Introducción: El estrés oxidativo se origina por desequilibrio entre la producción de Especies Reactivas del Oxígeno (ERO) y Capacidad Antioxidante Celular (CAC). La producción de ERO mitocondrial es constante. Entre 2% y 5 % del oxígeno para la cadena respiratoria se reduce para generar el anión superóxido, O2-, a partir de éste se producen otras moléculas y radicales libres potencialmente dañinos para la célula. El Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA) se caracteriza por un estrés oxidativo persistente. El objetivo del estudio fue medir el estado redox en pacientes VIH+ del programa de SIDA de Pereira y estado redox de personas donantes voluntarios de sangre del programa de medicina de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira años 2007-2009 para verificar la condición de estrés oxidativo, mediante su cuantificación espectrofotométrica de marcadores asociados al sistema oxidante-antioxidante celular. Metodología: Estudio transversal realizado con un grupo de pacientes VIH-SIDA y otro de donantes voluntarios de sangre, se cuantificó el estado redox y se correlaciona con otros parámetros: edad, género, estado clínico, nivel socioeconómico, tipo de dieta, estado nutricional, consumo de estresantes inmunológicos, antecedentes personales y epidemiológicos. Resultados: La Respuesta Antioxidante Total (RAT), Peróxido Plasmático (PP), Índice de estrés oxidativo (IEO), Índice de carbonilo (IC), Malondialdehido (MDA); resultaron significativamente diferentes en los grupos estudiados. Discusión: En VIH+ no se presentaron diferencias significativas en las pruebas de estrés oxidativo entre los que consumen y no consumen antiretrovirales. Se requieren estudios poblacionales para obtener valores de referencia de las pruebas de estrés oxidativo aquí ensayadas.
Introduction: Oxidative stress is caused by imbalance between the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and cellular antioxidant capacity (CAC). Mitochondrial ROS production is constant. Between 2% and 5% of oxygen to the respiratory chain is reduced to generate superoxide anion, O2-, from this there are other molecules and free radicals potentially harmful to the cell. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is characterized by persistent oxidative stress. The objective of this study was to measure the redox status in HIV + AIDS program of the Municipal Institute of Health Pereira and redox status of people volunteer blood donors medicine program of the Technological University of Pereira years 2007 to 2009 to verify the condition of oxidative stress by spectrophotometric quantification of markers associated with oxidant-antioxidant cell system. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study with a group of HIV-AIDS and other blood donors, the redox state was measured and correlated with other parameters: age, gender, clinical status, socioeconomic status, diet, nutritional status, immunological stressor consumption, personal history and epidemiologists. Results: Total antioxidant response (TAR), peroxide plasma (PP), oxidative stress index (IEO), carbonyl index (CI), malondialdehyde (MDA) were significantly different in the groups studied. Discussion: In HIV+ there were no significant differences in oxidative stress tests among those who consume and consume no antiretrovirals. Population studies are required to obtain reference values of oxidative stress tests tested here.
Humans , Oxidative Stress , HIV Infections , Malondialdehyde , Free Radicals , S-Nitrosoglutathione , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Anti-Retroviral Agents , Colombia , Iron Carbonyl CompoundsSubject(s)
Anemia, Iron-Deficiency , Tablets , Therapeutics , Child , Randomized Controlled Trial , Iron Carbonyl CompoundsABSTRACT
The objective of the study is to evaluate the bioavailability, efficacy and safety of a new modified-release (MR) formulation of carbonyl iron (45 mg) relative to a commercially available conventional formulation of ferrous fumarate (300 mg) in adult Indian patients with clinical and laboratory diagnosis of nutritional iron deficiency anaemia. This prospective, comparative, randomised, double-blind study was carried out among 60 patients received a single daily dose of either MR carbonyl iron or ferrous fumarate for 12 weeks. The effect of therapy on haematological parameters and iron status and estimation of bioavailability were the main efficacy outcomes. There was a significant (p<0.05) increase in mean haemoglobin levels, reticulocyte counts, haematocrit and mean corpuscular volume in MR carbonyl iron group compared to ferrous fumarate group. There was also an increase in mean serum iron and ferritin levels and a corresponding decrease in total iron binding capacity in MR carbonyl iron group compared to ferrous fumarate group at the end of 12 weeks therapy. The estimated overall bioavailability of MR carbonyl iron was about 147% that of ferrous fumarate. Both the formulations were equally well-tolerated and adverse events were mainly gastrointestinal in nature. The prevalence of adverse events was slightly more in the ferrous fumarate group. It can be concluded that the MR formulation of carbonyl iron was more efficacious than ferrous fumarate in correcting haematologic abnormalities and improving iron status in patients with nutritional iron deficiency anaemia. In conditions where efficacy is an important consideration, the higher bioavailability of MR carbonyl iron may make it the treatment of choice for nutritional iron deficiency anaemia.