Las duplicaciones del tracto alimentario son un conjunto heterogéneo de anomalías congénitas del tubo digestivo. Su forma de presentación es variada, y pueden desarrollar distintas complicaciones libradas a su evolución natural. La infección es una complicación poco frecuente, pero que no puede desconocerse por la gravedad que implica. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 2 años de edad, previamente sana, con una complicación atípica de una duplicación del tracto alimentario: un shock séptico. Consultó inicialmente por distensión y dolor abdominal asociado a una masa abdominal palpable. Los estudios imagenológicos evidenciaron una formación líquida parcialmente tabicada en el hemiabdomen derecho. Durante la internación, se presentó una infección intratumoral, que evolucionó al shock séptico. Respondió favorablemente al tratamiento médico del shock, y se realizó la exéresis quirúrgica posteriormente. La anatomía patológica confirmó la duplicación del tracto alimentario.
Alimentary tract duplications are heterogenous congenital anomalies of the digestive tract. Their form of presentation is varied, and they may lead to different complications, depending on their natural course. Infection is a rare complication, but it cannot be ignored because of its severity. Here we describe the case of an otherwise healthy 2-year-old girl with an atypical complication of alimentary tract duplication: septic shock. She initially consulted due to abdominal distension and pain associated with a palpable abdominal mass. The imaging studies showed a partial fluid septation in the right side of the abdomen. During hospitalization, an intratumoral infection developed, which progressed to septic shock. The patient responded favorably to medical treatment for shock, and surgical resection was subsequently performed. The pathology report confirmed the presence of alimentary tract duplication.
Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Shock, Septic/etiology , Digestive System Abnormalities/surgery , Digestive System Abnormalities/complications , Digestive System Abnormalities/diagnosis , Pain , Gastrointestinal Tract , IleumABSTRACT
Introducción. El intestino primitivo rota durante la vida embrionaria. Cuando ocurre de forma inadecuada aparece la malrotación intestinal que puede llevar a la obstrucción o al vólvulo del intestino medio. La incidencia disminuye con el aumento de la edad. La malrotación intestinal es una de las principales causas de complicaciones del tracto gastrointestinal en la edad pediátrica. Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, transversal y analítico, de la experiencia durante 10 años en pacientes menores de 15 años con diagnóstico de malrotación intestinal, tratados en el Hospital Infantil de San Vicente Fundación, en Medellín, Colombia. Se buscó la asociación entre variables demográficas, clínicas e imagenológicas con los desenlaces. Resultados. Se obtuvieron 58 pacientes con malrotación intestinal, 65 % menores de 1 año. En 29,3 % de los pacientes se hizo el diagnóstico con la presentación clínica; los síntomas predominantes fueron distensión abdominal y emesis. En el 24,1 % se confirmó el diagnóstico con imágenes. Las variables con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa a favor de encontrar una malrotación complicada fueron choque séptico (OR=11,7), síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (OR=8,4) y deshidratación (OR=5,18). Conclusiones. La malrotación intestinal tiene complicaciones como perforación, peritonitis, vólvulo e intestino corto. El vólvulo se acompaña de shock y sepsis, con mortalidad hasta del 50 %. Las imágenes diagnósticas son una ayuda, pero no se puede basar la conducta médica en estas porque ninguna imagen garantiza el diagnóstico definitivo. Los signos de alarma son poco específicos. En menores de un año con emesis, distensión y dolor abdominal se debe sospechar malrotación intestinal.
Introduction. The primitive intestine rotates during embryonic life. When it occurs inappropriately, intestinal malrotation appears, which can lead to obstruction or midgut volvulus. The incidence decreases when age increases. Intestinal malrotation is one of the main causes of complications of the gastrointestinal tract in pediatric age. Method. Retrospective, observational, cross-sectional and analytical study of the experience over 10 years in patients under 15 years of age with a diagnosis of intestinal malrotation, treated at Hospital Infantil of San Vicente Fundación, in Medellín, Colombia. The association between demographic, clinical and imaging variables with the outcomes was sought. Results. There were 58 patients with intestinal malrotation, 65% under one year of age. In 29.3% of patients, intestinal malrotation was diagnosed clinically. The predominant symptoms were abdominal distension and emesis. In 24.1% the diagnosis was confirmed with imaging. The variables with a statistically significant difference in favor of finding a complicated malrotation were septic shock (OR=11.7), systemic inflammatory response syndrome (OR-8.4), and dehydration (OR=5.18). Conclusions. Malrotation has complications such as perforation, peritonitis, volvulus, and short bowel. Volvulus is accompanied by shock and sepsis, with mortality of up to 50%. Diagnostic images are helpful, but medical conduct cannot be based on them because no image guarantees a definitive diagnosis. The warning signs are not very specific. In children under one year of age with emesis, distension and abdominal pain, intestinal malrotation should be suspected.
Humans , Gastrointestinal Tract , Intestinal Volvulus , Intestinal Diseases , Short Bowel Syndrome , Intestinal Obstruction , Intestinal PerforationABSTRACT
Due to extensive application of antibiotics as growth promoters in animal feed, antimicrobial resistance has been increased. To overcome this challenge, rumen microbiologists search for new probiotics to improve the rate of livestock production. The present study was aimed to isolate and evaluate breed-specific lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as potential animal probiotics. The current study was conducted during 10 months from July 2020 to April 2021, in which a total of n=12 strains were isolated from different samples including milk, rumen, and feces of Nilli Ravi Buffaloes. These isolates were evaluated for their antimicrobial potential against common animal pathogens (Bacillus spp., E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., Listeria spp.). All the isolates were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and the phylogenetic analyses inferred that these strains showed close relations to the species of various genera; Enterococcus lactis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Bacillus subtilis Weissella cibaria, Weissella soli, Bacillus tequilensis, Weissella bombi, Bacillus licheniformis, Lactococcus lactis, Bacillus megaterium, Lactobacillus ruminis, and Lactococcus lactis. NMCC-Ru2 has exhibited the enormous potential of antimicrobial activity, 28 mm, for Salmonella typhimurium;23 mm for Listeria monocytogenes 21 mm for E.coil. Highest resistance was seen in NMCC-Ru2 agasint test antbiotic, like 25.5 mm for Tetracycline. Overall results revesl that the probiotic profile of isolates was achieved using standard criteria, particularly with animal probiotic properties
Devido à extensa aplicação de antibióticos como promotores de crescimento na alimentação animal, a resistência aos antimicrobianos aumentou. Para superar esse desafio, os microbiologistas do rúmen buscam novos probióticos para melhorar a produtividade do gado. O presente estudo teve como objetivo isolar e avaliar bactérias lácticas específicas de raças (BAL) como potenciais probióticos animais. 12 cepas foram isoladas de diferentes amostras, incluindo leite, rúmen e fezes de búfalos Nilli Ravi. Esses isolados foram avaliados quanto ao seu potencial antimicrobiano contra patógenos animais comuns (Bacillus spp., E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., Listeria spp.). Todos os isolados foram identificados por meio do sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA e as análises filogenéticas inferiram que essas cepas apresentaram estreita relação com as espécies de vários gêneros; Enterococcus lactis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Bacillus subtilis, Weissella cibaria, Weissella soli, Bacillus tequilensis, Weissella bombi, Bacillus licheniformis, Lactococcus lactis, Bacillus megaterium, Lactobacillus ruminis e Lactococcus lactis. O perfil probiótico dos isolados foi obtido usando critérios padrão, particularmente com propriedades probióticas animais.
Animals , Buffaloes , Enterococcus , Probiotics , Gastrointestinal Tract , Lactobacillus , Anti-Bacterial AgentsABSTRACT
Constipation is a disorder of the gastrointestinal (GI) and some of the main etiological mechanisms are directly related to changes in GI physiology. The capacity to carry out paired assessments and measure GI parameters under the influence of constipation is a relevant point in selecting a suitable methodology. We aimed to perform a non-invasive investigation of gastrointestinal motility in constipated rats using the alternating current biosusceptometry system (ACB). The animals were split into two groups: the pre-induction stage (CONTROL) and post-induction loperamide stage (LOP). We assessed GI motility parameters using the ACB system. Colon morphometric and immunohistochemical analyses were performed for biomarkers (C-kit) for interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). Our results showed a significant increase in gastrointestinal transit in the LOP group in addition to a reduction in the dominant frequency of gastric contraction and an arrhythmic profile. A change in colonic contractility profiles was observed, indicating colonic dysmotility in the LOP group. We found a reduction in the number of biomarkers for intestinal cells of Cajal (ICC) in the LOP group. The ACB system can evaluate transit irregularities and their degrees of severity, while also supporting research into novel, safer, and more efficient treatments for constipation.
Animals , Male , Rats , Gastrointestinal Tract/abnormalities , Gastrointestinal Motility , Loperamide/adverse effects , Constipation/chemically induced , Interstitial Cells of Cajal/classificationABSTRACT
The aim of our study is to evaluate the value of Argon Plasma Coagulation in the treatment of gastrointestinal vascular abnormalities. Patients and methods: This is a descriptive and analytical retrospective study, from January 2009 to September 2020. 198 patients who have benefited from treatment with Argon Plasma Coagulation for vascular anomalies of the digestive tract divided into 2 groups: -Group A: Patients with radial rectitis lesions (n = 107). -Group B: Patients with lesions of digestive angiodysplasia (n = 91). Results: The mean age of our patients was 64.95 ± 9.88 years [43 - 83] in group A, while in group B the mean age was 65.19 ± 14.29 years [40 - 91] with a clear male predominance in 72.5%. The majority of patients in group A were followed for prostate cancer in 33,8%, and 26.3% of patients in group B had chronic renal failure, followed by stomach cancer in 15.8%, and esophageal cancer in 10.5%. Clinical symptomatology was dominated by rectories in 40.2% in group A versus 46.8% in group B. Rectal involvement was dominated in group A in 98.1%, whereas in group B the lesions were mainly located in the stomach in 60.5%. The endoscopic evolution was favorable in all our patients with a clear improvement of rectal lesions and digestive angiodysplasia lesions. The total complication rate in our series was nil. Conclusion: Plasma Argon coagulation is a very effective method in the endoscopic treatment of digestive haemorrhages with good tolerability and a low complication rate. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Angiodysplasia/therapy , Gastrointestinal Tract/injuries , Argon Plasma Coagulation , Retrospective Studies , EndoscopyABSTRACT
Introducción. Los quistes de duplicación duodenal son malformaciones raras, que ocurren durante el desarrollo embriológico del tracto gastrointestinal. Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso de un niño de tres años, con cuadro clínico de dolor abdominal, náuseas y vómitos. La ecografía y la tomografía computarizada informaron una imagen quística entre el hígado, riñón derecho y colon. Resultados. Se realizó laparoscopia encontrando un quiste de duplicación duodenal con moco en la primera porción del duodeno. Se practicó una resección del quiste y mucosectomía del segmento restante. Conclusión. Los síntomas de un quiste de duplicación duodenal son inespecíficos y su hallazgo frecuentemente es incidental. El tratamiento quirúrgico depende del tamaño, la ubicación y su relación con la vía biliar.
Introduction. Duodenal duplication cysts are rare malformations that occur during the embryological development of the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical case. The case of a three-year-old boy with abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting is presented. Ultrasound and computed tomography revealed a cyst between the liver, right kidney, and colon. Results. Laparoscopy was performed, finding a duodenal duplication cyst with mucus in the first portion of the duodenum. A resection of the cyst and mucosectomy of the remaining segment were performed. Conclusion. The symptoms of a duodenal duplication cyst are nonspecific and its finding is frequently incidental. Surgical treatment depends on the size, location, and relationship to the bile duct.
Humans , Congenital Abnormalities , Cysts , Duodenal Diseases , General Surgery , Gastrointestinal Tract , DuodenumABSTRACT
La dermatitis herpetiforme, también denominada Enfermedad de Dühring-Brocq, es una dermatosis autoinmune crónica que evoluciona por brotes, caracterizada por la presencia de ampollas pequeñas que tienden a agruparse, en codos, rodillas y glúteos, con disposición simétrica, intensamente pruriginosas. Es considerada una manifestación cutánea de la enfermedad celíaca. Afecta a adultos jóvenes (20 a 50 años). El estudio histopatológico evidencia ampollas subepidérmicas. La inmunofluorescencia directa es característica: depósitos granulares de IgA en las puntas de las papilas dérmicas. Aún ante falta de sintomatología digestiva debe investigarse enfermedad celíaca en todos los pacientes. La dieta libre de gluten es la clave del tratamiento. En aquellos pacientes con intenso prurito o con una dermatosis muy extensa se puede utilizar dapsona vía oral, que alivia rápidamente las manifestaciones cutáneas, pero no modifica el curso de la enfermedad digestiva. Se presenta un paciente en quien a partir de las lesiones cutáneas se realizó diagnóstico de dermatitis herpetiforme primero y de enfermedad celíaca luego
Dermatitis herpetiformis, also known as Dühring-Brocq disease, is a chronic autoimmune dermatosis that evolves in outbreaks. It is characterized by the presence of small blisters that tend to cluster on the elbows, knees, and buttocks, with a symmetrical distribution and intense itching. It is considered a cutaneous manifestation of celiac disease. It affects young adults (20 to 50 years old). Histopathological examination reveals subepidermal blisters. Direct immunofluorescence is characteristic, showing granular deposits of IgA at the tips of the dermal papillae. Even in the absence of digestive symptoms, celiac disease should be investigated in all patients. A gluten-free diet is the key to treatment. In patients with intense itching or extensive dermatosis, oral dapsone can be used to quickly relieve cutaneous manifestations, but it does not alter the course of the digestive disease. We present a patient in whom the diagnosis of dermatitis herpetiformis was made initially, followed by a diagnosis of celiac disease based on the skin lesions
Humans , Male , Adult , Celiac Disease/pathology , Dermatitis Herpetiformis/pathology , Gastrointestinal Tract/pathology , GlutensABSTRACT
Introducción. El tumor miofibroblástico inflamatorio es una enfermedad proliferativa rara, de etiología incierta, caracterizada por la proliferación de miofibroblastos epitelioides o fusionados mezclados con células inflamatorias, predominantemente mononucleares. En general se considera una lesión benigna, aunque en algunos casos esta neoplasia ha mostrado un comportamiento agresivo en cuanto a recidiva local y metástasis. El tratamiento definitivo es la resección quirúrgica completa. Caso clínico. Paciente de 67 años con dos meses de evolución de fiebre y masa abdominal, en quien se realizó una tomografía computarizada de abdomen que identificó una lesión de aspecto infiltrativo tumoral, comprometiendo la grasa retroperitoneal en la transcavidad de los epiplones. Por vía percutánea se tomó una biopsia que informó un pseudotumor inflamatorio retroperitoneal. Fue llevado a cirugía radical abdominal, con patología quirúrgica final que describió un tumor miofibroblástico inflamatorio de compromiso multifocal, adherido a la serosa del estómago e intestino delgado, sin compromiso muscular. Discusión. El tumor inflamatorio miofibroblástico es una entidad rara, de etiología por esclarecer y difícil diagnóstico. Presentamos el caso clínico de un paciente con tumor inflamatorio miofibroblástico gastrointestinal.Conclusión. Se describe el caso clínico de un paciente con un tumor inflamatorio miofibroblástico gastrointestinal, de presentación rara en nuestro medio. Es importante la comparación con casos similares para poder hacer conclusiones útiles en la práctica clínica
Introduction. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor is a rare proliferative disease of uncertain etiology, characterized by the proliferation of epithelioid or fused myofibroblasts mixed with predominantly mononuclear inflammatory cells. In general, it is considered a benign lesion, although in some cases this neoplasm has shown aggressive behavior in terms of local recurrence and metastasis. The definitive treatment is complete surgical resection. Clinical case. A 67-year-old patient with a two-month history of fever and an abdominal mass underwent a computed tomography scan of the abdomen that identified an infiltrative tumor, compromising the retroperitoneum fat in the lesser cavity. A biopsy was taken percutaneously, which reported a retroperitoneal inflammatory pseudotumor. He was taken to radical abdominal surgery, with final surgical pathology describing an inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor with multifocal involvement attached to the serosa of the stomach and small intestine without muscle involvement. Discussion. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor is a rare entity, of unknown etiology and difficult to diagnose. We present a clinical case of gastrointestinal myofibroblastic inflammatory tumor to better understand this entity.Conclusion. The clinical case of a patient with a gastrointestinal myofibroblastic inflammatory tumor, a rare presentation in our environment, is described. Comparison with similar cases is important to draw useful conclusions in clinical practice
Humans , Fibroblasts , Gastrointestinal Neoplasms , Case Reports , Gastrointestinal Tract , MyofibroblastsABSTRACT
El sarcoma de Kaposi (SK) es una neoplasia maligna angioproliferativa de bajo grado, causada por la infección por virus herpes humano tipo 8 (HHV-8). El tracto gastrointestinal está involucrado en el 40% de los casos y constituye la neoplasia maligna gastrointestinal más común en pacientes con sida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente 32 años con antecedente de VIH de larga data, sin tratamiento, que relató episodios de proctorragia intermitente y pérdida de peso en los últimos dos meses. Presentaba lesiones cutáneas elevadas en forma de placas violáceas que predominaban en tronco y miembros superiores. Se realizó videocolonoscopía, la que evidenció en el área próxima a la válvula ileocecal y en el colon ascendente, lesiones sobreelevadas, eritematosas, friables y sangrantes, las cuales se biopsiaron. El estudio anatomopatológico reportó un perfil inmunohistoquímico compatible con SK. Al momento de la escritura de este artículo el paciente se encontraba bajo tratamiento quimioterápico (doxorrubicina liposomal, seis ciclos) e iniciando tratamiento antirretroviral (lamivudina tenofovir dolutegravir). Se presenta el siguiente caso para destacar la importancia del enfoque multidisciplinario del paciente con VIH/sida y fundamentalmente el rol de la endoscopía digestiva tanto alta como baja en pacientes con dolor abdominal, sangrado digestivo u otros síntomas abdominales, con el fin de descartar patologías del tracto gastrointestinal y, particularmente, el SK
Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is a low-grade angioproliferative malignancy caused by infection with human herpes virus -8. The gastrointestinal tract is involved in 40% of cases, being the most common gastrointestinal malignancy in patients with AIDS. We present the case of a 32-year-old patient with a long-standing history of HIV without treatment, who reported episodes of intermittent proctorrhagia and weight loss in the last two months. He presented raised skin lesions in the form of violaceous plaques that predominate on the trunk and upper limbs. A videocolonoscopy was performed, revealing raised, erythematous, friable, bleeding lesions near the ileocecal valve and in the ascending colon, which were biopsied. The anatomopathological study shows an immunohistochemical profile compatible with KS. At the time of writing this article, the patient was under chemotherapy treatment (liposomal doxorubicin, 6 cycles) and starting antiretroviral treatment (lamivudine - tenofovir - dolutegravir). The following case is presented to highlight the importance of the multidisciplinary approach of the patient with HIV / AIDS and fundamentally the role of both upper and lower digestive endoscopy in those cases that present with abdominal pain, digestive bleeding and other abdominal symptoms, in order to rule out gastrointestinal tract pathologies and particularly KS
Humans , Female , Adult , Sarcoma, Kaposi/diagnosis , Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/immunology , HIV/immunology , Gastrointestinal Tract/pathologyABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Cadmium (Cd) is the industrial and environmental toxic heavy metal which is found in air, water and soil. Cd, adversely affects many organs in humans such as kidney, intestine, liver, testis and lungs. L-carnitine (LC) is an important agent that plays essential role in energy metabolism. In our study, we aimed to work out whether LC application has any protective effect on intestinal contractility and morphologic damage of prepubertal rat duodenum on Cd-induced toxicity. Twenty eight prepubertal female Wistar rats were divided into four groups. The first group is control (C), second group; Cd group; Cadmium chloride was given 2 mg/kg 28 days with a one-day break by i.p. The third group; Cd+LC, which cadmium chloride was given 2 mg/kg i.p. and LC was given orally by gastric lavage. The LC dose was given as 75 mg/kg. The fourth group; LC, which only LC was given orally. The intestinal segments were isolated and suspended in tissue bath. Contractile responses were induced by acetylcholine (ACh) and relaxation was achieved with phenylephrine. Also the segments were examined for histological changes by light microscopy. Ach-induced contractions were higher in Cd+LC, LC, and control group compared to the Cd group in duodenal segments. The phenylephrine-induced relaxations were lower in Cd groups as compared with Control, Cd+LC and LC group in duodenal segments. In Cd group intestinal morphology was observed to be severely damaged whereas in Cd+LC group the damage was noticeably lower. Cd administration caused severe cellular damage and decreased gastrointestinal motility. Treatment with the LC has affected the gastrointestinal contractility and reduced the damage in intestinal morphology, which occured after Cd application.
El cadmio (Cd) es el metal pesado tóxico industrial y ambiental que se encuentra en el aire, el agua y el suelo. El Cd afecta negativamente a muchos órganos humanos, como los riñones, los intestinos, el hígado, los testículos y los pulmones. La L-carnitina (LC) es un agente importante que juega un rol esencial en el metabolismo energético. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si la aplicación de LC tiene algún efecto protector sobre la contractilidad intestinal y el daño morfológico del duodeno de rata prepuberal sobre la toxicidad inducida por Cd. Veintiocho ratas Wistar hembras prepúberes se dividieron en cuatro grupos. El primer grupo control (C), segundo grupo; grupo cd; Se administró cloruro de cadmio 2 mg/kg durante 28 días con un descanso de un día por vía i.p. El tercer grupo; Cd+LC, al que se administró cloruro de cadmio 2 mg/kg i.p. y LC se administró por vía oral mediante lavado gástrico. La dosis de LC se administró como 75 mg/kg. El cuarto grupo; LC, al cual solo LC se administraba por vía oral. Los segmentos intestinales fueron aislados y suspendieron en baño de tejido. Las respuestas contráctiles fueron inducidas por acetilcolina (ACh) y la relajación se logró con fenilefrina. También se examinaron los segmentos en busca de cambios histológicos mediante microscopía óptica. Las contracciones inducidas por Ach fueron mayores en Cd+LC, LC y el grupo control en comparación con el grupo Cd en los segmentos duodenales. Las relajaciones inducidas por fenilefrina fueron menores en los grupos Cd en comparación con el grupo Control, Cd+LC y LC en los segmentos duodenales. En el grupo Cd se observó que la morfología intestinal estaba severamente dañada mientras que en el grupo Cd+LC el daño fue notablemente menor. La administración de Cd causó daño celular severo y disminución de la motilidad gastrointestinal. El tratamiento con LC afectó la contractilidad gastrointestinal y redujo el daño en la morfología intestinal, que ocurría después de la aplicación de Cd.
Animals , Female , Rats , Cadmium/toxicity , Carnitine/administration & dosage , Gastrointestinal Diseases/chemically induced , Gastrointestinal Diseases/prevention & control , Gastrointestinal Motility/drug effects , Rats, Wistar , Gastrointestinal Tract/drug effects , Gastrointestinal Tract/pathology , Muscle Contraction/drug effectsABSTRACT
Peritoneal tumours have a large population and a poor prognosis with limited therapeutic options available, and are common originated from gastric, colorectal, appendix and other cancers. Traditionally, peritoneal tumours have long been considered to be a terminal condition with a median survival of 3-6 months, and the palliative symptomatic treatment is recommended. Recently, the multimodal therapeutic strategy of cytoreductive surgery (CRS) combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) has resulted in more effective on the prevention and treatment of peritoneal metastasis, which can significantly improve the survival and quality of life. Under the guidance of the China Anti-Cancer Association (CACA), the "CACA Guidelines for Holistic Integrative Management of Cancer-Peritoneal Tumours" was jointly completed by experts in related fields organized by the Chinese Society of Peritoneal Oncology. This guideline is guided by the concept of integrative medicine and focuses on the domestic epidemiology, genetic background and original studies. It emphasizes the multidisciplinary team to holistic integrative medicine (MDT to HIM), and pays attention to the whole-course management of "prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation". This guideline mainly focuses on peritoneal metastasis from gastrointestinal tumours, aiming to standardize the clinical diagnosis and treatment process, and jointly promote the management of peritoneal metastasis in China.
Humans , Peritoneal Neoplasms/secondary , Combined Modality Therapy , Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/therapeutic use , Quality of Life , Prognosis , Hyperthermia, Induced/methods , Gastrointestinal Tract , Colorectal Neoplasms/pathology , Cytoreduction Surgical Procedures/methods , Survival RateABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To discuss the development of a multifunctional and multipoint fixed support drainage device for the digestive tract, as well as the effect of its application on animal experimental models and patients.@*METHODS@#The digestive tract multifunctional and multipoint fixed support drainage device is designed according to the requirements of the various gastrointestinal surgery and interventional procedures. It has metal flaps and airbags to achieve multi point fixation. The cuffs and shears are used to achieve endoscopic removal. And through different tube diameters and lengths, surgeons can achieve different surgical purposes.@*RESULTS@#A multifunctional and multipoint fixed support drainage device for the digestive tract was successfully designed and developed. The application experiment of the winged pancreatico-intestinal supporting drainage tube on animal models and patients, showed lower drainage fluid amylase level, faster amylase recovery speed, and better perioperative safety.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The support drainage device has the characteristics of simple operation, firm fixation, and good controllability of removal. It is an ideal choice among support drainage tubes in gastrointestinal surgery and interventional operations.
Drainage , Gastrointestinal Tract , EndoscopyABSTRACT
The way sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD) is perceived has undergone drastic changes in recent decades. For a long time, PD was considered a brain disease characterized by motor disturbances; however, the identification of several risk factors and the hypothesis that PD has a gastrointestinal onset have shed additional light. Today, after recognition of prodromal non-motor symptoms and the pathological processes driving their evolution, there is a greater understanding of the involvement of other organ systems. For this reason, PD is increasingly seen as a multiorgan and multisystemic pathology that arises from the interaction of susceptible genetic factors with a challenging environment during aging-related decline.
Humans , Parkinson Disease/pathology , Gastrointestinal Tract , Risk Factors , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Prodromal Symptoms , alpha-SynucleinABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To observe the effect of transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation (TEAS) combined with electroacupuncture (EA) on rehabilitation after abdominal surgery.@*METHODS@#A total of 320 patients undergoing abdominal surgery were randomly divided into a combination group (80 cases), a TEAS group (80 cases, 1 case discontinued), an EA group (80 cases, 1 case discontinued) and a control group (80 cases, 1 case discontinued). The patients in the control group received enhance recovery after surgery (ERAS) standardized perioperative management. On the basis of the treatment in the control group, the TEAS group was treated with TEAS at Liangmen (ST 21) and Daheng (SP 15); the EA group was treated with EA at Neiguan (PC 6), Hegu (LI 4), Zusanli (ST 36), Shangjuxu (ST 37) and Xiajuxu (ST 39); the combination group was treated with TEAS combined with EA, with continuous wave, 2-5 Hz in frequency, and the intensity was tolerable to the patients, 30 min each time, once a day, from the first day after surgery, until the anus resumed spontaneous defecation and the oral intake of solid food was tolerated. The gastrointestinal-2 (GI-2) time, first exhaust time, first defecation time, first tolerance of oral intake of solid food time, time of first get out of bed and hospital stay were observed in all the groups; the pain visual analogue scale (VAS) score and incidence rates of nausea and vomiting 1, 2, 3 days after surgery were compared in all the groups; after treatment, the acceptability of each treatment was evaluated by patients in each group.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the control group, the GI-2 time, first exhaust time, first defecation time, first tolerance of oral intake of solid food time were shortened (P<0.05), the VAS scores 2, 3 days after surgery were decreased (P<0.05) in the combination group, the TEAS group and the EA group; those in the combination group were shorter and lower than the TEAS group and the EA group (P<0.05). Compared with the control group, the time of hospital stay in the combination group, the TEAS group and the EA group were shortened (P<0.05), and that in the combination group was shorter than the TEAS group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#TEAS combined with EA can accelerate the recovery of gastrointestinal function in patients after abdominal surgery, relieve postoperative pain, and shorten hospital stay.
Humans , Electroacupuncture , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation , Acupuncture Points , Gastrointestinal Tract , Pain, PostoperativeABSTRACT
Ingestion of corrosive substances can severely burn the upper digestive tract leading to bleeding or perforation, and may even be life-threatening. Less commonly, damage to the trachea and bronchi is involved. In this paper, a case of corrosive digestive tract injury and lung injury after oral administration of pipeline dredging agent (the main components are hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium hypochlorite, etc.) was analyzed. After active rescue treatment, the patient died of massive hemoptysis. It is suggested that serious complications may occur after ingestion of corrosive substances. Timely diagnosis and reasonable medical management are needed to improve the level of recognition and treatment of such diseases.
Humans , Caustics , Lung Injury/chemically induced , Gastrointestinal Tract , Burns, Chemical/therapy , EatingABSTRACT
This paper reported 3 cases of poisoning caused by chlorfenagyr. Chlorfenapyr poisoning has gradually increased in clinical practice. The early stage after poisoning is digestive tract symptoms, followed by sweating, high fever, changes in consciousness, changes in myocardial enzymology, etc. Its main mechanism of intoxication is uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation. Since there is no specific antidote after poisoning, the fatality rate of chlorfenapyr poisoning remains high. The therapeutic measures are early gastrointestinal decontamination, symptomatic and supportive treatments, and early blood purification may be an effective treatment.
Humans , Pyrethrins , Gastrointestinal Tract , Insecticides , Poisoning/diagnosisABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the clinicpathological characteristics of ALK-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) of the gastrointestinal tract, and to discuss its diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Methods: Five cases of gastrointestinal ALK-positive ALCL diagnosed and treated in Xijing Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University, between 2011 and 2019 were collected. There were three male and two female patients, aged 5-42 years (mean 25 years). These patients clinically presented with fever and night sweats, weight loss, abdominal pain, abdominal mass, ulcers, bleeding, or intestinal obstruction, and underwent surgical resection of the tumors or endoscopic biopsy. The clinical manifestations, auxiliary examinations, histopathological characteristics, immunophenotypes and genetic alterations were analyzed. Results: In this cohort, one case was common type, two cases were monomorphic variant of common type, and two cases were small cell variant. The tumor cells in all cases expressed ALK, CD30, and one or more T lymphocyte markers, while all the markers of B lymphocyte and plasmacyte were negative. Clonality analysis showed that two cases had clonal T cell receptor (TCR) and immunoglobulin (Ig) gene rearrangement, one case had no clonal TCR but Ig gene rearrangement, and one case had no clonal TCR and Ig gene rearrangements. During the 4 to 67 months' follow-up, two patients died of the disease, two were alive with free of disease and one had a relapse. Conclusions: ALK-positive ALCL of the gastrointestinal tract is extremely rare, and has poor prognosis. Lymphoma originating from this site with CD30 and ALK-positive phenotypes may be considered to be ALCL; however differentiation from other tumors that had anaplastic features, expressed CD30 and or ALK, in particular, ALK positive large B-cell lymphoma is necessary.
Male , Female , Humans , Lymphoma, Large-Cell, Anaplastic/pathology , Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinases/genetics , Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase , Gastrointestinal Tract/pathology , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/geneticsABSTRACT
Extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type(ENKTL) is a highly aggressive malignant tumor derived from NK cells. This article reports a case of ENKTL invading the larynx and digestive tract. The clinical clinical manifestations include hoarseness and intranasal masses.
Humans , Lymphoma, Extranodal NK-T-Cell/pathology , Nose/pathology , Nose Neoplasms/pathology , Larynx/pathology , Gastrointestinal Tract/pathologyABSTRACT
Currently, the gut-organ axis has become a hot research topic. As increasing attention has been paid to the role of gut microbiota in the health of organs, the complex and integrated dialogue mechanism between the gastrointestinal tract and the associated microbiota has been demonstrated in more and more studies. Skin as the largest organ in the human body serves as the primary barrier protecting the human body from damage. The proposal of the gut-skin axis has established a bidirectional link between the gut and the skin. The disturbance of gut microbiota can lead to the occurrence of skin diseases, the mechanism of which is complex and may involve multiple pathways in immunity, metabolism, and internal secretion. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), the connection between the intestine and the skin can be established through the lung, and the interior disorders will definitely cause symptoms on the exterior. This paper reviews the research progress in the gut-skin axis and its correlation with TCM theory and provides ideas and a basis for cli-nical treatment and drug development of skin and intestinal diseases.