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Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 1011-1019, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569248


SUMMARY: The present study aimed to investigate the utility of the proximal femur in the forensic age estimation by assessing changes in bone densities through radiographs. Using Otsu's threshold, bone density was quantified by counting all white pixel values within selected regions of interest, which include femoral head (FH), femoral neck (FN), Ward's triangle (WT), and greater trochanter (GT) from 354 left femora of Northern Thai descent. The pixel width of medullary cavity (MC) was also estimated. Furthermore, the study evaluated the performance of linear regression (LR) models for age estimation from radiographic images of proximal femora. Negative correlations were observed between FH, FN, WT, and GT pixel intensity with the age-at-death of the samples, with females exhibiting stronger correlations than males. Moreover, a positive correlation was found between age and MC width in female samples, while male MC widths did not show any relationship with increasing age. The results showed a slight difference between the LR model applied to both sexes, which integrated all variables, and the alternative configuration that only utilized relevant attributes. Both models exhibited similar performance, with a narrow range of root mean square error (RMSE) values, ranging from 12.67 to 12.71 years, and a correlation coefficient range of 0.51 to 0.52. For females, the LR model with FN and WT as selected attributes (RMSE = 11.85 years, correlation coefficient = 0.65) performed decently, while for males, the LR model with all variables showed RMSE of 12.52 years and correlation coefficient of 0.46. This study showcased the potential application of pixel intensity in predicting age.

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la utilidad del fémur proximal en la estimación forense de la edad mediante la evaluación de cambios en las densidades óseas a través de radiografías. Utilizando el umbral de Otsu, la densidad ósea se cuantificó contando todos los valores de pixeles blancos dentro de regiones de interés seleccionadas, que incluyen la cabeza femoral (CF), el cuello femoral (CF), el triángulo de Ward (WT) y el trocánter mayor (TM) de 354 fémures izquierdos de ascendencia del norte de Tailandia. También se estimó el ancho de pixeles de la cavidad medular (CM). Además, el estudio evaluó el rendimiento de modelos de regresión lineal (RL) para la estimación de la edad a partir de imágenes radiográficas de fémur proximal. Se observaron correlaciones negativas entre la intensidad de los pixeles CF, CF, WT y TM con la edad de muerte, y las mujeres exhibieron correlaciones más fuertes que los hombres. Además, se encontró una correlación positiva entre la edad y el ancho del CM en muestras de mujeres, mientras que el ancho del CM del hombre no mostró ninguna relación con el aumento de la edad. Los resultados mostraron una ligera diferencia entre el modelo RL aplicado a ambos sexos, que integraba todas las variables, y la configuración alternativa que sólo utilizaba atributos relevantes. Ambos modelos mostraron un rendimiento similar, con un rango estrecho de valores del error cuadrático medio (RMSE), que oscilaba entre 12,67 y 12,71 años, y un rango de coeficiente de correlación de 0,51 a 0,52. Para las mujeres, el modelo RL con CF y WT como atributos seleccionados (RMSE = 11,85 años, coeficiente de correlación = 0,65) tuvo un desempeño satisfactorio, mientras que para los hombres, el modelo RL con todas las variables mostró un RMSE de 12,52 años y un coeficiente de correlación de 0,46. Este estudio mostró la posible aplicación de la intensidad de los pixeles en la predicción de la edad.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Age Determination by Skeleton/methods , Forensic Anthropology , Femur/diagnostic imaging , Thailand , Radiography , Bone Density , Linear Models
Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 589-593, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564634


El conocimiento del espacio suboccipital (OA) es esencial para el clínico debido a que su disminución se asocia a posible causa de cefaleas. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las diferencias entre la longitud del espacio suboccipital en telerradiografías laterales entre hombres y mujeres de distintos rangos etarios. En este estudio transversal se analizaron un total de 371 telerradiografías laterales de cráneo. Se realizó estadística descriptiva y la aplicación de prueba T-Student y ANOVA para evaluar la asociación entre el espacio suboccipital con el género y la edad. La distancia media del espacio suboccipital fue de 5.62 ± 2.7 mm, siendo mayor en hombres que en mujeres (6.49 ± 2.8 mm y 5.09 ± 2.5 mm respectivamente, p<0.001). Con respecto a la edad, la distancia del espacio suboccipital no presentó variaciones significativas. La longitud del OA entre los hombres y mujeres de distintos grupos tampoco mostró diferencias significativas. Existe una gran variabilidad en la distancia del espacio suboccipital, el cual se observa más disminuido en mujeres, por lo que se sugiere un análisis individual mediante telerradiografía lateral frente a pacientes con cefaleas.

SUMMARY: Knowledge of the suboccipital space (OA) is essential for clinicians because its decrease is associated with headache. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in the length of the suboccipital space in lateral cephalograms of men and women of different age ranges. In this cross-sectional study, a total of 371 lateral cephalograms were analyzed. Descriptive statistics and the application of Student's t-test and ANOVA were performed to evaluate the association between the suboccipital space with sex and age. The mean distance of the suboccipital space was of 5.62 ± 2.7 mm, being higher in men than women (6.49 ± 2.8 mm and 5.09 ± 2.5 mm respectively, p < 0.001). Regarding age, the distance of the suboccipital space did not show significant variations. The length of the OA between men and women of different age groups also showed no significant differences. There is a great variability in the distance of the suboccipital space, which is observed to be more decreased in women; therefore, an individual analysis by lateral cephalograms is suggested in patients with chronic headaches.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Cervical Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Cervical Atlas/diagnostic imaging , Radiography , Chile , Cephalometry , Cross-Sectional Studies , Age Factors
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(3): e202310084, jun. 2024. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1554954


Las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales son patologías poco frecuentes en pediatría. Dentro de ellas, se incluyen las disfunciones del metabolismo del surfactante pulmonar, molécula anfipática cuya función es disminuir la tensión superficial y evitar el colapso alveolar. Se presenta el caso de un lactante de 6 meses, en seguimiento por bajo peso, que presentó dificultad respiratoria aguda y cianosis; la radiografía de tórax evidenció infiltrado intersticial, neumomediastino y neumotórax bilateral. Al interrogatorio, surgió antecedente materno de internación al año de vida, con requerimiento de oxigenoterapia prolongada y diagnóstico desconocido; presenta signos de hipoxia crónica. El paciente cursó internación con requerimiento de oxigenoterapia. Se realizaron estudios complementarios en búsqueda de etiología, sin resultados positivos. La tomografía de tórax evidenció opacidades en vidrio esmerilado, engrosamiento del intersticio septal y áreas de atrapamiento aéreo; con resultado de biopsia pulmonar y estudio genético se llegó al diagnóstico de disfunción del metabolismo del surfactante pulmonar.

Interstitial lung diseases are rare in pediatrics. They include dysfunctions in the metabolism of pulmonary surfactant, an amphipathic molecule that reduces surface tension and prevents alveolar collapse. Here we describe the case of a 6-month-old infant controlled for low weight, who presented with acute respiratory distress and cyanosis; his chest X-ray showed interstitial infiltrate, pneumomediastinum, and bilateral pneumothorax. During history-taking, it was noted that his mother had a history of hospitalization at 1 year old with unknown diagnosis, requiring prolonged oxygen therapy; she now shows signs of chronic hypoxia. The patient was hospitalized and required oxygen therapy. Ancillary tests were done to look for the etiology of the condition, with no positive results. A chest computed tomography showed groundglass opacities, thickening of the septal interstitium, and areas of air trapping; based on the results of a lung biopsy and a genetic study, pulmonary surfactant metabolism dysfunction was diagnosed.

Humans , Infant , Pulmonary Surfactants , Lung Diseases, Interstitial/diagnosis , Lung Diseases, Interstitial/etiology , Oxygen , Radiography
Rev. méd. Maule ; 39(1): 32-39, mayo. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562972


Acute rhinosinusitis is a common condition, mainly of viral etiology and self-limiting course. There is coexistence of microbiological agents that favor bacterial superinfection. Therefore, it is necessary to know evidence that supports diagnostic approach in adults out- patients. Having reviewed the evidence, we mention the isolated symptoms and signs have such a low performance to guide the diagnostic approach, some with statistical evidence such as hemifacial pain, colored nasal discharge and radiographic alterations suggestive of rhinosinusitis. Also, it is possible to improve clinical performance by combining suggestive findings. The imaging study has little evidence that supports them, because non-specific and non-concordant findings. Finally, empirical management with antibiotics does not statistically or clinically modify the evolution of an acute non-complicated condition.

La rinosinusitis aguda es una condición frecuente, principalmente de etiología viral y de curso autolimitado. Existe coexistencia de agentes microbiológicos que favorece la sobreinfección bacteriana. Por ello, es necesario conocer la evidencia que dirige el enfrentamiento diagnóstico en pacientes adultos ambulatorios. Habiéndose revisado la evidencia, mencionamos que los síntomas y signos aislados poseen bajo rendimiento para guiar el proceso diagnóstico, destacando algunos con mejores atributos diagnósticos, pero de significancia estadística bastante discreta, como lo son el dolor hemifacial, la descarga nasal coloreada y alteraciones de la radiografía sugerentes de rinosinusitis. También, que se puede mejorar discretamente el rendimiento clínico combinando algunos de estos hallazgos sugerentes. El estudio imagenológico posee poca evidencia que lo respalde, dado la presencia de hallazgos inespecíficos o no concordantes, inclusive en pacientes asintomáticos. Finalmente, respecto de manejo empírico con antibióticos, destaca que su uso no modifica estadística ni clínicamente la evolución de un cuadro agudo no complicado.

Humans , Middle Aged , Sinusitis/drug therapy , Rhinitis/diagnosis , Rhinitis/drug therapy , Nasal Polyps/drug therapy , Paranasal Sinuses/diagnostic imaging , Signs and Symptoms , Radiography , Sodium Chloride/therapeutic use , Chronic Disease
Rev. méd. hondur ; 91(2): 131-134, jul.-dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BIMENA | ID: biblio-1552020


Introducción: La tuberculosis peritoneal es una enfermedad reemergente, de evolución insidiosa y arduo diagnós- tico. La afectación peritoneal tiene una baja incidencia, afectando por igual ambos sexos figurando entre edades de 35 a 45 años. El alto índice de sospecha debe ser un factor importante en el diagnóstico precoz, para que una vez establecido, se pueda iniciar el tratamiento y disminuir las tasas de morbimortalidad. Descripción del caso clínico: Paciente de 26 años, con clínica inespecífica; dolor abdominal, ascitis y fiebre. Fue ingresada por servicio de medicina interna para abordaje etiológico de ascitis, posteriormente fue abordada como sospecha de cáncer de ovario, se presentó al servicio de cirugía quienes determinaron practicarle laparotomía y cuya biopsia intraoperatoria reporto hallazgos su- gestivos de tuberculosis peritoneal. Conclusión: La tuberculosis peritoneal es una enfermedad poco frecuente, las manifestaciones clínicas pueden sugerir la presencia de una enfermedad tumoral; la sospecha clínica es baja y en muchas ocasiones el diagnóstico es incidenta...(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Ovarian Neoplasms , Peritonitis, Tuberculous/diagnosis , Radiography/methods , Communicable Diseases, Emerging
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 37(4)dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559949


Introducción: La fractura de radio distal resulta común en la extremidad superior y representa un reto terapéutico. Objetivo: Determinar la concordancia entre radiografía simple y tomografía computarizada con respecto a las clasificaciones AO Foundation y de Fernández, y la elección del tratamiento. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de concordancia diagnóstica entre radiografía simple y tomografía computarizada. Ortopedistas y cirujanos de mano analizaron 19 imágenes de fracturas de radio distal de acuerdo con las clasificaciones AO Foundation y de Fernández, y las distintas opciones de tratamiento. Para el grado de concordancia se usó el coeficiente Kappa de Fleiss. La prueba de t-Student y Chi cuadrado diferenciaron los grupos para variables cuantitativas y cualitativas, respectivamente. Hubo una significancia estadística de p= 0,05. Resultados: La clasificación de Fernández coincidió mejor que la clasificación AO Foundation entre radiografía y tomografía computarizada. En la elección del tratamiento y la técnica de osteosíntesis la concordancia fue mayor al 90 por ciento, mientras que el abordaje quirúrgico solo alcanzó el 50 por ciento. La clasificación AO Foundation radiográfica se correspondió con fracturas complejas, mientras la de Fernández con las menos complicadas. Las fracturas se subestimaron cuando se clasificaron con radiografía. Conclusiones: La relación de las clasificaciones entre radiografía y tomografía computarizada para fracturas de radio distal no resulta satisfactoria. La tomografía computarizada ofrece información que modifica las decisiones en el tratamiento(AU)

Introduction: Distal radius fracture is common in the upper extremity and represents a therapeutic challenge. Objective: To determine the agreement between simple radiography and computed tomography with respect to AO Foundation and Fernández classifications, and the choice of treatment. Methods: A diagnostic agreement study was carried out between simple radiography and computed tomography. Orthopedists and hand surgeons analyzed 19 images of distal radius fractures according to AO Foundation and Fernández classifications, and the different treatment options. Fleiss Kappa coefficient was used for the degree of agreement. The Student's t-test and chi-square differentiated the groups for quantitative and qualitative variables, respectively. There was a statistical significance of p = 0.05. Results: Fernández classification coincided better than AO Foundation between radiography and computed tomography. In the choice of treatment and osteosynthesis technique, agreement was greater than 90 percent, while the surgical approach only reached 50 percent. The radiographic AO Foundation classification corresponded to complex fractures while Fernández classification corresponded to less complicated ones. Fractures were underestimated when classified with radiography. Conclusions: The relationship of classifications between radiography and computed tomography for distal radius fractures is not satisfactory. Computed tomography provides information that modifies treatment decisions(AU)

Humans , Radiography/classification , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/classification , Reproducibility of Results , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Wrist Fractures/therapy , Surgeons , Orthopedic Surgeons
Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1343-1347, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521027


SUMMARY: The present study aimed to evaluate wrist (lunate) anatomy in terms of the incidence of lunatum morphology on plain-radiographs among the Anatolian (Turkey) population, accompanied by demographic analysis. We obtained all the patients' data regarding demographical features, diagnosis, and posteroanterior (PA) X-ray imaging. Two radiograph-reviewers repeated the analysis twice, one month later, blinded to their findings before the previous review. The lunatum structure was determined as Type-1 (n:293) and Type-2 (n:207) for each radiograph. Most of the 500 wrists' radiographs [n:293 (58.6 %)] were type-I lunate. The mean age was 36.7±13.3 (range:18-90) years. Sex distribution was as follows: 185 (63.1 %) males to 108 (36.9 %) females. Type-2 lunate was seen in 207 participants (41.4 %). The mean age for type-2 was 41.6±15.2 (18-88) years. 142 (68.6 %) participants were male sex, while 65 (31.4 %) were females. The mean age of subjects with type-I showed a difference with type-II (p=0.007). There was no relationship in terms of sex (p=0.206) between the groups. In the Anatolian region, type-1 lunate was dominant compared to type-2. The incidence rate of lunate type in Anatolian population was similar to the Arab population.

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la anatomía de la articulación radiocarpiana en términos de la incidencia de la morfología del hueso semilunar en radiografías simples entre la población de Anatolia (Turquía), acompañado de un análisis demográfico. Obtuvimos todos los datos de los pacientes con respecto a las características demográficas, el diagnóstico y las imágenes de rayos X posteroanteriores (PA). Dos revisores de radiografías repitieron el análisis dos veces, un mes después, sin conocer sus hallazgos antes de la revisión anterior. La estructura del lunatum se determinó como Tipo-1 (n:293) y Tipo-2 (n:207) para cada radiografía. La mayoría de las 500 radiografías de muñecas [n:293 (58,6 %)] fueron semilunar tipo I. La edad media fue de 36,7±13,3 (rango: 18-90) años. La distribución por sexos fue la siguiente: 185 (63,1 %) hombres y 108 (36,9 %) mujeres. El semilunar tipo 2 se observó en 207 participantes (41,4 %). La edad media para el tipo 2 fue de 41,6±15,2 (18-88) años. 142 (68,6 %) participantes eran del sexo masculino, mientras que 65 (31,4 %) eran del sexo femenino. La edad media de los sujetos con tipo I mostró una diferencia con el tipo II (p = 0,007). No hubo relación en cuanto al sexo (p=0,206) entre los grupos. En la región de Anatolia, el semilunar tipo 1 era dominante en comparación con el tipo 2. La tasa de incidencia del tipo semilunar en la población de Anatolia fue similar a la de la población árabe.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Wrist Joint/diagnostic imaging , Turkey , Wrist Joint/anatomy & histology , Radiography , Anatomic Variation
Actual. osteol ; 19(3): 211-220, Sept - Dic 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1555794


La enfermedad de Erdheim-Chester (EEC) es una patología poco frecuente, caracterizada por presentar infiltración xantogranulomatosa sistémica, con afección de diversos sistemas incluido el óseo. La EEC se encuentra descripta dentro de las enfermedades osteocon-densantes (EO), las cuales se reconocen por presentar aumento de la masa ósea y compromiso tanto de huesos largos como planos. La presentación clínica de la EEC es variada: puede presentar desde un curso indolente hasta manifestaciones multisistémicas. Las características radiológicas son de gran importancia para establecer su diagnóstico. Presentamos una paciente con EEC, con esclerosis bilateral de huesos largos, que exhibe algunas características diferenciales con relación a otros casos reportados: a) afectación exclusivamente ósea a 10 años de evolución, b) compromiso bilateral y simétrico de distinta magnitud, c) esclerosis cortical endóstica y perióstica, d) signos radiológicos sugestivos de periostitis, d) ausencia de compromiso metafisario, e) ausencia de actividad metabólica de las lesiones en las imágenes de 18F-FDG PET/CT.Conclusión: la presencia de lesiones osteocondensantes bilaterales exclusivamente en huesos largos deben hacer sospechar EEC. La ausencia de compromiso metafisario y de actividad metabólica en 18F-FDG PET/CT ha sido raramente descripta. (AU)

Erdheim - Chester disease (ECD) is a rare disease, characterized by systemic xanthogranulomatous infiltration, with involvement of various organs including bone. ECD is described within the sclerosing bone disorders, which are recognized for presenting increased bone mass and involvement of both long and flat bones. The clinical presentation of ECD is diverse, ranging from an asymptomatic course to multisystemic manifestations. Radiological features are of great importance to establish the diagnosis. We describe here a patient with ECD, with bilateral sclerosis of long bones that presents some differential characteristics in relation to other reported cases: a) exclusively bone involvement at 10 years of evolution, b) bilateral and symmetric involvement of different magnitude, c) endosteal and periosteal cortical sclerosis d) radiological signs suggestive of periostitis, d) absence of metaphyseal involvement, e) absence of metabolic activity of the lesions in 18F-FDG PET/CT.Conclusion: the presence of bilateral osteosclerosis exclusively in long bones should lead to suspect ECD. The absence of metaphyseal involvement and metabolic activity in 18F-FDG PET/CT have been rarely described. (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sclerosis/etiology , Erdheim-Chester Disease/diagnostic imaging , Femur/pathology , Humerus/pathology , Vinblastine/adverse effects , Biopsy, Needle , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Radiography , Radionuclide Imaging , Interferons/adverse effects , Erdheim-Chester Disease/drug therapy , Positron-Emission Tomography , Pain Management , Zoledronic Acid/administration & dosage
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(3): 343-351, sept. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533945


Introducción. Las radiografías continúan usándose ampliamente, subestimando los riesgos. Esto sucede, especialmente, en las unidades de cuidado neonatal, lo que implica que los neonatos reciben una dosis de radiación ionizante mayor que los adultos. Objetivo. Cuantificar las dosis de radiación recibidas al tomar radiografías y evaluar los posibles factores asociados con el aumento de la dosis. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional de 160 neonatos de la Unidad de Recién Nacidos del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Bogotá, Colombia. Se consideró como variable dependiente la dosis de entrada en piel por cada radiografía. Se hizo la caracterización de los pacientes, seguida de un análisis multivariado con regresión lineal múltiple para identificar factores asociados. Resultados. Se analizaron 160 pacientes y 492 radiografías en total. Entre los hallazgos más frecuentes, se encuentran: pacientes de sexo masculino (n=87; 54,4 %), nacimiento por cesárea (n=122; 76,3 %) e indicación de toma de radiografías por dificultad respiratoria (n=123; 24,9 %). El 1,8 % (n=9) de los pacientes no tenían una indicación para la toma de la radiografía. La radiografía más frecuente fue la de tórax (n=322; 65,4 %). La mayoría de las radiografías se tomaron con el equipo computarizado (n=352; 71,5 %) y no con el digital (n=140, 28,4 %). La mediana de la dosis de entrada en piel con el equipo computarizado fue de 0,112 mGy (0,022; 0,134 mGy) y, con el equipo digital, de 0,020 mGy (0,019, 0,022 mGy). Conclusiones. Se cuantificaron las dosis de radiación absorbida en neonatos, general y específica, con el equipo computarizado y el digital. Se identificaron mayores dosis con el equipo computarizado. Se reconoció la interacción entre el equipo computarizado con menores edades gestacionales corregidas como principal factor para el aumento de la dosis. Además, se reconoció la relación entre el equipo computarizado y una menor edad gestacional corregida, como principal factor para una mayor dosis.

Introduction. Radiographs are still widely used, underestimating the risks. This situation is frequent in neonatal care units, generating radiation doses than in adults. Objective. To quantify the received radiation doses when performing radiographs on neonates and the possible factors associated with higher doses. Materials and methods. We performed an observational study of 160 neonates from the newborn unit of the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Bogotá, Colombia. We considered the input dose of each radiograph as the dependent variable. Patients were characterized and a multivariate analysis with multiple linear regression was performed to identify associated factors. Results. We analyzed 160 newborns and 492 radiographs. The most frequent findings were male patients (n=87, 54.4%), cesarean delivery (n=122, 76.3%), and radiograph indication for respiratory distress (n=123, 24.9%). One-point eight percent of the patients (n=9) did not have radiograph indication. The most frequently taken radiograph was chest (322, 65.4%). Most radiographs were taken with a computerized equipment (n=352, 71.5%), compared to a digital one (n=140, 28.4%). The median input dose with computerized equipment was 0.112 mGy (0.022, 0.134 mGy), and with the digital equipment was 0.020 mGy (0.019, 0.022 mGy). Conclusions. The general and specific absorbed radiation doses were measured in neonates with a computerized and a digital equipment. We identified higher doses with the computerized equipment. In addition, it was recognized the correlation between computerized radiography equipment with lower corrected gestational ages as the main factor for dose increase.

Radiation Dosage , Infant, Newborn , Radiation , Radiography , Risk Factors
Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1020-1026, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514336


SUMMARY: Malocclusion is usually treated based on clinical decisions complemented with a cephalometric analysis, allowing the comparison of an individual with standard reference norms. Cephalometric standards have mostly been obtained from Caucasian population, but may not be appropriate for other ethnic groups, becoming a clinically relevant problem in multicultural and multiracial societies. The present study aimed to establish cephalometric norms for Chilean-Latino population, using a representative sample of class I individuals in permanent dentition. A sample of 72 cephalometric x-rays of class I growing individuals (47 women and 25 men) between 10 and 20 years of age with class I occlusion and harmonic profile was obtained from the records of the Universidad de los Andes taken between 2012 and 2019, including 1164 individuals. The radiographs were classified according to their cervical vertebral maturation status, and cephalometrically analyzed, obtaining vertical and sagittal parameters in soft and hard tissues, which were compared with Caucasian cephalometric norms. The statistical analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics (T-test, ANOVA and Bonferroni tests). Cephalometric norms were obtained for hard and soft tissues. Upon comparison with Caucasian norms, the subjects included in the sample present a tendency towards a convex profile, significant incisal proclination, dental protrusion, labial biprotrusion and an acute nasolabial angle. There are cephalometric differences between the Caucasian cephalometric norms and those observed Chilean Latino population, displaying differences at a hard and soft tissue level that should be taken into account for clinical decision making in Orthodontics.

La maloclusión generalmente se trata con base en decisiones clínicas complementadas con un análisis cefalométrico, lo que permite la comparación de un individuo con normas de referencia estándar. Los estándares cefalométricos se han obtenido en su mayoría de población caucásica, pero pueden no ser apropiados para otros grupos étnicos, convirtiéndose en un problema clínicamente relevante en sociedades multiculturales y multirraciales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer normas cefalométricas para población chileno-latina, utilizando una muestra representativa de individuos clase I en dentición permanente. Se obtuvo una muestra de 72 radiografías cefalométricas de individuos en crecimiento clase I (47 mujeres y 25 hombres) entre 10 y 20 años de edad con oclusión clase I y perfil armónico de los registros de la Universidad de los Andes tomados entre 2012 y 2019, incluidas 1164 personas. Las radiografías se clasificaron según su estado de maduración vertebral cervical, y se analizaron cefalométricamente, obteniendo parámetros verticales y sagitales en tejidos blandos y duros, que se compararon con normas cefalométricas caucásicas. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial (T-test, ANOVA y pruebas de Bonferroni). Se obtuvieron normas cefalométricas para tejidos duros y blandos. En comparación con las normas caucásicas, los sujetos incluidos en la muestra presentan una tendencia hacia un perfil convexo, proinclinación incisal significativa, protrusión dental, biprotrusión labial y un ángulo nasolabial agudo. Existen diferencias entre las normas cefalométricas caucásicas y las observadas en población latina chilena, mostrando diferencias a nivel de tejidos duros y blandos que se deben considerar para la toma de decisiones clínicas en Ortodoncia.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Cephalometry/standards , Dentition, Permanent , Dental Occlusion , Radiography , Chile , Retrospective Studies
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 43(2): 93-97, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1510690


La rotura traumática, simultánea y bilateral del tendón cuadricipital es una lesión infrecuente, generalmente asociada a otras enfermedades sistémicas tales como insuficiencia renal o trastornos endocrinos. Presentamos el caso de un varón sano y atleta de 38 años que sufrió esta lesión mientras realizaba una sentadilla en el gimnasio. (AU)

The traumatic bilateral and simultaneous quadriceps tendon rupture is a rare injury, usually associated with other systemic diseases such as renal insufficiency or endocrine disorders. We present the case of a 38-year-old healthy male athlete who sustained this injury while performing a squat at the gym. (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Rupture/diagnostic imaging , Tendon Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Quadriceps Muscle/injuries , Quadriceps Muscle/diagnostic imaging , Rupture/surgery , Tendon Injuries/surgery , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Radiography , Ultrasonography , Quadriceps Muscle/surgery , Knee/surgery , Knee/diagnostic imaging
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(2): 246-251, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449800


Abstract Objective The present study aims to assess the reproducibility of digital planning for cementless total hip arthroplasty (THA) among surgeons with different levels of experience. In addition, it attempts to determine the degree of planning reliability based on a contralateral THA or on a spherical marker positioned at the greater trochanter for calibration. Methods Two evaluators with different experience levels (A1 and A2) performed independently the retrospective digital surgical planning of 64 cementless THAs. Next, we compared the planning with the implants used in the surgery. The reproducibility was excellent when planning and implants were identical; proper in case of a single-unit variation; and inappropriate if there was variation in two or more units. The present analysis also determined the calibration accuracy between the contralateral THA and the spherical marker at the greater trochanter level. Results The present study demonstrated greater success when the most experienced evaluator performed the planning and greater accuracy for the contralateral THA. When splitting the analysis per parameter (contralateral THA or spherical marker), there was a statistical difference only for the planning of A1 and the implants used in the surgery. This difference occurred in the excellent category, with 67.3% for contralateral THA compared with 30.6% for a spherical marker (p < 0.001), and in the inappropriate category, with 7.1% for contralateral THA compared with 30.6% for a spherical marker (p < 0.001). Conclusions Digital planning is more accurate when performed by an experienced evaluator. The contralateral prosthesis head was a better reference than a marker on the greater trochanter.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a reprodutibilidade do planejamento digital da artroplastia total de quadril (ATQ) sem cimento entre cirurgiões com diferentes níveis de experiência e o grau de confiabilidade no planejamento baseado na ATQ contralateral com o método de marcador esférico posicionado ao nível do trocanter maior. Método Dois avaliadores com níveis de experiência diferentes (A1 e A2) realizaram de forma independente o planejamento digital operatório retrospectivo de 64 ATQs sem cimento. O planejamento foi comparado com os implantes utilizados na cirurgia, sendo classificados como: excelentes, quando idênticos; adequados, quando houve variação de uma unidade; e inadequados, quando ocorreu variação de duas ou mais unidades. Na presente análise, também foi avaliada a acurácia do parâmetro de calibragem entre a ATQ contralateral comparada com o marcador esférico ao nível do trocanter maior. Resultados O estudo demonstrou maior êxito no planejamento quando realizado pelo avaliador mais experiente, com maior acurácia na ATQ contralateral. Ao fragmentar a análise de acordo com o parâmetro utilizado (ATQ contralateral ou marcador esférico), houve diferença estatística apenas na comparação do planejamento do avaliador A1 com os implantes utilizados na cirurgia. Esta diferença ocorreu na classificação excelente com 67,3% em ATQ contralateral como parâmetro contra 30,6% com marcador esférico (p < 0,001) e inadequado de 7,1% contra 30,6%, respectivamente (p < 0,001). Conclusões A acurácia do planejamento digital é mais precisa quando realizada por um avaliador experiente e a utilização da cabeça de prótese contralateral como referência se mostrou superior à utilização de um marcador no trocanter maior.

Humans , Patient Care Planning , Radiography , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981110


OBJECTIVES@#This study investigate the clinical and imaging features of Ewing sarcoma (ES) of the jaw.@*METHODS@#Eight cases of pathologically diagnosed ES of the jaw from January 2010 to June 2022 were included in the study. Clinical and radiological features were retrospectively analyzed.@*RESULTS@#Among the eight cases, the mean age at onset was 29.4 years, and the male to female ratio was 7∶1. The predilecting site was the posterior part of mandible, accounting for 75% of the cases. The lesions often exhibited early numbness of the lower lip and lymphadenopathy. The main radiographic manifestation of mandibular lesions was ill-defined radiolucency, mixed with fibrous or brush-like tumor matrix, and soft tissue mass. The maxillary ES lesions mainly presented as lytic bone destruction accompanied by adjacent soft tissue mass. Periosteal ossification was rarely seen.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The clinical and imaging characteristics of ES in the jaw are helpful for its diagnosis.

Male , Humans , Female , Sarcoma, Ewing/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Radiography , Mandible/pathology , Lip , Bone Neoplasms
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981298


During interventional procedures,subjects are exposed to direct and scattered X-rays.Establishing diagnostic reference levels is an ideal way to optimize the radiation dose and reduce radiation hazard.In recent years,diagnostic reference levels in interventional radiology have been established in different countries.However,because of the too many indicators for characterizing the radiation dose,the indicators used to establish diagnostic reference levels vary in different countries.The research achievements in this field remain to be reviewed.We carried out a retrospective analysis of the definition,establishment method,application,and main factors influencing the dose difference of the diagnostic reference level,aiming to provide a basis for establishing the diagnostic reference level for interventional procedures in China.

Humans , Diagnostic Reference Levels , Radiology, Interventional/methods , Radiation Dosage , Retrospective Studies , Radiography
Chinese Journal of Surgery ; (12): 100-106, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970192


Objectives: To establish a newly-designed scoring system for breast imaging-reporting and data system (BI-RADS) 4 and 5 breast lesions only visible on MRI, and to examine their clinical pathway of biopsy. Methods: The BI-RADS 4 and 5 breast lesions only visible on MRI but not suspected on mammograms or ultrasound between June 2007 and December 2021 at Beijing Hospital were evaluated retrospectively. A total of 209 lesions from 184 patients were finally included. All patients were female, aged (50±11) years (range: 27 to 76 years). All lesions were confirmed by pathology and divided into malignancy and non-malignancy. The lesions were divided into mass and non-mass type using BI-RADS. The receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve was used to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the new scoring system. Four types of pathology-obtaining pathway were used: biopsy guided by second-look ultrasound, local excision guided by lesion position information on MRI, intraductal lesion excision guided by methylene blue stain and mastectomy. The data between mass and non-mass lesions were compared by Mann-Whitney U test, χ2 test or Fisher exact test,respectively. Results: There were 124 malignant and 85 non-malignant lesions, while 100 mass and 109 non-mass lessions. The sizes between mass and non-mass lesions showed significant difference(M(IQR)) (7.0 (3.0) mm vs. 25.0 (25.0) mm, U=568.000, P<0.01) and their BI-RADS diagnostic accuracy had no significant difference (53.0% (53/100) vs. 65.1% (71/109), χ2=3.184, P=0.074). The areas under ROC curve of the new scoring system for evaluating mass and non-mass were 0.841 and 0.802, respectively. When taking Score 3 as threshold, it can potentially avoid 14.0% (14/100) and 4.6% (5/109) of biopsies in mass and non-mass, respectively. As to pathway of obtaining pathology, second-look ultrasound succeeded more easily in mass than non-mass (41.0% (41/100) vs.26.6% (29/109), χ2=4.851, P=0.028). More MRI-guided local excisions were performed in non-mass than mass (52.3% (57/109) vs. 34.0% (34/100), χ2=7.100, P=0.008). Conclusions: For suspicious breast lesions detected by MRI but not suspected on X-ray or ultrasound, the new scoring system can further increase diagnostic accuracy. The second-look ultrasound plays an important role for obtaining pathology, especially for mass-type lesion.

Humans , Female , Male , Retrospective Studies , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Mastectomy , Radiography , Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971315


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the malfunction and maintenance process of Carestream digital X-ray machine DRX-NOVA for reference.@*METHODS@#The fault of Carestream digital X-ray machine DRX-NOVA in 2011-2021 was summarized, the fault types were classified, and the maintenance process was summarized.@*RESULTS@#Fault types can be divided into three categories, each of which has its own characteristics and specific solutions.@*CONCLUSIONS@#It is necessary to master the principle of equipment to repair all kinds of equipment failures. Repair the machine should be careful, comprehensive consideration of the cause of the failure. To correctly understand and analyze the operation of the machine under normal conditions, we can accurately analyze the cause of failure, so that we can really solve the problem.

X-Rays , Radiography , Radiographic Image Enhancement , Equipment Failure
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981608


OBJECTIVE@#To validate the effectiveness of a novel comprehensive classification for intertrochanteric fracture (ITF).@*METHODS@#The study included 616 patients with ITF, including 279 males (45.29%) and 337 females (54.71%); the age ranged from 23 to 100 years, with an average of 72.5 years. Two orthopaedic residents (observers Ⅰ and Ⅱ) and two senior orthopaedic surgeons (observers Ⅲ and Ⅳ) were selected to classify the CT imaging data of 616 patients in a random order by using the AO/Orthopaedic Trauma Association (AO/OTA) classification of 1996/2007 edition, the AO/OTA classification of 2018 edition, and the novel comprehensive classification method at an interval of 1 month. Kappa consistency test was used to evaluate the intra-observer and inter-observer consistency of the three ITF classification systems.@*RESULTS@#The inter-observer consistency of the three classification systems evaluated by 4 observers twice showed that the 3 classification systems had strong inter-observer consistency. Among them, the κ value of the novel comprehensive classification was higher than that of the AO/OTA classification of 1996/2007 edition and 2018 edition, and the experience of observers had a certain impact on the classification results, and the inter-observer consistency of orthopaedic residents was slightly better than that of senior orthopaedic surgeons. The intra-observer consistency of two evaluations of three classification systems by 4 observers showed that the consistency of the novel comprehensive classification was better for the other 3 observers, except that the consistency of observer Ⅳ in the AO/OTA classification of 2018 version was slightly higher than that of the novel comprehensive classification. The results showed that the novel comprehensive classification has higher repeatability, and the intra-observer consistency of senior orthopaedic surgeons was better than that of orthopaedic residents.@*CONCLUSION@#The novel comprehensive classification system has good intra- and inter-observer consistency, and has high validity in the classification of CT images of ITF patients; the experience of observers has a certain impact on the results of the three classification systems, and those with more experiences have higher intra-observer consistency.

Male , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Observer Variation , Reproducibility of Results , Hip Fractures/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Radiography
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981701


OBJECTIVE@#To observe clinical effect of percutaneous minimally invasive osteotomy with 8-shaped bandage and hallux valgus splint fixation in treating moderate hallux valgus.@*METHODS@#Totally 23 patients with moderate hallux valgus were treated with percutaneous minimally invasive osteotomy with 8-shaped bandage and hallux valgus splint fixation from August 2019 to January 2021, and 1 patient was loss to follow-up, and finally 22 patients(30 feet) were included, 4 males (6 feet) and 18 females(24 feet), aged from 27 to 66 years old with an average of(50.59±11.95) years old. Hallux valgus angle (HVA), intermetatarsal angle (IMA), metatarsal span (the distance between the first and the fifth metatarsal bones), changed of soft tissue width, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society(AOFAS) score, and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) were collected and compared before operation and 6 months after operation.@*RESULTS@#Twenty-two patients were followed up from 5.7 to 6.4 months with an average of (6.13±0.85) months. The first metatarsal osteotomy of patients were obtained bone union, and deformity of the toes was corrected. Complications such as avascular necrosis of metatarsal head and transfer metatarsalgia were not occurred. Postoperative HVA, IMA, metatarsal span, soft tissue width, VAS, AOFAS score at 6 months were significantly improved compared with pre-operation (P<0.01). According to AOFAS score at 6 months after operation, 10 feet were excellent, 18 good and 2 poor. Two feet with poor were excellent after prolonged 8-shaped bandage and hallux valgus splint fixation time.@*CONCLUSION@#Percutaneous minimally invasive osteotomy with 8-shaped bandage and hallux valgus splint fixation for the treatment of moderate hallux valgus could better correct deformity of hallux valgus, relieve foot symptoms, good recovery of postoperative function, and has a significant clinical efficacy.

Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Hallux Valgus/diagnostic imaging , Splints , Radiography , Bunion , Treatment Outcome , Metatarsal Bones/surgery , Osteotomy , Bandages
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981752


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the effect of a modified three-point bending fracture device for establishing a rabbit model of closed tibial fracture.@*METHODS@#The model of closed tibial fracture was established in 40 6-month-old male New Zealand white rabbits with a body weight of 2.5 to 3.0 kg, and the model was verified at 6 weeks after operation. Five rabbits underwent pre modeling without temporary external fixation before modeling, and then were fractured with a modified three-point bending fracture device;35 rabbits underwent formal modeling. Before modeling, needles were inserted, and splints were fixed externally, and then the fracture was performed with a modified three-point bending fracture device. The fracture model and healing process were evaluated by imaging and histopathology at 2 hours, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks after operation.@*RESULTS@#Two hours after modeling, the prefabricated module showed oblique fracture in varying degrees and the broken end shifted significantly;Except for 1 comminuted fracture, 2 curved butterfly fractures and 2 without obvious fracture line, the rest were simple transverse and oblique fractures without obvious displacement in formal modeling group. According to the judgment criteria, the success rate of the model was 85.71%. Four weeks after modeling, the fixed needle and splint of the experimental rabbits were in good position, the fracture alignment was good, the fracture line was blurred, many continuous callus growths could be seen around the fracture end, and the callus density was high. Six weeks after modeling, many thick new bone trabeculae at the fracture, marginal osteoblasts attached, and a small number of macrophages were seen under the microscope. The intramembrane osteogenesis area was in the preparation bone stage, the medullary cavity at the fracture had been partially reopened, the callus was in the absorption plastic stage, and many osteoclasts were visible. The X-ray showed that the fracture line almost disappeared, part of the medullary cavity had been opened, the external callus was reduced around, the callus was in the plastic stage, and the bone cortex was continuous. It suggests that the fracture model showed secondary healing.@*CONCLUSION@#The improved three-point bending fracture device can establish a stable rabbit model of closed tibial fracture, and the operation is simple, which meets the requirements of closed fracture model in basic research related to fracture healing.

Rabbits , Male , Animals , Bony Callus , Fracture Healing , Tibial Fractures/surgery , Osteogenesis , Radiography