Los cuerpos extraños en la vía aérea son una urgencia muy común en la práctica de la otorrinolaringología. La mayoría suelen encontrarse en población pediátrica donde la gravedad es mayor. En adultos estos episodios suelen ser accidentales, siendo la exploración física fundamental para su diagnóstico. Exponemos aquí el caso de un varón qué presentó una espina de pescado en el área interaritenoidea.
Foreign bodies in the airway are a very common emergency in the practice of otorhinolaryngology, the majority of which are usually found in the pediatric population. In adults, these episodes are usually accidental, and physical examination is fundamental for its diagnosis. We report a case of fish bone impaction in the interarytenoid area.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Laryngitis/diagnostic imaging , Foreign Bodies/surgery , Foreign Bodies/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Glottis , Laryngoscopy/methodsABSTRACT
Subglottic cyst is a rare cause of laryngeal tinnitus in infants and young children, and only a few cases have been reported at home and abroad. In this paper, we report the clinical characteristics and treatment experience of three cases of subglottic cysts in Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University. All the 3 childrem were prematurechildren, with a history of tracheal intubation, and the main symptoms were coughing and wheezing.Electronic nasopharyngolaryngoscopy revealed spherical neoplasm under the glottis. Neck computed tomography (CT) showed a slightly hypodense shadow with poorly defined borders, and no significant enhancement was observed after enhancement. Under the self-retaining laryngoscope, the new organisms were clamped and nibbled, and the cyst wall was cauterized by low temperature plasma. There was no recurrence in postoperative follow-up.
Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Cysts/surgery , Glottis/surgery , Laryngeal Diseases/surgery , Laryngoscopy/methods , LarynxABSTRACT
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of mucosal flap combined with silicone keel for preventing and treating anterior commissure adhesion in canines and clinical cases. Methods: A prospective experiment was performed from November 2019 to June 2021. Twenty five canines were randomly divided into 5 groups(A, B, C, D, E). Group A, B, C, D received anterior commissure injury by CO2 laser, then separately treated with free mucosal flap-keel complex,intralaryngeal mucosal flap-keel complex, silicone keels and without treatment, group E didn't injure the vocal cord after intubation. The keel was removed after 2 weeks, the larynx was harvested after 4 weeks. The effectiveness of anterior commissure adhesion prevention was evaluated by manifestation under laryngoscope, standard vocal cord length and standard glottic area. A retrospective analysis was performed on sixteen patients with anterior commissure lesion, who underwent mucosal flap-keel technique in Huashan Hospital of Fudan University from January 2019 to January 2021 (10 cases with free mucosal flap-keel complex and 6 cases with intralaryngeal mucosal flap-keel complex). All the patients underwent evaluation of laryngeal function included manifestation under laryngoscope each month and voice analysis before and 3 month after surgery. SPSS 20.0 software was used for statistical analysis. Results: No surgery accident or complication happened in canines and patients. The standard vocal cord length and standard glottic area after 4 weeks in group B were significantly higher than those in group A, C, D (Hstandard vocal cord length=31.688, Hstandard glottic area=16.444, P<0.05). The standard vocal cord length and standard glottic area after 4 weeks in group A were also significantly higher than those in group C, D(Hstandard vocal cord length=20.936, Hstandard glottic area=11.786, P<0.05). The standard vocal cord length and standard glottic area after 4 weeks in group A, B, E were not significantly different to that before surgery(tA left standard vocal cord length=2.636, tA right standard vocal cord length=2.582, tB left standard vocal cord length=2.707, tB right standard vocal cord length=2.673, tE left standard vocal cord length=0.370, tE right standard vocal cord length=0.821, tA standard glottic area=2.731, tB standard glottic area=2.753, tE standard glottic area=-0.529, P>0.05). The standard vocal cord length and standard glottic area after 4 weeks in group C, D were significantly lower than those before surgery(tC left standard vocal cord length=16.137, tC right standard vocal cord length=13.984, tD left standard vocal cord length=11.903, tD right standard vocal cord length=14.587, tC standard glottic area=10.280, tD standard glottic area=22.974, P<0.05). During 6-18 months of follow-up in clinical patients, no one developed a glottic web. Three months after surgery, Jitter, Shimmer, noise to harmonic ratio(NHR), the maximum phonation time(MPT)in all patients were significantly different from preoperative(tintralaryngeal mucosal flap jitter=24.885, tintralaryngeal mucosal flap shimmer=22.643, tintralaryngeal mucosal flap NHR=6.202, tintralaryngeal mucosal flap MPT=-9.661, tfree mucosal flap jitter=25.459, tfree mucosal flap shimmer=18.683, tfree mucosal flap NHR=5.705, tfree mucosal flap MPT=-20.840, P<0.05). Conclusion: Mucosal flap combined with silicone keel is an effective technique for preventing and treating anterior commissure adhesion. The effect of pedicled intralaryngea lmucosal flap is better.
Animals , Dogs , Humans , Free Tissue Flaps , Glottis , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies , Vocal Cords/surgeryABSTRACT
Acquired subglottic cysts are an unusual cause of stridor. They are usually developed following a tracheal intubation episode in a premature patient. We report the clinical case of an ex-premature patient who was diagnosed as having an acquired subglottic cyst after causing a difficult intubation situation. This situation can potentially uncover the obstruction and initiate the complete diagnostic and therapeutic process.
Una causa poco frecuente de estridor laríngeo corresponde a quistes subglóticos. En general se desarrollan luego de una intubación en un paciente prematuro. Se presenta el caso clínico de un ex prematuro que presenta una intubación difícil dada por la presencia de un quiste subglótico. Gracias a esta situación, se inició el estudio y tratamiento del quiste.
Humans , Infant , Tracheal Diseases/diagnosis , Cysts/diagnosis , Airway Management , Infant, Premature, Diseases , Tracheal Diseases/surgery , Bronchoscopy , Cysts/surgery , Glottis , Intubation, Intratracheal , LaryngoscopyABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: According to international reports, 30-40% of all head and neck cancers are larynx cancers, comprising 1-2.5% of all cancer types. Cervical nodal involvement has been reported to be 40% and 65% in T3 and T4 cases, respectively. Five-year survival in patients with cervical lymph node metastasis has been demonstrated to be 50% lower compared to patients with no metastasis. Chromosome segregation like 1 protein; is a DNA fragment isolated by Brinkmann et al. in 1995 that corresponds to yeast chromosome segregation protein. Studies on the effect of chromosome segregation like 1 protein expression in head and neck tumors are rare and it has been shown that nuclear chromosome segregation like 1 protein is over-expressed in these studies where gastrointestinal and breast tumors over-expressed cytoplasmic chromosome segregation like 1 protein. Objective: Chromosome segregation like 1 protein may regulate the proliferation and metastasis of T3-T4 glottic larynx cancer. The aim of this study is to show the relationship between chromosome segregation like 1 protein expression and cervical lymph node metastasis of T3-T4 glottic larynx cancer. Methods: A total of 57 male patients who were operated for T3-T4 glottic cancer in a tertiary referral hospital was included in this study. There were 28 patients with cervical lymph node metastasis and 29 patients without lymph node metastasis. Immunohistochemistry was carried out on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded archival glottic larynx tumour tissue. According to the percentage of immunoreactive cells, chromosome segregation like 1 protein status was analyzed. Results: Among the patients, who had no cervical lymph node metastasis, 15 patients showed weak nuclear staining, 12 patients showed moderate nuclear staining and only 2 patients showed high nuclear staining for chromosome segregation like 1 protein. Among the patients who had cervical lymph node metastasis, 18 patients showed high nuclear staining, 9 patients showed moderate staining and only one patient showed weak staining for chromosome segregation like 1 protein. None of the metastatic patients showed cytoplasmic staining and only one patient in the non-metastatic group showed cytoplasmic staining for chromosome segregation like 1 protein. There was a positive correlation between nuclear chromosome segregation like 1 protein expression and cervical lymph node metastasis (r = 0,668) and it was statistically significant (p < 0,001). Conclusion: Chromosome segregation like 1 protein expression is correlated with lymph node metastasis in T3-T4 glottic cancers. This may change the approach to cervical node treatment in patients with glottic cancers in future.
Resumo Introdução: De acordo com relatos internacionais, 30% a 40% de todos os casos de câncer de cabeça e pescoço são na laringe, compreendem 1% a 2,5% de todos os tipos de câncer. O envolvimento linfonodal cervical foi relatado em 40% e 65% nos casos T3 e T4, respectivamente. A sobrevida em cinco anos em pacientes com metástase linfonodal cervical demonstrou ser 50% menor em comparação com os pacientes sem metástase. A proteína chromosome seg-regation like 1 é um fragmento de DNA isolado por Brinkmann et al. em 1995 que corresponde à proteína de segregação cromossômica de levedura. Estudos sobre o efeito da expressão da proteína chromosome segregation like 1 em tumores de cabeça e pescoço são raros e os poucos estudos demonstram que a proteína chromosome segregation like 1 nuclear é superexpressa no núcleo, enquanto tumores gastrointestinais e de mama superexpressam a proteína chromosome segregation like 1 citoplasmática. Objetivo: A proteína chromosome segregation like 1 pode regular a proliferação e metástase do câncer glótico de laringe T3-T4. O objetivo deste estudo é mostrar a relação entre a expressão da proteína chromosome segregation like 1 em metástase de linfonodo cervical no câncer glótico de laringe T3-T4. Método: Foram incluídos neste estudo 57 pacientes do sexo masculino submetidos a cirurgias por câncer glótico T3-T4 em um hospital terciário. Havia 28 pacientes com metástase de linfonodos cervicais e 29 pacientes sem metástase linfonodal. A análise imunohistoquímica foi realizada em tecido de tumor glótico de laringe embebido em parafina e fixado em formol. De acordo com a porcentagem de células imunorreativas, analisou-se a expressão da proteína chromosome segregation like 1. Resultados: Entre os pacientes, que não tinham metástase linfonodal cervical, 15 apresentaram coloração nuclear fraca, 12 apresentaram coloração nuclear moderada e apenas 2 apresentaram coloração nuclear elevada para proteína chromosome segregation like 1. Entre os pacientes que apresentavam metástase linfonodal cervical, 18 pacientes apresentaram coloração nuclear elevada, 9 apresentaram coloração moderada e apenas um paciente apresentou coloração fraca. Nenhum dos pacientes com metástase apresentou coloração citoplasmática e apenas um paciente no grupo não-metastático mostrou coloração citoplasmática para a proteína chromosome segregation like 1. Houve uma correlação positiva entre a expressão nuclear da proteína chromosome segregation like 1 e a metástase de linfonodo cervical (r = 0,668), que foi estatisticamente significante (p < 0,001). Conclusão: A expressão da proteína chromosome segregation like 1 está correlacionada com metástases linfonodais em casos de câncer glótico T3-T4 e isso pode mudar a abordagem do tratamento cervical de câncer glótico no futuro.
Humans , Male , Laryngeal Neoplasms/pathology , Glottis/pathology , Lymph Nodes/pathology , Lymphatic Metastasis , Neck/pathology , Neoplasm StagingABSTRACT
Objective@#To present the case of a 78-year-old man with Glottic SCCa stage I who underwent single stage transoral cordectomy type IV with medialization thyroplasty under general anesthesia. @*Methods@#Design: Case Report. Setting: Tertiary Government Training Hospital. Patient: One. @*Results@#Postoperatively, patient was able to phonate and gave a VHI score of 12 and GRBAS score of 4. He was able to resume oral feeding without any signs of aspiration. Postoperative flexible laryngoscopy showed fully mobile vocal cords with good approximation in the midline. @*Conclusion@# This report suggests that vocal cord medialization via thyroplasty may be performed after cordectomy in a single stage, providing acceptable postoperative voice as well as good swallowing outcome
Laryngoplasty , Laryngeal Neoplasms , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Glottis , Vocal CordsABSTRACT
Introducción: La laringe es la localización más común de los tumores malignos de cabeza y cuello no cutáneos. Objetivo: Caracterizar a los afectados por lesiones malignas de laringe. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo de 242 pacientes con carcinoma de laringe atendidos en el Hospital Oncológico Docente Provincial Conrado Benítez García de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero de 2013 hasta diciembre de 2015. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes eran hombres (88,8 %), con una relación de 8:1 respecto al sexo femenino, y la edad media fue de 65 años. Así mismo, el tabaquismo estuvo presente en 204 pacientes (84,3 %) y los tumores glóticos resultaron ser los más frecuentes, con 168 afectados, de los cuales 89,3 % presentó como primer síntoma la disfonía, seguida en orden del aumento de volumen cervical como manifestación principal del cáncer de supraglotis (26,6 %) y de subglotis (60,0 %). El estadio predominante al momento del diagnóstico fue el I (35,5 %). Conclusiones: En la actualidad los tumores malignos de laringe resultan un importante problema de salud por la tendencia ascendente en el número de pacientes a nivel mundial.
Introduction: The larynx is the most common localization of non cutaneous head and neck malignancies. Objective: To characterize those affected patients due to larynx malignancies. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study of 242 patients with larynx carcinoma was carried out, they were assisted in Conrado Benítez García Provincial Teaching Cancer Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from January, 2013 to December, 2015. Results: Most of the patients were men (88.8 %), with an 8:1 ratio regarding the female sex, and mean age was of 65 years. Likewise, nicotine addiction was present in 204 patients (84.3 %) and glottic tumors were the most frequent, with 168 affected, of which 89.3% presented dysphonia as first symptom, followed in order by the increase of cervical volume as main manifestation of the supraglottis (26.6 %) and subglottis (60.0 %) cancer. The predominant stage at the moment of the diagnosis was the I (35.5 %). Conclusions: At the present time larynx malignancies are an important health problem for the upward tendency in the number of patients worldwide.
Laryngeal Neoplasms , Laryngeal Neoplasms/epidemiology , Dysphonia , Glottis/pathology , GlottisABSTRACT
Introduction: The understanding of normal vocal production is essential to guide any voice professional as it is fundamental to understand the effects of the posterior glottal gap on the vocal quality. Objective: The aim of the present study was to verify the association between glottic closure, acoustic parameters, and some characteristics of the videolaryngostroboscopy of young women without vocal complaints nor laryngeal disorders. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with 56 women between 20 and 30 years old who underwent videolaryngostroboscopy. The acoustic parameters of the vowel /a:/ were analyzed using the Praat software, Release 4.6.10 (Paul Boersman and David Weenik, Amsterdam, Netherlands). Statistical Analysis: The chi-squared, Fischer, and Kruskall-Wallis tests were applied, with 5% significance. Results: Significant occurrence of posterior glottal gap (85.71%, p < 0.001), of normal vocal folds vibration amplitude (82.14%, p < 0.001), and of absence of significant constriction of the laryngeal vestibule (98.21%, p < 0.001); no significant association of the glottic closure with the vocal acoustic parameters; no significant association of glottic closure, vocal folds vibration amplitude, and constriction of the laryngeal vestibule. Conclusion: There was a predominance of posterior glottal gap, normal vocal folds vibration amplitude, and absence of laryngeal vestibule constriction, and no relation with the acoustic parameters, suggesting that the posterior glottal gap did not generate impact on the vocal production of the young adult women studied (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Voice/physiology , Glottis/physiology , Speech Acoustics , Vocal Cords/physiology , Voice Quality/physiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Laryngoscopy/methods , Larynx/physiologyABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: The endoscopic methods are progressing and becoming more common in routine clinical diagnosis in the field of otorhinolaryngology. Relatively large amount of researches have proved high accuracy of narrow band imaging endoscopy in differentiating benign and malignant lesions within vocal folds. However, little is known about learning curve in narrow band imaging evaluation of laryngeal lesions. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the learning curve for the narrow band imaging evaluation of vocal folds pathologies depending on the duration of the procedure. Methods: Records of 134 narrow band imaging that were analyzed in terms of the duration of the procedure and the accuracy of diagnosis confirmed by histopathological diagnosis were enrolled in the study. The narrow band imaging examinations were performed sequentially by one investigator over a period of 18 months. Results: The average duration of narrow band imaging recordings was 127.82 s. All 134 studies were divided into subsequent series of several elements. An evident decrease in time of investigation was noticed between 13th and 14th series, when the examinations were divided into 5 elements series, which corresponds to the difference between 65th and 70th subsequent narrow band imaging examination. Parallel groups of 67 examinations were created. Group 1 included 1st to 67th subsequent narrow band imaging examination; Group 2 - 68th to 134th narrow band imaging examinations. The non-parametric U Mann-Whitney test confirmed statistically significant difference between the mean duration of narrow band imaging examination in both groups 160.5 s and 95.1 s, respectively (p < 10−7). Sensitivity and specificity of narrow band imaging examination in the first group were respectively: 83.7% and 76.7%. In the second group, these indicators amounted 98.1% and 80% respectively. Conclusions: A minimum of 65th-70th narrow band imaging examinations are required to reach a plateau phase of the learning process in assessment of glottis lesions. Analysis of learning curves is useful for the development of training programs and determination of a mastery level.
Resumo Introdução: Os métodos endoscópicos estão progredindo e se tornando comuns no diagnóstico clínico de rotina também na otorrinolaringologia. Um número relativamente grande de pesquisas demonstrou alta precisão na endoscopia com imagem de banda estreita na diferenciação de lesões benignas e malignas nas pregas vocais. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre a curva de aprendizado na avaliação da de banda estreita de lesões laríngeas. Objetivo: Determinar a curva de aprendizado para a avaliação por imagem de banda estreita das afecções das pregas vocais, de acordo com a duração do procedimento. Método: Foram incluídos no estudo 134 registros de imagens de banda estreita analisadas em termos da duração do procedimento e da acurácia do diagnóstico confirmado pelo diagnóstico histopatológico. Os exames com imagem de banda estreita foram feitos sequencialmente por um investigador por 18 meses. Resultados: A duração média dos registros de imagem de banda estreita foi de 127,82s. Todos os 134 estudos foram divididos em séries subsequentes de vários elementos. Uma evidente diminuição no tempo de investigação foi observada entre as séries 13 e 14, quando os exames foram divididos em séries de cinco elementos, o que corresponde à diferença entre o 65° e 70° exames de imagem de banda estreita subsequentes. Foram criados grupos paralelos de 67 exames. O grupo 1 incluiu o 1° ao 67° exame de imagem de banda estreita subsequente; Grupo 2 - o 68° ao 134° exame de imagem de banda estreita. O teste não paramétrico U de Mann-Whitney confirmou uma diferença estatisticamente significante entre a duração média do exame de imagem de banda estreita em ambos os grupos de 160,5s e 95,1s, respectivamente (p < 10-7). A sensibilidade e especificidade do exame de imagem de banda estreita no primeiro grupo foram, respectivamente: 83,7% e 76,7%. No segundo grupo, esses indicadores foram 98,1% e 80%, respectivamente. Conclusões: Um mínimo de 65 a 70 exames de imagem de banda estreita é necessário para se atingir a fase de estabilização (plateau) do processo de aprendizado na avaliação de lesões de glote. A análise das curvas de aprendizado é útil para o desenvolvimento de programas de treinamento e determinar o n.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Vocal Cords/diagnostic imaging , Laryngeal Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Narrow Band Imaging , Vocal Cords/pathology , Laryngeal Neoplasms/pathology , Sensitivity and Specificity , Statistics, Nonparametric , Endoscopy , Learning Curve , Glottis/pathology , Glottis/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Objective To compare the impacts of different nostril on nasotracheal intubation with video laryngoscopy.Methods Totally 120 ASA grade I maxillofacial surgery patients were equally randomized into two groups:group A(left nostril)and group B(right nostril).After rapid induction of anesthesia,the nasal intubation was completed by Tosight video laryngoscope,and the success rate of the first attempt of the tube passing through the nasal cavity was recorded and compared between these two groups.In addition,time of tube through nasal cavity,time of glottis exposure,total intubation time,intubation success rate,and nasal bleeding were recorded.Results The success rate of the first attempt of tube passing through the nasal cavity was not significantly different between groups A and B(84.7% . 81.7%;=0.202,=0.653).The time of tube passing through nasal cavity [(7.3±4.6)s .(7.5±4.1)s;=-0.223,=0.824] and the time of glottic exposure [(6.6±1.4)s .(6.7±1.4)s;=-0.348,=0.728] had no significant differences between two groups.The success rates of first intubation attempt were 100% in both groups.The total intubation time was(35.1±9.2)s in group A and(34.0±7.8)s in group B(=0.663,=0.509).Intubation-related epistaxis was found in 16 cases(27.1%)in group A and in 17 cases(28.3%)in group B( =0.022,=0.882).Conclusion Different nasal approaches have no effect on nasal intubation.
Humans , Glottis , Intubation, Intratracheal , Methods , Laryngoscopes , Laryngoscopy , Nasal Cavity , Oral Surgical ProceduresABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To evaluate the results of hypofractionated radiotherapy (HFX) for early glottic cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighty-five patients with cT1-2N0M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottis who had undergone HFX, performed using intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT, n = 66) and three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D CRT, n = 19) were analyzed. For all patients, radiotherapy was administered at 60.75 Gy in 27 fractions. Forty-three patients received a simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) of 2.3–2.5 Gy per tumor fraction. RESULTS: The median follow-up duration was 29.9 months (range, 5.5 to 76.5 months). All patients achieved complete remission at a median of 50 days after the end of radiotherapy (range, 14 to 206 days). The 5-year rates for locoregional recurrence-free survival was 88.1%, and the 5-year overall survival rate was 86.2%. T2 stage was a prognostic factor for locoregional recurrence-free survival after radiotherapy (p = 0.002). SIB for the tumor did not affect disease control and survival (p = 0.191 and p = 0.387, respectively). No patients experienced acute or chronic toxicities of ≥grade 3. IMRT significantly decreased the dose administered to the carotid artery as opposed to 3D CRT (V₃₅, p < 0.001; V₅₀, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Patients treated with HFX achieved acceptable locoregional disease control rates and overall survival rates compared with previous HFX studies. A fraction size of 2.25 Gy provided good disease control regardless of SIB administration.
Humans , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Carotid Arteries , Follow-Up Studies , Glottis , Radiotherapy , Radiotherapy, Conformal , Radiotherapy, Intensity-Modulated , Retrospective Studies , Survival RateABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: The UE Video Stylet VL400-S2 (UE Medical Devices, Newton, MA, USA) and Ambu aScope (Ambu, Copenhagen, Denmark) were recently introduced rigid video stylets and single-use fiberoptic bronchoscopes, respectively. To compare the utility of the two sets of equipment, this study conducted a randomized cross-over study using a manikin. METHODS: Twenty-eight novice doctors performed tracheal intubation on an airway trainer manikin (Laerdal, Stavanger, Norway). The sequence of intubation devices was randomized. The following data were measured and recorded: time to complete tracheal intubation (primary end point), overall success rate, time to see the glottis, and time to tube passage. RESULTS: The video stylet (24 seconds; interquartile range [IQR] 18–36) showed a significantly shorter completion time of the tracheal intubation than the fiberoptic bronchoscope (43 seconds; IQR, 32–84) (P<0.001). The overall success rate of tracheal intubation was 96.4% (27/28) in the video stylet and 82.1% (23/28) in the fiberoptic bronchoscope, and the cumulative success rate over time to complete intubation was significantly higher in the video stylet (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: The video stylet was superior to the fiberoptic bronchoscope in terms of the time to complete and the cumulative success rate of intubation for novice operators in manikin model. Further research will be needed to determine the degree of education required to use fiberoptic bronchoscopy.
Bronchoscopes , Bronchoscopy , Cross-Over Studies , Education , Glottis , Intubation , Intubation, Intratracheal , Manikins , Microscopy, VideoABSTRACT
Solitary neurofibroma of the glottis is extremely rare and accounts for only 0.1–1.5% of benign laryngeal tumors. Aryepiglottic fold is the most frequent involved site followed by arytenoids and ventricular folds. There have been few reports of neurofibroma of the true vocal cord. We report a case of neurofibroma which was deeply embedded in the vocal cord and misdiagnosed as muscle tension dysphonia with a review of literatures.
Dysphonia , Glottis , Larynx , Muscle Tonus , Neurofibroma , Vocal CordsABSTRACT
The optimal treatments of carcinoma in situ of glottis include radiotherapy, laser surgery and vertical partial laryngectomy. Conventional surgical treatments need general anesthesia and radiotherapy has several complications. Recently, the effectiveness of 532 nm potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser has been proven and widely used in vocal fold diseases even some cases of vocal fold dysplasia. A patient with difficult laryngeal exposure underwent fiberoptic laryngeal laser surgery using KTP laser under local anesthesia, showed improved voice outcome and the glottic lesion was removed successfully without local recurrence and regional metastasis 18 months after surgery.
Humans , Anesthesia, General , Anesthesia, Local , Carcinoma in Situ , Glottis , Laryngectomy , Laser Therapy , Lasers, Solid-State , Neoplasm Metastasis , Potassium , Radiotherapy , Recurrence , Vocal Cords , VoiceABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The supraglottic airway device is an appropriate alternative to tracheal intubation in laparoscopic surgery. We compared the Baska MaskⓇ with i-gelⓇ by measuring the oropharyngeal leak pressure (OLP) and hemodynamic and respiratory parameters during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.METHODS: A total of 97 patients were randomly allocated to either i-gel group (n = 49) or Baska Mask group (n = 48). Insertion time, number of insertion attempts, fiber-optic view of the glottis, and OLP were recorded. Heart rate, mean arterial pressure, peak airway pressure (PAP), lung compliance, and perioperative complications were assessed before, during, and after pneumoperitoneum.RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the two groups regarding demographic data, insertion time, fiber-optic view of the glottis, and the use of airway manipulation. The OLP was higher in the Baska Mask group than in the i-gel group (29.6 ± 6.8 cmH₂O and 26.7 ± 4.5 cmH₂O, respectively; P = 0.014). Heart rate, mean arterial pressure, PAP, and lung compliance were not significantly different between the groups. The incidence of perioperative complications was small and not statistically significant.CONCLUSIONS: Both the i-gel and Baska Mask provided a satisfactory airway during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Compared with the i-gel, the Baska Mask demonstrated a higher OLP.
Humans , Arterial Pressure , Cholecystectomy , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic , Glottis , Heart Rate , Hemodynamics , Incidence , Intubation , Laparoscopy , Laryngeal Masks , Lung Compliance , Masks , PneumoperitoneumABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To investigate the differences in treatment outcomes between two radiation techniques, intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT).MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 160 (IMRT = 23, 3DCRT = 137) patients with stage I glottic cancer treated from January 2005 through December 2016. The IMRT was performed with TomoTherapy (16 patients), volumetric-modulated arc therapy (6 patients), and step-and-shoot technique (1 patient), respectively. The 3DCRT was performed with bilateral parallel opposing fields. The median follow-up duration was 30 months (range, 31 to 42 months) in the IMRT group and 65 months (range, 20 to 143 months) in the 3DCRT group.RESULTS: The 5-year overall survival and 3-year local control rates of the 160 patients were 95.7% and 91.4%, respectively. There was no significant difference in 3-year local control rates between the IMRT and 3DCRT groups (94.4% vs. 91.0%; p = 0.587). Thirteen of 137 patients in the 3DCRT group had recurrences. In the IMRT group, one patient had a recurrence at the true vocal cord. Patients treated with IMRT had less grade 2 skin reaction than the 3DCRT group, but this had no statistical significance (4.3% vs. 21.2%; p = 0.080).CONCLUSION: IMRT had comparable outcomes with 3DCRT, and a trend of less acute skin reaction in stage I glottic cancer patients
Humans , Follow-Up Studies , Glottis , Laryngeal Neoplasms , Radiotherapy, Conformal , Radiotherapy, Intensity-Modulated , Recurrence , Retrospective Studies , Skin , Vocal CordsABSTRACT
Background: Laryngeal cancer is one of the most common types of head and neck malignancy, although its optimal primary treatment is still a matter of debate. Methods: Typical patients with laryngeal SCC (90% at least) are males, over 45 years and heavy smokers. Hoarseness, voice changes, dysphagia, odynophagia, neck mass, dyspnea, referred otalgia and aspiration are the symptoms seen in laryngeal carcinoma. Glottic carcinomas are usually diagnosed earlier and hoarseness is the most common typical symptom. Results: All patients had completed the study. After comparison of the result between the 2 treatment groups, transoral laser excision shows better results than radiotherapy. There is significant difference between laser and radiotherapy in post-operative complications regarding granuloma tissue formation, tumor recurrence and web formation. In laser excision of laryngeal carcinoma, 10% of cases have post-operative granuloma while in radiotherapy, 66.6% of them have post-operative granuloma, but no cases has tumor recurrence while in radiotherapy, 33.3% of them have tumor recurrence. In laser excision of laryngeal carcinoma, 10% of cases have post-operative web formation while in radiotherapy, 22.3% of them have post-operative web formation. There is statistically significant difference between laser and radiotherapy in post-operative satisfaction about the voice (voice quality). Radiotherapy shows better results than laser in voice satisfaction. Conclusions: As regard the study, transoral laser excision of early glottic carcinoma shows better control rate and decrease recurrence and complications than radiotherapy. Keywords
Egypt , Glottis , Laryngeal Neoplasms , Lasers/radiotherapyABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: A multitude of treatment modalities have been proposed in management of early laryngeal squamous cell cancers(SCC). With the improvement of survival rates of these tumours, the degree of voice impairment after treatment became a deciding parameter in the choice of treatment modality. Many reports based on objective tools showed acceptable voice outcomes in patients treated with transoral laser microsurgery (TLM). This is a single centre study representing voice outcomes in patients treated with TLM using a patient-self assessment tool.PATIENTS AND METHODS: we retrospectively reviewed medical data of patients treated with TLM between 2012 and 2017. Voice outcomes were evaluated using the Arabic version of the voice handicap index (VHI). Thirty patients participated in the questionnaire.Scores were collected then studied following type of cordectomy, resection of one or both vocal cords, number of laser sessions and age.RESULTS: The mean age was 62 years. Sex ratio was 14:1. We performed 3 type III cordectomies, 10 type IV and 17 type Va (extended to the Anterior commissure). Local control was achieved since the first cordectomy in 27 cases, after 2 laser sessions in 2 cases and after 1 laser session in 1 case. The VHI score was realized in a mean delay of 29 months after surgery. The overall mean VHI was 47 (VHI-F= 15, VHI-P= 17 and VHI-E= 15). The handicap severity was considered mild in 2 cases (overall VHI<30), severe in 2 other cases (overall VHI> 60) and moderate in the remaining cases .The mean VHI following type of cordectomy was 26 ±6, 43 ±5 and 53 ±4 respectively in type III, IV and Va cordectomies. The mean overall VHI was 60 ±10 when the resection was extended to controlateral vocal cord (VC). However, it was 45 ±12 when the resection was limited to a single vocal cord. The mean overall VHI increased from 44 ±11 when a unique laser session was performed to 62 ±8 when extra laser sessions were needed. Older patients had a mean VHI equals to 46 ±14. In younger patients it was 48 ±10.CONCLUSION: The VHI is a reliable self assessment tool based on subjective perception of the quality of voice. TLM in well trained hands offers acceptable functional outcomes
Glottis , Laryngeal Neoplasms , Laser Therapy , Tunisia , Vocal CordsABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: A multitude of treatment modalities have been proposed in management of early laryngeal squamous cell cancers (SCC). With the improvement of survival rates of these tumours, the degree of voice impairment after treatment became a deciding parameter in the choice of treatment modality. Many reports based on objective tools showed acceptable voice outcomes in patients treated with transoral laser microsurgery (TLM). This is a single centre study representing voice outcomes in patients treated with TLM using a patient-self assessment tool.PATIENTS AND METHODS: we retrospectively reviewed medical data of patients treated with TLM between 2012 and 2017. Voice outcomes were evaluated using the Arabic version of the voice handicap index (VHI). Thirty patients participated in the questionnaire. Scores were collected then studied following type of cordectomy, resection of one or both vocal cords, number of laser sessions and age.RESULTS: The mean age was 62 years. Sex ratio was 14:1. We performed 3 type III cordectomies, 10 type IV and 17 type Va (extended to the Anterior commissure). Local control was achieved since the î¿rst cordectomy in 27 cases, after 2 laser sessions in 2 cases and after 1 laser session in 1 case. The VHI score was realized in a mean delay of 29 months after surgery. The overall mean VHI was 47 (VHI-F= 15, VHI-P= 17 and VHI-E= 15). The handicap severity was considered mild in 2 cases (overall VHI<30), severe in 2 other cases (overall VHI> 60) and moderate in the remaining cases .The mean VHI following type of cordectomy was 26 ±6, 43 ±5 and 53 ±4 respectively in type III, IV and Va cordectomies. The mean overall VHI was 60 ±10 when the resection was extended to controlateral vocal cord (VC). However, it was 45 ±12 when the resection was limited to a single vocal cord. The mean overall VHI increased from 44 ±11 when a unique laser session was performed to 62 ±8 when extra laser sessions were needed. Older patients had a mean VHI equals to 46 ±14. In younger patients it was 48 ±10. CONCLUSION: The VHI is a reliable self-assessment tool based on subjective perception of the quality of voice. TLM in well trained hands offers acceptable functional outcomes
Glottis , Laryngeal Neoplasms , Laser Therapy , Tunisia , Vocal CordsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Estabelecer um banco de amostras de referência constituído por gravações de fala de indivíduos com história de fissura labiopalatina, julgadas, por múltiplos avaliadores, como representativas do uso da oclusiva glotal. Método: Três fonoaudiólogas experientes julgaram 480 frases compostas por sons oclusivos e fricativos, quanto à identificação da oclusiva glotal. As frases foram julgadas individualmente e aquelas que não apresentaram consenso inicial foram novamente julgadas de maneira simultânea pelas mesmas avaliadoras. As amostras julgadas com consenso pelas avaliadoras, com relação à presença ou ausência da oclusiva glotal durante a produção dos sons oclusivos e fricativos, foram selecionadas para estabelecer o banco de amostras de referência. Resultados: Os julgamentos realizados evidenciaram consenso das avaliadoras em 352 amostras. Destas, 120 frases eram representativas da produção adequada para os 12 sons de interesse e 232 eram representativas do uso da oclusiva glotal. Conclusão: Um banco de amostras de referência representativas da oclusiva glotal foi estabelecido a partir do consenso de avaliadores múltiplos. As amostras de referência poderão ser usadas em estudos futuros envolvendo treinamento de avaliadores e formação de fonoaudiólogos.
Objective: To establish anchor samples consisting of speech recordings of individuals with history of cleft lip and palate, rated by multiple evaluators as representative of the use of the glottal stop. Methods: A total of 480 phrases with plosive and fricative sounds were rated by three experienced speech language pathologist (SLPs) to identify use of glottal stops. The samples were rated individually and those without consensus regarding the use of glottal stops were rated simultaneously by the same evaluators. The samples rated with consensus by the evaluators, regarding the presence or absence of glottal stops during the production of plosive and fricative sounds, were selected to establish anchor samples representative of use of glottal stops. Results: A total of 352 samples were rated with consensus by all evaluators. Of these, 120 phrases were representative of the adequate place of production of plosive and fricative sounds and 232 were rated as representative of the use of the glottal stops. Conclusion: Anchor samples representative of presence and absence of glottal stops for plosive and fricative sounds were established with consensus between multiple evaluators. These anchor samples can be used in future studies involving training of evaluators and preparation of speech language pathologists.
Objetivo: Establecer un banco de muestras de referencia constituido por grabaciones de habla de individuos con historia de fisura labiopalatina, juzgadas por múltiples jueces, como representativas del uso de la oclusiva glótica. Método: Un total de 480 frases compuestas por sonidos oclusivos y fricativos fueron juzgados a respeto de la identificación de la oclusiva glótica, por tres fonoaudiólogas conexperiencia. Las frases fueron juzgadas individualmente y aquellas que no presentaron un consenso inicial fueron juzgadas nuevamente de manera simultánea por las mismas juezas. Las muestras juzgadas en consenso por las juezas, con relación a la presencia o ausencia del oclusiva glótica durante la producción de sonidos oclusivos y fricativos, fueron seleccionadas para establecer el banco de muestras de referencia. Resultados: Los juzgamientos realizados evidenciaron consenso de las juezas en 352 muestras. De estas, 120 frases eran representativas de la producción adecuada para los 12 sonidos de interés y 232 eran representativas del uso de la oclusiva glótica. Conclusión: Un banco de muestras de referencia representativas de la oclusiva glótica fue establecido a partir del consenso entre jueces múltiplos. Las muestras de referencia podrán ser usadas en futuros estudios envolviendo entrenamiento de jueces y preparo de fonoaudiólogos.