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São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 122 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435648


INTRODUÇÃO: As doenças infecciosas desconhecem fronteiras e, com a crise climática, a disseminação de doenças sensíveis ao clima tende a aumentar em frequência, intensidade e expansão geográfica. Isso preocupa as organizações humanitárias pois as crises humanitárias são alteradas e entrelaçadas pelos padrões climáticos, cujas interações podem ser imprevisíveis. Com a pandemia da Covid19 agravou-se a estigmatização dos migrantes como meros vetores de doenças, negligenciando as circunstâncias determinantes para propagação de doenças perante a migração. MÉTODOS: A tese é composta por três manuscritos nos quais são aplicados modelos epidêmicos compartimentais: (i) modelo SEIRV-SEI para humanos e vetores aplicado à migração unidirecional de uma comunidade endêmica para uma comunidade hospedeira livre de doença; (ii) SEIRV-SEI para humanos e vetores aplicado a três diferentes populações acopladas - caravanas, comunidade endêmica e comunidade livre de doença, avaliando os efeitos da vacinação em comunidades endêmicas e em caravanas; (iii) o modelo SEIR-SEI para humanos, macacos e vetores onde o tempo gasto para atravessar a floresta é uma medida de exposição. RESULTADOS: O primeiro artigo mostra que o tipo de vetor e a cobertura vacinal nas comunidades hospedeiras são mais relevantes para a ocorrência de surtos do que as taxas de migração. O segundo estudo demonstra que quando as comunidades endêmicas são fonte de migração, a imunidade do rebanho é determinante, mas a vacinação de caravanas é de longe a intervenção mais significativa para proteger comunidades do risco de introdução da FA. Por fim, os resultados mostram que poderia haver mais de 23 mil casos humanos se ocorrer um surto de FA no Gap de Darién, e 19.000 deles deixariam a floresta ainda infectados. O número de mortes está fortemente relacionado ao tempo para atravessar a floresta. CONCLUSÃO: A prevenção de surtos de doenças infecciosas sensíveis ao clima no contexto da migração deve ser um esforço conjunto de interesse comum. Estabelecer corredores de migração oficiais e seguros onde seja possível vacinar os migrantes pode contribuir significativamente para o controle de doenças. Os migrantes são infinitamente mais vulneráveis a infecções, enquanto os responsáveis pela disseminação de doenças infecciosas sensíveis ao clima são a falta de vacinação consistente e as mudanças climáticas. Somente um esforço coletivo deliberado e consistente de vacinação pode garantir a migração segura como direito humano e para adaptação climática.

INTRODUCTION: Infectious diseases do not recognize borders, and with the climate crisis, the spread of climate-sensitive diseases is expected to increase in frequency, intensity, and geographic expansion. This poses a serious concern for humanitarian organizations as weather patterns can alter and intertwine humanitarian crises, leading to unpredictable interactions. Furthermore, with the ongoing Covid19 pandemic, migrants have been stigmatized as mere carriers of diseases, ignoring the underlying circumstances that lead to the spread of diseases during migration. METHODS: The thesis consists of three manuscripts that use compartmental epidemic models. The first manuscript uses a SEIRV-SEI model to study one-way migration from an endemic community to a disease-free host community. The second manuscript uses a SEIRV-SEI model to study three coupled human populations: caravans, resident endemic communities, and a disease-free community to assess the effects of vaccination in endemic communities and caravans. The third manuscript uses a SEIR-SEI model to study humans, monkeys, and vectors, where the time taken to cross the Darién forest is a measure of exposure to the Yellow Fever virus. RESULTS: The first manuscript shows that the type of vector and vaccination coverage in host communities are more relevant for the occurrence of outbreaks than migration rates. The second manuscript demonstrates that vaccinating caravans is the most significant intervention to protect disease-free communities from the risk of Yellow Fever introduction. The third manuscript shows that over 23,000 human cases may occur if an outbreak occurs in the Darién Gap, with 19,000 leaving the forest still infected. The number of deaths is strongly related to the time taken to cross the forest. CONCLUSION: Preventing outbreaks of climate-sensitive infectious diseases during migration must be a collective effort. Establishing official and safe migration corridors where migrants can be vaccinated can significantly contribute to controlling diseases such as Yellow Fever. Migrants are particularly vulnerable to infections, and the spread of climate-sensitive infectious diseases is linked to the lack of consistent vaccination in a changing climate. Only a collective and consistent vaccination effort can guarantee safe migration as a human right and serve as a climate adaptation measure.

Yellow Fever , Communicable Diseases/epidemiology , Communicable Diseases, Emerging , Human Migration , Humanitarian Crisis
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e243766, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1431119


A pandemia da covid-19 impôs transformações no cotidiano mundial, em âmbito micro e macroestrutural. Seu impacto psicológico desestabiliza e evidencia desigualdades e vulnerabilidades psicossociais brasileiras. Configura-se como um estudo de perspectiva crítica, com base na Psicologia Sócio-histórica, com o objetivo de mapear os posicionamentos da Psicologia, vindos de diferentes campos, diante das ações de saúde mental. Para tanto, utiliza-se o site do Conselho Federal de Psicologia para a análise de 62 documentos, que resultaram em dois eixos de produção crítica: 1) a relação da Psicologia com o Conselho Federal de Psicologia; e 2) da Psicologia com a sociedade. Revela-se o abismo social entre segmentos da sociedade brasileira; formas de exclusão da população carcerária; violência doméstica contra as mulheres e as crianças; dificuldades de acesso a estratégias sociais, na educação e na saúde, e de superação dos impasses acirrados com a infecção global pelo novo coronavírus. Conclui-se que a diversidade de públicos, temáticas, áreas de atuação e referenciais teóricos materializa um compromisso crítico e científico da Psicologia.(AU)

The COVID-19 pandemic imposed transformations in the world daily life, at the micro and macrostructural levels. Its psychological impact destabilizes and highlights Brazilian inequalities and psychosocial vulnerabilities. This is a critical perspective study, based in socio-historical Psychology, aiming to map the positions of Psychology, from different fields, in the face of mental health actions. To this end, the Federal Council of Psychology website is utilized to analyze 62 documents, which resulted in two axes of critical production: 1) the relation between Psychology and the Federal Council of Psychology; and 2) Psychology with society. They reveal the social gap between segments of Brazilian society; ways of excluding prison po7pulation; domestic violence against women and children; and difficulties in accessing social strategies, in education and health, and in overcoming impasses aggravated by the global infection by the new coronavirus. In conclusion, the diversity of public, themes, areas of professional performance, and theoretical references materialize Psychology's critical and scientific commitment.(AU)

La pandemia del COVID-19 provocó transformaciones globales en lo cotidiano a nivel micro y macroestructural. Su impacto psicológico desestabiliza y destaca las desigualdades y vulnerabilidades psicosociales en Brasil. Esta es una investigación en la perspectiva crítica, basada en la psicología sociohistórica, con el objetivo de mapear las posiciones de la Psicología, procedentes de diferentes campos, frente a las acciones de salud mental. Para este fin, se utiliza el sitio web del Consejo Federal de Psicología para el análisis de 62 documentos, lo que resultó en dos ejes de producción crítica: 1) la relación de la Psicología con el Consejo Federal de Psicología; y 2) de la Psicología con la sociedad. Se revelan la brecha social entre los segmentos de la sociedad brasileña; las formas de exclusión de la población carcelaria; la violencia doméstica contra las mujeres y los niños; y las dificultades para acceder a las estrategias sociales, en la educación y la salud, para superar los impasses agravados por la infección global por el nuevo coronavirus. Se concluye que la diversidad de públicos, temáticas, áreas de actividad y referentes teóricos materializa un compromiso crítico y científico de la Psicología.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Socioeconomic Factors , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Pain , Pneumonia, Viral , Poverty , Psychology , Public Policy , Quality of Life , Race Relations , Refugees , Research , Role , Safety , Sexual Behavior , Authoritarianism , Social Isolation , Social Problems , Social Sciences , Sports , Torture , Unemployment , Population Characteristics , Food Relief , Ill-Housed Persons , Career Mobility , Marriage , Poverty Areas , Child Abuse , Child Welfare , Quarantine , Public Health , Hunger , Codependency, Psychological , Coronavirus Infections , Combat Disorders , Congresses as Topic , Universal Access to Health Care Services , Crime , Armed Conflicts , Relief, Assistance and Protection in Disasters , Access to Information , Judiciary , State , Dehumanization , Human Rights Abuses , Depression , Developing Countries , Air Pollution , Education , Elder Abuse , Emergencies , Professional Training , Information Technology , Emigrants and Immigrants , Social Marginalization , Help-Seeking Behavior , Physical Abuse , Social Segregation , Gender-Based Violence , Cultural Rights , Access to Essential Medicines and Health Technologies , Adverse Childhood Experiences , Internet-Based Intervention , Psychological Distress , Gender Identity , Emotional Abuse , Food Insecurity , Access to Healthy Foods , Social Status , Social Cohesion , Social Vulnerability , Humanitarian Crisis , Family Support , Family Structure , Residential Segregation , Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome , Post-Infectious Disorders , Health Promotion , Human Rights , Jurisprudence , Malpractice
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e248295, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1431129


Este ensaio propõe que a Covid-19 pode operar como um analisador, dentro da perspectiva da análise institucional, iluminando um determinado modo de organização social que promove profundas desigualdades e ameaça a vida em diversos níveis e revelando as condições sociais, institucionais e políticas de produção de sofrimento no corpo profissional de Enfermagem. A pandemia desvelou um conjunto de marcas relacionadas à profissão, agravadas pela crise sanitária, reforçando a naturalização das relações de cuidado atribuídas ao feminino, bem como um conjunto de clivagens e hierarquias internas à profissão a partir da sinergia de marcadores da diferença, como gênero, cor/raça, classe e geração. Além disso, este trabalho mostra a presença de uma necropolítica nas respostas à pandemia que banaliza a vida e permite morrer determinados grupos sociais. A ideia de "profissionais de linha de frente" é criticada em suas metáforas bélicas, mas tomada como figura de linguagem em sua potência para afirmar que existem corpos que, pelas marcas sociais e históricas e pela interdependência do cuidado, são mais presentes e exigidos e, portanto, mais vulneráveis à doença e ao sofrimento dela decorrente.(AU)

The essay proposes that Covid-19 can operate as an analyzer, within the perspective of institutional analysis, illuminating a certain mode of social organization that promotes profound inequalities and threatens life at various levels, revealing the social, institutional and political conditions for the production of suffering in the professional nursing body. The pandemic would unveil a set of marks related to the profession, aggravated by the sanitary crisis, reinforcing the naturalization of the care relations attributed to the feminine, as well as a set of cleavages and internal hierarchies to the profession from the synergy of markers of difference as gender, color/race, class and generation. The work shows the presence of necropolitics in responses to the pandemic, which trivializes life and allows certain social groups to die. The idea of "front-line professionals" is criticized in its war metaphors, but taken as a figure of speech in its potency to affirm that there are bodies that by social and historical marks, and by the interdependence of care, are more present and demanded, and therefore more vulnerable to disease and the resulting suffering.(AU)

El ensayo propone que el Covid-19 puede funcionar como analizador, desde la perspectiva del análisis institucional, revelando las condiciones sociales, institucionales y políticas de producción de sufrimiento de enfermeras. La pandemia revela algunas marcas relacionadas con la profesión, agravadas por la crisis de salud, reforzando la naturalización de la atribución del cuidado a lo femenino y un conjunto de jerarquías internas de la profesión. El trabajo también muestra la presencia de una necropolítica en las respuestas a la pandemia. La idea de "profesionales de primera línea" es criticada, pero tomada como una figura del lenguaje en su potencia para afirmar que hay cuerpos que, por las marcas sociales e históricas y por la interdependencia del cuidado, están más presentes y demandados, y por lo tanto más vulnerables a la enfermedad.(AU)

Humans , Female , Nursing , Psychological Distress , Gender Identity , Self-Testing , COVID-19 , Oxygen Inhalation Therapy , Pain , Patient Care Team , Patient Discharge , Patients , Politics , Primary Health Care , Psychology , Quality Assurance, Health Care , Quality of Life , Race Relations , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Social Change , Social Isolation , Social Sciences , Socioeconomic Factors , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Women, Working , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Population Characteristics , Nursing Theory , Occupational Risks , Burnout, Professional , Virus Diseases , Vaccines , Nursing Research , Accidents, Occupational , Carrier State , Mental Health , Mortality , Models, Nursing , Occupational Health , Workload , Professional Autonomy , Long-Term Care , Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation , Immunization Programs , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Continuity of Patient Care , Feminism , Critical Care , Disaster Vulnerability , Health Risk , Access to Information , Delivery of Health Care , Air Pollution , Health Care Economics and Organizations , Emergencies , Employment , Environment and Public Health , Essential Public Health Functions , Health Status Disparities , Ethics, Professional , Surveillance of the Workers Health , Program of Risk Prevention on Working Environment , Air Contamination Effects , Evidence-Based Nursing , Fear , Remuneration , Early Medical Intervention , Medicalization , Ambulatory Care , Personal Protective Equipment , Psychosocial Support Systems , Occupational Stress , Burnout, Psychological , Patient Care , Caregiver Burden , Models, Biopsychosocial , COVID-19 Serological Testing , Gender Equity , Vaccine Development , Community Resources , Intersectional Framework , Systemic Racism , Social Vulnerability , Humanitarian Crisis , Working Conditions , Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome , Accident Prevention , Health Occupations , Health Services , Health Services Accessibility , Helping Behavior , Hierarchy, Social , Hospitalization , Hospitals , Humanism , Life Support Care , Masks , Muscle Tonus , Night Care , Nursing Care , Nursing, Practical , Nursing, Team , Occupational Diseases
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(5): 1079-1085, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1434455


Se realizó una encuesta transversal de dos muestras separadas por conveniencia de enero a marzo de 2021 a fin de comparar la prevalencia de percepción de riesgo e identificar diferentes estrategias de afrontamiento en enfermeros de la costa y la sierra ecuatoriana. Las muestras incluyeron dos grupos de profesionales de enfermería para un total de 518. El 49,0% (n= 254) de los participantes laboraban en la sierra ecuatoriana y el 50,8% (n= 263) prestaban sus servicios en la costa ecuatoriana. Muestreados provenientes de varias clínicas, tanto en la costa como en la sierra ecuatoriana, fueron abordados aleatoriamente por el entrevistador para participar en el estudio. Se examinaron y compararon los resultados de las pruebas de las tres muestras. Los grupos se eligieron en función de la conveniencia del muestreo y la supuesta conciencia de los factores de riesgo de COVID-19. En cuanto a la percepción de riesgo, su prevalencia es significativamente mayor para las enfermeras de la costa que las de la sierra. Las enfermeras que prefieren trabajar en equipo durante la crisis sanitaria tenían probabilidades alrededor de 0,30 más bajas, lo que puede interpretarse como un factor protector. Respecto al miedo al contagio no se hallaron diferencias entre enfermeras de la costa o la sierra(AU)

A cross-sectional survey of two samples separated by convenience was carried out from January to March 2021 to compare the prevalence of risk perception and identify different coping strategies in nurses from the Ecuadorian coast and highlands. The samples included two groups of nursing professionals for a total of 518. 49.0% (n= 254) of the participants worked in the Ecuadorian highlands and 50.8% (n= 263) provided their services on the ecuadorian coast. Samples from various clinics, both on the coast and in the Ecuadorian highlands, were randomly approached by the interviewer to participate in the study. The test results of the three samples were examined and compared. Groups were chosen based on sampling convenience and presumed awareness of COVID-19 risk factors. Regarding the perception of risk, its prevalence is significantly higher for nurses from the coast than those from the mountains. Nurses who prefer to work in a team during the health crisis had probabilities around 0.30 lower, which can be interpreted as a protective factor. Regarding the fear of contagion, no differences were found between nurses from the coast or the mountains(AU)

Humans , Occupational Risks , Adaptation, Psychological , COVID-19/epidemiology , Humanitarian Crisis , Nursing Staff/psychology , Perception , Risk-Taking , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Occupational Health , Ecuador/epidemiology , Fear/psychology , Personal Protective Equipment , Geography
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 42: e239394, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422373


O artigo explora a problemática do refúgio e da migração a partir de coordenadas teóricas de caráter interdisciplinar, complementares no aprofundamento do tema. Destaca-se, neste ensaio teórico, a invisibilidade imposta ao sujeito da diáspora mediante a negativa de reconhecer as violentas e dramáticas condições de seu entorno (crise social, crise política, crise econômica etc.), seja ele migrante ou refugiado. Por meio das proposições do psicanalista Sándor Ferenczi sobre o conceito de desmentido e das considerações do filósofo sul-coreano Byung-Chul Han sobre os mecanismos contemporâneos de proliferação do idêntico, desenvolve-se uma reflexão a respeito de diferentes práticas de indiferença ilustradas no silenciamento e invisibilização da subjetividade migrante. Essa linha argumentativa permite vislumbrar a premência de reconhecer práticas de desumanização ao se deixar à margem o direito de migrantes e refugiados à existência digna. Considera-se essencial para a ruptura com a invisibilidade imposta aos protagonistas das diásporas dar legitimidade a suas narrativas. Conclui-se, portanto, que esse movimento de ruptura por parte do migrante e do refugiado, devido à violência imposta, não decorre do assistencialismo ou da filantropia que lhes são dirigidos; por isso, é imperativo, no campo alteritário, ter reconhecido o legítimo direito a ser acolhido, com hospitalidade e humanidade, pela sociedade da qual faz parte.(AU)

The article explores the problem of refuge and migration based on theoretical coordinates of interdisciplinary character, complementary in the deepening of the theme. In this theoretical essay, the invisibility imposed on the diaspora subject stands out in the face of the refusal to recognize the violent and dramatic conditions of their surroundings (social crisis, political crisis, economic crisis, among others), whether of a migrant or a refugee. From the propositions of the psychoanalyst Sándor Ferenczi on the concept of denial and the considerations of the South Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han on the contemporary mechanisms of proliferation of the identical, we develop a reflection about the different practices of indifference illustrated in the silencing and invisibility of migrant subjectivity. This line of argument allows us to glimpse the urgency of recognizing dehumanization practices of leaving the right of migrants and refugees to a dignified existence aside. To break with the invisibility imposed on the protagonists of the diasporas, giving legitimacy to the narratives about their stories is considered essential. In conclusion, therefore, this movement of rupture on the part of the migrant and the refugee, due to the imposed violence, does not result from the assistentialism or philanthropy directed at them; thus, in the alteritarian field, having the recognized legitimate right to be welcomed, with hospitality and humanity, by the society of which they are part is imperative.(AU)

El artículo explora la problemática del refugio y de la migración a partir de coordenadas teóricas de carácter interdisciplinario, complementarias en la profundización del tema. En este ensayo teórico se destaca la invisibilidad impuesta al sujeto de la diáspora a través de la negativa a reconocer las condiciones violentas y dramáticas de su entorno (crisis social, crisis política, crisis económica, entre otras crisis), ya sea migrante o refugiado. A través de las proposiciones del psicoanalista Sándor Ferenczi sobre el concepto de desmentida y de las consideraciones del filósofo surcoreano Byung- Chul Han sobre los mecanismos contemporáneos de proliferación de lo idéntico, se desarrolla una reflexión a respecto de las diferentes prácticas de indiferencia ilustradas en el silenciamiento e invisibilidad de la subjetividad migrante. Esta línea de argumentación permite verificar la urgencia de reconocer las prácticas de deshumanización al dejar al margen el derecho de las personas migrantes y refugiadas a una existencia digna. Se considera fundamental, para romper con la invisibilidad impuesta a los protagonistas de las diásporas, dar legitimidad a las narrativas sobre sus historias. Se concluye, por lo tanto, que este movimiento de ruptura, por parte del migrante y del refugiado, por la violencia impuesta, no es resultado del asistencialismo o filantropía que se les dirige; por lo tanto, es imperativo, en el ámbito de la alteridad, que se reconozca su legítimo derecho a ser acogido, con hospitalidad y humanidad por la sociedad de la que forma parte.(AU)

Humans , Psychology , Refugees , Shelter , Human Migration , Migrant-Receiving Society , Respect , Poverty , Psychoanalysis , Violence , Family , Civil Rights , Culture , Dehumanization , Emigrants and Immigrants , Social Discrimination , Psychological Trauma , Solidarity , Humanitarian Crisis , Human Rights , Interpersonal Relations
Pan Afr. med. j ; 43: NA-NA, 2022. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1399960


Introduction: over the last decade, insecurity in the Lake Chad Basin has triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in the Niger´s Diffa Region with a significant population movement. In this humanitarian setting, we reviewed the implementation process and the contribution of temperature screening and handwashing practice at points of entry as part of non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19. Methods: in Diffa, border officers were trained on the fundamentals of infection prevention and control in relation to COVID-19 readiness and response and a 14-day district response team was constituted. To examine the significance of the implementation process of temperature screening and handwashing practices at points of entry, we conducted a secondary analysis of data submitted by the six health districts of the Diffa Region between March and July 2020. Results: travellers screened for fever ranged from 10,499 (in March 2020) to 62,441 (in April 2020) with the health districts of Diffa (mean: standard error of the mean: 25,999: 9,220) and of Bosso (mean: standard error of the mean: 30.4: 19.1) accounting for the most and the least of activities during the entire period, respectively. Overall, 125/169,475 travellers presented fever and were effectively quarantined. Only the Ngourti Health District reported travellers who declined handwashing (54/169,475); this was during the first three months of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: we have documented a successful implementation of measures related to temperature screening with some unsubstantial denial of handwashing. Given the importance of border traffic due to insecurity in the Diffa Region, maintaining temperature screening and handwashing in this humanitarian setting is necessary but requires coordinated actions of all stakeholders involved in the region.

Pharmaceutical Preparations , Mass Screening , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Humanitarian Crisis , Hand Disinfection
Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 20: e56000, 2021. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1375110


RESUMO Objetivo: mapear a produção existente na área da saúde sobre a imigração venezuelana no território brasileiro de 2016 a 2021 e identificar possíveis lacunas. Método: revisão de escopo fundamentada nas normas JBI, com dados coletados em bases científicas sobre as questões de saúde referentes aos imigrantes venezuelanos no Brasil. As bases para coleta foram PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, Science Direct, SciELO, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, CAPES e Lilacs. Os dados foram analisados a partir da Análise do Conteúdo, com suporte do software MAXQDA. Resultados: a síntese incluiu 23 estudos conduzidos em sua maior parte por pesquisadores brasileiros e que versaram sobre direito à saúde, questões socioculturais, impactos da migração sobre os processos de trabalho e perfil epidemiológico da população. Conclusão: os artigos enfocaram a temática sem levar em conta a gênese social dos fenômenos pesquisados. Há necessidade de pesquisas acerca do impacto da migração sobre o trabalho em saúde, particularmente da enfermagem.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Mapear la producción existente en el área de la salud sobre la inmigración venezolana al territorio brasileño de 2016 a 2021 e identificar posibles debilidades. Método: revisión de alcance basada en la forma estándar de JBI, con datos recolectados de bases científicas sobre temas de salud relacionados con inmigrantes venezolanos en Brasil. Las bases de recolección de datos fueron PubMed / Medline, SCOPUS, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web ofScience, Science Direct, SciELO, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, CAPES y Lilacs. Los datos fueron analizados a partir del Análisis de Contenido, con soporte del software MAXQDA. Resultados: la síntesis incluyó 23 estudios realizados en su mayoría por investigadores brasileños y que trataron sobre derecho a la salud, las cuestiones socioculturales, los impactos de la migración en los procesos laborales y el perfil epidemiológico de la población. Conclusión: los artículos se centraron en el tema sin tener en cuenta la génesis social de los fenómenos investigados. Se hacen necesarias investigaciones sobre el impacto de la migración respecto al trabajo en salud, particularmente de la enfermería.

ABSTRACT Objective: to map the existing production in the health area about Venezuelan immigration into the Brazilian territory from 2016 to 2021 and identify possible gaps. Method: scoping review based on JBI standards, carried out with data collected from scientific bases on health issues related to Venezuelan immigrants in Brazil. The databases were PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, Science Direct, SciELO, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, CAPES and Lilacs. Data were analyzed using Content Analysis, supported by the MAXQDA software. Results: the synthesis included 23 studies mostly conducted by Brazilian researchers and which dealt with the right to health, sociocultural issues, impacts of migration on work processes, and the epidemiological profile of the population. Conclusion: the articles focused on the theme without taking into account the social genesis of the researched phenomena. There is a need for research on the impact of migration on thework inhealth care, particularly in nursing care.

Humans , Male , Female , Venezuela , Health , Emigration and Immigration , Health Promotion , Population , Health Profile , Public Health , Nursing , Disaster Vulnerability , Disease Prevention , Emigrants and Immigrants , Human Migration , Humanitarian Crisis , Nursing Care
An. venez. nutr ; 34(1): 21-36, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1393158


Venezuela está atravesando procesos de decrecimiento económico lo que profundiza la crisis alimentaria y aumenta la violencia. Venezuela está viviendo la mayor crisis institucional, social, económica, política, moral, cultural de su historia, lo que incluye la pérdida de su capital humano por motivos de la emigración masiva y forzosa habida en los últimos años y también por la violencia, inseguridad ciudadana, por el incremento de la desigualdad social y la destrucción del Estado de Derecho. La crisis venezolana es una crisis de carácter multidimensional, la más profunda, compleja y larga de su historia moderna cuyas causas tienen que ver con la erosión continua de la institucionalidad, la pérdida progresiva de los valores democráticos, con el desdibujamiento del Estado y con el auge de un populismo autocrático que viola constantemente los principales derechos humanos. Ello sucede sin que en el país haya habido desastres naturales o conflictos bélicos. Los diversos programas sociales dirigidos a la soberanía alimentaria implementados durante las dos últimas décadas estuvieron atados a la volatilidad de los precios petroleros. Por otra parte, presentan un descuido extremo en cuanto a la calidad institucional de su gestión, se caracterizan por una acrecentada tendencia hacia la inefectividad y un agravamiento de la desprofesionalización de la administración pública. Ausencia de planificación y de evaluación desnudan las grandes y graves limitaciones de la gran mayoría de estos programas. Hoy en día el país está sumido en una crisis humanitaria compleja que ya lleva 5 años sin perspectivas claras de progreso(AU)

enezuela is going through a process of economic decline, which is deepening the food crisis and increasing violence. Venezuela is experiencing the greatest institutional, social, economic, political, moral and cultural crisis in its history, which includes the loss of its human capital due to massive and forced emigration in recent years, as well as violence, citizen insecurity, increased social inequality and the destruction of the rule of law. The Venezuelan crisis is a multidimensional crisis, the deepest, most complex and longest in its modern history, the causes of which have to do with the continuous erosion of institutions, the progressive loss of democratic values, the blurring of the state and the rise of an autocratic populism that constantly violates the main human rights. This is happening without any natural disasters or armed conflicts in the country. The various social programs aimed at food sovereignty implemented over the last two decades have been tied to the volatility of oil prices. On the other hand, they show extreme neglect in terms of the institutional quality of their management and are characterized by an increased tendency towards ineffectiveness and a worsening of the de-professionalization of public administration. The absence of planning and evaluation reveal the great and serious limitations of the vast majority of these programs. The country is currently in the midst of a complex humanitarian crisis that has been going on for five years with no clear prospects for progress(AU)

Socioeconomic Factors , Food Supply , Humanitarian Crisis , Economic Recession , Human Migration , Food , Social Programs
An. venez. nutr ; 33(2): 154-160, 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392968


La crisis alimentaria anunciada por científicos en el año 2007 se ha convertido en una emergencia humanitaria en el 2021. Se fueron gestando una economía desequilibrada, elevados precios de alimentos, falta de servicios básicos como el agua, servicios sanitarios, trayendo como consecuencia una hiperinflación de 3713%, un salario mínimo que cubre 0,88% de la canasta alimentaria, 97% de inseguridad alimentaria, 15% de desnutrición aguda y 30% de baja talla en menores de 5 años y la movilización de 4,6 millones venezolanos. Este trabajo analiza las percepciones sobre una crisis alimentaria en Venezuela, factores asociados y estrategias para mejorarla desde la mirada de profesionales de la alimentación y nutrición en el año 2007. Se seleccionó intencionalmente 51 profesionales, de los cuales 10 sujetos respondieron una entrevista confidencial y electrónica. La categorización y análisis de las entrevistas se complementó con referencias de otros autores, para la construcción de la teoría. La mayoría de los entrevistados admitió una crisis alimentaria en el 2007, con factores asociados de índole político, económico, de servicios y hasta moral. Como recomendaciones surge: "reorientar las políticas agrícolas, pecuarias, de educación, trabajo y remuneración entre otras, relacionadas directa e indirectamente con el sector de los alimentos, para lograr abastecer los mercados y permitir que los alimentos puedan llegar a la población". Esta aproximación de la crisis alimentaria permitió comprender cómo la crisis se exacerbó hasta convertirse en una emergencia humanitaria agravada por la pandemia. Se ha perdido toda una generación de venezolanos por enfermedad, muerte, oportunidades y migraciones(AU)

The food crisis announced by scientists in 2007 has become a humanitarian emergency in 2021. An unbalanced economy, high food prices, lack of basic services such as water, sanitation, were brewing, resulting in a hyperinflation of 3713%, a minimum wage that covers 0.88% of the food basket, 97% of the population with food insecurity, 15% of acute malnutrition and 30% of stunting in children under 5 y. and the migration of 4.6 million Venezuelans. This manuscript analyzes the perceptions of a food crisis in Venezuela, associated factors and strategies to improve it from the perspective of food and nutrition professionals in 2007. Fifty-one professionals were intentionally selected, of which 10 subjects answered a confidential and electronic interview. The categorization and analysis of the interviews was complemented with references from other authors, for the construction of the theory. Most of those interviewed admitted a food crisis in 2007, with associated factors of a political, economic, essential utilities and even moral nature. As recommendations arise: "reorient agricultural, livestock, education, work and remuneration policies, among others, directly and indirectly related to the food sector, in order to supply markets and allow food to reach the population." This approach to the food crisis made it possible to understand how the crisis exacerbated into a humanitarian emergency aggravated by the pandemic. A whole generation of Venezuelans has been lost to illness, death, opportunities, and migration(AU)

Food Supply , Food Insecurity , Humanitarian Crisis , Health Services Accessibility , Health Programs and Plans , Hunger , Eating , Nutritional Sciences