El microtrasplante capilar, método FUE, es la cirugía para la recuperación capilar que consta en la extracción de unidades foliculares con punches de distintos diámetros y longitudes, desde una zona llamada dadora, generalmente occipital y/o temporal aunque pueden utilizarse otras partes del cuerpo como barba, tórax, abdomen y pubis, para luego de seleccionarse y conservarse en forma adecuada ser implantadas en la llamada zona receptora. Tanto los avances en la técnica como en el uso de instrumental de última generación generan resultados mejores y más naturales, con una recuperación más rápida y menor daño de sus zonas dadoras.
Hair transplant, FUE method, is surgery for hair recovery that consists of the extraction of follicular units with punches of different diameters and lengths, from an area called the donor; usually occipital and/or temporal; although they can be used on other parts of the body such as beard, thorax, abdomen and pubes. After being appropriately selected and preserved, they are implanted in the so-called receiving area. Both advances in technique and in the use of cutting-edge instruments generate better and more natural results, with faster recovery and less damage to the donor areas
Humans , Male , Female , Surgical Instruments , Transplantation/methods , Hair Follicle/transplantation , Alopecia/therapy , Hair/pathologyABSTRACT
A estética em mulheres produz subjetividades, sentimentos e posicionamentos que levam a percepções. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar a relação entre o uso do cabelo natural por mulheres negras e seu bem-estar subjetivo. Estudo descritivo exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, com 12 mulheres de uma associação de afroempreendedorismo. A partir de entrevistas analisadas pelo método de análise temática de conteúdo investigou-se como a opção pelo cabelo em sua estrutura natural esteve relacionada à identidade negra e ao bem-estar subjetivo. Como resultado observou-se um resgate da ancestralidade, um processo de libertação dos padrões estéticos e uma aceitação, corroborados por um autocuidado e autoestima que elevam o bem-estar subjetivo, repercutindo na qualidade de vida. A praticidade do uso natural do cabelo aparece como um elemento facilitador para o dia a dia das participantes
Aesthetics in women produces subjectivities, feelings and positions that lead to perceptions. The objective of the research was to investigate the relationship between the use of natural hair by black women and their subjective well-being. Exploratory descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, with 12 women from an Afro-entrepreneurship association. Based on interviews analyzed using the thematic content analysis method, it was investigated how the option for hair in its natural structure was related to black identity and subjective well-being. As a result, there was a recovery of ancestry, a process of liberation from aesthetic standards and acceptance, corroborated by self-care and self-esteem that increase subjective well-being, with repercussions onquality of life. The practicality of using naturalhair appears as an element that facilitates the daily lives of the participants
La estética en la mujer produce subjetividades, sentimientos y posiciones que conducen a percepciones. El objetivo de la investigación fue investigar la relación entre el uso del cabello natural por parte de las mujeres negras y su bienestar subjetivo. Estudio descriptivo exploratorio, con enfoque cualitativo, con 12 mujeres de una asociación de emprendimiento afro. A partir de entrevistas analizadas mediante el método de análisis de contenido temático, se investigó cómo la opción por el cabello en su estructura natural se relacionaba con la identidad negra y el bienestar subjetivo. Como resultado, hubo una recuperación de la ancestralidad, un proceso de liberación de los estándares estéticos y de aceptación, corroborado por el autocuidado y la autoestima que aumentan el bienestar subjetivo, con repercusiones en la calidad de vida. La practicidad de utilizar cabello natural aparece como elemento que facilita el día a día de los participantes (AU).
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Hair/chemistryABSTRACT
A beleza está diretamente ligada ao aspecto dos cabelos, em todos os tempos e todas as culturas. O cabelo ao longo da vida é sujeito a vários tipos de mudanças, sejam elas naturais ou artificiais, conduzidas por uma vontade de mudar, muitas vezes, seja por representar uma nova fase, como também é símbolo de autocuidado, vaidade, sucesso, possuem significativa importância na aparência e autoestima das pessoas e, por isso, a queda capilar pode atingir a qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar procedimentos estéticos minimamente invasivos e não cirúrgicos com ênfase na queda capilar. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica integrativa, de caráter descritivo nas principais bases de dados em saúde: SciELO, Google Acadêmico, PubMed e livros de medicina, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, considerando o período de 2007 a 2022. De acordo com o último censo da Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia, a queixa de alopecia está entre as dez mais frequentes nos consultórios dermatológicos. As doenças capilares mais importantes estão divididas em dois grupos, as cicatriciais quando a perda de cabelo é acompanhada por cicatrizes resultando em calvície permanente, e as não cicatriciais onde a calvície não é permanente levando a diminuição e o afinamento gradual do cabelo. A alopecia não cicatricial é a mais frequente e as mais comuns entre elas são a alopecia androgenética e o eflúvio telógeno. Muitos pacientes procuram tratamento para melhorar a aparência e a autoestima, que podem estar relacionados a quadros de ansiedade e depressão. Esses tratamentos devem ser individualizados, onde se deve avaliar as características individuais de cada paciente. Os tratamentos capilares estéticos podem contribuir de forma significativa para a redução da baixa autoestima, contribuindo para recuperação da autoconfiança através do crescimento capilar proporcionado pela estética. Sendo assim, conclui-se que os resultados coletados na revisão de literatura foram satisfatórios, de forma onde mostra que os medicamentos, suplementos e tratamentos estéticos na queda capilar vem evoluindo cada vez mais. Contudo, mais estudos acerca do assunto são necessários.
Beauty is directly linked to the appearance of hair, in all times and all cultures. Hair throughout life is subject to various types of changes, whether natural or artificial, driven by a desire to change, often because it represents a new phase, as it is also a symbol of self-care, vanity, success, they have significant importance in people's appearance and self-esteem and, therefore, hair loss can affect the individual's quality of life. In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate minimally invasive and non- surgical aesthetic procedures with an emphasis on hair loss. To this end, an integrative bibliographic review was carried out, of a descriptive nature, in the main health databases: SciELO, Google Scholar, PubMed and medical books, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, considering the period from 2007 to 2022. According to the latest census by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, the complaint of alopecia is among the ten most frequent complaints in dermatological offices. The most important hair diseases are divided into two groups, scarring when hair loss is accompanied by scars resulting in permanent baldness, and non-scarring where baldness is not permanent leading to gradual thinning and thinning of the hair. Non-scarring alopecia is the most frequent and the most common among them are androgenetic alopecia and telogen effluvium. Many patients seek treatment to improve their appearance and self-esteem, which may be related to anxiety and depression. These treatments must be individualized, where the individual characteristics of each patient must be evaluated. Aesthetic hair treatments can contribute significantly to reducing low self-esteem, contributing to the recovery of self-confidence through hair growth provided by aesthetics. Therefore, it is concluded that the results collected in the literature review were satisfactory, in a way that shows that medicines, supplements and aesthetic treatments in hair loss have been evolving more and more. However, more studies on the subject are needed.
La belleza está directamente ligada al aspecto del cabello, en todos los tiempos y en todas las culturas. El cabello a lo largo de la vida está sujeto a diversos tipos de cambios, ya sean naturales o artificiales, impulsados por un deseo de cambio, a menudo, ya sea para representar una nueva etapa, como también es un símbolo de auto- cuidado, la vanidad, el éxito, tienen una importancia significativa en la apariencia y la autoestima de las personas y, por lo tanto, la pérdida del cabello puede afectar la calidad de vida del individuo. En este sentido, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los procedimientos estéticos mínimamente invasivos y no quirúrgicos con énfasis en la pérdida de cabello. Para ello, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica descriptiva integradora en las principales bases de datos de salud: SciELO, Google Scholar, PubMed y libros de medicina, en portugués, inglés y español, considerando el período de 2007 a 2022. Según el último censo de la Sociedad Brasileña de Dermatología, la queja de alopecia está entre las diez más frecuentes en las consultas de dermatología. Las enfermedades capilares más importantes se dividen en dos grupos, las cicatriciales, cuando la caída del cabello va acompañada de cicatrices que dan lugar a una calvicie permanente, y las no cicatriciales, cuando la calvicie no es permanente, dando lugar a un adelgazamiento y reducción gradual del cabello. Las alopecias no cicatriciales son las más frecuentes y entre ellas destacan la alopecia androgenética y el efluvio telógeno. Muchos pacientes buscan tratamiento para mejorar su aspecto y autoestima, que pueden estar relacionados con la ansiedad y la depresión. Estos tratamientos deben ser individualizados, donde se deben evaluar las características individuales de cada paciente. Los tratamientos capilares estéticos pueden contribuir significativamente a la reducción de la baja autoestima, contribuyendo a la recuperación de la confianza en uno mismo gracias al crecimiento del cabello que proporciona la estética. Por lo tanto, se concluye que los resultados recogidos en la revisión bibliográfica fueron satisfactorios, mostrando que los medicamentos, suplementos y tratamientos estéticos para la caída del cabello están evolucionando cada vez más. Sin embargo, son necesarios más estudios sobre el tema.
Cosmetic Techniques/instrumentation , Alopecia/drug therapy , Scalp , Self Concept , Review , Dry Needling/instrumentation , Hair/pathologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To establish an LC-MS/MS method based on single hair micro-segmental technique, and verify the detection of 42 psychoactive substances in 0.4 mm hair segments.@*METHODS@#Each piece of single hair was cut into 0.4 mm segments and extracted by sonication and the segments were immersed in dithiothreitol-containing extraction medium. Mobile phase A was the aqueous solution containing 20 mmol/L ammonium acetate, 0.1% formic acid, and 5% acetonitrile. Mobile phase B was acetonitrile. An electrospray ionization source in positive ion mode was used for data acquisition in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode.@*RESULTS@#The 42 psychoactive substances in hair had a good linear relationship within their respective linear ranges (r>0.99), the limits of detection were 0.2-10 pg/mm, the limits of quantification were 0.5-20 pg/mm, the intra-day and inter-day precisions were 1.5%-12.7%, the intra-day and inter-day accuracies were 86.5%-109.2%, the recovery rates were 68.1%-98.2%, and the matrix effects were 71.3%-111.7%. The method was applied to hair samples collected from one volunteer at 28 d after a single dose of zolpidem, with zolpidem detected in 5 hairs was 1.08-1.60 cm near the root tip, and the concentration range was 0.62-20.5 pg/mm.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The micro-segmental technique of single hair analysis can be applied to the investigation of drug-facilitated sexual assault cases.
Humans , Chromatography, Liquid/methods , Zolpidem , Tandem Mass Spectrometry/methods , Hair , Acetonitriles , Chromatography, High Pressure LiquidABSTRACT
Biological matrix reference material is a reference material that combines the target material with the biological matrix. The biological matrix reference material has higher consistency with the authentic specimens in forensic toxicology, and its application has a positive effect on improving the accuracy of test results. This paper reviews the research on the matrix reference materials corresponding to three common biological test materials (blood, urine and hair). In order to provide reference for the development and application of biological matrix reference materials in forensic toxicology, this paper mainly introduces the research progress of preparation technology of biological matrix reference materials and some existing products and their parameters evaluation.
Forensic Toxicology/methods , Hair , Body FluidsABSTRACT
Hair loss affects millions of people at some time in their life, and safe and efficient treatments for hair loss are a significant unmet medical need. We report that topical delivery of quercetin (Que) stimulates resting hair follicles to grow with rapid follicular keratinocyte proliferation and replenishes perifollicular microvasculature in mice. We construct dynamic single-cell transcriptome landscape over the course of hair regrowth and find that Que treatment stimulates the differentiation trajectory in the hair follicles and induces an angiogenic signature in dermal endothelial cells by activating HIF-1α in endothelial cells. Skin administration of a HIF-1α agonist partially recapitulates the pro-angiogenesis and hair-growing effects of Que. Together, these findings provide a molecular understanding for the efficacy of Que in hair regrowth, which underscores the translational potential of targeting the hair follicle niche as a strategy for regenerative medicine, and suggest a route of pharmacological intervention that may promote hair regrowth.
Mice , Animals , Quercetin/pharmacology , Endothelial Cells , Hair , Hair Follicle , AlopeciaABSTRACT
Pet allergies are the type Ⅰ allergic reaction stimulated by allergens in pet dander, hair, and saliva and urine. Atopic individuals with pet allergies have mucosal and respiratory symptoms and casually severe anaphylaxis. Recently, the increasing presence of household pets in China has contributed to an increase in the prevalence of allergies to pets. Moreover, pet allergen sensitization is one of the critical risk factors for developing other allergic diseases, posing a major health problem. This article discussed the epidemiology, allergenic components, clinical features, diagnosis and management, and prevention of pet allergies, providing advice for prevention and treatment.
Humans , Allergens , Hypersensitivity/therapy , China/epidemiology , Hair , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Pet allergies are the type Ⅰ allergic reaction stimulated by allergens in pet dander, hair, and saliva and urine. Atopic individuals with pet allergies have mucosal and respiratory symptoms and casually severe anaphylaxis. Recently, the increasing presence of household pets in China has contributed to an increase in the prevalence of allergies to pets. Moreover, pet allergen sensitization is one of the critical risk factors for developing other allergic diseases, posing a major health problem. This article discussed the epidemiology, allergenic components, clinical features, diagnosis and management, and prevention of pet allergies, providing advice for prevention and treatment.
Humans , Allergens , Hypersensitivity/therapy , China/epidemiology , Hair , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
O dano capilar causado pelo descolorimento oxidativo é muito intenso, sendo que dois fatores são responsáveis por essa ação: primeiro, a ação direta e danosa do oxidante em diversas estruturas capilares e segundo, o dano oxidativo primário facilita o dano causado por outros agentes físicos (luz, temperatura) e químicos (tensoativos), que comumente tem ação nos cabelos. Desenvolver conceitos e tecnologias que possam tornar o oxidante específico para a melanina e por conseguinte efetuando o descolorimento sem causar danos ao fio é extremamente desejável. Neste trabalho buscaremos entender de que forma a luz visível pode aumentar a ação do oxidante sem danificar o fio colateralmente. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é demonstrar que é possível utilizar a luz visível, que é absorvida pela melanina, para tornar esse pigmento mais suscetível ao agente oxidante e desta forma, permitir que o descolorimento seja realizado com concentrações pequenas de oxidante. Também almejamos desenvolver métodos de análises por microscopia ótica de fluorescência e de reflexão para mensurar o dano nas estruturas dos fios processados com oxidante e na presença ou ausência da luz
The capillary damage caused by oxidative discoloration is very intense, and two factors are responsible for this action: first, the direct and harmful action of the oxidant on several capillary structures and second, the primary oxidative damage facilitates the damage caused by other physical agents (light, temperature) and chemicals (surfactants), which commonly have action on the hair. Developing concepts and technologies that can make the oxidant specific to melanin and therefore discoloring without causing damage to the hair is extremely desirable. In this work we will try to understand how visible light can increase the oxidant's action without damaging the wire collaterally. The main objective of this work is to demonstrate that it is possible to use visible light, which is absorbed by melanin, to make this pigment more susceptible to the oxidizing agent and, thus, to allow the discoloration to be carried out with small concentrations of oxidizer. We also aim to develop methods of analysis by optical fluorescence and reflection microscopy to measure the damage to the structures of the threads processed with oxidizer and in the presence or absence of light
Oxidation , Hair Bleaching Agents/adverse effects , Light/adverse effects , Melanins/agonists , Chemical Compounds , Fluorescence , Hair , Microscopy/methodsABSTRACT
Introduction: Hairdressers are exposed to hazardous chemicals in haircare products, which can cause adverse respiratory, skin, and reproductive effects. The incidence of these effects can be reduced with good occupational health and safety (OHS) knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP). Objective: The objective of the study was to assess Johannesburg hairdressers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards occupational health and safety. Methods: Three hundred and eighty-three hairdressers were recruited into this crosssectional study. They were categorised into employees/wage earners (earning a salary or wage, n = 151), or business owners (self-employed, n = 232). Data were collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. The data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. Frequency tables were generated and chi-square tests were used to test differences between KAP amongst business owners and wage earners. Results: Most of the study participant were female (n = 237, 61.9%). A higher proportion of business owners than wage earners knew that hairdressing was hazardous to their health, in general (n = 44, 29.1% and n = 120, 51.7%, respectively), and with regard to specific health risks such as asthma, cancer, and skin diseases. However, more of the wage earners than the business owners had good attitudes towards the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, (n = 143, 94.7% and n = 210, 90.5%, respectively). Overall, wage earners practised better OHS than business owners, e.g. 67.5% (n = 102) and 55.2% (n = 128) reported that they wore gloves, respectively. Conclusion: Wage earners had poorer OHS knowledge than those who owned or operated hairdressing salons. Both had good attitudes towards OHS, but self-employed hairdressers had poorer OHS practices. Training, including workshops and seminars, is needed to improve KAP regarding OHS amongst all hairdressers, regardless of their employment status.