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Rev. arch. med. familiar gen. (En línea) ; 21(1): 42-46, mar. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554304


La seguridad y eficacia de los programas de suplementación con hierro a lactantes, está actualmente en discusión. El objetivo de esta revisión fue identificar estudios sobre riesgos y beneficios de la suplementación con hierro profiláctico en lactantes menores de un año, nacidos a término, con niveles de hemoglobina (Hb) y ferremia desconocidos. Se realizó una búsqueda en Pubmed y Cochrane, identificando 3 revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis. Estos estudios arrojaron resultados que indican mejoras en los niveles séricos de hierro y hemoglobina como resultado de la suplementación con hierro. Sin embargo, no se observó un beneficio significativo en el desarrollo cognitivo de los lactantes. Los efectos adversos más reportados son los gastrointestinales, efectos en el crecimiento (menor ganancia de talla y peso) y menor absorción de zinc. En resumen, la evidencia en cuanto a la profilaxis con hierro en lactantes es limitada, lo que nos lleva a recomendar un seguimiento cercano de los lactantes que reciben suplementos de hierro, con el objetivo de detectar posibles eventos adversos. Es fundamental evaluar cuidadosamente los riesgos y beneficios de esta intervención antes de su implementación (AU)

The safety and efficacy of iron supplementation programs for infants are currently under discussion. The objective of this review was to identify studies on the risks and benefits of prophylactic iron supplementation in infants under one year of age, born at term, with unknown hemoglobin (Hb) and serum iron levels. The search was conducted on Pubmed and Cochrane, identifying three systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The results indicate improvements in serum iron and hemoglobin levels as a result of iron supplementation. However, a significant benefit in infant cognitive development was not observed. The most reported adverse effects were gastrointestinal, effects on growth (reduced height and weight gain), and reduced zinc absorption. In summary, the evidence regarding iron prophylaxis in infants is limited, leading us to recommend close monitoring of infants receiving iron supplements to detect potential adverse events. It is crucial to carefully assess the risks and benefits of this intervention before implementation (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Ferrous Sulfate , Iron, Dietary/therapeutic use , Dietary Supplements/supply & distribution , Cost-Effectiveness Analysis , Hemoglobins , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/prevention & control
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009494


PURPOSE@#Dabigatran is usually prescribed in recommended doses without monitoring of the blood coagulation for the prevention of venous thromboembolism after joint arthroplasty. ABCB1 is a key gene in the metabolism of dabigatran etexilate. Its allele variants are likely to play a pivotal role in the occurrence of hemorrhagic complications.@*METHODS@#The prospective study included 127 patients with primary knee osteoarthritis undergoing total knee arthroplasty. Patients with anemia and coagulation disorders, elevated transaminase and creatinine levels as well as already receiving anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy were excluded from the study. The association of ABCB1 gene polymorphisms rs1128503, rs2032582, rs4148738 with anemia as the outcome of dabigatran therapy was evaluated by single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis with a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay and laboratory blood tests. The beta regression model was used to predict the effect of polymorphisms on the studied laboratory markers. The probability of the type 1 error (p) was less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. BenjaminiHochberg was used to correct for significance levels in multiple hypothesis tests. All calculations were performed using Rprogramming language v3.6.3.@*RESULTS@#For all polymorphisms there was no association with the level of platelets, protein, creatinine, alanine transaminase, prothrombin, international normalized ratio, activated partial thromboplastin time and fibrinogen. Carriers of rs1128503 (TT) had a significant decrease of hematocrit (p = 0.001), red blood count and hemoglobin (p = 0.015) while receiving dabigatran therapy during the postoperative period compared to the CC, CT. Carriers of rs2032582 (TT) had a significant decrease of hematocrit (p = 0.001), red blood count and hemoglobin (p = 0.006) while receiving dabigatran therapy during the postoperative period compared to the GG, GT phenotypes. These differences were not observed in carriers of rs4148738.@*CONCLUSION@#It might be necessary to reconsider thromboprophylaxis with dabigatran in carriers of rs1128503 (TT) or rs2032582 (TT) polymorphisms in favor of other new oral anticoagulants. The long-term implication of these findings would be the reduction of bleeding complications after total joint arthroplasty.

Humans , Anemia/prevention & control , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee/adverse effects , ATP Binding Cassette Transporter, Subfamily B/metabolism , Creatinine , Dabigatran/therapeutic use , Hemoglobins , Polymorphism, Genetic , Prospective Studies , Venous Thromboembolism/prevention & control
Rev. Soc. Argent. Diabetes ; 57(2): 75-83, ago. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1507434


Introducción: el Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) mostró alta sensibilidad y especificidad para la detección de personas que evolucionarían a diabetes mellitus (DM) en las poblaciones estudiadas, por lo cual se decidió utilizarlo entre quienes concurrieron por diferentes motivos a realizarse análisis de laboratorio en centros de la Asociación de Laboratorios de Alta Complejidad (ALAC), con el objeto de identificar personas con diferentes niveles de riesgo de presentar alteraciones de la glucemia en ayunas (GA) y de la HbA1c. Objetivos: explorar la asociación entre la puntuación del FINDRISC con GA y HbA1c, estableciendo el punto de corte de mayor sensibilidad y especificidad para encontrar una GA ≥100 mg/dL y una HbA1c ≥5,7% (38,8 mmol/mol), en una población que concurrió a centros de la ALAC. Materiales y métodos: se incluyeron 1.175 individuos de 45 laboratorios de la ALAC, procesamiento local de glucemia y centralizado de HbA1c (high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC). Análisis estadístico: chi-cuadrado, Odds Ratio, ANOVA, test de Tukey, regresión logística binomial y curvas ROC. Resultados: los puntajes totales del FINDRISC se asociaron de manera positiva y estadísticamente significativa, tanto con los valores de GA como con los niveles de HbA1c. Entre sus variables, una edad mayor o igual a 45 años, un perímetro abdominal de alto riesgo, un índice de masa corporal mayor o igual a 25 Kg/m., la presencia de antecedentes familiares de DM (padres, hermanos o hijos) y la existencia de antecedentes de medicación antihipertensiva se asociaron de manera significativa con valores de GA iguales o superiores a 100 mg/dL y/o niveles de HbA1c iguales o mayores a 5,7% (38,8 mmol/mol). No se halló asociación significativa con la realización de actividad física (al menos 30 minutos diarios) ni con el registro de ingesta diario de frutas y verduras. Los valores medios de GA y HbA1c en individuos con puntajes totales del FINDRISC menores o iguales a 11 fueron de 89,9 mg/dL y 5,2% (33,0 mmol/mol), respectivamente, elevándose hasta valores medios de 116,1 mg/dL y 6,1% (43,0 mmol/mol) en los individuos con puntajes iguales o superiores a 21, siguiendo una asociación del tipo "dosis/respuesta". Por curvas ROC, un FINDRISC de 13 presenta una sensibilidad del 81,89%, especificidad del 67,60% y 70,55% de diagnósticos correctos de HbA1c ≥5,7% (38,8 mmol/mol), y una sensibilidad del 72,50%, especificidad del 70,62% y 71,20% de diagnósticos correctos para encontrar personas con una GA ≥100 mg/dL. Conclusiones: el puntaje del FINDRISC se relacionó con niveles crecientes de GA y HbA1c, resultando útil para encontrar personas con GA ≥100 mg/dL y HbA1c ≥5,7% (38,8 mmol/mol) en la población estudiada.

Introduction: the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) has high sensitivity and specificity for the identification of people at risk of diabetes mellitus (DM) in various populations. Therefore, we aimed to use this index to identify individuals at risk of having alterations in fasting glycemia (FG) and HbA1c among those who underwent laboratory analysis at ALAC, Argentina. Objectives: to explore the relationships of the FINDRISC score with the fasting blood glucose (FG) concentration and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level, and to establish appropriate cut-off scores to predict FG ≥100 mg/dL and HbA1c ≥5.7% (38.8 mmol/mol) in this population. Materials and methods: we recruited 1,175 individuals from 45 ALAC laboratories for whom FG and HbA1c had been measured. We analyzed the data using the chi square test, odds ratios, ANOVA plus Tukey's post-hoc test, binomial logistic regression, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Results: total FINDRISC score significantly positively correlated with both FG and HbA1c. Of the constituent variables, age ≥45 years, a large waist circumference, a body mass index ≥25 kg/m., a close family history of DM, and the use of antihypertensive medication were significantly associated with FG ≥100 mg/dL and/or HbA1c ≥5.7% (38.8 mmol/mol). However, no significant association was found with physical activity or the daily consumption of fruit and vegetables. The mean FG and HbA1c for individuals with total FINDRISC scores ≤11 were 89.9 mg/dL and 5.2% (33.0 mmol/mol), respectively, which increased to 116.1 mg/dL and 6.1% (43.0 mmol/mol) for individuals with scores ≥21, with a dose/response-type relationship. ROC analysis showed that a FINDRISC of 13 was associated with a sensitivity of 81.89%, a specificity of 67.60%, and a correct diagnosis rate of 70.55% for HbA1c ≥5.7% (38.8 mmol/mol); and a sensitivity of 72.50%, a specificity of 70.62%, and a correct diagnosis rate of 71.20% for FG ≥100 mg/dL. Conclusions: FINDRISC score increases with increasing FG and HbA1c, and is a useful means of identifying people with FG ≥100 mg/dL and HbA1c ≥5.7% (38.8 mmol/mol).

Rev. enferm. vanguard. (En línea) ; 11(1): 3-12, ene.-jun. 2023. tab,
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1437312


El estudio tuvo como Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del mousse de sangrecita en los niveles de hemoglobina en los niños de dos instituciones Educativas iniciales. Materiales y métodos: Estudio Experimental con diseño cuasi experimental de corte longitudinal, la población de estudio estuvo conformada por 80 niños los cuales todos participaron (consentimiento de los padres), 52 niños fueron de la IEI de Ica y 28 de la IEI de Comatrana, para la muestra se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico mediante el descarte de anemia utilizando el analizador de hemoglobina (hemoQ), microcubetas, lancetas y demás implementos, de ellos 9 niños tuvieron una hemoglobina <=11gr/dl quienes ingresaron al programa de mousse de sangrecita. Se elaboró una ficha de control. Resultados: Después de 7 semanas de consumir el mousse de sangrecita los 9 niños que ingresaron al programa de las dos IEI, se evidencio un incremento en sus niveles de hemoglobina superior al primer control. Conclusiones: El consumo de mousse de sangrecita es efectiva en el tratamiento de la anemia en niños de la IEI incrementando el nivel de hemoglobina. (AU)

The Objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of blood mousse on hemoglobin levels in children from two initial educational institutions. Materials and Methods: Study experimental Quasi-experimental desing of longitudinal cut, the study population was made up of 80 children who all participated (parental consent), 52 children were from the IEI of Ica and 28 from the IEI of Comatrana, for the sample a non-probability sampling was carried out by discarding anemia using the hemoglobin analyzer (hemoQ), microcuvettes, lancets andother implements, of them 9 children had a hemoglobin < = 11gr / dl who would enter the blood mousse program. A control sheet was drawn up. Results: After 7 weeks of consuming the blood mousse of the 9 children who entered the program of the two IEI, there was evidence of an increase in their hemoglobin levels higher than the first control. Conclusions: The consumption of blood mousse is effective in the treatment of anemia in children with IEI by increasing the level of hemoglobin. (AU)

Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Hemoglobins , Child , Anemia , Longitudinal Studies
Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 45(1): 52-57, Jan.-Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421550


Abstract Introduction During pregnancy, women are at an increased risk of developing iron-deficiency anemia. Objective The objective of this study was to assess the diagnostic performance of the reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (RET-He) in the early detection of iron-deficiency anemia in a group of pregnant women and to establish a reference range for this parameter in a group of control individuals. Method: A total of 60 patients and 130 control subjects were included in the study. Blood samples collected from the subjects were submitted to a complete blood count and a serum ferritin test and the data were analyzed by comparing the groups and ROC curves. Results The reference range found for the RET-He was between 29.75pg and 38.24pg, with a median of 35pg. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis for the ferritin parameter showed an area under the curve of 0.732 for the RET-He, 0.586 for hemoglobin, 0.551 for the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and 0.482 for the mean corpuscular volume. Conclusion Early diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy is essential to prevent damage to both maternal and fetal health. The RET-He presents an excellent potential as an auxiliary tool for the diagnosis of iron deficiency in pregnant women.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Pregnancy , Iron Deficiencies , Reticulocytes , Hemoglobins , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency , Hematology
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(1): 176-199, Jan-Abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414821


Introdução: A suplementação nutricional em pessoas vivendo com HIV ainda é pouco difundida, sendo essencial o levantamento de evidências que apontem as terapêuticas mais eficientes para beneficiar a saúde desta população. Ao se tratar do público infantil, no qual a prevalência de carências nutricionais é elevada, o conhecimento acerca da suplementação nutricional é bastante profícuo. Objetivo: Analisar relatórios de pesquisa acerca dos efeitos do uso de suplementos nutricionais em crianças vivendo com HIV. Desenho do estudo e local: Uma revisão narrativa realizada na Universidade Federal do Maranhão, em Imperatriz, município localizado no oeste do estado do Maranhão. Método: Foi realizada uma busca nos bancos de dados Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus, WHO/OMS e biblioteca digital de teses e dissertações da USP entre setembro de 2021 a janeiro de 2022. Resultados: Foram incluídas 26 produções, as quais demonstraram que o uso de múltiplos nutrientes reduziu o tempo de hospitalização em crianças admitidas com diarreia ou pneumonia, melhorando a morbidade, concentração de hemoglobina e ganho ponderal. A oferta de ferro foi considerada satisfatória no combate à progressão da doença, vitamina A melhorou o quadro de diarreia persistente e vitamina D a habilidade motora neuromuscular. Conclusão: Os estudos sobre suplementação nutricional e a relação dos nutrientes com os diversos aspectos de saúde das crianças vivendo com HIV tem avançado. Logo, é necessário alargar as pesquisas no tema em contextos distintos, a fim de incrementar e gerar novas evidências, colaborando para uma conduta mais assertiva dos profissionais de saúde e consequente melhora no prognóstico dessas crianças.

Background: Providing nutritional supplementation to people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a therapeutic intervention still not widespread, so it is essential to gather evidence supporting efficient therapies to benefit the health of this population. The prevalence of nutritional deficiencies is high in children; consequently, the knowledge about nutritional supplementation in this age group is quite fruitful. Objective: To analyze research reports on the effects of nutritional supplementation in children living with HIV. Design and setting: A narrative review was conducted at the Federal University of Maranhão, Imperatriz, west of the Maranhão State. Methods: The searches were performed in the Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus, and World Health Organization (WHO) databases and the São Paulo University's digital library of theses and dissertations from September 2021 to January 2022. Results: Twenty-six studies were included and showed that using multiple nutrients reduced the hospitalization time of children admitted with diarrhea or pneumonia, improving morbidity, hemoglobin concentration, and weight gain. The supply of iron was considered effective in combating the progression of the disease, vitamin A improved the condition of persistent diarrhea, and vitamin D improved neuromuscular motor skills. Conclusion: Studies have advanced on nutritional supplementation, the relationship between nutrients, and the different health aspects of children living with HIV. Therefore, it is necessary to expand research on the subject in different contexts to increase and generate new evidence, contributing to more assertive conduct of health professionals and consequent improvement in the prognosis of these children.

Antecedentes: La administración de suplementos nutricionales a las personas que viven con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) es una intervención terapéutica aún poco extendida, por lo que es fundamental reunir pruebas que apoyen terapias eficaces en beneficio de la salud de esta población. La prevalencia de deficiencias nutricionales es elevada en niños, por lo que el conocimiento sobre la suplementación nutricional en este grupo de edad es bastante fructífero. Objetivo: Analizar los informes de investigación sobre los efectos de la suplementación nutricional en niños que viven con el VIH. Diseño y escenario: Se realizó una revisión narrativa en la Universidad Federal de Maranhão, Imperatriz, al oeste del Estado de Maranhão. Métodos: Las búsquedas se realizaron en las bases de datos Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus y Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y en la biblioteca digital de tesis y disertaciones de la Universidad de São Paulo desde septiembre de 2021 hasta enero de 2022. Resultados: Se incluyeron 26 estudios que mostraron que el uso de múltiples nutrientes redujo el tiempo de hospitalización de los niños ingresados con diarrea o neumonía, mejorando la morbilidad, la concentración de hemoglobina y el aumento de peso. El aporte de hierro se consideró eficaz para combatir la progresión de la enfermedad, la vitamina A mejoró el cuadro de diarrea persistente y la vitamina D mejoró las habilidades motoras neuromusculares. Conclusiones: Los estudios han avanzado sobre la suplementación nutricional, la relación entre los nutrientes y los diferentes aspectos de la salud de los niños que viven con el VIH. Por lo tanto, es necesario ampliar las investigaciones sobre el tema en diferentes contextos para aumentar y generar nuevas evidencias, contribuyendo para una conducta más asertiva de los profesionales de salud y consecuente mejoría en el pronóstico de estos niños.

Child , HIV , Dietary Supplements , Pneumonia , Vitamin A , Hemoglobins , Child Health , Morbidity , Diarrhea , Motor Activity
Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 73(1): 54-71, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420654


Abstract Background Early mobilization after surgery is a cornerstone of the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) programs in total hip arthroplasty (THA) or total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Our goal was to determine the time to mobilization after this surgery and the factors associated with early mobilization. Methods This was a predefined substudy of the POWER.2 study, a prospective cohort study conducted in patients undergoing THA and TKA at 131 Spanish hospitals. The primary outcome was the time until mobilization after surgery as well as determining those perioperative factors associated with early mobilization after surgery. Results A total of 6093 patients were included. The median time to achieve mobilization after the end of the surgery was 24 hours [16-30]. 4,222 (69.3%) patients moved in ≤ 24 hours after surgery. Local anesthesia [OR = 0.80 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.72-0.90); p= 0.001], surgery performed in a self-declared ERAS center [OR = 0.57 (95% CI: 0.55-0.60); p< 0.001], mean adherence to ERAS items [OR = 0.93 (95% CI: 0.92-0.93); p< 0.001], and preoperative hemoglobin [OR = 0.97 (95% CI: 0.96-0.98); p< 0.001] were associated with shorter time to mobilization. Conclusions Most THA and TKA patients mobilize in the first postoperative day, early time to mobilization was associated with the compliance with ERAS protocols, preoperative hemoglobin, and local anesthesia, and with the absence of a urinary catheter, surgical drains, epidural analgesia, and postoperative complications. The perioperative elements that are associated with early mobilization are mostly modifiable, so there is room for improvement.

Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Early Ambulation , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Hemoglobins , Prospective Studies , Length of Stay
Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 69-81, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970107


The plateau zokor (Myospalax baileyi) and plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) are native species unique to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau with successful adaptation to the hypoxic environment. In this study, the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin concentration, mean hematocrit and mean volume of red blood cells were measured in plateau zokors and plateau pikas at different altitudes. Hemoglobin subtypes of two plateau animals were identified by mass spectrometry sequencing. The forward selection sites in two animals' hemoglobin subunits were analyzed by PAML4.8 program. Homologous modeling was used to analyze the effect of forward selection sites on the affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen. The adapting strategies of plateau zokors and plateau pikas to hypoxia at different altitudes were analyzed through comparing blood parameters between the two species. The results indicated that, with increasing altitudes, plateau zokors responded to hypoxia by increasing red blood cell count and decreasing red blood cell volume, while plateau pikas took the opposite strategies to plateau zokors. In erythrocytes of plateau pikas, both adult α2β2 and fetal α2ε2 hemoglobins were identified, while erythrocytes of plateau zokors only had adult α2β2 hemoglobin, however the affinities and the allosteric effects of the hemoglobin of plateau zokors were significantly higher than those of plateau pikas. Mechanistically, in the α and β subunits of hemoglobin of plateau zokors and pikas, the numbers and the sites of the positively selected amino acids as well as the side chain groups polarities and orientations of the amino acids differed significantly, which may result in the difference of the affinities to oxygen of hemoglobin between plateau zokors and pikas. In conclusion, the adaptive mechanisms to respond to hypoxia in blood properties of plateau zokors and plateau pikas are species-specific.

Animals , Altitude , Amino Acids , Hemoglobins , Hypoxia , Lagomorpha
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971124


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the pathogenesis of erythrocytosis by detecting the key enzymes of glucose metabolism and glucose transporter in bone marrow erythrocytes of chronic mountain sickness (CMS), and analyzing its correlation with hemoglobin.@*METHODS@#Twenty CMS patients hospitalized in Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital from January 2019 to December 2020 were selected as CMS group. Twenty males with leukocyte count > 3.5×109/L who had accepted bone marrow aspiration and had normal result were taken as control group. The mRNA and protein expression of key enzymes and glucose transporter in glucose metabolism in bone marrow CD71+ erythrocytes were detected by real time qPCR and Western blot, respectively. Glucose, lactic acid and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in the bone marrow supernatant and serum were tested by ELISA. The mRNA and protein expression of key enzymes and glucose transporter, glucose, lactic acid and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate of the two groups were compared. Pearson correlation was used to analyze the correlation between key enzymes, glucose transporter in glucose metabolism in bone marrow CD71+ erythrocytes and hemoglobin.@*RESULTS@#The expression of HK2, GLUT1 and GLUT2 mRNA in the CMS group were higher than those in the control group (P<0.001), while the expression of HK1, OGDH and COX5B mRNA were not different. The expression of HK2, GLUT1 and GLUT2 protein in the CMS group were higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). The levels of glucose and lactic acid in the bone marrow supernatant and serum in the CMS group were not different from those in the control group, while the level of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate was higher (P<0.001). Both HK2 and GLUT2 proteins were positively correlated with hemoglobin (r=0.511, 0.717).@*CONCLUSION@#CMS patients may increase glycolysis by increasing the expression of HK2, and promote the utilization of glucose through high expression of GLUT1 and GLUT2 to meet the need of energy supply.

Male , Humans , Altitude Sickness/metabolism , Glucose Transporter Type 1 , 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate , Hemoglobins , Chronic Disease , RNA, Messenger , Phenotype , Glucose
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 15-24, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971145


Objective: To investigate the effects and mechanism of interleukin-4-modified gold nanoparticle (IL-4-AuNP) on the wound healing of full-thickness skin defects in diabetic mice. Methods: Experimental research methods were adopted. Gold nanoparticle (AuNP) and IL-4-AuNP were synthesized by improving the methods described in published literature. The morphology of those two particles were photographed by transmission electron microscopy, and their particle sizes were calculated. The surface potential and hydration particle size of the two particles were detected by nanoparticle potentiometer and particle size analyzer, respectively. The clearance rate of IL-4-AuNP to hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion was measured by hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion kits, respectively. Mouse fibroblast line 3T3 cells were used and divided into the following groups by the random number table (the same below): blank control group, hydrogen peroxide alone group treated with hydrogen peroxide only, hydrogen peroxide+IL-4-AuNP group treated with IL-4-AuNP for 0.5 h and then treated with hydrogen peroxide. After 24 h of culture, the reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels of cells were detected by immunofluorescence method; cell count kit 8 was used to detect relative cell survival rate. The macrophage Raw264.7 mouse cells were then used and divided into blank control group and IL-4-AuNP group that treated with IL-4-AuNP. After 24 h of culture, the expression of arginase 1 (Arg-1) in cells was observed by immunofluorescence method. Twelve male BALB/c mice (mouse age, sex, and strain, the same below) aged 8 to 10 weeks were divided into IL-4-AuNP group and blank control group, treated accordingly. On the 16th day of treatment, whole blood samples were collected from mice for analysis of white blood cell count (WBC), red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin level, or platelet count and the level of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), urea, or creatinine. The inflammation, bleeding, or necrosis in the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney tissue of mice were detected by hematoxylin-eosin (HE). Another 36 mice were selected to make diabetic model, and the full-thickness skin defect wounds were made on the back of these mice. The wounds were divided into blank control group, AuNP alone group, and IL-4-AuNP group, with 12 mice in each group, and treated accordingly. On the 0 (immediately), 4th, 9th, and 15th day of treatment, the wound condition was observed and the wound area was calculated. On the 9th day of treatment, HE staining was used to detect the length of neonatal epithelium and the thickness of granulation tissue in the wound. On the 15th day of treatment, immunofluorescence method was used to detect ROS level and the number of Arg-1 positive cells in the wound tissue. The number of samples was 6 in all cases. Data were statistically analyzed with independent sample t test, corrected t test, Tukey test, or Dunnett T3 test. Results: The size of prepared AuNP and IL-4-AuNP were uniform. The particle size, surface potential, and hydration particle size of AuNP and IL-4-AuNP were (13.0±2.1) and (13.9±2.5) nm, (-45.8±3.2) and (-20.3±2.2) mV, (14±3) and (16±4) nm, respectively. For IL-4-AuNP, the clearance rate to hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion were (69±4)% and (52±5)%, respectively. After 24 h of culture, the ROS level of 3T3 in hydrogen peroxide alone group was significantly higher than that in blank control group (q=26.12, P<0.05); the ROS level of hydrogen peroxide+IL-4-AuNP group was significantly lower than that in hydrogen peroxide alone group (q=25.12, P<0.05) and close to that in blank control group (P>0.05). After 24 h of culture, the relative survival rate of 3T3 cells in hydrogen peroxide+IL-4-AuNP group was significantly higher than that in hydrogen peroxide alone group (t=51.44, P<0.05). After 24 h of culture, Arg-1 expression of Raw264.7 cells in IL-4-AuNP group was significantly higher than that in blank control group (t'=8.83, P<0.05).On the 16th day of treatment, there were no significant statistically differences in WBC, RBC, hemoglobin level, or platelet count and the level of AST, ALT, urea, or creatinine of mice between blank control group and IL-4-AuNP group (P>0.05). No obvious inflammation, bleeding or necrosis was observed in the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney of important organs in IL-4-AuNP group, and no significant changes were observed compared with blank control group. On the 0 and 4th day of treatment, the wound area of diabetic mice in blank control group, AuNP alone group, and IL-4-AuNP group had no significant difference (P>0.05). On the 9th day of treatment, the wound areas both in AuNP alone group and IL-4-AuNP group were significantly smaller than that in blank control group (with q values of 9.45 and 14.87, respectively, P<0.05), the wound area in IL-4-AuNP group was significantly smaller than that in AuNP alone group (q=5.42, P<0.05). On the 15th day of treatment, the wound areas both in AuNP alone group and IL-4-AuNP group were significantly smaller than that in blank control group (with q values of 4.84 and 20.64, respectively, P<0.05), the wound area in IL-4-AuNP group was significantly smaller than that in AuNP alone group (q=15.80, P<0.05); moreover, inflammations such as redness and swelling were significantly reduced in IL-4-AuNP group compared with the other two groups. On the 9th day of treatment, compared with blank control group and AuNP alone group, the length of neonatal epithelium in the wound of diabetic mice in IL-4-AuNP group was significantly longer (all P<0.05), and the thickness of the granulation tissue in the wound was significantly increased (with q values of 11.33 and 9.65, respectively, all P<0.05). On the 15th day of treatment, compared with blank control group, ROS levels in wound tissue of diabetic mice in AuNP alone group and IL-4-AuNP group were significantly decreased (P<0.05). On the 15th day of treatment, the number of Arg-1 positive cells in the wounds of diabetic mice in IL-4-AuNP group was significantly more than that in blank control group and AuNP alone group, respectively (all P<0.05). Conclusions: IL-4-AuNP is safe in vivo, and can improve the oxidative microenvironment by removing ROS and induce macrophage polarization towards M2 phenotype, thus promote efficient diabetic wound healing and regeneration of full-thickness skin defects in diabetic mice.

Mice , Male , Animals , Interleukin-4 , Gold/pharmacology , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental , Creatinine , Hydrogen Peroxide , Reactive Oxygen Species , Superoxides , Metal Nanoparticles , Soft Tissue Injuries , Antibodies , Inflammation , Necrosis , Hemoglobins
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 164-171, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969759


Objective: To explore the associations between blood pressure trajectories during pregnancy and risk of future pre-eclampsia in a large cohort enrolling pregnant women at gestational age of ~12 weeks from community hospitals in Tianjin. Latent class growth modeling (LCGM) was used to model the blood pressure trajectories. Methods: This was a large prospective cohort study. The study enrolled pregnant women of ~12 weeks of gestation in 19 community hospitals in Tianjin from November 1, 2016 to May 30, 2018. We obtained related information during 5 antepartum examinations before gestational week 28, i.e., week 12, week 16, week 20, week 24 and week 28. LCGM was used to model longitudinal systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) trajectories. For the association study, the predictors were set as SBP and DBP trajectory membership (built separately), the outcome was defined as the occurrence of preeclampsia after 28 weeks of gestation. Results: A total of 5 809 cases with known pregnant outcomes were documented. After excluding 249 cases per exclusion criteria, 5 560 cases with singleton pregnancy were included for final analysis. There were 128 cases preeclampsia and 106 cases gestational hypertension in this cohort. Univariate logistic regression and multivariate logistic regression showed the higher baseline SBP level and DBP level were related with increased risk of preeclampsia. Four distinctive SBP trajectories and DBP trajectories from 12 weeks to 28 weeks of gestation were identified by LCGM. After controlling for potential confounders (baseline BMI, being primipara or not, white blood cell counts, hemoglobin level, platelet counts and alanine aminotransferase level), the OR for SBP latent classification trajectory_ 4 was 4.023 (95%CI: 2.368 to 6.835, P<0.001), and the OR for SBP latent classification trajectory_3 was 1.854 (95%CI: 1.223 to 2.811, P=0.004). Logistic regression showed that: using the DBP latent classification trajectory_1 as the reference group, the OR for DBP latent classification trajectory_4 was 4.100 (95%CI: 2.571 to 6.538, P<0.001), and 2.632 (95%CI: 1.570 to 4.414, P<0.001) for DBP latent classification trajectory_2. After controlling for potential confounders (baseline BMI, being primipara or not, white blood cell counts, hemoglobin level, platelet counts and alanine aminotransferase level), the OR for DBP_traj_4 was 2.527 (95%CI: 1.534 to 4.162, P<0.001), and the OR for DBP_traj_3 was 1.297 (95%CI: 0.790 to 2.128, P=0.303), and 2.238 (95%CI: 1.328 to 3.772, P=0.002) for DBP_traj_2. Therefore, BP trajectories from 12 weeks to 28 weeks identified by LCGM served as novel risk factors that independently associated with the occurrence of preeclampsia. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed incremental diagnostic performance by combing baseline blood pressure levels with blood pressure trajectories. Conclusion: By applying LCGM, we for the first time identified distinctive BP trajectories from gestational week 12 to 28, which can independently predict the development of preeclampsia after 28 weeks of gestation.

Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Infant , Blood Pressure , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Prospective Studies , Gestational Age , Alanine Transaminase , Hemoglobins
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010137


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the treatment outcome of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy in the patients with renal tumors of moderate to high complexity (R.E.N.A.L. score 7-10).@*METHODS@#In the study, 186 patients with a renal score of 7-10 renal tumors who underwent laparoscopic partial nephrectomy in Peking University Third Hospital from February 2016 to April 2021 were selected. Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy was performed after examination. The patients were followed-up, and their postoperative hemoglobin, creatinine, complications, and length of hospital stay recorded. The data were represented by mean±standard deviation or median (range).@*RESULTS@#There were 128 males and 58 females in this group, aged (54.6±12.8) years, with body mass index of (25.4 ± 3.4) kg/m2; The tumors were located in 95 cases on the left and 91 cases on the right, with maximum diameter of (3.1±1.2) cm. The patient's preoperative hemoglobin was (142.9±15.8) g/L, and blood creatinine was 78 μmol/L (47-149 μmol/L). According to preoperative CT images, the R.E.N.A.L. score was 7 points for 43 cases, 8 points for 67 cases, 9 points for 53 cases, and 10 points for 23 cases. All the ope-rations were successfully completed, with 12 cases converted to open surgery. The operation time was 150 minutes (69-403 minutes), the warm ischemic time was 25 minutes (3-60 minutes), and the blood loss was 30 mL (5-1 500 mL). There were 9 cases of blood transfusions, with a transfusion volume of 800 mL (200-1 200 mL). Postoperative hemoglobin was (126.2±17.0) g/L. The preoperative crea-tinine was 78 μmol/L (47-149 μmol/L), the postoperative creatinine was 83.5 μmol/L (35-236 μmol/L), the hospital stay was 6 days (3-26 days), and surgical results achieved "the trifecta" in 87 cases (46.8%). In the study, 167 cases were followed up for 12 months (1-62 months), including 1 case with recurrence and metastasis, 4 cases with metastasis, and 2 cases with other tumors (1 case died).@*CONCLUSION@#Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy is safe and effective in the treatment of renal tumors with R.E.N.A.L. score of 7-10. Based on the complexity of the tumor, with the increase of difficulty, the warm ischemia time and operation time tend to increase gradually, while "the trifecta" rate gradually decreases. The complications of this operation are less, and the purpose of preserving renal function to the greatest extent is achieved.

Male , Female , Humans , Creatinine , Retrospective Studies , Kidney Neoplasms/pathology , Nephrectomy/methods , Treatment Outcome , Laparoscopy , Hemoglobins
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010150


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the risk factors of different types of Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) in Tibetan patients at high altitude, as to provide reference for correctly identifying high-risk patients.@*METHODS@#A retrospective study was used to analyze the 304 HSP patients admitted to Tibet Autonomous Region People's Hospital from April 2014 to March 2022. The gender, age, allergic history, family history, clinical type, laboratory indexes (hemoglobin, platelet count, eosinophil, C-reactive protein (CRP), albumin, immunoglobulin G, immunoglobulin A, complement C3 and C4) were analyzed retrospectively. Univariate and multivariate Logistic regression analysis to screen for risk factors affecting different types of HSP.@*RESULTS@#Renal HSP patients showed higher IgA [(9.2±1.7) g/L vs. (6.4±2.4) g/L, P=0.015], lower complement C3 [(203.3±21.6) mg/dL vs. (301.1±19.5) mg/dL, P=0.043], and complement C4 [(33.5±2.3) mg/dL vs. (53.0±7.2) mg/dL, P=0.032]. The patients with abdominal HSP showed lower levels of hemoglobin [(119.6±19.6) g/L vs. (146.6±47.3) g/L, P=0.038] and plasma albumin [24.8 (22.1, 33.9) g/L vs. 32.6 (24.6, 35.1) g/L, P=0.045]. The patients with articular HSP exhibited higher CRP [13.5 (0.2, 20.6) g/L vs. 7.5 (0.1, 15.2) g/L, P=0.036] and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) [24 (5, 40) mm/h vs. 15 (4, 30) mm/h, P=0.049]. Elevated IgA and decreased complement C4 were risk factors for renal HSP, anemia and decreased plasma albumin were risk factors for abdominal HSP, and elevated CRP was a risk factor for articular HSP.@*CONCLUSION@#The clinical characteristics of different types of HSP in plateau areas were different. Patients with high IgA, low complement C4, anemia, hypoalbuminemia, and significantly elevated CRP should be highly vigilant. Early and effective intervention can improve the clinical efficacy, avoid severe development, and improve the prognosis.

Humans , Retrospective Studies , Tibet/epidemiology , Complement C3/analysis , IgA Vasculitis/complications , Altitude , Complement C4 , C-Reactive Protein/analysis , Immunoglobulin A , Risk Factors , Anemia , Hemoglobins/analysis , Serum Albumin/analysis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010170


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the associated factors of endogenous erythropoietin (EPO) and its association with 10-year risks of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in a Chinese community-based general population.@*METHODS@#The participants of this study were from an atherosclerosis cohort survey which was established by the Department of Cardiology, Peking University First Hospital in 2011. The cohort survey was performed in the Gucheng and Pingguoyuan communities of Shijingshan district in Beijing, China. The inclusion criteria of this study were: (1) endogenous EPO was measured; (2) health questionnaire data and other clinical data were complete; (3) participatants who had cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases (defined as self-reported coronary heart disease, stroke or transient ischemic attack) or anemia or estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 60 mL/(min·1.73 m2) at baseline were excluded. Multivariate linear regression model was used to examine the associated factors of endogenous EPO. The participants were grouped into low (< 5%), moderate (5%-10%) and high risk (≥10%) groups, based on predicted 10-year cardiovascular disease risk using the prediction for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk in China (China-PAR) equations.@*RESULTS@#A total of 4 013 participants were included. Mean age of them was (55.9±8.2) years, 62.2% (n=2 496) of them were female, and 46.3% (n=1 859), 70.9% (n=2 845), 21.9% (n=879) had hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes, individually. The average body mass index was (26.1±3.3) kg/m2. The median of EPO level was 12.8 (9.3-17.4) IU/L and 25.1% (n=998) were at high 10-years risk of cardiovascular disease. Hemoglobin (β=-0.05, 95%CI: -0.07 to -0.04) and eGFR ≥90 mL/(min·1.73 m2) (β=-0.05, 95%CI: -0.07 to -0.04) were associated with lower in transformed EPO levels while hypertension (β=0.08, 95%CI: 0.05 to 0.12) and obesity (β=0.14, 95%CI: 0.09 to 0.18) were associated with higher in transformed EPO levels in multivariate linear regression analyses. Ten-year cardiovascular disease risks were positively associated with in transformed EPO levels (β=0.07, 95%CI: 0.05 to 0.09). The participants at moderate and high cardiovascular disease risks had significant higher EPO levels than the low risk group (all P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#In community-based Beijing populations, endogenous EPO was associated with hemoglobin, renal function, obesity and hypertension. Individuals at high 10-years cardiovascular disease risks have higher endogenous EPO levels. Endogenous EPO may be a potential risk marker of cardiovascular disease.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Erythropoietin , Hemoglobins , Hypertension/epidemiology , Obesity , Risk Factors
Chinese Journal of Hematology ; (12): 408-412, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984637


Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intravenous iron supplementation in patients with recurrent iron deficiency anemia (IDA) . Methods: This retrospective analysis of 90 patients with recurrent IDA from May 2012 to December 2021 was conducted, comparing the efficacy and safety of the intravenous iron therapy group and the oral iron therapy group. Results: Among the 90 patients with recurrent IDA, 20 were males and 70 were females, with a median age of 40 (range: 14-85) years. A total of 60 patients received intravenous iron supplementation and 30 received oral iron supplementation. The hematologic response rates in the intravenous iron group were significantly higher than those in the oral iron group at 4 and 8 weeks after treatment [80.0% (48/60) vs 3.3% (1/30) and 96.7% (58/60) vs 46.7% (14/30), all P<0.001, respectively]. The median increase in hemoglobin levels was also significantly higher in the intravenous iron group than in the oral iron group [38 (4, 66) g/L vs 7 (1, 22) g/L at week 4 and 44.5 (18, 80) g/L vs 19 (3, 53) g/L at week 8, all P<0.001]. The intravenous iron group had a significantly higher proportion of patients who achieved normal hemoglobin levels than the oral iron group (55.0% vs 0 and 90% vs 43.3%, all P<0.001, respectively). Iron metabolism indicators were tested before and after 8 weeks of treatment in 26 and 7 patients in the intravenous and oral iron groups, respectively. The median increase in serum ferritin (SF) levels in the intravenous iron group 8 weeks after treatment was 113.7 (49.7, 413.5) μg/L, and 54% (14/26) of these patients had SF levels of ≥100 μg/L, which was significantly higher than the median increase in SF levels in the oral iron group [14.0 (5.8, 84.2) μg/L, t=4.760, P<0.001] and the proportion of patients with SF levels of ≥100 μg/L (P=0.013). The incidence of adverse reactions was 3.3% (2/60) in the intravenous iron group, which was significantly lower than that in the oral iron group [20.0% (6/30), P=0.015]. Conclusion: Intravenous iron supplementation is more effective for hematologic response, faster hemoglobin increase, and higher iron storage replenishment rates compared with oral iron supplementation in patients with recurrent IDA, and it is well tolerated by patients.

Male , Female , Humans , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/epidemiology , Sucrose/therapeutic use , Ferric Compounds/therapeutic use , Retrospective Studies , Iron/therapeutic use , Hemoglobins/therapeutic use
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984766


Objective: To investigate the relationship between hemoglobin and serum uric acid in adults with various glucose metabolism status. Methods: The demographic data and biochemical indicators of the adult population who had received physical examination in the Second Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital from January 2018 to December 2021 were collected. The subjects were divided into two groups according to the level of serum uric acid: the normal uric acid group and the hyperuricemia group. The relationship between hemoglobin (stratified into four levels of Q1 to Q4 by the quartile) and serum uric acid was quantified by using Pearson correlation and logistic regression analysis. The effects of age and glucose metabolism status on the relationship between hemoglobin and serum uric acid were analyzed. Results: A total of 33 183 adults were enrolled with age (50.6±10.0) years. The level of hemoglobin in the normal uric acid group (142.61±14.24) g/L was significantly lower than that in the hyperuricemia group [(151.79±11.24) g/L, P<0.001]. Univariate Pearson correlation analysis showed that hemoglobin was positively associated with serum uric acid (r=0.444, P<0.001). After adjusting for related confounding factors, multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that hemoglobin was associated with serum uric acid, and the OR values (95%CI) of hemoglobin Q2 to Q4 group were 1.29 (1.13-1.48), 1.42 (1.24-1.62) and 1.51 (1.32-1.72), respectively (Ptrend<0.001) when compared with hemoglobin Q1 group. Subgroup analysis and hierarchical interaction analysis suggested that with the increase of hemoglobin, the serum uric acid in the age<60 years subgroup, normal glucose subgroup and prediabetes subgroup increased gradually (Ptrend<0.05 and Pinteraction<0.001). Conclusion: The association between hemoglobin and serum uric acid in adults is affected by age and glucose metabolism status.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Uric Acid , Hyperuricemia/epidemiology , Hemoglobins , Prediabetic State , Glucose , Risk Factors
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985653


Objective: To evaluate different methods' efficacy of controlling acute bleeding and managing long-term menstruation in patients with heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) associated with antithrombotic therapy. Methods: The clinical data of 22 cases with HMB associated with antithrombotic therapy admitted to Peking University People's Hospital from January 2010 to August 2022 were analyzed, aged 39 years old (26-46 years). Changes in menstrual volume, hemoglobin (Hb), and quality of life were collected after control of acute bleeding and long-term menstrual management. Menstrual volume was assessed by pictorial blood assessment chart (PBAC), and quality of life was assessed by menorrhagia multi-attribute scale (MMAS). Results: (1) Treatment of acute bleeding: of the 22 cases with HMB associated with antithrombotic therapy, 16 cases were treated in our hospital and 6 in other hospital for emergency bleeding; of the 16 cases treated in our hospital, 3 underwent emergency intrauterine Foley catheter balloon compression due to severe bleeding (Hb decreased by 20 to 40 g/L within 12 hours). Of the 22 cases with antithrombotic therapy-related HMB, 15 (including 2 cases with severe bleeding) underwent emergency aspiration or endometrial resection, and intraoperative placement of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) followed by a significant reduction in bleeding volume; 3 cases had controlled acute bleeding after rivaroxaban dose reduction and continued observation; 2 cases were given gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists to control acute bleeding in other hospital, of which 1 case was temporarily treated with periodic blood transfusion, and the other one patient underwent total hysterectomy; and 2 cases had temporary amenorrhea with oral mifepristone after intrauterine balloon compression or oral norethindrone. (2) Long-term menstrual management: of the 22 cases with antithrombotic therapy-related HMB, 15 had LNG-IUS placement and 12 had LNG-IUS placement for 6 months, and menstrual volume was significantly reduced [PBAC scores were 365.0 (272.5-460.0) vs 25.0 (12.5-37.5), respectively; Z=4.593, P<0.001], Hb was significantly increased [91.5 g/L (71.8-108.2 g/L) vs 128.5 g/L (121.2-142.5 g/L); Z=4.695, P<0.001], and quality of life was significantly improved [MMAS scores were 415.0 (327.5-472.5) vs 580.0 (570.0-580.0), respectively; Z=-3.062, P=0.002] before placement compared with 6 months after placement. Three rivaroxaban dose reduction patients' PBAC scores decreased by 20 to 35 but remained >100, and perceived quality of life did not change significantly. Two cases with temporary amenorrhea treated with oral mifepristone felt significantly improved quality of life, and the MMAS scores increased by 220 and 180, respectively. Conclusion: Intrauterine Foley catheter balloon compression, aspiration or endometrial ablation could be used to control acute bleeding in patients with antithrombotic therapy-related HMB, and LNG-IUS for long-term management could reduce menstrual volume, increase hemoglobin, and improve the quality of life of patients.

Female , Humans , Adult , Menorrhagia/etiology , Fibrinolytic Agents/adverse effects , Levonorgestrel/adverse effects , Amenorrhea/drug therapy , Mifepristone/therapeutic use , Quality of Life , Rivaroxaban/therapeutic use , Hemoglobins , Intrauterine Devices, Medicated/adverse effects , Contraceptive Agents, Female
Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 958-962, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010891


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the prognostic value of hemoglobin-to-red cell distribution width ratio (HRR) in patients with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA).@*METHODS@#A retrospective study was conducted. Patients aged ≥ 18 years with OHCA who were transferred to intensive care unit (ICU) after successful CPR from the emergency room of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from August 2016 to February 2022 were enrolled. General clinical data, initial vital signs, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II (APACHE II), Glasgow coma scale (GCS), first laboratory indicators after admission to ICU [including white blood cell count (WBC), red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), pH value, lactic acid (Lac), 6-hour lactic acid clearance (LCR), red cell distribution width (RDW), HRR], length of ICU stay were collected. According to whether the patients died in hospital, the patients were divided into survival group and death group. Binary Logistic regression was used to analyze the independent factors influencing the prognosis of patients after CPR. Receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC curve) was drawn to analyze the predictive value of independent influencing factors for the prognosis of patients after CPR.@*RESULTS@#A total of 122 patients were enrolled after OHCA CPR, of which 88 died in hospital, the in-hospital mortality was 72.13%. There were no significant differences in age, past medical history, initial vital signs and WBC in ICU between the two groups. Compared with the death group, the survival group had higher GCS score, RBC, Hb, pH value, 6-hour LCR, HRR, lower APACHE II score, Lac, RDW level, and longer length of ICU stay. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that APACHE II score, GCS score, 6-hour LCR, HRR, length of ICU stay were independent factors influencing the prognosis of patients after CPR [APACHE II score: odds ratio (OR) = 0.784, 95% confidence interval (95%CI) was 0.683-0.901, P = 0.001; GCS score: OR = 1.390, 95%CI was 1.059-1.823, P = 0.018; 6-hour LCR: OR = 1.039, 95%CI was 1.015-1.064, P = 0.001; HRR: OR = 2.047, 95%CI was 1.383-3.029, P < 0.001; length of ICU stay: OR = 1.128, 95%CI was 1.046-1.216, P = 0.002]. ROC curve analysis showed that HRR, 6-hour LCR and APACHE II score could predict the prognosis of patients after CPR. The sensitivity was 85.3% and the specificity was 54.5% when the area under the ROC curve (AUC) of HRR was 0.731, and the cut-off value was 8.555. The sensitivity was 88.2% and the specificity was 46.6%, when the AUC of 6-hour LCR was 0.701, and the cut-off value was 28.947%. The sensitivity was 73.9% and the specificity was 79.4% when the AUC of APACHE II score was 0.848, the cut-off value was 22.000. The predictive value of the combination of HRR and 6-hour LCR was higher than that of a single index. The sensitivity was 79.3% and the specificity was 76.1%, when the AUC was 0.796, the cut-off value was 0.296.@*CONCLUSIONS@#HRR, 6-hour LCR and APACHE II score have high prognostic value in patients with OHCA after CPR. HRR < 8.555, 6-hour LCR < 28.947% and APACHE II score > 22.000 indicated poor prognosis.

Humans , Erythrocyte Indices , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies , Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest/therapy , ROC Curve , Intensive Care Units , Hemoglobins , Lactic Acid , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation , Sepsis/diagnosis
Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 1281-1285, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010940


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the high risk factors of failure of autologous arteriovenous fistula (AVF) in hemodialysis patients.@*METHODS@#A retrospective study was conducted, patients with maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) undergoing AVF admitted to General Hospital of Western Theater Command from January 2021 to December 2022 were enrolled, including 107 patients with normal AVF and 168 patients with AVF dysfanction. According to the causes of AVF failure, the patients were divided into AVF stenosis group (n = 103) and AVF thrombosis group (n = 65). Age, gender, body mass index (BMI) and comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease) and other clinical data of all patients were collected. Hemoglobin, hematocrit, white blood cell count, neutrophil count, lymphocyte count, platelet count, C-reactive protein (CRP), high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR) within 1 month of AVF use in normal dialysis patients and 1 week before AVF failure. Multivariate Logistic regression was used to analyze the independent risk factors of AVF dysfuction in MHD patients. The receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC curve) was drawn to evaluate the predictive value of risk factors on AVF dysfuction in MHD patients.@*RESULTS@#(1) There were significant differences in age, BMI, hypertension, hemoglobin, hematocrit, PLR and CRP [age (years): 56.94±14.32, 58.83±14.05, 51.57±13.19; BMI (kg/m2): 22.83±3.10, 21.27±4.98, 23.35±2.72; hypertension: 93.20%, 64.62%, 86.92%; hemoglobin (g/L): 110.82±22.16, 88.70±24.00, 87.95±23.45; hematocrit: 0.350±0.069, 0.282±0.076, 0.275±0.071; PLR: 197.35±113.59, 192.55±138.25, 162.12±73.25; CRP (mg/L): 10.01±4.02, 8.18±5.42, 3.17±1.30, all P < 0.05], among AVF stenosis group, AVF thrombosis group and AVF normal group, there were statistically significant differences no statistically significant difference was found in other indexes among three groups. (2) Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that hypertension [odds ratio (OR) = 4.849, 95% confidence interval (95%CI) was 1.278-18.397, P = 0.020], elevated CRP levels (OR = 2.104, 95%CI was 1.533-2.888, P = 0.000) were associated with AVF stenosis. Elevated CRP levels (OR = 1.984, 95%CI was 1.442-2.730, P = 0.000) was an independent risk factor for AVF thrombosis. Analysis of ROC curve showed that the area under the curve (AUC) of AVF dysfunction predicted by CRP was 0.712, 95%CI was 0.637-0.786, P = 0.000; CRP cut-off value was 1.8 mg/L, the sensitivity was 67.0%, the specificity was 83.7%.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Elevated CRP is an independent risk factor for AVF failure in hemodialysis patients, which can be used to predict the occurrence of AVF failure.

Humans , Retrospective Studies , Constriction, Pathologic , Renal Dialysis/adverse effects , Lymphocytes , C-Reactive Protein , Risk Factors , Hypertension , Hemoglobins , Thrombosis , ROC Curve , Prognosis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009180


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the short-term clinical efficacy of SuperCap approach and direct anterior approach in total hip arthroplasty.@*METHODS@#Clinical data of 70 patients who underwent minimally invasive SuperCap approach and DAA THA in January 2016 to June 2017 were retrospective analyzed. These patients were divided into two groups:SuperCap approach group(SuperCap group) and direct anterior approach group(DAA group). There were 15 males and 15 females in SuperCap group, aged from 45 to 71 years old, and the follow-up time ranged from 24 to 30 months. There were 24 males and 16 females in Group B, aged from 51 to 76 years and the follow-up time ranged from 24 to 36 months. Hemoglobin level of the 3rd day after operation, transfusion rate, acetabular abduction angle, anteversion angle and creatine kinase level of the 3rd day after operation, Harris score of 3 months and the last time, VAS score of 1 week and the last time were recorded and compared. Complications were recorded at the final follow-up.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up, the follow-up time of SuperCap group ranged from 24 to 30 months, that of DAA group ranged from 24 to 36 months. No significant differences were found in hemoglobin level on the 3rd day after operation, transfusion rate, Harris score or VAS score between two group (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in Harris score between 3 months after operation and the final follow-up in both groups (P>0.05). There were no significant difference in VAS scores of 6 weeks after operation and on the final follow-up neither(P>0.05). The level of creatine kinase in SuperCap group was significant lower than that in DAA group(P<0.05). Until the final follow-up, there was no significant difference in the incidence of complications between the two groups(P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The clinical effect of minimally invasive SuperCap approach after total hip arthroplasty is comparable to that of DAA approach with less soft tissue injury. Patients can recover rapidly after operation and it is a safe and effective surgical approach for surgeons with short learning curve.

Male , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Retrospective Studies , Antiviral Agents , Treatment Outcome , Creatine Kinase , Hemoglobins