Environmental pollutants may often alter the genetic components of natural populations. In this study, heavy metals and genetic diversity in land snail (Achatina achatina) from three populations of south-western Nigeria were investigated, using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and DNA Sequencing technology respectively. Metal analysis revealed that the snails accumulated lead (Pb) and nickel (Ni) in high concentrations in two of the three states, while cadmium (Cd) was the least detected. Editing and alignment of the sequences of all snail accessions generated a range of 384bp to 419 bp. Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) in all 18 accessions was low at only 16%. The query coverage (QC) ranged between 96% and 100%, with 14 (77.8%) of the 18 accessions showing 100% identity. Pairwise comparison of the accessions studied also showed a high genetic similarity. The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) generated two main clusters. Cluster I was unique and contain one sample (AaOy06) while the other cluster are very closely related and can be further sub-divided into sub-clusters. The similarity index of between the clusters is 0.5357. The close similarity among the accessions may be due to the geographical proximity of the three states. The uniqueness of accession AaOy06 in comparison to other accessions might be due to the negative influence of heavy metal, particularly lead. The determination of evolutionary relationships among snail populations may be useful towards the breeding efforts of the species in Nigeria.
Os poluentes ambientais podem frequentemente alterar os componentes genéticos das populações naturais. Neste estudo, metais pesados e diversidade genética em caramujos terrestres (Achatina achatina) de três populações do sudoeste da Nigéria foram investigados, usando a tecnologia de espectrometria de absorção atômica e sequenciamento de DNA, respectivamente. A análise dos metais revelou que os caramujos acumularam chumbo (Pb) e níquel (Ni) em altas concentrações em dois dos três estados, enquanto o cádmio (Cd) foi o menos detectado. A edição e o alinhamento das sequências de todos os acessos de caramujos geraram uma faixa de 384pb a 419pb. A análise de variância molecular (AMOVA) em todos os 18 acessos foi baixa em apenas 16%. A cobertura da consulta (QC) variou entre 96% e 100%, com 14 (77,8%) dos 18 acessos apresentando 100% de identidade. A comparação pareada dos acessos estudados também mostrou alta similaridade genética. O método de grupo de pares não ponderados com média aritmética (UPGMA) gerou dois clusters principais. O cluster I era único e contém uma amostra (AaOy06), enquanto o outro cluster está intimamente relacionado e pode ser subdividido em subclusters. O índice de similaridade entre os clusters é 0,5357. A grande semelhança entre os acessos pode ser devido à proximidade geográfica dos três estados. A singularidade do acesso AaOy06 em comparação com outros acessos pode ser devido à influência negativa de metais pesados, particularmente chumbo. A determinação das relações evolutivas entre as populações de caramujos pode ser útil para os esforços de reprodução da espécie na Nigéria.
Animals , Snails , Genetic Variation , Metals, Heavy , Environmental PollutantsABSTRACT
Cadmium (Cd) is one of non-essential heavy metals which is released into environment naturally or anthropogenically. It is highly persistent toxic metals that are exceptionally distressing industrial and agriculture activities by contaminating soil, water and food. Its long-duration endurance in soil and water results in accumulation and uptake into plants, leading to the food chain. This becomes a serious global problem threatening humans and animals as food chain components. Living organisms, especially humans, are exposed to Cd through plants as one of the main vegetative food sources. This review paper is concentrated on the symptoms of the plants affected by Cd toxicity. The absorption of Cd triggers several seen and unseen symptoms by polluted plants such as stunted growth, chlorosis, necrosis and wilting. Apart from that, factors that affect the uptake and translocation of Cd in plants are elaborated to understand the mechanism that contributes to its accumulation. By insight of Cd accumulation, this review also discussed the phytoremediation techniques-phytoextraction, phytostimulation, phytostabilization, phytovolatization and rhizofiltration in bioremediating the Cd.
O cádmio (Cd) é um dos metais pesados âânão essenciais que é liberado no meio ambiente de forma natural ou antropogênica. São metais tóxicos altamente persistentes que prejudicam excepcionalmente as atividades industriais e agrícolas, contaminando o solo, a água e os alimentos. Sua resistência de longa duração no solo e na água resulta em acúmulo e absorção pelas plantas, levando à cadeia alimentar. Isso se torna um sério problema global que ameaça humanos e animais como componentes da cadeia alimentar. Os organismos vivos, principalmente os humanos, são expostos ao Cd através das plantas como uma das principais fontes de alimento vegetativo. Este artigo de revisão concentra-se nos sintomas das plantas afetadas pela toxicidade do Cd. A absorção de Cd desencadeia vários sintomas visíveis e invisíveis por plantas poluídas, como crescimento atrofiado, clorose, necrose e murcha. Além disso, são elaborados fatores que afetam a absorção e translocação de Cd nas plantas para entender o mecanismo que contribui para o seu acúmulo. A partir do conhecimento do acúmulo de Cd, esta revisão também discutiu as técnicas de fitorremediação - fitoextração, fitoestimulação, fitoestabilização, fitovolatização e rizofiltração na biorremediação do Cd.
Plants/toxicity , Cadmium , Metals, Heavy , Food/toxicityABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Bioaccumulation of toxic metals in the population is associated with adverse health effects. Although some elements are essential for humans, high levels of exposure can be dangerous. OBJECTIVE: To describe the levels of Inorganic Arsenic (AsIn), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), and Mercury (Hg) in urine, and Lead (Pb) in blood in the population of Arica, Chile. METHODOLOGY: Descriptive study. Beneficiaries of the Health Surveillance Program of Law 20.590 in sites of higher risk of exposure in the commune of Arica were considered eligible. The results of biological samples to measure their concentrations of AsIn, Cd, Cr, Hg in urine, and Pb in blood between August 2016 and May 2021 are described. RESULTS: 9520 samples from a population with a mean age of 40.5 years were studied. 4.21% of the adult population and 6.57% of the children had AsIn values above 35 μg/L, while at least 95 % of the total samples had levels below 33 μg/L. At least 90 % of the samples had Cd levels below 1.1 μg/L, and 8.44 % had Cd levels above 2 μg/L, higher in males (11.67%). There were no values above the reference in children. 99.77% and 99.33% had Cr and Pb values below the reference limit, respectively (using the lowest reference range established by Chile Ministry of Health (MINSAL) < 5 μg/L). Children did not present risk values for Cr, and 0.16% presented Pb concentrations between 5-10 μg/dL. All samples presented Hg concentrations below risk levels (< 10 μg/L). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that a small percentage of the samples analyzed in the beneficiary population of Arica register metal concentration levels above national reference levels established by MINSAL, mainly AsIn, Cd, and Pb. It is essential to continue biomonitoring to reduce and prevent exposure to these metals, which can have harmful effects on human health.
ANTECEDENTES: La bioacumulación de metales en la población está asociada a efectos adversos y pueden ser peligrosos. OBJETIVO: Describir los niveles de Arsénico Inorgánico (AsIn), Cadmio (Cd), Cromo (Cr), Mercurio (Hg) y Plomo (Pb) en la población de Arica, Chile. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo. Se incluyeron todas las personas beneficiarias del Programa de Vigilancia de Salud de la Ley 20.590 en sitios de riesgo de mayor exposición en la comuna de Arica entre agosto 2016 y mayo 2021. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 9.520 muestras provenientes de una población con una edad media de 40.5 años. 4.21% de la población adulta y el 6.57% de los niños presentaron valores de AsIn superiores a 35 μg/L y al menos el 95% de las muestras totales tenía niveles inferiores a 33 μg/L. Más del 90 % de las muestras tuvieron niveles de Cd menores a 1.1 μg/L y un 8.44% registró niveles de Cd superiores 2 μg/L. El 99.77% y 99.33% exhibieron valores normales de Cr y Pb, respectivamente. Todas las muestras presentaron concentraciones de Hg por debajo de los niveles de riesgo (< 10 μg/L). CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados sugieren que un porcentaje pequeño de la población de Arica registra niveles de concentración de metales por sobre niveles de referencia nacional establecidos por el Ministerio de Salud de Chile, principalmente de AsIn, Cd y Pb. Es importante continuar con la vigilancia para reducir y prevenir la exposición a estos metales, que pueden generar efectos nocivos en la salud humana.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Cadmium/analysis , Cadmium/urine , Cadmium/blood , Environmental Exposure/analysis , Environmental Exposure/adverse effects , Lead/analysis , Lead/blood , Mercury/analysis , Mercury/urine , Mercury/blood , Arsenic/analysis , Arsenic/urine , Arsenic/blood , Chile , Environmental Monitoring , Chromium/analysis , Chromium/urine , Chromium/blood , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Metals, Heavy/urine , Metals, Heavy/bloodABSTRACT
Phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway is one of the most important secondary metabolic pathways in plants. It directly or indirectly plays an antioxidant role in plant resistance to heavy metal stress, and can improve the absorption and stress tolerance of plants to heavy metal ions. In this paper, the core reactions and key enzymes of the phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway were summarized, and the biosynthetic processes of key metabolites such as lignin, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins and relevant mechanisms were analyzed. Based on this, the mechanisms of key products of phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway in response to heavy metal stress were discussed. The perspectives on the involvement of phenylpropanoid metabolism in plant defense against heavy metal stress provides a theoretical basis for improving the phytoremediation efficiency of heavy metal polluted environment.
Plants/metabolism , Metals, Heavy/metabolism , Flavonoids/metabolism , Biodegradation, Environmental , AntioxidantsABSTRACT
Literature regarding the impacts of heavy metal exposure on erectile dysfunction (ED) is scarce. We aimed to evaluate the correlation between 10 urinary metals and ED in a large, nationally representative adult male sample. The dataset was extracted from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) during the period of 2001-2002 and 2003-2004. Weighted proportions and multivariable logistic regression analysis adjusted for confounding variables were utilized to determine the relationship between metal exposure and ED. Weighted quantile sum (WQS) regression was utilized to evaluate the impact of a mixture of urinary metals on ED. A total of 1328 participants were included in our study. In multivariable logistic regression analysis, cobalt (Co) and antimony (Sb) were positively associated with ED (odds ratio [OR]: 1.36, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.10-1.73, P = 0.020; and OR: 1.41, 95% CI: 1.12-1.77, P = 0.018, respectively) after full adjustment. Men in tertile 4 for Co (OR: 1.49, 95% CI: 1.02-2.41, P for trend = 0.012) and Sb (OR: 1.53, 95% CI: 1.08-2.40, P for trend = 0.041) had significantly higher odds of ED than those in tertile 1. Furthermore, the WQS index was significantly linked with increased odds of ED after full adjustment (OR: 1.31, 95% CI: 1.04-1.72, P < 0.05). Our study expanded on previous literature indicating the possible role of heavy metal exposure in the etiology of ED. The evaluation of heavy metal exposure should be included in the risk assessment of ED.
Adult , Humans , Male , United States , Erectile Dysfunction/etiology , Nutrition Surveys , Metals, Heavy , Risk AssessmentABSTRACT
On May 13, 2020, a 56-year-old man with extensive burns caused by flames and heavy metal-containing hydrothermal fluids was admitted to the General Hospital of Western Theater Command. After being admitted to the hospital, most of the burn wounds healed after treatments such as debridement, expansion, skin grafting, anti-shock, anti-infection, fluid replacement, and wound dressing change, etc. However, in the middle and late stages of treatment, the patient's burn wounds gradually showed repeated skin ulceration and inflammation. After excluding the cause of physical, bacterial infection and others, IgG4-related skin diseases was finally diagnosed by histopathological examination of tissue biopsy and concentration measurement of IgG4 in interstitial fluid, and the condition was improved after hormone treatment. This suggests that extensive burns may lead to the occurrence of autoimmune skin diseases. For the diagnosis of such diseases, it is necessary to combine clinical manifestations, serological examinations, and histopathological biopsy, etc. to avoid diagnostic pitfalls and draw correct conclusions.
Male , Humans , Middle Aged , Wound Healing , Treatment Outcome , Burns/surgery , Skin Transplantation , Skin Ulcer , Metals, HeavyABSTRACT
Background: Environmental exposure to toxins has been strongly implicated in its multi-faceted etiology of chronic kidney disease, a serious public health problem affecting individuals, families, and communities. There is a need to synthesize available studies on the effect of heavy metal exposure on renal function, considering the rising global burden of kidney disease. The objective of this study is to determine the association between exposure to heavy metals and renal disease. Methods: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) were used to conduct the review. A comprehensive independent search, title, abstract, and full-text screening of available literature on Google Scholar, PubMed, and OAREScience was done between March 2021 and May 2021. The criteria for study inclusion were full-text articles published in English language in the last 20 years (2001-2020), and observational primary human studies reporting the association between heavy metal exposure and renal disease. The Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale was used to assess the quality of the included studies. Results: A total of 552 studies were identified following the search from the different databases. A total of 13 studies were finally included in the review. Heavy metals implicated in the studies include cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic, with ten studies showing environmental exposure as the primary source. Ten (10) studies showed an association between heavy metal exposure and renal impairment (p<0.05) while only 3 studies reported no association. Conclusion: Environmental monitoring is needed to stem the tide of heavy metal exposure in view of the growing burden of chronic kidney disease.
Humans , Male , Female , Metals, Heavy , Environmental Exposure , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Systematic ReviewABSTRACT
Estuaries receive daily inputs of chemical elements which can impact the quality of water and sediment, as well as the health of biota. In addition to the sediment, bivalve mollusks have been used in the chemical monitoring of these systems. This study investigated the presence and contents of As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in superficial sediment and in bivalves (Crassostrea gasar, C. rhizophorae and Mytella guyanensis) from estuaries in the south / extreme south of Bahia State, northeast Brazil. The samples were evaluated with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES, Varian 710). Except for Cd, all other elements were found in the samples, being that Co was exclusive in the sediment. The estuaries equivalent to sampling stations #1 - Valença, #2 - Taperoá, #3 - Ilhéus and #4 - Belmonte showed levels of metals compatibles with those established by the Brazilian legislation, however, the #5 - Santa Cruz Cabrália, in addition to the presence of As, presented a high level of Pb and Cu in C. gasar, which was attributed to the impacts of nautical activities in that locality.
Estuários recebem entradas diárias de elementos químicos, que podem impactar a qualidade de água e do sedimento, assim como a saúde da biota. Além do sedimento, moluscos bivalves têm sido utilizados no monitoramento químico desses sistemas. Neste estudo investigou-se a presença e os teores de As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn no sedimento superficial e em bivalves (Crassostrea gasar, C. rhizophorae e Mytella guyanensis) de estuários do sul / extremo sul do estado da Bahia, Nordeste do Brasil. As amostras foram avaliadas por espectrometria de emissão óptica de plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-OES, Varian 710). Exceto Cd, todos os demais elementos foram encontrados nas amostras, sendo que Co foi exclusivo no sedimento. Os estuários equivalentes às estações amostrais #1 - Valença, #2 - Taperoá, #3 - Ilhéus e #4 - Belmonte mostraram níveis de metais compatíveis com os estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira, porém, a #5 - Santa Cruz Cabrália, além da presença de As, apresentou alto nível de Pb e de Cu em C. gasar, o que foi atribuído aos impactos por atividades náuticas nesse local.
Animals , Bivalvia , Metals, Heavy/toxicity , Estuary Pollution/analysis , Sediments/analysisABSTRACT
Abstract Chromium (VI) a highly toxic metal, a major constituent of industrial waste. It is continuously release in soil and water, causes environmental and health related issues, which is increasing public concern in developing countries like Pakistan. The basic aim of this study was isolation and screening of chromium resistant bacteria from industrial waste collected from Korangi and Lyari, Karachi (24˚52ʹ46.0ʺN 66˚59ʹ25.7ʺE and 24˚48ʹ37.5ʺN 67˚06ʹ52.6ʺE). Among total of 53 isolated strains, seven bacterial strains were selected through selective enrichment and identified on the basis of morphological and biochemical characteristics. These strains were designated as S11, S13, S17, S18, S30, S35 and S48, resistance was determined against varying concentrations of chromium (100-1500 mg/l). Two bacterial strains S35 and S48 showed maximum resistance to chromium (1600 mg/l). Bacterial strains S35 and S48 were identified through 16S rRNA sequence and showed 99% similarity to Bacillus paranthracis and Bacillus paramycoides. Furthermore, growth condition including temperature and pH were optimized for both bacterial strains, showed maximum growth at temperature 30ºC and at optimum pH 7.5 and 6.5 respectively. It is concluded that indigenous bacterial strains isolated from metal contaminated industrial effluent use their innate ability to transform toxic heavy metals to less or nontoxic form and can offer an effective tool for monitoring heavy metal contamination in the environment.
Resumo O cromo (VI), metal altamente tóxico, é um dos principais constituintes dos resíduos industriais. É liberado no solo e na água, causa problemas ambientais e de saúde de crescente preocupação pública em países em desenvolvimento como o Paquistão. O objetivo básico deste estudo foi o isolamento e a triagem de bactérias resistentes ao cromo de resíduos industriais coletados em Korangi e Lyari, Karachi (24˚52'46,0"N 66˚59'25,7"E e 24˚48'37,5"N 67˚06'52,6"E). Do total de 53 cepas isoladas, sete cepas bacterianas foram selecionadas por enriquecimento seletivo e identificadas com base em características morfológicas e bioquímicas. Essas cepas foram designadas como S11, S13, S17, S18, S30, S35 e S48, apresentaram alta resistência aos metais contra concentrações variáveis (100-1500 mg / l) de cromo. Já as cepas S35 e S48 foram identificadas por meio da sequência 16S rRNA e apresentaram 99% de similaridade com Bacillus paranthracis e Bacillus paramycoides. Além disso, as condições de crescimento incluindo temperatura e pH foram otimizadas e ambas as cepas bacterianas apresentaram crescimento máximo na temperatura de 30 ºC, enquanto seu pH ótimo foi observado em 7,5 e 6,5, respectivamente. Conclui-se que o potencial de resistência dessas bactérias resistentes ao cromo pode ser efetivamente utilizado na remoção de cromo de efluentes industriais contaminados. Técnicas de base biológica usando bactérias ajudarão a fornecer métodos mais baratos e ecológicos de remoção, recuperação e desintoxicação de cromo.
Chromium , Metals, Heavy , Bacillus , Bacteria/genetics , Biodegradation, Environmental , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Industrial Waste/analysisABSTRACT
Abstract Estuaries receive daily inputs of chemical elements which can impact the quality of water and sediment, as well as the health of biota. In addition to the sediment, bivalve mollusks have been used in the chemical monitoring of these systems. This study investigated the presence and contents of As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in superficial sediment and in bivalves (Crassostrea gasar, C. rhizophorae and Mytella guyanensis) from estuaries in the south / extreme south of Bahia State, northeast Brazil. The samples were evaluated with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES, Varian 710). Except for Cd, all other elements were found in the samples, being that Co was exclusive in the sediment. The estuaries equivalent to sampling stations #1 - Valença, #2 - Taperoá, #3 - Ilhéus and #4 - Belmonte showed levels of metals compatibles with those established by the Brazilian legislation, however, the #5 - Santa Cruz Cabrália, in addition to the presence of As, presented a high level of Pb and Cu in C. gasar, which was attributed to the impacts of nautical activities in that locality.
Resumo Estuários recebem entradas diárias de elementos químicos, que podem impactar a qualidade de água e do sedimento, assim como a saúde da biota. Além do sedimento, moluscos bivalves têm sido utilizados no monitoramento químico desses sistemas. Neste estudo investigou-se a presença e os teores de As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn no sedimento superficial e em bivalves (Crassostrea gasar, C. rhizophorae e Mytella guyanensis) de estuários do sul / extremo sul do estado da Bahia, Nordeste do Brasil. As amostras foram avaliadas por espectrometria de emissão óptica de plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-OES, Varian 710). Exceto Cd, todos os demais elementos foram encontrados nas amostras, sendo que Co foi exclusivo no sedimento. Os estuários equivalentes às estações amostrais #1 - Valença, #2 - Taperoá, #3 - Ilhéus e #4 - Belmonte mostraram níveis de metais compatíveis com os estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira, porém, a #5 - Santa Cruz Cabrália, além da presença de As, apresentou alto nível de Pb e de Cu em C. gasar, o que foi atribuído aos impactos por atividades náuticas nesse local.
Animals , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Bivalvia , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring , Estuaries , Geologic SedimentsABSTRACT
Abstract To investigate the role of cow dung in soil reclamation and bio assimilation along with bio accumulation of heavy metals in earthworm (P. posthuma) (N=900) earthworms were used and treatment groups of CD-soil mixture of different proportion of cow dung were designed. Nonlethal doses of lead acetate and cadmium chloride were added in treatment groups. Mature P. posthuma were released in each experimental pot maintaining the favorable conditions. The pH, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, exchangeable cations, and heavy metal level of each mixture was evaluated. The results indicated that bio-assimilation of Pb and Cd by P. posthuma were significantly (P ˂ 0.01) higher in different soil-CD treatments compared to control. Highest bio-assimilation of both metals was observed in T1 of both groups (Pb = 563.8 mg/kg and Cd = 42.95 mg/kg). The contents of both metals were significantly (P ˂ 0.05) lowered in casting. The nutrient concentration in the final castings of all soil-CD treatments were also equally transformed from less or insoluble to more soluble and available for plants, except for carbon level which increased with CD proportion. It is concluded that cow dung as organic matter has a positive effect on soil reclamation and bio-assimilation of metals by P. posthuma.
RESUMO Para investigar o papel do esterco de vaca na recuperação do solo e bioassimilação, juntamente com a bioacumulação de metais pesados em minhocas (P. posthuma) (N = 900), minhocas foram usadas e grupos de tratamento de mistura CD-solo de diferentes proporções de esterco de vaca foram projetados. Doses não letais de acetato de chumbo e cloreto de cádmio foram adicionadas aos grupos de tratamento. P. posthuma maduros foram liberados em cada vaso experimental, mantendo as condições favoráveis. Foram avaliados o pH, carbono, nitrogênio, fósforo, cátions trocáveis e nível de metais pesados de cada mistura. Os resultados indicaram que a bioassimilação de Pb e Cd por P. posthuma foi significativamente (P ˂ 0,01) maior em diferentes tratamentos de solo-CD em relação ao controle. A maior bioassimilação de ambos os metais foi observada em T1 de ambos os grupos (Pb = 563,8 mg / kg e Cd = 42,95 mg / kg). O conteúdo de ambos os metais foi significativamente (P ˂ 0,05) reduzido na fundição. A concentração de nutrientes nas fundições finais de todos os tratamentos de solo-CD também foi igualmente transformada de menos ou insolúvel para mais solúvel e disponível para as plantas, exceto o nível de carbono que aumenta com a proporção de CD. Conclui-se que o esterco de vaca como matéria orgânica tem um efeito positivo na recuperação do solo e na bioassimilação de metais por P. posthuma.
Animals , Female , Oligochaeta , Soil Pollutants , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Soil , Cadmium , Cattle , BioaccumulationABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: Los artefactos explosivos improvisados son armas no convencionales que pueden provocar múltiples lesiones y dejar esquirlas a modo de cuerpos extraños que pueden contener metales tóxicos, con potencial afectación a la salud de las víctimas según reportes datados desde 1977, los cuales mencionan alta mortalidad por cáncer y otros síntomas compatibles con toxicidad crónica Objetivo: Describir los resultados de investigación que informen sobre la toxicidad crónica producida por metales en personas víctimas de artefactos explosivos improvisados con esquirlas internalizadas, y sus posibles relaciones con cáncer. Metodología: Revisión sistemática exploratoria de literatura publicada y gris que se realizó entre los meses de marzo a mayo de 2021 en diferentes repositorios de tesis y bases de datos (Scielo, Pubmed, Academic Search Complete, JSTOR, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, Freepdf, Google Académico, Open Grey); sin límite temporal o geográfico. Se incluyeron artículos originales de revistas indexadas o informes finales no publicados, correspondientes a investigaciones científicas con texto completo, en inglés, español y portugués. Resultados: De 56 documentos evaluados, solamente tres cumplieron criterios de inclusión. Todos estaban escritos en idioma inglés. Solo un estudio iraquí abordó población civil y los otros trabajos aludían a veteranos norteamericanos. Los niveles elevados de metales tóxicos, asociados con alteraciones tisulares circunscritas, fueron hallazgos recurrentes. No hubo reportes de patologías instauradas o manejos clínicos. Conclusión: Fue escasa la evidencia científica recabada; sin embargo, sí se han reportado cambios tisulares circundantes a esas esquirlas. Se considera necesario realizar más estudios relacionados con el tema, incluyendo seguimientos a largo plazo de las afectaciones tisulares detectadas.
Abstract Introduction: Improvised explosive devices are unconventionalweapons that can cause multiple injuries and splinters internalized containing heavy metals, potentially affecting the victim's health, according to reports dating from 1977, which mention high mortality from cancer and other symptoms suggestive of chronic metal toxicity. Objective: To describe the research results that report on the chronic toxicity produced by heavy metals in people who are victims of improvised explosive devices with internalized splinters, and its possible links with cancer. Methodology: Systematic exploratory review of published and grey literature which was carried out between march and may of 2021, in thesis repositories and different databases (Scielo, Pubmed, Academic Search Complete, JSTOR, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, Freepdf, Google Académico, Open Grey); without time or geographical limit. Original articles from indexed scientific research journals or unpublished final reports were included, corresponding to scientific research with full text, in english, spanish and portuguese. Results: 56 documents were evaluated, three were selected fulfilling the inclusion criteria. They were all written in the english language. Only one Iraqi study addressed the civilian population and the other studies referred to North American veterans. Elevated heavy metal levels, associated with circumscribed tissue abnormalities, were recurrent findings. There were no reports of established pathologies or clinical management. Conclusion: The scientific evidence was scarce; as well as its relationship with established cancer, however, tissue changing surrounding these splinters have been reported. It is considered necessary to carry out more studies related to the subject, including long-term follow-up of detected tissue damage.
Humans , Blast Injuries , Toxicity Tests, Chronic , Review Literature as Topic , Metals, Heavy , Armed Conflicts , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
The development of anthropogenic activities such as industry, mining, agriculture, urban waste discard has been, the main actions that result in increased contamination by heavy metals in soil, water and air. One of the most harmful metals made available by these activities is cadmium, and even at low concentrations it is very toxic mainly in plant structures. The objective of this work was to verify the biochemical behavior of nitrogen and carbon metabolism in young plants of paricá when submitted to increasing cadmium application. For this, a completely randomized experiment was carried out with five treatments (control, CdCl2 178 µM, CdCl2 356 µM, CdCl2 534 µM, CdCl2 712 µM), with seven replicates, totaling 35 experimental units. The sensitivity of this vegetable to the increasing concentrations of cadmium was evident. The root system it presents'' saw where the most toxic element accumulated, solutes such as carbohydrates, sucrose were affected in their concentrations, mainly in the leaves. The root system saw in its concentrations of glycine betaine a possibility of osmoprotection, but this did not reflect an increase in the concentration of nitrate in both leaf and roots. In the other hand, this fact not observed by the concentration of ammonium that increased in the root system. The results showed that the cadmium was transported to aerial part, however, concentrated mainly in the root system characterizing as a phytoextractor species.
Biochemistry , Biodegradation, Environmental , Cadmium Chloride , Metals, HeavyABSTRACT
A microbial fuel cell (MFC)-based microbial electrochemical sensor was developed for real-time on-line monitoring of heavy metals in water environment. The microbial electrochemical sensor was constructed with staggered flow distribution method to optimize the parameters such as external resistance value and external circulation rate. The inhibition of concentration of simulated heavy metal wastewater on voltage under optimal parameters was analyzed. The results showed that the best performance of MFC electrochemical sensor was achieved when the external resistance value was 130 Ω and the external circulation rate was 1.0 mL/min. In this case, the microbial electrochemical sensors were responsive to 1-10 mg/L Cu2+, 0.25-1.25 mg/L Cd2+, 0.25-1.25 mg/L Cr6+ and 0.25-1.00 mg/L Hg2+ within 60 minutes. The maximum rejection rates of the output voltage were 92.95%, 73.11%, 82.76% and 75.80%, respectively, and the linear correlation coefficients were all greater than 0.95. In addition, the microbial electrochemical sensor showed a good biological reproducibility. The good performance for detecting heavy metals by the newly developed microbial electrochemical sensor may facilitate the real-time on-line monitoring of heavy metals in water environment.
Bioelectric Energy Sources , Electrodes , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Reproducibility of Results , Wastewater , WaterABSTRACT
In this study, the content of five heavy metals(Pb, Cd, As, Hg, and Cu) in 59 batches of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos(LJF) medicinal materials and pieces were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS). The health risk assessment was processed using the maximum estimated daily intake(EDI), target hazard quotients(THQ), and carcinogenic risks(CR) assessment models. With reference to the limit standard for heavy metal content in LJF specified in 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, five batches produced in Hebei were found to contain excessive Pb, and the remaining 54 batches met the specifications, with the unqualified rate of 8.47%. Comparative analysis of heavy metal content in LJF samples from three different producing areas, namely Shandong, Henan, and Hebei showed that the levels of Pb, As, and Hg in LJF from Hebei were significantly higher than those from Henan and Shandong. The samples produced in Shandong contained the highest content of Cd. The samples from Hebei contained the highest content of Cu while those from Shandong had the lowest content of Cu. As demonstrated by health risk assessment based on the EDI, THQ and CR models, these 59 batches of LJF samples did not cause significant health hazards for the exposed population, and there was no potential non-carcinogenic or carcinogenic risk. In conclusion, a few of LJF samples contained excessive heavy metals, so some measures, including controlling production environment, cultivating management mode, and optimizing processing methods, should be taken for ensuring the medication safety of LJF.
Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Environmental Pollution/analysis , Mercury/toxicity , Metals, Heavy/toxicity , Risk AssessmentABSTRACT
This study explored whether Sagittaria sagittifolia polysaccharides(SSP) activates the nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor2(Nrf2)/heme oxygenase-1(HO-1) signaling pathway to protect against liver damage jointly induced by multiple heavy metals. First, based on the proportion of dietary intake of six heavy metals in rice available in Beijing market, a heavy metal mixture was prepared for inducing mouse liver injury and HepG2 cell injury. Forty male Kunming mice were divided into five groups: control group, model group, glutathione positive control group, and low-and high-dose SSP groups, with eight mice in each group. After 30 days of intragastric administration, the liver injury in mice was observed by HE staining. In the in vitro experiment, MTT assay was conducted to detect the effects of SSP at 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2 mg·mL~(-1) on HepG2 cell survival at different time points. The content of alanine transaminase(ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase(AST) in the 48-h cell culture fluid was measured using micro-plate cultivation method, followed by the detection of the change in reactive oxygen species(ROS) content by flow cytometry. The mRNA expression levels of Nrf2 and HO-1 in cells were determined by RT-PCR, and their protein expression by Western blot. HE staining results showed that compared with the model group, the SSP administration groups exhibited significantly alleviated inflammatory cell infiltration and fatty infiltration in the liver, with better outcomes observed in the high-dose SSP group. In the in vitro MTT assay, compared with the model group, SSP at four concentrations all significantly increased the cell survival rate, decreased the ALT, AST, and ROS content(P<0.05), and down-regulated Nrf2 and HO-1 mRNA and protein expression(P<0.05). SSP significantly improves inflammatory infiltration in the liver tissue of mice exposed to a variety of heavy metals and corrects the liver fat degeneration, which may be related to its regulation of the Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway, reduction of ROS, and alleviation of oxidative damage.
Animals , Male , Mice , Heme Oxygenase-1/metabolism , Liver , Metals, Heavy/metabolism , NF-E2-Related Factor 2/metabolism , Oxidative Stress , Polysaccharides/pharmacology , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism , Sagittaria/metabolismABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To study the association of the levels of heavy metals and trace elements during pregnancy with congenital heart defects (CHD) in offspring, and to establish a model for predicting the probability of CHD based on the levels of heavy metals and trace elements during pregnancy.@*METHODS@#Based on the prospective birth cohort study in Gansu Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital in 2010-2012, a nested case-control study was conducted for the follow-up observation of 14 359 pregnant women. Among the pregnant women, 97 pregnant women whose offspring were diagnosed with CHD during follow-up were enrolled as the CHD group, and 194 pregnant women whose offspring had no CHD were selected as the control group. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used to measure the levels of heavy metals and trace elements in maternal blood samples and fetal umbilical cord blood samples. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the association between heavy metal and trace elements and CHD in offspring. A nomogram model for predicting the probability of CHD in offspring was established based on the levels of heavy metals and trace elements during pregnancy.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the control group, the CHD group had significantly higher levels of aluminum (Al), natrium (Na), calcium (Ca), titanium (Ti), selenium (Se), strontium (Sr), stannum (Sn), stibium (Sb), barium (Ba), and thorium (Th) in maternal blood samples (P<0.05), as well as significantly higher levels of Al, zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg), kalium (K), Ca, Ti, chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), arsenic (As), Se, Sr, argentum (Ag), cadmium (Cd), Sn, and plumbum (Pb) in umbilical cord blood (P<0.05). The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the increase in the Sb level in maternal blood was associated with the increase in the risk of CHD in offspring [adjusted odds ratio (aOR)=4.81, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.65-14.07, P=0.004], while in umbilical cord blood, the high levels of Al (aOR=4.22, 95%CI: 1.35-13.16, P=0.013), Mg (aOR=8.00, 95%CI: 1.52-42.08, P=0.014), and Pb (aOR=3.82, 95%CI: 0.96-15.23, P=0.049) were significantly associated with the risk of CHD in offspring. The levels of Al, Th, and Sb in maternal blood and levels of Al, Mg, and Pb in umbilical cord blood were included in the predictive model for CHD in offspring based on the levels of heavy metals and trace elements during pregnancy, and the calibration curve of the nomogram predictive model was close to the ideal curve.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Increases in the levels of Al, Th, Sb, Mg, and Pb during pregnancy may indicate the increase in the risk of CHD in offspring, and the nomogram predictive model based on these indices can be used to predict the probability of CHD in offspring.
Child , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Case-Control Studies , Cohort Studies , Heart Defects, Congenital/etiology , Metals, Heavy , Prospective Studies , Trace Elements/analysisABSTRACT
As atividades industriais e de agronegócio, embora necessárias para o desenvolvimento da sociedade, tem causado sérios problemas ambientais devido à eliminação inadequada de seus efluentes, sendo o tratamento destes um dos assuntos mais importantes em relação ao controle de poluição. Os microrganismos podem ser utilizados como biomarcadores de contaminação, portanto, o conhecimento de mecanismos associados à resistência e a capacidade de imobilização e biotransformação de poluentes é um fator importante para a identificação de linhagens adaptadas, que podem ser eficientes no tratamento e na recuperação de áreas contaminadas. O objetivo do presente projeto foi avaliar o perfil de tolerância de patógenos bacterianos de alto risco em saúde única, aos metais pesados (mercúrio, prata, telúrio e arsênio) e ao agrotóxico glifosato; identificando o resistoma associado. A correlação fenótipo-genótipo foi avaliada em isolados de Klebsiella pneumoniae (n= 35), Escherichia coli (n=46), e Salmonella spp. (n=19), determinando a CIM pelo método de microdiluição, e analisando as respectivas sequências genômicas. Entre os isolados de K. pneumoniae, 32 cepas apresentaram CIM elevadas (64- 512µg/mL) para o metal prata, dos quais 20 carregam o operon silPABCRSE responsável por conferir resistência. Uma cepa de K. pneumoniae carregando genes terABCE apresentou uma CIM de 64 µg/mL para telúrio. Seis cepas de E. coli apresentaram uma CIM >32 µg/mL para telúrio, sendo que 3 cepas carregam os genes tehA/B. Outras 6 cepas de E. coli apresentaram CIM para prata de 256-512 µg/mL, mas só duas carregaram genes silPFCE. Duas cepas de Salmonella apresentaram CIM 64-128 µg/mL para telúrio, e carregam genes tehA/B e terABCDEF. Em relação ao arsênio, 24 cepas de E. coli apresentaram uma CIM ≥ 512 µg/mL, e destas, 12 cepas carregam os genes arsRBC. Salmonella spp., que carregam o gene merR apresentaram CIMs de 8-16 µg/mL para mercúrio. Não foi possível correlacionar a presença do operon phnC-P (sugerido como responsável pela tolerância ao glifosato) com CIMs elevadas para este composto. Os resultados obtidos suportam a hipóteses que a exposição de bactérias de origem humana, animal e ambiental, aos metais pesados pode estar contribuindo para a seleção de linhagens tolerantes, sendo que a tolerância à prata mediada pelo operon silPABCRSE em K. pneumoniae foi predominante no grupo clonal CG258, característica com potencial de biomarcador que pode ser utilizado para monitorar o impacto do uso deste metal nas diferentes atividades humanas. Neste trabalho foi possível padronizar a técnica de PCR com os genes do operon sil de interesse
Industrial and agribusiness activities have caused serious environmental problems due to the inadequate disposal of their effluents, the treatment of which being one of the most important issues in relation to pollution control. Microorganisms can be used as biomarkers of contamination, therefore the knowledge of mechanisms associated with resistance and the immobilization and biotransformation capacity of pollutants can be an important factor for the identification of adapted strains, efficient in the treatment and recovery of contaminated areas. The aim of this study was to evaluate the tolerance profile of critical priority bacterial pathogens relevant in One Health, to heavy metals (mercury, silver, tellurium, and arsenic) and to the pesticide glyphosate, identifying the associated resistome. The phenotype-genotype correlation was evaluated in antibiotic-resistant isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae (n= 35), Escherichia coli (n= 46), and Salmonella spp. (n= 19), by MIC determination using the microdilution method, and by analysis of their respective genomic sequences. Among the isolates of K. pneumoniae, 32 strains showed elevated MIC (64-512 µg/mL) for silver metal, of which 20 carried the silPABCRSE operon responsible for conferring resistance. A strain of K. pneumoniae carrying terrace genes showed a MIC of 64 µg/mL for tellurium. Six strains of E. coli showed an MIC> 32 µg/mL for tellurium, with 3 strains carrying the Thea/B genes. Other 6 strainsof E. coli showed MIC for silver of 256-512 µg/mL, but only two carried silPFCE genes. Two strains of Salmonella showed MIC 64-128 µg/mL for tellurium and carried the/B and terABCDEF genes. In relation to arsenic, 24 strains of E. coli had a MIC 512 µg/mL, and of these, 12 strains carried the arsRBC genes. Salmonella spp., which carriedthe mer gene, had MICs of 8-16 µg/mL for mercury. It was not possible to correlate thepresence of the phonic-P operon (suggested as responsible for glyphosate tolerance) with elevated MICs for this compound. The silver tolerance mediated by the operon sil was a predominant feature in K. pneumoniae strains belonging to the clonal group CG258, suggesting a intrinsic property that has contributed to the persistence and wide dissemination of CG258 within a One Health context, which could be as a biomarkerto monitor the impact of the use of silver compounds and silver-based biomaterial on different human activities. In this work it was possible to standardize the PCR technique with the genes of the sil operon of interest
Phenotype , Agrochemicals/adverse effects , Metals, Heavy/adverse effects , One Health , Genotype , Silver , Silver Compounds/toxicity , Environmental Pollution/analysis , Agribusiness/classification , Environmental Restoration and Remediation , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Maize (Zea mays L.) is a widely cultivated cereal and has been used as an optimum heavy metal phytoremediation crop. Metallothionein (MT) proteins are small, cysteine-rich, proteins that play important roles in plant growth and development, and the regulation of stress response to heavy metals. However, the MT genes for maize have not been fully analyzed so far. METHODS: The putative ZmMT genes were identified by HMMER. The heat map of ZmMT genes spatial expression analysis was generated by using R with the log2 (FPKM + 1). The expression profiles of ZmMT genes under three kinds of heavy metal stresses were quantified by using qRT-PCR. The metallothionein proteins was aligned using MAFFT and phylogenetic analysis were constructed by ClustalX 2.1. The protein theoretical molecular weight and pI, subcellular localization, TFs binding sites, were predicted using ProtParam, PSORT, PlantTFDB, respectively. RESULTS: A total of 9 ZmMT genes were identified in the whole genome of maize. The results showed that eight of the nine ZmMT proteins contained one highly conserved metallothio_2 domain, while ZmMT4 contained a Metallothio_PEC domain. All the ZmMT proteins could be classified into three major groups and located on five chromosomes. The ZmMT promoters contain a large number of hormone regulatory elements and hormone-related transcription factor binding sites. The ZmMT genes exhibited spatiotemporal specific expression patterns in 23 tissues of maize development stages and showed the different expression patterns in response to Cu, Cd, and Pb heavy metal stresses. CONCLUSIONS: We identified the 9 ZmMT genes, and explored their conserved motif, tissue expression patterns, evolutionary relationship. The expression profiles of ZmMT genes under three kinds of heavy metal stresses (Cu, Cd, Pb) were analyzed. In summary, the expression of ZmMTs have poteintial to be regulated by hormones. The specific expression of ZmMTs in different tissues of maize and the response to different heavy metal stresses are revealed that the role of MT in plant growth and development, and stress resistance to heavy metals.
Metals, Heavy , Zea mays , Phylogeny , Plant Proteins/genetics , Stress, Physiological , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Metallothionein/genetics , Metallothionein/metabolismABSTRACT
Metals and agrochemicals are among the main aquatic contaminants, being able to trigger oxidative stress in exposed organisms. The objective of this work was to evaluate the correlation between the level of oxidative stress biomarkers in Aegla crabs (Crustacea, Anomura) with (i) the set of metals present in the streams sediment and (ii) with land uses of three hydrographic basins. The study was carried out in streams (≤ 2nd order) of hydrographic basins in southern Brazil (Basins of Rio Suzana, Rio Ligeirinho-Leãozinho and Rio Dourado). In these streams were quantified the land uses and Cu, Cr, Cd, Fe, Mn and Zn concentrations in the sediment. The enzymes Catalase (CAT) and Glutathione Reductase (GR), as well as the level of membrane lipid peroxidation (TBARS), were analyzed in adult females. The PCA analysis showed that the distribution of metals was different between the basins. Cd, Cr and Fe were correlated positively with CAT and negatively with TBARS and GR. The Dourado basin had the lowest concentrations of these three metals and the highest levels of TBARS. However, in Dourado basin there is predominance of agriculture land use, and TBARS was positively correlated with agricultural land use. Besides in Dourado basin, GR activity was higher than in the others basins, indicating a compensatory response in relation to CAT inhibition. The basins of Suzana and Ligeirinho-Leãozinho rivers had lower TBARS values, which may be due to the induction of CAT in response to metals accumulated in sediment. In summary, this work indicates that in the basins with a higher concentration of toxic metals there is an adaptive response of CAT induction, which reduces TBARS in Aegla. On the other hand, in the basin with lower metallic contamination, TBARS occurrence was primarily influenced by agricultural land use.
Os metais e agroquímicos estão entre os principais contaminantes aquáticos, podendo desencadear estresse oxidativo em organismos expostos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar uma possível correlação entre o nível de biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo em Aegla (Crustacea, Anomura) com (i) o conjunto de metais presentes no sedimento e (ii) com os usos da terra, em três bacias hidrográficas distintas. O estudo foi realizado em riachos (≤ 2ª ordem) de bacias hidrográficas do Sul do Brasil (Bacias do Rio Suzana, do Rio Ligeirinho-Leãozinho e do Rio Dourado), as quais foram caracterizadas em função do percentual de usos da terra e do nível de Cu, Cr, Cd, Fe, Mn e Zn no sedimento. As enzimas Catalase (CAT) e Glutationa Redutase (GR), bem como o nível de peroxidação lipídica das membranas (TBARS), foram analisadas em fêmeas adultas. Uma análise de PCA mostrou que a distribuição de metais foi distinta entre as bacias. Cd, Cr e Fe no sedimento correlacionaram positivamente com a CAT e negativamente com TBARS e GR. Entretanto, a bacia do Dourado apresentou os menores níveis destes três metais e os maiores níveis de TBARS, o que pode ser justificado pelo predomínio da agricultura nesta bacia, já que o TBARS correlacionou positivamente com o percentual de uso agrícola. Nesta bacia, a atividade da GR foi mais alta do que nas outras, indicando uma resposta compensatória em relação a inibição da CAT. As bacias do rio Suzana e rio Ligeirinho-Leãozinho apresentaram valores menores de TBARS, o que pode decorrer da indução da CAT em função dos metais acumulados no sedimento. Em síntese, este trabalho indica que nas bacias com maior concentração de metais tóxicos ocorre uma resposta adaptativa de indução da CAT, o que reduz os níveis de TBARS em Aegla. Por outro lado, na bacia com menor contaminação metálica os níveis de TBARS foram primariamente influenciados pelo uso agrícola.