species with similar environmental requirements and contrasting reproductive modes. Climatic configuration determines distribution patterns and promotes sympatry of environmental niches, but specificity/selectivity determines the success of reproductive modes. Species distribution models (SDM) are a valuable tool to predict spatio-temporal distributions based on the extrapolation of environmental predictors. Objectives: To determine the spatio-temporal distribution of environmental niches and assess whether the protected areas of the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA) allow the conservation of these species in the current scenario and future. Methods: We applied different algorithms to predict the distribution and spatio-temporal overlap of environmental niches of L. latinasus and P. cuqui within South America in the last glacial maximum (LGM), middle-Holocene, current and future scenarios. We assess the conservation status of both species with the WDPA conservation units. Results: All applied algorithms showed high performance for both species (TSS = 0.87, AUC = 0.95). The L. latinasus predictions showed wide environmental niches from LGM to the current scenario (49 % stable niches, 37 % gained niches, and 13 % lost niches), suggesting historical fidelity to stable climatic-environmental regions. In the current-future transition, L. latinasus would increase the number of stable (70 %) and lost (20 %) niches, suggesting fidelity to lowland regions and a possible trend toward microendemism. P. cuqui loses environmental niches from the LGM to the current scenario (25 %) and in the current-future transition (63 %), increasing the environmental sympathy between both species; 31 % spatial overlap in the current scenario and 70 % in the future. Conclusion: Extreme drought events and rainfall variations, derived from climate change, suggest the loss of environmental niches for these species that are not currently threatened but are not adequately protected by conservation units. The loss of environmental niches increases spatial sympatry which represents a new challenge for anurans and the conservation of their populations.

Resumen Introducción: Leptodactylus latinasus y Physalaemus cuqui son especies de anuros simpátricos con requerimientos ambientales similares y modos reproductivos contrastantes. La configuración climática determina los patrones de distribución y promueve la simpatría de los nichos ambientales, pero la especificidad/selectividad determina el éxito de los modos reproductivos. Los modelos de distribución de especies (MDE) son una herramienta valiosa para predecir distribuciones espacio-temporales basadas en la extrapolación de predictores ambientales. Objetivos: Determinar la distribución espacio-temporal de los nichos ambientales y evaluar si las áreas protegidas de la base de Datos Mundial de Áreas Protegidas (DMAP) permiten la conservación de estas especies en el escenario actual y futuro. Métodos: Aplicamos diferentes algoritmos para predecir la distribución y superposición espacio-temporal de nichos ambientales de L. latinasus y P. cuqui dentro de América del Sur en el último máximo glacial (UGM), Holoceno medio, actual y futuro. Evaluamos el estado de conservación de ambas especies con las unidades de conservación de la DMAP. Resultados: Todos los algoritmos aplicados mostraron un alto rendimiento para ambas especies (TSS = 0.87, AUC = 0.95). Las predicciones de L. latinasus mostraron amplios nichos ambientales desde LGM hasta el escenario actual (49 % de nichos estables, 37 % de nichos ganados y 13 % de nichos perdidos), sugiriendo fidelidad histórica por regiones climático-ambientales estables. En la transición actual-futura L. latinasus incrementaría la cantidad de nichos estables (70 %) y perdidos (20 %), sugiriendo fidelidad por regiones de tierras bajas y la posible tendencia hacia el microendemismo. P. cuqui pierde nichos ambientales desde el LGM al escenario actual (25 %) y en la transición actual-futura (63 %), incrementando la simpatría ambiental entre ambas especies; 31 % de superposición espacial en el escenario actual y 70 % en el futuro. Conclusión: Los eventos de sequía extrema y las variaciones de precipitaciones, derivados del cambio climático, sugieren la pérdida de nichos ambientales para estas especies, actualmente no se encuentran amenazadas, pero no están adecuadamente protegidas por las unidades de conservación. La pérdida de nichos ambientales aumenta la simpatría espacial que representa un nuevo desafío para estos anuros y la conservación de sus poblaciones.

Animals , Anura/classification , Spatio-Temporal Analysis , South America , Climate Change
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e236496, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249245


Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis (the skittering frog) is one of the most widespread species in Pakistan. Present study was aimed to know the presence of Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis in urban and rural areas of Lower Dir, the North-western Pakistan. A total of 33 frogs were collected, including 15 from rural and 18 from urban areas. The frogs were caught by hands covered with gloves instead of using nets. The collection was managed from August to October 2016 and from April to May 2018. Morphometric analysis, coloration as well as photographs of the frogs have been provided in detail. Skittering frogs were seen frequent in swampy areas near the water bodies. These frogs were mostly seen after sunset.

Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis (a rã que desliza) é uma das espécies mais comuns no Paquistão. O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a presença de Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis em áreas urbanas e rurais de Lower Dir, noroeste do Paquistão. Um total de 33 sapos foram coletados, incluindo 15 de áreas rurais e 18 de áreas urbanas. As rãs foram apanhadas com as mãos cobertas com luvas em vez de redes. A coleta foi gerenciada de agosto a outubro de 2016 e de abril a maio de 2018. Análises morfométricas, coloração e também fotografias das rãs foram fornecidas em detalhes. Rãs saltitantes foram vistas freqüentemente em áreas pantanosas próximas aos corpos d'água. Essas rãs eram vistas principalmente após o pôr do sol.

Animals , Anura , Pakistan
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;81(4): 1144-1165, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153445


Abstract Although currently there is already a set of studies regarding ecological aspects of some particular reptile and amphibian species living in Brazilian sandy coastal plains (including the so-called "restinga" and "campo nativo" habitats), there is comparatively few information on the species composition usually associated to these environments. During 31 years (1988-2019) of herpetological studies carried out in sandy coastal plains environments by our research team of the Laboratory of Vertebrate Ecology (Department of Ecology, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, in Rio de Janeiro Brazil) we have surveyed reptile and amphibian communities and performed different studies with similar methods in 70 sites from 10 different states along the Brazilian coast. Our surveys resulted in records of 87 species of reptile (five turtles, two crocodylians, six amphisbaenians, 36 lizards and 39 snakes) from 24 families, and 77 species of anuran amphibians from nine families. We have studied multiple natural history topics for anurans and reptiles which resulted in the publication of some specific ecological studies, especially regarding some species, encompassing population and community ecology, foraging and feeding habits, species activity, thermoregulation, reproduction, use of microhabitats, and parasitism by ecto and endoparasites. Our results along these three decades have also contributed for the description of four new lizard species (Ameivula nativo, Glaucomastix littoralis, G. abaetensis and G. itabaianensis). Our studies constitute an important contribution to the knowledge of the ecology of anuran amphibians and reptiles in these ecosystems, as well as to the conservation of sandy coastal plains environment. The checklist presented in this study, based on our records of sandy coastal plains herpetofauna, provides for many localities along the Brazilian coast, the needed knowledge on species occurrence, including the presence of endemic and/or endangered species, which can be of value for many conservation actions.

Resumo Embora atualmente exista um conjunto de estudos sobre aspectos ecológicos de algumas espécies de répteis e de anfíbios que ocorrem nas planícies costeiras arenosas brasileiras (incluindo os chamados habitats de "restinga" e de "campo nativo"), há relativamente poucas informações sobre a composição de espécies geralmente associada a esses ambientes. Durante 31 anos (1988-2019) de estudos herpetológicos realizados em restingas por nossa equipe de pesquisa do Laboratório de Ecologia de Vertebrados (Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) nós estudamos comunidades de répteis e de anfíbios e realizamos diferentes estudos com métodos semelhantes em 70 localidades de dez diferentes Estados ao longo da costa brasileira. Nossas pesquisas resultaram em registros de 87 espécies de répteis (cinco tartarugas, dois crocodilianos, seis anfisbênios, 36 lagartos e 39 serpentes) de 24 famílias, e 77 espécies de anfíbios anuros de nove famílias. Estudamos vários tópicos de história natural sobre anuros e répteis, que resultaram na publicação de alguns estudos ecológicos específicos, especialmente em relação a algumas espécies, abrangendo ecologia populacional e de comunidades, forrageamento e dieta, horário de atividade de espécies, termorregulação, reprodução, uso do microhabitat e parasitismo por ecto e endoparasitas. Nossos resultados ao longo dessas três décadas também contribuíram para a descrição de quatro novas espécies de lagartos (Ameivula nativo, Glaucomastix littoralis, G. abaetensis e G. itabaianensis). Nossos estudos constituem uma importante contribuição para o conhecimento da ecologia de répteis e de anfíbios anuros nesses ecossistemas, bem como para a conservação dos ecossistemas de restinga. A lista de espécies apresentada neste estudo, com base em nossos registros de herpetofauna das planícies costeiras arenosas, fornece para muitas localidades ao longo da costa brasileira o conhecimento necessário sobre a ocorrência de espécies, incluindo a presença de espécies endêmicas e/ ou ameaçadas de extinção, que podem ser úteis para muitas ações de conservação.

Animals , Ecosystem , Lizards , Anura , Brazil , Sand
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;81(4): 855-866, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153426


Abstract The validation of many anuran species is based on a strictly descriptive, morphological analysis of a small number of specimens with a limited geographic distribution. The Scinax Wagler, 1830 genus is a controversial group with many doubtful taxa and taxonomic uncertainties, due a high number of cryptic species. One example is the pair of species Scinax constrictus and Scinax nebulosus, which share a similar morphology. Scinax constrictus is restricted to the Brazilian Cerrado savanna, while S. nebulosus is widely distributed throughout northern South America. Despite the validation of many anuran species, discriminations based only on morphological traits is quite difficult due to the high conservative morphology of some groups. In this context, the present study uses mitochondrial and nuclear genes to provide a more consistent diagnosis and test the validity of S. constrictus as a distinct species from S. nebulosus, as well as evaluate the position of these taxa within the Scinax genus. The topologies obtained herein uphold the monophyletic status of Scinax based on all molecular markers assessed in this study, in all analytical approaches, with high levels of statistical support.

Resumo A validação de muitas espécies de anuros é baseada em uma análise morfológica e descritiva de um pequeno número de espécimes com uma distribuição geográfica limitada. O gênero Scinax Wagler, 1830 é um grupo controverso com muitos táxons duvidosos e incertezas taxonômicas devido ao grande número de espécies crípticas. Um exemplo são as espécies, Scinax constrictus e Scinax nebulosus, que compartilham uma morfologia similar. Scinax constrictus é restrito à savana do Cerrado brasileiro, enquanto S. nebulosus é amplamente distribuído pelo norte da América do Sul. Apesar da validação de muitas espécies de anuros, a discriminação baseada apenas em características morfológicas é bastante difícil, devido à alta morfologia conservadora de alguns grupos. Neste contexto, o presente estudo utiliza genes mitocondriais e nucleares para fornecer um diagnóstico mais consistente e para testar a validade de S. constrictus como uma espécie distinta de S. nebulosus, bem como avaliar a posição destes táxons dentro do gênero Scinax. As topologias obtidas confirmaram o status monofilético de Scinax com base em todos os marcadores moleculares, em todas as abordagens analíticas, com altos níveis de suporte estatístico.

Animals , Anura/genetics , Phylogeny , Brazil
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 42(2): 201-220, jun./dez. 2021. Tab, Ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1293130


Studies of the diversity and natural history of amphibians are extremely important and contribute with the knowledge about the patterns of geographical distribution and biology of the species, outlining the factors that influence this distribution, and contributing to the development of conservation projects of them. This study aimed to identify the richness, abundance, spatial and temporal distribution of amphibians in the Bauru region, state of São Paulo, Brazil, and compare the species composition with others regions in the São Paulo state located in the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest. Eight locations were sampled between the years 2009 and 2012. Thirty-seven amphibian species were recorded, which represents 15.61% of the species in the state of São Paulo. In comparison to other regions of the state, Bauru resemble with the north-western region of the state and with the Assis Ecological Station in species composition. The community of amphibians in the studied region is regulated to morphoclimatic conditions, environmental heterogeneity and the conservation of natural resources, which directly reflect on the composition, abundance and species' spatial and temporal distribution of the amphibians in this region. The richness of amphibians of the Bauru region is significant for the state of São Paulo and contributes with the maintenance of environments with conditions for the occurrence of Proceratophrys moratoi, which is considered in threat of extinction. This study contributed with the filling gap on the amphibian knowledge of the state of São Paulo.

Estudos sobre diversidade e história natural de anfíbios são de extrema importância para o conhecimento sobre os padrões de distribuição geográfica e biologia das espécies delineando os fatores que influenciam nessa distribuição, o que contribui para a elaboração de projetos de conservação mais realistas e efetivos. Este estudo visou identificar a riqueza, abundância, distribuição espacial e temporal das espécies de anfíbios da região de Bauru, estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e comparar a composição de espécies com outras regiões de Cerrado e Mata Atlântica do estado de São Paulo. Oito localidades foram amostradas entre os anos de 2009 e 2012. Foram registradas 37 espécies de anfíbios, as quais representam 15,61% das espécies do estado de São Paulo. Em comparação com outras regiões do estado, Bauru se assemelha à Região Noroeste do estado e à Estação Ecológica de Assis na composição de espécies. A comunidade de anfíbios da região estudada é regulada pelas condições morfoclimáticas, heterogeneidade ambiental e estado de conservação dos recursos naturais, que refletem diretamente na composição, na abundância e nos padrões de distribuição espacial e temporal das espécies de anfíbios presentes na região. A riqueza de anfíbios da região de Bauru é significativa para o estado de São Paulo e contribui com a manutenção de ambientes com condições para a ocorrência de Proceratophrys moratoi, considerada em risco de extinção. Este estudo contribui com o preenchimento de lacunas no conhecimento de anfíbios do estado de São Paulo.

Animals , Anura , Natural History , Amphibians
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop;54: e04612020, 2021. graf
Article in English | SES-SP, ColecionaSUS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1143887


Abstract We report a case of envenomation by Dendrobates tinctorius in the northwest of the Amazon Forest. The patients were two men, who presented with numbness in the right arm and slight numbness in the lower lip, respectively. Dendrobates tinctorius secretions contain pumiliotoxin, one of several toxins found in the dendrobatidis skin, which interferes with muscle contraction and causes locomotor difficulties. Although Dendrobatidae is a family of anurans known for their venom, few studies describe the symptoms of envenomation in humans.

Animals , Male , Anura , Poisons , Skin , Brazil
Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 411-417, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153341


Phyllodytes tuberculosus is a bromeligenous anuran species whose geographic distribution is restricted to areas of the Caatinga and to transition zones between Caatinga and Atlantic Forest in the central-south of the state of Bahia. Its existence in close relationship with bromeliads and its occurrence in dry and highly seasonal environments drove us to the supposition that species is opportunistic/generalist regard to diet. We collected the items present in the stomach of 43 P. tuberculosus individuals with stomach-flushing method. Of these, 18 stomach contents were obtained during the dry period (April­October), and 25 during the rainy period (November­March). We recorded nine classes of prey, finding the greatest relative importance for the categories Formicidae and Coleoptera in dry season and Blattodea (Termites), Formicidae and Coleoptera in the rainy season. Phyllodytes tuberculosus presented a varied, possibly opportunistic diet in semiarid environments. Additionally, we report an apparent temporal differentiation related to the typical Caatinga seasonality. This study adds to the data on the natural history of an anuran species adapted to a semiarid environment with a narrow geographic distribution.

Phyllodytes tuberculosus é uma espécie de anuro bromelígena cuja distribuição geográfica está restrita a áreas de Caatinga e zonas de transição entre Caatinga e Mata Atlântica no centro-sul do estado da Bahia. Sua relação próxima com bromélias e sua ocorrência em ambientes secos e fortemente sazonais nos levou a supor que a espécie apresenta uma dieta generalista/oportunista. Por meio de lavagem estomacal, coletamos os itens alimentares presentes no estômago de 43 indivíduos de P. tuberculosus. Destes, 18 estômagos foram obtidos durante a estação seca (Abril-Outubro) e 25 durante a estação chuvosa (Novembro­Março). Nós registramos nove classes de presas, sendo que as maiores importâncias relativas foram observadas para os itens Formicidae e Coleoptera na estação seca e Blattodea (Termites), Formicidae e Coleoptera no conteúdo recuperado na estação chuvosa. Phyllodytes tuberculosus apresentou uma dieta variada, possivelmente oportunista, condizente com a vida em ambientes semiáridos. Ademais, também observamos uma aparente diferenciação temporal relacionada a sazonalidade típica da Caatinga. Este estudo adiciona dados a respeito da história natural de uma espécie de anuro adaptada a ambientes semiáridos e com distribuição geográfica restrita.

Animals , Anura , Forests , Bromelia , Diet , Seasons , Brazil
Acta amaz ; 50(4): 363-366, out. - dez. 2020. ilus, map
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455385


Amphibians are excellent bioindicators because they are sensitive to chemical pollution and can indicate ecosystem changes due to the presence of or exposure to chemical compounds. Here we report evidence of the impact of herbicides, including glyphosate, on amphibians in a locality in the central Brazilian Amazon and compare it with data from other biomes in Brazil. We observed malformations in three species of Leptodactylus and local extinctions of Scinax ruber and Rhinella marina from reproductive sites close to an area where herbicides had been applied. The observations in the Amazon are similar to reports from Brazils Atlantic forest on morphological anomalies and mortality in amphibians exposed to herbicides. We warn of the threat of expanding crops for the production of biofuels in the Amazon due to their cultivation being associated with agrochemicals, including glyphosate, posing a threat to the biodiversity of the Amazon biome.

Os anfíbios são ótimos bioindicadores porque são sensíveis à poluição química, indicando alterações ecossistêmicas pela presença de ou pela exposição a compostos químicos. Aqui nós relatamos evidências do impacto de herbicidas, incluindo glifosato, em anfíbios em uma localidade na Amazônia central brasileira e as comparamos com dados de outros biomas no Brasil. Nós observamos malformações em três espécies de Leptodactylus e extinção local de Scinax ruber e Rhinella marina em sítios reprodutivos próximos a uma área onde herbicidas haviam sido aplicados. Os resultados observados na Amazônia são semelhantes aos observados na Mata Atlântica do Brasil, com alterações morfológicas e mortalidade em anfíbios expostos a herbicidas. Alertamos para a ameaça de expansão de culturas para a produção de biocombustíveis na Amazônia, devido ao fato de o cultivo estar associado a agroquímicos, incluindo o glifosato, representando uma ameaça à biodiversidade do bioma Amazônia.

Animals , Anura/genetics , Ecotoxicology , Herbicides , Environment , Mutagens/analysis
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;68(3)sept. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507703


Introducción: El estudio de las estrategias de uso y partición del recurso espacial resulta importante para entender los mecanismos de coexistencia de especies de anfibios simpátricas, más aún cuando existen variaciones temporales en la disponibilidad de hábitats. Objetivo: Conocer los patrones de uso de microhábitat, sus variaciones estacionales y la posible influencia de la filogenia en un ensamble de anuros del Chaco Serrano de Argentina. Métodos: Los muestreos se realizaron en el área protegida Parque Natural Valle Fértil, Departamento Valle Fértil, San Juan, entre el 2012 y 2017. En campo, se registró el microhábitat donde se encontró cada ejemplar y se midieron variables del sitio. Además, se determinó la disponibilidad de microhábitats. Los datos se analizaron mediante el índice de selectividad de Manly. Para evaluar variaciones temporales en el uso de microhábitats se utilizaron modelos lineales generalizados (GLM). Resultados: Las especies evaluadas fueron: Rhinella arenarum arenarum, Leptodactylus latrans, Pleurodema tucumanum y Odontophrynus occidentalis. Todas las especies mostraron diferencias en las frecuencias de uso: R. a. arenarum mostró preferencias hacia los sitios rocosos y acuáticos, P. tucumanum exhibió preferencias hacia los sitios con suelo desnudo y rocas, L. latrans y O. occidentalis presentaron mayores preferencias hacia los sitios rocosos y acuáticos. Todas las especies excepto Odontophrynus exhibieron variaciones estacionales en la selección y uso de los microhábitats. Odontophrynus occidentalis presentó diferencias en las proporciones de uso entre microhábitats. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra la plasticidad en el uso de microhábitats como un determinante importante en la distribución espacial de anuros, sin restricciones aparentes impuestas por la competencia, el espacio ni la filogenia. Cuando la actividad de las especies es coincidente, el recurso espacial puede distribuirse de manera que se reduzca el solapamiento entre especies.

Introduction: Research on spatial resource usage and partition strategies is important to understand the mechanisms of coexistence in sympatric amphibian species, even more when there are temporal variations in habitat availability. Objective: To learn about the patterns of microhabitat use, its seasonal variations and the possible influence of phylogeny on an anuran assembly of the Chaco Serrano in Argentina. Methods: Samplings were carried out in the Valle Fértil Natural Park protected area, Valle Fértil Department, San Juan, between 2012 and 2017. In the field, we recorded the microhabitat where each specimen was found, and we also measured site variables. In addition, microhabitats availability was determined. Data were analyzed using Manly's selectivity index. Generalized linear models (GLM) were used to assess temporal variations in microhabitat use. Results: The species evaluated were: Rhinella arenarum arenarum, Leptodactylus latrans, Pleurodema tucumanum and Odontophrynus occidentalis. All species showed differences in usage frequencies: R. a. arenarum showed preferences for rocky and aquatic sites, P. tucumanum showed preferences towards bare soil and rocky sites, L. latrans and O. occidentalis showed greater preferences for rocky and aquatic sites. All species but Odontophrynus exhibited seasonal variations in microhabitat selection and usage. Odontophrynusoccidentalis showed differences in usage proportions among microhabitats. Conclusions: This study shows plasticity in microhabitat usage as an important determinant of anuran spatial distribution, without apparent restrictions imposed by space competition or phylogeny. When species activity is coincident, the space resource may be distributed in a way that species overlap is reduced.

Animals , Anura/classification , Population Characteristics , Argentina , Sampling Studies , Amphibians
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis;26: e20190078, 2020. graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1091025


Argenteohyla siemersi (red-spotted Argentina frog) is a casque-headed tree frog species belonging to the Hylidae family. This species has a complex combination of anti-predator defense mechanisms that include a highly lethal skin secretion. However, biochemical composition and biological effects of this secretion have not yet been studied. Methods: The A. siemersi skin secretion samples were analyzed by mass spectrometry and chromatographic analysis (MALDI-TOF/MS, RP-HPLC and GC-MS). Proteins were also studied by SDS-PAGE. Among the biological activities evaluated, several enzymatic activities (hemolytic, phospholipase A2, clotting, proteolytic and amidolytic) were assessed. Furthermore, the cytotoxic activity (cytolysis and fluorescence staining) was evaluated on myoblasts of the C2C12 cell line. Results: The MALDI-TOF/MS analysis identified polypeptides and proteins in the aqueous solution of A. siemersi skin secretion. SDS-PAGE revealed the presence of proteins with molecular masses from 15 to 55 kDa. Steroids, but no alkaloids or peptides (less than 5 KDa), were detected using mass spectrometry. Skin secretion revealed the presence of lipids in methanolic extract, as analyzed by CG-MS. This secretion showed hemolytic and phospholipase A2 activities, but was devoid of amidolytic, proteolytic or clotting activities. Moreover, dose-dependent cytotoxicity in cultured C2C12 myoblasts of the skin secretion was demonstrated. Morphological analysis, quantification of lactate dehydrogenase release and fluorescence staining indicated that the cell death triggered by this secretion involved necrosis. Conclusions: Results presented herein evidence the biochemical composition and biological effects of A. siemersi skin secretion and contribute to the knowledge on the defense mechanisms of casque-headed frogs.(AU)

Animals , Anura , Peptides , Mass Spectrometry , Biological Products , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel , Phospholipases A2 , Biochemical Reactions/classification , Cytotoxins
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;49(4): 307-310, out. - dez. 2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118953


Although relatively common among omnivorous primates, anurophagy is still poorly documented in frugivorous species. Here we report the predation of a giant gladiator treefrog (Boana boans) by a large arboreal frugivore, the gray woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha cana). The predation event occurred in a stretch of riparian forest located in a fragmented region in Cacoal, Rondônia state, in southwestern Brazilian Amazonia. Anurans can be a profitable, non-contested, and relatively easily acquired alternative resource for gray woolly monkeys, helping to fulfill their demand for protein, especially in periods of fruit scarcity. This new record broadens the knowledge on the natural history and predators of the giant gladiator frog. (AU)

Anura , Primates , Amazonian Ecosystem , Diet , Atelinae
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;79(4): 566-576, Nov. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001471


Abstract Vocalizations are an important trait for the identification of cryptic and/or closely related amphibian species. Different vocalizations also contribute to partitioning of the acoustic space by sympatric species. This study aimed to describe the advertisement calls of anurans in a pond of the municipality of Floriano, State of Piauí, Brazil, and infer the acoustic niche partitioning of amphibians. Euclidean distance was used in a cluster analysis approach to infer the acoustic similarities among species. Thirteen species were analysed: Boana raniceps, Dendropsophus nanus, D. rubicundulus , D. minutus, Leptodactylus fuscus, L. troglodytes, L. vastus, Pithecopus nordestinus , Physalaemus cuvieri, P. nattereri, Pleurodema diplolister, Proceratophrys cristiceps and Scinax ruber. From these, six showed more than 90% of acoustic overlap: P. nattereri , P. cuvieri, L. fuscus and L. vastus (Leptodactylidae); and, D. nanus and D. rubicundulus (Hylidae). Despite the acoustic similarities among these six species, the acoustic interference was reduced due to the small number of sympatric species and to distinct features on carrier frequency such as dominant frequency and the degree of modulation in the frequency. Environmental factors limit the periods and sites of reproduction respectively, which may maintain the low anuran diversity and consequently reduce acoustic overlap.

Resumo A vocalização é um componente importante na identificação de espécies crípticas e/ou proximamente relacionadas de anfíbios anuros. Diferenças na bioacústica também contribuem para o particionamento do espaço acústico entre espécies simpátricas. Este estudo descreve o canto de anúncio de anuros em uma lagoa temporária do município de Floriano, Estado do Piauí, Brasil, além de buscar inferir o particionamento do nicho acústico entre essas espécies. Para tanto, foi utilizada a distância Euclidiana para compor uma análise de conglomerados e avaliar a similaridade/dissimilaridade da bioacústica da anurofauna. Treze espécies foram amostradas: Boana raniceps, Dendropsophus nanus, D. rubicundulus , D. minutus, Leptodactylus fuscus, L. troglodytes, L. vastus, Pithecopus nordestinus , Physalaemus cuvieri, P. nattereri, Pleurodema diplolister, Proceratophrys cristiceps e Scinax ruber. Destas, seis apresentaram mais de 90% de sobreposição acústica: P. nattereri, P. cuvieri, L. fuscus e L. vastus (Leptodactylidae); e, D. nanus e D. rubicundulus (Hylidae). Apesar da similaridade acústica entre essas seis espécies, a interferência é reduzida devido ao pequeno número de espécies simpátricas e certas características distintas na frequência do canto, tais como: frequência dominante e sua modulação. Fatores ambientais específicos do semiárido limitam os períodos e sítios reprodutivos, o que mantém baixa diversidade de espécies e consequentemente reduz a sobreposição no nicho acústico.

Animals , Anura/physiology , Vocalization, Animal , Acoustics , Brazil , Ponds
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(7): 935-939, jul. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058625


Phyllomedusa bicolor or Kambo is a frog that lives in the Amazon rainforest. It can release through its skin a substance used in healing rituals that are common among South-American tribes, as well as in urban people of America and Europe. We report a 41-year-old female patient who, during a healing ritual consumed ayahuasca (a drink obtained from the mixture of Banisteriopsis caapi, Psychotria viridis and Mimosa hostilis) and 12 hours later received the poison of Kambo Frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor) on superficial right shoulder skin burns. The ritual included a minimum of six-liter water intake over a few hours period. She evolved with clouding of sensorium, motor agitation, frequent vomiting, and generalized tonic-clonic seizures. She presented lethargic to the emergency room, with a weak pupillary light reflex, generalized stiffness, moving all four limbs. Laboratory showed severe hyponatremia (120 mEq/L) and a creatine kinase level of 8,479 UI/L, that increased 107,216 IU/L within few days. An admission CT Brain scan was normal. The toxicological screening did not identify the presence of other substances. During hospitalization the patient developed severe psychomotor agitation controlled by a dexmedetomidine infusion, hyponatremia, low plasma osmolality (248 mOsm/kg), and disproportionately high urinary osmolality (448 mOsm/kg), suggestive of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion syndrome (SIADH). With correction of hyponatremia, the patient gradually recovered consciousness. Rhabdomyolysis was assumed to be secondary to seizure and managed by volume and bicarbonate infusions with a positive response.

Humans , Animals , Female , Adult , Anura , Venoms/toxicity , Hyponatremia/chemically induced , Severity of Illness Index , Ceremonial Behavior
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;49(2): 122-130, abr. - jun. 2019. mapas, ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1119157


Few studies in the Amazon region have evaluated anuran diversity in urban forest fragments or in areas with differing degrees of anthropogenic impact. We determined the composition and abundance of the anurofauna in urban and rural sites within the municipality of Itacoatiara in central Amazonia, Brazil. Specimens were sampled from January 2012 to May 2013 in 10 urban sites and five rural sites. A total of 1,538 anurans (930 in rural sites and 608 in urban sites) were recorded, belonging to 29 species in five families. Species richness was higher in rural sites, with 10 exclusive species. All species found in urban sites were also found in rural sites, however, species abundance varied considerably between the habitats. Sampling- and individual-based rarefaction curves showed a tendency toward stabilization of species richness only in the urban sites. We concluded that the anuran assemblages in the urban sites are depauperate due to the absence of many species associated to pristine terra firme or várzea and igapó forests. Habitat loss and quality degradation in urban landscapes are the main factors threatening amphibian diversity. The anuran assemblages in our study areas were similar to those recorded in other Amazonian habitats. Conservation measures involving anurans in this region should consider the preservation of habitat mosaics, including both pristine terra firme, várzea and igapó forests. (AU)

Poucos estudos avaliaram a diversidade de anuros em fragmentos florestais urbanos ou em áreas com diferentes graus de impacto antrópico na Amazônia. Neste estudo foi determinada a composição e abundância de anuros em áreas urbanas e rurais no município de Itacoatiara, na Amazônia central, Brasil. Anuros foram amostrados entre janeiro de 2012 e maio de 2013 em 10 locais na área urbana e cinco na área rural. Um total de 1.538 indivíduos (930 na área rural e 608 na área urbana) foram registrados, compreendendo 29 espécies e cinco famílias. A área rural apresentou maior riqueza de espécies, com 10 espécies exclusivas. Todas as espécies identificadas na área urbana também foram encontradas na área rural, mas a abundância das espécies entre ambas áreas variou consideravelmente. Curvas de rarefação por amostragem e por número de indivíduos tenderam à estabilização na riqueza de espécies somente na área urbana. Concluímos que a comunidade de anuros na área urbana está empobrecida devido à ausência de muitas espécies associadas à ambientes inalterados de florestas de terra firme, várzea e igapó. A degradação da qualidade e a perda de habitat nas paisagens urbanas são os principais fatores que ameaçam a diversidade de anfíbios. A comunidade de anuros registrada neste estudo foi similar às de outros habitats na Amazônia. Medidas de conservação envolvendo anuros nesta região devem considerar a preservação de um mosaico de habitats que inclua áreas naturais de floresta de terra firme, várzea e igapó.(AU)

Animals , Anura/physiology , Amazonian Ecosystem , Biodiversity , Brazil , Rural Areas , Urban Area
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;67(1): 1-10, Jan.-Mar. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041889


Abstract Phyllomedusa azurea is a frog species well distributed geographically in South America, including Brazilian biomes as Pantanal and Cerrado. Compared with other anurans from the Phyllomedusinae family, there are few reports on the bioactive potential of skin-derived molecules from this species. In this perspective, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro antibacterial activity of skin secretion of P. azurea by detection of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of the growth of bacterial indicator strains and to determine if occurs a changing in the bacterial cell envelope permeability. The MIC determination was carried out by the microdilution plate method. The absorbance was measured and analyzed statistically using the t-test to compare two groups (0.05 % of significance). The impact of the crude extract on cell envelope permeability of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 was conducted by the crystal violet assay, and the absorbance was measured spectrophotometry followed by the calculation of the crystal violet uptake percentage. The specific MIC for S. aureus ATCC 25923 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 was 31.25 µg/mL, while for Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 was 125 µg/mL and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 was 250 µg/mL. The treatment with crescent concentrations of frog skin secretion increased the crystal violet uptake by S. aureus ATCC 25923 cells, suggesting an action on the cell plasma membrane. The results demonstrated that the skin secretion of P. azurea presents antibacterial activity and merit further investigations to characterize the bioactive molecules.(AU)

Resumen P. azurea es una especie de rana bien distribuida geográficamente en América del Sur, que incluye biomas brasileños como Pantanal y Cerrado. En comparación con otros anuros de Phyllomedusinae, existen pocos informes sobre el potencial bioactivo de las moléculas derivadas de la piel de esta especie. En esta perspectiva, el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la actividad antibacteriana in vitro de la secreción de la piel de P. azurea mediante la detección de la Concentración Inhibitoria Mínima (CIM) del crecimiento de cepas indicadoras bacterianas y determinar si ocurre un cambio en la permeabilidad de la envoltura celular bacteriana. La determinación de MIC se llevó a cabo mediante el método de la placa de microdilución. La absorbancia se midió y se analizó estadísticamente mediante la prueba t para comparar dos grupos (0.05 de significancia). El impacto del extracto crudo sobre la permeabilidad de la envoltura celular de Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 se realizó mediante el ensayo de cristal violeta, y se midió la absorbancia mediante espectrofotometría seguida del cálculo del porcentaje de absorción de violeta cristal. La CIM específica para S. aureus ATCC 25923 y Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 fue 31.25 μg / ml, mientras que para Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 de 125 μg / ml y Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 de 250 μg / ml. El tratamiento con concentraciones crecientes de secreción de piel de rana aumentó la absorción de violeta cristal por las células de S. aureus ATCC 25923, sugiriendo una acción sobre la membrana plasmática de la célula. Los resultados demostraron que la secreción de la piel de P. azurea presenta actividad antibacteriana y amerita más investigaciones para caracterizar las moléculas bioactivas.(AU)

Anura/microbiology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests/instrumentation , Ecosystem , Bodily Secretions , Brazil
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-776523


OBJECTIVE@#To quantitatively investigate the effects of Ringer's solution with different concentrations of alcohol (1%~80%) on biphasic compound action potentials (AP) from frog sciatic nerve trunk, and their recoveries from alcohol effects.@*METHODS@#Individual segments of frog sciatic nerve trunk with a length of 6 to 8 cm were prepared. Ringer's solution with different concentrations of alcohol (0%, 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%, 16%, 32%, 48%, 64% and 80%) was applied onto the segment of the trunk between the stimulus and ground electrodes via an agent reservoir which was newly armed in a nerve trunk shielded chamber for 5 minutes. The nerve trunk was respectively electro-stimulated to generate the biphasic compound AP which was recorded using the experimental system of BL-420F. This was followed by 5 times washout plus 5 min administration with Ringer's solution before recovery recording of AP.@*RESULTS@#Compared to normal Ringer's solution, Ringer's solution with alcohol at ≤4% did not have dramatic impacts on the AP amplitude and conduction velocity, while Ringer's solution with alcohol at ≥8% there was significant decrease in these two parameters. Ringer's solution with alcohol at the conentrations of 16%, 32% and ≥48% could prevent a small proportion (30%), a large proportion (90%) and all (100%) of sciatic nerve trunks, respectively, from generating AP. Washout with normal Ringer's solution after alcohol application at the concentration of ≤32%, AP could totally recover to normal status. While alcohol at the concentration of 48%, 64% and 80%, the probabilities to regenerate APs were 90%, 40% and 0%, and the AP amplitudes were decreased to 60%, 36% and 0%, respectively. After washout, AP conduction velocity showed no difference with alcohol at the concentration of ≤8% when compared with that before washout, while it could not be recovered to normal under alcohol at ≥16%.@*CONCLUSION@#Ringer's solution with different concentrations of alcohol exerts different effects on biphasic compound AP amplitude and conduction velocity. Hopefully, our findings could be helpful for the alcoholic usage and its recovery from alcoholic damage.

Animals , Action Potentials , Anura , Ethanol , Pharmacology , Ringer's Solution , Pharmacology , Sciatic Nerve
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;66(4): 1401-1411, oct.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003333


Abstract The morphometric variation of body size is an important topic of the natural history of the species which has been received particular interest. In this study, we estimated differences in body size and age structure of six populations of Boana cordobae living at different altitudes, 808-2 310 m.a.s.l. in Córdoba and San Luis provinces (Argentina). We measured 15 morphometric variables and used skeletochronology to age determination of 79 individuals. Morphometric variables showed significant differences between sexes, being females larger than males, even when the effect of age was taken into account. We found a significant relationship between age and most of the morphometric variables. When removing the effects of age, we found significant inter-population differences in body size. Males from the high-elevation populations were larger than individuals from low-elevation populations. These results suggest that a difference in age structure between populations is a main factor for the geographic variation in body size of this species.(AU)

Resumen La variación morfométrica del tamaño corporal es un aspecto importante de la historia natural de las especies, que ha sido de particular interés. En este estudio se estimaron diferencias en el tamaño corporal y la estructura de edad de seis poblaciones de Boana cordobae que viven a diferentes altitudes, 808-2 310 m.a.s.l. en las provincias de Córdoba y San Luis (Argentina). La técnica de esqueletocronología se utilizó para la determinación de la edad, mediante la medición de 15 variables morfométricas en 79 individuos. Las variables morfométricas mostraron diferencias significativas entre sexos, siendo las hembras de mayor tamaño que los machos, incluso cuando el efecto de la edad se tuvo en cuenta; y se encontró una relación significativa entre la edad y la mayoría de las variables morfométricas. Cuando el efecto de la edad fue removido, se encontraron diferencias significativas en el tamaño del cuerpo entre las poblaciones estudiadas. Machos de poblaciones de mayor altitud son más grandes que los de altitudes menores. Estos resultados sugieren que las diferencias en la estructura de edad entre las poblaciones es un factor de importancia a tener en cuenta para analizar la variación en el tamaño corporal de esta especie según el área geográfica.(AU)

Anura/anatomy & histology , Age Determination by Skeleton , Body Size , Argentina
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 21(1): 1-7, Jan-Mar. 2018. tab, mapas, graf, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-915826


Em relação aos anfíbios dos Estados de Goiás e Tocantins, os trabalhos disponíveis tratam de descrições de espécies e de ecologia de anfíbios. Esse trabalho foi realizado em uma área de importância ao ecoturismo, denominada cachoeira da Roncadeira, Tocantins. O presente estudo teve como propósito realizar um levantamento rápido sobre a anurofauna e com bases nestes dados, fazer comentários sobre a qualidade ambiental. No presente levantamento foi aplicada a técnica de busca ativa, que consiste na revirada de troncos, pedras e folhas caídas em locais úmidos, no período compreendido entre as 06h 30 min - 08h 30 min e 19h 30 min - 21h 30 min. Gravação dos registros sonoros, visualização direta e registros fotográficos foram realizados e analisados comparativamente com os guias de identificação visuais. Foram registradas 18 espécies de anuros na área de influência da cachoeira da Roncadeira, distribuídas nas famílias Bufonidae (2), Hylidae (7), Leptodactylidae (6), Microhylidae (3). Pela amostra aqui apresentada ser bem representativa da área de influência da cachoeira, está evidente a existência de boa qualidade ambiental local, sendo um indicador para a necessidade de investimentos em preservação para o ecoturismo com sustentabilidade.(AU)

The studies related to amphibians in the states of Goiás and Tocantins deal with the description of species and the ecology of amphibians. This paper was developed in an area of importance to ecotourism, known as the Roncadeira Waterfall, in the state of Tocantins. It has the purpose of carrying out a quick survey on the anuran fauna and, based on such data, comment on the environmental quality. The active search technique was applied on this survey, consisting in the overturning of trunks, rocks and leaves fallen in humid places, in the period between 6:30-8:30 a.m. and 7:30-9:30 p.m. Sounds were recorded, direct visualization and photographic records were made and analyzed by comparison to the visual identification guides. A total of 18 species of frogs were recorded in the area of influence of the Roncadeira Waterfall, distributed among Bufonidae (2), Hylidae (7), Leptodactylidae (6) and Microhylidae (3) families. The sample presented here is a good representative of the area of influence of the waterfall, providing evidence of the existence of a good local environmental quality, an indicator of the need for investments in preservation for sustainable ecoturism.(AU)

En cuanto a los anfibios de los Estados de Goiás y Tocantins, los trabajos disponibles tratan de descripciones de especies y de ecología de anfibios. Ese trabajo ha sido realizado en un área de importancia para el ecoturismo, denominada Cascada de la Roncadeira, Tocantins. El presente estudio tuvo como propósito realizar un levantamiento rápido sobre la anurofauna y con base en estos datos, hacer comentarios sobre la calidad ambiental. En el presente levantamiento se aplicó la técnica de búsqueda activa, que consiste en la revirada de troncos, piedras y hojas caídas en lugares húmedos, en el período comprendido entre las 06h 30 min - 08h 30 min y 19h 30 min - 21h 30 min. La grabación de los registros sonoros, visualización directa y los registros fotográficos han sido realizados y analizados en comparación con las guías de identificación visual. Se registraron 18 especies de anuros en el área de influencia de la cascada de la Roncadeira, distribuidas en las familias Bufonidae (2), Hylidae (7), Leptodactylidae (6), Microhylidae (3). Por la muestra aquí presentada es muy representativa del área de influencia de la cascada, está evidente la existencia de buena calidad ambiental local, siendo un indicador para la necesidad de inversiones en preservación para el ecoturismo con sustentabilidad.(AU)

Animals , Anura/classification , Data Collection/trends , Data Collection/statistics & numerical data