Introdução: A angina bolhosa hemorrágica (ABH) é uma condição rara caracterizada pelo surgimento súbito de bolhas de sangue nas mucosas orais e orofaringe. Objetivo: Este trabalho tem como propósito fornecer uma análise abrangente das características clínicas, etiológicas e histopatológicas da angina bolhosa hemorrágica, além de abordar métodos de diagnóstico e opções de tratamento. Materiais e métodos: Foi realizada uma busca por artigos científicos publicados de 2010 a 2023, nas bases de dados Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), US National Library of Medicine (PubMed) e ScienceDirect. Foram coletados artigos em inglês e português utilizando as palavras-chave "angina bolhosa hemorrágica", "estomatite bolhosa hemorrágica benigna", "hemorrhagic bullous angina" e "benign hemorrhagic bullous stomatitis". Conclusão: A ABH é escassamente documentada na literatura, com muitos dados ausentes ou subnotificados. Embora seja uma condição benigna com rápida evolução espontânea, o procedimento diagnóstico deve ser rigoroso para descartar outras possíveis lesões.
Introduction: Bullous hemorrhagic angina (ABH) is a rare condition characterized by the sudden appearance of blood blisters on the oral mucosa and oropharynx. Objective: This work aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the clinical, etiological and histopathological characteristics of hemorrhagic bullous angina, in addition to addressing diagnostic methods and treatment options. Materials and methods: A search was carried out for scientific articles published between 2010 and 2023, in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), US National Library of Medicine (PubMed) and ScienceDirect databases. Articles were found in English and Portuguese using the keywords "hemorrhagic bullous angina", "benign herrhagic bullous stomatitis", "hemorrhagic bullous angina" and "benign herrhagic bullous stomatitis". Conclusion: ABH is scarcely documented in the literature, with many data missing or underreported. Although it is a benign condition with rapid spontaneous evolution, the diagnostic procedure must be rigorous to rule out other possible lesions.
Pathology, Oral , Blood , Oral Ulcer/diagnosis , Mouth MucosaABSTRACT
El odontólogo realiza de forma rutinaria procedimientos que generan lesiones en los tejidos duros y blandos, por lo que resulta importante que el profesional conozca los procesos normales de cicatrización y reparación. La cicatrización es un fenómeno fisiológico que se presenta en cualquier tejido vivo que ha sido lesionado, que tiene importantes componentes vasculares y celulares que llevan una secuencia específica y que dependiendo de la magnitud de la lesión, el tejido podrá regenerar o cicatrizar según sea el caso. Asimismo, existen patologías sistémicas específicas y locales capaces de retrasar el proceso normal de cicatrización. El objetivo del presente artículo es explicar el proceso normal de reparación tisular de los tejidos orales y periorales (AU)
The dentist routinely performs procedures that generate injuries to hard and soft tissues, so it is important that the professional knows the normal healing and repair processes. Cicatrization is a physiological phenomenon that occurs in any living tissue that has been injured that has important vascular and cellular components that carry a specific sequence and that, depending on the magnitude of the lesion, the tissue may regenerate or heal as the case may be. Likewise, there are specific systemic and local pathologies capable of delaying the normal healing process. The aim of this article is to explain the normal tissue repair process of oral and perioral tissues (AU)
Humans , Wound Healing/physiology , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Mouth Mucosa/injuries , Bone Regeneration/physiology , Chronic Disease , Risk Factors , Granulation Tissue/physiopathologyABSTRACT
Aun cuando las autoridades del Sector Salud en México no se han declarado respecto al uso medicinal de la marihuana, con el objetivo de conocer el estado actual internacional sobre sus riesgos y usos terapéuticos, investigamos los avances reportados en la actualidad, así como las comunidades que han despenalizado su uso. Se presenta su origen como elemento terapéutico, pueblos involucrados, diversas denominaciones, historicidad, las diversas preparaciones, farmacodinamia, sus efectos nocivos a la salud en general y particularmente en boca, sus posibles usos en odontología tomando en cuenta sus propiedades terapéuticas. ampliamente reseñadas en relación a otros lugares del organismo. Finalmente, la propuesta de investigación en odontología con especial énfasis en aquellas especialidades donde la inflamación y el dolor agudo estén presentes de manera significativa (AU)
Although health authorities in Mexico have not officially declared their stance on the medicinal use of marijuana, our research aims to explore the current international status regarding its risks and therapeutic uses. We have investigated the latest reported advancements and examined communities that have decriminalized its usage. This presentation encompasses its therapeutic origin, involved communities, various designations, historical context, diverse preparations, pharmacodynamics, its adverse effects on overall health and particularly oral health, as well as its potential applications in dentistry, considering its widely documented therapeutic properties in comparison to other areas of the body. Finally, our research proposal in dentistry places special emphasis on specialties where inflammation and acute pain are significantly present (AU)
Cannabidiol , Cannabis/adverse effects , Mouth Diseases/etiology , Dronabinol/adverse effects , Cannabinoids/history , Medical Marijuana/therapeutic use , Mouth Mucosa/drug effectsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To identify the most prevalent oral lesions based on reports from a pathology institute's reports and associations between malignant and oral potentially malignant disorders with patient's demographic variables and the anatomical location. Material and Methods: All 1,298 histopathological reports of oral lesions recorded in the database were reviewed. Demographic variables, anatomical location of the lesion, histopathological diagnosis of the lesions, and their biological behavior were analyzed. Results: Regarding the biological behavior of the identified lesions, benign lesions were predominant (70%), followed by lesions of undetermined behavior (14.3%), malignant lesions (14.2%), absence of histological alteration (1.2%), and finally, oral potentially malignant disorders (0.5%). The anatomical locations of the most prevalent oral lesions potentially malignant disorders and malignant were in the following structures of the oral cavity: gums, buccal mucosa, floor of the mouth and hard palate (p=49.2%), and tongue (p=48.7%). Conclusion: The probability of malignant and premalignant lesions was higher among males (PR= 4.21; 95% CI 2.08-6.22), the increase in age (PR = 1.06; 95% CI 1.05-1.08), and in the tongue region (PR = 5.48; 95% CI 1.67; 17.92). Identification of malignant and potentially malignant oral conditions is higher in older men and in tongue specimens.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Mouth Neoplasms/epidemiology , Diagnosis, Oral , Mouth/injuries , Mouth Mucosa/injuries , Biopsy , Logistic Models , Cross-Sectional Studies/methodsABSTRACT
El síndrome de Laugier-Hunziker (SLH) es un trastorno de hiperpigmentación macular benigno adquirido que se caracteriza por la presencia de máculas hiperpigmentadas policrómicas, de superficie plana, con morfología lenticular oval, de márgenes definidos; parte importante de éste es el desarrollo de melanoniquia longitudinal. Su principal diagnóstico diferencial es el síndrome de Peutz-Jeghers, ya que este último tiende a desarrollar neoplasias malignas en el tracto digestivo. Es importante que el estomatólogo conozca el SLH, con la finalidad de poder diagnosticarlo y diferenciarlo de otras entidades, particularmente de aquellas de carácter maligno (AU)
Laugier-Hunziker syndrome (LHS) is an acquired benign macular hyperpigmentation disorder, characterized by the presence of polychromic hyperpigmented macules, with a smooth surface, with oval lenticular morphology, with defined margins; An important part of this is the development of longitudinal melanonychia. Its main differential diagnosis is Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, since it tends to develop malignant neoplasms in the digestive tract. It is important that the Stomatologist knows the LHS, in order to be able to diagnose it and differentiate it from other entities, even those of a malignant nature (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Pigmentation Disorders , Hyperpigmentation , Diagnosis, Differential , Mexico , Mouth Mucosa/injuriesABSTRACT
Objetivo: Relatar um caso de hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatória em lábio inferior, decorrente de um transtorno de comportamento repetitivo (mordedura) e o seu devido tratamento. Relato de caso: Paciente do gênero masculino, 27 anos de idade, apresentou aumento de volume em região de lábio inferior, indolor, com evolução clínica de seis a sete meses, com relatos de práticas de mordedura em região de lábio inferior. Ao exame clínico observou-se lesão exofítica em coloração de mucosa, pediculada, medindo cerca de 8mm, no seu maior diâmetro, com aspecto circunferencial, consistente à palpação e não sangrante. O paciente foi submetido à biópsia excisional, mantendo-se uma distância mínima de 5mm do pedículo. Conclusão: No caso relato, o paciente foi submetido a uma biópsia excisional com a completa remoção da lesão e obteve um prognóstico favorável... (AU)
Objective: To report a case of inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia in the lower lip, resulting from a repetitive be havior disorder (biting) and its proper treatment. Case report: Male patient, 27 year sold, presented pain less swelling in the lowerl ipregion, with clinical evolution of sixt o seven months, with report sof biting practices in the lower lip region. Clinical examination revealed an exophytic lesion in mucosal color, peduncula ted, mea suring about 8 mm in its largest diameter, with a circumferent ial appearance, consisten ton palpation and not bleeding. The patient underwent excisional biopsy, keeping a minimum distance of 5 mm from the pedicle. Conclusion: In the case report, the patient underwent a nexcision al biopsy with the complete removal of the lesion and obtained a favorable prognosis... (AU)
Objetivo: Informar de un caso de hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatoria del labio inferior debido a um trastorno de comportamiento repetitivo (morder) y su tratamiento. Reporte de caso: Paciente masculino, de 27 años, presentó un aumento de volumen em la región del labio inferior, indoloro, com evolución clínica de seis a siete meses, con reporte de prácticas de mordedura em la región del labio inferior. El examen clínico reveló una lesión exofítica, pedunculada, de coloración mucosa, que medía aproximadamente 8mm em su mayor diámetro, de aspecto circunferencial, consistente a la palpación y no sangrante. El paciente fue sometido a una biopsia excisional, manteniendo una distancia mínima de 5mm del pedículo. Conclusión: Em el caso relatado, el paciente fue sometido a una biopsia excisional com la remoción completa de lalesión y obtuvo um pronóstico favorable... (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Mouth Neoplasms , Mouth Mucosa/surgery , Mouth Mucosa/pathologyABSTRACT
Introdução: O líquen plano oral é uma doença crônica imunologicamente mediada relativamente comum, que acomete a mucosa oral. Clinicamente, o LPO é classificado em seis padrões bem identificados: placa, reticular, bolhoso, atrófico, papular e erosivo.Sendo os mais comuns oos tipos reticulares e erosivos. A ativação dos linfócitos TCD4+ no LPO, pode induzir os ceratinócitos ao processo de apoptose através da respostaimunológica citotóxica. A proteína Bax desempenha uma função relevante para o processo apoptótico. Deste modo, a presente pesquisa consistiu em um estudo transversal retrospectivo, descritivo, quantitativo e comparativo. Objetivo: Avaliar a expressão imuno-histoquímica das proteínas MMP9 e Bax no LPO. Método: Foram utilizados 43 casos de LPO para análise da imunoexpressão de Bax e MMP-9. Os resultados foram analisados através dos testes estatísticos apropriados e serão considerados significativos, valores onde p<0,05. Resultado: A imunoexpressão de MMP9 foi significativamente maior nos ceratinócitos e quando analisados os subtipos de líquen plano oral, não foram observados diferenças estatísticas entre os tipos reticulares e erosivos para as proteínas analisadas. Conclusões: Com essas observações, infere-se que a alteração na expressão das proteínas estudadas sugere um distúrbio nos mecanismos apoptóticos, os quais estão associados às lesões de LPO, e podemos concluir também que as imunoexpressões dessas proteínas não apresentaram diferença, quando relacionada ao tipo clínico reticular ou erosivo. Com esse resultado pode-se contribuir para um maior entendimento sobre os possíveis mecanismos celulares envolvidos na etiopatogenia dessa lesão (AU).
Background: Oral lichen planus is a relatively common immune-mediated chronic disease that affects the oral mucosa. Clinically, OLP is classified into six well-identified patterns: plaque, reticular, bullous, atrophic, papular, and erosive. The most common being the reticular and erosive types. The activation of TCD4+ lymphocytes in the OLP can induce keratinocytes to the process of apoptosis through the cytotoxic immune response. Thus, the present research consisted of a retrospective, descriptive, quantitative and comparative crosssectional study. Objective: to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of MMP-9 and Bax proteins in OLP. Methods: We used 20 cases of Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasia as control. The results were analyzed through the appropriate statistical tests and will be considered significant, values where p<0.05. Results: The immunoexpression of MMP-9 was significantly higher in keratinocytes and when the subtypes of oral lichen planus were analyzed, no statistical differences were observed between the reticular and erosive types for the proteins analyzed. Conclusions: With these observations, it is inferred that the alteration in the expression of the studied proteins suggests a disturbance in the proliferative and apoptotic mechanisms, which are associated with a pathological behavior of the oral mucosa, and consequently with a repercussion on the lesions of OLP, and we can also conclude that the immunoexpression of these proteins had no difference, when related to the reticular or erosive clinical type. This research aims to contribute to a greater understanding of the possible cellular mechanisms involved in the etiopathogenesis of this lesion, thus enabling the understanding of the clinical aspects of the pathology (AU).
Lichen Planus, Oral/metabolism , Matrix Metalloproteinase 9/metabolism , bcl-2-Associated X Protein/metabolism , Medical Records , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Retrospective Studies , Analysis of Variance , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Statistics, Nonparametric , Diagnosis, Differential , Mouth Mucosa/injuriesABSTRACT
Introdução: durante a permanência em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTIs), os pacientes internados apresentam maior vulnerabilidade a alterações na cavidade oral decorrentes do uso de equipamentos de respiração artificial e do estado imunocomprometido em que se encontram. Objetivo: identificar as principais manifestações bucais em pacientes internados em uma UTI bem como verificar o conhecimento dos profissionais responsáveis pela higienização bucal. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo quantitativo descritivo com delineamento transversal. Os dados foram obtidos nos prontuários médicos dos pacientes e através de um exame clínico intraoral. Para os profissionais responsáveis pela higiene bucal, foi utilizado um questionário. As análises foram realizadas no programa SPSS versão 21.0 de forma descritiva. Resultados: as manifestações bucais com maior incidência foram saburra lingual, biofilme dentário, candidíase, devido a qualidade da higiene bucal prestada e a baixa imunidade. Os achados bucais e sistêmicos relacionados aos pacientes com maior tempo de internação foram ressecamento labial, queilite angular, língua despapilada, candidíase e pneumonia. Todos os profissionais responsáveis pela higienização bucal dos pacientes tinham formação técnica em enfermagem e desconheciam alterações importantes como biofilme dentário e pneumonia nosocomial. Conclusão: os dados deste estudo permitem concluir que apesar da constância com que é realizada a higienização bucal, verifica-se alta frequência de lesões bucais nos pacientes críticos da UTI. Evidenciando o papel da assistência da higienização bucal de qualidade, destacando a importância da atuação do cirurgião dentista em equipes multiprofissionais, visto que o risco de focos infecciosos bucais pode contribuir para o agravo e piora do quadro clínico dos pacientes.
Introduction: during the stay in Intensive Care Units (ICUs), hospitalized patients are more vulnerable to changes in the oral cavity resulting from the use of artificial respiration equipment and the immunocompromised state in which they are found. Objective: to identify the main oral manifestations in patients admitted to an ICU, as well as to verify the knowledge of professionals responsible for oral hygiene. Methodology: this is a descriptive quantitative study with cross-sectional design. Data were obtained from the patient's medical records and through an intraoral clinical examination. For professionals responsible for oral hygiene, a questionnaire was used. The analyses were performed in the SPSS version 21.0 program in a descriptive way. Results: the oral manifestations with the highest incidence were tongue coating, dental biofilm, candidiasis, due to the quality of oral hygiene provided and low immunity. Oral and systemic findings related to patients with longer hospital stays were lip dryness, angular cheilitis, depapilated tongue, candidiasis and pneumonia. All professionals responsible for oral hygiene of patients had technical training in nursing and were unaware of important alterations such as dental biofilm and nosocomial pneumonia. Conclusion: the data from this study allow us to conclude that despite the constancy with which oral hygiene is performed, there is a high frequency of oral lesions in critical ICU patients. Evidencing the role of quality oral hygiene assistance, highlighting the importance of the dentist's role in multidisciplinary teams, since the risk of oral infectious foci can contribute to the aggravation and worsening of the clinical condition of patients.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Oral Hygiene , Oral Manifestations , Dental Staff, Hospital , Intensive Care Units , Mouth Mucosa , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Evaluation Studies as TopicABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term outcomes of patients with trichiasis treated with a modified interlamellar oral mucosa graft surgery technique using fibrin glue. Methods: A prospective study was conducted at the Oculoplastic Department of Ouro Verde Hospital Complex. Patients with recurrent trichiasis without entropion who did not respond to conventional therapy, underwent intermarginal lamellar splitting of the eyelid and oral mucous graft insertion with fibrin glue replacing sutures. They were then evaluated at 1-day, 1-week, 1-month, 6-month, and 4-year follow-ups. Graft adherence, symptom resolution, esthetic satisfaction, overall patient satisfaction, and trichiasis recurrence were assessed at 6-month and 4-year follow-ups. Results: Fifteen patients (a total of 19 eyes) were included, of whom 10 (66.7%) were female and 5 (33.3%) were male. The mean age was 75.4 ± 10.5 years (range, 54-98 years). Acquired trichiasis was the main cause. Of the patients with acquired trichiasis, 12 (86.7%) had chronic blepharitis, 2 (13.3%) had an undetermined cause, and one (6.7%) had trachomatous trichiasis. Most cases involved only one eyelid segment (89.4%) and =5 lashes (84.2%; minor trichiasis). No adverse reactions from the fibrin glue were reported and no sutures were required after graft placement. At 6 months, no graft failures occurred, 17 eyes of 13 patients (89.4%) showed good graft adherence, 2 eyes of 2 patients (10.5%) showed partial graft adherence, and 2 eyes of 1 patient (10.5%) had trichiasis recurrence. At 4-year follow-up, no graft failure occurred, 3 patients (3 eyes) were lost to follow-up, and 2 eyes of 2 patients (14.2%) had trichiasis recurrence. The 4-year cumulative success rate was 78.9%. Conclusions: The modified interlamellar surgery with fibrin glue showed a good long-term success rate. This technique reduces surgical time, facilitates smaller graft insertion, and therefore, should be considered for recalcitrant minor trichiasis without entropion.>
RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os resultados a longo prazo da técnica cirúrgica modificada de enxerto interlamelar de mucosa oral usando cola de fibrina para o tratamento de triquíase. Métodos: Um estudo prospectivo foi realizado no Departamento de Óculo-plástica do Complexo Hospital Ouro Verde. Pacientes com triquíase recorrente sem entrópio, que não responderam à terapia convencional, foram submetidos à cirurgia com separação intermarginal das lamelas das pálpebras e inserção de enxerto de mucosa oral usando cola de fibrina, substituindo a sutura. Pacientes foram avaliados 1 dia, 7 dias, 1 mês, 6 meses e 4 anos após a cirurgia. A aderência do enxerto, resolução dos sintomas, satisfação estética, satisfação geral do paciente e recorrência de triquíase foram avaliados aos 6 meses e aos 4 anos. Resultados: Quinze pacientes (total de 19 olhos) foram incluídos, dos quais 10 (66.7%) eram do sexo feminino e 5 (33.3%) do sexo masculino. A média de idade foi 75.4 ± 10.5 anos (intervalo 54-98 anos). Triquíase adquirida foi a principal causa, da qual 12 pacientes apresentaram blefarite crônica (86.7%), 2 pacientes com causa indeterminada (13.3%) e 1 paciente com triquíase tracomatosa (6.7%). A maioria dos casos envolveu apenas um segmento da pálpebra (89.4%) e com =5 cílios (84.2%; triquíase menor). Nenhuma reação adversa foi reportada com o uso da cola de fibrina e nenhum caso necessitou de sutura após inserção do enxerto. Aos 6 meses, não houve nenhuma falha de enxerto, 17 olhos de 13 pacientes (89.4%) apresentaram boa aderência de enxerto, 2 olhos de 2 pacientes (10.5%) mostraram aderência parcial do enxerto e 2 olhos de 1 paciente (10.5%) apresentaram recorrência da triquíase. Aos 4 anos, não houve nenhuma falha de enxerto, 3 olhos de 3 pacientes tiveram perda de seguimento e 2 olhos de 2 pacientes (14.2%) apresentaram recorrência da triquíase. A taxa de sucesso acumulativa após 4 anos foi de 78.9%. Conclusão: A cirurgia modificada de enxerto interlamelar de mucosa oral usando cola de fibrina mostrou uma boa taxa de sucesso a longo prazo. Esta técnica reduz o tempo cirúrgico, facilita a inserção de enxertos menores e, portanto, deve ser considerada em triquíase menor sem entrópio resistente ao tratamento convencional.
Humans , Female , Male , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Fibrin Tissue Adhesive , Mouth Mucosa , Fibrin Tissue Adhesive/therapeutic use , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
Introduction: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is caused by a delayed immune response triggered by the association of genetic and environmental factors. This reaction can be mediated mainly by some drugs. Objective: The purpose of this article is to report the case of a patient with SJS associated with carbamazepine. Case report: A man was hospitalized complaining of odynophagia, whitish plaques in the mouth and swelling of the lips. Clinical examination revealed ulcerated and erosive lesions involving the buccal mucosa, lips, tongue and hard palate. The lips were swollen and with hemorrhagic crusts. Papular and purplish-colored lesions were observed on the skin. The patient reported that the lesions started 10 days ago, coinciding with the start of carbamazepine use. The diagnosis of SJS was established based on clinical information and the patient treated with support therapy. Conclusion: SJS is a clinical condition that affects the oral mucosa and can be triggered by the use of carbamazepine. (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Carbamazepine , Stevens-Johnson Syndrome , Drug Hypersensitivity , Hypersensitivity , Mouth MucosaABSTRACT
Long-segment lichen sclerosus (LS) urethral stricture is a challenge for urologists. Limited data are available for surgeons to make a surgical decision between Kulkarni and Asopa urethroplasty. In this retrospective study, we investigated the outcomes of these two procedures in patients with LS urethral stricture. Between January 2015 and December 2020, 77 patients with LS urethral stricture underwent Kulkarni and Asopa procedures for urethroplasty in the Department of Urology, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (Shanghai, China). Of the 77 patients, 42 (54.5%) underwent the Asopa procedure and 35 (45.5%) underwent the Kulkarni procedure. The overall complication rate was 34.2% in the Kulkarni group and 19.0% in the Asopa group, and no difference was observed ( P = 0.105). Among the complications, no statistical difference was observed in the incidence of urethral stricture recurrence ( P = 0.724) or glans dehiscence ( P = 0.246) except for postoperative meatus stenosis ( P = 0.020). However, the recurrence-free survival rate between the two procedures was significantly different ( P = 0.016). Cox survival analysis showed that antiplatelet/anticoagulant therapy use ( P = 0.020), diabetes ( P = 0.003), current/former smoking ( P = 0.019), coronary heart disease ( P < 0.001), and stricture length ( P = 0.028) may lead to a higher hazard ratio of complications. Even so, these two techniques can still provide acceptable results with their own advantages in the surgical treatment of LS urethral strictures. The surgical alternative should be considered comprehensively according to the patient characteristics and surgeon preferences. Moreover, our results showed that antiplatelet/anticoagulant therapy use, diabetes, coronary heart disease, current/former smoking, and stricture length may be contributing factors of complications. Therefore, patients with LS are advised to undergo early interventions for better therapeutic effects.
Male , Humans , Urethral Stricture/etiology , Retrospective Studies , Constriction, Pathologic/surgery , Lichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Urologic Surgical Procedures, Male/methods , China , Urethra/surgery , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Mouth Mucosa , Diabetes Mellitus/etiology , Anticoagulants , Coronary DiseaseABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the genetic results of whole exome sequencing of bone marrow from new onset multiple myeloma (MM) patients to analyze the process of genetic clonal evolution in MM patients.@*METHODS@#Genomic DNA was extracted from bone marrow samples of 15 MM patients and the whole exomes sequencing was performed using next generation sequencing technology. Using own buccal cells as germline controls, combinated with clinical information, the mutation profile of genes from high-risk asymptomatic myeloma to symptomatic myeloma were analyzed, and genes that may be associated with the efficacy and side effects of bortezomib were screened.@*RESULTS@#Except for two patients in whom no peripheral neuropathy was observed after a short treatment period, other patients peripheral neuropathy developed of various degrees during treatment with bortezomib containing chemotherapy, and the vast majority of patients achieved remission after receiving this bortezomib-related chemotherapy regimen. All patients had comparable levels of the inherited mutations number, but the somatic mutations was correlated with disease evolution.@*CONCLUSION@#different gene "mutational spectra" exist in myeloma patients at different stages and are associated with progression through all stages of the disease.
Humans , Multiple Myeloma/drug therapy , Bortezomib/therapeutic use , Bone Marrow , Exome Sequencing , Mouth Mucosa , Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is recurrent and painful diseases of the oral mucosa that can be very painful and annoying despite their small size. There is no definitive cure for this disease and the usual treatments are mainly based on pain control. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of honey-lemon spray (mucotin) in the treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Methods: This study is a randomized controlled clinical trial conducted in 2020 at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences on 46 RAS patients. The participants were randomly assigned to the intervention (mucotin) or control groups (Triamcinolone ointment) equally (23 patients in each group). Patients were evaluated for the severity of pain and ulcer size. Evaluations were performed on days 0, 2, 7 of the treatment using VAS. Data were analyzed using ANOVA statistical test. Results: The inner aspect of the lower lip was the most common site of RAS in the participants (48.8%) and the lowest site went for hard palate (2.4%). Four items including pain, burning sensation, necrosis area, and erythematous area were evaluated in both groups. There was no significant difference in all parameters before the treatment period (day 0). The mean pain score, burning sensation, necrosis, erythematous areas were not different in days 0, 2 and 7 between groups respectively (p=0.849, p=0.105, p=0.917, p=0.442). Conclusion: Honey-lemon spray (Mucotin) and topical corticosteroid have similar effects in RAS treating, So Mucotin can be used as the first line of treatment for RAS lesions. This herbal medicine has no side effects
Humans , Male , Female , Stomatitis, Aphthous , Citrus , Oral Ulcer , Honey , Mouth MucosaABSTRACT
Las lesiones de la cavidad oral corresponden a un hallazgo frecuente y muchas veces difíciles de diagnosticar. Su correcto reconocimiento podría ser clave en detectar patologías que podrían cambiar el pronóstico del paciente. El objetivo de esta revisión es describir una clasificación de las lesiones de la cavidad oral que permita ayudar al diagnóstico en la práctica clínica. Para esto, se detallan y se describen las lesiones, orientando al diagnóstico y a la necesidad de biopsiar. Para simplificar la orientación diagnóstica, las lesiones se clasifican en 2 grandes grupos: tumorales y no tumorales. Las lesiones no tumorales se subdividen en lesiones de la mucosa oral y lesiones de la lengua.
Lesions of the oral cavity are frequent and often difficult to diagnose. However, correct recognition could change the patient's prognosis. This review aims to describe a classification of oral mucosa lesions, to help the diagnosis in clinical practice. The lesions are described for this, guiding the diagnosis and the need for biopsy. To simplify the diagnostic orientation, the lesions are classified into two groups: tumor and non-tumor lesions. Non-tumor lesions are subdivided into lesions of the oral mucosa and lesions of the tongue.
Humans , Mouth Mucosa/pathology , Biopsy/methods , Mouth/pathologyABSTRACT
The objective of this study was to evaluate whether individuals with chronic renal failure (CRF) undergoing hemodialysis treatment have more salivary and oral mucosa alterations when compared to healthy individuals, through a systematic review followed by meta-analysis. A systematic literature review was performed, evaluating randomized clinical trials found in the Proquest, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Lilacs and Pubmed databases, using MeSH terms and other keywords. Initially, 40 articles were included in the study and, after reading the complete articles, only 15 clinical trials that analyzed oral lesions and salivary changes in patients with CRF undergoing hemodialysis treatment were eligible. Most of the clinical studies included were cross-sectional and composed of a study group and a control group. The mean age of participants in the study group was 50.19 years and in the control group, 48.95 years. The most common oral alterations found in the CRF group in relation to the control group were xerostomia, uremic breath, dysgeusia, coated tongue, gingival bleeding and pale mucosa. The salivary flow of patients with CRF was 46.6% lower than the control group. The salivary pH in the study group was also more alkaline when compared to the control group. Greater amounts of urea, phosphate, C-reactive protein and total proteins were found in the saliva of individuals with CRF. Individuals with CRF undergoing hemodialysis are more prone to changes in both the quantity and quality of saliva, as well as having a greater amount of oral changes.
Xerostomia , Renal Dialysis , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Mouth MucosaABSTRACT
O presente estudo aborda os protocolos odontológicos instituídos na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva COVID de um Hospital do Extremo Sul Catarinense. A cavidade oral, considerada uma abertura para a entrada de microrganismos, possui características favoráveis ao seu crescimento, com temperatura e umidade ideais para sua sobrevivência em longo prazo. A odontologia, por manipular diretamente mucosa oral, fica exposta e vulnerável ao contágio do COVID-19, assim como a equipe multiprofissional que manipula o paciente nas diversas áreas de atenção à saúde, no ambiente hospitalar. A COVID-19 é uma infecção respiratória aguda causada pelo coronavírus SARS-CoV-2, potencialmente grave, de elevada transmissibilidade e de distribuição global. A maioria das pessoas (cerca de 80%) se recupera da doença sem precisar de tratamento hospitalar. Uma em cada seis pessoas infectadas por COVID-19 fica gravemente doente e desenvolve dificuldade de respirar. As pessoas idosas e as que têm outras condições de saúde, como pressão alta, problemas cardíacos e do pulmão, diabetes ou câncer, têm maior risco de ficarem gravemente doentes. No entanto, qualquer pessoa pode pegar a COVID-19 e ficar gravemente doente. Constatou-se que a aplicação de protocolos odontológicos na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva apresenta uma série de vantagens em relação à prevenção da contaminação dos profissionais de saúde, à manutenção da saúde bucal do paciente, aos benefícios gerais para a saúde, à prevenção e ao tratamento de infecções oportunistas, que podem reduzir o tempo de internação do paciente, pois infecção generalizada e pneumonia são doenças nosocomiais também causadas por distúrbios na microbiota oral. Os resultados mostraram que não há cirurgiões dentistas atuando na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, os protocolos não são específicos para área de odontologia e os equipamentos de proteção individuais são utilizados, porém, não em todos atendimentos(AU)
The present study addresses the dental protocols established in the COVID Intensive Care Unit of a Hospital in Extremo Sul Santa Catarina. The oral cavity, considered an opening for the entry of microorganisms, has characteristics favorable to its growth, with ideal temperature and humidity for its long-term survival. Dentistry, by directly manipulating the oral mucosa, is exposed and vulnerable to COVID-19 contagion, as well as the multidisciplinary team that handles the patient in the different areas of health care, in the hospital environment. COVID-19 is a potentially serious acute respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, with high transmissibility and global distribution. Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing hospital treatment. One in six people infected with COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. Elderly people and those with other health conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart and lung problems, diabetes or cancer, are at increased risk of becoming seriously ill. However, anyone can take COVID-19 and become seriously ill. It was found that the application of dental protocols in the Intensive Care Unit has a number of advantages in relation to the prevention of contamination of health professionals, the maintenance of the patient's oral health, the general benefits for health, prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections, which can reduce the patient's hospital stay, as generalized infection and pneumonia are nosocomial diseases also caused by disorders in the oral microbiota. The results showed that there are no dentists working in the Intensive Care Unit, the protocols are not specific to the field of dentistry and individual protective equipment is used, however, not in all cases(AU)
Dentists , COVID-19 , Intensive Care Units , Patient Care Team , Oral Health , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Length of Stay , Mouth MucosaABSTRACT
Aim: This study aimed to investigate whether non-ionizing radiation emitted by smartphones is likely to cause genotoxic effects on oral epithelial cells. Methods: Thirty adults were distributed into two groups according to the mobile phone brand used, namely Samsung (Samsung, Seoul, South Korea) and Apple (Apple, California, USA). The material was collected with gentle swabbing of the right and left buccal mucosa using a cervical brush, then the micronucleus test was performed. Results: The Mann-Whitney test with a 5% significance level did not reveal statistically significant differences in micronuclei frequency between the exposed and non-exposed sides (p=0.251). The different brands do not seem to cause risks of inducing genetic damage because there were no statistically significant differences between them (p=0.47). Conclusion: Therefore, our results suggest no correlations of micronuclei frequency in the exposed buccal cells of mobile phone users at the exposure standard levels observed
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Radiation, Nonionizing/adverse effects , Radio Waves , Micronucleus Tests , Epithelial Cells , Smartphone , Mouth Mucosa , Mutagenicity TestsABSTRACT
Aim: This study aims to evaluate the clinical assessment results of periimplant soft tissue with morse taper (internal abutment connection). Methods: The study was conducted using a rapid review by searching the articles from PubMed NCBI and Cochrane by using keywords. All articles were selected by the year, duplication, title, abstract, full-text, and finally, all selected articles were processed for final review. Following clinical parameters were included; Periimplant Probing Pocket Depth (PPD), Plaque Score (PS), modified Plaque Index (mPI), Mucosal Thickness (MTh), Gingival Height (GH), periimplant mucosal zenith, Pink Esthetic Score (PES), Bleeding On Probing (BOP), Sulcus Bleeding Index (SBI), and modified Gingival Index (mGI). Results: 9 selected articles were obtained from the initial literature searching count of 70 articles. The overall samples included 326 morse taper implants. Based on the evaluation, 3 out of 4 articles reported pocket depth < 4 mm, no bleeding was reported in 2 out of 4 articles. 4 out of 4 articles reported low plaque accumulation, low soft tissue recession was reported in 3 out of 3 articles, and 4 out of 4 articles reported acceptable PES values. Conclusion: The evaluations indicate that the morse taper (internal abutment connection) has favorable assessment results based on various clinical parameters
Dental Implants , Dental Abutments , Soft Tissue Injuries , Dental Implant-Abutment Design , Gingiva , Mouth MucosaABSTRACT
Background: Numerous types of cancer are of substantial medical and social concern, posing a major challenge to modern medicine. Chemotherapeutic drugs include the use of nucleosides, which are composed of nucleic acid and sugar. Objective: This study aims to assess the impact of systemic chemotherapeutic drugs at a therapeutic dose on the wound healing process of the oral mucosa. Material and Methods: 30 healthy rats were randomly divided into two main groups based on the study material, 15 rats in each group. Group A (control) was given a single dose of normal saline (1ml/kg, intraperitoneal), and Group B (study) a single injection of gemcitabine (50 mg /Kg, intraperitoneal). After anesthesia, a full-thickness soft tissue incision (0.5 cm length) on the right side of the buccal mucosa was made in the animals of both groups. Each group was subdivided according to the time of sacrifice into 3, 7, 14 days after surgery, at the end of the experimental periods, specimens were collected for histopathological study, and samples of blood were obtained from retro-orbital venous plexus and collected in microfuge tubes and levels of antioxidant enzymes were measured by ELISA. The data were analyzed statistically at a 0.05 level of significance. Results: Gemcitabine delayed the onset of wound cascade (inflammation and re-epithelization) which lead to worsening healing of the oral tissue; it also resulted in a decrease of the antioxidant activity of glutathione peroxidase and catalase, as well as activated caspase 3, which induces cell apoptosis. Conclusion: Gemcitabine showed negative feedback on oral tissue wound healing through delayed wound healing cascade and by inducing apoptosis.
Antecedentes: numerosos tipos de cáncer son motivo de gran preocupación médica y social, lo que representa un gran desafío para la medicina moderna. Los fármacos quimioterapéuticos incluyen el uso de nucleósidos, que están compuestos de ácido nucleico y azúcar. Objetivo: Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar el impacto de los fármacos quimioterapéuticos sistémicos a una dosis terapéutica en el proceso de cicatrización de heridas de la mucosa oral. Material y Métodos: 30 ratas sanas se dividieron aleatoriamente en dos grupos principales según el material de estudio, 15 ratas en cada grupo. Al grupo A (control) se le administró una dosis única de solución salina normal (1 ml/kg, intraperitoneal) y al grupo B (estudio) una inyección única de gemcitabina (50 mg/kg, intraperitoneal). Después de la anestesia, se realizó una incisión de tejido blando de espesor total (0,5 cm de longitud) en el lado derecho de la mucosa bucal en los animales de ambos grupos. Cada grupo se subdividió de acuerdo al tiempo de sacrificio en 3, 7, 14 días después de la cirugía, al final de los períodos experimentales se colectaron especímenes para estudio histopatológico, se obtuvieron muestras de sangre del plexo venoso retroorbitario y se recolectaron en tubos de microcentrífuga y los niveles de enzimas antioxidantes se midieron por ELISA. Los datos se analizaron estadísticamente a un nivel de significación de 0,05. Resultados: La gemcitabina retrasó el inicio de la cascada de heridas (inflamación y reepitelización) que condujo a un empeoramiento de la cicatrización del tejido oral; también resultó en una disminución de la actividad antioxidante de la glutatión peroxidasa y la catalasa, así como de la caspasa 3 activada, que induce la apoptosis celular. Conclusión: La gemcitabina mostró retroalimentación negativa sobre la cicatrización de heridas del tejido oral a través de una cascada de cicatrización retardada y mediante la inducción de apoptosis.
Animals , Rats , Wound Healing/drug effects , Gemcitabine/therapeutic use , Mouth Mucosa/pathology , Antineoplastic AgentsABSTRACT
El granuloma piógeno es una lesión benigna, reactiva y multifactorial que resulta de le- siones repetitivas, microtraumatismos e irritación local en piel o mucosas y cambio hormonal. Cuando aparece en la cavidad oral tiene predilección por la encía vestibular, pero es importante que el odontólogo esté consciente y familiarizado con el hecho de que puede estar localizado en otras áreas anatómicas. Clínicamente se presenta como lesión hiperplásica altamente vascularizada, de tamaño generalmente no mayor a 2 cm, pediculada en la base o sésil y de lento crecimiento. Sin mostrar preferencia por edad o sexo, tiende a aparecer principalmente en encías, labios y mucosa oral, siendo muy pocos los casos reportados en el área lingual. Es por ello que, en este artículo, nos referimos a un caso de ubicación inusual, en conjunto con una revisión de la literatura (AU)
Pyogenic granuloma is a benign, reactive, and multifactorial lesion caused by repetitive injuries, microtrauma and local irritation on the skin or mucous membranes, and hormonal change. When it appears in the oral cavity, it has a predilection for the vestibular gingiva, but the dentist must be aware and familiar with the fact that it can be present in other anatomi- cal areas. Clinically, it is presented as a hyperplasic injury highly vascular-related, with a size generally no bigger than 2 cm, pedunculated in base or sessile, and slow in growth. Without showing any preference in age or gender, it tends to appear mainly on the gums, lips, and oral mucosae, with very few, reported cases in the lingual area. Therefore, in this study, we refer to a case of unusual localization with a literature review (AU)