INTRODUCCIÓN: Las infecciones bacterianas en trasplante hepático (TH) son una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar las complicaciones infecciosas bacterianas en el primer mes postrasplante. Pacientes y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo entre los años 2009-2020. RESULTADOS: 225 pacientes recibieron un TH. 80 (35,5%) desarrollaron al menos un episodio de infección bacteriana en el primer mes postrasplante hepático. Hubo 105 episodios de infección bacteriana con una incidencia de 46,6%. El foco más frecuente fue el abdominal (48,6%) y el microorganismo predominante fue Klebsiella spp. De los 104 aislamientos, el 57,6% presentaron un perfil MDR/XDR. Los pacientes que desarrollaron una complicación infecciosa presentaron menor sobrevida al alta hospitalaria en comparación con los que no la presentaron 87,5 versus 94,5% [OR 4,18 (IC 95%: 1,5-11,6)]. En el análisis multivariado la reintervención quirúrgica precoz [OR 4,286 (IC 95%: 1,911-9,61)], mostró un riesgo significativo de desarrollar una complicación infecciosa bacteriana en el primer mes postrasplante. CONCLUSIONES: Tres de cada 10 pacientes presentaron una infección bacteriana en el primer mes postrasplante con una alta incidencia de bacilos gramnegativos MDR/XDR. Los pacientes que desarrollaron una complicación infecciosa presentaron una menor sobrevida al alta. La reintervención quirúrgica precoz se identificó como un factor predisponente de infección temprana.
BACKGROUND: Bacterial infections are one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in liver transplant recipients (LT). Aim: To characterize bacterial infectious complications in the first month an after a liver transplant. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of a cohort of liver transplant recipients who presented at least one bacterial infectious complication in the first month after transplant between 2009 and 2020. RESULTS: 225 patients were analyzed. 80 (35.5%) had a least one documented bacterial infection during the first month after transplant. 105 bacterial infections were documented, with an incidence of 46.6%. The most frequent origin was intra-abdominal (48.6%) and the predominant isolated microorganism was Klebsiella spp. Among 104 isolated microorganisms 57.6% showed MDR/XDR profile. Patients who developed a bacterial infectious complication had a shorter overall survival (OS) after discharge from hospital (87.5% vs 94.5%) [OR 4.18 (IC 95%: 1.5-11,6)]. When multivariate analysis of predisposing factors was performed early surgical reoperation was the only variable associated with an increased risk of developing a bacterial complication in the first month [OR 4.286 (IC 95%: 1.911-9.61)]. CONCLUSIONS: Three out of 10 patients developed a bacterial infectious complication during the first month after liver transplant with a high incidence of gram-negative bacillus MDR/XDR. Patients who presented infectious complications had a shorter OS after discharge, and early reoperation was identified as a predisposing factor of early infectious complications.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Bacterial Infections/mortality , Liver Transplantation/adverse effects , Prognosis , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Bacterial Infections/etiology , Bacterial Infections/microbiology , Uruguay/epidemiology , Multivariate Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La diarrea aguda continúa siendo una de las principales causas de morbilidad en niños; sin embargo, el diagnóstico etiológico presenta limitaciones dada la baja sensibilidad de los métodos tradicionales. OBJETIVO: Describir los microorganismos identificados en niños que acudieron al Servicio de Urgencia (SU) de un hospital universitario en Santiago, Chile, por diarrea aguda y a los que se le solicitó panel molecular gastrointestinal. MÉTODOS: Se revisaron fichas clínicas y resultados de panel gastrointestinal realizados entre junio de 2017 y marzo de 2020. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 198 pacientes, edad promedio de 54,5 meses y 60,6% (120/198) de sexo masculino. La positividad del panel fue de 78,8% (156/198) con 35,3% (55/156) de las muestras polimicrobianas. Se identificaron 229 microorganismos, de los cuales 72,9% (167/229) corresponden a bacterias, 25,8% (59/229) a virus y 1,3% (3/229) a parásitos. Destacaron Campylobacter spp. y Escherichia coli enteropatógena (ECEP) como las bacterias más frecuentemente identificadas. Los pacientes con detección de Campylobacter spp. presentaron con mayor frecuencia fiebre (p = 0,00). ECEP se aisló principalmente (82,5%) en muestras polimicrobianas. DISCUSIÓN: Los resultados enfatizan el potencial que poseen los estudios moleculares para mejorar el diagnóstico etiológico de la diarrea, pero a la vez llevan a cuestionar el rol patogénico de algunos microorganismos identificados.
BACKGROUND: Acute diarrhea continues to be one of the main causes of morbidity in children, however the etiologica diagnosis presents limitations given the low sensitivity of traditional methods. AIM: To describe the microorganisms identified in children who attended the emergency department (ED) in Santiago, Chile, due to acute diarrhea and to whom a gastrointestinal panel was requested as part of their study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Clinical records and results of the gastrointestinal panel carried out between June 2017 and March 2020 were reviewed. RESULTS: 198 patients were included, the average age was 54.5 months and 60.6% (120/198) were males. Positivity was 78.8% (156/198) with 35.3% (55/156) of the samples being polymicrobial. 229 microorganisms were identified, of which 72.9% (167/229) corresponded to bacteria, 25.8% (59/229) to viruses, and 1.3% (3/229) to parasites. Campylobacter spp. and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) were the most frequently identified bacteria. Patients with detection of Campylobacter spp. presented a higher frequency of fever (p = 0.00). EPEC was isolated in 82.5% of the cases in polymicrobial samples. DISCUSSION: The results emphasize the potential of molecular studies to improve the etiological diagnosis of diarrhea and at the same time lead to question the pathogenic role of some microorganisms.
Humans , Male , Female , Diarrhea/diagnosis , Feces/microbiology , Parasites/isolation & purification , Seasons , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Viruses/isolation & purification , Chile , Retrospective Studies , Diarrhea/etiology , Diarrhea/epidemiology , Emergency Service, Hospital , Feces/parasitologyABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: Las opacidades pulmonares en receptores de trasplante de precursores hematopoyéticos (TPH) representan un desafío diagnóstico y son una causa de morbimortalidad. Existen grandes discrepancias con respecto a la sensibilidad diagnóstica del lavado broncoalveolar (LBA), sus complicaciones, y los factores asociados a la identificación microbiológica. OBJETIVO: Conocer la utilidad del estudio microbiológico del LBA en el diagnóstico, modificación de la conducta médica y estimar las complicaciones y mortalidad asociada al procedimiento, en receptores de TPH con opacidades pulmonares. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte, retrospectivo, en adultos receptores de TPH a los que se les realizó una broncoscopía con LBA por presentar opacidades pulmonares, en el Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires entre el 01/01/2011 y el 31/12/2020. RESULTADOS: De los 189 procedimientos analizados, en 79 se logró un hallazgo microbiológico (41,8%) y 122 permitieron modificar la conducta médica (64,6%). En 11 casos se observaron complicaciones graves dentro de las 12 horas (5,8%) de efectuado el LBA. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue de 16,8% (N = 21/125). El valor de neutrófilos en sangre previo al LBA (p = 0,037) y la presencia de nódulos pulmonares como lesión tomográfica predominante (p = 0,029) se asociaron independientemente al hallazgo microbiològico global. CONCLUSIONES: Nuestra investigación apoya la realización del LBA como herramienta diagnóstica en pacientes que reciben un TPH y presentan opacidades pulmonares.
BACKGROUND: Lung opacities are a cause of morbimortality in bone marrow transplant patients, and represent a diagnostic challenge. There are large discrepancies regarding the diagnostic sensitivity of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), its complications, and the factors associated with microbiological detection. AIM: To know the usefulness of the microbiological study of BAL in the diagnosis, in the modification in medical behavior and to estimate the complications and associated mortality of this diagnostic procedure in patients transplanted with hematopoietic progenitor cells with pulmonary opacities. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study in bone marrow transplant adult patients who underwent bronchoscopy with BAL due to lung opacities at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires between 01/01/2011 and 12/31/2020. RESULTS: Of the 189 BAL analyzed, 79 presented a microbiological detection (41.8%) and 122 allowed to modify the medical behavior (64.6%). Severe complications were observed within 12 hours after the procedure in11 cases (5.8%). In-hospital mortality was 16,8% (N = 21/125). The value of blood neutrophils prior to bronchoalveolar lavage (p = 0.037) and the presence of pulmonary nodules as the predominant tomographic lesion (p = 0.029) were independently associated with global microbiological detection. CONCLUSION: Our research supports the performance of BAL as a diagnostic tool in bone marrow transplant patients with lung opacities.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Bronchoscopy/methods , Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid/microbiology , Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation/adverse effects , Bronchoalveolar Lavage/methods , Hematologic Neoplasms/therapy , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Viruses/isolation & purification , Multivariate Analysis , Cohort Studies , Immunocompromised Host , Transplant Recipients , Fungi/isolation & purification , Lung/microbiologyABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: El absceso renal es infrecuente en pediatría, con clínica y laboratorio inespecíficos. Ante su sospecha, es necesario realizar imágenes para establecer diagnóstico. Objetivo: Describir las características clínico-epidemiológicas, microbiológicas, diagnósticas y terapéuticas de abscesos renales en pediatría. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, de pacientes internados con absceso renal, en seguimiento por Infectología del Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutiérrez, durante 9 años. RESULTADOS: 15 pacientes (67% varones), mediana de edad 9 años (rango [r] 0,7-17). Cuatro pacientes con comorbilidades. El síntoma más frecuente fue fiebre seguido por dolor lumbar. El recuento medio de leucocitos en sangre fue de 15.700/mm3 (r: 7.100-45.000) y la PCR de 193 mg/L (r: 1-362). Cuatro pacientes presentaron urocultivo positivo: dos Escherichia coli, uno Klebsiella pneumoniae y E. coli y otro Candida albicans y K. pneumoniae. Ningún paciente presentó bacteriemia. El diagnóstico se confirmó por ecografía. Se realizó drenaje en siete pacientes, con aislamiento de Staphylococcus aureus en dos y Pseudomonas aeruginosa en uno. El tratamiento incluyó terapia combinada en 67%. Mediana de antibioterapia intravenosa fue 16 días (r: 7-49), total de 28 (r: 14-91). Un paciente requirió terapia intensiva y dos, nefrectomía. CONCLUSIÓN: Los abscesos renales son infrecuentes, con gran morbimortalidad. Sospechar en paciente con infección del tracto urinario (ITU) de evolución tórpida que persiste febril. En nuestro estudio, la alta sensibilidad de la ecografía renal permitió su diagnóstico precoz.
BACKGROUND: Renal abscesses are infrequent in pediatrics, with nonspecific clinical and laboratory findings. When suspected, imaging is essential to establish the diagnosis. Aim: To describe the clinical-epidemiological, microbiological, diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics of renal abscesses in pediatrics. METHODS: Retrospective and descriptive study of hospitalized patients with renal abscess, followed by Infectious Diseases Department of Ricardo Gutiérrez Children's Hospital during 9 years. Statistical analysis: Epi Info RESULTS: 15 patients (67% male), median age 9 years (range [r] 0.7-17) were included. Four patients had underlying disease. The most frequent symptom was fever, with a median duration of 10 days (r:1-36), followed by lumbar pain. The median white blood cell count was 15,700/mm3 (r: 7,100-45,000) and CRP 193mg/L (r: 1-362). Four patients presented positive urine culture: 2 Escherichia coli, 1 Klebsiella pneumoniae and E. coli and 1 Candida albicans and K. pneumoniae. No patient had bacteremia. The diagnosis of abscess was confirmed by ultrasound. Surgical drainage was performed in 7 patients, with isolation of Staphylococcus aureus in 2 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 1. Empirical treatment included 3rd generation cephalosporin, combined in 67% of cases. The median of intravenous antibiotic therapy was 16 days (r: 7-49) with a total of 28 days (r:14-91). One patient required transfer to intensive care unit and 2 nephrectomy. CONCLUSION: Renal abscesses are infrecuent in pediatrics, but they present significant morbidity and mortality. It should be suspected in patients with urinary tract infection (UTI)with torpid evolution that persists with fever without antibiotic response. In our study, the high sensitivity of renal ultrasound allowed early diagnosis.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Abscess/epidemiology , Kidney Diseases/epidemiology , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Urinary Tract Infections , Urine/microbiology , Drainage , Retrospective Studies , Abscess/diagnosis , Abscess/microbiology , Abscess/therapy , Hospitals, Pediatric , Kidney Diseases/diagnosis , Kidney Diseases/microbiology , Kidney Diseases/therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La información disponible sobre los factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de shock séptico es escasa, especialmente en población pediátrica. OBJETIVO: Describir las características epidemiológicas y clínicas de los niños con bacteriemia adquirida en la comunidad por Staphylococcus aureus y comparar las características de los pacientes con y sin shock séptico. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo. Criterios de inclusión: niños entre 30 días y 16 años de edad, internados en el Hospital de Pediatría Juan P. Garrahan entre enero de 2017 y diciembre de 2019 por infecciones adquiridas en la comunidad con desarrollo de S. aureus en hemocultivos. Criterios de exclusión: antecedente de internación dentro de los 3 meses previos al ingreso, vivir en una comunidad cerrada, presencia de catéter de larga permanencia, dispositivos intraventriculares o intraperitoneales. Análisis estadístico: STATA 16. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 142 niños. 21 niños (15%) presentaron shock séptico. En el análisis multivariado, se asociaron con shock séptico, la bacteriemia persistente (OR 7,15; IC95% 4,39-23,81; p: 0,001) y el foco secundario de infección (OR 6,72; IC 95% 2,02-22,2; p 0,002). La mortalidad relacionada con la infección fue 3,5% (5 pacientes). CONCLUSIONES: El shock séptico se asoció con la bacteriemia persistente y la presencia de focos secundarios de infección.
BACKGROUND: Available information about risk factors for the development of septic shock is scarce, especially in the pediatric population. AIM: To describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of children with community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia and to compare the characteristics of children with and without septic shock. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study. Inclusion criteria: Children between 30 days and 16 years old, hospitalized in the Juan P. Garrahan Pediatric Hospital between January 2017 and December 2019 for community-acquired infections with S. aureus isolation in blood cultures. Exclusion criteria: History of hospitalization within 3 months prior to admission, living in a closed community, presence of long-term catheter, intraventricular or intraperitoneal devices. Statistical analysis: STATA 16. RESULTS: 142 children were included. 21 children (15%) experienced septic shock. On multivariate analysis, persistent bacteremia (OR 7.15, 95% CI 4.39-23.81, p: 0.001) and secondary focus of infection (OR 6.72, 95% CI 2.02-22.2, p 0.002) were associated with septic shock. The infection-related mortality rate was 3.5% (5 patients). CONCLUSIONS: Septic shock was associated with persistent bacteremia and the presence of secondary foci of infection.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Shock, Septic/epidemiology , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Bacteremia/epidemiology , Shock, Septic/etiology , Staphylococcal Infections/complications , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Staphylococcus aureus , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Multivariate Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Bacteremia/complications , Bacteremia/microbiology , Community-Acquired Infections/epidemiology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Hospitals, PediatricABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the pathogenic bacterial spectrum, drug resistance, and risk factors associated with multidrug-resistant bacterial infection and mortality in patients with hematologic diseases complicated by bloodstream infections, so as to provide reference for rational drug use and improving prognosis.@*METHODS@#Positive blood culture specimens of patients with hematologic diseases in two Class A tertiary hospitals of Shanxi province from January 2019 to December 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. Pathogen distribution, drug resistance and outcomes of patients with bloodstream infection were investigated, then the multivariate logistic analysis was performed to analyze the risk factors of multidrug-resistant bacterial infection and factors affecting prognosis.@*RESULTS@#203 strains of pathogens were identified, mainly Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) (69.46%, 141/203), of which Escherichia coli (E.coli) had the highest incidence (41.13%, 58/141), followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae (20.57%, 29/141) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (12.77%, 18/141). Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing E.coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae were 46.55% (27/58) and 37.93% (11/29), respectively. Carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria accounted for 10.64% (15/141). And Gram-positive bacteria accounted for 27.59% (56/203), Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus aureus were the most frequently isolated pathogen among Gram-positive bacteria (14.29%, 12.50% and 10.71%, respectively), of which methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus accounted for 33.33% (2/6), coagulase-negative staphylococci accounted for 87.50% (7/8), without vancomycin- or linezolid-resistant strain. Additionally, fungi accounted for 2.95% (6/203), all of which were Candida. Multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (MDR-GNB) accounted for 53.90% (76/141). Duration of neutropenia >14 days was a risk factor for developing MDR-GNB infection. The 30-day all-cause mortality was 10.84%. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the significant independent risk factors for mortality were age≥60 years (P <0.01, OR =5.85, 95% CI: 1.80-19.07) and use of vasopressor drugs (P <0.01, OR =5.89, 95% CI: 1.83-18.94).@*CONCLUSION@#The pathogenic bacteria of bloodstream infection in patients with hematological diseases are widely distributed, and the detection rate of multidrug-resistant bacteria is high. The clinicians should choose suitable antibiotics according to the results of bacterial culture and antibiotic susceptibility test.
Humans , Middle Aged , Bacteremia/mortality , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Drug Resistance , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Gram-Negative Bacteria , Hematologic Diseases/complications , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Sepsis/mortalityABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: El diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno de las infecciones osteoarticulares (IOA) pediátricas son imperativos para evitar complicaciones y secuelas, siendo relevante conocer la microbiología local. OBJETIVO: Describir las características de las IOA pediátricas tratadas en nuestro centro. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional descriptivo. Se analizaron pacientes bajo 15 años de edad tratados por IOA. entre los años 2004 y 2020. Se evaluaron características clínicas, de laboratorio, microbiología y tratamiento. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 126 pacientes (63,5% hombres), con una mediana de edad de 5,09 años (rango: 0,5-14,6 años); 61,1% artritis séptica (AS), 38,9% osteomielitis (OM). Un 92,9% presentó dolor y 68,3% fiebre. La localización más frecuente en AS fue rodilla (33,7%) y en OM tibia (30,6%) y fémur (30,6%). Se identificó agente en 77 pacientes (61,1%), siendo más frecuentes Staphylococcus aureus (n = 44), Kingella kingae (n = 13) y Streptococcuspyogenes (n = 8). Los cuatro pacientes con reacción de polimerasa en cadena (RPC) universal positiva para K. kingae no fueron detectados por otros métodos. CONCLUSIÓN: El agente más frecuente sigue siendo S. aureus, observándose un aumento en la resistencia de éste en comparación con series nacionales anteriores, y, por primera vez en nuestro medio, se comunica la detección de K. kingae, específicamente relacionada al uso de técnicas moleculares.
BACKGROUND: Timely diagnosis and treatment of pediatric osteoarticular infections (OAI) are imperative to avoid complications and sequelae, being relevant to know the local microbiology. AIM: To describe the characteristics of pediatric OAI treated in our center. METHODS: Descriptive observational study. Patients under 15 years of age treated for OAI between 2004 and 2020 were analyzed. Clinical, laboratory, microbiology and treatment characteristics were evaluated. RESULTS: 126 patients (63.5% men) were included, median age of 5.09 years (range: 0.5-14.6 years); 61.1% had septic arthritis (AS), 38.9% osteomyelitis (OM). Pain was present in 92.9% and fever in 68.3%. The most frequent location in AS was the knee (33.7%) and in OM the tibia (30.6%) and femur (30.6%). Agents were identified in 77 patients (61.1%), the most frequent being Staphylococcus aureus (n = 44), Kingella kingae (n = 13) and Streptococcus pyogenes (n = 8). The 4 patients with positive universal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for K. kingae were not detected by other methods. CONCLUSION: The most frequent agent continues to be S. aureus, with an increase in its resistance, and this is the first report of K. kingae as a cause of OAI in Chile, specifically related to the use of molecular techniques.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Osteomyelitis/diagnosis , Osteomyelitis/microbiology , Arthritis, Infectious/diagnosis , Arthritis, Infectious/microbiology , Osteomyelitis/therapy , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Arthritis, Infectious/therapy , Drainage , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Retrospective Studies , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La meningitis bacteriana aguda (MBA) y la encefalitis son infecciones graves y el retraso en el tratamiento determina mayor morbimortalidad. En 2015 la FDA. aprobó un panel de RPC múltiple, BioFire® Filmarray® meningitis-encefalitis (FA-ME), que desde el 2019 se encuentra disponible en nuestro hospital. OBJETIVOS: Estimar número de determinaciones positivas mediante FA-ME, evaluar concordancia con cultivo convencional (CC) y describir si FA-ME permitió realizar cambios en el tratamiento. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, realizado durante 2019-2021 en el Hospital de Niños Pedro Elizalde. Se revisaron reportes de niños con meningitis, encefalitis y meningoencefalitis y líquido-cefalorraquídeo patológico a quienes se les realizó FA-ME. RESULTADOS: Se incluyó a 32 niños, edad promedio: 48 meses. Fueron positivas 13 determinaciones de FA-ME: siete bacterias y seis virus. En dos MBA obtuvo desarrollo mediante CC. Con FA-ME se ajustó el tratamiento en dos MBA y se acortó el tratamiento intravenoso (IV). DISCUSIÓN: Nuestro trabajo permitió conocer la etiología de cinco MBA con cultivo negativo, de las cuales dos habían recibido antimicrobianos, administrar quimioprofilaxis a contactos epidemiológicos, acortar el tratamiento IV y suministrar menos dosis de aciclovir; en concordancia con la literatura médica. CONCLUSIONES: FA-ME permitió identificar la etiología en cinco MBA que no desarrollaron en CC, ajustar tratamientos empíricos inadecuados y acortar duración del tratamiento parenteral.
BACKGROUND: Bacterial meningitis and encephalitis are life-threatening infections, a delay in its treatment is associated with high mortality. In 2015, FDA approved the Multiplex PCR FilmArray™ meningitis/encephalitis syndromic panel (FA-MEP), and it is available in our hospital since 2019. AIM: To estimate the number of positive FA-MEP, to evaluate the correlation to conventional culture (CC) results and to describe if the FA-MEP technology allowed changes in the treatment. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of children with meningitis, encephalitis and meningoencephalitis and pathological cerebrospinal fluid analysis between 2019-2021, who were subject to FA-MEP testing at the Pedro Elizalde Children's Hospital. RESULTS: 32 children, mean age: 48 months. 11 patients had positive FA-ME tests: 7 bacterial, 6 viral. 2 patients correlated with CC. Based on the FAMEP results, treatment was adjusted in 2 bacterial meningitis and the duration of intravenous treatment was shortened. DISCUSSION: Our study allowed to establish the etiology of 5 culture negative bacterial meningitis, (2 had prior antibiotics), administer chemoprophylaxis to close contacts, and to administer fewer doses of acyclovir. CONCLUSIONS: The FA-MEP allowed us to identify 5 bacterial meningitis that tested negative by CC and early adjustment of inappropriate empirical antibiotics and to shorten the duration of parenteral treatments.
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Meningoencephalitis/diagnosis , Meningoencephalitis/microbiology , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Viruses/isolation & purification , Acyclovir/therapeutic use , Retrospective Studies , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction , Meningoencephalitis/etiology , Meningoencephalitis/drug therapy , Anti-Infective Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
La disponibilidad de cepas bacteriana para el estudio de la resistencia bacteriana es clave para los avances en la investigación básica y clínica respecto del tema. Existen pocos biorrepositorios o bancos de bacterias con mecanismos de resistencia conocidos, aisladas de infecciones clínicamente significativas. Una revisión de la literatura revela que sólo en los Estados Unidos de América existe un biobanco de aislados resistentes disponibles para estudios. En esta publicación se cuenta cómo se creó el primer biorrepositorio de bacterias resistentes en Chile asociados a la Red de Laboratorios MICROB-R, con la participación de 11 centros distribuidos a lo largo del país, que a la fecha cuenta con más de 3.500 aislados bacterianos estudiados fenotípica y genotípicamente, disponibles para la comunidad científica chilena.
The availability of bacterial strains for the study of bacterial resistance is key to advances in basic and clinical research. There are few biobanks of bacteria with known resistance mechanisms, isolated from clinically significant infections. A review of the literature reveals that only in the United States of America is there a biobank of resistant isolates. This publication shows the creation of the first biorepository of resistant bacteria Chile associated with the MICROB-R Laboratory Network, with the participation of 11 centers distributed throughout the country, which to date has more than 3,500 bacterial isolates studied phenotypically and genotypically, available to the Chilean scientific community.
Bacteria/isolation & purification , Biological Specimen Banks , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Chile , LaboratoriesABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La pandemia por coronavirus se diseminó mundialmente con una amplia variedad de presentaciones clínicas. Se reportó que 15% de los pacientes requirió internación en una unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI). Estudios epidemiológicos demostraron que pacientes con ventilación mecánica invasiva (VMi) por SARS-Cov-2 presentan más riesgo de infecciones asociadas a la atención de la salud (IAAS). OBJETIVO: Describir la incidencia IAAS en adultos internados en UCI en VMi del Sanatorio Anchorena San Martín, durante la pandemia en 2020. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, el análisis de normalidad se efectuó mediante test Shapiro-Wilk. El análisis de regresión múltiple se realizó en forma automática, (backward selection). Para la comparación entre grupo COVID-19 y no COVID-19 se utilizó T test o Test de Wilcoxon según correspondiera; y el χ2 o el test exacto de Fisher. Todas las estimaciones de las funciones de incidencia acumuladas fueron realizadas con el paquete cmprsk. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 252 pacientes, 40 desarrollaron IAAS (incidencia acumulada de 15,9%), con un total de 60 eventos de IAAS. La edad (OR 0,96), cantidad de accesos venosos centrales (AVC) (OR 2,01), COVID-19 (OR 2,96) y decúbito prono (OR 2,78) se asociaron a IAAS. Desarrollar IAAS se asoció a más días de VMi y estadía en UCI. La incidencia acumulada de IAAS en pacientes NO COVID fue menor que en COVID-19. Días de VMi y mortalidad en UCI fueron mayores en pacientes con COVID. El 29,6% de los pacientes con COVID-19 desarrolló algún tipo de IAAS vs 7,1% en NO COVID. CONCLUSIÓN: Describimos la incidencia de IAAS en nuestra cohorte. La presencia de COVID-19, AVC, el decúbito prono y estadía en UCI se asociaron con mayor probabilidad de contraer una IAAS.
BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread fast globally comprising a great variety of clinical presentations. It was reported that 15% of patients required admission to intensive care units (ICU). Previous epidemiological studies have reported higher risk of healthcare-associated infections (HCAI) in those patients requiring invasive mechanical ventilation (iMV) due to COVID-19. AIM: To analyze the incidence of HCAI in adults under iMV admitted to ICU of Anchorena San Martín Clinic during COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study, the analysis of normality was carried out using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The multiple regression analysis was performed automatically, based on backward elimination of the variables (backward selection). For the comparison between the COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 groups, the T test or Wilcoxon test was used, as appropriate; and the χ2 or Fisher's exact test. All cumulative incidence function estimates were made with the cmprsk package. RESULTS: 252 patients were included, 40 patients developed HCAI (accumulated incidence was 15.9%), counting for 60 total HCAI events. Age (OR 0.96), number of central venous access devices (CVAD) (OR 2.01), COVID-19 (OR 2.96) and prone positioning (OR 2.78) were associated with HCAI. HCAI was associated with more days of iMV and ICU stay. The accumulated incidence of HCAI in non-COVID-19 patients was lower than in COVID-19 patients. iMV days and mortality were higher in COVID-19. 29.6% of COVID-19 patients developed HCAIs vs 7.1% of non-COVID-19 ones. CONCLUSION: We describe the incidence of HCAI. Age, COVID-19, CVAD, prone positioning and ICU stay were associated with higher probability of HCAIs.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Cross Infection/epidemiology , Intensive Care Units , Argentina , Respiration, Artificial/adverse effects , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Urinary Tract Infections/epidemiology , Cross Infection/microbiology , Incidence , Regression Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Analysis of Variance , Bacteremia/epidemiology , Catheter-Related Infections/epidemiology , Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia/epidemiology , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19/epidemiologyABSTRACT
El parto prematuro (PP) es la principal causa de morbilidad/mortalidad perinatal y frecuentemente es espontáneo, con membranas intactas (MI). La infección intrauterina es su causa más común en un hospital público de Chile. Existe evidencia que la infección bacteriana ascendente desde la vagina es responsable de la infección/inflamación intraamniótica, del PP y de los resultados adversos maternos y perinatales. Esta revisión narrativa incluye ensayos controlados aleatorizados (ECAs), publicados en PubMed, Cochrane, Embase, Scielo, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, sobre los mecanismos que intervienen en el ascenso de la infección vaginal, los factores infecciosos que participan en el resultado adverso materno-perinatal y la eficacia de los antimicrobianos en estos casos. Estos trabajos no recomiendan usar antimicrobianos profilácticos porque producen daño a corto y largo plazo en los hijos. Pero este resultado tiene sesgo porque no se evaluó la presencia de infección/inflamación subclínica, lo que disminuye el grado de recomendación. También existen ECAs, que erradican la infección/inflamación intraamniótica, reducen la morbilidad/mortalidad neonatal, pero son trabajos aislados, obtenidos de subanálisis, con bajo nivel de evidencia. Se requieren revisiones sistemáticas y metaanális de ECAs con estudio de infección/inflamación subclínica para evaluar si son útiles los antimicrobianos en el PP espontáneo con MI.
Preterm labor (PL) is the leading cause of perinatal morbidity/ mortality and is frequently spontaneous with intact membranes (IM). Intrauterine infection is its most common cause in a public hospital in Chile. There is evidence that ascending bacterial infection from the vagina is responsible for intraamniotic infection/inflammation, PL, and adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes. This narrative review includes randomized controlled trials (RCTs), published in PubMed, Cochrane, Embase, Scielo, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library on the mechanisms involved in the rise of vaginal infection, the infectious factors involved in adverse maternal-perinatal outcomes, and the efficacy of antibiotics in these cases. They do not recommend the use of prophylactic antibiotics because they cause short and long-term damage to children. But this result is biased because the presence of subclinical infection/inflammation was not evaluated, which lowers the degree of recommendation. There are also RCTs that eradicate intra-amniotic infection/inflammation, reduce neonatal morbidity/ mortality, but they are isolated studies, obtained from subanalyses, with a low level of evidence. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of RCTs with subclinical infection/inflammation study are required to assess whether antibiotics are useful in spontaneous PL with IM.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/prevention & control , Obstetric Labor, Premature/microbiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Placenta/microbiology , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/microbiology , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Bacterial Infections/prevention & control , Vagina/microbiology , Pregnancy Outcome , Cervix Uteri/microbiology , Chorioamnionitis , Amniotic Fluid/microbiologyABSTRACT
Resumen En la práctica clínica, la radiografía de tórax permite confirmar el diagnóstico y la extensión de la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (NAC). Objetivos: Examinar las características radiográficas de la NAC según el agente causal y el grado de concordancia interobservador (CI) en la descripción de los hallazgos radiográficos. Métodos: Se evaluaron las radiografías de tórax de 300 pacientes adultos inmunocompetentes hospitalizados por NAC, tres residentes de radiología consignaron el patrón de los infiltrados pulmonares, su localización anatómica y extensión, la presencia de derrame pleural y otros hallazgos radiográficos. Se realizaron cultivos de esputo, hemocultivos, pruebas serológicas y técnicas de biología molecular de hisopado nasofaríngeo para identificar los principales patógenos respiratorios. Resultados: Las manifestaciones clínicas y los hallazgos de la radiografía de tórax fueron similares en las neumonías causadas por diferentes patógenos respiratorios: bacterias clásicas, virus respiratorios y microorganismos atípicos. En las neumonías bacterianas predominó el patrón de relleno alveolar de distribución lobar, en las neumonías vírales y atípicas predominó el patrón intersticial o mixto alvéolo-intersticial con opacidades en vidrio esmerilado. La CI fue satisfactoria (kappa > 0,6) para determinar el patrón principal de los infiltrados pulmonares, su localización anatómica y la presencia de derrame pleural, su localización y extensión. La CI fue moderada (kappa 0,4-0,6) para definir la extensión de la neumonía y detectar signos radiológicos asociados a congestión pulmonar. Conclusión: Los hallazgos de la radiografía de tórax no permitieron identificar con precisión el agente causal de la neumonía, siendo útil en la caracterización de los infiltrados pulmonares y para detectar complicaciones como el derrame paraneumónico.
In a clinical setting the chest radiograph is the reference standard in establishing the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Objectives: This study aimed to assess interobserver reliability (IR) of radiographic findings and the relationship to different respiratory pathogens in CAP. Methods: Chest radiographs of 300 immunocompetent adult patients hospitalized with pneumonia, obtained from a database, were reviewed by three residents of radiology without specific clinical information. Main pattern of pulmonary infiltrates, topographic localization, extent of pneumonia, presence of pleural fluid, thickened bronchial walls, lymphadenopathy and air bronchogram were scored. Sputum and blood cultures, serological tests and nasopharyngeal swab for respiratory virus detection by molecular diagnostic techniques were performed to identify the causative pathogen. Results: Clinical manifestations and chest X-ray findings were similar in pneumonias caused by different respiratory pathogens: classic bacteria, respiratory viruses and atypical microorganisms. The alveolar pattern of lobar distribution predominated in bacterial pneumonia; meanwhile, interstitial or mixed alveolar-interstitial pattern with ground glass opacities predominated in viral and atypical pneumonias. IR was fair to good (kappa > 0.6) for determining the main pattern of infiltrates, anatomical location and the presence of pleural effusion, their anatomical location and extension. IR was moderate (kappa 0.4-0.6) for determining the extent of pneumonia and signs of congestive heart failure. Conclusion: Simple features such as main pattern description, anatomical location, identifying the involved lobes and pleural fluid recognition showed fair to excellent interobserver reliability. Chest radiographs was of limited value in predicting the causative pathogen but were of beneficial use to characterize pulmonary infiltrates and to detect complications such as parapneumonic effusion.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Community-Acquired Infections/etiology , Community-Acquired Infections/diagnostic imaging , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Viruses/isolation & purification , Radiography, Thoracic , Observer Variation , Prospective Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Community-Acquired Infections/microbiology , Community-Acquired Infections/virology , ImmunocompetenceABSTRACT
Doenças tropicais negligenciadas atingem cerca de 1,7 bilhões de pessoas, gerando um forte impacto na economia e problemas na Saúde Pública. Dentre as endemias mais negligenciadas, encontra-se a doença de Chagas, que afeta cerca de 6 milhões de pessoas, e no Brasil, dispõe-se de apenas de um fármaco altamente tóxico contra a infecção. Sendo assim, existe uma necessidade urgente para novos tratamentos. A exploração farmacológica de compostos produzidos por microrganismos é de longa data e contribuiu até hoje, com diversos fármacos aprovados. O presente projeto avaliou o potencial anti-Trypanosoma cruzi de metabólitos de espécies bacterianas marinhas encontradas no litoral paulista. Para isto, foram coletados invertebrados e sedimentos marinhos e isoladas 32 espécies bacterianas, resultando em 12 microrganismos identificados por MALDI-TOF/MS ou sequenciamento genético. Os extratos orgânicos, contendo os metabólitos microbianos, foram avaliados quanto ao potencial anti-T. cruzi em tripomastigotas, apresentando valores de Concentração Efetiva 50% (CE50) entre 1,5 e 59,0 µg/mL. Duas cepas foram submetidas à abordagem One Strain Many Compounds (OSMAC), porém, não se observou aumento da potência antiparasitária. O pré-fracionamento do extrato da Olleya marilimosa, resultou em uma fração (FII) ativa contra os tripomastigotas (CE50 23 µg/mL), com ausência de citotoxicidade em fibroblastos e hemácias até 200 µg/mL. A análise em ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN 1H) e espectrometria de massas de alta resolução, demonstrou a presença de 4 ácidos graxos de cadeia iso, 1 (C19H37O2), 2 (C20H39O2), 3 (C21H41O2) e 4 (C22H43O2)...(AU)
Neglected tropical diseases affects about 1.7 billion people, generating a strong impact on the economy and problems in Public Health. Among the most neglected endemic diseases is Chagas disease, which affects about 6 million people, and in Brazil, only one highly toxic drug is available against it. Therefore, there is an urgent need for new treatments. The pharmacological exploitation of compounds produced by microorganisms is long-standing and has contributed to several approved drugs. The present project evaluated the anti-Trypanosoma cruzi potential of metabolites of marine bacterial species found on the coast of São Paulo. For this, invertebrates and marine sediments were collected and 32 bacterial species were isolated, resulting in 12 microorganisms identified by MALDI-TOF/MS or genetic sequencing. The organic extracts containing the microbial metabolites were evaluated for antiT. cruzi potential. crossed in trypomastigotes, presenting Effective Concentration 50% (EC50) between 1.5 and 59.0 µg/mL. Two strains were submitted to the One Strain Many Compounds (OSMAC) approach, however, there was no increase in antiparasitic potency. Prefractionation of Olleya marilimosa extract resulted in an active fraction (FII) against trypanomastigotes (EC50 23 µg/mL), with no cytotoxicity in fibroblasts or red blood cells up to 200 µg/mL. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance analysis (NMR 1H) and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry demonstrated the presence of 4 iso chain fatty acids, 1 (C19H37O2), 2 (C20H39O2), 3 (C21H41O2) and 4 (C22H43O2). Using spectrofluorimetry, it was observed that FII induced a change in the permeability of the plasma membrane of the parasite. Analysis in mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS) also demonstrated changes in the protein profile of parasites after treatment. This study presented in an unprecedented way, the anti-T. cruzi potential metabolites of the marine bacteria studied. The isolation and characterization of these compounds may contribute to new pharmaceutical prototypes for Chagas disease. (AU)
Bacteria/isolation & purification , Biological Products , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Marine Environment , Chagas Disease , Neglected Diseases , Antiparasitic Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
O queijo Canastra possui grande importância na cultura e economia local, é parte do Patrimônio Imaterial do Brasil (IPHAN, 2014) e recebeu o selo de produto com designação de origem em 2012 (INPI, 2016). Sua produção utiliza leite, sal, coalho e uma cultura iniciadora natural, chamada popularmente de pingo. Esse estudo visou a caracterização da microbiota presente no queijo maturado da Serra da Canastra e no pingo utilizado em sua produção utilizando técnicas avançadas de sequenciamento em larga escala para identificação das bactérias e fungos ali presentes. Nossos dados da microbiota bacteriana foram comparados com dados da microbiota de outros queijos brasileiros e do mundo disponíveis na literatura. As principais bactérias encontradas em amostras de pingo pertencem aos gêneros Lactococcus (45.6%), Streptococcus (30.3%), Staphylococcus (5.1%), e em amostras de queijo aos gêneros Lactococcus (22.5%), Streptococcus (27.2%), Corynebacterium (18.8%), Staphylococcus (13.6%), Leuconostoc (6.3%) e Weissella (6%). Os principais gêneros de fungos encontrados nos queijos foram Debaryomycesa (78.6%), Trichosporona (7.8%). Nosso estudo foi capaz de separar a microbiota dos queijos produzidos na Serra da Canastra de outros queijos na Europa e América do Norte, sendo o pH um possível fator de segregação. Também foi observada uma diferença entre a microbiota do queijo Canastra com outros queijos Brasileiros. Além disso, visualizamos que a distância geográfica entre produtores e a sazonalidade possuem um efeito sobre a microbiota dos pingos e queijos. A partir da análise de todos os microrganismos encontrados na microbiota bacteriana, foram detectados táxons que discriminam produtores por suas aplicações de boas práticas de fabricação e por sua infraestrutura. Observamos proporções menores de um táxon de Kocuria Kristinae nos pingos e um de Streptococcus nos queijos e proporções maiores de um táxon de Staphylococcus nos queijos. Também pudemos observar uma diminuição nas proporções de táxons de Debaryomycesa e aumento na proporção de táxons de Trichosporona na composição fúngica dos queijos, possivelmente devido a transição sazonal do período seco para o chuvoso. Usando técnicas moleculares de sequenciamento em larga escala, demonstramos que há uma diferença na microbiota presente em diferentes áreas da Serra da Canastra, um possível efeito da sazonalidade na composição fúngica e bacteriana. E evidenciamos que táxons de Streptococcus, Staphylococcus e Kocuria estão correlacionados às boas práticas de produção e elucidamos a conexão existente entre a microbiota do pingo e a do queijo. Estes resultados podem influenciar o desenvolvimento de métodos de rastreamento de sub-regiões específicas da Canastra e auxiliar os produtores na produção de queijos de boa qualidade, mantendo as características específicas de sua região
The Canastra cheese has great importance for the local culture and economy, being part of the Intangible Heritage of Brazil (IPHAN, 2014). It has received the protected designation of origin certification in 2012 (INPI, 2016). It's made using milk, salt, rennet and a endogenous starter culture, popularly called as "pingo". This study aimed to characterize the microbiota present in the Serra da Canastra's cheese and the pingo used in its production. In order to conduct this research we used next generation sequencing to identify the bacteria and fungi present there. Our bacterial microbiota dataset was compared with microbiota datasets from other Brazilian and world cheeses available in the literature. The main bacteria found were Lactococcus (45.6%), Streptococcus (30.3%) and Staphylococcus (5.1%) in the endogenous starter samples and Lactococcus (22.5%), Streptococcus (27.2%), Corynebacterium (18.8 %), Staphylococcus (13.6%), Leuconostoc (6.3%) and Weissella (6%) in cheese samples. The main fungi found in the cheeses were Debaryomycesa (78.6%) and Trichosporona (7.8%). We were able to separate the microbiota from Serra da Canastra cheeses and other cheeses in Europe and North America, being the pH a possible segregation factor. Furthermore, a difference was also observed between the microbiota of Canastra and other Brazilian cheeses. In addition, we observed that the geographical distance between producers and the seasonality could be affecting the pingos and cheeses microbiota. We found bacterial taxa that could discriminate producers by their good manufacturing practices and their local infrastructure. Low levels of good manufacturing practices (GMPs) were assigned to bigger proportions of a Kocuria Kristinae taxon in the pingos and a Staphylococcus taxon in the cheeses. Also, higher levels of GMPs were assigned to smaller proportions of Streptococcus taxons in the cheeses. Furthermore We could observe a decrease of Debaryomycesa and an increase of Trichosporona proportions in the fungal composition of cheeses. This could be due to a climate transition: from the dry season to the rainy season. Using large-scale sampling coupled with molecular sequencing techniques, we observe a connection between pingo and cheeses microbiota. We show that the microbiota of different areas in Serra da Canastra is different, also, there is a possible effect of seasonality on fungal and bacterial composition. Furthermore, we could see that Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and Kocuria taxons are correlated with good practices. These results may influence the development of tracking methods for specific Canastra subregions and assist producers to manufacture good quality cheeses while maintaining the specific characteristics of their region
Cheese/analysis , Good Manufacturing Practices , Microbiota , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Certification/standards , Total Quality Management , Corynebacterium/isolation & purification , MilkABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica (NAVM) es frecuente en pacientes críticos con COVID-19. Su diagnóstico precoz es fundamental para su pronóstico. OBJETIVO: Demostrar la utilidad del panel FilmArray Pneumo (PFA-P) en la confirmación o descarte de NAVM en estos pacientes. MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo de 71 pacientes críticos con COVID-19 con sospecha de NAVM en quienes se realizó cultivos y PFA-P para confirmación diagnóstica. Se describen las características clínicas, microbiología y mortalidad. Se define la validez y seguridad de PFA-P. RESULTADOS: El uso de FAP-P y cultivos descartó NAVM en 29 pacientes (40,8%). En 41 pacientes se confirmó NAVM y la mortalidad a 30 días fue 48,8%. Se estudiaron 48 muestras, los cultivos fueron positivos en 30 (62,5%) y se detectaron 33 bacterias, PFA-P detectó 32 de estas 33 bacterias; 37 bacterias fueron detectadas exclusivamente por PFA-P. Las bacterias prevalentes fueron Klebsiella pneumoniae (31,4%) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (21,4%) y Acinetobacter calcoaceticusbaumannii (14,2%). La sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictor positivo y valor predictor negativo de PFA-P con respecto a cultivos fue 96,9%, 92,5%, 46,4% y 99,8, respectivamente. Un paciente tuvo NAVM por Burkholderia cepacia bacteria no detectada por FAP-P. CONCLUSIONES: La FAP-P es una técnica molecular eficaz para descartar y diagnosticar la NAVM permitiendo una suspensión rápida de los antimicrobianos o un tratamiento dirigido temprano.
BACKGROUND: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is frequent in critical COVID-19 patients. Its early diagnosis is essential for its prognosis. AIM: To demonstrate the usefulness of the FilmArray Pneumo panel (FAP-P) in confirming or ruling out VAP in these patients. METHODS: Retrospective study of 71 critical COVID-19 patients with suspected VAP in whom cultures and FAP-P were performed for diagnostic confirmation. Clinical characteristics, microbiology and mortality are described. The validity and safety of FAP-P is defined. RESULTS: The use of FAP-P and cultures ruled out VAP in 29 patients (40.8%). In 41 patients, VAP was confirmed and the 30-day mortality was 48.8%. Forty-eight samples were studied, the cultures were positive in 30 (62.5%) and 33 bacteria were detected, FAP-P detected 32 of these 33 bacteria; 37 bacteria were exclusively detected by PFA-P. The most prevalent bacteria were Klebsiella pneumoniae (31.4%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (21.4%) and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-baumannii (14.2%). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of FAP-P with respect to cultures were 96.9%, 92.5%, 46.4% and 99.8%, respectively. One patient had VAP due to Burkholderia cepacia bacteria not detected by FAP-P. CONCLUSIONS: FAP-P is an effective molecular technique to rule out and diagnose VAP, allowing rapid suspension of antibiotics or early targeted treatment.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated/diagnosis , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Bacteria/drug effects , Bacteria/genetics , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Predictive Value of Tests , Retrospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Molecular Diagnostic Techniques , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated/microbiology , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated/mortality , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated/drug therapy , COVID-19/complications , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Background and Objectives: Infections caused by multi-drug resistant microorganisms have a great clinical and economic impact. The present study proposed to determine and assess ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) incidence in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), to establish the profile of hospitalized patients and to determine the frequency of microorganisms isolated as well as their antimicrobial resistance profile. Methods: A descriptive, documental study, with a quantitative approach, carried out at a teaching hospital. Participants were all individuals admitted to the General ICU who developed VAP in 2018 and 2019. Results: During the study, 146 patients were diagnosed with VAP, with an incidence of 23.66/1000 patient-days on mechanical ventilation. The median age of patients was 52.5 years and most of them were man. One hundred and eight microorganisms were isolated in cultures, the majority being gram-negative bacteria. Non-fermenting bacteria were the most frequent (n=46; 42.6%), followed by enterobacteria (n=42; 38.9%). Staphylococcus aureus was the most frequent microorganism among gram-positive (n=17; 15.7%). The most frequent multi-drug resistant bacteria were Acinetobacter baumannii and Enterobacter spp. No microorganism showed colistin and vancomycin resistance. Patients infected with multi-drug resistant bacteria were hospitalized longer when compared to other patients. Conclusions: VAP incidence was high. The knowledge of the etiologic agents of VAP and their antimicrobial resistance profile is fundamental to support the elaboration of institutional treatment protocols as well as assist in empirical antibiotic therapy.(AU)
Justificativa e Objetivos: As infecções causadas por microrganismos multirresistentes têm grande impacto clínico e econômico. O presente estudo propôs determinar e avaliar a incidência de pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica (PAV) em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), estabelecer o perfil dos pacientes internados e determinar a frequência de microrganismos isolados, bem como seu perfil de resistência antimicrobiana. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, documental, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado em um hospital universitário. Participaram todos os indivíduos admitidos na UTI Geral que desenvolveram PAV em 2018 e 2019. Resultados: Durante o estudo, 146 pacientes foram diagnosticados com PAV, com incidência de 23,66/1000 pacientes-dia em ventilação mecânica. A idade mediana dos pacientes foi de 52,5 anos e a maioria era do sexo masculino. Cento e oito microrganismos foram isolados em culturas, sendo a maioria bactérias gram-negativas. As bactérias não fermentadoras foram as mais frequentes (n=46; 42,6%), seguidas das enterobactérias (n=42; 38,9%). Staphylococcus aureus foi o microrganismo mais frequente entre os Gram-positivos (n=17; 15,7%). As bactérias multirresistentes mais frequentes foram Acinetobacter baumannii e Enterobacter spp. Nenhum microrganismo apresentou resistência à colistina e vancomicina. Pacientes infectados com bactérias multirresistentes ficaram mais tempo internados quando comparados a outros pacientes. Conclusões: A incidência de PAV foi alta. O conhecimento dos agentes etiológicos da PAV e seu perfil de resistência antimicrobiana é fundamental para subsidiar a elaboração de protocolos institucionais de tratamento, bem como auxiliar na antibioticoterapia empírica.(AU)
Justificación y Objetivos: Las infecciones causadas por microorganismos multirresistentes tienen un gran impacto clínico y económico. El presente estudio se propuso determinar y evaluar la incidencia de neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica (NAV) en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI), establecer el perfil de pacientes hospitalizados y determinar la frecuencia de microorganismos aislados así como su perfil de resistencia antimicrobiana. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, documental, con abordaje cuantitativo, realizado en un hospital escuela. Participaron todas las personas ingresadas en UCI General que desarrollaron NAV en 2018 y 2019. Resultados: Durante el estudio, 146 pacientes fueron diagnosticados con NAV, con una incidencia de 23,66/1000 pacientes-día en ventilación mecánica. La mediana de edad de los pacientes fue de 52,5 años y la mayoría eran hombres. Se aislaron 108 microorganismos en cultivos, siendo la mayoría bacterias gramnegativas. Las bacterias no fermentadoras fueron las más frecuentes (n=46; 42,6%), seguidas de las enterobacterias (n=42; 38,9%). Staphylococcus aureus fue el microorganismo más frecuente entre los grampositivos (n=17; 15,7%). Las bacterias multirresistentes más frecuentes fueron Acinetobacter baumannii y Enterobacter spp. Ningún microorganismo mostró resistencia a colistina y vancomicina. Los pacientes infectados con bacterias multirresistentes fueron hospitalizados por más tiempo en comparación con otros pacientes. Conclusiones: La incidencia de NAV fue alta. El conocimiento de los agentes etiológicos de la VAP y su perfil de resistencia a los antimicrobianos es fundamental para apoyar la elaboración de protocolos de tratamiento institucionales, así como para ayudar en la terapia antibiótica empírica.(AU)
Humans , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated/microbiology , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated/epidemiology , Respiration, Artificial/adverse effects , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Incidence , Risk Factors , Intensive Care UnitsABSTRACT
Background and Objectives: This study aimed to identify the presence of microorganisms in the aesthetic environment and assess professionals' knowledge about relevant infection prevention measures, considering the importance of the issue and the lack of study in the area. Methods: A total of 100 clinics that perform minimally invasive aesthetic procedures in Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil, were visited. Procedures such as botulin-toxin, dermal fillers, collagen biostimulators, thread lift, chemical peels and laser hair removal were considered. A questionnaire about infection prevention measures were answered by 50 professionals. Also, 100 samples were collected from the environment for bacterial identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Results: There was an infection prevention protocol in 40% of clinics, in which 95% of respondents had complete college education. Periodic professional training regarding infection control measures were performed in 72% of clinics. An autoclave was used for sterilization of materials and instruments in 66% of clinics. From the samples collected, 85% showed bacterial growth by microbiological methods. Coagulase-negative Staphylococci was the most prevalent genera found, and 16% of them were resistant to both cefoxitin, erythromycin, and clindamycin. Four isolates were positive for mecA by PCR. Conclusion: The presence of well-trained professionals is critical in aesthetic clinics so that biosafety and infection prevention measures are taken.(AU)
Justificativa e Objetivos: Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar a presença de microrganismos no ambiente estético e avaliar o conhecimento dos profissionais sobre medidas relevantes de prevenção de infecções, considerando a importância do tema e a falta de estudos nesta área. Métodos: Foram visitadas 100 clínicas que realizam procedimentos estéticos minimamente invasivos em Porto Alegre (RS), Brasil. Foram considerados procedimentos injetáveis como aplicação de toxina botulínica, preenchedores faciais, microagulhamento, bioestimuladores de colágeno, fios de sustentação, peelings químicos e depilação a laser. Um questionário sobre medidas de prevenção de infecção foi respondido por 50 profissionais. Além disso, 100 amostras foram coletadas do ambiente para identificação bacteriana e teste de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos. Resultados: Existia protocolo de prevenção de infecção em 40% dos ambulatórios, no qual 95% dos profissionais entrevistados possuíam ensino superior completo. Treinamento profissional periódico sobre medidas de controle de infecção foi realizado em 72% dos ambulatórios. Autoclave foi utilizada para esterilização de materiais e instrumentais em 66% das clínicas. Das amostras coletadas, 85% apresentaram crescimento bacteriano nas culturas microbiológicas. Staphylococci coagulase-negativo foi o gênero mais prevalente encontrado; e 16% deles eram resistentes à cefoxitina, eritromicina e clindamicina. Quatro isolados foram positivos para mecA por PCR. Conclusão: A presença de profissionais devidamente treinados é fundamental nas clínicas de estética, para que medidas de biossegurança e prevenção de infecções sejam tomadas.(AU)
Justificación y Objetivos: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la presencia de microorganismos en el entorno estético y evaluar el conocimiento de los profesionales sobre las medidas de prevención de infecciones relevantes, considerando la importancia del tema y la falta de estudios en esta área. Métodos: Se visitaron 100 clínicas que realizan procedimientos estéticos mínimamente invasivos en Porto Alegre (RS), Brasil. Se consideraron procedimientos invasivos, como la aplicación de toxina botulínica, rellenos faciales, microagujas, bioestimuladores de colágeno, hilos de soporte, peelings químicos y depilación láser. Un cuestionario sobre medidas de prevención de infecciones fue respondido por 50 profesionales. Además, se recolectaron 100 muestras del medio ambiente para la identificación bacteriana y las pruebas de susceptibilidad a los antimicrobianos. Resultados: Existía un protocolo de prevención de infecciones en el 40% de las clínicas, en el que el 95% de los profesionales encuestados tenía educación universitaria completa. En el 72% de las clínicas se realizó capacitación profesional periódica sobre medidas de control de infecciones. Se utilizó un autoclave para la esterilización de materiales e instrumentos en el 66% de las clínicas. De las muestras recolectadas, el 85% mostró crecimiento bacteriano por métodos de cultivo microbiologicos. El Staphylococci coagulasa negativo fue el género más prevalente encontrado, y el 16% de ellos eran resistentes tanto a cefoxitina, eritromicina y clindamicina. Cuatro aislamientos fueron positivos para mecA por PCR. Conclusión: La presencia de profesionales debidamente capacitados es fundamental en las clínicas de estética, para la toma medidas de bioseguridad y prevención de infecciones.(AU)
Humans , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Cosmetic Techniques/adverse effects , Infection Control , Infections/microbiology , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Surveys and Questionnaires , Environmental Microbiology , Beauty and Aesthetics CentersABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Endometritis is the most common disease of dairy cows and traditionally treated with antibiotics. Lactic acid bacteria can inhibit the growth of pathogens and also have potential for treatment of endometritis. Using PacBio single-molecule real-time sequencing technology, we sequenced the fulllength l6S rRNA of the microbiota in uterine mucus samples from 31 cows with endometritis, treated with lactic acid bacteria (experimental [E] group) and antibiotics (control [C] group) separately. Microbiota profiles taken before and after treatment were compared. RESULTS: After both treatments, bacterial species richness was significantly higher than before, but there was no significant difference in bacterial diversity. Abundance of some bacteria increased after both lactic acid bacteria and antibiotic treatment: Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactococcus lactis, Lactococcus raffinolactis, Pseudomonas alcaligenes and Pseudomonas veronii. The bacterial species that significantly decreased in abundance varied depending on whether the cows had been treated with lactic acid bacteria or antibiotics. Abundance of Staphylococcus equorum and Treponema brennaborense increased after lactic acid bacteria treatment but decreased after antibiotic treatment. According to COG-based functional metagenomic predictions, 384 functional proteins were significantly differently expressed after treatment. E and C group protein expression pathways were significantly higher than before treatment (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we found that lactic acid bacteria could cure endometritis and restore a normal physiological state, while avoiding the disadvantages of antibiotic treatment, such as the reductions in abundance of beneficial microbiota. This suggests that lactic acid bacteria treatment has potential as an alternative to antibiotics in the treatment of endometritis in cattle.
Animals , Female , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/drug therapy , Endometritis/drug therapy , Lactobacillales/metabolism , High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing/methods , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Bacteria/growth & development , Bacteria/drug effects , Uterus/microbiology , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Lactic Acid , Lactobacillales/genetics , MicrobiotaABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: This work studied how the exposure to an unusual substrate forced a change in microbial populations during anaerobic fermentation of crude glycerol, a by-product of biodiesel production, with freshwater sediment used as an inoculum. RESULTS: The microbial associations almost completely (99.9%) utilized the glycerol contained in crude glycerol 6 g L 1 within four days, releasing gases, organic acids (acetic, butyric) and alcohols (ethanol, n-butanol) under anaerobic conditions. In comparison with control medium without glycerol, adding crude glycerol to the medium increased the amount of ethanol and n-butanol production and it was not significantly affected by incubation temperature (28 C or 37 C), nor incubation time (4 or 8 d), but it resulted in reduced amount of butyric acid. Higher volume of gas was produced at 37 C despite the fact that the overall bacterial count was smaller than the one measured at 20 C. Main microbial phyla of the inoculum were Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. During fermentation, significant changes were observed and Firmicutes, especially Clostridium spp., began to dominate, and the number of Actinobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria decreased accordingly. Concentration of Archaea decreased, especially in medium with crude glycerol. These changes were confirmed both by culturing and culture-independent (concentration of 16S rDNA) methods. CONCLUSIONS: Crude glycerol led to the adaptation of freshwater sediment microbial populations to this substrate. Changes of microbial community were a result of a community adaptation to a new source of carbon.
Bacteria/isolation & purification , Geologic Sediments/microbiology , Fresh Water/microbiology , Glycerol/metabolism , Bacteria/metabolism , Adaptation, Biological , Biofuels , Fermentation , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , AnaerobiosisABSTRACT
RESUMEN Objetivos: Determinar la calidad microbiológica de una muestra de productos naturales procesados de uso medicinal de libre comercio en Quito, Ecuador. Materiales y métodos: 83 productos se sometieron a recuentos de microorganismos aerobios, mohos y levaduras por técnicas convencionales estandarizadas, de acuerdo a la Farmacopea de los Estados Unidos (USP, por sus siglas en inglés). Se identificaron los microorganismos presentes y se determinó su sensibilidad antimicrobiana usando el método de difusión en agar. Resultados: El 17,0% de los jarabes, el 27,0% de los productos tópicos y el 43,0% de los sólidos orales excedieron los límites especificados para el recuento total de microorganismos aerobios, mientras que el 33,0% de los jarabes, el 7,0% de los productos tópicos y el 36,0% de los sólidos orales excedieron el límite para mohos y levaduras. Los productos de uso ocular no pasaron la prueba de esterilidad. El género bacteriano más frecuentemente aislado fue Bacillus, seguido por Escherichia coli, Klebsiella y Enterobacter. Salmonella ni Staphylococcus aureus se encontraron en ningún producto, pero microorganismos potencialmente patógenos como Pseudomonas se aislaron en el 40,0% de los colirios. Enterobacter y Escherichia coli mostraron resistencia a múltiples compuestos y Pseudomonas no fue resistente a ningún antibiótico. Conclusiones: La calidad microbiológica de los productos examinados no fue adecuada. Se aislaron microorganismos potencialmente patógenos y resistentes a antibióticos. Estos productos podrían no ser aptos para su distribución y consumo, aun cuando muchos de ellos cuenten con registro sanitario. El control y regulación por los entes responsables es indispensable.
ABSTRACT Objectives: To determine the microbiological quality of samples from processed natural products used for medicinal purposes and marketed in Quito, Ecuador. Materials and methods: Aerobic microorganisms, molds and yeasts were counted by conventional standardized techniques, according to the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), in samples from 83 products. The microorganisms found were identified and their antimicrobial sensitivity was determined using the agar diffusion method. Results: The total aerobic microorganism count exceeded the specified limits in 17.0% of syrups, 27.0% of topical products and 43.0% of oral solids; the molds and yeasts count exceeded the limit in 33.0% of syrups, 7.0% of topical products and 36.0% of oral solids. Products for eye use did not pass the sterility test. The most frequently isolated bacterial genus was Bacillus, followed by Escherichia coli, Klebsiella and Enterobacter. Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus were not found in any product, but potentially pathogenic microorganisms such as Pseudomonas were isolated in 40.0% of the eye drops. Enterobacter and Escherichia coli showed resistance to multiple compounds and Pseudomonas was not resistant to any antibiotic. Conclusions: The microbiological quality of the products examined was not adequate. Potentially pathogenic and antibiotic resistant microorganisms were isolated from the samples. These products may not be suitable for distribution and consumption, even though many of them have sanitary registration. Control and regulation by the corresponding authorities is essential.