El avance de la tecnología permite realizar cambios en la rehabilitación y estética, reduce los tiempos de trabajo y disminuye los riesgos que se presentan al momento de utilizar materiales convencionales para la toma de impresiones. Existen dos técnicas que se pueden emplear, la analógica y la digital; la primera presenta mayores riesgos que el operador no puede controlar, así como tiempos más prolongados. Este reporte describe la rehabilitación bucal en dos pacientes con desgaste dental, se optó por usar ambas técnicas, la analógica y la digital, como tratamiento; en la primera se empleó el encerado convencional y en la segunda el software Exocad para el encerado digital. Finalmente en ambos casos se aplicó (AU)
The advance of technology has allowed changes in rehabilitation and esthetics, providing shorter working times and reducing the risks that occur when using conventional materials for taking impressions. There are two techniques that can be used, analog and digital, the first one presents greater risks that the operator cannot control, as well as more time. This report describes the oral rehabilitation in patients with dental wear. The treatment was carried out using the analogical and digital techniques, the former using conventional waxing and the latter using Exocad software for the digital waxing; finally, in both cases the injection technique with high-load Flow resin was used (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Esthetics, Dental , Tooth Wear/rehabilitation , Patient Care Planning , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , InjectionsABSTRACT
Este estudo avaliou o reconhecimento (imitação, identidade e identificação) e a nomeação de estímulos emocionais de valência negativa (raiva e tristeza) e positiva (alegria e surpresa) em conjunto com a influência dos tipos de estímulos utilizados (social-feminino, social-masculino, familiar e emoji) em crianças e jovens adultos com autismo ou síndrome de Down, por meio de tarefas aplicadas pela família e mediadas por recursos tecnológicos durante a pandemia de covid-19. Participaram cinco crianças e dois jovens adultos com autismo e uma criança e dois jovens adultos com síndrome de Down. Foram implementadas tarefas de identidade, reconhecimento, nomeação e imitação, com estímulos faciais de função avaliativa (sem consequência diferencial) e de ensino (com consequência diferencial, uso de dicas e critério de aprendizagem), visando a emergência da nomeação emocional por meio do ensino das tarefas de reconhecimento. Os resultados da linha de base identificaram que, para os participantes que apresentaram menor tempo de resposta para o mesmo gênero, a diferença de tempo de resposta foi em média 57,28% menor. Em relação à valência emocional, 50% dos participantes apresentaram diferenças nos acertos, a depender da valência positiva e negativa, sendo que 66,66% apresentaram diferenças para o tempo de resposta a depender da valência emocional. Após o procedimento de ensino, os participantes mostraram maior número de acertos nas tarefas, independentemente do gênero de estímulo e valência emocional, criando ocasião para generalização da aprendizagem de reconhecimento e nomeação de emoções, além de consolidar a viabilidade de estratégias de ensino mediadas por recursos tecnológicos e aplicadas por familiares.(AU)
This study evaluated the recognition (imitation, identity, and identification) and naming of negative (anger and sadness) and positive (joy and surprise) emotional stimuli alongside the influence of the types of stimuli (social-female, social-male, family, and emoji) in children and young adults with autism and Down syndrome, via tasks applied by the family and mediated by technological resources, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Five children and two young adults with autism and one child and two young adults with Down syndrome participated. Identity, recognition, naming, and imitation tasks were planned and implemented using facial stimuli with evaluative (without differential consequence) and teaching (with differential consequence, tips, and learning criteria) functions, aiming at the emergence of emotional naming from the recognition teaching tasks. The baseline results showed that, for participants who had a shorter response time for the same gender, the response time difference was on average 57.28% lower. Regarding the emotional valence, 50% of the participants showed differences in the correct answers, depending on the positive and negative valence, and 66.66% showed differences in the response time depending on the emotional valence. After the teaching procedure, the participants showed a greater number of correct answers in the tasks, regardless of the stimulus type and emotional valence, creating an opportunity for generalizing learning of emotion recognition and naming, in addition to consolidating the feasibility of teaching strategies mediated by technological resources and applied by family members.(AU)
Este estudio evaluó el reconocimiento (imitación, identidad e identificación) y la denominación de estímulos emocionales negativos (enfado y tristeza) y positivos (alegría y sorpresa) y la influencia de los tipos de estímulos utilizados (social-femenino, social-masculino, familiar y emoji ) de niños y jóvenes con autismo o síndrome de Down, a través de tareas aplicadas por la familia, mediadas por recursos tecnológicos durante la pandemia de la covid-19. Participaron cinco niños y dos adultos jóvenes con autismo, y un niño y dos adultos jóvenes con síndrome de Down. Se planificaron e implementaron tareas de identidad, reconocimiento, nombramiento e imitación con estímulos faciales con función evaluativa (sin consecuencia diferencial) y enseñanza (con consecuencia diferencial, uso de ayudas y criterios de aprendizaje), buscando la emergencia del nombramiento emocional después de la enseñanza de tareas de reconocimiento. Los resultados de la línea de base identificaron que para los participantes que tenían un tiempo de respuesta más corto para el mismo género, la diferencia en el tiempo de respuesta fue un 57,28% menor. En cuanto a la valencia emocional, el 50% de los participantes mostraron diferencias en las respuestas correctas, en función de la valencia positiva y negativa, y el 66,66% tuvieron diferencias en el tiempo de respuesta, en función de la valencia emocional. Después del procedimiento de enseñanza, los participantes mostraron mayor número de aciertos en las tareas evaluadas, independientemente del tipo de estímulo o valencia emocional, lo que genera una oportunidad para la generalización del aprendizaje de reconocimiento y denominación de emociones, además de consolidar la viabilidad de estrategias de enseñanza mediadas por recursos tecnológicos y aplicadas por la familia.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Autistic Disorder , Family , Down Syndrome , Expressed Emotion , Emotions , Anxiety , Parent-Child Relations , Parents , Perception , Perceptual Distortion , Personality , Play and Playthings , Prejudice , Psychiatry , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Attention , Audiovisual Aids , Signs and Symptoms , Social Desirability , Social Environment , Social Values , Socialization , Stereotyping , Task Performance and Analysis , Visual Perception , Women , Behavior , Body Image , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Symbolism , Activities of Daily Living , Artificial Intelligence , Adaptation, Psychological , Grief , Attitude , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Child , Child Rearing , Chromosomes , Clinical Trial , Mental Competency , Caregivers , Cognition , Signal Detection, Psychological , Communication , Conscience , Intuition , Observation , Stereotypic Movement Disorder , Chromosome Disorders , Personal Autonomy , Adult Children , Trust , Comprehension , Personnel Delegation , Data Compression , Education , Education of Intellectually Disabled , Education, Special , Ego , Empathy , Exploratory Behavior , Face , Facial Expression , Cultural Competency , Young Adult , Fear , Feedback , Emotional Intelligence , Social Stigma , Pandemics , Social Skills , Social Norms , Emotional Adjustment , Optimism , Metacognition , Facial Recognition , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Applied Behavior Analysis , Self-Management , Respect , Emotional Regulation , Generalization, Psychological , Genetics , Social Interaction , Identity Recognition , COVID-19 , Gestures , Cognitive Training , Family Support , Processing Speed , Handling, Psychological , Imagination , Interpersonal Relations , Language , Life Change Events , Memory, Short-Term , Men , Mental Disorders , Mental Processes , Intellectual Disability , Nervous System Diseases , Neurologic Manifestations , Neurology , Neuropsychological Tests , Nonverbal CommunicationABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Volumetric assessment of brain structures is an important tool in neuroscience research and clinical practice. The volumetric measurement of normally functioning human brain helps detect age-related changes in some regions, which can be observed at varying degrees. This study aims to estimate the insular volume in the normally functioning human brain in both genders, different age groups, and side variations. A cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted on 42 adult Sudanese participants in Al-Amal Hospital, Sudan, between May to August 2022, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and automatic brain segmentation through a software program (BrainSuite). The statistical difference in total insular volume on both sides of the cerebral hemisphere was small. The insular volume on the right side was greater in males, while the left side showed no difference between both genders. A statistically significant difference between males and females was found (p > 0.05), and no statistical difference in different age groups was found according to the one-way ANOVA test (p>0.05). Adult Sudanese males showed a larger insular volume than females. MRI can be used to morphometrically assess the insula to detect any pathological variations based on volume changes.
La evaluación volumétrica de las estructuras cerebrales es una herramienta importante en la investigación y la práctica clínica de la neurociencia. La medición volumétrica del cerebro humano, que funciona normalmente, ayuda a detectar cambios relacionados con la edad en algunas regiones, las cuales se pueden observar en diversos grados. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar el volumen insular en el cerebro humano que funciona normalmente, en ambos sexos, de diferentes grupos de edad y sus variaciones laterales. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo transversal en 42 participantes sudaneses adultos en el Hospital Al-Amal, Sudán, entre mayo y agosto de 2022, utilizando imágenes de resonancia magnética y segmentación automática del cerebro a través de un software (BrainSuite). Fue pequeña la diferencia estadística en el volumen insular total, en los hemisferios cerebrales. El volumen insular del lado derecho fue mayor en los hombres, mientras que el lado izquierdo no mostró diferencia entre ambos sexos. Se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre hombres y mujeres (p > 0,05), y no se encontró diferencia estadística en los diferentes grupos de edad, según la prueba de ANOVA de una vía (p> 0,05). Los hombres sudaneses adultos mostraron un mayor volumen insular que las mujeres. La resonancia magnética se puede utilizar para evaluar morfométricamente la ínsula y para detectar cualquier variación patológica basada en cambios de volumen.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Software , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Cerebral Cortex/diagnostic imaging , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Cerebral Cortex/anatomy & histology , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Fundamento: A avaliação da área valvar mitral por meio da reconstrução multiplano na ecocardiografia tridimensional é restrita a softwares específicos e à experiência dos ecocardiografistas. Eles precisam selecionar manualmente o frame do vídeo que contenha a área de abertura máxima da valva mitral, dimensão fundamental para a identificação de estenose mitral. Objetivo: Automatizar o processo de determinação da área de abertura máxima da valva mitral, por meio da aplicação de Processamento Digital de Imagens (PDI) em exames de ecocardiograma, desenvolvendo um algoritmo aberto com leitura de vídeo no formato avi. Método: Este estudo piloto observacional transversal foi realizado com vinte e cinco exames diferentes de ecocardiograma, sendo quinze com abertura normal e dez com estenose mitral reumática. Todos os exames foram realizados e disponibilizados por dois especialistas, com autorização do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, que utilizaram dois modelos de aparelhos ecocardiográficos: Vivid E95 (GE Healthcare) e Epiq 7 (Philips), com sondas multiplanares transesofágicas. Todos os vídeos em formato avi foram submetidos ao PDI através da técnica de segmentação de imagens. Resultados: As medidas obtidas manualmente por ecocardiografistas experientes e os valores calculados pelo sistema desenvolvido foram comparados utilizando o diagrama de Bland-Altman. Observou-se maior concordância entre valores no intervalo de 0,4 a 2,7 cm². Conclusão: Foi possível determinar automaticamente a área de máxima abertura das valvas mitrais, tanto para os casos advindos da GE quanto da Philips, utilizando apenas um vídeo como dado de entrada. O algoritmo demonstrou economizar tempo nas medições quando comparado com a mensuração habitual. (AU)
Background: The evaluation of mitral valve area through multiplanar reconstruction in 3-dimensional echocardiography is restricted to specific software and to the experience of echocardiographers. They need to manually select the video frame that contains the maximum mitral valve opening area, as this dimension is fundamental to identification of mitral stenosis. Objective: To automate the process of determining the maximum mitral valve opening area, through the application of digital image processing (DIP) in echocardiography tests, developing an open algorithm with video reading in avi format. Method: This cross-sectional observational pilot study was conducted with 25 different echocardiography exams, 15 with normal aperture and 10 with rheumatic mitral stenosis. With the authorization of the Research Ethics Committee, all exams were performed and made available by 2 specialists who used 2 models of echocardiographic devices: Vivid E95 (GE Healthcare) and Epiq 7 (Philips), with multiplanar transesophageal probes. All videos in avi format were submitted to DIP using the image segmentation technique. Results: The measurements obtained manually by experienced echocardiographers and the values calculated by the developed system were compared using a Bland-Altman diagram. There was greater agreement between values in the range from 0.4 to 2.7 cm². Conclusion: It was possible to automatically determine the maximum mitral valve opening area, for cases from both GE and Philips, using only 1 video as input data. The algorithm has been demonstrated to save time on measurements when compared to the usual method. (AU)
Humans , Heart Valve Diseases/mortality , Mitral Valve/physiopathology , Mitral Valve/diagnostic imaging , Mitral Valve Stenosis/etiology , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Doxorubicin/radiation effects , Echocardiography, Transesophageal/methods , Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional/methods , Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement/methods , Isoproterenol/radiation effects , Mitral Valve/surgeryABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the clinical and imaging characteristics of stage Ⅰ occupational cement pneumoconiosis patients. Methods: In October 2021, the data of patients with occupational cement pneumoconiosis diagnosed by the Third Hospital of Peking University from 2014 to 2020 were collected, and the data of the patients' initial exposure age, dust exposure duration, diagnosis age, incubation period, chest X-ray findings, lung function and other data were analyzed retrospectively. Spearman grade correlation was used for correlation analysis of grade count data. The influencing factors of lung function were analyzed by binary logistic regression. Results: A total of 107 patients were enrolled in the study. There were 80 male patients and 27 female patients. The inital exposure age was (26.2±7.7) years, the diagnosis age was (59.4±7.9) years, the dust exposure duration was (17.9±8.0) years, and the incubation period was (33.1±10.3) years. The initial dust exposure age and the dust exposure duration in female patients were less than those in men, and the incubation period was longer than that in men (P<0.05). The imaging analysis showed the small opacities as"pp"accounted for 54.2%. 82 patients (76.6%) had small opacities distributed in two lung areas. The lung areas distribution of small opacities in female patients was less than that in male patients (2.04±0.19 vs 2.41±0.69, P<0.001). There were 57 cases of normal pulmonary function, 41 cases of mild abnormality and 9 cases of moderate abnormality. The number of lung regions with small opacities on X-ray was the risk factor for abnormal lung function in cement pneumoconiosis patients (OR=2.491, 95%CI=1.197-5.183, P=0.015) . Conclusion: The patients with occupational cement pneumoconiosis had long dust exposure duration and incubation period, light imaging changes and pulmonary function damage. The abnormal lung function was related to the range of pulmonary involvement.
Humans , Female , Male , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Retrospective Studies , Pneumoconiosis , Dust , Hospitals , Image Processing, Computer-AssistedABSTRACT
Accurate segmentation of retinal blood vessels is of great significance for diagnosing, preventing and detecting eye diseases. In recent years, the U-Net network and its various variants have reached advanced level in the field of medical image segmentation. Most of these networks choose to use simple max pooling to down-sample the intermediate feature layer of the image, which is easy to lose part of the information, so this study proposes a simple and effective new down-sampling method Pixel Fusion-pooling (PF-pooling), which can well fuse the adjacent pixel information of the image. The down-sampling method proposed in this study is a lightweight general module that can be effectively integrated into various network architectures based on convolutional operations. The experimental results on the DRIVE and STARE datasets show that the F1-score index of the U-Net model using PF-pooling on the STARE dataset improved by 1.98%. The accuracy rate is increased by 0.2%, and the sensitivity is increased by 3.88%. And the generalization of the proposed module is verified by replacing different algorithm models. The results show that PF-pooling has achieved performance improvement in both Dense-UNet and Res-UNet models, and has good universality.
Algorithms , Retinal Vessels , Image Processing, Computer-AssistedABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#Current mainstream PET scattering correction methods are introduced and evaluated horizontally, and finally, the existing problems and development direction of scattering correction are discussed.@*METHODS@#Based on NeuWise Pro PET/CT products of Neusoft Medical System Co. Ltd. , the simulation experiment is carried out to evaluate the influence of radionuclide distribution out of FOV (field of view) on the scattering estimation accuracy of each method.@*RESULTS@#The scattering events produced by radionuclide out of FOV have an obvious impact on the spatial distribution of scattering, which should be considered in the model. The scattering estimation accuracy of Monte Carlo method is higher than single scatter simulation (SSS).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Clinically, if the activity of the adjacent parts out of the FOV is high, such as brain, liver, kidney and bladder, it is likely to lead to the deviation of scattering estimation. Considering the Monte Carlo scattering estimation of the distribution of radionuclide out of FOV, it's helpful to improve the accuracy of scattering distribution estimation.
Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography , Scattering, Radiation , Computer Simulation , Brain , Monte Carlo Method , Phantoms, Imaging , Image Processing, Computer-AssistedABSTRACT
This study briefly introduces the tongue diagnostic equipment of traditional Chinese medicine. It analyzes and discusses the key points of technical evaluation of tongue diagnostic equipment from the aspects of product name, performance parameters, image processing functions, product use methods, clinical evaluation, etc. It analyzes the safety risks and effectiveness indicators of tongue diagnostic equipment, hoping to bring some help to the gradual standardization of tongue diagnostic equipment and the registration of enterprises.
Medicine, Chinese Traditional/methods , Tongue , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Diagnostic Equipment , Reference StandardsABSTRACT
When applying deep learning algorithms to magnetic resonance (MR) image segmentation, a large number of annotated images are required as data support. However, the specificity of MR images makes it difficult and costly to acquire large amounts of annotated image data. To reduce the dependence of MR image segmentation on a large amount of annotated data, this paper proposes a meta-learning U-shaped network (Meta-UNet) for few-shot MR image segmentation. Meta-UNet can use a small amount of annotated image data to complete the task of MR image segmentation and obtain good segmentation results. Meta-UNet improves U-Net by introducing dilated convolution, which can increase the receptive field of the model to improve the sensitivity to targets of different scales. We introduce the attention mechanism to improve the adaptability of the model to different scales. We introduce the meta-learning mechanism, and employ a composite loss function for well-supervised and effective bootstrapping of model training. We use the proposed Meta-UNet model to train on different segmentation tasks, and then use the trained model to evaluate on a new segmentation task, where the Meta-UNet model achieves high-precision segmentation of target images. Meta-UNet has a certain improvement in mean Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) compared with voxel morph network (VoxelMorph), data augmentation using learned transformations (DataAug) and label transfer network (LT-Net). Experiments show that the proposed method can effectively perform MR image segmentation using a small number of samples. It provides a reliable aid for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
Algorithms , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Magnetic Resonance ImagingABSTRACT
Aiming at the problems of missing important features, inconspicuous details and unclear textures in the fusion of multimodal medical images, this paper proposes a method of computed tomography (CT) image and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) image fusion using generative adversarial network (GAN) and convolutional neural network (CNN) under image enhancement. The generator aimed at high-frequency feature images and used double discriminators to target the fusion images after inverse transform; Then high-frequency feature images were fused by trained GAN model, and low-frequency feature images were fused by CNN pre-training model based on transfer learning. Experimental results showed that, compared with the current advanced fusion algorithm, the proposed method had more abundant texture details and clearer contour edge information in subjective representation. In the evaluation of objective indicators, Q AB/F, information entropy (IE), spatial frequency (SF), structural similarity (SSIM), mutual information (MI) and visual information fidelity for fusion (VIFF) were 2.0%, 6.3%, 7.0%, 5.5%, 9.0% and 3.3% higher than the best test results, respectively. The fused image can be effectively applied to medical diagnosis to further improve the diagnostic efficiency.
Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Neural Networks, Computer , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , AlgorithmsABSTRACT
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is an important tool for prostate cancer diagnosis, and accurate segmentation of MR prostate regions by computer-aided diagnostic techniques is important for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. In this paper, we propose an improved end-to-end three-dimensional image segmentation network using a deep learning approach to the traditional V-Net network (V-Net) network in order to provide more accurate image segmentation results. Firstly, we fused the soft attention mechanism into the traditional V-Net's jump connection, and combined short jump connection and small convolutional kernel to further improve the network segmentation accuracy. Then the prostate region was segmented using the Prostate MR Image Segmentation 2012 (PROMISE 12) challenge dataset, and the model was evaluated using the dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and Hausdorff distance (HD). The DSC and HD values of the segmented model could reach 0.903 and 3.912 mm, respectively. The experimental results show that the algorithm in this paper can provide more accurate three-dimensional segmentation results, which can accurately and efficiently segment prostate MR images and provide a reliable basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
Male , Humans , Prostate/diagnostic imaging , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Prostatic Neoplasms/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
In order to address the issues of spatial induction bias and lack of effective representation of global contextual information in colon polyp image segmentation, which lead to the loss of edge details and mis-segmentation of lesion areas, a colon polyp segmentation method that combines Transformer and cross-level phase-awareness is proposed. The method started from the perspective of global feature transformation, and used a hierarchical Transformer encoder to extract semantic information and spatial details of lesion areas layer by layer. Secondly, a phase-aware fusion module (PAFM) was designed to capture cross-level interaction information and effectively aggregate multi-scale contextual information. Thirdly, a position oriented functional module (POF) was designed to effectively integrate global and local feature information, fill in semantic gaps, and suppress background noise. Fourthly, a residual axis reverse attention module (RA-IA) was used to improve the network's ability to recognize edge pixels. The proposed method was experimentally tested on public datasets CVC-ClinicDB, Kvasir, CVC-ColonDB, and EITS, with Dice similarity coefficients of 94.04%, 92.04%, 80.78%, and 76.80%, respectively, and mean intersection over union of 89.31%, 86.81%, 73.55%, and 69.10%, respectively. The simulation experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively segment colon polyp images, providing a new window for the diagnosis of colon polyps.
Humans , Colonic Polyps/diagnostic imaging , Computer Simulation , Electric Power Supplies , Semantics , Image Processing, Computer-AssistedABSTRACT
Medical image segmentation based on deep learning has become a powerful tool in the field of medical image processing. Due to the special nature of medical images, image segmentation algorithms based on deep learning face problems such as sample imbalance, edge blur, false positive, false negative, etc. In view of these problems, researchers mostly improve the network structure, but rarely improve from the unstructured aspect. The loss function is an important part of the segmentation method based on deep learning. The improvement of the loss function can improve the segmentation effect of the network from the root, and the loss function is independent of the network structure, which can be used in various network models and segmentation tasks in plug and play. Starting from the difficulties in medical image segmentation, this paper first introduces the loss function and improvement strategies to solve the problems of sample imbalance, edge blur, false positive and false negative. Then the difficulties encountered in the improvement of the current loss function are analyzed. Finally, the future research directions are prospected. This paper provides a reference for the reasonable selection, improvement or innovation of loss function, and guides the direction for the follow-up research of loss function.
Algorithms , Image Processing, Computer-AssistedABSTRACT
Objective: To construct a kind of neural network for eliminating the metal artifacts in CT images by training the generative adversarial networks (GAN) model, so as to provide reference for clinical practice. Methods: The CT data of patients treated in the Department of Radiology, West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University from January 2017 to June 2022 were collected. A total of 1 000 cases of artifact-free CT data and 620 cases of metal artifact CT data were obtained, including 5 types of metal restorative materials, namely, fillings, crowns, titanium plates and screws, orthodontic brackets and metal foreign bodies. Four hundred metal artifact CT data and 1 000 artifact-free CT data were utilized for simulation synthesis, and 1 000 pairs of simulated artifacts and metal images and simulated metal images (200 pairs of each type) were constructed. Under the condition that the data of the five metal artifacts were equal, the entire data set was randomly (computer random) divided into a training set (800 pairs) and a test set (200 pairs). The former was used to train the GAN model, and the latter was used to evaluate the performance of the GAN model. The test set was evaluated quantitatively and the quantitative indexes were root-mean-square error (RMSE) and structural similarity index measure (SSIM). The trained GAN model was employed to eliminate the metal artifacts from the CT data of the remaining 220 clinical cases of metal artifact CT data, and the elimination results were evaluated by two senior attending doctors using the modified LiKert scale. Results: The RMSE values for artifact elimination of fillings, crowns, titanium plates and screws, orthodontic brackets and metal foreign bodies in test set were 0.018±0.004, 0.023±0.007, 0.015±0.003, 0.019±0.004, 0.024±0.008, respectively (F=1.29, P=0.274). The SSIM values were 0.963±0.023, 0.961±0.023, 0.965±0.013, 0.958±0.022, 0.957±0.026, respectively (F=2.22, P=0.069). The intra-group correlation coefficient of 2 evaluators was 0.972. For 220 clinical cases, the overall score of the modified LiKert scale was (3.73±1.13), indicating a satisfactory performance. The scores of modified LiKert scale for fillings, crowns, titanium plates and screws, orthodontic brackets and metal foreign bodies were (3.68±1.13), (3.67±1.16), (3.97±1.03), (3.83±1.14), (3.33±1.12), respectively (F=1.44, P=0.145). Conclusions: The metal artifact reduction GAN model constructed in this study can effectively remove the interference of metal artifacts and improve the image quality.
Humans , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Deep Learning , Titanium , Neural Networks, Computer , Metals , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , AlgorithmsABSTRACT
Artificial intelligence, represented by deep learning, has received increasing attention in the field of oral and maxillofacial medical imaging, which has been widely studied in image analysis and image quality improvement. This narrative review provides an insight into the following applications of deep learning in oral and maxillofacial imaging: detection, recognition and segmentation of teeth and other anatomical structures, detection and diagnosis of oral and maxillofacial diseases, and forensic personal identification. In addition, the limitations of the studies and the directions for future development are summarized.
Artificial Intelligence , Deep Learning , Diagnostic Imaging , Radiography , Image Processing, Computer-AssistedABSTRACT
Objective:To explore the effect of fully automatic image segmentation of adenoid and nasopharyngeal airway by deep learning model based on U-Net network. Methods:From March 2021 to March 2022, 240 children underwent cone beam computed tomography(CBCT) in the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, General Hospital of Shenzhen University. 52 of them were selected for manual labeling of nasopharynx airway and adenoid, and then were trained and verified by the deep learning model. After applying the model to the remaining data, compare the differences between conventional two-dimensional indicators and deep learning three-dimensional indicators in 240 datasets. Results:For the 52 cases of modeling and training data sets, there was no significant difference between the prediction results of deep learning and the manual labeling results of doctors(P>0.05). The model evaluation index of nasopharyngeal airway volume: Mean Intersection over Union(MIOU) s (86.32±0.54)%; Dice Similarity Coefficient(DSC): (92.91±0.23)%; Accuracy: (95.92±0.25)%; Precision: (91.93±0.14)%; and the model evaluation index of Adenoid volume: MIOU: (86.28±0.61)%; DSC: (92.88±0.17)%; Accuracy: (95.90±0.29)%; Precision: (92.30±0.23)%. There was a positive correlation between the two-dimensional index A/N and the three-dimensional index AV/(AV+NAV) in 240 children of different age groups(P<0.05), and the correlation coefficient of 9-13 years old was 0.74. Conclusion:The deep learning model based on U-Net network has a good effect on the automatic image segmentation of adenoid and nasopharynx airway, and has high application value. The model has a certain generalization ability.
Child , Humans , Adolescent , Adenoids/diagnostic imaging , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Pharynx , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , NoseABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To propose a semi-supervised material quantitative intelligent imaging algorithm based on prior information perception learning (SLMD-Net) to improve the quality and precision of spectral CT imaging.@*METHODS@#The algorithm includes a supervised and a self- supervised submodule. In the supervised submodule, the mapping relationship between low and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data was constructed through mean square error loss function learning based on a small labeled dataset. In the self- supervised sub-module, an image recovery model was utilized to construct the loss function incorporating the prior information from a large unlabeled low SNR basic material image dataset, and the total variation (TV) model was used to to characterize the prior information of the images. The two submodules were combined to form the SLMD-Net method, and pre-clinical simulation data were used to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the traditional model-driven quantitative imaging methods (FBP-DI, PWLS-PCG, and E3DTV), data-driven supervised-learning-based quantitative imaging methods (SUMD-Net and BFCNN), a material quantitative imaging method based on unsupervised learning (UNTV-Net) and semi-supervised learning-based cycle consistent generative adversarial network (Semi-CycleGAN), the proposed SLMD-Net method had better performance in both visual and quantitative assessments. For quantitative imaging of water and bone materials, the SLMD-Net method had the highest PSNR index (31.82 and 29.06), the highest FSIM index (0.95 and 0.90), and the lowest RMSE index (0.03 and 0.02), respectively) and achieved significantly higher image quality scores than the other 7 material decomposition methods (P < 0.05). The material quantitative imaging performance of SLMD-Net was close to that of the supervised network SUMD-Net trained with labeled data with a doubled size.@*CONCLUSIONS@#A small labeled dataset and a large unlabeled low SNR material image dataset can be fully used to suppress noise amplification and artifacts in basic material decomposition in spectral CT and reduce the dependence on labeled data-driven network, which considers more realistic scenario in clinics.
Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Algorithms , Signal-To-Noise Ratio , PerceptionABSTRACT
For patients with partial jaw defects, cysts and dental implants, doctors need to take panoramic X-ray films or manually draw dental arch lines to generate Panorama images in order to observe their complete dentition information during oral diagnosis. In order to solve the problems of additional burden for patients to take panoramic X-ray films and time-consuming issue for doctors to manually segment dental arch lines, this paper proposes an automatic panorama reconstruction method based on cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT). The V-network (VNet) is used to pre-segment the teeth and the background to generate the corresponding binary image, and then the Bezier curve is used to define the best dental arch curve to generate the oral panorama. In addition, this research also addressed the issues of mistakenly recognizing the teeth and jaws as dental arches, incomplete coverage of the dental arch area by the generated dental arch lines, and low robustness, providing intelligent methods for dental diagnosis and improve the work efficiency of doctors.
Humans , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methods , Head , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methodsABSTRACT
Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) can obtain multi-modal images with different contrast, which provides rich information for clinical diagnosis. However, some contrast images are not scanned or the quality of the acquired images cannot meet the diagnostic requirements due to the difficulty of patient's cooperation or the limitation of scanning conditions. Image synthesis techniques have become a method to compensate for such image deficiencies. In recent years, deep learning has been widely used in the field of MRI synthesis. In this paper, a synthesis network based on multi-modal fusion is proposed, which firstly uses a feature encoder to encode the features of multiple unimodal images separately, and then fuses the features of different modal images through a feature fusion module, and finally generates the target modal image. The similarity measure between the target image and the predicted image in the network is improved by introducing a dynamic weighted combined loss function based on the spatial domain and K-space domain. After experimental validation and quantitative comparison, the multi-modal fusion deep learning network proposed in this paper can effectively synthesize high-quality MRI fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images. In summary, the method proposed in this paper can reduce MRI scanning time of the patient, as well as solve the clinical problem of missing FLAIR images or image quality that is difficult to meet diagnostic requirements.