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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e249888, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422426


A recomendação ética do psicólogo para intervir criticamente sobre a demanda vai de encontro com a tarefa de diagnosticar atos de Alienação Parental e, num sentido amplo, com a judicialização das relações privadas. A genealogia de Foucault consiste num método capaz de lançar luz sobre as práticas de poder na base dos discursos relacionados ao tema da alienação parental. O eufemismo pedagógico empregado para designar as sanções da lei tem como finalidade estratégica o convencimento a respeito de supostos benefícios da tutela sobre as famílias, ao mesmo tempo em que lhes são atribuídas alguma patologia disfuncional. Numa perspectiva crítica, a assimetria de gêneros corresponde às relações de poder presentes no problema da alienação parental. Por fim, a inversão dos critérios de identificação da alienação parental revela o distanciamento entre o ideal normativo e a realidade da ruptura conjugal e familiar, apontando para a importância de práticas de cuidado e assistência em vez de judicativas e punitivas.(AU)

The psychologist's ethical recommendation to critically intervene on the demand goes against the task of diagnosing acts of Parental Alienation (AP) and, in a broad sense, with the judicialization of private relations. Foucault's genealogy consists of a method able to shed on the power practices on the basis of discourses related to the theme of Parental Alienation. The pedagogical euphemism used to designate the sanctions of the law has the strategic purpose of convincing about the supposed benefits of guardianship over families, while attributing some dysfunctional pathology to them. From a critical perspective, gender asymmetry corresponds to the power relations present in the Parental Alienation problem. Finally, the inversion of the Parental Alienation's identification criteria reveals the gap between the normative ideal and the reality of marital and family disruption, pointing to the importance of care and assistance practices instead of judicative and punitive ones.(AU)

La recomendación ética del psicólogo de intervenir críticamente sobre la demanda va en contra de la tarea de diagnosticar actos de Alienación Parental (AP) y, en un sentido amplio, con la judicialización de las relaciones privadas. La genealogía de Foucault consiste en un método capaz de arrojar luz sobre las prácticas del poder a partir de discursos relacionados con el tema de la Alienación Parental. El eufemismo pedagógico que se utiliza para designar las sanciones de la ley tiene el propósito estratégico de convencer sobre los supuestos beneficios de la tutela sobre las familias, atribuyéndoles alguna patología disfuncional. Desde una perspectiva crítica, la asimetría de género corresponde a las relaciones de poder presentes en el problema de la Alienación Parental. Finalmente, la inversión de los criterios de identificación de la Alienación Parental revela la brecha entre el ideal normativo y la realidad de la ruptura conyugal y familiar, señalando la importancia de las prácticas de cuidado y asistencia en lugar de las judicativas y punitivas.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Social Justice , Child Custody , Genealogy and Heraldry , Jurisprudence , Anxiety , Paternal Behavior , Paternal Deprivation , Psychoanalysis , Psychology, Social , Public Policy , Repression, Psychology , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Sibling Relations , Social Sciences , Social Welfare , Socioeconomic Factors , Sociology , Therapeutics , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Child Abuse, Sexual , Adaptation, Psychological , Divorce , Marriage , Child Abuse , Child Advocacy , Child Development , Child Rearing , Child Welfare , Mental Health , Child Health , Family Health , Liability, Legal , Parenting , Negotiating , Domestic Violence , Spouses , Feminism , Crisis Intervention , Single-Parent Family , Culture , State , Damage Liability , Public Attorneys , Whistleblowing , Dissent and Disputes , Depression , Dissociative Disorders , Employment , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Fathers , Resilience, Psychological , Forgiveness , Sexism , Physical Abuse , Gender-Based Violence , Social Oppression , Gender Stereotyping , Adverse Childhood Experiences , Family Separation , Sadness , Interpersonal Psychotherapy , Betrayal , Emotional Abuse , Models, Biopsychosocial , Gender Equity , Gender Role , Family Support , Family Structure , Handling, Psychological , Helplessness, Learned , Human Rights , Interpersonal Relations , Learning Disabilities , Maternal Deprivation , Mothers , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Object Attachment
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253652, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448950


Martin Heidegger, em sua ontologia, destaca uma característica específica da atualidade que atravessa o comportamento humano, na filosofia, na ciência ou no senso comum: o esquecimento do ser. O filósofo diferencia a época atual das demais épocas históricas. O horizonte histórico contemporâneo se desvela por meio do desafio e da exploração, da tentativa de controle e domínio dos acontecimentos, ao modo da disponibilidade e em função da produtividade. O filósofo esclarece que todo esse desenraizamento do homem atual está atrelado ao esquecimento daquilo que é o mais essencial, qual seja, a existência. A questão que norteia este estudo é apurar, por meio das referências de Heidegger e dos estudos sobre suicídio, o quanto a interpretação da morte voluntária nos dias atuais está atravessada por tal esquecimento. Pretendemos investigar o quanto as ações de prevenção desenvolvidas pela suicidologia se encontram atravessadas por tal esquecimento do ser do homem e, dessa forma, acabam por estabelecer relações entre ser e ente em uma consequente redução ao ente como invariante e atemporal. O caminho para investigar a questão iniciará por abordar, em maiores detalhes, a analítica existencial, a questão da técnica e o movimento de esquecimento do ser apontados por Heidegger a fim de problematizar as perspectivas científicas atuais sobre o suicídio em sua prevenção para, então, estabelecer uma compreensão fenomenológica e existencial sobre o referido fenômeno.(AU)

Martin Heidegger, in his ontology, highlights a specific characteristic of the present moment that crosses human behavior, in philosophy, science, or common sense: the forgetfulness of being. The philosopher differentiates the current age from other historical ages. The contemporary historical horizon is unveiled by the challenge and the exploration, from the attempt to control and dominate events, to the mode of standing reserve and in terms of productivity. The philosopher clarifies that all this uprooting of the current man is linked to the forgetfulness of what is the most essential, namely, the existence itself. The question that guides this study is to investigate, via Heidegger's references and studies on suicide, to what extent the interpretation of voluntary death today is crossed by such forgetfulness. We intend to investigate to what extent the prevention actions developed by suicidology are crossed by such forgetfulness of the human's being and, in this way, they end up establishing relationships between being and entity in a consequent reduction to entity as an invariant and timeless. The path to investigate the issue will start by addressing, in greater detail, the existential analytics, the question concerning technique and the movement of forgetting the being pointed out by Heidegger to problematize the current scientific perspectives on suicide and its prevention to, then, propose a phenomenological and existential understanding about the referred phenomenon.(AU)

Martin Heidegger en su ontología destaca una característica específica del presente que atraviesa el comportamiento humano, ya sea en la filosofía, la ciencia o el sentido común: el olvido del ser. El filósofo diferencia la época actual de otras épocas históricas. El horizonte histórico contemporáneo se devela el desafío y la exploración, el intento de controlar y dominar los eventos, en la modalidad de disponibilidad y en términos de productividad. Y así aclara que todo este desarraigo del hombre actual está involucrado en el olvido de lo más esencial, que es la existencia misma. A partir de las referencias a Heidegger y de los estudios sobre el suicidio, este estudio busca saber hasta qué punto la interpretación de la muerte voluntaria hoy está atravesada por este olvido. Pretendemos investigar en qué medida las acciones de prevención desarrolladas por la suicidología se encuentran atravesadas por el olvido del ser del hombre y, de esta manera, terminan por establecer relaciones entre el ser y el ente, en una consecuente reducción al ente como invariante y atemporal. Para investigar el tema se abordará inicialmente, con mayor detalle, la analítica existencial, la cuestión de la técnica y el movimiento del olvido del ser señalado por Heidegger para problematizar las perspectivas científicas actuales sobre el suicidio y su prevención y, luego, proponer una comprensión fenomenológica y existencial sobre el referido fenómeno.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Suicide , Disease Prevention , Suicide Prevention , Anxiety , Pain , Personal Satisfaction , Personality , Prejudice , Psychiatry , Psychological Phenomena , Psychology , Psychopathology , Psychotherapy, Group , Psychotic Disorders , Schizophrenia , Self Care , Self Concept , Social Problems , Stress, Psychological , Awareness , Suicide, Attempted , Therapeutics , Behavior , Behavioral Sciences , Neurosciences , Humans , Power, Psychological , Family , Catatonia , Mental Health , Causality , Risk Factors , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Self-Injurious Behavior , Panic Disorder , Suicide, Assisted , Cognition , Combat Disorders , Conflict, Psychological , Conscience , Meditation , Cultural Diversity , Life , Substance-Related Disorders , Crisis Intervention , Affective Symptoms , Death , Depression , Drive , Alcoholism , User Embracement , Existentialism , Mental Fatigue , Resilience, Psychological , Theory of Mind , Suicidal Ideation , Apathy , Pandemics , Early Medical Intervention , Gene Ontology , Protective Factors , Behavior Observation Techniques , Moral Status , Freedom , Sadness , Emotional Regulation , Psychological Distress , Suicide, Completed , Social Inclusion , Genetics, Behavioral , Family Support , Psychological Well-Being , Hospitals, Psychiatric , Interpersonal Relations , Life Change Events , Life Style , Loneliness , Mental Disorders , Morals , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Neurotic Disorders , Obsessive Behavior , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Psico USF ; 26(spe): 109-124, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1376021


This study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) in Brazilian community and clinical samples. This research included 1,210 people, 554 of them with psychopathology indicators. The participants answered the PID-5 and the Self-Reporting Questionnaire, in addition to a sociodemographic and health data questionnaire that included the six items of the suicidality module of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. The results showed that the 25 facets of the PID-5 had adequate reliability coefficients and evidence of unidimensionality. The instrument's five-factor structure was replicated with high levels of congruence with the representative sample from North America. PID-5 scores were statistically different between clinical and community groups and were positively correlated with measures of suicide risk and psychopathological symptoms. This study presents the psychometric properties of PID-5 and its suitability for use in the Brazilian population (AU).

Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar as propriedades psicométricas do Inventário de Personalidade para o DSM-5 (PID-5) para amostras clínica e comunitária brasileiras. Esta pesquisa incluiu 1.210 pessoas, sendo 554 delas com indicadores de psicopatologia. Os participantes responderam ao PID-5 e ao Self-Reporting Questionnaire, além de um questionário sobre dados sociodemográfico e de saúde que incluía os seis itens do módulo de risco de suicídio Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Os resultados mostraram que as 25 facetas do PID-5 apresentaram coeficientes de confiabilidade adequados e evidências de unidimensionalidade. A estrutura de cinco fatores do instrumento foi replicada com altos níveis de congruência com a amostra representativa da América do Norte. Os escores PID-5 foram estatisticamente diferentes entre os grupos clínicos e comunitários e foram positivamente correlacionados com medidas de risco de suicídio e sintomas psicopatológicos. Este estudo apresenta as propriedades psicométricas do PID-5 e sua adequação para uso na população brasileira (AU).

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar las propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Personalidad para el DSM-5 (PID-5) en muestras clínicas y comunitarias de Brasil. Esta investigación incluyó a 1.210 personas, 554 de ellas con indicadores de psicopatología. Los participantes respondieron al PID-5 y al Self-Reporting Questionnaire, además de un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos y de salud que incluía los seis ítems del módulo de suicidio de la Mini Entrevista Neuropsiquiátrica Internacional. Los resultados mostraron que las 25 facetas del PID-5 presentaron coeficientes de confiabilidad adecuados y evidencias de unidimensionalidad. La estructura de cinco factores del instrumento se replicó con altos niveles de congruencia con la muestra representativa de Norteamérica. Las puntuaciones de PID-5 fueron estadísticamente diferentes entre los grupos clínicos y comunitarios, y se correlacionaron positivamente con las medidas de riesgo de suicidio y síntomas psicopatológicos. Este estudio presenta las propiedades psicométricas del PID-5 y su idoneidad para su uso en la población brasileña (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Personality , Dissociative Identity Disorder/psychology , Personality Inventory , Psychometrics , Suicide/psychology , Brazil , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Risk Factors
Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 37: e180076, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090294


This study assessed the applicability of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version in a sample of teenagers confined in socio-educational institutions. Using an Item Response Theory approach, item properties of this instrument were reviewed using the generalized partial credit model. Eight of the original twenty items of the original instrument were discarded due to low discrimination parameters. As expected, the most discriminating items in the assessment of psychiatric traits were those which affective characteristics are more typical in the description of psychopathic traits, and their larger variability among juveniles is reflected in the checklist's answers. Item anchoring, in turn, determined five anchor levels. Conclusions based on the results are twofold: (a) a shorter version of this measure can offer the same level of information obtained from the full instrument and (b) the measure provides more information on average latent trait levels and is inadequate for clinical use.

Este estudo investigou a aplicabilidade da Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version em uma amostra de adolescentes em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas. Com base na Teoria de Resposta ao Item, as propriedades dos itens desse instrumento foram analisadas por meio do Modelo de Crédito Parcial Generalizado. Oito dos vinte itens do instrumento original foram eliminados devido a baixos parâmetros de discriminação. Conforme esperado, os itens mais discriminantes na avaliação psiquiátrica foram aqueles de características afetivas típicas de traços de psicopatia, assim como sua maior variação reflete-se nas respostas a tais itens. A ancoragem de itens, por sua vez, permitiu a definição de cinco níveis âncora. Os resultados sugerem duas conclusões: (a) uma versão mais curta do instrumento pode oferecer níveis de informação similares aos do teste completo e (b) o instrumento é mais informativo em níveis médios de traço latente, sendo inadequado para uso clínico.

Psychometrics , Adolescent , Dissociative Identity Disorder
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400054


The Waldo Moment (Higgins, 2013) nos presenta como protagonista a un oso animado llamado Waldo, que posee un segmento en un programa televisivo en el cual ridiculiza a distintos personajes públicos. La voz y gestos de Waldo están a cargo de un desdichado cómico, James Salter y la trama se encarga de dejar en claro que su vida nada tiene que ver con la de su creación animada. Con el devenir de la historia, observamos que algo del poder y la potencia de Waldo, que por momentos se presentan como ilimitados, se torna intolerable para James. Será a partir de una discusión con una candidata respecto de sus propias creencias, que se producirá un quiebre en su universo de sentido, universo que lo ubicaba respondiendo a través del personaje. La respuesta del sujeto frente a esa interpelación no será más que un intento fallido por revertir el fenómeno en el que se ha convertido

The Waldo Moment (Higgins, 2013) has as protagonist an animated bear named "Waldo", who has a television segment in which it ridicules different public figures. The voice and gestures of Waldo are responsibility of a miserable comedian, James Salter. It's clear that James's life has nothing to do with his animated creation. With the evolution of history, we observe that some of the power and fame of Waldo, which seems unlimited, becomes intolerable for James. From a discussion with a candidate about their own beliefs, it is produce a breakdown of their universe of meaning, universe that located him responding through the character. The response of James to this interpellation will be no more than a failed attempt to reverse the phenomenon in which he has become

Humans , Mass Media , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Famous Persons
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400147


El capítulo de la serie Black Mirror, Waldo moment, es una invitación pensar la intervención de las tecnologías y sus derivas subjetivas en la dimensión política que necesariamente ordena las relaciones sociales del campo humano. Intentaremos pensar el problema a partir de las conceptualizaciones que presenta la línea teórica de la politóloga y filósofa Mouffe Chantal respecto a la distinción central entre "la política" como las prácticas concretas que ordenan una sociedad y "lo político" como la dimensión de conflictividad humana irreductible; articulándolo a las modalidades de inscripción social formadoras de subjetividad que los supuestos derivados de la idea de globalización construyen

Waldo moment is one of the chapter of Black Mirror´s series, it is an invitation to think about the intervention of technologies and their subjective drifts in the political dimension that necessarily orders the social relations of the humanity. We will try to think the problem from the conceptualizations that the theoretical line of the political scientist and philosopher Mouffe Chantal presents, about the central distinction between "politics" as the concrete practices that order a society and "the political" as the dimension of human conflictivity irreducible; articulating it to the modalities of social registration forming subjectivity that the assumptions derived from the globalization idea construct

Humans , Communications Media , Work-Life Balance , Propaganda , Public Policy , Depression , Dissociative Identity Disorder
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 32(4): 586-593, out.-dez. 2017. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-878787


Transtornos psiquiátricos são amplamente evidenciados em pacientes que buscam tratamentos estéticos. Apesar de não configurarem necessariamente uma contraindicação para a realização de procedimentos, o reconhecimento desses sintomas pelo profissional tende a contribuir para o fortalecimento da relação profissional-paciente e para um melhor prognóstico, reduzindo as chances de insatisfação, complicações e agravos nos sintomas psiquiátricos, além de evitar complicações legais. No presente artigo, os transtornos psiquiátricos mais comuns no domínio cosmético e estético foram apresentados e discutidos, assim como as orientações para o reconhecimento de sintomas e de manuseio destes pacientes por profissionais de saúde.

Psychiatric disorders are widely reported in patients seeking aesthetic treatments. Although they are not necessarily a contraindication for procedures, the recognition of these symptoms by the professional tends to strengthen the professional-patient relationship, thus leading to a better prognosis. This reduces the chances of dissatisfaction, complications, and aggravation of psychiatric symptoms, in addition to avoiding legal complications. In this article, the most common psychiatric disorders arising in cosmetic and aesthetic treatment are presented and discussed, as well as guidelines for recognizing the symptoms and managing these patients.

Humans , History, 21st Century , Psychiatry , Surgery, Plastic , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Mental Health , Esthetics , Body Dysmorphic Disorders , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Psychiatry/methods , Psychiatry/standards , Surgery, Plastic/methods , Surgery, Plastic/rehabilitation , Feeding and Eating Disorders/complications , Feeding and Eating Disorders/therapy , Mental Health/standards , Mental Health/ethics , Esthetics/psychology , Body Dysmorphic Disorders/complications , Body Dysmorphic Disorders/therapy , Dissociative Identity Disorder/therapy
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 250-252, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-61678


Although dissociative identity disorder (DID), the most severe of the dissociative disorders, has retained its own diagnostic entity since its introduction in the DSM-III, cases of DID are rarely seen in South and East Asia, likely due to the higher prevalence of possession disorder. We report two patients with DID who were recently admitted to our inpatient psychiatric unit and demonstrated distinct transitions to several identities. Their diagnoses were confirmed through a structured interview for dissociative disorders and possible differential diagnoses were ruled out by psychological, neuroimaging, and laboratory tests. The rapid transition to a Westernized, individualized society along with an increase in child abuse, might contribute to an increase in DID, previously under-diagnosed in this region.

Child , Humans , Asia , Child Abuse , Diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Dissociative Disorders , Asia, Eastern , Inpatients , Korea , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Neuroimaging , Prevalence
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-167400


OBJECTIVE: The primary goals of the present study were to assess intellectual function in participants with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (BD) and to investigate the relationships between cognitive decline and the severity of each type of psychopathology. METHODS: The present study included 51 patients with schizophrenia and 42 with BD who were recruited from the psychiatry outpatient clinic of Jeju University Hospital between March 2011 and March 2014. The Korean Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (K-WAIS) was administered to each of the 93 participants, and they were categorized into two groups based on their current intelligence quotient (IQ) and their estimated premorbid IQ: severely impaired group (SIG) and mildly impaired group (MIG). The Minnesota Multiple Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) were used to assess psychopathology. RESULTS: The SIG schizophrenia participants exhibited significantly higher scores on the frequent (F) and schizophrenia (Sc) subscales of the MMPI, but significantly lower scores on the correction (K) and psychopathic deviate (Pd) subscales compared with the MIG schizophrenia participants. Furthermore, the BPRS scores were significantly higher in the SIG schizophrenia participants relative to the MIG schizophrenia participants. The SIG BD participants had significantly higher F, masculinity-femininity (Mf), paranoia (Pa), and Sc but significantly lower Pd scores compared with the MIG BD participants. CONCLUSION: The present findings revealed a significant discrepancy between the estimated premorbid levels of cognitive function and current cognitive function in participants with schizophrenia or BD. Moreover, this discrepancy was correlated with severity of psychopathology in both groups.

Adult , Humans , Ambulatory Care Facilities , Bipolar Disorder , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Cognition , Intelligence , Minnesota , MMPI , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Paranoid Disorders , Psychopathology , Schizophrenia
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2015. 91 f p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-965962


Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a estruturação do diagnóstico de Transtorno de Personalidade. Inicialmente, o trabalho percorre o território conceitual com o qual, desde sua origem na passagem do século XVIII para o XIX, a psiquiatria procurou nomear, explicar e compreender as personalidades consideradas anormais. Em seguida promove-se uma discussão acerca das concepções de personalidade, normalidade e patologia que circunscrevem a categoria, orientada a partir do estudo de seus diferentes modelos diagnósticos presentes no DSM-5. Por fim busca-se compreender a relevância atual do diagnóstico de transtorno de personalidade através da análise de alguns exemplos de seu uso em contextos médico, legal e literário. O objetivo é o de entrever o lugar ocupado por esse diagnóstico, especialmente o do tipo Antissocial, no imaginário cultural presente

This work analyzes the processes through which the diagnosis of personality disorder has been structured. First, it covers the conceptual territory through which, from its origin in the passage of the eighteenth century to the nineteenth, psychiatry sought to name, to explain and to understand the so called abnormal personalities. This first step is followed by comments on the concepts of personality, normality and pathology that take part in the construction of this psychiatric category as it exists today. In order to do this, the structure of different diagnostic models present in the DSM-5 is analyzed. Finally, we seek to understand the current relevance of the diagnosis of personality disorder by taking into consideration examples of its use in medical, legal and literary contexts, in order to shed some light over the place occupied by this diagnosis, especially the anti-social type, in today's cultural landscape

Humans , Personality/classification , Psychiatry , Dissociative Identity Disorder/classification , Dissociative Identity Disorder/diagnosis
Univ. psychol ; 13(4): 1545-1555, oct.-dic. 2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-751250


The relation between the meaning in life and depression, hopelessness, and suicide risk in a sample of Spanish Borderline Personality Disorder patients is analyzed. The hypothesis suggested that meaning in life is a significant negative predictor of these variables. Participants were 80 Borderline Personality Disorder patients (75 women, 5 men) ranged 16-60 years old, M = 32.21, SD = 8.85, from a public mental health service. Spanish adaptations of the Purpose-In-Life Test, the Beck Depression Inventory-II, the Beck Hopelessness Scale, and the Plutchick's Suicide Risk Scale were used. Analysis included descriptive, correlations, and simple linear regression. Results showed that meaning in life was negatively related to depression, hopelessness, and suicide risk. It is necessary to introduce the evaluation of the meaning in life in the assessment of patients with Borderline Personality Disorder and to include in the psychotherapeutic intervention elements to enhance their perception and experience of meaning in life.

Se analizan las relaciones entre sentido de la vida, depresión, desesperanza y riesgo de suicidio en un grupo de pacientes con Trastorno Límite de Personalidad. La hipótesis al respecto afirma que el sentido de la vida predice negativamente de estas variables. En el estudio participaron 80 pacientes españoles con Trastorno Límite de Personalidad (75 mujeres, 5 hombres) de un servicio público de salud mental, con edades entre los 16 y los 60 años. Se utilizaron versiones españolas del Purpose-In-Life Test, del Inventario de Depresión-II y la Escala de Desesperanza de Beck y de la Escala de Riesgo Suicida de Plutchick. Los análisis incluyeron estadísticos descriptivos, correlaciones y regresión lineal simple. Los resultados mostraron que el sentido de la vida se relacionó negativamente con la depresión, la desesperanza y el riesgo de suicidio. Se concluye que hay necesidad de introducir la valoración del sentido de la vida en la evaluación de pacientes con Trastorno Límite de Personalidad y de incluir en la intervención psicoterapéutica elementos para mejorar su percepción y vivencia de sentido de la vida.

Suicide , Depression , Dissociative Identity Disorder
Junguiana ; 32(1): 44-53, jan.-jun. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-724454


O artigo tem como objetivo destacar a importância de um escritor, E. T. A. Hoffmann, e de um obra, seu romance Os Elixires do Diabo, na obra de Jung. O texto parte de cartas entre Freud e Jung, tendo como ponto de intersecção Hoffmann, seu romance e o tema do irmão sinistro que gerou repercussões teóricas em ambos, como já foi brilhantemente demonstrado por John Kerr. Em Freud, o resultado foi um artigo, "O Estranho" (Das Unheimliche), de 1919; em Jung, objetivamente o conceito de sombra e o que ele chamou de sua "teologia": a ideia de que os conflitos entre o mundo material e o espiritual estão presentes nos fundamentos da psique. O texto propõe que essa discussão iniciada nas cartas reaparece anos depois e de forma subliminar, não nomeada no artigo de Freud, no qual ele rechaça mais uma vez a ideia de inconsciente coletivo, sem entretanto nomeá-lo. Jung tornou-se, para Freud, o oculto por excelência, ou "aquele que não pode ser nomeado". Conclui, ainda, que o romance Os Elixires do Diabo e a discussão sobre a temática dos irmãos e do duplo propiciada pela impactante leitura estimularam Jung a desenvolver a ideia de memória arcaica e memoria filogenética, precursora do conceito de inconsciente coletivo e que, em contrapartida, esse conceito permite à psicologia analítica e à análise literária comparada uma leitura mais rica e abrangente da obra de E. T. A. Hoffmann

The paper aims to highlight the importance of a writer, ETA Hoffmann, and a work, his novel The Devil's Elixirs on Jung's work. For such we examine the correspondence between Freud and Jung, having Hoffmann, his novel and the theme of the sinister brother as an intersection that have theoretical repercussions on both as John Kerr brilliantly demonstrated. The result for Freud was the paper "The Uncanny" (Das Unheimliche), 1919. For Jung, it was objectively the concept os shadow and what he called his "theology": the idea that the conflict between material and spiritual worlds is present in the fundaments of the psyche. The paper proposes that this discussion thar started on letters reappears years later and subliminally not named in Freud's paper, where he once again rejects the idea of collective unconscious, but not naming it. Jung has become for Freud the hidden par excellence, or "one who can not be named". It also concludes that the novel Devil's Elixirs and the discussion on the theme of brothers and double encouraged Jung to develop the idea of archaic memory and phylogenetic memory, forerunner of the concept of the collective unconscious, and that, by contrast, this concept allows analytical psychology and literary analysis a richer and more comprehensive reading of ETA Hoffmann's work

Literature , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Psychology , Psychotic Disorders , Repression, Psychology , Siblings
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-171403


It has been claimed that the progress of psychiatry has lagged behind that of other medical disciplines over the last few decades. This may suggest the need for innovative thinking and research in psychiatry, which should consider neglected areas as topics of interest in light of the potential progress which might be made in this regard. This review is concerned with one such field of psychiatry: dissociation and dissociative disorders. Dissociation is the ultimate form of human response to chronic developmental stress, because patients with dissociative disorders report the highest frequency of childhood abuse and/or neglect among all psychiatric disorders. The cardinal feature of dissociation is a disruption in one or more mental functions. Dissociative amnesia, depersonalization, derealization, identity confusion, and identity alterations are core phenomena of dissociative psychopathology which constitute a single dimension characterized by a spectrum of severity. While dissociative identity disorder (DID) is the most pervasive condition of all dissociative disorders, partial representations of this spectrum may be diagnosed as dissociative amnesia (with or without fugue), depersonalization disorder, and other specified dissociative disorders such as subthreshold DID, dissociative trance disorder, acute dissociative disorders, and identity disturbances due to exposure to oppression. In addition to constituting disorders in their own right, dissociation may accompany almost every psychiatric disorder and operate as a confounding factor in general psychiatry, including neurobiological and psycho-pharmacological research. While an anti- dissociative drug does not yet exist, appropriate psychotherapy leads to considerable improvement for many patients with dissociative disorders.

Humans , Amnesia , Depersonalization , Diagnosis , Dissociative Disorders , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Neurobiology , Psychopathology , Psychotherapy , Thinking
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 29(4): 599-689, 2014. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-827


INTRODUÇÃO: Indivíduos com Transtorno Dismórfico Corporal (TDC) buscam a cirurgia estética para corrigir um defeito percebido. A prevalência de TDC entre pacientes de cirurgia plástica varia de 6% a 24%, podendo chegar a 53%. Recentemente, estudos foram realizados para identificar a fisiopatologia dos sintomas de TDC através de neuroimagem, assim como a relação entre TDC e outros transtornos (por exemplo, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, anorexia nervosa, ansiedade social, e transtorno de somatização), e para distinguir convicções delirantes de não-delirantes como uma expressão de um único transtorno mental com diferentes níveis de gravidade. Entretanto, estudos retrospectivos sugerem que pacientes com TDC não se beneficiam com cirurgia plástica. O objetivo deste artigo foi fornecer uma visão geral da pesquisa atual sobre TDC e identificar características psicopatológicas do TDC em pacientes de cirurgia plástica. MÉTODO: Realizou-se uma busca nas bases de dados PubMed e Embase cruzando as palavas-chave "cirurgia plástica" "cirurgia estética" e "transtorno dismórfico corporal". RESULTADOS: A prevalência de TDC é alta entre pacientes de cirurgia plástica. Não há estudos prospectivos sobre o impacto da cirurgia plástica em pacientes com TDC. CONCLUSÃO: TDC precisa ser adequadamente identificado na seleção de pacientes para cirurgia plástica a fim de otimizar a gestão de atendimento e a qualidade de vida de pacientes com TDC.

INTRODUCTION: Individuals with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) may seek cosmetic surgery to correct a perceived defect. BDD prevalences ranging from 6% to 24% and up to 53% have been reported among cosmetic surgery patients. Recent studies have been conducted to identify the pathophysiology of BDD symptoms using neuroimaging, as well as the relationship of BDD to other disorders (e.g., obsessive-compulsive disorder, anorexia nervosa, social anxiety, and somatization disorder), and means to distinguish delusional from non-delusional beliefs as an expression of a single mental disorder at different severity levels. Retrospective studies have however suggested that BDD patients do not benefit from cosmetic surgery. This paper aimed at providing an overview of the current research on BDD and identifying psychopathological characteristics of BDD in cosmetic surgery patients. METHODS: The PubMed and Embase databases were searched by crossing the keywords "plastic surgery", "aesthetic surgery" and "body dysmorphic disorder". RESULTS: The prevalence of BDD was high among cosmetic surgery patients. No prospective studies were found on the impact of cosmetic surgery on BDD patients. CONCLUSION: BDD needs to be adequately assessed during patient selection for cosmetic surgery to optimize the quality of care provided and the quality of life of patients with BDD.

Humans , History, 21st Century , Self Concept , Subject Headings , Surgery, Plastic , Body Image , Anorexia Nervosa , Retrospective Studies , Medical Subject Headings , Body Dysmorphic Disorders , Mental Disorders , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Surgery, Plastic/methods , Body Image/psychology , Anorexia Nervosa/physiopathology , Anorexia Nervosa/pathology , Anorexia Nervosa/psychology , Medical Subject Headings/history , Body Dysmorphic Disorders/surgery , Body Dysmorphic Disorders/pathology , Body Dysmorphic Disorders/psychology , Mental Disorders/physiopathology , Mental Disorders/pathology , Mental Disorders/psychology , Dissociative Identity Disorder/pathology , Dissociative Identity Disorder/psychology
Agora USB ; 13(1): 421-436, Ene.-Jun. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-704368


El presente artículo se propone justificar la relevancia de analizar el vínculo entre la identidad y la auto-autoría. Entendiendo la identidad, con base en las propuestas de Giddens (1997) y Ricoeur (1996), como una construcción narrativa realizada a partir de una reflexión del individuo sobre su propia biografía. En concordancia con el abordaje de Baxter Magolda (2004), entendemos la auto-autoría como la capacidad del individuo de dar sentido a sus experiencias basándose en sus propios valores y creencias. Así, argumentamos sobre las ventajas de esta integración para entender a los jóvenes, y tratamos de mostrar que el análisis de las creencias epistemológicas del individuo es fundamental para comprender la construcción de su identidad entendida como un proceso reflexivo.

This article intends to justify the importance of analyzing the link between identity and selfauthorship. Understanding identity, based on Giddens' (1997) and Ricoeur's (1996) proposal,as a narrative construction starting from a reflection of the individual on his own biography. In accordance with Baxter Magolda's approach (2004), self-authorship is understood as the ability the individual has to make sense of his experiences based on his own values and beliefs. Thus, we argue about the advantages of this integration to understand the young people, and we attempt to show that the analysis of epistemological beliefs of the individual is fundamental to understanding the construction of his identity as a reflective process.

Humans , Ego , Gender Identity , Identity Crisis , Dissociative Identity Disorder/complications , Dissociative Identity Disorder/ethnology , Dissociative Identity Disorder/history , Dissociative Identity Disorder/mortality , Dissociative Identity Disorder/prevention & control , Dissociative Identity Disorder/psychology
Psicol. argum ; 30(69): 207-218, abr.-jun. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-654138


Na literatura mundial, tornou-se comum a existência de heróis e anti-heróis com uma característica peculiar: a dupla personalidade. Entretanto, diferentemente do que se sabe acerca dessa divisão moral da personalidade, divisão caracterizada por uma personalidade “do bem” e outra “do mal”, os casos de Transtorno Dissociativo de Identidade, ou Desordem de Personalidades Múltiplas (DPM), são bem mais complexos e apresentam uma estrutura e um mecanismo peculiarmente desenvolvidos. Neste artigo, tal entidade clínica é estudada sob a luz da psicanálise, com o intuito de elaborar conjecturas que deem conta de explicar sua etiologia e seu mecanismo de funcionamento. Dois casos históricos, Sybil Dorsett, uma jovem com 13 personalidades, e Karen Overhill, com 17 alteregos, relatados respectivamente por Schreiber (1983) e Baer (2007), são confrontados com a teoria freudiana, e uma hipótese sobre a estruturação do mundo mental nessa patologia é formulada. Críticas sobre a existênciada referida desordem enquanto entidade clínica verdadeira são rebatidas e, finalmente, é apresentada uma leitura a respeito do que acreditamos ser uma possibilidade de explicação para o fenômeno, explicação esta que lança questões sobre a teoria das estruturas psíquicas em psicanálise e abre campo para a possibilidade de se cogitar uma nova estrutura possível para o ser humano.

The existence of heroes and anti-heroes with a peculiar characteristic, known as double personality, has become common in literature worldwide. However, differently from what it is known about this moral division of personality, which is characterized by both a “good personality”and an “evil personality”, the cases of Dissociative Personality Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) are much more complex and present structure and mechanism peculiarly developed. Such clinical entity is studied under the light of psychoanalysis in this article, with the objective of developing conjectures which can provide explanations about its etiology and also its working mechanism. Two historical cases: Sybil Dorsett, a girl with 13 personalities, and Karen Overhill, with 17 alter-egos, reported by Schreiber (1983) and Baer (2007), respectively, are confronted against the Freudian theory, and a hypothesis is formulated on a framework of the mental world in this pathology. Critics about the existence of the so-called disorder as a real clinical entity are discussed and, at last, an explanation for the phenomenon is presented. That explanation casts questions onto the theory of mental structures in psychoanalysis and gives place to the possibility of considering a new possible structure for the human being.

Humans , Personality , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Psychoanalysis
Aval. psicol ; 7(3): 359-370, dic. 2008. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-505685


O Transtorno Dissociativo de Identidade, anteriormente denominado Personalidade Múltipla, é um transtorno mental de difícil diagnóstico, de sintomatologia diversificada e forte comorbidade. Neste estudo de caso objetivamos contribuir com a divulgação deste transtorno e relatar a riqueza da utilização do Teste das Pirâmides Coloridas de Pfister em casos desta natureza. A amostra foi composta por uma paciente múltipla, que apresentou dez personalidades em atuação no seu psiquismo. Os dados foram analisados segundo os princípios de interpretação do teste tendo sido considerados o modo de colocação dos quadrículos, o processo de execução, as síndromes cromáticas, o aspecto formal, a fórmula cromática, as variações cromáticas e de matizes, as cores por dupla, o tempo de execução, o tempo psíquico de reação, a análise das pirâmides em função dos planos da personalidade e os valores posicionais. Verificaram-se indicadores sintomatológicos e dissociativos significativos caracterizados por amnésia, traumas e emersões espontâneas entre personalidades.

The Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly called Multiple Personality, is a mental disorder of difficult diagnosis, diversified symptomatology and strong comorbidity. The purpose of this case study was to contribute to the divulgation of this disorder and to report the richness in the use of Pfister's Color Pyramid Test in cases of this nature. The sample was composed by a multiple patient who presented ten active personalities in her psychic life. The data were analyzed according to the test's interpretation principles, considering the position of the small squares, the execution process, the color syndromes, the formal aspect, the sequence formula, the chromatic and matrix variations, the colors by pairs, the execution period, the psychic time of reaction, the analysis of the pyramids in terms of the personality plans and the positional values. Significant dissociative and symptomatological indicators, characterized by amnesia, traumas and spontaneous emersions among personalities were verified.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Case Reports , Projective Techniques , Psychometrics , Dissociative Identity Disorder/psychology
The Korean Journal of Pain ; : 206-210, 2008.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-111584


BACKGROUND: Although the cause of hyperhidrosis has not been the subject of close investigation, there are cases for which excessive sweating happens at the hands, feet and armpits due to hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system. This usually occurs in people less than 25 years old and it often causes difficulties for their social and occupational life and there is a decrease in the quality of life. Therefore, this should also be examined according to the mental state of the patient who suffers from hyperhidrosis. METHODS: The Minnesota Multiple Personality Inventory was administered to 59 patients in the Hyperhidrosis Center from March, 2006 to March, 2007. The MMPI's validity and 10 clinic standards were analyzed. The results were compared according to gender and age. RESULTS: Of the standard clinical items, psychopathy and conversion hysteria were 21.1% and 17.5%, respectively. On comparison between males (47.5%) and females (52.5%), the females had a higher score for the hypochondriasis item. The patients above 18 years old had a significantly higher level of hypochondriasis and hypomania compared to the patients below 18 years old. CONCLUSIONS: When analyzing the personality of the patients with essential hyperhidrosis with using the MMPI, it was difficult to look for relations with the mental factor. Therefore, it is necessary to develop diagnostic tests for younger people with considering the relations with the period of morbidity.

Female , Humans , Male , Conversion Disorder , Diagnostic Tests, Routine , Foot , Hand , Hyperhidrosis , Hypochondriasis , Minnesota , MMPI , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Quality of Life , Sweat , Sweating , Sympathetic Nervous System
Managua; MINSA; feb. 2004. 14 p.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-408476


El documento ofrece información sobre la enfermedad de la locura o Grisi Siknis en las comunidades miskitas y el reto en salud, la cual se presenta principalmente en adolescentes y mujeres, presenta la descripción clínica en la primera y segunda fase así como la conducta en la comunidad, el análisis epidemiológico y sociológico, las consecuencias psicosociales, las condiciones amenazantes y culturales los criterios diagnósticos de la fuga disociativa y el tratamiento para este tipo de enfermedad

Mental Disorders , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder , Personality Disorders
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-189844


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare the differences of parental rearing attitude between incarcerated delinqent adolescents and adolescents attending school, in order to identifying the relationships between delinquent behavior and personality factors. METHODS: The subjects were composed of 94 incarcerated delinqent adolescents and 112 adolescents attending school. Subjects were required to complete self-report questionnare including PBI and 16 PF. RESULTS: In incarcerated delinqent adolescents, maternal care(MC) was significantly lower than in adolescents attending school and paternal overprotection(PO) was significantly higher than in adolescents attending school. Of the scores of 16 PF, incarcerated delinqent adolescents showed lower scores in intelligence(B), guilt-proneness(O), liberalism(Q1), self-control(Q3), tension(Q4), anxiety(ANX), superego(SUP) and creativity(CRE) than adolescents attending school. Of the correlation between the scores of PBI and 16PF in incarerated delinqent adolescents, each of superego(G), liberalism(Q1), and supergo(SUP) was negatively correlated with maternal overprotection. Liberalism(Q1) was negatively correlated with paternal overprotection. Stableness(C) was positively correlated with paternal care. Each of gulit-proneness(O), liberalism(Q1), self sufficiency(Q2), tension(Q4), and anxiety(ANX) was negatively correlated with paternal care. In adolescents attending school, groups classified by parental bonding pattern indicated that optimal bonding group(Group l) was correlated with more positive aspects of personality factors, and the affectionless control(Group lV) was correlated with more negative aspects of personality factors. In delinquent adolescents, however, results didn't match the above findings. CONCLUSION: The parent-child bonding patterns of incarcerated delinqent adolescents were related to multiple personality factors. In parental rearing of incarcerated delinqent adolescents, maternal care(MC) was lower and paternal overprotection(PO) was higher than in adolescents attending school. We suggest that personality factors of incarcerated delinqent adolescents are correlated with delinquent behaviors. However, early parent-child bonding patterns do not seem to be correlated with later personality development.

Adolescent , Humans , Dissociative Identity Disorder , Parents , Personality Development