El odontólogo realiza de forma rutinaria procedimientos que generan lesiones en los tejidos duros y blandos, por lo que resulta importante que el profesional conozca los procesos normales de cicatrización y reparación. La cicatrización es un fenómeno fisiológico que se presenta en cualquier tejido vivo que ha sido lesionado, que tiene importantes componentes vasculares y celulares que llevan una secuencia específica y que dependiendo de la magnitud de la lesión, el tejido podrá regenerar o cicatrizar según sea el caso. Asimismo, existen patologías sistémicas específicas y locales capaces de retrasar el proceso normal de cicatrización. El objetivo del presente artículo es explicar el proceso normal de reparación tisular de los tejidos orales y periorales (AU)
The dentist routinely performs procedures that generate injuries to hard and soft tissues, so it is important that the professional knows the normal healing and repair processes. Cicatrization is a physiological phenomenon that occurs in any living tissue that has been injured that has important vascular and cellular components that carry a specific sequence and that, depending on the magnitude of the lesion, the tissue may regenerate or heal as the case may be. Likewise, there are specific systemic and local pathologies capable of delaying the normal healing process. The aim of this article is to explain the normal tissue repair process of oral and perioral tissues (AU)
Humans , Wound Healing/physiology , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Mouth Mucosa/injuries , Bone Regeneration/physiology , Chronic Disease , Risk Factors , Granulation Tissue/physiopathologyABSTRACT
Introduction: The intentionally exposed polypropylene (PP) membrane has been proposed for guided bone regeneration (GBR) of the alveo lar bone after extraction; however, there are biological limitations to this proposal. This study aimed to describe the effects of the PP membrane on neo-osteogenesis after tooth extraction, comparing to intentionally ex posed and primary soft tissue coverage techniques. Methodology: This clinical trial followed the TIDieR checklist and guide. Clinical and histo logical parameters of alveolar repair were compared between groups: 1 (control group), without regenerative procedure; 2, GBR; and 3, inten tionally exposed membrane. Results: Group 3 showed slight effect on the quality of new bone, compared to the control group. Although the GBR was underestimated by the early exposure of the membrane, alveo lar repair and newly formed bone were superior to the other groups. Poly propylene membrane intentionally exposed compromised the volume density of the immature and mineralized bone matrix, the osteoblast and osteocyte count, and stimulated the granulation tissue formation and local inflammatory infiltrate. Conclusions: Despite the exposure of the PP membrane in GBR, this technique improved the quality of new bone and alveolar repair compared to the surgical technique of intentional exposure and alveolus only sutured.
RESUMEN Introducción: La membrana de polipropileno (PP) intencionalmente expuesta ha sido propuesta para la regeneración ósea guiada (GBR) del hueso alveolar después de la extracción; sin embargo, existen limitaciones biológicas a esta propuesta. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir los efectos de la membrana de PP en la neo-osteogénesis después de la extracción del diente, en comparación con las técnicas de cobertura de tejido blando primarias y expuestas intencionalmente. Metodología: Este ensayo clínico siguió la lista de verificación y la guía TIDieR. Se compararon los parámetros clínicos e histológicos de la reparación alveolar entre los grupos: 1 (grupo control), sin procedimiento regenerativo; 2, GBR; y 3, membrana expuesta intencionalmente. Resultados: el grupo 3 mostró un ligero efecto sobre la calidad del hueso nuevo, en comparación con el grupo de control. Aunque la GBR fue subestimada por la exposición temprana de la membrana, la reparación alveolar y el hueso neoformado fueron superiores a los otros grupos. La membrana de polipropileno expuesta intencionalmente comprometió la densidad de volumen de la matriz ósea inmadura y mineralizada, el recuento de osteoblastos y osteocitos, y estimuló la formación de tejido de granulación y el infiltrado inflamatorio local. Conclusiones: A pesar de la exposición de la membrana de PP en GBR, esta técnica mejoró la calidad del hueso nuevo y la reparación alveolar en comparación con la técnica quirúrgica de exposición intencional y alvéolo solo suturado.
Introdução: A membrana de polipropileno (PP) intencionalmente exposta tem sido proposta para regeneração óssea guiada (ROG) do osso alveolar após exodontia; no entanto, existem limitações biológicas a esta proposta. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever os efeitos da membrana de PP na neo-osteogênese após a extração dentária, comparando com as técnicas de exposição intencional e cobertura primária de tecidos moles. Metodologia: Este ensaio clínico seguiu a lista de verificação e o guia TIDieR. Parâmetros clínicos e histológicos do reparo alveolar foram comparados entre os grupos: 1 (grupo controle), sem procedimento regenerativo; 2, GBR; e 3, membrana intencionalmente exposta. Resultados: O Grupo 3 apresentou leve efeito na qualidade do novo osso, em comparação com o grupo controle. Embora o GBR tenha sido subestimado pela exposição precoce da membrana, o reparo alveolar e o osso neoformado foram superiores aos outros grupos. A exposição intencional da membrana de polipropileno comprometeu a densidade volumétrica da matriz óssea imatura e mineralizada, a contagem de osteoblastos e osteócitos e estimulou a formação de tecido de granulação e infiltrado inflamatório local. Conclusões: Apesar da exposição da membrana PP na ROG, esta técnica melhorou a qualidade do novo osso e da reparação alveolar em comparação com a técnica cirúrgica de exposição intencional e alvéolo apenas suturado.
Humans , Polypropylenes , Bone Regeneration , Tooth Socket , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Alveolar Ridge AugmentationABSTRACT
Objetivo: revisar a literatura sobre os diferentes tipos de derivados de plaquetas autólogas e o desempenho clínico do uso do sticky bone para aumento ósseo horizontal de rebordo. Materiais e métodos: Para realização dessa revisão foram realizadas buscas nas bases de dados PubMed, Google Scholar e Web of Science, utilizando os seguintes descritores: "platelet-rich fibrin" AND "sticky bone" OR "alveolar bone grafting" AND "sticky bone" OR "guided bone regeneration" AND "sticky bone" AND "alveolar ridge augmentation" OR "Alveolar ridge augmentation" AND "sticky bone". Foram incluídos artigos publicados em inglês, que abordavam conceitos relacionados aos agregados plaquetários e a regeneração óssea guiada para aumento ósseo horizontal de rebordo utilizando fibrina rica em plaquetas associada à enxertos ósseos (sticky bone). Resultados: Após avaliação dos estudos encontrados foram selecionados 11 artigos sobre o uso do sticky bone para aumento horizontal de rebordo. Para compor este trabalho foram selecionados também 14 estudos de revisão e artigos associados ao tema. Por ser de fácil aplicação e obtenção, muitos autores têm estudado as aplicações cirúrgicas do sticky bone e os resultados demonstram que o aumento horizontal do rebordo utilizando essa técnica pode ser realizado de forma previsível. Conclusão: apesar de haver estudos promissores sobre o uso do sticky bone, falta evidência na literatura sobre seu sucesso clínico. Assim, para compreender o potencial regenerativo desta técnica são necessários um maior número de estudos randomizados, com diferentes materiais de enxerto e protocolos padronizados de obtenção do sticky bone.(AU)
Objective: to review the literature on the different types of autologous platelet derivatives and the clinical performance of using sticky bone for horizontal bone ridge augmentation. Materials and methods: In order to conduct this review, it was conducted searches in the PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science databases using the following descriptors: "platelet-rich fibrin" AND "sticky bone" OR "alveolar bone grafting" AND "sticky bone" OR "guided bone regeneration" AND "sticky bone" AND "alveolar ridge augmentation" OR "Alveolar ridge augmentation" AND "sticky bone". It included articles published in English that addressed concepts related to platelet aggregates and guided bone regeneration for horizontal bone augmentation using platelet-rich fibrin associated with bone grafts (sticky bone). Results: After evaluating the studies found, were selected 11 articles on the use of sticky bone for horizontal ridge augmentation. To compose this work, 14 review studies and articles associated with the topic were also selected. Due to its ease of application and availability, many authors have explored the surgical applications of sticky bone, and the results indicate that horizontal ridge augmentation using this technique can be predictably performed. Conclusion: while there are promising studies on the use of sticky bone, the literature lacks evidence regarding its clinical success. Therefore, to fully understand the regenerative potential of this technique, further randomized studies are needed, involving different graft materials and standardized protocols for obtaining sticky bone.(AU)
Humans , Guided Tissue Regeneration/methods , Alveolar Ridge Augmentation/methods , Alveolar Bone Grafting/methods , Platelet-Rich Fibrin , Bone Regeneration/physiologyABSTRACT
Objective: The objective of the present systematic review and meta-analysis was to compare treatment with membrane associated with bone grafting and treatment exclusively with membrane in the approach of Class II furcation defects in mandibular molars. Materials and Methods: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses statement was followed. Searches were conducted in five databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Ovid, and Lilacs), in Septem-ber 2021, without restriction regarding publication year or language. Studies comparing membranes associated with bone grafting and membranes exclusively in the treatment of Class II furcation lesions were included. Cross-sectional, case-control studies, and reviews were excluded. Study selection, data extraction, and risk of bias assessment (MINORS) were performed by two review authors. The certainty of the evidence (GRADE) was evaluated and meta-analysis was performed. Mean difference (MD) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were provided. Results: Four hundred eighty-six references were iden-tified and four studies were included. Greater reduction in probing depth [MD = 0.32 (CI = 0.09, 0.56)] and greater clinical attachment level gain [MD = 0.41 (CI = 0.24, 0.57)] were observed when membrane and bone grafting were used. The risk of bias of included studies was low. Conclusions: This present systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated that treatment of Class II furcation defects in mandibular molars using membrane and bone grafing is significantly more efficacious than treatment with the exclusive use of membrane.
Objetivo: El objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática y metanálisis fue comparar el tratamiento con membrana asociado a injerto óseo y el tratamiento exclusivamente con membrana en el abordaje de lesiones de furca grado II en molares mandibulares. Materiales y Métodos: Se siguió la declaración de elementos de informe preferidos para revisiones sistemáticas y metanálisis (PRISMA). Las búsquedas se realizaron en cinco bases de datos (PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Ovid y Lilacs), en septiembre de 2021, sin restricción de año de publicación o idioma. Se incluyeron estudios que compararon membranas asociadas con injertos óseos y membranas exclusivamente en el tratamiento de lesiones de furca de grado II. Se excluyeron los estudios transversales, de casos y controles y las revisiones. Dos revisores realizaron la selección de estudios, la extracción de datos y la evaluación del riesgo de sesgo (MINORS). Se evaluó la certeza de la evidencia (GRADE) y se realizó un metanálisis. Se proporcionaron la diferencia de medias (DM) y el intervalo de confianza (IC) del 95%. Resultados: Se identificaron 486 referencias y se incluyeron cuatro estudios. Se observó una mayor reducción en la profundidad de sondaje [DM = 0,32 (IC = 0,09, 0,56)] y una mayor ganancia en el nivel de inserción clínica [DM = 0,41 (IC= 0,24, 0,57)] cuando se utilizaron injertos de membrana y hueso. El riesgo de sesgo de los estudios incluidos fue bajo. Conclusión: La presente revisión sistemática y metanálisis demostró que el tratamiento de los defectos de furca de grado II en molares mandibulares utilizando membrana e injertos de hueso es significativamente más eficaz que el tratamiento con el uso exclusivo de membrana.
Humans , Bone Transplantation/methods , Furcation Defects/therapy , Periodontitis , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Membranes, ArtificialABSTRACT
Artificial nerve guidance conduits (NGCs) are synthetic nerve grafts that are capable of providing the structural and nutritional support for nerve regeneration. The ideal NGCs have plenty of requirements on biocompatibility, mechanical strength, topological structure, and conductivity. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously improve the design of NGCs and establish a better therapeutic strategy for peripheral nerve injury in order to meet clinical needs. Although current NGCs have made certain process in the treatment of peripheral nerve injury, their nerve regeneration and functional outcomes on repairing long-distance nerve injury remain unsatisfactory. Herein, we review the nerve conduit design from four aspects, namely raw material selection, structural design, therapeutic factor loading and self-powered component integration. Moreover, we summarize the research progress of NGCs in the treatment of peripheral nerve injury, in order to facilitate the iterative updating and clinical transformation of NGCs.
Humans , Peripheral Nerve Injuries/therapy , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Nerve Regeneration/physiology , Sciatic NerveABSTRACT
Purpose: To evaluate the in vivo efficiency of commercial polymeric membranes for guided bone regeneration. Methods: Rat calvarial critical size defects was treated with LuminaCoat (LC), Surgitime PTFE (SP), GenDerm (GD), Pratix (PR), Techgraft (TG) or control (C-) and histomorphometric analysis determined the percentage of new bone, connective tissue and biomaterial at 1 or 3 months. Statistical analysis used ANOVA with Tukey's post-test for means at same experimental time and the paired Student's t test between the two periods, considering p < 0.05. Results: New bone at 1 month was higher for SP, TG and C-, at 3 months there were no differences, and between 1 and 3 months PR had greater increase growthing. Connective tissue at 1 month was higher for C-, at 3 months for PR, TG and C-, and between 1 and 3 months C- had sharp decline. Biomaterial at 1 month was higher for LC, in 3 months for SP and TG, and between 1 and 3 months, LC, GD and TG had more decreasing mean. Conclusion: SP had greater osteopromotive capacity and limitation of connective ingrowth, but did not exhibit degradation. PR and TG had favorable osteopromotion, LC less connective tissue and GD more accelerated biodegradation.
Animals , Rats , Polymers/therapeutic use , Skull/abnormalities , Biocompatible Materials/analysis , Bone Regeneration , Collagen , Guided Tissue Regeneration/veterinaryABSTRACT
RESUMEN La técnica de preservación de papilas en el tratamiento de las periodontitis ofrece ventajas en cuanto a la protección del sitio del defecto cuando en este se pretende realizar cirugía ósea aditiva. La combinación de este proceder con la regeneración tisular guiada garantiza mayor protección a la membrana colocada con este fin. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 47 años de edad, masculino, cibernético de profesión, que recibió tratamiento periodontal pero no acudió a su fase de mantenimiento y en este momento lo hace por presentar movilidad y sangrado gingival manifestado fundamentalmente al realizar los procedimientos de higiene bucal. Se le realizó un colgajo con preservación de papilas, entre los incisivos centrales superiores, colocándole un injerto de Bio-Oss y una membrana de colágeno, con lo que se obtuvo una mayor altura del hueso y una disminución de la profundidad de la bolsa.
ABSTRACT The papillae preservation technique in the treatment of periodontitis offers advantages in terms of protecting the defect site when additive bone surgery is intended to be performed on it. The combination of this procedure with guided tissue regeneration guarantees greater protection for the membrane placed for this purpose. We present a 47-year-old male patient, computer engineer as a profession, who received periodontal treatment but did not attend his maintenance phase; he does so due to mobility and gingival bleeding manifested mainly when performing oral hygiene procedures. A papilla-preserving flap was made between the upper central incisors, placing a Bio-Oss graft and a collagen membrane, which resulted in greater bone height and decreased pocket depth.
Myocutaneous Flap , Taste Buds , Guided Tissue RegenerationABSTRACT
Introducción: En la reconstrucción de los defectos cutáneos nasales se han utilizado varias técnicas a nivel mundial. Novedosas prácticas utilizan los concentrados plaquetarios por sus propiedades moduladoras y favorecedoras de la regeneración tisular. Objetivo: Determinar los resultados estéticos asociados al uso de la membrana de fibrina autóloga rica en plaquetas y leucocitos, para la regeneración de defectos cutáneos nasales posquirúrgicos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental, longitudinal y prospectivo en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario "Arnaldo Milián Castro" de la ciudad de Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba, desde septiembre de 2015 hasta junio de 2019. Se efectuó un muestreo intencional, no probabilístico, de 31 pacientes. A partir de una donación de sangre del paciente, se obtuvo una membrana de fibrina rica en plaquetas y leucocitos, la que fue suturada en el defecto nasal posquirúrgico. Se estudiaron variables como el resultado estético, evaluado sobre la base de parámetros como la elasticidad, el color, el volumen y la superficie. Resultados: La edad media fue 62,71 ± 11,09 años y el 61,29 por ciento de la muestra correspondió al sexo masculino. Mostraron un buen resultado estético el 90,32 por ciento de los pacientes, lo que se asoció de forma significativa al grado de epitelización. Conclusiones: Se obtuvo un buen resultado estético en los pacientes donde se utilizó la membrana de fibrina autóloga rica en plaquetas y leucocitos, con independencia de la presencia de diabetes mellitus y hábitos tóxicos. El resultado estético estuvo asociado significativamente al grado de epitelización y a la edad(AU)
Introduction: In the reconstruction of nasal skin defects, several techniques have been used worldwide. Innovative practices use platelet concentrates for their modulating properties and favoring tissue regeneration. Objective: Determine the aesthetic results associated with the use of autologous fibrin rich in platelets and leukocytes, for the regeneration of post-surgical nasal skin defects. Methods: A quasi-experimental, longitudinal and prospective study was conducted in the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of "Arnaldo Milián Castro" University Hospital in the city of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province, Cuba, from September 2015 to June 2019. An intentional, non-probabilistic sampling of 31 patients was carried out. From a blood donation from the patient, a fibrin membrane rich in platelets and leukocytes was obtained, which was sutured in the post-surgical nasal defect. Variables such as the aesthetic result were studied, evaluated on the basis of parameters such as elasticity, color, volume and surface. Results: The mean age was 62.71 ± 11.09 years and 61.29 percent of the sample corresponded to the male sex. A good aesthetic result was shown by 90.32 percent of the patients, which was significantly associated with the degree of epithelialization. Conclusions: A good aesthetic result was obtained in patients where the fibrin membrane rich in leukocytes and autologous platelets was used, regardless of the presence of diabetes mellitus and toxic habits. The aesthetic result was significantly associated with the degree of epithelialization and age(AU)
Humans , Male , Guided Tissue Regeneration/adverse effects , Nasal Surgical Procedures/methods , Platelet-Rich Fibrin , Longitudinal Studies , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Regenerative Medicine/methodsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: Los mecanismos reparativos logrados con los procedimientos de cobertura radicular presentan una gran complejidad por el crecimiento adelantado del tejido epitelial y conectivo gingival durante la cicatrización, por lo que en la actualidad se promueven nuevas técnicas plásticas que permiten no solo el aislamiento de estos, sino el aporte de elementos biológicos que pueden tributar a una regeneración de varios de los tejidos perdidos por la enfermedad distrófica. Objetivo: Describir los procesos de regeneración de los tejidos perdidos por la enfermedad distrófica, durante la cicatrización de las diferentes técnicas plásticas periodontales. Método: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura disponible, a través de la búsqueda automatizada en las bases de datos: SciELO, Pubmed, Scopus y Elsevier, que abarcaron los años desde el 2012 hasta el 2021. Se evaluaron 98 artículos, y el estudio se circunscribió a los 35 que se enfocaban de manera integral en la temática. Conclusiones: El proceso de cicatrización de los injertos de tejidos blandos se logra a expensas de la migración del epitelio gingival sobre la porción coronaria de la recesión periodontal y una inserción fibrosa en la región apical del injerto. Con la regeneración tisular guiada se logra mantener al epitelio en una posición coronal a la recesión periodontal y una conexión fibrosa en la mayor extensión de la raíz expuesta. La membrana de fibrina rica en plaquetas actúa como barrera que modula la regeneración del sitio y aporta factores de crecimiento y otros elementos celulares que inducen el proceso regenerativo.
ABSTRACT Introduction: the reparative mechanisms achieved with root coverage procedures present a great complexity due to the advanced growth of the gingival epithelial and connective tissue during healing, for which new plastic techniques are currently promoted, allowing us not only the isolation of these, but the contribution of biological elements that can contribute to a regeneration of several of the tissues lost by dystrophic disease. Objective: to describe the regeneration processes of the tissues lost by the dystrophic disease, during the healing of the different periodontal plastic techniques. Methods: a bibliographic review of the available literature was carried out through the automated search in SciELO, Pubmed, Scopus and Elsevier databases from 2012 to 2021. A number of 98 articles was evaluated, and the study was limited to the 35 that focused comprehensively on the subject. Conclusions: the healing process of soft tissue grafts is achieved at the expense of the migration of the gingival epithelium over the coronary portion of the periodontal recession and a fibrous insertion in the apical region of the graft. It is possible to maintain the epithelium in a coronal position to the periodontal recession and a fibrous connection in the greatest extension of the exposed root with guided tissue regeneration. The platelet-rich fibrin membrane acts as a barrier that modulates the regeneration of the site and provides growth factors and other cellular elements that induce the regenerative process.
Gingival Recession , Tissue Engineering , Guided Tissue RegenerationABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: Progressive periodontal disease causes loss of supporting structures of teeth resulting in deep bony defects. In this case a report of 22-year old female patient is being presented with clinical findings of vertical bone loss in two adjacent teeth, on distal surface of 2nd upper right premolar and mesial surface of upper right 1st molar. Root canal treatment, non-surgical periodontal therapy followed by guided tissue regeneration was carried out using decalcified freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA) and collagen membrane. Analysis of clinical and radiographic findings showed marked reduction in pocket depth up to 12mm with hard tissue repair on 3-month, 2-year and 5- year follow ups.
RESUMEN: La enfermedad periodontal progresiva provoca la pérdida de las estructuras de soporte de los dientes, lo que resulta en defectos óseos profundos. En este caso clínico se presenta un informe de una paciente de 22 años con pérdida ósea vertical en la superficie distal del segundo premolar superior derecho y en la superficie mesial del primer molar superior derecho. El tratamiento del conducto radicular, la terapia periodontal no quirúrgica seguida de la regeneración tisular guiada se llevó a cabo utilizando aloinjerto óseo liofilizado descalcificado (DFDBA) y membrana de colágeno. El análisis de los hallazgos clínicos y radiográficos mostró una marcada reducción en la profundidad de la bolsa de hasta 12 mm con reparación de tejido duro en seguimientos de 3 meses, 2 años y 5 años.
Humans , Female , Adult , Guided Tissue Regeneration/methods , Periodontal Pocket/diagnosisABSTRACT
Introdução: As alterações dimensionais do processo alveolar após extração dentária é uma conse quência natural e fisiológica indesejável, podendo dificultar a colocação de um implante dentário na posição desejada. Portanto, a Regeneração Óssea Guiada (ROG) tem um papel relevante na pre venção da perda óssea. Objetivo: Compreender a eficácia do uso de membranas não absorvíveis na ROG de alvéolos pós extração. Metodologia: A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scielo e BVS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde), além da busca no Google Acadêmico. Não foi aplicado nenhum limite temporal, nem restrição de idioma, como forma de abranger a maioria quantidade de trabalhos sobre o tema. Foram excluídos estudos que se distanciavam do objetivo desta revi são, bem como estudos de casos. Resultados e discussão: A ROG se consolida como uma técnica de preservação óssea e o seu princípio se relaciona com a osteopromoção. A fim de melhorar a capacidade de formação de osso, as membranas têm sido utilizadas como barreiras que guiam a cicatrização óssea e auxiliando na preservação do osso alveolar. Considerações finais: O uso da membrana não reabsorvível é muito viável e promissor na ROG em alvéolos pós-extração, com evidência em sua vantagem de preservação alveolar significativa... (AU)
Introduction: Dimensional changes in the alveolar process after tooth extraction is an undesirable natural and physiological consequence, which may make it difficult to place a dental implant in the desired posi tion. Therefore, Guided Bone Regeneration (ROG) has an important role in preventing bone loss. Objective: To understand the effectiveness of the use of non-absorbable membranes in the ROG of extraction sock ets. Methodology: The research was carried out in the databases Pubmed, Scielo and BVS (Virtual Health Library), in addition to the Google Scholar search. No time limit or language restriction was applied, as a way to cover the majority of works on the topic. Studies that differed from the objective of this review were excluded, as well as case studies. Results and discussion: ROG consolidates itself as a bone preservation technique and its principle is related to osteopromotion. In order to improve bone formation capacity, membranes have been used as barriers that guide bone healing and assist in the preservation of alveolar bone. Final considerations: The use of the non-resorbable membrane is very feasible and promising in ROG in post-extraction sockets, with evidence of its significant alveolar preservation advantage... (AU)
Bone Regeneration , Guided Tissue Regeneration , MembranesSubject(s)
Humans , Physical Therapy Modalities , Abstracts , Physical Therapists , Arteriosclerosis , Asthma/epidemiology , Sleep , Snake Bites , Tobacco Use Disorder , Ulcer/therapy , Ultrasonic Therapy , Health Profile , Blood Donors , Bone Neoplasms/epidemiology , Breast/injuries , Exercise , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/blood , Fibromyalgia , HIV Infections , Uterine Prolapse/mortality , Toxoplasmosis, Cerebral , Musculoskeletal Diseases , Fractures, Comminuted/therapy , Stroke/epidemiology , Heel Spur , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Neonatal Sepsis , Cellulite , COVID-19 , COVID-19/complications , ObesityABSTRACT
Introduction Among the therapeutic effects of ozone therapy, improvement in cell metabolism and peripheral tissue oxygenation have been highlighted. Objective to evaluate the systemic effect of bio-oxidative therapy with ozone gas on wound healing. Material and method Tissue lesions with a circumference of 1.0 cm were induced in the skin on the back of 24 male Wistar rats. The animals were randomly divided into two groups: 1) Group C (control; n=12): with simulation of the application of ozone gas via the rectum and, 2) Group O3 (test; n=12): with application of ozone gas by means of rectal insufflation at a concentration of 50 µg/mL. The animals were euthanized at seven and 15 days, and samples were removed, fixed in formalin, and submitted to macroscopic, histological, and histometric analyses. Result The animals in the O3 group presented mixed inflammation at seven days, which translated into an absence of inflammation at 15 days. The C group exhibited acute inflammation on the 7th day, translating to chronic inflammation, which significantly increased from the 7th to the 15th day. The findings showed that the O3 group presented greater wound contraction (P<0.05) and a greater degree of neovascularization on the 7th day (P<0.05) when compared to group C. On the 15th day, both groups (O3 and C) showed complete re-epithelialization, however, the O3 group demonstrated complete muscle regeneration. Conclusion The systemic ozone therapy had a biomodulatory effect, reducing the characteristics of acute inflammation and increasing tissue repair and regeneration in rat skin.
Introdução Dentre os efeitos terapêuticos da ozonioterapia, destacam-se a melhora do metabolismo celular e da oxigenação dos tecidos periféricos. Objetivo avaliar o efeito sistêmico da terapia bio-oxidativa com gás ozônio na cicatrização de feridas. Material e método Lesões teciduais com circunferência de 1,0 cm foram induzidas na pele do dorso de 24 ratos Wistar machos. Os animais foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: 1) Grupo C (controle; n = 12): com simulação da aplicação de gás ozônio pelo reto e, 2) Grupo O3 (teste; n = 12): com aplicação de gás ozônio por meio de insuflação retal na concentração de 50 µg / mL. Os animais foram sacrificados com sete e 15 dias, e as amostras foram retiradas, fixadas em formalina e submetidas às análises macroscópica, histológica e histométrica. Resultado Os animais do grupo O3 apresentaram inflamação mista aos sete dias, que se traduziu em ausência de inflamação aos 15 dias. O grupo C apresentou inflamação aguda no 7º dia, traduzindo-se em inflamação crônica, que aumentou significativamente do 7º para o 15º dia. Os achados mostraram que o grupo O3 apresentou maior contração da ferida (P <0,05) e maior grau de neovascularização no 7º dia (P <0,05) quando comparado ao grupo C. No 15º dia, ambos os grupos (O3 e C) apresentaram completa reepitelização, entretanto, o grupo O3 demonstrou completa regeneração muscular. Conclusão A ozonioterapia sistêmica teve efeito biomodulador, reduzindo as características de inflamação aguda e aumentando a reparação e regeneração tecidual na pele de ratos.
Animals , Rats , Ozone/therapeutic use , Rats , Tissues , Wound Healing , Oxygenation , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Metabolism , Rectum , Skin , Wounds and Injuries , Inflammation , MusclesABSTRACT
Introdução: a evolução das técnicas de reconstrução alveolar e dos biomateriais na regeneração óssea guiada (ROG), vêm trazendo consigo o desenvolvimento de novas membranas com diferentes características e propriedades. Objetivo: este trabalho tem como objetivo reunir dados das membranas utilizadas em procedimentos de ROG, presentes no mercado nacional, para facilitar ao clínico a escolha de um biomaterial que seja adequado ao procedimento planejado e com um desempenho favorável para a regeneração. Metodologia: foram incluiÌdas 30 membranas para ROG registradas e regulamentadas pela AgeÌncia Nacional de VigilaÌncia SanitaÌria (ANVISA). As empresas fabricantes foram contatadas para fornecer as informaçoÌes dos seus respectivos produtos. Resultados: 30 membranas foram encontradas e tabuladas. ApoÌs a anaÌlise das informaçoÌes obtidas pelos fabricantes, as mesmas foram classificadas nos seguintes itens: nome, empresa fabricante, origem, tempo de bioreabsorção, possibilidade de exposição ao meio bucal, diâmetro dos orifícios e apresentação. Discussão: as propriedades e características específicas de cada membrana podem determinar diferentes resultados, sendo importante para o profissional conhecer essas diferenças para selecionar os materiais mais indicados aos procedimentos de ROG de acordo com os objetivos de cada caso. Dessa forma, os resultados podem ser previsíveis e atender da melhor forma possível as expectativas do tratamento com embasamento científico. ConclusaÌo: o presente estudo tabulou 30 membranas quanto as suas principais caracteriÌsticas, visando orientar os profissionais da sauÌde na seleção da membrana mais adequada para alcançar seus objetivos no tratamento da ROG.
Introduction: the evolution of alveolar reconstruction techniques and biomaterials in guided bone regeneration (GBR), have brought with it the development of new membranes with different characteristics and properties. Objective: this study aims to gather data from the membranes used for ROG procedures present in the national market, to facilitate the clinician to choose a biomaterial that is suitable for the planned procedure and with a favorable performance for regeneration. Metodology: 30 membranes were included, registered and regulated by ANVISA. The manufacturing companies were contacted to provide information on their respective products. Results: 30 membranes were found and tabulated after analyzing the information obtained by the manufacturers, they were classified in the following items: name, manufacturer company, origin, time of resorption, possibility of exposure to the oral environment, diameter of the holes and presentation. Discussion: the specific properties and characteristics of each membrane can determine different results and, therefore, it is important for the professional to know these differences in order to select the most suitable materials for the GBR procedures according to the objectives of each case. In this way, the results can be predictable and best meet the expectations of the treatment with a correct scientific basis. Conclusion: the present study tabulated 30 membranes as to their main characteristics, aiming to guide health professionals in the selection of the most appropriate membrane to achieve their goals in the treatment of GBR.
Bone Regeneration , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Membranes, Artificial , ReviewABSTRACT
Las plaquetas contienen una gran cantidad de factores de crecimiento que participan en los procesos de cicatrización tisular. Entre ellos, el factor de crecimiento derivado de las plaquetas (PDGF), el factor de crecimiento transformante (TGF), el factor plaquetario 4 (PF4), la interleucina (IL)-1, el factor angiogénico derivado de las plaquetas (PDAF), el factor de crecimiento endotelial (VEGF), el factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EGF), el factor de crecimiento endotelial derivado de las plaquetas (PDEGF), el factor de crecimiento de células epiteliales (ECGF) y el factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina (IGF). El plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) es un derivado sanguíneo concentrado de la sangre total con una alta concentración de plaquetas. Otro componente esencial del PRP son las proteínas que actúan a nivel de la adhesión celular (fibrina, fibronectina y vitronectina), que proporcionan el soporte estructural necesario para la migración celular y para la proliferación y crecimiento tridimensional de los tejidos sobre los que actúa. La fibrina es la forma activada del fibrinógeno, sustrato final de todas las reacciones de coagulación, se transforma en fibrina insoluble por acción de la trombina. El gel de fibrina polimerizado constituye la primera matriz cicatricial de las heridas. Tanto el plasma rico en plaquetas como las mallas de fibrina varían en la composición y concentración de factores de crecimiento, proteínas y citocinas. En este trabajo se revisan las características de estos productos biológicos, su aplicación en dermatología así como los principales requisitos para su preparación(AU)
Platelets contain a large amount of growth factors involved in the processes of tissue healing. Among them, plateletderived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor (TGF), platelet factor 4 (PF4), interleukin (IL) -1, angiogenic factor derived from platelets (PDAF) , the endothelial growth factor (VEGF), the epidermal growth factor (EGF), the plateletderived endothelial growth factor (PDEGF), the epithelial cell growth factor (ECGF) and the Insulin like growth factor (IGF). Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a concentrated whole blood derivate with a high concentration of platelets. Another essential component of PRP are proteins acting on cell adhesion (fibrin, fibronectin and vitronectin), which provide the structural support necessary for cell migration and proliferation as well as three-dimensional growth of the tissues on which they act. Fibrin is the activated form of fibrinogen, the final substrate of all coagulation reactions. It is transformed into insoluble fibrin by the action of thrombin. The polymerized fibrin gel constitutes the first cicatricial matrix of wounds. Both plateletrich plasma and fibrin meshes vary in the composition and concentration of growth factors, proteins and cytokines. In this work we review the characteristics of these biological products, their application in dermatology as well as main requirements for their preparation(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Plasma , Therapeutics , Wound Healing , Blood Platelets , Blood , Blood Coagulation , Fibrin , Cell Adhesion , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Dermatology , HemostasisABSTRACT
Objetivou-se, com este estudo, avaliar o processo de cicatrização da musculatura reto-abdominal em coelhos submetidos à laparorrafia, utilizando-se o fio de sutura à base de quitosana, comparando-o aos fios de categute cromado e poliglactina 910. Foram utilizados 24 coelhos adultos, divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos: quitosana e categute 15 dias (QC-15dias), quitosana e categute 30 dias (QC-30 dias), quitosana e poliglactina 910 15 dias (QP-15 dias) e quitosana e poliglactina 910 30 dias (QP-30 dias). Cada grupo foi composto por seis coelhos, nos quais foram realizadas duas incisões, uma do lado direito e outra do lado esquerdo e, posteriormente, a laparorrafia, com o fio de quitosana de um lado e o categute cromado ou poliglactina 910 do outro. Realizou-se análise clínico-cirúrgica, histológica e avaliação de achados de necropsia, além de testes de citotoxicidade e de mecânica no fio de quitosana. Ele apresentou baixa resistência mecânica e citotóxica. O fio de quitosana não proporcionou uma cicatrização satisfatória em coelhos, pois desencadeou uma resposta inflamatória acentuada.(AU)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the healing process of the recto-abdominal muscles in rabbits submitted to laparorrhaphy using chitosan-based suture yarn, comparing it to chrome catgut and polyglactin 910 yarns. Twenty-four adult rabbits were divided in to four random groups: chitosan and polyglactin 910 15 days (QP-15 days) and chitosan and polyglactin 910 30 days (QC-30 days), chitosan and polyglactin 910 15 days (QP-15 days) QP-30 days). Each group consisted of six rabbits, in which two incisions were made, one on the right side and one on the left side, and later the laparorraphy with the chitosan yarn on one side and chromed catgut or polyglactin 910 on the other. Clinical-surgical, histological and necropsy findings were evaluated, as well as cytotoxicity and mechanical tests on the chitosan wire. It presented low mechanical and cytotoxic resistance. Chitosan thread did not provide satisfactory healing in rabbits, as it triggered a marked inflammatory response.(AU)
Animals , Rabbits , Polyglactin 910/analysis , Sutures/veterinary , Wound Healing , Catgut/veterinary , Chitosan , Rectum/surgery , Suture Techniques/veterinary , Laparoscopy/veterinary , Guided Tissue Regeneration/veterinary , Abdomen/surgeryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Introduction: The volumetric preservation of bone and soft tissue after a tooth extraction has special relevance in the esthetic zone when it will be rehabilitated by a dental implant. Objective: Describe the prosthodontics treatment in a socket with advanced buccal bone resorption, with a flapless technique for guided bone regeneration and with a dental implant and implant-supported single fixed prosthesis. Case presentation: A case is presented of a male 62-year-old partially dentate patient. Radiographic examination showed the presence of advanced buccal bone resorption in relation to the maxillary left lateral incisor. It was a result of the root displacement secondary to root fracture. In a first surgical phase the lateral incisor was extracted using an atraumatic periotome technique. Particulate cortical bone allograft was compacted into the site to fill the space that was previously occupied by the root of the tooth. Temporary restoration was performed using the extracted natural tooth, which was adhesively bonded to the adjacent teeth. Four months after grafting the extraction site showed an adequate height and width of the bone. In a second surgical phase, an implant was placed. Six months after implant placement, osseointegration was clinically confirmed and a provisional crown was screwed on the implant performed. The final restoration with a zirconium dioxide abutment and a full ceramic crown was obtained and cemented. Conclusions: Regeneration of the buccal plate was possible through the use of particulate cortical bone allograft and a resorbable collagen membrane adapted to the bone defect and placed in a position to recreate the buccal plate. This allowed the installation of an implant 4 months later, the procedure allowing esthetic and functional results using a single fixed prosthesis(AU)
RESUMEN Introducción: La preservación volumétrica de los huesos y tejidos blandos después de una extracción dental tiene especial relevancia en la zona estética cuando será rehabilitada por un implante dental. Objetivo: Describir el tratamiento de prótesis en una cavidad con reabsorción ósea bucal avanzada, con una técnica sin colgajo para la regeneración ósea guiada y con un implante dental y una prótesis fija única con soporte de implante. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino de 62 años, edente parcial. El examen radiográfico mostró la presencia de reabsorción ósea bucal avanzada en relación con el incisivo lateral superior izquierdo. Fue el resultado del desplazamiento de la raíz secundario a la fractura de esta. En una primera fase quirúrgica, el incisivo lateral se extrajo utilizando una técnica de periotoma atraumático. El aloinjerto de hueso cortical particulado se compactó en el sitio para llenar el espacio que anteriormente ocupaba la raíz del diente. La restauración temporal se realizó utilizando el diente natural extraído, que se unió adhesivamente a los dientes adyacentes. Cuatro meses después del injerto, el sitio de extracción mostró una altura y anchura adecuadas del hueso. En una segunda fase quirúrgica, se colocó un implante. Seis meses después de la colocación del implante, se confirmó clínicamente la osteointegración y se realizó una corona provisional atornillada al implante. La restauración final con un pilar de dióxido de circonio y una corona de cerámica completa se obtuvo y se cementó. Conclusiones: La regeneración de la placa bucal fue posible mediante el uso de aloinjerto de hueso cortical particulado y una membrana de colágeno reabsorbible adaptada al defecto óseo y colocada en una posición para recrear la placa bucal. Esto permitió la instalación de un implante 4 meses después. El procedimiento permitió la estética y los resultados funcionales utilizando una única prótesis fija(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Osseointegration/physiology , Guided Tissue Regeneration/methods , Allografts/transplantationABSTRACT
Introducción: La instalación inmediata del implante posterior a la extracción dental se está convirtiendo en un procedimiento de rutina debido a la reducción del tiempo de tratamiento y a la preservación de las estructuras anatómicas remanentes. Sin embargo, en muchos casos esta técnica involucra dientes afectados con procesos infecciosos. Hasta ahora, no se ha descrito a ciencia cierta el grado de éxito o fracaso del implante inmediato en alvéolos infectados, ni se ha establecido un protocolo para el manejo de este tipo de casos. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión bibliográfica actualizada, para determinar qué consideraciones se deben tener para instalar un implante inmediato en alvéolos con procesos infecciosos. Conclusión: Es posible obtener las ventajas de la instalación inmediata del implante en alvéolos infectados mediante la aplicación de un adecuado manejo clínico, donde se considere un adecuado tratamiento antibiótico, acompañado de un correcto curetaje alveolar, respetar la cadena de asepsia y antisepsia, posición subcrestal del implante y obtener siempre una buena estabilidad primaria del implante (AU)
Introduction: The immediate placement of the implant after dental extraction is a procedure that every time is becoming a routine procedure due to the reduction of the treatment time and the preservation of the remaining anatomical structures. However, in many cases, this technique involves affected teeth with infectious processes. Until now, the degree of success or failure of the immediate implant in infected alveoli has not been described for sure; nor has a protocol been established for the management of these types of cases. Objective: Carry out an updated bibliographic review, to determine what considerations must be taken to install an immediate implant in alveoli with infectious processes. Conclusion: Is possible obtain the advantages of the immediate installation of the implant in infected alveoli through the application of adequate clinical management, where appropriate antibiotic treatment is considered, accompanied by proper alveolar curettage, respect the aseptic and antiseptic chain, implant subcrestal position and always obtain a good primary stability of the implant (AU)
Humans , Tooth Extraction , Tooth Socket , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Focal Infection, Dental/therapy , Chlorhexidine/therapeutic use , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Lasers , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
A regeneração óssea guiada (RGO) tornou-se uma prática comum e importante na odontologia, sendo necessário o uso de membranas para sua realização, uma vez que são barreiras que evitam o crescimento de tecido mole nas áreas de defeitos ósseos. Entre as características mais relevantes das membranas absorvíveis estão: o suporte sanguíneo (diretamente relacionado com a porosidade do material) e suporte mecânico ósseo que depende do tempo de reabsorção da membrana. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar e comparar duas membranas de colágeno por meio de estudo histológico, histomorfométrico, imunoistoquímico e por contagem de células inflamatórias o processo de regeneração óssea guiada utilizando a membrana de colágeno derivada de pericárdio porcino (Jason®-Instituto Straumann AG, Suíça) em defeitos críticos de 7 mm de diâmetro criados em setenta e duas calvárias de ratos (Rattus Albinus, variedade Wistar). Esses animais foram divididos em 3 grupos: grupo membrana de colágeno porcino (BioGide® - Geistlich Wohlhusen, Suíça), grupo membrana de colágeno de pericárdio porcino (Jason®-Instituto Straumann AG, Suíça) e grupo coágulo, sendo este preenchidos somente com coágulo sem membrana. Esses 3 grupos forma subdivididos em quatro subgrupos de acordo com os tempos avaliados: 7, 15, 30 e 60 dias. Como resultado tivemos na análise histológica e histométrica maior neoformação óssea com o grupo de membrana pericárdio porcino nos períodos de 7 dias (199 pontos) e não foi significante, com 15 dias (494 pontos) estatisticamente significativo, com 30 dias (979 pontos) não significante. Esses valores se modificam 60 dias, mostrando maior superioridade a membrana de colágeno porcino (BioGide®- Geistlich Wohlhusen, Suíça) (1151 pontos) estatisticamente significativo. No analises global a membrana de colágeno porcino (Jason®-Instituto Straumann AG, Suíça) foi superior que a membrana de pericárdio porcino (BioGide®- Geistlich Wohlhusen, Suíça) (p= 0,021) estatisticamente significativo. A análise imunoistoquímica confirmou os achados histométricos, demostrando maior presença da osteocalcina no grupo de pericárdio porcino aos 7 e 15 dias e presença da osteopontina pouco evidente. Já com a membrana de colágeno porcino a osteopontina foi mais imunomarcada aos períodos de 7 e 15 dias, e a presencia de osteocalcina mais evidente aos 30 e 60 dias, corroborando com os resultados iniciais. Na contagem de células inflamatórias para o tempo de 7 dias não houve diferenças estatísticas, já na contagem de vasos sanguíneos houve diferença significativa no período de 15 dias com maior quantidade de vasos para membrana de colágeno porcino, com estes achados concluímos que tanto a membrana de colágeno de pericárdio porcino (Jason® -Instituto Straumann AG, Suíça) quanto a membrana de colágeno porcino (BioGide®-Geistlich Wohlhusen, Suíça) podem ser consideradas como material de escolha apropriada para regeneração óssea guiada, com maior proporção de osso neoformado com a membrana de colágeno porcino(AU)
Guided bone regeneration (RGO) has become a common and important practice in dentistry, requiring the use of membranes to perform it, since they are barriers that prevent the growth of soft tissue in areas of bone defects. Among the most relevant characteristics of absorbable membranes are: blood support (directly related to the porosity of the material) and mechanical bone support that depends on the time of membrane resorption. The goal of this study was to evaluate and compare two collagen membranes by means of histological, histomorphometric, immunohistochemical study and by inflammatory cell counting the guided bone regeneration process using the collagen membrane derived from porcine pericardium (Jason®-Instituto Straumann AG, Switzerland) in critical defects of 7 mm in diameter created in seventy-two calvaria of rats (Rattus Albinus, Wistar variety). These animals were divided into 3 groups: porcine collagen membrane group (BioGide® - Geistlich Wohlhusen, Switzerland), porcine pericardium collagen group (Jason®-Instituto Straumann AG, Switzerland) and clot group, which were filled with only a clot without membrane. These 3 groups were subdivided into four subgroups according to the evaluated times: 7, 15, 30 and 60 days. As a result, we had a greater bone neoformation in the histological and histometric analysis with the porcine pericardial membrane group in the periods of 7 days (199 points) and it was not statistically significant with 15 days (494 points), with 30 days (979 points) not significant. These values change 60 days, showing greater superiority to the porcine collagen membrane (BioGide®- Geistlich Wohlhusen, Switzerland) (1151 points) statistically significant. In the global analysis, the porcine collagen membrane (Jason®Instituto Straumann AG, Switzerland) was superior than the porcine pericardium membrane (BioGide®- Geistlich Wohlhusen, Switzerland) (p = 0.021) statistically significant. The immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the histometric findings, showing a greater presence of osteocalcin in the porcine pericardium group at 7 and 15 days and the presence of osteopontin little evident. As for the porcine collagen membrane, osteopontin was more immunostained at 7 and 15 days, and the presence of osteocalcin was more evident at 30 and 60 days, corroborating the initial results. In the inflammatory cell count for the 7-day period, there were no statistical differences, whereas in the blood vessel count, there was a significant difference in the 15-day period with a greater number of vessels for porcine collagen membrane, with these findings we conclude that both the porcine pericardial collagen (Jason® - Straumann AG Institute, Switzerland) and porcine collagen membrane (BioGide®-Geistlich Wohlhusen, Switzerland) can be considered as the material of choice for guided bone regeneration, with a higher proportion of neoformed bone according to porcine collagen membrane(AU)
Animals , Rats , Skull , Bone Regeneration , Collagen , Inflammation , Membranes , Bone and Bones , Immunohistochemistry , Osteocalcin , Cell Count , Rats, Wistar , Guided Tissue Regeneration , OsteopontinABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the technique for ridge augmentation prior to implant placement. Material and Methods: Six patients with nine sites presenting an initial ridge width of smaller than 4 mm were included in this study. The tent-pole technique (combination of osteosynthesis screws measuring 1.5 mm in diameter, ABBM, and resorbable collagen membrane) was applied at defect sites. After eight months of healing time, implants were placed in the treated sites. The primary outcomes (radiographic initial ridge width, re-entry ridge width, ridge width gain) were measured by cone-beam computed tomography in reference buccopalatal cross-sections and the secondary outcomes (clinical parameters) were recorded by a digital caliper at the first and second stages. Results: After grafting, the radiographic ridge width increased by 3.02 ± 1.11 mm (1.57-4.75 mm) at 2 mm below the crest and 3.32 ± 1.70 mm (0.23-5.66 mm) at 6 mm below the crest significantly (p< 0.05). For clinical results, the mean horizontal dimension gain was 3.21 ± 1.04 mm (1.83-4.57 mm), while the mean reduction in dimension was 0.38 ± 0.33 mm. These results were statistically significant (p<0.05). Uneventful healing and no infections or membrane exposure were recorded at all sites during the study process. Three of nine (33.33%) defect sites required additional bone grafting. Conclusion: The tent-pole technique is an effective method for increasing the horizontal ridge dimension, minimizing postoperative complications, and facilitating subsequent implant placement.