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Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(3): 370-374, mar. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530263


INTRODUCTION: The finding of an asymptomatic stone in the study of a living kidney donor does not necessarily contraindicate donation, however, there is no consensus on the management of these cases. The use of a graft with lithiasis may represent a risk of recurrence in the remaining kidney in the donor and eventual obstructive complications in the transplanted kidney. The objective of this work is to present the usefulness of ureteroscopy (URS) to resolve lithiasis ex vivo before transplantation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Donors with a small, asymptomatic kidney stone and with an analysis of lithogenic factors without relevant findings were considered to continue in the donation process. The kidney unit with stone was selected for nephrectomy. RESULTS: Four donor kidneys underwent flexible URS after nephrectomy under hypothermic preservation conditions during bench preparation. The average time of the procedure was 35 minutes and the stone was extracted in all cases without incident. The transplant was carried out in the usual way and the evolution of the recipients was without complications and with excellent renal function. During follow-up, no recurrence of lithiasis was observed in donors or recipients. CONCLUSIONS: In this experience, the URS of the donor kidney was a feasible procedure and was not associated with adverse consequences for the graft. The main advantage of this procedure is to avoid the potential risk to the recipient of an obstructive graft complication.

Humans , Kidney Calculi/surgery , Kidney Calculi/etiology , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Lithiasis/etiology , Living Donors , Graft Survival , Kidney
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 1026-1036, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980887


With the rapid aging of the global population posing a serious problem, frailty, a non-specific state that reflects physiological senescence rather than aging in time, has become more widely addressed by researchers in various medical fields. A high prevalence of frailty is found among kidney transplant (KT) candidates and recipients. Therefore, their frailty has become a research hotspot in the field of transplantation. However, current studies mainly focus on the cross-sectional survey of the incidence of frailty among KT candidates and recipients and the relationship between frailty and transplantation. Research on the pathogenesis and intervention is scattered, and relevant review literature is scarce. Exploring the pathogenesis of frailty in KT candidates and recipients and determining effective intervention measures may reduce waiting list mortality and improve the long-term quality of life of KT recipients. Therefore, this review explains the pathogenesis and intervention measures for frailty in KT candidates and recipients to provide a reference for the formulation of effective intervention strategies.

Humans , Frailty/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Quality of Life , Kidney Failure, Chronic , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Cross-Sectional Studies , Transplant Recipients
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971506


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the causes of graft loss in kidney transplant recipients.@*METHODS@#We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 135 recipients with graft loss after renal transplantation in the Eighth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital from January 1, 2002 to January 1, 2022.@*RESULTS@#A total of 135 kidney transplant recipients experienced graft failure. The causes of graft loss included graft rejection (70 cases, 51.8%), death of the recipients with functional graft (37 cases, 27.4%), surgical complications (12 cases, 8.9%), drug toxicity (4 cases, 3.0%), carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infection (4 cases, 3.0%), polyoma BK virus-related nephropathy (3 cases, 2.2%), primary nonfunctioning kidney (2 cases, 1.5%), recurrence of primary disease (2 cases, 1.5%), and prerenal acute renal failure (1 case, 0.7%).@*CONCLUSION@#The main cause of graft loss after renal transplantation is graft rejection, and the secondary cause is death of the recipient with functional graft, and other reasons can be rare.

Humans , Graft Rejection , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Retrospective Studies
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1511499


O desenvolvimento da síndrome metabólica após o transplante renal (TxR) é evidenciado na literatura e se caracteriza por alterações que conferem a redução da função do enxerto. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever a prevalência da síndrome metabólica e identificar variáveis que se associam à síndrome metabólica em receptores de TxR tardio. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal analítico realizado com pacientes receptores de TxR. Foram incluídos participantes com idade superior ou igual a 18 anos, receptores de TxR tardio em acompanhamento superior a 6 meses. A análise descritiva dos dados foi expressa por médias, desvio padrão, medianas e percentuais. A normalidade dos dados foi verificada pelo teste de Shapiro-Wilk ao nível de 5% de significância. Aplicou-se o teste de comparação de médias para duas amostras independentes, teste t de Student. Foi utilizado o teste de correlação de Pearson para avaliar as possíveis relações existentes entre a variável tempo pós TxR com as outras variáveis de interesse. Resultados: Ao avaliar 43 pacientes com idade média de 50,9 ± 9,8 anos, notou-se que a síndrome metabólica esteve presente em 53,85% dos voluntários e que se associou ao peso prévio (p= 0,018), concentrações séricas de triglicerídeos (p= 0,001), menores médias de HDL (p= 0,053) e, também, foi verificada uma associação marginal com a circunferência da cintura (p= 0,051). A SM foi prevalente no período pós TxR. Ainda, as maiores médias de peso prévio ao TxR, de circunferência da cintura, de triglicerídeos e as menores médias de HDL se associaram à SM

The onset of metabolic syndrome (MS) after kidney transplantation (KTx) is evidenced in the literature and this is characterized by alterations that confer a reduction in the function of the transplantation. Objective: The aim of this research is to describe the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and to identify the variables that are associated with the metabolic syndrome in recipients of belated KTx. Methods: This is an analytical cross-sectional study carried out with patients receiving KTx. Participants aged 18 years or older, recipients of late KTx with follow-up longer than 6 months, were included. The descriptive analysis of the data was expressed as means, standard deviation, medians and percentages. Data normality was verified using the Shapiro-Wilk test at a 5% significance level. The mean comparison test was applied for two independent samples, Student's t test. Pearson's correlation test was used to assess possible association between the variable time after KTx and the other variables of interest. Results: Forty-three patients with a mean age of 50.9 ± 9.8 years were evaluated and metabolic syndrome was present in 53.85% of the volunteers. There was an association with previous weight (p= 0.018), serum triglyceride concentrations (p= 0.001) and lower HDL means (p= 0.053) and and a marginal association with waist circumference (p=0,0051). MS was prevalent in the post-KTx period. Furthermore, the highest means of weight prior to KTx, waist circumference, TG and the lowest means of HDL were associated with MS

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Metabolic Syndrome/epidemiology , Diabetes Mellitus , Transplant Recipients , Immunosuppressive Agents/adverse effects , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use
urol. colomb. (Bogotá. En línea) ; 32(3): 81-85, 2023. tab
Article in English | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1518285


Introduction: Kidney transplant has improved in the last decades due to new technologies and surgical techniques. However, there are still multiple complications associated with this procedure, which can affect the function and viability of the kidney graft. Our aim was to describe the incidence of urological, vascular, and infectious complications in the 1st month after the procedure. Methods: A cross-sectional and retrospective study was carried out. Records of all patients who underwent kidney transplant from 2007 to 2017 were reviewed and data of demographic and surgical variables as well as information of vascular, urological, and infectious complications during the 1st post-operative month were registered and analyzed. Results: A total of 243 patients that required kidney transplant were assessed. The most common chronic kidney disease etiologies were: idiopathic (25.5%), glomerulopathies (24.7%), and hypertension (23.5%). Seventy patients (28.8%) presented a complication, of which 31 were urological, 27 were infectious, and 12 were vascular. In each category, the most frequent complications were the perirenal hematoma, the urinary tract infection, and renal artery stenosis, respectively. Conclusions: The prevalence of complications found in our center is similar to that reported in the literature and it is significant. It is important for medical personnel to be aware of this data to have a high level of suspicion and make an active search, as an early diagnosis and treatment of these pathologies are crucial to avoid graft loss

Introducción: El trasplante renal ha mejorado en las últimas décadas gracias a las nuevas tecnologías y técnicas quirúrgicas. Sin embargo, aún existen múltiples complicaciones asociadas a este procedimiento, que pueden afectar la función y viabilidad del injerto renal. Nuestro objetivo fue describir la incidencia de complicaciones urológicas, vasculares e infecciosas en el primer mes tras el procedimiento. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de corte transversal. Se revisaron los expedientes de todos los pacientes que se sometieron a trasplante renal desde 2007 hasta 2017 y se registraron y analizaron datos de variables demográficas y quirúrgicas, así como información de complicaciones vasculares, urológicas e infecciosas durante el primer mes postoperatorio. Resultados: Se evaluaron un total de 243 pacientes que requirieron trasplante renal. Las etiologías de enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) más frecuentes fueron: idiopática (25,5%), glomerulopatías (24,7%) e hipertensión arterial (23,5%). 70 pacientes (28,8%) presentaron alguna complicación, de los cuales 31 fueron urológicos, 27 infecciosos y 12 vasculares. En cada categoría las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron el hematoma perirrenal, la infección del tracto urinario y la estenosis de la arteria renal respectivamente. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de complicaciones encontrada en nuestro centro es similar a la reportada en la literatura y es significativa. Es importante que el personal médico conozca estos datos para tener un alto nivel de sospecha y realizar una búsqueda activa, ya que el diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz de estas patologías es fundamental para evitar la pérdida del injerto.

Humans , Male , Female , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(2): 210-213, abr. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388343


Resumen Rothia mucilaginosa es una bacteria propia de la microbiota del tracto respiratorio superior, que se asocia en forma infrecuente a infecciones en pacientes inmunocomprometidos y con enfermedades pulmonares crónicas, principalmente neumonía y bacteriemia. Su tratamiento generalmente, se basa en el uso de antibacterianos β lactámicos. Se describe el caso de un paciente sometido a un trasplante renal con uso de fármacos inmunosupresores, que cursó con una infección diseminada por Cryptococcus neoformans. Tras el inicio de la terapia antifúngica, presentó un cuadro febril, con aparición de nuevos infiltrados radiológicos e insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, demostrándose en el estudio con lavado broncoalveolar, un cultivo positivo para R. mucilaginosa, descartándose otras etiologías. Evolucionó en forma favorable tras el uso de meropenem, con buena respuesta clínica y resolución de los infiltrados radiológicos.

Abstract Rothia mucilaginosa is a bacterium derived from the upper respiratory tract microbiota, which is rarely associated with infections in immunocompromised patients suffering chronic lung diseases, mainly pneumonia and bacteremia. Its treatment is generally based on the use of β-lactams. The case study of a kidney transplant patient using immunosuppressive drugs, who developed a disseminated Cryptococcus neoformans infection, is described. After starting antifungal therapy, he presented with fever, appearance of new radiological infiltrates and acute respiratory failure, demonstrating a positive culture for R. mucilaginosa in a study with bronchoalveolar lavage, ruling out other etiologies. He evolved favorably after the use of meropenem, with good clinical response and resolution of radiological infiltrates.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Pneumonia, Bacterial/diagnosis , Micrococcaceae , Immunocompromised Host
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389824


Resumen Introducción: El trasplante renal corresponde al tratamiento de elección para la enfermedad renal crónica. No existe un protocolo universalmente aceptado para la evaluación otorrinolaringológica del receptor del riñón a implantar, existiendo una gran heterogeneidad en su práctica. La tomografía computada de cavidades paranasales es uno de los estudios más habitualmente utilizados para descartar patologías otorrinolaringológicas que contraindiquen la intervención. Objetivo: Describir los hallazgos imagenológicos de las tomografías computadas solicitadas como evaluación pretrasplante renal. Determinar si estos hallazgos condicionaron una contraindicación para trasplante o algún cambio en el manejo del paciente. Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal mediante la revisión de fichas clínicas de pacientes derivados a estudio pretrasplante renal durante el año 2018 en el Hospital Carlos Van Buren. Resultados: Se obtuvo información de 40 pacientes derivados para evaluación otorrinolaringológica. El promedio de edad fue de 49 ± 11,4 años; 55% fueron mujeres. La causa más frecuente de enfermedad renal fue idiopática (70%). A 34 de 40 pacientes se les solicitó evaluación tomográfica. A cinco pacientes se les indicó corticoides intranasales y se derivó un paciente a evaluación dental. No se generó ninguna contraindicación para el trasplante renal. Discusión: Existe poca literatura sobre la utilidad de la tomografía de cavidades paranasales como estudio pretrasplante renal. En el presente estudio no se encontró ningún hallazgo que contraindicara la intervención. Conclusión: Se necesitan más estudios para poder asegurar si la evaluación otorrinolaringológica y el uso de tomografía tiene alguna implicancia en la evolución de los pacientes sometidos a trasplante renal.

Abstract Introduction: Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for chronic kidney disease. There is no universally accepted protocol for the otorhinolaryngological evaluation of the recipient, and there is heterogeneity in clinical practice. Computed tomography of the paranasal cavities is one of the most commonly used studies to rule out otorhinolaryngological pathologies that contraindicate the intervention. Aim: To describe the imaging findings of the computed tomographies requested as a pre-transplant evaluation. To determine if these findings determined a contraindication for transplantation or any change in the patient's management. Material and Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study by reviewing the clinical records of patients referred to a pre-kidney transplant study during 2018 at the Hospital Carlos Van Buren. Results: Information was obtained from 40 patients referred for otorhinolaryngological evaluation. The average age was 49 ± 11.4 years; 55% were women. The most common cause of kidney disease was idiopathic (70%). 34 of 40 patients had a computed tomography. Five patients received intranasal corticosteroids and one patient was referred for dental evaluation. There were no contraindications for renal transplantation. Conclusion: There is little literature on the usefulness of paranasal cavity tomography as a pre-kidney transplant study. In the present study, no finding was found that would contraindicate the intervention. More studies are needed to be able to ascertain whether the otorhinolaryngological evaluation and the use of tomography have any implications in the evolution of patients undergoing kidney transplantation.

Humans , Male , Female , Otolaryngology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Transplantation Conditioning/adverse effects , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(1): 103-111, feb. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388907


Resumen Introducción: La embolización de arteria renal (EAR) es un procedimiento percutáneo que ocluye la arteria renal, con la consecuente isquemia del territorio vascular. Sus indicaciones más comunes son la hematuria y el manejo paliativo en cáncer renal metastásico. A pesar del desarrollo técnico y de la experiencia progresiva, los estudios incluyen un número reducido de pacientes y en nuestro país se revisan casos aislados. Objetivo: Describir la experiencia en el Servicio de Salud Valparaíso San Antonio y revisar la literatura existente. Materiales y Método: Realizamos un estudio descriptivo de los pacientes sometidos a EAR por anemia severa secundaria a hematuria, durante los años 2012 a 2020. Posteriormente, realizamos una revisión de la literatura en PubMed, hasta abril de 2020. Resultados: Incluimos 9 pacientes, 6 (66,7%) hombres y 3 (33,3%) mujeres. La mediana de edad fue de 69 años (RIC = 18). La principal causa de la hematuria fue cáncer renal avanzado (7 pacientes). No hubo complicaciones, y se logró éxito clínico en todos los pacientes. Nuestra búsqueda de literatura arrojó 571 referencias y 24 cumplieron con nuestros criterios de elegibilidad. La edad de los pacientes y las causas subyacentes de hematuria fueron variadas. La menor tasa de éxito clínico fue de 65%, sin embargo, 15 estudios (62,5%) reportaron un éxito igual o mayor al 90%. Seis estudios reportaron más de un 10% de pacientes con alguna complicación. Conclusión: Nuestros resultados y la evidencia revisada muestran que la EAR parece ser segura y eficaz en el manejo de anemia severa secundaria a hematuria.

Introduction: Renal artery embolization (RAE) is a percutaneous procedure that occludes the renal artery, with consequent ischemia of the vascular territory. The most common indications include hematuria and palliation for metastatic renal cancer. Despite technical development and progressive experience, studies include a small number of patients and few cases have been published in our country. Aim: To share our experience at Valparaíso-San Antonio Health Service and to review the existing literature. Materials and Method: We performed a retrospective descriptive review of medical records of patients with severe anemia due to hematuria managed with RAE, between 2012 and 2020. Subsequently, we conducted a literature search in PubMed, from inception until April 2020. Results: We included 9 patients. There were 6 (66.7%) males and 3 (33.3%) females with a median age of 69 years (IQR = 18). Main cause of hematuria was advanced kidney cancer (7 patients). There were no complications and clinical success was achieved in all patients. Our literature search yielded 571 references, 24 met our eligibility criteria. The age of patients and the underlying causes of hematuria were varied. The lowest clinical success rate was 65%, however, 15 studies (62.5%) reported a success equal to or greater than 90%. Six studies reported more than 10% of patients with complications. Conclusión: Our results and the studies reviewed show that RAE appears to be safe and effective in the management of patients with severe anemia due to hematuria.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Aged , Renal Artery , Embolization, Therapeutic/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Embolization, Therapeutic/adverse effects , Hematuria
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-939809


OBJECTIVES@#After renal transplantation, patients need to take various immunosuppressant, but the drug compliance is poor. The theory of planned behavior suggests that the past medication behavior and subjective norms of individuals are closely related to medication compliance. This study aims to explore the change of medication compliance behavior and its influenting factors for renal transplantation patients at different stages.@*METHODS@#This study was a prospective longitudinal study. The Basel Assessment of Adherence with Immunosuppressive Medication Scale (BAASIS), Medication Belief Scale, Social Support Scale and Quality of Life Scale were used to dynamically follow up renal transplantation patients at pre-operation and 1-month, 6-month, and 12-month after transplantation.@*RESULTS@#A total of 300 patients completed the whole follow-up. The percentage of patients with good medication compliance was 97.60%, 87.30% and 84.30% at 1-month, 6-month and 12-month after transplantation respectively. The life quality of the patients was decreased at 6 months after the operation, and the patients with better self-reported life quality had poor medication compliance. After adjusting for demographic data, the risk of medication incompliance in patients with poor medication compliance before operation was 37.646 times than those with good compliance. Patients who did not use medication reminders had high risk (odds ratio=2.467) of drug non-adherence. The risk of drug non-adherence in patients with more postoperative misgivings was 1.265 times compared with that in patients with less postoperative misgivings.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The medication compliance decreases with the time of transplantation, but the medication compliance of patients with good self-reported life quality is poor. Medication concerns reduce the compliance behavior. Preoperative medication behavior has a significant predictive effect on postoperative behavior. Medication reminder is a protective factor for promoting compliance. Medical staff should pay more attention to preoperative medication belief, behaviors and reminder of using drug so as to provide precise intervention in the renal transplantation patients.

Humans , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Longitudinal Studies , Medication Adherence , Prospective Studies , Quality of Life
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 17(4): 145-147, 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438361


La histoplasmosis es una micosis producida por el Histoplasma capsulatum. Esta condición es endémica en Estados Unidos, Suramérica, América central y África. Suele presentarse en todas las edades, pero en niños; en especial en aquellos inmunodeprimidos, se han descrito presentaciones graves o atípicas. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 16 años con antecedentes de trasplante renal, que inicia con síntomas respiratorios inespecíficos, tos y alzas térmicas intermitentes. La radiografía de tórax mostró una imagen de condensación cavitada en el lóbulo superior izquierdo, por lo que se realiza una fibrobroncoscopia, lavado broncoalveolar y cultivos para patógenos habituales, micobacterias y hongos, lográndose aislar al Histoplasma capsulatum. EL objetivo de este trabajo es el de resaltar la consideración de histoplasmosis como diagnóstico diferencial de lesiones cavitadas en parénquima pulmonar en pacientes inmunodeprimidos con la presentación de un caso clínico.

Histoplasmosis is a mycosis caused by Histoplasma capsulatum. This condition is endemic in the United States, South America, Central America, and Africa. It usually occurs in all ages, but in children, especially those immunosuppressed, serious or atypical presentations have been described. We present the case of a 16-year-old patient with a history of kidney transplantation that began with nonspecific respiratory symptoms, cough, and intermittent fever peaks. Imaging findings suggestive of cavitation were found, which by means of a fiberoptic bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage study isolated Histoplasma capsulatum by means of a deep mycosis culture. The main interest of the case presented is the consideration of histoplasmosis in the presence of cavitated lesions in the lung parenchyma in immunosuppressed patients.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Histoplasmosis/etiology , Histoplasmosis/therapy , Histoplasmosis/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Thoracic , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Amphotericin B/therapeutic use , Immunocompromised Host , Itraconazole/therapeutic use , Bronchoalveolar Lavage , Histoplasma/isolation & purification , Antifungal Agents/therapeutic use
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 8(1): 1-13, mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151571


Las complicaciones cardiovasculares representan la principal causa de morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica, por lo que el objetivo de este artículo es demostrar la influencia de la permanencia de la fístula arteriovenosa sobre variables eco cardiográficamente mensuradas en el corazón izquierdo. Para ello, se definió un estudio multivariable, longitudinal, prospectivo y controlado de grupos independientes después de una intervención que incluyó 39 pacientes a los que se le cerró el angioacceso (grupo de estudio) y 42 que no fueron expuestos a la cirugía (grupo control). Ambos grupos exhibían trasplante renal funcionante. Los principales resultados surgenal comparar el predominio entre el grupo de estudio con el de control, la edad promedio; 45,6 y 44,1 años, el sexo masculino, 24 (60%) y 23 (53,5%) y el color de la piel blanca; 33 (82,5%) y 32 (74,4%). La etiología de la nefropatía originaria más frecuente fue la nefropatía vascular hipertensiva; 12 (30%) vs 14 (32,6%). Entre las manifestaciones clínicas, en el grupo de estudio se evidenció remisión de las palpitaciones y la disnea de esfuerzo. Respecto a la tensión arterial, para la sistólica oscilaba; de 123 ±13,4 a 120,5 ±9,2 vs de 125,6 ±8,4 a 128 ±8,3 mm Hg (p= 0,000), mientras la diastólica variaba de; 76,8 ±7,5 a 76,3 ±6,2 vs 78,6 ±4,9 a 82,4 ±3,9 mm Hg (p= 0,000). El hematocrito comportaba valores equivalentes; 0,43 ±0,06 y 0,45 ±0,06 vs 0,42 ±0,05 y 0,42 ±0,06 l/l (p= 0,035) y la creatinina sérica mostró descenso en los pacientes intervenidos de; 106,8 ± 26,2 hasta 99,8 ±23,9 µ Mol/l vs 114 ±27,8 a 120,3 ±31 µ Mol/l (p= 0,002). Las variables ecocardiográficas mensuradas comparativamente según la localización de los angioaccesos a nivel del codo izquierdo; diámetro del ventrículo izquierdo: 3,12 ±4,08 vs 1,48 ±3,46 mms (p=0,001), fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo: 2,99 ±5,47 vs -1,98 ±6,23 % (p=0,018) y el volumen telediastólico: -23 ±33,41 vs 10,86 ±36,87 ml (p=0,006). El codo contralateral revelaba; para la fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo: 3,32 ±3,42 vs -2,18 ±4,78 % (p=0,037) y para el gasto cardíaco: -1,29 ±0,88 vs -0,26 ±0,86 l/min (0,020). Las conclusiones demuestran que el cierre del angioacceso a pacientes con trasplante renal funcionante respecto a los no intervenidos, contribuye a la regresión de las alteraciones morfológicas y hemodinámicas constatadas por ecocardiografía transtorácica en el corazón izquierdo a nivel de las diferentes localizaciones de los accesos vasculares.

Cardiovascular complications represent the main cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic renal disease, so the objective of this article is to demonstrate the influence of the patency of the arteriovenous fistula on echocardiographic variables measured in the left heart. For this, a multivariate study, longitudinal, prospective and controlled study of independent groups after an intervention that included 39 patients who had their angioaccess closed (study group) and 42 who were not exposed to surgery (control group). Both groups exhibited functional kidney transplantation. The main results emerge when comparing the prevalence between the study group and the control group, the average age; 45.6 and 44.1 years, the male sex, 24 (60%) and 23 (53.5%) and the white skin color; 33 (82.5%) and 32 (74.4%). The most frequent etiology of the original nephropathy was hypertensive vascular nephropathy; 12 (30%) vs 14 (32.6%). Among the clinical manifestations, remission of palpitations and dyspnea on exertion were evidenced in the study group. With regard to blood pressure, for the systolic it ranged from 123 ±13.4 to 120.5 ±9.2 vs. 125.6 ±8.4 to 128 ±8.3 mmHg (p= 0.000), while the diastolic varied from; 76.8 ±7.5 to 76.3 ±6.2 vs. 78.6 ±4.9 to 82.4 ±3.9 mmHg (p= 0.000). The hematocrit had equivalent values; 0.43 ±0.06 and 0.45 ±0.06 vs 0.42 ±0.05 and 0.42 ±0.06 l/l (p= 0.035) and the serum creatinine showed decrease in the operated patients from; 106.8 ±26.2 to 99.8 ±23.9 µMol/l vs 114 ±27.8 to 120.3 ±31 µMol/l (p= 0.002). The echocardiographic variables measured comparatively according to the location of the angioaccesses at the left elbow level; diameter of the left ventricle: 3.12 ±4.08 vs 1.48 ±3.46 mms (p=0.001), ejection fraction of the left ventricle: 2.99 ±5.47 vs -1.98 ±6.23 % (p=0.018) and the telediasolic volume: -23 ±33.41 vs 10.86 ±36.87 ml (p=0.006). The contralateral elbow revealed; for the left ventricular ejection fraction: 3.32 ±3.42 vs -2.18 ±4.78 % (p=0.037) and for cardiac output: -1.29 ±0.88 vs -0.26 ±0.86 l/min (0.020). The conclusions show that the our study has shown that closing the angioaccess to patients with functioning renal transplants with respect to those not operated, contributes to the regression of morphological and hemodynamic alterations observed by transthoracic echocardiography in the left heart at the different locations of the vascular accesses.

Humans , Male , Female , Arteriovenous Fistula/physiopathology , Renal Dialysis , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Longitudinal Studies , Arteriovenous Fistula/surgery , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Kidney Diseases/complications
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 2874-2881, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921192


BACKGROUND@#The complement system plays an important role in the immune response to transplantation, and the diagnostic significance of peritubular capillary (PTC) C4d deposition (C4d+) in grafts is controversial. The study aimed to fully investigate the risk factors for PTC C4d+ and analyze its significance in biopsy pathology of kidney transplantation.@*METHODS@#This retrospective study included 124 cases of kidney transplant with graft biopsy and donor-specific antibody (DSA) testing from January 2017 to December 2019 in a single center. The effects of recipient pathological indicators, eplet mismatch (MM), and DSAs on PTC C4d+ were examined using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses.@*RESULTS@#In total, 35/124 (28%) were PTC C4d+, including 21 with antibody-mediated rejection (AMR), eight with renal tubular injury, three with T cell-mediated rejection, one with glomerular disease, and two others. Univariate analysis revealed that DSAs (P < 0.001), glomerulitis (P < 0.001), peritubular capillaritis (P < 0.001), and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B eplet MM (P = 0.010) were the influencing factors of PTC C4d+. According to multivariate analysis, DSAs (odds ratio [OR]: 9.608, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.742-33.668, P < 0.001), glomerulitis (OR: 3.581, 95%CI: 1.246-10.289, P = 0.018), and HLA B eplet MM (OR: 1.166, 95%CI: 1.005-1.353, P = 0.042) were the independent risk factors for PTC C4d+. In receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, the area under the curve was increased to 0.831 for predicting PTC C4d+ when considering glomerulitis, DSAs, and HLA B eplet MM. The proportions of HLA I DSAs and PTC C4d+ in active antibody-mediated rejection were 12/17 and 15/17, respectively; the proportions of HLA class II DSAs and PTC C4d+ in chronic AMR were 8/12 and 7/12, respectively. Furthermore, the higher the PTC C4d+ score was, the more serious the urinary occult blood and proteinuria of recipients at the time of biopsy.@*CONCLUSIONS@#PTC C4d+ was mainly observed in AMR cases. DSAs, glomerulitis, and HLA B eplet MM are the independent risk factors for PTC C4d+.

Humans , Allografts , Biopsy , Complement C4b , Graft Rejection , HLA Antigens , HLA-B Antigens , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Peptide Fragments , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 181-186, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921253


BACKGROUND@#Delayed graft function (DGF) is the main cause of renal function failure after kidney transplantation. This study aims at investigating the value of hypothermic machine perfusion (HMP) parameters combined with perfusate biomarkers on predicting DGF and the time of renal function recovery after deceased donor (DD) kidney transplantation.@*METHODS@#HMP parameters, perfusate biomarkers and baseline characteristics of 113 DD kidney transplantations from January 1, 2019 to August 31, 2019 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University were retrospectively analyzed using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis.@*RESULTS@#In this study, the DGF incidence was 17.7% (20/113); The multivariate logistic regression results showed that terminal resistance (OR: 1.879, 95% CI 1.145-3.56) and glutathione S-transferase (GST)(OR = 1.62, 95% CI 1.23-2.46) were risk factors for DGF; The Cox model analysis indicated that terminal resistance was an independent hazard factor for renal function recovery time (HR = 0.823, 95% CI 0.735-0.981). The model combining terminal resistance and GST (AUC = 0.888, 95% CI: 0.842-0.933) significantly improved the DGF predictability compared with the use of terminal resistance (AUC = 0.756, 95% CI 0.693-0.818) or GST alone (AUC = 0.729, 95% CI 0.591-0.806).@*CONCLUSION@#According to the factors analyzed in this study, the combination of HMP parameters and perfusate biomarkers displays a potent DGF predictive value.

Humans , Biomarkers , Delayed Graft Function , Graft Survival , Kidney/physiology , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Organ Preservation , Perfusion , Retrospective Studies , Tissue Donors
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-922605


OBJECTIVES@#Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common infection complication after kidney transplantation, and the reports of the incidence vary greatly among different centers. This study aims to explore the risk factors for UTI after kidney transplantation with the donation from brain death (DBD) and the impact on graft function, thus to provide theoretical basis for comprehensive prevention and treatment of UTI after kidney transplantation.@*METHODS@#The clinical and laboratory data of DBD kidney transplantation from January 2017 to December 2018 in Xiangya Hospital, Central South University were collected and retrospectively analyzed. Patients were assigned into an UTI group and a non-UTI group. The base line characteristics, post-transplant complications, and graft function were compared between the 2 groups. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the risk factors for UTI.@*RESULTS@#A total of 212 DBD kidney transplant recipients were enrolled in this study. UTI occurred in 44 (20.75%) patients after transplantation. The female, the time of indwelling catheter, and postoperative urinary fistula were independent risk factors for UTI after DBD kidney transplantation. A total of 19 strains of gram-positive bacteria, 12 strains of gram-negative bacteria , and 10 strains of fungi were isolated from the urine of 44 UTI patients. The UTI after kidney transplantation significantly increased time of hospital stay (@*CONCLUSIONS@#UTI after DBD kidney transplantation transplantation affects the renal function at 3 months and increases the patient's economic burden.

Female , Humans , Brain Death , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Urinary Tract Infections/etiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942259


With the continuous development of kidney transplantation technique, the survival time after kidney transplantation is gradually prolonged. Thus, the malignant tumor has been the important influencing factor on the long-term survival for kidney transplantation patients. Renal cell carcinoma is a relatively common tumor after kidney transplantation. Besides, clear cell renal cell carcinoma and papillary renal cell carcinoma are the relatively common pathological types for renal cell carcinoma following kidney transplantation. However, bilateral renal cell carcinoma following kidney transplantation is comparatively rare. In this article, we presented a case of bilateral papillary renal cell carcinoma, which occurred after kidney transplantation. And the diagnosis and treatment were introduced in detail. The patient was 37 years old, and he underwent kidney transplantation 13 years ago in our hospital, because of kidney failure. After kidney transplantation, he had regular medical check-up every year. In this year, his urological ultrasound results indicated bilateral renal tumors. And then, he received abdominal and pelvic computed tomography, and the result also showed bilateral renal tumors, which were likely to be malignant tumors. After adequate consultation, the patient chose surgical treatment. The patient received long-term immunosuppressive therapy, because of kidney transplantation. Considering this, the surgeon decided to choose a staging surgical treatment, in order to reduce the bad influence of one-stage surgery. Then, the patient first underwent retroperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for right renal tumor in our hospital, and he had no complications after operation. The pathological results showed papillary renal cell carcinoma. He was discharged successfully. He underwent retroperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for left renal tumor in our hospital one month later, and he had no complications after operation. The pathological results also showed papillary renal cell carcinoma. He was discharged successfully two days after surgery. In the 3-month follow-up, the patient was recovering well. To sum up, the incidence of bilateral renal cell carcinoma following kidney transplantation is relatively rare, and bilateral radical nephrectomy is effective and safe treatment. Above all, it is the patient's condition that determines the choice of staging surgery or simultaneous surgery.

Adult , Humans , Male , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/surgery , Kidney , Kidney Neoplasms/surgery , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Nephrectomy
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 54(6): e10558, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249309


Hypercalcemia is common in patients after kidney transplantation (KTx) and is associated with persistent hyperparathyroidism in the majority of cases. This retrospective, single-center study evaluated the prevalence of hypercalcemia after KTx. KTx recipients were evaluated for 7 years after receiving kidneys from living or deceased donors. A total of 301 patients were evaluated; 67 patients had hypercalcemia at some point during the follow-up period. The median follow-up time for all 67 patients was 62 months (44; 80). Overall, 45 cases of hypercalcemia were classified as related to persistent post-transplant hyperparathyroidism (group A), 16 were classified as "transient post-transplant hypercalcemia" (group B), and 3 had causes secondary to other diseases (1 related to tuberculosis, 1 related to histoplasmosis, and 1 related to lymphoma). The other 3 patients had hypercalcemia of unknown etiology, which is still under investigation. In group A, the onset of hypercalcemia after KTx was not significantly different from that of the other groups, but the median duration of hypercalcemia in group A was 25 months (12.5; 53), longer than in group B, where the median duration of hypercalcemia was only 12 months (10; 15) (P<0.002). The median parathyroid hormone blood levels around 12 months after KTx were 210 pg/mL (141; 352) in group A and 72.5 pg/mL (54; 95) in group B (P<0.0001). Hypercalcemia post-KTx is not infrequent and its prevalence in this center was 22.2%. Persistent hyperparathyroidism was the most frequent cause, but other important etiologies must not be forgotten, especially granulomatous diseases and malignancies.

Humans , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Hypercalcemia/etiology , Hypercalcemia/epidemiology , Hyperparathyroidism , Parathyroid Hormone , Calcium , Retrospective Studies , Kidney
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 37(6): e00043620, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249465


Resumo: Este estudo avaliou a prevalência e os fatores associados a não procura por transplante renal entre pacientes em diálise crônica na Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Foram excluídos os pacientes sem condições clínicas e aqueles em avaliação pré-transplante renal. Um questionário semiestruturado foi aplicado, incluindo opções para a pergunta "Qual o principal motivo pelo qual o senhor/senhora não está inscrito(a) para o transplante renal?". A prevalência de pacientes considerados aptos, mas não inscritos e nem em avaliação pré-transplante renal foi de 50,7%. As principais causas foram: receio de insucesso/perda do enxerto (32,5%), dificuldade de transporte e acesso aos exames (20,9%) e problemas pessoais ou familiares temporários (13,7%). Em análise múltipla, as variáveis associadas a risco de receio do insucesso/perda do enxerto foram: sexo feminino (OR = 1,763; IC95%: 1,224-2,540) e doença renal dialítica (DRC 5-D) por hipertensão (OR = 1,732; IC95%: 1,178-2,547), tendo a renda mensal (salários mínimos) uma associação de proteção (OR = 0,882; IC95%: 0,785-0,991). O tempo em diálise (meses) foi um fator de risco para a dificuldade de transporte e acesso aos exames (OR = 1,004; IC95%: 1,001-1,007) e o sexo feminino apresentou uma associação de proteção (OR = 0,576; IC95%: 0,368-0,901). Esses resultados mostram elevada prevalência de pacientes em diálise fora de lista para transplante renal. As principais causas são reflexo da desinformação e falta de acesso. Sexo feminino, baixa renda e DRC 5-D por hipertensão foram os fatores de risco para a não procura por transplante renal por receio de perda do enxerto, reflexo da carência de informações sobre a modalidade. Sexo masculino e maior tempo em diálise foram os fatores de risco para a dificuldade de acesso à terapia.

Abstract: This study evaluated the prevalence and factors associated with lack of enrollment for kidney transplant among patients in chronic dialysis in Greater Metropolitan Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. The sample excluded patients with insufficient clinical status and those already in pre-kidney transplant evaluation. A semi-structured questionnaire was applied, including options for the question, "What is the main reason why you are not enrolled for kidney transplant?" Prevalence of patients considered fit but not enrolled or in pre- kidney transplant evaluation was 50.7%. The main reasons were fear of failure/loss of grafting (32.5%), difficulty with transportation or access to tests (20.9%), and temporary personal or family problems (13.7%). In the multivariate analysis, the variables associated with fear of failure or loss of graft were female sex (OR = 1.763; 95%CI: 1.224-2.540) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) due to hypertension (OR = 1.732; 95%CI: 1.178-2.547), while monthly income (number of minimum wages) showed a protective association (OR = 0.882; 95%CI: 0.785-0.991). Time on dialysis (months) was a risk factor for difficulty with transportation and access to tests (OR = 1.004; 95%CI: 1.001-1.007), and female sex showed a protective association (OR = 0.576; 95%CI: 0.368-0.901). These results show high prevalence of patients in dialysis not enrolled on the kidney transplant waitlist. The main causes were lack of information and lack of access. Female sex, low income, and ESRD due to hypertension were risk factors for lack of enrollment on the kidney transplant waitlist due to fear of loss of graft, resulting from lack of information on this treatment modality. Male sex and longer time on dialysis were risk factors for difficulty in access to kidney transplant.

Resumen: Este estudio evalúo la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la no búsqueda de un trasplante renal entre pacientes con diálisis crónica en la Región Metropolitana de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Se excluyeron a pacientes sin condiciones clínicas y aquellos en evaluación pre-trasplante renal . Se aplicó un cuestionario semiestructurado, incluyendo opciones a la pregunta "¿cuál es el principal motivo por el cual usted no está inscrito(a) para un trasplante renal?" La prevalencia de pacientes considerados aptos, pero no inscritos y ni en evaluación pre-trasplante renal fue de un 50,7%. Las principales causas fueron: recelo al fracaso/pérdida del injerto (32,5%), dificultad de transporte y acceso a los exámenes (20,9%), así como problemas personales o familiares temporales (13,7%). En el análisis múltiple, las variables asociadas al riesgo del recelo al fracaso/pérdida del injerto fueron de sexo femenino (OR = 1,763; IC95%: 1,224-2,540) y enfermedad renal dialítica (DRC 5-D) por hipertensión (OR = 1,732; IC95%: 1,178-2,547), teniendo la renta mensual (salarios mínimos) una asociación de protección (OR = 0,882; IC95%: 0,785-0,991). El tiempo en diálisis (meses) fue un factor de riesgo para la dificultad en el transporte y acceso a los exámenes (OR = 1,004; IC95%: 1,001-1,007), y el sexo femenino tuvo una asociación de protección (OR = 0,576; IC95%: 0,368-0,901). Estos resultados muestran la elevada prevalencia de pacientes en diálisis fuera de la lista para transplante renal. Las principales causas son reflejo de la desinformación y falta de acceso. Sexo femenino, baja renta y DRC 5-D por hipertensión fueron factores de riesgo para la no búsqueda de trasplante renal por recelo a la pérdida del injerto, reflejo de la carencia de información sobre la modalidad. Sexo masculino y mayor tiempo en diálisis fueron factores de riesgo para la dificultad de acceso a la terapia. izará la atención a las vulnerabilidades individuales desde la perspectiva de la salud integral.

Humans , Male , Female , Prevalence , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Kidney Failure, Chronic/surgery , Kidney Failure, Chronic/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Renal Dialysis
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20210054, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351015


Abstract Renal transplant remains the preferred therapy for end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Given the shortage of suitable donor kidneys, use of an expanded criteria donor (ECD) allows marginal kidneys to be transplanted; albeit at risk of increased graft failure due to lower nephron mass. To reduce the risk of graft failure, double kidney transplant (DKT) is advocated, with favorable outcomes. Transplant renal artery stenosis (TRAS) is one of the most common vascular complications following renal transplant. Unlike single kidney transplants, where TRAS usually presents with fluid overload, uncontrolled hypertension, and worsening kidney functions; it may be clinically silent in DKT patients since they have two functional transplanted kidneys. We hereby report a case of TRAS in a DKT patient who had 2 years of favorable clinical outcomes following successful endovascular stenting. He however recently died of COVID-19 associated pneumonitis.

Resumo O transplante renal continua sendo a terapia preferida para doenças renais em fase terminal. Dada a escassez de rins de doadores adequados, o doador com critérios expandidos permite que rins marginais sejam transplantados, embora haja um maior risco de falha do enxerto devido à diminuição da massa nefrótica. Para diminuir o risco de falha do enxerto, recomenda-se o transplante renal duplo (TRD), com resultados favoráveis. A estenose de artéria renal transplantada (EART) é uma das complicações vasculares mais comuns após o transplante renal. Ao contrário dos transplantes de rim simples, nos quais a EART geralmente se manifesta como sobrecarga de fluido, hipertensão descontrolada e piora das funções renais, ela pode ser clinicamente silenciosa em pacientes com TRD, pois eles têm dois rins funcionais transplantados. Relatamos aqui um caso de EART em um paciente com TRD que teve resultados clínicos favoráveis por dois anos após o sucesso do implante de stent endovascular. No entanto, ele morreu recentemente de pneumonite associada à covid-19.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Renal Artery Obstruction/therapy , Thrombosis , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Angioplasty , Drug-Eluting Stents , Renal Artery , Kidney Transplantation/methods , Donor Selection/methods , Endovascular Procedures , Transplant Recipients
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20210035, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340180


Abstract Various vascular complications following renal transplantation include renal artery and vein thrombosis, renal artery stenosis, pseudoaneurysm, and iliac artery dissection. Transplant renal artery stenosis (TRAS) is the most common, while iliac artery dissection is the rarest of these various vascular complications. We describe an elderly male, who had both external iliac artery dissection and TRAS at 2 months following renal transplantation. He underwent successful percutaneous endovascular intervention of both complications. The post-intervention course was uneventful, with improvement in graft renal functions and left lower limb perfusion.

Resumo As diversas complicações vasculares possíveis após um transplante renal incluem trombose da veia e artéria renais, estenose da artéria renal, pseudoaneurisma e dissecção da artéria ilíaca. Entre essas diversas complicações, a estenose da artéria renal transplantada é a mais comum, enquanto a dissecção da artéria ilíaca é a mais rara. Relatamos o caso de um homem idoso que desenvolveu tanto dissecção da artéria ilíaca quanto estenose da artéria renal transplantada 2 meses após transplante renal. As intervenções endovasculares percutâneas foram bem-sucedidas em ambas as complicações. O período pós-intervenção cursou sem complicações, com melhora na função renal do enxerto e na perfusão do membro inferior esquerdo.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Renal Artery/pathology , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Angioplasty , Iliac Artery/pathology , Stents , Constriction, Pathologic , Endovascular Procedures
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 54: e0269-2020, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155566


Abstract Reactivation of chronic Trypanosoma cruzi infection in solid organ transplant recipients (SOTRs) has been reported. The patient presented with a 2-week history of two painful erythematous, infiltrated plaques with central ulceration and necrotic crust on the left thigh. She had a history of chronic indeterminate Chagas disease (CD) and had received a kidney transplant before 2 months. Skin biopsies revealed lobular panniculitis with intracellular amastigote forms of T. cruzi. The patient was diagnosed with CD reactivation. Treatment with benznidazole significantly improved her condition. CD reactivation should be suspected in SOTRs living in endemic areas with clinical polymorphism of skin lesions.

Humans , Female , Trypanosoma cruzi , Panniculitis , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Chagas Disease/diagnosis , Thigh