Resumen: Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar los efectos de un programa escolar sobre la satisfacción de la competencia y la predisposición a participar en una Unidad Didáctica (UD) de bicicleta todo terreno (BTT) en Educación Física, así como el estado de la conducta de desplazarse en bicicleta. Método: Se realizó un diseño cuasiexperimental, sin grupo control, en el que participaron 98 estudiantes españoles (M=13.95±0.67; 50% chicas) de un centro educativo. El programa de intervención, basado en estrategias de apoyo a la competencia, consistió en una UD de BTT (12 sesiones), el plan de acción tutorial (4 sesiones) y una actividad extraescolar. Resultados: Se encontró un incremento en la satisfacción de competencia (únicamente en los chicos) y la predisposición hacia la UD de BTT en los dos géneros. Asimismo, se incrementó en un 39 % en los chicos y 43 % en las chicas, los estados de "Acción" y "Mantenimiento" en la conducta de desplazarse en bicicleta. Conclusión: Este programa multicomponente, basado en estrategias de apoyo a la competencia, parece ser efectivo para promover el desplazamiento activo en bicicleta entre los adolescentes.
Abstract: Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a school-based intervention program on competence satisfaction, the predisposition to participate in a cycling Didactic Unit (DU) in Physical Education, and the behavior of commuting by bicycle. Method: The study had a quasi-experimental design without a control group, in which 98 Spanish students (M=13.95±0.67; 50% girls) from a high school participated. The intervention program based on supporting competence consisted of a cycling DU (12 sessions), a tutorial action plan (4 sessions), and an extracurricular activity. Results: An increase in competence satisfaction was found only in boys, and the predisposition towards cycling DU was found in both genders. Likewise, the states of "Action" and "Maintenance" in the behavior of commuting by bicycle increased by 39% in boys and 43% in girls. Conclusion: This multi-component program based on strategies to support competence effectively promotes active bicycle commuting among adolescents.
Resumo: Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo era avaliar os efeitos de um programa escolar sobre a satisfação com a competição e a predisposição para participar de uma Unidade Didática (UD) relativa ao ciclismo de montanha (MTB) em Educação Física, bem como o estado do comportamento do ciclista. Métodos: noventa e oito estudantes espanhóis (M=13,95±0,67; 50% meninas) de uma escola participaram de um projeto quase experimental, sem grupo de controle. O programa de intervenção, baseado em estratégias de apoio à competência, consistiu em um MTB UD (12 sessões), o plano de ação tutorial (4 sessões) e uma atividade extracurricular. Resultados: Encontramos um aumento na satisfação com a competência (somente em meninos) e predisposição para a MTB em ambos os sexos. Além disso, os estados de "Ação" e "Manutenção" no comportamento ciclístico aumentaram em 39% nos meninos e 43% nas meninas. Conclusão: Este programa multicomponente, baseado em estratégias de apoio à competência, parece ser eficaz na promoção do ciclismo ativo entre os adolescentes.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Physical Education and Training , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Education, Primary and Secondary , Spain , Surveys and Questionnaires , Motor ActivityABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Different competitive environments appears to affect the physical demands during the sports competitions. Thus, the aim of this study was to report the mechanical demand and pacing behaviour of twelve male elite mountain bikers on cross-country short track (XCC) and cross-country Olympic (XCO). During both competition, total race time, speed, power output (PO) and cadence (CA) were recorded. As the race time in the XCC is shorter (21.0 ± 0.5 vs 84.0 ± 3.0 min; p<0.01), the average speed (26.6 ± 0.6 vs 17.8 ± 0.6 km/h; p<0.01), PO (365.0 ± 26.7 vs 301.0 ± 26.2 watts; p<0.01) and CA (81.2 ± 4.7 vs 77.4 ± 4.3 rev∙min−1; p=0.01) were higher than the XCO. While a variable pacing was adopted during XCC, a positive profile was adopted in XCO. In addition, athletes adopted a more conservative starting pace during XCC (below average race speed) but a faster start during XCO (above average race speed). These findings demonstrated that mechanical parameters and pacing profile adopted by cyclists are different between XCC and XCO. Therefore, mountain bikers and coaches must develop specific strategy and training methods in order to obtain success in each competition.
RESUMO Diferentes ambientes competitivos parecem afetar as demandas físicas durante as competições esportivas. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi reportar as demandas mecânicas e o comportamento do pacing de doze homens ciclistas de montanha da categoria elite durante o cross-country de pista curta (XCC) e o cross-country Olímpico (XCO). Durante ambas as competições, o tempo total de corrida, velocidade, potência (PO) e cadência (CA) foram gravados. Como o tempo de prova do XCC é menor (21,0±0,5 vs 84,0±3,0 min; p<0,01), a velocidade média (26,6±0,6 vs 17,8±0,6 km/h; p<0,01), PO (365,0±26,7 vs 301,0±26,2 watts; p<0,01) e CA (81,2±4,7 vs 77,4±4,3 rev∙min−1; p=0,01) foram maiores que no XCO. Enquanto um ritmo variável foi adotado no XCC, um perfil positivo foi adotado no XCO. Além disso, os atletas adotaram um ritmo inicial mais conservador durante o XCC (abaixo da velocidade média da prova), mas um início mais rápido durante o XCO (velocidade acima da média da prova). Esses achados demonstraram que os parâmetros mecânicos e o ritmo adotados pelos ciclistas são diferentes entre o XCC e XCO. Portanto, ciclistas e treinadores devem desenvolver estratégias e métodos de treinamento específicos para obter sucesso em cada competição.
Humans , Male , Adult , Behavior/physiology , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Mechanical Phenomena , Athletes/statistics & numerical data , Track and Field , Transportation , Potency/statistics & numerical data , Employee Performance Appraisal , Locomotion , MenABSTRACT
Introduction : le diabète est un véritable fléau mondial par sa prévalence en croissance. Les objectifs de la présente étude étaient de déterminer la prévalence du diabète et d'identifier les facteurs associés au diabète chez les conducteurs de taximotos de la ville de Parakou en 2021. Méthodes : il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, descriptive et analytique concernant les conducteurs de taxi-motos de la ville de Parakou et réalisée du 08 février au 31 mars 2021. Résultats : au total 422 conducteurs de taxi-motos enquêtés. L'âge moyen était de 36,45±10 ans ; 85,8% avaient un revenu mensuel d'au moins 40000 FCFA, 9,7% avaient une hypertension artérielle. L'anxiété et la dépression étaient présentes respectivement chez 5,5% et 15,9 % des sujets enquêtés. La prévalence du diabète était de 2,84%. Les facteurs qui étaient significativement associés sont l'âge de 30 ans et plus (p=0,001), le tour de taille élevé (p=0,03) et la durée de sommeil journalier anormale (p=0,03). Conclusion : la prévalence du diabète est faible chez les conducteurs de taxi-motos et les facteurs associés sont l'âge de 30 ans et plus, le tour de taille élevé et la durée de sommeil journalier anormale. Il est important de communiquer pour un changement de comportement afin que les conducteurs de taximotos adoptent une hygiène de vie saine.
Introduction: Diabetes is a real global scourge due to its growing prevalence. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of diabetes and to identify the associated factors with diabetes among motorcycle cab drivers of Parakou city in 2021. Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study of motorcycle cab drivers in Parakou, city conducted from February 8 to March 31, 2021. Results: a total of 422 subjects surveyed. The average age was 36.45±10 years; 85.8% had a monthly income of at least 40,000 FCFA, 9.7% had high blood pressure. Anxiety and depression were present respectively in 5.5% and 15.9% of the subjects surveyed. The prevalence of diabetes was 2.84%. The factors that were significantly associated with diabetes were age 30 years and older (p=0.001), high waist circumference (p=0.03) and abnormal daily sleep duration (p=0.03). Conclusion: The prevalence of diabetes is low among motorcycle cab drivers and the associated factors are age 30 years and over, high waist circumference and abnormal daily sleep duration.
Humans , Male , Female , Motorcycles , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Hygiene , Depression , Diabetes Mellitus , Hypertension , PrevalenceABSTRACT
Analisar o padrão do deslocamento ativo da Região Metropolitana Campinas, levando em conside-ração particularidades dos residentes e suas viagens. Utilizando as bases de dados obtidas através da Pesquisa Origem e Destino da Região Metropolitana de Campinas dos anos de 2003 e 2011, foram realizadas estatísticas descritivas e temporais a partir das características dos sujeitos, municípios e via-gens. Para identificarmos diferenças adotamos o intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%). Utilizamos a regressão de Poisson para verificação da correlação entre características individuais e o desfecho ser ciclista ou caminhante, adotando o valor de p < 0,05. Todos os dados foram analisados levando-se em consideração os procedimentos de amostragem para que a amostra fosse representativa. Cons-tatou-se que a frequência de ciclistas e caminhantes e suas respectivas viagens caíram. Encontramos associação positiva para ciclista ser homem e classes econômicas mais baixas, para os caminhantes houve associação positiva ser mulher e crianças/adolescentes. Quanto ao tempo de viagem, notou-se aumento na mediana para os ciclistas e queda para os caminhantes. Não encontramos nenhuma via-gem de bicicleta que faça integração com outro modo de transporte. Quanto ao porte do município, observou-se uma queda em viagens de bicicleta tanto nos municípios pequenos, médios e grandes, e os residentes de Campinas apresentaram as menores frequências
This study analyzes the active commuting pattern of the Metropolitan Region of the City of Campinas, Brazil, by considering its commuters and their features. By using the database of Pesquisa Origem e Destino (a Brazilian instrument for transportation planning) of Campinas Metropolitan Region 2003-2011, we present descriptive and temporal statistics concerning the characteristics of the region's commuters, cities, and journeys. To assess those, we adopted a confidence interval of 95% (CI 95%). We used the Poisson regression to check the correlation between individual characteristics and outcomes of being a cyclist or a pedestrian, adopting the value of p < 0.05. We took into consideration the procedures for datum obtaining to present representative samples, verifying that the number of both cyclists and pedestrians has dropped. We found pos-itive associations regarding low-income males and being a cyclist; as well as females and children/teenagers and being pedestrians. The mean length of commuting time has increased for cycling journeys and decreased for pedestrian ones. We could not find a bicycle journey that integrates with another mean of transportation. Regarding the size of a city, we observed that the number of cycling journeys has dropped in small, medium, and large municipalities; Campinas presents the lowest index
Bicycling , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , WalkingABSTRACT
Abstract Aims: Motocross consists of two races of 30 min with a break in between. Recovery between races is paramount to performance, this study aimed to compare the effects of active and passive recovery between motocross races on riding performance. Methods: Thirteen elite and non-elite racers performed two races of 30 min with 1 h break, twice with two-week interval. Between the races active (20 min ergometer cycling at 60% of HRmax) or passive recovery (no activity) were executed in a randomized order. Lap times, heart rate during riding, blood lactate, reaction time, handgrip strength, upper back pull strength, counter movement jump height, and medicine ball throw distance were measured before and after both races. Serum creatine kinase enzyme activity and strength tests were assessed also 24 h after the races. Results: No statistically significant differences were observed in any variables between protocols. A significant drop in handgrip strength was found post-race values (p < 0.001). Post-racing creatine kinase values were above resting levels. Conclusion: These results do not support the use of active recovery in between motocross races for restoration of neuromuscular or riding performance. Motocross seems to cause some exercise-induced muscle damage; thus, some rest is required to recover homeostasis.
Humans , Sports , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Hand Strength , Efficiency , Athletes , Cross-Sectional Studies/instrumentation , Muscle ContractionABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To investigate the incidence, mechanisms, types of injury, most affected anatomical regions, and factors leading to injuries in trail bikers. Methods This was an observational, retrospective study analyzing 47 trail bikers. Data were collected through application of a referenced morbidity survey (RMS), which included information on injuries and their mechanisms. Results The lesions with the highest incidence were abrasion and bruise. The most affected anatomical regions were the shoulders and knees. The most common injury mechanism was skidding or loss of traction. Conclusion Trail bikers are exposed to risk factors and, consequently, to falls; it is important to develop more protective equipment, especially for the shoulders and knees.
Resumo Objetivo Investigar a incidência, os mecanismos, os tipos de lesão, as regiões anatômicas mais acometidas, e os fatores que podem levar a lesões nos motociclistas praticantes de trilhas. Métodos Trata-se de uma pesquisa observacional do tipo retrospectivo, na qual foi realizada análise com 47 motociclistas praticantes de trilhas. Os dados foram coletados através da aplicação de um inquérito de morbidade referida (IMR), que incluiu informações sobre lesões e seus mecanismos. Resultados Ao analisar a amostra, verificou-se que os tipos de lesões com maior incidência foram abrasão e contusão. As regiões anatômicas mais acometidas foram o ombro e o joelho, e o mecanismo de lesão mais comum foi a derrapagem ou perda da tração. Conclusão Os trilheiros estão expostos a fatores de risco e, consequentemente, às quedas, sendo importante desenvolver mais equipamentos de proteção, em especial para o ombro e para o joelho.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Protective Devices , Athletic Injuries , Shoulder , Sports , Accidental Falls , Motorcycles , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Contusions , KneeABSTRACT
Abstract Aims: This study aims to analyze the influence of adventure race disciplines on the overall performance during 35 to 50-km competitions. Methods: Twenty-four athletes from twelve teams were studied during the second (Jacarei-SP, Brazil, 44.5-km) and fourth (Passa Quatro-MG, Brazil, 37.1-km) races of the 2015 Haka Race Series, which comprised Brazilian Adventure Race Ranking. We analysed the relationship between disciplines velocities and overall race velocity of the teams during each competition. Results: We observed the race velocity of the teams during second race was significantly (P < 0.05) correlated with the first (R=0.80) and last (R=0.65) split velocities of trekking, and with the last split velocity of mountain biking (R=0.73). On the other hand, the race velocity of teams during fourth race was significantly (P < 0.05) correlated with the split velocity performed during the course of water trekking with trekking (R=0.96). Conclusion: Greater performance of the athletes in the disciplines of mountain biking, trekking and water trekking is related to their overall performance during 35-50 km ARs. In addition, the influence of adventure race disciplines is specific to the overall performance during different competitions.
Humans , Running , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Athletic Performance , Walking SpeedABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of the routes used for cycling according to gender on a sample of adolescents from the city of Curitiba, Brazil. The study was conducted in 2013 with 147 adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, who wore accelerometer and Global Positioning System receivers to assess physical activity and geographic locations. A total of 38 participants (50.0% girls) presented at least one bicycle route and were included in the analytic sample. A total of 386 routes were identified. Nearly all routes included public transportation facilities, plazas, and parcels with residential, retail, food or recreational land use (> 97.0%) while bike lanes/paths (62.7%) and Fitness Zones were less frequent (71.8%). Bus rapid transit (BRT) stations, parks and vacant lots were the least frequent feature in the routes (37.3%; 17.1%; and 7.5%, respectively). Routes used by girls had fewer vacant lots (3.9%; p = 0.001) and more residential, retail, food services, and recreational uses (99.6%; p = 0.003; 99.1%; p = 0.011; 98.7%; p = 0.030, respectively) than those used by boys. The findings suggest that the routes used by adolescents have mixed and diverse land use and girls ride along routes with greater bicycling and service infrastructure and less physical disorder than boys
O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as características das rotas utilizadas para o uso de bicicleta de acordo com o sexo em uma amostra de adolescentes da cidade de Curitiba, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado em 2013 com 147 adolescentes de 12 a 17 anos, que usaram acelerômetro e receptores de Sistema de Posicionamento Global para avaliar a atividade física e a localização geográfica. Um total de 38 participantes (50,0% meninas) apresentaram pelo menos uma rota em bicicleta e, por isso, foram incluídos na amostra analítica. Foram identificadas 386 rotas. Quase todas as rotas incluíam meios de transporte público, praças e áreas residencial, comercial, de alimentos ou de lazer (> 97,0%), enquanto ciclovias (62,7%) e academias ao ar livre eram menos frequentes (71,8%). As estações de ônibus de transporte rápido (BRT), parques e terrenos vazios foram as menos frequentes nas rotas (37,3%; 17,1%; e 7,5%, respectivamente). As rotas utilizadas pelas me-ninas tiveram menos terrenos vazios (3,9%; p = 0,001) e mais residenciais, varejo, serviços de alimentação e recreação (99,6% ; p = 0,003; 99,1%; p = 0,011; 98,7%; p = 0,030, respectivamente) quando comparado com meninos. Os resultados sugerem que as rotas utilizadas pelos adolescentes têm uso misto e diversificado do solo e que meninas trafegam por rotas com maior infraestrutura de bicicleta e serviços e menos terrenos vazios quando comparado com meninos
Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Adolescent , Geographic Information Systems , Motor ActivityABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar, por meio de revisão integrativa de artigos empíricos, a produção científica relacionando a Psicologia Ambiental (variáveis de comportamento/cognição) e sustentabilidade, considerando diferentes recursos. Para efeitos deste estudo, foram analisados os artigos que abordam um recurso único. A busca foi realizada nos periódicos Environment and Behavior, Journal of Environmental Psychology e Psyecology, reconhecidos pela relevância internacional em produção científica no campo da Psicologia Ambiental. Foram selecionados 24 artigos, publicados entre os anos de 2012 e 2016, a partir dos critérios de inclusão pré-estabelecidos. Os anos com maior número de publicação foram 2014 (n = 8) e 2015 (n = 8). A maioria dos artigos se refere a estudos realizados na Europa, apenas um trata de pesquisa no Brasil. Os recursos abordados nos estudos abrangeram transporte, produtos, água, energia elétrica, sacola plástica e pastagem natural. Os resultados revisados demonstram que há uma diversidade de conceitos na mediação entre comportamentos/cognições e diferentes recursos, indicando a relevância destas abordagens para a promoção de sustentabilidade. Sugere-se caminhos para pesquisa e intervenção nas relações sustentáveis entre pessoas e recursos disponíveis em seus meios.(AU)
The objective of this study was to examine, through an integrative review of empirical articles, the scientific production on the relation between Environmental Psychology (behavior/cognition variables) and sustainability considering different resources. For that purpose, this analysis considered articles approaching a unique resource. Search was conducted in three journals with international relevance in the scientific production of Environmental Psychology: Environment and Behavior, Journal of Environmental Psychology and Psyecology. Following pre-established inclusion criteria, results included 24 articles published from 2012 and 2016. Years with higher number of publications were 2014 (n = 8) and 2015 (n = 8). The articles found refer mostly to studies conducted in Europe; only one article is a research from Brazil. Resources included transportation, products, water, energy, plastic bag, and natural grassland. Results indicate that there is a diversity of concepts mediating behaviors/cognitions and different resources, which reveals the relevance of these approaches to the promotion of sustainability. Research and intervention paths are suggested to sustainable relations between people and resources available in their surroundings.(AU)
El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar, por medio de una revisión integradora de artículos empíricos, la producción científica que relaciona la Psicología Ambiental (variables de comportamiento/cognición) y la sostenibilidad, considerando diferentes recursos. Para los propósitos de este estudio, se analizaron artículos que abordan un solo recurso. La búsqueda fue realizada en los periódicos Environment and Behavior, Journal of Environmental Psychology y Psyecology, reconocidos por la relevancia internacional en producción científica en el campo de la Psicología Ambiental. Se seleccionaron 24 artículos, publicados entre los años 2012 y 2016, basados en criterios de inclusión preestablecidos. Los años con el mayor número de publicaciones fueron 2014 (n = 8) y 2015 (n = 8). La mayoría de los artículos se refiere a estudios realizados en Europa, sólo uno trata de investigación en Brasil. Los recursos abordados en los estudios incluyeron transporte, productos, agua, energía eléctrica, bolsas de plástico y pastoreo natural. Los resultados revisados demuestran que hay una diversidad de conceptos en la mediación entre comportamientos/cogniciones y diferentes recursos, indicando la relevancia de estos enfoques para la promoción de la sostenibilidad. Se sugieren caminos para la investigación e intervención en las relaciones sostenibles entre personas y recursos disponibles en sus medios.(AU)
Natural Resources , Environment , Scientific and Technical Activities , Environmental Psychology , Sustainable Development , Periodicals as Topic , Plastics , Poverty , Psychology , Public Policy , Quality of Life , Atmosphere , Science , Social Change , Social Conditions , Social Responsibility , Social Values , Socioeconomic Factors , Solar Energy , Automobiles , Time , Transportation , Water Movements , Water Pollution , Population Characteristics , Drinking Water , Climate Change , Biological Products , Books , Water , Economic Development , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Composting , Pasture , Rural Areas , Forests , Sanitation , Environmental Health , Corrected and Republished Article , Journal Article , Cognition , Greenhouse Effect , Ecosystem , Commerce , Environmental Management , Green Belt , Environmental Health Education , Endangered Species , Urban Area , Fauna , Flora , Conservation of Natural Resources , Nature , Life , Academic Dissertation , Costs and Cost Analysis , Specialty Uses of Chemicals , Self Efficacy , Culture , Psychosocial Impact , Capitalism , Public Power , Marketing , Biodiversity , Agriculture , Drinking , Ecology , Electricity , Energy-Generating Resources , Environment and Public Health , Environmental Pollution , Population Studies in Public Health , Products Distribution , Products Commerce , Biosphere , Sustainable Development Indicators , Filling Station , Industrial Development , Land Conservation , Energy Consumption , Wind Energy , Ecological and Environmental Phenomena , Green Chemistry Technology , Global Warming , Fertilizers , Environmental Policy , Recycling , Food, Organic , Social Networking , Social Norms , Social Capital , Health Governance , Food Supply , Healthy Lifestyle , Psychosocial Support Systems , Work-Life Balance , Conservation of Water Resources , Sustainable Growth , Gini Coefficient , Sea Level Rise , Food Supply , Environmentalism , Environmental Justice , Access to Healthy Foods , Home Environment , Housing Quality , Sustainable Food System , Treatment Effect Heterogeneity , Group Processes , Health Promotion , Income , Models, Theoretical , MoraleABSTRACT
Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) is a rare sight-threatening corneal infection, often reporting from contact lens wearers. An asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected Thai male without history of contact lens use complained foreign body sensation at his left eye during motorbike riding. He had neither specific keratitis symptoms nor common drugs responding, which contributed to delayed diagnosis. By corneal re-scraping, Acanthamoeba-like cysts were detected by calcofluor white staining and agar culture. The etiological agent obtained from the culture was molecularly confirmed by Acanthamoeba spp.-specific PCR, followed by DNA sequencing. The results from BLAST and phylogenetic analysis based on the DNA sequences, revealed that the pathogen was Acanthamoeba T4, the major genotype most frequently reported from clinical isolates. The infection was successfully treated with polyhexamethylene biguanide resulting in corneal scar. This appears the first reported AK case from a non-contact lens wearer with HIV infection in Thailand. Although AK is sporadic in developing countries, a role of free-living Acanthamoeba as an opportunistic pathogen should not be neglected. The report would increase awareness of AK, especially in the case presenting unspecific keratitis symptoms without clinical response to empirical antimicrobial therapy.
Humans , Male , Acanthamoeba Keratitis , Acanthamoeba , Agar , Asian People , Base Sequence , Corneal Injuries , Delayed Diagnosis , Developing Countries , Foreign Bodies , Genotype , HIV Infections , HIV , Keratitis , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Sensation , Sequence Analysis, DNA , ThailandABSTRACT
ABSTRACT This study presents a system of conversion of mechanical energy produced by physical activity into electric energy obtained by a CC generator coupled to the pedal of an ergometric bicycle. It presents the converter that will be used to adjust the voltage and power coming from the system, as well as the details of the converter design, the simulation and the primary experimental results of the structure. The methodological procedures related to the development of the converter and data acquisition through simulation were carried out based on the bibliographic research. The study is documentary as equipment manuals were used.
Energy-Generating Resources , Physical Exertion , Off-Road Motor VehiclesABSTRACT
Abstract This report aims to show an unusual case of "transorbitário" wooden foreign body causing visual loss due to optic nerve damage on the side contralateral penetration of foreign matter.
Resumo O presente relato tem o objetivo de mostrar um caso incomum de corpo estranho de madeira "transorbitário" que causou perda visual por lesão do nervo óptico do lado contralateral a penetração do corpo estranho.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Eye Foreign Bodies/surgery , Eye Foreign Bodies/diagnostic imaging , Optic Nerve Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Eye Injuries, Penetrating/surgery , Eye Injuries, Penetrating/diagnostic imaging , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Optic Nerve Injuries/surgeryABSTRACT
O estudo procurou analisar as percepções dos usuários quanto à implantação do projeto de bicicletas compartilhadas em Fortaleza, Ceará. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa em que foram entrevistados 11 usuários, sistematizada por meio da análise de conteúdo do tipo análise temática. Os resultados apontam que a bicicleta compartilhada tem se tornado um meio de deslocamento alternativo ao transporte público deficiente, mas que seu papel como instrumento de lazer prevalece; encontrou-se a percepção de que o uso da bicicleta de forma contínua traz benefício à saúde, bem como a sensação de segurança. Todavia, há concentração de estações em poucos pontos da cidade e dificuldades de acesso em horário de pico. Conclui-se que o projeto de bicicletas compartilhadas no cenário deste estudo não contempla as demandas a elas atribuídas de mobilidade urbana; entretanto, fomenta o desenvolvimento de práticas corporais.
The study sought to examine the perceptions of users regarding the implementation of bike-sharing systems in Fortaleza, Ceará. This qualitative study interviewed 11 users, and systematization of data through thematic analysis of content analysis. The results indicate that the bike-sharing systems has become an alternative means of transportation, but its role as a leisure instrument prevails; He met the perception that the use of continuously cycling brings health benefits and a sense of security. However, the project is in a few places in the city and with limited access at certain times. We conclude that the shared bicycle system does not address the needs of urban mobility; however, it enhances the development of physical exercise.
El estudio trató de examinar las percepciones de los usuarios en relación con la implementación de sistemas de bicicletas compartidas en Fortaleza, Ceará. Este estudio cualitativo entrevistó a 11 usuarios, y la sistematización de los datos a través del análisis temático de análisis de contenido. Los resultados indican Que los sistemas de bicicletas compartidas se ha convertido en un medio alternativo de transporte, pero su papel como instrumento de ocio prevalece; Se reunió con la percepción de que el uso de la bicicleta continuamente trae beneficios para la salud y una sensación de seguridad. Sin embargo, el proyecto se encuentra en unos pocos lugares en la ciudad y con acceso limitado a ciertas horas. Llegamos a la conclusión de que el sistema de bicicletas compartidas no se ocupa de las necesidades de movilidad urbana; Sin embargo, se potencia el desarrollo del ejercicio físico.
Public Policy , Transportation/methods , Pendular Migration/trends , Exercise , Off-Road Motor VehiclesABSTRACT
PURPOSE: As the usage rate of all-terrain vehicles (ATV) the number of injuries caused by ATVs is also surging. This has led to an increase in social attention to the safety of ATVs and the law for ATV safety standards was revised in 2009 and 2011. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of ATV injury compared with motorbike injury after implementation of the ATV safety policy. METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional observation study was conducted using emergent department (ED)-based indepth injury surveillance system data from 2011 January to 2014 December. Demographics, injury-related characteristics, injury severity, and outcomes of patients related to ATV and motorbike injury visiting our ED were analyzed. Multivariate logistic regression was used for major adverse event (MAE), which was defined as any intensive care, emergent operation, or death between ATV and motorbike related injury adjusted for covariates. RESULTS: During the study period, there were 101 ATV- and 584 motorbike-related injuries. Females had more ATV-related injuries (63.4% vs 32.9%, p<0.001) during leisure activities (93.1%) with higher helmet usage (73.3% vs 62.0%, p=0.01) and lower usage in terms of emergency medical service (23.8% vs 46.4%, p<0.001), automobile insurance (10.9% vs 54.1%, p<0.001) compared with motorbike-related injuries. MAE in ATV-related injuries was less likely in a univariate logistic model (unadjusted odd ratios [ORs] 0.489, 95% confidential intervals [Cis] 0.282 to 0.848), but the multivariate logistic model showed no significant difference (adjusted ORs 1.018, 95% CIs 0.376 to 1.414). CONCLUSION: Results of this study showed no significant difference in occurrence of clinical major adverse events between motorbikes and ATVs-related injury on Jeju Island. However, considering the high injury prevalence in young age, female, and passengers during leisure activities, development of an education and injury prevention program will be needed for this vulnerable population.
Female , Humans , Automobiles , Demography , Education , Emergency Medical Services , Head Protective Devices , Insurance , Critical Care , Jurisprudence , Leisure Activities , Logistic Models , Motorcycles , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Vulnerable Populations , Wounds and InjuriesABSTRACT
Road traffic injuries constitute 45% of deaths due to injury in Egypt. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to identify and investigate risky behaviours regarding road use among university students in Benha. A self-administered questionnaire was completed by 953 students. Of the respondents 19.3% reported not complying with pedestrian road traffic safety rules, while among drivers, 39.4% had no driving licence, 44.5% did not use a seat-belt and 63.5% exceeded the legal speed limits. In binary logistic regression analysis, substance use [OR 18.3; 95% CI: 9.10-23.3] and having peers with similar behaviours [OR 2.53; 96% CI: 1.15-5.55] were significant predictors of not following road traffic safety rules as a pedestrian. Exceeding the legal traffic speed limits as a driver was significantly associated with male sex [OR 5.13; 95% CI: 1.98-13.3], peer pressure [OR 8.70; 95% CI: 3.90-17.1] and substance use [OR 3.30; 95% CI: 1.58-13.7]. Unsafe road-use behaviours that may cause unintentional injuries are prevalent among University of Benha students. Health education sessions and training courses for students on appropriate road behaviours may be warranted
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Risk Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Cross-Sectional Studies , Students , Wounds and InjuriesABSTRACT
La presente publicación describe dentro del marco del Plan de Incentivos a la mejora de la gestión y modernización municipal, un programa con los Gobiernos Locales dirigido a utilizar los espacios públicos existentes para la promoción de la actividad física, teniendo en cuenta las recomendaciones de la Resolución WHA57.17: Estrategia Mundial sobre Régimen Alimentario, Actividad Física y Salud (RAFS) 2004) "Adaptar las estructuras urbanas para facilitar la actividad física en los desplazamientos en condiciones de seguridad, y para crear espacios destinados a las actividades recreativas". Por ello se propone la Ciclovía Recreativa como estrategia que busca promover la actividad física y recuperar la ciudad en el marco de la mejora de servicios públicos que debe considerar una Municipalidad
Public Facilities , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Community Participation , Health Promotion , Leisure ActivitiesABSTRACT
La publicación describe dentro del marco del Plan de Incentivos a la mejora de la gestión y modernización municipal, un programa con los Gobiernos Locales dirigido a utilizar los espacios públicos existentes para la promoción de la actividad física, teniendo en cuenta las recomendaciones de la Resolución WHA57.17: Estrategia Mundial sobre Régimen Alimentario, Actividad Física y Salud (RAFS) 2004)
Public Facilities , Health Behavior , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Community Participation , Municipal Organization , Public Works , Health Promotion , Leisure Activities , Motor Activity , PeruABSTRACT
Road traffic injuries are major public health problems and a leading cause of death and injury around the world. Approximately 1.2 million people are killed each year in road crashes worldwide; with up to 50 million more injured. Over 95 of these deaths and injuries occur in the low- and middle-income countries of the world. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the use of seat-belts in reducing the severity of injuries from road traffic crashes and to determine the compliance and awareness of the importance of the use of seat-belts among Nigerian motorists. Patients and Methods: The injury patterns and outcome of care in 140 patients who were seen at the emergency department of our tertiary hospital were evaluated. Initial care and resuscitation was carried out on all patients using the advanced trauma life support protocol. Results: A total of 81 (57) patients used seat-belts; while 59 (42.1) did not. Nineteen (13.6) patients died as a result of their injuries; 4 (21.1) of these had used seat-belts; while 15 (79) had not ( P = 0.001). The mortality rate of 79 for patients who did not use seat-belt was statistically significant. Conclusions: The seat-belt is an effective safety tool that not only saves lives; but also significantly reduces the severity of the injury that a vehicle occupant may have sustained if they were not wearing the device. More public enlightenment is needed to increase the awareness and compliance of use of seat-belts among Nigerian motorists. for patients who did not use seat-belt was statistically significant. Conclusions: The seat-belt is an effective safety tool that not only saves lives; but also significantly reduces the severity of the injury that a vehicle occupant may have sustained if they were not wearing the device. More public enlightenment is needed to increase the awareness and compliance of use of seat-belts among Nigerian motorists
Accidents , Home Care Services , Hospitals , Motor Vehicles , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Patients , Public Health , Seat Belts , UniversitiesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: Traumatic epidural hematomas (EDHs) in children are a relatively unusual occurrence. The cause and outcome vary depending on period and region of study. The aims of this analysis were to review the cause and outcome of pediatric EDHs nowadays and to discuss outcome-related variables in a large consecutive series of surgically treated EDH in children. METHODS: This is a retrospective review of 29 patients with surgically treated EDHs between Jan 2000 and February 2010. Patients' medical records, computed tomographic (CT) scans, and, if performed, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were reviewed to define variables associated with outcome. Variables included in the analysis were age, associated severe extracranial injury, abnormal pupillary response, hematoma thickness, severity of head injury (Glasgow Coma Scale score), parenchymal brain injury, and diffuse axonal injury. RESULTS: The mean (SD) age of the patients was 109 months (0-185 months). Most of the injuries with EDHs occurred in traffic accident (14 cases, 48.2%) and followed by slip down in 6 cases and falls in 6 cases. There were one birth injury and one unknown cause. EDHs in traffic accidents occurred in pedestrians hit by a motor vehicle, 9 cases; motorbike and car accidents, 5 cases and bicycle accidents, 1 case. The locations of hematoma were almost same in both sides (left side in 15 cases). Temporal lobe is the most common site of hematomas (13 cases, 44%). The mean size of the EDHs was 18 mm (range, 5-40 mm). Heterogeneous hematomas in CT scans were 20 cases (67%). Two patients were referred with unilateral or bilateral dilated pupil(s). There was enlargement of EDH in 5 patients (17%). All of them were heterogeneous hematomas in CT scans. Except for 4 patients, all EDHs were associated with skull fracture(s) (87%). There was no case of patient with major organ injury. CT or MRI revealed brain contusion in 5 patients, and diffuse axonal injury in one patient. The mortality was zero, and the outcomes were excellent in 26 and good in 2 patients. None of the tested variables were found to have a prognostic relevance. CONCLUSION: Regardless of the EDH size, the clinical status of the patients, the abnormal pupillary findings, or the cause of injury, the outcome and prognosis of the patients with EDH were excellent.
Child , Humans , Accidents, Traffic , Axons , Birth Injuries , Brain Injuries , Coma , Craniocerebral Trauma , Diffuse Axonal Injury , Hematoma , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Medical Records , Motor Vehicles , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies , Skull , Temporal LobeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: Traumatic epidural hematomas (EDHs) in children are a relatively unusual occurrence. The cause and outcome vary depending on period and region of study. The aims of this analysis were to review the cause and outcome of pediatric EDHs nowadays and to discuss outcome-related variables in a large consecutive series of surgically treated EDH in children. METHODS: This is a retrospective review of 29 patients with surgically treated EDHs between Jan 2000 and February 2010. Patients' medical records, computed tomographic (CT) scans, and, if performed, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were reviewed to define variables associated with outcome. Variables included in the analysis were age, associated severe extracranial injury, abnormal pupillary response, hematoma thickness, severity of head injury (Glasgow Coma Scale score), parenchymal brain injury, and diffuse axonal injury. RESULTS: The mean (SD) age of the patients was 109 months (0-185 months). Most of the injuries with EDHs occurred in traffic accident (14 cases, 48.2%) and followed by slip down in 6 cases and falls in 6 cases. There were one birth injury and one unknown cause. EDHs in traffic accidents occurred in pedestrians hit by a motor vehicle, 9 cases; motorbike and car accidents, 5 cases and bicycle accidents, 1 case. The locations of hematoma were almost same in both sides (left side in 15 cases). Temporal lobe is the most common site of hematomas (13 cases, 44%). The mean size of the EDHs was 18 mm (range, 5-40 mm). Heterogeneous hematomas in CT scans were 20 cases (67%). Two patients were referred with unilateral or bilateral dilated pupil(s). There was enlargement of EDH in 5 patients (17%). All of them were heterogeneous hematomas in CT scans. Except for 4 patients, all EDHs were associated with skull fracture(s) (87%). There was no case of patient with major organ injury. CT or MRI revealed brain contusion in 5 patients, and diffuse axonal injury in one patient. The mortality was zero, and the outcomes were excellent in 26 and good in 2 patients. None of the tested variables were found to have a prognostic relevance. CONCLUSION: Regardless of the EDH size, the clinical status of the patients, the abnormal pupillary findings, or the cause of injury, the outcome and prognosis of the patients with EDH were excellent.