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Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 984-990, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569276


SUMMARY: In this study we aimed to examine the effect of novel vasodilatory drug Riociguat co-administration along resveratrol to recover neurodegeneration in experimental stroke injury. For that purpose, thirty-five adult female rats were divided into five groups (Control, MCAO, MCAO + R, MCAO + BAY, MCAO + C) of seven animals in each. Animals in Control group did not expose to any application during the experiment and sacrificed at the end of the study. Rats in the rest groups exposed to middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) induced ischemic stroke. MCAO + R group received 30 mg/kg resveratrol, and MCAO + BAY group received 10 mg/kg Riociguat. The MCAO + C group received both drugs simultaneously. The drugs were administered just before the reperfusion, and the additional doses were administered 24h, and 48h hours of reperfusion. All animals in this study were sacrificed at the 72nd hour of experiment. Total brains were received for analysis. Results of this experiment indicated that MCAO led to severe injury in cerebral structure. Bax, IL-6 and IL-1ß tissue levels were up-regulated, but anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 immunoexpression was suppressed (p<0.05). In resveratrol and Riociguat treated animals, the neurodegenerations and apoptosis and inflammation associated protein expressions were improved compared to MCAO group, but the most success was obtained in combined treatment exposed animals in MCAO + C group. This study indicated that the novel soluble guanylate stimulator Riociguat is not only a potent neuroprotective drug in MCAO induced stroke, but also synergistic administration of Riociguat along with resveratrol have potential to increase the neuroprotective effect of resveratrol in experimental cerebral stroke exposed rats.

En este estudio, nuestro objetivo fue examinar el efecto de la coadministración del nuevo fármaco vasodilatador Riociguat junto con resveratrol para recuperar la neurodegeneración en lesiones por ataques cerebrovasculares experimentales. Para ello, se dividieron 35 ratas hembras adultas en cinco grupos (Control, MCAO, MCAO + R, MCAO + BAY, MCAO + C) de siete animales en cada uno. Los animales del grupo control no fueron sometidos a ninguna aplicación durante el experimento y se sacrificaron al final del estudio. Las ratas de los grupos expuestas a la oclusión de la arteria cerebral media (MCAO) indujeron un ataque cerebrovascular isquémico. El grupo MCAO + R recibió 30 mg/kg de resveratrol y el grupo MCAO + BAY recibió 10 mg/kg de Riociguat. El grupo MCAO + C recibió ambos fármacos simultáneamente. Los fármacos se administraron antes de la reperfusión y las dosis adicionales se administraron a las 24 y 48 horas de la reperfusión. Todos los animales en este estudio fueron sacrificados a las 72 horas del experimento. Se recibieron cerebros totales para su análisis. Los resultados indicaron que la MCAO provocaba lesiones graves en la estructura cerebral. Los niveles tisulares de Bax, IL-6 e IL- 1ß estaban regulados positivamente, pero se suprimió la inmunoexpresión antiapoptótica de Bcl-2 (p <0,05). En los animales tratados con resveratrol y Riociguat, las neurodegeneraciones y las expresiones de proteínas asociadas a la apoptosis y la inflamación mejoraron en comparación con el grupo MCAO, sin embargo el mayor éxito se obtuvo en el tratamiento combinado de animales expuestos en el grupo MCAO + C. Este estudio indicó que el nuevo estimulador de guanilato ciclasa soluble Riociguat no solo es un fármaco neuroprotector potente en el ataque cerebrovascular inducido por MCAO, sino que también la administración sinérgica de Riociguat junto con resveratrol tiene el potencial para aumentar el efecto neuroprotector del resveratrol en ratas experimentales expuestas a un ataque cerebrovascular.

Animals , Female , Rats , Pyrazoles/administration & dosage , Pyrimidines/administration & dosage , Stroke/drug therapy , Resveratrol/administration & dosage , Arterial Occlusive Diseases , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Immunohistochemistry , Interleukin-6/analysis , Apoptosis/drug effects , Neuroprotective Agents , Middle Cerebral Artery , Stroke/pathology , Enzyme Activators/administration & dosage , Models, Animal , Drug Therapy, Combination , Interleukin-1beta/analysis , Guanylate Cyclase/drug effects , Inflammation
Acta cir. bras ; Acta Cir. Bras. (Online);38: e387923, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1527593


Purpose: Temporary arterial occlusion (TAO) is a widespread practice in the surgical treatment of intracranial aneurysms. This study aimed to investigate TAO's role during ruptured aneurysm clipping as an independent prognostic factor on short- and long-term outcomes. Methods: This prospective cohort included 180 patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysms and an indication of microsurgical treatment. Patients who died in the first 12 hours after admission were excluded. Results: TAO was associated with intraoperative rupture (IOR) (odds ratio ­ OR = 10.54; 95% confidence interval ­ 95%CI 4.72­23.55; p < 0.001) and surgical complications (OR = 2.14; 95%CI 1.11­4.07; p = 0.01). The group with TAO and IOR had no significant difference in clinical (p = 0.06) and surgical (p = 0.94) complications compared to the group that had TAO, but no IOR. Among the 111 patients followed six months after treatment, IOR, number of occlusions, and total time of occlusion were not associated with Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) in the follow-up (respectively, p = 0.18, p = 0.30, and p = 0.73). Among patients who underwent TAO, IOR was also not associated with GOS in the follow-up (p = 0.29). Conclusions: TAO was associated with IOR and surgical complications, being the latter independent of IOR occurrence. In long-term analysis, neither TAO nor IOR were associated with poor clinical outcomes.

Arterial Occlusive Diseases , Subarachnoid Hemorrhage , Intracranial Aneurysm/surgery , Intraoperative Complications
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 117-121, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935588


Aortoiliac occlusive disease (AIOD) refers to the stenosis and occlusion of the distal abdominal aorta and(or) bifurcation of the aortoiliac artery,which is mainly caused by atherosclerosis,leading to pelvic and lower limb ischemia.Open surgery has always been the main treatment for complex AIOD.However,in recent years,with the development of endovascular surgery technologies and medical instruments,its treatment concept has been greatly changed.More and more clinical evidence has proved that the long-term efficacy of endovascular therapy is not inferior to that of traditional open surgery,so minimally invasive endovascular therapy has become the preferred treatment for AIOD.

Humans , Aortic Diseases/surgery , Arterial Occlusive Diseases/surgery , Atherosclerosis , Endovascular Procedures , Iliac Artery/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Vascular Patency
J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;21: e20210130, 2022. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365073


Resumo Contexto A maior sobrevida dos doentes dialíticos somada à incapacidade de obtenção de órgãos suficientes para atender a demanda, bem como à dificuldade de acesso aos serviços de saúde, levou ao aumento da fila para transplante e ao prolongamento do tempo de utilização do acesso venoso central para hemodiálise. A etiologia mais comum de estenose de veia central é o acesso venoso central prolongado, pelas lesões intimais decorrentes da presença do cateter. Objetivos Avaliar resultados de angioplastia para tratamento de doença oclusiva venosa central com fístula arteriovenosa periférica funcionante. Métodos Estudo tipo coorte retrospectivo com revisão de prontuários de 47 doentes com lesões estenóticas ou oclusivas. A avaliação dos doentes foi realizada em 30 dias, 6 meses e 1 ano após a recanalização ou correção da estenose com ATP ou ATP/aplicação de stent. Resultados Lesões estenóticas foram encontradas em 25 doentes (53%), e oclusões, em 22 (47%) doentes. A angioplastia percutânea transluminal (ATP) com stent foi utilizada em 64% dos doentes, e angioplastia isolada com balão, em 36% deles. A análise de resultados clínicos mostrou elevada taxa de melhora clínica precoce (30 dias) em 82% dos doentes (intervalo de confiança [IC] 71-93%). Após 1 ano de seguimento, a taxa de perviedade primária foi de 57%, e a taxa de perviedade primária assistida foi de 72% (IC 57-84%). Conclusão O tratamento endovascular das estenoses ou oclusões de veia central sugere melhora clínica dos sintomas e taxas adequadas de perviedade no período de 1 ano, apesar da limitação no tamanho amostral.

Abstract Background The increased survival of dialysis patients and the inability to obtain sufficient organs to meet demand for transplantation, compounded by poor access to health services, have caused the transplant waiting lists to grow, extending the time spent using central venous accesses for hemodialysis. The most common etiology of central vein stenosis is prolonged central venous access, due to intimal injuries caused by the presence of the catheter. Objectives To assess the results of angioplasty to treat central vein occlusion in patients with functioning peripheral arteriovenous fistulas. Methods Retrospective cohort study with review of medical records from 47 patients with stenotic or occlusive lesions. Patients were assessed at 30 days, 6 months, and 1 year after recanalization or correction of stenosis with transluminal percutaneous angioplasty (TPA) or TPA/stenting. Results Stenotic lesions were detected in 25 patients (53%) and occlusions were found in 22 (47%) patients. TPA with stenting was used in 64% of patients and balloon angioplasty in isolation was used in 36%. Analysis of clinical results showed a high rate of early clinical improvement (30 days), seen in 82% of patients (confidence interval [CI] 71-93%). After 1 year of follow-up, the primary patency rate was 57% and the assisted primary patency rate was 72% (CI 57-84%). Conclusions Endovascular treatment of central vein stenosis or occlusions suggests clinical improvement of symptoms and adequate rates of patency at 1 year, notwithstanding the limited sample size.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Arterial Occlusive Diseases/therapy , Arteriovenous Fistula/therapy , Angioplasty/methods , Constriction, Pathologic/therapy , Retrospective Studies , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Upper Extremity
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(5): 575-580, oct. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388881


Resumen Objetivo: Mostrar los resultados en el corto y mediano plazo del tratamiento endovascular de angioplastia transluminal percutánea (ATP) con balón en pacientes en estado de isquemia crítica por enfermedad arterial obstructiva infrapoplítea. Materiales y Método: Estudio descriptivo, observacional, retrospectivo. Se incluyeron los pacientes hospitalizados entre 2009 y 2018 por isquemia crítica Fontaine III o IV sometidos a una ATP del territorio infrapoplíteo. Se observó como objetivos primarios la preservación de la extremidad afectada y la mortalidad posoperatoria a un año plazo, y como objetivos secundarios los procedimientos adicionales en pacientes con lesiones o necrosis distales, estadía hospitalaria, complicaciones posoperatorias y necesidad de reintervención. Resultados: Se incluyeron 42 pacientes con un promedio de edad de 66 años (46-82), con importantes comorbilidades. Un 83,3% ingresó en etapa Fontaine IV. En 16 casos se realizó una angioplastia percutánea en más de una arteria. No se colocó stents. Se presentaron complicaciones en 3 pacientes, 2 requirieron una amputación mayor y en otro se debió efectuar un nuevo procedimiento endovascular de rescate. La estadía hospitalaria promedio fue 22 días. No hubo mortalidad precoz posprocedimiento. La mortalidad global a un año fue 9,5%. A todos los pacientes en etapa Fontaine IV se les efectuó algún procedimiento adicional, a 31 una amputación menor, 3 cerraron sus lesiones por segunda intención y en otro se realizó un injerto dermo-epidérmico. De los 35 pacientes con seguimiento, 77% preservó su extremidad a un año. Conclusión: La reparación endovascular mediante una angioplastia percutánea en estos casos es un procedimiento seguro y tiene una alta tasa de preservación de la extremidad inicial a un año de seguimiento.

Aim: Show initial and midterms results of endovascular Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty (PTA) in critical limb isquemia (CLI) patients caused by below-the-knee arterial disease. Materials and Method: Observational, descriptive and retrospective study. 42 CLI patients admitted in our hospital from 2009 until 2018 with Fontaine III or IV treated by PTA in infrapopliteal arteries were analyzed, collecting demographic, clinical and surgical characteristics, additional procedures in Fontaine IV, hospital stay, postoperative complications, need of reintervention, limb preservation and mortality with one year follow-up after procedure. Results: 42 patients, average age 66 year-old (46-82), with significant comorbidities. Fontaine IV stage patients were 83.3%. In 16 cases more than one artery was intervened. No stent revascularization was performed. Complications occurred in 3 patients, 2 required major amputation and an urgent endovascular reintervention was required in another. Average hospital stay was 22 days with no post-operative mortality. One-year global mortality was 9.5 One-year follow-up in 35 patients shows that 77% preserved their limb. Conclusión: Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty procedure in this patients has a high rate of limb preservation in a one-year follow-up. There was no post-operative mortality.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Arterial Occlusive Diseases/therapy , Angioplasty, Balloon/methods , Ischemia/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Angioplasty, Balloon/adverse effects , Ischemia/epidemiology
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 20(1): 89-94, maio 5, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354840


Introdução: a Doença Arterial Periférica (DAP) decorre do estreitamento ou oclusão arterial, que interfere no aporte sanguíneo das extremidades inferiores. A DAP pode levar a um repouso prolongado, causando prejuízos à qualidade de vida e do sono dos pacientes, devido à dor e receio de lesão. Objetivo: descrever o nível de atividade física, a qualidade de vida e do sono em pacientes com DAP. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo observacional, epidemiológico e transversal, realizado no Hospital Geral de Camaçari-BA. Foram incluídos pacientes com diagnóstico de DAP, ambos os sexos, com idade superior a 18 anos, internados no referido hospital. Foram excluídos os pacientes com distúrbios psiquiátricos e dificuldade de compreensão dos questionários. Para a avaliação do nível de atividade física foi utilizado o Questionário Internacional de Atividade física, para Qualidade de Vida o questionário Short Form Health Survey 36, para qualidade do sono Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh e para Claudicação Intermitente o Questionário de Edimburgo. Resultados: dos 27 pacientes analisados, 55,6% (15/27) eram do sexo feminino e 44,4% (12/27) masculino, 37% (10/27) de cor/raça preta. A média de idade foi de 62,6±8,3 anos, peso 71,8±16,2kg, altura 164,8±8,3cm e IMC 26,3±5. A maioria relatou ser ativo, 33,3% (9/27). Segundo a SF-36 o domínio mais limitante foi "dor" (28,6), o escore global do PSQI foi de 10,4 e a maioria (81,5%) não apresentava claudicação intermitente. Conclusão: a presença de DAP foi mais frequente nos idosos e foram identificados a presença de distúrbios do sono e diminuição da qualidade de vida.

Introduction: peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is due to narrowing or arterial occlusion, which interferes with the blood supply of the lower extremities. PAD can lead to prolonged rest, causing damage to the quality of life and sleep of patients, due to pain and fear of injury. Objective: to describe the level of physical activity, quality of life and sleep in patients with PAD. Methodology: this is an observational, epidemiological and cross-sectional study, carried out at the Hospital Geral de Camaçari-BA. Patients diagnosed with PAD, both sexes, aged over 18 years, admitted to the hospital were included. Patients with psychiatric disorders and difficulty in understanding the questionnaires were excluded. To assess the level of physical activity, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire was used, for Quality of Life the Short Form Health Survey 36 questionnaire, for sleep quality Sleep Quality Index of Pittsburgh and for Intermittent Claudication the Edinburgh Questionnaire. Results: of the 27 patients analyzed, 55.6% (15/27) were female and 44,4% (12/27) were male, 37% (10/27) were black / colored. The mean age was 62.6 ± 8.3 years, weight 71.8 ± 16.2 kg, height 164.8 ± 8.3 cm and BMI 26.3 ± 5. The majority reported being active, 33.3% (9/27). According to SF-36, the most limiting domain was "pain" (28.6), the global PSQI score was 10.4 and the majority (81.5%) did not have intermittent claudication. Conclusion: the presence of PAD was more frequent in the elderly and the presence of sleep disorders and decreased quality of life was identified.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Arterial Occlusive Diseases , Sleep Deprivation , Peripheral Arterial Disease , Intermittent Claudication , Motor Activity , Epidemiologic Studies , Demography , Observational Study
Rev. cuba. angiol. cir. vasc ; 21(2): e91, mayo.-ago. 2020. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126380


Introducción: La enfermedad arterial oclusiva de miembros inferiores se asocia con un alto índice de amputaciones y riesgo de muerte. Al respecto, la medicina regenerativa ha mostrado resultados satisfactorios. Objetivo: Caracterizar a los pacientes con enfermedad arterial periférica de los miembros inferiores, tratados con células mononucleares autólogas. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación longitudinal prospectiva en el Hospital Universitario "Arnaldo Milián Castro", durante el período desde enero de 2015 hasta diciembre de 2017. De una población de 61 pacientes se seleccionó una muestra de 52 de forma intencional por criterios. Resultados: La edad promedio resultó de 66,9 ± 8,2 años y el 69,2 por ciento representó al sexo masculino. Los principales factores de riesgo vascular fueron el tabaquismo, la hipercolesteronemia y la hipertensión arterial. El nivel de oclusión mostró predominio fémoro poplíteo y el tractus de salida malo constituyó la principal causa de no revascularización. La viabilidad celular fue elevada y se logró cambio significativo en los estadios de Fontaine. El inicio de la mejoría clínica ocurrió entre el primer y el segundo mes en la mayoría de los casos. En una parte de los pacientes se abrieron posibilidades posquirúrgicas y se obtuvo muy buena reperfusión tisular. Conclusiones: El implante de células mononucleares autólogas en pacientes con enfermedad arterial periférica de los miembros inferiores constituye una nueva estrategia de angiogénesis terapéutica muy útil y efectiva, que abre nuevas perspectivas de tratamiento(AU)

Introduction: Low limbs´ arterial occlusive disease is associated with a high rate of amputations and risk of death. Regarding that, regenerative medicine has proven satisfactory results. Objective: To characterize patients with peripheral arterial disease in the low limbs which have been treated with autologous mononuclear cells. Methods: It was carried out a prospective longitudinal research in "Arnaldo Milián Castro" Hospital in the period from January, 2015 to December, 2017. From a population of 61 patients, it was intentionally selected by criteria a sample of 52 individuals. Results: The average age was 66,9 ± 8,2 and 69,2 percent were men. The main vascular risk factors were smoking habit, hypercholesterolemia and arterial hypertension. The level of occlusion showed predominance of femoro-popliteal and the bad output tractus was the main cause of non-revascularization. Cell viability was high and it was achieved a significant change in Fontaine stages. The beginning of a clinical improvement happened between the first and the second month in most of the cases. In some patients were open post-surgical possibilities and it was obtained great tisular reperfusion. Conclusions: The implant of autologous mononuclear cells in patients with peripheral arterial disease of low limbs represents an useful and effective new strategy of therapeutic angiogenesis which opens new treatment perspectives(AU)

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Arterial Occlusive Diseases , Cell Survival , Lower Extremity , Regenerative Medicine , Peripheral Arterial Disease/etiology
Chin. med. j ; Chin. med. j;(24): 913-919, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-877989


BACKGROUND@#Although endovascular therapy has been widely used for focal aortoiliac occlusive disease (AIOD), its performance for extensive AIOD (EAIOD) is not fully evaluated. We aimed to demonstrate the long-term results of EAIOD treated by endovascular therapy and to identify the potential risk factors for the loss of primary patency.@*METHODS@#Between January 2008 and June 2018, patients with a clinical diagnosis of the 2007 TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus II (TASC II) C and D AIOD lesions who underwent endovascular treatment in our institution were enrolled. Demographic, diagnosis, procedure characteristics, and follow-up information were reviewed. Univariate analysis was used to identify the correlation between the variables and the primary patency. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to identify the independent risk factors associated with primary patency. Five- and 10-year primary and secondary patency, as well as survival rates, were calculated by Kaplan-Meier analysis.@*RESULTS@#A total of 148 patients underwent endovascular treatment in our center. Of these, 39.2% were classified as having TASC II C lesions and 60.8% as having TASC II D lesions. The technical success rate was 88.5%. The mean follow-up time was 79.2 ± 29.2 months. Primary and secondary patency was 82.1% and 89.4% at 5 years, and 74.8% and 83.1% at 10 years, respectively. The 5-year survival rate was 84.2%. Compared with patients without loss of primary patency, patients with this condition showed significant differences in age, TASC II classification, infrainguinal lesions, critical limb ischemia (CLI), and smoking. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed age <61 years (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 6.47; 95% CI: 1.47-28.36; P = 0.01), CLI (aOR: 7.81; 95% CI: 1.92-31.89; P = 0.04), and smoking (aOR: 10.15; 95% CI: 2.79-36.90; P < 0.01) were independent risk factors for the loss of primary patency.@*CONCLUSION@#Endovascular therapy was an effective treatment for EAIOD with encouraging patency and survival rate. Age <61 years, CLI, and smoking were independent risk factors for the loss of primary patency.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Arterial Occlusive Diseases/surgery , Endovascular Procedures/methods , Iliac Artery/surgery , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Stents , Survival Rate , Treatment Outcome , Vascular Patency
J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;19: e20200026, 2020. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135084


Resumo Os aprisionamentos vasculares são raros. Nos membros inferiores, geralmente são assintomáticos, mas podem causar claudicação intermitente atípica em indivíduos jovens sem fatores de risco para aterosclerose ou doenças inflamatórias. O vaso mais frequentemente acometido é a artéria poplítea, causando a síndrome do aprisionamento da artéria poplítea (SAAP), com sintomas na região dos músculos infrapatelares. Quando o desconforto ao esforço é mais distal, deve-se pensar em outros locais de aprisionamento arterial, como a artéria tibial anterior. Neste trabalho, é relatado o caso de um paciente com claudicação intermitente nos pés devido ao aprisionamento da artéria tibial anterior (AATA) bilateral, causado pelo retináculo dos músculos extensores e diagnosticado pela ultrassonografia vascular e angiotomografia durante flexão plantar. O paciente foi tratado cirurgicamente, evoluindo com melhora dos sintomas clínicos.

Abstract Vascular entrapment is rare. In the lower limbs it is generally asymptomatic, but may cause atypical intermittent claudication in young people without risk factors for atherosclerosis and inflammatory diseases. The most common type of compression involves the popliteal artery, causing symptoms in the region of the infra-patellar muscles. When discomfort is more distal, other entrapment points should be considered, such as the anterior tibial artery. This article reports the case of a patient with intermittent claudication in both feet due to extrinsic compression of the anterior tibial artery bilaterally by the extensor retinaculum of the ankle, diagnosed by vascular ultrasonography and angiotomography during plantar flexion maneuvers. The patient was treated surgically, resulting in improvement of clinical symptoms.

Humans , Male , Adult , Arterial Occlusive Diseases/surgery , Tibial Arteries , Intermittent Claudication , Popliteal Artery , Arterial Occlusive Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Méd. Bras. (Online);65(11): 1368-1373, Nov. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057071


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate cardiac and extra-cardiac pathologies in patients who were operated for acute arterial occlusion. METHODS: Between March 2010 and March 2018, a total of 120 patients who underwent surgical treatment for acute arterial occlusion were included in this retrospective study. RESULTS: 84 (70%) and 27 (22. 5%) of the patients had cardiac and extra-cardiac pathologies, respectively. In 9 (7. 5%) of the cases, no reason for arterial occlusion could be found. Pure atrial fibrillation was found in 39 (32. 5%) patients. Atrial fibrillation and cardiac valvular pathologies were detected in 45 patients (37. 5%). Among those with a cardiac valvular pathology, 9 patients (7. 5%) had pure mitral stenosis, 21 patients (17. 5%) had moderate to advanced mitral stenosis with tricuspid regurgitation, 9 patients (7. 5%) had 20-30 mitral regurgitation with 30 tricuspid regurgitation, 3 patients (2. 5%) had moderate mitral stenosis, 30-40 tricuspid regurgitation and 20-30 aortic stenosis, and 3 patients (2. 5%) had 30 mitral regurgitation, 10- 20 tricuspid regurgitation, calcific moderate aortic stenosis, and coronary artery disease. Among those 27 patients with an extra-cardiac pathology, 21 patients (22. 5%) had peripheral artery disease, 3 patients (2.5%) had an abdominal aortic aneurysm, and 3 patients (2. 5%) had Behçet's Disease. CONCLUSION: Cardiac and extra-cardiac pathologies should be kept in mind in patients with acute arterial occlusion. Thus, detected pathologies could be treated, and the development of additional peripheral emboli could be prevented.

RESUMO OBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo é investigar patologias cardíacas e extracardíacas em pacientes operados por oclusão arterial aguda. MÉTODOS: Entre março de 2010 e março de 2018, um total de 120 pacientes submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico para oclusão arterial aguda foram incluídos neste estudo retrospectivo. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes incluídos, 84 (70%) e 27 (22.5%) apresentavam, respectivamente, patologias cardíacas e extracardíacas. Em 9 (7.5%) dos casos, nenhuma cause para a oclusão arterial foi encontrada. Fibrilação atrial isolada foi encontrada em 39 (32.5%) pacientes. Fibrilação atrial e valvopatias cardíacas foram detectadas em 45 pacientes (37.5%). Entre aqueles com valvopatias cardíacas, 9 (7.5%) tinham estenose mitral isolada, 21 (17. 5%) tinham estenose mitral moderada a avançada com regurgitação tricúspide, 9 (7. 5%) tinham 2°-3° de regurgitação mitral com 3o regurgitação tricúspide, 3 (2. 5%) tinham estenose mitral moderada, 3°-4° regurgitação tricúspide e 2°-3° estenose aórtica, e 3 (2.5%) tinham 3o mitral, 1°- 2° regurgitação tricúspide moderada, estenose aórtica moderada calcificada e doença coronariana. Entre os 27 pacientes com patologia extracardíaca, 21 (22.5%) tinham doença arterial periférica, 3 (2,5%) tinham aneurisma da aorta abdominal, e 3 (2.5%) tinham Doença de Behçet. CONCLUSÃO: Patologias cardíacas e extracardíacas devem ser consideradas em pacientes com oclusão arterial aguda. Assim, patologias detectadas podem ser tratadas e o desenvolvimento de trombos periféricos adicionais pode ser evitado.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Arterial Occlusive Diseases/complications , Arterial Occlusive Diseases/surgery , Arterial Occlusive Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Severity of Illness Index , Acute Disease , Retrospective Studies , Middle Aged
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738420


PURPOSE: This study compared and analyzed the risk factors that affect a wound healing group and healing failure group. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 2010 to 2018, 39 patients who had suffered a single toe amputation were evaluated retrospectively. The patients were divided into two groups (wound healing group and healing failure group - within at least 3 months following the amputation). Regarding the possible risk factors, age, gender, Wagner and Brodsky classifications, duration of diabetes mellitus, whether the patient had peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) or cardiovascular disease, body mass index, HbA1c, total cholesterol, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), smoking, and alcohol were investigated. RESULTS: The mean duration of diabetes mellitus was 140 months in the healing group and 227 months in the healing failure group, and the duration of diabetes was significantly longer in the failure group (p=0.009). A significant difference in eGFR was observed between the two groups (59.17 mL/min/1.73 m2 in the healing group and 31.1 mL/min/1.73 m2 in the failure group) (p=0.022). Sixteen patients with PAOD were found, all 10 patients in the healing failure group were PAOD patients. CONCLUSION: To reduce the additional complications in single toe amputation patients, the underlying disease and appropriate treatment are the most important factors. In addition, a more proximal level of amputation also should be considered in cases of patients with PAOD, high BUN and low eGFR, and patients with long-term diabetes.

Humans , Amputation, Surgical , Arterial Occlusive Diseases , Blood Urea Nitrogen , Body Mass Index , Cardiovascular Diseases , Cholesterol , Classification , Diabetes Mellitus , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Smoke , Smoking , Toes , Wound Healing , Wounds and Injuries
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc;33(5): 443-447, Sept.-Oct. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-977454


Abstract Introduction: Various surgical procedures for minimally invasive cardiac surgery have been described in recent decades as alternatives to median sternotomy. Cardiopulmonary bypass via femoral arterial and venous cannulation is the foundation of these procedures. In this study, we evaluated the mid-term outcomes of femoral cannulation performed with U-suture technique in patients undergoing robotic heart surgery. Methods: A total of 216 patients underwent robotic-assisted cardiac surgery between January 2013 and April 2017. Cardiopulmonary bypass was performed via femoral artery, jugular, and femoral vein cannulation, and a Chitwood clamp was used for aortic occlusion. A total of 192 patients attended the outpatient follow-up, and femoral arterial and venous flow pattern was examined using Doppler ultrasound (DUS) in 145 patients. Results: Hospital mortality occured in 4 of the 216 (1.85%) cases, but there was no late mortality in this patient group. Postoperatively, seroma (n=9, 4.69%) and cannulation site infection (n=3, 1.56%) were managed with outpatient treatment. DUS in 145 patients revealed triphasic flow pattern in the common femoral arteries in all patients except for 2 (1.38%). These patients were determined to have asymptomatic arterial stenosis. Chronic recanalized thrombus in the common femoral vein was also detected in 2 (1.38%) patients. Conclusion: Femoral artery cannulation with the U-suture technique can be successfully performed in robotic-assisted cardiac surgery, with good mid-term results.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Arterial Occlusive Diseases/surgery , Cardiopulmonary Bypass/methods , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Blood Flow Velocity , Cardiopulmonary Bypass/adverse effects , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Femoral Artery , Femoral Vein
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;76(5): 355-357, May 2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-950542


ABSTRACT Basilar artery occlusion (BAO) ischemic stroke is a relatively rare condition with high morbidity and mortality rates. To date, the best acute reperfusion therapy for BAO has still not been established, mainly due to the lack of randomized controlled trials in this field. In this article, we review the history of BAO diagnosis and treatment, and the impact of modern technological resources on the clinical evolution and prognosis of BAO over time. Furthermore, we describe historical events and nonmedical literature descriptions related to BAO. We conclude that BAO is a singular example of how art may help medical sciences with accurate descriptions of medical conditions.

RESUMO O acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico secundário à oclusão aguda da basilar (OAB) é uma condição relativamente rara, que cursa com elevada morbimortalidade. Até o momento atual, a melhor estratégia de recanalização arterial na fase aguda da OAB não está definida, principalmente pela carência de ensaios clínicos randomizados e controlados neste contexto. Neste artigo, revisamos aspectos históricos do diagnóstico e do tratamento desta condição, assim como o impacto do avanço tecnológico na evolução clínica e prognóstico desta condição. Ademais, descrevemos fatos históricos e a literatura fictícia relacionados à OAB. Concluímos que a OAB é um exemplo peculiar de como a arte pode auxiliar a medicina na descrição acurada de condições médicas.

Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Arterial Occlusive Diseases/history , Basilar Artery , Medicine in Literature
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 16(1): 18-20, 20180000. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-884986


OBJETIVO: Rastrear a presença de doença arterial obstrutiva periférica assintomática em portadores de diabetes. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal de uma amostra composta por 50 pacientes de um ambulatórios de endocrinologia e geriatria, portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 2, com mais de 5 anos de diagnóstico. O Índice Tornozelo-Braquial foi aferido por meio de esfigmomanômetro oscilométrico automático. A análise de dados foi obtida do software SSPS, versão 22. RESULTADOS: Dos 50 pacientes avaliados, com média de idade de 70 anos (50 a 91 anos de idade), 44% apresentavam Índice Tornozelo-Braquial normal e 16% tinham valores anormais. Como fatores associados de risco, apresentavam hipertensão arterial sistêmica (84%), sedentarismo (78%), dislipidemia (72%) e história de tabagismo (34%), porém sem associação estatística com doença arterial obstrutiva periférica assintomática. CONCLUSÃO: Foi alta a frequência do Índice Tornozelo-Braquial em relação anormal na amostra estudada. Ressalta-se a importância desse índice como método de baixo custo, fácil operacionalidade, não invasivo e de alta aceitabilidade na prática clínica da Atenção Primária de pacientes com risco cardiovascular aumentado.(AU)

OBJECTIVE: To track the presence of asymptomatic peripheral obstructive arterial disease in patients with diabetes. METHODS: This is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study with 50 patients of an endocrinology and geriatrics outpatient's department with more than five years of diabetes mellitus type 2 diagnosis. The ankle-brachial index was measured through an automatic oscillometric sphygmomanometer. Data analysis was obtained with SSPS Software, version 22. RESULTS: Of the 50 patients evaluated, with a mean age of 70 years (50-91 years of age), 44% presented with normal ankle-brachial index, and 16% had abnormal values. They had , systemic arterial hypertension (84%), sedentarism (78%), dyslipidemia (72%), and smoking history (34%) as associated risk factors, but no statistical association with asymptomatic peripheral obstructive arterial disease. CONCLUSION: This study found a high frequency of abnormal ankle-brachial index in the sample studied. The importance of this index is highlighted as a low-cost, easy-to-operate, non-invasive, highly accepted method in the clinical practice of primary care of patients with increased cardiovascular risk.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Ankle Brachial Index/methods , Arterial Occlusive Diseases , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/complications , Peripheral Arterial Disease , Primary Health Care , Sphygmomanometers
J. vasc. bras ; 17(1): 3-9, jan.-mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-894155


Abstract Background Endovascular treatment (ET) of iliac occlusive disease (IOD) is well established in literature. Use of stents in IOD has achieved long-term limb salvage and patency rates similar to those of open surgery, with lower morbidity and mortality rates. Objectives To report the long-term outcomes, particularly limb salvage and patency rates, of ET for IOD and the factors associated with these outcomes. Methods This retrospective cohort study included patients with IOD who underwent iliac angioplasty (IA), between January 2009 and January 2015. Patients with critical limb ischemia or incapacitating claudication were included. Results In total, 48 IA procedures were performed in 46 patients, with an initial technical success rate of 95.83%. Failure occurred in two patients, who were excluded, leaving 44 patients and 46 IA. The primary patency, secondary patency, limb salvage, and survival rates at 1200 days were 88%, 95.3%, 86.3%, and 69.9%, respectively. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression revealed that the primary patency rate was significantly worse in patients with TASC type C/D than in patients with TASC type A/B (p = 0.044). Analysis of factors associated with major amputation using Cox regression showed that the rate of limb loss was greater in patients with TASC type C/D (p = 0.043). Male gender was associated with reduced survival (p = 0.011). Conclusions TASC type C/D was associated with a higher number of reinterventions and with worse limb loss and primary patency rates. Male gender was associated with a worse survival rate after ET of IOD.

Resumo Contexto O tratamento endovascular da doença oclusiva ilíaca (DOI) é bem estabelecido. O uso de stents nas angioplastias ilíacas (AI) alcançou estimativas de salvamento de membro e perviedade similares às de cirurgias abertas, porém com menor morbimortalidade. Objetivos Demonstrar os desfechos clínicos a longo prazo, principalmente as estimativas de salvamento de membro (ESM) e perviedade, do tratamento endovascular da DOI e os fatores associados. Método Estudo de coorte retrospectiva e consecutiva incluindo pacientes com DOI e isquemia crítica ou claudicação limitante submetidos a AI entre janeiro de 2009 a janeiro de 2015. Resultados Foram realizadas 48 AI em 46 pacientes, com uma taxa de sucesso técnico inicial de 95,83%. Ocorreu falha técnica em dois pacientes, os quais foram excluídos da análise, restando 44 pacientes e 46 AI. As estimativas de perviedade primária, perviedade secundária, ESM e sobrevida aos 1.200 dias foram de 88%, 95,3%, 86,3% e 69,9%, respectivamente. A regressão de Cox univariada e multivariada revelou que a perviedade primária foi pior em pacientes com classificação TASC C/D do que em pacientes TASC A/B (p = 0,044). Quando analisamos os fatores associados à amputação maior, verificou-se que lesões TASC tipo C/D (p = 0,043) apresentaram piores resultados. O sexo masculino foi associado com sobrevida reduzida (p = 0,011). Conclusões Classificação TASC tipo C/D foi associada a um maior número de reintervenções, maior perda de membro e piores estimativas de perviedade primária. O sexo masculino foi associado a uma pior sobrevida.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Arterial Occlusive Diseases/surgery , Endovascular Procedures , Iliac Artery , Sex Factors , Retrospective Studies , Angioplasty , Limb Salvage , Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia/surgery , Amputation, Surgical
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-742470


A 57-year-old woman presented to vascular surgery clinic with visceral artery aneurysms that were incidentally detected during regular check-up. Imaging studies revealed occlusion of the celiac axis and severe stenosis of the superior mesenteric artery and 3 aneurysms along the posterior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries, as well as the right gastroepiploic artery. Endovascular embolization of all aneurysms was rejected because of the risk of hepatic ischemia. These complicated lesion caused by polyarteritis nodosa were successfully treated using a hybrid operation with coil embolization, aneurysm resection, and antegrade aorto-celiac-superior mesentery artery bypass.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Aneurysm , Arterial Occlusive Diseases , Arteries , Constriction, Pathologic , Embolization, Therapeutic , Gastroepiploic Artery , Ischemia , Mesenteric Artery, Superior , Mesentery , Polyarteritis Nodosa
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-742481


PURPOSE: Diabetic foot wound (DFW) is known as a major contributor of nontraumatic lower extremity amputation. We aimed to evaluate overall amputation rates and risk factors for amputation in patients with DFW. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 2014 to December 2017, 141 patients with DFW were enrolled. We determined rates and risk factors of major amputation in DFW and in DFW with peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD). In addition, we investigated rates and predictors for amputation in diabetic foot ulcer (DFU). RESULTS: The overall rate of major amputation was 26.2% in patients with DFW. Among 141 DFWs, 76 patients (53.9%) had PAOD and 29 patients (38.2%) of 76 DFWs with PAOD underwent major amputation. Wound state according to Wagner classification, congestive heart failure, leukocytosis, dementia, and PAOD were the significant risk factors for major amputation. In DFW with PAOD, Wagner classification grades and leukocytosis were the predictors for major amputation. In addition, amputation was performed for 28 patients (38.4%) while major amputation was performed for 5 patients (6.8%) of 73 DFUs. Only the presence of osteomyelitis (OM) showed significant difference for amputation in DFU. CONCLUSION: This study represented that approximately a quarter of DFWs underwent major amputation. Moreover, over half of DFW patients had PAOD and about 38.2% of them underwent major amputation. Wound state and PAOD was major predictors for major amputation in DFW. Systemic factors, such as CHF, leukocytosis, and dementia were identified as risk factors for major amputation. In terms of DFU, 38.4% underwent amputation and the presence of OM was a determinant for amputation.

Humans , Amputation, Surgical , Arterial Occlusive Diseases , Classification , Dementia , Diabetic Foot , Heart Failure , Leukocytosis , Lower Extremity , Osteomyelitis , Risk Factors , Ulcer , Wounds and Injuries