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Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 17-23, jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561178


Determinar el nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato sobre la desinfección terminal del área quirúrgica. Metodología: Esta investigación es cuantitativa, con enfoque descriptivo de cohorte transversal ya que el nivel de conocimiento se ha representado mediante tablas y gráficos para describir la problemática del periodo octubre 2023-febrero 2024. Resultados: Se evidencia el alto porcentaje de respuestas incorrectas por cada ítem por parte de los estudiantes. La categoría desinfección fue respondida de manera incorrecta con un porcentaje del 26%, la categoría proceso de desinfección con el 55,6%, la categoría aplicación del DAN con el 45.8%, la categoría desinfectante del DAN con el 36,2% y, por último, la categoría riesgo y prevención del DAN con el 29,2%. Conclusiones: El nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre desinfección es bajo, porque no están lo suficientemente motivados o interesados en el tema de desinfección[AU]

Determine the level of knowledge of nursing students at the Technical University of Ambato about terminal disinfection of the surgical area.Methodology:This research is quantitative, with a descriptive cross-sectional cohort approach and the level of knowledge has been represented through tables and graphs to describe the problems of the period October 2023-February 2024.Results:A high percentage of incorrect answers for each item by the students is evident. The disinfection category was answered incorrectly with a percentage of 26%, the disinfection process category with 55.6%, the DAN application category with 45.8%, the disinfectant category with 36.2% and, finally, the DAN risk and prevention category. with 29.2%. Conclusions:The level of knowledge of students about disinfection is low, because they are not sufficiently motivated or interested in the topic of disinfection[AU]

Determinar o nível de conhecimento dos estudantes de enfermagem da Universidade Técnica de Ambato sobre desinfecção terminal da área cirúrgica. Metodologia:Esta pesquisa é quantitativa, com abordagem descritiva de coorte transversal e o nível de conhecimento foi representado por meio de tabelas e gráficos para descrever os problemas do período outubro de 2023 a fevereiro de 2024.Resultados: Evidencia-se um alto percentual de respostas incorretas para cada item por parte dos alunos. A categoria desinfecção foi respondida incorretamente com um percentual de 26%, a categoria processo de desinfecção com 55,6%, a categoria aplicação DAN com 45,8%, a categoria desinfetante com 36,2% e, por último, a categoria risco e prevenção DAN. com 29,2%.Conclusões:O nível de conhecimento dos alunos sobre desinfecção é baixo, porque não estão suficientemente motivados ou interessados no tema da desinfecção[AU]

Humans , Adult , Operating Rooms , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Infection Control , Disinfectants
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-4, maio. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1554059


Objetivo: Promover a reflexão sobre os efeitos da transformação digital na enfermagem perioperatória. Métodos: Estudo reflexivo baseado em dados da literatura associado a prática do autor na enfermagem perioperatória e no projeto de automação. Resultados: evidenciou-se um misto de competências para enfermagem perioperatória, como atividades relacionadas a busca pelo hospital digital, uso da inteligência artificial e robótica. Conclusão: a reflexão deste tema incentiva o enfermeiro na busca de pesquisa, desenvolvimento digital e novos conhecimentos na área digital associados à sua prática clínica. (AU)

Objective: To promote reflection on the effects of digital transformation in perioperative nursing. Methods: Reflective study based on literature data associated with the author's practice in perioperative nursing and automation project. Results: a mix of skills for perioperative nursing was evidenced, such as activities related to the search for the digital hospital, use of artificial intelligence and robotics. Conclusion: the reflection on this theme encourages nurses to search for research, digital development and new knowledge in the digital area associated with their clinical practice. (AU)

Objetivo: Promover la reflexión sobre los efectos de la transformación digital en la enfermería perioperatoria. Métodos: Estudio reflexivo basado en datos de la literatura asociados a la práctica del autor en enfermería perioperatoria y proyecto de automatización. Resultados: se evidenció una mezcla de habilidades para la enfermería perioperatoria, como actividades relacionadas con la búsqueda del hospital digital, uso de inteligencia artificial y robótica. Conclusión: la reflexión sobre este tema anima al enfermero a buscar investigación, desarrollo digital y nuevos conocimientos en el área digital asociados a su práctica clínica. (AU)

Information Technology , Operating Rooms , Perioperative Nursing
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 459-466, 2024-04-24.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554117


Introducción. La nueva era de la cirugía es cada vez más dependiente de la tecnología, y un ejemplo de ello es el uso generalizado de electrocauterio como parte primordial de la práctica quirúrgica. El humo quirúrgico es un subproducto de la disección y la coagulación de los tejidos producidas por los equipos de energía, que representa múltiples riesgos potenciales para la salud del grupo quirúrgico, sin embargo, se han minimizado los peligros causados por la exposición de manera frecuente y acumulativa a este aerosol. Métodos. Se realizó un análisis crítico, desde una posición reflexiva de la información disponible, estableciendo los posibles riesgos relacionados con la exposición al humo quirúrgico. Discusión. Es visible la necesidad imperativa de establecer directrices nacionales, pautas normativas y recomendaciones estandarizadas para cumplir con las exigencias dadas por los sistemas de gestión en salud ocupacional y seguridad del trabajo, cuyo objetivo principal es hacer efectivo el uso de mascarillas quirúrgicas apropiadas, la implementación de programa de vigilancia epidemiológica ambiental en sala de cirugía, la priorización del uso constante de aspiradores y sistemas de evacuación, y la ejecución de programas educativos de sensibilización dirigidos al personal implicado. De igual manera, se abre la inquietud de la necesidad de nuevos estudios para definir con mayor precisión el peligro de este aerosol. Conclusión. Se recomienda de manera responsable utilizar todas las estrategias preventivas existentes para intervenir en salas de cirugía los riesgos minimizados y olvidados del humo quirúrgico.

Introduction. The new era of surgery is increasingly dependent on technology, and an example of this is the widespread use of electrocautery as a primary part of surgical practice. Surgical smoke is a byproduct of the dissection and coagulation of tissues produced by energy equipment, which represents multiple potential health risks for the surgical group; however, the dangers caused by cumulative exposure have been minimized. Methods. A critical analysis was carried out from a reflective position of the available information, establishing the possible risks related to exposure to surgical smoke. Discussion. The imperative need to establish national normative guidelines and standardized recommendations to comply with the demands given by the occupational health and work safety management systems, whose main objective is to make effective the use of appropriate surgical masks, implementation of environmental epidemiological surveillance program in the operating room, prioritizing the constant use of vacuum cleaners and evacuation systems, and carrying out educational awareness programs aimed at the personnel involved. Likewise, there is concern about the need for new studies to more precisely define the danger of this aerosol. Conclusion. It is recommended to responsibly use all existing preventive strategies to intervene in operating rooms to minimize the forgotten risks of surgical smoke.

Humans , Smoke Inhalation Injury , Occupational Exposure , Electrocoagulation , Operating Rooms , Health Risk , N95 Respirators
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 28-37, 20240102. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526795


Introducción: La categorización de las urgencias quirúrgicas es una necesidad en razón al continuo desequilibrio entre la oferta y la demanda de servicios quirúrgicos en la mayoría de las instituciones donde se encuentra habilitada la prestación del servicio. Hay abordajes en el tema, con estrategias de priorización de los casos quirúrgicos, que consideran escalas y flujogramas, pero su ausente validez externa y las particularidades de las instituciones y aseguradores, han limitado una generalización de los resultados. Métodos: Se efectúa una conceptualización del triaje de las urgencias quirúrgicas con planteamientos críticos y reflexivos soportados en la evidencia. Se identifican, asimismo, las posibles oportunidades para la investigación. Discusión: Los beneficios potenciales de un triaje quirúrgico en situaciones de urgencia, son extensivos a todos los actores del sistema de salud, disminuyen la posibilidad de desenlaces y repercusiones económicas negativas para las instituciones y los aseguradores. La teoría de las colas ofrece el soporte para un entendimiento del tema y contribuye en las soluciones. Su adopción es escasa como parte de una estrategia local de priorización quirúrgica en un contexto de urgencia. Conclusión:La creación de estrategias que establezcan el triaje para el paciente con una urgencia quirúrgica están influenciadas por la participación continua y efectiva de los actores involucrados en el proceso y en su impacto en los desenlaces clínicos

Introduction: Categorizing surgical emergencies is necessary due to the continued imbalance between the supply and demand of surgical services in most institutions where the service is enabled. There are approaches to the subject, with strategies for prioritizing surgical cases, which consider scales and flowcharts, but their lack of external validity and the particularities of the institutions and insurers have limited the generalization of the results. Methods: A conceptualization of the triage of surgical emergencies is carried out with critical and reflective approaches supported by evidence. Potential research opportunities are also identified. Discussion: The potential benefits of surgical triage in emergent situations are extensive to all health system actors, reducing the possibility of adverse outcomes and economic repercussions for institutions and insurers. Queuing theory offers support for understanding the issue and contributes to solutions. However, its adoption is scarce in an emergency as part of a local surgical prioritization strategy. Conclusion: The creation of strategies that establish triage for the patient with a surgical emergency is influenced by the continuous and effective participation of the actors involved in the process and its impact on clinical outcomes

Humans , Triage , Emergency Medical Services , Operating Rooms , Classification , Triage Card
Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 73(3): 243-249, May-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439622


Abstract Background and objectives: Contribution margin per hour (CMH) has been proposed in healthcare systems to increase the profitability of operating suites. The aim of our study is to propose a simple and reproducible model to calculate CMH and to increase cost-effectiveness. Methods: For the ten most commonly performed surgical procedures at our Institution, we prospectively collected their diagnosis-related group (DRG) reimbursement, variable costs and mean procedural time. We quantified the portion of total staffed operating room time to be reallocated with a minimal risk of overrun. Moreover, we calculated the total CMH with a random reallocation on a first come-first served basis. Finally, prioritizing procedures with higher CMH, we ran a simulation by calculating the total CMH. Results: Over a two-months period, we identified 14.5 hours of unutilized operating room to reallocate. In the case of a random ''first come -first serve'' basis, the total earnings were 87,117 United States dollars (USD). Conversely, with a reallocation which prioritized procedures with a high CMH, it was possible to earn 140,444 USD (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Surgical activity may be one of the most profitable activities for hospitals, but a cost-effective management requires a comprehension of its cost profile. Reallocation of unused operating room time according to CMH may represent a simple, reproducible and reliable tool for elective cases on a waiting list. In our experience, it helped improving the operating suite cost-effectiveness.

Humans , Operating Rooms , Health Care Costs , Elective Surgical Procedures , Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
rev.cuid. (Bucaramanga. 2010) ; 14(2): 1-14, 20230428.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1443105


Introduction: safety culture attitudes of health workers are still not at the desired level. Although the creation of patient safety culture is important for all health care environments, it is more vital for critical units. Objective: to determine the patient safety culture levels of those working in the operating room environment and compare them with the 2008 results of the same hospitals. Materials and Methods: an analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in 2017-2018. The Turkish version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture was administered to nurses, anesthesia technicians, assistant physicians, and specialist physicians working in the Operating Rooms (n=258) of two university hospitals in Konya, a large city in Anatolian region of Turkey. Results: average percent positive response to the 42 items was low (41%, n=258). While there was no change in one dimension of the questionnaire compared to 2008; there was a positive change in 8 dimensions and a negative change in 3 dimensions. All 12 dimensions were lower than the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality score. Discussion: Despite many studies, policy developments and interventions on patient safety, the improvement of a patient safety culture is very slowly in Turkey as in other countries. Conclusion: non-reporting of errors and a punitive approach in case of errors are still considered the most important problems.

Introducción: las actitudes del personal de salud frente a la cultura de la seguridad siguen sin alcanzar su nivel deseado. Aunque la creación de una cultura de seguridad del paciente es importante en todos los entornos de cuidado, es vital en las unidades de cuidado crítico. Objetivo: determinar los niveles de cultura de seguridad del paciente de quienes trabajan en quirófanos y compararlos con los 2008 resultados de los mismos hospitales. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal analítico entre 2017 y 2018. La versión en turco de la Encuesta Hospitalaria sobre Cultura de Seguridad del Paciente se administró a profesionales de enfermería, anestesistas, médicos auxiliares y médicos especialistas que trabajaban en los quirófanos (n=258) de dos hospitales universitarios de Konya, una ciudad de la región de Anatolia en Turquía. Resultados: El porcentaje medio de respuestas positivas a los 42 ítems fue bajo (41%, n=258). Si bien no hubo cambios en una dimensión del cuestionario en comparación con los 2008 resultados, hubo un cambio positivo en 8 dimensiones y un cambio negativo en 3 dimensiones. Las 12 dimensiones presentaron una puntuación inferior a la de la Agencia para la Investigación y la Calidad del Cuidado de la Salud. Discusión: A pesar de los numerosos estudios, desarrollos en política e intervenciones en materia de seguridad del paciente, la mejora de la cultura de seguridad del paciente es muy lenta en Turquía, al igual que en otros países. Conclusión: No notificar errores y un enfoque punitivo en caso de error siguen considerándose los problemas más importantes.

Introdução: as atitudes de cultura de segurança dos profissionais de saúde ainda não estão no nível desejado. Embora a criação da cultura de segurança do paciente seja importante para todos os ambientes de assistência médica, ela é mais vital para as unidades críticas. Objetivo: determinar os níveis de cultura de segurança do paciente daqueles que trabalham no ambiente da sala de cirurgia e compará-los com os resultados de 2008 dos mesmos hospitais. Materiais e Métodos: um estudo analítico de corte transversal foi realizado em 2017-2018. A versão turca da Pesquisa Hospitalar sobre Cultura de Segurança do Paciente foi aplicada a enfermeiros, técnicos de anestesia, médicos assistentes e médicos especialistas que trabalham nas salas de cirurgia (n=258) de dois hospitais universitários em Konya, uma grande cidade na região da Anatólia, Turquia. Resultados: a porcentagem média de respostas positivas aos 42 itens foi baixa (41%, n=258). Embora não tenha havido alteração em uma dimensão do questionário em comparação com 2008, houve uma alteração positiva em 8 dimensões e uma alteração negativa em 3 dimensões. Todas as 12 dimensões foram inferiores à pontuação da Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Discussão: Apesar de muitos estudos, desenvolvimentos de políticas e intervenções sobre a segurança do paciente, o aprimoramento de uma cultura de segurança do paciente é muito lento na Turquia, assim como em outros países. Conclusão: a não notificação de erros e uma abordagem punitiva em caso de erros ainda são considerados os problemas mais importantes.

Operating Rooms , Health Personnel , Benchmarking , Culture , Patient Safety , Hospitals
Prensa méd. argent ; 108(6): 314-319, 20220000. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1397201


La intubación orotraqueal (IOT) como otros procedimientos, no se lleva a cabo de igual manera acorde a las distintas especialidades médicas. Para analizar estas diferencias, se han comparado especialistas en terapia intensiva y de anestesiología en diferentes contextos: unidad cerrada y quirófano. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional, prospectivo y comparativo con 18 especialistas, 8 anestesiólogos y 10 intensivistas, analizando 20 prácticas de IOT en cada ámbito. Se excluyeron médicos sin especialidad, pacientes menores de 18 años, embarazadas, pacientes con traumatismo cervical y en parada cardiorrespiratoria. Resultados: No se demostraron diferencias en la dificultad en la instrumentación de la vía aérea entre los pacientes intubados por ambas especialidades. Existió mayor utilización de elementos para posicionar la cabeza a favor del grupo de anestesiología (p < 0.05). La pre oxigenación fue utilizada en igual proporción en ambos grupos y el uso de relajantes musculares fue mayor en anestesiologos (p < 0.05). El tiempo de apnea fue superior en los anestesiólogos 58 seg vs 12,8 seg. La técnica de secuencia de intubación rápida fue usada por el 100% de los anestesiólogos contra el 40% de los intensivistas. El éxito y la intubación en un intento fue igual entre los grupos. Las complicaciones: hipoxemia e hipotensión arterial fue mayor entre los intensivistas (p < 0.05). Conclusión La eficacia en la IOT fue igual entre ambos grupos con mayor seguridad en el grupo de anestesiólogos.

Orotracheal intubation (OTI) like other procedures isn´t performed in the same way in different medical specialities. In order to study these differences we have compared the procedure in intensive care units and in operating rooms performed by intensivists and anesthesiologists repectively.. Design: observational, prospective and compared study. Material: 18 specialists, 8 anesthesiologists and 10 intensivists, measuring 20 OTIs in each site. Non-specialist physicians, patients younger than 18 years old, pregnant women, cervical trauma and cardiac arrest patients were excluded. It was approved by the Bioetics Institution Committee. Results: Differences between specialities regarding airway instrumentation difficulty in intubated patients were not observed. More head positioning devices were required by anesthesiologists than by intensivists (p < 0.05). Preoxygenation was used in the same proportion in both groups, whereas neuromuscular blocking drug use was greater among anesthesiologists (p < 0.05). Apnea time was superior in anesthesiologists (58 seconds vs. 12.8 seconds). Rapid sequence intubation technique was used by 100% of anesthesiologists compared to 40% of intensivists. Successful OTI at first attempt was equal between groups. Hypoxemia and arterial hypotension complications were more frequent among intensivists (p < 0.05). Conclusion: OTI effectiveness was equal in both groups, with more safety among anesthesiologists.

Humans , Male , Female , Operating Rooms , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Anesthesiologists , Intensive Care Units , Intubation, Intratracheal
Más Vita ; 4(2): 103-119, jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392128


La combinación de los test predictores de la vía área difícil durante la evaluación preanestésica y la preparación de los pacientes quirúrgicos es fundamental para reducir el índice de morbimortalidad. Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre los test predictores de vía aérea difícil y los hallazgos bajo laringoscopia directa en los pacientes que son intervenidos en la sala de operaciones del Hospital General Esmeraldas Sur Delfina Torres de Concha. La institución de salud en mención no registra previamente un estudio de estas características. Materiales y Métodos: El diseño de investigación que se aplicó fue cualitativo, de corte transversal con enfoque descriptivo. En consecuencia, se observaron y se tomaron datos del formulario de anestesiología de 150 historias clínicas de pacientes que fueron derivados a cirugía desde febrero de 2019 hasta julio de 2019. Las variables examinadas correspondieron a paciente adulto, vía aérea difícil, test predictores de VAD y laringoscopia directa. Resultados: Mostraron que el test que alertó más casos de VAD es el de protrusión mandibular con el 59,30%, seguido de la distancia tiromentoniana con el 40,00%. Asimismo, los hallazgos bajo laringoscopia derivaron en procedimientos de intubación difícil, guardando relación con otros test predictores de VAD. Conclusiones: La combinación de varios test de VAD facultan a los médicos a planificar respuestas oportunas ante la presencia de problemas(AU)

The combination of predictive tests of the difficult airway during the pre-anesthetic evaluation and the preparation of surgical patients is essential to reduce the morbidity and mortality rate. Objective: To analyze the relationship between the difficult airway predictive tests and the findings under direct laryngoscopy in patients who are operated on in the operating room of the Hospital General Esmeraldas Sur Delfina Torres de Concha. The aforementioned health institution has not previously registered a study of these characteristics. Materials and Methods: The research design that was applied was qualitative, cross-sectional with a descriptive approach. Consequently, data from the anesthesiology form of 150 medical records of patients who were referred for surgery from February 2019 to July 2019 were observed and collected. The variables examined corresponded to adult patients, difficult airway, VAD predictor tests and direct laryngoscopy. Results: They showed that the test that alerted more cases of VAD is mandibular protrusion with 59.30%, followed by thyromental distance with 40.00%. Likewise, the findings under laryngoscopy led to difficult intubation procedures, being related to other VAD predictive tests. Conclusions: The combination of several VAD tests empower physicians to plan timely responses to the presence of problems(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Airway Management , Forecasting , Anesthesia, General , Laryngoscopy , Operating Rooms , Patients , Hospitals , Intubation, Intratracheal
Invest. educ. enferm ; 40(2): 11-32, 15 de junio 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1378683


Abstract The study describes basic nursing care during the perioperative. Introduces the origins of perioperative nursing, general care that must be practiced with patient in this context. During the preoperative, care related with risk assessment and preparation of patient from the emotional and physical point of view are important. The trans-operative is related with the anesthesia used, surgical position, preparation of the skin, maintenance of normothermia, among many others. The postoperative depends on the type of anesthesia and surgical procedure, emphasizing on airway permeability, hemodynamic stability, pain, and symptomatology being presented by patients until they are stable and suitable for transfer to another service or their home.

Resumen Se describen los cuidados de enfermería básicos durante el perioperatorio. Se presentan los orígenes de la enfermería perioperatoria, los cuidados generales que se deben tener con el paciente en este contexto. En el preoperatorio es importante los cuidados relacionados con la valoración del riesgo, la preparación del paciente desde el punto de vista emocional y físico. Durante el transoperatorio se relacionan con la anestesia utilizada, la posición quirúrgica, la preparación de la piel, el mantenimiento de la normotermia, entre muchos otros. En el posoperatorio dependen del tipo de anestesia y procedimiento quirúrgico, realizando énfasis en la permeabilidad de la vía aérea, la estabilidad hemodinámica, el dolor, y la sintomatología que va presentando el paciente hasta que este estable y apto para trasladarse a otro servicio o para su casa.

Resumo São descritos os cuidados básicos de enfermagem durante o período perioperatório. São apresentadas as origens da enfermagem perioperatória, bem como os cuidados gerais que devem ser tomados com o paciente nesse contexto. No pré-operatório, são importantes os cuidados relacionados à avaliação de risco e o preparo do paciente do ponto de vista emocional e físico. Durante o transoperatório, estão relacionados à anestesia utilizada, à posição cirúrgica, ao preparo da pele, à manutenção da normotermia, entre muitos outros. No pós-operatório, dependem do tipo de anestesia e procedimento cirúrgico, enfatizando a permeabilidade da via aérea, estabilidade hemodinâmica, dor e os sintomas que o paciente apresenta até que esteja estável e apto a se transferir para outro serviço ou para sua casa.

Operating Rooms , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Perioperative Period , Nursing Care
Rev. SOBECC (Online) ; 2701-01-2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1399708


Objetivo: Conhecer a percepção dos enfermeiros de centro cirúrgico sobre a evolução de enfermagem do período intraoperatório. Método: Estudo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, realizado por meio de entrevistas online com enfermeiros que trabalham em centro cirúrgico, entre junho e julho de 2021. Amostra intencional, não probabilística, constituída de 12 enfermeiras. Dados avaliados pela análise de conteúdo de Bardin e pelo software MAXQDA 2020®. Resultados: Identificaram-se as palavras da classe de substantivos de maior frequência no corpus das entrevistas: paciente, sala, tempo, cirurgia e cirurgias. Emergiram três categorias temáticas: sobrecarga de trabalho e disponibilidade de tempo dos enfermeiros de centro cirúrgico; atuação assistencial do enfermeiro no intraoperatório; efeitos da pandemia de COVID-19. Conclusão: As enfermeiras percebem a realização da evolução de enfermagem intraoperatória como uma ferramenta que aproxima o enfermeiro da atuação assistencial e qualifica a prática perioperatória. Contudo as fragilidades organizacionais impactam a dedicação desses profissionais no cuidado direto ao paciente.

Objective: To know the perception of surgical center nurses about the evolution of nursing in the intraoperative period. Method: Exploratory study with a qualitative approach, carried out through online interviews with nurses working in a surgical center, between June and July 2021. Intentional, non-probabilistic sample consisting of 12 nurses. Data evaluated by Bardin's content analysis and MAXQDA 2020® software. Results: The most frequent nouns were identified in the corpus of the interviews: patient, room, time, surgery, and surgeries. Three thematic categories emerged: work overload and time availability of surgical center nurses; nurses' assistance in the intraoperative period; effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Nurses perceive the development of intraoperative nursing as a tool that brings nurses closer to care work and qualifies perioperative practice. However, organizational weaknesses impact the dedication of these professionals in direct patient care.

Objetivo: Conocer la percepción de los enfermeros de quirófano sobre la evolución de la enfermería en el intraoperatorio. Método: Estudio exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo, realizado a través de entrevistas online con enfermeras que trabajan en un centro quirúrgico, entre junio/julio de 2021. Muestra intencional, no probabilística compuesta por 12 enfermeras. Datos evaluados a partir del análisis de contenido de Bardin y el software MAXQDA 2020®. Resultados: Se identificaron las palabras de la clase de sustantivos más frecuentes en el corpus de las entrevistas: paciente, habitación, tiempo, cirugía y cirugías. Emergieron tres categorías temáticas: sobrecarga de trabajo y disponibilidad de tiempo de los enfermeros de CQ; asistencia de enfermeras en el período intraoperatorio; y efectos de la pandemia de COVID-19. Conclusión: Las enfermeras perciben el desarrollo de la enfermería intraoperatoria como una herramienta que acerca al enfermero al trabajo de cuidado y cualifica la práctica perioperatoria. Sin embargo, las debilidades organizativas impactan en la dedicación de estos profesionales en la atención directa al paciente.

Humans , Surgicenters , Intraoperative Period , Nurses , Operating Rooms , Patient Care , Nursing Care
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 43(1): 27-38, jan./jun. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354403


Objetivo: identificar o papel da equipe de enfermagem de um centro cirúrgico quanto à aplicação da segurança do paciente. Material e Método: trata-se de um estudo descritivo de caráter exploratório com abordagem quantitativa, realizado com profissionais da equipe de enfermagem atuantes no centro cirúrgico de uma instituição hospitalar privada, localizada na Serra Gaúcha, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados através de questionários formulados por 25 perguntas, que posteriormente foram armazenados em planilhas no Microsoft® Windows® Excel® 2010 em forma de tabelas para análise estatística descritiva. Resultados: considerando os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, a amostra foi composta por 24 questionários válidos. Os dados analisados evidenciaram predomínio de concordância entre os enfermeiros e os técnicos em enfermagem referente à adesão da segurança do paciente em centro cirúrgico. Conclusão: a pesquisa ressaltou as dificuldades que os profissionais relatam durante sua jornada de trabalho. Tornou-se evidente a insatisfação dos mesmos em relação ao quantitativo dos profissionais de enfermagem, que, de acordo com eles, é um número insuficiente em relação à demanda das necessidades de um processo de cuidar e de segurança do paciente.

Objective: to identify the role of the nursing team in a surgical center regarding the application of patient safety. Material and Method: this is an exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative approach, carried out with professionals of the nursing team of the surgical center of a private institution, located in the Serra Gaúcha, in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Data were collected through questionnaires formulated by 25 questions, which were later stored in Microsoft® Windows® Excel® 2010 spreadsheets in the form of tables for descriptive statistical analysis. Abstract Results: considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the sample consisted of 24 valid questionnaires. The analyzed data showed a high level of agreement between nurses and nursing technicians regarding adherence to patient safety in the operating room. Conclusion: the research highlighted the difficulties that professionals report during their workday. It became evident their dissatisfaction in relation to the number of nursing professionals, which, according to them, is an insufficient number in relation to the demand for the needs of a patient care and safety process.

Humans , Surgicenters , Patient Safety , Nurse Practitioners , Nurses , Nursing, Team , Operating Rooms
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935820


There are many occupational risk factors in operating room work. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) , as a kind of common bone filling and repairing material, is widely used in the fixation of artificial joints, oral braces and orthopedic prosthesis. However, PMMA will release methyl methacrylate (MMA) monomer when it is implanted into human tissues and polymerized to harden, which is toxic to the body. This paper analyzes harmful factors in using PMMA bone cement, and then explores corresponding occupational protection knowledge, in order to reduce the occurrence of occupational hazards related to PMMA bone cement and enhance the self-protection ability of the operation room medical staff.

Humans , Bone Cements/adverse effects , Operating Rooms , Polymethyl Methacrylate/adverse effects
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936129


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the completion time of endotracheal intubation and laryngeal mask implantation in operating room and on slope of ski resort, and to discuss the optimal method of estab-lishing artificial airway on slope of ski resort.@*METHODS@#The simulator was placed with the head under the feet on slope of ski resort. The artificial airway was established by tracheal intubation assisted by video laryngoscope (endotracheal intubation group) and laryngeal mask placement (laryngeal mask group) respectively by an anesthesiologist who wore full set of ski suits, helmets, goggles, gloves and ski boots. Each method was repeated 5 times, and the operation time of artificial airway establishment was recorded. While the simulated human was placed flat on the operating table in an operating room of a hospital, and the artificial airway was established by the same anesthesiologist using the same methods. Time was recorded and repeated for 5 times. The completion time of endotracheal intubation and laryngeal mask placement in the operating room and on the ski slope were compared.@*RESULTS@#The operating time of tracheal intubation in the operating room was longer than that of laryngeal mask placement [(79.8±10.4) s vs. (53.4±2.7) s, P=0.005], and the operating time of endotracheal intubation on the ski slope was longer than that of laryngeal mask placement [(209.2±32.7) s vs. (72.2±3.1) s, P=0.001]. The time of endotracheal intubation group on the slope of the ski resort was longer than that in the opera-ting room(t=-7.851, P=0.001). The time of laryngeal mask group on the slope was longer than that in the operating room (t=-19.391, P < 0.001).@*CONCLUSION@#On ski slope, both of tracheal intubation assisted by video laryngoscope and laryngeal mask placement can quickly complete the establishment of artificial airway, but the time required is longer than that in the operating room. The time of laryngeal mask placement to establish artificial airway is shorter than that of tracheal intubation assisted video laryngoscope, which may have a certain advantage in ski rescue.

Humans , Intubation, Intratracheal , Laryngeal Masks , Laryngoscopes , Operating Rooms
Rev. chil. anest ; 51(2): 143-148, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567486


The ward chiefs are team leaders and, as such, they must have the ability to adequately manage their unit in such a way as to meet the real needs of the population they are responsible for serving. To achieve this, it is essential to optimize the management of operating rooms, oriented to a strategic management of resources, which allows the best performance and productivity. In this document we will provide you with some tools, such as: definitions of concepts, analysis of the sub-processes that make up the surgical process and suggestions to improve the management of each of its parts.

Los jefes de pabellón son líderes de equipo y, como tales, deben tener la capacidad de gestionar adecuadamente su unidad de tal modo de satisfacer las necesidades reales de la población que le corresponde atender. Para lograr esto, es fundamental optimizar el manejo de los quirófanos, orientado a una gestión estratégica de recursos, que permita el mejor rendimiento y productividad. En este documento les entregaremos algunas herramientas, tales como: definiciones de conceptos, análisis de los subprocesos que componen el proceso quirúrgico y sugerencias para mejorar la gestión de cada una de sus partes.

Humans , Operating Rooms/organization & administration , Elective Surgical Procedures
Rev. enferm. neurol ; 20(3): 197-206, sep.-dic. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1372929


Introducción: la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) fundamenta que para luchar contra las infecciones asociadas a la atención sanitaria es necesario reducir las normas de bioseguridad para el personal ocupacionalmente expuesto. La bioseguridad es proteger la calidad de vida libre de daño, riesgo o peligro; el personal de enfermería que labora en el quirófano está expuesto a múltiples factores de riesgo, como el uso de químicos para procesar material quirúrgico, biológicos por el estrecho contacto con el paciente y fluidos corporales, psicosociales, por la carga de trabajo y ambientes tensos, o riesgos ergonómicos por estar en posiciones de pie por largos periodos de tiempo en procedimientos quirúrgicos. Objetivo: analizar los factores de riesgo del personal de enfermería del área quirúrgica de un hospital de tercer nivel. Material y métodos: estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal. Universo: integrado por el personal de enfermería del área quirúrgica de un hospital de tercer nivel. Muestra: no probabilística a criterio del investigador, integrado por 50 enfermeras y enfermeros de quirófano de todos los turnos. Criterios de inclusión: todos los enfermeros y enfermeras que se encuentren laborando en el área quirúrgica, con más de 2 meses dentro del área quirúrgica. Criterios de exclusión: personal de enfermería que no firmó consentimiento informado y no desearon participar, personal de enfermería de permiso, vacaciones, incapacidad, ausentismo, o no se encuentran laborando por algún otro motivo. El instrumento: cuestionario de 88 preguntas, con respuestas dicotómicas, con una confiabilidad de .99 utilizando fórmula de Kuder-Richardson. Resultados: personal de enfermería tiene un riesgo biológico del 100 %, en riesgos químicos 87 %, riesgos físicos 94 %, en cuanto a riesgos psicosocial 94 % de los encuestados consideran tener este riesgo, para riesgos ergonómicos el 67 % de los encuestados refieren presentar lesiones músculo esqueléticas. Conclusión: Los profesionales de enfermería dentro del área quirúrgica están expuestos a los diferentes riesgos. Estos peligros afectan individual y colectivamente, tienen la probabilidad de desencadenar una alteración a la salud, afectando inevitablemente el proceso de trabajo, conlleva al bajo rendimiento laboral e incumplimiento de los objetivos en las instituciones públicas y privadas. Se debe tener gran observancia al apego de las medidas de bioseguridad en la unidad quirúrgica para disminuir los riesgos de enfermedades infectocontagiosas.

Introduction: the World Health Organization (WHO) argues that in order to combat infections associated with health care, it is necessary to reduce biosecurity standards for occupational exposed personnel. Biosecurity is to protect quality of life free from damage, risk or danger; nursing staff working in the operating room are exposed to multiple risk factors, such as the use of chemicals to process surgical material; biological factores due to close contact with the patient and body fluids, psychosocial factors, due to workload and tense environments, or ergonomic risks to being in standing positions for long periods of time in surgical procedures. Objective: to analyze the risk factors of nursing staff in the surgical area of a third-level hospital. Material and methods: quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. Universe: composed of the nursing staff from the surgical area of a third level hospital. Sample: non-probability at the investigator's discretion, consisting of 50 operating room nurses of all shifts. Inclusion criteria: all nurses who are working in the surgical area, with more than 2 months in the surgical area. Exclusion criteria: nursing staff who did not sign informed consent and did not wish to participate, nursing staff on leave, vacation, disability, absenteeism, or are not working for some other reason. The instrument: questionnaire consisting of eighty-eight questions, with dichotomous answers, with a reliability of. 99 using Kuder-Richardson formula. Results: the nursing staff has a biological risk of 100%, in chemical risks: 87%, physical risks: 94%, in terms of psychosocial risks, 94% of the respondents consider they have this risk; for ergonomic risks, 67% of those surveyed reported presenting musculoskeletal injuries. Conclusion: nursing professionals in the surgical area are exposed to different risks. These hazards affect individually and collectively, it has the probability of triggering a health disturbance, inevitably affecting the work process, leads to poor work performance and non-compliance with objectives in public and private institutions. Adherence to biosafety measures must be observed in the surgical unit to reduce the risks of infectious and contagious diseases.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Nursing , Operating Rooms , Containment of Biohazards
Rev. SOBECC (Online) ; 26(3): 189-196, 30-09-2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1343230


Objetivo: Analisar as evidências científicas disponíveis na literatura sobre os sinais e sintomas relacionados à exposição à fumaça cirúrgica em trabalhadores do bloco operatório. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura, com busca nas seguintes bases de dados: Medline, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Web Of Science e SCOPUS. Resultados: Foram 1.351 estudos pré-selecionados, sendo 4 por busca manual. Ao fim, obtiveram-se cinco artigos para análise. Os sinais e sintomas encontrados foram: tosse, ardência de faringe, espirros, rinite, lesão nasofaringe, sensação de corpo estranho na garganta, congestão nasal, inflamação das vias aéreas, lacrimejamento dos olhos, náuseas, vômitos, dor abdominal, fraqueza, cãibra, cefaleia, sonolência, tonturas, irritabilidade, desconforto (como mau cheiro na roupa). Conclusão: Observaram-se grandes avanços nas pesquisas propostas, estudos que embasam a intensidade dos sinais e sintomas e orientação dos riscos nocivos que proporcionem aos gestores conhecimento e fundamentação científica para futuras intervenções tanto contra a proteção ao trabalhador como para prevenção de risco no ambiente de trabalho.

Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence available in the literature on signs and symptoms related to surgical smoke exposure among surgical block workers. Method: This integrative literature review searched the following databases: MEDLINE, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, Web of Science, and Scopus. Results: A total of 1,351 studies were pre-selected, 4 of which were found by manual search. In the end, five articles were analyzed. The signs and symptoms identified were: cough, burning sensation in the pharynx, sneezing, rhinitis, nasopharyngeal lesion, foreign body sensation in the throat, nasal congestion, airway inflammation, lacrimation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, muscle cramp, headache, drowsiness, lightheadedness, irritability, discomfort (such as unpleasant smell in clothes). Conclusion: Great advances have been detected in the studies proposed. These investigations lay the foundation for the intensity of signs and symptoms and the orientation regarding harmful risks, providing managers with the knowledge and scientific basis for future interventions, both to protect the team and to prevent risks in the work environment.

Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia científica disponible en la literatura sobre signos y síntomas relacionados con la exposición al humo quirúrgico en trabajadores de quirófano. Método: Revisión integrativa de la literatura, buscando en las siguientes bases de datos: Medline, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Web Of Science y SCOPUS. Resultados: Hubo 1.351 estudios preseleccionados, cuatro por búsqueda manual. Al final, se obtuvieron cinco artículos para su análisis. Los signos y síntomas encontrados fueron: tos, ardor faríngeo, estornudos, rinitis, lesión nasofaríngea, sensación de cuerpo extraño en la garganta, congestión nasal, inflamación de las vías respiratorias, lagrimeo de los ojos, náuseas, vómitos, dolor abdominal, debilidad, calambres, dolor de cabeza, somnolencia, mareos, irritabilidad, malestar como mal olor en la ropa. Conclusión: Hubo grandes avances en la investigación propuesta, estudios que apoyan la intensidad de los signos y síntomas y orientaciones sobre riesgos nocivos que brinden a los gestores conocimiento y fundamento científico para futuras intervenciones, tanto contra la protección del trabajador como para la prevención de riesgos en el entorno laboral.

Humans , Occupational Health , Electrocoagulation , Electrosurgery , Operating Rooms , Smoke
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 36(4): 445-452, July-Aug. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347161


Abstract Introduction: To support the development of practices and guidelines that might help to reduce adverse events related to human factors, we aimed to study the response and perception by members of a cardiovascular surgery team of various error-driven or adverse features that might arise in the operating room (OR). Methods: A previously validated Disruptions in Surgery Index (DiSI) questionnaire was completed by individuals working together in a cardiovascular surgical unit. Results were submitted to reliability analysis by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn's post-test were performed to estimate differences in perceptions of adverse events or outcomes between the groups (surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, and technicians). P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients showed consistency within the recommended range for all disruption types assessed in DiSI: an individual's skill (0.85), OR environment (0.88), communication (0.81), situational awareness (0.92), patient-related disruption (0.89), team cohesion (0.83), and organizational disruption (0.83). Nurses (27.4%) demonstrated significantly higher perception of disruptions than surgeons (25.4%), anesthetists (23.3%), and technicians (23.0%) (P=0.005). Study participants were more observant of their colleagues' disruptive behaviors than their own (P=0.0001). Conclusion: Our results revealed that there is a tendency among participants to hold a positive self-perception position. DiSI appears to be a reliable and useful tool to assess surgical disruptions in cardiovascular OR teams, identifying negative features that might imperil teamwork and safety in the OR. And human factors training interventions are available to develop team skills and improve safety and efficiency in the cardiovascular OR.

Patient Care Team , Surgeons , Operating Rooms , Reproducibility of Results , Communication
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 10(2): 286, ago. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1418910


Las características de las heridas producidas en los atentados terroristas en varias ciudades del mundo y en los combates de las operaciones militares en Afganistán e Irak, han determinado un nuevo tipo de manejo de las lesiones por parte del personal medico involucrado. La categorización de las hemorragias, el nuevo esquema de atención prehospitalaria MARCH y la incorporación de la resucitación balanceada a la cirugía de control de daños, en un hospital de soporte en combate en Bagdad, representan parte del cambio. La retroalimentación entre la experiencia civil y militar ha permitido el progreso del tratamiento de los traumatismos. Los hospitales venezolanos han desarrollado su propia experiencia en el desarrollo de la cirugía de control de daños. Un nuevo tipo de ingresos en las emergencias capitalinas y la covid 19 señalan los nuevos desafíos a los que se enfrentan los cirujanos venezolanos(AU)

The large number of casualties produced as a result of terrorist attacks and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, stimulated the medical community to rethink the management of trauma. The categorization of the haemorrhages, the new mnemonic MARCH and the incorporation the balanced resuscitation in the damage control surgery, in a combat support hospital in Baghdad, represent a change. The feedback between the civil and military permitted the progress in the treatment of the injuries. The venezuelans hospitals development their experience in the damage control surgery. A new kind of injuries in the capital and the covid 19 indicate the news challenges for the surgeons(AU)

General Surgery , Emergency Medicine , Hospitals, Military , Military Personnel , Operating Rooms , Resuscitation , Wounds and Injuries , Armed Conflicts , Hemorrhage