Introducción: la persistencia de microorganismos en los conductos radiculares es uno de los principales factores del fracaso endodóncico. Por ello la importancia de conocer las propiedades antimicrobianas de los distintos tipos de selladores. Objetivo: realizar una comparación con base en la evidencia disponible sobre la actividad antimicrobiana de los diferentes cementos selladores en endodoncia. Material y métodos: la información fue recopilada de las bases de datos PubMed y Google Académico en el idioma inglés y español, publicados en el periodo 2014-2023. Resultados: un gran número de microorganismos se encuentran presentes en los diferentes tipos de infecciones de origen endodóncico, se han identificado más de 500 especies microbianas, entre ellas bacterias, hongos, arqueas y virus. Los cementos selladores se pueden clasificar según su composición química, en cementos a base de óxido de zinc-eugenol, hidróxido de calcio, a base de ionómero de vidrio, silicona, resina y biocerámicos. Conclusión: los cementos selladores que mostraron mayor actividad antimicrobiana contra los microorganismos persistentes fueron los cementos a base de óxido de zinc-eugenol, resina y biocerámicos. Sin embargo, se identificó que cada autor utilizó diferentes métodos y tiempos, por lo tanto, no es posible lograr definir con exactitud qué cemento sellador posee la mejor capacidad antimicrobiana (AU)
Introduction: the persistence of microorganisms in root canals is one of the main factors of endodontic failure. Therefore, the importance of knowing the antimicrobial properties of the different types of sealants. Objective: to make a comparison based on the available evidence on the antimicrobial activity of the different endodontics sealers. Material and methods: the information was collected from PubMed and Google Academic databases in English and Spanish, published in the period 2014-2023. Results: a large number of microorganisms are present in the different types of infections of endodontic origin, more than 500 microbiological species have been identified, including bacteria, fungi, archaea and viruses. Sealer cements can be classified according to their chemical composition, into cements based on zinc oxide-eugenol, calcium hydroxide, based on glass ionomer, silicone, resin and bioceramics. Conclusion: sealer cements that showed the highest antimicrobial activity against persistent microorganisms were zinc oxide-eugenol, resin, and bioceramic-based cements. However, it was identified that each author used different methods and times, therefore, it is not possible to accurately define which sealer cement has the best antimicrobial capacity (AU)
Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Dental Pulp Cavity/microbiology , Zinc Oxide-Eugenol Cement/chemistry , Calcium Hydroxide/chemistry , Databases, Bibliographic , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/microbiology , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections/microbiology , Resin Cements/chemistry , Organically Modified Ceramics/chemistry , Glass Ionomer Cements/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
O objetivo desta tese foi avaliar a vitalidade pulpar de dentes decíduos com lesão de cárie profunda tratados com duas técnicas restauradoras. A taxa de sobrevivência da restauração foi avaliada como um desfecho secundário. Este volume apresenta um compilado do protocolo de pesquisa e os resultados de ensaio clínico randomizado (Clinicaltrials.gov registration NCT02903979) de não inferioridade com dois braços paralelos relatados pelas recomendações SPIRIT e CONSORT, respectivamente. Crianças de 4 a 8 anos com pelo menos uma lesão cariosa profunda oclusal ou ocluso-proximal em molares decíduos foram selecionadas na clínica odontológica da Universidade Ibirapuera. Cento e oito molares decíduos foram alocados em dois grupos: (1) restauração com cimento de hidróxido de cálcio seguido do cimento de ionômero de vidro de alta viscosidade (CHC + HVGIC) ou (2) restauração com HVGIC. A vitalidade pulpar e a sobrevivência da restauração foram avaliadas em 6, 12 e 24 meses. A análise por intenção de tratar foi usada para a vitalidade pulpar e a análise de sobrevida foi realizada com o método de Kaplan-Meier ( = 5%). Aos 24 meses, 86 restaurações foram avaliadas e 91 foram avaliadas pelo menos uma vez durante o estudo. A perda foi de 20%, e o número de participantes no início e no final do estudo foi semelhante entre os grupos (p = 0,872). Não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos restauradores em relação à vitalidade pulpar (CHC + HVGIC = 70% e HVGIC = 68,5%) (OR = 1,09; IC95% = 0,48-2,48). No entanto, as restaurações HVGIC (73%) apresentaram uma taxa de sobrevivência maior do que CHC + HVGIC (50%) (p = 0,021). Na análise de regressão de Cox apenas a variável tratamento apresentou p <0,20. Nesse sentido, a análise ajustada não foi realizada. Os dentes tratados com HVGIC tiveram 65% menos chance de falha do que aqueles tratados com CHC + HVGIC. Assim, pode-se sugerir que a aplicação de CHC é dispensável em lesões profundas de molares decíduos, visto que a longevidade da restauração é menor e a vitalidade pulpar não se altera com sua utilização.
Dental Caries , Dental Pulp Capping , Glass Ionomer CementsABSTRACT
O objetivo deste ensaio clínico randomizado foi comparar a taxa de sobrevida das restaurações oclusais e oclusoproximais em molares decíduos usando duas versões de cimentos de ionômero de vidro: pó-líquido, manipulado manualmente (MAN) e encapsulado (ENC) após 24 meses. Crianças entre 3 e 10 anos de idade que apresentaram lesões de cárie em dentina nas superfícies oclusais e/ou oclusoproximais de molares decíduos foram selecionadas na Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Elas foram alocadas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: M/M (Fuji IX®, GC Europa) ou ENC (Equia Fill®, GC Europa). A ocorrência de falha das restaurações foi avaliada por duas examinadoras calibradas e cegas e em relação aos grupos. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas no software Stata 13 (StataCorp, EUA). A análise de Kaplan-Meier foi utilizada para ilustrar a sobrevida e o comportamento das restaurações ao longo dos 24 meses de acompanhamento enquanto a Regressão de Cox com fragilidade compartilhada foi realizada para avaliar a associação entre falha de restauração e variáveis independentes (=5%). Realizamos ainda a análise por intenção de tratar (ITT) considerando os 24 meses de acompanhamento. Um total de 323 restaurações foram realizadas em 145 crianças. A sobrevida para o grupo MAN foi de 58,2% e 60,1% para o grupo ENC, sem diferença estatisticamente significativa (p=0,738). As restaurações oclusoproximais tiveram menor taxa de sobrevida quando comparadas às oclusais (HR=3,83; p<0,001). A taxa de sobrevida nos molares decíduos não é influenciada pelas diferentes formas de apresentação do CIV Registro do ECR: Este ensaio clínico randomizado foi registrado no ClinicalTrials.Gov em 15/10/2014 sob protocolo (NCT 02274142).
Pediatric Dentistry , Glass Ionomer CementsABSTRACT
Purpose: This study aimed to compare the surface roughness among 3 types of glass ionomers (GI) before (no polishing) and after polishing with three different materials. Methods: 20 discs for each GI group were obtained (A-Ionolux; B-IonoStar Plus; C-Ketac). Those groups were subdivided according to finishing and polishing: subgroups 1 (control) - no polishing, 2 - polishing with prophylactic brush and pumice paste, 3 - Enhance tips with water, and 4 - Sof-Lex system with Easy Glaze and polymerization. For each disc face, the total distance analyzed was 2.88cm (6x48mm). Then, the roughness was compared using the Kruskal-Wallis with Bonferroni test, with significant data if p<0.05. Results: The mean of roughness within Group A was lower for subgroup 4 (1.07±0.54 µm) and higher for subgroup 2 (2.33±1.17 µm). Within group B, B4 had the lowest mean of roughness (0.93±0.38 µm) and B2 (1.24 ± 0.78 µm) the highest roughness. Within group C, Group C4 had the lowest mean roughness value (0.84±0.54 µm), and C3 had the highest mean (2.48±1.05 µm). After polishing, subgroup 4 had the general lowest values for surface roughness (mean Ra 0.95), followed by subgroup 1 (Ra=1.27), subgroup 2 (Ra=1.89), and higher values for subgroup 3. All intragroup analysis for A, B, and C were statistically significant. Group A presented the highest roughness (p<0.05), and no statistically significant evidence existed between groups B and C (p>0.05). Conclusion: The reduction of the roughness of the materials is dependent on their composition and the polishing and finishing techniques applied.
Surface Properties , Dental Polishing/methods , Glass Ionomer CementsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To compare the use of sealants in permanent molars between public and private dentists in Brazil. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional and analytical web survey study. The convenience sample consisted of dentists in Brazil who answered a pre-tested online form released via social media between July and October 2021. Descriptive analysis was performed using absolute and relative frequencies (%) and associations using the Chi-square test (p<0.05). Results: Brazilian professionals participated in the study (n=2,244). Comparing the professionals from the public service with those from the private service, the former had a higher positive perception of the use of sealants as a preventive (92.4% vs. 81.1%, p<0.00l) and therapeutic procedure (90.7% vs. 82.4%, p=0.00l), higher percentage of non-invasive (91.7% vs. 83.8%, p<0.00l) and invasive (22.8% vs. 12.0%, p< 0.001) techniques. Professionals from the private service reported more frequently that they did not use sealants than those from the public service (14.0% vs. 4.8%, p<0.00l). Resin sealant (97.7% vs. 94.9%, p=0.0l5) and Flow resin (62.0% vs. 54.3%, p=0.013) were the most used by professionals in the private service. The use of glass ionomer cement was not associated with the type of service (75.1% vs. 77.2%, p=0.172), nor was the use of adhesives (0.6% vs. 1.4%, p=0.195) or resin with Giomer technology (1.9% vs. 2.2%, p=0.856) (p>0.05). Conclusion: The percentage of use of sealants among dentists in Brazil is high, especially among professionals in the public service, and the most used materials were resinous sealants and glass ionomer cement.
Humans , Male , Female , Pit and Fissure Sealants , Public Health , Dentists , Glass Ionomer Cements , Chi-Square Distribution , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the pulpal temperature changes due to the polymerisation of resin and glass ionomer-based materials in dentine thicknesses in immature permanent teeth with open apices. Material and Methods: Forty extracted sound human third molar teeth with open apices were included. The width of the cavities prepared on the occlusal surface was 4×5 mm. The depth was 2 mm in the resin groups. 4 mm in the groups in which glass ionomer liner was applied before composite restoration. The coronal parts of the samples were then placed on an acrylic plate with three gaps for feeding-extraction needles and the thermocouple. The temperature changes were recorded. The data was analyzed by SPSS. Statistical significance was accepted as p<0.05. Results: The temperature increase in the group of 1 mm remaining dentin thickness revealed higher results than the values detected from the 2 mm group (1.01 °C) (p=0.00). The mean values (1.49 °C, 1mm) of temperature changes in only glass ionomer applied group were lower than the avarage values (2.210°C, 1mm) determined in the polymerization process of resin composites with light-emitting diode devices. Conclusion: In a remaining dentin thickness of 1 mm in teeth with open apices, using a glass ionomer liner might be a useful effort for protecting the pulp from the heat generated by polymerisation devices.
Humans , Composite Resins , Dentition, Permanent , Tooth Apex , Dental Pulp Test , Glass Ionomer Cements , In Vitro Techniques , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Este trabalho teve como objetivo demonstrar a importância do Tratamento Restaurador Atraumático (ART) na Odontologia, assim como compreender sua contextualização histórica, descrever suas vantagens e desvantagens, conhecer suas indicações e limitações e seu protocolo. Foram selecionados artigos científicos publicados em português e inglês, disponíveis nas bases de dados MEDLINE, SciELO e Google Acadêmico, tendo sido incluídos artigos dos últimos dez anos, utilizando os descritores: "Tratamento Dentário Restaurador sem Trauma", "Cárie dentária", "Cimento de Ionômero de Vidro" e "Avaliação da Promoção de Saúde". O tratamento restaurador Atraumático (ART), consiste na empregabilidade de uma técnica que tem como finalidade combater a doença cárie e promover saúde. Resume-se em uma abordagem de gerenciamento para lesões de cárie com mínimos preparos, sendo utilizados apenas instrumentos manuais para remoção da dentina infectada, a exemplo a colher de dentina, sendo finalizada posteriormente com cimento de ionômero de vidro para selar a cavidade. As principais vantagens estão relacionadas a sua aplicação, sendo pregada como uma técnica de fácil execução, procedimento rápido, apresenta baixo custo, devido à necessidade mínima de materiais que são utilizados, dispensa a utilização da energia elétrica, pode ser feita em diversos ambientes. Diante da literatura compreende-se que ART é uma técnica de grande importância para o gerenciamento e declínio da doença cárie em diversos âmbitos odontológico, capaz de proporcionar grandes vantagens positiva para abordagem odontológica, tornando o atendimento menos estressante, mais colaborativo e rápido.
This study aimed to demonstrate the importance of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) in Dentistry, as well as to understand its historical context, describe its advantages and disadvantages, know its indications and limitations and its protocol. Scientific articles published in Portuguese and English, available in the MEDLINE, SciELO and Google Scholar databases were selected, including articles from the last ten years, using the descriptors: "Restorative Dental Treatment without Trauma", "Dental Caries", "Glass Ionomer Cement" and "Evaluation of Health Promotion". The Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) consists of the employability of a technique that aims to combat caries and promote health. It is summarized in a management approach for caries lesions with minimal preparations, using only manual instruments to remove the infected dentin, such as the dentin spoon, being finished later with glass ionomer cement to seal the cavity. The main advantages are related to its application, being preached as a technique of easy execution, quick procedure, low cost, due to the minimum need for materials that are used, it does not require the use of electricity, it can be performed in different environments. In view of the literature, it is understood that ART is a technique of great importance for the management and decline of caries in various dental areas, capable of providing great positive advantages for the dental approach, making care less stressful, more collaborative and faster.
Dental Caries , Dental Atraumatic Restorative Treatment , Glass Ionomer CementsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the influence of the thickness of mixed cardboard on the compressive strength of glass ionomer cement and the associated factors.@*METHODS@#Three different types of glass ionomer cements were mixed on the top of 60, 40, 20 and 1 pieces of paper (P60, P40, P20 and P1), respectively. The compressive strength of the materials was tested after solidification, and the bubble rate was calculated with the assistance of scanning electron microscope.@*RESULTS@#(1) Compressive strength: ① ChemFil Superior glass ionomer (CF): The average compressive strength of P1 group was the highest, which was significantly different from that of P40 and P60 groups (P values were 0.041 and 0.032 respectively); ② To Fuji IX GP glass ionomer (IX): The average compressive strength of P1 group was the highest, which was statistically different from that of P40 and P60 groups (P values were 0.042 and 0.038 respectively); ③ Glaslonomer FX-Ⅱ glass ionomer cement (FX): The average compressive strength of P1 group was the highest, which was statistically different from that of P20, P40 and P60 groups (P values were 0.031, 0.040 and 0.041 respectively), but there was no statistical difference among the other groups. All the three materials showed that the compressive strength of glass ions gradually increased with the decrease of the thickness of the blended paperboard, and the two materials had a highly linear negative correlation, the correlation coefficients of which were CF-0.927, IX-0.989, FX-0.892, respectively. (2) Scanning electron microscope: P1 group had the least bubbles among the three materials.@*CONCLUSION@#It indicates that the thickness of mixed cardboard has a negative correlation with the compressive strength of glass ions. The thicker the mixed cardboard is, the greater the elasticity is. Excessive elasticity will accelerate the mixing speed when the grinding glass ions. Studies have shown that the faster the speed of artificial mixing is, the more bubbles is produced.The thicker ther mixed cardboard is, the more bubblesn are generated by glass ionomer cement, and the higher the compressive strength is. Using one piece of paper board to mix glass ionomer cement has the least bubbles and can obtain higher compressive strength.
Compressive Strength , Materials Testing , Glass Ionomer Cements , Silicon DioxideABSTRACT
Aim: Evaluate the influence of the cervical margin relocation (CMR) on stress distribution in the lower first molar restored with direct nano-ceramic composite (zenit). Methods: A 3D model of the lower first molar was modeled and used. Standardized mesio-occluso-distal (MOD) preparation consisted in two models used in this study with mesial subgingival margin in model II. (CMR) was applied in model II using flowable composite or resin glass ionomer (Riva). Both models were restored with nanoceramic composite and then subjected to six runs (2 for the model I and 4 for model II) with load (100N) as two load cases, one at (11º) and other at (45º) from the vertical axis. The stress distributions (FEA) in the final restoration and (CMR) material were analyzed using 3D models. Results: The two models recorded an equivalent Von Mises stress and Total deformation in the final restoration, regardless of the difference in the oblique angle incidence from (11º to 45º) or the type of the material used for (CMR) there was no significant difference in the (FEA) between the model with CMR (model II) and the model without CMR (model I). Conclusions: (CMR) technique seems to be biomechanically beneficial with high eccentric applied stress, (CMR) with resin glass ionomer or flowable composite resin in combination with nanoceramic composite improved the biomechanical behavior of (MOD) cavities extended below cement enamel junction (CMR) with high modulus elasticity material like (Riva) exhibits a more uniform stress distribution
Composite Resins , Finite Element Analysis , Glass Ionomer CementsABSTRACT
Aim: To evaluate the potential of inducing mineral density changes of indirect pulp capping materials applied to demineralized dentin. Methods: A total of 50 cavities were prepared, 5 in each tooth, in extracted ten molars without caries, impacted or semi-embedded. The cavities were scanned by microcomputed tomography (µ-CT) after creating artificial caries by microcosm method (pre-treatment). Each cavity was subjected to one of 5 different experimental conditions: control (dental wax), conventional glass ionomer cement (Fuji IX GP Extra), resin-modified calcium silicate (TheraCal LC), resin-modified calcium hydroxide (Ultra-Blend Plus), MTA (MM-MTA) and the samples were kept under intrapulpal pressure using simulated body fluid for 45 days. Then, the second µ-CT scan was performed (post-treatment), and the change in dentin mineral density was calculated. Afterward, elemental mapping was performed on the dentinal surfaces adjacent to the pulp capping agents of 5 randomly selected samples using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) apparatus attached to a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The Ca/P ratio by weight was calculated. Friedman test and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test were used to analyze the data. Results: There was a significant increase in mineral density values of demineralized dentin after treatment for all material groups (p<0.05). Resin-modified calcium silicate had similar efficacy to MTA and conventional glass ionomer cement, but was superior to resin-modified calcium hydroxide in increasing the mineral density values of demineralized dentin. Conclusions: Demineralized dentin tissue that is still repairable can be effectively preserved using materials with remineralization capability
Spectrometry, X-Ray Emission , Calcium Hydroxide , Silicates , Calcium Compounds , X-Ray Microtomography , Glass Ionomer CementsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the available evidence on the different treatment types for the rehabilitation of MIH-affected teeth in children. Material and Methods: A search was carried out in Pubmed, Cochrane Library, Epistemonikos, Lilacs and Google Scholar. Observational studies published until June 2022 were included. Two reviewers independently screened studies and extracted data. Results: 1593 studies were screened and a total of 38 articles were included, which were mainly case reports published in Brazil. Most included studies concluded that the evaluated treatment was "beneficial" or "probably beneficial". Reported treatments included: glass ionomer cements (GIC), composite resin restorations, preformed metal crowns, laboratory fabricated crowns, microabrasion management of incisors and resin infiltration. Conclusion: Successful treatment options have been identified, such as GIC as a provisional restoration for severe cases and for uncooperative children; restorations with composite, indirect restorations, or preformed metal crowns also seem suitable treatment options for young patients diagnosed with MIH. There is still little evidence to support an approach for anterior teeth affected by MIH.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Pediatric Dentistry , Dental Enamel Hypoplasia , Molar Hypomineralization , Glass Ionomer CementsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the types of restorative materials used for restorative treatment in primary teeth through a retrospective university-based study. Material and Methods: The sample consisted of all clinical records of children attended at the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic at the School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto at the University of São Paulo in Brazil. Inclusion criteria were primary anterior and posterior teeth that received dental restorations for treatment of dental caries lesions, dental trauma or dental development defects from 2013 to 2018. Restoration repairs and interim restorations during this period were also recorded. Descriptive analyzes were performed to assess the distribution according to the type of restorative material used over the years. Results: A total of 5,236 restorative procedures were performed in primary teeth, including restoration repair and interim restorations. Of those, 69% were done in posterior teeth and 31% in anterior teeth. Sixty percent of the procedures performed during this period were made of composite resin and a lower percentage of glass ionomer cement (18%) followed by silver amalgam (1%). The number of interim restorations was smaller but proportional to those of composite resin over the years. Conclusion: A tendency to carry out restorative treatment of primary teeth with composite resin during the 6 years of follow-up was observed.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Tooth, Deciduous , Child Behavior/psychology , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Dental Materials , Occupational Stress/psychology , Retrospective Studies , Composite Resins , Glass Ionomer CementsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate and compare bite force (BF) in permanent first molars restored with glass ionomer cement (GIC), composite and amalgam, and normal contralateral permanent first molars. Material and Methods: BF was recorded in decayed permanent first molars, which were filled with GIC (n=30), composite (n=30), and amalgam (n=30), and in healthy contralateral first molars (n=90) with Force Transducer Occlusal Force Meter and compared. Results: BF was significantly higher in normal teeth on the contralateral side compared to teeth restored with GIC and composite. However, in patients with amalgam restoration, though it was less compared to that on the contralateral side, it was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusion: Restoring teeth with various filling materials may improve bite force. In the present study, it was found that the teeth restored with amalgam had higher bite forces in comparison to the other restorative materials used. However, it was not comparable to that observed in the normal tooth (control) on the contralateral side.
Humans , Male , Female , Bite Force , Dental Amalgam , Glass Ionomer Cements , Analysis of VarianceABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify, through clinical and radiographic evaluations, the in vivo response of the dentin-pulpal complex of human primary teeth after pulpotomy with MTA and Biodentine™ in a follow-up period of 3, 6, and 12 months. Material and Methods: Thirty teeth were divided into MTA pulpotomy (n = 15) and Biodentine™ pulpotomy (n = 15) from children between 5 and 9 years of age, a randomized clinical trial with simple random sampling. The materials were inserted into the cavity after opening and removing the coronary pulp tissue. The cavity base consisted of glass ionomer cement and light-cured composite resin restoration. Clinical and radiographic analyses were performed after 3, 6, and 12 months. Statistical analysis by Fisher's exact test for dichotomous data at a 5% significance level was utilized. Results: Both materials caused color change after 12 months. However, MTA showed a higher percentage than Biodentine™ (p<0.0001). Pain was detected only with Biodentine™ at six months and mobility at 12 months (p=0.0013). Radiographically, after 12 months, periapical lesions, interradicular lesions, and internal resorption were evidenced in 13% of the cases for Biodentine™-treated teeth (p<0.0013). MTA induced pulp calcification in 13% of cases, unlike Biodentine™ (p<0.0013). Conclusion: BiodentineTM and MTA are suitable for clinical use in pulpotomy treatment, yet both materials lead to tooth discoloration.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Pulpotomy/methods , Tooth, Deciduous/anatomy & histology , Tooth Discoloration , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Radiography, Dental/instrumentation , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Glass Ionomer Cements/chemistryABSTRACT
Treatment of dental caries in children still remains challenging due to lack of cooperation with conventional treatment modalities. Recently, the use of Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) has proved useful in addressing this challenge. Aim: This clinical trial aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) in arresting caries in children in Lagos, Nigeria. Methods: This was a phase III balanced randomized controlled school based interventional study on 240 children. The study group was treated with SDF while GIC was used in the control group. Follow up visits in 2 weeks, 1 month, and 3 months were carried out to assess the treatment outcome. Inferential statistics with the use of Pearson Chi-square test and Independent Student t-test were used at 5% level of significance. Results: There was significant relationship between SDF and caries arrest in 2 weeks, 1 month and 3 months' assessment period (p = 0.001). The control group showed continuous decline (71.7%, 54.3% and 50.9%) in restorative success from 2 weeks to 3 months respectively. The mean ± SD and Confidence Interval (CI) of arrested caries in the SDF group were 113± 1.24 and 113.1 113.5 respectively. In the control group the mean ± SD and CI of restorative success were 69.3±11.8 and 67.2 71.4. The effect size was 5.24. Conclusion: The result of the study showed that SDF was effective in arresting caries in children without any harm and there was statistically significant difference in the use of 38% SDF in arresting caries in children
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Child , Fluorides, Topical , Dental Caries , Glass Ionomer CementsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de um protetor de superfície na sorção e solubilidade de cimentos de ionômero de vidro. Materiais e Métodos: Quatro materiais foram selecionados: ionômero modificado por resina encapsulado (Riva Light Cure); modificado por resina pó/líquido (Vitremer); convencional encapsulado (Equia Forte) e convencional pó/líquido (Fuji IX). Foram confeccionados 20 espécimes de cada, sendo metade com proteção superficial do Equia Forte Coat. As amostras foram mantidas em estufa a 37°C em repouso por 5 dias. Em seguida, esses foram pesados em intervalos de 24 horas. A espessura e o diâmetro foram medidos com um paquímetro digital para o cálculo do volume. Novas pesagens foram realizadas para a obtenção da massa intermediária. Em seguida, as amostras foram mantidas em repouso por 5 dias a 37°C e realizada nova pesagem. Resultados: Os dados obtidos de sorção e solubilidade foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA dois fatores, material e protetor de superfície) e teste Tukey ( =0,05). Para sorção, houve diferença significativa apenas para o fator material (p<0,05), Vitremer > Equia Forte > Riva Light Cure > Fuji IX. O ionômero Fuji IX apresentou os menores valores de sorção, diferindo significativamente dos demais materiais, independentemente do uso do protetor superficial. Não houve diferença significativa para o fator proteção de superfície (p>0,05). Para solubilidade não houve diferença significativa no fator material, protetor de superfície ou interação material*protetor. Conclusão: O uso do protetor superficial não influenciou nos valores de sorção e solubilidade dos ionômeros avaliados e o ionômero convencional Fuji IX apresentou menores taxas de sorção.
Objective: evaluate the effect of a surface coating agents on the sorption and glass ionomer cements solubility. Materials and Methods: Four materials were selected: Encapsulated resin-modified ionomer (Riva Light Cure); Powder/liquid Encapsulated resin-modified (Vitremer); Encapsulated conventional (Equia Forte) and powder/ liquid conventional (Fuji IX). Twenty samples of each were made, half with surface protection of Equia Forte Coat. The samples were kept in an oven for 5 days. These were then weighed at 24-hour intervals. The thickness and diameter were measured using a digital caliper to calculate their volume. New weightings were performed to obtain the intermediate mass. Then, the samples were kept at rest for 5 days and weighed again. Results: The sorption and solubility data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance (two-way ANOVA, material and surface coating agents) and Tukey test ( =0.05). For sorption, there was a significant difference only for the material factor (p<0.05), Vitremer > Equia Forte > Riva Light Cure > Fuji IX. The Fuji IX ionomer showed the lowest sorption values, differing significantly from the other materials, regardless of the use of surface coating agents. There was no significant difference for the surface protection factor (p>0.05). For solubility there was no significant difference for the material factor, surface coating agents or material*surface coating agent interaction. Conclusion: The use of surface coating agents did not influence the sorption and solubility values of the evaluated ionomers and the conventional Fuji IX ionomer showed lower sorption rates.
Solutions/chemistry , Dental Materials , Glass Ionomer Cements/chemistry , Solubility , Materials Testing , Water , AbsorptionABSTRACT
Objetive: To evaluate microleakage of composite resins (CR) placed over different cavitary liners after managing deep caries lesions through selective removal of soft carious tissue to soft dentin (SRCT-S). Material and Methods: Fifty four human teeth were collected for microleakage testing. Each assay comprised ICDAS 5 or ICDAS 6 carious lesions and sound teeth for controls. Sound teeth were prepared with cavities that mirrored the carious teeth cavities, which were prepared with SRCT-S. Sound and carious teeth were further randomly assigned to one of the three experimental groups: Group A: universal adhesive (UA) + CR, Group B: glass ionomer cement liner + UA + CR, and Group C: calcium hydroxide + UA+ CR. Occlusal microleakage (OM) and cervical microleakage (CM) was classified within one of 5 depth categories. ANOVA and Chi-square tests were computed (p<0.05). Results: OM and CM were similarly distributed across subgroups (p>0.05). All Group C samples with carious lesions presented some degree of microleakage. However, no statistically significant differences were observed between groups and within each group (p>0.05). Conclusion: Teeth restored with CR after SRCT-S using calcium hydroxide as a liner material seem to exhibit higher microleakage than those restored using glass ionomer or UA alone. Further clinical research is needed to deepen these findings. Clinical significance: The application of calcium hydroxide as a liner under a composite resin may reduce the longevity of a restoration after performing selective or partial removal of carious tissues. Clinicians should rethink the need of using calcium hydroxide for this application, albeit the lack of clinical evidence.
Objetivo: Evaluar la microfiltración de resinas compuestas (RC) colocadas sobre diferentes liners cavitarios después del manejo de lesiones de caries profundas mediante la remoción selectiva de tejido cariado blando hasta dentina blanda (SRCT-S). Material y Métodos: Se recolectaron 54 dientes humanos para pruebas de microfiltración. Cada ensayo comprendía lesiones cariosas ICDAS 5 o ICDAS 6 y dientes sanos para los controles. Se prepararon dientes sanos con cavidades que reflejaban las cavidades de los dientes cariados, que se prepararon con SRCT-S. Los dientes sanos y cariados se asignaron al azar a uno de los tres grupos experimentales: Grupo A: adhesivo universal (AU) + RC, Grupo B: revestimiento de cemento de ionómero de vidrio + AU + RC, y Grupo C: hidróxido de calcio + AU+ RC. La microfiltración oclusal (MO) y la microfiltración cervical (MC) se clasificaron dentro de una de las 5 categorías de profundidad. Se calcularon las pruebas ANOVA y Chi-cuadrado (p<0,05). Resultados: La MO y MC se distribuyeron de manera similar en los subgrupos (p> 0,05). Todas las muestras del Grupo C con lesiones cariosas presentaron algún grado de microfiltración. Sin embargo, no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre grupos y dentro de cada grupo (p>0,05). Conclusión: Los dientes restaurados con RC después de SRCT-S usando hidróxido de calcio como material de revestimiento parecen exhibir una mayor microfiltración que aquellos restaurados usando ionómero de vidrio o AU solo. Se necesita más investigación clínica para profundizar estos hallazgos. Relevancia clínica: la aplicación de hidróxido de calcio como revestimiento debajo de una resina compuesta puede reducir la longevidad de una restauración después de realizar la eliminación selectiva o parcial de los tejidos cariados. Los médicos deberían reconsiderar la necesidad de usar hidróxido de calcio para esta aplicación, aunque no haya evidencia clínica.
Humans , Composite Resins/chemistry , Dental Cavity Lining , Dental Leakage/classification , Glass Ionomer Cements/chemistry , Calcium Hydroxide , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dental Caries/therapyABSTRACT
O objetivo deste ensaio clínico randomizado foi comparar a taxa de sobrevida das restaurações oclusais e oclusoproximais em molares decíduos usando duas versões de cimentos de ionômero de vidro: pó-líquido, manipulado manualmente (MAN) e encapsulado (ENC) após 24 meses. Crianças entre 3 e 10 anos de idade que apresentaram lesões de cárie em dentina nas superfícies oclusais e/ou oclusoproximais de molares decíduos foram selecionadas na Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Elas foram alocadas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: M/M (Fuji IX®, GC Europa) ou ENC (Equia Fill®, GC Europa). A ocorrência de falha das restaurações foi avaliada por duas examinadoras calibradas e cegas e em relação aos grupos. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas no software Stata 13 (StataCorp, EUA). A análise de Kaplan-Meier foi utilizada para ilustrar a sobrevida e o comportamento das restaurações ao longo dos 24 meses de acompanhamento enquanto a Regressão de Cox com fragilidade compartilhada foi realizada para avaliar a associação entre falha de restauração e variáveis independentes (=5%). Realizamos ainda a análise por intenção de tratar (ITT) considerando os 24 meses de acompanhamento. Um total de 323 restaurações foram realizadas em 145 crianças. A sobrevida para o grupo MAN foi de 58,2% e 60,1% para o grupo ENC, sem diferença estatisticamente significativa (p=0,738). As restaurações oclusoproximais tiveram menor taxa de sobrevida quando comparadas às oclusais (HR=3,83; p<0,001). A taxa de sobrevida nos molares decíduos não é influenciada pelas diferentes formas de apresentação do CIV Registro do ECR: Este ensaio clínico randomizado foi registrado no ClinicalTrials.Gov em 15/10/2014 sob protocolo (NCT 02274142).
Tooth, Deciduous , Pediatric Dentistry , Glass Ionomer CementsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To compare the cytotoxicity level of a new calcium silicate-based resin cement (TheraCem) with two commonly used cements, including a conventional self-adhesive resin cement (Panavia SA) and a resinmodified glass ionomer cement (FujiCem2), on the human gingival fibroblast cells after 24 and 48 hours. Material and Methods: Twelve discs of each cement type were fabricated. The extract of cement disks was made by incubating them in the cell medium. Human gingival fibroblast cells were cultured and exposed to cement extracts for 24 h and 48 h. MTT assay was performed on extracts and optical density and cell viability rates were calculated by the spectrophotometer device at 570 nm. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey HSD tests. Results: The cell viability rates after 24 hours and 48 hours were as follows: TheraCem: 89.24% and 85.46%, Panavia SA: 49.51% and 46.57% and FujiCem2: 50.63% and 47.36%. TheraCem represented the highest cell viability rate. However, no significant difference was noted between Panavia SA and FujiCem2. Time had no significant effect on cell viability. Conclusion: TheraCem exhibited the best results among three tested cements and was considered non-toxic. Panavia SA and FujiCem2 were not significantly different regarding the cell viability rate. Time had no significant effect on the cytotoxicity level of cements (AU).
Calcarea Silicata , Resin Cements , Fibroblasts/microbiology , Glass Ionomer Cements , Cell Survival , Spectrophotometers , Analysis of VarianceABSTRACT
Objective: The aim was to evaluate the influence of fluoride-releasing restorative materials in enamel and dentin microhardness. Material and Methods: 40 blocks (5x5x3 mm) from cervical third of human molars received a cavity preparation between the enamel and dentin, and the restorations were subjected to in vitro caries model. Specimens were randomly restored with (n=10): conventional glass ionomer cement (Ketac Cem, 3M ESPE); polyacid-modified composite resin (Ionoseal, VOCO); resin-modified glass ionomer cement (Ionofast, Biodinâmica); or microhybrid composite resin (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE). The specimens were sectioned longitudinally and enamel and dentin Knoop microhardness were determined at different distances from the restorative material (100, 200 and 300 µm) and depth of surface (20, 40 and 60 µm). The data were submitted to three-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey Ìs test ( α =0.05). Results: For enamel, the double interactions between material x distance and material x depth were statistically significant. In all depths and distances, the highest values of enamel microhardness were observed for Ketac Cem. In dentin, the materials differed statistically from each other, and Ionoseal obtained higher microhardness values than those found in Ionofast. Conclusion: Conventional glass ionomer cement is more effective in preventing enamel demineralization around restoration followed by the polyacid-modified composite resin. In dentin, the polyacid-modified composite resin obtained better performance than resin-modified glass ionomer cement. (AU)
Objetivo: O objetivo foi avaliar a influência de materiais restauradores liberadores de flúor na microdureza do esmalte e da dentina. Material e Métodos: 40 blocos (5x5x3 mm) do terço cervical de molares humanos receberam preparo cavitário entre esmalte e dentina, e após a restauração foram submetidas a um modelo in vitro de cárie. As amostras foram restauradas aleatoriamente com (n=10): cimento de ionômero de vidro convencional (Ketac Cem, 3M ESPE); resina composta modificada por poliácidos (Ionoseal, VOCO); cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado por resina (Ionofast, Biodinâmica); ou resina composta microhíbrida (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE). As amostras foram seccionadas longitudinalmente e a microdureza Knoop de esmalte e dentina foi determinada em diferentes distâncias do material restaurador (100, 200 e 300 µm) e profundidade de superfície (20, 40 e 60 µm). Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA para medidas repetidas de três fatores e teste de Tukey (α =0,05). Resultados: Para o esmalte, as duplas interações entre material x distância e material x profundidade foram estatisticamente significativas. Em todas as profundidades e distâncias, os maiores valores de microdureza do esmalte foram observados para o Ketac Cem. Na dentina, Ionoseal obteve valores de microdureza superiores aos encontrados no Ionofast. Conclusão:O cimento de ionômero de vidro convencional é mais eficaz na prevenção da desmineralização do esmalte ao redor da restauração, seguido pela resina composta modificada por poliácidos. Na dentina, a resina composta modificada por poliácidos obteve melhor desempenho que o cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado por resina. (AU)