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Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1527676


Introducción: En Uruguay el cáncer de próstata ocupa el primer lugar en incidencia y el tercer lugar en mortalidad en el hombre. La mayoría de estos cánceres se diagnostican en estadios precoces. Hoy en día, para pacientes con adenocarcinoma de muy bajo riesgo, bajo riesgo o riesgo intermedio favorable, la vigilancia activa es una opción adecuada. Objetivos: Describir una población de pacientes con cáncer de próstata de muy bajo riesgo, bajo riesgo o riesgo intermedio favorable, en vigilancia activa en COMERI. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, observacional, retrospectivo. Se incluyeron pacientes con cáncer de próstata de muy bajo riesgo, bajo riesgo o riesgo intermedio favorable, tratados entre 2010 y 2018 en COMERI. Se recopilaron datos en el sistema de registro clínico electrónico. Resultados: Se incluyeron 33 pacientes, la mediana de edad al diagnóstico fue de 74 años. Todos los pacientes fueron sometidos a controles clínicos y determinación de PSA cada 3 meses. El tacto rectal se realizó en forma anual. El tiempo mediano de vigilancia activa fue de 33 meses. Durante el seguimiento, se observaron pocas variaciones en los valores de PSA. El 21% de los pacientes fue sometido a una nueva biopsia durante el seguimiento activo, y en todos los casos, el Gleason se mantuvo incambiado. Ningún paciente abandonó la modalidad de vigilancia activa. Conclusión: En nuestro entorno, la vigilancia activa se considera una opción terapéutica válida para pacientes altamente seleccionados con cáncer de próstata de muy bajo riesgo, bajo riesgo o riesgo intermedio favorable, y es bien aceptada por ellos.

Introduction: In Uruguay, prostate cancer ranks first in incidence and third in mortality among men. The majority of these cancers are diagnosed at early stages. Nowadays, active surveillance is an appropriate option for patients with adenocarcinoma of very low risk, low risk, or favorable intermediate risk. Objectives: To describe a population of patients with prostate cancer of very low risk, low risk, or favorable intermediate risk under active surveillance at COMERI. Materials and Methods: Descriptive, observational, retrospective study. Patients with prostate cancer of very low risk, low risk, or favorable intermediate risk treated between 2010 and 2018 at COMERI were included. Data were collected from the electronic clinical registry system. Results: Thirty-three patients were included, with a median age at diagnosis of 74 years. All patients underwent clinical monitoring and PSA determination every 3 months. Digital rectal examination was performed annually. The median time of active surveillance was 33 months. During follow-up, there were few variations in PSA values. 21% of patients underwent a repeat biopsy during active surveillance, and in all cases, the Gleason score remained unchanged. No patient discontinued active surveillance. Conclusion: In our setting, active surveillance is considered a valid therapeutic option for highly selected patients with prostate cancer of very low risk, low risk, or favorable intermediate risk, and it is well accepted by them.

Introdução: No Uruguai, o câncer de próstata ocupa o primeiro lugar em incidência e o terceiro lugar em mortalidade entre os homens. A maioria desses cânceres é diagnosticada em estágios precoces. Atualmente, para pacientes com adenocarcinoma de risco muito baixo, baixo risco ou risco intermediário favorável, a vigilância ativa é uma opção adequada. Objetivos: Descrever uma população de pacientes com câncer de próstata de risco muito baixo, baixo risco ou risco intermediário favorável sob vigilância ativa em COMERI. Material e métodos: Estudo descritivo, observacional, retrospectivo. Foram incluídos pacientes com câncer de próstata de risco muito baixo, baixo risco ou risco intermediário favorável, tratados entre 2010 e 2018 em COMERI. Os dados foram coletados no sistema de registro clínico eletrônico. Resultados: Foram incluídos 33 pacientes, com mediana de idade no diagnóstico de 74 anos. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a controles clínicos e determinação de PSA a cada 3 meses. O toque retal foi realizado anualmente. O tempo médio de vigilância ativa foi de 33 meses. Durante o acompanhamento, houve poucas variações nos valores de PSA. 21% dos pacientes foram submetidos a uma nova biópsia durante a vigilância ativa, e em todos os casos, o Gleason permaneceu inalterado. Nenhum paciente abandonou a modalidade de vigilância ativa. Conclusão: Em nosso ambiente, a vigilância ativa é considerada uma opção terapêutica válida para pacientes altamente selecionados com câncer de próstata de risco muito baixo, baixo risco ou risco intermediário favorável, e é bem aceita por eles.

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Prostatic Neoplasms/therapy , Adenocarcinoma/therapy , Disease Progression , Watchful Waiting , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Patient Selection , Octogenarians
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1583783


El desprendimiento regmatógeno de retina es una enfermedad con un potencial asociado de amenaza a la función visual, el cual requiere de un tratamiento quirúrgico tan pronto como sea posible. La retinopexia neumática es un proceder quirúrgico mínimamente invasivo útil para reparar desprendimientos regmatógenos de retina no complicados con criterios de selección específicos. Se presenta a un paciente diagnosticado con desprendimiento regmatógeno de retina no complicado en el Hospital Arnaldo Milián Castro, que fue operado con técnica de retinopexia neumática sin los criterios tradicionales de selección, con buen resultado anatómico y funcional. Extender los criterios de selección para solucionar desprendimientos regmatógenos de retina no complicados sin criterios tradicionales para retinopexia neumática puede ser una excelente opción siempre que se realice de forma objetiva, razonable y entallada a cada caso(AU)

Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is a disease with an associated potential threat to visual function, which requires surgical treatment as soon as possible. Pneumatic retinopexy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure useful for repairing uncomplicated rhegmatogenous retinal detachments with specific selection criteria. We present a patient diagnosed with uncomplicated rhegmatogenous retinal detachment at the Arnaldo Milián Castro Hospital, who was operated with pneumatic retinopexy technique without traditional selection criteria, with good anatomical and functional results. Extending the selection criteria to solve uncomplicated rhegmatogenous retinal detachment without traditional criteria for pneumatic retinopexy may be an excellent option provided it is performed objectively, reasonably and tailored to each case(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Retinal Detachment , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Triacetoneamine-N-Oxyl , Corrective Maintenance , Patient Selection
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(3): 187-190, dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528751


Objetivo Los Servicios de Salud en Chile tienen una demanda insatisfecha en ortodoncia y muchas de las interconsultas no son pertinentes. Buscando una solución, el Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Norte (SSMN) implementó la "Guía de Referencia Clínica Ortodoncia (GRCO) para Servicios Públicos de Salud". El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar si existe asociación entre utilizar GRCO y pertinencia en derivaciones a Ortodoncia realizadas por odontólogos de Atención Primaria. Materiales y Métodos Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico en 167 pacientes derivados por odontólogos que utilizaron la GRCO y 167 pacientes derivados por odontólogos que no la utilizaron. Una especialista en ortodoncia evaluó pertinencia en la derivación. Los datos se analizaron mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado, y la prueba t-test. Resultados De los odontólogos que usaron la guía solo un 3% de sus derivaciones fueron no pertinentes, mientras que aquellos que no la usaron, tuvieron un 54% de derivaciones no pertinentes (p <0,001). Odontólogos que no usan la GRCO presentan 38 veces más probabilidad de realizar una derivación no pertinente. (OR 38,8; IC 14,9 - 125,9). Conclusión El uso de Guía de Referencia Clínica a Ortodoncia se asocia fuertemente con la pertinencia en la derivación de pacientes a la especialidad ortodoncia.

Objective. Health Services in Chile have an unsatisfied demand in orthodontics and the largest waiting list for dental specialties, with many of the referrals being irrelevant. Seeking a solution, the North Metropolitan Health Service (SSMN) implemented the "Orthodontic Clinical Referral Guideline (GRCO) for Public Health Services", to define the appropriateness of referrals. The objective of this study was to assess whether there is an association between the GRCO and the appropriateness of orthodontic referrals made by Primary Health Care dentists of the SSMN. Materials and methods. An analytical observational study was carried out in 167 patients referred by dentists who used the GRCO and 167 patients referred by dentists who did not use it. A calibrated orthodontic specialist assessed the relevance of the referral. The data was analyzed using the chi-square test, and the t-test. Results. Only 3% of the referrals made by dentists who used the GRCO were inappropriate, compared to 54% of those who did not use it. Dentists who do not use the GRCO are 38 times more likely to make an inappropriate referral than those who adhere to the GRCO (OR 38.8; CI 14.9 - 125.9) Conclusion. The use of the Orthodontic Clinical Referral Guideline is strongly associated with appropriateness in referring patients to the orthodontic specialty.

Humans , Male , Female , Orthodontics/methods , Referral and Consultation , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Malocclusion/therapy , Chi-Square Distribution , Patient Selection , Health Services Needs and Demand
Vínculo (São Paulo, Online) ; 20(1): 36-46, 20230000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513043


Considerando-se os desafios da composição de grupos de diálogos em temas socialmente polêmicos, este estudo teve como objetivo apresentar as estratégias utilizadas para compor um grupo de diálogo a partir da metodologia do Projeto de Conversações Públicas entre pessoas com distintas opiniões sobre a abordagem do tema da diversidade sexual e de gênero nas escolas brasileiras. As transcrições das audiogravações das conversas preparatórias e dos encontros grupais e as anotações de diário de campo compuseram o corpus de análise deste estudo. A análise temática de conteúdo serviu para o destaque das seguintes estratégias consideradas úteis para a composição grupal: 1) Reconhecendo as pessoas envolvidas no conflito; 2) Entrando em contato com pessoas-chave; 3) Recrutando participantes reservas; 4) Pensando formas alternativas de presença no grupo; 5) Reconhecendo quem precisaria estar na conversa; 6) Flexibilidade com relação a entrada de novas/os participantes; 7) Lidando com os estereótipos com relação as/aos facilitadoras/es; 8) Co-construindo estratégias para maior adesão grupal. Esses eixos analíticos foram discutidos a partir da literatura da área.

Considering the challenges of composing dialogue groups in polemic issues, this study aimed to present the strategies used to compose a dialogue group based on the methodology of the Public Conversations Project among people with different opinions on the approach to the topic of sexual and of gender in Brazilian schools. Transcripts of audio recordings of preparatory conversations and group meetings and field diary notes composed the corpus of analysis of this study. The thematic content analysis served to highlight the following strategies considered useful for group composition: 1) Recognizing the people involved in the conflict; 2) Contacting key people; 3) Recruiting reserve participants; 4) Thinking about alternative forms of presence in the group; 5) Recognizing who would need to be in the conversation; 6) Flexibility regarding the entry of new participants; 7) Dealing with stereotypes regarding facilitators; 8) Co-building strategies for greater group membership. The selected material was discussed based on the literature in the area.

Considerando los desafíos de la composición de grupos de diálogo, este estudio tuvo como objetivo presentar las estrategias utilizadas para la composición de un grupo de diálogo basado en la metodología del Proyecto Conversaciones Públicas entre personas con opiniones diferentes sobre el abordaje del tema sexual y de género en las escuelas brasileñas. Transcripciones de grabaciones de audio de conversaciones preparatorias y reuniones grupales y notas del diario de campo componen el corpus de análisis de este estudio. El análisis de contenido temático sirvió para resaltar las siguientes estrategias consideradas útiles para la composición del grupo: 1) Reconocimiento de las personas involucradas en el conflicto; 2) Ponerse en contacto con personas clave; 3) Reclutamiento de participantes de reserva; 4) Pensar en formas alternativas de presencia en el grupo; 5) Reconocer quién debería estar en la conversación; 6) Flexibilidad en la entrada de nuevos participantes; 7) Abordar los estereotipos sobre los facilitadores; 8) Estrategias de co-construcción para una mayor membresía del grupo. El material seleccionado se discutió con base en la literatura en el área.

Humans , Negotiating , Patient Selection , Interpersonal Relations
Rev. chil. anest ; 52(2): 244-250, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1577385


Sedation consists in the administration of different types of drugs that produce central nervous system depression, decreasing alertness and anxiety, to allow medical procedures to be performed, which may or not be painful and require some degree of immobility. The physician in charge of the sedation of pediatric patients must know the physiological changes of the child, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the different medications to be used, as well as the possible complications that may occur before, during and after sedation, in order to provide a safe and quality care.

La sedación consiste en la administración de diferentes tipos de fármacos que producen depresión del sistema nervioso central, disminuyendo el estado de alerta y ansiedad, para permitir la realización de procedimientos médicos, que pueden ser dolorosos o no y que requieren algún grado de inmovilidad. El médico encargado de la sedación de pacientes pediátricos debe conocer los cambios fisiológicos del niño, la farmacocinética y farmacodinámica de los diferentes medicamentos a utilizar, además de las posibles complicaciones que se pueden presentar antes, durante y después de la sedación, con el fin de brindar una atención segura y de calidad.

Humans , Child , Pediatrics , Hypnotics and Sedatives/administration & dosage , Conscious Sedation , Patient Selection , Deep Sedation , Hypnotics and Sedatives/adverse effects
Rev. chil. anest ; 52(3): 289-296, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1577948


Sedation consists in the administration of different types of drugs that produce central nervous system depression, decreasing alertness and anxiety, to allow medical procedures to be performed, which may or not be painful and require some degree of immobility. The physician in charge of the sedation of pediatric patients must know the physiological changes of the child, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the different medications to be used, as well as the possible complications that may occur before, during and after sedation, in order to provide a safe and quality care.

La sedación consiste en la administración de diferentes tipos de fármacos que producen depresión del sistema nervioso central, disminuyendo el estado de alerta y ansiedad, para permitir la realización de procedimientos médicos, que pueden ser dolorosos o no y que requieren algún grado de inmovilidad. El médico encargado de la sedación de pacientes pediátricos debe conocer los cambios fisiológicos del niño, la farmacocinética y farmacodinámica de los diferentes medicamentos a utilizar, además de las posibles complicaciones que se pueden presentar antes, durante y después de la sedación, con el fin de brindar una atención segura y de calidad.

Humans , Child , Pediatrics , Conscious Sedation/methods , Deep Sedation/methods , Hypnotics and Sedatives/administration & dosage , Anesthetics/administration & dosage , Conscious Sedation/adverse effects , Risk Assessment , Patient Selection , Deep Sedation/adverse effects , Hypnotics and Sedatives/adverse effects , Anesthetics/adverse effects
Physis (Rio J.) ; 33: e33076, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507038


Resumo A avaliação de perguntas de questionário de inquérito de saúde no Brasil limita-se, na maioria das vezes, aos testes-piloto e debriefing das entrevistas. O objetivo do presente artigo é contribuir para preencher essa lacuna ao apresentar uma metodologia de avaliação cognitiva para identificação de perguntas potencialmente "problemáticas" quanto à sua formulação e o que ocorre, na interação entrevistador-entrevistado, ao aplicá-las em entrevistas com o uso de questionário padronizado em um inquérito regional de saúde. O estudo utilizou dois roteiros padronizados para identificação de dificuldades de redação e/ou compreensão e avaliação da interação entrevistador-entrevistado. Dentre as 513 perguntas do questionário individual de pesquisa, 68 questões foram indicadas como sendo potencialmente problemáticas à compreensão e comunicação pelos entrevistados. As perguntas que apresentaram problemas na sua formulação, com maior pontuação (>40), foram aquelas relacionadas à quantificação de tempo; ao grau de dificuldade para o autocuidado; à situação no trabalho e à estimação do rendimento. Dentre as perguntas apontadas como problemáticas na avaliação pelo Sistema de Apreciação de Perguntas (SAP), o autocuidado e horas trabalhadas estão entre aquelas que também tiveram pontuação alta na avaliação da interação.

Abstract The evaluation of health survey questions in Brazil is limited, in most cases, to pilot tests and interview debriefing. The purpose of this article is to contribute to filling this gap by presenting a cognitive assessment methodology for identifying potentially "problematic" questions regarding their formulation and what happens in the interviewer-interviewee interaction, when applying them in interviews using the standardized questionnaire in a regional health survey. In this study, two standardized scripts were used to identify difficulties in writing and/or understanding and evaluating the interviewer-interviewee interaction. Among the 513 questions in the individual research questionnaire, 68 questions were indicated as being potentially problematic for the interviewees to understand and communicate. The questions that presented problems in their formulation, with the highest score (>40), were those related to the quantification of time; the degree of difficulty for self-care; work situation and income estimation. Among the questions identified as problematic in the evaluation by the Question Appraisal System (SAP), self-care and hours worked are among those that also scored high in the interaction evaluation.

Humans , Adult , Research , Data Collection , Interviews as Topic , Surveys and Questionnaires , Health Surveys , Evaluation of Research Programs and Tools , Brazil , Cognition , Communication , Patient Selection , Comprehension , Social Norms , Social Interaction
Rev. méd. Urug ; 38(3): e38312, sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1409858


Resumen: La poliquistosis renal autosómica dominante es la enfermedad renal hereditaria más frecuente. Se caracteriza por la progresiva aparición de quistes renales que suelen conducir a la enfermedad renal crónica extrema en la edad adulta. La aprobación del uso de tolvaptán (antagonista del receptor V2 de la vasopresina) ha marcado un cambio significativo en el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. En los últimos años apareció evidencia que demuestra el beneficio en iniciar tratamiento con tolvaptán en pacientes que presentan una enfermedad con rápida evolución. Se realiza una revisión descriptiva de los principales estudios clínicos publicados en el periodo 2012-2022 y se sugiere un esquema de utilidad para seleccionar aquellos pacientes que pueden beneficiarse del inicio de tratamiento.

Abstract: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is the most common hereditary kidney disease. It is characterized by the progressive appearance of renal cysts that usually lead to extreme chronic kidney disease in adulthood. The approval of the use of tolvaptán (V2 vasopressin receptor antagonist) has meant a significant change in the treatment of this disease. In recent years, evidence has proved the benefits of initiating treatment with tolvaptán in patients with a rapidly evolving disease. A descriptive review of the main clinical studies published in 2012-2022 period is carried out and a useful scheme is suggested to select those patients who can benefit from the start of treatment.

Resumo: A doença renal policística autossômica dominante é a doença renal hereditária mais comum. Caracteriza-se pelo aparecimento progressivo de cistos renais que geralmente levam à doença renal crônica extrema na idade adulta. A aprovação do uso do tolvaptano (antagonista do receptor de vasopressina V2) marcou uma mudança significativa no tratamento dessa doença. Nos últimos anos, surgiram evidências que demonstram o benefício de iniciar o tratamento com tolvaptano em pacientes com doença de evolução rápida. Faz-se uma revisão descritiva dos principais estudos clínicos publicados no período 2012-2022 e sugere-se um esquema útil para selecionar aqueles pacientes que podem se beneficiar do início do tratamento.

Humans , Polycystic Kidney, Autosomal Dominant/drug therapy , Antidiuretic Hormone Receptor Antagonists/therapeutic use , Tolvaptan/therapeutic use , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Patient Selection
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;44(4): 435-441, Apr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387897


Abstract Objective Antenatal recognition of severe cases of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) by ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may aid decisions regarding the indication of fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion. Methods An integrative review was performed. Searches in MEDLINE and EMBASE used terms related to CDH, diagnosis, MRI, and US. The inclusion criteria were reviews and guidelines approaching US and MRI markers of severity of CDH published in English in the past 10 years. Results The search retrieved 712 studies, out of which 17 publications were included. The US parameters were stomach and liver positions, lung-to-head ratio (LHR), observed/expected LHR (o/e LHR), and quantitative lung index. The MRI parameters were total fetal lung volume (TFLV), observed/expected TFLV, relative fetal or percent predicted lung volumes, liver intrathoracic ratio, and modified McGoon index. None of the parameters was reported to be superior to the others. Conclusion The most mentioned parameters were o/e LHR, LHR, liver position, o/e TFLV, and TFLV.

Resumo Objetivo A identificação pré-natal de casos graves de hérnia diafragmática congênita (HDC) por ultrassonografia (US) e ressonância magnética (RM) pode ajudar a decidir sobre a indicação de oclusão traqueal endoscópica fetal. Métodos Uma revisão integrativa foi realizada pesquisando nas bases MEDLINE e EMBASE comtermos relativos a HDC, diagnóstico, RM, e US. Os critérios de inclusão foram revisões e diretrizes abordando marcadores ultrassonográficos e de ressonância para a gravidade de HDC publicados em inglês nos últimos 10 anos. Resultados Foram obtidos 712 estudos, dos quais 17 foram incluídos. Os parâmetros de US foram posições do estômago e do fígado, relação pulmão-cabeça (LHR, na sigla em inglês), LHR observada/esperada (o/e LHR), e índice pulmonar quantitativo (QLI, na sigla em inglês). Os parâmetros de RM foram volume pulmonar fetal total (TFLV, na sigla em inglês), o/e TFLV, volume pulmonar fetal relativo e porcentagem predita, razão do fígado intratorácico (LiTR, na sigla em inglês) e índice de McGoon modificado. Nenhum dos parâmetros foi mencionado como superior aos demais. Conclusão Os parâmetros mais citados foram o/e LHR, LHR, posição do fígado, o/e TFLV, e TFLV.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Reference Standards , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Patient Selection , Hernias, Diaphragmatic, Congenital/diagnostic imaging
Bogotá; Asociación Colombiana de Hematología y Oncología -ACHO;Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud - FUCS; 2022. 167 p. tab.
Monography in Spanish | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1354572


La leucemia linfocítica crónica (LLC) es una neoplasia caracterizada por la proliferación y acumulación clonal de células B maduras, que típicamente co-expresan los antígenos de superficie CD5 ­ CD23, dentro de la sangre, la médula ósea, los ganglios linfáticos, el bazo y otros tejidos . Esta patología es considerada el tipo de leucemia más común en personas adultas en países occidentales, y se considera una enfermedad de adultos mayores, con una mediana de edad al diagnóstico de 70 años .

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a neoplasm characterized by the proliferation and clonal accumulation of mature B cells, which typically co-express the CD5 - CD23 surface antigens, within the blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen and other tissues. This pathology is considered the most common type of leukemia in adults in Western countries, and is considered a disease of older adults, with a median age at diagnosis of 70 years.

Humans , Leukemia, Lymphoid , Mass Screening , Leukemia, Lymphoid/drug therapy , Patient Selection
Bogotá; Asociación Colombiana de Hematología y Oncología -ACHO;Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud - FUCS; 2022. 385 p. tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1354597


La guía está dirigida al personal clínico asistencial especializado que brinda tratamiento a los pacientes con diagnóstico de LLC, en el contexto del SGSSS colombiano. Incluye a los siguientes profesionales potenciales: Hematólogos y Hematólogos-oncólogos. También está dirigida a los centros asistenciales que brindan cuidado a los pacientes con diagnóstico de LLC y a quienes toman decisiones administrativas, tanto en el medio hospitalario como en las aseguradoras, pagadores del gasto en la salud y en la generación de políticas de salud. Finalmente, las recomendaciones pueden ser de interés para pacientes con LLC, sus familiares y cuidadores. Se considera pertinente aclarar que la guía ofrecerá recomendaciones específicas frente a las preguntas definidas, y excede el alcance de esta, definir las competencias profesionales del equipo involucrado en el manejo de esta patología.

The guide is aimed at specialized clinical care personnel who provide treatment to patients diagnosed with CLL, in the context of the Colombian SGSSS. It includes the following potential professionals: hematologists and hematologist-oncologists. It is also addressed to health care centers that provide care to patients diagnosed with CLL and to administrative decision makers, both in the hospital environment and in the insurance companies, health care payers and health policy makers. Finally, the recommendations may be of interest to CLL patients, their families and caregivers. It is considered pertinent to clarify that the guide will offer specific recommendations in response to the questions defined, and it is beyond the scope of this guide to define the professional competencies of the team involved in the management of this pathology.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Leukemia, Lymphoid , Leukemia, Lymphoid/therapy , Mass Screening , Patient Selection , Systematic Review
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389195


RESUMEN: Objetivo: Determinar las características epidemiológicas, clínicas y familiares de los pacientes con trastornos mentales adscritos a una unidad de medicina familiar (UMF) mexicana. Material y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, transversal, observacional, descriptivo, sobre 164 pacientes adscritos a una UMF mexicana, elegidos por muestreo no probabilístico que cumplieron criterios de selección: mayores de 18 años, con trastorno mental, sin impedimento físico o cognitivo. Resultados: Se presentaron 51 hombres y 113 mujeres con edad promedio de 48,6 años; 57% con más de un trastorno mental; los más frecuentes fueron depresión y ansiedad. En escolaridad sobresale licenciatura; 16% reportaron intento de suicidio, 42% tiene más de 6 años diagnosticado. El 64,6% recibe psicoterapia y farmacología; el 18% fue hospitalizado a causa de sus trastornos, gran parte de ellos entre 1 y 4 semanas y 38% tiene algún familiar con algún trastorno mental, Las comorbilidades más frecuentes fueron Hipertensión, obesidad, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia y artrosis. Los tipos de familia más frecuentes son: nuclear o nuclear simple, con núcleo integrado y núcleo no integrado; subsisten principalmente de los servicios; viven con niveles 1 y 2 de pobreza familiar; son modernas y urbanas en mayor número. Conclusiones: las características sociodemográficas, clínicas y familiares de los pacientes con trastornos mentales adscritos a una unidad de medicina familiar (UMF) mexicana son en su mayoría mujeres, en adultez media, que cursan con más de un trastorno mental (ansiedad y depresión), tratadas con fármacos y psicoterapia, además cursaban con hipertensión, y pertenecen a familias de tipo nuclear simple, de núcleo integrado y núcleo no; subsisten por servicios; viven con niveles 1 y 2 de pobreza familiar, son modernas y urbanas.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To determine the epidemiological, clinical and family characteristics of patients with mental disorders assigned to a Mexican family medicine unit (FMU). Material and methods: Prospective, cross-sectional, observational, descriptive study of 164 patients assigned to a Mexican FMU, chosen by non-probabilistic evidence that they met the selection criteria: older than 18 years, with mental disorder, without physical or cognitive impairment. Results: 51 men and 113 women with a mean age of 48.6 years were presented; 57% with more than one mental disorder; the most frequent were depression and anxiety. In schooling overselling bachelor's degree; 16% reported attempted suicide, 42% have been diagnosed for more than 6 years. 64.6% receive psychotherapy and pharmacology; 18% were hospitalized due to their disorders, most of them between 1 and 4 weeks and 38% have a family member with a mental disorder. The most frequent comorbidities were hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and osteoarthritis. The most frequent types of family are: nuclear or simple nuclear, with integrated nucleus and non-integrated nucleus; they subsist mainly on services; they live with levels 1 and 2 of family poverty; are modern and urban in greater number. Conclusions: the epidemiological, clinical and family characteristics of patients with mental disorders assigned to a Mexican family medicine unit (FMU) are mostly women, in middle adulthood, who attend more than a mental disorder (anxiety and depression), treated with drugs and psychotherapy, also had hypertension, and belong to families of simple nuclear type and non-integrated nucleus; subsist on services; they live with levels 1 and 2 of family poverty, they are modern and urban.

Mental Disorders , Patient Selection
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 37(4)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408300


Introducción: La espiritualidad es un fenómeno que otorga un sentido a cada momento del ser humano, al mismo tiempo brinda un significado hacia su persona. Durante la enfermedad se puede presentar crisis del significado de la vida espiritual al enfrentar no solo a esta, sino al ambiente hospitalario. El adulto mayor al tener una conexión mayor con la espiritualidad la vive de manera peculiar. Objetivo: Comprender el significado de la espiritualidad en la vivencia del adulto mayor hospitalizado. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo fenomenológico interpretativo, basado en la fenomenología del fenómeno situado. Se llevó a cabo en un Hospital de Segundo Nivel de Guanajuato, en el periodo de marzo 2019 a febrero 2020. Los criterios de selección fueron adultos mayores de 60 años, que tuviesen al menos 48 horas de hospitalización, con capacidad de comunicación verbal. El muestreo fue intencional con 11 adultos mayores considerando el criterio de saturación de información. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó la entrevista fenomenológica. Resultados: Se pudo apreciar el significado de espiritualidad/ religiosidad, la espiritualidad en las prácticas religiosas vividas, impedimentos para la vida religiosa y espiritual, la enfermedad como una prueba y el sentido de la espiritualidad y lo divino como sentido de vida y sanación. Conclusiones: La espiritualidad para los adultos mayores es una fuente de apoyo que brinda la capacidad para enfrentar la hospitalización, así como las problemáticas a las que ellos hacen frente en el medio hospitalario. Los adultos mayores otorgan un sentido a lo vivido y buscan los caminos para experimentarla(AU)

Introduction: Spirituality is a phenomenon that gives meaning to every moment of the human being, at the same time it provides a meaning to his own person. During illness, a crisis of the meaning of spiritual life can occur when facing not only the illness, but the hospital environment as well. The older adult has greater connection with spirituality, living it in a peculiar way. Objective: To understand the meaning of spirituality in the experience of the hospitalized elderly. Methods: this was an interpretive phenomenological qualitative study, based on the phenomenology of the situated phenomenon. It was carried out in a Second Level Hospital in Guanajuato, from March 2019 to February 2020. The selection criteria were adults older than 60, who had at least 48 hours of hospitalization, with verbal communication skills. The sampling was intentional with 11 older adults considering the information saturation criterion. The phenomenological interview was used for data collection. Results: It was possible to appreciate the meaning of spirituality / religiosity, spirituality in their lived religious practices, impediments to religious and spiritual life, illness as a test and the sense of spirituality and the divine as a sense of life and healing. Conclusions: Spirituality for the elderly is a source of support that provides the capacity to face hospitalization, as well as the problems they face in the hospital environment. Older adults give meaning to what they have experienced and seek ways to experience spirituality(AU)

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Patient Selection , Spirituality , Hospitalization , Data Collection , Nursing Care/methods
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(4): 835-842, dic. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385832


The aim of this study was to evaluate intraoral scanners accuracy in full-arches, comparing them with conventional impressions. A scientific research performed in MEDLINE, EBSCOhost, and SciELO databases was conducted to analyze articles published between 2015 and 2020. Clinical and in vitro studies that evaluated accuracy (precision and trueness) from intraoral scanners and conventional impressions in full-arches were included. Two tests were applied to evaluate the methodological bias from the studies. Out of the 191 articles found, seven of them were selected for a qualitative analysis. In clinical studies,intraoral scanners CEREC Omnicam and 3Shape TRIOS Colorhad the highest precision compared to conventional irreversible hydrocolloid impressions. In in vitro studies, conventional polyvinyl siloxane impressions showed the highest accuracy, followed by intraoral scanners Cadent iTero and CEREC Omnicam, while irreversible hydrocolloid impressions showed the lowest accuracy. Digital intraoral impression systems do not show superior accuracycompared to highly accurate conventional impression techniques. However, they provide excellent clinical results and both methods are clinically accepted.

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la exactitud de escáneres intraorales en impresiones digitales de arco completo en comparación con las impresiones convencionales. Se realizó una revisión sistemática en las bases de datos MEDLINE, EBSCOhost y SciELO para analizar artículos publicados entre los años 2015 y 2020. Se incluyeron estudios clínicos e in vitro que evaluaran exactitud (precisión y/o veracidad) de escáneres intraorales impresiones convencionales en arcos completos. Dos pautas se aplicaron para evaluar el riesgo de sesgo de los estudios. De 191 artículos encontrados, 7 fueron seleccionados para un análisis cualitativo. En los estudios clínicos, los escáneres intraorales CEREC Omnicam y 3Shape TRIOS Color presentaron la mayor precisiónen comparación con las impresiones convencionales de hidrocoloide irreversible. En los estudios in vitro, las impresiones de polivinil siloxano presentaron la mayor exactitud seguido por los escáneres intraorales CadentiTero y CEREC Omnicam, mientras quelas impresiones de hidrocoloide irreversible presentaron la menor exactitud. Los sistemas de impresión digital intraoral no mostraron tener una exactitud superior comparados con las técnicas de impresión convencional de gran exactitud. Sin embargo, proveen excelentes resultados clínicos y ambos métodos son clínicamente aceptables.

Humans , Dental Arch/diagnostic imaging , In Vitro Techniques , Dental Impression Technique , Computer-Aided Design , Patient Selection , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Dental Impression Materials
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 33(2): 196-205, abr.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289074


RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar apresentações mais graves de COVID-19. Métodos: Pacientes consecutivamente admitidos à unidade de terapia intensiva foram submetidos à análise de clusters por meio de método de explorações sequenciais Resultados: Analisamos os dados de 147 pacientes, com média de idade de 56 ± 16 anos e Simplified Acute Physiological Score 3 de 72 ± 18, dos quais 103 (70%) demandaram ventilação mecânica e 46 (31%) morreram na unidade de terapia intensiva. A partir do algoritmo de análise de clusters, identificaram-se dois grupos bem definidos, com base na frequência cardíaca máxima [Grupo A: 104 (IC95% 99 - 109) batimentos por minuto versus Grupo B: 159 (IC95% 155 - 163) batimentos por minuto], frequência respiratória máxima [Grupo A: 33 (IC95% 31 - 35) respirações por minuto versus Grupo B: 50 (IC95% 47 - 53) respirações por minuto] e na temperatura corpórea máxima [Grupo A: 37,4 (IC95% 37,1 - 37,7)ºC versus Grupo B: 39,3 (IC95% 39,1 - 39,5)ºC] durante o tempo de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva, assim como a proporção entre a pressão parcial de oxigênio no sangue e a fração inspirada de oxigênio quando da admissão à unidade de terapia intensiva [Grupo A: 116 (IC95% 99 - 133) mmHg versus Grupo B: 78 (IC95% 63 - 93) mmHg]. Os subfenótipos foram distintos em termos de perfis inflamatórios, disfunções orgânicas, terapias de suporte, tempo de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva e mortalidade na unidade de terapia intensiva (com proporção de 4,2 entre os grupos). Conclusão: Nossos achados, baseados em dados clínicos universalmente disponíveis, revelaram dois subfenótipos distintos, com diferentes evoluções de doença. Estes resultados podem ajudar os profissionais de saúde na alocação de recursos e seleção de pacientes para teste de novas terapias.

Abstract Objective: To identify more severe COVID-19 presentations. Methods: Consecutive intensive care unit-admitted patients were subjected to a stepwise clustering method. Results: Data from 147 patients who were on average 56 ± 16 years old with a Simplified Acute Physiological Score 3 of 72 ± 18, of which 103 (70%) needed mechanical ventilation and 46 (31%) died in the intensive care unit, were analyzed. From the clustering algorithm, two well-defined groups were found based on maximal heart rate [Cluster A: 104 (95%CI 99 - 109) beats per minute versus Cluster B: 159 (95%CI 155 - 163) beats per minute], maximal respiratory rate [Cluster A: 33 (95%CI 31 - 35) breaths per minute versus Cluster B: 50 (95%CI 47 - 53) breaths per minute], and maximal body temperature [Cluster A: 37.4 (95%CI 37.1 - 37.7)°C versus Cluster B: 39.3 (95%CI 39.1 - 39.5)°C] during the intensive care unit stay, as well as the oxygen partial pressure in the blood over the oxygen inspiratory fraction at intensive care unit admission [Cluster A: 116 (95%CI 99 - 133) mmHg versus Cluster B: 78 (95%CI 63 - 93) mmHg]. Subphenotypes were distinct in inflammation profiles, organ dysfunction, organ support, intensive care unit length of stay, and intensive care unit mortality (with a ratio of 4.2 between the groups). Conclusion: Our findings, based on common clinical data, revealed two distinct subphenotypes with different disease courses. These results could help health professionals allocate resources and select patients for testing novel therapies.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Respiration, Artificial/statistics & numerical data , Critical Illness/therapy , Critical Care/methods , COVID-19/physiopathology , Intensive Care Units , Phenotype , Severity of Illness Index , Algorithms , Cluster Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Patient Selection , Respiratory Rate/physiology , COVID-19/mortality , COVID-19/therapy , Length of Stay
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 40(1): 68-79, abr. 2021. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388081


Resumen: La endocarditis infecciosa, la infección cardiovascular en general, es una enfermedad médico-quirúrgica compleja que requiere un tratamiento multidisciplinario precoz, específico y agresivo. A pesar de los avances médicos, ésta sigue siendo una enfermedad con una morbi-mortalidad elevada, por lo que el tratamiento antibiótico se complementa en un 40-50% de los pacientes mediante intervención quirúrgica. Por lo tanto, es necesario conocer las opciones que pueden llegar a ser utilizadas para extirpar el tejido infectado. El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir aspectos de interés en la cirugía de la endocarditis infecciosa.

Abstract: Infective endocarditis (IE) is a complex disease that requires a multidisciplinary approach and early and aggressive treatment. Despite médical and surgical advances, this disease still has high morbidity and mortality. The antibiotic treatment is complemented in 40-50% of the cases with surgical intervention. Thus, it is useful to be aware of the possibilities that might be contemplated in order to excise the infected tissues. The aim of this work is to discuss current surgical aspects of interest in the surgery IE.

Humans , Middle Aged , Endocarditis, Bacterial/surgery , Patient Care Team , Bacterial Infections/complications , Heart Transplantation , Prosthesis-Related Infections/complications , Patient Selection , Endocarditis, Bacterial/etiology
Int. braz. j. urol ; 47(2): 359-373, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154467


ABSTRACT Background: Non-metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (M0 CRPC) has seen important developments in drugs and diagnostic tools in the last two years. New hormonal agents have demonstrated improvement in metastasis free survival in M0 CRPC patients and have been approved by regulatory agencies in Brazil. Additionally, newer and more sensitive imaging tools are able to detect metastasis earlier than before, which will impact the percentage of patients staged as M0 CRPC. Based on the available international guidelines, a group of Brazilian urology and medical oncology experts developed and completed a survey on the diagnosis and treatment of M0 CRPC in Brazil. These results are reviewed and summarized and associated recommendations are provided. Objective: To present survey results on management of M0 CRPC in Brazil. Design, setting, and participants: A panel of six Brazilian prostate cancer experts determined 64 questions concerning the main areas of interest: 1) staging tools, 2) treatments, 3) side effects of systemic treatment/s, and 4) osteoclast-targeted therapy. A larger panel of 28 Brazilian prostate cancer experts answered these questions in order to create country-specific recommendations discussed in this manuscript. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: The panel voted publicly but anonymously on the predefined questions. These answers are the panelists' opinions, not a literature review or meta-analysis. Therapies not yet approved in Brazil were excluded from answer options. Each question had five to seven relevant answers including two non-answers. Results were tabulated in real time. Conclusions: The results and recommendations presented can be used by Brazilian physicians to support the management of M0 CRPC patients. Individual clinical decision making should be supported by available data, however, for Brazil, guidelines for diagnosis and management of M0 CRPC patients have not been developed. This document will serve as a point of reference when confronting this disease stage.

Humans , Male , Physicians , Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant/diagnosis , Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant/drug therapy , Perception , Brazil , Treatment Outcome , Patient Selection , Consensus
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(1): 14-22, mar. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385702


En la actual pandemia por COVID-19, el mundo clínico se ha visto obligado a reforzar el uso de protección en el quehacer asistencial, debido al alto grado de contagio y virulencia de este virus. En odontología, debido a la producción de aerosoles, se han suspendido las atenciones clínicas para prevenir contagios. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la cantidad de contaminación bacteriana, generada por el uso de aerosol con micromotor de alta velocidad, realizado por dentistas del Hospital de La Florida, Santiago de Chile. El estudio contó con 10 pacientes por box, con 2 muestras por paciente, en total 40 placas de cultivo, 20 Control, 20 Prueba y 3 Ambientales. El medio de cultivo se mantuvo por 10 minutos, ubicado en la frente del ope rador y pechera del paciente, se realizó simulación de operatoria con turbina, sin aislamiento absoluto, con y sin uso de una cúpula de acrílico, puesta en un paciente sano. Las muestras fueron analizadas macroscópicamente, incubadas a 37 ºC en una atmósfera de oxígeno por 24 horas y dióxido de Carbono a las 48 horas. 43 placas fueron positivas, observándose, en las muestras de la peche ra una diferencia no significativa (p=0,753) entre ambos grupos, con una diferencia promedio de 56,76 UFC. En las placas de la fre nte del operador, un promedio de 8.1 UFC en Box sin cúpula y 3,9 UFC en el box con cúpula, encontrándose diferencia estadísticament e significativa (p= 0,0391). Las placas ambientales 28,33 UFC en el Box con cúpula, 29 UFC en el Box control y Box sin cúpula 46, 66 UFC. Al comprobar que la cúpula de acrílico contiene eficazmente los aerosoles, corresponde utilizarlo como norma de biosegurid ad para proteger tanto al equipo dental, como a los pacientes en tiempos de pandemia contra el COVID-19.

In the current PANDEMIC for COVID- 19, the clinical world has been forced to reinforce the use of protection in healthcare, due to the high degree of contagion and virulence of this virus. In dentistry, due to the production of aerosols, clinical care has been suspended to prevent infection. The objective of this research is to determine the amount of bacterial contamination, generated by the use of high-speed micromotor aerosol, carried out by dentists at the Hospital de La Florida, Santiago, Chile. The study included 10 patients per box, with 2 samples per patient, in total 40 culture plates, 20 Control, 20 Test and 3 Environmental. The culture medium was kept for 10 minutes, located in the front of the operator and the patient's chest. Simulation of the operation with a turbine was performed, without absolute isolation, with and without the use of an acrylic dome, placed on a healthy patient. The samples were analyzed macroscopically, incubated at 37ºC in an atmosphere of oxygen for 24 hours and Carbon dioxide after 48 hours. 43 plates were positive, noting a non-significant difference (p = 0.753) between the two groups in the bib samples, with an average difference of 56.76 CFU. In the plates of the operator's forehead, an average of 8.1 CFU in the box without dome and 3.9 CFU in the box with dome, finding a statistically significant difference (p = 0.0391). The environmental plates 28.33 UFC in the Box with the dome, 29 UFC in the Control Box and the Box without dome 46.66 UFC. When verifying that the acrylic dome effectively contains aerosols, it should be used as a biosafety standard to protect both dental equipment and patients in times of pandemic against COVID-19.

Humans , Pandemics/prevention & control , COVID-19/prevention & control , Stem Cells , Clinical Trial , Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional/prevention & control , Patient Selection , Agar , Dentists , Personal Protective Equipment , Respiratory Aerosols and Droplets , Hospitals, Public/standards , Masks
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 28(2): 134-139, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1282678


Introducción: el objetivo de este trabajo es reportar y analizar los resultados con un mínimo de dos años de seguimiento en pacientes no deportistas tratados por lesión SLAP. Secundariamente, analizar las variables: tipo se lesión, score ASES y antecedente de trauma y su relación con el retorno a las actividades habituales.Materiales y métodos: se evaluaron veintinueve pacientes tratados por lesiones de SLAP con seguimiento mínimo de veinticuatro meses, operados por dolor, sin inestabilidad evidente, 82.76% fueron hombres. La edad promedio fue 36.82 años. Se evaluó la función en el preoperatorio y en el último seguimiento con el score de ASES, movilidad y retorno a las actividades previas. Se analizaron los resultados y los factores de riesgo para impedir este retorno.Resultados: catorce pacientes (48.28%) asociaron un trauma. Fueron ocho (27.59%) SLAP tipo I, diecisiete (58.62%) tipo II y cuatro pacientes (13.79) tipo V. Retornaron a su actividad previa veintiuno de ellos (72.41%). Se repararon las lesiones SLAP tipo II y V y se realizó desbridamiento en aquellas tipo I. Se obtuvo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los valores pre y postoperatorios con mejoría de la movilidad en flexión anterior de 163.96 a 173.4°, rotación interna de 58.27 a 71.72°, rotación externa de 61.55 a 76.89° (p <0.05) y en el score ASES preoperatorio 56.51 a 90.24 (p <0.05). No así en el subgrupo que no retornó a su actividad previa. La complejidad de la lesión SLAP influyó negativamente en dicho retorno.Conclusión: los resultados con la reparación o desbridamiento artroscópico son funcionales, con alta tasa de retorno a la actividad previa. Los peores resultados se relacionaron a las lesiones SLAP de mayor severidad

Introduction: The objective of this work will be to report and analyze the results with a minimum of two years of follow-up in non-athlete patients treated for SLAP lesion and to analyze the following variables: type of SLAP, ASES score and history of trauma with the return to normal activities. Materials and methods: twenty-nine patients treated for SLAP lesions with a minimum follow-up of twenty-four months, operated due to pain, without evident instability were evaluated, 82.76% were male. The average age was 36.82. The function was evaluated in the preoperative period, and in the last follow-up with the ASES score and mobility. The results and risk factors for not returning to their previous activity were analyzed as well. Results: fourteen patients (48.28%) had associated trauma. There were eight (27.59%) SLAPS type I, seventeen (58.62) type II and four (13.79) type V. Twenty-one (72.4%) patients returned to their previous activity. SLAP type II and V were repaired and type I were debrided. A statistically significant difference was obtained between the preoperative and final evaluation of anterior flexion (163.96 to 173.4°), internal rotation (58.27 to 71.72°), external rotation (61.55 to 76.89°) ( p <0.05) and ASES score (56.51 to 90.24) (p <0.05). Instead, this does not occur in the subgroup that did not return to its previous activities. The complexity of the SLAP lesion influenced this return. Conclusions: the results of SLAP lesion arthroscopic reconstruction are functional with a high rate of return to the patient previous activity. The worst results are related to greater slap severity

Adult , Arthroscopy , Treatment Outcome , Patient Selection , Shoulder Injuries