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Rev.Chil Ortop Traumatol ; 65(1): 40-46, abr.2024. graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554992


La extensión completa de la rodilla es esencial para la marcha. Los pacientes con parálisis cerebral infantil con frecuencia pueden tener déficit de extensión de distinta magnitud, lo que compromete la marcha e incluso la bipedestación. El tratamiento de la contractura en flexión de rodilla parte por tratar la espasticidad de los músculos comprometidos y con fisioterapia. Cuando el flexo es estructurado, el tratamiento es quirúrgico mediante distintas técnicas, dependiendo de la magnitud de la contractura y de la edad del paciente. Las técnicas sobre partes blandas incluyen alargamientos funcionales de isquiotibiales y transferencias musculares. Cuando la contractura es capsular, es preferible realizar cirugía ósea, la cual extiende el fémur proximal, ya sea en forma progresiva, mediante fisiodesis anterior en pacientes pediátricos, o en forma aguda, mediante osteotomía extensora del fémur distal. Con frecuencia existe una patela alta, la cual hay que corregir en el mismo acto quirúrgico para mantener la eficiencia del aparato extensor

Full knee extension is essential for gait. Patients with cerebral palsy frequently have extension deficits of different magnitudes, which compromise walking and even standing up. The treatment of knee flexion contracture begins by addressing the spasticity of the involved muscles and includes physical therapy. For structured extension deficits, the treatment is surgical, using different techniques depending on the magnitude of the contracture and the patient's age. Soft tissue techniques include functional hamstring lengthening and muscle transfers. For capsular contracture, bone surgery is preferable and extends the proximal femur either progressively, through anterior physiodesis in pediatric patients, or acutely, by extensor distal femoral osteotomy. A high patella is common and requires correction during the same surgical procedure to maintain the efficiency of the extensor apparatus

Humans , Cerebral Palsy/complications , Contracture/surgery , Contracture/etiology , Knee Joint/surgery , Knee Joint/diagnostic imaging , Knee/surgery , Knee/diagnostic imaging
Rev. bras. ortop ; 59(1): 136-138, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559609


Abstract Simultaneous bilateral rupture of the quadricipital tendon is an extremely rare lesion. We report a case of this injury after low-energy trauma in a patient with type-II diabetes mellitus. Both knees were surgically approached in the same surgical procedure. Early rehabilitation is essential for the adequate functional recovery of the knee. The aim of the present report was to describe an atypical case of this type of injury after minimal trauma, as well as to detail the surgical technique used to treat it.

Resumo A ruptura bilateral simultânea do tendão do quadríceps é uma lesão extremamente rara. Relatamos um caso desta lesão após trauma de baixa energia em paciente portador de diabetes mellitus do tipo II. O diagnóstico é essencialmente clínico, e requer tratamento precoce. Os dois joelhos foram abordados cirurgicamente no mesmo ato operatório. A reabilitação precoce é fundamental para a recuperação funcional adequada do joelho. O objetivo deste relato foi descrever um caso atípico deste tipo de lesão após trauma mínimo, bem como detalhar a técnica cirúrgica utilizada para o tratamento.

Humans , Male , Aged , Tendon Injuries/surgery , Quadriceps Muscle/injuries , Knee/surgery
Rev. bras. ortop ; 59(2): 235-240, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565395


Abstract Objective To analyze whether there is more bleeding in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA) without using a tourniquet. The secondary objectives were to analyze the operative time, the length of hospital stay, the need for transfusion, and the complication rate. Methods The present is a retrospective study through the analysis of medical records. The patients were divided into two groups: TKA with and without the use of a tourniquet. Reductions in the levels of hemoglobin and packed cell volume 24 h and 48 h after surgery, the operative time, the length of hospital stay, the need for transfusion, and the rate of complications up to 6 months postoperatively were compared between the groups. Results During the period analyzed, 104 patients underwent TKA, and 94 were included in the study. There were no differences between the groups regarding the mean values of hemoglobin and packed cell volume before surgery (p = 0.675 and p = 0.265), 24 h (p = 0.099 and p = 0.563), and 48 h (p = 0.569 and p = 0.810) after the procedure. Neither were there differences between the groups in terms of the operative time and the length of hospital stay (p = 0.484 and p > 0.05). Moreover, there were no differences regarding the need for transfusion and the complication rate. Conclusion It is possible to forgo the use a tourniquet in TKA without a significant change in hemoglobin and packed cell volume levels 24 h and 48 h after surgery when compared with the group using a tourniquet. There were no significant differences in the total operative time, length of stay, need for transfusion, and complication rate.

Resumo Objetivo Analisar se há mais sangramento em pacientes submetidos a artroplastia total do joelho (ATJ) sem a utilização do torniquete. Os objetivos secundários foram analisar os tempos cirúrgico e de internação, a necessidade de transfusão e a taxa de complicações. Métodos Estudo retrospectivo por meio da análise de prontuários. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: ATJ com e sem a utilização de torniquete. Foram comparados os valores das quedas da hemoglobina e do hematócrito 24 h e 48 h após a cirurgia, os tempos cirúrgico e de internação, a necessidade de transfusão e a taxa de complicações até 5 meses de pós-operatório. Resultados No período, foram operados 104 pacientes, sendo 94 incluídos no estudo. Não houve diferença entre as médias dos valores da hemoglobina e do hematócrito entre os grupos no pré-operatório (p = 0,675 e p = 0,265, respectivamente), 24 h (p = 0,099 e p = 0,563, respectivamente) e 48 h (p = 0,569 e p = 0,810, respectivamente) após a cirurgia. O tempo cirúrgico e o tempo de internação também não foram diferentes entre os grupos (p = 0,484 e p > 0,05, respectivamente). Não houve diferença com relação à necessidade de transfusões, nem com relação à taxa de complicações analisadas. Conclusão Podemos dispensar o uso do torniquete nas cirurgias de ATJ sem alteração significativa no valor dos níveis de hemoglobina e de hematócrito 24 h e 48 h após a cirurgia quando comparado ao grupo com uso de torniquete. Não houve diferenças significativas no tempo total das cirurgias, no tempo de internação, na necessidade de transfusões e nas taxas de complicações analisadas.

Humans , Male , Female , Arthroplasty , Tourniquets , Hemorrhage , Knee/surgery
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 43(2): 93-97, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1510690


La rotura traumática, simultánea y bilateral del tendón cuadricipital es una lesión infrecuente, generalmente asociada a otras enfermedades sistémicas tales como insuficiencia renal o trastornos endocrinos. Presentamos el caso de un varón sano y atleta de 38 años que sufrió esta lesión mientras realizaba una sentadilla en el gimnasio. (AU)

The traumatic bilateral and simultaneous quadriceps tendon rupture is a rare injury, usually associated with other systemic diseases such as renal insufficiency or endocrine disorders. We present the case of a 38-year-old healthy male athlete who sustained this injury while performing a squat at the gym. (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Rupture/diagnostic imaging , Tendon Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Quadriceps Muscle/injuries , Quadriceps Muscle/diagnostic imaging , Rupture/surgery , Tendon Injuries/surgery , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Radiography , Ultrasonography , Quadriceps Muscle/surgery , Knee/surgery , Knee/diagnostic imaging
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(3): 428-434, May-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449812


Abstract Objectives This study aims to analyze the safety of a simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty (SBTKA) and to investigate patients' satisfaction with the procedure performed concomitantly. Methods In a prospective study, we evaluated 45 patients undergoing SBTKA performed by two surgical teams. The mean age of the patients was 66.9 years; 33 subjects were female (73.3%) and 12 (26.6%) were male. We followed a protocol of intra- and postoperatively measures to ensure the safety of this procedure. We evaluated the surgery time and blood loss by hematocrit (Ht) and hemoglobin (Hb) levels on the first postoperative day, the percentage of patients who received a transfusion of packed red blood cells, and the number of required units. We also recorded perioperative complications, and, at the end of 3 months, we asked patients about their preference between the simultaneous or staged procedure. Results The mean surgery time was 169 minutes. In the postoperative period, there was an average decrease of 28.2% in Htc and 27.0% in Hgb. A total of 16 patients (35.5%) received a transfusion of packed red blood cells (mean, 1.75 units per patient requiring a transfusion). There were 12 minor complications (26.6%) and 2 major complications (4.4%); furthermore, no patient had a clinical diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis, and there were no deaths. Conclusions The SBTKA procedure may be considered safe if performed in selected patients and with a care protocol to prevent complications. This type of procedure was unanimously approved by patients.

Resumo Objetivos Os objetivos deste estudo foram analisar a segurança da artroplastia total bilateral de joelho simultânea (ATJBS) e investigar a satisfação dos pacientes com o procedimento realizado de forma concomitante. Métodos Em um estudo prospectivo, avaliamos 45 pacientes submetidos à ATJBS feita por duas equipes cirúrgicas. A idade média dos pacientes foi 66,9 anos, sendo 33 do gênero feminino (73,3%) e 12 (26,6%) do gênero masculino. No período intra- e pós-operatório foi seguido um protocolo de medidas visando a segurança do procedimento. Avaliamos o tempo de cirurgia, a perda sanguínea pelo hematócrito (Ht) e hemoglobina (Hb), obtidos no primeiro dia de pós-operatório, a porcentagem de pacientes que receberam transfusão de concentrado de hemácias e quantidade de unidades que foram necessárias. Verificamosascomplicaçõesnoperíodo periopera-tório e, ao final de três meses, inquirimos aos pacientes sobre a preferência entre o procedimento simultâneo ou estagiado. Resultados O tempo médio de cirurgia foi de 169 minutos; no pós-operatório houve um decréscimo médio de 28,2% do Ht e de 27,0% da Hb. Ao todo, 16 pacientes (35,5%) receberam transfusão de concentrado de hemácias (média de 1,75 unidades por paciente que precisou de reposição). Tivemos 12 complicações menores (26,6%) e 2 complicações maiores (4,4%); além disso, nenhum paciente teve o diagnóstico clínico de trombose venosa profunda e não houve mortes. Conclusões A ATJBS pode ser considerada um procedimento seguro, se realizada em pacientes selecionados e com um protocolo de cuidados para prevenir complicações. Esse procedimento teve a aprovação unânime dos pacientes.

Humans , Patient Satisfaction , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Knee/surgery
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(2): 206-210, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449791


Abstract Objectives To perform a systematic review of the literature on the anatomy of the medial meniscotibial ligaments (MTLs), and to present the most accepted findings, as well as the evolution of the anatomical knowledge on this structure. Materials and Methods An electronic search was conducted in the MEDLINE/PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE and Cochrane library databases with no date restrictions. The following index terms were used in the search: anatomy AND meniscotibial AND ligament AND medial. The review was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. We included anatomical studies of the knee were included, such as cadaver dissections, histological and/or biological investigations, and/or imaging of the medial MTL anatomy. Results Eight articles that met the inclusion criteria were selected. The first article was published in 1984 and the last, in 2020. The total sample in the 8 articles was of 96 patients. Most studies are purely descriptive in terms of the macroscopic morphological and microscopic histological findings. Two studies evaluated the biomechanical aspects of the MTL, and one, the anatomical correlation with the magnetic resonance imaging examination. Conclusion The main function of the medial MTL, a ligament that originates in the tibia and is inserted in the lower meniscus, is to stabilize and maintain the meniscus in its position on the tibial plateau. However, there is a limited amount of information regarding medial MTLs, primarily in terms of anatomy, especially vascularization and innervation.

Resumo Objetivos Fazer uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a anatomia dos ligamentos meniscotibiais (LMTs) mediais, e apresentar os achados mais aceitos e a evolução das informações anatômicas sobre essa estrutura. Materiais e Métodos A busca eletrônica foi realizada nos bancos de dados MEDLINE/PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE e Cochrane, sem restrições de data. Os seguintes termos de indexação foram utilizados: anatomy AND meniscotibial AND ligament AND medial. A revisão seguiu as recomendações da declaração de Principais Itens para Relatar Revisões Sistemáticas e Metanálises (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, PRISMA, em inglês). Foram incluídos estudos anatômicos do joelho, como dissecções de cadáveres, investigações histológicas e/ou biológicas, e/ou imagens da anatomia do LMT medial. Resultados Oito artigos atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e foram selecionados. O primeiro foi publicado em 1984, e o último, em 2020. A amostra total nos 8 artigos foi de 96 pacientes. A maioria dos estudos é puramente descritiva em relação aos achados morfológicos macroscópicos e histológicos microscópicos. Dois estudos avaliaram os aspectos biomecânicos do LMT, e um analisou a correlação anatômica com o exame de ressonância magnética. Conclusão A principal função do LMT medial, ligamento que se origina na tíbia e se insere no menisco inferior, é estabilizar e manter a posição do menisco no platô tibial.

Humans , Tibia/anatomy & histology , Meniscus/anatomy & histology , Knee/anatomy & histology , Ligaments
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 13(1)fev., 2023. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531237


BACKGROUND: Genu recurvatum is one of the most commonly presented lower extremity postural malalignments in individuals. Though genu recurvatum and its impact on impaired knee proprioception, anterior cruciate injuries and posterior soft tissue dysfunctions are reported, its association with patellar mobility is scarcely reported and warrants exploration. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the medial and lateral patellar mobility differences in adult young males with genu recurvatum and normal knee alignment. METHODS: The ethical approval for this cross-sectional study protocol was obtained and the study was conducted in Research Department of Alva's College of Physiotherapy and Research Centre, Moodubidire, DK, Karnataka, India. The study participants were recruited through an institutional-based musculoskeletal and sports clinic. The estimated sample size for this study was 174. A total of 87 young males with genu recurvatum and 87 young males with normal knee alignment fulfilling the selection criteria were enrolled in two groups. Participants' knee joint was examined by an assessor and individuals with > 5° knee hyperextension were assigned to genu recurvatum group, and individuals with knee extension < 5° from neutral were assigned to the normal knee alignment group. Further, the patellar glide test was performed to examine the presence of patellar hypermobility in both groups. RESULTS: The mean age of the participants in genu recurvatum and normal knee alignment group was 22.04 + 1.860 and 21.91 + 1.869, respectively. A significant higher proportion (86.2%) of participants with genu recurvatum identified with patellar hypermobility compared to normal knee alignment. Within the genu recurvatum subjects, 66.66& and 19.54% were observed to have medial and lateral patellar hypermobility. The odds for occurrence of patellar hypermobility in genu recurvatum was estimated to be 13.007 (95%, CI, 5.481 ­ 30.866), respectively. CONCLUSION: The study result suggests that medial patellar hypermobility is more common in individuals with genu recurvatum. Further study investigating on the mechanism contributing towards medial patellar mobility in genu recurvatum populations could validate the present study findings.

INTRODUÇÃO: Genu recurvatum é um dos desalinhamento posturais dos membros inferiores mais comumente apresentado em indivíduos. Embora o genu recurvatum e seu impacto na propriocepção prejudicada do joelho, lesões cruzadas anteriores e disfunções dos tecidos moles posteriores sejam relatados, sua associação com a mobilidade patelar é pouco relatada e merece exploração. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as diferenças de mobilidade patelar medial e lateral em homens adultos do sexo masculino com genu recurvatum e alinhamento normal do joelho. MÉTODOS: O protocolo do estudo foi explicado e a aprovação ética para o protocolo do estudo foi obtida e o estudo foi conduzido no Departamento de Pesquisa do Alva's College of Physiotherapy and Research Centre, Moodubidire, DK, Karnataka, India. Os participantes do estudo foram recrutados por meio de clínica musculoesquelética e esportiva de base institucional. O tamanho estimado da amostra para este estudo foi de 174. Um total de 87 jovens do sexo masculino com genu recurvatum e 87 jovens do sexo masculino com alinhamento normal do joelho foram incluídos em dois grupos. A articulação do joelho dos participantes foi examinada por um avaliador e os indivíduos com hiperextensão do joelho > 5° foram designados para o grupo Genu recurvatum, e os indivíduos com extensão do joelho < 5° do neutro foram designados para o grupo de alinhamento normal do joelho. Além disso, o teste de deslizamento patelar foi realizado para examinar a presença de hipermobilidade patelar. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos participantes do grupo genu recurvatum e alinhamento normal do joelho foi 22,04 + e 21,91 + 1,869, respectivamente. Uma proporção significativamente maior (86,2%) de participantes com genu recurvatum identificados com hipermobilidade patelar em comparação com indivíduos com alinhamento normal do joelho. Entre os indivíduos com genu recurvatum, observou-se que 66,66% e 19,54% apresentavam hipermobilidade patelar medial e lateral. Entre aqueles com alinhamento normal do joelho, 44,83% apresentaram hipermobilidade patelar. A razão de chances para ocorrência de hipermobilidade patelar no genu recurvatum foi estimada em 13,007 (95%, IC, 5,481 ­ 30,866), respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: O resultado do estudo sugere que a hipermobilidade patelar medial é mais comum em indivíduos com genu recurvatum. Um estudo mais aprofundado que investigue o mecanismo detalhado que contribui para a mobilidade patelar medial em populações de genu recurvatum poderia validar os resultados do presente estudo.

Joint Instability , Patella , Knee
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(1): 85-91, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441340


Abstract Objective To analyze the dimensions of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), the presence of meniscus-femoral ligaments MFLs in human knees, and the correlation with the dimensions of the knee skeleton. Methods Anatomical study on 29 specimens of human knees in which we measured the length and width of the cruciate and meniscus-femoral ligaments and the dimensions of femoral and tibia condyles and the femoral notch. The ACL length was calculated with different degrees of knee flexion. The relationship between the ligaments and bone dimensions were analyzed. Results The length of the ACL and the PCL were similar. Posterior MFL was more frequent and longer than the anterior MFL. We found the posterior MFL in the 72.41% of the knees and anterior MFL in 20.69%. The ACL presented 30% of its maximum length up to 60°, approximately half of its length between 90° and 120°, reaching its maximum length at 170°. We found a strong correlation between the length of the ACL and that of the PCL (p= 0.001). However, the lengths of the ACL and PCL were not related with the bone dimensions. Conclusion We have found no correlations between the cruciate and MFLs and the anatomical dimensions of the intercondylar notch and the proximal tibia and distal femur. The presence of the posterior MFL was more frequent and longer than that of the anterior ligament.

Resumo Objetivo Analisar as dimensões do ligamento cruzado posterior (LCP), do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA), a presença de ligamentos meniscofemorais (LMFs) em joelhos humanos e a correlação com as dimensões do esqueleto do joelho. Métodos Estudo anatômico em 29 espécimes de joelhos humanos nos quais medimos o comprimento e a largura dos ligamentos cruzado e meniscofemoral e as dimensões dos côndilos femorais e tibiais e do entalhe femoral. O comprimento do LCA foi calculado com diferentes graus de flexão do joelho. Analisou-se a relação entre os ligamentos e as dimensões ósseas. Resultados O comprimento do LCA e do LCP foram semelhantes, LMF posterior foi mais frequente e mais longo do que o LMF anterior. Foram encontradas LMF posterior em 72,41% dos joelhos e LMF anterior em 20,69%. O LCA apresentou 30% de seu comprimento máximo até 60°, aproximadamente metade de seu comprimento entre 90° e 120°, atingindo seu comprimento máximo com flexão de 170°. Encontramos uma forte correlação entre o comprimento do LCA e do LCP (p= 0,001). No entanto, os comprimentos do LCA e do LCP não estavam relacionados com as dimensões ósseas. Conclusão Não encontramos correlações entre os ligamentos cruzado e meniscofemoral e as dimensões anatômicas do entalhe intercondilar e da tíbia proximal e do fêmur distal. A presença do LMF posterior foi mais frequente e maior que a do ligamento anterior.

Humans , Anterior Cruciate Ligament , Posterior Cruciate Ligament , Meniscus , Knee
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(1): 141-148, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441343


Abstract Objective This is the first study to establish the utility of extended curettage with or without bone allograft for Grade II giant cell tumors GCTs around the knee joint with the aim of exploring postoperative functional outcomes. Methods We retrospectively reviewed 25 cases of Campanacci grade II GCTs undergoing extended curettage between January 2014 and December 2019. The participants were divided into two groups: one group of 12 patients underwent extended curettage with bone allograft and bone cement, while the other group of 13 patients underwent extended curettage with bone cement only. Quality of life was assessed by the Revised Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Score and by the Knee score of the Knee Society; recurrence and complications were assessed for each cohort at the last follow-up. The Fisher test and two-sample t-tests were used to compare the categorical and continuous outcomes, respectively. Results The mean age was 28.09 (7.44) years old, with 10 (40%) males and 15 females (60%). The distal femur and the proximal tibia were involved in 13 (52%) and in 12 (48%) patients, respectively. There was no significant difference in the musculoskeletal tumor society score (25.75 versus 27.41; p= 0.178), in the knee society score (78.67 versus 81.46; p= 0.33), recurrence (0 versus 0%; p= 1), and complications (25 versus 7.69%; p= 0.21). Conclusions Extended curettage with or without bone allograft have similar functional outcomes for the knee without any major difference in the incidence of recurrence and of complications for Grade II GCTs. However, surgical convenience and cost-effectiveness might favor the bone cement only, while long-term osteoarthritis prevention needs to be investigated to favor bone allograft.

Resumo Objetivo Este é o primeiro estudo a estabelecer a utilidade da curetagem estendida com ou sem enxerto ósseo em tumores de células gigantes (TCGs) de grau II na articulação do joelho com o objetivo de explorar os resultados funcionais pós-operatórios. Métodos Revisamos retrospectivamente 25 casos de TCGs de grau II de Campanacci submetidos a curetagem estendida entre janeiro de 2014 e dezembro de 2019. Os participantes foram divididos em 2 grupos: um grupo de 12 pacientes foi submetido a curetagem estendida com aloenxerto ósseo e cimento ósseo, enquanto o outro grupo, com 13 pacientes, foi submetido a curetagem estendida apenas com cimento ósseo. A qualidade de vida foi avaliada pela Pontuação Revista da Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MTS, na sigla em inglês) e pela Pontuação da Knee Society (KS, na sigla em inglês), enquanto as taxas de recidiva e complicações foram avaliadas em cada coorte na última consulta de acompanhamento. O teste de Fisher e os testes t de duas amostras foram usados para comparação de resultados categóricos e contínuos, respectivamente Resultados A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 28,09 (7,44) anos; 10 (40%) pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 15 (60%) pacientes eram do sexo feminino. O fêmur distal e a tíbia proximal foram acometidos em 13 (52%) e 12 (48%) dos pacientes, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significativa na pontuação revista da MTS (25,75 versus 27,41; p= 0,178), na pontuação da KS (78,67 versus 81,46; p= 0,33) e nas taxas de recidiva (0 versus 0%; p= 1) e complicações (25 versus 7,69%; p= 0,21). Conclusões A curetagem estendida com ou sem aloenxerto ósseo tem resultados funcionais semelhantes em pacientes com TCGs de grau II no joelho, sem qualquer diferença importante na incidência de recidivas e complicações. No entanto, a conveniência cirúrgica e o custo-benefício podem favorecer a utilização apenas de cimento ósseo, enquanto a prevenção da osteoartrite em longo prazo precisa ser investigada para favorecer o enxerto ósseo.

Humans , Bone Cements , Bone Transplantation , Curettage , Giant Cell Tumors , Knee/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981679


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the repair method of type Ⅱc injury in the lateral meniscus popliteal tendon area based on the porcine knee joint.@*METHODS@#Eighteen commercially available fresh porcine knee joints were randomly divided into 3 groups ( n=6). After preparing a type Ⅱc injury in the lateral meniscus popliteal tendon area, and the anterior (group A), posterior (group B), or anterior and posterior (group C) of the popliteal hiatus (PH) was sutured by vertical mattress. The tension meter was used to apply gradient tensions of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 N along the tibial plateau horizontally, respectively, to pull the midpoint of the lateral meniscus popliteal tendon area. The displacement values before modeling, after modeling, and after suture were recorded. The reduction value of lateral meniscus displacement and reduction rate after suture were calculated and compared between groups.@*RESULTS@#There was no significant difference between groups ( P>0.05) in the displacement values before modeling, after modeling, and after suture under different tensions. There was no significant difference between groups A and C ( P>0.05) in the reduction value of lateral meniscus displacement and reduction rate after suture under different tensions. The reduction value of lateral meniscus displacement and reduction rate after suture in group B were lower than those in groups A and C. The reduction value of lateral meniscus displacement under tension of 2 N and the reduction rates under tensions of 2, 4, and 6 N between groups A and B showed significant differences ( P<0.05). The reduction value of lateral meniscus displacement and the reduction rate under tensions of 2, 4, and 6 N between groups B and C showed significant differences ( P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Suturing the anterior area of PH is the key to repairing type Ⅱc injury of lateral meniscus popliteal tendon area.

Animals , Humans , Knee , Knee Joint , Menisci, Tibial/surgery , Swine , Tendons , Tibia
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981736


OBJECTIVE@#To provide an overview of the incidence of knee donor -site morbidity after autologous osteochondral mosaicplasty.@*METHODS@#A comprehensive search was conducted in PubMed, EMbase, Wanfang Medical Network, and CNKI databases from January 2010 to April 20, 2021. Relevant literature was selected based on predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria, and data were evaluated and extracted. The correlation between the number and size of transplanted osteochondral columns and donor-site morbidity was analyzed.@*RESULTS@#A total of 13 literatures were included, comprising a total of 661 patients. Statistical analysis revealed an incidence of knee donor-site morbidity at 8.6% (57/661), with knee pain being the most common complaint, accounting for 4.2%(28/661). There was no significant correlation between the number of osteochondral columns and postoperative donor-site incidence (P=0.424, N=10), nor between the diameter size of osteochondral columns and postoperative donor-site incidence(P=0.699, N=7).@*CONCLUSION@#Autologous osteochondral mosaicplasty is associated with a considerable incidence of knee donor-site morbidity, with knee pain being the most frequent complaint. There is no apparent correlation between donor-site incidence and the number and size of transplanted osteochondral columns. Donors should be informed about the potential risks.

Humans , Incidence , Cartilage/transplantation , Knee , Knee Joint/surgery , Pain , Cartilage, Articular , Transplantation, Autologous , Bone Transplantation
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009194


The correct alignment of the knee joint is considered to be one of the most influential factors in determining the long-term prognosis after total knee arthroplasty(TKA). In order to achieve the correct alignment goal, many different alignment concepts and surgical techniques have been established. For example, mechanical alignment(MA), kinematic alignment(KA) and functional alignment(FA) have their own characteristics. MA focuses on achieving neutral alignment of the limbs, parallel and equal bone gaps during stretching and flexion. KA aims to restore the patient 's natural joint line, make the joint level and angle normal and improve the physiological soft tissue balance, and strive to reproduce the normal knee function;among them, functional alignment(FA) developed with robot-assisted surgery technology is a relatively new alignment concept. It not only considers the alignment of the body, but also aims to achieve flexion and extension balance, while respecting the native soft tissue capsule. It not only restores the plane and slope of the in situ joint line accurately during the operation, but also takes into account the balance of soft tissue, which is a better alignment method. Therefore, it is of great significance to correctly construct the lower limb force line of patients, which is helpful to restore knee joint function, relieve pain symptoms and prolong the service life of prosthesi. However, compared with traditional TKA, the operation time of robot-assisted FA-TKA is prolonged, which means that the probability of postoperative infection will be greater. At present, most studies of FA technology report short-term results, and the long-term efficacy of patients is not clear. Therefore, long-term research results are needed to support the application of this technology. Therefore, the author makes a review on the research status of functional alignment.

Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee/methods , Robotics , Knee Joint/surgery , Osteoarthritis, Knee/surgery , Knee , Knee Prosthesis , Biomechanical Phenomena
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1437492

Pain , Giant Cell Tumors , Knee
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1437498


Introducción: La sutura meniscal es una técnica cada vez más utilizada en pacientes con lesiones meniscales, con buenos resultados en la población general. Sin embargo, los estudios realizados en pacientes deportistas son escasos. Se analizaron las fallas de la sutura meniscal y el retorno al deporte en pacientes deportistas, y se identificaron posibles factores asociados. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluaron retrospectivamente 61 suturas meniscales en deportistas (puntaje de Tegner ≥6) con un seguimiento mínimo de 12 meses. Cuarenta y nueve eran lesiones aisladas y 12 se asociaban con plástica del ligamento cruzado anterior. El seguimiento promedio fue de 61 meses y los pacientes fueron evaluados con los puntajes de Tegner y de Lysholm. Resultados: Se constató la falla de la sutura meniscal en 12 (19,67%) pacientes; la falla ocurrió, en promedio, 14 meses poscirugía. Nueve fallas se produjeron en suturas aisladas y 3 se asociaron con plástica del ligamento cruzado anterior (p <0,05). El menisco que más falló fue el interno. El 75% corresponde a pacientes que practicaban un deporte de contacto y pivote (p <0,05). Los pacientes que no sufrieron falla pudieron continuar con la misma actividad deportiva que antes de la lesión y el puntaje de Lysholm había mejorado significativamente (p <0,05). Conclusiones: Las fallas fueron significativamente más frecuentes en meniscos internos, suturas aisladas, lesiones en asa de balde, y deportes de contacto y pivote. Consideramos que la sutura meniscal es una excelente opción quirúrgica para pacientes deportistas, ya que un alto porcentaje de ellos retorna al deporte. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: Meniscal suturing is a technique increasingly used in patients with meniscal lesions, with good outcomes in the general population. However, research on athletes is limited. Meniscal suture failures and return to sport in athletes were analy-zed, and possible contributing factors were identified. Materials and Methods: Sixty-one meniscal sutures in athletes (Tegner score ≥6) with a minimum follow-up of 12 months were retrospectively evaluated. Forty-nine were isolated lesions and 12 were associated with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The average follow-up was 61 months and patients were evaluated with Tegner and Lysholm scores. Results: Meniscal suture failure was noted in 12 (19.67%) patients; failure occurred, on average, 14 months post-surgery. Nine failures occurred in isolated sutures and 3 were associated with anterior cruciate ligament recons-truction (p<0.05). The meniscus that failed the most was the internal meniscus. Seventy-five percent corresponded to patients who practiced pivot-contact sports (p<0.05). Patients who did not suffer failure were able to continue with the same sporting activity as before the injury and the Lysholm score had significantly improved (p<0.05). Conclusions: Failures were significantly more frequent in internal menisci, isolated sutures, bucket-handle injuries, and pivot-contact sports. We believe that meniscal suture is an excellent surgical option for athletic patients because a high percentage of them return to sports. Level of Evidence: IV

Athletic Injuries , Sutures , Return to Sport , Meniscus , Knee
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1437505

Pain , Giant Cell Tumors , Knee
Fisioter. Mov. (Online) ; 36: e36104, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421462


Abstract Introduction Kinesio tape (KT), although frequently used in sports, is still a matter of debate, and the results of studies that evaluated its effects on muscle strength (MS) in athletes are still inconclusive and contradictory. Objective To evaluate the effect of a progressive KT tension protocol on knee MS in runners over an eight-week intervention. Methods Clinical trial involving 49 runners of both sexes randomized into two groups: KT (KT with progressive tension protocol) and placebo (KT without tension). The MS of knee flexors and extensors was evaluated by isokinetic dynamometer (60º/s and 90º/s) at four moments: (1) without KT; (2) with KT and without tension; (3) without KT (after 8 weeks after of intervention); (4) with KT and with tension (after 8 weeks after of intervention). Inter- and intra-group comparisons were made. The significance level adopted was 95% (p < 0.05). Results There were no significant differences in MS between the groups at any of the evaluated moments. There was a statistically significant difference in MS (60º/s) in both groups (KT and placebo) when comparing moments 4 and 2 for knee flexors, and in the placebo group between moments 4 and 2 and moments 4 and 3 for knee extensors. Conclusion The progressive tension protocol of KT was not able to intervene in the SM gain of knee flexors and extensors of runners in inter and intragroup comparisons.

Resumo Introdução A Kinesio tape (KT), apesar de muito utilizada na prática esportiva, ainda é motivo de debate e os resultados de estudos que avaliaram seus efeitos na força muscular (FM) em atletas ainda são inconclusivos e contraditórios. Objetivo Avaliar o efeito de um protocolo de tensão progressiva KT na FM do joelho em corredores ao longo de uma intervenção de oito semanas. Métodos Ensaio clínico envolvendo 49 corredores de ambos os sexos randomizados em dois grupos: KT (KT com protocolo de tensão progressiva) e placebo (KT sem tensão). A FM dos flexores e extensores do joelho foi avaliada por dinamômetro isocinético (60º/s e 90º/s) em quatro momentos: (1) sem KT; (2) com KT e sem tensão; (3) sem KT (após 8 semanas); (4) com KT e com tensão (pós-protocolo 8 semanas). Comparações inter e intragrupos foram feitas. O nível de significância adotado foi de 95% (p < 0,05). Resultados Não houve diferenças signi-ficativas na FM entre os grupos em nenhum dos momentos avaliados. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante na FM (60º/s) em ambos os grupos (KT e placebo, quando comparados os momentos 4 e 2 para flexores de joelho, e no grupo placebo entre os momentos 4 e 2 e os momentos 4 e 3 para extensores de joelho. Conclusão O protocolo de tensão progressiva de KT não foi capaz de intervir no ganho de FM de flexores e extensores de joelho de corredores em comparações inter e intragrupos.

Humans , Torque , Muscle Strength , Athletes , Knee
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 10(1): 1-6, 01/jan./2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411567


Objetivo: avaliar a relação entre a qualidade de vida e o tempo de espera para a realização de artroplastia total do joelho (ATJ) em pacientes usuários do sistema público de saúde. Método: estudo observacional, retrospectivo, do tipo corte transversal, entre janeiro a junho de 2021. Foram incluídos no estudo os pacientes com idade igual ou superior a 50 anos que adentraram em fila de espera para tratamento cirúrgico por artroplastia total do joelho, desde setembro de 2018, em um hospital público terciário. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário desenvolvido e validado pelo próprio serviço de psicologia da instituição e processados por meio de estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: trinta pacientes participaram da pesquisa, com idade de 67 ± 6,63 anos, 70% do sexo feminino com renda mensal média de R$1.558,00. Quanto ao tempo de espera pela ATJ, 56,67% dos pacientes esperaram até 90 dias; 16,67% entre 90 e 180 dias e 26,67% esperaram mais de 180 dias. Foi demonstrada melhora significativa entre as condições clínicas pré e pós ATJ, como mobilidade, edema, rigidez matinal e dor. A redução da dor foi preditora significativamente mais associada com a satisfação com o procedimento. Análise de regressão verificou que os piores resultados foram encontrados nos pacientes que esperaram por mais de 90 dias pela ATJ. Conclusão: o tempo de espera causa um impacto significativo no cotidiano dos pacientes submetidos à ATJ. Quanto maior o tempo de espera, piores são os resultados funcionais, a satisfação e a qualidade de vida desses pacientes.

Objective: to evaluate the relationship between quality of life and waiting time for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in patients using the public health system. Method: an observational, retrospective, cross-sectional study from January to June 2021. Patients aged 50 years or older who joined the waiting list for surgical treatment for total knee arthroplasty in September 2018 in a tertiary public hospital were included in the study. Data were collected using a questionnaire developed and validated by the institution's own psychology service and processed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: thirty patients participated in the research, aged 67 ± 6.63 years, 70% female, and with a mean monthly income of R$1,558.00. Regarding the waiting time for TKA, 56.67% of patients waited up to 90 days; 16.67% between 90 and 180 days, and 26.67% waited more than 180 days. Significant improvement was demonstrated between pre-and post-TKA clinical conditions, such as mobility, edema, morning stiffness, and pain. Pain reduction was significantly more predictor associated with satisfaction with the procedure. Regression analysis found that the worst outcomes were found in patients who waited longer than 90 days for TKA. Conclusion: waiting time has a significant impact on the daily lives of patients undergoing TKR. The longer the waiting time, the worse are the functional results, satisfaction, and quality of life of these patients.

Arthroplasty , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Pain , Patients , Quality of Life , Unified Health System , Public Health , Edema , Hospitals, Public , Knee
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 36(3)sept. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441784


Introducción: El tumor de células gigantes continúa siendo uno de los tumores óseos con muchas controversias en su diagnóstico y manejo, por ortopédicos, radiólogos y patólogos. Objetivo: Enriquecer el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad desde el aporte de las técnicas de imagen. Presentación de caso: Paciente masculino de 33 años de edad, remitido a la consulta de Ortopedia por presentar un aumento de volumen en la rodilla de meses de evolución, que empeoró progresivamente hasta llegar a la impotencia funcional. Al examen físico se constata un marcado aumento del volumen por lo que se indican estudios de imagen. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico temprano ayuda a mejorar el estilo de vida de estos pacientes. El tratamiento quirúrgico es el más indicado en tumores de células gigantes, ya que logra buenos resultados tanto en el tratamiento del tumor primario como de las recidivas (AU)

Introduction: The giant cell tumor continues to be one of the bone tumors with many controversies in diagnosis and management, by orthopedists, radiologists and pathologists. Objective: To enrich the diagnosis of this disease from the contribution of imaging techniques. Casereport: We report the case of a 33-year-old male patient, referred to the Orthopedics consultation for presenting an increase in volume in his knee, with months of evolution, which progressively worsened until functional impotence. Physical examination showed a marked increase in volume, so imaging studies are indicated. Conclusions: Early diagnosis helps to improve the lifestyle of these patients. Surgical treatment is the most indicated in giant cell tumors, since it achieves good results both in the treatment of the primary tumor and recurrences(AU)

Humans , Adult , Physical Examination/methods , Giant Cell Tumors/diagnostic imaging , Knee/diagnostic imaging , Knee Joint/surgery , Recurrence , Secondary Prevention , Life Style