Objetivo: Presentar un caso clínico y discutir el manejo del trauma de arteria axilar y revisar la literatura actual. Caso Clínico: se presenta el caso de un paciente con lesión de arteria axilar, que es traído en shock hipovolémico al Servicio de Emergencias de nuestro hospital. En pabellón, se aprecia sección incompleta de la segunda porción de la arteria axilar. Se controla y repara con anastomosis primaria término-terminal. En su posoperatorio evoluciona de forma satisfactoria. Discusión: El manejo del trauma vascular debe ser metódico y multidisciplinario. Los signos duros de trauma vascular son indicación de exploración quirúrgica inmediata. Los pacientes con signos blandos pueden complementarse con imágenes. En una sección incompleta de arteria axilar, la anastomosis término-terminal ha mostrado buenos resultados. Conclusiones: las lesiones de arteria axilar en el contexto de traumas son infrecuentes. Su manejo necesita de un alto índice de sospecha, un enfoque multidisciplinario y un acceso quirúrgico adecuado al contexto.
Objective: To present a clinical case and discuss the management of axillary artery trauma and to review current literature. Clinical case: Male patient with axillary artery injury, who is brought in hypovolemic shock to the Emergency Department. Surgical findings demonstrated an incomplete section of the second portion of the axillary artery which was repaired with primary end-to-end anastomosis. Postoperatively, the patient evolves without pain and is discharged. Discussion: The management of vascular trauma should be methodical and multidisciplinary. Hard signs of vascular trauma mandate immediate surgical exploration. Patients with soft signs may need further evaluation with images. In an incomplete section of the axillary artery the end-to-end anastomosis has shown good results. Conclusions: Axillary artery lesions in the context of trauma are infrequent. Its management requires a high index of suspicion, a multidisciplinary approach and adequate surgical access.
Humans , Male , Adult , Axillary Artery/surgery , Axillary Artery/injuries , Vascular Surgical Procedures/methods , Wounds, Stab/surgery , Blood Vessels/injuries , Anastomosis, Surgical/methodsABSTRACT
Objetivos: Establecer la utilidad del índice de presión arterial tobillo-tobillo (ITT) en los pacientes con trauma de extremidades inferiores y signos blandos de lesión vascular en términos de sensibilidad, especificidad y valores predictivos según el mejor punto de corte detectado. Material y método: Se incluyeron 120 pacientes con trauma en extremidades inferiores y signos blandos de lesión vascular que ingresaron al Hospital Universitario de Santander (Bucaramanga, Colombia) durante los años 2012 a 2015, a los cuales se les calculó el índice tobillo-brazo (ITB) e ITT. Resultados: Un total de 21 (17,5%) pacientes tuvieron ITB menor a 0,9 al ingreso, los cuales fueron llevados a intervención quirúrgica inmediata, encontrando lesión vascular; 2 (1,6%) pacientes tuvieron ITB menor a 0,9 en el control realizado a las 6 h, los cuales también fueron llevados a intervención quirúrgica, encontrando lesión vascular. Por tanto, se encontraron 23 pacientes con lesión vascular. Las curvas ROC tanto de ITB como de ITT señalan que ambas tienen un muy buen desempeño para diagnosticar las lesiones vasculares en pacientes con signos blandos cuando se emplean una única vez. En ambos casos, el punto de corte propuesto tradicionalmente de 0,90 tiene una capacidad discriminatoria adecuada, con sensibilidad de 91% (IC 95%: 0,71-0,98), especificidad de 100% (IC 95%: 0,96-1,0), valor predictivo positivo de 100% (IC 95%: 0,83-1,0) y valor predictivo negativo de 97% (IC 95%: 0,92-0,99). Conclusión. El índice tobillo-tobillo (ITT) permite descartar lesión vascular en el paciente con trauma en extremidades inferiores y signos blandos.
Objectives: We pretend to establish the utility of the ankle-ankle systolic pressure index (AAI) in patients with trauma in the inferior limbs and soft signs of vascular injury describing its sensitivity, specificity and predictive values according to the best cut-off point. Material and method: The cohort included 120 patients with trauma in the inferior limbs and soft signs of vascular injury who attended the University Hospital of Santander (Bucaramanga, Colombia) over a period of 4 years (2012-2015). Results: 21 (17.5%) patients had an ankle brachial pressure index (ABI) < .9 at the admission and they received immediately surgical management, finding vascular injury in the operating room; 2 (1.6%) patients had an ABI < .9 in the 6 h monitoring control and they also received surgical management finding vascular injury. Therefore, we found 23 patients with vascular injury. The ROC curves for the ABI and AAI show that they both have a good achievement for the diagnosis of vascular injury in patients with soft signs when they were used one time. In both cases, the traditionally point of .90 has a good discriminatory capacity with a sensitivity of 91% (95% CI: .71-.98), specificity of 100% (95% CI: .96-1.0), positive predictive value of 100% (95% CI: .83-1.0) and negative predictive value of 97% (95% CI: .92-.99). Conclusion. The ankle-ankle systolic pressure index (AAI) allows to rule out vascular injury in the patient with trauma in the inferior limbs and soft signs.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Ankle Brachial Index , Blood Vessels/injuries , Lower Extremity/injuries , Wounds and Injuries/diagnosis , Predictive Value of Tests , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and SpecificityABSTRACT
Resumen Objetivo Tras las evidencias acumuladas mediante el uso de técnicas de angioplastia con stents, surge la polémica sobre los factores que inciden en la respuesta final, ya que hay estudios que reportan reestenosis de la luz en el 30-40% alrededor de 6 meses luego de ser implantados, vinculándose como una de las causas al diseño del dispositivo. Este artículo propone la caracterización funcional de stents endovasculares, analizando su influencia mecánica en el sistema vascular y prediciendo los factores de trauma implícitos en el lecho de los vasos. Métodos Utilizando modelos computacionales de prótesis endovasculares tipo stents, mediante técnicas Finite Elements Analysis, se procedió al análisis estructural de dichos dispositivos con el fin de predecir el comportamiento mecánico y el trauma vascular. Para ello, las prótesis fueron consideradas estructuras tubulares compuestas por múltiples eslabones que están sometidos a cargas de presión, que se reflejan como concentradores de esfuerzos. Resultados El estudio permitió visualizar cómo se ajusta la geometría del stent a las diferentes cargas, obteniéndose una aproximación a la respuesta de interacción "sólido-sólido" entre el stent y la pared arterial. Así, se caracterizó el patrón de esfuerzos y se planteó un modelo conceptual que explica su incidencia mecánica en la interacción stent-vaso, para inferir en la funcionalidad del diseño del dispositivo. Conclusiones El modelo conceptual planteado permite determinar la relación entre las condiciones de interacción mecánicas del stent, y advierte sobre los efectos en lo que sería la operación del dispositivo en el ambiente vascular.
Abstract Objective The accumulated evidence on angioplasty techniques with stents has raised a controversy about the factors that influence the final vascular response. Indeed, several studies have shown there might be re-stenosis between 30% to 40% about 6 months after placement, relating to the design of the device as one of the main causes. This paper proposes the functional characterization of endovascular stents, analyzing its mechanical influence in the vascular system and predicting implicit traumatic factors in the vessel. Methods A structural analysis was made for several computational models of endovascular stents using Finite Element Analysis in order to predict the mechanical behavior and the vascular trauma. In this way, the stents were considered as tubular devices composed of multiple links under radial pressure loads, reflecting stress concentration effects. Results The analysis allowed to visualize how the geometry of stents is adjusted under several load conditions, in order to obtain the response of "solid-solid" interaction between the stent and the arterial wall. Thus, an analysis was performed in order to calculate stress, and a conceptual model that explains its mechanical impact on the stent-vessel interaction, was raised, to infer on the functionality from the design of the devices. Conclusions The proposed conceptual model allows to determine the relationship between the conditions of mechanical interaction of the stents, and warns about the effects in what would be the operation of the device on the vascular environment.
Humans , Blood Vessels/injuries , Stents/adverse effects , Finite Element Analysis , Models, Cardiovascular , Biomechanical PhenomenaABSTRACT
CONTEXTO: O trauma vascular na população pediátrica apresenta-se como um desafio único, frente à sua incidência relativamente baixa, mesmo em centros médicos de referência. Devido à fragilidade dos tecidos, ao reduzido tamanho dos vasos e à sua baixa incidência, manifesta-se com taxas significativas de morbidade e mortalidade. OBJETIVO: Descrever e analisar os casos de trauma vascular em pacientes pediátricos admitidos em hospital terciário. MÉTODOS: Por meio de estudo retrospectivo, analisaram-se os casos de trauma vascular em pacientes menores de 18 anos, admitidos de janeiro de 2000 a julho de 2010, levando-se em conta dados demográficos, mecanismos de lesão, traumas associados, tratamentos empregados e complicações. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 242 pacientes com trauma vascular, sendo 37 (15,2%) pertencentes à população pediátrica. A média de idade foi de 12,5 anos, sendo 81% dos participantes da pesquisa do sexo masculino. Entre os mecanismos de lesão, o trauma penetrante foi o mais comum (57%), seguido do contuso (38%) e do iatrogênico (5%). Das técnicas cirúrgicas empregadas, o enxerto arterial com veia autóloga foi o procedimento mais comum (13 casos). Houve um caso de amputação primária (infrapatelar) e quatro amputações no período pós-operatório precoce (três transfemorais e uma transtársica). Dos 11 pacientes admitidos com lesão de artéria poplítea, a taxa de amputação transfemoral pós-operatória foi de 27,3%. Houve apenas um óbito devido a trauma iatrogênico em lactente hemofílico. CONCLUSÕES: O trauma vascular pediátrico envolve vários desafios técnicos, como o vasoespasmo e o calibre dos vasos. As altas taxas de amputações observadas em pacientes com lesões de artéria poplítea, apesar das tentativas de revascularização, reforçam a gravidade desse tipo de trauma.
BACKGROUND: Vascular trauma in the pediatric population is a unique challenge, mainly due to its relatively low incidence, even in high complexity medical centers. Due to the fragility of the tissues, the small size of vessels and low incidence, it manifests with significant rates of morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE: To describe and analyze the cases of vascular trauma in pediatric patients admitted to a tertiary hospital. METHODS: Through retrospective study we analyzed the cases of vascular trauma in patients younger than 18 years, admitted from January 2000 to July 2010, taking into account demographic data, mechanisms of injury, associated injuries, treatment techniques and complications. RESULTS: During the studied period, 242 patients were admitted with vascular trauma, 37 (15.2%) belonging to the pediatric population. The average age was 12.5 years, and 81% of the research participants were male. Related to the mechanisms of injury, penetrating trauma was the most common (57%), followed by blunt (38%) and iatrogenic (5%). Among the surgical techniques employed, arterial bypass with autologous vein was the most common (13 cases). There was a case of primary major amputation (below the knee) and four amputations in the early postoperative period (three transfemoral and one transtarsic). For the 11 patients admitted with popliteal artery injury, the rate of postoperative transfemoral amputation was 27.3%. There was only one death due to an iatrogenic trauma in a hemophilic lactant. CONCLUSIONS: Vascular trauma in pediatric patients involves several technical challenges, such as vasospasm and vessel diameter. The high rates of amputation in patients with popliteal artery injuries, despite attempts of revascularization, reinforce the seriousness of this type of trauma.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Amputation, Traumatic/surgery , Wounds, Gunshot/diagnosis , Leg Injuries , Vascular System Injuries/therapy , Vascular Surgical Procedures/methods , Retrospective Studies , Blood Vessels/injuriesABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: identificar a relação entre os fatores de risco para trauma vascular e o surgimento de eventos adversos de infiltração ou flebite por quimioterapia antineoplásica. MÉTODOS: Estudo de abordagem quantitativa observacional com 30 mulheres com câncer de mama. RESULTADOS: O tipo de material do cateter apresentou associação que sugere risco (RR=2,76; IC=1,199; 6,369); o fator velocidade de infusão apresentou RR=2,22; entretanto, IC= 0,7672; 6,436; os fatores trajetória, número de punção e mobilidade da veia apresentaram RR<1 mas não podem ser considerados como fatores de proteção. Local de inserção e a visibilidade da veia apresentaram risco próximo a 1. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de cateter com metal para punção venosa foi considerado neste estudo como fator para Risco de Trauma Vascular. A análise da associação pelo RR mostrou-se concordante com os dados da literatura pesquisada.
OBJECTIVE: To identify the relationship between risk factors for vascular trauma and the emergence of adverse events of infiltration or phlebitis for antineoplastic chemotherapy. METHODS: A study with a quantitative, observational method with 30 women with breast cancer. RESULTS: The type of catheter material presented an association that suggested risk (RR = 2.76, CI = 1.199, 6.369); the infusion rate factor presented RR = 2.22, however, CI = 0.7672, 6.436; the trajectory factors, number of punctures and vein mobility presented RR <1, but these cannot be considered as protective factors. Insertion site and the visibility of the vein presented a risk close to 1. CONCLUSION: The use of a metal catheter for venipuncture was considered in this study as a factor for Risk for Vascular Trauma. An analysis of the association for the RR showed these results were consistent with the research literature data.
OBJETIVO: identificar la relación entre los factores de riesgo para el trauma vascular y el surgimiento de eventos adversos de infiltración o flebitis por quimioterapia antineoplásica. MÉTODOS: Estudio de abordaje cuantitativo observacional realizado con 30 mujeres con cáncer de mama. RESULTADOS: El tipo de material del catéter presentó asociación que sugiere riesgo (RR=2,76; IC=1,199; 6,369); el factor velocidad de infusión presentó RR=2,22; mientras que, IC= 0,7672; 6,436; los factores trayectoria, número de punción y movilidad de la vena presentaron RR<1 mas no pueden ser considerados como factores de protección. Local de inserción y la visibilidad de la vena presentaron riesgo próximo a 1. CONCLUSIÓN: El uso de catéter con metal para punción venosa fue considerado en este estudio como un factor de Riesgo de Trauma Vascular. El análisis de la asociación por el RR se mostró concordante con los datos de la literatura investigada.
Humans , Female , Antineoplastic Agents/therapeutic use , Catheterization, Peripheral/adverse effects , Oncology Nursing , Blood Vessels/injuries , Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
O traumatismo é a causa mais comum de mortes na população economicamente ativa e o trauma torácico é responsável direta ou indiretamente em um quarto destas mortes, aos quais as lesões de grandes vasos torácicos relacionam-se às mortes imediatas ou precoces no ambiente hospitalar. Dentro dos doentes que chegam vivos, pode-se dividi-los em estáveis ou instáveis, a via de acesso para a abordagem destes vasos irá depender desta situação, bem como de suas particularidades anatômicas, o que poderá implicar em incisões combinadas para uma adequada exposição. Neste artigo serão revisadas e discutidas as lesões destas estruturas e as vias acesso às mesmas.
Trauma is the most common cause of death in the economically active population and thoracic trauma is directly or indirectly responsible for one quarter of these deaths. Lesions to the large thoracic vessels are associated with immediate or early death in the hospital setting. Patients admitted alive can be classified as stable or unstable. The access route to be elected for management of these veins will depend on this status, as well as on the anatomical particularities of the patient, which may require combined incisions for adequate access. This article provides a review and discussion of lesions to these structures as well as access routes to them.
Humans , Blood Vessels/injuries , Mediastinum/blood supply , Mediastinum/injuries , Thoracic Injuries/surgery , Vascular Surgical Procedures/methodsABSTRACT
Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 71 pacientes que sufrieron trauma vascular en la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba durante el bienio 2008- 2010, con vistas a determinar la morbilidad y mortalidad por esa causa en el territorio, para lo cual se obtuvo información sobre variables sociodemográficas y clínicas. Entre los principales resultados sobresalió el predominio de su ocurrencia en los varones de 16-30 años, del arma blanca como agente desencadenante y de las lesiones en las extremidades superiores; pero aunque frecuentes, apenas se complican y son raramente mortales.
A descriptive, observational, and cross-sectional study of 71 patients undergoing vascular trauma was carried out in Santiago de Cuba during the biennium 2008-2010 in order to determine the morbidity and mortality due to that cause in the territory, in which case data about clinical and socio-demographical variables was obtained. The predominance of its occurrence in males aged 16-30 years, as well as the predominance of white weapon being the triggering factor and causing the injuries in upper extremities prevailed among the main results; in spite of being common, these cases do not complicate and are rarely fatal.
Humans , Male , Female , Arteries/injuries , Morbidity , Mortality , Blood Vessels/injuries , Cross-Sectional Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Observational Studies as TopicABSTRACT
El Síndrome de Raynaud (SR) se define como una entidad, que afecta los vasos sanguíneos de las porciones dístales del cuerpo (dedos, orejas, nariz) y cuya característica clínica es la presencia de ataques episódicos de vasoespasmo, se explica por una hipersensibilidad local de las arterias digitales al frío, con una intensificación de esta anormalidad por la estimulación simpática normal, que generan isquemia tisular; aunque es una entidad de presentación alarmante, es importante reconocer el comportamiento benigno de ésta. Actualmente se han reconocido varios factores que influyen en la presentación del síndrome y que han permitido enfocar el manejo de estos pacientes. La simpatectomía periférica peri arterial es una alternativa para el manejo de estos pacientes sintomáticos que no responden con tratamiento conservador.
Raynauds syndrome is defined as an entity that affects the blood vessels of the distal portions of the body (fingers, ears, nose) and whose clinical feature is the presence of episodic attacks of vasospasm can be explained by a local hypersensitivity digital arteries to cold, with an intensification of this abnormality by normal sympathetic stimulation, which generates tissue ischemia, although a filing entity alarming, it is important to recognize this benign behavior. Have now been recognized several factors that influence the presentation of the syndrome, which allowed focus on the management of these patients. Periarterial peripheral sympathectomy is an alternative for the management of symptomatic patients who do not respond to conservative treatment.
Humans , Female , Raynaud Disease/diagnosis , Raynaud Disease/etiology , Sympathectomy/methods , Vasospasm, Intracranial/pathology , Blood Vessels/injuriesABSTRACT
This is a case report of a patient with tibioperoneal trunk pseudoaneurysm secondary to firearm injury. Through endovascular intervention, two covered stents were placed on the lesion, with exclusion of the pseudoaneurysm and preservation of the vessel of origin. Arterial Doppler follow up 20 days after intervention revealed adequate stent permeability. In cases of complex extremity trauma with osteo-musculo-vascular involvement, endoluminal repair seems to be a useful tool in distal vessels.
Se informa el caso de un paciente con pseudo-aneurisma del tronco tibioperoneo secundario a herida por arma de fuego. Mediante un método endovascular se colocaron dos stents cubiertos en el sitio de la lesión, con exclusión del pseudo-aneurisma y preservación del vaso de origen. En el control con doppler arterial a los 20 días de la intervención se evidenció adecuada permeabilidad del stent. En casos complejos de trauma de los miembros, con compromiso ósteo-músculo-vascular, la reparación endovascular parece ser una herramienta útil en los vasos distales.
Aneurysm, False/surgery , Aneurysm/surgery , Musculoskeletal System/surgery , General Surgery/methods , Blood Vessels/injuriesABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Demonstrar o custo e impacto financeiro referente à primeira abordagem cirúrgica das lesões vasculares em pacientes admitidos no Hospital João XXIII/FHEMIG, entre os anos de 2004 a 2006. MéTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo com aprovação ética, retrospectivo, de coorte e descritivo realizado a partir da auditoria de contas hospitalares referentes a 70 prontuários catalogados pelo Serviço de Trauma Cardiovascular. RESULTADOS: Cinco (7,14 por cento) prontuários foram excluídos por má qualidade técnica. O valor monetário repassado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde e pelo setor privado foram de R$ 103.614,96 (US$ 60.949,97) e de R$ 185.888,21 (US$ 109.346,0, respectivamente, implicando em defasagem potencial de 44 por cento. Houve correlação direta entre custos e topografia anatômica das lesões e exponencial em relação às variáveis hemoderivados e próteses vasculares. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo corrobora os altos custos do trauma vascular e fortalece a importância da auditoria de contas para as tomadas de decisões médicas.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze all expenses paid to the first surgical approached for vascular lesion patients admitted at Hospital João XXIII/FHEMIG, between years 2004 until 2006. METHOD: It is about an ethical approved study, retrospective and descriptive from audit over 70 eligible patients enrolled by Cardiovascular Service. RESULTS: Five (7,14 percent) patient's files were excluded for bad quality records. The costs were R$ 103.614,96 (US$ 60.949,97) and R$ 185.888,21 (US$ 109.346,0), a 44 percent sliding scale for endowment from Brazilian Public System and private medical assistance estimative, respectively. Indeed, the data showed direct relationship between costs and anatomic topographic and exponential increased expenses when blood and/or vascular prosthesis were utilized. CONCLUSION: Audit in health system is a must to making decision and evidences the expensive therapy for vascular lesions.
Humans , Blood Vessels/injuries , Cohort Studies , Costs and Cost Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Vascular Surgical Procedures/economicsABSTRACT
Pesquisa de validação conceitual e de conteúdo que objetivou compor o título, os mecanismos de vulnerabilidade e os fatores de risco para o diagnóstico de enfermagem "Risco para Trauma Vascular", segundo a taxonomia da NANDA, bem como validar os elementos desse diagnóstico, a partir da opinião de 60 peritos. Foram identificados 51 fatores relacionados a cinco eixos: medicação e forma/periodicidade de infusão; cateter intravascular e permanência num mesmo sítio; fixação do cateter intravascular; indivíduo, seus hábitos, padrão comunicacional, estilo de vida e capacidade sensório-motora; e decisões profissionais, política institucional e procedimento. Destes, foram validados 28 fatores de vulnerabilidade (escore > 0,80). Os resultados evidenciaram "Risco para Trauma Vascular" ser um novo diagnóstico de enfermagem; sugere-se a validação clínica do mesmo.
This concept and content validation study aimed to compose the title, vulnerability mechanisms and risk factors for the nursing diagnosis "Risk for Vascular Trauma", according to the taxonomy proposed by NANDA, as well as to validate the elements of this diagnosis, based on 60 experts' opinion. Fifty-one factors were identified, related to five axes: medication and infusion form/periodicity; intravascular catheter and dwelling in the same site; fixation of the intravascular catheter; individuals, their habits, communication standard, lifestyle and sensory-motor ability; and professional decisions, institutional policy and procedures. Among these, 28 vulnerability factors were identified (score > 0.80). The results evidenced that "Risk for Vascular Trauma" is a new nursing diagnosis, and its clinical validation is suggested.
Investigación de validación conceptual y de contenido con objeto de componer el título, los mecanismos de vulnerabilidad y los factores de riesgo para el diagnóstico de enfermería "Riesgo para Trauma Vascular", según la propuesta de la taxonomía de la NANDA, y también validar los elementos de ese diagnóstico, a partir de la opinión de 60 peritos. Fueron identificados 51 factores relacionados a cinco ejes: medicación y forma/periodicidad de infusión; cateter intravascular y permanencia en un mismo sitio; fixación del cateter intravascular; individuo, sus hábitos, patrón comunicacional, estilo de vida y capacidad sensorio-motora; y decisiones profesionales, política institucional y procedimiento. De estos, fueron validados 28 factores de vulnerabilidad (score > 0,80). Los resultados evidenciaron que "Riesgo para Trauma Vascular" es un nuevo diagnóstico de enfermería; su validación clínica es sugerida.
Humans , Blood Vessels/injuries , Catheterization , Nursing Diagnosis , Catheterization/adverse effects , Risk Assessment , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
To determine the outcome of various techniques of vascular repair in terms of repair related complications and limb salavagibility. From January 1999 to December 2005, this retrospective study was conducted in the Department of General Surgery, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. The patients, who underwent various surgical interventions for extremity vascular trauma, were included in this study. Those, who underwent primary amputation due to non-salvageable injuries or who presented with late complications of vascular injuries were excluded. Ninety-three patients underwent different surgical procedures for extremity vascular trauma. Majority of the patients were young, mean, 29.4 years male 91.3%. Penetrating trauma was the most common mode of injury 77.4%. The median time interval between injury and repair was 4.5 hours. Superficial femoral artery was the most frequently injured artery 26.8%. Graft repair was carried out in 41 patients 46.6%, while 34.1% of the patients had end-to-end anastomosis. Wound infection was the most common complication 18.2%. Seven patients 7.5% had secondary amputations and 3 3.2% died from other injuries. Vascular reconstruction was successful in 89.3% of the patients. Early revascularization by employing simple repair or interposition autogenous vein graft repair results in successful limb salvage with acceptable complication rate
Humans , Male , Female , Extremities/blood supply , Blood Vessels/injuries , Extremities/surgery , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Crush injury of an extremity occurs when a limb is compressed between two hard surfaces, to the point where vascular supply is impaired and vulnerable tissues undergo necrosis. Most commonly, limbs are crushed during auto versus pedestrian accidents, motor vehicle crashes, and industrial accidents. However, during natural disasters such as earthquakes, building collapses, landslides, mine cave-ins, and acts of war with mass civilian casualties, epidemics of limb crush injuries can occur. The large number of casualties requiring specialized medical care can easily overwhelm medical systems, particularly if medical facilities are simultaneously affected by the disaster. This article reviews the acute management of vascular and soft tissue injuries in the emergency department
Crush Syndrome , Earthquakes , Disasters , Blood Vessels/injuries , Soft Tissue Injuries , Disease Management , Extremities/injuriesABSTRACT
La criocirugía, modalidad efectiva de tratamiento médico, es una técnica quirúrgica que emplea la congelación a temperaturas criogénicas para destruir tejidos biológicos no deseados. El objetivo de la criocirugía es congelar un determinado volumen tisular (para maximizar la destrucción celular) en una región predefinida y provocar necrosis sin daño significativo del tejido sano periférico. Las bases de la criocirugía son: "una rápida congelación, una lenta y completa descongelación, y repetición de los ciclos de congelación-descongelación". Para explicar el daño en una criolesión se han propuesto muchos mecanismos de injuria inducidos por la congelación. Los mecanismos son: (a) lesión celular directa, (b) lesión vascular, (c) apoptosis y (d) lesión inmunológica. La lesión que resulta de la criocirugía es compleja; por lo tanto, para controlar el resultado de este procedimiento es necesario comprender los mecanismos de daño en criocirugía.
Cryosurgery, an effective medical treatment modality, is a surgical technique that employs freezing at cryogenic temperatures to destroy undesirable biological tissue. The goal of cryosurgery is to freeze a specified volume of tissue (to maximize cell destruction) within a predefined target region, resulting in necrosis without significant damage to the surrounding healthy tissues. Factors that facilitate this are: rapid freezing, slow and complete thawing, and repetition of the freeze-thaw cycle. To explain the injury within a cryolesion, many freezing induced injury mechanisms have been proposed. These mechanisms are 1) direct cell injury, 2) vascular injury, 3) cellular apoptosis, and 4) immunologic injury. The injury that results from cryosurgery is complex; therefore, to control the outcome of cryosurgery it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of damage in cryosurgery.
Cryosurgery/adverse effects , Cryosurgery/methods , Soft Tissue Injuries/immunology , Freezing , Microcirculation/physiopathology , Cell Death/physiology , Necrosis/immunology , Necrosis/pathology , Neoplasms/therapy , Blood Vessels/injuriesABSTRACT
Vascular trauma is most commonly the result of urban violence or military conflicts .It may be caused by bullet injuries, stab wounds, shell injuries and to lesser extent by blunt trauma. Study details the late presentation and management of traumatic vascular injury which leads to arterial aneurysm alone, arterio-venous fistula alone or concomitant aneurysm and fistula. This is a retrospective study of thirty patients who sustained different kinds of vascular trauma which occurred between months to years prior to diagnosis and management .The patients were admitted to the Medical City Teaching Hospital during a two year period between 2001 and 2002. Details of patient sex, age distribution; time of presentation; types of injury; clinical presentation and angiographic findings will be presented. Distribution of these aneurysm or fistulae and their surgical management will be discussed. Vascular injuries should always be kept in mind whenever a patient sustained a trauma of any kind to an area in a proximity to the course of a major vessel .A palpable pulse by no means exclude significant vascular injury and early recognition of these types of vascular injury leads to early management and thus eliminate the chance of future complications
Humans , Male , Female , Arteriovenous Fistula/surgery , Aneurysm/diagnosis , Aneurysm/surgery , Blood Vessels/injuries , Retrospective Studies , AngiographyABSTRACT
Fundamentos: A despeito dos avanços da Cardiologia Intervencionista, as complicações vasculares permanecem relativamente freqüentes e seus preditores, na prática médica atual, são pouco conhecidos. A presente investigação foi idealizada com o objetivo de avaliar a incidência e os preditores contemporâneos de complicações vasculares após intervenções coronárias realizadas por via percutânea femoral. Método: Entre dezembro de 2005 e dezembro de 2006, 383 pacientes consecutivos foram submetidos a intervenção coronária percutânea por via femoral e foram monitorizados clinicamente, durante a internação hospitalar, para a detecção de complicações vasculares. Resultados: Complicações vasculares ocorreram em 6,5% dos pacientes, sendo o pseudo-aneurisma da artéria femoral a complicação mais freqüentemente observada (2,6%). Os preditores independentes de complicação vascular, neste estudo, foram o sexo feminino (odds ratio [OR] = 5,61; intervalo de confiança de 95% [IC 95%] = 1,99-15,76) e o uso do abciximab (OR = 3,02; IC 95% = 1,10-8,26). O emprego de dispositivos hemostáticos (OR = 0,36; IC 95% = 0,12-0,99) foi o único fator protetor independente contra a ocorrência dessas complicações, especialmente no sexo masculino. Conclusões: As complicações vasculares ainda são relativamente freqüentes após intervenções coronárias percutâneas. Os preditores contemporâneos dessas complicações são o sexo feminino e o uso de abciximab. O uso de dispositivos hemostáticos, especialmente em indivíduos do sexo masculino, é um fator protetor independente contra a ocorrência dessas complicações.
Background: Despite all advances in interventional cardiology, vascular complications remain relatively frequent and its contemporary predictors are not well studied. The current investigation was designed with the aim of evaluating the incidence and predictors of vascular complications after percutaneous coronary interventions performed by the femoral approach. Method: Between December 2005 and December 2006, 383 consecutive patients were submitted to percutaneous coronary interventions using the femoral approach and were clinically monitored for the detection of in-hospital vascular complications. Results: Vascular complications occurred in 6.5% of the patients and pseudoaneurism was the most frequently observed complication (2.6%). The independent predictors of vascular complications in the present study were female gender (odds ratio= 5.61; 95% CI= 1.99 - 15.76) and the use of abciximab (odds ratio= 3.02; 95% CI = 1.10 - 8.26). Vascular closure devices were the only independent protectors against vascular complications (odds ratio= 0.36; 95% CI = 0.12 - 0.99), specially when used in men. Conclusion: Vascular complications remain relativelly frequent after percutaneous coronary interventions. The contemporary predictors of these complications are female gender and the use of abciximab, while vascular closure devices act as independent protector against them, specially in men.
Humans , Male , Female , Angioplasty, Balloon, Coronary/adverse effects , Cardiac Catheterization/adverse effects , Vascular Diseases/complications , Vascular Diseases/etiology , Risk Factors , Incidence , Blood Vessels/injuriesABSTRACT
The incidence of vascular trauma has increased considerably during last 40 years. The study was carried out to describe the causes of injury, presentations, surgical approaches, outcome and complication of vascular trauma of the upper and lower limbs. This was a descriptive study. Surgical Department CMH Kharian, in which this study lasted from Oct 1997 to Oct 1999. In the study, 30 patients were operated for peripheral vascular injuries. Diagnosis was made by physical examination and hand Doppler alone. Primary vascular repair was carried out where possible; if not interposition vein graft was placed. Early liberal fasciotomy was considered as and when required. Patients with isolated venous trauma and patients with obviously unsalvageable lower extremity injury requiring primary amputation were excluded from the study. The limb salvage rate was 93.3%. A total no of 30 patients were included in this study. Out of these 24 [80%] were males and 6 [20%] were females, all were young adults with age ranging from 14 to 52 years, a mean age of 22 years and a standard deviation of. Gun shot wound [GSW] constituted the major cause of trauma and was present in 18 [60%] Patients, road traffic accident [RTA] in 6 [20%] patients and stab wound in 6 [20%] patients which are comparable to international studies. Primary end-to-end anastomosis was done in 20 [66.07%] patients and graft interposition was done in 10 [33.3%] patients. Vein graft was used in 20 [66.07%] patients lateral repair was done in 7 [23.3%] patients while in 3 [10%] patients ligation was performed. Early complications included bleeding in 2 [6.7%], thrombosis in 4 [13.3%] and wound infection in 3 [10%] patients respectively. Late complications are amputation in 2 [6.7%] patients and muscle ischaemia in 2 [6.7%] patients. Decisive management of peripheral vascular trauma will maximize patient survival and limb salvage. Priorities must be established in the management of associated injuries, and delay must be avoided when ischemic changes are present. Early fasciotomy is warranted if there is any suspicion of occurrence of compartment syndrome
Humans , Male , Female , Blood Vessels/injuries , Anastomosis, Surgical , Transplants , Vascular Surgical Procedures , Extremities/injuries , Extremities/surgeryABSTRACT
Las lesiones tubulointersticiales (TI) y vasculares (VS) son frecuentes en la nefritis lúpica (NL) a pesar de no ser consideradas en la clasificación de la OMS de 1995. Se revisaron 339 biopsias renales para correlacionar ciertas variables clínicas con las lesiones del TI y los vasos y saber la frecuencia con la que se producen. Se determinó la frecuencia del daño TI 101/29,8 por ciento y VS 65/19,2 por ciento. Se tuvo en cuenta además la incidencia de las lesiones TI en los distintos tipos de glomerulonefritis lúpica: 0 en la tipo I; 7/9,8 por ciento en la II; 8/15,7 por ciento en la III; 65/50 por ciento en la IV; 2/6,3 por ciento en la V y 16/100 por ciento en la VI. Quedó evidenciado que el daño TI y VS fue expresión de severidad clínica, pues se acompañó de mayor frecuencia de hipertensión 83/82 por ciento y 64/97 por ciento, que cuando no existieron estas lesiones 128/58 por ciento, mayor tiempo medio de evolución de la enfermedad: 3,4; 2,8 y 1,89 años y cifras de creatinina plasmática 189,1; 172,1 y 134,5 mmol/L para el daño TI, VS y la ausencia de estos, respectivamente. La proteinuria fue mayor en presencia de lesión TI, 3,4 g/L y menor en los pacientes con daño VS, 1,89, lo contrario a la incidencia de hematuria, 65/100 por ciento VS y 48/47,5 por ciento TI. En los pacientes sin lesión en estas estructuras los resultados fueron: 2,02 g/L para la proteinuria y 143/61 por ciento para la hematuria