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Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 929-935, ago. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569255


Los salmónidos, durante su desarrollo, pueden experimentar ocasionalmente deformaciones esqueléticas. Para su diagnóstico se emplean diversas metodologías, entre las que se incluyen radiografías, técnicas histológicas, diafanización con tinciones de alizarina y azul de alcián, así como el uso del microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM), cada una con sus inherentes ventajas y desventajas. Este estudio tuvo como finalidad evaluar y comparar la eficacia de la tomografía microcomputarizada (Micro-CT) para el análisis anatómico, reconstruyendo tridimensionalmente las imágenes y contrastándolas con los resultados obtenidos mediante la técnica de diafanización. Se analizaron las aletas caudales de cinco ejemplares de salmón Oncorhynchus kisutch: dos sujetos a diafanización y tres procesados para análisis mediante Micro-CT utilizando el equipo BRUKER SkyScan 1272. La técnica de Micro-CT demostró superioridad en la resolución de las estructuras óseas, facilitando una exploración detallada de las variaciones morfológicas y la distribución de la densidad mineral. Este enfoque permitió identificar anomalías en la morfología y crecimiento de las últimas vértebras y lepidotriquias dorsales, así como una densidad incrementada en lepidotriquias dorsales malformadas. La mayor resolución proporcionada por la Micro-CT no solo potencia nuestra comprensión de la ontogenia piscícola y su adaptación a ambientes diversos, sino que además inaugura perspectivas innovadoras para el estudio de la evolución de las estrategias locomotoras y las respuestas adaptativas frente a cambios ambientales a través del tiempo.

SUMMARY: During their development, some species of salmonids may occasionally experience skeletal deformations. Several methodologies are currently being used for the diagnosis of such malformations, among which X-rays, histological techniques, diaphanization coupled either with Alizarin Red or Alcian Blue stains, as well as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) can be mentioned. Each one of those methods presents inherent advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this study was twofold: Firstly, to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of microcomputed tomography (Micro-CT) technology for anatomical analysis, three-dimensionally reconstructing the obtained images; and secondly, to contrast those images with the results obtained through the diaphanization technique. The caudal fins of five specimens of the Oncorhynchus kisutch salmon were analyzed: Two specimens were subjected to diaphanization and three were processed for Micro-CT analysis, using the BRUKER SkyScan 1272 equipment. The Micro-CT technology demonstrated superiority in the resolution of bone structures, facilitating a detailed exploration of morphological variations, as well as the distribution of mineral density. This experimental approach allowed us to identify anomalies in the morphology and growth of the last vertebrae and dorsal lepidotrichiae, as well as an increased mineral density in the malformed dorsal lepidotrichiae. The higher resolution provided by Micro-CT not only enhances our understanding of the fish ontogeny and its adaptation to diverse environments, but also opens innovative perspectives for the study of the evolution of locomotor strategies and adaptive responses to environmental changes.

Animals , Oncorhynchus kisutch/anatomy & histology , X-Ray Microtomography/methods , Salmonidae/anatomy & histology , Bone and Bones/diagnostic imaging , Bone Density , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Animal Fins/diagnostic imaging
Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 1011-1019, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569248


SUMMARY: The present study aimed to investigate the utility of the proximal femur in the forensic age estimation by assessing changes in bone densities through radiographs. Using Otsu's threshold, bone density was quantified by counting all white pixel values within selected regions of interest, which include femoral head (FH), femoral neck (FN), Ward's triangle (WT), and greater trochanter (GT) from 354 left femora of Northern Thai descent. The pixel width of medullary cavity (MC) was also estimated. Furthermore, the study evaluated the performance of linear regression (LR) models for age estimation from radiographic images of proximal femora. Negative correlations were observed between FH, FN, WT, and GT pixel intensity with the age-at-death of the samples, with females exhibiting stronger correlations than males. Moreover, a positive correlation was found between age and MC width in female samples, while male MC widths did not show any relationship with increasing age. The results showed a slight difference between the LR model applied to both sexes, which integrated all variables, and the alternative configuration that only utilized relevant attributes. Both models exhibited similar performance, with a narrow range of root mean square error (RMSE) values, ranging from 12.67 to 12.71 years, and a correlation coefficient range of 0.51 to 0.52. For females, the LR model with FN and WT as selected attributes (RMSE = 11.85 years, correlation coefficient = 0.65) performed decently, while for males, the LR model with all variables showed RMSE of 12.52 years and correlation coefficient of 0.46. This study showcased the potential application of pixel intensity in predicting age.

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la utilidad del fémur proximal en la estimación forense de la edad mediante la evaluación de cambios en las densidades óseas a través de radiografías. Utilizando el umbral de Otsu, la densidad ósea se cuantificó contando todos los valores de pixeles blancos dentro de regiones de interés seleccionadas, que incluyen la cabeza femoral (CF), el cuello femoral (CF), el triángulo de Ward (WT) y el trocánter mayor (TM) de 354 fémures izquierdos de ascendencia del norte de Tailandia. También se estimó el ancho de pixeles de la cavidad medular (CM). Además, el estudio evaluó el rendimiento de modelos de regresión lineal (RL) para la estimación de la edad a partir de imágenes radiográficas de fémur proximal. Se observaron correlaciones negativas entre la intensidad de los pixeles CF, CF, WT y TM con la edad de muerte, y las mujeres exhibieron correlaciones más fuertes que los hombres. Además, se encontró una correlación positiva entre la edad y el ancho del CM en muestras de mujeres, mientras que el ancho del CM del hombre no mostró ninguna relación con el aumento de la edad. Los resultados mostraron una ligera diferencia entre el modelo RL aplicado a ambos sexos, que integraba todas las variables, y la configuración alternativa que sólo utilizaba atributos relevantes. Ambos modelos mostraron un rendimiento similar, con un rango estrecho de valores del error cuadrático medio (RMSE), que oscilaba entre 12,67 y 12,71 años, y un rango de coeficiente de correlación de 0,51 a 0,52. Para las mujeres, el modelo RL con CF y WT como atributos seleccionados (RMSE = 11,85 años, coeficiente de correlación = 0,65) tuvo un desempeño satisfactorio, mientras que para los hombres, el modelo RL con todas las variables mostró un RMSE de 12,52 años y un coeficiente de correlación de 0,46. Este estudio mostró la posible aplicación de la intensidad de los pixeles en la predicción de la edad.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Age Determination by Skeleton/methods , Forensic Anthropology , Femur/diagnostic imaging , Thailand , Radiography , Bone Density , Linear Models
Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 905-910, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569245


SUMMARY: Underage drinking has become a major public concern having a negative impact on the growth and development of the skeleton. Peak bone mass is attained during adolescence hence the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of acute binge alcohol consumption on trabecular morphometry and tensile strength of the adolescent mandible in the Sprague Dawley (SD) rat. The study comprised of 24 SD rats, aged 7 weeks, placed into either the alcohol-exposed [n=12 (6 males and 6 female)] or pair-fed control group [n=12 (6 male and 6 female)]. The treatment of the groups was as follows; the alcohol exposed group and the pair-fed control were administered a single daily dose of 3 g/kg of 20 % alcohol 3 days a week (alternate days) for 7 days and a caloric equivalent dose of maltose dextrin via oral gavage, respectively. The animals were terminated on day 7 via pentobarbital injection. The mandibles were harvested and scanned using a Nikon XTH 255L 3D-microCT scanner (Nikon Metrology, Leuven, Belgium), and biomechanical tests were done using a Shimadzu universal tensile strength testing machine (China). Following scanning and reconstruction, the trabecular morphometry was assessed using Volume Graphics Studio® software. A 3-point bending test was used to evaluate the tensile strength of the bone. Findings from our study showed changes in some trabecular parameters in the female alcohol-exposed group, while the male groups remained unaffected. No changes in tensile strength were seen when comparing male pair-fed control and alcohol-exposed groups and when comparing female pair-fed control and alcohol-exposed groups. Trabecular and tensile strength differences were observed between the sexes when comparing male pair-fed control and alcohol-exposed groups to female pair-fed control and alcohol-exposed groups. These findings do suggest that acute binge alcohol consumption has detrimental effects on the bone micro-architecture in female alcohol-exposed rats and that differences are seen between the sexes.

El consumo de alcohol entre menores de edad se ha convertido en una importante preocupación pública que tiene un impacto negativo en el crecimiento y desarrollo del esqueleto. La masa ósea máxima se alcanza durante la adolescencia, por lo que el objetivo del estudio fue investigar el efecto del consumo excesivo de alcohol en forma aguda sobre la morfometría trabecular y la resistencia a la tracción de la mandíbula en ratas adolescente Sprague Dawley (SD). El estudio estuvo compuesto por 24 ratas, de 7 semanas de edad, colocadas en el grupo control expuesto al alcohol [n=12 (6 machos y 6 hembras)] y alimentado en parejas [n=12 (6 machos y 6 hembras)]. El tratamiento de los grupos fue el siguiente; al grupo expuesto al alcohol y al control alimentado en parejas se les administró una dosis única diaria de 3 g/kg de alcohol al 20 % 3 días a la semana (días alternos) durante 7 días y una dosis equivalente calórica de maltosa dextrina mediante sonda oral, respectivamente. Los animales fueron sacrificados el día 7 mediante inyección de pentobarbital. Las mandíbulas se recolectaron y se escanearon utilizando un escáner 3D-microCT Nikon XTH 255L (Nikon Metrology, Lovaina, Bélgica), y las pruebas biomecánicas se realizaron utilizando una máquina de prueba de resistencia a la tracción universal Shimadzu (China). Después del escaneo y la reconstrucción, la morfometría trabecular se evaluó utilizando el software Volume Graphics Studio®. Se utilizó una prueba de flexión de 3 puntos para evaluar la resistencia a la tracción del hueso. Los hallazgos de nuestro estudio mostraron cambios en algunos parámetros trabeculares en el grupo de hembras expuestas al alcohol, mientras que los grupos de machos no se vieron afectados. No se observaron cambios en la resistencia a la tracción al comparar los grupos control de machos alimentados en parejas y los grupos expuestos al alcohol y al comparar los grupos control de las hembras alimentadas en parejas y los grupos expuestos al alcohol. Se observaron diferencias trabeculares y de resistencia a la tracción entre los sexos al comparar los grupos control de los machos alimentados en parejas y expuestos al alcohol con los grupos de control de hembras alimentadas en parejas y expuestas al alcohol. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el consumo excesivo de alcohol tiene efectos perjudiciales sobre la microarquitectura ósea en ratas hembras expuestas al alcohol y que se observan diferencias entre los sexos.

Animals , Male , Female , Rats , Ethanol/toxicity , Binge Drinking , Mandible/drug effects , Tensile Strength , Biomechanical Phenomena , Bone Density , Sex Factors , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Disease Models, Animal , Blood Alcohol Content , Cancellous Bone/drug effects
Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 1062-1069, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569271


SUMMARY: A Study on Relationship between Single-Slice Hounsfield Unit(HU) value of the Chinese proximal humerus and Bone Mineral Density(BMD) Using Routine Chest CT and Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry(DEXA) was performed. Data were collected from 240 individuals who underwent DEXA and routine chest CT scans (including full images of the proximal humerus) on the same day at 967 Hospitals between January 2019 and December 2021. The method of measuring single-slice HU values of the proximal humerus on routine chest CT scans exhibited high reliability and repeatability (intraclass correlation coefficient > 0.961, P < 0.001). A strong positive correlation was observed between single-slice HU values of the proximal humerus and DEXA results, with the 20-mm HU value demonstrating the highest correlation. Across different BMI groups, the Area Under Curve (AUC) for the 20-mm HU value was consistently the largest (AUC=0.701- 0.813, P< 0.05). Therefore, the 20-mm HU value can be considered a reliable reference for the opportunistic screening of low BMD, with reference values of -4HU for underweight individuals, -13HU for normal weight individuals, -7HU for overweight individuals, and -16HU for obese individuals. Values below these thresholds indicate a risk of low BMD. This study enriches the Chinese BMD data and offers a swift and effective approach for opportunistically screening low BMD.

Se realizó un estudio sobre la relación entre el valor de la Unidad Hounsfield (HU) de corte único del húmero proximal chino y la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) mediante TC de tórax de rutina y absorciometría de rayos X de energía dual (DEXA). Se recopilaron datos de 240 personas que se sometieron a DEXA y tomografías computarizadas de rutina de tórax (incluidas imágenes completas del húmero proximal) el mismo día en 967 hospitales entre enero de 2019 y diciembre de 2021. El método para medir los valores de HU de un solo corte del húmero proximal en las tomografías computarizadas de tórax mostraron alta confiabilidad y repetibilidad (coeficiente de correlación intraclase > 0,961, P < 0,001). Se observó una fuerte correlación positiva entre los valores de HU de un solo corte del húmero proximal y los resultados de DEXA, demostrando el valor de HU de 20 mm la correlación más alta. En diferentes grupos de IMC, el área bajo la curva (AUC) para el valor HU de 20 mm fue consistentemente el más grande (AUC = 0,701-0,813, P <0,05). Por lo tanto, el valor de HU de 20 mm puede considerarse una referencia fiable para el cribado oportunista de DMO baja, con valores de referencia de -4 HU para personas con bajo peso, -13 HU para personas con peso normal, -7 HU para personas con sobrepeso y -16 HU para personas obesas. Los valores por debajo de estos umbrales indican un riesgo de DMO baja. Este estudio es un aporte para los datos chinos sobre la DMO y ofrece un enfoque rápido y eficaz para detectar de forma oportunista la DMO baja.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Bone Density , Humerus/diagnostic imaging , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Absorptiometry, Photon , China
Actual. nutr ; 25(2): 81-88, abr.jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562044


Introducción: El estado nutricional influye en el riesgo de enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT), como la osteoporosis, una epidemia silenciosa global, cuya prevalencia aumenta con la edad. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo describir el estado nutricional y la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) de mujeres mayores de 20 años. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal descriptivo con muestra de conveniencia de 77 mujeres provenientes de El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras, con datos recolectados en 2022-2023. Para evaluar el estado nutricional se utilizó equipo de bioimpedancia eléctrica mBCA514 SECA™ y el Sunlight MiniOmni™ para medir la DMO. Se analizaron los datos con estadística descriptiva,con el programa SPSS versión Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 34,8±7,8 años. Según el Índice de Masa Corporal, la prevalencia de sobrepeso (SP) y obesidad (OB) fue de 33,8% y 23,4%, respectivamente. El 31,2% se estimó con un rango elevado de grasa corporal y el 20,8% un rango alto, según el Índice de Masa Grasa. El 39% se estimó con grasa visceral elevada o alta y el 44,2% no presentó riesgo cardiovascular según la circunferencia de cintura. El Índice de Masa Magra y el ángulo de fase se estimó normal en la mayoría de las mujeres. La proporción de DMO alterada fue 5,1%. Conclusiones: La evaluación de la composición corporal demuestra una alta proporción de SO y OB en las mujeres procedentes de los tres países, confirmando la necesidad de su control fomentando estilos de vida saludables y el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida previniendo las ENT relacionadas

Introduction: Nutritional status influences the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as osteoporosis, a silent global epidemic whose prevalence increases with age. This study aimed to describe the nutritional status and bone mineral density (BMD) of women over 20 years old. Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study with a convenience sample of 77 women from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, with data collected in 2022-2023. To evaluate nutritional status, mBCA514 SECA™ electrical bioimpedance equipment was used and the Sunlight MiniOmni™ was used to measure BMD. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, with the SPSS program version The average age was 34.8±7.8 years. According to the Body Mass Index, the prevalence of overweight (SP) and obesity (OB) was 33.8% and 23.4%, respectively. 31.2% were estimated to have an elevated range of body fat and 20.8% a high range, according to the Fat Mass Index. 39% were estimated to have elevated or high visceral fat and only 44.2% did not present cardiovascular risk according to waist circumference. The Lean Mass Index and phase angle were estimated to be normal in most women. The proportion of altered BMD was 5.1%. Conclusions: Body composition assessment demonstrates a high proportion of OW/OB in women from all three countries, confirming the need for control by promoting healthy lifestyles and improving their quality of life by preventing related NCDs

Body Composition , Bone Density , Overweight , Obesity
MHSalud ; 21(1): 104-121, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1564765


Resumen Introducción: diversos estudios describen los diferentes beneficios de la práctica de actividad física en niños y adolescentes; su déficit en estos grupos etarios, provoca un aumento concomitante de alteraciones cardiovasculares y metabólicas. Objetivo: analizar los patrones de actividad física, la maduración biológica y el contenido mineral óseo en escolares colombianos entre 8 y 16 años de edad en función del estrato socioeconómico al que pertenecen. Materiales y métodos: estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal con alcance correlacional el cual incluyó una muestra representativa para escolares colombianos entre 8-16 años de edad a los cuales se les valoró el nivel de actividad física a través del PAQ-C, igualmente, se evaluaron diferentes medidas antropométricas y de manera indirecta se determinó la velocidad pico de crecimiento (VPC) y la densidad mineral ósea (DMO). Resultados: se evaluaron un total de 2147 escolares de los cuales el 56,7 % pertenecían a instituciones educativas del sistema público, se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el sexo y el estrato socioeconómico con el nivel de actividad física (p<0,005) y las demás variables de estudio. Conclusión: se puede concluir que la actividad física, la maduración biológica y la salud ósea guardan estrecha relación con la condición socioeconómica en escolares colombianos lo que permite establecer diagnósticos tempranos y toma de decisiones frente a programas y estrategias educativas y de salud pública.

Abstract Introduction: Several studies describe the different benefits of physical activity in children and adolescents. Indeed, when a deficit of physical activity is evident in these age groups, there is a concomitant increase in metabolic and metabolic disorders. Objective: to analyze the patterns of physical activity, biological maturation and bone mineral content in Colombian schoolchildren between 8 and 16 years of age according to the socioeconomic status to which they belong. Materials and methods: A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study with a correlational scope, which included a representative sample of Colombian schoolchildren between 8 and 16 years of age, who were assessed for their level of physical activity through the PAQ-C, also, different anthropometric measurements are evaluated and indirectly the peak growth velocity (PSV) and bone mineral density (BMD) are prolonged. Results: a total of 2147 schoolchildren were evaluated, of which 56.7% belonged to educational institutions of the public system, statistically significant associations were found between sex and socioeconomic status with the level of physical activity and the other study variables. Conclusion: It can be concluded that physical activity, biological maturation and bone health are closely related to socioeconomic status in Colombian schoolchildren, which allows early diagnoses and decision-making regarding educational and public health programs and strategies.

Resumo Introdução: Vários estudos descrevem os diferentes benefícios da prática de atividade física em crianças e adolescentes. De fato, quando um déficit de atividade física é evidenciado nessas faixas etárias, ocorre um aumento concomitante de distúrbios cardiovasculares e metabólicos. Objetivo: analisar os padrões de atividade física, maturação biológica e conteúdo mineral ósseo em escolares colombianos entre 8 e 16 anos de idade de acordo com o status socioeconômico ao qual pertencem. Materiais e métodos: Um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, transversal com escopo correlacional, que incluiu uma amostra representativa de escolares colombianos entre 8 e 16 anos de idade, que foram avaliados quanto ao seu nível de atividade física por meio do PAQ-C, além disso, diferentes medidas antropométricas são avaliadas e, indiretamente, a velocidade máxima de crescimento (PSV) e a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) são prolongadas. Resultados: Um total de 2147 escolares foram avaliados, dos quais 56,7% pertenciam a instituições educacionais do sistema público, foram encontradas associações estatisticamente significativas entre sexo e status socioeconômico com o nível de atividade física e as outras variáveis do estudo. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que a atividade física, a maturação biológica e a saúde óssea estão intimamente relacionadas ao status socioeconômico em escolares colombianos, o que permite diagnósticos precoces e tomada de decisões em relação a programas e estratégias educacionais e de saúde pública.

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Social Class , Exercise , Bone Density , Growth and Development , Colombia
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 261-269, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558144


SUMMARY: Diabetes is a form of endocrine disease. Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) provides a detailed view of the body composition to find out what makes people with diabetes different from those with other diseases. We scanned 371 patients with DXA to analyze their body composition parameters. Three hundreds and seventy one patients (178 women/193 men), who with different diseases, with a mean±SD Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25.32±8.3 kg/m2 were included. The body composition of 371 patients was assessed. Bone Mineral Density (BMD), Fat Weight, Lean Weight, waist-to-hip ratio, Lean Mass Index (LMI), Fat Mass Index (FMI), the relationship between Fat percentage and BMI were analyzed. The 371 patients included 156 diabetics and 215 non-diabetics. Non-diabetic patients also included 5 obesity patients, 9 patients with fatty liver, 39 patients with hypertension, 22 patients with hyperlipidemia, 18 patients with cardiovascular disease, 11 patients with chest and lung disease, 4 patients with chronic disease, 14 patients with brain disease and 93 patients with other diseases. Among 156 diabetic patients, 129 had VAT > 100 cm2 and 27 had VAT ≤100 cm2. The lean weight (LW) of male diabetic patients was significantly higher than that of female diabetic patients. The fat weight (FW) of female patients with diabetes was significantly higher than that of male patients. The waist-hip ratio (WHR) was 1.37 ± 0.25 in male diabetic patients and 1.18 ± 0.21 in female diabetic patients. Among the 215 non-diabetic patients, the obese and fatty liver patients, which the weight (WT) (obesity: 83.87 ± 8.34 kg fat liver: 85.64±28.60 kg), FW (obesity: 28.56 ± 4.18 kg fat liver: 28.61 ± 10.79 kg), LW (obesity: 52.62 ± 9.64 kg fat liver: 54.29±17.58 kg), BMI (obesity: 28.76 ± 1.88 kg/m2 fat liver: 29.10 ± 5.95 kg/m2), was much higher than other patients. Diabetes patients had less fat mass than non- diabetic patients; the difference was around 2 kg. BMI is also a modest number. BMD doesn't differ all that much. Non-diabetic patients with fatty liver obesity and cardiovascular disease had higher fat mass and BMI than patients with other illnesses. Body composition can provide precise information on the makeup of different body areas, but further in-depth exams are required to ascertain the body's endocrine profile.

La diabetes es una enfermedad endocrina. La absorciometría de rayos X de energía dual (DXA) proporciona una vista detallada de la composición corporal para descubrir qué diferencia a las personas con diabetes de aquellas con otras enfermedades. Escaneamos a 371 pacientes con DXA para analizar sus parámetros de composición corporal. Se incluyeron 371 pacientes (178 mujeres/193 hombres), con diferentes enfermedades, con un Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) medio ± DE de 25,32 ± 8,3 kg/m2. Se evaluó la composición corporal de 371 pacientes. Se analizaron la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), el peso graso, el peso magro, la relación cintura-cadera, el índice de masa magra (LMI), el índice de masa grasa (FMI), y la relación entre el porcentaje de grasa y el IMC. De los 371 pacientes 156 eran diabéticos y 215 no diabéticos. Los pacientes no diabéticos también incluyeron 5 con obesidad, 9 con hígado graso, 39 con hipertensión, 22 con hiperlipidemia, 18 con enfermedad cardiovascular, 11 con enfermedad torácica y pulmonar, 4 con enfermedad crónica, 14 con enfermedad cerebral y 93 pacientes con otras enfermedades. Entre los 156 pacientes diabéticos, 129 tenían un IVA > 100 cm2 y 27 tenían un IVA ≤100 cm2. El peso magro (PV) de los hombres diabéticos fue significativamente mayor que el de las mujeres diabéticas. El peso graso (FW) de las mujeres diabéticas fue significativamente mayor que el de los hombres diabéticos. El índice cintura-cadera (ICC) fue de 1,37 ± 0,25 en hombres diabéticos y de 1,18 ± 0,21 en mujeres diabéticas. Entre los 215 pacientes no diabéticos, los pacientes obesos y con hígado graso, cuyo peso (WT) (obesidad: 83,87 ± 8,34 kg hígado graso: 85,64 ± 28,60 kg), FW (obesidad: 28,56 ± 4,18 kg hígado graso: 28,61 ± 10,79 kg), PV (obesidad: 52,62 ± 9,64 kg, hígado graso: 54,29 ± 17,58 kg), IMC (obesidad: 28,76 ± 1,88 kg/m2, hígado graso: 29,10 ± 5,95 kg/m2), fue mucho mayor que otros pacientes. Los pacientes diabéticos tenían menos masa grasa que los pacientes no diabéticos; la diferencia fue de alrededor de 2 kg. La DMO no difiere mucho. Los pacientes no diabéticos con obesidad debido al hígado graso y enfermedades cardiovasculares tenían mayor masa grasa e IMC que los pacientes con otras enfermedades. La composición corporal puede proporcionar información precisa sobre la composición de diferentes áreas del cuerpo, pero se requieren exámenes más profundos para determinar el perfil endocrino del cuerpo.

Humans , Male , Female , Body Composition , Absorptiometry, Photon , Diabetes Mellitus , Bone Density , Adipose Tissue
Actual. osteol ; 19(2): 144-159, sept. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1523956


Osteoporosis and vertebral and non-vertebral fractures are common in glucocorticoids (GC) treated patients. Oral GC treatment leads to bone loss, particularly of trabecular bone. The benefits of GC used in rheumatological and traumatological disorders are known but they would have possible negative effects on bone. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the effects of epidural steroid injections (ESI), and intra-articular and intramuscular GC administration on bone mineral density (BMD) and fragility fractures. A systematic review of Medline/PubMed, Cochrane, and LILACS up to November 2020 was conducted. Meta-analyses, systematic reviews, randomized and non-randomized controlled trials, and prospective and retrospective studies comparing the effect of ESI, intra-articular or intramuscular GC used compared to a control group or baseline measurements were included. Results: A total of 8272 individuals were included among the 13 selected articles (10 about ESI and 3 about intra-articular GC; no article was found evaluating intramuscular GC). Only a few studies showed a negative effect of ESI on bone in the qualitative analysis considering osteopenia and osteoporosis in lumbar spine, femoral neck and total hip and BMD as surrogate outcomes. On the other hand, the qualitative analysis showed that most studies found an increased risk of fragility fracture. However, only two studies could be included in the quantitative analysis, in which there were no differences between patients exposed to ESI versus controls in all evaluated regions. In conclusion, there was insufficient evidence to suggest that ESI and intra-articular GC, unlike oral GC, negatively affect bone mass. Longitudinal studies are needed to obtain more knowledge regarding the effect of ESI or intra-articular GC on BMD and fragility fractures. (AU)

La osteoporosis y las fracturas vertebrales y no vertebrales son comunes en pacientes tratados con glucocorticoides (GC). El tratamiento oral con GC conduce a la pérdida ósea, particularmente del hueso trabecular. Los beneficios de los GC utilizados en patologías reumatológicas y traumatológicas son conocidos, pero tendrían posibles efectos negativos sobre el hueso. Esta revisión sistemática tuvo como objetivo evaluar los efectos de las inyecciones epidurales de esteroides (ESI), GC intraarticulares e intramusculares sobre la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) y las fracturas por fragilidad. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de Medline/PubMed, Cochrane y LILACS hasta noviembre de 2020. Se incluyeron metanálisis, revisiones sistemáticas, ensayos controlados aleatorizados y no aleatorizados, estudios prospectivos y retrospectivos que compararon el efecto de ESI, GC intraarticular o intramuscular utilizado en comparación con un grupo de control o mediciones iniciales. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 8272 individuos entre los 13 artículos seleccionados (10 sobre ESI y 3 sobre GC intraarticular; no se encontró ningún artículo que evaluara GC intramuscular). Solo unos pocos estudios mostraron un efecto negativo del ESI sobre el hueso en el análisis cualitativo considerando la osteopenia y la osteoporosis en la columna lumbar, el cuello femoral y la cadera total y la DMO como un resultado indirecto. Por otro lado, el análisis cualitativo mostró que la mayoría de los estudios encontraron un mayor riesgo de fractura por fragilidad. Sin embargo, solo dos estudios pudieron incluirse en el análisis cuantitativo, en los que no hubo diferencias entre los pacientes expuestos a ESI versus los controles en todas las regiones evaluadas. En conclusión, no hallamos datos suficientes para sugerir que la ESI y los GC intraarticulares, a diferencia de los GC orales, afectan negativamente a la pérdida ósea. Se necesitan estudios longitudinales para obtener más conocimiento sobre el efecto de ESI o GC intraarticular en la DMO y las fracturas por fragilidad. (AU)

Humans , Osteoporosis/etiology , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/etiology , Bone Density/drug effects , Osteoporotic Fractures/chemically induced , Glucocorticoids/adverse effects , Review Literature as Topic , Bias , Drug Administration Routes , Meta-Analysis as Topic , Clinical Trials as Topic , Risk Assessment , Densitometry , Estrogens/adverse effects
Actual. osteol ; 19(3): 190-198, Sept - Dic 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1554640


El calcio es uno de los nutrientes esenciales para la salud ósea. Objetivos: evaluar la ingesta de calcio en un grupo de mujeres pre-menopáusicas consumidoras de alimentación basada en plantas (ABP). Materiales y métodos: un grupo de mujeres premenopáusicas entre 30 y 45 años consumidoras de ABP fueron invitadas a participar. Para la evaluación de ingesta se empleó un recordatorio alimentario de 24 horas. Se utilizó la Encuesta Nacional de Nutrición y Salud (ENNyS, 2007) como información relevada disponible de ingesta de calcio en nuestra población. En un subgrupo de participantes se evaluó la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) de columna lumbar (L1-L4) por el método de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA), mientras que la microarquitectura fue estudiada a través del trabecular bone score (TBS). Resultados: se incluyeron 30 mujeres con un tiempo de adherencia promedio (X±DS) a la ABP 5,6±4 años, edad de 35,6±4 años, y un índice de masa corporal (IMC) de 23.,7±3 kg/m2. Una ingesta diaria de calcio promedio (IC al 95%) de 980 mg (639 mg-1320 mg) fue observada en las mujeres vegetarianas, mientras que en las veganas fue de 772 mg (460 mg-1085 mg), lo que resulta superior a la de la población general (406 mg). Una correlación positiva fue observada entre DMO e IMC (r=0,990; p=0,01) pero no entre DMO e ingesta de calcio. Conclusiones: en esta cohorte de mujeres premenopáusicas consumidoras de ABP, las vegetarianas y el 96,5% de las veganas cubrieron el requerimiento promedio estimado. La adecuada planificación de la ABP permite evitar deficiencias nutricionales que afecten la salud ósea. (AU)

Calcium is one of the essential nutrients intervening in bone health. Objective: To assess calcium intake in a group of premenopausal women consumers of a plant-based diet (PBD). Materials and methods: Premenopausal women between 30 and 45 y/o consumers of a PBD were invited to participate. A 24-hour food reminder was provided for the intake evaluation. Argentina's National Nutrition and Health Survey (ENNyS, 2007) was used as available information on calcium intake in our population. In a participants' subset, the bone mineral density (BMD) of the lumbar spine (L1-L4) was evaluated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), while the trabecular bone score (TBS) was used to study the microarchitecture. Results: The study included 30 women with an average adherence time (X±DS) to PBD of 5.6±4 years, of 35.6±4 years and a body mass index (BMI) of 23.7±3kg/m2. An average daily calcium intake (95% CI) of 980mg (639 mg-1.320mg) was observed in vegetarian women, while in vegan women it was 772 mg (460mg-1.085mg), higher than the general population (406 mg). A positive correlation was observed between BMD and BMI (r=0.990; p=0.01), though not between BMD and calcium intake. Conclusions: In this cohort of premenopausal women consuming a PBD, the vegetarians and 96.5% of vegans met the estimated average requirement. An appropriate planning of the PBD prevents nutritional deficiencies that may affect bone health. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Plants, Edible , Vitamin D/administration & dosage , Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage , Bone Density , Diet, Vegetarian/statistics & numerical data , Vitamin D Deficiency/prevention & control , Absorptiometry, Photon , Premenopause , Diet, Vegan/statistics & numerical data
Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 41: 1-13, ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1514059


Resumen Introducción: la alimentación es uno de los factores modificables más importantes que participa en la salud ósea. Contribuye a ésta, una adecuada ingesta de calcio, vitamina D y proteínas, como así también otros nutrientes. A la alimentación basada en plantas (ABP) se le ha atribuido importantes beneficios para la salud en general, pero mal planificada podría tener efectos deletéreos sobre la salud ósea. Materiales y método: revisión narrativa con búsqueda en el sistema digital de recopilación de información biomédica PubMed cuyo objetivo fue analizar la evidencia científica disponible en la actualidad sobre el efecto de la ABP sobre la salud ósea. Resultados: dentro de los patrones de consumo de la ABP, los veganos que exhiben un consumo de calcio inferior a 525 mg/día presentan mayor riesgo de fractura por fragilidad ósea [incidencia de fractura: 1.37 (IC95%: 1,07; 1,74)]. En cambio, el papel de la hiperhomocisteinemia (HHcy) secundaria al déficit de vitamina B12 y riesgo de fractura continúa siendo controvertido en esta población. Si bien, in vitro la HHcy puede incrementar la actividad de los osteoclastos, en estudios clínicos no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los niveles de crosslaps sérico (marcador de resorción ósea) en los consumidores de ABP (vegetarianos) comparados con los omnívoros. Conclusión: una ABP bien planificada, óptima y adecuada, que cubra los requerimientos diarios de calcio, vitamina D, vitamina B12 y proteínas aportará importantes beneficios para la salud general sin afectar la salud ósea en particular, aunque se requiere de futuros estudios para una mejor comprensión de su efecto sobre aspectos específicos del sistema musculo esquelético.

Abstract Introduction: diet is one of the most significant and modifiable factors involved in bone health, as an appropriate intake of calcium, vitamin D and proteins, as well as other nutrients, contributes to this. Significant overall health benefits have been attributed to plant-based diets (PBD); however, poorly planned PBD could have detrimental effects on bone health. Materials and Method: a narrative review through a search in the digital biomedical data collection system PubMed whose objective was to analyze currently available scientific evidence about the effects of PBD on bone health. Results: within the PBD intake patterns, vegans exhibiting calcium intakes below 525mg/day are at a higher risk of fracture due to bone fragility [incidence of fracture: 1.37 (95% CI: 1.07; 1.74)]. In contrast, the role of hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) secondary to vitamin B12 deficiency and fracture risk remains controversial in this population. While in vitro HHcy osteoclast activity may increase, in clinical studies no statistically significant differences in serum crosslaps levels (bone resorption marker) were observed in PBD consumers (vegetarians) when compared to omnivores. Conclusion: a well-planned, optimal and adequate PBD, covering daily calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and proteins requirements, will provide significant benefits to the overall health condition without affecting bone health in particular, although future studies are required in order to better understand its effects on specific aspects of the musculoskeletal system.

Diet, Vegan , Bone Density , Fractures, Bone
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971320


OBJECTIVE@#To determine whether resveratrol (Res) can correct osteoporosis induced in a rat model of male hypogonadism.@*METHODS@#Thirty-two rats were randomly divided into 4 groups, 8 in each group; 1) a control sham group: underwent a similar surgical procedure for induction of orchiectomy (ORCD) without ligation of any arteries or veins or removal of the testis and epididymis; 2) a control + Res-treated group (Con+Res): underwent sham surgery similar to the control, but was then treated with Res, as described below; 3) an ORCD-induced group: bilateral ORCD surgery as described above, and 4) a ORCD+Res-treated group: bilateral ORCD surgery followed by Res treatment. Res treatment began 4 weeks after ORCD and continued for 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) were measured in the tibia and femur of each rat's right hind leg. Blood levels of bone turnover indicators such as deoxypyridinoline (Dpd), N-telopeptide of type I collagen (NTX I), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and osteocalcin (OC), as well as receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B (RANK) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) were assessed.@*RESULTS@#ORCD significantly decreased BMD (P<0.01) and significantly increased bone resorption, manifested by increased RANK. In addition, it inhibited serum levels of OPG and OC. Res treatment after ORCD effectively increased serum levels of bone formation markers such as OPG and OC, compared with testisectomized rats (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Res could ameliorate bone loss induced by male hypogonadism, possible via restoration of the normal balance between RANK and OPG.

Rats , Male , Animals , Bone Density , Resveratrol/pharmacology , Osteoporosis , Osteoprotegerin/pharmacology , Bone Remodeling , Hypogonadism , RANK Ligand/pharmacology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981439


This study aims to provide evidence for clinical practice by systematically reviewing the efficacy and safety of Gusongbao preparation in the treatment of primary osteoporosis(POP). The relevant papers were retrieved from four Chinese academic journal databases and four English academic journal databases(from inception to May 31, 2022). The randomized controlled trial(RCT) of Gusongbao preparation in the treatment of POP was included after screening according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The quality of articles was evaluated using risk assessment tools, and the extracted data were subjected to Meta-analysis in RevMan 5.3. A total of 657 articles were retrieved, in which 15 articles were included in this study, which involved 16 RCTs. A total of 3 292 patients(1 071 in the observation group and 2 221 in the control group) were included in this study. In the treatment of POP, Gusongbao preparation+conventional treatment was superior to conventional treatment alone in terms of increasing lumbar spine(L2-L4) bone mineral density(MD=0.03, 95%CI[0.02, 0.04], P<0.000 01) and femoral neck bone mineral density, reducing low back pain(MD=-1.69, 95%CI[-2.46,-0.92], P<0.000 1) and improving clinical efficacy(RR=1.36, 95%CI[1.21, 1.53], P<0.000 01). Gusongbao preparation was comparable to similar Chinese patent medicines in terms of improving clinical efficacy(RR=0.95, 95%CI[0.86, 1.04], P=0.23). Gusongbao preparation was inferior to similar Chinese patent medicines in reducing traditional Chinese medicine syndrome scores(MD=1.08, 95%CI[0.44, 1.71], P=0.000 9) and improving Chinese medicine syndrome efficacy(RR=0.89, 95%CI[0.83, 0.95], P=0.000 4). The incidence of adverse reactions of Gusongbao preparation alone or combined with conventio-nal treatment was comparable to that of similar Chinese patent medicines(RR=0.98, 95%CI[0.57, 1.69], P=0.94) or conventio-nal treatment(RR=0.73, 95%CI[0.38, 1.42], P=0.35), and the adverse reactions were mainly gastrointestinal discomforts. According to the available data, Gusongbao preparation combined with conventional treatment is more effective than conventional treatment alone in increasing lumbar spine(L2-L4) bone mineral density and femoral neck bone mineral density, reducing low back pain, and improving clinical efficacy. The adverse reactions of Gusongbao preparation were mainly gastrointestinal discomforts, which were mild.

Humans , Bone Density , Low Back Pain , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Osteoporosis/drug therapy
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009151


OBJECTIVE@#To explore and verify the genes related to female peak bone mass(PBM) and osteoporosis (OP) based on bioinformatics.@*METHODS@#Using GEO data, DNA microarray technology to conduct genome-wide analysis of adult female monocytes with high and low PBM. Cluster analysis, GO enrichment and KEGG analysis were used to analyze the differential genes, and the interaction network of differential genes was further analyzed. OP rat model was established and femur neck tissue staining was performed to further verify the expression of differential genes.@*RESULTS@#A total of 283 genes were obtained by differential gene screening. Compared with the high PBM samples, 135 genes were up-regulated and 148 genes were down-regulated in the low PBM samples. A total of 7 pathways and 12 differential genes were enriched, and there were differences in the expression of several genes involved in mineral absorption and transport, cellular immunity and other aspects. Among them, voltage-gated Ca2+ channel 1.3(CaV1.3) encoded by CACNA1D gene was significantly enhanced in the femoral neck tissue of OP rat model.@*CONCLUSION@#The above results suggest that the difference in the expression level of CaV1.3 gene may lead to the occurrence of OP in women with low PBM, which provides us with a potential target for the prevention and treatment of OP.

Adult , Female , Humans , Animals , Rats , Osteoporosis/genetics , Bone Density , Computational Biology , Femur Neck , Staining and Labeling
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009182


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the effect of denosumab on bone mineral density around proximal femoral prosthesis after total hip arthroplasty(THA) in the postmenopausal osteoporotic patients.@*METHODS@#Fifty-four consecutive patients underwent unilateral primary THA were included in this retrospective study. Twenty-five patients received denosumab for osteoporosis as the treatment group, and the twenty-nine without denosumab were the control group. At 1 week, 3month, 6 months, and 12 months after THA, bone turnover markers and proximal femoral periprosthetic bone mineral density (BMD) were measured.@*RESULTS@#At 3, 6 and 12 months after operation, the level of TRACP-5b in the control group was significantly higher than that in the treatment group (P<0.05);the level of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) between two groups showed significant difference in 12 months after operation (control group was higher than treatment group, P<0.05). The BMD of Gruen 1 and Gruen 7 decreased at 3, 6 and 12 months after operation compared with 1 week after operation. Comparing the treatment group and the control group, the differences of the the decrease of BMD in Gruen 1 and Gruen 7 were no significant at 3 months after surgery. In Gruen 1, Gruen 7 at 6 months after operation and Gruen 1, Gruen 7 at 12 months after operation, the decrease of BMD in the control group was significantly higher than that in the treatment group(P<0.05). It is suggested that desudumab could inhibit the loss of BMD after 6 months, and continuously show a protective effect on bone mass at 12 months after operation.@*CONCLUSION@#After THA in postmenopausal patients with osteoporotic femoral neck fracture, Desuzumab can reduce the loss of BMD around the proximal femoral prosthesis and effectively inhibit bone resorption.

Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Bone Density , Denosumab/therapeutic use , Retrospective Studies , Postmenopause , Absorptiometry, Photon , Bone Remodeling , Follow-Up Studies , Hip Prosthesis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009201


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate CT values of cancellous bone in femoral neck in adults over 60 years with proximal femoral fractures.@*METHODS@#From January 2020 to December 2020, a retrospective analysis was performed on 280 subjects aged 60 years or older who underwent bilateral hip CT examination, including 85 males and 195 females, 120 on the left side and 160 on the right side, aged 75 (66, 82) years old. One hundred thirty-six patients with proximal femoral fractures were included in study group and 144 patients without fractures were included in control group. GEOptima CT was used to scan and reconstruct horizontal, coronal and sagittal layers of proximal femur. CT values of cancellous bone in femoral neck were measured and compared between two groups. The relationship between CT values of cancellous bone of femoral neck and proximal femoral fracture was analyzed statistically.@*RESULTS@#In terms of age, fracture group aged 79(73.3, 85.0) years old, non-fracture group aged 69.5 (64.0, 78.8) years old, and had significant difference in age between two groups (P<0.05). In terms of CT value, regional CT value in fracture group was 8.62(-3.62, 27.15) HU, which was lower than that in non-fracture group 34.31(-5.93, 71.74) HU(P<0.05). CT value on coronal view in fracture group was -8.48(-30.96, 17.46) HU, which was lower than that in non-fracture group 40.49(5.55, 80.71) HU (P<0.05). CT value on sagittal view in fracture group was -31.28(-54.91, -5.11) HU, which was lower than that in non-fracture group 7.74(-20.12, 44.54) HU (P<0.05). CT values on horizontal view in fracture group was 0.17(-23.13, 24.60) HU, which was lower than that in non-fracture group 46.40(10.42, 85.18) HU(P<0.05). The mean regional CT values among three planes in the fracture group were lower than those in the non-fracture group. Logistic regression analysis showed coronal CT value was influencing factors of proximal femoral fracture, and it could be written into regression equations that predict probability of fracture.@*CONCLUSION@#In adults aged over 60 years old, CT values of cancellous bone of femoral neck decreased with increasing age. The smaller CT value of cancellous bone of femoral neck, the greater risk of proximal femoral fracture.

Male , Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Proximal Femoral Fractures , Retrospective Studies , Femur Neck , Hip Fractures/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Bone Density
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985972


Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIOP) is a skeletal disease characterized by decreased bone strength and increased fracture risk associated with long-term glucocorticoid use. GIOP is the most common secondary osteoporosis that critically affects the quality of life of patients. Currently, the incidence of GIOP in China remains high, with insufficient awareness and lack of prevention and treatment norms. Therefore, the Chinese Rheumatology Association has established this standard based on domestic and international experience, with the aim of raising awareness of prevention and treatment among clinicians, guiding the standardized diagnosis and treatment of this disease, and improving the overall prognosis of patients with GIOP.

Humans , Glucocorticoids/adverse effects , Quality of Life , Osteoporosis/therapy , Incidence , Rheumatology , Bone Density
Singapore medical journal ; : 550-556, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007292


INTRODUCTION@#The growing years are paramount for bone growth and mineral accrual. Children with long-term neurological condition (LTNC) have multiple risk factors for poor bone health and fragility fractures. In Singapore, this has not been studied systematically. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the risk factors associated with fragility fractures in children with LTNC.@*METHODS@#In this study, the search for fragility fractures was done by a retrospective review of patients with LTNC on follow-up in the paediatric neurology clinic and patients who presented with fracture to the paediatric orthopaedic clinic. Information on patients' demographics, medical history, intervention, biochemical bone markers and fracture history was collected.@*RESULTS@#In a tertiary clinic population of 136 patients with LTNC, 65% were dependent on mobility (Gross Motor Function Classification System [GMFCS] V), 60% were underweight and 60% were fed via gastrostomy or nasogastric tube, or were on oral pureed diet. Furthermore, 60% were on anticonvulsants. The fracture rate was 3% in this population and was associated with low-impact activities such as transfer and dressing. Only 7.4% and 33% of the patients had undergone measurements of vitamin D and calcium levels, respectively.@*CONCLUSION@#The local prevalence of fragility fractures in children with LTNC on follow-up at the neurology clinic was found to be 3%. Risk factors identified were limited ambulation and compromised nutritional status associated with feeding difficulty. Recommendations to optimise bone health in children with LTNC were made. These include promoting weight-bearing activities, looking out for underweight children, avoiding vitamin D deficiency and ensuring adequate calcium intake.

Humans , Child , Bone Density , Calcium , Thinness/epidemiology , Fractures, Bone/etiology , Risk Factors
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008126


Objective To compare the consistency of quantitative ultrasound(QUS)and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry(DXA)in measuring bone mineral density(BMD)of adults aged 18-40 years in Guangzhou and evaluate the diagnostic value of QUS for identifying low bone mass.Methods DXA was employed to measure the BMD and QUS to measure the speed of sound(SOS)in 731 participants.The Bland-Altman analysis was performed to evaluate the consistency of Z scores between SOS and BMD.With the BMD Z ≤-2.00 as the diagnostic criterion for low bone mass,the receiver operating characteristics curve of QUS was established,and the area under the curve(AUC)and the sensitivity,specificity,and correct diagnostic index for the optimal cut-off of SOS Z score were calculated.Results The results of Bland-Altman analysis showed that the mean differences in the Z scores of SOS and BMD in males and females were 1.27(-0.94 to 3.47)and 0.93(-1.33 to 3.18),respectively.The AUC of SOS Z score in the diagnosis of low bone mass in males and females was 0.734(95%CI=0.380-0.788)and 0.679(95%CI=0.625-0.732),respectively.In males,the optimal cut-off of SOS Z score for low bone mass was -0.35,with the sensitivity,specificity,and correct diagnostic index of 64.1%,68.6%,and 0.327,respectively.In females,the optimal cut-off value of SOS Z scores for low bone mass was -1.14,with the sensitivity,specificity,and correct index of 73.9%,54.8%,and 0.285,respectively.Conclusion QUS and DXA show poor consistency in the diagnosis of BMD in the adults aged 18-40 years in Guangzhou,while QUS demonstrates an acceptable value in identifying low bone mass.

Male , Female , Adult , Humans , Absorptiometry, Photon/methods , Bone Density , Ultrasonography , Bone and Bones , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009467


Bone homeostasis is based on the dynamic balance of bone formation and bone resorption. An imbalance in bone homeostasis is a major contributor to many skeletal diseases, including osteoporosis. Changes in the composition and diversity of the gut microbiota (GM) are supposed to have a significant impact on bone homeostasis and are closely correlated with changes in bone mass and bone microarchitecture. The "gut-immune" axis, which is formed by the interaction between the host intestinal immune system and GM, is essential for maintaining bone homeostasis, as well as regulating the body's immunological response and maintaining immune homeostasis throughout the intestine and body. The article reviews recent advances in the study of GM, the immune system, and their synergistic impact on bone homeostasis.

Gastrointestinal Tract , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Immune System , Bone Density , Homeostasis