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RFO UPF ; 27(1): 134-152, 08 ago. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509390


Objetivo: avaliar a eficácia do acessório mamilo aplicado a aparelhos ortopédicos/ ortodônticos no tratamento de hábitos deletérios de sucção de chupeta, língua, lábio e dedo, e onicofagia em pacientes tratados nos últimos 20 anos com o aparelho. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo clínico observacional, retrospectivo, no qual a amostra foi composta de prontuários de pacientes de ambos os gêneros, atendidos por profissionais habilitados pelo aparelho mamilo, que os utilizaram em crianças de 03 a 16 anos portadoras de hábitos deletérios. Os prontuários utilizados, correspondem a pacientes tratados entre os anos 2000 a 2020. Todas as análises foram realizadas no programa R, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Foram analisados 142 prontuários, nos quais 122 foram incluídos, por estarem dentro dos critérios de inclusão propostos no estudo e 20 foram excluídos da pesquisa por apresentarem informações incompletas e/ou não preenchidas corretamente. O hábito com maior incidência foi o de sucção digital, em 71,3% dos pacientes, 91,8% dos pacientes deixaram o hábito, destacando que nos casos de sucção de chupeta e onicofagia, o sucesso na remoção do hábito foi de 100%, em ambos os casos. O tempo médio de uso do aparelho foi de 4,8 meses, variando de 0,6 a 14 meses. O tempo médio para a remoção do hábito após a instalação do aparelho foi de 1,6 meses, variando de 0 a 12 meses. Conclusão: O aparelho mamilo, mostra-se como uma alternativa de alta eficácia na remoção de hábitos deletérios de sução de chupeta, dedo, língua e onicofagia.(AU)

Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of the nipple accessory applied to orthopedic/orthodontic appliances in the treatment of harmful pacifier, tongue, lip and finger sucking habits, and onychophagia in patients treated in the last 20 years with the device. Methods: This is an observational, retrospective clinical study, in which the sample consisted of medical records of patients of both genders, assisted by professionals qualified by the nipple device, who used them in children aged 03 to 16 years with deleterious habits. The medical records used correspond to patients treated between the years 2000 and 2020. All analyzes were performed in the R program, with a significance level of 5%. Results: 142 medical records were analyzed, in which 122 were included, as they were within the inclusion criteria proposed in the study and 20 were excluded from the research because they presented incomplete information and/or not filled in correctly. The habit with the highest incidence was digital sucking, in 71.3% of patients, 91.8% of patients quit the habit, noting that in cases of pacifier sucking and onychophagia, success in removing the habit was 100%, in both cases. The average time of use of the device was 4.8 months, ranging from 0.6 to 14 months. The mean time to remove the habit after installing the device was 1.6 months, ranging from 0 to 12 months. Conclusion: The nipple device is a highly efficient alternative for removing harmful habits of pacifier, finger, tongue and onychophagy sucking.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Orthodontic Appliances , Tongue Habits/therapy , Pacifiers , Fingersucking/therapy , Nail Biting/therapy , Time Factors , Retrospective Studies , Age Factors , Treatment Outcome , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Nipples
Article in English | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536302


Introduction: Tapered implants have shown that thanks to their macro design they are capable of expanding the surgical bed performed by the surgeon, which in clinical practice gives a feeling of greater stability, however it is highly subjective and dependent on the operator. Aim: To analyze the influence of the implant macro design in the primary and secondary stability by means of analysis of resonance frequency and force of insertion. Methods: 38 Screw Type and Tapered Type implants were placed in 18 patients in the Bucomaxillofacial Implantology program of the University of Chile during 2006 and 2007 in type II or III bone jaws according to Leckholm and Zarb. Implant stability, implant stability coefficient (ISQ), was measured through Ostell® mentor at the time of installation (ISQ1) and then at connection (ISQ2) and the Insertion Torque through the Osseoset® machine: 17 Screw Type implants with an approximate average contact area of 237 mm2 (3.75/15 mm; 3.75/13 mm) and 17 Tapered Type implants with an approximate average contact area of 226 mm2 (4.3/13 mm; 4.3/16 mm). Results: The averages of ISQ1 and ISQ2 and Insertion Torque respectively for implants with an approximate contact area of 237 mm2 were 71.3 ISQ1, 66.6 ISQ2 and 44.52 Ncm; for 226 mm2 implants it was 75 ISQ1, 72.5 ISQ2 and 48.82 Ncm. Conclusion: Implants with an average contact area of approximately 226 mm2 (Tapered Type) present significantly higher primary and secondary stability than those with an average contact area of approximately 237 mm2 (Screw Type). (Average ISQ1: p = 0.0473; Insertion Torque: p = 0.0031 and Average ISQ2: p = 0.0039)(AU)

Introducción: Los implantes Cónicos han demostrado que gracias a su macro diseño son capaces de expandir el lecho quirúrgico realizado por el cirujano, lo que en la práctica clínica da una sensación de mayor estabilidad, sin embargo, ella es altamente subjetiva y dependiente del operador. Objetivo: Analizar la influencia del diseño del implante en la estabilidad primaria y secundaria mediante análisis de frecuencia de resonancia y Torque de Inserción. Métodos: 38 implantes Tipo Tornillo y Tipo Cónico fueron colocados en 18 pacientes en el programa de Implantología Bucomáxilofacial de la Universidad de Chile durante el año 2006 y 2007 en maxilares de hueso tipo II o III según Leckholm y Zarb. Se midió la estabilidad implantaria, coeficiente de estabilidad del implante (ISQ), a través de Ostell® mentor al momento de la instalación (ISQ1) y luego en la conexión (ISQ2) y el Torque de Inserción a través de el motor Osseoset®: 17 implantes Tipo Tornillo de área de contacto promedio aproximada de 237 mm2 (3.75/15 mm; 3.75/13 mm) y 17 implantes Tipo Cónico de área de contacto promedio aproximada de 226 mm2 (4.3/13 mm; 4.3/16 mm). Resultados: Los promedios de ISQ1 e ISQ2 y Torque de Inserción respectivamente para implantes de área contacto aproximada de 237 mm2 fue de 71,3 ISQ1, 66,6 ISQ2 y 44,52 Ncm; para implantes de 226 mm2 fue de 75 ISQ1, 72,5 ISQ2 y 48,82 Ncm. Conclusión: Los implantes de área contacto promedio aproximada de 226 mm2 (Tipo Cónicos) presentan estabilidad primaria y secundaria significativamente mayor a los de área contacto promedio aproximada de 237 mm2 (Tipo Tornillo). (Promedio ISQ1: p = 0.0473; Torque de Inserción: p = 0.0031 y Promedio ISQ2: p = 0.0039)(AU)

Humans , Dental Implants , Resonance Frequency Analysis , Jaw/injuries , Bone and Bones , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Orthodontic Appliance Design/instrumentation , Clinical Study
Ortodoncia ; 85(170): 40-45, jul.-dic. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1366141


En los últimos años, el tratamiento de ortodoncia con alineadores ha ido ganando la atención del paciente adulto, que acude a la consulta en busca de tratamientos no solo estéticos sino, también, confortables. Esta situación favorece, a su vez, al odontólogo rehabilitador, quien frecuentemente plantea a sus pacientes la necesidad de realizar un tratamiento de ortodoncia previo a la rehabilitación integral. En estos pacientes, un tratamiento de ortodoncia con alineadores es, generalmente, mejor aceptado que un tratamiento con aparatología fija(AU)

In recent years, the orthodontic treatment with aligners has been gaining attention of adult patients, who go to our office in search of treatments that are not only aesthetic but also comfortable. This situation in turn favors the rehabilitation dentist, who frequently raises the need for his patients to undergo an orthodontic treatment prior to comprehensive rehabilitation. In these patients, an orthodontic treatment with aligners is generally better accepted than a treatment with fixed appliances(AU)

Humans , Adult , Orthodontic Appliances, Removable , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Dentistry, Operative , Esthetics, Dental , Malocclusion, Angle Class I
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 10(3): 1-10, jun. 30, 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390974


Introduction: Dental malocclusion is a public health problem and orthodontics is the specialty in charge of diagnosing and treating it, aesthetic brackets are an alternative, the costs are varied, which makes its precision doubtful. Objective: Evaluate the measurement and geometry of the slot of three brands of aesthetic brackets and verify their precision. Material and Methods: Twenty-four aesthetic Roth prescription 0.022" slot polycrystalline ceramic brackets were evaluated in three brands: American Orthodontics (United States), Morelli (Brazil) and Class One (China). Eight samples were measured per group in a specialized laboratory certified in measurement and calibration, the measurements of internal and external height were verified, per mesial and distal; and the parallelism of the slot of each bracket. The results were processed with SPSS 22 and tests of variance (ANOVA), Tukey and Student's t were used. Results:The measurements of the brackets' grooves do not correspond to the measurements announced by the manufacturers, these are greater, however, American Orthodontics is within the tolerance range (p<0.01); the slots in the mesio-distal direction and the lingual vestibule are not parallel in Morelli and Class One. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the slots of the supports are oversized, their geometry is not precise and varies greatly between brands and prices. The three-dimensional control of the tooth could be compromised.

Introducción: La maloclusión dental es un problema de salud pública y la ortodoncia es la especialidad encargada de diagnosticarla y tratarla, los brackets estéticos son una alternativa, los costos son variados lo que hace dudar su precisión. Objetivo: Evaluar la medida y geometría de la ranura de tres marcas de brackets estéticos y corroborar su precisión. Material y Métodos: Se evaluaron 24 brackets estéticos cerámicos policristalinos de ranura 0,022" prescripción Roth en tres marcas: American Orthodontics (Estados Unidos), Morelli (Brasil) y Class One (China). Se midieron ocho muestras por grupo en un laboratorio especializado y certificado en medición y calibración, se verificaron las medidas de altura interna y externa, por mesial y distal; y el paralelismo de la ranura de cada brackets. Los resultados fueron procesados con SPSS 22 y se utilizaron pruebas de varianza (ANOVA), Tukey y t de Student. Resultados: Las medidas de las ranuras de los brackets no se corresponden con la medida anunciada por los fabricantes, estas son mayores, sin embargo, American Orthodontics y Morelli se encuentra dentro del rango de tolerancia (p<0,01); las ranuras en sentido mesio distal y vestíbulo lingual no son paralelas estadísticamente en Morelli y Class One. Conclusión: Los resultados de este estudio indican que las ranuras de los soportes se encuentran sobredimensionadas, su geometría no es precisa y varía mucho entre marcas y precios. El control tridimensional del diente se podría ver comprometido.

Humans , Orthodontics, Corrective/methods , Orthodontic Brackets , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Ceramics , Cross-Sectional Studies , Malocclusion
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(2): 460-465, jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385765


Existe una prescripción generalizada de retenedores fijos y removibles, con indicación indefinida, luego del tratamiento ortodóncico. El objetivo de este estudio fue dilucidar el impacto de los retenedores de ortodoncia sobre la salud periodontal de los dientes. Se realizó una búsqueda y análisis de artículos científicos de las bases de datos PubMed, ScienceDi rect, SciELO, LILACS y Google Scholar. Los artículos seleccionados fueron publicados entre los años 2015 y 2020 en base a criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Nuestra revisión sugiere que la indicación de un retenedor fijo o removible presenta mayores benefici os que riesgos y no significa, cuando son consideradas las características individuales de cada paciente, el detrimento de la salud periodontal. Sin embargo, son necesarios nuevos estudios prospectivos, con un tiempo de seguimiento suficiente y la presencia de un grupo control, para poder extrapolar resultados y los potenciales daños asociados con los retenedores de ortodoncia.

Due to the high prescription after orthodontic treatment of fixed and removable retainers with an indication of indefinite use, the aim of this study was to find the impact of orthodontic retainers on the periodontal health of the teeth. we proceed to search and analyze scientific articles from databases PubMed, ScienceDirect, SciELO, LILACS and Google Scholar, selected articles were published between 2015 and 2020 based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Our review suggests that the indication of a fixed or removable retainer presents greater benefits than risks and does not mean, when considering the individual characteristics of each patient, the detriment of periodontal health. However, new prospective studies with a longer follow- up time and the presence of a control group are necessary to be able to extrapolate results and elucidate the possible damages associated with orthodontic retainers.

Humans , Oral Health , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Orthodontic Retainers , Orthodontic Appliances, Removable , Time Factors , Periodontium , Treatment Outcome
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 26(3): e2119234, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1286212


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aims at identifying anatomical dimensions of dental arches, based on landmarks currently used in the lingual orthodontic technique, and create an archwire form template to be used in orthodontic clinics. Methods: Maxillary and mandibular dental casts of 140 Caucasian individuals with natural and normal occlusion were digitized (3D), and the images were analyzed with Delcam Power ShapeTM 2010 software. The dental arch shapes and sizes were obtained from 14 landmarks selected on the lingual surface of the teeth. Points and segments defined by the software were used to create an archwire form template. Results: Various dental arch patterns were found for both maxilla and mandible. The smallest sizes were found in females, and the largest were found in male subjects. Six categories were defined for each gender, three for the maxilla and three for the mandible (Small, Medium and Large). A template was created with eighteen anatomic lingual archwire designs, nine for the maxilla and nine for the mandible, for both genders. Conclusions: Landmarks evaluated in this study showed dental arch differences between genders. This information enables making orthodontic lingual archwires that are more compatible with the anatomical forms and sizes of the maxilla and mandible. The findings also allowed the creation of a template for an anatomic lingual metallic archwire form to be used in the lingual technique.

RESUMO Objetivo: O presente estudo tem como objetivo encontrar as formas anatômicas e dimensões das arcadas dentárias com base em pontos de referência utilizados na técnica ortodôntica lingual, e criar um diagrama com um maior número de arcos metálicos para serem utilizados na clínica ortodôntica. Métodos: 140 modelos de indivíduos caucasianos com oclusão normal e natural foram digitalizados (3D) e as imagens, analisadas com o software Delcam Power ShapeTM 2010. A determinação das formas e tamanhos das arcadas dentárias foi obtida a partir de 14 pontos selecionados na superfície lingual dos dentes. Outros pontos e segmentos foram utilizados, com o auxílio do software, para definir um diagrama. Resultados: Foram encontrados diferentes tamanhos de arcadas dentárias linguais, tanto para a maxila quanto para a mandíbula. Os menores tamanhos foram os femininos, e os maiores, os masculinos. Definiram-se seis tamanhos para cada sexo, sendo três para a maxila e três para a mandíbula, nomeados como P, M e G. Foi criado um diagrama com dezoito desenhos de arcos linguais anatômicos, nove para a maxila e nove para a mandíbula, para ambos os sexos. Conclusões: A posição dos pontos de referência nesse estudo evidenciou diferenças entre os sexos, o que permitiu a criação de arcos mais compatíveis com as formas e dimensões anatômicas da maxila e mandíbula. A diferença entre os tamanhos das arcadas dentárias linguais possibilitou a criação de um diagrama com formas de arcos metálicos linguais anatômicos para serem utilizados na técnica lingual, para auxiliar o profissional a criar os seus próprios arcos.

Humans , Male , Female , Orthodontic Wires , Dental Arch/diagnostic imaging , Technology , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Models, Dental , Mandible/diagnostic imaging , Maxilla/diagnostic imaging
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 36(82): 15-20, 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1290838


El tratamiento ortodóncico permite rehabilitar la función como también la estética facial y de la sonrisa. En muchos casos, esto puede realizarse sin la utilización de brackets. Las placas alineadoras realizan movimientos en las arcadas dentarias y las posibilidades y los resultados obtenidos cada vez son mejores. La utilización del sistema de alineación con placas permite que muchos pacientes, que no están dispuestos a utilizar brackets, encuentren una respuesta a sus problemas de oclusión (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Orthodontic Appliances, Removable , Orthodontic Brackets , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Esthetics, Dental , Tooth Movement Techniques/methods , Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted/methods , Advance Care Planning
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 25(6): 27-32, Nov.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1154055


ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the attractiveness of different types of esthetic orthodontic wires by laypeople and dentists. Methods: Five different types of orthodontic wires were evaluated: three esthetic wires (Teflon-coated, epoxy resin-coated and rhodium-coated wires), and two metallic wires (stainless steel and NiTi), as control. Monocrystalline ceramic brackets were installed in the maxillary arch of a patient presenting good dental alignment. The five evaluated wires were attached to the orthodontic appliance with an esthetic silicone elastic and photographed. The photographs were evaluated by 163 individuals, 110 dentists and 53 laypeople. The data were statistically evaluated by two-way ANOVA and one-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey tests. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in the attractiveness among the wires evaluated; the most esthetic was the rhodium-coated wire, followed by the epoxy resin-coated wire and, finally, the Teflon-coated wire, with no significant difference from the stainless steel and NiTi control archwires. There was no significant difference between the groups of evaluators. Conclusion: The most attractive was the rhodium-coated wire, followed by the epoxy resin-coated wire and, finally, the least attractive wire was the Teflon-coated wire, without statistically significant difference to the stainless steel and NiTi wires, used as control.

RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a atratividade de diferentes tipos de fios ortodônticos estéticos, na opinião de leigos e dentistas. Métodos: Foram avaliados cinco tipos diferentes de fios ortodônticos: três fios estéticos (revestidos com teflon, revestidos com resina epóxi e revestidos com ródio) e dois fios metálicos (aço inoxidável e NiTi), como grupo controle. Braquetes de cerâmica monocristalina foram instalados na arcada superior de uma paciente com bom alinhamento dentário, e os cinco fios avaliados foram fixados ao aparelho ortodôntico com ligadura elástica estética de silicone e fotografados. As fotografias foram avaliadas por 163 indivíduos, sendo 110 dentistas e 53 leigos. Os dados foram avaliados estatisticamente pelos testes ANOVA a um e a dois critérios, seguidos pelo teste de Tukey. Resultados: Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na atratividade entre os fios avaliados. O mais estético foi o fio revestido de ródio, seguido pelo fio revestido de resina epóxica e, finalmente, o fio revestido de teflon, sem diferença significativa entre os fios de aço inoxidável e os de NiTi. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos de avaliadores. Conclusão: O mais atraente foi o fio revestido de ródio, seguido pelo fio revestido de resina epóxica e, finalmente, o fio menos atraente foi o fio revestido de teflon, sem diferença estatisticamente significativa para os fios de aço inoxidável e os de NiTi, utilizados como controle.

Humans , Orthodontic Wires , Orthodontic Brackets , Dental Alloys , Esthetics, Dental , Stainless Steel , Surface Properties , Titanium , Materials Testing , Orthodontic Appliance Design
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 63(2): 34-38, nov. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1150681


La evolución de la ortodoncia, desde sus inicios, ha demostrado hechos destacables como el surgimiento de la técnica de arco recto, el desarrollo de prescripciones variadas, el uso de ranuras con diferentes dimensiones, sistemas de anclaje esquelético, tomografía... A pesar de ello, los diseños y las características que presentaban los brackets eran siempre los mismos y limitados. La historia de las grandes ideas es vasta, pero debían estar unidas en una sola pieza. Esto es lo que hicieron los autores de este artículo, al desarrollar un nuevo diseño de bracket que cuenta con dos slots centrales y cada una con diferentes dimensiones, un slot tiene dimensiones de 0.018 "X 0.030" y el otro 0.022 "X 0.028", abriéndse una gama de posibilidades. A partir de ahora contamos con una herramienta de trabajo con varios recursos, que genera grandes beneficios para profesionales y pacientes, y que gana cada día más seguidores (AU)

The evolution of orthodontics, since its beginnings, has demonstrated remarkable events such as the appearance of the straight wire technique, the development of varied prescriptions, the use of slots with different dimensions, skeletal anchoring systems, tomography ... Despite this, the designs and the features that the brackets presented were always the same and limited. The history of great ideas is vast, but they needed to be united in one piece. This is what the authors of this article did, when developing a new bracket design that features two central slots and each with different dimensions, one slot has dimensions of 0.018 "X 0.030" and the other 0.022 "X 0.028" with a fan of possibilities is being opened. Now, a work tool with several resources, which generates great benefits for professionals and patients is gaining more followers every day (AU)

Humans , Orthodontics, Corrective , Orthodontic Brackets , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Orthodontic Appliances, Fixed
Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;31(5): 540-547, Sept.-Oct. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1132326


Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of orthodontic bracket type (metallic or ceramic) and mouthguard on biomechanical response during impact. Two-dimensional plane-strain models of a patient with increased positive overjet of the maxillary central incisor was created based on a CT scan, simulating the periodontal ligament, bone support, gingival tissue, orthodontic brackets (metallic or ceramic) and mouthguard. A nonlinear dynamic impact finite element analysis was performed in which a steel object hit the model at 1 m/s. Stress distributions (Von Mises and Modified Von Mises) and strain were evaluated. Stress distributions were affected by the bracket presence and type. Models with metallic and ceramic bracket had higher stresses over a larger buccal enamel impact area. Models with ceramic brackets generated higher stresses than the metallic brackets. Mouthguards reduced the stress and strain values regardless of bracket type. Mouthguard shock absorption were 88.37% and 89.27% for the metallic and ceramic bracket, respectively. Orthodontic bracket presence and type influenced the stress and strain generated during an impact. Ceramic brackets generated higher stresses than metallic brackets. Mouthguards substantially reduced impact stress and strain peaks, regardless of bracket type.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência da presença e tipo de bráquete ortodôntico (metálico ou cerâmico), e a presença de protetor bucal na resposta biomecânica durante impacto. Modelos bidimensionais em estado plano de deformação de paciente com incisivo central superior com overjet positivo acentuado foram criados baseados em tomografia computadorizada, simulando ligamento periodontal, suporte ósseo, tecido gengival, bráquetes ortodônticos (metálico e cerâmico) e o protetor bucal. Análise de elementos finitos não-linear de impacto foi realizada na qual uma esfera de aço atingiu o modelo a 1m/s. A distribuição de tensões (Von Mises e Von Mises modificado) e a deformação foram avaliadas. As distribuições de tensões foram afetadas pela presença e tipo de bráquete. Modelos com bráquete metálico e cerâmico produziram maiores valores de tensões sobre maior área do esmalte vestibular. Modelos com bráquetes cerâmicos geraram maiores tensões do que metálicos. O protetor bucal reduziu as tensões e deformações geradas independentemente do tipo de bráquete. A capacidade de absorção de choques foi de 88.37 e 89.27% para os bráquetes metálicos e cerâmicos, respectivamente. A presença e o tipo de bráquete influenciou a distribuição de tensões e deformações durante o impacto. Bráquetes cerâmicos geraram maiores valores de tensão do que metálicos. Protetor bucal reduziu significativamente os picos de tensão e deformação.

Humans , Orthodontic Brackets , Mouth Protectors , Stress, Mechanical , Materials Testing , Ceramics , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Finite Element Analysis , Dental Stress Analysis , Incisor
Acta odontol. latinoam ; Acta odontol. latinoam;33(2): 112-116, Sept. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130741


ABSTRACT Orthodontics with low friction, low force, passive self-ligating brackets produces alveolar-dental remodeling, resulting in an increase in the transverse diameter of the dental arches, especially in the premolar sector. The aim of this study was to compare the modifications of the transverse diameter in the pre- and post-dental alignment cast models with orthodontics with passive self-ligating brackets in patients with moderate to severe dental discrepancy. The study included 28 patients of both sexes aged 16 to 48 years with dental discrepancies between -6 and -16 mm, treated with self-ligating Damon brackets and thermally activated Nickel- Titanium-Copper arches. With a digital pachymeter, Mitutoyo brand, five measurements were taken per dental arch: distance between canines (C), first premolars (1PM), second premolars (2 PM), first molars (1M) and second molars (2M), before and after orthodontic alignment. The variations were statistically evaluated by Student T Test for paired samples. Average distance between teeth varied with dental alignment in both jaws. The greatest increases in transverse diameter were recorded in the premolar areas. Minor though statistically significant variations also occurred in the 2M of the maxilla and in the C of the mandible In alignment with passive self-ligating brackets, there is an increase in the transverse diameter due to the development of the dental arches, mainly in the premolar sector of both jaws and also at the level of the canines in the mandible.

RESUMEN La ortodoncia con brackets autoligables pasivos, de baja fricción y baja fuerza, produce remodelación alvéolodentaria; con aumento del diámetro transversal de las arcadas, especialmente en el sector de los premolares. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar las modificaciones del diámetro transversal en los modelos de yeso pre y post alineación dentaria con ortodoncia con brackets autoligables pasivos en pacientes con discrepancia dentaria moderada a severa. El estudio incluyó 28 pacientes de ambos sexos de entre 16 y 48 años de edad con discrepancia dentaria entre -6 y -16mm, tratados con brackets autoligables sistema Damon y arcos termo activables de Níquel-Titanio-Cobre. Con un paquímetro digital marca Mitutoyo, se tomaron 5 medidas por arcada: distancia entre caninos (C), primeros y segundos premolares (1 PM y 2 PM) y primeros y segundos molares (1M y 2M); pre y post alineación ortodóncica. Las variaciones registradas fueron evaluadas estadísticamente mediante Student T Test para muestras apareadas. La distancia promedio entre dientes varió con la alineación dentaria en ambos maxilares. Los mayores aumentos del diámetro transversal se registraron en las zonas de los premolares. Se produjeron también variaciones menores, aunque estadísticamente significativas, en los 2M del maxilar superior y en los C del maxilar inferior. En la alineación con brackets autoligables pasivos, hay incremento del diámetro transversal por desarrollo de las arcadas, principalmente en el sector premolar de ambos maxilares y en el maxilar inferior también a nivel de los caninos.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Tooth Movement Techniques/instrumentation , Orthodontic Brackets , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Orthodontic Space Closure/instrumentation , Bicuspid/pathology , Prospective Studies
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 25(4): 85-100, July-Aug. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1133676


ABSTRACT Introduction: Due to the search for more aesthetic and comfortable alternatives to perform orthodontic treatments and to the great technological development, orthodontic aligners have assumed great importance. More and more complex treatments have been carried out with these appliances without, however, having all aspects involved in their use being studied in depth. Its biomechanical planning requires different approaches than those used in fixed orthodontics, as the force systems involved in movements, responses and side effects are distinct, and the professional must be prepared when opting for the technique. Objective: The objective of this article is to perform an evaluation of the force systems created on the space closure with aligners, its characteristics, and problems, as well as make some suggestions to overcome the difficulties inherent to its use. Conclusion: Space closure with aligners is possible, but depends on the correct selection of the patient, in addition to requiring the proper planning of the applied forces. The use of auxiliary resources and overcorrections to address the deficiencies of the aligner systems should always be considered. Digital planning should be used as a map of the force systems that will be applied, and not just as a marketing tool, keeping in mind that determining the objectives and the way to achieve them is the responsibility of the orthodontist, and that treatment plans must be individualized for each situation, following appropriate biomechanical precepts.

RESUMO Introdução: Devido à busca por alternativas mais estéticas e confortáveis para realizar tratamentos ortodônticos e ao grande desenvolvimento tecnológico, os alinhadores ortodônticos assumiram uma grande importância. Tratamentos cada vez mais complexos vêm sendo realizados com esses dispositivos sem que, no entanto, sejam estudados em profundidade todos os aspectos envolvidos na sua utilização. Seu planejamento biomecânico requer abordagens diferentes da Ortodontia fixa, pois os sistemas de forças envolvidos nas movimentações, respostas e efeitos colaterais são distintos, e o profissional deve estar preparado ao optar por essa técnica. Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo é fazer uma avaliação dos sistemas de forças envolvidos no fechamento de espaços com alinhadores, suas características e problemas, bem como apresentar algumas sugestões para contornar as dificuldades decorrentes de seu uso. Conclusão: O fechamento de espaços com alinhadores é possível, mas depende da correta seleção do paciente, além de exigir o adequado planejamento das forças aplicadas. O uso de recursos auxiliares e sobrecorreções para suprir as deficiências dos sistemas de alinhadores deve ser sempre considerado. O planejamento digital deve ser usado como um mapa dos sistemas de forças que serão aplicados, e não apenas como ferramenta de marketing, tendo em mente que a determinação dos objetivos e da maneira de atingi-los é de responsabilidade do ortodontista e que os planejamentos devem ser individualizados para cada situação, seguindo preceitos biomecânicos adequados.

Humans , Orthodontic Appliances, Removable , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Tooth Movement Techniques , Esthetics, Dental , Orthodontists
Ortodoncia ; 84(167): 44-54, jun. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147671


La maloclusión de Clase II ha sido tratada con diferentes técnicas y con diferentes aparatos que, en su conjunto, promueven la corrección del problema. Cada uno de ellos tiene sus propias indicaciones, y proporciona la mejora de la función, la estética, la salud y la estabilidad de los tratamientos ortodónticos. Se ha demostrado la efectividad de muchos de ellos para la corrección de este problema. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la confección y el mecanismo de acción de un aditamento ortodóntico auxiliar para el movimiento dentario, conocido como "aditamento deslizante sobre microimplante" (ADSM), utilizado con aparatos fijos en el tratamiento de la maloclusión Clase II(AU)

Class II malocclusion has been treated with different techniques and with different devices, which as a whole promote the correction of the problem. Each of them has its own indications and provides the improvement of function, aesthetics, health and stability of orthodontic treatments. The effectiveness of many of them has been demonstrated for the correction of this problem. The objective of this work is to present the making and the mechanism of action of an auxiliary orthodontic attachment for the dental movement known as Sliding Jig on Microimplant (SJOM), which is used in association with fixed appliances in the treatment of Class II malocclusion(AU)

Dental Implants , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures , Malocclusion, Angle Class II , Malocclusion, Angle Class II/therapy
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 25(3): 65-72, May-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1133664


ABSTRACT Introduction: Fixed functional appliances are non-compliant solutions to Class II malocclusion treatment. The clinician, however, should be careful of unexpected complications during the therapy. Methods: 58 female adolescents who presented with Class II malocclusion due to deficient mandible were treated with Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device (FFRD) therapy until an overcorrection to an edge to edge incisor relationship was achieved. Results: Incisor relationship and overjet were corrected successfully in all the subjects. Twenty-two patients had a complications-free treatment, while several complications were encountered with the remaining 36 subjects. In particular, mandibular canine rotation and development of posterior crossbites were the most common complications, with percentages of 51.7% and 25.9% respectively. Other complications included the breakage and shearing of the extraoral tubes of the first molar bands, and excessive intrusion of the upper first molars. Conclusions: FFRD is an efficient appliance for treatment of Class II malocclusion; however, different complications were encountered during the appliance therapy. A focus on taking precautions and applying preventive measures can help to avoid such problems, reducing the number of emergency appointments and enhancing the treatment experience with the appliance.

RESUMO Introdução: Os aparelhos funcionais fixos são uma solução para o tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II em pacientes não colaboradores. Porém, o ortodontista deve estar ciente das complicações inesperadas decorrentes do seu uso. Métodos: Cinquenta e oito pacientes adolescentes do sexo feminino com má oclusão de Classe II por deficiência mandibular foram tratadas com o aparelho Forsus FRD até se alcançar uma sobrecorreção, com relação de topo a topo dos incisivos. Resultados: A relação entre os incisivos e a sobressaliência foram corrigidas com sucesso em todas as pacientes. Vinte e duas pacientes não apresentaram complicações durante o tratamento, enquanto as demais trinta e seis pacientes apresentaram diferentes complicações. As complicações mais comuns foram a rotação do canino inferior e o desenvolvimento de mordida cruzada posterior, com prevalência de 51,7% e 25,9%, respectivamente. As demais complicações incluíram quebra e cisalhamento dos tubos extrabucais das bandas dos primeiros molares, e intrusão excessiva dos primeiros molares superiores. Conclusões: O FRD é um aparelho eficiente para o tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II. No entanto, diferentes complicações foram encontradas durante o uso desse aparelho. O foco na tomada de precauções e em medidas preventivas pode ajudar a evitar tais complicações, reduzindo o número de consultas de emergência e melhorando a experiência do paciente no tratamento com esse aparelho.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Orthodontic Appliances, Functional , Overbite , Malocclusion, Angle Class II , Cephalometry , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Mandible
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 25(3): 46-53, May-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1133670


ABSTRACT Introduction: Orthodontic aligners use have increased in dentistry. The resolution of complex movements such as extrusion demands the use of attachments to reach the aimed force, but just a few studies have been developed to evaluate the biomechanical performance of the aligners and their accessories. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate on the three axes (X, Y and Z) the forces generated by three different attachment designs for the extrusion of the maxillary central incisor using esthetic orthodontic aligners. Methods: Three prototypes of maxillary models were developed, each one with a specific attachment inserted in the central incisor. Three aligners were manufactured for each of the three attachment designs, with 0.33-mm activation in the direction of the extrusion. An analytical device was used to evaluate the forces applied to the three axes by each aligner/attachment. The data were assessed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). Results: All of the studied attachment designs could satisfactorily perform the extrusion movement. However, force intensities were different in the three designs (design 1 = 2.5 N; design 2 = 2.2 N, and design 3 = 1.1 N). Furthermore, two of the three attachment designs (designs 1 and 2) eventually exerted significant forces on the X (mesiodistal) and Y (buccopalatal) axes. Conclusion: The attachment design 3 presents the best distribution of forces for extrusion movement, generating almost null forces on X and Y axes, and lower intensity of force on the Z axis.

RESUMO Introdução: O uso de alinhadores ortodônticos tem aumentado na Odontologia. Porém, para a realização de movimentos complexos, como a extrusão, é necessário usar attachments para se obter as forças desejadas. Apesar disso, há poucos estudos que tenham avaliado o desempenho biomecânico dos alinhadores e de seus attachments. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar nos três eixos (X, Y e Z) as forças geradas por três diferentes designs de attachments para extrusão de um incisivo central superior usando alinhadores ortodônticos. Métodos: Foram confeccionados três modelos superiores prototipados, cada um com um tipo de attachmentinserido no incisivo central. Três alinhadores foram fabricados para cada um dos três designs de attachment, com ativação de 0,33 mm na direção da extrusão. Foi, então, utilizado um equipamento de análise para mensurar, nos três eixos, as forças aplicadas por cada alinhador/attachment. Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA de fator único e ao teste de Tukey (α?#8197;= 0,05). Resultados: Todos os designs de attachments utilizados foram capazes de exercer satisfatoriamente o movimento de extrusão. Entretanto, a intensidade das forças foi diferente nos três designs (attachment 1 = 2,5 N; attachment 2 = 2,2 N e attachment 3= 1,1 N). Além disso, dois dos três designs (attachments 1 e 2) exerceram forças significativas nos eixos X (mesiodistal) e Y (vestibulopalatino). Conclusões: o design do attachment 3 apresentou a melhor distribuição de forças para o movimento de extrusão, sendo o mais próximo de forças nulas nos eixos X e Y e força de baixa intensidade no eixo Z.

Orthodontic Appliance Design , Incisor , Tooth Movement Techniques , Esthetics, Dental , Maxilla
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(1): 101-108, mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056508


RESUMEN: El apiñamiento en edades tempranas, se refleja cuando el tamaño dental no coincide con la longitud de arco. De este modo, resulta importante determinar si la expansión del maxilar podría solucionar por sí solo el problema de apiñamiento en el sector anterior, teniendo en cuenta que este tratamiento es uno de los más antiguos y que comúnmente se ha enfocado en la resolución de alteraciones transversales en dientes posteriores empleándose a edades tempranas. El objetivo fue determinar si la expansión maxilar es efectiva o no, en la corrección del apiñamiento en dentición mixta mediante el análisis de la evidencia disponible. Se realizó una revisión sistemática en español e inglés, para establecer la máxima evidencia posible, con las indicaciones de la guía PRISMA. Dos artículos cumplieron con la calidad de la revisión. En el primero se estableció que el apiñamiento mejoro despues del tratamiento de expansion maxilar, con una recidiva menor en la dentición permanente. En el segundo, se encontró que el apiñamiento en los incisivos permanentes superiores fue corregido cuando se retiró el aparato expansor. Se concluyó que la evidencia actual no tiene la suficiente calidad metodológica para llevar a una toma de decisión. Se recomienda hacer ensayos clínicos aleatorizados en este tema.

ABSTRACT: Crowding at early ages is reflected when tooth size does not coincide with arch length. Thus, it is important to determine whether maxillary expansion alone could solve the problem of crowding in the anterior sector, bearing in mind that this treatment is one of the oldest and has commonly focused on solving transverse alterations in posterior teeth used at an early age. The objective was to determine whether or not maxillary expansion is effective in correcting crowding in the mixed dentition by analysing the available evidence. A systematic review was carried out in Spanish and English, to establish the maximum possible evidence, with the indications of the PRISMA guide. Two articles met the quality of the review. The first established that crowding improved after the treatment of maxillary expansion, with a minor recurrence in the permanent dentition. In the second, it was found that crowding in the upper permanent incisors was corrected when the expanding appliance was removed. The current evidence is not of sufficient methodological quality to lead to a decision. Randomized clinical trials are recommended in this area.

Humans , Palatal Expansion Technique , Extraoral Traction Appliances , Overbite/therapy , Malocclusion, Angle Class III/therapy , Mass Screening , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Dentition, Mixed
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 25(1): 47-55, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089829


ABSTRACT Introduction: Several advantages have been established regarding the efficiency of self-ligating brackets (SL). In spite of some controversy surrounding this question in the literature, clinical results confirm that "arch development" requires fewer extractions. Objective: The objective of this study was to compare changes in the transverse and sagittal planes in patients treated with conventional ligating brackets (CL)as well as in patients treated with SL brackets and oversized arches. Methods: A sample was selected from a pool of 300 consecutive cases treated by a single clinician: 51 patients with SL brackets and oversized wires, and 55 with CL brackets. These two groups were compared with a control group of 20 patients. All plaster models were scanned and dental landmarks were measured to identify changes from commencement (T0) to conclusion (T1) of treatment. Lateral cephalograms were analyzed for changes in the lower incisor (IMPA) and the first lower molar distal angulation (MAng). Intraoperator reliability was tested with linear regression analysis. To assure all groups were comparable at T0, an ANOVA test with a 95%confidence interval (CI) was performed for all values. To assess changes from T0 to T1 in all groups, a Student's t-test with 95% CI was used. Finally, results from the three groups were compared using an ANOVA-test (95% CI) and a post-hoc test. Results: Increases in all the transverse variables were recorded in the two groups treated (SL and CL), except for the lower intercanine distance in the SL group. IMPA difference from T0 to T1 was higher in the CL group, and molar distal angulation (MAng) took place in the SL group. Conclusions: Self-ligating brackets with oversized arches and conventional ligating brackets showed increases in all variables in the transverse plane, except for the SL group at the mandibular intercanine distance. In comparison with the CL group, fewer different IMPA values were observed in the SL group, in which distal molar angulation occurred.

RESUMO Introdução: Já foram enumeradas diversas vantagens quanto à eficiência dos braquetes autoligáveis (BAL). Apesar das controvérsias na literatura, resultados clínicos confirmam que o "desenvolvimento da arcada" demanda menos extrações. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar as mudanças nos planos transversal e sagital em pacientes tratados com braquetes convencionais (BC) e pacientes tratados com BAL e arcos superdimensionados. Métodos: A amostra foi selecionada de um grupo de 300 pacientes tratados consecutivamente por um mesmo ortodontista: 51 pacientes com BAL e arcos superdimensionados, e 55 com BC. Esses dois grupos foram comparados a um grupo controle (GC) de 20 pacientes. Todos os modelos de gesso foram escaneados e pontos de referência dentários foram mensurados, para se identificar as mudanças entre o início (T0) e o fim do tratamento (T1). Radiografias cefalométricas laterais foram analisadas para identificar mudanças nos incisivos inferiores (IMPA) e na angulação distal dos primeiros molares inferiores (MAng). A confiabilidade intraexaminador foi testada por meio de uma análise de regressão linear. Para garantir que os grupos fossem comparáveis em T0, realizou-se o teste ANOVA com intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95% para todos os valores. Para avaliar as mudanças entre T0 e T1 em todos os grupos, foi utilizado o teste t de Student com IC de 95%. Por fim, os resultados dos três grupos foram comparados utilizando-se o teste ANOVA (IC 95%) e um teste post-hoc. Resultados: Foram registrados aumentos em todas as variáveis transversais nos dois grupos tratados (BC e BAL), com exceção da distância intercaninos inferiores no grupo BAL. As maiores diferenças de T0 para T1 ocorreram no IMPA do grupo BC e na angulação distal de molares (MAng) do grupo BAL. Conclusões: Ambos os grupos, BAL com arcos superdimensionados e BC, apresentaram aumento em todas as variáveis no plano transversal, com exceção da distância intercaninos inferiores no grupo BAL. Em comparação ao grupo BC, menores diferenças nos valores de IMPA foram observadas no grupo BAL, no qual aconteceu angulação distal de molares.

Humans , Orthodontic Wires , Orthodontic Brackets , Reproducibility of Results , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Incisor
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 25(1): 64-69, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089823


ABSTRACT Objective: This study proposed to investigate the influence of catastrophizing and others factors related to pain during orthodontic treatment. Methods: 27 patients with 0.022 x 0.028-in Straight-wire brackets were evaluated during alignment and leveling phase with nickel-titanium wires. Visual Analog Scales measured the intensity of orthodontic pain at six moments after a clinical appointment: 6 first hours; 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 days. Multiple linear regression and stepwise approach assessed the influence of the following variables on pain: catastrophizing, sex, age, duration of treatment, clinical appointment time (morning or afternoon), and wire diameter. Results: The highest pain intensity was reported 24 hours after activation. These data were used to analyze factors associated with pain level. Age (r = 0.062, p= 0.7586), sex (p= 0.28), catastrophizing (r = -0.268, p= 0.1765), and orthodontic wire diameter (r = 0.0245, p= 0.2181) were not correlated with orthodontic pain in the univariate statistics. Catastrophizing was included in the multiple regression model because it was of great interest. Duration of orthodontic treatment (r = 0.6045, p= 0.0008) and the time when orthodontic appliance was activated (p= 0.0106) showed statistical significant associations with pain, and were also included in the multivariate regression, which showed that about 32% of orthodontic pain could be explained by the duration of treatment (R2= 0.32, p= 0.0475). Catastrophizing (R2= 0.0006, p= 0.8881) and clinical appointment time were not significantly associated with pain (R2= 0.037, p= 0.2710). Conclusions: Pain after activation of fixed orthodontic appliance is not associated with catastrophizing as well as age, sex, orthodontic wire diameter, and period of activation.

RESUMO Objetivo: O presente estudo propôs-se a investigar a influência da catastrofização e outros fatores relacionados à dor durante o tratamento ortodôntico. Métodos: Foram selecionados 27 pacientes em tratamento com braquetes Straight-wire, slot 0,022" x 0,028", na fase de alinhamento e nivelamento com fios de níquel-titânio. Usando Escalas Visuais Analógicas, mensurou-se a intensidade da dor em seis momentos após a ativação do aparelho: primeiras 6 horas; após 1, 2, 3, 5 e 7 dias. Por meio de regressão linear múltipla e regressão stepwise, avaliou-se a influência das seguintes variáveis sobre a dor: catastrofização, sexo, idade, tempo de tratamento, turno de atendimento (manhã ou tarde) e diâmetro do fio ortodôntico. Resultados: A maior intensidade de dor foi relatada 24 horas após a consulta de ativação do aparelho. Assim, esses dados foram usados para analisar os fatores associados ao nível de dor. Na análise estatística univariada, idade (r = 0,062, p= 0,7586), sexo (p= 0,28), catastrofização (r = -0,268, p= 0,1765) e diâmetro do fio ortodôntico (r = 0,0245, p= 0,2181) não estavam associados à dor. Apesar disso, a catastrofização foi incluída no modelo de regressão múltipla, por ser uma variável de maior interesse nesse estudo. A duração do tratamento ortodôntico (r = 0,6045, p= 0,0008) e o turno no qual o aparelho foi ativado (p= 0,0106) mostraram associação estatisticamente significativa com a dor e também foram incluídos na regressão multivariada, que mostrou que cerca de 32% da ocorrência de dor no tratamento ortodôntico poderiam ser explicados pelo tempo de tratamento (R2= 0,32, p= 0,0475). Catastrofização (R2= 0,0006, p= 0,8881) e turno de ativação do aparelho (R2= 0,037, p= 0,2710) não tiveram influência significativa sobre a ocorrência de dor. Conclusão: A dor após a ativação do aparelho não está associada à catastrofização, bem como à idade, sexo, diâmetro do fio ortodôntico e turno de atendimento.

Humans , Orthodontic Brackets , Orthodontic Wires , Pain , Titanium , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Dental Alloys , Catastrophization
J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;28: e20190364, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1101252


Abstract Objective Maxillary molar distalization with intraoral distalizer appliances is a non-extraction orthodontic treatment used to correct molar relationship in patients with Class II malocclusion presenting maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion and minor skeletal discrepancies. This study compares the changes caused by three distalizers with different force systems. Methodology 71 patients, divided into three groups, were included. The Jones jig group (JJG, n=30; 16 male, 14 female, 13.17 years mean age) was treated with the Jones jig for 0.8 years. The Distal jet group (DJG, n=25; 8 male, 17 female, 12.57 years mean age) was treated with the Distal jet for 1.06 years. The First Class group (FCG, n=16; 6 male, 10 female, 12.84 years mean age) was treated with the First Class for 0.69 years. Intergroup treatment changes were compared using one-way ANOVA, followed by post-hoc Tukey's tests. Results Intergroup comparisons showed significantly greater maxillary incisor protrusion in DJG than in FCG (2.56±2.24 mm vs. 0.74±1.39mm, p=0.015). The maxillary first premolars showed progressive and significantly smaller mesial angulation in JJG, FCG and DJG, respectively (14.65±6.31º, 8.43±3.99º, 0.97±3.16º; p<0.001). They also showed greater mesialization in JJG than FCG (3.76±1.46 mm vs. 2.27±1.47 mm, p=0.010), and greater extrusion in DJG compared to JJG (0.90±0.77 mm vs 0.11±0.60 mm, p=0.004). The maxillary second premolars showed progressive and significantly smaller mesial angulation and mesialization in JJG, FCG and DJG, respectively (12.77±5.78º, 3.20±3.94º, -2.12±3.71º and 3.87±1.34 mm, 2.25±1.40 mm, 1.24±1.26 mm, respectively; p<0.001). DJG showed smaller distal angulation of maxillary first molars (-2.14±5.09º vs. -7.73±4.28º and -6.05±3.76º, for the JJG and FCG, respectively; p<0.001) and greater maxillary second molars extrusion (1.17±1.41 mm vs -0.02±1.16 mm and 0.16±1.40 mm, for the JJG and FCG, respectively; p=0.003). Overjet change was significantly larger in DJG compared to FCG (1.79±1.67 mm vs 0.68±0.84; p=0.046). Treatment time was smaller in FCG (0.69±0.22 years vs 0.81±0.33 years and 1.06±0.42 years, comparing it with the JJG and DJG, respectively; p=0.005). Conclusion The three appliances corrected the Class II molar relationship by dentoalveolar changes. The Distal jet produced smaller molar distal angulation than the Jones jig and First Class. The First Class appliance showed less anchorage loss, greater percentage of distalization and shorter treatment time than the Jones jig and Distal jet.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Tooth Movement Techniques/instrumentation , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Orthodontic Appliances, Fixed , Malocclusion, Angle Class II/therapy , Molar/physiopathology , Reference Values , Cephalometry , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Analysis of Variance , Treatment Outcome , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures/instrumentation , Malocclusion, Angle Class II/physiopathology
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 24(6): 56-64, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056018


ABSTRACT Objective: This study evaluated the dental, skeletal and soft tissue effects in Class II malocclusion patients treated with Distal Jet appliance, compared to an untreated control group. Methods: 44 patients with Class II malocclusion were divided into two groups: Group 1 (experimental) - 22 patients, mean age of 12.7 years, treated with the Distal Jet appliance for a mean period of 1.2 years; Group 2 (control) - 22 untreated patients, mean age of 12.2 years, followed by a mean period of 1.2 years. Lateral cephalograms were obtained before treatment (T0) and at the end of the distalization (T1).Independent t test was used to identify intergroup differences. Results: When compared to control group, the Distal Jet produced a significant increase in mandibular plane angle (0.7 ± 2.0o). The maxillary second molars presented distal inclination (6.6 ± 3.8o), distalization (1.1 ± 1.1 mm) and extrusion (1.3 ± 2.1 mm). The maxillary first molars distalized by 1.2 ± 1.4 mm. The maxillary first premolars mesialized by 3.4 ± 1.1 mm. The maxillary incisors showed slight labial tipping of 4.3 ± 4.7o and were protruded by 2.4 ± 1.7 mm. There were no significant changes in the facial profile. The overjet increased 1.5 ± 1.1 mm and overbite had no significant changes. Conclusion: The Distal Jet appliance is effective to distalize the maxillary first molars, but promotes increase in mandibular plane angle, distal inclination, extrusion and distalization of maxillary second molars, mesialization of maxillary first premolars, proclination and protrusion of maxillary incisors, and increase in overjet, when compared to a control group.

RESUMO Objetivo: o presente estudo avaliou os efeitos dentoesqueléticos e tegumentares em pacientes com má oclusão de Classe II tratados com aparelho Distal Jet, comparando-os com um grupo controle não tratado. Métodos: 44 pacientes com má oclusão de Classe II foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 (experimental) - 22 pacientes, idade média de 12,7 anos, tratados com o aparelho Distal Jet por um período médio de 1,2 anos; Grupo 2 (controle) - 22 pacientes não tratados, idade média de 12,2 anos, acompanhados por um período médio de 1,2 anos. Telerradiografias laterais foram obtidas antes do tratamento (T0) e no final da distalização (T1). O teste t independente foi usado para identificar as diferenças entre os grupos. Resultados: quando comparado ao grupo controle, o Distal Jet produziu um aumento significativo no ângulo do plano mandibular (0,7 ± 2,0o). Os segundos molares superiores apresentaram inclinação distal (6,6 ± 3,8o), distalização (1,1 ± 1,1 mm) e extrusão (1,3 ± 2,1 mm). Os primeiros molares superiores foram distalizados por 1,2 ± 1,4 mm. Os primeiros pré-molares superiores, mesializados por 3,4 ± 1,1 mm. Os incisivos superiores mostraram leve inclinação labial de 4,3 ± 4,7o e foram protruídos por 2,4 ± 1,7 mm. Não existiram alterações significativas no perfil facial. O overjet aumentou 1,5 ± 1,1 mm, e o overbite não sofreu alterações significativas. Conclusão: o aparelho Distal Jet é eficaz para distalizar os primeiros molares superiores, mas promove aumento no ângulo do plano mandibular, inclinação distal, extrusão e distalização dos segundos molares superiores, mesialização dos primeiros pré-molares superiores, vestibularização e protrusão dos incisivos superiores e aumento do overjet, quando comparado a um grupo de controle.

Humans , Child , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Malocclusion, Angle Class II , Tooth Movement Techniques , Cephalometry , Prospective Studies , Maxilla