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Cambios rev. méd ; 22 (2), 2023;22(2): 919, 16 octubre 2023. ilus, tabs
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516520


El envejecimiento y la longevidad son procesos que involucran una serie de factores genéticos, bioquímicos y ambientales. En esta revisión se tratan algunas cuestiones sobre estos dos procesos biológicos y epigenéticos. Se presentan los genes más importantes en estos procesos, así como se ejemplifican enfermedades que presentan un aceleramiento o falla en la longevidad y el envejecimiento. Se usa el análisis inteligente de datos para hallar interacciones de proteínas/genes que expliquen estos dos fenómenos biológicos.

Aging and longevity are processes that involve a series of genetic, biochemical and environmental factors. This review addresses some issues about these two biological and epigenetic processes. The most important genes in these processes are presented, as well as diseases that present an acceleration or failure in longevity and aging. Intelligent data analysis is used to find protein/gene interactions that explain these two biological phenomena.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Biological Phenomena , Aging , Cellular Senescence , Genes , Genetics , Longevity , Quality of Life , Life Expectancy , Apoptosis , Oxidative Stress , Telomerase , Aging, Premature , Ecuador , Immune System , Metabolism
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1410300


Este artículo proporciona un caso de estudio del uso del Análisis Modal de Fallos y Efectos para identificar y evaluar los riesgos de un posible cambio del lote de siembra de trabajo en el Instituto Finlay de Vacunas. Este análisis tuvo lugar en uno de los procesos críticos de las Plantas de Producción de Ingrediente Farmacéutico Activo del Instituto Finlay de Vacunas. No incluyó cambios en la tecnología de obtención del Lote de Siembra de Trabajo, ni cambios en el Lote de Siembra de Referencia. Como resultado, se identificaron ocho riesgos potenciales y de ellos se valoraron 17 causas, las cuales se asocian principalmente a la contaminación del Lote de Siembra de Trabajo o baja viabilidad del Lote de Siembra de Referencia, uso de materias primas y materiales de proveedores no calificados o posteriores al período de vigencia, errores de manipulación, parámetros de operación inadecuados, uso de medios de cultivo, soluciones y materiales contaminados, inadecuado funcionamiento del equipamiento e instalaciones y personal no capacitado. Los riesgos identificados son aceptables, con una probabilidad baja de ocurrencia y no están vinculados a la seguridad y eficacia del Ingrediente Farmacéutico Activo, ni de las vacunas. Por último, se propuso una estrategia que minimiza los posibles fallos ante un cambio de Lote de Siembra de trabajo para la fabricación de un producto biofarmacéutico(AU)

This article provides a case study of the use of Modal Failure and Effects Analysis to identify and assess the risks of a possible change in the Working Seed Lot at Finlay Vaccine Institute. This analysis took place in one of the critical processes of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Production Plants of the Finlay Vaccine Institute. This analysis did not include changes in the technology for obtaining the Working Seed Lot or changes in the Reference Seed Lot. As a result, eight potential risks were identified and 17 causes were assessed, mainly associated with contamination of the Working Seed Lot or low viability of the Reference Seed Lot, use of raw materials and other materials from unqualified suppliers or after the validity period, handling errors, inadequate operating parameters, use of culture media, contaminated solutions and materials, inadequate operation of equipment and facilities, and untrained personnel. The identified risks are acceptable, with a low probability of occurrence and are not linked to the safety and efficacy of the active pharmaceutical ingredient or vaccines. Finally, a strategy was proposed that minimizes possible failures in the event of a change in Working Seed Lot for the manufacture of a biopharmaceutical product(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Risk Management , Biological Phenomena , Vaccines
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(6)dic. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409423


Introduction: The name Statistics was probably used in Egypt in 1549. The term Statistics, which was connected to the development of sovereign states, was coined in Germany in 1749 and used to designate the systematic collection of demographic and economic data by states. Objective: To present the most relevant and current statistical techniques in clinical medicine and epidemiology, as well as to show examples of the use of these techniques. Material and Methods: Review of the literature on the subject; presentation of some examples developed in class by professors of the subject Research Methodology and Statistics in Medical Sciences. Development: From the very beginnig, Statistics was used to characterize data based on their properties, as well as to develop information summary measures. In the modern era, procedures and techniques were designated to facilitate valid inferences to the universe from the sampling theory, whose foundation is the probability theory. Conclusions: There is a need for the application of modern techniques and especially the multivariate ones used to explain biological phenomena, which cannot be explained by one or two variables. This makes possible that our universities, scientific research centers, and companies conduct studies using statistical techniques that involve many variables, which are supposed to be related to the variable under study(AU)

Introducción: El nombre de Estadística probablemente se usó en Egipto en 1549. El término Estadística se acuñó en Alemania en 1749, conectado con el desarrollo de estados soberanos y designando la recopilación sistemática de datos demográficos y económicos por estados. Objetivo: Presentar las técnicas estadísticas más relevantes en el campo de la clínica médica y la epidemiología actualmente y mostrar ejemplos del uso de dichas técnicas. Material y métodos: Revisión de la literatura sobre el tema, algunos ejemplos desarrollados en clases por profesores de la asignatura Metodología de la investigación y Estadística en carreras de Ciencias Médicas. Desarrollo: En sus inicios la Estadística caracterizaba los datos basados en sus propiedades, desarrollaron medidas de resumen de información. En la era moderna se diseñaron procedimientos y técnicas para realizar inferencias válidas al universo a partir de la teoría del muestreo, cuyo fundamento es la teoría de probabilidades. Conclusiones: Necesidad de la aplicación de las técnicas modernas y especialmente las multivariadas para explicar los fenómenos biológicos, que no pueden ser explicados por una o dos variables, esto hace que nuestras universidades, centros de investigaciones científicas y empresas realicen sus estudios, utilizando técnicas estadísticas que envuelvan muchas variables que se suponen se relacionen con la variable objeto de estudio(AU)

Humans , Probability Theory , Research Design , Biological Phenomena , Clinical Medicine
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37090, Jan.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359785


Bioaerosols are atmospheric particles with a biological trace, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and plant material such as pollen and plant debris. In this study, we analyzed the biological information in bioaerosols using next generation sequencing of the trace DNA. The samples were collected using an Andersen air sampler and separated into two groups according to particulate matter (PM) size: small (PM2.5) and large (PM10). Amplification and sequencing of the bacterial 16S rDNA gene, prokaryotic internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region and DNA sequence of a plant chloroplast gene (rbcL) were carried out using several sets of specific primers targeting animal and plant sequences. Lots of bacterial information was detected from the bioaerosols. The most abundant bacteria in several samples were of the Actinobacteria (class), Alphaproteobacteria, Bacilli, and Clostridia. For the animal detection using internal transcribed spacer 1, only uncultured fungi were detected in more than half of the hits, with a high number of Cladosporium sp. in the samples. For the plant identification, the ITS1 information only matched fungal species. However, targeting of the rbcL region revealed diverse plant information, such as Medicago papillosa. In conclusion, traces of bacteria, fungi, and plants could be detected in the bioaerosols, but not of animals using our primers.

Biological Phenomena/genetics , High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing , Aerosolized Particles and Droplets
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e47560, 2021. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460967


Cyperus difformis L. is a Cyperaceae, annual, of natural occurrence in marshy environments in southern Brazil, considered a weed in irrigated rice crops. Studies on its development are scarce, especially regarding its cycle and thermal requirements. Therefore, the objective of this work was to determine the base temperature, the thermal sum and the duration of the different sub-periods of the biological cycle of the species. The experiment was carried out at the Campus of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, in four sowing seasons. In a completely delineated design and factorial scheme involving five soil water conditions (water depth and 50% soil water retention capacity [WRC]) from the sowing, water depth and 50% WRC introduced 21 days after emergence and 100% WRC during the whole cycle, with six repetitions each. Each experimental unit consisted of a cultivated in pot plant with 11 L capacity filled with soil. The cycle of the plants was subdivided into the sowing-emergence sub-periods, emergence-emission of the floral tassel and emission of the floral-maturing physiological tassel, being estimated the thermal requirements for the species. The conditions of the soil water condition the base temperature, the sum of the degree-days and the duration of the species cycle. The base temperature varies for each treatment, the sum of degrees-day decreases with the water deficit and the plants under flood accelerate the biological cycle.

Cyperaceae/growth & development , Biological Phenomena , Heat-Shock Response
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 64(spe): e21200772, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278459


Abstract Eucalyptus species possess anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, and insecticidal properties. In this study, the chemical composition and biological activities of Eucalyptus cinerea essential oil (EO) and the leaf and stem anatomy were investigated. EO was extracted by Clevenger apparatus and the compounds were identified by GC/MS. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by DPPH, ABTS, and reducing phosphomolybdenum complex. Broth microdilution was used to determine antimicrobial activity. Cytotoxicity was verified against HeLa, HRT-18, and Calu-3 cells by MTT assay. The cytotoxic mechanism was studied by cell DNA content, cell cycle, and DNA fragmentation. The microscopic analyzes of the leaves and the stems were performed by light microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The main constituent of the EO was 1,8-cineole (55.24%). The EO showed low antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Calu-3 cells showed a significant reduction in viability with IC50 of 689.79 ± 29.34 μg/mL. EO at 1000 μg/mL decreased the DNA content in Jurkat cells. In general, EO increased cell percentage in sub-G0 and S phases with concomitant reduction of cell percentage in G0/G1 and G2/M phases and provided DNA fragmentation of 29.73%. Anatomical and micromorphological features of the leaves and stems can help in the species identification and its differentiation from other Eucalyptus species.

Terpenes , Biological Phenomena , Oils, Volatile , Myrtaceae , Microscopy
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 63(2): 39-54, nov. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1150748


La búsqueda por encontrar métodos para acortar la duración de los tratamientos de ortodoncia tiene un pasado reciente, un presente y un futuro. Las fuerzas ortodóncicas que se ejercen sobre la membrana periodontal producen movimientos dentarios por modificaciones histológicas y biomoleculares. El conocimiento de los procesos biológicos da lugar a implementar cambios para favorecer la aceleración de los procesos resortivos y neoformativos. El objetivo de esta publicación es hacer una breve síntesis de lo acontecido con este tema y exponer el procedimiento de las micro-osteoperforaciones (MOPs) como una opción complementaria al tratamiento de ortodoncia convencional. Aún no existe suficiente apoyo de ensayos clínicos en humanos para aseverar su éxito. Más aún, distintos autores publican conclusiones contradictorias. Es de esperar que, en breve, nuevas investigaciones contribuyan a respaldarlo o desestimarlo (AU)

The quest to find methods to shorten the duration of orthodontic treatments has a recent past, a present, and a future. Orthodontic forces exerted on the periodontal membrane produce tooth movements by histological and biomolecular modifications. Knowledge of biological processes results in changes to promote the acceleration of spring and neoformative processes. The objective of this publication is to make a brief synthesis of what happened with this topic and expose the micro-osteoperforations (MOPs) procedure as a complementary option to conventional orthodontic treatment. There is not yet enough support from human clinical trials to assert its success. Moreover, different authors publish conflicting conclusions. It is to be expected that, shortly, further investigations will help to support or dismiss it (AU)

Humans , Tooth Movement Techniques/methods , Biological Phenomena , Oral Surgical Procedures , Microsurgery , Osteotomy/methods , Bone Resorption/physiopathology , Low-Level Light Therapy , RANK Ligand , Duration of Therapy
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-827537


Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a small phospholipid that is present in all eukaryotic tissues and blood plasma. As an extracellular signaling molecule, LPA mediates many cellular functions by binding to six known G protein-coupled receptors and activating their downstream signaling pathways. These functions indicate that LPA may play important roles in many biological processes that include organismal development, wound healing, and carcinogenesis. Recently, many studies have found that LPA has various biological effects in different kinds of bone cells. These findings suggest that LPA is a potent regulator of bone development and remodeling and holds promising application potential in bone tissue engineering. Here, we review the recent progress on the biological regulatory function of LPA in bone tissue cells.

Biological Phenomena , Bone and Bones , Lysophospholipids , Receptors, Lysophosphatidic Acid
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e20190067, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135161


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small membrane-bound vesicles of growing interest in vetetinary parasitology. The aim of the present report was to provide the first isolation, quantification and protein characterization of EVs from buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) sera infected with Theileria spp. Methods: Infected animals were identified through optical microscopy and PCR. EVs were isolated from buffalo sera by size-exclusion chromatography and characterized using western blotting analysis, nanoparticle tracking analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Subsequently, the proteins from isolated vesicles were characterized by mass spectrometry. Results: EVs from buffalo sera have shown sizes in the 124-140 nm range and 306 proteins were characterized. The protein-protein interaction analysis has evidenced biological processes and molecular function associated with signal transduction, binding, regulation of metabolic processes, transport, catalytic activity and response to acute stress. Five proteins have been shown to be differentially expressed between the control group and that infected with Theileria spp., all acting in the oxidative stress pathway. Conclusions: EVs from buffaloes infected with Theileria spp. were successfully isolated and characterized. This is an advance in the knowledge of host-parasite relationship that contributes to the understanding of host immune response and theileriosis evasion mechanisms. These findings may pave the way for searching new EVs candidate-markers for a better production of safe biological products derived from buffaloes.(AU)

Animals , Buffaloes/microbiology , Communicable Diseases , Theileria , Nanoparticles , Extracellular Vesicles , Biological Phenomena , Proteomics
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-728013


Pruritus (itching) is classically defined as an unpleasant cutaneous sensation that leads to scratching behavior. Although the scientific criteria of classification for pruritic diseases are not clear, it can be divided as acute or chronic by duration of symptoms. In this study, we investigated whether skin injury caused by chemical (contact hypersensitivity, CHS) or physical (skin-scratching stimulation, SSS) stimuli causes initial pruritus and analyzed gene expression profiles systemically to determine how changes in skin gene expression in the affected area are related to itching. In both CHS and SSS, we ranked the Gene Ontology Biological Process terms that are generally associated with changes. The factors associated with upregulation were keratinization, inflammatory response and neutrophil chemotaxis. The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway shows the difference of immune system, cell growth and death, signaling molecules and interactions, and signal transduction pathways. Il1a , Il1b and Il22 were upregulated in the CHS, and Tnf, Tnfrsf1b, Il1b, Il1r1 and Il6 were upregulated in the SSS. Trpc1 channel genes were observed in representative itching-related candidate genes. By comparing and analyzing RNA-sequencing data obtained from the skin tissue of each animal model in these characteristic stages, it is possible to find useful diagnostic markers for the treatment of itching, to diagnose itching causes and to apply customized treatment.

Animals , Mice , Biological Phenomena , Chemotaxis , Classification , Cytokines , Dermatitis, Contact , Gene Expression , Gene Ontology , Genome , Hypersensitivity , Immune System , Interleukin-6 , Models, Animal , Neutrophils , Pruritus , RNA , Sensation , Sequence Analysis, RNA , Signal Transduction , Skin , Transcriptome , Transient Receptor Potential Channels , Up-Regulation , Wound Healing
Asia Pacific Allergy ; (4): e4-2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750170


Food allergy is a growing global public health concern. As treatment strategies are currently limited to allergen avoidance and emergency interventions, there is an increasing demand for appropriate models of food allergy for the development of new therapeutics. Many models of food allergy rely heavily on the use of animals, and while useful, many are unable to accurately reflect the human system. In order to bridge the gap between in vivo animal models and clinical trials with human patients, human models of food allergy are of great importance. This review will summarize the commonly used human ex vivo and in vitro models of food allergy and highlight their advantages and limitations regarding how accurately they represent the human in vivo system. We will cover biopsy-based systems, precision cut organ slices, and coculture systems as well as organoids and organ-on-a-chip. The availability of appropriate experimental models will allow us to move forward in the field of food allergy research, to search for effective treatment options and to further explore the cause and progression of this disorder.

Animals , Humans , Allergens , Anaphylaxis , Biological Phenomena , Coculture Techniques , Emergencies , Food Hypersensitivity , In Vitro Techniques , Models, Animal , Models, Theoretical , Organoids , Public Health
Yonsei Medical Journal ; : 319-325, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-742552


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide, and its high rates of relapse and metastasis are associated with a poor prognosis. Despite extensive research, the underlying regulatory mechanisms of CRC remain unclear. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a major type of noncoding RNAs that have received increasing attention in the past few years, and studies have shown that they play a role in many biological processes in CRC. Here, we summarize recent studies on lncRNAs associated with CRC and the signaling pathways and mechanisms underlying this association. We show that dysregulated lncRNAs may be new prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers or therapeutic targets for clinical application. This review contributes not only to our understanding of CRC, but also suggests novel signaling pathways associated with lncRNAs that can be targeted to block or eradicate CRC.

Biological Phenomena , Biomarkers , Colon , Colonic Neoplasms , Colorectal Neoplasms , Neoplasm Metastasis , Prognosis , Recurrence , RNA, Long Noncoding , RNA, Untranslated
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763014


Melanoma cells have been shown to respond to BRAF inhibitors; however, intrinsic and acquired resistance limits their clinical application. In this study, we performed RNA-Seq analysis with BRAF inhibitor-sensitive (A375P) and

Antigen Presentation , Biological Phenomena , Cell Adhesion , Cell Line , Cell Movement , Classification , Collagen , Drug Resistance , Extracellular Matrix , Gene Expression , Gene Ontology , Melanoma , Osteoblasts , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763360


OBJECTIVE: Vitamin D-binding protein (VDBP) mediates various biological processes in humans. The goal of this study was to investigate whether VDBP gene polymorphisms could predispose Korean women to endometriosis. METHODS: We prospectively enrolled women with endometriosis (n = 16) and healthy controls (n = 16). Total serum 25-hydroxyl vitamin D (25(OH)D) concentrations were measured using an Elecsys vitamin D total kit. Levels of bioavailable and free 25(OH)D were calculated. Concentrations of VDBP were measured using a vitamin D BP Quantikine ELISA kit. DNA was extracted using a DNeasy blood & tissue kit. Two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; rs4588 and rs7041) in GC, the gene that codes for VDBP, were analyzed using a TaqMan SNP genotyping assay kit. The functional variant of VDBP was determined based on the results of the two SNPs. RESULTS: Gravidity and parity were significantly lower in the endometriosis patients than in the control group, but serum CA-125 levels and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate were significantly higher. Total serum 25(OH)D levels in the endometriosis patients were significantly lower than in the control group. However, serum bioavailable 25(OH)D, free 25(OH)D, and VDBP levels did not differ significantly between the endometriosis and control groups. The genotypes and allele frequencies of GC were similar in both groups. CONCLUSION: Korean women with endometriosis had lower total serum 25(OH)D concentrations than controls. Neither serum VDBP concentrations nor polymorphisms in the gene coding for VDBP were associated with endometriosis. Further studies are needed to investigate the pathophysiology and clinical implications of 25(OH)D and VDBP in endometriosis.

Female , Humans , Biological Phenomena , Blood Sedimentation , Clinical Coding , DNA , Endometriosis , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Gene Frequency , Genotype , Gravidity , Parity , Polymorphism, Genetic , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide , Prospective Studies , Vitamin D , Vitamin D-Binding Protein , Vitamins
Natural Product Sciences ; : 215-221, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760570


Inflammation is the crucial biological process of immune system which acts as body's defense and protective response against the injuries or infection. However, the systemic inflammation devotes the adverse effects such as multiple inflammation associated diseases. One of the best ways to treat this entity is by blocking the tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) to avoid the proinflammation cytokines production. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the potency of Sambucus bioactive compounds as anti-inflammation through in silico approach. In order to assess that, molecular docking was performed to evaluate the interaction properties between the TNF-α or TRAIL with the ligands. The 2D structure of ligands were retrieved online via PubChem and the 3D protein modeling was done by using SWISS Model. The prediction results of the study showed that caffeic acid (−6.4 kcal/mol) and homovanillic acid (−6.6 kcal/mol) have the greatest binding affinity against the TNF-α and TRAIL respectively. This evidence suggests that caffeic acid and homovanillic acid may potent as anti-inflammatory agent against the inflammation associated diseases. Finally, this study needs further examination and evaluation to validate the potency of Sambucus bioactive compounds.

Biological Phenomena , Computational Biology , Computer Simulation , Cytokines , Homovanillic Acid , Immune System , Inflammation , Ligands , Plants , Sambucus , TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764074


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There have been contradictory reports on the pro-cancer or anti-cancer effects of mesenchymal stem cells. In this study, we investigated whether conditioned medium (CM) from hypoxic human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs) (H-CM) showed enhanced anti-cancer effects compared with CM from normoxic hUC-MSCs (N-CM). METHODS AND RESULTS: Compared with N-CM, H-CM not only strongly reduced cell viability and increased apoptosis of human cervical cancer cells (HeLa cells), but also increased caspase-3/7 activity, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), and induced cell cycle arrest. In contrast, cell viability, apoptosis, MMP, and cell cycle of human dermal fibroblast (hDFs) were not significantly changed by either CM whereas caspase-3/7 activity was decreased by H-CM. Protein antibody array showed that activin A, Beta IG-H3, TIMP-2, RET, and IGFBP-3 were upregulated in H-CM compared with N-CM. Intracellular proteins that were upregulated by H-CM in HeLa cells were represented by apoptosis and cell cycle arrest terms of biological processes of Gene Ontology (GO), and by cell cycle of Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways. In hDFs, negative regulation of apoptosis in biological process of GO and PI3K-Akt signaling pathway of KEGG pathways were represented. CONCLUSIONS: H-CM showed enhanced anti-cancer effects on HeLa cells but did not influence cell viability or apoptosis of hDFs and these different effects were supported by profiling of secretory proteins in both kinds of CM and intracellular signaling of HeLa cells and hDFs.

Humans , Activins , Hypoxia , Apoptosis , Biological Phenomena , Cell Cycle , Cell Cycle Checkpoints , Cell Survival , Culture Media, Conditioned , Fibroblasts , Gene Ontology , Genome , HeLa Cells , Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3 , Membrane Potential, Mitochondrial , Mesenchymal Stem Cells , Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-2 , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms
Journal of Breast Cancer ; : 219-236, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764267


PURPOSE: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy in women worldwide. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are thought to serve as potential biomarkers in various cancers, including breast cancer. METHODS: We evaluated the miRNA expression profiles in 1,083 breast cancer samples and 104 normal breast tissues from The Cancer Genome Atlas database. We used the edgeR package of R software to analyze the differentially expressed miRNAs in normal and cancer tissues, and screened survival-related miRNAs by Kaplan-Meier analysis. A receiver operating characteristic curve was generated to evaluate the accuracy of these miRNAs as molecular markers for breast cancer diagnosis. Furthermore, the functional role of these miRNAs was verified using cell experiments. Targets of candidate miRNAs were predicted using 9 online databases, and Gene Ontology (GO) functional annotation and pathway analyses were conducted using Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery online tool. RESULTS: A total of 68 miRNAs showed significantly different expression patterns between the groups (p < 0.001), and 13 of these miRNAs were significantly associated with poor survival (p < 0.05). Three miRNAs with high specificity and sensitivity, namely, miR-148b-3p, miR-190b, and miR-429, were selected. In vitro experiments showed that the overexpression of these 3 miRNAs significantly promoted the proliferation and migration of MDA-MB-468 and T47D cells and reduced the apoptosis of T47D cells. GO and pathway enrichment analyses revealed that the targets of these dysregulated miRNAs were involved in many critical cancer-related biological processes and pathways. CONCLUSION: The miR-148b-3p, miR-190b, and miR-429 may serve as potential diagnostic and prognostic markers for breast cancer. This study demonstrated the roles of these 3 miRNAs in the initiation and progression of breast cancer.

Female , Humans , Apoptosis , Biological Phenomena , Biological Phenomena , Biomarkers , Breast Neoplasms , Breast , Diagnosis , Gene Ontology , Genome , In Vitro Techniques , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , MicroRNAs , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765353


The mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway coordinates the metabolic activity of eukaryotic cells through environmental signals, including nutrients, energy, growth factors, and oxygen. In the nervous system, the mTOR pathway regulates fundamental biological processes associated with neural development and neurodegeneration. Intriguingly, genes that constitute the mTOR pathway have been found to be germline and somatic mutation from patients with various epileptic disorders. Hyperactivation of the mTOR pathway due to said mutations has garnered increasing attention as culprits of these conditions : somatic mutations, in particular, in epileptic foci have recently been identified as a major genetic cause of intractable focal epilepsy, such as focal cortical dysplasia. Meanwhile, epilepsy models with aberrant activation of the mTOR pathway have helped elucidate the role of the mTOR pathway in epileptogenesis, and evidence from epilepsy models of human mutations recapitulating the features of epileptic patients has indicated that mTOR inhibitors may be of use in treating epilepsy associated with mutations in mTOR pathway genes. Here, we review recent advances in the molecular and genetic understanding of mTOR signaling in epileptic disorders. In particular, we focus on the development of and limitations to therapies targeting the mTOR pathway to treat epileptic seizures. We also discuss future perspectives on mTOR inhibition therapies and special diagnostic methods for intractable epilepsies caused by brain somatic mutations.

Humans , Biological Phenomena , Brain , Drug Resistant Epilepsy , Epilepsies, Partial , Epilepsy , Eukaryotic Cells , Intercellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins , Malformations of Cortical Development , Nervous System , Oxygen , Sirolimus