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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(2): e202310064, abr. 2024. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1537219


Introducción. El sobrepeso y la obesidad infantil constituyen un problema de salud pública. El inicio de la pandemia por COVID-19 pudo haber favorecido esta patología. El puntaje Z del índice de masa corporal (Z-IMC) es un indicador aceptado para su diagnóstico y seguimiento. Objetivo. Evaluar si la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad, y el Z-IMC en niños de 2 a 5 años aumentó durante la pandemia. Población y métodos. Estudio de cohorte retrospectiva. Se incluyeron pacientes asistidos en efectores públicos de salud del Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (GCABA), de 2 a 5 años de edad, con registro de peso y talla en dos consultas, antes y después de haber comenzado el aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio (ASPO). Se registró estado nutricional (Z-IMC) y variación del Z-IMC entre ambas consultas. Resultados. Se evaluaron 3866 sujetos, edad promedio 3,4 ± 0,8 años; el 48,1 % fueron mujeres. El intervalo promedio entre consultas fue 14,3 ± 2,5 meses. La prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad aumentó del 12,6 % (IC95% 11,6-13,6) al 20,9 % (IC95% 19,6-22-2); p <0,001, al igual que el Z-IMC (0,4 ± 1,1 vs. 0,8 ± 1,3; p <0,001). Conclusión. La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad, y el Z-IMC en niños de 2 a 5 años aumentó significativamente durante la pandemia.

Introduction. Childhood overweight and obesity are a public health problem. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to this condition. The body mass index (BMI) Z-score has been accepted as an indicator for overweight and obesity diagnosis and follow-up. Objective. To assess whether the prevalence of overweight and obesity and the BMI Z-score in children aged 2 to 5 years increased during the pandemic. Population and methods. Retrospective, cohort study. Patients included were those seen at public health care facilities in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA), who were aged 2 to 5 years, had weight and height values recorded at 2 different visits, before and after the establishment of the preventive and mandatory social isolation policy. Patients' nutritional status (BMI Z-score) and the variation in this indicator between both visits were recorded. Results. A total of 3866 subjects were assessed; their average age was 3.4 ± 0.8 years; 48.1% were girls. The average interval between both visits was 14.3 ± 2.5 months. The prevalence of overweight/ obesity increased from 12.6% (95% CI: 11.6­13.6) to 20.9% (95% CI: 19.6­22.2), p < 0.001, and so did the BMI Z-score (0.4 ± 1.1 versus 0.8 ± 1.3, p < 0.001). Conclusion. The prevalence of overweight and obesity and the BMI Z-score in children aged 2 to 5 years increased significantly during the pandemic.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Pediatric Obesity/epidemiology , COVID-19/diagnosis , COVID-19/epidemiology , Body Mass Index , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Overweight/epidemiology , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 37: e230114, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559149


ABSTRACT Objective To assess dietary intake and weight status changes among Brazilian adults. Methods In this dietary survey, data from the food consumption modules of the 2008-2009 (n=21,003 adults) and the 2017-2018 (n=28,153 adults) Household Budget Survey were evaluated to estimate the mean consumption (g/day) of 20 food groups. The body mass index was calculated to classify the weight status of adults and estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Differences between surveys were identified when the 95% confidence intervals were not interspersed. All analyses were stratified by gender and considered the sample weight and the complexity of the sample design. Results The prevalence of overweight increased both among men (38.4%; 95% CI: 36.8-40.0, in 2008-2009 vs. 42.2%; 95% CI: 40.9-43.5, in 2017-2018) and women (29.5%; 95% CI: 58.0-30.9 vs. 35.2%; 95% CI: 34.0-36.4, respectively). Mean consumption of poultry and eggs (57.6g/day vs. 77.9 g/day in men and 43.5g/day vs. 57.3g/day in women, p<0.05) and fast foods (31.3g/day vs. and 48.7g/day in men and 25.3g/day in 2008-2009 vs. 34.8g/day in women, p<0.05) increased between the two surveys, while the mean consumption of rice, beans, fruits, coffee and tea, fish and seafood, processed meats, milk and dairy products, sweets and desserts, sugary drinks, and soups declined. Conclusion The Brazilian food consumption pattern follows the increased prevalence of overweight and reinforces the need to encourage healthy patterns that revive our country's food culture and eating habits.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar as mudanças no consumo alimentar e status de peso de adultos no Brasil. Métodos Neste inquérito dietético, foram avaliados dados dos blocos de consumo alimentar das Pesquisas de Orçamento Familiar dos anos 2008-2009 (n=21.003 adultos) e 2017-2018 (n=28.153 adultos) para estimar a média de consumo (g/dia) de 20 grupos de alimentos. O índice de massa corporal foi calculado para classificar o status de peso dos adultos e estimar a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade. Diferenças entre os inquéritos foram identificadas quando os intervalos de 95% de confiança não se intercalaram. Todas as análises foram realizadas separadamente por sexo e consideraram o peso amostral e a complexidade do desenho amostral. Resultados A prevalência de sobrepeso aumentou tanto entre homens (38,4%; intervalo de confiança 95%: 36,8-40,0, em 2008-2009 vs 42,2%; intervalo de confiança 95%: 40,9-43,5, em 2017-2018) como entre mulheres (29,5%; intervalo de confiança 95%: 58,0-30,9 vs 35,2%; intervalo de confiança 95%: 34,0-36,4, respectivamente). A média de consumo de frango e ovos (57,6g/dia vs. 77,9 g/dia, em homens e 43,5g/dia vs. 57,3g/dia, em mulheres, p<0,05) e fast foods (31,3g/dia vs. e 48,7g/dia, em homens e 25,3g/dia em 2008-2009 vs. 34,8g/dia, em mulheres, p<0,05) aumentou entre os dois inquéritos, enquanto a média de consumo de arroz, feijão, frutas, café e chá, peixes e frutos do mar, carnes processadas, leite e derivados, doces e sobremesas, bebidas açucaradas e sopas diminuiu. Conclusão As mudanças no padrão de consumo da dieta brasileira acompanham o aumento nas prevalências de sobrepeso e reforçam a necessidade de se estimular padrões saudáveis que resgatem a cultura alimentar e hábitos alimentares de nosso país.

Humans , Male , Female , Eating , Overweight/epidemiology , Obesity/epidemiology , Body Mass Index , Diet Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Adult
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(5): e202202854, oct. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1452090


La incidencia de sobrepeso y obesidad es alarmante en el mundo. En Argentina son escasos los estudios multifactoriales a pesar de los altos índices de sobrepeso y obesidad en la población infantil (SOI). En este estudio evaluamos la prevalencia de SOI y sus factores de riesgo asociados desde una perspectiva multicausal: analizamos hábitos de sueño, uso de pantallas, estrés crónico en niños y sus cuidadores, problemas de relación social, alimentación y actividad física. De los 397 niños de primer y séptimo grado que completaron los cuestionarios, el 41 % presentó SOI. Los niños con obesidad mostraron realizar menos actividad física, tener un menor consumo de alimentos protectores, más riesgos de trastornos del sueño, mayores niveles de estrés crónico (tanto en los niños como en sus cuidadores) y mayor índice de rechazo entre pares. En la mayoría de los niños se encontró un uso generalizado de pantallas antes de acostarse. El presente estudio evidencia la diversidad de factores asociados a esta problemática y destaca la conveniencia de utilizar un enfoque multidimensional para abordar la obesidad en la infancia. Asimismo, los resultados de este trabajo sugieren la necesidad de considerar los hábitos de vida como estrategia preventiva y terapéutica para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad desde etapas tempranas.

The incidence of overweight and obesity is alarming worldwide. In Argentina, multifactorial studies are scarce despite the high rates of childhood overweight and obesity (OW/OB). In this study we assessed the prevalence of childhood OW/OB and the associated risk factors from a multicausal perspective: we analyzed sleep habits, screen use, chronic stress in children and their caregivers, social relationship problems, eating habits, and physical activity. Of the 397 first and seventh graders who completed the questionnaires, 41% had childhood OW/OB. In children with obesity, a lower level of physical activity, a lower consumption of protective foods, a higher risk for sleep disorders, higher levels of chronic stress (in both children and their caregivers), and higher rates of peer rejection were observed. Widespread use of screens before bedtime was noted in most children. This study evidences the diversity of factors associated with childhood OW/OB and highlights the convenience of a multidimensional approach to address it. In addition, the results of this study suggest the need to consider lifestyle habits as a preventive and therapeutic strategy for the management of OW/OB from early stages.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Overweight/epidemiology , Pediatric Obesity/epidemiology , Argentina/epidemiology , Exercise , Cross-Sectional Studies , Feeding Behavior
Rev. cuba. med ; 62(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530135


Introducción: La esclerosis sistémica es una enfermedad de etiología desconocida crónica, caracterizada por fibrosis tisular, disfunción vascular y autoinmunidad. Entre otros síntomas, las alteraciones gastrointestinales son responsables del riesgo de malnutrición. De manera que la evaluación de la composición corporal es fundamental. Objetivo: Caracterizar la composición corporal de los pacientes con esclerosis sistémica. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de pacientes que se atienden en la consulta protocolizada del Servicio de Reumatología del Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras. La muestra quedó conformada por 90 pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de esclerosis sistémica, atendidos entre los años de 2019 y 2021. Resultados: Dentro de las manifestaciones clínicas, predominó en estos pacientes la forma difusa. Se observó que a mayor tiempo de la evolución se presentaban más alteraciones gastrointestinales y úlceras digitales. Más de la mitad de los pacientes tenían sobrepeso u obesidad y se encontraron valores altos y muy altos de grasa corporal. A mayor índice de masa corporal, mayores valores de grasa corporal, grasa visceral y menor masa magra. Los pacientes con bajo índice de masa corporal tenían una tendencia significativa a presentar alteraciones gastrointestinales y no se evidenciaron diferencias en los porcentajes de grasa visceral ni de grasa corporal sin embargo, el porciento de la masa magra fue significativamente inferior. Conclusiones: Se caracterizó la identificación temprana y detallada de esta enfermedad para disminuir la mortalidad y mejorar el pronóstico de estos pacientes, mediante el análisis de la composición corporal(AU)

Introduction: Systemic sclerosis is a chronic disease of unknown etiology, characterized by tissue fibrosis, vascular dysfunction and autoimmunity. Among other symptoms, gastrointestinal disturbances are responsible for the risk of malnutrition. In this sense, the evaluation of body composition is fundamental. Objective: To characterize the body composition of patients with systemic sclerosis. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in patients assisted in the protocolized consultation of the Rheumatology Service of Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras. The sample was made up of 90 patients with confirmed diagnosis of systemic sclerosis who were treated from 2019 to 2021. Results: Diffuse form predominated in these patients as the clinical manifestations. It was observed that the longer the evolution, the more gastrointestinal alterations and digital ulcers were presented. More than half of the patients were overweight or obese, as high and very high values of body fat were found. The higher the body mass index, the higher the values of body fat, visceral fat and lower lean mass. Patients with low body mass index had significant tendency to present gastrointestinal alterations and no differences were found in the percentages of visceral fat or body fat. However, the percentage of lean mass was significantly lower. Conclusions: The early and detailed identification of this disease was characterized to reduce mortality and improve the prognosis of these patients through the analysis of body composition(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Scleroderma, Systemic/etiology , Body Composition/physiology , Overweight/epidemiology , Obesity/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(2): e202202672, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1418336


Introducción. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) recomienda el uso de tablas de referencia para monitorear el crecimiento y estado nutricional de niños, niñas y adolescentes. El peso corporal, la talla y el índice de masa corporal (IMC) son las variables más utilizadas. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivos estimar los percentiles de peso, talla e IMC de escolares (2009-2011) residentes en el departamento San Rafael (Mendoza) y compararlos con la referencia internacional de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, a fin de establecer su pertinencia para la evaluación del crecimiento y estado nutricional de dicha población. Población y métodos. Se realizó un estudio antropométrico transversal en 3448 escolares de entre 4,00 y 13,49 años de edad. Se utilizó el programa LMS ChartMarker Pro para calcular los valores percentilares de peso/edad, talla/edad e IMC/edad, por sexo y edad, y se compararon con las curvas de la OMS. Además, se calcularon diferencias porcentuales (D%) para estimar las diferencias y su significación estadística mediante prueba de Wilcoxon. Resultados. La población de San Rafael mostró, en varones y mujeres, valores percentilares superiores de peso e IMC (D% ≈7 % y 9 %, respectivamente), y menores de talla (D% ≈0,8 %) que los de la OMS (p <0,05). Conclusión. Las diferencias encontradas alertan sobre el empleo de la referencia OMS en la población escolar de San Rafael, ya que sobreestimaría las prevalencias de sobrepeso, obesidad y desnutrición crónica, y subestimaría la de desnutrición aguda y global. Esta situación resalta la importancia de contar con una referencia local.

Introduction. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of reference tables to monitor the growth pattern and nutritional status of children and adolescents. Body mass index (BMI), weight, and height are the most commonly used variables. The objective of this study was to estimate the BMI, weight, and height percentiles for school-aged children (2009-2011) living in the department of San Rafael (Mendoza) and compare them to the international World Health Organization reference to establish their relevance for the evaluation of the growth pattern and nutritional status of this population. Population and methods. A cross-sectional anthropometric study was conducted in 3448 school-aged children aged 4.00 to 13.49 years. The LMS ChartMarker Pro software was used to estimate the BMI- for-age, weight-for-age, and height-for-age percentiles, by sex and age, and they were compared with the WHO curves. Besides, percentage differences (%D) were calculated to estimate the differences and their statistical significance using the Wilcoxon test. Results. The population of boys and girls in San Rafael showed higher weight and BMI (%D ≈ 7% and 9%, respectively) percentiles, and lower height (%D ≈ 0.8%) values than WHO reference (p < 0.05). Conclusion. The differences found warn about the use of the WHO reference in the school-aged population of San Rafael since it would overestimate the prevalence of overweight, obesity, and chronic malnutrition and underestimate the prevalence of acute and global malnutrition. This situation highlights the importance of having a local reference resource

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Body Height , Malnutrition , Reference Values , World Health Organization , Body Weight , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Overweight/epidemiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969848


With the increasing rate of overweight and obesity in children worldwide, adiposity rebound(AR)closely related to obesity has become the spotlight, and early AR phase has a broad impact on pubertal development in girls, but the specific mechanism of action isn't very clear.This paper is review of the prevalence of early AR at home and abroad, and its influencing factors, the impact of AR on the adolescent development of girls and related mechanisms, to identify high-risk individuals with early AR, early AR to identify early adolescent development, and take early intervention measures to promote children's health.

Female , Adolescent , Child , Humans , Adiposity , Pediatric Obesity/epidemiology , Adolescent Development , Body Mass Index , Overweight/epidemiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010158


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the clinical features of overweight and obese rheumatoid arthritis (RA)patients, and the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and disease characteristics.@*METHODS@#The demographic data, extra-articular manifestations, comorbidities, and disease activity of RA patients admitted to the Rheumatology and Immunology Department of Peking University Third Hospital from January 2015 to December 2020 were collected, and the above characteristics of overweight and obese RA patients were retrospectively analyzed. According to the WHO, BMI≥30 kg/m2 referred to obese individuals, 25≤BMI < 30 kg/m2 referred to overweight individuals, 18.5≤BMI < 25 kg/m2 referred to normal individuals, BMI < 18.5 kg/m2 referred to reduced body mass individuals. t test was used for the quantitative data in accordance with normal distribution. Wilcoxon rank sum test was used for the quantitative data of non-normal distribution. The qualitative data were analyzed by chi square test. But while 1≤theoretical frequency < 5, Chi square test of corrected four grid table was used. And Fisher exact probability method was used when theoretical frequency < 1. Analyzing whether overweight or obesity was associated with comorbidities using Logistic regression adjusted confounding factors.@*RESULTS@#A total of 481 RA patients were included in this study, with an average BMI value of (23.28±3.75) kg/m2.Of the patients, 31 cases (6.5%) were with BMI < 18.5 kg/m2, 309 cases (64.2%) with 18.5≤ BMI < 25 kg/m2, amounting to 340 cases (70.7%). There were 119 overweight individuals (25≤ BMI < 30 kg/m2, 24.7%) and 22 obese individuals (BMI≥30 kg/m2, 4.6%), totaling 141 (29.3%).The proportion of the overweight and obese RA patients suffering from hypertension (57.4% vs. 39.1%, P < 0.001), diabetes (25.5% vs. 15.0%, P=0.006), hyperlipidemia (22.7% vs. 10.9%, P=0.001), fatty liver (28.4% vs. 7.4%, P < 0.001), osteoarthritis (39.0% vs. 29.4%, P=0.040) was significantly higher, and the proportion of the patients with osteoporosis(59.6% vs. 70.9%, P=0.016) and anemia (36.2% vs. 55.6%, P < 0.001) was significantly lower. However, there was no difference between the two groups in coronary heart disease (5.7% vs. 7.6%, P=0.442), cerebrovascular disease (6.4% vs. 8.8%, P=0.372) and peripheral atherosclerosis (9.2% vs. 7.6%, P=0.565).The median C-reactive protein (CRP, 1.52 mg/dL vs. 2.35 mg/dL, P=0.008), median erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR, 34.0 mm/h vs. 50.0 mm/h, P=0.003), pain visual simulation score (VAS) (3.66±3.08 vs. 4.40±2.85, P=0.011), and 28 joint disease activity scores (DAS-28, 5.05±1.60 vs. 5.45±1.52, P=0.010) in the overweight and obese RA group were all lower than those in the normal and reduced weight groups. Multivariate regression analysis showed that overweight and obesity was an independent risk factor for hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and fatty liver, and had protective effects on osteoporosis and anemia.@*CONCLUSION@#In RA patients, RA disease activity is lower in overweight and obesity patients. Overweight and obesity is associated with hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia, but not with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Humans , Body Mass Index , Overweight/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/epidemiology , Obesity/epidemiology , Diabetes Mellitus , Hypertension/complications , Fatty Liver/complications , Hyperlipidemias/complications , Osteoporosis/complications , Anemia
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985493


Objective: To analyze the incidence of preterm birth based on pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) stratification and explore the associated factors of preterm birth among pregnant women at different BMI stratifications. Methods: From February 2018 to December 2020, pregnant women who participated in China Birth Cohort Study (CBCS) and gave birth at Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital were enrolled as the study subjects. Electronic Data Capture System and standard structured questionnaires were used to collect data related to pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and delivery for pregnant women. Pregnant women were divided into the low-weight group, normal-weight group and overweight group based on their pre-pregnancy BMI. A Cox proportional hazards model was used to analyze the associated factors of preterm birth among pregnant women with different BMI before pregnancy. Results: A total of 27 195 singleton pregnant women were included, with a preterm birth rate of 5.08% (1 381/27 195). The preterm birth rates in the low-weight group, normal-weight group and overweight group were 4.29% (138/3 219), 4.63% (852/18 390) and 7.00% (391/5 586) respectively (P<0.001). After adjusting for relevant factors, the Cox proportional hazards model showed that the risk of preterm birth in the overweight group was 1.457 times higher than that in the normal-weight group (95%CI: 1.292-1.643). Preeclampsia-eclampsia (HR=2.701, 95%CI: 1.318-5.537) was the associated factor for preterm birth in the low-weight group. Advanced maternal age (HR=1.232, 95%CI: 1.054-1.441), history of preterm birth (HR=4.647, 95%CI: 3.314-6.515), vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy (HR=1.613, 95%CI: 1.380-1.884), and preeclampsia-eclampsia (HR=3.553, 95%CI: 2.866-4.404) were associated factors for preterm birth in the normal-weight group. Advanced maternal age (HR=1.473, 95%CI: 1.193-1.818), history of preterm birth (HR=3.209, 95%CI: 1.960-5.253), vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy (HR=1.636, 95%CI: 1.301-2.058), preeclampsia-eclampsia (HR=2.873, 95%CI:2.265-3.643), and pre-gestational diabetes mellitus (HR=1.867, 95%CI: 1.283-2.717) were associated factors for preterm birth in the overweight group. Conclusion: Pre-pregnancy overweight is an associated factor for preterm birth, and there are significant differences in the associated factors of preterm birth among pregnant women with different BMI before pregnancy.

Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Female , Humans , Body Mass Index , Overweight/epidemiology , Premature Birth/epidemiology , Pre-Eclampsia/epidemiology , Cohort Studies , Eclampsia , Incidence , Risk Factors , Thinness/epidemiology
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 617-623, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985536


Objective: To explore the obesity-related factors among primary and middle school students in Hangzhou. Methods: A stratified random cluster sampling cross-sectional study was conducted using Hangzhou city's 2016-2020 annual school health survey data. Finally, 9 213 primary and secondary school students with complete data were selected as the research objects. The standard of Overweight and Obesity Screening for School-age Children and Adolescents (WS/T 586-2018) was used to verify students' obesity. SPSS 25.0 software was applied to conduct statistical analysis on the related factors of obesity. Results: The overall obesity detection rate among primary and middle school students in Hangzhou was 8.52%. The results of logistic regression analysis showed that inadequate sleep (OR=6.507, 95%CI: 2.371-17.861, P<0.001), 3- hours (OR=5.666, 95%CI: 2.164-14.835, P<0.001) and ≥4 hours (OR=7.530, 95%CI: 2.804-20.221, P<0.001) of watching video every day in the past week, being beaten and scolded by parents in the past week (OR=1.627, 95%CI: 1.161-2.280, P=0.005), parents often reduce students' exercise time in order to let students have more time to study in the past week (OR=3.310, 95%CI: 1.243-8.819, P=0.017), age 16-18 years old (OR=0.137, 95%CI: 0.050-0.374, P<0.001), often suffering from campus violence in the past week (OR=0.332, 95%CI: 0.141-0.783, P=0.012), 1 hour of watching video every day in the past week (OR=0.023, 95%CI: 0.006-0.083, P<0.001), sometimes having breakfast (OR=0.151, 95%CI: 0.058-0.397, P<0.001) and eating breakfast every day (OR=0.020, 95%CI: 0.005-0.065, P<0.001) in the past week, eating vegetables and fruits sometimes (OR=0.015, 95%CI: 0.010-0.023, P<0.001) and every day (OR=0.020, 95%CI: 0.008-0.053, P<0.001) in the past week, eating sweet food sometimes (OR=0.089, 95%CI: 0.035-0.227, P<0.001) and every day (OR=2.568, 95%CI: 1.632-4.041, P<0.001) in the past week, eating fried food sometimes (OR=0.274, 95%CI: 0.094-0.800, P=0.018) in the past week, and having three physical education classes every week (OR=0.156, 95%CI: 0.057-0.423, P<0.001) were the main related factors affecting the occurrence of obesity in primary and secondary school students. Conclusions: With the higher obesity prevalence among primary and middle school students in Hangzhou, parents and teachers should strengthen health education for primary and middle school students, help children develop scientific eating behavior, develop positive and healthy living habits of children, and effectively prevent overweight/obesity in primary and middle school students.

Child , Adolescent , Humans , Overweight/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Obesity/epidemiology , Feeding Behavior , Students
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 862-867, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985605


Objective: To investigate the associations between the numbers of healthy lifestyles and overweight/obesity and abdominal obesity in adult twins in Shanghai. Methods: Based on the Shanghai Twin Registry System Phase Ⅱ survey data in 2017-2018, a case-control study was conducted to analyze the association between healthy lifestyles and obesity and further adjusted for confounders by a co-twin control study. Results: A total of 7 864 adult twins (3 932 pairs) were included. In the co-twin case-control analysis for monozygotic twins, compared with participants with 0 to 2 healthy lifestyles, those with 3 and 4 to 5 healthy lifestyles had a 49% (OR=0.51, 95%CI: 0.28-0.93) and 70% (OR=0.30, 95%CI: 0.13-0.69) lower risk of overweight/obesity, respectively, and a 17% (OR=0.83, 95%CI: 0.44-1.57) and 66% (OR=0.34, 95%CI: 0.14-0.80) lower risk of abdominal obesity, respectively. For each additional healthy lifestyle, the risk of developing overweight/obesity was reduced by 41% (OR=0.59, 95%CI: 0.42-0.85), and the risk of developing abdominal obesity was reduced by 37% (OR=0.63, 95%CI: 0.44-0.90). Conclusion: An increasing number of healthy lifestyles was associated with a marked decreased risk for both overweight/obesity and abdominal obesity.

Adult , Humans , Case-Control Studies , China/epidemiology , Healthy Lifestyle , Obesity/epidemiology , Obesity, Abdominal/epidemiology , Overweight/epidemiology , Twins, Monozygotic
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics ; (12): 700-707, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013158


Objective: To compare the application of China growth standard for children under 7 years of age (China standards) and World Health Organization child growth standards (WHO standards) in evaluating the prevalence of malnutrition in children aged 0-<6 years in China. Methods: The research data came from the national special program for science & technology basic resources investigation of China, named "2019-2021 survey and application of China's nutrition and health system for children aged 0-18 years". Multi-stage stratified random sampling was used to recruit 28 districts (regions) in 14 provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities across the country. Children (n=38 848) were physically measured and questionnaires were conducted in the guardians of the children. The indicators of stunting, underweight, wasting, overweight and obesity were evaluated by China standards and WHO standards respectively. Chi-square test was used to comparing the prevalence of each nutritional status between the two standards, as well as the comparison between the two standards by gender and age. Results: Among the 38 848 children, 19 650 were boys (50.6%) and 19 198 were girls (49.4%), 19 480 urban children (50.1%) and 19 368 rural children (49.9%). The stunting, underweight and wasting cases in the study population were 2 090 children (5.4%), 1 354 children (3.5%) and 1 276 children (3.3%) according to the China standards, and 1 474 children (3.8%), 701 children (1.8%) and 824 children (2.1%) according to the WHO standards, respectively; the above rates according to the China standards were slightly higher than those to the WHO standards (χ2=111.59, 213.14, and 99.99, all P<0.001). The overweight and obesity cases in the study population were 2 186 children (5.6%) and 1 153 children (3.0%) according to the China standards, and 2 210 children (5.7%) and 1 186 children (3.1%) according to the WHO standards, with no statistically significant differences (χ2=0.14 and 0.48, P=0.709 and 0.488, respectively). Compared to the results based on WHO standards, the China standards showed a lower prevalence of overweight and obesity in boys (χ2=14.95 and 5.85, P<0.001 and =0.016, respectively), and higher prevalence of overweight in girls (χ2=12.60, P<0.001); but there was no statistically significant differences in girls' obesity prevalence between the two standards (χ2=2.62, P=0.106). Conclusions: In general, the prevalence of malnutrition among children aged 0-<6 years based on China standards is slightly higher than that on WHO standards. To evaluate the nutritional status of children, it is advisable to select appropriate child growth standards based on work requirements, norms or research objectives.

Male , Female , Child , Humans , Child, Preschool , Nutritional Status , Overweight/epidemiology , Thinness/epidemiology , Obesity/epidemiology , Malnutrition/epidemiology , Growth Disorders/epidemiology , China/epidemiology , Prevalence
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 36: e220176, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521582


ABSTRACT Objective: To estimate the prevalence of overweight among Brazilian adults aged 20 to 59, according to sociodemographic characteristics, health-related behaviors, and food consumption. Methods: A cross-sectional study based on data from a population-based survey in a major metropolitan city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, conducted between 2015-2016. Prevalences and prevalence ratios were estimated using Poisson regression; food consumption means were estimated using linear regression. Results: We analyzed data from 855 adults, 61% of whom were overweight. The prevalence of overweight was significantly higher among males, those aged 30 or older, with 8 to 11 years of education, and those who reported eating more than they should. The body mass index was significantly associated with hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, waist-to-height ratio, taking weight-loss medications, overeating, and the habit of checking labels. Overweight adults reported eating meat with visible fat and drinking soda more frequently than those not overweight. Overweight adults reported eating significantly more grams of food daily and had a higher intake of energy, total fat, saturated fats, trans fats, carbohydrates, protein, insoluble dietary fiber, sodium, and potassium. Their diets had a higher glycemic load when compared to participants who were not overweight. Conclusion: Adults with and without overweight differed in their sociodemographic, dietary, and clinical characteristics. Diet quality was similar between both groups, suggesting a need for improving dietary habits in this population regardless of body weight.

RESUMO Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência de excesso de peso entre adultos brasileiros, de 20 a 59 anos, segundo características sociodemográficas, de comportamentos relacionados à saúde e quanto ao consumo alimentar. Métodos: Estudo transversal, de pesquisa de base populacional, em uma cidade metropolitana de São Paulo - Brasil, conduzida entre os anos de 2015 e 2016. Foram estimadas as prevalências e as razões de prevalência por meio da regressão de Poisson, e as médias de consumo alimentar pelo uso da regressão linear. Resultados: Foram analisados dados referentes à 855 adultos, 61% destes apresentavam sobrepeso. A prevalência de excesso de peso foi significativamente maior entre: homens, com 30 anos ou mais, pessoas que possuíam entre 8 e 11 anos de estudo e entre aqueles que acreditavam comer mais do que deveriam. O índice de massa corporal foi significativamente associado à hipertensão, diabetes, colesterol alto, razão cintura-estatura, uso de medicamentos, comer mais do que deveria e o hábito de checar rótulos. Adultos com excesso de peso ingeriam carnes com gordura e refrigerantes em maior frequência quando comparados à adultos com peso saudável. Adultos com excesso de peso consumiam, significativamente, mais gramas de alimentos por dia e apresentaram maior ingestão de calorias, gorduras totais, saturadas e trans, carboidratos, proteína, fibras insolúveis, sódio e potássio. A dieta deles continha uma maior carga glicêmica quando comparada àqueles com peso saudável. Conclusão: Adultos com e sem excesso de peso, diferiram quanto às características sociodemográficas, dietéticas e clínicas. A qualidade da dieta foi similar em ambos os grupos, o que sugere a necessidade de melhora dos hábitos alimentares da população, independentemente do peso corporal.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Health Behavior/physiology , Overweight/epidemiology , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Obesity/epidemiology , Body Mass Index , Chronic Disease/epidemiology , Adult , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Eating/physiology , Waist-Height Ratio , Glycemic Load/physiology , Sociodemographic Factors , Hypercholesterolemia/epidemiology
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 36: e230030, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521584


ABSTRACT Objective This study aims to build geographic models related to the nutritional status of adolescents and describe territories regarding the prevalence of malnutrition, overweight, and obesity, in order to spatially represent how the nutritional status of adolescents is distributed in the city. Methods Using geocoding techniques, graphic models were built using data from the SISVAN platform, as well as the addresses and nutritional status of adolescents aged 10 to 19 years in the municipality of Divinópolis, in the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil), between 2020 and 2021. Results There was a prevalence of 34% of obesity and overweight in the 2020 and 2021 samples. The graphical models showed that there is no specific pattern of points for the spread of nutritional diagnoses, but it was possible to identify areas of heat and places with a higher concentration of overweight. Underweight had a homogeneous spread and did not stand out in the formation of profiles. Conclusion Geographic tools with the adolescents' nutritional profile were successfully modeled, which have the potential to contribute to better health indicator management in the assessed territory, even with the limitations of the study.

RESUMO Objetivo Este trabalho tem como objetivo construir modelos geográficos relativos ao perfil nutricional de adolescentes e descrever territórios quanto à prevalência de déficit de peso e excesso de peso, de modo a representar espacialmente como o diagnóstico nutricional de adolescentes está distribuído na área estudada. Métodos Através da técnica de geocodificação foram construídos modelos gráficos utilizando a plataforma SISVAN, os endereços e o estado nutricional de adolescentes de 10 a 19 anos do município de Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, nos anos de 2020 e 2021. Resultados Houve prevalência de 34% de excesso de peso na amostra de 2020 e 2021. Os modelos gráficos mostraram que não há um padrão específico de pontos de propagação dos diagnósticos nutricionais, porém foi possível identificar áreas de calor e locais de maior concentração de excesso de peso. O déficit de peso teve um espalhamento homogêneo e não se destacou na formação de perfis. Conclusão Foi possível modelar ferramentas geográficas com o perfil nutricional dos adolescentes, as quais têm potencial de contribuir para a melhor gestão de indicadores de saúde no território avaliado, mesmo com as limitações do estudo.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Brazil , Nutrition Surveys/methods , Nutritional Status/ethnology , Adolescent , Malnutrition/epidemiology , Overweight/epidemiology , COVID-19/complications , Obesity/epidemiology
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 36: e220106, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507421


ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the food practices and nutritional status of students who use the University Restaurant at a public university. Methods This is a cross-sectional study carried out with 958 university students. Data related to regular eating practices (≥5 times/week), routine food consumption and nutritional status were collected. The association between University Restaurant attendance and dietary practices and body mass index was reviewed by bivariate logistic regression model and multiple regression. Results Students who attended the University Restaurant three or more times a week were more likely to regularly consume beans (OR: 1.35, p=0.041) and fresh salad (OR: 1.77, p<0.001) and less likely to have afternoon snack (OR: 0.68; p=0.008). In addition, an association between soda consumption and overweight was observed. Conclusion Thus, the importance of strategies that seek to promote incentives for healthy eating and lifestyle practices in the university population become evident.

RESUMO Objetivo O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as práticas alimentares e o estado nutricional de estudantes usuários do restaurante-escola em uma universidade pública. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado com 958 estudantes universitários. Foram coletados dados relacionados às práticas alimentares regulares (≥5 vezes/semana), à rotina alimentar e ao estado nutricional. A associação entre a frequência de ida ao restaurante-escola, práticas alimentares e índice de massa corporal foi analisada por modelo de regressão logística bivariada e regressão múltipla. Resultados Os estudantes que frequentaram o restaurante-escola 3 ou mais vezes por semana apresentaram maiores chances de consumir regularmente feijão (OR: 1,35, p=0,041) e salada crua (OR: 1,77, p<0,001) e menos chances de realizar o lanche da tarde (OR: 0,68; p=0,008). Além disso, foi observada associação entre o consumo de refrigerante e o excesso de peso. Conclusão Dessa forma, evidencia-se a importância de estratégias que busquem promover incentivos a práticas alimentares e de vida saudáveis na população universitária.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Students , Nutritional Status/physiology , Eating/ethnology , Restaurants , Universities , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Overweight/epidemiology , Sugar-Sweetened Beverages/adverse effects
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 23: e20220354, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521532


Abstract Objectives: to estimate the prevalence of overweight/obesity and analyze the associated factors in pregnant women assisted by family health teams. Methods: epidemiological observational study of populational, cross-sectional, and analytical base carried out with pregnant women at the Estratégia de Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in the city of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, between October 2018 and November 2019. Socioeconomic and demographic, obstetric characteristics, social and family support, emotional aspects and comorbidities. The presence of overweight/obesity was estimated by the initial Body Mass Index (up to the 13th gestational week) acquired from the pregnant woman's health booklet. Hierarchized Poisson regression with robust variance was carried out. Results: a total of 1,279 pregnant women participated in this study. The prevalence of overweight/ obesity was 45.3% and was associated with the following factors: having a partner (PR=1.52; CI95% =1.24-1.86), higher family income (PR=1.23; CI95% =1.04-1.46), presence of previous pregnancies (PR=1.65; CI95% =1.39-1.95%), higher age group (PR=2.26; CI95% =1.70-3.01), gestational diabetes mellitus (PR=1.43; CI95% =1.21-1.69) and systemic arterial hypertension (PR=1.29; CI95% =1.04-1.61). Conclusion: there was a high prevalence of overweight/obesity in the evaluated pregnant women and its association with sociodemographic and obstetric factors and chronic comorbidities. There is a necessity for monitoring and carrying out nutritional education in prenatal care provided by family health teams, with emphasis on strengthening multidisciplinary care.

Resumo Objetivos: estimar a prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade e analisar os fatores associados em gestantes assistidas por equipes de saúde da família. Métodos: estudo epidemiológico observacional de base populacional, transversal e analítico, realizado com gestantes da Estratégia de Saúde da Família em Montes Claros, MG, Brasil, entre outubro de 2018 a novembro de 2019. Avaliaram-se características socioeconômicas e demográficas, obstétricas, apoio social e familiar, aspectos emocionais e comorbidades. A presença de sobrepeso/ obesidade foi estimada pelo Índice de Massa Corporal inicial (até 13ª semana gestacional) adquirido da caderneta da gestante. Foi realizada regressão de Poisson hierarquizada com variância robusta. Resultados: participaram deste estudo 1.279 gestantes. A prevalência do sobrepeso/obesidade foi de 45,3% e esteve associada aos fatores: ter companheiro(a) (RP=1,52; IC95%=1,24-1,86), maior renda familiar (RP=1,23; IC95%=1,04-1,46), presença de gestações anteriores (RP=1,65; IC95%=1,39-1,95%), maior faixa etária (RP=2,26; IC 95%=1,70-3,01), diabetes mellitus gestacional (RP=1,43; IC95%=1,21-1,69) e hipertensão arterial sistêmica (RP=1,29; IC95%=1,04-1,61). Conclusão: verificou-se alta prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade nas gestantes avaliadas e sua associação com fatores sociodemográficos, obstétricos e comorbidades crônicas. Há necessidade de monitoramento e de realização da educação nutricional no cuidado pré-natal prestado pelas equipes de saúde da família, com ênfase no fortalecimento do cuidado multiprofissional.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , National Health Strategies , Risk Factors , Overweight/epidemiology , Obesity, Maternal/epidemiology , Primary Health Care , Brazil/epidemiology , Nutrition Surveys , Pregnant Women , Sociodemographic Factors
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 16(4): 114-120, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512147


La infección previa por el adenovirus-36 (Ad-36) se ha asociado con el proceso adipogénico y el control glicémico en modelos experimentales de cultivos celulares y animales. En humanos, la presencia de anticuerpos contra Ad-36 ha mostrado aumentar el riesgo de obesidad y, paradójicamente, mejorar el control glicémico en diferentes poblaciones. Se evaluó la influencia de la seropositividad contra Ad-36 sobre riesgo de obesidad, el perfil lipídico y glicémico en una población de niños en edad escolar. Métodos: Doscientos ocho individuos de entre 9 y 13 años se agruparon según estado nutricional como normopeso (IMC z-score de -1 a +1), con sobrepeso (IMC z-score de +1 a +2) y con obesidad (IMC z-score > +3). Se evaluaron medidas antropométricas, desarrollo puberal según Tanner y parámetros bioquímicos (perfil lipídico, glucemia e insulina) y la seropositividad contra Ad-36. Se determinó la resistencia a la insulina (RI) según criterio para la población infantil chilena. La seropositividad contra Ad-36 se determinó mediante ELISA. Resultados: Hubo una alta prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad en la población de estudio. La seropositividad contra Ad-36 fue del 5,4% en el grupo total, pero no se observó una asociación con el estado nutricional. No se encontró correlación entre la seropositividad contra Ad-36 y los parámetros del perfil lipídico. La insulina y la HOMA-RI fueron significativamente más bajas en el grupo Ad-36 (+) (p<0,001), no habiendo sido reportados casos de RI en el grupo Ad-36 (+) en nuestra población. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados sugieren que la infección previa por el adenovirus-36 afecta la secreción de insulina y la resistencia a la insulina, como se ha descrito anteriormente, sin embargo, no se observa correlación con el desarrollo de la obesidad infantil en la población pediátrica del sur de Chile.

Previous infection with Adenovirus-36 (Ad-36) has been associated with adipogenic process and glycemic control in experimental models of cell culture and animals. In humans, the presence of antibodies against Ad-36 has been shown to increase the risk of obesity and, paradoxically, improve glycemic control in different populations. The influence of Ad-36 seropositivity on obesity risk, lipid and glycemic profile was evaluated in a population of school-age children. Methods: Two hundred eight individuals aged 9 to 13 years were grouped according to their nutritional status as normal weight (BMI z-score from -1 to +1), overweight (BMI z-score from +1 to +2) or obese (BMI z-score from -1 to +1). z-score > +3). Anthropometric measurements, pubertal development according to Tanner stage, biochemical parameters (lipid profile, glycemia and insulin) and seropositivity against Ad-36 were evaluated. Insulin resistance (IR) was determined according to criteria for the Chilean child population. Seropositivity against Ad-36 was determined by ELISA. Results: There was a high prevalence of overweight/obesity in the study population. Seropositivity against Ad-36 was 5.4% in the total group, but no association with nutritional status was observed. No correlation was found between Ad-36 seropositivity and lipid profile parameters. Insulin and HOMA-RI were significantly lower in the Ad-36 (+) group (p<0.001), and no cases of RI were reported in the Ad-36 (+) group in our population. Conclusions: Our results suggest that previous adenovirus-36 infection affects insulin secretion and insulin resistance, as previously described, however, no correlation is observed with the development of childhood obesity in the pediatric population. from southern Chile.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adenoviridae/isolation & purification , Adenoviridae Infections/complications , Pediatric Obesity/epidemiology , Pediatric Obesity/virology , Blood Glucose/analysis , Insulin Resistance , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Chile , Anthropometry , Nutritional Status , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Assessment , Overweight/epidemiology , Overweight/virology , Lipids/analysis
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 36: e220109, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441044


ABSTRACT Objective To verify overweight prevalence in the Sateré-Mawé indigenous population over 18 years of age, residing in the city of Parintins (AM), Brazil, and to assess its associated variables. Methods Household survey performed in the urban area of Parintins in 2017, visiting new households in each interview, completing the census universe. Self-declared Sateré-Mawé, over 18 years of age, residing in the city for a period longer than one year were considered eligible. Overweight was considered for body mass index values ≥ 25 kg/m2 or ≥ 27 kg/m2, for those over 60 years of age. Household information on social assistance, as well as individual information such as speaking the indigenous language, years living in the city and also in the indigenous territory, income, work, schooling, marital status, leisure and transport physical activity level, and time watching television per week were retrieved. The hierarchical logistic model analysis was carried out, calculating the odds ratio and confidence interval (95%). Results A total of 174 subjects participated in the survey, 42% being overweight. Those who spoke the Sateré-Mawé language, number of years living in the city, working outside home and being married had a positive effect on the outcome, but lost significance in the final model. Only transport insufficient physical activity (OR=2.24, 95% CI=1.01-4.98) and being in the age group from 30 to 59 years (OR=8.79, 95% CI=3.41-22.64) maintained statistical significance. Conclusion Efforts to provide visibility to the health situation of urban indigenous populations in Brazil are necessary. Poor transport infrastructure in the city seems to favor transport physical activity levels as a necessity, in addition to age, which is commonly associated with overweight.

RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a prevalência de sobrepeso em indígenas Sateré-Mawé maiores de 18 anos de idade, residentes na cidade de Parintins (AM), Brasil, identificando as variáveis associadas. Métodos Um inquérito domiciliar foi realizado em 2017 na cidade de Parintins e identificou novos domicílios em cada entrevista, alcançando o universo censitário. Foram elegíveis os autodeclarados Sateré-Mawé maiores de 18 anos e residentes há mais de um ano na cidade. O sobrepeso foi considerado para valores de índice de massa corporal ≥25 kg/m2 ou ≥27 kg/m2 para os maiores de 60 anos de idade. Coletou-se informações domiciliares sobre bolsa família, bem como individuais como falar a língua indígena, anos morando na cidade e na terra indígena, renda, trabalho, escolaridade, estado civil, nível de atividade física no lazer e no deslocamento e tempo assistindo televisão na semana. Foi utilizado o modelo logístico hierarquizado, calculando a razão de chances e intervalo de confiança (95%). Resultados Participaram do estudo 174 pessoas no total, sendo que 42% deles estavam com sobrepeso. Falar a língua Sateré-Mawé, a quantidade de anos residindo na cidade, trabalhar fora de casa e ser casado tiveram efeito positivo no desfecho, porém perderam significância no modelo final. Somente atividade física insuficiente no deslocamento (OR=2,24 IC 95%=1,01-4,98) e a faixa etária dos 30 a 59 anos (OR=8,79 IC 95%=3,41-22,64) mantiveram-se significativas. Conclusão Esforços para dar visibilidade à situação de saúde das populações indígenas urbanas no Brasil são necessários. A fraca infraestrutura de transporte na cidade parece favorecer a atividade física no deslocamento como necessidade, além da idade, já comumente associada ao sobrepeso.

Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Urban Area , Health of Indigenous Peoples , Overweight/epidemiology , Brazil/ethnology , Sedentary Behavior/ethnology
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 258-274, set-dez. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399017


This article aims to characterize the prevalence and the factors associated with overweight/obesity in college students, through a systematic review. For doing so, the PRISMA protocol has been utilized. Articles about overweight/obesity were selected in college students on the databases of the National Library of Medicine (PUBMED), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Web of Science and Scopus, it was considered the publication period from 2014 to 2019. We found 4,740 articles and 28 met the eligibility criteria. The overweight/obesity prevalence in college students varied from 9.5% to 47.0%. The Odds Ratio was the most used association measure (comparison) in studies. As characteristics that favor overweight/obesity, inadequate diet, income, male gender, low level of physical activity and family history of overweight/obesity are mentioned. The factors associated with protection against overweight/obesity were a healthy diet, regular physical activity and screen time. Finally, this review showed that university students are prone to overweight/obesity, as they have behavioral factors related to inadequate diet, low level of physical activity, income, being male, and sociocultural and family aspects due to a history of overweight/obesity. In counterpart, this review argues that healthy diet and physical activity and reduced screen time represent a health maintenance factor against overweight/obesity.

Este artigo tem como objetivo caracterizar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao sobrepeso/obesidade em universitários, por meio de uma revisão sistemática. Para isso, foi utilizado o protocolo PRISMA. Foram selecionados os artigos sobre sobrepeso/obesidade de universitários nas bases de dados da National Library of Medicine (PUBMED), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Web of Science e Scopus, considerou-se o período de publicação de 2014 a 2019. Dos 4.740 artigos encontrados, 28 atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade. A prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade em universitários variou de 9,5% a 47,0%. Dentre as medidas de associação (comparação), houve maior utilização do Odds Ratio. Como destaques os fatores associados com o sobrepeso/obesidade, cita-se a dieta inadequada, renda, sexo masculino, baixo nível de atividade física e o histórico familiar de sobrepeso/obesidade. Os fatores associados como proteção ao sobrepeso/obesidade foram a dieta saudável, prática regular de atividade física e o tempo de tela. Por fim, esta revisão mostrou que os universitários são propensos ao sobrepeso/obesidade, por apresentarem fatores comportamentais relacionados a dietas inadequadas, baixo nível de atividade física, renda, ser do sexo masculino e aspectos socioculturais e familiares em função de histórico de sobrepeso/obesidade. Em contrapartida, esta revisão sustenta que a dieta saudável e atividade física e a redução do tempo de tela representam um fator de manutenção da saúde contra o sobrepeso/obesidade.

Este artículo pretende caracterizar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al sobrepeso/obesidad en estudiantes universitarios, a través de una revisión sistemática. Para ello se ha utilizado el protocolo PRISMA. Se seleccionaron artículos sobre sobrepeso/obesidad en estudiantes universitarios en las bases de datos de la National Library of Medicine (PUBMED), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Web of Science y Scopus, se consideró el periodo de publicación de 2014 a 2019. Se encontraron 4.740 artículos y 28 cumplieron los criterios de elegibilidad. La prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad en estudiantes universitarios varió del 9,5% al 47,0%. El Odds Ratio fue la medida de asociación (comparación) más utilizada en los estudios. Como características que favorecen el sobrepeso/obesidad se mencionan la dieta inadecuada, los ingresos, el sexo masculino, el bajo nivel de actividad física y los antecedentes familiares de sobrepeso/obesidad. Los factores asociados a la protección contra el sobrepeso/obesidad fueron la dieta saludable, la actividad física regular y el tiempo de pantalla. Por último, esta revisión mostró que los estudiantes universitarios son propensos al sobrepeso/obesidad, ya que tienen factores de comportamiento relacionados con la dieta inadecuada, el bajo nivel de actividad física, los ingresos, el hecho de ser varones y aspectos socioculturales y familiares debido a una historia de sobrepeso/obesidad. En contrapartida, esta revisión sostiene que la dieta y la actividad física saludables y la reducción del tiempo de pantalla representan un factor de mantenimiento de la salud contra el sobrepeso/obesidad.

Students/statistics & numerical data , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Overweight/epidemiology , Obesity/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Exercise/physiology , Body Mass Index , Family Characteristics , Epidemiology/statistics & numerical data , Prevalence , Cultural Characteristics , Behavioral Research/education , Sedentary Behavior , Diet, Healthy/statistics & numerical data , Screen Time , Systematic Reviews as Topic
Rev. med. Chile ; 150(7): 868-878, jul. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424151


BACKGROUND: Overweight during pregnancy has increased in Chile. In the region of La Araucanía it occurs in 67% of pregnancies, which exceeds the national indicators. AIM: To analyze the secular trend during eight years of the nutritional status at the beginning of gestation, the excessive weight gain during pregnancy, and its association with individual factors in pregnant women cared the public health system of two Southern Chilean neighboring cities. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional and longitudinal trend design. We used an anonymized database with 17,270 reproductive data of urban pregnant women who were cared between 2009 and 2016. Trend analysis was performed to evaluate secular changes (nptrend < 0.05) in nutritional indicators and logistic regression to determine the association with individual characteristics. RESULTS: In the study period, overweight at the beginning of pregnancy increased by 13.1 percentage points. Forty percent of pregnant women with normal initial body mass index, were overweight or obese at the end of pregnancy. The excessive weight gain decreased slightly (z=-3.33, p = 0.001), but unevenly in both cities. Adolescent pregnancy, a low education and low socio-economic level of household together with previous overweight and a family or personal history of chronic diseases are associated with excessive gestational weight gain. Conclusions: The results show social inequality. Female malnutrition by excess is a problem that must be addressed through a robust public policy, centered on primary health care level and with a focus on social determinants. Prenatal care provides a window of opportunity to intervene.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Overweight/complications , Overweight/epidemiology , Pregnancy , Weight Gain , Body Mass Index , Chile/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 8(2): 119-123, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391931


INTRODUCCIÓN: La adolescencia es una fase crítica del crecimiento con múltiples cambios fisiológicos. Dentro de sus factores determinantes se encuentran el estado nutricional. Adicionalmente, en el año 2016 se implementó la Ley de Etiquetado Nutricional con el objetivo de asegurar una oferta saludable de alimentos. Por lo tanto, se considera relevante conocer la evolución del estado nutricional relacionado a la implementación de esta nueva ley. OBJETIVO: Describir la evolución del estado nutricional de adolescentes chilenos,durante el 2010 y 2019. MÉTODOS: Revisión narrativa, que reúne los datos utilizando bases científicas como revistas, paper e informes de Scielo, Google Académico, Scopus, Pubmed e información del Ministerio de Salud (MINSAL), publicados entre los años 2010 hasta el 2019, en inglés o español. RESULTADOS: El estado nutricional normal en los adolescentes, muestra una disminución de un 10%. El porcentaje de adolescentes con malnutrición por exceso en el 2010 fue de 37.1% y en el año 2019 de 47.6%, aumentando un 10,5% en 10 años. CONCLUSIÓN: El estado nutricional de los adolescentes chilenos, entre los años 2010 y 2019, ha mostrado una evolución hacia la malnutrición por exceso, Esto podría traer consecuencias negativas en la salud y aumentar el riesgo de enfermedades asociadas a un estilo de vida poco saludable en la adultez.

INTRODUCTION: Adolescence is a critical phase of growth with multiple physiological changes. Among its determining factors is the nutritional status. Additionally, in 2016 the Nutritional Labeling Law was implemented with the aim of ensuring a healthy food supply. Therefore, it is considered relevant to know the evolution of nutritional status related to the implementation of this new law. OBJECTIVE: To describe the evolution of the nutritional status of Chilean adolescents between 2010 and 2019. METHODS: Narrative review, which gathers data usings cientific data bases such as journals, papers and reports from Scielo, Google Scholar, Scopus, Pubmed and information from the Ministry of Health (MINSAL), published between 2010 and 2019, in English or Spanish. RESULTS: The normal nutritional status in adolescents showed a decrease of 10%. The percentage of adolescents with excess malnutrition in 2010 was 37.1% and in 2019 47.6%, increasing by 10.5% in 10 years. CONCLUSION: The nutritional status of Chilean adolescents, between 2010 and 2019, has shown an evolution towards excess malnutrition. This could have negative consequences on health and increase the risk of diseases associated with an unhealthy lifestyle in adulthood.

Humans , Adolescent , Nutritional Status , Food Labeling , Chile , Overnutrition/prevention & control , Overweight/prevention & control , Overweight/epidemiology