Introduction: Mouthwashes play an important role in the dental clinic, but their role on viruses requires investigation. Objective:to review in vitro studies to identify the effect of different mouthwashes on the main viruses associated with routine dental care. Methodology:The following databases were searched in September 2023: PubMed, Embase, Scopus and Web of Science databases; the Cochrane Library and the Virtual Health Library (VHL); and grey literature. In vitro studies that used mouthwashes to reduce the viral load were selected. The PICOS strategy was considered to define eligibility criteria: the Population (viruses involved in the etiology of oral infection), the Intervention (oral antiseptics), the appropriate comparator (positive and negative controls), the Outcomes of interest (reduction of viral load) and the Study design (in vitro studies). Results:Considering the eligibility criteria, 19 articles were included in this review. The efficacy of povidone-iodine (PVP-I), chlorhexidine, Listerine®, essential oils, and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) rinses were investigated. PVP-I (0.23%) had its effects mainly associated with coronaviruses SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome),demonstrating a significant reduction in viral load after 15 seconds of exposure. Chlorhexidine (0.05%; 0.1% and 0.5%) was ineffective against adenovirus, poliovirus, and rhinovirus respiratory viruses. Listerine® demonstrated superior efficacy against HSV-1 and 2 viruses and influenza A, and cetylpyridine chloride also demonstrated virucidal activity against influenza A. Conclusions:The type, concentration, and time of exposure to antiseptics varied between studies. PVP-I and chlorhexidine digluconate were the most studied substances, butin general, PVP-I was more effective in reducing viral titers, especially concerning coronaviruses. Other antiseptics such as CPC, H2O2 and Listerine® have also shown significant reduction in viral load, but this is a limited number of studies (AU).
Introdução: Os enxaguantes bucais desempenham um papel importante na clínica odontológico, porém seu papel sobre os vírus requer investigações. Objetivo: revisar estudos in vitro para identificar o efeito de diferentes colutórios sobre os principais vírus associados ao atendimento odontológico de rotina. Metodologia: As seguintes bases foram pesquisadas até setembro de 2023: PubMed, Embase, Scopus e Web of Science; a Biblioteca Cochrane e a Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS); e literatura cinzenta. Foram selecionados estudos in vitro que utilizaram bochechos com o objetivo de reduzir a carga viral. A estratégia PICOS foi considerada para a definição dos critérios de elegibilidade: População (vírus envolvidos na etiologia da infecção oral), Intervenção (antissépticos orais), Comparador (controles positivos e negativos), os Desfechos de interesse (redução da carga viral) e o desenho do estudo (estudos in vitro). Resultados: Considerando os critérios de elegibilidade, 19 artigos foram incluídos para esta revisão. A eficácia da povidona-iodo (PVP-I), clorexidina, Listerine®, óleos essenciais e lavagens com cloreto de cetilpiridínio foram investigadas. O PVP-I(0.23%)teve seus efeitos principalmente associados ao coronavírusSARS (Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Severa),demonstrando uma redução significativa da carga viral após 15 segundos de exposição. A clorexidina mostrou-se ineficaz contra vírus respiratórios de adenovírus, poliovírus e rinovírus. Listerine® demonstrou eficácia superior contra vírus HSV-1 e 2 e vírus influenza A, e cloreto de cetilpiridinio também demonstrou atividade virucida contra influenza A.Conclusões:O tipo, concentração e tempo de exposição aos antissépticos variaram entre os estudos. O PVP-I e o digluconato de clorexidina foram as substâncias mais estudadas, mas no geral, o PVP-I foi mais eficaz na redução dos títulos virais, principalmente no que diz respeito aos coronavírus. Outros antissépticos como CPC, H2O2 e Listerine® também mostraram redução significativa da carga viral, mas trata-se de um número limitado de estudos (AU).
Introducción: Los enjuagues bucales son importantesen la clínica dental, sin embargo, su efecto sobre los virus requiere investigaciones. Objetivo: Revisar estudios in vitro para identificar el efecto de enjuagues bucales sobre los principales virus asociados con larutinaodontológica. Metodología: Las siguientes bases de datos fueron investigadas hasta septiembrede 2023: PubMed, Embase, Scopus y Web of Science; Biblioteca Cochrane y Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS); yliteratura gris. Se seleccionaron estudios in vitro que utilizaron enjuagues bucales con el objetivo de reducir la carga viral. Se consideró la estrategia PICOS para definir los criterios de elegibilidad: Población (virus implicados en la etiología de la infección oral), Intervención (antisépticos bucales), Comparador (controles positivos y negativos), Resultados de interés (reducción de la carga viral) y diseño del estudio (in vitro). Resultados: Considerando los criterios de elegibilidad, se incluyeron 19 artículos.Se investigó la eficacia de povidona yodada (PVP-I), clorhexidina, Listerine®,aceites esenciales y enjuagues de cloruro de cetilpiridinio (CPC). PVP-I(0.23%)mostró sus efectos principalmente asociados al coronavirus SARS(Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo), demostrando una reducción significativa de la carga viral después de 15 segundos. Se ha demostrado que la clorhexidina es ineficaz contra losvirus respiratorios adenovirus, poliovirus y rinovirus. Listerine® demostró una eficacia superior contra los virus HSV-1 y 2 y el virus de la influenza A, y el CPCtambién mostró actividad virucida contra la influenza A.Conclusiones: El tipo, la concentración y el tiempo de exposiciónvariaron entre los estudios. PVP-I y digluconato de clorhexidina fueron las sustancias más estudiadas, pero,PVP-I fue más efectiva en la reducción de los títulos virales, especialmente en lo que respecta a los coronavirus. Otros antisépticos como CPC, H2O2 y Listerine® también mostraron una reducción significativa de la carga viral, pero se trata de un número limitado de estudios (AU).
Humans , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Chlorhexidine , Infection Control , Mouthwashes/therapeutic use , Viruses , In Vitro Techniques/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción: La hipoacusia súbita (HS) es poco frecuente y su etiopatogenia no está definida. La terapia con corticoides es de elección en base a recomendaciones de expertos por sus efectos teóricos y no en base a utilidad clínica demostrada. Objetivo: Evaluar si existe correlación entre el resultado auditivo final, de pacientes con HS tratados con corticoides, y la respuesta in vitro de sus leucocitos a corticoides, medida como diferencias en la expresión relativa de genes blanco del receptor de glucocorticoides. Material y Método: Estudio de casos (recuperación total) y controles (no recuperados) de pacientes con HS tratados con corticoides en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile, durante 2017-2019. Se obtuvo DNA que fue almacenado en el Biobanco de Tejidos y Fluidos de la Universidad de Chile (BTUCH). Se purificaron y cultivaron leucocitos mononucleares de sangre periférica, expuestos in vitro a hidrocortisona. Se determinó la diferencia en la expresión relativa de genes blanco (IGFBP1, CAT, HSD17B12, APOA2), por Q-RTPCR, entre ambos grupos. Resultados: Se reclutaron 35 pacientes; se incluyeron para análisis 23: 11 casos y 12 controles, con edad promedio de 54,9 y 50,8 años respectivamente, distribución homogénea de sexo. No hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la expresión relativa de los genes blanco, a la exposición in vitro a corticoides, entre ambos grupos. Conclusión: En nuestro estudio, modelo, y sistema de evaluación no se evidenciaron efectos de los corticoides. No podemos descartar que, con un número mayor de pacientes, otros genes blanco u otros protocolos de estudio podrían detectarse diferencias.
Introduction: Sudden hearing loss (SHL) is rare and its etiopathogenesis is still not clear. Corticosteroid therapy is of choice based on expert recommendations due to its theoretical effects and no based on proved clinical efficacy. Objectives: To assess whether there is a correlation between the final auditory outcome of patients with SHL treated with corticosteroids and the in vitro response of their leukocytes to corticosteroids, measured as differences in the relative expression of glucocorticoid receptor target genes. Material and Method: Case-control (total recovery and not recovered respectively) study of patients with SHL treated with corticosteroids at Clinical Hospital Universidad de Chile between 2017 and 2019. DNA was obtained and stored in the Biobanco de Tejidos y Fluidos de la Universidad de Chile (BTUCH). Peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes were purified and cultured and then exposed to hydrocortisone. The difference in the relative expression of target genes (GFBP1, CAT, HSD17B12, APOA2), by Q-RTPCR was determined. Results: Thirty-five patients were recruited, 24 were included for the analysis: 11 cases and 12 controls, with and average age of 54.9 and 50.,8 years respectively, homogeneous sex distribution. There was no statistically significant difference in the relative expression of the target genes, upon in vitro exposure to corticosteroids, between both groups. Conclusion: In our study, model and evaluation system, no effects of corticosteroids were evidenced. With a larger number of patients, other target genes or other study protocols, we cannot rule out that differences could be detected.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Hearing Loss, Sudden/drug therapy , Glucocorticoids/therapeutic use , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Hearing Loss, Sudden/blood , Targeted Gene RepairABSTRACT
O sistema renina angiotensina (SRA) é de grande importância para o equilíbrio hídrico e regulação da pressão arterial do organismo, além de estar associado ao estimulo de vias próinflamatórias. Seu principal peptídeo é a angiotensina II, que interage principalmente com os receptores do tipo 1 (AT1) e do tipo 2 (AT2). Foi encontrado interrelação entre as doenças cardiovasculares e a periodontite. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os aspectos moleculares em camundongos submetidos a um modelo experimental de periodontite, observando a influência dos receptores de Ang II tipo 1 (AT1(-)) e Ang II tipo 2 (AT2(-)) na periodontite. Métodos: A periodontite experimental foi induzida colocando-se uma ligadura com fio de nylon 5.0 ao redor do segundo molar superior esquerdo de camundongos knockoutAT1(-), AT2(-) e selvagem (WT), subdivididos 2 grupos para cada linhagem: sem ligadura e ligadura, totalizando seis grupos: três controles e três experimentais. Após 15 dias da indução da doença os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia. Com o intuito de avaliar se as variações genéticas teriam influência sobre a periodontite foram realizadas as análises de citocinas, peptídeos e enzimas foram analisados a partir de tecidos gengivais por ELISA e RT-PCR. Resultados: Os animais WT e AT2(-) apresentaram resultados semelhantes em relação às citocinas IL-1ß, IL-6, TNF-α, com aumento dos níveis em relação aos saudáveis (p < 0,001). Houve diferenças significativas em IL-ß entre os grupo AT1(-)-L e WT-L (p < 0,05), e em IL-6 e TNF-α os grupos AT1(-)-L apresentaram diferenças significativas (p < 0,001) tanto quando comparado aos grupo WT-L quanto aos grupos AT2(-)-L. Os níveis de IL-10 foram maiores em WT-L (p < 0,01), enquanto os grupos AT2(-) e AT1(-) não apresentaram alterações significativas em relação a essa citocina. Houve diferenças significativas em Angiotensina II entre os grupos AT2(-)-NL e AT2(-)-L (p < 0,01); e em Angiotensina 1-7 entre os grupos AT1(-)-L e AT2(-)-L (p < 0,05). Para TLR2 houve diferenças entre os grupos WT-NL/WT-L (p < 0,05); AT1(-)-NL/AT1(-)-L (p < 0,01) e AT2(-)-NL/AT2(-) - L (p < 0,01). Para o receptor MAS houve diferenças entre os grupos WT-NL/WT-L (p < 0,001) e AT2(-)-NL/AT2(-)-L (p < 0,001), e também em relação ao grupo WT-L/AT1(-)-L (p < 0,001) e AT1(-)-L/AT2(-)-L (p < 0,001). Para a expressão dos peptídeos ECA e ECA2, houve diferença estatística apenas para ECA entre os tipos de grupos WT-NL/WT-L (p < 0,001). Conclusão: Os animais do grupo AT1(-) apresentaram menor inflamação que as demais linhagens doentes, assim como uma menor expressão do receptor Mas e Ang 1-7. Além disso os animais dos grupos WT e AT2(-) demonstraram resultados próximos em diversas análises, evidenciando que o bloqueio do receptor AT1, sobre os efeitos moleculares, é mais positiva (AU).
The renin angiotensin system (RAS) is of great importance for water balance and regulation of blood pressure in the body, in addition to being associated with the stimulation of proinflammatory pathways. Its main peptide is angiotensin II, which interacts mainly with type 1 (AT1) and type 2 (AT2) receptors. An interrelationship was found between cardiovascular diseases and periodontitis. This study aimed to evaluate the molecular aspects in mice subjected to an experimental model of periodontal disease, observing the influence of Ang II type 1 (AT1(-)) and Ang II type 2 (AT2(-)) receptors on periodontitis. Methods: Experimental periodontitis was induced by placing a ligature with 5.0 nylon thread around the upper left second molar of AT1(-), AT2(-) and wild-type (WT) knockout mice, subdivided into 2 groups for each strain: without ligation and ligation, totaling six groups: three controls and three experimental. After 15 days of disease induction, the animals were euthanized. In order to evaluate whether genetic variations would have an influence on periodontal disease, analyzes of cytokines were carried out, peptides and enzymes were analyzed from gingival tissues by ELISA and RT-PCR. Results: WT and AT2(-) animals showed similar results in relation to the cytokines IL-1ß, IL-6, TNF-α, with increased levels compared to healthy ones (p < 0.001). There were significant differences in IL-ß between the AT1(-)-L and WT-L groups (p < 0.05), and in IL-6 and TNF-α the AT1(-)-L groups showed significant differences (p < 0.001) both when compared to the WT-L and AT2(-)-L groups. IL-10 levels were higher in WT-L (p < 0.01), while the AT2(-) and AT1(-) groups did not show significant changes in relation to this cytokine. There were significant differences in Angiotensin II between the AT2(-)-NL and AT2(-)-L groups (p < 0.01); and in Angiotensin 1-7 between the AT1(-)-L and AT2(-)-L groups (p < 0.05). For TLR2 there were differences between the WT-NL/WT-L groups (p < 0.05); AT1(-)-NL/AT1(-)-L (p < 0.01) and AT2(-)-NL/AT2(-)-L (p < 0.01). For the MAS receptor there were differences between the WT-NL/WT-L (p < 0.001) and AT2(-)-NL/AT2(- )-L (p < 0.001) groups, and also in relation to the WT-L group /AT1(-)-L (p < 0.001) and AT1(-)-L/AT2(-)-L (p < 0.001). For the expression of ACE and ACE2 peptides, there was a statistical difference only for ACE between the types of WT-NL/WT-L groups (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The animals in the AT1(-) group showed less inflammation than the other diseased lines, as well as a lower expression of the Mas and Ang 1-7 receptor. Furthermore, animals from the WT and AT2(-) groups demonstrated similar results in several analyses, showing that the blockade of the AT1 receptor, on molecular effects, is more positive (AU).
Animals , Mice , Periodontal Diseases/pathology , Angiotensins , Receptor, Angiotensin, Type 1/drug effects , Receptor, Angiotensin, Type 2/drug effects , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Abstract We investigated the vasodilatory effects of Hymenaea rubriflora Ducke stem bark extract (HRHAc). Vascular reactivity of the aortic rings of Wistar rats was tested by in vitro cumulative doses (0.1 - 729 µg/mL). Rats (n=5) were treated with 25 (G25), 50 (G50) and 100 (G100) mg/ kg of HR-HAc or saline (control group - CG) for four weeks. An in vitro assay resulted in dose-dependent relaxation of the aortic rings with functional endothelium, which was inhibited in the presence of L-NAME. Rings of the treated animals increased acetylcholine relaxing potency at all doses, with a greater effect on G50 (pD2 = 7.8±0.1, Emax = 95.6±1.1) and a decreased contractile potency to phenylephrine in G25 (pD2 = 6.9±0.06, Emax = 61.5±6.0%) and G50 (pD2= 6.6±0.06, Emax = 71.0±8.5%) when compared to the CG in the presence and absence of endothelium (pD2= 6.4± 0.1, 6.4±0.1 and 6.9±0.1, respectively). Cumulative doses of nitroprusside resulted in increased relaxing potency in all treated groups and maintained Emax at 100%. It is concluded that HR-HAc has vasorelaxant capacity and inhibitory vascular contraction activity applied either directly to aortic rings or after treatment with in vivo supplementation, which places this extract as a potential nutraceutical or pharmacological agent for treating diseases associated with vascular dysfunction.
Animals , Male , Rats , Plant Extracts/analysis , Acetylcholine/agonists , Aftercare/ethics , Hymenaea/adverse effects , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning Transmission/instrumentation , Dietary Supplements/classificationABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the effects of two different dentifrice fluoride concentrations on the color stability of the composite. Material and Methods: Twenty-seven specimens (2×4×5 mm) each of microfilled (Gradia, GC, Japan) and nanohybrid (Grandio, VOCO, Germany) composites were prepared. The specimens were randomly divided into six groups (control, Fluoflor caries protection toothpaste with 1450ppm Fluoride (EXW, France), and Fluoflor kids toothpaste with 500ppm Fluoride (EXW, France) (n = 9). The specimens were immersed in a mixture of artificial saliva and toothpaste in a ratio of 1:3 and applied for 60 seconds every 12 hours for 42 days. The control samples were incubated in artificial saliva at 37°C. Primary and secondary color measurements were performed using color parameters (L∗a∗b) with a spectrophotoshade (MHT Optic Research AG, Niederhasli, Switzerland). Data were analyzed using a two-way analysis of variance at a significance level of 0.05. Results: According to the two-way ANOVA analysis, there was no significant difference in color change between the composites and no difference in the level of discoloration between different fluoride concentrations(p>0.05). Also, None of the dentifrices caused clinically significant color changes(∆E˂3.3). Conclusion: No clinically unacceptable color changes were observed in the microfilled and nanofilled composites with different concentrations of fluoride toothpaste.
Toothpastes/chemistry , Color , Composite Resins/chemistry , Fluorides/chemistry , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Analysis of Variance , DentifricesABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effect of different pressures of an oral irrigation device (OID) and the irrigation solution type on the surface roughness of the giomer restorative material. Material and Methods: In this in vitro study, disk-shaped giomer samples were fabricated and assigned to 5 groups (n=23): Group 1, storage in distilled water (control); Group 2, OID #7 pressure/ water; Group 3, OID #10 pressure/ water; Group 4, OID #7 pressure/ 0.05% CHX; Group 5, OID #10 pressure/ 0.05% CHX. The samples' treatment simulated a one-year application of OID. Surface roughness (Ra) and topography of the giomer were evaluated using profilometry and scanning electron microscopy. The data were analyzed with Paired t-test, Tukey, and ANOVA tests (α=0.05). Results: The Ra of the samples increased significantly after treatment with OID (p<0.001). The roughness increase in groups with a pressure of 10 was higher than those with a pressure of 7 (p<0.001). The effect of pressure on surface changes was significant (p<0.001). However, the solution type and the cumulative effect of these two factors were insignificant (p=0.08 and p=0.43, respectively). Conclusion: Oral irrigation device with both solutions significantly increased the surface roughness and topographic changes of the giomer. The severity of these changes was related to the device's pressure.
Biguanides , Distilled Water , Chlorhexidine/adverse effects , Composite Resins , Surface Properties , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Analysis of Variance , Hardness Tests/methodsABSTRACT
A malária é um problema mundial de saúde, com 249 milhões de casos de infecção, ocasionando 608 mil mortes no ano de 2022. Causada pelo gênero Plasmodium, são cinco principais espécies causadoras da malária no ser humano, o Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium knowlesi, Plasmodium vivax e Plasmodium falciparum sendo os dois últimos responsáveis pelo maior número de casos clínicos e mortes ao redor do mundo, transmitida pelo mosquito fêmea do gênero Anopheles durante o repasto sanguíneo. Sabe-se ainda que eritrócitos infectados por Plasmodium berghei ANKA causam alteração no citoesqueleto de actina, consequentemente levando a hiperpermeabiliade da barreira endotelial. Em experimentos in vitro, a imunofluorescência, foi observada alteração do citoesqueleto de actina em células estimuladas com eritrócitos parasitados por PbA (EP), em contrapartida, aquelas não estimuladas (NE) e estimuladas com eritrócitos não parasitados por PbA (EnP), não mostraram alterações no mesmo. Nos experimentos in vivo, ao observar dados coletados, sendo estes respiratórios (penh e frequência respiratória) e parasitemia coletados no 7º DPI, foi observado um mesmo padrão entre o experimento 1 e o experimento 2. Os animais infectados com 106 de eritrócitos infectados, foram alocados em dois grupos, sendo eles hiperparasitemia (HP) ou síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo-associado a malária (SDRA/SDRA-MA) e comparados àqueles não infectados (NI). Os animais NI, não apresentam parasitemia, em contrapartida, os animais SDRA, tem maior parasitemia que os HP, visto que estes têm aumento em sua parasitemia após o 12º DPI, e assim seguem aumentando gradativamente até levar os animais a óbito.O penh tem o mesmo padrão que a parasitemia, os NI com penh mais baixa que os HPs e os SDRA, sendo dentre estes, o grupo SDRA o mais elevado. A frequência respiratória, por sua vez se apresenta mais elevada no grupo NI, sendo o grupo SDRAmenor que o HP, um achado tido como normal, visto que os pulmões de animais com SDRA sofrem maior dano que os HPs. Apesar de não apresentar um valor significativo, as imagens de gel SDS-PAGE (WB) mostram maior concentração da Septina 9 nos animais com SDRA em comparação com os HPs e com os NIs. O mesmo é observado na qRT-PCR, mesmo sem significância estatística, o valor mostrado nos gráficos temmaior concentração nos SDRA. Assim, a Septina 9 está presente nas CEPP, e, mesmo sem significância estatística, da mesma forma que está presente nas amostras de tecido pulmonar utilizadas no WB e qT-PCR. É hipotetizado ainda que esta proteína pode ser ativada e assim sofrer alteração em sua localização intracelular
Malaria is a global health problem, with 249 million cases of infection, causing 608 thousand deaths in the year 2022. Caused by the genus Plasmodium, there are five main species that cause malaria in humans, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium knowlesi, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum, the last two being responsible for the largest number of clinical cases and deaths around the world, transmitted by the female mosquito of the genus Anopheles during blood meal. It is also known that erythrocytes infected by Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) cause changes in the actin cytoskeleton, consequently leading to hyperpermeability of the endothelial barrier. In in vitro experiments, immunofluorescence, changes in the actin cytoskeleton were observed in cells stimulated with erythrocytes parasitized by PbA (EP), in contrast, those not stimulated (NE) and stimulated with erythrocytes not parasitized by PbA (EnP), did not show changes the same. In the in vivo experiments, when observing collected data, these being respiratory (penh and respiratory frequency) and parasitemia collected on the 7th DPI, the same pattern was observed between experiment 1 and experiment 2. Animals infected with 106 infected erythrocytes were allocated into two groups, namely hyperparasitemia (HP) or malaria-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS/ARDS-MA) and compared to those not infected (NI). NI animals do not present parasitemia, on the other hand, ARDS animals have greater parasitemia than HP animals, as the latter have an increase in their parasitemia after the 12th DPI, and thus continue to gradually increase until the animals die. the same pattern as parasitemia, NI with lower penh than HPs and ARDS, among these, the ARDS group being the highest. The respiratory rate, in turn, is higher in the NI group, with the ARDS group being lower than the HP, a finding considered normal, given that the lungs of animals with ARDS suffer greater damage than the HPs. Despite not showing a significant value, SDS-PAGE (WB) gel images show a higher concentration of Septin 9 in animals with ARDS compared to HPs and NIs. The same is observed in qRT-PCR, even without statistical significance, the value shown in the graphs has a higher concentration in ARDS. Thus, Septin 9 is present in CEPP, and, even without statistical significance, in the same way that it is present in lung tissue samples used in WB and qT-PCR. It is also hypothesized that this protein can be activated and thus undergo changes in its intracellular location
Animals , Male , Mice , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn/pathology , Malaria/pathology , Social Control, Formal/classification , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Endothelium , Anopheles/classificationABSTRACT
A reconstrução de modelos avançados de pele tridimensional in vitro, que corresponda de forma mais fidedigna ao complexo microambiente da pele humana, depende da utilização de inovações tecnológicas e da adição de novos tipos celulares representativos da pele humana. Desta maneira, estes miméticos fornecem uma plataforma de alta relevância para estudos de fisiopatologia da pele, além de propiciar um sistema para a avaliação da segurança e eficácia de cosméticos e medicamentos alternativo ao uso de animais. Dessa maneira, o Capítulo I compara a performance de uma epiderme reconstruída humana (RHE) bioimpressa com a manual utilizando o teste in vitro de irritação cutânea descrito no guia OCDE número 439. Nossos resultados demonstram que ambos os modelos de pele exibiram morfologia estratificada e a função barreira epidérmica equivalente aos modelos validados. Nos testes de irritação in vitro, ambos modelos distinguiram corretamente as substâncias de referência, classificadas entre irritantes ou não-irritantes de acordo com o limiar de viabilidade de 50%. Esse resultado indica que a bioimpressora poderia ser de grande utilidade para a automação da reconstrução de modelos epidérmicos. O tecido hipodérmico possui importante papel na homeostase da pele humana. O Capítulo II aborda a reconstrução de uma pele tricamada, contendo a camada hipodérmica, além da epiderme e derme. Usando esferoides de adipócitos diferenciados in vitro, um modelo de pele tricamada em matriz de colágeno foi construído. Ao comparar este com a pele bicamada obtivemos maior expressão de loricrina e involucrina no modelo tricamada, indicando um potencial para maior função barreira, além de maior expressão de PPAR-γ. Testes de função barreira através da resistividade elétrica não demonstraram diferenças entre os modelos, mas a aplicação de SDS a 5 mg/ml por 18 horas induziu o aumento da viabilidade na pele tricamada. Além disso, após a aplicação de SDS a 2,5% para induzir uma irritação aguda, seguida de recuperação por 42h, obtivemos maior viabilidade na pele tricamada, indicando melhor recuperação pós-lesão irritativa induzida. A pele tricamada é promissora para estudos do metabolismo da pele humana e recuperação de lesões. A dermatite atópica (DA) é uma doença eczematosa de pele caracterizada por inflamação do tipo Th2 e alteração da barreira epidérmica. IL-13 e IL-4 são centrais no comprometimento da barreira epidérmica na DA. Entre os receptores de IL-13 em queratinócitos, o receptor IL-13Rα2, tem um papel controverso na alteração da barreira cutânea. O objetivo do Capítulo III foi estudar a deleção da expressão de IL-13Rα2 em RHE, que foram expostas a IL-4 e IL-13, e avaliadas conforme a expressão dos receptores e de proteínas alteradas na DA. As epidermes com knockout em IL-13Rα2 apresentaram redução da expressão de NELL2 (p<0,0021), tipicamente aumentadas na DA. Além disso, houve redução da expressão do receptor do IL-2Rγ. Assim, um possível papel de exacerbação da DA do receptor IL-13Rα2 deve ser estudado mais extensamente para ser caracterizado
The reconstruction of advanced three-dimensional in vitro skin models, which more reliably correspond to the complex microenvironment of human skin, depends on the use of technological innovations and the addition of new cell types representative of human skin.In this way, these mimetics provide a highly relevant platform for studies of skin pathophysiology, in addition to providing a system for evaluating the safety and efficacy of cosmetics and medicines alternative to animal use. In this way, Chapter I compares the performance of a bioprinted human reconstructed epidermis (RHE) with a manual one using the in vitro skin irritation test described in OECD guide number 439. Our results demonstrate that both skin models exhibited stratified morphology and the epidermal barrier function equivalent to validated models. In in vitro irritation tests, both models correctly distinguished the reference substances, classified as irritating or non-irritating according to the viability threshold of 50%. This result indicates that the bioprinter could be of great use for automating the reconstruction of epidermal models Hypodermic tissue plays an important role in the homeostasis of human skin. Chapter II addresses the reconstruction of a three-layer skin, containing the hypodermic layer, in addition to the epidermis and dermis. Using in vitro differentiated adipocyte spheroids, a trilayer skin model in collagen matrix was constructed. When comparing this with bilayer skin, we obtained greater expression of loricrin and involucrin in the trilayer model, indicating a potential for greater barrier function, in addition to greater expression of PPAR-γ . Barrier function tests using electrical resistivity did not demonstrate differences between the models, but the application of SDS at 5 mg/ml for 18 hours induced an increase in viability in the three-layer skin. Furthermore, after applying 2.5% SDS to induce acute irritation, followed by recovery for 42 hours, we obtained greater viability in the three-layer skin, indicating better recovery after induced irritant injury. Trilayer skin holds promise for studies of human skin metabolism and injury recovery. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is an eczematous skin disease characterized by Th2-type inflammation and alteration of the epidermal barrier. IL-13 and IL-4 are central to the impairment of the epidermal barrier in AD. Among the IL-13 receptors on keratinocytes, the IL-13Rα2 receptor has a controversial role in altering the skin barrier. The objective of Chapter III was to study the deletion of IL-13Rα2 expression in RHE, which were exposed to IL-4 and IL-13, and evaluated according to the expression of receptors and proteins altered in AD. Epidermis with IL-13Rα2 knockout showed reduced NELL2 expression (p<0.0021), typically increased in AD. Furthermore, there was a reduction in the expression of the IL-2Rγ receptor. Therefore, a possible AD exacerbation role of the IL-13Rα2 receptor should be studied more extensively to be characterized
Skin/physiopathology , Dermatitis, Atopic/pathology , Wounds and Injuries/physiopathology , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Collagen/agonists , Cosmetics/classification , Epidermis/physiopathology , Inflammation/classificationABSTRACT
A microbiota vaginal é dominada pelo gênero Lactobacillus, mantendo um pH ácido crucial para a saúde. Alterações hormonais e a menopausa podem impactar essa microbiota. Estreptococos do Grupo B (EGB) são associados a infecções neonatais e podem colonizar a microbiota vaginal. A interação entre Lactobacillus e EGB é complexa, com resultados conflitantes em estudos in vitro e in vivo. O uso de probióticos contendo Lactobacillus pode ter benefícios, como alterar a positividade para EGB em um grupo que recebeu o tratamento. Contudo a replicabilidade deste resultado é limitada, e os mecanismos envolvidos nessa interação ainda são pouco elucidados. Portanto o objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar cepas de EGB, avaliar sua interação com L. crispatus em diversas condições. Neste estudo foram selecionadas seis cepas, pertencentes aos sorotipos Ia, II, III e V. Essas cepas foram caracterizadas de acordo com o sorotipo capsular, presença de genes de virulência (hialuronidase, ß-citolisina/hemolisina, e ilhas de pili 1, 2a e 2b), resistência a antimicrobianos (penicilina, cefepima, vancomicina, eritromicina e clindamicina), curva de crescimento, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) e Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST). O resultado de MLST identificou os sequence types ST1, ST23 ST28 e ST182, e os clonal complexes CC1, CC19 e CC23. Cepas possuem a maior parte dos genes de virulência testados. Somente uma cepa apresentou alguma resistência, no caso à eritromicina e clindamicina. Resultados que estão de acordo com a literatura como os principais descritos em isolados clínicos. Os ensaios de interação realizados foram: crescimento em co-cultura, formação de biofilme, ensaios de adesão e exclusão em cultura celular e por fim, análise do perfil proteico. Alguns efeitos de L. crispatus no EGB observados foram aumento na formação de biofilme de EGB e diminuição da sua proliferação quando em co-cultura. Contudo esses resultados variaram de acordo com a cepa de EGB. Nos ensaios de competição em cultura celular, a presença de L. crispatus levou à diminuição da adesão em uma cepa pertencente ao sorotipo III, e aumento de adesão em uma cepa pertencente ao sorotipo V. Quando a cultura de células recebeu tratamento prévio de L. crispatus, nos ensaios de exclusão, houve menor adesão de EGB. Contudo todos os efeitos observados são cepa-dependente; não foram encontradas associações entre o comportamento das cepas e seu sorotipo capsular ou fenótipo MLST. Estudos futuros podem elucidar as respostas ativadas na presença de microrganismos comensais
The vaginal microbiota is dominated by the genus Lactobacillus, which helps to maintain a crucial acidic pH for health. Hormonal changes and menopause can impact this microbiota. Group B Streptococcus (GBS) are associated with neonatal infections and can colonize the vaginal microbiota. The interaction between Lactobacillus and GBS is complex, with conflicting results in in vitro and in vivo studies. The use of probiotics containing Lactobacillus may have benefits, such as altering GBS positivity in a treated group. However, the replicability of this result is limited, and the mechanisms involved in this interaction are still poorly understood. The use of probiotics containing Lactobacillus may have some benefits, but further research is needed. These strains were characterized based on capsular serotype, presence of virulence genes (hyaluronidase, ß-cytolysin/hemolysin, and pili islands 1, 2a, and 2b), antimicrobial resistance (penicillin, cefepime, vancomycin, erythromycin, and clindamycin), growth curve, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), and Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize GBS strains, evaluate their interaction with L. crispatus under various conditions. Six strains were selected for this study, belonging to serotypes Ia, II, III, and V. MLST results identified sequence types ST1, ST23, ST28, and ST182, and clonal complexes CC1, CC19, and CC23. Most strains possessed the tested virulence genes, with only one strain showing resistance to erythromycin and clindamycin. These results are in line with the literature. Interaction assays included co-culture growth, biofilm formation, adhesion and exclusion assays in cell culture, and, finally, protein profile analysis. Some observed effects of L. crispatus on GBS included an increase in GBS biofilm formation and a decrease in GBS proliferation during co-culture. However, these results varied according to the GBS strain. GBS interaction with L. crispatus resulted in increased biofilm formation and decreased proliferation in co-culture. In cell culture competition assays, the presence of L. crispatus led to decreased adhesion in one GBS strain belonging to serotype III and increased adhesion in one strain belonging to serotype V. When cell culture received pre-treatment with L. crispatus, exclusion assays showed lower GBS adhesion. However, all observed effects are strain-dependent; no associations were found between strain behavior and capsular serotype or MLST phenotype. Future studies may elucidate the responses activated in the presence of commensal microorganisms
Streptococcus agalactiae/classification , Lactobacillus crispatus/classification , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Cell Culture Techniques/methods , Infections/complicationsABSTRACT
A obesidade está associada ao desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis como hipertensão, resistência insulínica, dislipidemia e esteatose hepática. O consumo de compostos bioativos impacta na manutenção da saúde e na prevenção de risco de desenvolvimento dessas doenças. Entre os compostos bioativos, os monoterpenos são pouco investigados, apesar da literatura demonstrar efeitos promissores desses compostos sobre o metabolismo. O D-limoneno, o principal monoterpeno encontrado na laranja, é caracterizado por possuir efeitos hipolipemiantes, anti-inflamatórios e anti-obesogênicos. Estudos in vitro e in vivo descrevem sua capacidade de promover a ß-oxidação de ácidos graxos em adipócitos e redução da inflamação. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o efeito do D-limoneno no metabolismo e inflamação em um modelo de obesidade induzida por dieta. Para isso, quarenta camundongos machos (C57/Bl6) de 11 semanas de idade, foram distribuídos em 4 grupos, sendo que um dos grupos recebeu ração normolipídica e os demais, ração hiperlipídica. O D-limoneno foi suplementado na ração de dois grupos que receberam dieta hiperlipídica nas concentrações de 0,1%, e 0,8%. Considerando-se a ingestão alimentar dos animais, a ração suplementada com 0,1% D-limoneno correspondeu à ingestão de 0,15 g/kg/dia e ração com 0,8% de D-limoneno correspondeu a 1,3 g/kg/dia. Os animais tiveram o peso e a ingestão alimentar monitorados ao longo da intervenção com duração de 7 semanas. Os camundongos que receberam D-limoneno a 0,1% apresentaram menor ganho de peso e de acúmulo de tecido adiposo, comparado com os animais sem suplementação alimentados com a dieta hiperlipídica. Além disso, o D-limoneno promoveu a diminuição da concentração plasmática de marcadores inflamatórios incluindo TNF-α, INF-γ e IL-6 nos animais dos grupos que foram suplementados com D-limoneno. Entretanto, não houve diferença nos marcadores bioquímicos e metabólicos. Uma limitação do estudo foi o fato das complicações metabólicas associadas ao modelo de obesidade não terem sido plenamente estabelecidas, dados o alojamento individual, à curta duração da exposição à ração hiperlipídica e idade dos animais no início da suplementação. Esse fato pode ter dificultado a observação dos efeitos do D-limoneno na reversão dos parâmetros que seriam normalmente deteriorados pelo desenvolvimento da obesidade. Concluímos que o D-limoneno pode interferir no metabolismo energético, com possível efeito anti-obesogênico e anti-inflamatório. Devido às limitações do modelo, são necessários mais estudos para confirmar esses resultados
Obesity is associated with the development of chronic non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hepatic steatosis. The intake of dietary bioactive compounds is associated with the maintenance of health and the prevention of chronic diseases. Among the group of bioactive compounds, monoterpenes are poorly investigated, in spite of several reports of their promising effects on metabolism. D-limonene is the main monoterpene found in oranges, known for its hypolipemic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-obesogenic effects. in vitro and in vivo studies associate D-limonene to increased ß-oxidation of fatty acids in adipocytes and reduced inflammation. This study aimed at investigating the effects of D-limonene on metabolism and inflammation in a diet-induced obesity model. For this purpose, forty male mice (C57/Bl6) were distributed in 4 groups, with one group receiving a normolipidic diet and the others, a high-fat diet. D-limonene was supplemented in the diets of two groups that received high-fat diet at the concentrations of 0.1% and 0.8%. Considering the feed intake, mice receiving D-limonene supplementation at 0.1% ingested in average 0.15 g/kg/day, while the mice receiving the supplemmentation at 0.8%, ingested approximately 1.3 g of D-limonene /kg/day. The animals had their weight and food intake monitored throughout the intervention. Mice that received Dlimonene supplementation at 0.1% showed reduced weight gain and accumulation of adipose tissue compared to the non-supplemented mice fed the high-fat diet. In addition, D-limonene promoted a decrease in hepatic inflammatory markers including TNF-α, INF-γ, and IL-6. However, there was no difference in biochemical and metabolic markers. A limitation of the study was that the metabolic complications associated with the obesity model were not fully established, probably due to the age at the start of the protocol (11 weeks), individual housing and short duration of the exposure to the high-fat feed. This fact may have prevented the observation of the positive effects of D-limonene in reversing parameters that would normally be impaired by the development of obesity. We conclude that D-limonene may interfere in energy metabolism, with a possible anti-obesogenic and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the limitations of the model, further studies are needed to confirm these findings
Animals , Male , Mice , Limonene/adverse effects , Obesity/chemically induced , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Chronic Disease/classification , Citrus sinensis/metabolism , Monoterpenes/analysis , Diet, High-Fat/adverse effects , Inflammation/complications , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Envelhecer compreende um fenômeno complexo, natural e irreversível, que submete o organismo a inúmeras alterações nos processos biológicos, fisiológicos, ambientais, psicológicos, comportamentais e sociais. Esse processo é caracterizado por um declínio gradual dos mecanismos homeostáticos do organismo, intimamente relacionados com o estado senescente. A senescência, quando diz respeito ao sistema imunológico, é denominada de imunossenescência, que pode ser definida como uma parada estável do ciclo celular associada a mudanças, com uma resposta que limita a proliferação de células envelhecidas ou danificadas. A autofagia está diretamente relacionada com a manutenção do fenótipo senescente, em que a atividade autofágica exerce um papel essencial e ativo na influência da biossíntese de proteínas e organelas. Essa via é regulada naturalmente pela proteína mTOR e quimicamente pelo fármaco rapamicina. Assim, pretendemos investigar: (1) as alterações no perfil corporal e hematimêtrico dos animais ao longo do tratamento com rapamicina; (2) avaliar o perfil de citocinas; (3) observar as modificações histológicas em órgãos linfoides primários e secundário; (4) analisar as populações de células linfoides e mieloides; e (5) avaliar a capacidade proliferativa de linfócitos in vitro. Camundongos SAMP-8 e SAMR-1 foram tratados com rapamicina durante dois meses. A mensuração da massa corporal e análises hematológicas foram realizadas antes e durante o tratamento. Amostras de soro, medula óssea, timo e baço foram analisados em ensaios de ELISA, histologia, população e subpopulações de células. Alterações na massa corporal, parâmetros hematológicos e celularidade de células foram nítidas entre os dois modelos utilizados. Diferenças também foram percebidas na detecção de citocinas IL-1ß. IL-6 e TNF-α, com resultados significantes nas amostras de baço, timo e medula óssea. As citocinas IL-7 e IL-15 apresentaram diferenças de secreção entre os grupos, sendo a primeira maior detectada em camundongos com senescência acelerada tratados com rapamicina. Em nossa análise histológica observamos que os camundongos SAM-P8 apresentaram involução tímica. E nas subpopulações de linfócitos T do baço, células TCD4+ e TCD8+ estavam, respectivamente, em maior e menor quantidade nos camundongos SAM-P8 tratados com rapamicina. Dessa forma, o camundongo da linhagem SAM-P8 é um excelente modelo para se estudar as alterações da senescência, em que o mesmo apresenta características fisiológicas distintas dos camundongos utilizados como controle (SAM-R1). Além disso, verificamos que a dose de rapamicina empregada não desencadeou alterações que pudessem comprometer a resposta imunológica desses camundongos, bem como na possibilidade de atuar na resposta contra os efeitos complexos do envelhecimento
Aging comprises a complex, natural, and irreversible phenomenon, which subjects the organism to countless alterations in biological, physiological, environmental, psychological, behavioral, and social processes. This process is characterized by a gradual decline in the organism's homeostatic mechanisms, closely related to senescence effects. Senescence, when it concerns the immune system, is called immunosenescence, which can be defined as a stable cell cycle arrest associated with changes and is a response that limits the proliferation of aged or damaged cells. Autophagy is a genetically regulated, conserved cellular process and a metabolic pathway essential for maintaining cellular homeostasis, which plays a constitutive and active role in controlling the biosynthesis of proteins and organelles. This pathway is regulated naturally by mTOR or chemically by the drug rapamycin, having a direct relationship with cellular homeostasis and maintenance of the senescent phenotype. Thus, we intend to investigate: (1) the changes in the body and hematimetic profile of the animals throughout the rapamycin treatment; (2) evaluate the cytokine profile; (3) observe histological changes in primary and secondary lymphoid organs; (4) analyze lymphoid and myeloid cell populations; and (5) evaluate the proliferative capacity of lymphocytes in vitro. SAMP-8 and SAMR-1 mice were treated with rapamycin for two months. Body mass measurement and hematological analyses were performed before and during treatment. Serum, bone marrow, thymus and spleen samples were analyzed in ELISA assays, histology, cell population and subpopulations. Changes in body mass, hematological parameters, and cellularity were clear between the two models used. Differences were also noticed in the detection of cytokines IL-1ß. IL-6 and TNF-α, with significant results in the spleen, thymus and bone marrow samples. The cytokines IL-7 and IL-15 showed differences in secretion between groups, the former being higher detected in mice with accelerated senescence treated with rapamycin. In our histological analysis we observed that SAM-P8 mice showed thymic involution. And in the spleen T-lymphocyte subpopulations, TCD4+ and TCD8+ cells were, respectively, in higher and lower quantities in SAM-P8 mice treated with rapamycin. Thus, the SAM-P8 mouse is an excellent model to study the changes of senescence, since it presents physiological characteristics different from the control mice (SAM-R1). Furthermore, we verified that the dose of rapamycin used did not trigger changes that could compromise the immune response of these mice, as well as the possibility of acting in the modulatory response against the complex effects of aging
Animals , Male , Mice , Aging , Sirolimus/adverse effects , Immunosenescence , Autophagy/immunology , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/instrumentation , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , T-Lymphocyte Subsets/classification , HomeostasisABSTRACT
Abstract Present study analysed the therapeutic potential of traditionally acclaimed medicinal herb Nanorrhinum ramosissimum, using plant parts extracted with different solvents (10 mg/mL). Shoot extracts exhibited comparatively better antimicrobial properties, in comparison to root extracts. Total phenolic content was estimated, to ascertain its dependency on antioxidant properties of plant extracts. Antioxidant assay revealed promising results in comparison to IC50 value of standard ascorbic acid (52.2±0.07 µg/mL), for methanolic extracts of shoot (61.07±0.53 µg/mL and 64.33±0.33 µg/mL) and root (76.705±0.12 µg/mL and 89.73±0.28 µg/ mL) for in vivo and in vitro regenerants respectively. Correlation coefficient R2 values ranged between 0.90-0.95, indicating a positive correlation between phenolic contents and antioxidant activity. Plant extracts were also able to inhibit DNA oxidative damage again indicating their antioxidative potential. Antidiabetic potential was confirmed by alpha amylase inhibition assay where shoot methanolic extracts (invivo, in vitro) exhibited the best IC50 values (54.42±0.16 µg/mL, 66.09±0.12 µg/mL) in comparison to standard metformin (41.92±0.08 µg/mL). Ethanolic extracts of roots (in vitro, invivo) exhibited the relative IC50 values (88.97±0.32µg/mL,96.63±0.44 µg/mL) indicating that shoot parts had a better alpha amylase inhibition property; thus proving the herb's bioactive potential and its prospective therapeutic source for curing various ailments.
Plants, Medicinal/adverse effects , Plant Extracts/analysis , Scrophulariaceae/classification , Antioxidants/pharmacology , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Hypoglycemic Agents/agonistsABSTRACT
Abstract Voriconazole increases tacrolimus blood concentration significantly when coadministrated. The recommendation of reducing tacrolimus to 1/3 in voriconazole package insert seems not to be satisfactory in clinical practice. In vitro studies demonstrated that the magnitude of inhibition depends on the concentration of voriconazole, while voriconazole exposure is determined by the genotype status of CYP2C19. CYP2C19 gene polymorphism challenges the management of drug-drug interactions(DDIs) between voriconazole and tacrolimus. This work aimed to predict the impact of CYP2C19 polymorphism on the DDIs by using physiologically based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) models. The precision of the developed voriconazole and tacrolimus models was reasonable by evaluating the pharmacokinetic parameters fold error, such as AUC0-24, Cmax and tmax. Voriconazole increased tacrolimus concentration immediately in all population. The simulated duration of DDIs disappearance after voriconazole withdrawal were 146h, 90h and 66h in poor metabolizers (PMs), intermediate metabolizers (IMs) and extensive metabolizers(EMs), respectively. The developed and optimized PBPK models in this study can be applied to assit the dose adjustment for tacrolimus with and without voriconazole.
Tacrolimus/agonists , Impact Factor , Voriconazole/agonists , Cytochrome P-450 CYP2C19/analysis , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Adaptation, Psychological/classificationABSTRACT
Abstract Development of ceftriaxone loaded nanostructured lipid carriers to increase permeability of ceftriaxone across uninflamed meninges after parenteral administration. Lipids were selected by theoretical and experimental techniques and optimization of NLCs done by response surface methodology using Box-Behnken design. The Δδt for glyceryl monostearate and Capryol90 were 4.39 and 2.92 respectively. The drug had maximum solubility of 0.175% (w/w) in glycerol monostearate and 2.56g of Capryol90 dissolved 10mg of drug. The binary mixture consisted of glyceryl monostearate and Capryol90 in a ratio of 70:30. The optimized NLCs particle size was 130.54nm, polydispersity index 0.28, % entrapment efficiency 44.32%, zeta potential -29.05mV, and % drug loading 8.10%. In vitro permeability of ceftriaxone loaded NLCs was 5.06x10-6 cm/s; evidently, the NLCs pervaded through uninflamed meninges, which, was further confirmed from in vivo biodistribution studies. The ratio of drug concentration between brain and plasma for ceftriaxone loaded NLCs was 0.29 and that for ceftriaxone solution was 0.02. With 44.32% entrapment of the drug in NLCs the biodistribution of ceftriaxone was enhanced 7.9 times compared with that of ceftriaxone solution. DSC and XRD studies revealed formation of imperfect crystalline NLCs. NLCs improved permeability of ceftriaxone through uninflamed meninges resulting in better management of CNS infections.
Ceftriaxone/agonists , Triage/classification , Lipids/analysis , X-Ray Diffraction/instrumentation , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Central Nervous System Infections/pathologyABSTRACT
Abstract Acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) and guarana (Paullinia cupana Kunth) are native species from the Amazon Forest that in folk medicine are used to treat several diseases due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This review brings together findings from different studies on the potential neuroprotective effects of acai and guarana, highlighting the importance of the conservation and sustainable exploitation of the Amazon Forest. A bibliographic survey in the PubMed database retrieved indexed articles written in English that focused on the effects of acai and guarana in in vitro and in vivo models of neurodegenerative diseases. In general, treatment with either acai or guarana decreased neuroinflammation, increased antioxidant responses, ameliorated depression, and protected cells from neurotoxicity mediated by aggregated proteins. The results from these studies suggest that flavonoids, anthocyanins, and carotenoids found in both acai and guarana have therapeutic potential not only for neurodegenerative diseases, but also for depressive disorders. In addition, acai and guarana show beneficial effects in slowing down the physiological aging process. However, toxicity and efficacy studies are still needed to guide the formulation of herbal medicines from acai and guarana.
Amazonian Ecosystem , Paullinia/adverse effects , Euterpe/adverse effects , Fruit/classification , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Neuroprotective Agents/classification , Neurodegenerative Diseases/pathology , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacology , Antioxidants/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Abstract Propolis is a resinous hive product collected by bees from the buds or other parts of plants. It is known for having various biological properties, including antifungal activity. Among the substances present in propolis, flavonoids and phenolic acids and their esters are responsible for its antifungal properties. This means that propolis is ideal for use as an antifungal agent in alternative medicine to treat a number of both topical and systemic infections caused by Candida species and other yeast-like fungi, dermatophyte and nondermatophyte moulds, without the serious side effects typical of synthetic treatment. It is also active against strains of fungi that are resistant to polyenes and azoles, the classes of drugs most commonly used to treat fungal infections. In this article, we review current knowledge about the activity of propolis from different parts of the world and its components in vitro and in vivo against pathogenic fungi isolated from human infections. The article also indicates the possible mechanism of antifungal activity of propolis and its components.
Propolis/adverse effects , Antifungal Agents/analysis , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Complementary Therapies/classification , Candida/classification , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Arthrodermataceae/classificationABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Diabetes is a life-threatening disease, and currently available synthetic medicines for treating diabetes are associated with various side effects. Therefore, there is an unmet need to develop herbal remedies against diabetes as an alternative to synthetic medicines. Although local healers use the roots of Spermadicyton suaveolens (SS) to manage diabetes, there is negligible research to validate its antidiabetic properties. The present investigation aims to the assess the antioxidant, antidiabetic, and antihyperlipidemic potential of the ethanolic extract of S. Suaveolen's roots (EESS) on streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. The extract was screened for in vitro antioxidant and antidiabetic activity. The in vivo antidiabetic potential of EESS (at 200 and 400 mg/kg) was studied on STZ-induced diabetic rats for 20 days. The EESS displayed significant (p<0.05) antidiabetic and antioxidant properties. The administration of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg EESS in STZ-induced diabetic rats significantly reduced hyperglycemia, and restored antioxidant enzymes and lipid profile-a high density lipoprotein (HDL) increased by the administration of a single dose of streptozotocin. Thus, EESS could be a promising herbal medicine in the treatment of diabetes and hyperlipidemia
Animals , Male , Rats , Plant Extracts/analysis , Streptozocin/adverse effects , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/chemically induced , Hypoglycemic Agents/adverse effects , Antioxidants/pharmacology , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Herbal Medicine/classification , Phytotherapeutic Drugs , Synthetic Drugs/adverse effects , Hyperlipidemias/complicationsABSTRACT
Abstract Piper nigrum (black pepper) is used in Indian traditional medicine and its main alkaloid, Piperine (PIP), presents antioxidant, antitumor and neuroprotective pharmacological properties. This substance is insoluble in aqueous media and can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Aiming to avoid these inconvenient characteristics and enable PIP oral administration, this study suggested the PIP microencapsulation through the emulsion-solvent evaporation method and the preparation of microparticulated tablets by direct compression. An UV-spectroscopy method was validated to quantify PIP. Microparticles and microparticulated tablets were successfully obtained and the microparticles exhibited excellent flow. The scanning electron microscopy images showed that PIP microparticles were intact after compression. The in vitro release showed a controlled release of PIP from microparticles and PIP microparticles from tablets in comparison to PIP and PIP tablets. The release profiles of PIP microparticles and the microparticulated tablets were similar. Therefore, tablets containing PIP microparticles are promising multiparticulated dosage forms because a tablet allows microparticles administration and the intact ones promote a controlled release, decreasing its irritating potential on the mucosa.
Spectrum Analysis/methods , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning/methods , Piper nigrum/adverse effects , Gastrointestinal Tract/abnormalities , Drug Compounding/instrumentation , Tablets/classification , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Alkaloids/adverse effects , Medicine, Traditional/instrumentation , Antioxidants/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Abstract The present study was aimed at conducting phytochemical analysis and evaluating the in vitro antifungal and antioxidant activities of the essential oil obtained from the fruits of J. oxycedrus L. Hydro-distillation was used to extract the essential oil from the fruits of Juniper oxycedrus. The essential oil was analyzed using gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The antioxidant activity of the essential oil against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals was determined in vitro using varying concentrations of the essential oil and vitamin C as a standard antioxidant compound. A disc diffusion test was employed to evaluate the antifungal activity of the essential oil against two test fungal strains, Penicillium citrinum, and Aspergillus niger. The results revealed that 49 constituents were identified in fruit oil, representing 91.56% of the total oil and the yield was 1.58%. Juniper fruit oil was characterized by having high contents of ß-pinene (42.04%), followed by limonene (15.45%), sabinene (9.52%), α-pinene (5.21%), (E)-caryophyllene (3.77%), ρ-cymene (1.56%), caryophyllene oxide (2.02%), and myrcene (1.02%). The radical scavenging activity (% inhibition) of the essential oil was highest (81.87± 2.83%) at a concentration of 200 µg/mL. The essential oil of J. oxycedrus exhibited antifungal activity against A. niger and P. citrinum with minimum inhibitory concentration values (MIC) ranging from 2.89 to 85.01 µl/mL. The findings of the study reveal that the antioxidant and antifungal properties of J. oxycedrus essential oil and their chemical composition are significantly correlated
Oils, Volatile/analysis , Juniperus/adverse effects , Phytochemicals/analysis , Fruit/classification , Morocco/ethnology , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Mass Spectrometry/methods , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Microbial Sensitivity Tests/methods , Chromatography, Gas/methods , Antifungal Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the agreement of images in white light (WL), fluorescence (FL), and digital radiographs (DR), on the diagnosis and treatment decisions for occlusal caries lesions against a micro-CT gold standard. Material and Methods: Ten extracted third molars, with enamel and/or dentin caries (ICDAS 2-4), were included. Occlusal surface images were acquired with an intraoral camera (SoproLife®) in WL and FL modes. DR was obtained using an intraoral X-ray and a semi-direct digital system. A total of 780 images were needed, organized in a template, to be later examined by twenty-six dentists invited to compose the study. The Generalized Estimation Equations model was used to compare the proportions of the correct answers between the three methods and the gold standard. When significant, Bonferroni post-hoc test was used to identify differences (α=5%). Results: Most of the examiners were specialists (76.9%) with 14.5 years of experience. All diagnostic methods were similar and showed low agreement (DR 12.7%, WL 16.5%, and FL 16.5%) compared with gold standard caries diagnostic scores. Regarding treatment decisions, mean agreement for all diagnostic methods was higher (43.2%; p<0.001), and among all methods, WL (48.1%) and FL (51.2%) modes performed better than DR (30.4%, p<0.001). Conclusion: SoproLife® images could help clinicians to propose rational, minimally invasive treatments for occlusal caries lesions.