La infección asociada a fracturas (IAF) es una de las complicaciones más frecuentes y desafiantes del traumaortopédico, sin embargo, su importancia ha sido subestimada existiendo históricamente una falta de estandarización en su manejo. En los últimos años la evidencia científica disponible ha ido en aumento, ya consecuencia de ello múltiples guías clínicas y consensos de expertos han sido publicados. El objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar una actualización, dirigida principalmente a especialistas en Ortopedia y Traumatología, buscado estandarizar criterios diagnósticos y de tratamiento basado en evidencia científica reciente.
Fracture-related infection (FRI) is one of the most frequent and challenging complications of orthopedic trauma; however, its importance has been underestimated. Historically, there has been a lack of standardization in its management. However, the available scientific evidence has increased in recent years, given multiple clinical guidelines and expert consensus. This review aims to provide an update oriented to orthopedic trauma surgeons to standardize diagnostic and treatment criteria based on recent scientific evidence
Humans , Surgical Wound Infection/diagnosis , Surgical Wound Infection/therapy , Fractures, Bone/complications , Fractures, Bone/surgeryABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To compare the effectiveness of O-arm navigation and C-arm navigation for guiding percutaneous long sacroiliac screws in treatment of Denis type Ⅱ sacral fractures.@*METHODS@#A retrospective study was conducted on clinical data of the 46 patients with Denis type Ⅱ sacral fractures between April 2021 and October 2022. Among them, 19 patients underwent O-arm navigation assisted percutaneous long sacroiliac screw fixation (O-arm navigation group), and 27 patients underwent C-arm navigation assisted percutaneous long sacroiliac screw fixation (C-arm navigation group). There was no significant difference in gender, age, causes of injuries, Tile classification of pelvic fractures, combined injury, the interval from injury to operation between the two groups ( P>0.05). The intraoperative preparation time, the placement time of each screw, the fluoroscopy time of each screw during placement, screw position accuracy, the quality of fracture reduction, and fracture healing time were recorded and compared, postoperative complications were observed. Pelvic function was evaluated by Majeed score at last follow-up.@*RESULTS@#All operations were completed successfully, and all incisions healed by first intention. Compared to the C-arm navigation group, the O-arm navigation group had shorter intraoperative preparation time, placement time of each screw, and fluoroscopy time, with significant differences ( P<0.05). There was no significant difference in screw position accuracy and the quality of fracture reduction ( P>0.05). There was no nerve or vascular injury during screw placed in the two groups. All patients in both groups were followed up, with the follow-up time of 6-21 months (mean, 12.0 months). Imaging re-examination showed that both groups achieved bony healing, and there was no significant difference in fracture healing time between the two groups ( P>0.05). During follow-up, there was no postoperative complications, such as screw loosening and breaking or loss of fracture reduction. At last follow-up, there was no significant difference in pelvic function between the two groups ( P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with the C-arm navigation, the O-arm navigation assisted percutaneous long sacroiliac screws for the treatment of Denis typeⅡsacral fractures can significantly shorten the intraoperative preparation time, screw placement time, and fluoroscopy time, improve the accuracy of screw placement, and obtain clearer navigation images.
Humans , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Retrospective Studies , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Bone Screws , Surgery, Computer-Assisted , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Spinal Fractures/surgery , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Pelvic Bones/injuries , Postoperative Complications , Neck InjuriesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To assess the effectiveness of the single Kocher-Langenbeck approach combined with anterograde channel screw technique for the treatment of acetabular transverse and posterior wall fractures.@*METHODS@#Between March 2020 and October 2022, 17 cases of acetabular transverse and posterior wall fractures were treated with the single Kocher-Langenbeck approach combined with anterograde channel screw technique. There were 11 males and 6 females, with an average age of 53.6 years (range, 42-64 years). Causes of injury included traffic accident in 12 cases, and falling from height in 5 cases. The time from injury to operation ranged from 4 to 16 days with an average of 8.8 days. The operation time, intraoperative blood loss, and fluoroscopy frequency were recorded; X-ray films were reviewed regularly after operation to observe the fracture healing, and postoperative complications were recorded. At last follow-up, Matta score was used to evaluate the reduction of fracture, Harris score and modified Merle D'Aubigné-Postel scores system were used to evaluate the hip joint function.@*RESULTS@#The operation time was 150-230 minutes (mean, 185.9 minutes), the intraoperative blood loss was 385-520 mL (mean, 446.2 mL), and the fluoroscopy frequency was 18-34 times (mean, 27.5 times). Postoperative fat liquefaction occurred in 1 case and the other incisions healed by first intention; 3 cases had limb numbness after operation, and the symptoms disappeared after active symptomatic treatment; no urogenital system and intestinal injury occurred. All patients were followed up 12-28 months (mean, 19.9 months). Bone union was achieved in all cases with an average healing time of 10.8 weeks (range, 8-14 weeks). There was no complication such as loosening and breakage of internal fixators. At last follow-up, according to Matta score, 12 cases achieved anatomic reduction, 3 satisfactory reduction, and 2 fair reduction, the satisfactory rate was 88.2%; according to Harris hip function score, 12 cases were excellent, 3 good, and 2 fair, the excellent and good rate was 88.2%; according to the modified Merle D'Aubign Aubigné-Postel scoring system, the results were excellent in 11 cases, good in 3 cases, and fair in 3 cases, with an excellent and good rate of 82.4%.@*CONCLUSION@#The single Kocher-Langenbeck approach combined with anterograde channel screw technique is a minimally invasive method for the treatment of acetabular transverse and posterior wall fractures with less complications, simple operation, and satisfactory effectiveness.
Male , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Blood Loss, Surgical , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Treatment Outcome , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Acetabulum/injuries , Bone Screws , Hip Fractures/surgery , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: Los tratamientos para fracturas de órbita se basan en la corrección del defecto de las lesiones orbitarias de tipo blow in y blow out (o de estallido), mediante diversas placas y mallas biocompatibles con el organismo, dándose una cicatrización de primera generación evitando un callo óseo y una fijación más rígida. Para el diagnóstico de este tipo de lesiones tenemos inflamación periorbitaria, enoftalmos, diplopía, equimosis, hemorragia subconjuntival. Existen diversos materiales reconstructivos siendo estos compuestos por distintas materias primas, como son los aloplásticos y autógenos; donde encontramos varios tipos como placas de titanio y las placas reabsorbibles siendo estas las más comunes y usadas actualmente, por su bajo estímulo a reabsorciones óseas y evitando efectos secundarios a largo plazo. Estas placas presentan diversos grados de ductilidad y resistencia. Se informó sobre varias complicaciones según el tipo de placas como es la cicatrización, las cirugías postquirúrgicas en caso de placas de titanio, etc. El objetivo de esta revisión es la evaluación de la eficacia las placas reabsorbibles versus placas de titanio en fracturas de órbita. Materiales y métodos: La investigación es de carácter documental, descriptivo y no experimental. En el cual se emplea una metodología de identificación e inclusión de artículos científicos tipo prisma. Resultados y conclusiones: Se verificaron las ventajas y desventajas tanto de las placas reabsorbibles como las de titanio siendo estas similares en la biocompatibilidad con el organismo humano, así como también varias diferencias como el soporte, fuerzas, resistencia de estas, concluyendo que es debatible el material ideal para tratar fracturas de órbita. Se seleccionaron artículos tomando en cuenta el título y objetivos; considerando estudios comparativos, revisiones sistemáticas, revisiones de literatura, los cuales comprendían criterios con respecto a fracturas de órbita y tratamientos quirúrgicos. La búsqueda arrojó 55 artículos en PubMed, 65 en Google, 4 en Scielo y 29 en Science direct, de los cuales se excluyeron libros, monografías, estudios experimentales, dando como resultado 21 artículos para el desarrollo de esta revisión bibliográfica. Y que fueron leídos y analizados en su totalidad, estudiando los objetivos, metodología y conclusión de cada uno de ellos para la posterior comparación.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Treatments for orbit fractures are based on the correction of the defect of blow in and blow out orbital injuries, by means of various plates and meshes biocompatible with the organism, giving a first-generation healing avoiding a bony callus and a more rigid fixation. For the diagnosis of this type of lesions we have periorbital inflammation, enophthalmos, diplopia, ecchymosis, subconjunctival hemorrhage. There are several reconstructive materials being these composed of different raw materials, such as alloplastic and autogenous, where we find several types such as titanium plates and resorbable plates being these the most common and currently used, for its low stimulus to bone resorption and avoiding long-term side effects. These plates have different degrees of ductility and resistance. Several complications have been reported depending on the type of plates, such as scarring, post-surgical surgeries in the case of titanium plates, etc. The objective of this review is to evaluate the efficacy of resorbable versus titanium plates in orbital fractures. Materials and methods: This research are a documentary, descriptive and non-experimental nature. A prism-type methodology of identification and inclusion of scientific articles was used. Results and conclusions: The advantages and disadvantages of both resorbable and titanium plates were verified, being these similar in biocompatibility with the human organism, as well as several differences such as support, forces, resistance of the same, concluding that it is debatable. The ideal material to treat orbital fractures. Articles were selected considering the title and objectives; considering comparative studies, systematic reviews, literature reviews, which included criteria regarding orbital fractures and surgical treatments. The search yielded 55 articles in PubMed, 65 in Google, 4 in Scielo and 29 in Science direct, from which books, monographs, experimental studies were excluded, resulting in 21 articles for the development of this bibliographic review. The 21 articles were read and analyzed in their entirety, studying the objectives, methodology and conclusion of each one of them for subsequent comparison.
Humans , Orbit/injuries , Bone Plates , Titanium , Biocompatible Materials/therapeutic use , Fractures, Bone/surgeryABSTRACT
Abstract Objective This study assessed differences between fully- and partially-threaded screws in the initial interfragmentary compression strength. Our hypothesis was that there would be an increased loss in initial compression strength with the partially-threaded screw. Methods A 45-degree oblique fracture line was created in artificial bone samples. The first group (FULL, n = 6) was fixed using a 3.5-mm fully-threaded lag screw, while the second group (PARTIAL, n = 6) used a 3.5-mm partially-threaded lag screw. Torsional stiffness for both rotational directions were evaluated. The groups were compared based on biomechanical parameters: angle-moment-stiffness, time-moment-stiffness, maximal torsional moment (failure load), and calibrated compression force based on pressure sensor measurement. Results After loss of one PARTIAL sample, no statistically significant differences in calibrated compression force measurement were observed between both groups: [median (interquartile range)] FULL: 112.6 (10.5) N versus PARTIAL: 106.9 (7.1) N, Mann-Whitney U-test: p = 0.8). In addition, after exclusion of 3 samples for mechanical testing (FULL n = 5, PARTIAL n = 4), no statistically significant differences were observed between FULL and PARTIAL constructs in angle-moment-stiffness, time-moment-stiffness, nor maximum torsional moment (failure load). Conclusion There is no apparent difference in the initial compression strength (compression force or construct stiffness or failure load) achieved using either fully-or partially-threaded screws in this biomechanical model in high-density artificial bone. Fully-threaded screws could, therefore, be more useful in diaphyseal fracture treatment. Further research on the impact in softer osteoporotic, or metaphyseal bone models, and to evaluate the clinical significance is required.
Resumo Objetivo Este estudo avaliou diferenças entre parafusos com rosca total ou parcial na resistência à compressão interfragmentar inicial. Nossa hipótese era de que haveria maior perda de resistência à compressão inicial com o parafuso de rosca parcial. Métodos Uma linha de fratura oblíqua de 45 graus foi criada em amostras de osso artificial. O primeiro grupo (TOTAL, n = 6) foi fixado com um parafuso de 3,5 mm de rosca total, enquanto o segundo grupo (PARCIAL, n = 6) usou um parafuso de 3,5 mm de rosca parcial. Avaliamos a rigidez à torção em ambas as direções de rotação. Os grupos foram comparados com base nos seguintes parâmetros biomecânicos: momento de rigidez-ângulo, momento de rigidez-tempo, momento de torção máxima (carga de falha) e força de compressão calibrada com base na medida do sensor de pressão. Resultados Depois da perda de uma amostra PARCIAL, não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas na força de compressão calibrada entre os 2 grupos [mediana (intervalo interquartil)]: TOTAL: 112,6 (10,5) N e PARCIAL: 106,9 (7,1) N, com p = 0,8 segundo o teste U de Mann-Whitney). Além disso, após a exclusão de 3 amostras para testes mecânicos (TOTAL, n = 5, PARCIAL, n = 4), não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os construtos TOTAL e PARCIAL quanto ao momento de rigidez-ângulo, momento de rigidez-tempo ou momento de torção máxima (carga de falha). Conclusão Não há diferença aparente na força de compressão inicial (força de compressão ou rigidez do construto ou carga de falha) com o uso de parafusos de rosca total ou parcial neste modelo biomecânico em osso artificial de alta densidade. Parafusos de rosca total podem, portanto, ser mais úteis no tratamento de fraturas diafisárias. Mais pesquisas são necessárias sobre o impacto em modelos ósseos osteoporóticos ou metafisários de menor densidade e avaliação do significado clínico.
Humans , Biomechanical Phenomena , Bone Cements , Bone Screws , Fractures, Bone/surgeryABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical efficacy of needle-guided percutaneous cannulated compression screw fixation in the treatment of acute non-displaced scaphoid fracture of wrist.@*METHODS@#The clinic data of twenty-eight patients with acute non-displaced scaphoid fracture from January 2014 to January 2019 were analyzed retrospectively. According to the intraoperative method of placement of cannulated screw, they were divided into Guide group(16 patients)and Conventional group(12 patients). There were 13 males and 3 females in Guide group, aged from 20 to 60 years old with an average of(31.42±9.71)years old;5 patients were classified as type A2, 3 patients were classified as type B1 and 8 patients were classified as type B2 according to Herbert classification;they were treated with percutaneous cannulated compression screw fixation under the guidance of needle. There were 11 males and 1 female in Conventional group, aged from 23 to 61 years old with an average of(30.51±7.52)years old;5 patients were classified as type A2, 2 patients were classified as type B1 and 5 patients were classified as type B2 according to Herbert classification;they were treated with conventional percutaneous cannulated compression screw fixation. The operation time, screw angle relative to the longitudinal axis of the scaphoid and wrist function score were assessed and compared between the two groups.@*RESULTS@#A total of 28 patients were followed up from 20 to 45 months with an average of (33.00±8.72) months. None of patients had intraoperative complication and incision infection. These patients returned to work gradually 2 weeks after operation, and all fractures healed within 12 weeks. The operation time in the Guide group was significantly less than that in the Conventinal group(P<0.05). Screw angle relative to the longitudinal axis of the scaphoid in the Guide group was significantly smaller than that in the Conventional group(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in Mayo wrist function scores at the last follow-up between the two groups(P>0.05). During the follow-up period, none of the 28 patients showed internal fixation displacement, arthritis, scaphoid necrosis and other complications.@*CONCLUSION@#In the treatment of acute non-displaced scaphoid fractures, the operation time of needle-guided percutaneous cannulated headless compression screw fixation is significantly shorter than that of conventional percutaneous screw fixation, and the screw axis is easier to be parallel to the longitudinal axis of the scaphoid.
Male , Humans , Female , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Scaphoid Bone/surgery , Wrist , Retrospective Studies , Syringes , Wrist Injuries/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Bone Screws , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical effect of double pulley combined with suture bridge in the treatment of comminuted fracture of the lower pole of the patella.@*METHODS@#From January 2018 to June 2020, 15 patients with comminuted fracture of the lower pole of the patella were treated with double pulley and suture bridge technology, including 9 males and 6 females, aged 28 to 68 years old with an average of (42.4±9.6) years old. All patients had obvious knee joint pain and limited movement after injury. All knee joints were examined by X-ray and CT, which confirmed that they were all comminuted fractures at the lower level of the patella. After operation, X-ray films of the knee joint were taken regularly to understand the fracture healing, the Insall Salvati index was measure, the range of motion of the joint was recorded, and the function of the knee joint was evaluateed by the Bostman scoring system.@*RESULTS@#All the 15 patients were followed up for 7 to 24 months with an average of (11.4±4.2) months, and there was no obvious anterior knee pain. At the last follow-up, the knee joint range of motion of the affected limb was 105° to 140° with an average of (128.5±12.8) °, and the Insall Salvati index was 0.79 to 1.12 with an average of (0.92±0.18). The X-ray film showed that the patella was bone healing, and no anchor fell off, broken, or displaced fracture block was found. Bostman patellar fracture function score was 27.85±2.06, 13 cases were excellent, 2 cases were good.@*CONCLUSION@#Double pulley technique combined with suture bridge technique is reliable for reduction and fixation of comminuted fracture of the lower pole of patella, and patients can start functional exercise early after operation.
Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Fractures, Comminuted/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Patella/injuries , Bone Wires , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Sutures , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
PURPOSE@#Combined anterior and posterior ring (APR) fixation is classically performed in Tile B2 and C1 injuries to achieve superior biomechanical stability. However, the posterior ring (PR) is the main weight bearing portion that is responsible for weight transmission from the upper parts of the body to the lower limbs through the sacrum and the linea terminalis. It is hypothesized that isolated PR fixation can achieve comparable radiological and clinical outcomes to APR fixation. Therefore, we conducted this study to compare the two fixation principles in managing Tile B2 and C1 injuries.@*METHODS@#Our study included 20 patients with Tile B2 injuries and 20 patients with Tile C1 injuries. This study was a randomized control single-blinded study via computerized random numbers with a 1:1 allocation by using random block method. The study was performed at a level one trauma center. A total of 40 patients with Tile B2 and C1 injuries underwent combined APR or isolated PR fixation (Group A and B, respectively). Matta & Tornetta radiological principles and Majeed pelvic scoring system were used for the assessment of primary outcomes and postoperative complications. Secondary outcomes included operative time, amount of blood loss, intraoperative assessment of reduction, need of another operation, length of hospital stay, ability to weight bear postoperatively and pain control metrics. We used student t-test to compare the difference in means between two groups, and Chi-square test to compare proportions between two qualitative parameters. We set the confidence interval to 95% and the margin of error accepted to 5%. So, p ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.@*RESULTS@#The mean follow-up duration was 18 months. The operative time (mean difference 0.575 h) and the intraoperative blood loss (mean difference 97.5 mL) were lower in Group B. Also, despite the higher frequency of rami displacement before union in the same group, there were no significant differences in terms of radiological outcome (excellent outcome with OR = 2.357), clinical outcome (excellent outcome with OR = 2.852) and postoperative complications assessment (OR = 1.556) at last follow-up.@*CONCLUSION@#The authors concluded that isolated PR fixation could favorably manage Tile B2 and C1 pelvic ring injuries with Nakatani zone II pubic rami fractures and intact inguinal ligament. Its final radiological and clinical outcomes and postoperative complications were comparable to combined APR fixation, but with less morbidity (shorter operation time, lower amount of blood, and no records of postoperative wound infection).
Humans , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Pelvic Bones/injuries , Bone Screws , Retrospective Studies , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Spinal Fractures , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the surgical technique and effectiveness of titanium elastic nail (TEN) assisted retrograde channel screw implantation of superior pubic branch.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 31 patients with pelvic or acetabular fractures treated with retrograde channel screw implantation in superior pubic branch between January 2021 and April 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 16 cases were implanted with assistance of TEN (study group) and 15 cases were implanted under the guidance of C-arm X-ray machine (control group). There was no significant difference in gender, age, cause of injury, Tile classification of pelvic fracture, Judet-Letournal classification of acetabular fracture, and time from injury to operation between the two groups ( P>0.05). The operation time, fluoroscopy times, and intraoperative blood loss of each superior pubic branch retrograde channel screw were recorded during operation. X-ray films and three-dimensional CT were reexamined after operation, the quality of fracture reduction was evaluated by Matta score standard, and the position of channel screw was evaluated by screw position classification standard. The fracture healing time was recorded during the follow-up, and the postoperative functional recovery was evaluated by Merle D'Aubigne Postel score system at last follow-up.@*RESULTS@#Nineteen and 20 retrograde channel screws of superior pubic branch were implanted in the study group and the control group, respectively. The operation time, fluoroscopy times, and intraoperative blood loss of each screw in the study group were significantly less than those in the control group ( P<0.05). According to the postoperative X-ray films and three-dimensional CT, none of the 19 screws in the study group penetrated out of the cortical bone or into the joint, and the excellent and good rate was 100% (19/19); in the control group, there were 4 screws of cortical bone penetration, and the excellent and good rate was 80% (16/20); the difference between the two groups was significant ( P<0.05). Matta score standard was used to evaluate the quality of fracture reduction, there was no patient in the two groups with poor reduction results, and the difference was not significant between the two groups ( P>0.05). The incisions of the two groups healed by first intention, and there was no complication such as incision infection, skin margin necrosis, and deep infection. All patients were followed up 8-22 months, with an average of 14.7 months. There was no significant difference in healing time between the two groups ( P>0.05). At last follow-up, the difference in functional recovery evaluated by the Merle D'Aubigne Postel scoring system between the two groups was not significant ( P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#TEN assisted implantation technique can significantly shorten the operation time of retrograde channel screw implantation of superior pubic branch, reduce the times of fluoroscopy, and have less intraoperative blood loss and accurate screw implantation, which provides a new safe and reliable method for minimally invasive treatment of pelvic and acetabular fractures.
Humans , Titanium , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Blood Loss, Surgical , Retrospective Studies , Bone Screws , Treatment Outcome , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Spinal Fractures , Hip FracturesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of absorbable anchor combined with Kirschner wire fixation in the reconstruction of extension function of old mallet finger.@*METHODS@#Between January 2020 and January 2022, 23 cases of old mallet fingers were treated. There were 17 males and 6 females with an average age of 42 years (range, 18-70 years). The cause of injury included sports impact injury in 12 cases, sprain in 9 cases, and previous cut injury in 2 cases. The affected finger included index finger in 4 cases, middle finger in 5 cases, ring finger in 9 cases, and little finger in 5 cases. There were 18 patients of tendinous mallet fingers (Doyle type Ⅰ), 5 patients were only small bone fragments avulsion (Wehbe type ⅠA). The time from injury to operation was 45-120 days, with an average of 67 days. The patients were treated with Kirschner wire to fix the distal interphalangeal joint in a mild back extension position after joint release. The insertion of extensor tendon was reconstructed and fixed with absorbable anchors. After 6 weeks, the Kirschner wire was removed, and the patients started joint flexion and extension training.@*RESULTS@#The postoperative follow-up ranged from 4 to 24 months (mean, 9 months). The wounds healed by first intention without complications such as skin necrosis, wound infection, and nail deformity. The distal interphalangeal joint was not stiff, the joint space was good, and there was no complication such as pain and osteoarthritis. At last follow-up, according to Crawford function evaluation standard, 12 cases were excellent, 9 cases were good, 2 cases were fair, and the good and excellent rate was 91.3%.@*CONCLUSION@#Absorbable anchor combined with Kirschner wire fixation can be used to reconstruct the extension function of old mallet finger, which has the advantages of simple operation and less complications.
Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Bone Wires , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Finger Injuries/surgery , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Tendon Injuries/surgery , Fingers , Treatment Outcome , Finger Joint/surgeryABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate effectiveness of suture anchor fixation combined with Nice knot strapping via longitudinal patellar drilling in the treatment of patellar inferior pole fractures.@*METHODS@#A clinical data of 37 patients with unilateral patellar inferior pole fracture who met the selection criteria between June 2017 and June 2021 was retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 17 cases were treated with the suture anchor fixation combined with Nice knot strapping via longitudinal patellar drilling (group A), and 20 cases were treated with the traditional Kirschner wire tension band technique (group B). There was no significant difference in terms of gender, age, body mass index, fracture side, combined medical disease, and preoperative hemoglobin between the two groups ( P>0.05). Operation time, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative complications, fracture healing time, knee range of motion, and knee function Bostman score (range of motion, pain, daily work, muscle atrophy, walking aids, knee effusion, soft leg, and stair climbing) and grading were recorded in both groups at last follow-up.@*RESULTS@#There was no significant difference in operation time and intraoperative blood loss between the two groups ( P>0.05). All incisions healed by first intention. All patients were followed up 1-2 years, with an average of 1.7 years. X-ray films reexamination showed that all fractures in group A healed, while 2 cases in group B did not heal. There was no significant difference in bone healing time between the two groups ( P>0.05). At last follow-up, the knee range of motion, the range of motion score of Bostman score, total score and effectiveness grading in group A were significantly better than those in group B ( P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the other items of Bostman scores between the two groups ( P>0.05). During follow-up, 2 cases of internal fixation failure and 1 case of internal fixator irritation occurred in group B, and no complication related to internal fixation occurred in group A. The occurrence of complications was significantly lower in group A than in group B ( P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with the traditional Kirschner wire tension band technique, the suture anchor combined with Nice knot strapping via longitudinal patellar drilling for the patellar inferior pole fractures has the advantages of simple operation, reliable fixation, early flexion and extension activity, and better functional recovery of knee joint.
Humans , Male , Female , Blood Loss, Surgical , Bone Wires , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Knee Injuries , Patella/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Suture Anchors , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To compare clinical efficacy of No-touch technique and traditional retractor in treating calcaneal fracture.@*METHODS@#Clinical data of 74 calcaneal fracture patients with closed Sanders typeⅡ to Ⅳ were retrospectively analyzed from July 2019 to June 2021. According to different treatment methods, the patients were divided into No-touch group and conventional group, 37 patinets in each group. In No-touch group, there were 25 males and 12 females, aged from 19 to 70 years old with an average of (42.64±14.16) years old;17 patients were typeⅡ, 14 patinets with type Ⅲ, 6 patients with type Ⅳ according to Sanders fracture classification;three 2.0 mm Kirschner wires were implanted into the talus body, talus neck, and cuboid bone, and the flap was turned upward to expose the operation area. In conventional group, there were 30 males and 7 females, aged from 19 to 67 years old with an average of (41.56±11.38) years old;17 patients with typeⅡ, 12 patients with type Ⅲ, 8 patients with type Ⅳ according to Sanders fracture classification;the operation was completed by exposing the operation area with traditional retractor. Operation time, postoperative incision complications, postoperaive American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle hind foot score at 6 months between two groups were compared.@*RESULTS@#Seventy-four patients were followed up, and follow-up time in No-touch group ranged from 6 to 17 months with an average of(9.57±2.72) months, while in conventional group ranged from 6 to 16 months with an averge of(9.14±2.71) months, and no difference in follow-up between two groups (P>0.05). Operation time in No-touch group (55.67±7.94) min was shorter than that in conventional group (70.16±9.41) min (P<0.05);four patients in No-touch group occurred incision complications, while 8 patients in normal group, and had statistically difference(P<0.05). Daily activities and support, maximum walking distance (block), ground walking, limited degree of flexion, extension and valgus, foot alignment and total score of AOFAS scores in No-touch group was significantly higher than that of conventional group (P<0.05). There were no significant difference in pain degree, abnormal gait and ankle hind foot stability between two groups(P>0.05). According to AOFAS score, 19 patients got excellent result, 16 good and 2 poor in No-touch group;while 9 excellent, 24 good, and 4 poor in conventional group, and no difference between two groups (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with traditional retractor in treating calcaneal fracture, No-touch technology could significantly shorten operation time, reduce incidence of postopertive complications, while two methods could improve excellent and good rate of ankle joint function recovery after operation.
Male , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Retrospective Studies , Calcaneus/surgery , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Ankle Injuries , Treatment Outcome , Ankle Joint , Foot Injuries , Knee Injuries , Postoperative Complications , TalusABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate clinical effect of percutaneous reduction combined with internal fixation of calcaneal nail in treating Sanders typeⅡto Ⅲ calcaneal fractures.@*METHODS@#From July 2017 to August 2019, clinical data of 98 patients with Sanders typeⅡto Ⅲ calcaneal fractures treated were retrospectively analyzed, and divided into observation group and control group according to different surgical methods. In observation group, there were 35 males and 21 females, aged from 23 to 58 years old with an average of (34.50±7.81) years old;29 patients with Sanders typeⅡand 27 patients with Sanders type Ⅲ;30 patients on the left side and 26 patients on the right side;the time from fracture to operation ranged from 1 to 4 days with an average of (3.45±0.54) days;and treated with percutaneous reduction combined with internal fixation of calcaneal nail system. In control group, there were 25 males and 17 females, aged from 25 to 60 years old with an average of (35.27±7.64) years old;23 patients with Sanders type Ⅱ and 19 patients with Sanders type Ⅲ;24 patients on the left side and 18 patients on the right side;the time from fracture to operation ranged from 2 to 5 days with an average of (3.42±0.62) days;and treated with open reduction and internal fixation. Operation time, blood loss, hospital stay, fracture healing time, and postoperative visual analogue scale (VAS) at 1 day, preoperative and postoperative American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle-hindfoot score, Böhler angle, Gissane angle and calcaneus width, and postoperative complications were compared between two groups.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up from 13 to 18 months with an average of (15.6±2.2) months. There were significant differences in operation time, blood loss, hospital stay, fracture healing time and postoperative VAS at 1 day between two groups (P<0.05). There was statistical difference in postoperative AOFAS score at 12 months between two groups (P<0.05), and AOFAS score at 12 months after operation was higher than that before operation (P<0.05). According to AOFAS score, 21 patients got excellent result, 30 good and 5 moderate in observation group, and 10 excellent, 22 good, 7 moderate and 3 poor in control group, which had statistical difference between two groups (P<0.05). Postoperative Böhler angle, Gissane angle and calcaneus width at 6 months were better than that before operation between two groups(P<0.05). One patient in observation and 20 patients in control group occurred skin numbness after operation, and 14 patients occurred skin necrosis in control group, there were obvious difference between two groups(P<0.01).@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with open reduction and internal fixation, percutaneous reduction combined with internal fixation system in treating Sanders typeⅡto Ⅲ calcaneal fractures is feasible for fracture repair without waiting for foot deswelling, which could accurately restore normal shape and position of the fractured heel bone, completely eliminate fracture malunion, and reduce postoperative complications. Therefore, it could shorten operation time, hospital stay, fracture healing time, reduce amount of blood loss, promote postoperative recovery, and less complications, high safety, which could be used as a choice of orthopedic surgery for foot and ankle trauma.
Male , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Calcaneus/injuries , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Ankle Injuries , Bone Screws , Foot Injuries , Knee Injuries , Ankle Joint , Postoperative ComplicationsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore clinical effect of intermittent flap opening technique in L-shaped incision of calcaneal fracture.@*METHODS@#From January 2017 to January 2019, 48 patients with Sanders typeⅡ to Ⅳ calcaneal fractures were treated by open reduction and internal fixation. According to different flap opening techniques, the patients were divided into control group and observation group, 24 patients in each group. In observation group, there were 17 males and 7 females, aged from 20 to 60 years old with an average of(45.12±9.56) years old;7 patients were typeⅡ, 10 patients were type Ⅲ and 7 patients were type Ⅳ according to Sanders classification;3 patients were C0, 16 patients were C1 and 5 patients were C2 according to Tscherne-Gotzen soft-tissue assessment;treated with intermittent flap technique. In control group, there were 19 males and 5 females aged from 20 to 60 years old with an average of (47.32±10.67) years old;7 patients were typeⅡ, 11 patients were type Ⅲ and 6 patients were type Ⅳ according to Sanders classification;2 patients were C0, 18 patients were C1 and 4 patients were C2 according to Tschemc-Gotzen soft-tissue assessment;treated with static flap opening technique. Operation time, flap retraction time, changes of Böhler angle and Gissane angle before and after operation at 3 days, and occurrence of incision complications were observed and compared between two groups.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up from 3 to 6 months with an average of(4.52±1.01) months. There were no significant differences in operation time, changes of Böhler angle and Gissane angle before and after operation at 3 days between the two groups(P>0.05);there was statistical difference in flap retraction time between two groups(P<0.05). Occurrence of incision complications in observation group was significantly lower than that in control group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Intermittent flap opening technique is superior to static opening technique in reducing incision complications of lateral "L" approach of calcaneus. Single Kirschner wire opening does not affect the exposure, reduction and fixation of fracture during operation.
Male , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Surgical Wound , Treatment Outcome , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Calcaneus/surgery , Ankle Injuries , Foot Injuries , Knee InjuriesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To compare the clinical efficacy of micro steel plate and Kirschner needle oblique and transverse internal fixation of adjacent metacarpal bone in the treatment of metacarpal diaphyseal oblique fracture.@*METHODS@#Fifty-nine patients with metacarpal diaphyseal oblique fractures admitted between January 2018 and September 2021 were selected as the study subjects and divided into the observation group (29 cases) and the control group (30 cases) based on different internal fixation methods. The observation group was treated with Kirschner wire oblique and transverse internal fixation of adjacent metacarpal bones, while the control group was treated with micro steel plate internal fixation. Postoperative complications, operation time, incision length, fracture healing time, treatment cost, and metacarpophalangeal function were compared between the two groups.@*RESULTS@#No incision or Kirschner wire infections occurred in the 59 patients, except for one in the observation group. No fixation loosening, rupture, or loss of fracture reduction occurred in any of the patients. The operation time and incision length in the observation group were (20.5±4.2) min and (1.6±0.2) cm, respectively, which were significantly shorter than those in the control group (30.8±5.6) min and (4.3±0.8) cm (P<0.05). The treatment cost and fracture healing time in the observation group were (3 804.5±300.8) yuan and (7.2±1.1) weeks, respectively, which were significantly lower than those in the control group (9 906.9±860.6) yuan and (9.3±1.7) weeks (P<0.05). The excellent and good rate of metacarpophalangeal joint function in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group at 1, 2, and 3 months after operation (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two groups at 6 months after operation (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Micro steel plate internal fixation and Kirschner wire oblique and transverse internal fixation of adjacent metacarpal bones are both viable surgical methods for treating metacarpal diaphyseal oblique fractures. However, the latter has the advantages of causing less surgical trauma, shorter operation time, better fracture healing, lower cost of fixation materials, and no need for secondary incision and removal of internal fixation.
Humans , Metacarpal Bones/injuries , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Bone Wires , Bone Plates , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the clinical effect of Kirschner wire intramedullary fixation in the treatment of both-bone forearm fractures in children of high altitude area.@*METHODS@#From August 2020 to December 2021, 19 children were treated with Kirschner wire intramedullary fixation including 11 males and 8 females, aged from 4 to 13 years old with an average of (8.16±2.71) years old. The course of disease was 1 to 10 days, with a mean of (4.11±2.51) d. First, close reduction was performed. If the reduction was unsuccessful, limited open reduction was performed, followed by Kirschner wire intramedullary fixation of the radius and ulna. The fracture healing was evaluated by X-ray after operation, and the curative effect was evaluated by Anderson forearm function score standard.@*RESULTS@#The wound healed well after operation, 2 cases had clinical manifestations of needle tail irritation after operation, and the symptoms disappeared after removing the internal fixation. The average follow-up time was(7.68±3.50) months (3 to 14 months). X-ray showed that all fracture healing in follow-up, Anderson forearm function score showed excellent in 16 cases, good in 2 cases and fair in 1 case at the final follow-up.@*CONCLUSION@#Children with fractures in plateau areas often have delayed medical treatment, lack of medical conditions and insufficient compliance. Based on these characteristics, Kirschner wire intramedullary fixation for the treatment of children's double forearm fractures has the advantages of small injury and rapid recovery. It is a kind of operation method that can be popularized.
Male , Female , Humans , Child , Child, Preschool , Adolescent , Bone Wires , Forearm , Altitude , Treatment Outcome , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Radius Fractures/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Intramedullary/methodsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To summarize the surgical treatment of different proximal clavicle fractures, and discuss the classification of proximal clavicle fractures.@*METHODS@#Total of 24 patients with displaced proximal clavicle fractures were treated from January 2017 to December 2020 including 16 males and 8 females, aged 28 to 66 years old. Among them, 20 cases were fresh fractures and 4 cases were old fractures. According to the Edinburgh classification, 14 cases were type 1B1 fractures and 10 cases were type 1B2 fractures. The different internal fixation methods were selected for internal fixation treatment according to different fracture types.The operation time, blood loss, preoperative and postoperative displacement difference, fracture healing time and Rockwood scoring system were recorded.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up for 12 to 24 months. There were no patients with infection or loss of reduction after the operation. Three patients had internal fixation failure after operation, and the internal fixation device was removed. Results The operation time was 30 to 65 min, and the blood loss was 15 to 40 ml. No important nerves, blood vessels, or organs were damaged. The imaging healing time was 3 to 6 months. According to the Rockwood functional score, the total score was (13.50±1.86), pain (2.57±0.50), range of motion (2.78±0.41), muscle strength (2.93±0.28), restricted daily activity (2.85±0.35), subjective results (2.63±0.61);the results were excellent in 20 cases, good in 3 cases, fair in 1 case.@*CONCLUSION@#Proximal clavicular fracture is a type of fracture with low incidence. According to different fracture types, different internal fixation methods and treatment methods can be selected, and satisfactory surgical results can be achieved.
Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Clavicle/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Bone Plates , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To compare the clinical efficacy of screw and bone plate internal fixation in the treatment of Lisfranc injury.@*METHODS@#The databases of Wanfang, CNKI, Pubmed, EMBASE, VIP, BIOSIS and other databases were retrieved by computer, and the clinical trial literature from January 1, 2000 to August 1, 2021 was retrieved, the methodological quality of the included studies was strictly evaluated and the data were extracted, and the obtained data were meta-analyzed by Revman 5.4 software.@*RESULTS@#Nine randomized controlled trial literature and 10 retrospective cohort studies were included, of which 416 patients in the experimental group were treated with screw internal fixation, and 435 patients in the control group were treated with bone plate internal fixation. Meta-analysis showed that the surgical time of the bone plate internal fixation group was longer than that of the screw internal fixation group [MD=-14.40, 95%CI(-17.21, -11.60), P<0.000 01], the postoperative X-ray anatomical reduction of the bone plate internal fixation group [MD=0.47, 95%CI(0.25, 0.86), P=0.01], the excellent and good rate of postoperative American orthopedic foot and ankle society(AOFAS) foot function score[MD=0.25, 95%CI(0.15, 0.42), P<0.000 01], postoperative AOFAS foot function score [MD=-5.51, 95%CI(-10.10, -0.92), P=0.02] of the bone plate fixation group was better than those of the screw internal fixation group. Two kinds of operation method had no statistical different for postoperative fracture healing time[MD=1.91, 95%CI(-1.36, 5.18), P=0.25], postoperative visual analgue scale(VAS)[MD=0.38, 95%CI(0.09, 0.86), P=0.11], postoperative complications [MD=1.32, 95%CI(0.73, 2.40), P=0.36], the postoperative infection [MD=0.84, 95%CI(0.48, 1.46), P=0.53], the postoperative fracture internal fixation loosening [MD=1.25, 95% CI(0.61, 2.53), P=0.54], the postoperative incidence of traumatic arthritis [MD=1.80, 95%CI(0.83, 3.91), P=0.14].@*CONCLUSION@#Bone plate fixation has better short-term and medium-term results and lower reoperation rate in the treatment of Lisfranc injury, so it is recommended to use bone plate fixation in the treatment of Lisfranc injury.
Humans , Bone Plates , Retrospective Studies , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Bone Screws , Treatment Outcome , Postoperative ComplicationsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the effectiveness of the percutaneous parallel screw fixation via the posterolateral "safe zone" for Hawkins type Ⅰ-Ⅲ talar neck fractures.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data from 35 patients who met the selection criteria of talar neck fractures between January 2019 and June 2021. According to the surgical method, they were divided into a study group (14 cases, using percutaneous posterolateral "safe zone" parallel screw fixation) and a control group (21 cases, using traditional open reduction and anterior cross screw internal fixation). There was no significant difference in gender, age, affected side, Hawkins classification, and time from injury to operation between the two groups ( P>0.05). The operation time, bone healing time, complications, and Hawkins sign were recorded, and the improvement of pain and ankle-foot function were evaluated by visual analogue scale (VAS) score and American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle and hindfoot score at last follow-up. The overall quality of life was assessed by the short form of 12-item health survey (SF-12), which was divided into physical and psychological scores; and the satisfaction of patients was evaluated by the 5-point Likert scale.@*RESULTS@#The operation time in the study group was significantly shorter than that in the control group ( P<0.05). All patients werefollowed up 13-35 months, with an average of 20.6 months; there was no significant difference in the follow-up time between the two groups ( P>0.05). The time of bone healing in the study group was shorter than that in the control group, and the positive rate of Hawkins sign (83.33%) was higher than that in the control group (33.33%), and the differences were significant ( P<0.05). In the control group, there were 2 cases of incision delayed healing, 7 cases of avascular necrosis of bone, 3 cases of joint degeneration, 1 case of bone nonunion, and 3 cases of internal fixation irritation; while in the study group, there were only 2 cases of joint degeneration, and there was a significant difference in the incidence of complications between the two groups ( P<0.05). At last follow-up, there was no significant difference in VAS score between the two groups ( P>0.05), but the SF-12 physical and psychological scores, AOFAS ankle and hindfoot scores, and patients' satisfaction in the study group were significantly better than those in the control group ( P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The treatment of Hawkins type Ⅰ-Ⅲ talar neck fractures with percutaneous parallel screw fixation via the posterolateral "safe zone" can achieve better effectiveness than traditional open surgery, with the advantages of less trauma, fewer complications, faster recovery, and higher patient satisfaction.
Humans , Retrospective Studies , Quality of Life , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Bone Screws , Joint Dislocations , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the effectiveness of Kirschner wire fixation and coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction with suture anchor in the treatment of Cho type ⅡC distal clavicle fractures.@*METHODS@#The data of 17 patients with Cho type ⅡC distal clavicular fractures, who were treated with Kirschner wire fixation and coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction with suture anchor between June 2019 and June 2021, was retrospectively analyzed. There were 11 males and 6 females with an average age of 38.7 years (range, 19-72 years). The fractures were caused by falling in 12 cases and traffic accident in 5 cases. All patients had fresh closed fractures. The interval from injury to operation was 1-5 days (mean, 2.6 days). The preoperative injury severity score (ISS) was 6-27 (mean, 10.2). The operation time, intraoperative blood loss, hospital stay, fracture healing, and postoperative complications were analyzed. The shoulder joint function was evaluated by disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand (DASH) score and Constant score at last follow-up.@*RESULTS@#All operations were completed successfully. The operation time was 20-50 minutes (mean, 31.6 minutes). The intraoperative blood loss was 30-100 mL (mean, 50.6 mL). The hospital stay was 4-9 days (mean, 5.3 days). All incisions healed by first intention. All patients were followed up 12-16 months (mean, 13 months). All clavicle fractures healed, and the healing time was 8-15 weeks (mean, 11 weeks). No complications such as fracture displacement or nonunion caused by internal fixation failure occurred. During the follow-up, skin irritation caused by the Kirschner wire withdrawal occurred in 3 cases. The Kirschner wires were removed after fracture healing in 17 patients. At last follow-up, the Constant score of shoulder joint was 90-100 (mean, 98.2). The DASH score was 0-10 (mean, 1.5).@*CONCLUSION@#Kirschner wire fixation combined with coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction with suture anchor in the treatment of Cho type ⅡC distal clavicle fractures has less postoperative complications and slight complications. It is convenient to remove the internal fixator. The Kirschner wire does not fix the distal clavicle fracture through the acromion, which has little effect on shoulder joint function and can obtain good effectiveness.