Abstract Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common compressive neuropathy of the upper limb, affecting ~ 4% of the general population. The clinical picture is characterized by pain and, mainly, paresthesia in the median nerve territory, of insidious onset and, in the most severe cases, loss of strength and atrophy of the thenar musculature is observed. It is an extremely common pathology in the daily practice of hand surgery, and in most cases, it can be treated with conservative methods. We present here an atypical case of carpal tunnel syndrome, of acute onset, triggered by persistent median artery (PMA) thrombosis, condition associated with distal embolization and hypoper-fusion of the limb.
Resumo A síndrome do túnel do carpo é a neuropatia compressiva mais comum do membro superior, afetando ~ 4% da população geral. O quadro clínico caracteriza-se por dor e, principalmente, parestesia no território do nervo mediano, de início insidioso e, nos casos mais graves, observa-se perda de força e atrofia da musculatura tenar. Trata-se de patologia extremamente comum na prática diária de cirurgia da mão, e na maior parte dos casos pode ser tratada com métodos conservadores. Apresentamos aqui um caso atípico de síndrome do túnel do carpo, de surgimento agudo, desencadeado pela trombose da artéria mediana persistente, quadro associado com embolização distal e hipoperfusão do membro.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Arteries , Thrombosis , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Compressive StrengthABSTRACT
This study evaluated selected structural and physical properties, such as degree of conversion (DC), Vickers hardness (VHN), and compression strength (CS), of three new dual-cure bulk-fill resin-based composites (RBCs; ACTIVA, HyperFIL, and Fill-Up) and compared them to those of a conventional RBC (Filtek Z250) at three clinically relevant depths. Samples (n=180) were prepared in three depths (2,4, and 6mm). Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis and VHN and CS tests were performed. The DC value was calculated by considering the relative change in the aliphatic C=C peaks. The fractured surfaces of representative samples were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Data were statistically evaluated using two-way analysis of variance and post hoc Bonferroni tests (p<0.05). According to the VHN results, Filtek Z250 showed the highest bottom/top hardness ratio (97.94±1.01) at 2mm thickness and ACTIVA showed the lowest bottom/top hardness ratio (43.48±5.64) at 6mm thickness (p<0.001). According to the FTIR results, the DC decreased with increasing thickness in all materials (p<0.05). Filtek Z250 showed the highest (301±12.4 MPa) and ACTIVA exhibited the lowest (232±17.2 MPa) CS values at 2mm thickness (p<0.05). The lowest CS values were obtained for ACTIVA, and the highest values were obtained for Filtek Z250 for samples with thicknesses of 4 and 6mm, respectively (p<0.05). The structural features of restorative composites, such as the resin chemistry and filler type and content, and the operational parameters (i.e., material thickness and curing conditions) strongly affect crosslinking reactions and thus the DC, VHN, and CS values.
Este estudio evaluó propiedades físicas y estructurales, como el grado de conversión (DC), la dureza Vickers (VHN) y la resistencia a la compresión (CS), de tres nuevos compósitos a base de resina de curado dual tipo bulk (RBC; ACTIVA , HyperFIL y Fill-Up) y los comparó con los de una resina compuesta convencional (Filtek Z250) en tres profundidades clínicamente relevantes. Se prepararon muestras (n=180) en tres profundidades (2,4 y 6mm). Se realizaron análisis de espectroscopia infrarroja por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) y pruebas VHN y CS. El valor de DC se calculó considerando el cambio relativo en los picos alifáticos C=C. Las superficies fracturadas de muestras representativas se caracterizaron mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB). Los datos se evaluaron estadísticamente mediante análisis de varianza de dos vías y pruebas post hoc de Bonferroni (p<0,05). De acuerdo con los resultados de VHN, Filtek Z250 mostró la relación de dureza inferior/superior más alta (97,94±1,01) con un espesor de 2mm y ACTIVA mostró la relación de dureza inferior/superior más baja (43,48±5,64) con un espesor de 6mm (p<0,001). De acuerdo con los resultados de FTIR, la DC disminuyó al aumentar el espesor en todos los materiales (p<0,05). Filtek Z250 mostró los valores de CS más altos (301±12,4 MPa) y ACTIVA los más bajos (232±17,2 MPa) a 2mm de espesor (p<0,05). Los valores más bajos de CS se obtuvieron para ACTIVA y los valores más altos para Filtek Z250 para muestras con espesores de 4 y 6mm, respectivamente (p<0,05). Las características estructurales de las resinas compuestas de restauración, como la química; además del tipo y contenido del relleno, y los parámetros operativos (es decir, el espesor del material y las condiciones de curado) afectan en gran medida las reacciones de interacción química y, por lo tanto, los valores de DC, VHN y CS.
Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Composite Resins/analysis , Compressive StrengthABSTRACT
Introduction: The goal of this pilot study was to evaluate the differences between checking occlusion on implants crowns using 16 or 200 µm thickness of articulating occlusal paper, and to compare the stained occlusal area between the groups after bite forces of 200 and 250 N. Methods: It was included 10 casts of articulated-type IV gypsum, 10 NiCr crowns, articulating occlusal papers (16 µm and 200 µm thick), and a compression test machine. Compressive forces (200 and 250 N.mm) were applied on models, to check the occlusal contact area of fixed and cemented crowns. The contact areas on the crowns were measured through images obtained by the scanning electron microscope. Statistical tests were performed considering the significant level of 5% (p≤0.05). Results: The stains found using 200 µm of articulating paper were higher than those with 16 µm, independent of the force applied. However, the stains obtained in lower teeth with different strengths (200 and 250N) marked with 16 µm articulating paper were not possible to score. The articulating paper variable had significant statistical results (p=0.002), while the variables force (p=0.443) and articulating paper-force interaction (p=0.607) were not significant. The mean area found in staining using the 200 µm and 16 µm papers was, respectively, 8.3380 mm2 and 3.4759 mm2. Conclusion: It was possible to confirm that 200 µm of articulating occlusal paper showed better and significant results to stain the occlusal area, permitting a more accurate adjustment independent of the force applied.
Bite Force , Dental Implants , Compressive Strength , Crowns , Dental Articulators , Dental Occlusion , MolarABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the influence of the thickness of mixed cardboard on the compressive strength of glass ionomer cement and the associated factors.@*METHODS@#Three different types of glass ionomer cements were mixed on the top of 60, 40, 20 and 1 pieces of paper (P60, P40, P20 and P1), respectively. The compressive strength of the materials was tested after solidification, and the bubble rate was calculated with the assistance of scanning electron microscope.@*RESULTS@#(1) Compressive strength: ① ChemFil Superior glass ionomer (CF): The average compressive strength of P1 group was the highest, which was significantly different from that of P40 and P60 groups (P values were 0.041 and 0.032 respectively); ② To Fuji IX GP glass ionomer (IX): The average compressive strength of P1 group was the highest, which was statistically different from that of P40 and P60 groups (P values were 0.042 and 0.038 respectively); ③ Glaslonomer FX-Ⅱ glass ionomer cement (FX): The average compressive strength of P1 group was the highest, which was statistically different from that of P20, P40 and P60 groups (P values were 0.031, 0.040 and 0.041 respectively), but there was no statistical difference among the other groups. All the three materials showed that the compressive strength of glass ions gradually increased with the decrease of the thickness of the blended paperboard, and the two materials had a highly linear negative correlation, the correlation coefficients of which were CF-0.927, IX-0.989, FX-0.892, respectively. (2) Scanning electron microscope: P1 group had the least bubbles among the three materials.@*CONCLUSION@#It indicates that the thickness of mixed cardboard has a negative correlation with the compressive strength of glass ions. The thicker the mixed cardboard is, the greater the elasticity is. Excessive elasticity will accelerate the mixing speed when the grinding glass ions. Studies have shown that the faster the speed of artificial mixing is, the more bubbles is produced.The thicker ther mixed cardboard is, the more bubblesn are generated by glass ionomer cement, and the higher the compressive strength is. Using one piece of paper board to mix glass ionomer cement has the least bubbles and can obtain higher compressive strength.
Compressive Strength , Materials Testing , Glass Ionomer Cements , Silicon DioxideABSTRACT
Introducción: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de conocer, analizar y comparar los diferentes tipos de adhesivos de octava generación que se encuentran en el mercado y la diferencia que existe entre cada uno. Los adhesivos universales han demostrado mejoras en su resistencia, sobre todo en las técnicas de aplicación y en las propiedades de estos materiales, al mejorar la fuerza adhesiva para que el odontólogo pueda brindar tratamientos restaurativos exitosos. Objetivo: conocer, analizar y comparar los diferentes tipos de adhe- sivos de la octava generación empleados en odontología. Material y métodos: se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed, BVS, Redalyc y ScienceDirect. Se utilizaron 32 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios predeterminados y la especificidad reque- rida para la pregunta de investigación. Conclusiones: se demostró que la tecnología cada día avanza, sobre todo en el área de los adhesivos, ya que éstos son de mucha utilidad en el día a día del odontólogo; es importante conocer cada uno de éstos, puesto que es un poco complejo seleccionar el correcto, mas no el uso. En la actualidad, existen diversas opciones por las que el odontólogo puede optar, es por ello que el pro- fesional debe estar capacitado sobre cada una de las diferentes marcas existentes y, de acuerdo al tratamiento, debe elegir cuál es mejor utilizar en una rehabilitación. Es importante para el odontólogo conocer estos materiales, ya que esto lo beneficiará al momento de llevar un plan de tratamiento restaurador (AU)
Introduction: a bibliographic review was carried out to learn about, analyze, and compare the different types of eighth-generation adhesives on the market and the difference between each one. Universal adhesives have demonstrated improvements in their resistance, especially in the application techniques and properties of these materials, improving the adhesive strength so that the dentist can provide successful restorative treatments. Objective: to know, analyze and compare the different types of eighth-generation adhesives used in dentistry. Material and methods: a search was made of the following electronic databases: PubMed, BVS, Redalyc, ScienceDirect. Finally, 32 articles that met the predetermined criteria and the specificity required for the research question were used. Conclusions: it was demonstrated that technology is advancing every day, especially in the area of adhesives since these are very useful in the daily life of the dentist. It is important to know each one of these since it is a little complex at the moment of selecting the correct one, but not the use. Currently, there are several options that the dentist can choose, which is why the professional must be trained on each of the various existing brands and according to the treatment which is the best to use at the time of rehabilitation. The dentist needs to know these materials since they will benefit him/her when carrying out a restorative treatment plan (AU)
Technology, Dental/trends , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Surface Properties , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Compressive Strength , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Shear Strength , Dentin/drug effects , Nanoparticles , Flexural StrengthABSTRACT
En la implantología actual, la confección de prótesis de carga inmediata se ha convertido en un procedi-miento de rutina. Contar con elementos pre-formados con un correcto ajuste al implante o transepitelial so-bre el que se trabaja, minimiza el tiempo de trabajo sin renunciar a la eficiencia. En el presente trabajo se muestran elementos preformados articulados para la realización de prótesis de carga inmediata y su forma de uso, así como un análisis biomecánico de las estructuras para conocer su repercusión en las distintas fuerzas recibidas durante la masticación. Resultados: Al aplicar la carga en la zona central de la barra (paralela a los implantes), la tensión máxima recibida en la zona correspondiente al extremo de la barra sufre variaciones importantes, desde 128 Mpa en la longitud de 13 mm hasta un máximo de 391 Mpa (megapascales) en la longitud de 5 mm, siendo la ten-sión máxima, media para todas las medidas, de 242 Mpa (+/-96,76). En el ensayo de las diferentes medi-das de la barra se observa también una tensión cre-ciente para longitudes de barra a partir de 7 mm, al aplicar la tensión en la zona media de la estructura, por lo que longitudes entre 5 y 7 mm pueden consi-derarse prácticamente con la misma distribución de tensiones hacia los extremos y en la zona de unión. En conclusión, las barras articuladas son un elemento de confección de prótesis provisionales de carga in-mediata de gran utilidad, que pueden confeccionarse de forma rápida y generan un comportamiento bio-mecánico predecible (AU)
In current implantology, the fabrication of immediately loaded prostheses has become a routine procedure. Being able to have pre-formed elements with a correct fit to the implant or transepithelial on which we are working minimizes working time without sacrificing efficiency. Material and methods: We show articulated preformed elements for immediate loading prostheses and how they are used, as well as a biomechanical analysis of the structures to determine their repercussion on the different forces received during mastication. Results: When the load is applied in the central area of the bar (parallel to the implants) the maximum stress received in the area corresponding to the end of the bar undergoes significant variations, from 128 Mpa in the 13 mm length to a maximum of 391 Mpa in the 5 mm length, the average maximum stress for all the measurements being 242 Mpa (+/-96.76). In the test of the different bar sizes we can also observe an increasing stress for bar lengths from 7 mm onwards when applying the stress in the middle zone of the structure, so that lengths between 5 and 7 mm can be considered to have practically the same stress distribution towards the ends and in the joint zone. Conclusions: Hinged bars are a very useful fabrication element for immediately loaded provisional prostheses, which can be fabricated quickly and generate a predictable biomechanical behavior (AU)
Biomechanical Phenomena , Dental Prosthesis Retention/methods , Dental Prosthesis Design , Immediate Dental Implant Loading/methods , Bite Force , Compressive Strength , Finite Element AnalysisABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the antibacterial, mechanical, physical properties and water sorption of flowable dental composites containing 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones. Material and Methods: 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones was synthesized and the antibacterial activity of flowable dental composites containing 0-5 wt% 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones and also of their mechanical and physical properties on flowable dental composites were investigated. Flexural strength was measured by a three-point bending test. Compressive strength (CS), Water sorption (WS) and depth of cure (DOC) were investigated. The data were analyzed by One-way ANOVA test. The level of significance was determined as p<0.01. Results: The direct contact test demonstrates that by increasing the 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones content, the bacterial growth is significantly diminished (p<0.001). The average flexural strength results show that with increasing 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones until 3% in the composite, no significant difference was observed in flexural strength (p>0.001) and the mean of compressive strength results show no significant difference between 0-4% groups (p>0.001). The mean of water sorption and depth of cure results shows no significant difference between groups (p>0.001). Conclusion: Incorporation of 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones into flowable resin composites in 3% wt can reduce the activity of Streptococcus mutans.
Streptococcus mutans/immunology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Composite Resins , Compressive Strength , Anti-Bacterial Agents/immunology , Analysis of Variance , Sorption Detoxification , Flexural Strength , IranABSTRACT
Objetivo: avaliar as propriedades físicas e biológicas dos cimentos de ionômero de vidro convencionais (CIVs). Metodologia: foram avaliados os seguintes CIVs: Fuji IX (GC Europe, Bélgica), Ketac Molar (3M ESPE, Estados Unidos), Maxxion R (FGM, Brasil) e Vitro Molar (Nova DFL, Brasil). O tempo de presa, a alteração dimensional, a radiopacidade, a sorção e a solubilidade em água foram avaliados para todos os materiais. A resistência à compressão foi analisada em intervalos de 1h, 24h, 7 dias e 28 dias; e liberação de íons fluoreto em 3h, 24h e 72h. A viabilidade celular foi avaliada após 24 e 48 horas com células de fibroblastos. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do software SigmaPlot 12 (Systat Inc, San Jose, CA, EUA), com nível de significância estabelecido em α = 0,05. Resultado: apenas o Fuji IX teve um tempo de presa dentro da faixa recomendada pela Especificação Padrão da ADA 96 (2012), não superior a 6 minutos. Vitro Molar e Maxxion R apresentaram radiopacidade que não estava de acordo com a especificação ADA 96 (2012). Maxxion R e Vitro Molar mostraram uma alteração dimensional estatisticamente semelhante. Quanto às propriedades mecânicas, o Fuji IX foi o único CIV que apresentou aumento da resistência à compressão durante o período de avaliação de 28 dias. O Ketac Molar apresentou a maior viabilidade celular, enquanto o Maxxion R apresentou citotoxicidade severa e o maior valor cumulativo de liberação de flúor. Conclusão: Fuji IX e Ketac Molar apresentaram as propriedades físicas e biológicas mais adequadas entre os CIVs avaliados.(AU)
Objective: to evaluate the physical and biological properties of conventional glass ionomer cements (GICs). Methodology: the following GICs were evaluated: Fuji IX (GC Europe, Belgium), Ketac Molar (3M ESPE, United States), Maxxion R (FGM, Brazil) and Vitro Molar (Nova DFL, Brazil). Setting time, dimensional change, radiopacity, water solubility and water absorption were evaluated for all materials. Compressive strength was analyzed after intervals of 1h, 24h, 7 days and 28 days; and release of fluoride ions at 3 am, 24 am and 72 am. Cell viability was assessed after 24 and 48 hours with fibroblast cells. Statistical analysis was performed using SigmaPlot 12 software (Systat Inc, San Jose, CA, USA), with a significance level set at α = 0.05. Result: only the Fuji IX had an adjustment time within the range recommended by the Standard Specification of ADA 96 (2012) of not exceeding 6 minutes. Vitro Molar and Maxxion R had radiopacity that was not in accordance with the ADA 96 (2012) specification. Maxxion R and Vitro Molar showed a statistically similar dimensional change. As for mechanical properties, Fuji IX was the only GIC that showed an increase in compressive strength during the evaluation period of 28 days. Ketac Molar showed the highest cell viability, while Maxxion R showed severe cytotoxicity and the highest cumulative fluoride release value. Conclusion: Fuji IX and Ketac Molar showed the most appropriate physical and biological properties among the evaluated GICs.(AU)
Animals , Mice , Glass Ionomer Cements/chemistry , Solubility , Time Factors , Materials Testing , Cell Survival , Analysis of Variance , Compressive Strength , Fibroblasts , Fluorides/chemistryABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Lumbar disc herniation is considered to be the main pathological factor for the common clinical disease of low back pain. Biomechanical factor is an important cause of lumbar disc herniation, so it is urgent to analyze the stress/strain behavior of intervertebral disc under different loading condition. Slow repetitive loading is considered to be an important factor of spine and disc injuries, and the effect of fatigue load on internal displacement in the intervertebral disc was investigated by applying the optimized digital image correlation technique in this study. The first finding was that fatigue load had a significant effect on the displacement distribution in the intervertebral disc under compression. Superficial AF exhibited the largest axial displacements before fatigue load, while it exhibited the smallest axial displacements after fatigue load. Inner AF exhibited slightly smaller radial displacements than outer AF before fatigue load, while it exhibited significantly greater radial displacements than outer AF displacements after fatigue load. The second finding was that fatigue load had a certain effect on the internal displacement distribution in the flexed intervertebral disc under compression. Middle AF exhibited the smallest axial displacements before fatigue load, while deep AF exhibited the smallest axial displacements after fatigue load. The radial displacement distribution did not change before and after fatigue load, as the radial displacement in outer AF was the smallest, while the radial displacement in inner AF was the largest. The third finding was that with the increase in fatigue time and amplitude, the Young's modulus of the intervertebral disc increased significantly. This study can provide the basis for clinical intervertebral disc disease prevention and treatment? and is important for mechanical function evaluation of artificial intervertebral disc as well.
RESUMEN: La hernia de disco lumbar se considera el principal factor patológico para la enfermedad clínica común del dolor lumbar. El factor biomecánico es una causa importante de hernia de disco lumbar, por lo que es urgente analizar el comportamiento de esfuerzo / tensión del disco intervertebral bajo diferentes condiciones de carga. La carga repetitiva lenta se considera un factor importante de lesiones de columna y disco, y en este estudio el efecto de la carga de fatiga sobre el desplazamiento interno en el disco intervertebral se investigó mediante la aplicación de la técnica de correlación de imagen digital optimizada. El primer hallazgo fue que la carga de fatiga tuvo un efecto significativo en la distribución del desplazamiento en el disco intervertebral bajo compresión. El AF superficial exhibió los desplazamientos axiales más grandes antes de la carga de fatiga, mientras que exhibió los desplazamientos axiales más pequeños después de la carga de fatiga. El AF interno exhibió desplazamientos radiales ligeramente más pequeños que el AF externo antes de la carga de fatiga, mientras que exhibió desplazamientos radiales significativamente mayores que los desplazamientos AF externos después de la carga de fatiga. El segundo hallazgo fue que la carga de fatiga tenía un cierto efecto sobre la distribución del desplazamiento interno en el disco intervertebral flexionado bajo compresión. El AF medio exhibió los desplazamientos axiales más pequeños antes de la carga de fatiga, mientras que el AF profundo exhibió los desplazamientos axiales más pequeños después de la carga de fatiga. La distribución del desplazamiento radial no cambió antes ni después de la carga de fatiga, ya que el desplazamiento radial en la FA externa fue el más pequeño, mientras que el desplazamiento radial en la FA interna fue el más grande. El tercer hallazgo fue que con el aumento del tiempo de fatiga y la amplitud, el módulo de Young del disco intervertebral aumentó significativamente. Este estudio puede proporcionar la base para la prevención y el tratamiento clínico de la enfermedad del disco intervertebral, y también es importante para la evaluación de la función mecánica del disco intervertebral artificial.
Humans , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/etiology , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/pathology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Compressive Strength , Fatigue , Flexural Strength , Intervertebral Disc/pathology , Lumbar Vertebrae/pathology , Lumbosacral RegionABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different commercial liquid phases (Ketac, Riva, and Fuji IX) and the use of spherical pre-reacted glass (SPG) fillers on cement maturation, fluoride release, compressive (CS) and biaxial flexural strength (BFS) of experimental glass ionomer cements (GICs). The experimental GICs (Ketac_M, Riva_M, FujiIX_M) were prepared by mixing SPG fillers with commercial liquid phases using the powder to liquid mass ratio of 2.5:1. FTIR-ATR was used to assess the maturation of GICs. Diffusion coefficient of fluoride (DF) and cumulative fluoride release (CF) in deionized water was determined using the fluoride ion specific electrode (n=3). CS and BFS at 24 h were also tested (n=6). Commercial GICs were used as comparisons. Riva and Riva_M exhibited rapid polyacrylate salt formation. The highest DF and CF were observed with Riva_M (1.65x10-9 cm2/s) and Riva (77 ppm) respectively. Using SPG fillers enhanced DF of GICs on average from ~2.5x10-9 cm2/s to ~3.0x10-9 cm2/s but reduced CF of the materials on average from ~51 ppm to ~42 ppm. The CS and BFS of Ketac_M (144 and 22 MPa) and Fuji IX_M (123 and 30 MPa) were comparable to commercial materials. Using SPG with Riva significantly reduced CS and BFS from 123 MPa to 55 MPa and 42 MPa to 28 MPa respectively. The use of SPG fillers enhanced DF but reduced CF of GICs. Using SPG with Ketac or Fuji IX liquids provided comparable strength to the commercial materials.
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes fases líquidas comerciais (Ketac, Riva e Fuji IX) e o uso de partículas esféricas de vidro pré-reagido (SPG) na maturação do cimento, liberação de flúor, força de compressão (CS) e resistência biaxial à flexão (BFS) de cimentos de ionômero de vidro (GICs) experimentais. Os GICs experimentais (Ketac_M, Riva_M, FujiIX_M) foram preparados pela mistura de partículas SPG com fases líquidas comerciais usando a proporção de pó para massa líquida de 2,5: 1. O FTIR-ATR foi usado para avaliar a maturação dos GICs. O coeficiente de difusão do flúor (DF) e a liberação cumulativa de flúor (CF) em água deionizada foram determinados usando o eletrodo específico do íon fluoreto (n = 3). CS e BFS em 24 h também foram testados (n = 6). GICs comerciais foram usados como comparações. Riva e Riva_M exibiram rápida formação de sal de poliacrilato. Os maiores DF e CF foram observados com Riva_M (1,65x10-9 cm2/s) e Riva (77 ppm), respectivamente. O uso de partículas SPG melhorou o DF de GICs em média de ~ 2,5x10-9 cm2/s a ~ 3,0x10-9 cm2/s, mas reduziu o CF dos materiais em média de ~ 51 ppm a ~ 42 ppm. O CS e BFS de Ketac_M (144 e 22 MPa) e Fuji IX_M (123 e 30 MPa) foram comparáveis aos materiais comerciais. Usar SPG com Riva reduziu significativamente CS e BFS de 123 MPa para 55 MPa e 42 MPa para 28 MPa, respectivamente. O uso de SPG partículas melhorou o DF, mas reduziu o CF dos GICs. O uso de partículas SPG com líquidos Ketac ou Fuji IX proporcionou resistência comparável aos materiais comerciais.
Dental Cements , Glass Ionomer Cements , Tensile Strength , Materials Testing , Compressive StrengthABSTRACT
Background: Plaster of Paris (POP) is being used in different ways in the field of medicine, dentistry and rehabilitation. One of its uses is in the manufacture of models of body segments in prosthetics and orthotics. It is used as a one-off procedure in which the used material is dismantled and discarded. The disposal of discarded materials does not allow easy decomposition which then pollutes the environment. It is not known whether this material could be reused if recycled. Objectives: The main objective of the study was to recycle POP models and determine its reuse in producing models with identical qualities, and thus reduce environmental pollution. Method: The procedure adopted was to break discarded models into small pieces, remove impurities and dirt; then the sample models were milled, washed, dried and pulverised. The POP models were heated to evaporate crystalline water in order to determine for how many times it could be recycled while retaining the desired strength, setting time and working characteristics. Results: The recycled POP reached higher setting temperatures and was stronger in terms of compressive strain and strength than the virgin POP. The highest temperature recorded for recycled POP was 40°C, which was higher than that for virgin powder (32.5°C). Testing compressive strength of all cylinders in all groups showed that the average compressive strength of the recycled powder mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1 was 2407 KN/m² and the ratio of 2:3 resulted in a compressive strength of 1028 KN/m², whereas the average compressive strength of virgin POP powder mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1 was 1807 KN/m² and the ratio of 2:3 resulted in a compressive strength of 798 KN/m². There were no differences in working properties between the recycled POP and the virgin POP. Conclusion: It was therefore concluded that under controlled conditions, such as grinding size, heating temperature, time and avoidance of contamination, used POP could be continuously recycled, resulting in stronger and workable casts
Agnosia , Calcium Sulfate , Compressive Strength , RecyclingABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To evaluate the influence of three levels of dental structure loss on stress distribution and bite load in root canal-treated young molar teeth that were filled with bulk-fill resin composite, using finite element analysis (FEA) to predict clinical failure. Methodology Three first mandibular molars with extensive caries lesions were selected in teenager patients. The habitual occlusion bite force was measured using gnathodynamometer before and after endodontic/restoration procedures. The recorded bite forces were used as input for patient-specific FEA models, generated from cone-beam computed tomographic (CT) scans of the teeth before and after treatment. Loads were simulated using the contact loading of the antagonist molars selected based on the CT scans and clinical evaluation. Pre and post treatment bite forces (N) in the 3 patients were 30.1/136.6, 34.3/133.4, and 47.9/124.1. Results Bite force increased 260% (from 36.7±11.6 to 131.9±17.8 N) after endodontic and direct restoration. Before endodontic intervention, the stress concentration was located in coronal tooth structure; after rehabilitation, the stresses were located in root dentin, regardless of the level of tooth structure loss. The bite force used on molar teeth after pulp removal during endodontic treatment resulted in high stress concentrations in weakened tooth areas and at the furcation. Conclusion Extensive caries negatively affected the bite force. After pulp removal and endodontic treatment, stress and strain concentrations were higher in the weakened dental structure. Root canal treatment associated with direct resin composite restorative procedure could restore the stress-strain conditions in permanent young molar teeth.
Humans , Child , Bite Force , Composite Resins/chemistry , Tooth, Nonvital/therapy , Dental Restoration, Permanent/methods , Molar , Reference Values , Tensile Strength , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Composite Resins/therapeutic use , Tooth, Nonvital/diagnostic imaging , Compressive Strength , Finite Element Analysis , Dental Stress Analysis , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Elastic Modulus , Patient-Specific ModelingABSTRACT
Abstract The objective was to evaluate the compressive strength (CS), diametral tensile strength (DTS), flexural strength (FS), and Knoop microhardness (KH) of different conventional restorative glass-ionomer cements (GICs) and to correlate these mechanical properties (MP) with the stabilization time (ST) of their chemical bonds. Eighteen GICs were tested: Bioglass [B], Chemfil Rock [CR], Equia Forte [EF], Gold Label 2 [GL2], Gold Label 9 [GL9], Glass Ionomer Cement II [GI], Ionglass [IG], Ion Z[ IZ], Ionomaster [IM], Ionofil Plus [IP], Ionostar Plus [IS], Ketac Molar Easymix [KM], Magic Glass [MG], Maxxion R [Ma], Riva Self Cure [R], Vidrion R [V], Vitro Fil [VF] and Vitro Molar [VM]. The mechanical strength tests were performed in a universal testing machine. KH readings were done with a diamond indenter. STs were examined by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Data were analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey test (p<0.05). The Spearman rank test was used to evaluate the dependence between the MPs and ST results. The highest MP values were EF, GL2, GL9, GI and KM and the lowest for MG, MA, B, VF and IM. The longest ST was for GL2 and the shortest was for B. ST correlated positively with MP. GICs with longer chemical bonds ST are generally stronger and the ST value obtained from FTIR was useful in predicting the strength of GICs tested.
Self-Curing of Dental Resins/methods , Glass Ionomer Cements/chemistry , Reference Values , Tensile Strength , Time Factors , Materials Testing , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared , Compressive Strength , Flexural Strength , Hardness TestsABSTRACT
In maxillofacial surgery, there is a significant need for the design and fabrication of porous scaffolds with customizable bionic structures and mechanical properties suitable for bone tissue engineering. In this paper, we characterize the porous Ti6Al4V implant, which is one of the most promising and attractive biomedical applications due to the similarity of its modulus to human bones. We describe the mechanical properties of this implant, which we suggest is capable of providing important biological functions for bone tissue regeneration. We characterize a novel bionic design and fabrication process for porous implants. A design concept of "reducing dimensions and designing layer by layer" was used to construct layered slice and rod-connected mesh structure (LSRCMS) implants. Porous LSRCMS implants with different parameters and porosities were fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM). Printed samples were evaluated by microstructure characterization, specific mechanical properties were analyzed by mechanical tests, and finite element analysis was used to digitally calculate the stress characteristics of the LSRCMS under loading forces. Our results show that the samples fabricated by SLM had good structure printing quality with reasonable pore sizes. The porosity, pore size, and strut thickness of manufactured samples ranged from (60.95± 0.27)% to (81.23±0.32)%, (480±28) to (685±31) μm, and (263±28) to (265±28) μm, respectively. The compression results show that the Young's modulus and the yield strength ranged from (2.23±0.03) to (6.36±0.06) GPa and (21.36±0.42) to (122.85±3.85) MPa, respectively. We also show that the Young's modulus and yield strength of the LSRCMS samples can be predicted by the Gibson-Ashby model. Further, we prove the structural stability of our novel design by finite element analysis. Our results illustrate that our novel SLM-fabricated porous Ti6Al4V scaffolds based on an LSRCMS are a promising material for bone implants, and are potentially applicable to the field of bone defect repair.
Humans , Alloys , Bionics , Bone Substitutes/chemistry , Bone and Bones/pathology , Compressive Strength , Elastic Modulus , Finite Element Analysis , Lasers , Materials Testing , Maxillofacial Prosthesis Implantation , Porosity , Pressure , Printing, Three-Dimensional , Prostheses and Implants , Prosthesis Design , Stress, Mechanical , Surgery, Oral/instrumentation , Tissue Engineering/methods , Titanium/chemistryABSTRACT
The pH of the oral cavity can dynamically change due to diverse foods and beverages served. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate flexural and compressive properties of composite resins after immersion in solutions of different pHs. Four composite resins were cured and immersed in test solutions of different pHs (3, 7.1, and 9) for 2 weeks. Flexural and compressive properties (strength and modulus) were evaluated using universal test machine. After immersion, initial flexural and compressive strength significantly changed to 1.5–30.0% and 0.3–19.6%, respectively; flexural and compressive modulus significantly changed to 4.4–29.0% and 3.5–21.5%, respectively. However, the values obtained from solutions of different pHs were not significantly and consistently different to each other.
Beverages , Composite Resins , Compressive Strength , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Immersion , MouthABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Three-dimensional (3D) printed bone tissue engineering scaffolds have been widely used in research and clinical applications. β-TCP is a biomaterial commonly used in bone tissue engineering to treat bone defects, and its multifunctionality can be achieved by co-doping different metal ions. Magnesium doping in biomaterials has been shown to alter physicochemical properties of cells and enhance osteogenesis. METHODS: A series of Mg-doped TCP scaffolds were manufactured by using cryogenic 3D printing technology and sintering. The characteristics of the porous scaffolds, such as microstructure, chemical composition, mechanical properties, apparent porosity, etc., were examined. To further study the role of magnesium ions in simultaneously inducing osteogenesis and angiogenesis, human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSCs) and human umblical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were cultured in scaffold extracts to investigate cell proliferation, viability, and expression of osteogenic and angiogenic genes. RESULTS: The results showed that Mg-doped TCP scaffolds have the advantages of precise design, interconnected porous structure, and similar compressive strength to natural cancellous bone. hBMSCs and HUVECs exhibit high proliferation rate, cell morphology and viability in a certain amount of Mg²⁺. In addition, this concentration of magnesium can also increase the expression levels of osteogenic and angiogenic biomarkers. CONCLUSION: A certain concentration of magnesium ions plays an important role in new bone regeneration and reconstruction. It can be used as a simple and effective method to enhance the osteogenesis and angiogenesis of bioceramic scaffolds, and support the development of biomaterials and bone tissue engineering scaffolds.
Humans , Biocompatible Materials , Biomarkers , Bone and Bones , Bone Marrow , Bone Regeneration , Cell Proliferation , Compressive Strength , Endothelial Cells , In Vitro Techniques , Ions , Magnesium , Mesenchymal Stem Cells , Methods , Osteogenesis , Porosity , Printing, Three-Dimensional , VeinsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the influence of different mixing pads on the physical and mechanical properties of glass ionomer cement.@*METHODS@#Three different glass ionomer base cements were mixed with a plastic spatula on three different mixing pads including paper pad, glass pad and silicon pad whose HS were 40, 60 and 80. The GIC was packed into stainless steel molds to get specimens. Surface roughness, surface hardness and compressive strength were evaluated.@*RESULTS@#As for compressive strength, CF: There was the highest mean compressive strength that was significantly higher than those of silicon pad 60 group, paper 60 group and paper 20 group in silicon pad 40 group, the differences P values were 0.002, 0.027, and 0.036, statistically significant difference between the above groups (P<0.05). IX: there was the highest mean compressive strength that was significantly higher than those of silicon pad 60 group in paper pad 20 group,the differences P value was 0.008, statistically significant (P<0.05). FX: there was the highest mean compressive strength that was no significantly higher than those of paper pad 20 group in silicon pad 40 group, but was significantly higher than those of the other groups. As for surface hardness, CF: there was the highest mean surface hardness that was significantly higher than those of silicon pad 60 and 80 group, paper 60 group in silicon pad 40 group, the differences P value was 0.021, 0.001, 0.032, 0.008 and 0.016, statistically significant difference between the above groups (P<0.05). IX and FX: there was no statistical significance between any two groups in surface hardness. As for surface roughness, CF: there was no statistical significance between any two groups in surface roughness. IX: there was the lowest mean surface roughness that was significantly lower than those of paper pad 40 and 60 group in glass pad group, the differences P values were 0.003 and 0.027, statistically significant difference between the above groups (P<0.05). FX: there was the lowest mean surface roughness that was significantly lower than those of paper pad 60 group in glass pad group, the differences P value was 0.018, showing a statistical difference (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Mixing glass ionomer cement on silicon pad 40 results in higher compressive strength and lower surface roughness, worthy of clinical popularization.
Compressive Strength , Glass Ionomer Cements , Hardness , Materials Testing , Surface PropertiesABSTRACT
Abstract Sources of calcium and phosphate have been added to dental restorative materials to improve their anticaries effect. Objective This study evaluated the effect of adding calcium glycerophosphate (CaGP) to resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) on the physico-mechanical properties, ion release, and enamel demineralization. Material and Methods: Specimens were fabricated for each experimental group: RMGIC without CaGP (Control), RMGIC with 1, 3 and 9% CaGP. To determine the release of fluoride (F), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P), six specimens were immersed in demineralization and remineralization solutions for 15 days. In another experimental trial, the following physico-mechanical properties were evaluated at time intervals of 1 and 7 days after fabrication: compressive strength (n=12), diametral tensile strength (n=12), surface hardness of material (n=6) and the degree of conversion of monomers (n=8). To study enamel demineralization, specimens (n=12) were attached to enamel blocks and submitted to pH-cycling. Subsequently, surface and cross-sectional hardness and the concentration of F, Ca and P in enamel were determined. Results The addition of CaGP to RMGIC led to higher mean release of F, Ca and P when compared with control (p<0.001). Mechanical properties were within the range of those of the ionomer cements after addition of 1% and 3% CaGP. The degree of conversion did not differ between groups at the 1st and the 7th day (p>0.439). The addition of 3% and 9% CaGP reduced mineral loss and increased F, Ca and P in the enamel when compared with control (p<0.05). Conclusion The addition of 3% CaGP in RMGIC increased the release of F, P and Ca, reduced enamel demineralization, and maintained the physico-mechanical properties within the parameters for this material.
Humans , Tooth Demineralization/prevention & control , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Glass Ionomer Cements/chemistry , Glycerophosphates/chemistry , Phosphates/analysis , Reference Values , Surface Properties , Time Factors , Materials Testing , Photomicrography , Calcium/analysis , Reproducibility of Results , Compressive Strength , Dental Enamel/chemistry , Fluorides/analysis , Hardness TestsABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives To perform a systematic review of test methodologies on conventional restorative glass-ionomer cement (GIC) materials for mechanical and optical properties to compare the results between different GICs. Material and Methods Screening of titles and abstracts, data extraction, and quality assessments of full-texts were conducted in search for in vitro studies on conventional GICs that follow the relevant specifications of ISO standards regarding the following mechanical and optical properties: compressive strength, flexural strength, color, opacity and radiopacity. Sources The Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS), Brazilian Bibliography of Dentistry (BBO) databases from Latin-American and Caribbean System on Health Sciences Information (BIREME) and PubMed/Medline (US National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health) databases were searched regardless of language. Altogether, 1146 in vitro studies were selected. Two reviewers independently selected and assessed the articles according to pre-established inclusion/exclusion criteria. Among all the properties investigated, only one study was classified as being of fair quality that tested compressive strength and was included. It was observed that many authors had not strictly followed ISO recommendations and that, for some properties (diametral tensile strength and microhardness), there are no guidelines provided. Conclusions It was not possible to compare the results for the mechanical and optical properties of conventional restorative GICs due to the lack of standardization of studies.
Glass Ionomer Cements/chemistry , Materials Testing , Color , Compressive Strength , Flexural Strength , Glass Ionomer Cements/standardsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective This study aimed to investigate the effects of dodecacalcium hepta-aluminate (C12A7) content on some physicochemical properties and cytocompatibility of tricalcium silicate (C3S) cement using human dental pulp cells (hDPCs). Material and Methods High purity C3S cement was manufactured by a solid phase method. C12A7 was mixed with the cement in proportions of 0, 5, 8, and 10 wt% (C12A7-0, −5, −8, and −10, respectively). Physicochemical properties including initial setting time, compressive strength, and alkalinity were evaluated. Cytocompatibility was assessed with cell viability tests and cell number counts. Statistical analysis was performed by using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test (p<0.05). Results The initial setting time of C3S-based cement was shorter in the presence of C12A7 (p<0.05). After 1 day, C12A7-5 showed significantly higher compressive strength than the other groups (p<0.05). After 7 days, the compressive strength of C12A7-5 was similar to that of C12A7-0, whereas other groups showed strength lower than C12A7-0. The pH values of all tested groups showed no significant differences after 1 day (p>0.05). The C12A7-5 group showed similar cell viability to the C12A7-0 group (p>0.05), while the other experimental groups showed lower values compared to C12A7-0 group (p<0.05). The number of cells grown on the C12A7-5 specimen was higher than that on C12A7-8 and −10 (p<0.05). Conclusions The addition of C12A7 to C3S cement at a proportion of 5% resulted in rapid initial setting time and higher compressive strength with no adverse effects on cytocompatibility.