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Rev. Headache Med. (Online) ; 15(1): 32-34, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538271


INTRODUCTION:Tonic pupil or Adie's pupil occurs due to parasympathetic denervation, and it is characterized by mydriasis with little or no response to light, with pupillary contraction to accommodation. It is caused by eye pathologies, such as infections, trauma, neoplasms, inflammatory diseases, and systemic diseases with autonomic dysfunction. Few cases have been reported of bilateral tonic pupils associated with migraine attacks. CASE REPORT: Our aimed to describe the case of a young female patient with a history of chronic migraine without aura, who presented acutely with bilateral pupillary mydriasis during a migraine attack, characterized as tonic pupil, and to discuss the possible causes of mydriasis during a migraine attack.

INTRODUÇÃO: A pupila tônica ou pupila de Adie ocorre devido à denervação parassimpática e é caracterizada por midríase com pouca ou nenhuma resposta à luz, com contração pupilar à acomodação. É causada por patologias oculares, como infecções, traumas, neoplasias, doenças inflamatórias e doenças sistêmicas com disfunção autonômica. Poucos casos foram relatados de pupilas tônicas bilaterais associadas a crises de enxaqueca. RELATO DE CASO: Nosso objetivo foi descrever o caso de uma paciente jovem, com história de enxaqueca crônica sem aura, que apresentou agudamente midríase pupilar bilateral durante uma crise de enxaqueca, caracterizada como pupila tônica, e discutir as possíveis causas da midríase durante uma crise de enxaqueca. ataque de enxaqueca.

Humans , Male , Female , Mydriasis/classification , Tonic Pupil/prevention & control , Pupil/physiology , Headache/diagnosis , Migraine Disorders/complications , Eye
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032240


Objective@#This study determined the prevalence of dry eye disease (DED) in a community located in a highaltitude tropical city in the Philippines.@*Methods@#This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Barangay Lualhati in Baguio City from March 2019 to September 2022. Convenience sampling was done in recruiting adult permanent residents of the community. The participants underwent standardized DED evaluation consisting of symptom questionnaire, Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) scoring, slit-lamp examination, fluorescein tear break-up time (TBUT) measurement, ocular surface fluorescein and lissamine green staining, and Schirmer test with and without topical anesthesia. DED was classified as aqueous tear deficiency type, evaporative type, or mixed type. @*Results@#Data from 272 participants were analyzed which represented 23% of the adult population of the community. There were 111 participants who fulfilled the DED definition, and the prevalence rate of DED was 41%. The mean age of those with DED was 43.0 ± 17.6 years while the mean age of those without DED was 51.8 ± 16.6 years (p<0.001). More females (60%) had DED than males (40%). Majority (82%) reported use of digital devices as the main exacerbating factor. Mean OSDI score was significantly higher in those with DED than in those without DED (27.2 + 6.8 and 10.7 ± 6.4, respectively) (p<0.001). Corneal and conjunctival staining scores were also significantly higher in subjects with DED. Evaporative DED was the most common (88.3%). Mixed-type DED was seen in 11.7%. None had pure aqueous tear deficiency dry eye.@*Conclusion@#The prevalence rate of DED is greater in areas of higher altitude and DED can be exacerbated by prolonged screen time. This condition is no longer just a problem of the elderly and is now also seen in younger patients. All symptomatic patients should undergo tear break-up time evaluation since evaporative or short TBUT is the predominant type of DED.

Dry Eye Syndromes , Eye , Eye Diseases
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 22(2): 188-196, set 2023. fig
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516244


Introduction: Hansen's disease, or leprosy is caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae), is a major public health problem in developing countries, and affecting the skin and peripheral nerves. However, M. leprae can also affect bone tissue, mucous membranes, liver, eyes, and testicles, producing a variety of clinical phenotypes. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been expressed in the various clinical forms of leprosy and could potentially be used for its diagnosis. Objective: in silico design of the molecular structure of miRNAs expressed in leprosy. Methodology: we performed a nucleotide sequence search of 17 miRNAs expressed in leprosy, designing in silico the molecular structure of the following miRNAs: miRNA-26a, miRNA-27a, miRNA-27b, miRNA-29c, miRNA-34c, miRNA-92a-1, miRNA- 99a-2, miRNA-101-1, miRNA-101-2, miRNA-125b-1, miRNA-196b, miRNA-425-5p, miRNA-452, miRNA-455, miRNA-502, miRNA-539, and miRNA-660. We extracted the nucleotides were from the GenBank of National Center for Biotechnology Information genetic sequence database. We aligned the extracted sequences with the RNA Folding Form, and the three-dimensional molecular structure design was performed with the RNAComposer. Results: we demonstrate the nucleotide sequences, and molecular structure projection of miRNAs expressed in leprosy, and produces a tutorial on the molecular model of the 17 miRNAs expressed in leprosy through in silico projection processing of their molecular structures. Conclusion: we demonstrate in silico design of selected molecular structures of 17 miRNAs expressed in leprosy through computational biology.

Introdução: a doença de Hansen, ou hanseníase é causada pelo Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae), é um grande problema de saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento e afeta, a pele e os nervos periféricos. Entretanto, o M. leprae também pode comprometer o tecido ósseo, membranas mucosas, fígado, olhos e testículos, produzindo uma variedade de fenótipos clínicos. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) têm sido expressos nas várias formas clínicas da hanseníase e podem ser potencialmente utilizados para seu diagnóstico. Objetivo: objetivou-se com esse experimento modelar computacionalmente a estrutura molecular dos miRNAs expressos na hanseníase. Metodologia: realizou-se como metodologia uma pesquisa das sequências nucleotídicas de 17 miRNAs expressos na hanseníase, desenhando em modelo computacional a estrutura molecular dos seguintes miRNAs: miRNA-26a, miRNA-27a, miRNA-27b, miRNA- 29c, miRNA-34c, miRNA-92a-1, miRNA-99a-2, miRNA-101-1, miRNA-101-2, miRNA-125b-1, miRNA-196b, miRNA-425-5p, miRNA-452, miRNA-455, miRNA-502, miRNA-539, e miRNA-660. Extraiu-se os nucleotídeos do banco de dados do GenBank of National Center for Biotechnology Information . Alinhou-se as sequências extraídas com o RNA Folding Form, e o projeto da estrutura molecular tridimensional foi realizado com o RNAComposer. Resultados: demonstrou-se como resultados as sequências dos nucleotídeos e a projeção da estrutura molecular dos miRNAs expressos na hanseníase, e produzimos um tutorial sobre o modelo molecular dos 17 miRNAs expressos em hanseníase através do processamento de suas estruturas moleculares em projeção computacional. Conclusão: foi demonstrado computacionalmente o projeto de estruturas moleculares selecionadas de 17 miRNAs expressos em hanseníase através da biologia computacional.

Peripheral Nerves , Skin , Biomarkers , MicroRNAs , Leprosy , Mycobacterium leprae , Testis , Bone and Bones , Eye , Liver , Mucous Membrane
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;86(1): 20-26, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403478


ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to examine optical coherence tomography findings in patients with opiate use disorder by comparing them with healthy controls. Methods: The study included 30 opiate use disorder patients and 30 controls. The participants' detailed biomicroscopic examinations, visual acuity, intraocular pressure, and both eye examinations were evaluated. A total of 120 eyes were evaluated using optical coherence tomography, measuring the central macular thickness, mean macular thickness, mean macular volume and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness. Moreover, all participants filled in the demographic data form and Barratt Impulsiveness Scale. Results: Upon examination of the optical coherence tomography findings, central macular thickness, mean macular thickness, and mean macular volume were thinner in both eyes in patients with opiate use disorder (p<0.01 in all measurements in both eyes). Similarly, the total values of the superior quadrant and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness were statistically significant in both eyes compared to that in the control group (p=0.007, p=0.002; p=0.049, p=0.007, in the right and left eyes, respectively). Only the left eye was positively correlated with retinal nerve fiber layer superior quadrant measurement and hospitalization (r=0.380, p=0.039). Conclusion: Our results revealed that the patients' central macular thickness, mean macular thickness, and mean macular volume values were thinner. Increase in the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness superior quadrant thickness and total value was also observed. Further studies with larger sampling groups that evaluate neuroimaging findings should be conducted.

RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo foi investigar foi, os achados da tomografia de coerência óptica em pacientes com transtorno do uso de opiáceos, comparando-os com controles saudáveis. Métodos: O estudo incluiu 30 pacientes com transtorno do uso de opiáceos e 30 controles. Os exames biomicroscópicos detalhados de todos os participantes, acuidade visual, pressão intraocular e ambos os exames oculares foram avaliados com tomografia de coerência óptica. Um total de 120 olhos foram avaliados usando tomografia de coerência óptica, e a espessura macular central, espessura macular média, volume macular médio e a espessura da camada de fibra nervosa da retina dos participantes foram medidos. Além disso, todos os participantes preencheram o Formulário de Dados Demográficos e a Escala de Impulsividade Barratt (BIS-11). Resultados: Quando os achados de tomografia de coerência óptica foram examinados, espessura macular central, espessura macular média e volume macular médio eram mais finos de acordo com controles saudáveis em ambos os olhos em pacientes com transtorno do uso de opiáceos (p<0,01 em todas as medições em ambos os olhos). Da mesma forma, os valores totais do quadrante superior e espessura da camada de fibra nervosa da retina estavam mais em níveis estatisticamente significativos em ambos os olhos em comparação com o grupo controle (p=0,007, p=0,002; p=0,049, p=0,007, no olho direito e esquerdo, respectivamente). Estar internado em hospital e apenas a medida do quadrante superior da espessura da camada de fibra nervosa da retina do olho esquerdo associou-se positivamente (r=0,380, p=0,039). Conclusão: Em nossos resultados, descobrimos que os valores de espessura macular central, espessura macular média e volume macular médio dos pacientes eram mais finos. Verificamos também espessamento no quadrante superior e valor total da espessura da camada de fibra nervosa da retina. Nosso estudo deve ser apoiado por novos estudos com grupos de amostragem maiores, nos quais os achados de neuroimagem são avaliados.

Humans , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Opiate Alkaloids , Eye , Opioid-Related Disorders , Visual Acuity , Case-Control Studies , Eye/diagnostic imaging , Intraocular Pressure , Opioid-Related Disorders/pathology , Opioid-Related Disorders/diagnostic imaging
Zhongguo zhenjiu ; (12): 1235-1238, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007478


OBJECTIVES@#To compare the clinical efficacy and safety of acupuncture and sodium hyaluronate eye drop in the treatment of aqueous deficiency dry eye.@*METHODS@#A total of 60 patients (120 eyes) with aqueous deficiency dry eye were randomly divided into an observation group (30 cases, 1 case dropped out) and a control group (30 cases, 1 case dropped out). In the control group, sodium hyaluronate eye drop were used, one drop at a time, 4 times a day, for 14 consecutive days. In the observation group, acupuncture was applied at bilateral Shangjingming (Extra), Cuanzhu (BL 2), Sizhukong (TE 23), Taiyang (EX-HN 5), and Tongziliao (GB 1) , once a day, treatment for 6 days with the interval of 1 day was required, for 14 consecutive days. The tear meniscus height (TMH), Schirmer Ⅰ test (SⅠT), ocular surface disease index (OSDI) score, non-invasive tear break-up time (NIBUT), and corneal fluorescein sodium staining (FLS) score were compared between the two groups before and after treatment, and the safety of the treatment of the two groups was observed.@*RESULTS@#Compared with those before treatment, after treatment, TMH, SⅠT and NIBUT were increased (P<0.01, P<0.05), and FLS scores were decreased (P<0.01) in the two groups; the score of OSDI was reduced (P<0.01) in the observation group. After treatment, in the observation group, TMH and SⅠT were higher than those in the control group (P<0.01), and the score of OSDI was lower than that in the control group (P<0.01). No adverse reactions and adverse events were observed in the two groups.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Acupuncture and sodium hyaluronate eye drop can both effectively treat aqueous deficiency dry eye, acupuncture has obvious advantages in improving TMH and basic tear secretion, and reducing the subjective symptoms of patients. Acupuncture for dry eye is safe.

Humans , Hyaluronic Acid , Acupuncture Therapy , Dry Eye Syndromes/therapy , Eye , Tears , Ophthalmic Solutions , Fluorescein
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(4): 1-10, jul. 21, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427082


Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) and various facial measurements in a sample of Sudanese adults. Material and Methods: A total of 113 dental students (33 males and 80 females) with a mean age of 21.7±1.26 years were enrolled in this study. Different facial measurements including (Eye-Mouth, Eye-Eye, Eye-Ear, and Ear Height) were compared with two different measurements of VDO: N-Gn (from the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin), and Sn-Me (from the base of the nose to the bottom of the chin). Pearson's correlation coefficient test was utilized for the correlation between the measured parameters. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant for all analyses. Results: A significant positive correlation was shown between all measured facial distances and both measured VDO distances. Though, the strongest correlation was seen for the eye-mouth distance (r= 0.725, p<0.001), while the weakest was for ear height (r= 0.254, p= 0.007). A paired t-test revealed a significant longer N-Gn distance than Sn-Me distance. Also, it has been shown that there were no significant differences between right and left sides of the face. Conclusion: The distance measured from the outer canthus of the eye to the angle of the mouth can be used to predict Subnasale-Menton (Sn-Me) distance.

Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la correlación entre dimensión vertical oclusal (DVO) y varias medidas faciales en una muestra de adultos sudaneses. Material y Métodos: Un total de 113 estudiantes de odontología (33 hombres y 80 mujeres) con una edad media de 21,7 ± 1,26 años se inscribieron en este estudio. Se compararon diferentes medidas faciales que incluyen (ojo- boca, ojo-ojo, ojo-oído y altura de la oreja) con dos medidas diferentes de DVO: N-Gn (desde la punta de la nariz hasta la punta del mentón) y Sn -Yo (desde la base de la nariz hasta la parte inferior del mentón). Se utilizó la prueba del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson para la correlación entre los parámetros medidos. Un valor de p inferior a 0,05 se consideró significativo para todos los análisis. Resultados: Se mostró una correlación positiva significativa entre todas las distancias faciales medidas y ambas distancias DVO medidas. Sin embargo, la correlación más fuerte se observó para la distancia ojo-boca (r=0,725, p<0,001), mientras que la más débil fue para la altura de las orejas (r=0,254, p=0,007). Una prueba de t pareada reveló una distancia N-Gn significativamente más larga que la distancia subnasal-mentón. Además, se ha demostrado que no hubo diferencias significativas entre los lados derecho e izquierdo de la cara. Conclusión: La distancia medida desde el canto externo del ojo hasta el ángulo de la boca puede utilizarse para predecir la distancia subnasal-mentón.

Humans , Male , Female , Vertical Dimension , Face/anatomy & histology , Prosthodontics , Sudan/epidemiology , Anthropometry , Nose/anatomy & histology , Chin/anatomy & histology , Dental Occlusion , Eye/anatomy & histology , Maxillofacial Development , Mouth/anatomy & histology
J. Health Sci. Inst ; 40(2): 77-80, apr-jun 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525911


Objetivo ­ Identificar os fungos envolvidos no acometido de ceratites micóticas em indivíduos humanos da zona rural goiana. Métodos ­ Sessenta secreções dos olhos foram coletadas de pacientes com suspeita de ceratites micóticas, originários da zona rural goiana, e assistidos nas clínicas oftálmicas da cidade de Goiânia/GO ­ Brasil e atendidos no Laboratório de Análises Clínicas da UNIP - Campus Goiânia. As amostras foram coletadas com swabs esterilizados e semeadas em meio de ágar Sabouraud dextrose enriquecido com cloranfenicol e mantidas em estufa a 25 °C por 14 dias no LAMSA/IPTSP/UFG. As colônias fúngicas desenvolvidas foram identificadas segundo Sidrim e Rocha (2004). Resultados ­ Em quarenta e sete pacientes (78,3%) foi detectado ceratite micótica. Dentre esses, quarenta e dois indivíduos pertenciam ao gênero masculino (89,4%) e somente cinco (10,6%) ao gênero feminino. Entre os homens com ceratites micóticas foram identificados Candida em 42,9%, Fusarium em 35,7% e Aspergillus em 21,4% dos casos. No gênero feminino: Candida e Aspergillus ocorreram em 40,0% e Fusarium em 20,0% dos fungos identificados. Conclusões ­ Aspergillus, Candida e Fusarium continuam sendo reconhecidos como os principais agentes das ceratites fúngicas em indivíduos humanos e os homens da zona rural do Estado de Goiás permanecem mais suscetíveis aos acometimentos dessas micoses nos olhos devido as atividades no campo serem exercidas por esses indivíduos

Objective ­ To identify the fungi involved in mycotic keratitis in human individuals from the rural area of Goiás. Methods ­ Sixty eye secretions were collected from patients with suspected mycotic keratitis from the rural area of Goiás and assisted at the ophthalmic clinics in the city of Goiânia/GO - Brazil and treated at the Clinical Analysis Laboratory of UNIP - Campus Goiânia. Samples were collected with sterilized swabs and seeded on Sabouraud dextrose agar enriched with chloramphenicol and kept in an oven at 25 °C for 14 days in the LAMSA/IPTSP/UFG. The fungal colonies developed were identified according to Sidrim and Rocha (2004). Results ­ In forty-seven patients (78.3%) mycotic ceratitis was detected. Among these, forty-two individuals were male (89.4%) and only five (10.6%) were female. Among men with mycotic ceratitis, Candida was identified in 42.9%, Fusarium in 35.7% and Aspergillus in 21.4% of cases. In females: Candida and Aspergillus occurred in 40.0% and Fusarium in 20.0% of the identified fungi. Conclusions ­ Aspergillus, Candida and Fusarium continue to be recognized as the mai agents of fungal keratitis in human individuals and men from rural areas of the State of Goiás remain more susceptible to the involvement of these mycoses in the eyes due to activities in the field being carried by these individuals

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Fungi , Keratitis , Rural Areas , Eye , Mycology
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 81: e0026, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376786


ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe an innovative animal model of eye transplantation used in rabbits. Methods: six Dutch-belted male rabbits were submitted to lateral orbitotomy in the right eye, wide retrobulbar anatomy exposure, dissection of the structures, identification and distal section of the optic nerve followed by anastomosis either by vicryl (group 1) or fibrin glue (group 2). Electroretinography recording was performed before the section of the optic nerve and every 30 seconds after, to monitor the function of retina. Left eye was used as control group. Results: After optic nerve resection and anastomosis, stable ERG amplitude of the right eye was lost after 302 seconds in group 1 and after 296 seconds on group 2. Left eye kept longer stable ERG amplitude curves. Conclusions: The animal model of whole eye transplantation was effective in describing a novel technique to be used in rabbits, with success of the anatomic procedure. Further studies will clarify the best anastomosis methods and maintenance of function of the receptor organ. Translational relevance: this animal model of whole eye transplantation provides a novel perspective for blind patients and the research models, since we describe a novel mammal animal model. This model can be used as basis of a human model of whole eye transplantation in future studies.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever uma técnica cirúrgica inovadora para transplante de olho em um modelo animal em coelhos. Métodos: Seis coelhos machos com Dutch Belted foram submetidos à orbitotomia lateral do olho direito, com ampla exposição da anatomia retrobulbar, dissecção do cone muscular, exposição e secção distal do nervo óptico seguida de anastomose por vicryl (Grupo 1) ou cola de fibrina (Grupo 2). O registro da eletrorretinografia foi realizado antes da secção do nervo óptico e a cada 30 segundos após, para monitorar a função da retina. O olho esquerdo foi usado como grupo controle. Resultados: Após a ressecção do nervo óptico, a estabilidade da amplitude da eletrorretinografia foi perdida no olho direito após 302 segundos no Grupo 1 e após 296 segundos no Grupo 2. O olho esquerdo manteve eletrorretinografia estável por períodos mais longos. Conclusão: O modelo animal de transplante total de olho foi eficaz em descrever uma nova técnica cirúrgica para ser utilizada em laboratório com coelhos, com sucesso do procedimento anatômico. Novos estudos esclarecerão os melhores métodos de anastomose e manutenção da função do órgão receptor.

Animals , Male , Optic Nerve/surgery , Retina/physiology , Electroretinography , Eye/transplantation , Orbit/surgery , Rabbits , Retinal Ganglion Cells/physiology , Anastomosis, Surgical , Eye Enucleation , Models, Animal , Slit Lamp Microscopy
Rev. argent. neurocir ; 35(3): 236-240, sept. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1426714


Introducción: Los aneurismas de la arteria comunicante anterior (AComA) se presentan frecuentemente como causa de hemorragia subaracnoidea espontánea (HSAE), en casos raros se asocian a síntomas visuales por compresión mecánica o ruptura y su tratamiento quirúrgico a menudo representa un desafío. Descripción del caso: Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente adulta con disminución de la agudeza visual del ojo derecho a predominio temporal, y hallazgos en RMN cerebral y angiografía compatibles con un aneurisma grande de AcomA, asociado a trombosis parcial; se realizó clipaje y trombectomía del aneurisma, la panangiografia de control evidenció exclusión completa de la lesión con posterior resolución del déficit visual. Discusión: El déficit visual por un aneurisma de la AcoA se puede generar por varios mecanismos, uno de ellos es la ruptura del aneurisma hacia el nervio óptico, con la subsecuente formación de un hematoma, adherencias y fibrosis; el otro mecanismo es la compresión mecánica de un aneurisma gigante no roto. El manejo quirúrgico a menudo implica técnicas complejas microquirúrgicas para intentar resolver el efecto de masa y excluir el aneurisma. La terapia endovascular es otra alternativa de tratamiento, pero tiene desventajas respecto a la cirugía. Conclusión: Los aneurismas de la AComA en raros casos se pueden asociar a síntomas visuales, debido a que por lo general se romepen cuando son pequeños, y no alcanzan a tener el tamaño suficiente para generar compresión de la vía óptica. Las técnicas microquirúrgicas ofrecen un método efectivo para disminuir el efecto de masa y mejorar los síntomas visuales

Introduction: Aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery (AComA) frequently present as a cause of spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (HSAE), in rare cases they are associated with visual symptoms due to mechanical compression or rupture and their surgical treatment often represents a challenge. Description of the case: We present the clinical case of an adult patient with a decrease in visual acuity due to the right eye with a temporal predominance and findings on brain MRI and angiography compatible with a large AcomA aneurysm associated with partial thrombosis; clipping and thrombectomy of the aneurysm were performed, the control panangiography showed complete exclusion of the lesion. With subsequent resolution of the visual deficit. Discussion: The visual deficit due to an AcoA aneurysm can be generated by several mechanisms, one of them is the rupture of the aneurysm towards the optic nerve, with the subsequent formation of a hematoma, adhesions and fibrosis; The other mechanism is mechanical compression of a giant, unruptured aneurysm. Surgical management often involves complex microsurgical techniques to try to resolve the mass effect and exclude the aneurysm. Endovascular therapy is another treatment alternative, but it has disadvantages compared to surgery. Conclusion: AComA aneurysms in rare cases can be associated with visual symptoms, because they generally rupture when they are small, and are not large enough to generate compression of the optic pathway. Microsurgical techniques offer an effective method to alleviate the mass effect and improve visual symptoms

Female , Aneurysm , Optic Nerve , Visual Acuity , Thrombectomy , Eye
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 4(3): 97-92, jul. 29, 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BISSAL | ID: biblio-1282064


Paciente masculino con antecedente de trauma craneoencefálico severo recibido en la unidad de emergencia con una puntuación en la escala de Glasgow de 3 puntos; se describió en la tomografía computarizada un hematoma frontal epidural y una hemorragia subdural aguda; fue intervenido quirúrgicamente por neurocirugía en la Unidad de Emergencias y posteriormente fue llevado a la unidad de cuidados intensivos donde durante la recuperación (2 meses) refirió disminución de la agudeza visual en ojo izquierdo; fue evaluado en el servicio de Oftalmología donde la agudeza visual del ojo derecho fue de 20/40 y en ojo izquierdo no percibe la luz, en la evaluación oftalmológica se evidencia la presión intraocular en ojo izquierdo de 44mmHg, abundante celularidad en cámara anterior y a la evaluación ultrasonografía de cámara vítrea se describe una imagen que se correlaciona con una aparente hemorragia vítrea. Se diagnostica con Glaucoma de células fantasmas y síndrome de Terson; se inicia tratamiento médico con antiglaucomatoso para el glaucoma de células fantasmas y expectante para el síndrome de Terson, a la semana debido a la pobre respuesta se realizó trabeculectomia y vitrectomía vía Pars plana, posterior al tratamiento oftalmológico, se describió una visión de ojo izquierdo de 20/200

Male patient with a history of severe head trauma received in the emergency unit with a Glasgow coma score of 3; radiologically, an epidural frontal hematoma and an acute subdural hemorrhage are described in the computed tomography; the patient underwent surgery in the Emergency Unit and was later admitted to the intensive care unit where during recovery (2 months) he reported decreased visual acuity in the left eye; is evaluated in the ophthalmology service where is found a visual acuity of the right eye with correction of 20/40 and the left eye does not perceive light, the ophthalmology evaluation shows an intraocular pressure of the left eye of 44mmHg, abundant cellularity in the anterior chamber and in the ultrasound evaluation of the vitreous chamber describes an image that correlates with an apparent vitreous hemorrhage. He is diagnosed with Ghost Cell Glaucoma and Terson Syndrome; Medical treatment with antiglaucoma treatment for Ghost cell glaucoma and expectant for Terson syndrome is started. After a week due to the poor response, a trabeculectomy and vitrectomy via pars plana was performed, after ophthalmological treatment, a vision of the left eye of 20/200 was described

Ophthalmology , Patients , Vitrectomy , Glaucoma , Eye , Craniocerebral Trauma
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 29(2): [1-16], abr.-jun. 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1363866


O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a influência do estímulo visual e posicionamento dos membros superiores no controle postural ortostático e avaliar o efeito do sexo e idade nas respostas posturais de crianças e adolescentes. Estudo transversal, com amostra de 84 participantes com idade entre 11 e 14 anos, ambos os sexos (55 meninas), de escola pública de Goiânia (GO). Além do exame físico, o controle postural foi avaliado na posição ortostática pela baropodometria computadorizada em três condições: olhos abertos, olhos fechados e olhos abertos com ombros a 90° de abdução. A ausência do estímulo visual gerou maior instabilidade postural em comparação à condição de olhos abertos. Em relação as diferenças existentes entre os sexos, foi observado que as meninas tiveram menores valores de deslocamento anteroposterior e área da elipse que os meninos. Comparando-se os olhos abertos e fechados, as meninas apresentaram maiores valores na área da elipse e os meninos nos deslocamentos anteroposterior e látero-lateral. Ao analisar o efeito da idade foi observado que o grupo com 13 e 14 anos apresentou maiores valores em todas as variáveis analisadas. A ausência do estímulo visual aumentou os valores da área da elipse no grupo com 11 e 12 e dos deslocamentos no grupo com 13 e 14 anos. Não foi verificado efeito interativo entre sexo e idade. Na condição de abdução dos membros superiores não houve diferença no controle postural. Conclui-se que a ausência do estímulo visual foi mais impactante na manutenção do controle postural ortostático em crianças e adolescentes em relação as outras condições avaliadas, existindo diferença entre os sexos e a idade, em que os meninos e o grupo com 13 e 14 anos realizaram mais ajustes para manter o controle postural. (AU)

The aim of this study was to verify the influence of visual stimulus and positioning of the upper limbs in the orthostatic postural control, and to assess the effects of gender and age in the postural responses of children and adolescents. This was a transversal study involving 84 participants (of which 55 were girls) from public schools in Goiania (GO - Brazil) with age between 11 and 14 years. Besides physical examination, the participants' postural control was assessed in the orthostatic position by computerized baropodometry in three different conditions: eyes-open, eyes-closed, and eyes-open with shoulders at 90º abduction. The absence of visual stimulus generated more postural instability in relation to the eyes-open condition. Regarding gender differences, the girls had lower anteroposterior and ellipse area displacement than boys. Comparing the eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions, the girls presented higher values in the ellipse area and the boys presented higher values in the anteroposterior and laterolateral displacements. Analyzing the effect of age, the participants between 13 and 14 years old presented higher values in all variables. The absence of visual stimulus increased the values of the ellipse area in the participants between 11 and 12 years of age and the values of displacements in the participants between 13 and 14 years of age. Interactive effect between genders and age has not been verified. There were no postural control differences in the upper limbs abduction condition. Conclusion: The absence of visual stimulus was more impacting in the support of orthostatic postural control in children and adolescents than the other conditions assessed; the boys and the participants between 13 and 14 years of age made more adjustments in order to maintain postural control. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Child Development , Upper Extremity , Postural Balance , Standing Position , Photic Stimulation , Physical Education and Training , Posture , Sense Organs , Shoulder , Eye , Foot , Core Stability , Locomotion , Motor Skills
An. bras. dermatol ; An. bras. dermatol;96(3): 349-351, May-June 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285054


Abstract Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis that affects humans and animals, with a typically subacute or chronic evolution, caused by Sporothrix spp., a dimorphic fungus. Although the cutaneous form is the most frequent presentation, the ocular involvement has been more frequently diagnosed in endemic areas, affecting mainly children and the elderly. Approximately 80% of affected patients have the lymphocutaneous form, while only 2.3% have conjunctival lesions, with 0.7% showing primary ocular involvement. We describe two cases of sporotrichosis with ocular involvement in children through inoculation by felines, with a good response to antifungal treatment.

Humans , Animals , Child , Aged , Cats , Sporotrichosis/diagnosis , Sporotrichosis/drug therapy , Sporothrix , Dermatomycoses/drug therapy , Eye , Antifungal Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 46(1): 54-58, Ene 01, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526458


Introducción: Los quistes de iris son lesiones benignas encapsuladas de contenido líquido que se pueden localizar en el epitelio pigmentario del iris o en su estroma, se clasifican de acuerdo con su etiología en primarios cuando no tienen una causa conocida y secundarios cuando se forman como consecuencia de traumatismos, fármacos, tumores malignos, uveítis, parásitos o trastornos sistémicos.Los síntomas incluyen obstrucción del eje visual, visión borrosa e incluso descompensación corneal, el diagnóstico se realiza mediante la observación directa a través de la lámpara de hendidura y con estudios de imagen como la ultrasonografía, una vez establecido el diagnóstico su tratamiento sigue siendo controversial e incluyen iridectomía, drenaje del conteni-do quístico, uso de láser argón y YAG láser.Presentación del caso: Paciente femenina de 28 años con antecedente de traumatismo ocular derecho, posteriormente presenta lesión quística en iris, valorada mediante biomicroscopía y estudios de imagen (ultrabiomicroscopía), confirmando el diagnóstico de quiste de iris, para lo cual se realiza drenaje quirúrgico con evolución favorable. Conclusión: Los quistes de iris son lesiones poco frecuentes que podrían comprometer el campo visual dependiendo de su localización y tamaño por lo que el drenaje quirúrgico del contenido quístico iridiano es una opción terapéutica eficaz.

Introduction: Iris cysts are benign encapsulated lesions of liquid content that can be located in the pigment epithelium of the iris or in its stroma, they are classified according to their etio-logy as primary when they do not have a known cause and secondary when they form as a consequence from trauma, drugs, malignant tumors, uveitis, parasites or systemic disorders.Symptoms include visual axis obstruction, blurred vision and even corneal decompensation. The diagnosis is made by direct observation through the slit lamp and with imaging studies such as ultrasonography. Once the diagnosis is established, its treatment remains contro-versial and include iridectomy, drainage of cystic contents, use of argon laser and YAG laser.Case presentation: A 28-year-old female patient with a history of right ocular trauma, subse-quently presenting a cystic lesion in the iris, assessed by biomicroscopy and imaging studies (ultrabiomicroscopy) confirming the diagnosis of iris cyst, for which surgical drainage was performed with a favorable evolution.Conclusion: Iris cysts are rare lesions that could compromise the visual field depending on their location and size, which is why surgical drainage of the iris cyst content is an effective therapeutic option.

Humans , Female , Adult , Iris/injuries , Cysts , Eye/pathology , Ophthalmology , Vision Disorders , Drainage , Eye Abnormalities
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 80(5): e0043, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347257


ABSTRACT Introduction: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has been a major challenge for the international scientific community. Since its inception, studies aiming to describe pathophysiological aspects and clinical manifestations of the disease have been conducted, raising hypotheses and confirming possible associations. One aspect of this scientific medical production is the role of the ocular surface as a means of transmission and clinical presentation of viral syndrome. Objectives: To analyze the role of the ocular surface in transmission, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations of SARS-CoV-2, by means of a systematic review. Methods: The search was carried out in three databases: Cochrane, PubMed Central Journals and MEDLINE, using the following descriptors: "COVID-19, ophthalmology". The filters last five years and studies on humans resulted in 32 studies; in that 12 were excluded for not meeting the purpose of the study. Results: There are still few published studies on the relation between SARS-CoV-2 and the ocular route. Most studies showed an association between the presence of nonspecific ocular manifestations and infection by the new coronavirus, with limitations in the number of patients analyzed and the methodology adopted. Hypotheses about the pathophysiological role are largely anchored in the association of SARS-CoV and the ocular surface evaluated in the past. Comments: The results found are still not sufficient to confirm the role of the ocular surface in the pathophysiology of the disease. Most of these preliminary studies are of considerable importance in raising hypotheses based on the medical analysis of the patients studied. However, larger studies with standardized methodology for diagnostic protocol and laboratory analysis of the individuals assessed are required.

RESUMO Introdução: A pandemia da SARS-CoV-2 tem sido um grande desafio para a comunidade científica internacional. Desde seu surgimento, estudos com a intenção de descrever os aspectos fisiopatológicos e as manifestações clínicas da doença vêm sendo conduzidos, levantando hipóteses e confirmando possíveis associações. Um dos temas dessa produção médica científica é o papel da superfície ocular como meio de transmissão e apresentação clínica da síndrome viral. Objetivo: Analisar o papel da superfície ocular na transmissão, na fisiopatologia e nas manifestações clínicas de SARS-CoV-2, através de uma revisão sistemática. Realizou-se a busca em três bancos de dados Cochrane Database, PubMed® e MEDLINE®, utilizando os descritores "COVID-19 e ophthalmology". Foram definidos como filtros o artigo ter sido publicado nos últimos 5 anos e estudo realizado em humanos, tendo sido encontrados 32 artigos. Destes, foram excluídos 12 por não corresponderem ao objetivo do estudo. Resultados: Ainda são poucos os estudos publicados sobre a relação entre o coronavírus 2 da síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SARS-CoV-2) e a via ocular. A maioria dos estudos mostrou associação entre a presença de manifestações oculares inespecíficas e a infecção pelo novo coronavírus, com limitações no número de pacientes analisados e na metodologia adotada. Hipóteses sobre o papel fisiopatológico se ancoram, em grande parte, na associação estudada entre o SARS-CoV-2 e a superfície ocular no passado. Comentários: Os resultados encontrados ainda não são suficientes para confirmar o papel da superfície ocular na fisiopatologia da doença. Grande parte desses estudos preliminares têm importância considerável ao levantar hipóteses baseadas na análise clínica dos pacientes estudados. No entanto, são necessários estudos maiores e com metodologia padronizada para protocolo diagnóstico e análise laboratorial dos indivíduos avaliados.

Humans , Eye Infections, Viral/transmission , Coronavirus Infections/complications , Coronavirus Infections/transmission , Eye Diseases/virology , Eye Manifestations , Tears/virology , Conjunctivitis, Viral/transmission , Conjunctiva/virology , Eye/virology , Betacoronavirus/isolation & purification , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 31: 31202, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291268


O olho vermelho é uma queixa oftalmológica frequente na atenção primária à saúde. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta revisão é descrever as principais patologias relacionadas a esse sinal na prática clínica, a fim de auxiliar os profissionais de saúde no diagnóstico, na condução dos casos, e na tomada de decisões quanto à necessidade de encaminhamento ao especialista. A maioria dos casos são benignos, porém, alguns apresentam risco de complicações e perda visual.

The red eye is a frequent eye complaint in primary health care. In this context, the objective of this review is to describe the main pathologies related to this sign in clinical practice, in order to assist health professionals in the diagnosis, in the management of cases, and in making decisions regarding the need for referral to the specialist. Most cases are benign, however, some are at risk of complications and visual loss.

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Eye Abnormalities , Diagnosis, Differential , Pathology , Conjunctivitis , Eye