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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031140


Objective@#A diabetes prevention program is being proposed in the rural agricultural town of San Juan, Batangas, Philippines. This study aims to determine the prevailing level of food intake, physical activity, and health beliefs prior to any intervention.@*Methodology@#Adults were recruited via random sampling with proportional allocation. Interviews were done to determine food intake and physical activity. Small group discussions were held to determine prevailing health beliefs.@*Results@#The average energy intake (1,547 kcal/d) is only 72% of the recommended values for Filipinos. Only 12% of the respondents achieved the recommended energy intake. Carbohydrates comprise a large part (71%) of calorie intake. A majority (91%) already have moderate to high levels of physical activity. There are prevailing health beliefs that need to be considered when dietary modifications and physical activity interventions are to be done.@*Conclusion@#Internationally recommended diabetes prevention interventions such as reducing calorie intake and increasing physical activity may not be directly applicable here. We recommend that the features of a diabetes prevention program for this locale must include the following: 1) introduction of affordable plant sources of proteins; 2) decreasing the proportion of rice as a source of carbohydrates in the diet; 3) maintaining the level of physical activity; and 4) being sensitive to the prevailing health beliefs.

Culture , Diet , Life Style , Prediabetic State , Rural Population
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031148


Objective@#This study aimed to evaluate the effects of combination of curcumin and piperine supplementation on Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG), Homeostatic Model of Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR), Body Mass Index (BMI) in patients with prediabetes and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). This review was done to identify potential herbal remedies that may help improve glycemic parameters, leading to better health outcomes in combination with current antidiabetic treatment.@*Methodology@#This systematic review was based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). It was conducted in 2023 with sources and databases from MEDLINE, EBSCO-Host, ScienceDirect and ProQuest. This paper included randomized-controlled trials exploring the effects of the combination of curcumin and piperine on patients with prediabetes and T2DM. Systematic reviews, observational studies, case reports, case series, conference abstracts, book sections, commentaries/editorials, non-human studies and articles with unavailable full-text and written in non-English language, were excluded. The key terms for the literature search were “curcumin,” “piperine,” “prediabetes” and “Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.” We use Cochrane Risk of Bias (RoB) 2 for quality assessment of the included studies and Review Manager (RevMan) 5.4 to do the meta-analysis.@*Results@#A total of three studies were included in this systematic review. Two studies from Neta et al., and Cicero et al., showed no significant difference in HOMA-IR, BMI and FPG levels between the curcumin, piperine and placebo groups. One study from Panahi et al. demonstrated a significant difference in BMI levels between the curcumin and piperine and placebo groups (p <0.01). The meta-analysis showed that FPG levels, HOMA-IR and BMI improved among patients with diabetes given in curcumin and piperine with reported mean differences (MD) of = -7.61, 95% CI [-15.26, 0.03], p = 0.05, MD = -0.36, 95% CI [-0.77 to 0.05], p = 0.09, and MD = -0.41, 95% CI [-0.85 to 0.03], p = 0.07, respectively).@*Conclusions@#The supplementation of curcumin and piperine showed a numerical reduction in FPG, HOMA-IR and BMI, but were not statistically significant. Further research is needed as there is a paucity of studies included in the review.

Curcumin , Prediabetic State , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 17(3): 80-82, 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561789


La acromegalia es una enfermedad rara que se caracteriza por el aumento de la hormona de crecimiento (HC) y, en consecuencia, del factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina 1 (IGF-1), siendo la causa más frecuente la presencia de un adenoma hipofisario. Sus principales manifestaciones son el crecimiento excesivo de las extremidades, cambios en la apariencia facial y complicaciones sistémicas como apnea del sueño, intolerancia a la glucosa, diabetes e hipertensión. El diagnóstico se confirma mediante la detección de niveles séricos elevados de IGF-1 y niveles séricos elevados de HC que no se suprimen en una prueba de tolerancia a la glucosa oral, y además se complementa con un examen de resonancia magnética nuclear (RMN) para evaluar la presencia de adenoma hipofisiario. La resistencia a la insulina y la prediabetes son complicaciones comunes de la acromegalia, y el riesgo de progresar a diabetes es de un 20%, pero la cetoacidosis diabética (CAD) es una complicación muy inusual, resultado de una relativa deficiencia de insulina causada por exceso de hormona de crecimiento. Presentamos un caso de un hombre de 35 años con antecedentes de obesidad y dislipidemia, que consultó en el servicio de urgencias por CAD. En dicha hospitalización se pesquisan rasgos fenotípicos de acromegalia, por lo que se solicita medición de HC, IGF-1 RMN que informa la presencia de un adenoma hipofisiario, diagnosticándose acromegalia.

Acromegaly is a rare disease characterized by increased growth hormone (GH) levels and, consequently, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), with the most common cause being the presence of a pituitary adenoma. Its main manifestations are excessive growth of the extremities, changes in facial appearance, and systemic complications such as sleep apnea, glucose intolerance, diabetes, and hypertension. The diagnosis is confirmed by detecting elevated serum levels of IGF-1 and elevated GH levels that do not suppress during an oral glucose tolerance test, complemented by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess the presence of a pituitary adenoma. Insulin resistance and prediabetes are common complications of acromegaly, with a 20% risk of progressing to diabetes. However, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a very unusual complication, resulting from a relative insulin deficiency caused by excess growth hormone. We present a case of a 35-year-old man with a history of obesity and dyslipidemia, who consulted the emergency department for DKA. During this hospitalization, phenotypic traits of acromegaly were identified, prompting the measurement of GH, IGF-1, and an MRI that revealed a pituitary adenoma, leading to a diagnosis of acromegaly.

Humans , Male , Adult , Acromegaly/complications , Acromegaly/diagnosis , Diabetic Ketoacidosis/etiology , Pituitary Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Prediabetic State , Insulin Resistance , Insulin-Like Growth Factor I/analysis , Growth Hormone/analysis , Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Rev. Soc. Argent. Diabetes ; 57(3): 159-166, sept.-dic.2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1578049


El conocimiento de los mecanismos etiopatogénicos de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) y la posibilidad de identificar en estadios tempranos individuos en riesgo de desarrollar la enfermedad (fase presintomática o prediabetes 1), han sido las bases para los estudios de prevención por más de tres décadas. A partir de la aprobación del uso teplizumab (TPB) por la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) en personas con riesgo de desarrollar DM1, la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes ha resuelto comisionar a un grupo de expertos para elaborar una toma de posición al res-pecto. En este sentido, se responderán las siguientes preguntas: • ¿Cuáles son las determinaciones inmunológicas que se utilizan en la predicción de la DM1? ¿Cuál es el valor predictivo positivo, la sensibilidad y la especificidad de los autoanticuerpos? • ¿Está indicada la predicción en DM1? ¿En qué grupo? • ¿Qué es TPB? ¿Cuál es la eficacia farmacológica y cuáles son los efectos adversos? En la actualidad el TPB está aprobado para retrasar el desarrollo de la DM1 en personas en estadio 2 de prediabetes. La población considerada de riesgo para estudios de predicción son los familia-res de primer grado de pacientes con DM1. Si bien la predicción y prevención con TPB no constituyen una recomendación universal, su empleo puede ser considerado en casos individuales cuando los pacientes sean identificados en estadio 2 de prediabetes tipo 1(AU)

The knowledge of the etiopathogenic mechanisms of type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) and the possibility of identifying in early stages individuals at risk of developing the disease (presymptomatic phase or prediabetes 1) have been the bases for prevention studies for more than 3 decades.Following the approval of the use of teplizumab (TPB) by the Food and Drug Administration/USA (FDA) in people at risk of developing DM1, the Argentine Diabetes Society has decided to select a group of experts to develop a position statement. In this sense, the following questions will be answered: • What are the immunological determinations used to predict DM1? What is the positive predictive value, sensitivity and specificity of autoantibodies? • Is prediction indicated in DM1? In what group? • What is TPB? What is the pharmacological efficacy and what are the adverse effects?TPB is currently approved to delay the development of DM1 in people with stage 2 prediabetes. The population considered at risk for prediction studies are first-degree relatives of patients with DM1. Although prediction and prevention with TPB do not constitute a universal recommendation, its use can be considered in individual cases when patients are identified in stage 2 of type 1 prediabetes(AU)

Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 , Prediabetic State , Autoantibodies , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Forecasting
Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(2): [7], ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514152


Fundamento: El funcionamiento afectivo-motivacional influye en el control de las enfermedades crónicas y en la actitud que asumen los enfermos ante la enfermedad. Objetivo: Caracterizar las particularidades afectivo-motivacionales que diferencian la regulación del comportamiento en pacientes prediabéticos y diabéticos crónicos. Metodología: Se utilizó un paradigma mixto de investigación, con diseño exploratorio secuencial. La muestra quedó conformada por un total de 20 sujetos, distribuidos en dos grupos: uno integrado por pacientes prediabéticos y el otro por pacientes diabéticos. Se aplicó el RAMDI (S), la escala Dembo - Rubinstein, el test de completamiento de frases, la técnica de la composición. Resultados: Se revelaron diferencias afectivo-motivacionales entre ambos grupos, expresadas en la concientización o no de la enfermedad y la consecuente regulación del comportamiento. Predominó una tendencia a la sobrevaloración en la variable salud, en los pacientes prediabéticos y subvaloración en los pacientes diabéticos. Conclusiones: Los sujetos prediabéticos no se reconocen como enfermos, no valoran los riesgos que contraen con su condición y no se comprometen con un cambio de estilo de vida. El grupo de pacientes diabéticos se caracterizó por expresar conciencia de la enfermedad, compromiso afectivo y elaboración personal, como procesos que facilitan la regulación de su comportamiento.

Background: Affective-motivational functioning affects the control over chronic diseases and the attitudes that patients assume towards the disease. Objective: To characterize the affective-motivational specificities that distinguish behavioral adaptations in prediabetic and chronic diabetic patients. Methods: A mixed research paradigm was applied, with a sequential exploratory design. The sample was composed by a total number of 20 patients, distributed in two groups: one composed by prediabetic patients and the other by diabetic ones. The RAMDI (S), the Dembo-Rubinstein Scale, and the Sentence Completion Test were applied, the Composition Technique. Results: Affective-motivational differences between the two groups were detected, manifested in the consciousness or not of the disease and consequent behavior regulation. A tendency to overestimate the health variable prediabetic patients and underestimate diabetic patients prevailed. Conclusions: Prediabetic patients do not recognize themselves as sick, do not value the risks they take with their status and do not engage in a lifestyle change. The diabetic patient group was characterized by expressing disease self-consciousness, affective compromise and personal development, as the processes that facilitate the adjustment of their behavior.

Prediabetic State , Diabetes Mellitus , Health Records, Personal , Motivation
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440521


Introducción: La prevención en el progreso de la prediabetes hacia la diabetes, debe hacerse desde un enfoque holístico y considerar el funcionamiento afectivo - motivacional de quienes la padecen. Objetivo: Determinar las particularidades del funcionamiento afectivo - motivacional de pacientes prediabéticos. Métodos: Se desarrolló un estudio exploratorio descriptivo con metodología mixta, se integraron los análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo; la muestra quedó conformada por 10 sujetos prediabéticos. Para la pesquisa se realizó el análisis psicológico de los pacientes, según su historia clínica y se aplicaron el Registro de la Actividad. Método Directo e Indirecto (RAMDI), la Escala Dembo-Rubinstein, las Técnicas de Completamiento de Frases y de Composición, así como la entrevista semiestructurada. Resultados: Los sujetos prediabéticos no se reconocen como enfermos, no valoran los riesgos que contraen por esa condición y no se comprometen con un cambio de estilo de vida. Conclusiones: En los pacientes prediabéticos la categoría salud no es un motivo rector que oriente y regule su conducta de modo estable; predominó la actitud de «no aceptación de la enfermedad», con una marcada tendencia a la autovaloración inadecuada que limita la responsabilidad personal ante la condición mórbida.

Introduction: the prevention of the progression from prediabetes to diabetes must be done from a holistic approach considering the motivational and affective functioning of the patients who suffer from this condition. Objective: to determine the particularities of the motivational and affective functioning of prediabetic patients. Methods: a descriptive exploratory study was carried out with a mixed-method research where quantitative and qualitative analyzes were integrated; the sample was made up of 10 prediabetic subjects. A psychological assessment was made based on their clinical history and the Register of the Activity. Direct and Indirect Method (RAMDI in Spanish), the Dembo-Rubinstein Scale, the Sentence Completion and the Composition Techniques, as well as the semi-structured interview were applied for screening. Results: the prediabetic subjects do not recognize themselves as sick, do not value the risks they incur with their condition, and do not commit to a lifestyle change. Conclusions: health category in prediabetic patients is not a guiding motive that guides and regulates their behaviour in a stable way; a predominance of an attitude of "non-acceptance of the disease", with a marked tendency to inadequate self-assessment that limited personal responsibility for the morbid condition.

Prediabetic State , Risk Factors , Psychosocial Functioning
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; Arch. latinoam. nutr;73(1): 60-73, mar. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1427728


The incidence of obesity and overweight in the world has been increasing in recent years due to poor diet and lack of physical activity; people suffering obesity and overweight, related with malnutrition due to excess, often resort to calorie restriction diets that are usually not very effective. In this context, intermittent fasting (IF) has become popular due to the possibilities for weight loss that it offers. This diet consists of alternating periods of fasting with unrestricted eating; however, its effectiveness and consequences are unknown to most users. This narrative review analyzes whether intermittent fasting contributes to the improvement of body and metabolic composition. The purpose of the review was to examine the available data on the contribution of intermittent fasting to the improvement of body and metabolic composition, in order to provide information and to define the parameters that condition safe achievement of its benefits. IF dieting triggers adaptive cell responses that cause a decrease in lipid oxidative stress markers in individuals with obesity and prediabetes. Metabolic alterations have been found to go hand in hand with the alteration of circadian rhythms; if IF contributes to this effect, it may assist in treating and preventing obesity and associated diseases. However, there are also disadvantages, such as the loss of lean muscle mass by wasting, and increased hypoglycemia(AU)

La incidencia de obesidad y sobrepeso en el mundo ha ido en aumento en los últimos años debido a la mala alimentación y la falta de actividad física; Las personas que padecen obesidad y sobrepeso, relacionadas con la desnutrición por exceso, suelen recurrir a dietas de restricción calórica que suelen ser poco efectivas. En este contexto, el ayuno intermitente (AI) se ha popularizado debido a las posibilidades de pérdida de peso que ofrece. Esta dieta consiste en alternar períodos de ayuno con alimentación sin restricciones; sin embargo, su eficacia y consecuencias son desconocidas para la mayoría de los usuarios. Esta revisión narrativa analiza si el ayuno intermitente contribuye a la mejora de la composición corporal y metabólica. El objetivo de la revisión fue examinar los datos disponibles sobre la contribución del ayuno intermitente a la mejora de la composición corporal y metabólica, con el fin de aportar información y definir los parámetros que condicionan la consecución segura de sus beneficios. Se ha encontrado que las alteraciones metabólicas van de la mano con la alteración de los ritmos circadianos; si AI contribuye a este efecto, puede ayudar a tratar y prevenir la obesidad y las enfermedades asociadas. Sin embargo, también existen desventajas, como la pérdida de masa muscular magra por atrofia y el aumento de la hipoglucemia(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Weight Loss , Overweight , Intermittent Fasting/adverse effects , Obesity , Prediabetic State , Body Composition , Deficiency Diseases , Delivery of Health Care , Hypoglycemia
Rev. Soc. Argent. Diabetes ; 57(1): 20-23, ene. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1441068


La estandarización de la hemoglobina A1c (HbA1c) permitió en algunos países su uso para el diagnóstico de la diabetes mellitus (DM) y la prediabetes, además de su empleo en el seguimiento del paciente con DM. Es importante recordar que se trata de una medida indirecta del promedio glucémico durante el tiempo de vida media del eritrocito, pudiendo verse afectada por variables no glucémicas, como también por interferencias analíticas según la metodología empleada para su determinación. A continuación, se describen las recomendaciones y consideraciones a tener en cuenta para la determinación de la HbA1c cuando se emplea como criterio diagnóstico de la DM, teniendo en cuenta que al utilizarla para tal fin es necesario que la medida se realice con métodos certificados y estandarizados al ensayo utilizado en el Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT).

The standardization of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) allowed in some countries its use for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM) and prediabetes, in addition to its use in the follow-up of patients with DM. It is important to highlight that it is an indirect measurement of the glycemic average during the halflife of the erythrocyte, and may be affected by non-glycemic variables, as well as by analytical interferences depending on the methodology used for its determination. The recommendations and considerations to take into account for the determination of HbA1c when it is used as a diagnostic criterion for diabetes are described below. In addition, it is important to emphasize that it is essential that the HbA1c measurement be performed with certified and standardized methods to the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)results.

Prediabetic State , Diabetes Mellitus
Rev. Soc. Argent. Diabetes ; 57(1): 9-19, ene. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1441067


Establecer el punto de corte entre la glucemia en ayunas normal y la alterada resulta de suma importancia a los efectos de considerar a un paciente en riesgo, tanto de progresar a estdos más avanzados de la enfermedad como de sufrir complicaciones micro y macroangiopáticas. Desde 2006 la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes (SAD), sobre la base de la evidencia considerada en ese momento, estableció el límite inferior de la glucemia alterada en ayunas (GAA) en 110 mg/dl; posteriormente, durante 2022, la Comisión Directiva de la SAD convocó a un grupo de expertos con el objeto de evaluar si esta recomendación debía mantenerse o, al igual que otras sociedades científicas de prestigio, adoptar a tal efecto 100 mg/dl. En este documento de Opiniones y Recomendaciones se encuentran los fundamentos por los cuales la SAD adoptará, de ahora en más, 100 mg/dl como límite inferior de la GAA, en base a las nuevas evidencias científicas que muestran que desde este punto de corte se produce un aumento en la progresión a la diabetes mellitus y de las complicaciones tanto macro como microangiopáticas.

To establish the cut-off point between normal and impaired fasting glycemia (IFG) is extremely important for the purposes of considering a patient at risk both of progressing to more advanced stages of the disease and of suffering micro- and macroangiopathic complications. Since 2006, the Argentine Diabetes Society (ADS), based on the evidence considered at that time, established the lower limit of IFG at 110 mg/d, laterduring the year 2022, The Board of Directors of the ADS vened a group of experts in order to assess whether this recommendation should be maintained or, like other prestigious scientific societies, adopt 100 mg/dl for this purpose. This Opinions and Recommendations document contains therationale for which the SAD will adopt, from now on, 100 mg/dlas the lower limit of the IFG, based on the new scientific edence that shows that from this cut-off point it produces increase in progression to diabetes and both macro and microangiopathic complications.

Prediabetic State
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970012


INTRODUCTION@#Studies of concordance between patients' self-report of diseases and a criterion standard (e.g. chart review) are usually conducted in epidemiological studies to evaluate the agreement of self-reported data for use in public health research. To our knowledge, there are no published studies on concordance for highly prevalent chronic diseases such as diabetes and pre-diabetes. The aims of this study were to evaluate the concordance between patients' self-report and their medical records of diabetes and pre-diabetes diagnoses, and to identify factors associated with diabetes concordance.@*METHOD@#A cross-sectional, interviewer-administered survey was conducted on patients with chronic diseases after obtaining written consent to assess their medical notes. Interviewers were blinded to the participants' profiles. Concordance was evaluated using Cohen's kappa (κ). A multivariable logistic regression model was used to identify factors associated with diabetes concordance.@*RESULTS@#There was substantial agreement between self-reported and medical records of diabetes diagnoses (κ=0.76) and fair agreement for pre-diabetes diagnoses (κ=0.36). The logistic regression model suggested that non-Chinese patients had higher odds of diabetes concordance than Chinese patients (odds ratio [OR]=4.10, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.19-14.13, P=0.03). Patients with 3 or more chronic diseases (i.e. multimorbidity) had lower odds of diabetes concordance than patients without multimorbidity (OR=0.21, 95% CI 0.09-0.48, P<0.001).@*CONCLUSION@#Diabetes concordance was substantial, supporting the use of self-report of diabetes by patients with chronic diseases in the primary care setting for future research. Pre-diabetes concordance was fair and may have important clinical implications. Further studies to explore and improve health literacy and patient-physician communication are needed.

Humans , Prediabetic State , Singapore/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Medical Records , Self Report
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 1032-1042, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970575


Based on transcriptome sequencing technology, the mouse model of prediabetes treated with Huangjing Qianshi Decoction was sequenced to explore the possible mechanism of treating prediabetes. First of all, transcriptome sequencing was performed on the normal BKS-DB mouse group, the prediabetic model group, and the Huangjing Qianshi Decoction treatment group(treatment group) to obtain differentially expressed genes in the skeletal muscle samples of mice. The serum biochemical indexes were detected in each group to screen out the core genes of Huangjing Qianshi Decoction in prediabetes. Gene Ontology(GO) database and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG) database were used to conduct signaling pathway enrichment analysis of differentially expressed genes, and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction(RT-qPCR) was used to verify them. The results showed that the levels of fasting blood glucose(FBG), fasting insulin(FINS), insulin resistance index(HOMA-IR), total cholesterol(TC), triglycerides(TG), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C) in the mouse model were significantly decreased after treatment with Huangjing Qianshi Decoction. In the results of differential gene screening, there were 1 666 differentially expressed genes in the model group as compared with the normal group, and there were 971 differentially expressed genes in the treatment group as compared with the model group. Among them, interleukin-6(IL-6) and NR3C2 genes, which were closely related to the regulation of insulin resis-tance function, were significantly up-regulated between the model group and the normal group, and vascular endothelial growth factor A(VEGFA) genes were significantly down-regulated between the model group and the normal group. However, the expression results of IL-6, NR3C2, and VEGFA genes were adverse between the treatment group and the model group. GO functional enrichment analysis found that the biological process annotation mainly focused on cell synthesis, cycle, and metabolism; cell component annotation mainly focused on organelles and internal components; and molecular function annotation mainly focused on binding molecular functions. KEGG pathway enrichment analysis found that it involved the protein tyrosine kinase 6(PTK6) pathway, CD28-dependent phosphoinositide 3-kinase/protein kinase B(PI3K/AKT) pathway, p53 pathway, etc. Therefore, Huangjing Qianshi Decoction can improve the state of prediabetes, and the mechanism may be related to cell cycle and apoptosis, PI3K/AKT pathway, p53 pathway, and other biological pathways regulated by IL-6, NR3C2, and VEGFA.

Animals , Mice , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt , Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases , Prediabetic State , Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A , Interleukin-6 , Transcriptome , Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 , Insulin , Cholesterol
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 516-521, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984766


Objective: To investigate the relationship between hemoglobin and serum uric acid in adults with various glucose metabolism status. Methods: The demographic data and biochemical indicators of the adult population who had received physical examination in the Second Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital from January 2018 to December 2021 were collected. The subjects were divided into two groups according to the level of serum uric acid: the normal uric acid group and the hyperuricemia group. The relationship between hemoglobin (stratified into four levels of Q1 to Q4 by the quartile) and serum uric acid was quantified by using Pearson correlation and logistic regression analysis. The effects of age and glucose metabolism status on the relationship between hemoglobin and serum uric acid were analyzed. Results: A total of 33 183 adults were enrolled with age (50.6±10.0) years. The level of hemoglobin in the normal uric acid group (142.61±14.24) g/L was significantly lower than that in the hyperuricemia group [(151.79±11.24) g/L, P<0.001]. Univariate Pearson correlation analysis showed that hemoglobin was positively associated with serum uric acid (r=0.444, P<0.001). After adjusting for related confounding factors, multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that hemoglobin was associated with serum uric acid, and the OR values (95%CI) of hemoglobin Q2 to Q4 group were 1.29 (1.13-1.48), 1.42 (1.24-1.62) and 1.51 (1.32-1.72), respectively (Ptrend<0.001) when compared with hemoglobin Q1 group. Subgroup analysis and hierarchical interaction analysis suggested that with the increase of hemoglobin, the serum uric acid in the age<60 years subgroup, normal glucose subgroup and prediabetes subgroup increased gradually (Ptrend<0.05 and Pinteraction<0.001). Conclusion: The association between hemoglobin and serum uric acid in adults is affected by age and glucose metabolism status.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Uric Acid , Hyperuricemia/epidemiology , Hemoglobins , Prediabetic State , Glucose , Risk Factors
Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(1): 61-73, 20221230. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415297


Introducción. La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y la obesidad son enfermedades con alta prevalencia, gran morbi-mortalidad y elevados costos en salud. La cirugía bariátrica ha demostrado efectividad para inducir pérdida de peso y un control adecuado de la glicemia. Métodos. Estudio observacional analítico retrospectivo, realizado entre 2014 y 2019 en una institución de alta complejidad. Se incluyeron pacientes prediabéticos y diabéticos sometidos a cirugía bariátrica tipo baipás gástrico en Y-de-Roux o manga gástrica. Se analizaron la mejoría o resolución de la diabetes y la pérdida del exceso de peso a los 6, 12, 24 y 36 meses luego de la cirugía. Resultados. Se incluyeron 103 pacientes en el estudio, 45 pacientes diabéticos y 58 pacientes prediabéticos. La única variable perioperatoria con diferencia estadísticamente significativa fue el tiempo quirúrgico mayor en el baipás (70 vs. 47,5 minutos; p<0,001). La pérdida de exceso de peso fue mayor en el baipás. Los pacientes diabéticos sometidos a baipás tuvieron un mayor porcentaje de resolución o control comparados con los sometidos a manga gástrica. En los pacientes prediabéticos hubo resolución en ambos grupos luego de 24 meses de seguimiento. Conclusión. El baipás gástrico y la manga gástrica presentan excelentes resultados en cuanto a pérdida de peso y control metabólico en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y prediabetes, pero en nuestros pacientes se lograron resultados superiores en ambos aspectos con el baipás gástrico

Introduction. Type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity are diseases with high prevalence, high morbidity and mortality and high health costs. Bariatric surgery has proven effective in inducing weight loss and adequate glycemic control. Methods. Retrospective analytical observational study conducted between 2014 and 2019 in a high-complex institution. Prediabetic and diabetic patients undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or gastric sleeve were included; analyzing the improvement or resolution of diabetes and the loss of excess weight at 6, 12, 24 and 36 months after surgery. Results. One-hundred and three patients were included in the study, 45 diabetic patients and 58 pre-diabetic patients. The only perioperative variable with a statistically significant difference was the longer surgical time in the bypass (70 vs. 47.5 min; p<0.001). Loss of excess weight was always greater in bypass. Diabetic patients who underwent bypass had a higher percentage of resolution or control compared to those who underwent the sleeve procedure. In pre-diabetic patients, there was 100% resolution in both groups after 24 months of follow-up. Conclusion. Gastric bypass and gastric sleeve present excellent results in terms of weight loss and metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and pre-diabetes, but superior results in both aspects were achieved with the first technique in our patients

Humans , Gastroplasty , Bariatric Surgery , Prediabetic State , Gastric Bypass , Diabetes Mellitus
Univ. salud ; 24(2): 170-183, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1377465


Introducción: La prediabetes es un estado intermedio de hiperglicemia, con una alta prevalencia en la población colombiana. Su relación con enfermedad cardiovascular y complicaciones macro y microvasculares se ha establecido, incrementando la evidencia científica en la literatura reciente. Objetivo: Describir las enfermedades cardiovasculares (complicaciones macrovasculares) relacionadas con prediabetes, su diagnóstico, fisiopatología, el enfoque de manejo y el tratamiento avalado para prevenir estas complicaciones. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión narrativa de la literatura, mediante búsqueda de artículos científicos en Medline entre 2015 y 2021. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 83 artículos. Se describe la relación de prediabetes con enfermedad cardiovascular, mortalidad, diagnóstico y tratamiento conforme a la literatura actualizada. Conclusiones: La importancia de la prediabetes radica en su asociación con complicaciones macrovasculares y su mortalidad, lo que pone en evidencia la importancia de estudiarla, seguirla y tratarla para evitar la progresión a diabetes mellitus, el desarrollo de desenlaces que finalizan en aumento de la morbimortalidad, alteración de la calidad de vida e incremento de los costos en salud.

Introduction: Prediabetes is an intermediate state of hyperglycemia with a high prevalence in the Colombian population. The relationship between prediabetes and cardiovascular disease as well as its association with macro and microvascular complications has been established, with scientific evidence increasing in recent literature. Objective: To describe cardiovascular diseases (macrovascular complications) related to prediabetes, their diagnosis, physiopathology, management approach, and treatment to prevent those complications. Materials and methods: A narrative review of the literature was conducted, searching for scientific articles in Medline during the 2015-2021 period. Results: 83 articles were selected, which described the relationship between prediabetes with cardiovascular disease, mortality, diagnosis, and treatment based on recent reports. Conclusions: The importance of prediabetes lies in its association with macrovascular complications and its mortality. This association highlights the importance of studying, monitoring, and treating this disease to avoid its progression to diabetes mellitus, the development of outcomes that end in increased morbidity and mortality, diminished quality of life, and increased health care costs.

Humans , Quality of Life , Disease , Prediabetic State , Cardiovascular Diseases , Morbidity , Diabetes Mellitus , Diagnosis
Rev. Soc. Argent. Diabetes ; 56(2): 43-50, mayo - ago. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1395840


Introducción: algunos estudios han señalado que valores de glucemia en ayunas entre 100 y 109 mg/dL se asocian con frecuencias elevadas de prediabetes cuando el criterio de clasificación son los valores de HbA1c. La Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes (SAD) sostiene a 110 mg/dL como valor a partir del cual se clasifica a un paciente como portador de glucemia en ayunas alterada; la frecuencia de individuos posiblemente clasificados en forma incorrecta, según este criterio, aún no se conoce en la población argentina. Objetivos: establecer la frecuencia con que se presenta prediabetes según HbA1c en una población sin diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus (DM) con glucemias en ayunas entre 100 y 109 mg/dL; correlacionar las dos variables y cuantificar la probabilidad de que esto ocurra respecto de otros con glucemias en ayunas <100 mg/dL. Materiales y métodos: se incluyeron 1.002 muestras de igual número de sujetos desde 45 laboratorios de análisis clínicos de la Asociación de Laboratorios de Alta Complejidad (ALAC), con procesamiento local de glucemia y centralizado de HbA1c por high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Análisis estadístico: chi cuadrado, odds ratio, coeficiente de correlación y determinación de Pearson, y correlación serial de Durbin-Watson. Resultados: frecuencia de HbA1c ≥5,7% en la población estudiada con glucemias de ayunas entre 100 y 109 mg/dL=29,7%; test de chi cuadrado: p<0,001; odds ratio de tener HbA1c ≥5,7% entre la población con glucemias en ayunas de 100 a 109 mg/dL vs aquella con valores <100 mg/dL=4,328 (IC 95% 2,922-6,411); r=0,852, r2 = 0,727, Durbin-Watson=1,152. Conclusiones: la prediabetes diagnosticada por HbA1c resultó cuatro veces más frecuente en la población estudiada con glucemias en ayunas entre 100 y 109 mg/dL, que en aquella con valores por debajo de 100 mg/dL.

Introduction: some studies have shown that fasting blood glucose values between 100 and 109 mg/dL are associated with high rates of prediabetes when the classification criteria are HbA1c values. The Argentine Diabetes Society still maintains 110 mg/dL as the value from which a patient is classified as having impaired fasting blood glucose; the frequency of individuals possibly incorrectly classified, according to this criterion, is not yet known in any Argentine population. Objectives: to establish the frequency in a population without a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus with fasting blood glucose levels between 100 and 109 mg/dL in which prediabetes occurs according to HbA1c, to correlate both variables and to quantify the probability that this predicts with respect to others with fasting blood glucose levels <100 mg/dL. Materials and methods: 1.002 samples from the same number of subjects from 45 clinical laboratories belonging to ALAC, with local processing of blood glucose and centralized processing of HbA1c by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Statistical analysis: chi square, odds ratio, Pearson correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination and Durbin-Watson serial correlation. Results: frequency of HbA1c ≥5.7% in the studied population with fasting blood glucose levels between 100 and 109 mg/ dL = 29.7%, chi square test: p<0.001; odds ratio of having HbA1c ≥5.7% between the population with fasting blood glucose levels of 100 to 109 mg/dL vs that one with values <100 mg/dL=4.328 (95% CI 2.922-6.411); r=0.852, r2 =0.727, DurbinWatson=1.152. Conclusions: prediabetes diagnosed by HbA1c was four times more frequent in the studied population with fasting glucose values between 100 and 109 mg/dL than in that one with values below 100 mg/dL.

Diabetes Mellitus , Prediabetic State , Blood Glucose , Glycated Hemoglobin , Fasting , Glucose
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 1039-1050, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928024


This study analyzed the molecular mechanism of Huangjing Qianshi Decoction(HQD) in the treatment of prediabetes based on network pharmacology and molecular docking. The active components of HQD were identified and screened based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform(TCMSP, and then the targets of the components and the genes related to prediabetes were retrieved, followed by identifying the common targets of the decoction and the disease. The medicinal component-target network was constructed by Cytoscape to screen key components. The protein-protein interaction(PPI) network was established by STRING and hub genes were identified by Cytoscape-CytoNCA, followed by Gene Ontology(GO) term enrichment and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG) of the hub genes with R-clusterProfi-ler. Thereby, the possible signaling pathways were predicted and the molecular mechanism was deduced. A total of 79 active components of HQD and 785 diabetes-related targets of the components were screened out. The hub genes mainly involved the GO terms of tricarboxylic acid cycle, peptide binding, amide binding, hydrolase activity, and kinase activity regulation, and the KEGG pathways of AGE-RAGE signaling pathway, TNF signaling pathway, AMPK signaling pathway, IL-17 signaling pathway, and insulin signaling pathway. Western blot result showed that HQD-containing serum significantly reduced the expression of AKT1, AGE, and RAGE proteins in insulin resistance model cells. HQD's treatment of prediabetes is characterized by multiple pathways, multiple targets, and multiple levels. The main mechanism is that the components zhonghualiaoine, baicalein, kaempferol, and luteolin act on AKT1 and inhibit the AGE-RAGE axis.

Humans , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/pharmacology , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Molecular Docking Simulation , Network Pharmacology , Prediabetic State/genetics
Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi ; Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi;(12): 192-196, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928591


OBJECTIVES@#To investigate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) among Uygur children in Hotan Prefecture of Xinjiang, China, as well as the factors influencing the development of DM.@*METHODS@#The cluster random sampling method was used to select 5 308 children, aged 4-18 years, from the middle and primary schools and kindergartens in Hotan Prefecture of Xinjiang. The survey methods included questionnaire survey and the measurement of height and weight. All subjects were tested for fasting fingertip blood glucose to investigate the prevalence of DM and impaired fasting glucose (IFG).@*RESULTS@#A total of 5 184 valid questionnaires were collected. Fourteen children (0.27%) were found to have DM, among whom 8 had type 1 DM, 2 had type 2 DM, and 4 had unclassified DM. Twenty-nine children (0.56%) were found to have IFG. There was no significant difference in the prevalence rate of DM and IFG between boys and girls (P>0.05). The prevalence rate of DM was 0.18% in the 4-<10 years group, 0.47% in the 10-<15 years group, and 0.07% in the 15-18 years group (P=0.072).The prevalence rate of IFG in the above three age groups was 0.18%, 0.94%, and 0.42%, respectively, with a significant difference among groups (P=0.007). The proportion of family history of DM and the proportion of overweight/obesity in children with DM were significantly higher than those in children without DM (P<0.05), while the proportion of children with DM who preferred coarse grains was significantly lower than that in children without DM (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The prevalence of DM and IFG in Uyghur children in Hotan Prefecture of Xinjiang is relatively low. There is no significant difference in the prevalence of DM among children of different genders or age groups, but the prevalence of IFG in children of different age groups is different. A family history of DM, overweight or obesity, and low intake of coarse grains might be associated with the development of DM.

Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Blood Glucose , China/epidemiology , Pediatric Obesity , Prediabetic State/epidemiology , Prevalence , Risk Factors
West Afr. j. med ; West Afr. j. med;39(11): 1113-1118, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1410841


BACKGROUND: The exponential rise in the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) necessitates the introduction of strategies for early diagnosis to reduce the burden of the disease. This study assessed the prevalence of prediabetes and also determined the 10-year risk of developing T2DM in Southern Nigerian rural communities by adopting the validated Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) tool. METHODS: 273 participants from 3 Southern rural communities aged 18 years and older were recruited in this cross-sectional study.Data in the FINDRISC stratification tool and Random Blood Glucose (RBG) variables were obtained for the participants. IBM SPSS version 21 was used to analyze the data with a level of significance put at p< 0.05. RESULTS: The participants' mean age was 54.20±16.61 years. The prevalence of prediabetes among the study participants based on RBG was 4.8% (3.8% of males and 6.6% of females, respectively).Most of the study participants (41%) had a low risk of developing T2DM which meant that 1 in 100 participants would become diabetic in a 10-year period, based on the FINDRISC scale. Amongst the male participants, the Total Diabetes Risk Score (TDRS) showed significant positive correlation with the RBG (r=0.315, p=0.001); similarly, a weak positive correlation between TDRS and RBG was noted among female participants. CONCLUSION: The propensity of developing T2DM in 10 years was indisputably low amongst rural dwellers in the Southern Nigerian rural communities studied. Further studies to compare the risk of developing T2DM between rural and urban communities would be required

Humans , Disease , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Prediabetic State , Steam Bath , Correlation Measures
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 35: e220046, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406933


ABSTRACT Objective To estimate prevalence of prediabetes and to investigate its associated factors in adults living in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil Methods Cross-sectional, home-based study, with both genders adults in Teresina, Piauí. The prevalence of prediabetes was estimated using the fasting glucose test, and was classified according to the American Diabetes Association standards (≥100mg/dL; <126mg/dL). The associations between prediabetes and the variables: sociodemographic, anthropometric, food consumption, blood pressure levels, triglycerides and common mental disorders were tested. In addition, a variable was created to verify the association of the simultaneous presence of risk factors in the same individual. Data were reviewed using Pearson's chi-square test and Poisson regression for crude and adjusted prevalence ratios, considering a significance level of 5%. Results A total of 224 adults participated in the study, of which 154 (68.7%) were female, aged between 20 and 39 years (53.1%). An 8.04% prevalence of prediabetes was observed. A statistically significant association (p<0.05) was found between lower education (0 to 8 years of study; 17.3%) and increased triglycerides levels (≥150mg/dL; 13.7%). Higher gross prevalence (PR: 2.53; CI 95%: 1.05-6.05) prediabetes ratios were observed with 5 or more simultaneous risk factors when compared to individuals who had up to 4 simultaneous risk factors. Conclusion Low schooling, hypertriglyceridemia and the presence of five or more simultaneous risk factors were associated with prediabetes; however, these risk factors are subject to intervention. Therefore, this study points to the need for changes in lifestyle habits as a strategy for glycemic control and diabetes prevention.

RESUMO Objetivo Estimar a prevalência de pré-diabetes e investigar os fatores associados em adultos residentes em Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Métodos Estudo transversal de base domiciliar com adultos de ambos os sexos em Teresina, Piauí. A prevalência de pré-diabetes foi estimada pelo teste de glicemia em jejum, e classificado de acordo com a Associação Americana de Diabetes (≥100mg/dL; <126mg/dL). Foram testadas as associações entre pré-diabetes e as variáveis: sociodemográficas, antropométricas, consumo alimentar, níveis pressóricos, triglicerídeos e transtornos mentais comuns. Além disso, foi criada uma variável para verificar a associação da presença simultânea dos fatores de risco no mesmo indivíduo. Os dados foram analisados com o teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson e regressão de Poisson para razões de prevalência bruta e ajustada, considerando nível de significância de 5%. Resultados Participaram do estudo 224 adultos, sendo 154 (68,7%) do sexo feminino, entre 20 e 39 anos (53,1%). Verificou-se prevalência de pré-diabetes de 8,04%, com associação significativa (p<0,05) com a menor escolaridade (17,3%), e triglicerídeos elevados (13,7%). Observou-se maior razão de prevalência bruta (RP: 2,53; IC 95%: 1,05-6,05) de pré-diabetes nos indivíduos com 5 ou mais fatores de risco simultâneos quando comparados àqueles com até 4 fatores simultâneos. Conclusão A baixa escolaridade, a hipertrigliceridemia e a presença de cinco ou mais fatores de risco simultâneos apresentaram-se associados ao pré-diabetes. Entretanto, os fatores de risco encontrados são passíveis de intervenção. Este estudo aponta a necessidade de mudanças de hábitos de vida comportamentais como estratégia para o controle da glicemia e prevenção do diabetes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Prediabetic State/etiology , Risk Factors , Sociodemographic Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mental Disorders