Contexto: A castanha-do-pará é uma semente comum no norte da América do Sul, sendo que o consumo dessa oleaginosa é associado a múltiplas funções benéficasao organismo humano. Nesse contexto, seu consumo passou a ser amplamente recomendado e muito disseminado em lojas que comercializam produtos nutricionais. Objetivo: Avaliar as evidências de benefícios do consumo da castanha-do-pará para a saúde humana. Material e Métodos: Trata-se de sinopse baseada em evidências. Procedeu-se à busca por estudos que associavam o consumo da castanha-do-pará à saúde humana em cinco bases de dados: PubMed (1966-2024), Cochrane Library (2024), Scopus (2024), EMBASE (1974-2024) e Portal BVS (1982-2024). O desfecho de análise envolveu o benefício da castanha-do-pará para a saúde humana. Resultados: Foram encontradas 47 citações. Cinco estudos (4 revisões sistemáticas e 1 ensaio clínico) foram incluídos. Discussão: A maioria dos estudos demonstrou o aumento dos níveis de biomarcadores e selênio com o consumo da castanha-do-pará. Um estudo avaliou os efeitos nos níveis de colesterol, havendo redução nos níveis de colesterol potencialmente aterogênico. Nesse contexto, de fato, o consumo de castanha-do- -pará melhora os biomarcadores e níveis de selênio, mas ainda há carência de estudos que avaliem os efeitos clínicos em doenças crônicas e principalmente cardiovasculares. Conclusões: O consumo regular de castanha-do-pará melhora os níveis de biomarcadores e selênio, mas novos estudos prospectivos são necessários para elucidação dos efeitos clínicos em doenças crônicas e, sobretudo, cardiovasculares.
Bertholletia , Evidence-Based Practice , Review , DietABSTRACT
Introducción. Etimológicamente la palabra íleo proviene del griego eileos que significa rodando o girando; es descrito como el retraso temporal de la motilidad gastrointestinal. Mundialmente es reconocido que el íleo postoperatorio es una de las principales complicaciones después de cirugía y representa un problema importante por su elevado costo sanitario. Se ha investigado respecto al uso preventivo de medidas físicas y farmacológicas, como los procinéticos, para el manejo del íleo postoperatorio. Métodos. Investigación clínico-terapéutica, comparativa, de corte longitudinal prospectivo de seguimiento, con muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, conformado por cuatro grupos con 25 pacientes cada uno, atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía General entre mayo y agosto de 2021. Resultados. Los pacientes presentaron una media de edad de 49,4 ± 19,6 años y el 53 % fueron hombres. El 86 % de los pacientes presentaron ruidos intestinales antes de 24 horas posteriores a la operación. La primera evacuación en los pacientes que ingirieron café tipo espresso fue a las 42,6 horas y para aquellos en el grupo de café americano fue a las 43,4 horas en comparación con 89,4 horas en el grupo control (p < 0,001). Conclusión. Se recomienda el uso del café como una medida segura y económica para el inicio de la dieta, como una alternativa al esquema tradicional, constituyéndose en una opción para el manejo del íleo postoperatorio
Introduction. Etymologically the word ileus comes from the Greek eileos, which means rolling or turning. It is described as the temporary delay of gastrointestinal motility. It is recognized worldwide that postoperative ileus is one of the main complications after surgery and represents an important problem due to its high healthcare cost. Research has been done regarding the preventive use of physical and pharmacological measures, such as prokinetics, for the management of postoperative ileus.Methods. Clinical-therapeutic, comparative, prospective longitudinal follow-up research, with non-probabilistic convenience sampling, made up of four groups with 25 patients each, treated in the General Surgery Service between May and August 2021. Results. The patients had a mean age of 49.4 ± 19.6 years and 53% were male; 86% of patients had bowel sounds within 24 hours after the operation. The first bowel movement in patients who ingested espresso coffee was 42.6 hours and for those in the American coffee group it was at 43.4 hours compared to 89.4 hours in the control group (p < 0.001). Conclusion. The use of coffee is recommended as a safe and economical measure to start the diet as an alternative to the traditional fashion, becoming an option for the management of postoperative ileus.
Humans , Postoperative Period , Coffee , Ileus , Diet , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Gastrointestinal MotilityABSTRACT
Introducción. La calidad de la alimentación es un derecho vinculado con la supervivencia, el crecimiento saludable, la prevención de enfermedades crónicas y malnutrición en todas sus formas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las prácticas de lactancia y de alimentación de menores de 2 años de áreas urbanas de la Argentina en 2018-19, según el nivel de ingreso de los hogares. Población y métodos. Estudio secundario con datos de la 2da. Encuesta Nacional de Nutrición y Salud 2018-19. Se analizaron indicadores de lactancia y alimentación complementaria, según metodología de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y Unicef. Se estratificó según nivel de ingresos del hogar. Resultados. El análisis incluyó 5763 menores de 24 meses. Aunque el 97 % fue alguna vez amamantado, solo el 47 % de los menores de 6 meses tuvo lactancia exclusiva el día previo y el 48 % mantenía la lactancia luego del año, con mayor prevalencia en los niños/as de menores ingresos. En el día previo, el 23 % de los niños/as de 6 a 23 meses no consumió ninguna verdura o fruta; el 60 % consumió alimentos no saludables y el 50 %, bebidas dulces. Las bebidas dulces y la ausencia de frutas y verduras fueron mayores en aquellos de hogares de menores ingresos. Conclusión. La calidad de la alimentación de los niños/as dista de las recomendaciones y está condicionada por los ingresos. En los sectores empobrecidos, es menor el inicio temprano de la lactancia, la diversidad alimentaria mínima y el consumo de frutas y verduras, y es mayor el consumo de bebidas dulces.
Introduction. Diet quality is a right related to survival, healthy growth, prevention of chronic diseases, and malnutrition in all its forms. The objective of this study was to analyze breastfeeding and feeding practices in children younger than 2 years from urban areas of Argentina in 20182019 according to their household income level. Population and methods. Secondary analysis of data of the Second National Survey on Nutrition and Health (ENNyS2) of 20182019. Breastfeeding and complementary feeding indicators proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) were analized. Data were stratified by household income level. Results. The analysis included 5763 children younger than 24 months old. Although 97% was ever breastfed, only 47% of infants younger than 6 months were exclusively breastfed the previous day and 48% continued with breastfeeding after 1 year old, with a higher prevalence in low-income children. The previous day, 23% of children aged 6 to 23 months did not eat any fruit or vegetable, 60% consumed unhealthy foods, and 50% consumed sweet beverages. The consumption of sweet beverages and the absence of fruit and vegetables were higher in low-income households. Conclusion. The quality of children's diet is far from the recommendations and is conditioned by income. Early initiation of breastfeeding, minimum dietary diversity, fruit and vegetable consumption are lower and sweet beverage consumption is greater in impoverished sectors.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Breast Feeding/statistics & numerical data , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Argentina , Socioeconomic Factors , Diet/statistics & numerical data , IncomeABSTRACT
Introduction: In areas with limited access to healthcare systems, Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) estimation is performed using predictive equations to calculate an individual's caloric requirement. One problem is that these equations were validated in populations with different characteristics from those in Latin America, such as race, height, or body mass, leading to potential errors in the prediction of this parameter. Objective: To determine the REE using predictive formulas compared with bioimpedance in Peruvians. Materials and methods: A comparative analytical cross-sectional study with secondary database analysis of the CRONICAS cohort. Results: we worked with a total of 666 subjects. The Mjeor equation was the one with the highest rating of 0.95, a lower mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 4.69%, and equivalence was found with the REE values. In the multiple regression, it was observed that the Mjeor equation was the one that least overestimated the REE, increasing 0.77 Kcal/day (95% CI: 0.769-0.814; p<0.001) for each point that increased the REE determined by bioimpedance. The strength of association between Mjeor and bioimpedance was 0.9037. Furthermore, in the regression of the data (weight, height, age) in the Mjeor equation it was observed that the coefficients obtained were the same as those used in the original equation. Conclusions: The Mjeor equation seems to be the most adequate to estimate the REE in the Peruvian population. Future prospective studies should confirm the usefulness of this formula with potential utility in primary health care(AU)
Introducción: En zonas con acceso limitado a sistemas de salud, la estimación del Gasto Energético en Reposo (GER) se realiza utilizando ecuaciones predictivas para calcular el requerimiento calórico de un individuo. Uno de los problemas es que estas ecuaciones fueron validadas en poblaciones con características diferentes a las latinoamericanas, como raza, talla o masa corporal, lo que conlleva a potenciales errores en la predicción de este parámetro. Objetivo: Determinar el GER mediante fórmulas predictivas comparadas con la bioimpedancia en peruanos. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal analítico comparativo con análisis secundario de base de datos de la cohorte CRONICAS. Resultados: Se trabajó con un total de 666 sujetos. La ecuación de Mjeor fue la que obtuvo la puntuación más alta de 0,95, un error medio porcentual absoluto (MAPE) inferior de 4,69%, y se encontró equivalencia con los valores del GER. En la regresión múltiple, se observó que la ecuación de Mjeor fue la que menos sobreestimó el GER, aumentando 0,77 Kcal/día (IC 95%: 0,769-0,814; p<0,001) por cada punto que aumentaba el GER determinado por bioimpedancia. La fuerza de asociación entre Mjeor y bioimpedancia fue de 0,9037. Además, en la regresión de los datos (peso, talla, edad) de la ecuación de Mjeor se observó que los coeficientes obtenidos eran los mismos que los utilizados en la ecuación original. Conclusiones: La ecuación de Mjeor parece ser la más adecuada para estimar el GER en la población peruana. Futuros estudios prospectivos deberán confirmar la utilidad de esta fórmula para su potencial utilidad en la atención primaria de salud(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Electric Impedance , Energy Metabolism , Forecasting , Body Mass Index , Racial Groups , Diet , ObesityABSTRACT
Background: Potato peel extract has demonstrated the ability to reduce platelet aggregation in vitro, suggesting its potential as a dietary intervention for preventing atherothrombotic disorders. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the impact of a potato peel-rich diet on platelet aggregation. Methods: A randomized, crossover-controlled, open two-period study was carried out with the participation of 12 healthy volunteers. Platelet aggregation was assessed before and after a seven-day dietary intervention. Participants consumed either a diet rich in potato peel (2 g/kg/d) or acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) as a reference (100 mg/d). Platelet aggregation percentages were measured following stimulation with arachidonic acid (AA, 150 µg/mL), adenosine diphosphate (ADP, 10 µM), and collagen (COL, 10 µg/mL). Results: The potato peel-rich diet resulted in a slight but significant reduction in platelet aggregation when stimulated with arachidonic acid compared to baseline values (85.0±2.0% vs. 91.3±1.7%, p<0.05). This effect was less pronounced than the reduction achieved with ASA (16±1.9%, p<0.001). Conclusion: The administration of a diet rich in potato peel reduces platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid, suggesting its potential role in the prevention of atherothrombotic disorders.
Introducción: El extracto de cáscara de patata ha demostrado su capacidad para reducir la agregación plaquetaria in vitro, lo que sugiere su potencial como intervención dietética para prevenir trastornos aterotrombóticos. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de una dieta rica en cáscara de patata en la agregación plaquetaria. Materiales y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio aleatorizado, controlado, cruzado y abierto con la participación de 12 voluntarios sanos. Se evaluó la agregación plaquetaria antes y después de una intervención dietética de siete días. Los participantes consumieron una dieta rica en cáscara de patata (2 g/kg/d) o ácido acetilsalicílico (ASA) como referente (100 mg/d). Se midieron los porcentajes de agregación plaquetaria después de la estimulación con ácido araquidónico (AA, 150 µg/mL), difosfato de adenosina (ADP, 10 µM) y colágeno (COL, 10 µg/mL). Resultados: La dieta rica en cáscara de patata resultó en una ligera pero significativa reducción en la agregación plaquetaria cuando se estimuló con ácido araquidónico en comparación con los valores iniciales (85,0 ± 2,0% vs. 91,3 ± 1,7%, p <0,05). Este efecto fue menos pronunciado que la reducción lograda con ASA (16 ± 1,9%, p <0,001). Conclusión: La administración de una dieta rica en cáscara de patata reduce la agregación plaquetaria inducida por ácido araquidónico, lo que sugiere su papel potencial en la prevención de trastornos aterotrombóticos.
Humans , Platelet Aggregation , Solanum tuberosum , Chlorogenic Acid , Arachidonic Acid , DietABSTRACT
Introducción. Contar con los datos del consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados en los niños resulta importante para planificar políticas públicas. Objetivos. Describir la prevalencia de consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados en menores de 2 años e identificar factores asociados. Describir la proporción que los alimentos ultraprocesados representan del número total de los alimentos consumidos en el día. Métodos. Análisis secundario de los datos de niños entre 6 y 23 meses de edad con al menos un recordatorio de 24 horas de consumo de alimentos de la Segunda Encuesta Nacional de Nutrición y Salud de Argentina del año 2018. Se estudiaron como variables principales: "consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados" (según el sistema NOVA) categorizada en sí/no y la "proporción de ultraprocesados del total de alimentos consumidos". Los factores asociados explorados fueron lactancia materna, sexo, edad y el número de alimentos no ultraprocesados consumidos. Se realizó un modelo de regresión logística multivariable y se aplicó un factor de expansión para ponderar los datos. Resultados. Se incluyeron 4224 niños (ponderado 908 104). La prevalencia de consumo de ultraprocesados fue del 90,8 % (IC95%: 89,5-92) y fue asociado con mayor edad (OR 3,21; IC95% 2,28-4,52) y con el número de alimentos no ultraprocesados consumidos (OR 1,17; IC95% 1,13-1,23). Los ultraprocesados representaron una mediana del 20 % (RIC: 12,5-28,6 %) del total de alimentos consumidos en el día. Conclusiones. Este estudio señala la alta penetración de los alimentos ultraprocesados en la alimentación complementaria.
Introduction. The availability of data on the consumption of ultra-processed foods among children is important for planning public policies. Objectives. To describe the prevalence of consumption of ultra-processed foods in children under 2 years of age and identify associated factors. To describe the proportion that ultra-processed foods represent out of the total number of foods consumed in a day. Methods. Secondary analysis of data from children aged 623 months with at least a 24-hour recall of food consumption based on the Second National Survey on Nutrition and Health of Argentina (2018). The following primary variables were studied: "consumption of ultra-processed foods" (according to the NOVA system) categorized into yes/no and "proportion of ultra-processed out of total foods consumed." The following associated factors were studied: breastfeeding, sex, age, and number of non-ultra-processed foods consumed. A multivariate logistic regression model was developed and an expansion factor was applied to weight the data. Results. A total of 4224 children were included (weighed: 908 104). The prevalence of ultra-processed food consumption was 90.8% (95% CI: 89.592) and was associated with an older age (OR: 3.21, 95% CI: 2.284.52) and the number of non-ultra-processed foods consumed (OR: 1.17, 95% CI: 1.131.23). Ultra-processed foods accounted for a median 20% (IQR: 12.528.6%) of all foods consumed in a day. Conclusions. This study highlights the high penetration of ultra-processed foods in complementary feeding.
Humans , Infant , Diet , Food, Processed , Argentina , Fast Foods , Food HandlingABSTRACT
Introdução: As cefaleias são consideradas um importante problema de saúde pública e estima-se que são a segunda queixa mais comum de dor, sendo a enxaqueca uma das mais presentes. O tratamento da enxaqueca pode ser sintomático ou profilático, a fim de reduzir os sintomas em períodos de crise e evitar que novas crises se instalem, destacando a importância da adoção de hábitos saudáveis e uma alimentação equilibrada. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura, destacando os principais achados sobre a importância da alimentação e nutrição para indivíduos acometidos pela enxaqueca. Metodologia: foi realizado um levantamento de estudos nas bases de dados: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS); Medline, LILACS, SciELO e Google Acadêmico, além de ter sido considerada a lista de referências dos trabalhos consultados, utilizando a estratégia PECO, onde P (population) indica a população, a letra E (exposure) exposição, C (comparison) comparação e a letra O (outcome) se refere aos desfechos esperados, assim gerou a pergunta norteadora do estudo: "Qual é a importância da alimentação e nutrição para indivíduos com enxaqueca?". Resultados: Foram selecionados 15 estudos para a produção do presente trabalho e foi realizada uma síntese descritiva dos resultados obtidos da relação e influência de hábitos alimentares com a enxaqueca. Conclusões: Conclui-se que os hábitos alimentares e a nutrição adequada têm grande influência e importância para indivíduos com enxaqueca, pois dessa forma, podem reduzir os sintomas apresentados e crises, já que as substâncias presentes nos alimentos estão relacionadas com o início e intensificação das crises (AU).
Introduction: Headaches are considered an important public health problem and are estimated to be the second most common pain complaint, with migraines being one of the most common. Migraine treatment is symptomatic and prophylactic to reduce symptoms when an attack starts and prevent new ones from forming, highlighting the importance of adopting healthy habits and a balanced diet. Objective: The purpose of this study was to carry out an integrative review of the literature in order to highlight the main findings on the influence of eating habits and the importance of nutrition for migraine patients. Methodology:A survey study was performed in the following databases: Virtual Health Library (VHL); Medline, LILACS, SciELO, and Google Scholar, in addition to considering the reference list of the consulted works. The PECO P (population) E (exposure) C (comparison) O (outcome) strategy was used, which generated the guiding question of the study: 'How important is food and nutrition for people with chronic migraines?'. Results:A total of 15 studies were selected to analyze in this work and a descriptive synthesis of the results was performed on the relationship and influence of eating habits of people with chronic migraines. Conclusions:It was concluded that eating habits and adequate nutrition have great influence and importance for migraine patients, as they are one of the main culprits of triggering and intensifying attacks (AU).
Introducción: Las cefaleas son consideradas un importante problema de salud pública y se estima que son la segunda queja más común de dolor, siendo la jaqueca una de las más frecuentes. El tratamiento de la jaqueca puede ser sintomático o profiláctico, con el fin de reducir los síntomas en periodos de crisis y evitar que nuevas ocurran, destacando la importancia de una adopción de hábitos saludables y una alimentación equilibrada. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión integrativa de la literatura, destacando los principales hallazgos sobre la importancia de la alimentación y nutrición en personas afectadas por la jaqueca. Metodología: Fue realizada una investigación de los estudios en las bases de dados: Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS); Medline, LILACS, SciELO y Google Académico, además de considerar la lista de referencias de los trabajos consultados, utilizando la estrategia PECO, donde P (population) indica la población, la letra E (exposure) exposición, C (comparison) comparación y la letra O (outcome) se refiere a los resultados esperados, así fue generada la pregunta guía del estudio: "¿Cuál es la importancia de la alimentación y nutrición para las personas con jaqueca?" Resultados: Fueron seccionados 15 estudios para la producción del presente trabajo y fue realizada una síntesis descriptiva de los resultados obtenidos de la relación e influencia de los hábitos alimentarios con la jaqueca. Conclusiones: Se concluye que los hábitos alimentarios y la nutrición adecuada tienen gran influencia e importancia para las personas conjaqueca, pues de esta forma, pueden reducir los síntomas presentados y crisis, ya que las sustancias presentes en los alimentos están relacionadas con el inicio e intensificación de las crisis (AU).
Humans , Migraine without Aura/prevention & control , Nutritional Sciences/methods , Feeding Behavior , Food , Diet/methods , Migraine Disorders/diagnosisABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: The sea urchin Diadema mexicanum, due to its bioerosion activity, is considered of ecological importance. This phenomenon could negatively or positively affect coral reef ecosystems. The bioerosion process varies according to the abundance and size of the sea urchin. Objective: Juvenile organisms possess different metabolic needs compared to adults, so knowing their stomach content according to size allows us to quantify the selection of substrate bioeroded. Methods: To determine this, D. mexicanum individuals were collected in 12 sites from January 2009 to September 2010 along the Eastern Tropical Pacific coast. The stomach content was categorized in Carbonated Fraction (CF), Non-Carbonated Fraction (NCF), and Organic Matter (OM). Stomach content was analyzed according to a) juvenile (< 2.5 cm) or adult (> 2.5 cm) stage and b) locality. Results: Juveniles presented the following stomach content average percentages: 20.7 % OM, 12 % NCF and 67.9 % CF; and adults: 11.4 % OM, 14.8 % NCF and 73.8 % CF. Based on a Wilcoxon test and a Kendall linear regression, the following results were obtained. The carbonated fraction in the stomach increased by 0.47 units on average for every cm of growth (p < 0.05). OM consumed by D. mexicanum increases only 0.05 units for every cm of growth (p < 0.05). We found a difference of stomach content depending on the site (p < 0.05) and life stage (p < 0.05). Localities like Huatulco and Coco presented significant differences that could be related to local oceanographic conditions. Conclusions: We relate these changes of the stomach fractions to the necessity of the juvenile sea urchins for nutrients to maintain their growth. The amount of OM is crucial for the development of early stages, meaning that there is a difference in substrate selection associated with growth.
Resumen Introducción: El erizo de mar Diadema mexicanum, por su actividad de bioerosión, es considerado de importancia ecológica. Este fenómeno podría afectar negativa o positivamente a los ecosistemas de arrecifes de coral. El proceso de bioerosión varía según la abundancia y el tamaño del erizo de mar. Objetivo: Los organismos juveniles poseen diferentes necesidades metabólicas en comparación con los adultos, por lo que conocer el contenido estomacal según el tamaño, nos permite cuantificar la selección de sustrato bioerosionado. Métodos: Para determinar esto, se recolectaron individuos de D. mexicanum en 12 sitios desde enero de 2009 hasta septiembre de 2010 a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico Tropical Oriental. El contenido estomacal se clasificó en Fracción Carbonatada (FC), Fracción No Carbonatada (NCF) y Materia Orgánica (MO). El contenido estomacal se analizó según a) estadio juvenil (< 3 cm) o adulto (> 3 cm) y b) localidad. Resultados: Los juveniles presentaron los siguientes porcentajes promedio del contenido estomacal: 20.7 % OM, 12 % NCF y 67.9 % CF; y adultos: 11.4 % OM, 14.8 % NCF y 73.8 % CF. Con base en una prueba de Wilcoxon y una regresión lineal de Kendall, se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados. La fracción carbonatada en el estómago aumentó en promedio 0.47 unidades por cada cm de crecimiento (p < 0.05). La MO consumida por D. mexicanum aumenta solo 0.05 unidades por cada cm de crecimiento (p < 0.05). Encontramos una diferencia en el contenido estomacal según el sitio (p < 0.05) y el estadio de vida (P < 0.05). Localidades como Huatulco y Coco presentaron diferencias significativas que podrían estar relacionadas con las condiciones oceanográficas locales. Conclusiones: Relacionamos estos cambios de la composición porcentual del contenido estomacal con la necesidad de los erizos de mar juveniles de nutrientes para mantener su crecimiento. La cantidad de MO es crucial para el desarrollo de las primeras etapas, lo que significa que existe una diferencia en la selección de sustrato asociada con el crecimiento.
Animals , Sea Urchins/growth & development , Beach Erosion , Coral Reefs , DietABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Echinoderms, an integral component of marine ecosystems worldwide, have captivated scientific interest for centuries. Despite this longstanding attention, comprehending key facets such as trophic relationships, diet composition, and host-microbiota relationships still represents a challenge using traditional techniques. Recent years, however, have witnessed a transformative shift, thanks to the emergence of advanced molecular techniques, offering new approaches to strengthen ecological studies in echinoderms. Objective: Explore how recent advancements in molecular tools have impacted ecological research on echinoderms. Specifically, we aim to investigate the potential of these tools to shed light on trophic interactions, diet composition, and the characterization of gut microbial communities in these organisms. Methods: Available literature was used to clarify how novel molecular techniques can improve ecological studies. The focus is diet, trophic relationships, and gut microbiota. Results: Traditionally, studies of stomach contents using compound microscopy have provided an idea of ingested material; nevertheless, sometimes a simple magnified visualization of dietary content does not allow exhaustive identification of the entire food spectrum, as it is limited due to the rapid digestion and maceration of food items within the echinoderm's digestive tract. The use of DNA-metabarcoding, targeting specific DNA regions, such as the mitochondrial COI gene, has allowed us to enhance the accuracy and precision of diet characterization by enabling the identification of prey items down to the species or even genetic variant level, providing valuable insights into specific dietary preferences. Another approach is the use of stable isotopes, particularly carbon and nitrogen, which provide a powerful tool to trace the origin and flow of nutrients through food webs. By analyzing the isotopic signatures in muscular tissues and food items, we can discern the sources of their primary food items and gain insights into their trophic position within the ecosystem. Lastly, a third new technique used to elucidate the characterization of the prokaryotic community is 16S rRNA sequencing. This method allows us to explore the composition and dynamics of the digestive tract microbial communities. Conclusions: This is a promising era for ecological research on echinoderms, where advances of molecular tools have enabled an unprecedented level of detail, resolving longstanding challenges in comprehending their trophic interactions, diet composition, and host-microbiota relationships, and opening new avenues of investigation in ecological studies.
Resumen Introducción: Los equinodermos, un componente integral de los ecosistemas marinos en todo el mundo, han captado el interés científico durante siglos. A pesar de esta prolongada atención, el comprender facetas clave como las relaciones tróficas, la composición de la dieta y las relaciones huésped-microbiota todavía representa un desafío utilizando técnicas tradicionales. Sin embargo, los últimos años han sido testigos de un cambio transformador, gracias a la aparición de técnicas moleculares avanzadas, que ofrecen nuevos enfoques para fortalecer los estudios ecológicos en equinodermos. Objetivo: Explorar cómo los avances recientes en herramientas moleculares han impactado la investigación ecológica sobre equinodermos. Específicamente, nuestro objetivo es investigar el potencial de estas herramientas para arrojar luz sobre las interacciones tróficas, la composición de la dieta y la caracterización de las comunidades microbianas intestinales en estos organismos. Métodos: Se utilizó la literatura disponible para aclarar cómo las nuevas técnicas moleculares pueden mejorar los estudios ecológicos. La atención se centra en la dieta, las relaciones tróficas y la microbiota intestinal. Resultados: Tradicionalmente, los estudios del contenido estomacal mediante microscopía compuesta han proporcionado una idea del material ingerido; Sin embargo, a veces una simple visualización ampliada del contenido dietético no permite una identificación exhaustiva de todo el espectro alimentario, ya que está limitado debido a la rápida digestión y maceración de los alimentos dentro del tracto digestivo del equinodermo. El uso de metabarcoding de ADN, dirigidos a regiones específicas del ADN, como el gen COI mitocondrial, nos ha permitido mejorar la exactitud y precisión de la caracterización de la dieta al permitir la identificación de presas hasta el nivel de especie o incluso de variante genética, lo que proporciona valiosos resultados sobre preferencias dietéticas específicas. Otro enfoque es el uso de isótopos estables, en particular carbono y nitrógeno, que proporcionan una poderosa herramienta para rastrear el origen y el flujo de nutrientes a través de las redes alimentarias. Al analizar las firmas isotópicas en los tejidos musculares y los alimentos, podemos discernir las fuentes de sus alimentos primarios y obtener información sobre su posición trófica dentro del ecosistema. Por último, una tercera técnica nueva utilizada para dilucidar la caracterización de la comunidad procariótica es la secuenciación del ARNr 16S. Este método nos permite explorar la composición y dinámica de las comunidades microbianas del tracto digestivo. Conclusiones: Esta es una era prometedora para la investigación ecológica sobre equinodermos, donde los avances de las herramientas moleculares han permitido un nivel de detalle sin precedentes, resolviendo desafíos de larga data en la comprensión de sus interacciones tróficas, composición de la dieta y relaciones huésped-microbiota, y abriendo nuevas vías de investigación. en estudios ecológicos.
Animals , Molecular Diagnostic Techniques , Diet , Echinodermata , DNA , IsotopesABSTRACT
Objective: To synthesize evidence involving pathophysiological and clinical-epidemiological linking mechanisms in women with breast cancer and metabolic syndrome. Method: This is a structured scoping review according to the Joanna Briggs Institute and was conducted in the PubMed, BDENF, LILACS, IBECS, CUMED, WPRIM, BINACIS, and Embase databases. This review is registered in the Open Science Framework. Result: Regarding the level of evidence of the included studies, moderate and strong evidence levels were predominant. There were no weak evidence findings in this research. The chronic inflammatory state of breast adipose tissue in patients with obesity can worsen the negative impact on cancer cells, directly affecting survival and recurrence. Unexplained weight gain or loss is associated with shorter survival in women with breast cancer, highlighting the need for specific guidance during treatment. Conclusion: Metabolic syndrome is associated with the risk of breast cancer; however, massive weight loss during active disease can be associated with a worse prognosis and should therefore be prevented. Patients should be advised to maintain a stable weight during chemotherapy and to receive guidance on adequate nutrition and physical activity to increase muscle mass
Objetivo: Sintetizar as principais evidências envolvendo os mecanismos de ligação fisiopatológico e clínico-epidemiológico em mulheres com câncer de mama e a síndrome metabólica. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo estruturada conforme o Instituto Joanna Briggs, realizado nas bases de dados PubMed, BDENF, LILACS, IBECS, CUMED, WPRIM, BINACIS e Embase. Esta revisão encontra-se protocolada no Open Science Framework. Resultado: Com relação ao nível de evidência dos estudos inclusos, houve predominância para níveis fortes de evidência. Não houve achados de evidência fraca nesta pesquisa. O estado inflamatório crônico do tecido adiposo mamário em casos de obesidade pode agravar o impacto negativo nas células cancerígenas, afetando diretamente a sobrevida e recorrência. Ganho ou perda de peso inexplicável estão associados a uma menor sobrevida em mulheres com câncer de mama, sublinhando a necessidade de orientações específicas durante o tratamento. Conclusão: A síndrome metabólica esta associada ao risco de câncer de mama, entretanto, a perda maciça de peso durante a doença ativa pode ser um fator de pior prognóstico, devendo assim, ser realizada de forma preventiva. Os pacientes devem ser orientados a manter um peso estável durante a quimioterapia e receber orientações sobre alimentação adequada e atividade física em busca de aumento de massa muscular
Humans , Female , Therapeutics , Breast , Breast Neoplasms , Exercise , Cells , Metabolic Syndrome , Patients , Prognosis , Recurrence , Research , Science , Women , Weight Gain , Weight Loss , Adipose Tissue , Disease , Risk , PubMed , Diet , Drug Therapy , Nutritional Sciences , LILACS , Methods , Muscles , Neoplasms , ObesityABSTRACT
Introducción. Las masculinidades representan roles sociales diversos y un estereotipo masculino que limita el desarrollo de tareas domésticas, entre otras, el estar a cargo de la alimentación familiar. Objetivo. Interpretar los relatos de personas mayores sobre el rol de las masculinidades en la transmisión alimentaria familiar. Materiales y Métodos. Estudio exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo utilizando la metodología de la Teoría Fundamentada de Strauss y Corbin. Participaron personas mayores de género masculino, a los que se les aplicó entrevista semiestructurada. Los datos fueron analizados a través de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva, lo que permitió identificar las categorías centrales que fueron la base del levantamiento de teoría que responde al objeto de estudio. La investigación fue avalada por comité de ética científica. Resultados. Se reconoce una cesión social de hábitos, patrones y costumbres alimentarias familiares en este grupo de personas, en especial, en etapas nóveles de su trayectoria vital. Como personas mayores, las masculinidades se adaptan a los cuidados y necesidades de sus respectivos hogares, ayudando en las compras de alimentos, elaborando preparaciones culinarias o reconociendo miembros masculinos de sus familias en el traspaso intergeneracional de saberes alimentarios. Conclusión. Desde los relatos de personas mayores participantes, las masculinidades presentan una dinámica familiar que comienza a desmitificar el rol de género femenino en el traspaso cultural de la alimentación.
Introduction. masculinities represent diverse social roles and a male stereotype that limits the development of domestic tasks, among others, be in charge of family feeding. Objective. to interpret the stories of older people about the role of masculinities in the family food transmission. Material and methods. exploratory study with qualitative approach using the methodology of the Grounded Theory of Strauss and Corbin. Elderly male participants participated, to whom a semi-structured interview was applied. The data were analyzed through open, axial and selective coding, which allowed identifying the central categories that were the basis of the theory survey that responds to the object of study. The research was endorsed by the scientific ethics committee. Results. a social transfer of family eating habits, patterns and customs is recognized in this group of people, especially in the new stages of their life trajectory. As older people, masculinities adapt to the care and needs of their respective homes, in particular, in new stages of their life trajectory. As older people, masculinities adapt to the care and needs of their respective homes, assisting in food purchases, preparing culinary preparations or recognizing male members of their families in the intergenerational transfer of food knowledge. Conclusion. From the stories of elderly participants, masculinities present a family dynamic that begins to demystify the female gender role in the cultural transfer of food.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Diet , Masculinity , Qualitative Research , Gender RoleABSTRACT
Objective@#A diabetes prevention program is being proposed in the rural agricultural town of San Juan, Batangas, Philippines. This study aims to determine the prevailing level of food intake, physical activity, and health beliefs prior to any intervention.@*Methodology@#Adults were recruited via random sampling with proportional allocation. Interviews were done to determine food intake and physical activity. Small group discussions were held to determine prevailing health beliefs.@*Results@#The average energy intake (1,547 kcal/d) is only 72% of the recommended values for Filipinos. Only 12% of the respondents achieved the recommended energy intake. Carbohydrates comprise a large part (71%) of calorie intake. A majority (91%) already have moderate to high levels of physical activity. There are prevailing health beliefs that need to be considered when dietary modifications and physical activity interventions are to be done.@*Conclusion@#Internationally recommended diabetes prevention interventions such as reducing calorie intake and increasing physical activity may not be directly applicable here. We recommend that the features of a diabetes prevention program for this locale must include the following: 1) introduction of affordable plant sources of proteins; 2) decreasing the proportion of rice as a source of carbohydrates in the diet; 3) maintaining the level of physical activity; and 4) being sensitive to the prevailing health beliefs.
Culture , Diet , Life Style , Prediabetic State , Rural PopulationABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the association between the intake and changes in various types of food and the changes in blood pressure in patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Methods: Mild to moderate hypertension participants with complete baseline and outcome data were included from DECIDE-Diet study, a multicenter, randomized controlled trial. Dietary records and blood pressure measurements at both 7-day run-in (baseline) and 28-day intervention phases were collected for enrolled participants. Blood pressure change was defined as the difference between blood pressure at the end of trial and the baseline blood pressure. Baseline intake of food was the average daily intake during the run-in period, and the intake increment was defined as the difference between the average intake during the trial period and the average intake during the run-in period. After adjusting for age, sex, study center, intervention groups, baseline body mass index (kg/m2), antihypertension medication use, and baseline total calorie intake, a linear regression model was used to analyze the associations of the before-after-intervention change in blood pressure with baseline intake and intake increment of foods. Results: A total of 258 patients with mild to moderate hypertension were included, including 133 males, aged (56.5±9.9) years. (1) After adjusting for confounding factors, there was no significant association between baseline intake of food and baseline blood pressure (all P>0.05). The blood pressure change was negatively associated with baseline intakes of tubers, vegetables, and vegetable oils but positively with baseline intake of meats; and was negatively associated with intake increment of whole grains and fish (all P<0.05). (2) The multiple linear regression analysis showed that baseline intake of vegetables (β=-0.021, P=0.004), vegetable oils (β=-0.260, P=0.002), and increment in intake of fish (β=-0.128, P=0.026) were all significantly associated with changes in systolic blood pressure; baseline intake of vegetables (β=-0.017, P=0.002), vegetable oils (β=-0.182, P=0.001), dairy products (β=0.021, P=0.022), and increment in intake of fish (β=-0.092, P=0.010) were all significantly associated with changes in diastolic blood pressure. Conclusion: Increasing the intake of whole grains, vegetables, vegetable oils, and fish and decreasing the intake of meat may be beneficial for blood pressure control in patients with mild to moderate hypertension.
Male , Adult , Animals , Humans , Blood Pressure , Fruit , Diet , Hypertension , Vegetables , Plant OilsABSTRACT
Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have become diseases that seriously threaten the health and quality of life of the Chinese population, and also become a major public health problem affecting the national economic and social development. With the intensification of China's population aging, the economic burden caused by NCDs will further increase. More and more evidence has shown that NCDs could be prevented, and the prevention and control of NCDs have been considered as a core task of building a healthy China. Therefore, precise personalized nutrition and the prevention of NCDs from the age of zero, which is called the "Double Zero Strategy", would provide a well-consolidated basis for body tissue structure, and prevention of NCDs should also begin at age zero, and then extend to the first 1 000 days of life. The "Double Zero Strategy" preventive intervention can improve the nutritional status, balance diet and nutrition, and increase physical activity among children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly, all of which can reduce the risk of chronic disease, disability, and death. Therefore, launching the "Double Zero Strategy" for full life cycle prevention will help to achieve China's health goals in the new era, and provide more comprehensive measures and plans for implementing the goal of a healthy China.
Adult , Child , Adolescent , Humans , Aged , Infant, Newborn , Prevalence , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Quality of Life , Public Health , DietABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the association between the intake and changes in various types of food and the changes in blood pressure in patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Methods: Mild to moderate hypertension participants with complete baseline and outcome data were included from DECIDE-Diet study, a multicenter, randomized controlled trial. Dietary records and blood pressure measurements at both 7-day run-in (baseline) and 28-day intervention phases were collected for enrolled participants. Blood pressure change was defined as the difference between blood pressure at the end of trial and the baseline blood pressure. Baseline intake of food was the average daily intake during the run-in period, and the intake increment was defined as the difference between the average intake during the trial period and the average intake during the run-in period. After adjusting for age, sex, study center, intervention groups, baseline body mass index (kg/m2), antihypertension medication use, and baseline total calorie intake, a linear regression model was used to analyze the associations of the before-after-intervention change in blood pressure with baseline intake and intake increment of foods. Results: A total of 258 patients with mild to moderate hypertension were included, including 133 males, aged (56.5±9.9) years. (1) After adjusting for confounding factors, there was no significant association between baseline intake of food and baseline blood pressure (all P>0.05). The blood pressure change was negatively associated with baseline intakes of tubers, vegetables, and vegetable oils but positively with baseline intake of meats; and was negatively associated with intake increment of whole grains and fish (all P<0.05). (2) The multiple linear regression analysis showed that baseline intake of vegetables (β=-0.021, P=0.004), vegetable oils (β=-0.260, P=0.002), and increment in intake of fish (β=-0.128, P=0.026) were all significantly associated with changes in systolic blood pressure; baseline intake of vegetables (β=-0.017, P=0.002), vegetable oils (β=-0.182, P=0.001), dairy products (β=0.021, P=0.022), and increment in intake of fish (β=-0.092, P=0.010) were all significantly associated with changes in diastolic blood pressure. Conclusion: Increasing the intake of whole grains, vegetables, vegetable oils, and fish and decreasing the intake of meat may be beneficial for blood pressure control in patients with mild to moderate hypertension.
Male , Adult , Animals , Humans , Blood Pressure , Fruit , Diet , Hypertension , Vegetables , Plant OilsABSTRACT
Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have become diseases that seriously threaten the health and quality of life of the Chinese population, and also become a major public health problem affecting the national economic and social development. With the intensification of China's population aging, the economic burden caused by NCDs will further increase. More and more evidence has shown that NCDs could be prevented, and the prevention and control of NCDs have been considered as a core task of building a healthy China. Therefore, precise personalized nutrition and the prevention of NCDs from the age of zero, which is called the "Double Zero Strategy", would provide a well-consolidated basis for body tissue structure, and prevention of NCDs should also begin at age zero, and then extend to the first 1 000 days of life. The "Double Zero Strategy" preventive intervention can improve the nutritional status, balance diet and nutrition, and increase physical activity among children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly, all of which can reduce the risk of chronic disease, disability, and death. Therefore, launching the "Double Zero Strategy" for full life cycle prevention will help to achieve China's health goals in the new era, and provide more comprehensive measures and plans for implementing the goal of a healthy China.
Adult , Child , Adolescent , Humans , Aged , Infant, Newborn , Prevalence , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Quality of Life , Public Health , DietABSTRACT
The use of alternative nutritional sources is an important topic for animal production such as poultry. This study examined the effect of replacing soybean meal with sunflower leaf meal in the diet of laying shaver brown pullets. A total of 30 laying birds were assigned to three treatments of 0% (as control group), 10% and 15% MSFLM inclusion. Four eggs per replicate were randomly taken for three consecutive days at two weeks interval for five times, and 18 weeks individuals were selected after 40 days of experimental time. External parameters of the eggs (egg weight, egg length, egg breadth and egg shape index, shell thickness), and body parameters (Final body weight, weight gain), feed intake and hen day production were measured. For egg length, egg breadth and shell thickness showed significant difference (p< 0.05) in from the control birds. Final body weight, weight gain, feed intake and hen day production showed comparable results with values from eggs of birds on control diet. The study revealed the ability of birds to easily utilize the nutrients in the protein sources. MSFLM utilization up to 15% in pullets' diet revealed no detrimental effect on the performance of the laying birds and the external qualities of eggs produced.
O uso de fontes nutricionais alternativas é um tópico importante para a produção animal, como a avicultura. Este estudo examinou o efeito da substituição do farelo de soja por farelo de folha de girassol na dieta de frangas marrons barbeadoras poedeiras. Um total de 30 aves poedeiras foram designadas a três tratamentos de 0% (como grupo controle), 10% e 15% de inclusão MSFLM. Quatro ovos por repetição foram retirados aleatoriamente por três dias consecutivos em intervalos de duas semanas por cinco vezes, e indivíduos de 18 semanas foram selecionados após 40 dias do tempo experimental. Parâmetros externos dos ovos (peso do ovo, comprimento do ovo, largura do ovo e índice de forma do ovo, espessura da casca) e parâmetros corporais (peso corporal final, ganho de peso), consumo de ração e produção diária da galinha foram medidos. Para comprimento do ovo, largura do ovo e espessura da casca apresentaram diferença significativa (p <0,05) nas aves controle. Peso corporal final, ganho de peso, consumo de ração e produção de dia de galinha mostraram resultados comparáveis ââcom valores de ovos de aves em dieta controle. O estudo revelou a capacidade das aves de utilizar facilmente os nutrientes das fontes de proteína. A utilização de MSFLM até 15% na dieta das frangas não revelou nenhum efeito prejudicial no desempenho das aves poedeiras e nas qualidades externas dos ovos produzidos.
Animals , Poultry/growth & development , Chickens/growth & development , Diet , HelianthusABSTRACT
The demand for products to replace high-cost raw materials, such oil and fish meal, in the manufacture of feed for use in aquaculture, while also guaranteeing the nutritional quality of the diets, is increasing. Silage produced with fish and vegetables residues is a low-cost and efficient protein source. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physiological and biochemical responses of tambaqui fingerlings fed four different levels of silage included in commercial feed with 28% crude protein, over two periods: 45 and 90 days. Each treatment was carried out over three replications, with 10 tambaqui in each 100 L experimental tank. At the end of each established period, blood samples were collected from five animals from each repetition to determine the hematological and biochemical variables. Body weight and total length, hepatosomatic and liposomal indices and hematocrit of specimens fed with diets supplemented with silage did not exhibit significant changes in both assessment period. After 45 days of feeding, the hemoglobin concentration increased when tambaqui were fed a diet including 20% silage. The red blood cell count, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin did not change between treatments in either period. The total protein concentrations increased significantly in the plasma of tambaqui fed with diets with the inclusion of 5 and 10% of silage, evaluated after feeding for 45 days. It was found that the groups which had silage included in their diet did not exhibit significant alterations in the evaluated parameters, and the diet was therefore not consider harmful to the health of tambaqui. Therefore, the use of silage as a feed supplement during tambaqui farming is a sustainable alternative for producers, as it leads to a reduction of impacts of fish and vegetables waste disposal.
A procura por insumos que substituam produtos de alto custo, como óleo e farinha de peixe, na fabricação de rações para uso na aquicultura é crescente, sendo necessário garantir a qualidade nutricional das dietas. A silagem produzida a partir de resíduos de pescado e de vegetais apresenta-se como uma alternativa de baixo custo e eficiente fonte proteica. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as respostas fisiológicas e bioquímicas de alevinos de tambaqui alimentados com quatro níveis de inclusão de silagem em ração comercial com 28% de proteína bruta, em dois períodos: 45 e 90 dias. Cada tratamento foi realizado em três repetições, com 10 tambaquis em cada caixa experimental de 100 L. Ao término de cada período estabelecido, amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas de cinco animais de cada repetição para determinação das variáveis hematológicas e bioquímicas. Peso, comprimento total e índices hepatossomático e lipossomático de espécimes alimentados com silagem não mostraram alterações significativas em ambos os períodos de avaliação, bem como os valores de hematócrito. A concentração de hemoglobina de tambaqui após 45 dias de alimentação aumentou quando foi fornecida dieta com inclusão de 20% de silagem. A contagem de eritrócitos, volume corpuscular médio e hemoglobina corpuscular média não apresentaram alterações entre os tratamentos, em ambos os períodos. As proteínas totais aumentaram significativamente no plasma de tambaquis que receberam dietas com inclusão de 5 e 10% de silagem, avaliados após 45 dias de alimentação. Evidenciou-se que os grupos com inclusão de silagem na dieta não apresentaram alterações significativas nos parâmetros avaliados, assim não sendo prejudiciais à higidez do tambaqui. Portanto, o uso da silagem como suplemento alimentar durante o cultivo do tambaqui é uma alternativa sustentável para produtores, por promover a redução do descarte de resíduos de pescado e da agricultura.
Animals , Aquaculture , Dietary Supplements , Costs and Cost Analysis , Diet , Fishes/growth & developmentABSTRACT
Abstract The present study aimed to determine the effect of different levels of protein on the growth, body composition, amino acid profile and serology of Channa marulius fingerlings. The experiment was conducted in ten happas installed in earthen ponds, each stocked with 10 fishes for 90 days. Four commercial fish feeds having 25%, 30%, 32% and 40% crude protein (CP) levels were fed to fish at 3% of their wet body weight three times a day. The results of the study revealed that highest weight gain, feed conversion ratio and survival rate were observed in 30% protein feed. Meanwhile, moisture content was higher in fish fed with 30% CP feed while highest crude protein was recorded in 40% CP fed fish. Lowest fat content was observed in 32% CP feed. Amino acid profile of fish revealed better results in 30% CP feed. Total protein, glucose and globulin were also highest in fish feeding 30% CP feed, while albumin was highest in 40% CP feed. It is concluded that 30% CP feed showed better results in terms of growth, amino acid profile and serological parameters without effecting fish body composition.
Resumo O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar o efeito de diferentes níveis de proteína sobre o crescimento, composição corporal, perfil de aminoácidos e sorologia de alevinos de Channa marulius. O experimento foi conduzido em dez happas instalados em tanques de terra, cada um abastecido com 10 peixes, por 90 dias. Quatro alimentos para peixes comerciais com níveis de 25%, 30%, 32% e 40% de proteína bruta (PB) foram dados aos peixes com 3% de seu peso corporal úmido três vezes ao dia. Os resultados do estudo revelaram que maior ganho de peso, taxa de conversão alimentar e taxa de sobrevivência foram observados em 30% de proteína alimentar. Enquanto isso, o conteúdo de umidade foi maior em peixes alimentados com 30% de PB, enquanto a proteína bruta mais alta foi registrada em peixes alimentados com 40% de PB. O menor conteúdo de gordura foi observado em rações com 32% de PB. O perfil de aminoácidos dos peixes revelou melhores resultados na ração com 30% de PB. Proteína total, glicose e globulina também foram maiores em peixes alimentados com ração com 30% de PB, enquanto a albumina foi mais alta com 40% de PB. Conclui-se que a ração com 30% de PB apresentou melhores resultados em termos de crescimento, perfil de aminoácidos e parâmetros sorológicos sem afetar a composição corporal dos peixes.