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Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 41(2): 156-163, 2024. ilus, map, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567271


R ESUMEN: Se evaluó la frecuencia de infección por Trypanosoma spp. en murciélagos capturados en ecótopos sil-vestres y urbanos del Departamento del Atlántico, en la región Caribe de Colombia, entre marzo de 2021 y mayo de 2022. Se identificaron taxonómicamente los murciélagos y se determinó sexo, edad relativa y condiciones reproductivas. Se utilizó una muestra de sangre para análisis parasitológico y extracción de ADN para la amplificar una región del ARNr 18S. Se capturaron 125 murciélagos, siendo las familias más abundantes Molossidae (62/125; 49,6%) y Phyllostomidae (43/125; 34,4%). Molossus molossus capturado en ecótopos silvestres mostró una frecuencia de infección del 8,1% (5/61) y 4,1% (3/61) mediante análisis parasitológico y molecular, respectivamente. En comparación, Noctilio albiventris capturado en ecótopos urbanos mostró una frecuencia de infección del 16,6% (2/12) para ambos análisis. Estos hallazgos re-presentan los primeros registros de M. molossus albergando Trypanosoma spp. para el Departamento del Atlántico y de N. albiventris albergando Trypanosoma spp. en Colombia.

RNA, Ribosomal, 18S , Caribbean Region , Parasitology , Chiroptera
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 22(1): 90-97, jun 22, 2023. fig, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443288


Introdução: as parasitoses intestinais são doenças que apresentam um problema de saúde mundial, causando grandes problemas nutricionais, onde sua ocorrência varia de acordo com o clima de cada região e condições socioeconômicas. Regiões que apresentam climas trópicos com umidade, altos índices de chuvas e temperaturas elevadas associadas com a falta de informações sobre as enteroparasitoses merecem atenção. Objetivo: o presente trabalho buscou avaliar os tipos de enteroparasitoses entre os anos de 2018 a 2020 em uma parcela da população de um município da Amazônia Ocidental, mais especificamente, (i) avaliar os tipos de enteroparasitoses que acometem a população entre os períodos de inundação e estiagem; (ii) avaliar a influência das enteroparasitoses em indivíduos de acordo com o gênero e a faixa etária ao longo de três anos. Metodologia: as coletas de dados foram realizadas entre os anos de 2018 a 2020, por meio de análises de planilhas concedidas pelo laboratório de análises clinicas LABSUL. Resultados: foram avaliados 4236 exames de fezes, sendo que apenas 1396 foram positivos para enteroparasitoses. Dos quais a maior parte foi causada por protozoários (58,69%) que acometeram principalmente Mulheres, jovens e crianças nos períodos de inundação. Conclusão: diante disso, os dados demonstraram que as enteroparasitoses acometem com frequência uma parcela da população local. Além de trazer informações que podem reforçar a necessidade da implementação do sistema de saneamento básico, juntamente com campanhas de conscientização populacional a respeito das vias de contaminação e da forma de propagação dessas infecções.

Introduction: intestinal parasites are diseases that present a worldwide health problem, causing major nutritional problems, where their occurrence varies according to the climate of each region and socioeconomic conditions. Regions that have tropical climates with humidity, high levels of rainfall and high temperatures associated with a lack of information on entero-parasitosis deserve attention. Objective: the present work sought to evaluate the types of intestinal parasites between the years 2018 to 2020 in a portion of the population of a municipality in the Western Amazon, more specifically, (i) to evaluate the types of entero-parasitosis that affect the population between periods of flooding and drought; (ii) to evaluate the influence of entero-parasitosis in individuals according to gender and age group over three years. Methodology: data collection was carried out between the years 2018 to 2020, through analysis of spreadsheets provided by the clinical analysis laboratory LABSUL. Results: 4236 stool exams were evaluated, of which only 1396 were positive for entero-parasitosis. Most of which were caused by protozoa (58.69%) that mainly affected women, young people and children during flood periods. Conclusion: in view of this, the data showed that intestinal parasites frequently affect a portion of the local population. In addition to bringing information that can reinforce the need to implement the basic sanitation system, together with population awareness campaigns regarding the routes of contamination and the way in which these infections spread.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Parasitic Diseases , Parasitology , Helminthiasis , Seasons , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational Study
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-10, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468923


Parasites of veterinary importance have been heavily focused on domesticated livestock that was introduced into the neo-tropics. The text used in the teaching parasitology to veterinary students in Trinidad has only investigated the parasites of domesticated species. In the reviewed veterinary parasitology text no mention was made on the parasites that affect wild neo-tropical animals. Information on wild neo-tropical animals had to be sourced from texts on the management of wild life animals in the Neotropics. The texts that were reviewed in this document spanned from the mid-1950s to 2020. The information presented in this review reveals the exhaustive work done on the parasites of domesticated species but also revealed little information on neo-tropical animals with the potential for domestication. In conclusion, this review reveals the gap of information that is missing from parasitology texts used in the teaching of veterinary students. In the future these parasitology texts can be revised to include chapters on the parasites of neo-tropical animals with the potential for domestication. At present students that graduate from the veterinary parasitology course has little information on the parasites of animals which are present in their 'backyards'.

Parasitas de importância veterinária têm se concentrado fortemente em animais domésticos que foram introduzidos na região neotrópica. O texto usado no ensino de parasitologia para estudantes de veterinária em Trinidad investigou apenas os parasitas de espécies domesticadas. No texto de parasitologia veterinária revisado, nenhuma menção foi feita sobre os parasitas que afetam os animais selvagens neotropicais. As informações sobre animais selvagens neotropicais tiveram que ser obtidas a partir de textos sobre o manejo de animais selvagens nos Neotrópicos. Os textos revisados neste documento vão de meados da década de 1950 até 2020. As informações apresentadas nesta revisão revelam o trabalho exaustivo realizado sobre os parasitas de espécies domesticadas, mas também revelaram poucas informações sobre animais neotropicais com potencial para domesticação. Em conclusão, esta revisão revela a lacuna de informação que existe nos textos de parasitologia utilizados no ensino de estudantes de veterinária. No futuro, esses textos de parasitologia podem ser revisados para incluir capítulos sobre os parasitas de animais neotropicais com potencial para domesticação. Atualmente, os alunos que se formam no curso de parasitologia veterinária têm poucas informações sobre os parasitas de animais que estão presentes em seus "quintais".

Animals , Animals, Wild/parasitology , Parasitology/history
Educ. med. super ; 36(2)jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1404554


Introducción: El aprendizaje móvil (m-learning) es la inclusión de dispositivos móviles en las actividades de aprendizaje. En la enseñanza de Microbiología y Parasitología médica estos ofrecen un alto poder de ilustración y contribuyen al aprendizaje de la asignatura de los estudiantes de la carrera de medicina; además, sirven de apoyo a otros perfiles como Tecnología de la Salud. Objetivo: Exponer la actualización del curso de Microbiología y Parasitología en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey mediante una aplicación androide. Métodos: Se realizó una aplicación optimizada para androide 4.4 o superior con el lenguaje de programación Java. Esta investigación se desarrolló en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Carlos J. Finlay y se aplicó a estudiantes de la carrera de medicina en los cursos 2018-2019 y 2019-2020. El universo del estudio fueron 1446 estudiantes de los cursos de 2016-2020. Se realizó una encuesta validada por expertos a una muestra probabilística de 88 estudiantes de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, en el período comprendido entre noviembre y diciembre de 2020. Se calculó el coeficiente concordancia general W de Kendall en cuanto a las respuestas a las preguntas. Resultados: Mikros fue una herramienta de apoyo a la docencia, fruto de un proyecto de colaboración entre el Centro de Inmunología y Productos Biológicos de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas y la Facultad de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad Ignacio Agramonte, de Camagüey, que permitió introducir al profesor en una modalidad de enseñanza muy a tono con estos tiempos. Conclusiones: La aplicación Mikros incluyó conceptos básicos y un alto nivel de actualización. También contribuyó a elevar el índice académico y a una mayor satisfacción del alumno en el aprendizaje, y resultó una herramienta de consulta práctica para estudiantes de años posteriores de la carrera en rotación por el área clínica y útil para el aprendizaje a distancia en tiempos de COVID-19(AU)

Introduction: Mobile learning (m-learning) consists in the inclusion of mobile devices into learning activities. In the teaching of medical parasitology and microbiology, such devices offer a high power of illustration and contribute to medical students' learning of the subject; in addition, they serve as support to other profiles such as health technology. Objective: To present the update, by means of an android application, of the Microbiology and Parasitology course at the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey. Methods: An optimized application for android 4.4 or higher was created with the Java programming language. This research was carried out at Carlos J. Finlay University of Medical Sciences and applied to medical students in the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years. The study universe was made up of 1446 students from the academic years from 2016 to 2020. A survey validated by experts was carried out, in the period between November and December 2020, with a probabilistic sample of 88 students from the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey. Kendall's coefficient of general concordance (W) was calculated for the answers to the questions. Results: Mikros was a teaching support tool, the result of a collaborative project between the Center of Immunology and Biological Products at the University of Medical Sciences and the School of Computer Engineering at Ignacio Agramonte University, in Camagüey, which allowed to present the professor in a teaching modality much in tune with the current times. Conclusions: The Mikros application included basic concepts and a high update level. It also contributed to raising the student's academic index and satisfaction with learning. It turned out to be a practical consultation tool for students of higher academic years of the major who are rotating through the clinical area, as well as a useful tool for distance learning in COVID-19 times(AU)

Humans , Parasitology/education , Education, Distance/methods , Mobile Applications , Microbiology/education , Programming Languages , COVID-19/prevention & control
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam;56(2): 181-186, abr. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1402955


Resumen La enfermedad de Chagas es una parasitosis producida por Trypanosoma cruzi, prevalente principalmente en el continente americano, y observada en regiones no endémicas, producto de viajes y migraciones. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el desempeño del ensayo Elecsys® Chagas (Roche Diagnostics Alemania) (ECLIA) para el diagnóstico de la infección chagásica crónica con el método estándar y evaluar su posible empleo en reemplazo del método automatizado existente. Se estudiaron 77 muestras de sueros pertenecientes a pacientes con diagnóstico presuntivo de enfermedad de Chagas, procesadas por los distintos métodos disponibles en la Sección Parasitología del Hospital Muñiz: inmunoensayo quimioluminiscente de micropartículas (CMIA) (Abbott), enzimoinmunoanálisis de adsorción (ELISA) (Wiener) y hemaglutinación indirecta (HAI) (Lab. Lemos S.R.L.). Los resultados de los métodos ELISA y HAI fueron comparados con los obtenidos en la prueba ECLIA, y estos a su vez con el método automatizado disponible. De las muestras analizadas, 22 (28,57%) presentaron IgG anti-T. cruzi y 55 (71,43%) resultaron negativas. Con el método ECLIA se logró un 100% en los parámetros de desempeño, con diferencias en los intervalos de confianza. La razón de verosimilitud positiva y la razón de verosimilitud negativa clasificaron al ensayo como excelente y la potencia global del test apoyó esa afirmación. Los métodos inmunológicos automatizados ayudan a la performance diagnóstica en la etapa crónica de la enfermedad de Chagas, permiten minimizar errores, favorecen la velocidad de emisión de los resultados y, debido a su alta sensibilidad y especificidad, en ciertos escenarios podrían proponerse para usar como única técnica.

Abstract Chagas disease is a parasitosis caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, prevalent mainly in the American continent, and observed in non-endemic regions as a result of travel and migration. The objective of this study was to compare the performance of the Elecsys® Chagas (Roche Diagnostics Alemania) (ECLIA) assay for the diagnosis of chronic Chagas infection with the diagnostic standard, and to evaluate its possible use as a replacement for the existing automated method. A total of 77 serum samples belonging to patients with a presumptive diagnosis of Chagas disease were evaluated, processed by the different methods available in the Parasitology Section of Hospital Muñiz: microparticle chemiluminescent immunoassay (CMIA) (Abbott), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Wiener) and indirect hemagglutination (HAI) (Lab. Lemos S.R.L). The results of the ELISA and HAI methods were compared with those obtained in the ECLIA test, and these in turn with the available automated method. Of the samples analysed, 22 (28.57%) presented IgG anti-T. cruzi and 55 (71.43%) were negative. With the ECLIA method, 100% was achieved in the performance parameters, with differences in the confidence intervals. The positive likelihood ratio and the negative likelihood ratio classify the essay as excellent, and the overall power of the test supports this statement. Automated immunological methods help diagnostic performance in the chronic stage of Chagas disease, allow minimising errors, favour the speed of issuance of results, and due to the high sensitivity and specificity, in certain scenarios, they could be proposed for use as single technique.

Resumo A doença de Chagas é uma parasitose causada pelo Trypanosoma cruzi, prevalente principalmente no continente americano, e observada em regiões não endêmicas em decorrência de viagens e migrações. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o desempenho do ensaio Elecsys® Chagas (Roche Diagnostics Alemanha) (ECLIA) para o diagnóstico da infecção crônica de Chagas com o método padrão e avaliar seu possível uso em substituição do método automatizado existente. Foram avaliadas 77 amostras de soro pertencentes a pacientes com diagnóstico presuntivo de doença de Chagas, processadas pelos diferentes métodos disponíveis na Seção de Parasitologia do Hospital Muñiz: imunoensaio quimioluminescente de micropartículas (CMIA) (Abbott), ensaio imunoenzimático de adsorção (ELISA) (Wiener) e hemaglutinação indireta (HAI) (Lab. Lemos S.R.L). Os resultados dos métodos ELISA e HAI foram comparados com os obtidos no teste ECLIA, e estes por sua vez com o método automatizado disponível. Das amostras analisadas, 22 (28,57%) apresentaram IgG anti-T. cruzi e 55 (71,43%) foram negativos. Com o método ECLIA, foram obtidos 100% nos parâmetros de desempenho, com diferenças nos intervalos de confiança. A razão de verossimilhança positiva e a razão de verossimilhança negativa classificam o ensaio como excelente, e a potencia geral do teste conformou essa afirmação. Os métodos imunológicos automatizados auxiliam no desempenho diagnóstico na fase crônica da doença de Chagas, permitem minimizar erros, favorecem a rapidez na emissão dos resultados e, devido à alta sensibilidade e especificidade, em determinados cenários, poderiam ser propostos para uso como técnica única.

Humans , Trypanosoma cruzi , Immunoenzyme Techniques , Chagas Disease , Infections , Parasitic Diseases , Parasitology , Trypanosoma cruzi/growth & development , Trypanosoma cruzi/parasitology , Immunoglobulin G , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Immunoassay , Potency , Sensitivity and Specificity , Chagas Disease/prevention & control , Adsorption , Serum , Diagnosis , Efficiency , Belonging , Hemagglutination , Methods
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam;56(2): 187-193, abr. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1402956


Resumen El objetivo del estudio fue comparar la extracción de ADN de quistes de Acanthamoeba sp. con un método disponible comercialmente y cuatro no comerciales utilizando tratamiento térmico y ultrasonido para la amplificación por una reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) convencional, reduciendo tiempos de preparación y extracción de las muestras, como una herramienta para el diagnóstico en el laboratorio clínico. Se utilizó una cepa de Acanthamoeba, genotipo T4, cultivada en agar no nutritivo. Los quistes para analizar, en tres períodos de enquistamiento, se almacenaron a temperatura ambiente. Se extrajo ADN mediante cinco métodos: pretratamiento térmico, ultrasonido y combinaciones de ellos. La PCR se llevó a cabo utilizando cebadores específicos JDP1/JDP2. La concentración y pureza del ADN extraído con los protocolos evaluados revelaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p<0,0001). El método E (comercial), el A (térmico) y el B (ultrasonido) lograron los mejores rendimientos en la amplificación del fragmento específico de Acanthamoeba sp. por la PCR convencional.

Abstract The objective of the study was to compare the DNA extraction of Acanthamoeba sp. cysts with a commercially available method and four non-commercial ones, with heat and ultrasound treatment that allows amplification by conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR), reducing sample preparation and extraction times, such as a tool for diagnosis in the clinical laboratory. To this aim, a strain of Acanthamoeba T4 grown on non-nutrient agar was used. Plates with cysts at three different encystation times were stored at room temperature until the study was carried out. DNA was extracted with five methods that included pretreatments (thermal and ultrasound) or combinations of them. PCR was performed using specific primers JDP1/JDP2. Concentration and purity of DNA revealed statistically significant differences (p<0.0001) between methods. Method E (commercial), method A (thermal) and B (ultrasound) got the best yields in amplifying the specific fragment of Acanthamoeba sp. by conventional PCR.

Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi comparar a extração de DNA de cistos de Acanthamoeba sp. com um método comercialmente disponível e quatro não comerciais utilizando tratamento térmico e ultrassom para amplificação por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) convencional, reduzindo os tempos de preparo e extração das amostras, como ferramenta para o diagnóstico no laboratório clínico. Foi utilizada uma cepa de Acanthamoeba, genótipo T4, cultivada em ágar não nutritivo. Os cistos para analisar foram armazenados em temperatura ambiente, correspondendo a três períodos de encistamento. O DNA foi extraído por cinco métodos: pré-tratamento térmico, ultrassom e combinações deles. A PCR foi realizada usando iniciadores específicos JDP1/JDP2. A concentração e a pureza do DNA extraído com os protocolos avaliados revelaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p<0,0001). Os métodos E (comercial), A (térmico) e B (ultrassom) alcançaram os melhores rendimentos na amplificação do fragmento específico de Acanthamoeba sp. por PCR convencional.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , DNA , Acanthamoeba , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Parasitology , Temperature , Ultrasonics , Thermic Treatment , Clinical Laboratory Techniques , Cysts , Agar , Laboratories, Clinical , Hot Temperature , Laboratories , Methods
Acta sci., Health sci ; Acta sci., Health sci;44: e56061, Jan. 14, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367436


The increase in the generation of Solid Urban Waste causes social, environmental problems and damages to the population's health. Professionals who work in the collection of recyclable waste are exposed to risks of contamination either by toxic elements or pathogenic organisms. The objective of the work was to estimate the types and prevalence of intestinal parasites inwaste pickers. A field research was carried out from December 2017 to April 2018 with the voluntary participation of 26 waste pickers belonging to three associations in the municipality of Conselheiro Lafaiete, Minas Gerais, Brazil (CAAE: nº 79937817.7.0000.8122). In addition to the application a socio-environmental questionnaire, each volunteer provided a stool sample for laboratory testing the parasitological examination. Of the 26 survey participants, four (15.4%) had a positive result and were infected by the parasites Giardia lamblia, Entamoebacoliand Iodamoeba butschlii. Among the main factors that can contribute to the infection these waste pickersare the ingestion of untreated water for consumption in addition to reduced access to Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) during waste management. One way to control the presence of parasites would be through health and environmental education actions, periodic parasitological examinations and permanent use of PPE.

Humans , Male , Parasites/parasitology , Waste Pickers , Solid Waste Use , Environmental Pollution/prevention & control , Parasitology , Water Pollution/analysis , Health Education , Giardia lamblia/parasitology , Entamoebiasis/parasitology , Feces/parasitology , Personal Protective Equipment , Sustainable Development
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(2): 297-305, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1382309


El cambio curricular es un proceso de transformaciones que expresa las modificaciones operadas en la sociedad en términos epidemiológicos, frente a la emergencia y reemergencia de parasitosis, en estrecha relación con la geografía médica y los condicionamientos sociales, económicos y políticos bajo los que se desarrolla la sociedad; por tanto, reconocer y tratar los principales parásitos que afectan al hombre y las enfermedades parasitarias asociadas a ellos resulta esencial para la formación médica de estos tiempos. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo comparar los resultados en las calificaciones en el examen de parasitología del 9no semestre de dos de las universidades públicas de la provincia del Guayas, Ecuador, en el periodo de noviembre de 2020. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio/descriptivo de la variable "Evaluación", que contuvo medidas de posición, dispersión y contraste de la normalidad, y el desempeño fue determinado mediante las listas de apreciación de competencias, establecido como instrumento de evaluación. De igual forma, se utilizó la técnica estadística de comparación de medias a través de la Prueba t para muestras independientes con un nivel de significancia del (5%). Los datos fueron procesados empleando el Programa Estadístico para Ciencias Sociales (SPSS v25). Concluyendo, que los estudiantes de la universidad de ESPOL tuvieron mejor puntuación en relación con la media, y menos dispersión en sus resultados con respecto a la UG. En líneas generales la mayoría de los estudiantes obtuvieron un alto desempeño de las competencias, siendo fundamental la constancia en la mejora del proceso de enseñanza de la parasitología(AU)

Curriculum change is a transformation process that expresses the changes that have taken place in society in epidemiological terms, in the face of the emergence and re-emergence of parasites, in close relation to the medical geography and the social, economic and political conditions under which society develops; therefore, recognizing and treating the main parasites that affect man and the parasitic diseases associated with them is essential for medical training in these times. The objective of this research is to compare the results in the qualifications in the parasitology exam of the 9th semester of two of the public universities of the province of Guayas, Ecuador, in the period of November 2020. An exploratory/descriptive study of the variable "Evaluation", which contained measures of position, dispersion and contrast of normality, and performance, was determined through the competency assessment lists, established as an evaluation instrument. Similarly, the statistical technique of comparison of means was used through the t-test for independent samples with a significance level of (5%). The data was processed using the Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS v25). Concluding, that the students of the ESPOL University had a better score in relation to the average, and less dispersion in their results with respect to the UG. In general terms, most of the students obtained a high performance of the competences, being fundamental the constancy in the improvement of the parasitology teaching process(AU)

Parasitic Diseases , Teaching , Educational Measurement/statistics & numerical data , Parasitology , Research , Students , Universities , Curriculum
Rev. patol. trop ; 51(4): 285-290, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, BVSDIP | ID: biblio-1537416


The COVID-19 pandemic brought enormous challenges for health, scientists and academic world two years ago. Social isolation and the inabilities of face-to-face activities generated the emergence of many educational and scientific initiatives. Remote activities gave information and brought company and affection to people which allowed students and professionals from different parts of the world to integrate. In this report we are showing the experience from three initiatives in South America of scientific dissemination in infectious diseases. We discuss the scope of having a permanent practice for access and integration in science using remote communication, which can give great benefits in unequal societies.

Humans , Parasitology/education , Video-Audio Media , COVID-19
Rev. patol. trop ; 51(3): 1-12, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418002


The juice consumption with detoxifying properties has increased in the last few years, but inadequately produced food may transport pathogens. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of parasitological and microbiological contamination in fruit juices and fruit pulp used for detoxifying purposes. Twenty samples were analyzed, 10 of fruit pulp and 10 juices from July to August 2018. Thermotolerant coliform, mold, and yeast were counted. Parasitological analysis was performed by spontaneous sedimentation method and sedimentation by centrifugation techniques. Results showed that 20% and 60% of the fruit pulp and juice samples exhibited thermotolerant coliform counts above 1 log CFU/mL, respectively. The results showed that 60% of the pulp samples presented mold and yeast counts above 3 log CFU/mL. The protozoa found in the samples were Endolimax nana, Entamoeba coli, and E. histolytica/E. dispar cysts. The presence of thermotolerant coliforms in juices is an indicator of the presence of enteropathogens, mainly Escherichia coli. The high mold and yeast populations and the presence of protozoa in the fruit pulp and juices indicate hygienic and sanitary failures in the food processing. It may be concluded that there is a need for supervision and training in Good Manufacturing Practices by health agencies, aiming at the food safe production.

Parasitology , Yeasts , Entamoeba , Environmental Pollution , Escherichia coli , Juices , Coliforms , Food Handling , Fruit , Population
Rev. patol. trop ; 51(3): 1-10, 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418011


Parasitosis are the most common diseases in the world, they are responsible for relevant negative consequences in the individuals´ health. The consumption of vegetables in Brazil and in the world is common due to their high nutritional value and they are recommended to be included in the population´s diet. Contaminations in vegetables are most often caused by irrigation water which is contaminated by feces, other forms of contamination are through organic manure containing fecal waste and the contact of vegetables with animals where they are grown. This research evaluated the contamination in vegetables with the purpose of warning the community about hygiene and the correct approach of food handling in order to prevent parasitic infections, contributing to people´s health. Samples were collected from supermarkets and farmers´ markets, where we obtained a total of 30 samples that were analyzed using Hoffman, centrifugation and slide reading´s techniques. In all samples, parasites were found. In six samples non-pathogenic amoebas were found, however this finding means that there was contamination from human or animal feces. And, in the other 24 samples, parasitic structures that cause damage to health were found. This work showed a high level of contamination of the vegetables that are consumed daily by the population and the diseases caused by food which are a concern for the public health. Contaminated vegetables are dangerous considering the transport of parasites that may generate human infections, therefore the importance to create public policies in order to avoid parasitic infections.

Parasitic Diseases , Parasitology , Vegetables , Food Contamination , Neglected Diseases , Food , Food Handling , Supermarkets
Kisangani méd. (En ligne) ; 12(2): 525-532, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1426216


Introduction : la présente étude avait pour objectif de ressortir certaines anomalies des enzymes hépatiques portant sur l'ASAT, l'ALAT et la LDH chez les patients impaludés en vue de contribuer à la prise en charge diagnostique du paludisme dans la ville de Butembo. Méthodes. Cette étude est descriptive. Elle a été réalisée dans le service de Médecine Interne et de Parasitologie de l'Hôpital Matanda du 1er juillet 2020 au 2 novembre 2020 soit pendant une période de 4 mois. Elle a porté sur une série de 100 patients impaludés avec goutte épaisse positive. Les paramètres d'intérêt étaient les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, les anomalies des enzymes hépatiques (ASAT, ALAT, LDH) et la densité parasitaire. Résultats : 100 patients ont été sélectionnés au cours de notre étude parmi lesquels 54 sujets de sexe féminin et 46 de sexe masculin. Le taux de LDH était élevé dans 73% des cas. Les transaminases ASAT et ALAT étaient élevées dans 28% et 31% des cas respectivement. Aucune corrélation significative n'a été retrouvée entre la densité parasitaire et les anomalies enzymatiques observées dans notre étude. Conclusion. Des variations notables des paramètres biologiques portant sur les anomalies de enzymes hépatiques dont l'ASAT, l'ALAT et la LDH ont été enregistrés au cours de l'accès palustre à Plasmodium falciparum chez l'adulte de la ville de Butembo. Ces paramètres pourraient avoir une utilité dans le diagnostic du paludisme et /ou constituer un indicateur de la sévérité de la maladie, spécialement lorsque les résultats parasitologiques ne sont pas disponibles ou sont incertains.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Parasitology , Malaria, Falciparum , Alanine Transaminase , Malaria , Aspartate Aminotransferases
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam;55(4): 475-483, dic. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1393751


Resumen Un diagnóstico rápido y seguro de la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi permite la administración inmediata de un tratamiento etiológico específico, en los casos clínicamente manifiestos. En el presente trabajo, en 100 sueros de pacientes con diagnóstico presuntivo de infección por T. cruzi, se evaluó el desempeño de la prueba rápida Chagas Ab Rapid SD Bioline (PDR) para el diagnóstico serológico, se la comparó con el estándar diagnóstico (par serológico) y se la valoró para su empleo en la rutina del laboratorio. La PDR reveló un índice de concordancia muy bueno respecto del estándar diagnóstico (Kappa=0,989 [IC95% 0,965-1,000]) y los parámetros de sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos positivos y negativos revelaron un buen desempeño. El índice de Youden informó un buen rendimiento de la prueba (J=0,98 [IC95% 0,93-1,02]); y en el mismo sentido, tanto la razón de verosimilitud positiva (RV (+)= infinito), como la negativa (RV (-)= 0,02 [IC95% 0,00-0,16]), mostraron aumentada la probabilidad que la enfermedad blanco esté presente o ausente, cuando la técnica así lo determinaba. El empleo de una PDR, por su simpleza y buen desempeño (con resultados disponibles el mismo día) produciría una optimización de recursos, podría realizarse en lugares donde el acceso al diagnóstico es limitado y donde su incorporación no requeriría de una infraestructura importante. Por otro lado, en nuestro caso, podría ser utilizada como segunda prueba, para incrementar la especificidad del diagnóstico serológico de la infección por T. cruzi.

Abstract A quick and safe diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection allows the immediate etiological treatment in clinically manifested cases. In the present work, the performance of the rapid Chagas Ab Rapid SD Bioline (PDR) test for serological diagnosis was evaluated in 100 sera from patients with a presumptive diagnosis of T. cruzi infection, it was compared with the diagnostic standard (serological pair) and this technique was valued to be used within the laboratory routine. The PDR revealed a very good concordance index with respect to the diagnostic standard (Kappa=0.989 [95% CI 0.965-1.000]) and the parameters of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values revealed good performance. The Youden index reported good performance of the diagnostic test (J = 0.98 [95% CI 0.93-1.02]); and in the same sense, both the positive likelihood ratio (RV (+) = infinity), and the negative (RV (-) = 0.02 [95% CI 0.00-0.16]) showed an increased probability whether the target disease was present or absent, when the technique so determined. The use of a PDR, due to its simplicity and good performance (with results available on the same day) would produce an optimization of resources, could be carried out in places where access to the diagnosis is limited and where its incorporation would not require an important infrastructure. On the other hand, in our case, it could be used as a second test, to increase the specificity of the serological diagnosis of T. cruzi infection.

Resumo Um diagnóstico rápido e seguro da infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi permite a administração imediata de um tratamento etiológico específico nos casos clinicamente manifestos. No presente trabalho, o desempenho do teste rápido Chagas Ab Rapid SD Bioline (PDR) para o diagnóstico sorológico foi avaliado em 100 soros de pacientes com diagnóstico provável de infecção por T. cruzi, foi comparado com o padrão diagnóstico (par sorológico) e essa técnica foi avaliada para ser utilizada na rotina do laboratório. O PDR revelou um índice de concordância muito bom em relação ao padrão diagnóstico (Kappa=0,989 [IC 95% 0,965-1.000]) e os parâmetros de sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivos e negativos revelaram bom desempenho. O índice de Youden informou um bom desempenho do teste diagnóstico (J = 0,98 [IC 95% 0,93-1,02]); e, no mesmo sentido, tanto a razão de verossimilhança positiva (RV (+) = infinito), quanto a negativa (RV (-) = 0,02 [IC 95% 0,00-0,16]), mostraram uma probabilidade aumentada de a doença-alvo estar presente ou ausente, quando a técnica assim o determinar. A utilização de um PDR, pela sua simplicidade e por um bom desempenho (com resultados disponíveis no mesmo dia) produziria uma otimização de recursos, podendo ser realizado em locais onde o acesso ao diagnóstico é limitado, e onde a sua incorporação não exigiria um infraestrutura importante. Por outro lado, no nosso caso, poderia ser utilizado como segundo teste, para aumentar a especificidade do diagnóstico sorológico da infecção pelo T. cruzi.

Humans , Trypanosoma cruzi/growth & development , Chromatography, Affinity , HIV , Parasitology , Rutin , Disease , Predictive Value of Tests , Sensitivity and Specificity , Chagas Disease , Clinical Laboratory Techniques , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Diagnostic Tests, Routine , Efficiency , Health Resources , Infections , Laboratories , Methods
RECIIS (Online) ; 15(4): 808-823, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343982


O presente estudo objetivou analisar a produção científica brasileira sobre a doença de Chagas a partir de publicações indexadas na base de dados Web of Science. Foram coletados e analisados os dados de 1.008 publicações no período entre 2006 e 2020. A interpretação dos dados permitiu identificar um expressivo crescimento da produção científica brasileira sobre a doença de Chagas e a abrangência da temática em periódicos internacionais. Contudo, há um enfoque nas áreas biomédicas do conhecimento com destaque para a Parasitologia e um diminuto número de investigações direcionadas às áreas da Saúde Pública, Ciências Sociais e Farmacêuticas. A bibliometria desvelou as lacunas ainda existentes na produção nacional e a necessidade de fortalecimento de políticas direcionadas a editais de pesquisa no país.

The present study aimed to analyze the Brazilian scientific production on Chagas disease from publications indexed in the Web of Science database. Data from 1,008 articles published between 2006 and 2020 were collected and analyzed. The interpretation of the data allowed the identification of an expressive growth of Brazilian scientific production on Chagas disease and comprehensiveness of the theme in international journals. However, there is a focus on the biomedical areas of knowledge with emphasis on Parasitology and a small number of investigations directed to the areas of Public Health, Social Sciences and Pharmaceuticals. The bibliometry revealed the gaps that still exist in the national production and the need to strengthen policies directed to research edicts in the country.

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la producción científica brasileña sobre la enfermedad de Chagas, a partir de las publicaciones indexadas en la base de datos Web of Science. Se recogieron y analizaron los datos de 1.008 artículos publicados entre 2006 y 2020. La interpretación de los datos permitió identificar un crecimiento expresivo de la producción científica brasileña sobre la enfermedad de Chagas y la amplitud del tema en las revistas internacionales. Sin embargo, hay un enfoque en las áreas biomédicas del conocimiento con énfasis en la Parasitología y un pequeño número de investigaciones dirigidas a las áreas de Salud Pública, Ciencias Sociales y Farmacéutica. La bibliometría reveló las lagunas que aún existen en la producción nacional y la necesidad de fortalecer las políticas dirigidas a los edictos de investigación en el país.

Humans , Brazil , Bibliometrics , Chagas Disease , Scientific and Technical Activities , Neglected Diseases , Parasitology , Tropical Medicine , Data Analysis
Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 53(1): 80-84, 20210330. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291760


Objetivo: O presente estudo objetivou pesquisar enteroparasitas em morangos frescos comercializados in natura no município de Goiânia, Goiás. Métodos: Foram analisadas 51 amostras de morangos, sendo 25 oriundas de supermercados e 26 de rua/comércio livre, entre agosto/2019 e dezembro/2019, em diversos bairros das regiões norte, noroeste, sul e central do município de Goiânia, Goiás, empregando-se as técnicas de Faust, Hoffman, Ritchie e Coloração de Kinyoun (Ziehl-Neelsen modificado). Resultados: Das 51 amostras analisadas, 78,4% foram positivas para enteroparasitas. Das quarenta amostras positivas, em 25 (62,5%) foram identificados apenas cistos de protozoários, em oito (20,0%) apenas ovos de nematódeos e em sete (17,5%) cistos de protozoários e ovos de nematódeos, simultaneamente. As espécies encontradas foram: Ascaris lumbricoides, Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba histolytica, Endolimax nana e Giardia lamblia. Todos os enteroparasitas foram identificados pelas técnicas de Hoffman e Faust. Conclusão: O estudo evidenciou elevada contaminação dos morangos comercializados em Goiânia, Goiás por enteroparasitas, com destaque para os protozoários. O consumo de morangos frescos in natura pode oferecer risco à saúde de seus consumidores, sendo crucial orientar a população sobre a correta higienização deste alimento antes de seu consumo a fim de evitar a ocorrência de enteroparasitoses.

Objective: This study aimed to research enteroparasites in fresh in natura strawberries marketed in the city of Goiânia, Goiás. Methods: A total of 51 strawberry samples were analyzed. These samples, 25 were from supermarkets and 26 from street/free trade, between August/2019 and December/2019, in several neighborhoods in the north, northwest, south and central regions of the municipality of Goiânia, Goiás, using the techniques of Faust, Hoffman, Ritchie and Kinyoun Coloring (modified Ziehl-Neelsen). Results: Of the 51 samples analyzed, 78.4% were positive for enteroparasites. Of the 40 positive samples, in 25 (62.5%) just protozoan cysts were identified, in eight (20.0%) just nematode eggs and in seven (17.5%) protozoan cysts and nematode eggs, simultaneously. The species found were: Ascaris lumbricoides, Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba histolytica, Endolimax nana, and Giardia lamblia. The enteroparasites founded were identified by the techniques of Hoffman and Faust.Conclusion: The study showed high contamination of strawberries marketed in Goiânia, Goiás by enteroparasites, with emphasis on protozoa. The consumption of fresh strawberries, in natura, can pose a risk to the health of its consumers, being crucial to guide the population on the correct hygiene of this food before its consumption to avoid the occurrence of enteroparasitosis.

Parasitology , Food Analysis , Foodborne Diseases
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;27(4): 1097-1124, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142981


Abstract This review presents the 100-year history of the Martsinovsky Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine in Moscow, Russia, starting with its foundation and early activities, and also describes the impact of its leading scientists, some of whom became internationally known. The institute headed a network of nine tropical institutes in the various Soviet republics from the 1920s to 1990. The extensive body of literature on the history and research accomplishments of this institute has mainly been published in Russian; our goal here is to introduce these achievements and this expertise to the international scientific and medical community, focusing on malaria and leishmaniasis and the development of measures to control and monitor these diseases in the USSR.

Resumo O artigo analisa a história centenária do Instituto Martsinovsky de Parasitologia Médica e Medicina Tropical em Moscou, Rússia, desde sua fundação e primeiras atividades, e descreve a influência de seus principais cientistas, alguns dos quais viriam a conquistar renome internacional. O instituto liderou uma rede de nove institutos tropicais em diversas repúblicas soviéticas entre as décadas de 1920 e 1990. A vasta literatura sobre o trabalho de história e pesquisa desse instituto foi publicada sobretudo em russo; nosso objetivo aqui é apresentar esse trabalho e conhecimento à comunidade médica e científica internacional, concentrando-se na malária e na leishmaniose e no avanço de medidas de controle e monitoramento dessas doenças na URSS.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Tropical Medicine/history , Leishmaniasis/history , Biomedical Research/history , Academies and Institutes/history , Malaria/history , Parasitology/education , Parasitology/history , USSR , Moscow