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Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao ; (6): 915-922, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010149


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the diurnal difference of acute gout attacks in men, and provide reference for accurate clinical prevention and treatment.@*METHODS@#Using a single-center, cross-sectional study design, the patients diagnosed with gout in the outpatient department of Rheumatology and Immuno-logy of PLA Joint Logistic Support Force No.980 Hospital from October 2021 to April 2022 were selected. The information about the patient's current/last acute gout attacks (less than 2 weeks from visit), date and time of attacks, joint symptoms and signs, medication use, and relevant biochemical tests on the day of visit was recorded. The diurnal time difference of acute gout attacks in male patients was analyzed, and univariate comparison and multivariate Logistic regression analyses were conducted to compare the diurnal difference of acute gout attacks with clinical characteristics and biochemical indicators.@*RESULTS@#A total of 100 male gout patients were included, and 100 acute attacks were recorded. Diurnal distribution of acute gout attacks: morning (6:00~11:59, 18, 18%), afternoon (12:00~17:59, 11, 11%), the first half of the night (18:00~23:59, 22, 22%), the second half of the night (0:00~05:59, 49, 49%); During the day (included morning and afternoon, 29, 29%) and at night (included the first half of the night and the second half of the night, 71, 71%). The rate of acute gout attack was significantly higher at night than in the day (about 2.5 ∶1). No matter the first or recurrent gout, no matter the duration of the disease, the number of acute gout attacks had the difference of less in the day and more in the night. Serum urate (SU) level was higher in the patients with nocturnal attack than in those with daytime attack (P=0.044). Comorbidities were significantly different in the day-night ratio of the number of acute gout attack (P=0.028). Multiple Logistic regression analysis showed that SU level (OR=1.005, 95%CI: 1.001-1.009) and comorbidities (OR=3.812, 95%CI: 1.443-10.144) were the correlative factors of nocturnal acute gout attacks.@*CONCLUSION@#No matter the first or recurrent gout, no matter the duration of the disease, it has a diurnal variation characterized by multiple attacks at night, increased SU level and comorbidities are correlative factors for nocturnal acute attack of gout.

Humans , Male , Cross-Sectional Studies , Gout/drug therapy , Arthritis, Gouty , Gout Suppressants/therapeutic use , Comorbidity
Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao ; (6): 362-365, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986862


Periprosthetic gout flare is a rare arthritic condition after total knee arthroplasty, but the symptoms of gout may have often been mistaken as acute periprosthetic infection given their similarity. Misdiagnosis as periprosthetic infection can lead to unnecessary surgery, long-term dependence on anti-biotics, and even malfunction of the involved knee joint. Here, we report a case study of a patient with immunodeficiency condition of long-term oral glucocorticoid and diabetes mellitus, who had undergone a knee replacement 8 weeks before. The initial symptoms of fever and joint pain together with the dysfunction of her right knee with elevated inflammatory markers, such as increased serum leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, and synovial cell counts led to a diagnosis of acute periprosthetic infection. Arthrocentesis and bacterial culture were performed preoperatively. According to the current Musculoskeletal Infection Society (MSIS) criteria for diagnosis of periprosthetic infection, the case was classified as periprosthetic infection and a prosthesis retained debridement surgery was performed. However we got negative culture results in all the pre-operative and intro-operative samples. The symptoms as well as the laboratory inflammatory markers improved shortly after the debridement surgery until the 11th day when all the similar systemic and local symptoms recurred. With a remedial crystal analysis of synovial fluid from the patient, gouty flare was found to be the cause of acute arthritis finally. Accor-dingly, after anti-gout medications were administrated, the symptoms associated with acute arthritis gra- dually subsided, and there was no recurrence during a 24-month follow-up. This article described the cli-nical manifestation, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment of a case of periprosthetic gout. Although relatively rare, gout should be considered as a differential diagnosis in suspected periprosthetic infection. Current criteria for periprosthetic infection can not exclude the diagnosis of periprosthetic gout flare, it is therefore imperative that the analysis of joint aspirate for crystals be conducted to determine the correct course of treatment, or unnecessary surgical procedure may be performed in periprosthetic gout case.

Humans , Female , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee/methods , Gout/complications , Prosthesis-Related Infections/surgery , Symptom Flare Up , C-Reactive Protein/analysis , Biomarkers/analysis
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988889


Objective@#Musculoskeletal ultrasound has gained recognition in early identification of crystal deposits in the joints and soft tissues. This study aims to validate the sonographic features of 1st metatarsophalangeal joints (MTPJs) in gout and asymptomatic hyperuricemia (AH).@*Methods@#Patients with gout (n=20) and AH (n=16) underwent a gray-scale ultrasound assessment of both 1st MTPJs on 3 positions (dorsal, medial, plantar) in longitudinal view. The static images were read by 2 blinded trained sonologists for the presence of double contour sign (DCS), erosions, and tophi.

Gout , Validation Study
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 3485-3497, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981499


In order to establish the standardized processing technology of the hot water washing of Euodiae Fructus, this study, based on the traditional processing method of hot water washing of Euodiae Fructus recorded in ancient works and modern processing specifications of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces, took the yield of decoction pieces and the content of main components as the indicators and optimized the processing conditions by orthogonal test based on the results of single factor investigation. At the same time, electronic tongue technology was used to analyze the change law of the taste index of Euodiae Fructus during the hot water washing. The results of the single factor investigation showed that the content of the main components in Euodiae Fructus showed some regular changes during the processing. Specifically, the content of chlorogenic acid, hyperin, isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside, isorhamnetin-3-O-galactoside, and dehydroevodiamine decreased significantly, with average decreases of-23.75%,-27.80%,-14.04%,-14.03%, and-13.11%, respectively. The content of limonin increased significantly with an average increase of 19.83%. The content of evodiamine, rutaecarpine, evocarpine, and dihydroevocarpine showed fluctuating changes and generally increased, with average variation amplitudes of 0.54%,-3.78%, 2.69%, and 5.13%, respectively. The orthogonal test results showed that the optimum processing parameters for the hot water washing of Euodiae Fructus were as follows: washing time of 2 min, the solid-to-liquid ratio of 1∶10 g·mL~(-1), washing temperature of 80 ℃, washing once, and drying at 50 ℃. After the hot water washing processing, the average yield of Euodiae Fructus pieces was 94.80%. The content of limonin, evodiamine, and rutaecarpine was higher than those of raw pro-ducts, and the average transfer rates were 102.56%, 103.15%, and 105.16%, respectively. The content of dehydroevodiamine was lower than that of the raw products, and the average transfer rate was 83.04%. The results of taste analysis showed that the hot water washing could significantly reduce the salty, astringent, and bitter tastes of Euodiae Fructus. This study revealed the influence of the hot water washing on the content of main components and taste of Euodiae Fructus, and the processing technology of the hot water was-hing of Euodiae Fructus established in this study was stable, feasible, and suitable for industrial production, which laid a foundation for clarifying its processing principle and improving the quality standard and clinical application value of decoction pieces.

Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Taste , Limonins , Technology , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982039


A 24-year-old male was admitted due to recurrent redness, swelling, fever and pain in the ankle, frequently accompanied by hungry feeling. Dual energy CT scans showed multiple small gouty stones in the posterior edge of the bilateral calcaneus and in the space between the bilateral metatarsophalangeal joints. The laboratory examination results indicated hyperlipidemia, high lactate lipids, and low fasting blood glucose. Histopathology of liver biopsy showed significant glycogen accumulation. The results of gene sequencing revealed the compound heterozygous mutations of the G6PC gene c.248G>A (p.Arg83His) and c.238T>A (p.Phe80Ile) in the proband. The c.248G>A mutation was from mother and the c.238T>A mutation was from father. The diagnosis of glycogen storage disease type Ⅰa was confirmed. After giving a high starch diet and limiting monosaccharide intake, as well as receiving uric acid and blood lipids lowering therapy, the condition of the patient was gradually stabilized. After a one-year follow-up, there were no acute episodes of gout and a significant improvement in hungry feeling in the patient.

Male , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Glycogen Storage Disease Type I/genetics , Gout/genetics , Mutation , Lipids
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003653


@#A 48-year-old, non-hypertensive, non diabetic man with uncontrolled gouty arthritis presented with a four-day swollen nasal mass. He was assessed to have a nasal abscess at the emergency room and was admitted for urgent management. Paranasal computed tomography (CT) scans showed a heterogeneously enhancing focus with areas of hypodensities in the nasal apex and dorsum extending into the right ala measuring 1.5 x 2.8 x 3.4 cm. with associated erosion of the cartilaginous part of the anterior nasal septum, soft tissue swelling and skin thickening in the nasal dorsum, nasal tip and right zygomatic region that was suspected to relate to an aggressive etiology. Tissue correlation was therefore recommended, and he underwent endoscopic-guided incision and drainage with biopsy and debridement of the nasal mass. The specimen submitted consisted of red to white, irregular, soft tissue fragments with an aggregate measurement of 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm. Microsections showed deposits of amorphous white to pink material with surrounding fibrosis and acute and chronic inflammatory cell infiltrates and foreign body giant cells. (Figures 1 and 2) Also seen in the background were fragments of sclerotic bone and bacterial colonies. These findings were consistent with gouty tophus with acute and chronic inflammation and bacterial colonization. The culture and sensitivity test of the nasal discharge showed growth of Enterobacter aerogenes (currently named Klebsiella aerogenes) which was identified by an automated mass spectrometry microbial identification system (VITEK® MS). Work-up also included uric acid levels which were within the reference interval at that time (6.57 mg/dL).

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 34(1): 31-36, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394660


Abstract Fibrolipoma, a benign soft tissue adipose tumor, is a histological variant of lipoma. Clinically, it presents as a painless slow-growing mass, indistinguishable from other benign soft tissue tumors. In the oral cavity, it is mainly encountered in the buccal mucosa. Involvement of the palate is very rare; it accounts for around 7-14% of all oral fibrolipomas. In this article, we describe a case of fibrolipoma in the hard palate of a 70-year-old female, who presented with an asymptomatic pedunculated mass, characterized by a normal-colored and smooth surface, which have been present for 20 years. The lesion was excised, and histopathological study revealed a fibrolipoma. To the best of our knowledge, only 17 cases occurring in the palate have been reported in the literature. Since fibrolipoma presents clinical similarities with other benign soft tissue neoplasms, a thorough clinical examination and histopathological analysis are essential for obtaining diagnosis.

Resumen El fibrolipoma es una neoplasia benigna de tejido adiposo, variante histológica del lipoma. Clínicamente se presenta como una tumoración de crecimiento lento, asintomática, indistinguible de otras neoplasias benignas de tejidos blandos. En cavidad oral se presenta principalmente en la mucosa yugal. El paladar es un sitio infrecuente, comprende del 7 al 14% de todos los fibrolipomas. En este reporte, describimos un caso de fibrolipoma de paladar duro en una mujer de 70 años de edad, que presentó una tumoración pediculada, asintomática, de superficie lisa, del mismo color de la mucosa adyacente, con un tiempo de evolución de 20 años. La lesión fue extirpada, y el estudio histopatológico reveló un fibrolipoma. En nuestro conocimiento, se han reportado en la literatura únicamente 17 casos de fibrolipoma de paladar. Siendo que el fibrolipoma presenta similitud clínica con otras neoplasias benignas de tejidos blandos, un examen clínico detallado, así como el estudio histopatológico son esenciales en la obtención del diagnóstico.

Lipoma , Mouth , Taste
Vitae (Medellín) ; 29(2): 1-8, 2022-05-19. Ilustraciones
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1393172


Background: Lactic fermentations are a catabolic process in which biochemical transformations of different organic products occur. Sugars are mainly converted into organic acids, increasing viscosity, acid taste, aroma, and flavor. Lactic acid bacteria provide probiotic characteristics if they reach counts of 106 CFU*g-1 (Colony Forming Units) in the final product, which can generate wellness for consumers. Objective: This research aimed to compare the lactic fermentation process in three substrates using two commercial cultures. Methods: Whole milk (control), aqueous extract of oats flakes, and an aqueous extract of a mixture of oats flakes with mashua pulp were used. The whole milk was heated, and the aqueous extracts were prepared. All samples were divided into two parts, keeping the temperature at 42°C, and then inoculated with Yomix y Choozit. Each the fermentation lasted 6 hours at 42°C. Fermentation samples were taken each hour, and pH, titratable acidity. and Brix degrees were determined. Results: Total lactic acid bacteria were counted at the end of each fermentation. The final product was evaluated with sensory analysis. As expected, there was an increase in titratable acidity, and a decreased pH and Brix degrees. It was observed that the dairy product showed the most significant changes. Fermentations performed with Yomix presented a higher count of lactic bacteria. Conclusion: It is possible to carry out lactic fermentation using substrates that do not contain milk, requiring higher initial soluble solids and a longer incubation time

Antecedentes: Las fermentaciones lácticas son un proceso catabólico en el que ocurren transformaciones bioquímicas de diferentes productos orgánicos. En ellas, los azúcares son convertidos principalmente en ácidos orgánicos, generando adicionalmente el aumento de viscosidad, sabor ácido, aromas y sabores en los productos finales. Adicionalmente, aportan características probióticas, ya que son realizadas por bacterias lácticas, que, si alcanzan recuentos de 106 UFC*g-1 (Unidades formadoras de colonias) en el producto final, generan bienestar para los consumidores. Objetivo: Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo comparar el proceso de fermentación láctica en tres sustratos utilizando dos cultivos comerciales. Métodos: Se utilizó leche entera (control), extracto acuoso de hojuelas de avena y un extracto acuoso de mezcla de hojuelas de avena con pulpa de cubios. Se llevó a cabo el calentamiento de la leche entera, y la preparación de los sustratos de avena y cubios. Dichas muestras se dividieron en dos partes, manteniendo la temperatura a 42°C. Cada una de las muestras fue inoculada con Yomix y Choozit. Cada fermentación duró 6 horas manteniendo una temperatura de 42°C. Durante cada hora se tomaron muestras, a las cuales se evaluó el pH, acidez titulable y grados brix. En los productos finales se realizó el recuento de bacterias lácticas y se realizó una evaluación sensorial. Resultados: A lo largo de la fermentación se presentó el aumento de la acidez titulable, y disminución del pH y los grados Brix. Se observó que el producto a base de leche mostró los cambios más significativos. En el caso de los productos obtenidos usando Yomix, presentaron mayor recuento de bacterias lácticas al ser comparados con aquellos en los que se usó el cultivo 1. Conclusión: Es posible realizar la fermentación láctica usando sustratos que no contengan leche, los cuales requieren mayores sólidos solubles iníciales y un mayor tiempo de incubación

Avena , Milk , Fermentation , Food Technology/methods , Taste , Viscosity
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 22-22, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396567


A 3-year-old male cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) was diagnosed with joint arthritis due to hyperucemiasyndrome. The bird presented deposition of urate crystals on the synovial membrane with inflammation of joints and tendons (tufts), causing listlessness, anorexia and lameness, with difficulty in keeping perched or moving. Laboratory tests displayed an increase in uric acid and creatinine phosphokinase levels, and leukocytosis despite lymphopenia. Unsucessfully, the animal had been treated with allopathic medicine for 2 months, without a favorable response and still developing stressful reaction to handling.Methodology:High dilution therapy was attempted with 2 globules of Lycopodiumclavatum30 cH /bid and Arnica montana30 cH /bid /oral. The most expressive tufts were removed with daily cleaning of the affected area; a new diet was established and perches were removed, allowing the bird to remain on a flat surface until regression of symptoms. The medication was continued for 30 days. On the second appointment, although the caregiver reported episodes of probable pain, there was an improvement in behavior with normal appetite. Lyc30cH /sid was continued and Arn30cH /bid to qid, depending on pain episodes, for over 30 days. The tutor authorized the case report through a consent form. Results and discussion:Follow-up laboratory tests were performed everythree months for one year, reaching normal levels for uric acid (3.5-11 mg/dL) and CK (30-245mg/dL) on the third measurement. The bird presented no formation of new tufts along the second month of treatment. After 12 months, the animal ingests homeopathic globules spontaneously and presents stable clinical presentation (Lyc30cH / sid / 3 times a week) with no recurrence and without side effects nor stressful behavior. Conclusion: In view of these results, it is considered that homeopathic treatment is an option to be considered in the treatment of joint arthritis from hyperuricemia syndrome in birds.

Homeopathic Therapeutics , Lycopodium , Gout/therapy
Rev. Assoc. Méd. Rio Gd. do Sul ; 66(1): 01022105, 20220101.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425013


Introdução: O conhecimento de alterações gustativas pode contribuir para prevenção de doenças nutricionais, além de melhora significativa na qualidade de vida. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo geral verificar as alterações de paladar percebidas por pessoas que fazem uso de psicofármacos atendidas em serviço de saúde pública especializado em saúde mental. Métodos: Estudo epidemiológico observacional transversal com 18 pessoas com diagnóstico de transtornos mentais em tratamento no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial em Tubarão/ SC. Uma Escala Likert com cinco níveis foi utilizada para avaliar a autopercepção do paladar, enquanto a percepção do paladar foi verificada utilizando os quatro sabores básicos do paladar: salgado, doce, azedo e amargo em três diferentes concentrações: fraca, média e forte. Os resultados foram analisados de forma descritiva, inferência estatística e teste qui-quadrado, considerando-se p<0,05. Resultados: A média de idade foi 42,8 anos (EP ± 3,22), com média de utilização dos psicofármacos de 11,28 meses (EP ± 2,27). Associação entre as variáveis substâncias e psicofármacos foi estatisticamente significativa entre azedo, nas três concentrações, e amargo na concentração forte com Citalopram (p= 0,001 e 0, 0034). O sabor doce foi o mais facilmente observado pelos participantes que faziam uso da Risperidona, onde somente a solução na concentração fraca apresentou resultado estaticamente significativo (p= 0,026). Conclusão: Este estudo-piloto verificou a presença de alterações no paladar de pessoas que fazem uso de psicofármacos, evidenciando assim o papel no odontólogo no diagnóstico e contribuindo para melhora da qualidade de vida.

Introduction: The understanding of alterations in taste could contribute to preventing nutritional diseases and to significant improvements in quality of life. Therefore, this study aimed to verify alterations in taste perceived by people who used psychotropic drugs and were seen in a public health unit specialized in mental health. Methods: This is an epidemiologic, observational, cross-sectional study performed with 18 people diagnosed with mental disorders and followed up by the Psychosocial Care Center in Tubarão, Santa Catarina. A 5-point Likert scale was used for assessing self-perceived taste perception, while taste perception was verified using the four basic flavors (salty, sweet, sour, and bitter) in three different concentrations: mild, medium, and strong. The results were analyzed in a descriptive manner, through statistical inference, and a chi-squared test considering p<0.05. Results: The mean age of patients was 42.8 years (standard error [SE] ± 3.22), with a mean duration of treatment with psychotropic drugs of 11.28 months (SE ± 2.27). Statistically significant associations were observed for the sour flavor in all three concentrations and the strong bitter flavor with citalopram (p= 0.001 and 0.0034). The sweet flavor was more easily perceived by participants who used risperidone, and only the mild concentration presented a statistically significant result (p= 0.026). Conclusion: This pilot study verified alterations in the taste perception of people using psychotropic drugs, thus highlighting the role of dental professionals in the diagnosis and contributing to the patients' quality of life.

Taste , Mental Health
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 358-366, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927977


Taste is an important factor affecting the medicinal properties of oral preparations and patient compliance with medication, and also an important evaluation index for oral preparation design and clinical application. How to characterize the taste objectively, accurately, simply, and efficiently is a bottleneck problem that restricts the taste design, development, and utilization of oral preparations. At present, the commonly used taste assessment methods for oral preparations are traditional human taste panel, electronic tongue, animal preference test, in vitro release study, and electrophysiological test. The traditional human taste panel is the first choice for taste evaluation, but it is limited by poor subjectivity and reproducibility. Therefore, despite some limitations, the other four taste assessment methods have been applied in the pharmaceutical industry as auxiliary methods. This study reviewed the detection principles, applicability, advantages, and disadvantages of the above methods to provide references for the taste correction research and taste assessment of oral preparations, improve patient compliance and the competitiveness of oral preparation products in the industry, and promote the development of oral preparation technologies.

Animals , Humans , Administration, Oral , Electronic Nose , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Reproducibility of Results , Taste
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974209


Objective@#Double contour sign (DCS) is considered part of the new gout classification. This study aims to determine the agreement of blinded musculoskeletal sonologists in identifying the double contour sign among asymptomatic hyperuricemic patients. @*Methods@#Participants with asymptomatic hyperuricemia (n=65) underwent a gray-scale ultrasound assessment of both of their 1st metatarsophalangeal joints (MTPJs) done on 3 positions (dorsal, medial, plantar) in longitudinal view. The static images were read by 2 independent blinded sonologists for presence of double contour sign. @*Results@#Among the 130 1st MTPJs, the sonologists were able to positively identify DCS on 48R and 52L, negative in 10R and 10L, with discordant readings in 7R, 3L. The overall kappa agreement was statistically significant at 0.674 (substantial agreement) and 0.842 (almost perfect agreement) on the right and left respectively, (both p<0.001). @*Conclusion and Recommendation@#There is a high proportion of positive double contour sign seen among persistently asymptomatic hyperuricemic patients. It might be prudent to perform musculoskeletal ultrasound early on to detect monosodium urate crystal deposits in similar patients. A close follow up to monitor clinical gouty arthritis maybe necessary or consider utility of urate lowering drugs in crystal dissolution in prospective studies.

Hyperuricemia , Gout
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 46-62, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988166


Background@#Gout is one of the most common arthritides affecting Filipinos; yet, there is a lack of updated local data and Clinical Practice Guidelines. @*Objective@#To describe Clinical Case Scenario (CCS) of Filipino patients with gout in a tertiary referral hospital seen over a year. @*Design@#Cross-sectional study. @*Methods@#Patients’ characteristics, risk factors, disease course, management, and CCS were obtained by a rheumatologist using a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used. @*Results@#One hundred eight patients were included with a median age of 58 (range 26–80) years. 106 were male (98%); and, 2 were female (2%) who were menopause and had chronic kidney disease (CKD). Most prevalent CCS were stages 9 (29%), 1 (16%), and 2 (15%). The majority of cases had tophi and belonged to CCS 4-9 (62%). This signifies that most patients had advanced gout. Consistent with international and local data: almost half had hypertension (46%), a third had CKD (36%). Most were ethanol drinkers (65%) and smokers (57%). Unexpectedly, not many were obese (10%) or had metabolic syndrome (2%). The initial joint involved was the ankle (52%) rather than the first metatarsophalangeal joint (40%). Almost half of the patients presented with two or more joint involvement (46%) than monoarthritis (54%). Patients with acute flare were most commonly prescribed NSAIDs (77%), followed by colchicine (62%). Most were prescribed allopurinol (44%) compared with febuxostat (37%) for urate-lowering therapy. Only 16% received patient education. Medication compliance was 65%, but follow-up compliance was less than 18%. Comparing the Filipino clinical profile to historical data suggests an increased incidence of gout in the young and an increase in comorbidity prevalence. @*Conclusion@#This study reports a cohort of Filipino gout patients. Comorbidities are similar to world figures but differ in the low incidence of obesity and metabolic syndrome. It also differs from literature in having the ankle as the most common initial joint presentation. Management and compliance were also described. As a pilot study for a registry, this study can be implemented at different institutions to broaden and monitor the ever-changing Filipino gout profile. @*Recommendation@#A larger sample size and a more extended observation period are recommended to estimate gout CCS prevalence, flare risk factors, and treatment response more accurately. Other outcomes that can be measured are mortality rates and etiologies for each CCS.

Gout , Classification , Comorbidity , Registries
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 63-65, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988167


Objectives@#Recent studies show that patients with young-onset gout present with visible tophi or nephrolithiasis on diagnosis. In the Philippines, where gout is prevalent, there is no published work on this subset of patients. This study presents the clinical characteristics of a cohort of Filipino patients with gout whose symptoms started at 30 years of age or younger. @*Methods@#The case records of all patients who fulfilled the 1977 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for gout seen in four adult rheumatology services were reviewed. We selected those whose age of onset of gout was at 30 years or younger. The demographic characteristics, medical history, laboratory parameters, and presenting manifestations were described. @*Results@#Six hundred sixty-nine records of patients with gout were reviewed; 101 (15%) fulfilled the young-onset gout criteria. The mean age of onset was 25±4.40 years (range 14-30), and the mean disease duration before diagnosis was 12.64±11.91 years. All of the patients were male and most were married; 76% were alcoholic beverage drinkers and 38% were smokers. A family history of gout was noted in 47%. Most patients (66%) were already on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 24% on colchicine, and 14% on urate-lowering therapy before consult at the rheumatology clinic. By history, at onset, the most common pattern of joint involvement was monoarthritis (95%), affecting the ankles (60%), knees (52%), and 1st metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint (51%). However, on the first rheumatology clinic visit, 34% of arthritis was polyarticular, more than 68% had more than three arthritis attacks per year, and there were tophi in 35%. The mean duration before visible tophi formation was 2.81±6.75 years. Around 21% had nephrolithiasis or a history thereof. The mean serum uric acid (SUA) was 9.18 mg/dL and the mean serum creatinine was 1.5 mg/dL. Thirty-seven percent had estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) <60 mL/min. @*Conclusion@#Young-onset gout was present in 15% of our patients and gout was familial in 47%. There was a delay in diagnosis of as long as ten years in most of the patients. On presentation at the rheumatology clinic, more than 34% had polyarticular arthritis, 35% had tophi, and 37% had low estimated GFR. This emphasizes the importance of awareness and prompt diagnosis to ensure correct treatment and prevention of complications

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936169


Objective: To observe the changes of olfactory function, intranasal trigeminal nerve function and taste function in patients with upper respiratory tract post-viral olfactory dysfunction (PVOD), and to explore the correlation of chemosensory function. Methods: The clinical data of 42 patients with PVOD who visited to the Olfactory and Taste Center of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Department of Beijing Anzhen Hospital from January to December of 2019 were analyzed retrospectively, including 20 males and 22 females, aging (48.86±11.47) years (x¯). Twenty subjects in normal control group were selected according to the sex ratio of PVOD patients. Sniffin' Sticks olfactory tests were performed on the subjects, including threshold test (T), discrimination test (D) and identification test (I), and the sum of the above three test scores was the TDI value. At the same time, olfactory event-related potentials (oERPs), trigeminal event-related potentials (tERPs) and taste function test were performed. According to the taste function test, the patients were divided into normal gustation (NG) group and gustatory dysfunction (GD) group. The results of olfaction, taste and intranasal trigeminal nerve function tests were compared among different groups, and the correlation analysis was carried out. SPSS statistical software was used for statistical analysis. Results: GD was present in 14 (33.3%) of 42 PVOD patients with a course of PVOD of 5 (3, 6) months (M (Q1, Q3)). The gustatory function of patients with PVOD was related to gender (r=0.565, P<0.001), smoking status (r=-0.512, P=0.001), duration (r=-0.357, P=0.020) and olfactory function (all P<0.05). The olfactory function of GD group was worse than that of NG group, and the differences of TDI value and T value between the two groups were statistically significant (10.25±4.58 vs 13.35±3.61, 1.54±0.66 vs 2.10±0.88, t value was 2.40 and 2.10 respectively, both P<0.05). The amplitudes of oERPs and tERPs were significantly lower in GD group than those in NG group (all P<0.05). Conclusion: In patients with PVOD, the subjective and objective olfactory function, intranasal trigeminal nerve function and taste function were decreased, and there was a correlation, suggesting that there was a synergistic effect between the chemosensory functions of PVOD patients.

Female , Humans , Male , Nose , Olfaction Disorders/etiology , Retrospective Studies , Smell , Taste
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936210


Objective: To assess the taste function of healthy Chinese adults with the reliable whole-mouth taste test, and to analyze the correlation of taste function with age and gender. Methods: The clinical data of 584 participants reporting the normal sense of smell and taste from March 2019 to January 2020 in the Physical Examination Center of Beijing Anzhen Hospital were analyzed in the study, including 297 males and 287 females, aging (46.9±16.6) years. The subjects were divided into youth group (19-35 years old), middle aged group (36-50 years old), middle-elderly aged group (51-65 years old) and elderly group (66-80 years old). The taste test involved 5 tastants (sour, sweet, salty, umami and bitter) and 7 concentrations. The perception and recognition scores of five tastes were obtained through the whole-mouth taste test. SPSS 22.0 software was used for statistical analysis. Results: The intra-class correlation coefficients of the whole-mouth taste test were 0.751 to 0.828, which showed high test-retest reliability. The total score of perception and recognition of five tastes showed the significant negative correlation with age (r value was -0.49 and -0.44, respectively, both P<0.001). Compared with the other two groups, taste function of middle-elderly aged and elderly group decreased significantly (all P<0.001). There was no significant difference in total perception scores and total recognition scores between youth and middle aged group (all P>0.05). The perception scores and recognition scores of sour, salty, umami, bitter and total scores in females were higher than those in males (all P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in perception scores and recognition scores for sweet between them (P value was 0.584 and 0.223, respectively). Conclusions: The taste function is significantly negatively correlated with age. Except the sweet, females are more sensitive to the sour, salty, umami and bitter tastes than males.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Face , Mouth , Reproducibility of Results , Smell , Taste
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 512-519, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940954


Objective: To investigate the characteristics and comprehensive treatment of infected wounds in patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome. Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted. From May 2012 to December 2021, the data of 19 patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome discharged from the Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University were collected, including 8 males and 11 females, aged 28-71 (56±11) years, with 12 cases of infected acute wounds and 7 cases of infected chronic wounds. The lesions were located in the limbs, perianal, and sacrococcygeal regions, with original infection ranging from 9 cm×5 cm to 85 cm×45 cm. After admission, the patients were performed with multidisciplinary assisted diagnosis and treatment, and the wounds were treated with debridement and vacuum sealing drainage, according to the size, severity of infection, suture tension, and bone and tendon tissue exposure of wounds, direct suture or autologous skin and/or artificial dermis and/or autologous tissue flap transplantation was selected for wound repair. The levels of cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) of patients at 8:00, 16:00, and 24:00 within 24 h after admission were counted. After admission, the number of operations, wound repair methods, and wound and skin/flap donor site healing of patients were recorded. During follow-up, the wounds were observed for recurrent infection. Results: The cortisol levels of 16 patients at 8:00, 16:00, and 24:00 within 24 h after admission were (130±54), (80±16), and (109±39) nmol/L, respectively, and ACTH levels were (7.2±2.8), (4.1±1.8), and (6.0±3.0) pg/mL, respectively; and the other 3 patients had no such statistical results. After admission, the number of surgical operation for patients was 3.4±0.9. The following methods were used for wound repair, including direct suturing in 4 cases and autologous skin and/or artificial dermis grafting in 9 cases, of which 2 cases underwent stage Ⅱ autologous skin grafting after artificial dermis grafting in stage Ⅰ, and 6 cases had pedicled retrograde island flap+autologous skin grafting. The wound healing was observed, showing that all directly sutured wounds healed well; the wounds in 6 cases of autologous skin and/or artificial dermis grafting healed well, and the wounds in 3 cases also healed well after the secondary skin grafting; the flaps in 4 cases survived well with the wounds in 2 cases with distal perforators flap arteries circumfluence obstacle of posterior leg healed after stage Ⅱ debridement and autologous skin grafting. The healing status of skin/flap donor sites was followed showing that the donor sites of medium-thickness skin grafts in the thigh of 4 cases were well healed after transplanted with autologous split-thickness grafts from scalp; the donor sites of medium-thickness skin grafts in 3 cases did not undergo split-thickness skin grafting, of which 2 cases had poor healing but healed well after secondary skin grafting 2 weeks after surgery; the donor sites of split-thickness skin grafts in the head of 2 patients healed well; and all donor sites of flaps healed well after autologous skin grafting. During follow-up of more than half a year, 3 gout patients were hospitalized again for surgical treatment due to gout stone rupture, 4 patients were hospitalized again for surgical treatment due to infection, and no recurrent infection was found in the rest of patients. Conclusions: The infected wounds in patients with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome have poor ability to regenerate and are prone to repeated infection. Local wound treatment together with multidisciplinary comprehensive treatment should be performed to control infection and close wounds in a timely manner, so as to maximize the benefits of patients.

Female , Humans , Male , Adrenocorticotropic Hormone , China , Cushing Syndrome/surgery , Gout , Hydrocortisone , Iatrogenic Disease , Skin, Artificial , Wound Infection
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 303-327, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927713


Oolong tea is a semi-fermented tea with strong flavor, which is widely favored by consumers because of its floral and fruity aroma as well as fresh and mellow taste. During the processing of oolong tea, withering is the first indispensable process for improving flavor formation. However, the molecular mechanism that affects the flavor formation of oolong tea during withering remains unclear. Transcriptome sequencing was used to analyze the difference among the fresh leaves, indoor-withered leaves and solar-withered leaves of oolong tea. A total of 10 793 differentially expressed genes were identified from the three samples. KEGG enrichment analysis showed that the differentially expressed genes were mainly involved in flavonoid synthesis, terpenoid synthesis, plant hormone signal transduction and spliceosome pathways. Subsequently, twelve differentially expressed genes and four differential splicing genes were identified from the four enrichment pathways for fluorescence quantitative PCR analysis. The results showed that the expression patterns of the selected genes during withering were consistent with the results in the transcriptome datasets. Further analysis revealed that the transcriptional inhibition of flavonoid biosynthesis-related genes, the transcriptional enhancement of terpenoid biosynthesis-related genes, as well as the jasmonic acid signal transduction and the alternative splicing mechanism jointly contributed to the flavor formation of high floral and fruity aroma and low bitterness in solar-withered leaves. The results may facilitate better understanding the molecular mechanisms of solar-withering treatment in flavor formation of oolong tea.

Camellia sinensis/genetics , Gene Expression Profiling , Plant Leaves , Plant Proteins/metabolism , Taste , Tea , Transcriptome/genetics
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e201026, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420474


Abstract Serum uric acid (UA) is a traditional biomarker in the clinical diagnosis of gout and hyperuricemia. However, serum treatment and storage are cumbersome, and wounds are susceptible to infection. Therefore, in this study, a simple and noninvasive method was developed to detect the UA in human saliva to monitor the gout. An Inertsil ODS-3 column was used for the analysis under the condition of isocratic elution with the mixed solution phosphate buffer (74 mM, pH=2.2): Methanol=98:2 (v:v) and the UV detection at 284 nm. Using salivary UA data from healthy volunteers (HVs) (n=68) and gout patients (GPs) (n=14), we examined the salivary UA difference in their content. The intra-and inter-day accuracy and precision (RSD %) were less than 2.56%, the limit of detection (LOD) of UA was 5.0 ng/mL, the mean recoveries of the corresponding compounds were 102.48%. Saliva levels of UA in HVs and GPs were 35.26±14.06 µg/mL and 91.96±23.90 µg/mL, respectively. The concentrations of salivary UA in GPs were significantly higher than those in HVs ( p < 0.001). This method was also expected to monitor the hyperuricemia and other metabolic disorders in the future

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Saliva , Uric Acid/analysis , Validation Study , Healthy Volunteers/classification , Gout/pathology , Patients/classification , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods