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Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 35(1): 6-12, mar. 2024. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551647


Introducción: la colocación de prótesis metálicas autoexpansibles (PAE) por vía endoscópica surge como opción terapéutica para la obstrucción colónica neoplásica en dos situaciones: como tratamiento paliativo y como puente a la cirugía curativa. Este procedimiento evita cirugías en dos tiempos y disminuye la probabilidad de colostomía definitiva y sus complicaciones con el consecuente deterioro de la calidad de vida. Objetivo: comunicar nuestra experiencia en la colocación de PAE para el tratamiento paliativo de la obstrucción colorrectal neoplásica. Diseño: retrospectivo, longitudinal, descriptivo y observacional. Material y métodos: se incluyeron todos los pacientes a quienes el mismo grupo de endoscopistas les colocó PAE con intención paliativa por cáncer colorrectal avanzado entre agosto de 2008 y diciembre de 2019. Fueron analizadas las variables demográficas y clínicas, el éxito técnico y clínico, las complicaciones tempranas y tardías y la supervivencia. Resultados: se colocó PAE en 54 pacientes. La media de edad fue 71 años. El 85% de las lesiones se localizó en el colon izquierdo. En el 57% de los pacientes se realizó en forma ambulatoria. El éxito técnico y clínico fue del 92 y 90%, respectivamente y la supervivencia media de 209 días. La tasa de complicaciones fue del 29,6%, incluyendo un 14,8% de obstrucción y un 5,6% de migración. La mortalidad tardía atribuible al procedimiento fue del 5,6%, ocasionada por 3 perforaciones tardías: 2 abiertas y 1 microperforación con formación de absceso localizado. Conclusiones: la colocación de PAE como tratamiento paliativo de la obstrucción neoplásica colónica es factible, eficaz y segura. Permitió el manejo ambulatorio o con internación breve y la realimentación temprana, mejorando las condiciones para afrontar un eventual tratamiento quimioterápico paliativo. Las mayoría de las complicaciones fueron tardías y resueltas endoscópicamente en forma ambulatoria. (AU)

Introduction: endoscopic placement of self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) emerges as a therapeutic option for neoplastic obstruction of the colon in two situations: as palliative treatment and as a bridge to curative surgery. This procedure avoids two-stage surgeries and reduces the probability of permanent colostomy and its complications with the consequent deterioration in quality of life. Objective: to report our experience in the placement of SEMS as palliative treatment in neoplastic colorectal obstruction. Design: retrospective, longitudinal, descriptive and observational study. Methods: all patients in whom the same group of endoscopists performed SEMS placement with palliative intent for advanced colorectal cancer between August 2008 and December 2019 were analyzed. Data collected were demographic and clinical variables, technical and clinical success, early and late complications, and survival. Results: SEMS were placed in 54 patients. The average age was 71 years. Eighty-five percent were left-sided tumors. In 57% of the patients the procedure was performed on an outpatient basis. Technical and clinical success was 92 and 90%, respectively, and median survival was 209 days. The complication rate was 29.6%, including 14.8% obstruction and 5.6% migration. Late mortality attributable to the procedure was 5.6%, caused by 3 late perforations: 2 open and 1 microperforation with localized abscess formation. Conclusions: The placement of SEMS as a palliative treatment for neoplastic colonic obstruction is feasible, effective and safe. It allowed outpa-tient management or brief hospitalization and early refeeding, improving the conditions to face an eventual palliative chemotherapy treatment. Most complications were late and resolved endoscopically on an outpatient basis. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Colonoscopy/methods , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Self Expandable Metallic Stents , Intestinal Obstruction/surgery , Palliative Care , Quality of Life , Epidemiologic Studies , Survival Analysis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Colonoscopy/adverse effects
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1569899


La Dra. Raquel Pérez González, más conocida entre colegas, alumnos y compañeros de trabajo por "la profe Raquel", obtuvo el título de Medicina en el año 1976. Comenzó por vía directa la residencia de Radiología y obtuvo el título de especialista de primer grado en 1979. Se convirtió así, el Hospital Militar Central "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay", en la cuna de su formación profesional y en años posteriores, en la casa que la vio crecer, especialmente como maestra de numerosas generaciones de radiólogos e imagenólogos. Hoy reposan en el jardín del Departamento de Imagenología, parte de sus cenizas, custodiadas por el amor que fue capaz de cultivar. En el 2016, una paciente femenina de 60 años de edad, acudió a la consulta de gastroenterología, con dolor abdominal difuso. La radiografía de abdomen simple, anteroposterior, en posición acostado mostró, una imagen en "muela de cangrejo", visible al tomar el aire dentro del hemicolon transverso izquierdo, como contraste, el cual bordea por ese lado parcialmente, una opacidad de partes blandas, que se extiende desde el mesogastrio, hasta la fosa ilíaca derecha, donde se observa el signo del menisco. Los estudios de imágenes realizados, evidenciaron signos radiológicos típicos de invaginación por causa tumoral maligna. En varias ocasiones, la profesora Raquel utilizó la imagen de este caso, como pregunta en exámenes de promoción de residentes. La publicación de este caso constituye un homenaje a quien será siempre un paradigma de docente.

Dr. Raquel Pérez González, better known among colleagues, students and co-workers as "professor Raquel", obtained her degree in Medicine in 1976. She began her Radiology residency directly and obtained the title of first-class specialist degree in 1979. Thus, the Central Military Hospital "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay" is the cradle of her professional training and in later years, in her home where she saw her grow up, especially as a teacher to numerous generations of radiologists and imaging scientists. Today, part of her ashes rest in the garden of the Imaging Department, guarded by the love that she was able to cultivate. In 2016, a 60-year-old female patient attended the gastroenterology clinic with diffuse abdominal pain. The simple, anteroposterior abdominal x-ray, in the lying position, showed a "crab claw" image, visible when breathing into the left transverse hemicolon, as contrast, which partially borders on that side, a soft tissue opacity, which extends from the mesogastrium to the right iliac fossa, where the meniscus sign is observed. The imaging studies performed showed typical radiological signs of invagination due to malignant tumor. On several occasions, Professor Raquel used the image of this case as a question in resident promotion exams. The publication of this case constitutes a tribute to someone who will always be a paradigm of a teacher.

Humans , Female , Radiology/education , Colonic Neoplasms/etiology , Faculty/history , Intussusception/diagnosis , Leadership
Braz. J. Oncol ; 20: e-20240447, 20240101.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554105


Colorectal cancer is the third most common neoplasm and the second most lethal worldwide. The most common histological type is adenocarcinoma, characterized by its glandular pattern. Medullary colon carcinoma is a rare histological variant of colorectal cancer, characterized by a predominantly solid architecture, poorly di?erentiated or undifferentiated morphology, often associated with an anomalous immunophenotype and microsatellite instability. The present study reports a case in an academic service of general surgery of a 74-year-old patient who presented with a tumor of the ascending colon, histologically with an exuberant lymphocytic in?ltrate, suggestive of large cell lymphoma, but which was revealed by subsequent immunohistochemistry to be medullary carcinoma of the colon with microsatellite instability.

O câncer colorretal é a terceira neoplasia mais comum e a segunda mais letal no mundo. O adenocarcinoma é o tipo histológico mais comum, caracterizado pelo seu padrão glandular. O carcinoma medular do cólon é uma variante histológica rara do câncer colorretal, caracterizada por uma arquitetura predominantemente sólida, morfologia pouco diferenciada ou indiferenciada, frequentemente associada a um imunofenótipo anômalo e instabilidade de microssatélites. O presente estudo relata um caso em um serviço acadêmico de cirurgia geral de um paciente de 74 anos que apresentou tumor de cólon ascendente, histologicamente com infiltrado linfocitário exuberante, sugestivo de linfoma de grandes células, mas que foi revelado através de exame subsequente imunohistoquímico como carcinoma medular do cólon com instabilidade de microssatélites.

Male , Aged , Carcinoma, Medullary , Colon, Ascending , Surgical Oncology , Colonic Neoplasms
In. Rodríguez Temesio, Gustavo Orlando; Olivera Pertusso, Eduardo Andrés; Berriel, Edgardo; Bentancor De Paula, Marisel Lilian; Cantileno Desevo, Pablo Gustavo; Chinelli Ramos, Javier; Guarnieri, Damián; Lapi, Silvana; Hernández Negrin, Rodrigo; Laguzzi Rosas, María Cecilia. Actualizaciones en clínica quirúrgica. Montevideo, Oficina del Libro-FEFMUR, 2024. p.117-130, ilus, graf.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1553196
São Paulo; s.n; 2024. 74 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566533


Introdução: O Brasil ocupa o sexto lugar entre os países mais populosos do mundo com 214 milhões de habitantes, dos quais 51,1% são mulheres. O câncer de colo representa uma das principais causas de morte feminina e inúmeros são os fatores de risco envolvidos na sua eclosão como, baixa escolaridade, raça negra, múltiplos parceiros sexuais e o mais importante, a infecção pelo vírus do HPV. As detentas exibem perfil altamente vulnerável para desenvolver o câncer de colo uterino Objetivos: caracterizar os achados colpocitológicos obtidos no exame de Papanicolaou em mulheres privadas de liberdade, do Centro de Progressão Penitenciária do Butantan (CPP do Butantan), bem como possíveis associações com características clínicas/epidemiológicas, exames colposcópicos/biópsias, sorologia para HIV e desfechos sobre colo uterino. Métodos: Em estudo retrospectivo foram analisados os prontuários e os resultados de 894 colpocitologias oncológicas realizadas nas reeducandas, a partir de mutirões no Centro Assistencial Cruz de Malta (CACM), em parceria com o CPP do Butantan. Métodos estatísticos: foram utilizados medidas-resumo, gráficos de barras, boxplot e para as análises inferenciais visando confirmar ou refutar as evidências encontradas na análise descritiva foram empregados o Qui-Quadrado de Pearson, Extensão do teste Exato de Fisher e Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados: O exame ginecológico mostrou 4% de lesões verrucosas anogenitais, a colpocitologia oncológica detectou 13,5% de alterações e a biópsia guiada pela colposcopia 78,5%. As bissexuais apresentaram maior prevalência de carcinomas e as reeducandas que ficaram mais tempo aguardando a colposcopia tiveram piora no diagnóstico. Conclusões: Reeducandas com lesões verrucosas expressaram maior frequência de LSIL, HIV e biópsias ampliadas do colo uterino. Ademais, entre as reeducandas foram constatadas nítidas falhas na educação e nos programas de prevenção do carcinoma de colo uterino.

Introduction: Brazil ranks sixth among the most populous countries in the world with 214 million inhabitants, of which 51,1% are women. Cervical cancer represents one of the main causes of female mortality, and there are several risk factors involved in its outbreak, such as having a low educational level, belonging to the black racial group, having multiple sexual partners, and most importantly, being infected with the HPV virus. Female Inmates have a highly vulnerable profile for developing cervical cancer. Objectives: To characterize the colpocytological findings obtained in the Pap smears tests in incarcerated women at the Butantan Penitentiary Progression Center (Butantan CPP) as well as possible associations with clinical/epidemiological characteristics, colposcopic/biopsy exams, HIV serology and the outcomes related to the cervix. Methods: A retrospective study which analyzed the medical records and results of 894 oncological colpocytologies conducted through a joint effort as part of a health campaign at Centro Assistencial Cruz de Malta (CACM) in partnership with the Butantan CPP. Statistical Methods: summary measures, bar graphs nad boxplots were used. For the inferential analysis the Pearsons Chi squared test, Fishers exact test extension, and Kruskal-Wallis tests were employed to confirm or refute the evidence found in the description analysis. Results: The gynecological examination showed 4% of anogenital verrucous lesions, the oncological colpocytology exams detected 13,5% of alterations, and the colposcopy guided biopsy showed 78,5% of alterations. Bisexual women had a higher prevalence of carcinomas and inmates who waited longer for the colposcopy test had a worse diagnosis. Conclusions: Inmates with verrucous lesions had a higher frequency of LSIL, HIV and expanded cervical biopsies. Furthermore, clear shortcomings in education, and cervical cancer prevention programs were identified among female inmates.

Humans , Female , Prisons , Prisoners , Women's Health , Colonic Neoplasms , Papanicolaou Test , Brazil
Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1764-1774, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528797


SUMMARY: Colon adenocarcinoma (COAD) is a prevalent disease worldwide, known for its high mortality and morbidity rates. Despite this, the extent of investigation concerning the correlation between COAD's CLCA1 expression and immune cell infiltration remains insufficient. This study seeks to examine the expression and prognosis of CLCA1 in COAD, along with its relationship to the tumor immune microenvironment. These findings will offer valuable insights for clinical practitioners and contribute to the existing knowledge in the field. In order to evaluate the prognostic significance of CLCA1 in individuals diagnosed with colorectal cancers, we conducted a comprehensive analysis using univariate and multivariate Cox regression models along with receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis. This study was performed on the patient data of COAD obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. Nomograms were developed to anticipate CLCA1 prognostic influence. Furthermore, the CLCA1 association with tumor immune infiltration, immune checkpoints, immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) response, interaction network, and functional analysis of CLCA1-related genes was analyzed. We found that Colon adenocarcinoma tissues significantly had decreased CLCA1 expression compared to healthy tissues. Furthermore, the study revealed that the group with high expression of CLCA1 demonstrated a significantly higher overall survival rate (OS) as compared to the group with low expression. Multivariate and Univariate Cox regression analysis revealed the potential of CLCA1 as a standalone risk factor for COAD. These results were confirmed using nomograms and ROC curves. In addition, protein-protein interaction (PPI) network analysis and functional gene enrichment showed that CLCA1 may be associated with functional activities such as pancreatic secretion, estrogen signaling and cAMP signaling, as well as with specific immune cell infiltration. Therefor, as a new independent predictor and potential biomarker of COAD, CLCA1 plays a crucial role in the advancement of colon cancer.

El adenocarcinoma de colon (COAD) es una enfermedad prevalente a nivel mundial, conocida por sus altas tasas de mortalidad y morbilidad. Sin embargo, el alcance de la investigación sobre la correlación entre la expresión de CLCA1 de COAD y la infiltración de células inmunes sigue siendo insuficiente. Este estudio busca examinar la expresión y el pronóstico de CLCA1 en COAD, junto con su relación con el microambiente inmunológico del tumor. Estos hallazgos ofrecerán conocimientos valiosos para los profesionales clínicos y contribuirán al conocimiento existente en el campo. Para evaluar la importancia de pronóstico de CLCA1 en personas diagnosticadas con cáncer colorrectal, realizamos un análisis exhaustivo utilizando modelos de regresión de Cox univariados y multivariados junto con un análisis de la curva característica operativa del receptor (ROC). Este estudio se realizó con los datos de pacientes de COAD obtenidos de la base de datos The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Se desarrollaron nomogramas para anticipar la influencia pronóstica de CLCA1. Además, se analizó la asociación de CLCA1 con la infiltración inmunitaria tumoral, los puntos de control inmunitarios, la respuesta de bloqueo de los puntos de control inmunitarios (ICB), la red de interacción y el análisis funcional de genes relacionados con CLCA1. Descubrimos que los tejidos de adenocarcinoma de colon tenían una expresión significativamente menor de CLCA1 en comparación con los tejidos sanos. Además, el estudio reveló que el grupo con alta expresión de CLCA1 demostró una tasa de supervivencia general (SG) significativamente mayor en comparación con el grupo con baja expresión. El análisis de regresión de Cox multivariado y univariado reveló el potencial de CLCA1 como factor de riesgo independiente de COAD. Estos resultados se confirmaron mediante nomogramas y curvas ROC. Además, el análisis de la red de interacción proteína- proteína (PPI) y el enriquecimiento de genes funcionales mostraron que CLCA1 puede estar asociado con actividades funcionales como la secreción pancreática, la señalización de estrógenos y la señalización de AMPc, así como con la infiltración de células inmunes específicas. Por lo tanto, como nuevo predictor independiente y biomarcador potencial de COAD, CLCA1 desempeña un papel crucial en el avance del cáncer de colon.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Adenocarcinoma/immunology , Colonic Neoplasms/immunology , Chloride Channels/immunology , Prognosis , Immunohistochemistry , Adenocarcinoma/metabolism , Survival Analysis , Multivariate Analysis , Regression Analysis , Colonic Neoplasms/metabolism , Chloride Channels/metabolism , Computational Biology
Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 34(3): 10-16, sept. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552469


Introducción: La escisión completa del mesocolon con linfadenectomía D3 (CME-D3) mejora los resultados de los pacientes operados por cáncer del colon. Reconocer adecuadamente la anatomía vascular es fundamental para evitar complicaciones. Objetivo: El objetivo primario fue determinar la prevalencia de las variaciones anatómicas de la arteria mesentérica superior (AMS) y sus ramas en relación a la vena mesentérica superior (VMS). El objetivo secundario fue evaluar la asociación entre las distintas variantes anatómicas y el sexo y la etnia de lo pacientes. Diseño: Estudio de corte transversal. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron 225 pacientes con cáncer del colon derecho diagnosticados entre enero 2017 y diciembre de 2020. Dos radiólogos independientes describieron la anatomía vascular observada en las tomografías computadas. Según la relación de las ramas de la AMS con la VMS, la población fue dividida en 2 grupos y subdividida en 6 (1a-c, 2a-c). Resultados: La arteria ileocólica fue constante, transcurriendo en el 58,7% de los casos por la cara posterior de la VMS. La arteria cólica derecha, presente en el 39,6% de los pacientes, cruzó la VMS por su cara anterior en el 95,5% de los casos. La variante de subgrupo más frecuente fue la 2a seguida por la 1a (36,4 y 24%, respectivamente). No se encontró asociación entre las variantes anatómicas y el sexo u origen étnico. Conclusión: Las variaciones anatómicas de la AMS y sus ramas son frecuentes y no presentan un patrón predominante. No hubo asociación entre las mismas y el sexo u origen étnico en nuestra cohorte. El reconocimiento preoperatorio de estas variantes mediante angiotomografía resulta útil para evitar lesiones vasculares durante la CME-D3. (AU)

Background: Complete mesocolic excision with D3 lymphadenectomy (CME-D3) improves the outcomes of patients operated on for colon cancer. Proper recognition of vascular anatomy is essential to avoid complications. Aim: Primary outcome was to determine the prevalence of anatomical variations of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and its branches in relation to the superior mesenteric vein (SMV). Secondary outcome was to evaluate the association between these anatomical variations and sex and ethnicity of the patients. Design: Cross-sectional study. Material and methods: Two hundred twenty-fivepatients with right colon cancer diagnosed between January 2017 and December 2020 were included. Two independent radiologists described the vascular anatomy of computed tomography scans. The population was divided into 2 groups and subdivided into 6 groups (1a-c, 2a-c), according to the relationship of the SMA and its branches with the SMV. Results: The ileocolic artery was constant, crossing the SMV posteriorly in 58.7% of the cases. The right colic artery, present in 39.6% of the patients, crossed the SMV on its anterior aspect in 95.5% of the cases. The most frequent subgroup variant was 2a followed by 1a (36.4 and 24%, respectively). No association was found between anatomical variants and gender or ethnic origin. Conclusions: The anatomical variations of the SMA and its branches are common, with no predominant pattern. There was no association between anatomical variations and gender or ethnic origin in our cohort. Preoperative evaluation of these variations by computed tomography angi-ography is useful to avoid vascular injuries during CME-D3. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Colon, Ascending/anatomy & histology , Colon, Ascending/blood supply , Lymph Node Excision , Mesocolon/surgery , Argentina , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mesenteric Artery, Superior/anatomy & histology , Sex Distribution , Colectomy/methods , Ethnic Distribution , Anatomic Variation , Mesenteric Veins/anatomy & histology
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(3): 4-7, sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553342


Se define «síndrome febril prolongado¼ a todo cuadro de hipertermia que persiste al menos 10 días sin ser diagnosticado. El síndrome de Good es una inmunodeficiencia primaria del adulto que se caracteriza por presentar hipogammaglobulinemia, disminución de linfocitos B y anormalidades en los linfocitos T. Entre el 15 y el 20% de los casos de «fiebre de origen desconocido¼ ocurren debido a neoplasias, y el cáncer de colon representa menos del 1% de todos estos casos. Se presenta una paciente de 49 años admitida en el hospital por presentar síndrome febril con un mes de evolución, con antecedentes de síndrome de Good. Se le diagnostica cáncer de colon. (AU)

A prolonged febrile syndrome (PFS) is defined as any episode of hyperthermia that persists for at least 10 days without being diagnosed. Good's syndrome is a primary immunodeficiency in adults characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia, decreased B lymphocytes, and abnormalities in T lymphocytes. Between 15 to 20% of fever of unknown origin (FOD) cases are due to neoplasms, and colon cancer represents less than 1% of all these cases. A 49-year-old patient with a history of Good's syndrome was admitted to the hospital due to a febrile syndrome lasting for a month. She was diagnosed with colon cancer. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Colonic Neoplasms/diagnosis , Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases/complications , Hyperthermia/etiology , Comorbidity , Colectomy , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Fever of Unknown Origin , Laparotomy
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 43(3): 171-178, July-sept. 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521147


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is among the most diagnosed malignancies worldwide, and it is also the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Despite recent progress in screening programs, noninvasive accurate biomarkers are still needed in the CRC field. In this study, we evaluated and compared the urinary proteomic profiles of patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma and patients without cancer, aiming to identify potential biomarker proteins. Urine samples were collected from 9 patients with CRC and 9 patients with normal colonoscopy results. Mass spectrometry (label-free LC—MS/MS) was used to characterize the proteomic profile of the groups. Ten proteins that were differentially regulated were identified between patients in the experimental group and in the control group, with statistical significance with a p value ≤ 0.05. The only protein that presented upregulation in the CRC group was beta-2-microglobulin (B2M). Subsequent studies are needed to evaluate patients through different analysis approaches to independently verify and validate these biomarker candidates in a larger cohort sample. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Rectal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Biomarkers, Tumor/urine , Colonic Neoplasms/diagnosis , Proteomics , Neoplasm Staging
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 43(2): 82-92, Apr.-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514426


Background: Anastomotic leakage (AL) is still the most annoying postsurgery complication after colorectal resection due to its serious complications up to death. Limited data were available regarding differences in AL incidence, management, and consequences for different types of colorectal resection. The aim of the present work was to evaluate differences in incidence of AL, incidence of postoperative complications, and length of hospital stay in a large number of patients who underwent elective colorectal resection for management of colorectal lesions. In addition to detect when and what type of reoperation for management of AL occur after colorectal resection. Patients: All 250 included patients underwent elective surgeries for colorectal resection with performance of primary anastomosis for management of colorectal neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases in the period between May 2016 and July 31, 2021. We followed the patients for 90 days; we registered the follow-up findings. Results: the rates of AL occurrence were variable after the different procedures. The lowest rate of AL occurrence was found in patients who underwent right hemicolectomy, then in patients who underwent sigmoidectomy, left hemicolectomy, transversectomy and anterior resection (p= 0.004). A stoma was frequently performed during reoperation (79.5%) which was significantly different between different procedures: 65.5% in right hemicolectomy, 75.0% in transversectomy, 85.7% in left hemicolectomy, and 93.0% in sigmoid resection (p< 0.001). Conclusion Rates, types, time of occurrence and severity of AL vary according to the type of colectomy performed and selective construction of stoma during AL reoperation is currently safely applied with comparable mortality rates for patients who did and who did not have a stoma after reoperation. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Postoperative Complications , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Anastomotic Leak/epidemiology , Reoperation , Health Profile , Risk Factors , Treatment Outcome , Neoplasm Staging
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 43(2): 126-132, Apr.-June 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514430


Background: Due to few sufficient data regarding the comparison between endoscopic and surgical resection of malignant colorectal polyps regarding outcomes and survival benefits, there are no clear guidelines of management strategies of malignant colorectal polyps. The aims of the present study were to compare endoscopic resection alone and surgical resection in patients with malignant polyps in the colon (T1N0M0) readings advantages, disadvantages, recurrence risks, survival benefits, and long-term prognosis to detect how management strategy affects outcome. Patients and methods: we included 350 patients. All included patients were divided into 2 groups; the first group included 100 patients who underwent only endoscopic polypectomy and the second group included 250 patients who underwent endoscopic polypectomy followed by definitive surgical resection after histopathological diagnosis. We followed all patients for about 5 years, ranging from 18 to 55 months. The primarily evaluated parameters are surgical consequences and patients' morbidity. The secondary evaluated parameters are recurrence risks, recurrence free survival, and overall survival rates. Results: The age of patients who underwent polypectomy is usually younger than the surgical group, males have more liability to polypectomy in comparison with females. Patients with tumors in the left colon have more liability to polypectomy in comparison with the right colon (p< 0.0001). Tumor factors associated with more liability to surgical resection are presence of lymphovascular invasion, high grade, and poor tumor differentiation (p< 0.0001). The management strategy was the most significant predictor of overall and recurrence free survival rates in patients with malignant colon polyps (p< 0.001). Conclusions: We found that survival benefits and lower incidence of recurrence are detected in the surgical resection group more than in the polypectomy group. (AU)

Digestive System Surgical Procedures/methods , Colonic Polyps/surgery , Colonic Neoplasms/mortality , Laparoscopy , Endoscopy , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local , Neoplasm Staging
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(1): 71-73, Jan.-Feb. 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403476


ABSTRACT We report an unusual case of fulminant endogenous Clostridium septicum panophthalmitis. A 74-year-old male patient presented with sudden amaurosis in the right eye, which in a few hours, evolved into an orbital cellulitis, endophthalmitis, anterior segment ischemia, and secondary perforation of the eye. A complete diagnostic study, which included cranial and orbital contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan, contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging, blood cultures, and complete blood work, were performed. No causal agent was identified. Clostridium septicum infection caused fulminant gaseous panophthalmitis. Despite broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment, evisceration of the eyeball was necessary. The extension study showed a colon adenocarcinoma as the origin of the infection. Clostridium septicum panophthalmitis is a rare but aggressive orbital infection. This infection warrants the identification of a neoplastic process in the gastrointestinal tract in many cases not previously described.

RESUMO Este é o relato de um caso incomum de panoftalmite endógena fulminante por Clostridium septicum. Um paciente do sexo masculino, 74 anos, apresentou amaurose súbita no olho direito, que em poucas horas evoluiu para celulite orbitária, endoftalmite, isquemia do segmento anterior e perfuração secundária do olho. Foi realizado um estudo diagnóstico completo, que incluiu uma tomografia computadorizada com contraste cranial e orbital, um exame de ressonância magnética, hemocultura e hemograma completo. Nenhum agente causal foi identificado. A infecção por Clostridium septicum causou uma panoftalmite gasosa fulminante. Apesar do tratamento com antibióticos de amplo espectro, foi necessário eviscerar o globo ocular. O estudo de seguimento mostrou um adenocarcinoma de cólon como a origem da infecção. A panoftalmite por Clostridium septicum é um tipo raro, mas muito agressivo de infecção orbitária. Essa infecção deve sugerir a busca por um processo neoplásico no trato gastrointestinal, em muitos casos não diagnosticado anteriormente.

Humans , Aged , Adenocarcinoma , Colonic Neoplasms , Clostridium septicum , Adenocarcinoma/complications , Adenocarcinoma/diagnostic imaging
Aquichan ; 23(1): e2317, 13 ene 2023.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1436430


Objective: To design and validate a nursing intervention and its effect on improving self-management behaviors in patients with colorectal cancer following surgery within eight weeks after discharge. Method: Pilot study using Sidane and Braden's intervention design proposal, which included determining the guiding theoretical model, characterization of the intervention, validation with eight experts through content validity, and a pilot test with ten patients during the second semester of 2020. Results: The intervention obtained, called the Program for Self-Management Training in Colorectal Cancer (PEACCR, by its acronym in Spanish), is based on the theory of individual and family self-management in the dimensions proposed by Ryan and Sawin. The validity with experts indicates that it meets the criteria of clarity, precision, comprehension, relevance, and pertinence. The pilot reports an increase in self-management behaviors and the dimensions of knowledge, coping, and health personnel-patient alliance in months 1 and 2, with statistical significance. Conclusions: The designed and validated intervention increases the self-management behaviors of patients with colorectal cancer. The proposed scheme is highly acceptable to participants.

Objetivo: diseñar y validar una intervención de enfermería y su efecto para mejorar los comportamientos de automanejo en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal, después de una intervención quirúrgica dentro de las ocho semanas posteriores al alta. Método: estudio piloto que acoge la propuesta de diseño de intervenciones de Sidane y Braden, lo que incluyó determinar el modelo teórico orientador, la caracterización de la intervención, la validación con ocho expertos a través de la validez de contenido, y una prueba piloto con diez pacientes, durante el segundo semestre del año 2020. Resultados: la intervención obtenida, denominada Programa para el Entrenamiento en Automanejo en Cáncer Colorrectal (PEACCR), se basa en la teoría de automanejo individual y familiar en las dimensiones planteadas por Ryan y Sawin. La validez con expertos indica que cumple con los criterios de claridad, precisión, comprensión, relevancia y pertinencia. El piloto reporta un aumento en los comportamientos de automanejo y en las dimensiones de conocimiento, afrontamiento y alianza personal de salud-paciente en el mes 1 y en el mes 2, con significancia estadística. Conclusiones: la intervención diseñada y validada aumenta los comportamientos de automanejo de pacientes con cáncer colorrectal. El esquema propuesto es de alta aceptabilidad para los participantes.

Objetivo: desenhar e validar uma intervenção de enfermagem e seu efeito para melhorar os comportamentos de autogestão em pacientes com câncer colorretal, depois de uma intervenção cirúrgica dentro das oito semanas posteriores à alta. Materiais e método: estudo-piloto que utiliza a proposta de desenho de intervenções de Sidane e Braden, o que inclui determinar o modelo teórico orientador, a caracterização da intervenção, a validação com oitos especialistas por meio da validade de conteúdo e um teste-piloto com dez pacientes, durante o segundo semestre de 2020. Resultados: a intervenção obtida, denominada "Programa para o Treinamento em Autogestão em Câncer Colorretal", está baseada na teoria de autogestão individual e familiar nas dimensões propostas por Ryan e Sawin. A validade com especialistas indica que cumpre com os critérios de clareza, precisão, compreensão, relevância e pertinência. O piloto relata um aumento nos comportamentos de autogestão e nas dimensões de conhecimento, enfrentamento e parceria pessoal de saúde-paciente no mês 1 e no mês 2, com significância estatística. Conclusões: a intervenção desenhada e validada aumenta os comportamentos de autogestão de pacientes com câncer colorretal. O esquema proposto é de alta aceitabilidade para os participantes.

Patient Discharge , Treatment Outcome , Colonic Neoplasms , Evaluation of the Efficacy-Effectiveness of Interventions , Self-Management , Nursing
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981258


Objective To investigate the clinical significance of thrombospondin type 1 domain-containing 7A (THSD7A) and neural epidermal growth factor-like 1 protein (NELL1) in phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R)-negative membranous nephropathy (MN). Methods A total of 116 PLA2R-negative MN patients treated in Hangzhou TCM Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang Chinese Medical University from 2014 to 2021 were enrolled in this study.Immunohistochemistry was employed to detect THSD7A and NELL1 in the renal tissue.The pathological characteristics,treatment,and prognosis were compared between positive and negative groups. Results The 116 PLA2R-negative MN patients included 23 THSD7A-positive patients and 9 NELL1-positive patients.One patient was tested positive for both proteins.The THSD7A-positive group showed higher positive rate of IgG4 (P=0.010),more obvious glomerular basement membrane (GBM) thickening (P=0.034),and higher proportion of stage Ⅱ MN and lower proportion of stage I MN (P=0.002) than the THSD7A-negative group.The NELL1-positive group had lower positive rates of C1q and IgG2 (P=0.029,P=0.001),less obvious GBM thickening (P<0.001),more extensive inflammatory cell infiltration (P=0.033),lower proportion of deposits on multi-locations (P=0.001),and lower proportion of atypical MN (P=0.010) than the NELL1-negative group.One patient with THSD7A-positive MN was diagnosed with colon cancer,while none of the NELL1-positive patients had malignancy.Survival analysis suggested that THSD7A-positive MN had worse composite remission (either complete remission or partial remission) of nephrotic syndrome than the negative group (P=0.016),whereas NELL1-positive MN exhibited better composite remission of nephrotic syndrome than the negative group (P=0.015).The MN patients only positive for NELL1 showed better composite remission of nephrotic syndrome than the MN patients only positive for THSD7A (P<0.001). Conclusions THSD7A- and NELL1-positive MN is more likely to be primary MN,and there is no significant malignancy indication.However,it might have a predictive value for the prognosis of MN.

Humans , Autoantibodies , Clinical Relevance , Colonic Neoplasms , EGF Family of Proteins , Glomerulonephritis, Membranous/diagnosis , Nephrotic Syndrome , Receptors, Phospholipase A2/metabolism , Thrombospondins/metabolism
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981308


The study aimed to investigate the effect of anemoside B4(B4) on fatty acid metabolism in mice with colitis-associated cancer(CAC). The CAC model was established by azoxymethane(AOM)/dextran sodium sulfate(DSS) in mice. Mice were randomly divided into a normal group, a model group, and low-, medium-, and high-dose anemoside B4 groups. After the experiment, the length of the mouse colon and the size of the tumor were measured, and the pathological alterations in the mouse colon were observed using hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining. The slices of the colon tumor were obtained for spatial metabolome analysis to analyze the distribution of fatty acid metabolism-related substances in the tumor. The mRNA levels of SREBP-1, FAS, ACCα, SCD-1, PPARα, ACOX, UCP-2, and CPT-1 were determined by real-time quantitative PCR(RT-qPCR). The results revealed that the model group showed decreased body weight(P<0.05) and colon length(P<0.001), increased number of tumors, and increased pathological score(P<0.01). Spatial metabolome analysis revealed that the content of fatty acids and their derivatives, carnitine, and phospholipid in the colon tumor was increased. RT-qPCR results indicated that fatty acid de novo synthesis and β-oxidation-related genes, such as SREBP-1, FASN, ACCα, SCD-1, ACOX, UCP-2, and CPT-1 mRNA expression levels increased considerably(P<0.05, P<0.001). After anemoside B4 administration, the colon length increased(P<0.01), and the number of tumors decreased in the high-dose anemoside B4 group(P<0.05). Additionally, spatial metabolome analysis showed that anemoside B4 could decrease the content of fatty acids and their derivatives, carnitine, and phospholipids in colon tumors. Meanwhile, anemoside B4 could also down-regulate the expression of FASN, ACCα, SCD-1, PPARα, ACOX, UCP-2, and CPT-1 in the colon(P<0.05, P<0.01, P<0.001). The findings of this study show that anemoside B4 may inhibit CAC via regulating fatty acid metabolism reprogramming.

Mice , Animals , Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein 1 , Colitis-Associated Neoplasms , PPAR alpha/genetics , Colonic Neoplasms/genetics , Colon , Azoxymethane , RNA, Messenger , Dextran Sulfate , Colitis/drug therapy , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Disease Models, Animal
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970543


This study aims to investigate the effect of Astragali Radix-Curcumae Rhizoma(AC) combination on the proliferation, migration, and invasion of colon cancer HT-29 cells based on epithelial-mesenchymal transition(EMT). HT-29 cells were respectively treated with 0, 3, 6 and 12 g·kg~(-1) AC-containing serum for 48 h. The survival and growth of cells were measured by thiazole blue(MTT) colorimetry, and the proliferation, migration, and invasion of cells were detected by 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine(EdU) test and Transwell assay. Cell apoptosis was examined by flow cytometry. The BALB/c nude mouse model of subcutaneous colon cancer xenograft was established, and then model mice were classified into blank control group, 6 g·kg~(-1) AC group, and 12 g·kg~(-1) AC group. The tumor weight and volume of mice were recorded, and the histopathological morphology of the tumor was observed based on hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining. The expression of apoptosis-associated proteins B-cell lymphoma-2-associated X protein(Bax), cysteine-aspartic acid protease-3(caspase-3), and cleaved caspase-3, and EMT-associated proteins E-cadherin, MMP9, MMP2 and vimentin in HT-29 cells and mouse tumor tissues after the treatment of AC was determined by Western blot. The results showed that cell survival rate and the number of cells at proliferation stage decreased compared with those in the blank control group. The number of migrating and invading cells reduced and the number of apoptotic cells increased in the administration groups compared with those in the blank control group. As for the in vivo experiment, compared with the blank control group, the administration groups had small tumors with low mass and shrinkage of cells and karyopycnosis in the tumor tissue, indicating that the AC combination may improve EMT. In addition, the expression of Bcl2 and E-cadherin increased and the expression of Bax, caspase-3, cleaved caspase-3, MMP9, MMP2, and vimentin decreased in HT-29 cells and tumor tissues in each administration group. In summary, the AC combination can significantly inhibit the proliferation, invasion, migration, and EMT of HT-29 cells in vivo and in vitro and promote the apoptosis of colon cancer cells.

Humans , Animals , Mice , Caspase 3 , Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 , Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 , Vimentin , HT29 Cells , bcl-2-Associated X Protein , Colonic Neoplasms , Cell Proliferation
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971232


Obstructive colorectal cancer is a common malignant bowel obstruction. Colostomy or colostomy following tumor resection may be the first choice for emergency surgery. The intestinal and systemic conditions of patients undergoing emergency surgery are often poor, and patients need to undergo multiple operations, which increase the surgical risk and economic burden and reduce the quality of life of patients. Poor intraoperative visualization may also affect the radical operation of emergency surgery. Transanal decompression tube (TDT) can rapidly decompress and drain the obstructed bowel, effectively relieve obstruction symptoms, and improve the success rate of primary radical resection. The TDT squeeze the tumor lightly, causing no spread of tumor cells, and is cheap, but the cavity of transanal decompression tube is small and easily blocked, and requires tedious flushing or regular replacement. Self-expanding metallic stents (SEMS) can relieve intestinal obstruction effectively, provide sufficient preparation time for preoperative examination and improvement of nutritional status. By improving patient's tolerance to radical surgery, SEMS might be used as an important treatment strategy choice for obstructive colorectal cancer. However, SEMS may squeeze the tumor, leading to the spread of tumor cells, increase the recurrence rate and metastasis rate, and reduce the survival rate. Moreover, intestinal wall edema still existed during the operation following SEMS, and the rate of ostomy after anastomosis was as high as 34%. We hypothesized that prolonging the interval between stent insertion and surgery to 2 months, with neoadjuvant chemotherapy administered during this interval (SEMS-neoadjuvant chemotherapy strategy), would help improve outcomes. The SEMS-neoadjuvant chemotherapy strategy is a safe, effective, and well tolerated treatment approach with a high laparoscopic resection rate, low stoma formation rate and improvement in the overall survival for patients with left-sided colon cancer obstruction. The patient physical status is improved, the primary tumor is downstaged, and intestinal wall edema is relieved during the relatively longer interval between SEMS placement and surgery. The SEMS-neoadjuvant chemotherapy strategy may be a preferred therapeutic strategy for obstructive left colon cancer.

Humans , Quality of Life , Self Expandable Metallic Stents/adverse effects , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Stents/adverse effects , Intestinal Obstruction/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Colorectal Neoplasms/complications , Retrospective Studies
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971234


Immunotherapy has been one of the hot topics in the field of colorectal cancer research in recent years. Patients with microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) or mismatch repair deficient (dMMR) are the main beneficiaries of immunotherapy. The response rate of patients with dMMR/MSI-H colorectal cancer receiving neoadjuvant immunotherapy is nearly 100%, of which the pathological complete response rate approximately accounts for 60%-67%. The prospect of neoadjuvant immunotherapy in dMMR or MSI-H colorectal cancer patients, especially in the rectal cancer patients, lies in achieving sustainable clinical complete response so as to achieve organ preservation and avoid adverse effects on reproductive, sexual, bowel and bladder function after surgery and radiotherapy. Studies have shown that part of the colorectal cancer patients of microsatellite stability (MSS) or mismatch repair proficient (pMMR) can respond to neoadjuvant immunotherapy in combination with other treatment methods such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In pMMR or MSS colorectal cancer, optimizing neoadjuvant immunotherapy regimens and finding effective efficacy prediction biomarkers are important research directions. In neoadjuvant immunotherapy, overcoming primary and secondary resistance and identifying the pseudoprogression and hyperprogression of neoadjuvant immunotherapy are clinical challenges that require attention. This paper comprehensively reviews the research progress, controversies,challenges and future research directions of neoadjuvant immunotherapy (mainly immune checkpoint inhibitors) in colorectal cancer.

Humans , Neoadjuvant Therapy/methods , Colorectal Neoplasms/drug therapy , Colonic Neoplasms/pathology , Immunotherapy/methods , DNA Mismatch Repair , Microsatellite Instability
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971482


Metabolic reprogramming is a common phenomenon in cancer, with aerobic glycolysis being one of its important characteristics. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF1Α) is thought to play an important role in aerobic glycolysis. Meanwhile, naringin is a natural flavanone glycoside derived from grapefruits and many other citrus fruits. In this work, we identified glycolytic genes related to HIF1Α by analyzing the colon cancer database. The analysis of extracellular acidification rate and cell function verified the regulatory effects of HIF1Α overexpression on glycolysis, and the proliferation and migration of colon cancer cells. Moreover, naringin was used as an inhibitor of colon cancer cells to illustrate its effect on HIF1Α function. The results showed that the HIF1Α and enolase 2 (ENO2) levels in colon cancer tissues were highly correlated, and their high expression indicated a poor prognosis for colon cancer patients. Mechanistically, HIF1Α directly binds to the DNA promoter region and upregulates the transcription of ENO2; ectopic expression of ENO2 increased aerobic glycolysis in colon cancer cells. Most importantly, we found that the appropriate concentration of naringin inhibited the transcriptional activity of HIF1Α, which in turn decreased aerobic glycolysis in colon cancer cells. Generally, naringin reduces glycolysis in colon cancer cells by reducing the transcriptional activity of HIF1Α and the proliferation and invasion of colon cancer cells. This study helps to elucidate the relationship between colon cancer progression and glucose metabolism, and demonstrates the efficacy of naringin in the treatment of colon cancer.

Humans , Glycolysis , Colonic Neoplasms/metabolism , Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1, alpha Subunit/metabolism , Phosphopyruvate Hydratase/metabolism , Flavanones/pharmacology , Cell Line, Tumor , Databases, Genetic , Cell Proliferation/drug effects , Transfection , Warburg Effect, Oncologic
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971494


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effect of ANP32A silencing on invasion and migration of colon cancer cells and the influence of the activity of AKT signaling pathway on this effect.@*METHODS@#Colorectal cancer HCT116 and SW480 were transfected with a small interfering RNA targeting ANP32A via a lentiviral vector. At 24, 48 and 72 h after the transfection, the changes in cell proliferation and AKT activity in the cells were detected using MTT assay and Western blotting, respectively. HCT116 and SW480 cells were treated with the AKT agonist SC79 or its inhibitor MK2206 for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h, and the changes in cell migration and invasion ability were analyzed using Transwell chamber assay and cell proliferation was assessed using MTT assay. The effects of SC79 and MK2206 on migration and invasion abilities of HCT116 and SW480 cells with or without ANP32A silencing were examined using wound healing and Transwell chamber assays, and the changes in the expression of metadherin (MTDH), a factor associated with cells invasion and migration, was detected with Western blotting.@*RESULTS@#Lentivirus-mediated ANP32A silencing significantly down-regulated the activity of AKT and inhibited the proliferation of both HCT116 and SW480 cells (P < 0.01). The application of AKT inhibitor MK2206 obviously inhibited the proliferation, invasion and migration of the colorectal cancer cells (P < 0.05), while the AKT agonist SC79 significantly promoted the invasion and migration of the cells (P < 0.01). In HCT116 and SW480 cells with ANP32A silencing, treatment with MK2206 strongly enhanced the inhibitory effects of ANP32A silencing on cell invasion and migration (P < 0.05) and the expression of MTDH, while SC79 partially reversed these inhibitory effects (P < 0.01).@*CONCLUSION@#ANP32A silencing inhibits invasion and migration of colorectal cancer cells possibly by inhibiting the activation of the AKT signaling pathway.

Humans , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt , Cell Proliferation , Blotting, Western , Cell Movement , Colonic Neoplasms , Membrane Proteins , RNA-Binding Proteins/genetics , Nuclear Proteins