Purpose: To evaluate the inductive capacity of F18 bioglass putty on the induced membrane technique in a segmental bone defect of the rabbit's radius. Methods: Ten female Norfolk at 24 months of age were used. The animals were randomly separated based on postoperative time points: five rabbits at 21 and four at 42 days. A 1-cm segmental bone defect was created in both radii. The bone defects were filled with an F18 bioglass putty. Results: Immediate postoperative radiographic examination revealed the biomaterial occupying the segmental bone defect as a well-defined radiopaque structure with a density close to bone tissue. At 21 and 42 days after surgery, a reduction in radiopacity and volume of the biomaterial was observed, with particle dispersion in the bone defect region. Histologically, the induced membrane was verified in all animals, predominantly composed of fibrocollagenous tissue. In addition, chondroid and osteoid matrices undergoing regeneration, a densely vascularized tissue, and a foreign body type reaction composed of macrophages and multinucleated giant cells were seen. Conclusions: the F18 bioglass putty caused a foreign body-type inflammatory response with the development of an induced membrane without expansion capacity to perform the second stage of the Masquelet technique.
Animals , Rabbits , Biocompatible Materials , Bone Development , Bone Substitutes , HistologySubject(s)
Humans , Male , Female , Weight by Height , Body Weight , Bone Development , Growth and Development , Risk Factors , Malnutrition , Social FactorsABSTRACT
Aim: Facial orthopaedic treatments based on the stimulation or restrictions of craniofacial bone growth are more effective when carried out during the pubertal growth spurt. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the reproducibility of two cervical vertebrae methods (CVM) with manual tracing and direct visual inspection. Methods: A sample of 60 lateral cephalometric radiographs (10 of each of the 6 CVM stages) was randomly selected from 171 records. 5 orthodontists classified these radiographs according to the skeletal maturation stage in 2002 and 2005, and the application of both methods was conducted by direct visual inspection and evaluation through manual tracing. Results: The average reliability of the two methods determination and the two forms of evaluation was substantial. The direct visual inspection evaluation showed the highest reliability and agreement interexaminer values for both methods, as well as the intraexaminers evaluation. Conclusion: The reproducibility of CVM method was substantial, indicating its clinical use to determine the skeletal maturity and the ideal moment for treatment execution
Bone Development , Cervical Vertebrae , Reproducibility of ResultsABSTRACT
O complexo de desordens hiperostóticas é uma condição rara e autolimitante, que tem as mesmas características histopatológicas, que cursa com proliferação óssea de caráter não neoplásico. Acomete cães jovens de raças distintas, com variabilidade quanto ao tipo de proliferação óssea e quanto aos ossos acometidos. O complexo é composto pela osteopatia craniomandibular, hiperostose da calota craniana e osteodistrofia hipertrófica. Podendo estar presente nos ossos da calota craniana, mandíbulas, coluna cervical e esqueleto apendicular. O presente relato, descreveu o quadro de uma cadela, da raça American Bully, não castrada, três meses de idade, que foi atendida com queixa de aumento de volume doloroso das mandíbulas, hiporexia e sialorreia há 15 dias, apresentando ao exame físico, amplitude de movimento diminuída e sensibilidade dolorosa da articulação temporomandibular, espessamento firme bilateral do crânio em região de fossa temporal, espessamento palpável de consistência firme das mandíbulas e crepitação respiratória. Após avaliação clínica e realização de exames complementares, chegou-se ao diagnóstico presuntivo, de complexo de desordens hiperostóticas. Foi instituído como conduta terapêutica o suporte analgésico, sendo eficaz para a manutenção das necessidades fisiológicas até a paciente alcançar a fase adulta. O prognóstico para esta paciente foi considerado bom, uma vez que não havia indícios de anquilose da articulação temporomandibular e/ou manifestações neurológicas.
The complex of hyperostotic disorders is a rare and self-limiting condition, which has the same histophatological characteristics, which courses with non-neoplastic bone proliferations. It affects young dogs of different breeds, with variability the bones affected. The complex is composed of craniomandibular osteopathy, calvarial hyperostotic syndrome and hypertrophic osteodystrophy. It may be present in the bones of the skullcap, jaws, cervical spine and appendicular skeleton. The present report describes the condition of a female dog, American Bully breed, entire, three months old, with a complaint of painful swelling of the jaws, hyporexia and drooling for 15 days, presenting on physical examination, reduced amplitude and pain of the temporomandibular joint, bilateral firm thickening of the skull in the temporal fossa region, palpable firm-consistent thickening of the mandibles and respiratory crackle. After clinical evaluation and complementary tests, a presumptive diagnosis of hyperostotic disorders complex was reached. It was instituted pain management as a treatment, being effective for the maintenance of physiological needs until the patient reaches the adulthood. The prognosis for this patient was considered good, since there was no evidence of temporomandibular joint ankylosis and/or neurological manifestations.
Animals , Dogs , Temporomandibular Joint/abnormalities , Bone Development , Hyperostosis/veterinary , Craniomandibular Disorders/veterinary , Dogs/abnormalities , Facial Bones/pathology , Analgesics/therapeutic useABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Letrozole is mainly used for the treatment of unexplained infertility, breast cancer and polycystic ovarian syndrome, with secondary use in ovarian stimulation. In cases of unexpected or unknown pregnancy during the use of letrozole, letrozole may cause a teratogenic effect on the fetus. In this reason, in this study, we aimed to determine the effect of letrozole on fetal bone development. In this study, 32 pregnant Wistar albino rats were used. The rats were divided into four groups: Control (saline) and high; 0.3 mg/kg, medium; 0.03 mg/kg, low; 0.003 mg/ kg letrozole. Saline and letrozole were administered in 100 mL solutions by intraperitonaly from day 11 to day 15 of pregnancy. The skeletal system development of fetuses was examined with double skeletal staining, immunohistochemical staining methods and mineral density scanning electron microscopy. A total of 100 fetuses from female rats, 25 in each group, were included in the study. As a result of that, ossification rates were observed to decrease depending on the dose of letrozole in the forelimb limb (scapula, humerus, radius, ulna) and hindlimb (femur, tibia, fibula) limb bones. As a result of the statistical analysis, a statistically significant decrease was found in the ossification rates of all bones between the control group and low, medium, high letrozole groups (p<0.001). Exposure to letrozole during pregnancy adversely affected ossification and bone growth. However, the teratogenic effects of letrozole are unclear. Therefore, it needs to be investigated more extensively.
RESUMEN: Letrozol se usa principalmente para el tratamiento de la infertilidad inexplicable, el cáncer de mama y el síndrome de ovario poliquístico, con estimulación ovárica de uso secundario. En casos de embarazo inesperado o desconocido durante el uso de letrozol, puede causar un efecto teratogénico en el feto. Por esta razón, en este estudio, nuestro objetivo fue determinar el efecto de letrozol en el desarrollo óseo fetal. Se utilizaron 32 ratas albinas Wistar preñadas las cuales se distribuyeron en cuatro grupos: Control (solución salina) y alta; 0,3 mg/kg, medio; 0,03 mg/kg, bajo; 0,003 mg/kg de letrozol. Se administró solución salina y letrozol en soluciones de 100 mL por vía intraperitoneal desde el día 11 hasta el día 15 de la preñez. El desarrollo del sistema esquelético de los fetos se examinó con tinción esquelética doble, métodos de tinción inmunohistoquímica y microscopía electrónica de barrido de densidad mineral. Se incluyeron en el estudio un total de 100 fetos de ratas hembra, 25 en cada grupo. Como resultado, se observó que las tasas de osificación disminuían dependiendo de la dosis de letrozol en los huesos de los miembros torácicos (escápula, húmero, radio, ulna) y de las miembros pélvicos (fémur, tibia, fíbula). Se encontró una disminución estadísticamente significativa en las tasas de osificación de todos los huesos entre el grupo control y los grupos de letrozol bajo, medio y alto (p<0,001). La exposición a letrozol durante la preñez afectó negativamente la osificación y el crecimiento óseo. Sin embargo, los efectos teratogénicos del letrozol no están claros por lo que debe ser investigado más extensamente.
Animals , Female , Rats , Teratogens/pharmacology , Bone Development/drug effects , Fetal Development/drug effects , Letrozole/pharmacology , Antineoplastic Agents/pharmacology , Osteogenesis/drug effects , Staining and Labeling/methods , Immunohistochemistry , Rats, Wistar , Letrozole/adverse effects , Antineoplastic Agents/adverse effectsABSTRACT
La osteología como práctica científica muestra, a través de su historia, los esfuerzos de los hombres de ciencia que pretendían explicar la entidad característica del hueso y sus procesos de formación. La extensión de esas investigaciones hace que se pierda el núcleo de lo que tiene la osteología de ciencia: las teorías osteológicas. Esta revisión historiográfica pretende con ayuda de la epistemología semántica presentar un esquema de red teórica que represente a algunos de esos modelos teóricos. (AU)
Osteology as a scientific practice shows through its history the efforts of scientists who tried to explain the characteristic entity of bone and its formation processes. The extension of these investigations causes that the nucleus of what the osteology of science has is lost: osteological theories. This historiographic review aims with the help of semantic epistemology to present a theoretical network scheme that represents some of these theoretical models. (AU)
Humans , Osteogenesis , Bone and Bones/anatomy & histology , Osteology/history , Models, Theoretical , Philosophy, Medical , Bone Development , Knowledge , History, 20th CenturyABSTRACT
Objetivo: A proposta deste estudo foi investigar a composição óssea em ratos tratados com dieta suplementada com farinha de taro (Colocasia esculenta) até eles completarem 90 dias de idade. Métodos: No momento do desmame, os ratos foram divididos em grupo controle (C, n = 11) e experimental (T, n = 12) composto por animais tratados com farinha de taro até os 90 dias de idade. Ingestão alimentar, massa e comprimento corporal foram avaliados semanalmente ao longo de todo o período experimental. Dimensões ósseas, bem como a densidade mineral óssea (DMO), conteúdo mineral ósseo (CMO), área óssea total e propriedades biomecânicas foram determinadas no final de 90 dias. Resultados: Grupo T apresentou elevados valores (P<0.05) para massa e comprimento corporal; DMO, CMO e área óssea da coluna vertebral; DMO na quarta vértebra lombar; massa femoral, distância entre as epífises, largura do ponto médio da diáfise, DMO, força máxima e concentrações séricas de osteocalcina, quando comparado ao grupo controle. Conclusões: A ingestão da farinha de taro apresentou efeito positivo na saúde óssea. (AU)
Objective: This study aimed to investigate bone composition in male rats treated with diet supplemented with taro (Colocasia esculenta) flour until their 90 days. Methods: Weanling male rats were divided into control (C, n=11) and experimental group (T, n=12); the latter comprised animals treated with taro flour until their 90 days. Food intake, body mass and length were evaluated on a weekly basis throughout the experimental period. Spine bone dimension, as well as bone mineral density (BMD), mineral content (BMC), total area and biomechanical properties were determined after 90 days. Results: T group recorded higher values for (P<0.05) body mass and length; BMD, BMC and total spinal area; BMD of the fourth lumbar vertebra; femoral mass, distance between epiphysis, medial point of diaphysis width, BMD, maximum strength and osteocalcin concentrations than the control. Conclusion: Taro flour intake had positive effect on bone health. (AU)
Animals , Male , Rats , Bone Development , Colocasia , Diet , Femur , EatingABSTRACT
La salud bucodental es parte inseparable de las condiciones generales de salud de todo individuo. Es por ello, que las estrategias que se implementan van dirigidas hacia la prevención de las enfermedades bucodentales La Regeneración Ósea Guiada (ROG) representa una alternativa cuando se presenta perdida de unidades dentales, para la futura rehabilitación protésica de ese espacio edentulo es aquí donde la presente investigación. Objetivos: describir de forma detallada y ordenada la efectividad del tratamiento de regeneración ósea del hueso alveolar y colocación de PRF y PRP a propósito de un caso clínico. Metodología: empleada se enmarcó en el paradigma positivista, con enfoque cuantitativo, siendo un estudio de campo-descriptivo, no experimental, en la modalidad de caso clínico único, donde se usó como método la historia clínica, consentimiento informado, radiografías periapicales, exámenes pre-operatorios y cámara radiográfica para la recolección de datos y obtención de los mismos. Resultado: un exitoso crecimiento óseo de 14mm de altura, en un tiempo menos de lo esperado, evidenciando a los dos meses el aumento del tejido, obteniendo resultados positivos, y se recomendó mantener buena higiene diaria, limpiezas periódicas cada tres meses más la general que debe ser después de cada comida, disminución del hábito de fumar y rehabilitación protésica a través de implantes dentales. Conclusión: la ROG es un tratamiento efectivo y en combinación con el PRF y el PRP como ayudares del proceso osteoblastico, estimulados por estos factores de crecimiento Autólogos se demuestra su efectividad y menor costo al paciente, para su futura rehabilitación protésica con implantes dentales(AU)
Oral health is an inseparable part of the general health conditions of every individual. That is why the strategies that are implemented are directed towards the prevention of oral diseases Guided Bone Regeneration (ROG) represents an alternative when there is loss of dental units, for the future prosthetic rehabilitation of that edentulous space is here where the present investigation. Objectives: to describe in a detailed and orderly way the effectiveness of the treatment of bone regeneration of the alveolar bone and placement of PRF and PRP in relation to a clinical case. Methodology: used was framed in the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative approach, being a descriptive field study, not experimental, in the modality of a single clinical case, where the clinical history, informed consent, periapical radiographs, pre-examinations were used as a method. -operations and radiographic camera for data collection and obtaining them. Result: a successful bone growth of 14mm in height, in less time than expected, showing tissue growth after two months, obtaining positive results, and it was recommended to maintain good daily hygiene, periodic cleanings every three months plus the general one that it should be after every meal, reduction of smoking and prosthetic rehabilitation through dental implants. Conclusion: ROG is an effective treatment and in combination with PRF and PRP as helpers of the osteoblastic process, stimulated by these Autologous growth factors, its effectiveness and lower cost to the patient is demonstrated for future prosthetic rehabilitation with dental implants(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Periodontal Diseases , Bone Development , Bone Regeneration , Smokers , Therapeutics , Dental Implants , Oral HealthABSTRACT
Introdução: O tórus palatino se caracteriza por um desenvolvimento ósseo não patológico que ocorre ao longo da linha média do palato duro. Possui etiologia relacionada a fatores genéticos e ambientais, sendo a exostose mais comum em cavidade oral. O tratamento cirúrgico só é necessário em casos específicos quando o tórus interfere nas funções do sistema estomatognático ou na instalação de prótese total no palato. O presente estudo teve como objetivo relatar um caso clínico de tratamento cirúrgico de extenso tórus palatino onde foi empregado um acesso cirúrgico modificado. Relato de caso: Esse trabalho descreve o caso de uma paciente com um tórus palatino de dimensões atípicas com queixas fonéticas e protéticas. Devido ao tamanho da exostose e para permitir uma abordagem mais simplificada, optou-se por um acesso cirúrgico modificado, que em conjunto com a confecção de placa em resina acrílica para instalação no pós-operatório, auxiliou na recuperação e conforto da paciente. Considerações Finais: A técnica cirúrgica utilizada preveniu possíveis desvantagens relacionadas à técnica tradicional, portanto, garantiu um pós-operatório confortável, podendo ser aplicada em tratamentos de tórus palatino quando bem indicada... (AU)
Introduction: Palatine torus is characterized by a non-pathological bone development that occurs along the midline of the hard palate. It`s etiology is related to genetic and environmental factors, being the most common exostoses in the oral cavity. Surgical treatment is only necessary in specific cases when the torus interferes in the functions of the stomatognathic system or in the installation of total prosthesis in the palate. The present study aimed to report a clinical case of surgical treatment of extensive palatine torus where a modified surgical approach was employed. Case report: This article describes the case of a patient with a palatine torus of atypical dimensions with phonetic and prosthetic complaints.Due to the size of the exostoses and to allow a more simplified approach, a modified surgical access was chosen, which together with the confection of acrylic resin plaque for postoperative installationaided in patient recovery and comfort. Final considerations: The surgical technique used prevented possible disadvantages related to the traditional technique, therefore, it guaranteed a comfortable postoperative period... (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Surgery, Oral , Stomatognathic System , Exostoses , Palate, Hard , Mouth , Postoperative Period , Prostheses and Implants , Bone DevelopmentABSTRACT
The aim of the study was to determine the possibility of using panoramic X-ray as an auxiliary tool for the identification of talent in young athletes using the physical body growth indicator. Thirty three radiographs were used of athletes aged 13 to 15 years. Analysis was performed using the Eklof and Ringertz method. Dental age (40 %) came the closest to chronological age. Dental age determined in this study proved to be the most effective radiographic method for the determination of bone maturity for use in the identification of talent through imaging exams. This method was also the simplest and can be performed by the dentist of a sports club without exposing athletes to unnecessary radiation.
El objetivo del estudio consistió en determinar la posibilidad de usar radiografía panorámica como herramienta auxiliar para la identificación de talentos en los atletas usando el indicador de crecimiento del cuerpo físico. Fueron utilizadas 33 radiografías de atletas, de entre 13 a 15 años. Se realizó un análisis de la aplicación utilizando el método de Eklof y Ringertz. Se encontró que la edad dentaria (40 %) se aproximó a la edad cronológica. La edad dental utilizada en este estudio demostró ser el método radiográfico más efectivo para la determinación de la madurez ósea para su uso en la identificación del talento a través de exámenes de imágenes. Este método también fue el más simple y puede ser realizado por el dentista de un club deportivo sin exponer a los atletas a radiaciones innecesarias.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Aptitude , Soccer , Bone Development , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Athletic Performance , Pilot Projects , GrowthABSTRACT
Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between dental development and cervical vertebral maturation stages in a group of Yemeni children and adolescents. Materials an Methods: The study included digital panoramic radiographs and lateral skull cephalograms obtained from 207 Yemeni subjects122 females and 85 males aged between 8 to 18 years. Dental maturity was evaluated according to the method of Demirijian et al., calcification stages of the left mandibular canines, first and second premolars and second molars were assessed. Skeletal maturity was assessed by the cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) stages according to the method of Baccetti et al. Correlation between CVM and dental maturation was evaluated by Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient (SROCC). Results: CVM and dental calcification stages were highly correlated (p<0.001) in both genders, ranging from 0.686 to 0.873 for females and 0.787 to 0.871 for males. Calcification stages of the second molars showed the strongest correlation with CVM. Conclusion: Calcification stages of the second molar may be used as a reliable maturation indicator. Dental maturation may be applied to determine the skeletal maturity status of Yemeni children and adolescents.
Objetivo: Este estudio se realizó para investigar la relación entre el desarrollo dental y las etapas de maduración vertebral cervical en un grupo de niños y adolescentes yemeníes. Material y Métodos: El estudio incluyó radiografías panorámicas digitales y cefalogramas laterales del cráneo obtenidos de 207 sujetos yemeníes: 122 mujeres y 85 hombres de entre 8 y 18 años. La madurez dental se evaluó de acuerdo con el método de Demirijian et al. Se evaluaron las etapas de calcificación de los caninos mandibulares izquierdos, primer y segundo premolares y segundos molares. La madurez esquelética se evaluó mediante las etapas de maduración vertebral cervical (CVM) de acuerdo con el método de Baccetti et al. La correlación entre la CVM y la maduración dental se evaluó mediante el coeficiente de correlación de orden de rango de Spearman (SROCC). Resultado: Las etapas de CVM y calcificación dental estuvieron altamente correlacionadas (p<0.001) en ambos sexos, con un rango de 0.686 a 0.873 para las mujeres y 0.787 a 0.871 para los hombres. Las etapas de calcificación de los segundos molares mostraron la correlación más fuerte con CVM. Conclusión: las etapas de calcificación del segundo molar pueden usarse como un indicador de maduración confiable. La maduración dental puede aplicarse para determinar el estado de madurez esquelética de los niños y adolescentes yemeníes.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Tooth Calcification/physiology , Cervical Vertebrae/growth & development , Yemen , Bicuspid/physiology , Bone Development , Radiography, Panoramic , Cephalometry , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cuspid/physiology , Incisor/physiology , Molar/physiologyABSTRACT
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of aromatase inhibitor letrozole in treatment of male adolescents with idiopathic short stature (ISS). Seventy five boys with height less than 2 standard deviation (SD) below the mean who had entered puberty were enrolled in our study from 2004 to 2017, in the Pediatric Department of the First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University. Among 75 patients, 28 in letrozole group received letrozole and spironolactone, 30 in gonadotrophin releasing hormone analogue (GnRHa) group received GnRHa injection and 17 had no intervention. Height velocity (HV), increment of bone age/chronological age (ΔBA/ΔCA), the final adult height (FAH) were compared among groups and the safety of letrozole treatment was evaluated. HV maintained faster during letrozole treatment when compared with other groups. HV during GnRHa treatment showed slightly decline in the first 6 months, but decreased remarkably after 6 months, and was significantly lower than that in letrozole group ( < 0.05). The maturation of BA slowed down in both letrozole and GnRHa groups. But the ΔBA/ΔCA in letrozole group during the first and the second year of treatment were significantly higher (0.67±0.09, 0.50±0.15, respectively) when compared with GnRHa group (0.59±0.16, 0.44±0.13, respectively) ( =2.78 and 2.20, all < 0.05). FAH in letrozole group and GnRHa group were (170±4) cm and (170±6)cm, there was no significant differences between the two groups ( >0.05), and both were higher than that in no intervention group (162±4 cm, < 0.01). After 6 months of letrozole treatment, testicular volumes and serum testerone levels increased; 39.2% (11/28) boys had clinical manifestations of hyperandrogenemia, and 82.1% (23/28) boys had decreased serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. Serum levels of HDL and testerone returned normal and the hyperandrogenemia disappeared after the cessation of letrozole treatment. No significant changes in serum triglyceride, serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL), fating serum levels of insulin and glucose, HOMA-IR were observed. No abnormal liver function, myalgia, scoliosis or aggravations of scoliosis was found. Long term letrozole therapy during puberty in boys with ISS can delay bone maturation without significant decrease of linear growth, and thus can improve the final adult height. No severe adverse reactions were found.
Adolescent , Child , Humans , Male , Body Height , Bone Development , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone , Growth Disorders , Letrozole , Therapeutic UsesABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To analyze the effect of height catch-up at school age on the bone mass of adolescents of a Brazilian birth cohort. Methods: A cohort study using data obtained from the three moments (birth, 7/9 years and 18/19 years of age) of the Cohorts-RPS study. Height catch-up was defined based on the difference between the schoolchild's z-score and birth z-score. The adolescents' bone mineral mass was analyzed using the z-score index for the lumbar spine measured by dual emission X-ray absorptiometry. A theoretical model was developed for the proposed analysis using directed acyclic graphs paired through the nearest-neighbor matching propensity score using the STATA software, version 14.0. The level of significance was set at 5%. Results: Of the 297 studied children, 24.5% achieved height catch-up. The bone mass below the expected for age was observed in 5.39% of the subjects. The mean lumbar spine z-score was −0.34 (±1.01). After the adjustment, no effect was observed between height catch-up at school age and bone mass in adolescents (Coeff = 0.598; 95% CI −0.117 to 1.313; p = 0.101). Conclusion: Even using the directed acyclic graphs and the causal inference method by adjusting the propensity score, the height catch-up did not seem to affect bone mass in adolescents, a result perhaps related to the sample size.
Resumo: Objetivo: Analisar o efeito do catch-up de estatura na idade escolar na massa óssea em adolescentes em uma coorte brasileira de nascimento. Métodos: Estudo de coorte, utilizando dados dos três momentos (nascimento, aos 7/9 anos e 18/19 anos) da pesquisa Coortes-RPS. Catch-up de estatura foi definida a partir da diferença entre o Z-score do escolar e Z-score do nascimento. Para a análise da massa óssea em adolescentes foi utilizado o índice Z-score da coluna lombar medido pela densitometria por dupla emissão de raio X. Para análise proposta, foi construído modelo teórico usando os gráficos acíclicos direcionados e pareado por escore de propensão do tipo vizinho mais próximo utilizando o software STATA versão 14.0. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: Das 297 crianças, 24,58% realizaram o catch-up estatural. Massa óssea abaixo do esperado para a idade foi de 5,39%. O Z-score médio da coluna lombar foi −0,34 (± 1,01). Após ajuste, não foi observado efeito entre catch-up de estatura na idade escolar e massa óssea no adolescente (Coef = 0,598; IC 95% −0,117-1,313; p = 0,101). Conclusão: Mesmo com os gráficos acíclicos direcionados e o método de inferência causal por ajuste do escore de propensão, o catch-up de estatura parece não afetar a massa óssea em adolescentes, resultado talvez relacionado ao tamanho da amostra.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Child , Adolescent , Body Height/physiology , Bone Development/physiology , Bone Density/physiology , Reference Values , Brazil , Absorptiometry, Photon/methods , Sex Factors , Cohort Studies , Age Factors , Propensity Score , Lumbar Vertebrae/physiology , Lumbar Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Models, TheoreticalABSTRACT
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a concentração sérica de cálcio, cloretos, ferro, fósforo e magnésio, as características morfométricas ósseas e a deposição de cálcio e fósforo nas tíbias de frangos de corte recebendo dieta com zero, 0,25 ou 0,50% de bentonita. Um ensaio foi conduzido com 288 frangos de corte de 14 a 21 dias de idade, submetidos a três dietas experimentais: sem inclusão (0,0); com inclusão de 0,25 e com inclusão de 0,50% do adsorvente bentonita. Não foram observadas diferenças (P>0,05) no desempenho das aves, nos níveis séricos de cálcio, cloretos, ferro e magnésio, no entanto os níveis de fósforo foram reduzidos (P<0,05) nas aves que ingeriram dieta com 0,50% de bentonita. Em relação às tíbias, observou-se redução (P<0,05) na matéria mineral (g e %) e no teor de cálcio com a inclusão de 0,50% de bentonita. Houve redução (P<0,05) nos níveis de fósforo das tíbias com a inclusão de 0,25 e 0,50% de bentonita. Conclui-se que a inclusão de até 0,50% do adsorvente de micotoxinas bentonita na dieta de frangos de corte não altera o desempenho zootécnico das aves. A inclusão de 0,25% de bentonita, na dieta de frangos de corte, não altera a concentração dos minerais séricos e a deposição de minerais nas tíbias, entretanto a inclusão de 0,5% reduz os níveis séricos de fósforo, o teor de matéria mineral e a concentração de cálcio e fósforo ósseos, sem afetar as características morfométricas ósseas.(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate performance, serum concentration of calcium, chloride, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and bone characteristics, ash, calcium, and phosphorus in tibias of broilers receiving diet with zero, 0.25 or 0.50% of bentonite. No differences were found on performance of poultry, on serum mineral calcium, chloride, iron, magnesium, however phosphorus levels of broilers fed on diets containing 0.5% bentonite was reduced. With respect to tibia, reduction was observed on mineral matter (g and %) and calcium levels with inclusion of 0.50% bentonite, and reduction on phosphorus levels with inclusion of 0.25 or 0.50% of bentonite on diet. We conclude that the inclusion of up to 0.50% of mycotoxin adsorbent bentonite in diet of broiler does not change broiler performance. The inclusion of 0.25% of bentonite in diet of broiler does not change serum mineral concentration and mineral deposition; however, the inclusion of 0.5% decrease serum levels of phosphorus, the content of bone mineral matter, with not effects on bone morphometric characteristics.(AU)
Animals , Male , Bentonite/administration & dosage , Bentonite/therapeutic use , Bone Development , Antitoxins/administration & dosage , Chickens/growth & development , Diet/veterinary , Food Additives/therapeutic use , Animal Feed , Minerals/analysis , Minerals/blood , Chickens/microbiologyABSTRACT
Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação fisioterapêutica em um voluntário com malformação congênita do membro inferior direito, a fim de conhecer seus aspectos motores e funcionais, devido ao fato de ser um caso peculiar com incidência de 1 a cada 100.000 nascidos vivos. Tratou-se de um relato de caso, realizado na clínica escola de fisioterapia de uma universidade do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Os procedimentos consistiram em: anamnese, exame físico, escalas e instrumentos de avaliação do controle, índice de Barthel modificado, plataforma de força e avaliação postural. Pode-se observar através da avaliação fisioterapêutica alterações posturais relevantes com assimetrias entre os hemicorpos, déficit de equilíbrio e diminuição de força muscular no membro inferior direito, o que acarreta uma alteração biomecânica importante no participante avaliado. Essas informações coletadas durante as avaliações são essenciais para conhecer as alterações físicas decorrentes da malformação congênita para promover um melhor direcionamento em seu tratamento.
A physiotherapy evaluation has been undertaken with a voluntary subject with congenital malformation of the right lower limber to understand motor and functional aspects of the issue. The fact has an occurrence of 1/100000 live births. The case study has been undertaken in a physiotherapy school at a university clinical in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Procedures included anamnesis, physical examination, scales and instruments for control assessment, modified Barthel Index, force platform and posture evaluation. Physiotherapeutic evaluation revealed significant posture changes with asymmetry between the hemibodies, deficit in equilibrium and lessening of muscular force in the right lower member, with subsequent important biomechanical changes in the patient. Information collected during evaluations is essential to understand the physical alternations due to congenital malformation for better results through treatment.
Child , Artificial Limbs , Bone Development , Child , Physical Therapy Specialty , Musculoskeletal AbnormalitiesABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: For the bone-specific imaging, a structure-inherent targeting of bone tissue recently has been reported a new strategy based on incorporation of targeting moieties into the chemical structure of near-infrared (NIR) contrast agents, while conventional methods require covalent conjugation of bone-targeting ligands to NIR contrast agents. This will be a new approach for bone-targeted imaging by using the bifunctional NIR contrast agents. METHODS: The goal of this review is to provide an overview of the recent advances in optical imaging of bone tissue, highlighting the structure-inherent targeting by developing NIR contrast agents without the need for a bone-targeting ligand such as bisphosphonates. RESULTS: A series of iminodiacetated and phosphonated NIR contrast agents for the structure-inherent targeting of bone tissue showed excellent bone-targeting ability in vivo without non-specific binding. Additionally, the phosphonated NIR contrast agents could be useful in the diagnosis of bone metastasis. CONCLUSION: By developing bone-targeted NIR contrast agents, optical imaging of bone tissue makes it very attractive for preclinical studies of bone growth or real-time fluorescence guided surgery resulting in high potential to shift the clinical paradigms.
Bone and Bones , Bone Development , Contrast Media , Diagnosis , Diphosphonates , Fluorescence , Ligands , Neoplasm Metastasis , Optical Imaging , Surgery, Computer-AssistedABSTRACT
PURPOSE: The modified minimally invasive surgical technique (M-MIST) has been successfully employed to achieve periodontal regeneration. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is known to enhance wound healing through the release of growth factors. This study aimed to observe the outcomes of periodontal surgery when M-MIST was used with or without PRF for the treatment of isolated intrabony defects.METHODS: This randomized clinical trial was conducted on 36 systemically healthy patients, who had chronic periodontitis associated with a single-site buccal probing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment level of ≥5 mm. Patients were randomly divided into 2 groups: the test group treated with M-MIST and PRF, and the control group treated with M-MIST alone. The primary periodontal parameters analyzed were PPD, relative attachment level (RAL), and relative gingival margin level. The radiographic parameters analyzed were change in alveolar crest position (C-ACP), linear bone growth (LBG), and percentage bone fill (%BF). Patients were followed up to 6 months post-surgery.RESULTS: Intragroup comparisons at 3 and 6 months showed consistently significant improvements in PPD and RAL in both the groups. In intergroup comparisons, the improvement in PPD reduction, gain in RAL, and the level of the gingival margin was similar in both groups at 3 and 6 months of follow-up. Furthermore, an intergroup comparison of radiographic parameters also demonstrated similar improvements in C-ACP, LBG, and %BF at 6 months of follow-up.CONCLUSIONS: M-MIST with or without PRF yielded comparable periodontal tissue healing in terms of improvements in periodontal and radiographic parameters. Further investigation is required to confirm the beneficial effects of PRF with M-MIST.TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03169920
Humans , Bone Development , Chronic Periodontitis , Fibrin , Follow-Up Studies , Intercellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins , Microsurgery , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Regeneration , Wound HealingABSTRACT
El dedo (falange) pélvico es una alteración benigna resultante de una anomalía en el desarrollo óseo, donde se encuentra una estructura ósea con apariencia radiológica característica en los tejidos blandos, especialmente en relación con la articulación coxofemoral, aunque puede tener otras localizaciones. Se trata de una entidad benigna que usualmente es asintomática y se encuentra como hallazgo incidental. Conocer su origen y características imaginológicas es de gran importancia para poderla diferenciar de otras lesiones como osificaciones postraumáticas o lesiones por avulsión, que son frecuentes en esta misma localización. Se presentan seis casos con hallazgo incidental de dedo pélvico en diferentes modalidades diagnósticas
The pelvic digit is a benign entity resulting from an abnormality in bone development, where a bony structure with a characteristic radiological appearance is found in the soft tissues, especially in relation to the hip joint, although it may be found at other locations. It is usually asymptomatic and is found as an incidental finding. Knowing its origin and imaging characteristics is of great importance to differentiate it from other injuries such as post-traumatic ossification or avulsion injuries, which are frequent in this same location. Six cases, from the institution, with incidental finding of pelvic digit in different diagnostic modalities are presented.
Bone Development , Pelvic Bones , Calcification, Physiologic , Hip JointABSTRACT
En la odontología es frecuente que se describa la peculiaridad de los huesos maxilares en cuanto a la resistencia a las infecciones en comparación con otros huesos de la economía. O que se plantée un desafío cuando es necesario tomar una decisión acerca de aplicar diferentes conductas terapéuticas en pacientes con patologías óseas sistémicas. Por ello, esta actualización tuvo como objetivo realizar una revisión de la bibliografía para integrar y evidenciar las diferencias y similitudes entre los diferentes huesos de la economía haciendo hincapié en los huesos maxilares. Si bien éstos poseen una gran cantidad de similitudes con el resto de los huesos, también presentan diferencias que los hacen entidades únicas dentro del sistema esquelético como el origen embriológico en las células de las crestas neurales, su alta tasa de remodelación, sin olvidar que estos huesos alojan a órganos que poseen una parte de su estructura en el medio interno y otra porción en medio externo de la cavidad bucal: las piezas dentarias (AU)
Humans , Bone Development/physiology , Bone Remodeling/physiology , Jaw/embryology , Jaw/physiology , Osteogenesis , Phenotype , Skeleton , Extracellular Matrix/physiology , Neural Crest/anatomy & histology , Neural Crest/growth & developmentABSTRACT
Doenças sistêmicas como as cardiopatias, podem interferir no processo de crescimento da criança, podendo levar a uma diminuição da oxigenação dos tecidos e prejudicar o seu desenvolvimento normal. A avaliação da idade e maturação óssea de cardiopatas é de grande utilidade para o planejamento ortodôntico, principalmente para determinação do início do tratamento e emprego de recursos mecânicos ortopédicos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o grau de correlação entre as idades cronológica, óssea e dentária de pacientes com e sem cardiopatia congênita. A amostra foi composta por 113 crianças e adolescentes, com idades entre 4,6 e 14,6 anos, sendo 74 portadores de cardiopatia congênita e 39 sem qualquer doença sistêmica ou local que pudesse afetar o desenvolvimento sistêmico ou o crescimento craniofacial. Todos foram atendidos no Ambulatório de Pediatria do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A idade óssea foi obtida por meio de radiografias de mão e punho, analisadas de acordo com método de Greulich e Pyle. A idade dentária foi calculadaobservando os estágios de calcificação, em radiografias panorâmicas, pelo método de Demirjian. As idades óssea e dentária foram superiores no grupo de não cardiopatas, porém sem diferença significativa, (p=0,88) e (p=0,6119), respectivamente.A idade óssea foi significativamente menor do que a cronológica, para os cardiopatas (p<0,0001). No grupo de não cardiopatas, a idade óssea foi maior, mas sem diferença significativa (p=0,3471). Em ambos os grupos, cardiopatas e não cardiopatas, a idade dentária foi significativamente maior do que a cronológica (p<0,0001).Houve diferença significativa para os dois grupos, cardiopatas e não cardiopatas, com valor maior para a idade dentária, na comparação com a idade óssea.Quanto à idade dentária, ninguém apresentou atraso, nem do grupo de cardiopatas, nem de não cardiopatas. O mesmo resultado foi observado na estratificação por sexo. Em relação à idade óssea, houve maior atraso no grupo de cardiopatas, sem diferença significativa (p=1). Essa tendência também ocorreu para os meninos e meninas cardiopatas (p=0,680) e (p=0,534), respectivamente.
Systemic diseases such as heart disease can interfere with the child's growth process, which can lead to a decrease in tissue oxygenation and impair normal development. The evaluation of the age and bone maturation of cardiac patients is of great use for orthodontic planning, mainly for determination of the beginning of the treatment and the use of orthopedic mechanical resources. The objective of this study was to evaluate the degree of correlation between the chronological, bone and dental ages of patients with and without congenital heart disease. The sample consisted of 113 children and adolescents, aged between 4.6 and 14.6 years, of whom 74 had congenital heart disease and 39 without any systemic or local disease that could affect systemic development or craniofacial growth. All were attended at the pediatric outpatient clinic of the Pedro Ernesto University Hospital of the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Bone age was obtained by hand and wrist radiographs, analyzed according to the method of Greulich and Pyle. Dental age was calculated by observing the calcification stages on panoramic radiographs by the Demirjian method. Bone and dental ages were higher in the non-cardiopathic group, but with no significant difference (p = 0.88) and (p = 0.6119), respectively. Bone age was significantly shorter than chronological age for cardiac patients (p <0.0001). In the non-cardiopathic group, bone age was higher, but without significant difference (p = 0.3471). In both groups, with and without congenital heart disease patients, dental age was significantly higher than chronological age (p <0.0001). There was a significant difference for the two groups, with and without heart disease, with a higher value for dental age compared to bone age. Regarding the dental age, no one presented delay, neither of the group of cardiac patients nor of non-cardiac patients. The same result was observed in the stratification by sex. In relation to bone age, there was a greater delay in the group of patients with heart disease, without significant difference (p = 1). This trend also occurred for the boys (p = 0.680)and girls (p = 0.534)with heart disease