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Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 49(1): 23-29, Ene 24, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554705


Introducción: La panlitiasis se define como la presencia de múltiples cálculos en el trayecto de la vía biliar. El manejo consiste en realizar una colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE), la exploración de la vía biliar o la anastomosis biliodigestiva (ABD), ya sea coledocoduodenoanastomosis o hepaticoyeyunoanastomosis.Objetivo: Describir el caso clínico de un paciente con panlitiasis biliar, abordando la presentación clínica, los métodos diagnósticos, el tratamiento y la evolución, con el propósito de ofrecer un recurso sólido a la comunidad médica.Presentación del caso: Se presenta un paciente de 60 años colecistectomizado hace 13 años portador de anastomosis bilioentérica con panlitiasis recidivante, se realizó un lavado de la vía biliar con salida de cálculos y pus del interior, finalmente se colocó una sonda Kehr junto con tratamiento clínico. Presentó una evolución favorable. Discusión: Este caso reveló una panlitiasis a la exploración de las vías biliares bajo visión endoscópica, a pesar de que no se encontró obstrucción, el paciente tenía antecedente de colecistectomía y contaba con una derivación hepático-yeyunal por lesión iatrogénica. La decisión del tratamiento debe ser multidisciplinaria ya que cada caso es único y dependerá de las características del paciente y las condiciones clínicas individuales.Conclusiones: La panlitiasis coledociana recidivante requirió un control farmacológico estricto para evitar recurrencia y la subsecuente exploración de la vía biliar que incrementa la morbimortalidad del paciente. Es importante el seguimiento médico continuo del paciente y la predisposición con la que cuenta para la formación de litos, pudiendo ser prevenidos, identificados y tratados de manera oportuna

Introduction: Panlithiasis is define as the presence of multiple stones in the biliary tract that is classified as primary, secondary, or mixed according to the origin of the stones. Management consists of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), exploration of the biliary tract, or biliodigestive anastomosis (BDA), either choledochoduodenostomy or hepaticojejunostomy. Objective: Describe the clinical case of a patient with biliary panlithiasis, addressing the cli-nical presentation, diagnostic methods, treatment and evolution, with the purpose of offering a solid resource to the medical community.Case Presentation: We present a 60-year-old male patient who underwent cholecystectomy 13 years ago and has a bilioenteric anastomosis with recurrent panlithiasis. Biliary lavage was performed with the output of stones and pus from the inside. Finally, a Kehr tube was placed along with clinical treatment. The patient showed a favorable outcome.Discussion: This case revealed a panlithiasis upon exploration of the biliary tract under endoscopic vision. Despite finding no obstruction, the patient had a history of cholecystectomy and a hepatic-jejunal diversion due to iatrogenic injury. The treatment decision should be multidisciplinary, as each case is unique and depends on the patient's characteristics and individual clinical conditions.Conclusions: Recurrent choledocholithiasis required strict pharmacological control to prevent recurrence and subsequent exploration of the biliary tract, which increases patient morbidity and mortality. Continuous medical follow-up of the patient and the predisposition with which they have for the formation of stones is important. These can be prevented, identified, and treated in a timely manner.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anastomosis, Roux-en-Y , Choledocholithiasis/surgery , Bile Ducts/injuries , Case Reports , Calculi
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;109(5): 219-223, 20230000. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1523814


La lesión quirúrgica de la vía biliar es una complicación peligrosa de la colecistectomía, con importantes secuelas postoperatorias para el paciente en términos de morbilidad, mortalidad y calidad de vida. Tienen una incidencia laparoscópica estimada del 0,4% al 1,5% y del 0,2% al 0,3% en la colecistectomía convencional. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la incidencia de LQVB durante la formación del cirujano y la importancia de realizar colangiografía intraoperatoria (COI) durante esta etapa

Bile duct surgical injury is a dangerous complication of cholecystectomy, with significant postoperative sequelae for the patient in terms of morbidity, mortality and quality of life. These have an estimated laparoscopic incidence of 0.4% to 1.5% and 0.2% to 0.3% in conventional cholecystectomy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of LQVB during surgeon training and the importance of performing intraoperative cholangiography (IOC) during this stage

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Bile Ducts/injuries , Cholangiography , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic , Intraoperative Complications
Rev. cuba. cir ; 61(4)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441524


Introducción: Las lesiones iatrogénicas de las vías biliares representan una complicación quirúrgica grave de la colecistectomía. Objetivo: Determinar la morbilidad de las lesiones de la vía biliar en el servicio de cirugía del Hospital Universitario "Manuel Ascunce Domenech". Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y observacional de pacientes que ingresaron en el servicio de cirugía del Hospital Universitario "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" con diagnóstico de lesión de la vía biliar, desde septiembre del 2018 hasta enero del 2022. El universo estuvo conformado por 12 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se utilizaron métodos estadísticos descriptivos y cálculos con valores porcentuales. Resultados: La mayor incidencia de los pacientes fue del sexo femenino y de piel blanca, con un 61,4 por ciento y 85,7 por ciento, respectivamente. Predom inó el tipo de cirugía convencional y diagnóstico intraoperatorio con un 66,7 por ciento y 50 por ciento, respectivamente. El tipo E1 y E2 de la clasificación de Strasberg y la hepaticoyeyunostomía fue la operación con mayor frecuencia con un 66,7 por ciento. La bilirragia fue la complicación que predominó con el 70 por ciento. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los pacientes son del sexo femenino y de piel blanca, donde la cirugía convencional y el diagnóstico intraoperatorio son los hallazgos más frecuentes. Más de la mitad de los pacientes son clasificados como tipo E1 y tipo E2 según clasificación de Strasberg. La hepaticoyeyunostomía en Y de Roux y en asa de Braum transmesocólica es el proceder realizado en casi la totalidad de los pacientes. La fuga biliar es la complicación más frecuente(AU(

Introduction: Iatrogenic bile duct lesions represent a serious surgical complication of cholecystectomy. Objective: To determine the morbility of bile duct lesions in the surgical service of Hospital Universitario "Manuel Ascunce Domenech". Methods: A descriptive, prospective and observational study was carried out with patients admitted to the surgery service of Hospital Universitario "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" with a diagnosis of bile duct lesion, from September 2018 to January 2022. The study universe consisted of twelve patients who met the inclusion criteria. Descriptive statistical methods and calculations with percentage values were used. Results: The highest incidence of patients corresponded to the female sex and the white skin, accounting for 61.4 percent and 85.7(Percent(, respectively. Conventional surgery and intraoperative diagnosis predominated, accounting for 66.7 % and 50 %, respectively. Types E1 and E2 according to the Strasberg classification, together with hepaticojejunostomy, was the most frequent surgery type, accounting for 66.7 %. Biliary bleeding was the predominant complication, accounting for 70 %. Conclusions: Most of the patients belong to the female sex and have white skin, in which cases conventional surgery and intraoperative diagnosis are the most frequent findings. More than half of the patients are classified as types E1 or E2 according to the Strasberg classification. Transmesocolic Braun loop and Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy is the procedure performed in almost all patients. Biliary leakage is the most frequent complication(AU)

Humans , Female , Bile Ducts/injuries , Cholecystectomy/methods , Morbidity , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Observational Study
Rev. med. Chile ; 150(7): 861-867, jul. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424149


BACKGROUND: Bile duct reconstruction (BDR) secondary to bile duct injury during cholecystectomy (BDIC) is a complex surgery, and an important issue is the quality of life (QL) after the procedure. AIM: To compare the QL of a cohort of patients who underwent BDR due to BDIC with a cohort of patients who underwent a cholecystectomy without incidents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The cohort was composed of 32 patients aged 47 ± 18 years (78% women) who underwent BDR due to BDIC. For purposes of comparison, a cohort of patients who underwent a cholecystectomy without incident was chosen. These cohorts were paired 1:1 by age (± 1 year), gender and type of surgery. The SF-36 quality of life survey was applied in person or by telephone. The score was calculated as proposed by the RAND group. RESULTS: The cohort of BDR patients was comprised of 32 patients, with an average age of 47 ± 17.6 years, with a predominance of women (78%). The mean number of hospitalization days among BDR patients was 20 ± 11.8. The average follow-up was 7 ± 5 years. The mean score of patients undergoing RVB or cholecystectomy without complications was evaluated, without finding differences in the score of the different domains of the SF-36 scale. Conclusions: In the present study no significant differences were found in QL between the patients with BDIC who underwent BDR and patients who underwent a cholecystectomy without complications.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Quality of Life , Cholecystectomy/adverse effects , Bile Ducts/surgery , Bile Ducts/injuries , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. argent. cir ; 114(2): 177-180, jun. 2022. graf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1387602


RESUMEN La colecistectomía laparoscópica es el tratamiento de elección para la litiasis vesicular sintomática. Aunque la tasa de complicaciones es baja, las lesiones de la vía biliar representan un grave problema. La asociación con una lesión vascular (lesión compleja) genera un impacto adicional, disminuyendo la calidad de vida y la sobrevida a largo plazo. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con lesión compleja por compromiso vascular del pedículo hepático derecho que desarrolló una atrofia del parénquima correspondiente. Ante la ausencia de complicaciones sépticas, el tratamiento no operatorio pudo realizarse en forma exitosa.

ABSTRACT Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is considered the standard of care for symptomatic cholelithiasis. Although the rate of complications is low, bile duct injuries represent a serious problem. The association with vascular injury (complex injury) poses an additional impact by reducing the quality of life and long-term survival. We report the case of a female patient with complex injury due to vascular involvement of the right hepatic pedicle who developed right liver atrophy. Non-operative management was successful due to the absence of septic complications.

Humans , Female , Adult , Bile Ducts/injuries , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/adverse effects , Intraoperative Complications , Pancreatitis/surgery , Bile Ducts/diagnostic imaging , Biliary Fistula/diagnostic imaging , Conservative Treatment , Hepatic Duct, Common/diagnostic imaging , Liver/diagnostic imaging
Int. j. morphol ; 40(1): 210-219, feb. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385565


RESUMEN: Las lesiones iatrogénicas de las vías biliares (LIVB), en el curso de una colecistectomía laparoscópica (CL), son complicaciones que causan resultados inesperados para cirujanos un incremento en los riesgos de los pacientes (morbilidad y mortalidad), afectando su calidad de vida. Asimismo, causan situaciones difíciles desde el punto de vista técnico para el cirujano que debe repararlas desde un punto de vista técnico. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue resumir la información referente a las LIVB y describir su morfología y opciones diagnóstico-terapéuticas.

SUMMARY: Iatrogenic Bile duct injuries (IBDI), during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (CL), are complications that cause unexpected results for surgeons, an increment in patient risks (morbidity and mortality), and affect the patient´s quality of life. At the same time, they create difficult situations for the repairing surgeon from a technical point of view. The aim of this manuscript was to summarize the information regarding IBDI and to describe its morphology and diagnostic-therapeutic options.

Humans , Wounds and Injuries/etiology , Bile Ducts/pathology , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/adverse effects , Wounds and Injuries/classification , Wounds and Injuries/diagnosis , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Bile Ducts/injuries , Risk Factors , Iatrogenic Disease
Rev. medica electron ; 43(3): 732-749, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289815


RESUMEN Introducción: en enero de 2000, comenzó la cirugía videolaparoscópica en el Hospital Militar Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy, de la ciudad de Matanzas. El equipo quirúrgico, en esa época, lo constituían cirujanos con varios años de experiencia y con una sólida formación en cirugía convencional. También poseían habilidades demostradas en la realización de colecistectomía a cielo abierto. A partir de 2011, una nueva generación de cirujanos desarrolló la cirugía mínimamente invasiva, con poca experiencia en cirugía a cielo abierto. Por lo tanto, se presentó la contradicción de que cada vez menos cirujanos tenían la experiencia técnica que requieren los casos más difíciles. Objetivo: determinar la seguridad en la realización de la colecistectomía laparoscópica. Materiales y métodos: Investigación observacional, descriptiva y retrospectiva de los pacientes intervenidos de afecciones biliares benignas, por la técnica de colecistectomía laparoscópica, entre enero de 2014 y diciembre de 2017. Resultados: fueron colecistectomizados 2 016 pacientes. De ellos, 1 759 (87 %) correspondieron al sexo femenino, y 257 (13 %) al masculino. Comorbilidades presentes en el 46,3 %. Cirugías: electivas, 1 801; urgentes, 215. Eventos adversos, 38 (1,88 %). Conversiones, 28 (1,3 %). Mortalidad operatoria, 5 (0,24 %). Conclusiones: resultan seguras las colecistectomías laparoscópicas por el bajo índice de eventos adversos, conversiones y mortalidad operatoria (AU).

ABSTRACT Introduction: video laparoscopic surgery began in January 2000, at the Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy Military Hospital. The surgical team, at that time, were surgeons with years of experience and a solid training in conventional surgery. They also had demonstrated skills in performing open cholecystectomy. Starting in 2011, a new generation of surgeons developed minimally invasive surgery, with little experience in open surgery. Therefore, it arose the paradox that fewer and fewer surgeons had the technical experience required in the most difficult cases. Objective: to determine the safety in performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Materials and methods: retrospective, descriptive and observational research of the patients who underwent surgeries of benign biliary conditions, by the technique of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the period January 2014- December 2017. Results: 1759 patients were cholecystectomized. 87.25% were female ones and 257 (13%) were male: Comorbidities were present in 46.3%. 1 801 were elective surgeries; emergency surgeries were 215. There were 38 (1.88%) adverse events and 28 (1.3%) conversions. The operatory mortality was 5 (0.24%). Conclusions: laparoscopic cholecystectomy are safe because of the low index of adverse events, conversion and operatory mortality (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/methods , Hospitals, State/methods , General Surgery/methods , Bile Ducts/injuries , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/standards , Toxicity/methods
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(3): 362-369, jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388833


Resumen La colecistectomía laparoscópica (CL) es el estándar de tratamiento para la patología benigna como la colelitiasis y los pólipos de la vesícula biliar y es uno de los procedimientos más frecuentes de la cirugía general. Esta intervención tiene un riesgo de 0,1%-0,3% de causar una lesión quirúrgica de la vía biliar (LQVB). En la actualidad, existen programas de sociedades científicas, estrategias de abordaje y tecnologías que nos permiten reducir las LQVB mejorando la seguridad clínica de este procedimiento. El objetivo de este documento es realizar una revisión de las estrategias, tecnologías y maniobras para realizar una CL segura más allá de la visión crítica de seguridad.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is the standard of treatment for benign pathologies such as cholelithiasis and gallbladder polyps. The LC is one of the most frequent procedures in general surgery, with a 0.1%-0.3% associated risk of bile duct injury. Currently, scientific society programs, surgical strategies, and new technologies allow us to reduce the risk of bile duct injuries and to increase the clinical safety of this procedure. This document aims to review the strategies, technologies, and tactics to carry out a safe LC beyond the critical vision of security.

Humans , Bile Ducts/injuries , Cholecystectomy/adverse effects , Surgical Procedures, Operative/adverse effects , Cholecystectomy/methods , Intraoperative Complications
Rev. argent. cir ; 112(4): 480-489, dic. 2020. graf, il, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1288160


RESUMEN Antecedentes: la lesión quirúrgica de la vía biliar representa un gran problema de salud y puede surgir ante cualquier cirujano que realice una colecistectomía. Objetivos: el objetivo del trabajo fue presentar nuestra experiencia en reparación de la vía biliar, ana lizando la morbimortalidad y la incidencia de dicha patología en nuestro Servicio. Material y métodos: estudio retrospectivo descriptivo; se tomaron las variables de las historias clínicas de los pacientes en un período de 8 años, de enero de 2011 a julio de 2019 donde fueron admitidos 19 pacientes que presentaron lesión quirúrgica de la vía biliar en el Hospital José Ramón Vidal de la provincia de Corrientes, Argentina. Resultados: 12 pacientes fueron tratados quirúrgicamente mediante hepático-yeyuno anastomosis, 2 por bihepático-yeyuno anastomosis y dos mediante sutura término-terminal bilio-biliar sobre tubo de Kehr. Tres pacientes fueron tratados mediante colocación de stent y dilatación posterior mediante colangiopancreatografia retrógrada endoscópica. Conclusión: los cirujanos deben entrenarse para disminuir al mínimo la posibilidad de una lesión. El objetivo de una colecistectomía debería ser no lesionar la vía biliar.

ABSTRACT Background: Bile duct injury represents a serious health problem and can occur after any cholecystectomy. Objectives: The aim of this study was to report our experience in repairing bile duct injuries analyzing morbidity, mortality and its incidence in our department. Material and Methods: We conducted a retrospective and descriptive study. The information was retrieved form the medical records of 19 patients with bile duct injury hospitalized at the Hospital José Ramón Vidal, Corrientes, Argentina, between January 2011 and July 2019. Results: A Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy was performed in 12 patients, double hepaticojejunostomy in two patients, and two patients were treated with end-to-end ductal anastomosis with suture over a T tube. Three patients underwent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with stent placement and dilation. Conclusion: Surgeons should be trained to avoid the possibility of bile duct injury. The main goal of cholecystectomy should be to avoid this complication.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Wounds and Injuries/surgery , Bile Ducts/injuries , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/adverse effects , Argentina , Bile Ducts/surgery , Anastomosis, Surgical , Cholangiography , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Computed Tomography Angiography , Hospitals, Public
Arq. gastroenterol ; Arq. gastroenterol;56(3): 300-303, July-Sept. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038721


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Bile duct injury is a life-threatening complication that requires proper management to prevent the onset of negative outcomes. Patients may experience repeated episodes of cholangitis, secondary biliary cirrhosis, end-stage liver disease and death. OBJECTIVE: To report a single center experience in iatrogenic secondary liver transplantation after cholecystectomy and review the literature. METHODS: This was a retrospective single center study. Of the 1662 liver transplantation realized, 10 (0.60 %) were secondary to iatrogenic bile ducts injuries due cholecystectomies. Medical records of these patients were reviewed in this study. RESULTS: Nine of 10 patients were women; the median time in waiting list and between cholecystectomy and inclusion in waiting list was of 222 days and of 139.9 months, respectively. Cholecystectomy was performed by open approach in eight (80%) cases and by laparoscopic approach in two (20%) cases. The patients underwent an average of 3.5 surgeries and procedures before liver transplantation. Biliary reconstruction was realized with a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy in nine (90%) cases. Mean operative time was 447.2 minutes and the median red blood cell transfusion was 3.4 units per patient. Mortality in the first month was of 30%. CONCLUSION: Although the liver transplantation is an extreme treatment for an initially benign disease, it has its well-defined indications in treatment of bile duct injuries after cholecystectomy, either in acute or chronic scenario.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: A lesão da via biliar é uma complicação que pode ameaçar a vida e que requer manejo adequado para prevenir o aparecimento de desfechos negativos. Os pacientes podem apresentar episódios repetidos de colangite, cirrose biliar secundária, doença hepática terminal e até mesmo morte. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a experiência de um único centro em transplante hepático secundário a lesão iatrogênica de via biliar pós-colecistectomia e fazer uma revisão de literatura. MÉTODOS: Este foi um estudo retrospectivo de um único centro. Dos 1662 transplantes de fígado, 10 (0,60%) foram secundários a lesões iatrogênicas das vias biliares devido à colecistectomias. Os prontuários médicos desses pacientes foram revisados neste estudo. RESULTADOS: Nove dos dez pacientes eram mulheres; o tempo médio em lista de espera de transplante e entre colecistectomia e inclusão na lista de espera foi de 222 dias e de 139,9 meses, respectivamente. A colecistectomia foi realizada por abordagem aberta em oito (80%) casos e por abordagem laparoscópica em dois (20%) casos. Os pacientes foram submetidos a uma média de 3,5 cirurgias e procedimentos antes do transplante de fígado e a reconstrução biliar foi realizada com hepaticojejunostomia em Y-de-Roux em nove (90%) casos. O tempo operatório médio foi de 447,2 minutos e a média de transfusão de concentrados de hemácias foi de 3,4 unidades por paciente. Mortalidade no primeiro mês foi de 30%. CONCLUSÃO: Embora o transplante de fígado seja um tratamento extremo para uma doença inicialmente benigna, ele tem suas indicações bem definidas no tratamento de lesões biliares após colecistectomia, seja em um cenário agudo ou crônico.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Bile Ducts/injuries , Liver Transplantation , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/adverse effects , Liver Cirrhosis, Biliary/surgery , Bile Ducts/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Iatrogenic Disease , Liver Cirrhosis, Biliary/etiology , Middle Aged
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;104(7): 344-351, sep2018. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1051008


Bile duct injury during laparoscopy is the most important complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Bile duct injuries place an enormeous burden on the health and productivity of the population. To avoid this severe complication, it has been one of the central objectives of the biliary surgery since its beginings. Traditional teaching of surgery fails in the prevention of laparoscopic bile duct injuries, and they cannot control the problem. Assessment of biliary anatomy of the bile duct injury is mandatory for prevention of iatrogenic bile duct injuries. With a proper knowledge for identification and categorization of the triangle of Calot to avoid technical errors we will achieve system changes to improve patient safety. Finally, although medical consensus and substantial evidence exist promoting the importance of the Critical Vision on Safety, with the development of a fundamental support to the regularization, a safe operative technique will decrease the rate of severe complications of the bile duct injury

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Bile Ducts/injuries , Prospective Studies , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic , Intraoperative Complications/surgery , Medical Errors , Iatrogenic Disease
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 31(2): e1380, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-949229


ABSTRACT Background: The risk of bile duct injury (BDI) during cholecystectomy remains a concern, despite efforts proposed for increasing safety. The Critical View of Safety (CVS) has been adopted promoting to reduce its risk. Aim: To perform a survey to assess the awareness of the CVS, estimating the proportion of surgeons that correctly identified its elements and its relationship with BDI. Methods: An anonymous online survey was sent to 2096 surgeons inquiring on their common practices during cholecystectomy and their knowledge of the CVS. Results: A total of 446 surgeons responded the survey (21%). The percentage of surgeons that correctly identified the elements of CVS was 21.8% and 24.8% among surgeons claiming to know the CVS. The percentage of surgeons that reported BDI was higher among those that incorrectly identified the elements of the CVS (p=0.03). In the multivariate analysis, career length was the most significant factor related to BDI (p=0.002). Conclusions: The percentage of surgeons that correctly identified the Critical View of Safety was low, even among those who claimed to know the CVS. The percentage of surgeons that reported BDI was higher among those that incorrectly identified the elements of the CVS.

RESUMO Racional: O risco de lesão do ducto biliar (BDI) durante a colecistectomia continua a ser preocupante, apesar dos esforços propostos para aumentar a segurança. A Visão Crítica da Segurança (CVS) foi adotada e proposta para redução de seu risco. Objetivo: Realizar levantamento para avaliar a conscientização da CVS, e estimando a proporção de cirurgiões que identificaram corretamente seus elementos e sua relação com BDI. Métodos: Pesquisa online anônima foi enviada para 2096 cirurgiões perguntando sobre suas práticas comuns durante a colecistectomia e seu conhecimento da CVS. Resultados: Um total de 446 cirurgiões responderam a pesquisa (21%). A porcentagem que identificou corretamente os elementos da CVS foi de 21,8% e 24,8% entre os cirurgiões que afirmam conhecê-la. A porcentagem dos que relataram BDI foi maior entre os que incorretamente identificaram os elementos da CVS (p=0,03). Na análise multivariada, o tempo na carreira foi o fator mais significativo relacionado à BDI (p=0,002). Conclusões: A porcentagem de cirurgiões que identificaram corretamente a CVS foi baixa, mesmo entre aqueles que alegaram conhecê-la. A porcentagem de cirurgiões que relataram BDI foi maior entre aqueles que incorretamente identificaram os elementos da CVS.

Humans , General Surgery/standards , Bile Ducts/injuries , Practice Patterns, Physicians' , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic , Patient Safety , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control , Prospective Studies , Health Care Surveys
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 37(4): 350-356, oct.-dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-991279


Las lesiones iatrogénicas de las vías biliares (LIVB) representan una complicación quirúrgica grave de la colecistectomía laparoscópica (CL). Ocurre frecuentemente cuando se confunde el conducto biliar con el conducto cístico; y han sido clasificados por Strasberg y Bismuth, según el grado y nivel de la lesión. Alrededor del tercio de las LIVB se reconocen durante la CL, al detectar fuga biliar. No es recomendable su reparación inmediata, especialmente cuando la lesión está próxima a la confluencia o existe inflamación asociada. El drenaje debe establecerse para controlar la fuga de bilis y prevenir la peritonitis biliar, antes de transferir al paciente a un establecimiento especializado en cirugía hepatobiliar compleja. En pacientes que no son reconocidos intraoperatoriamente, las LIVB manifiestan tardíamente fiebre postoperatoria, dolor abdominal, peritonitis o ictericia obstructiva. Si existe fuga biliar, debe hacerse una colangiografía percutánea para definir la anatomía biliar y controlar la fuga mediante stent biliar percutáneo. La reparación se realiza seis a ocho semanas después de estabilizar al paciente. Si hay obstrucción biliar, la colangiografía y drenaje biliar están indicados para controlar la sepsis antes de la reparación. El objetivo es restablecer el flujo de bilis al tracto gastrointestinal para impedir la formación de litos, estenosis, colangitis y cirrosis biliar. La hepáticoyeyunostomía con anastomosis en Y de Roux termino-lateral sin stents biliares a largo plazo, es la mejor opción para la reparación de la mayoría de las lesiones del conducto biliar común.

Iatrogenic bile duct injuries (IBDI) represent a serious surgical complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Often it occurs when the bile duct merges with the cystic duct; and they have been ranked by Strasberg and Bismuth, depending on the degree and level of injury. About third of IBDI recognized during LC, to detect bile leakage. No immediate repair is recommended, especially when the lesion is near the confluence or inflammation is associated. The drain should be established to control leakage of bile and prevent biliary peritonitis, before transferring the patient to a specialist in complex hepatobiliary surgery facility. In patients who are not recognized intraoperatively, the IBDI manifest late postoperative fever, abdominal pain, peritonitis or obstructive jaundice. If there is bile leak, percutaneous cholangiography should be done to define the biliary anatomy, and control leakage through percutaneous biliary stent. The repair is performed six to eight weeks after patient stabilization. If there is biliary obstruction, cholangiography and biliary drainage are indicated to control sepsis before repair. The ultimate aim is to restore the flow of bile into the gastrointestinal tract to prevent the formation of calculi, stenosis, cholangitis and biliary cirrhosis. Hepatojejunostomy with Roux-Y anastomosis termino-lateral without biliary stents long term, is the best choice for the repair of most common bile duct injury.

Humans , Bile Ducts/injuries , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/adverse effects , Intraoperative Complications/etiology , Peritonitis/etiology , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Bile Ducts/surgery , Jejunostomy , Cholangiography , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Radiology, Interventional , Retrospective Studies , Common Bile Duct/surgery , Common Bile Duct/injuries , Common Bile Duct/diagnostic imaging , Jaundice, Obstructive/etiology , Iatrogenic Disease , Intraoperative Care , Intraoperative Complications/surgery , Intraoperative Complications/classification , Intraoperative Complications/diagnosis
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 37(4): 391-393, oct.-dic. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-991286


La fístula biliopleurobronquial (FBB) es una comunicación anormal entre la vía biliar y el árbol bronquial. Es una condición infrecuente, generalmente secundaria a un proceso infeccioso local o a un evento traumático. La bilioptisis es patognomónica. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 37 años con historia de cirrosis biliar secundaria, en lista para trasplante hepático, con múltiples episodios de colangitis previos y usuaria de derivación biliar externa, quien curso con bilioptisis y mediante gammagrafía HIDA con SPECT se confirmó fistula biliopleurobronquial. Éste caso se resolvió con derivación percutánea de la vía biliar

Bronchobiliary fistula (BBF) is an abnormal communication between the biliary tract and the bronchial tree. Is an infrequent condition, usually secondary to a local infectious process or a traumatic event. Bilioptisis is pathognomonic. We present the case of a 37 year old woman with secondary biliary cirrhosis, in list for liver transplantation, with several episodes of cholangitis and carrier of external biliary diverivation, who presented bilioptisis and HIDA scintigraphy with SPECT confirmed BBF. This case was resolved with percutaneous derivation of the biliary tract

Adult , Female , Humans , Biliary Fistula/diagnosis , Bronchial Fistula/diagnosis , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Bile , Bile Ducts/injuries , Biliopancreatic Diversion , Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon , Cholangitis/etiology , Biliary Fistula/etiology , Biliary Fistula/diagnostic imaging , Bronchial Fistula/etiology , Bronchial Fistula/diagnostic imaging , Cough , Catheters , Conversion to Open Surgery , Liver Cirrhosis, Biliary/etiology
Rev. cuba. cir ; 56(3): 1-18, jul.-set. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-900981


Con la llamada era laparoscópica, lejos de disminuir la incidencia de las lesiones iatrogénicas de las vías biliares, se ha producido un aumento de ésta y se han añadido otras que no se presentaban en la cirugía convencional y por lo general son más graves y complejas por su localización más proximal, su frecuente asociación con lesión vascular y por el mecanismo térmico involucrado. Estas lesiones trascienden el orden científico, para constituir un problema socioeconómico, pues además de lacerar el prestigio de los cirujanos y de las instituciones médicas donde laboran, y de encarecer los servicios de salud que se brindan a la población, pueden determinar incapacidad laboral en los enfermos y ocasionar la pérdida de vidas humanas en edades productivas. Se evidencian insuficiencias en la identificación y reparación oportunas de dichas lesiones, así como escasos reportes en la bibliografía médica sobre este tema. Con esta revisión se pretende profundizar en los diversos aspectos cognoscitivos actuales relacionados con esta lamentable complicación quirúrgica y fundamentalmente para su prevención(AU)

With the so called laparoscopic age, far from a decrease in the incidence of iatrogenic injuries of the biliary ducts, an increase has taken place, and others have been added that are not commonly present in conventional surgery and which are generally more serious and complex for their more proximal localization, their frequent association with vascular injury, and for the involved thermal mechanism. These injuries go beyond the scientific scope, and become a socioeconomic problem, since they not only damage the surgeon prestige and that of medical institutions where they work, or make healthcare services provided to the population more difficult based on the expenses, but also determine disability in ill patients and produce the loss of humans lives at productive ages. Inadequacies are shown in the identification and opportune repair of these injuries, as well as few reports in the medical literature about this topic. With this review, it is sought to deepen in the diverse updated cognitive aspects related to this regrettable surgical complication, and mainly for its prevention(AU)

Humans , Bile Ducts/injuries , Cholangiography/statistics & numerical data , Iatrogenic Disease , Laparoscopy/methods , Medical Errors/adverse effects , Review Literature as Topic
Cir. parag ; 41(2): 25-26, ago. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-972612


La lesión quirúrgica de vías biliares es un accidente que puede ocurrir durante una cirugía del árbol biliar. Su incidencia aumentó en la última década con la extensión del uso de la cirugía laparoscópica. Su frecuencia llega hasta el 0,2% de todas las colecistectomías según varias series. El diagnóstico precoz favorece las chances de una reparación rápida y con mejor pronóstico para el paciente. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 44 años que presentó ictericia obstructiva en el curso de su post operatorio de colecistectomía convencional. A la CRMN se constató sección completa de la vía biliar a la altura de la confluencia. En la reintervención se realizó una derivación hepático yeyunal termino lateral en Y de Roux con sutura manual con buena evolución.

Surgical injury of the bile ducts is an accident that can occur during a bile tree surgery. Its incidence increased in the last decade with the extension of the use of laparoscopic surgery. Its frequency reaches 0.2% of all cholecystectomies according to several series. The early diagnosis favors the chances of a quick repair and with a better prognosis for the patient. We present the case of a 44-year-old woman who presented jaundice in the course of her post-operative conventional cholecystectomy. A complete section of the biliary tract was found at IMR at the confluence level. We performed reintervention with jejunal hepatic bypass with manual suture with good evolution.

Female , Humans , Adult , Bile Ducts/injuries , Cholecystectomy , Jaundice
Rev. chil. cir ; 69(4): 325-327, ago. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-899610


Objetivo: Reportar un caso clínico de lesión de la vía biliar intrapancreática tras traumatismo abdominal cerrado. Caso clínico: Paciente que acude a urgencias por intenso dolor abdominal, tras sufrir traumatismo toraco-abdominal cerrado al caer de una bicicleta. Posteriormente a su ingreso desarrolló fiebre, ictericia y patrón analítico de colestasis. Se solicitó colangiorresonancia magnética donde no se pudo valorar correctamente la vía biliar, pero se evidenció abundante líquido intraabdominal que no correspondía a sangre. Se indicó cirugía urgente ante la sospecha de lesión biliar. Se objetivó lesión de la vía biliar intrapancreática mediante colangiografía intra-operatoria y se decidió colocación de prótesis intrabiliar mediante colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE) intraoperatoria. Conclusión: La cirugía ha sido el tratamiento convencional para la lesión de la vía biliar, pero en la actualidad la CPRE con esfinterotomía y colocación de prótesis intrabiliar es un tratamiento adecuado y resolutivo de este tipo de lesiones pudiéndose considerar como tratamiento de primera línea.

Aim: To report a clinical case of biliar injury intrapancreatic in closed abdominal trauma. Clinical case: Patient who comes to the emergency room by severe abdominal pain after suffering thoraco-abdominal blunt trauma after falling from a bicycle. After his admission he developed fever, jaundice and analytical standards of cholestasis. Magnetic resonance which failed to correctly assess the bile duct was requested but showed plenty of intra-abdominal fluid blood that did not match. Emergency surgery for suspected biliary injury was reported. Intrapancreatic injury bile duct was observed by intraoperative cholangiography and prosthesis was decided intrabiliary by intraoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Conclusions: Surgery has been the standard treatment for bile duct injury, but now ERCP with sphincterotomy and placement of intrabiliary prosthesis is adequate and operative treatment of these injuries and can be considered as first-line treatment.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Pancreas/injuries , Bile Ducts/surgery , Bile Ducts/injuries , Cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde , Abdominal Injuries/complications , Prostheses and Implants , Wounds, Penetrating/surgery , Wounds, Penetrating/complications , Bile Ducts/diagnostic imaging , Cholangiography , Jaundice/etiology , Abdominal Injuries/surgery
Rev. chil. cir ; 69(3): 202-206, jun. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-844360


Introducción: Las lesiones de la vía biliar (LVB) iatrogénicas durante una colecistectomía constituyen una complicación grave, con una significativa morbimortalidad. El objetivo del estudio es analizar los resultados de la reparación de las LVB poscolecistectomía realizadas entre los años 2000 y 2015. Métodos: Estudio de serie de casos. Se consignaron en una base de datos: variables demográficas, el centro donde se realizó la colecistectomía, la vía de reparación, el tipo de LVB, el tipo de reparación efectuada, las complicaciones postoperatorias, la mortalidad operatoria y la sobrevida. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el software SPSS 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, EE. UU.). Resultados: Se estudiaron 36 pacientes, de los cuales 33 (92%) fueron mujeres; la edad promedio fue de 48,5 ± 14 años. La colecistectomía que originó la iatrogenia fue laparoscópica en 24 (67%) casos. La LVB fue identificada en el intraoperatorio en 9 pacientes (25%). La LVB más frecuente se localizó a menos de 2cm de la confluencia (Bismuth-Strasberg tipo E2) en 14 (39%) pacientes. La derivación biliodigestiva con asa en Y de Roux fue la técnica más utilizada en la reparación de las LVB en 26 (72%) casos. A largo plazo, se observó una estenosis en 7 (19%) pacientes, con necesidad de una nueva reparación. Hubo mortalidad operatoria de un paciente (3%). Conclusiones: Las LVB poscolecistectomía fueron satisfactoriamente reparadas preferentemente con una derivación biliodigestiva con Y de Roux en nuestro centro.

Abstract Introduction: Iatrogenic bile duct injuries (BDI) during a cholecystectomy are a serious complication with significant morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study is to analyze the results BDI's repair post cholecystectomy which was performed between the years 2000-2015. Methods: Case series study. Demographic variables, the center where the cholecystectomy was performed, repair pathway, the type of bile duct injury, the type of reparation performed, postoperative complications, operative mortality and survival were entered in a database. For statistical analysis, software SPSS 22 was used. Results: Thirty-six patients were studied; 33 (92%) were women; mean age 48.5 ± 14 years. The Cholecystectomy that originated the iatrogenia was laparoscopic in 24 (67%) cases. BDI was identified intraoperatively in 9 patients (25%). The most common BDI was located less than 2 cm to confluence (Bismuth-Strasberg type E2) in 14 (39%) patients. The biliodigestive Roux-Y bypass was the most used technique in the repair of the BDI in 26 (72%) cases. In the long term, stenosis was observed in 7 (19%) patients with the need of a new repair. Operative mortality of 1 patient (3%). Conclusions: BDI post cholecystectomy were successfully repaired preferably with a biliodigestive Roux-Y bypass in our center.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Biliary Tract Diseases/etiology , Biliary Tract Diseases/surgery , Cholecystectomy/adverse effects , Bile Ducts/injuries , Follow-Up Studies , Iatrogenic Disease , Postoperative Complications , Treatment Outcome