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Estima (Online) ; 22: e1479, JAN - DEZ 2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561861


Objetivo: Analisar as evidências sobre o efeito dos agentes tópicos empregados para a prevenção da radiodermatite em pacientes com câncer. Método: Revisão sistemática de estudos clínicos randomizados duplos-cegos construída conforme recomendações do Joanna Briggs Institute e busca nas bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS, Web of Science, Embase, Scopus, além da literatura cinzenta. Utilizaram-se a ferramenta de avaliação crítica do JBI para ensaios clínicos randomizados para avaliar a possibilidade de viés, o Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation para a qualidade das evidências e o Gradepro® para recomendá-las. Resultados: Selecionaram-se 13 estudos que avaliaram diferentes agentes tópicos para prevenir a radiodermatite, a saber: corticosteroides, de ação antioxidante e fitoterápicos. A qualidade metodológica de cada estudo foi apropriada, mas a qualidade da evidência gerada pela reunião deles foi baixa, independentemente do tipo de agente tópico empregado, sugerindo que a confiança no seu efeito é limitada e tornando a força de recomendação fraca. Conclusão: Alguns agentes tópicos mostraram-se promissores para a prevenção de radiodermatite, mas as evidências aqui reunidas sobre a eficácia deles não permitem indicar seu uso para a prevenção de radiodermatite em pacientes com câncer. (AU)

Objective: To analyze the evidence on the effect of topical agents to prevent radiodermatitis in cancer patients. Methods: Systematic review of double-blind randomized clinical studies built according to JBI recommendations and search in the databases MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS, Web of Science, Embase and Scopus, in addition to the Gray Literature. The JBI critical assessment tool for randomized clinical trials was used to assess the possibility of bias, GRADE for the quality of evidence, and Gradepro® to recommend them. Results: Thirteen studies were selected that evaluated different topical agents to prevent radiodermatitis, namely: corticosteroids, with antioxidant action and herbal medicines. The methodological quality of each study was appropriate. Still, the quality of evidence generated by pooling them was low, regardless of the type of topical agent employed, suggesting that confidence in its effect is limited and weakening the strength of the recommendation. Conclusions: Some topical agents have shown promise for the prevention of radiodermatitis, but the evidence gathered here about their effectiveness does not indicate their use for the prevention of radiodermatitis in cancer patients. (AU)

Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia sobre el efecto de los agentes tópicos utilizados para la prevención de la radiodermatitis en pacientes con cáncer. Método: Revisión sistemática de estudios clínicos aleatorizados, doble ciego, elaborados según las recomendaciones del JBI y buscados en MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS, Web of Science, Embase y Scopus, además de literatura gris. Se utilizó la herramienta de evaluación crítica JBI para ensayos clínicos aleatorios para evaluar la posibilidad de sesgo, GRADE para la calidad de la evidencia y Gradepro® para recomendarla. Resultados: Se seleccionaron trece estudios que evaluaron diferentes agentes tópicos para prevenir la radiodermatitis, a saber: corticosteroides, con acción antioxidante y fitoterapia. La calidad metodológica de cada estudio fue apropiada, pero la calidad de la evidencia generada al combinarlos fue baja, independientemente del tipo de agente tópico empleado, lo que sugiere que la confianza en su efecto es limitada y debilita la fuerza de la recomendación. Conclusión: Algunos agentes tópicos se han mostrado prometedores para la prevención de la radiodermatitis, pero la evidencia aquí reunida sobre su eficacia no nos permite indicar su uso para la prevención de la radiodermatitis en pacientes con cáncer. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Radiodermatitis/prevention & control , Radiotherapy , Enterostomal Therapy
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(64): 138-155, mai-ago.2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567328


O câncer de cabeça e pescoço (CCP) refere-se ao grupo de tumores que atingem a laringe, cavidade nasal, nasofaringe, orofaringe, cavidade oral e glândulas salivares. A radioterapia no paciente com CCP representa uma terapia para manutenção do órgão, através da destruição das células neoplásicas malignas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar estratégias radioterápicas aplicadas ao paciente com CCP e seus respectivos efeitos colaterais em cavidade oral, além de investigar as principais modalidades utilizadas nos sistemas de saúde do Brasil. Tratou-se de uma revisão narrativa da literatura com busca ativa das bases eletrônicas PUBMED, LILACS e SCIELO. Após todas as etapas de refinamento, um total de 58 artigos foram incluídos na presente revisão. A radioterapia possui papel de destaque no tratamento do CCP. No entanto, por não ser um método terapêutico com alta especificidade, resulta em efeitos adversos ao tratamento como mucosite oral, trismo e disfunção salivar, que findam por reduzir a qualidade de vida do paciente. Dentre as principais técnicas radioterapêuticas utilizadas no Brasil, a IMRT e VMAT caracterizam-se como as formas mais avançadas da terapia em 3D, proporcionando doses equivalentes para cada área da lesão tumoral, poupando áreas teciduais circunvizinhas que não necessitam de irradiação. Além da toxicidade reduzida, uma maior sobrevida pode ser observada em pacientes tratados com essas técnicas. Um dos maiores desafios atuais na radioterapia contra o CCP é a proteção de tecidos saudáveis. Nesse sentido, a IMRT e VMAT apresentam superioridade em relação às demais técnicas.

Head and neck cancer (CCP) refers to the group of tumors that affect the larynx, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, oropharynx, oral cavity and salivary glands. Radiotherapy in patients with CCP represents a therapy for organ maintenance, through the destruction of malignant neoplastic cells. The aim of this study was to identify radiotherapy strategies applied to patients with CCP and their respective side effects in the oral cavity, and to investigate the main modalities used in health systems in Brazil. It was a narrative review of the literature with active search of electronic databases PUBMED, LILACS and SCIELO. After all stages of refinement, a total of 58 articles were included in this review. Radiotherapy has a prominent role in the treatment of CCP. However, because it is not a therapeutic method with high specificity, it results in adverse effects to treatment such as oral mucositis, trismus and salivary dysfunction, which end up reducing the quality of life of the patient. Among the main radiotherapeutic techniques used in Brazil, IMRT and VMAT are characterized as the most advanced forms of 3D therapy, providing equivalent doses for each area of the tumor sparing surrounding tissue areas that do not require irradiation. In addition to reduced toxicity, greater survival can be observed in patients treated with these techniques. One of the biggest current challenges in radiation therapy against CCP is the protection of healthy tissues. In this sense, the IMRT and VMAT present superiority in relation to the other techniques.

Oral Manifestations , Radiation , Radiation, Ionizing , Radiotherapy/adverse effects , Head and Neck Neoplasms/radiotherapy
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 13(1): 387, abr. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1554973


Múltiples estrategias terapéuticas se han desarrollado con el objetivo de optimizar el tratamiento del cáncer de mama, especialmente antes de ir a quirófano, desde la introducción de la quimioterapia preoperatoria por Fisher. Una de estas ha sido la radioterapia, la cual tiene beneficios claros en esa patología, pues reduce a la mitad el riesgo de recurrencia, y disminuye la muerte por cáncer de mama en aproximadamente una sexta parte después de cirugía conservadora. Aunque no se suele considerar antes de la cirugía, el uso de radioterapia preoperatoria en cáncer de mama, no es nuevo, y se ha demostrado que esta alternativa terapéutica es factible, bien tolerada y asociada a una tasa de respuesta patológica completa del 10 % -40 %. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con cáncer de mama metastásico, quien recibió múltiples esquemas de quimioterapia y a quien se le planteó radioterapia preoperatoria, recibiendo la misma con muy buena respuesta, sin aumentar la dificultad técnica para la realización de la intervención quirúrgica, y sin complicaciones asociadas a la herida operatoria. En la actualidad, existen pocos estudios clínicos sobre radioterapia preoperatoria, y su efecto en las pacientes con cáncer de mama localmente avanzado, es controvertido. Al observar en la biopsia definitiva respuesta patológica completa, es un indicio de cómo la radioterapia preoperatoria en cáncer de mama podría ser una opción en casos complejos con poca respuesta a la terapia convencional(AU)

Multiple therapeutic strategies have been developed with the aim of optimizing breast cancer (BC) treatment, especially preoperatively since the introduction of preoperative chemotherapy by Fisher. One of these has been radiation therapy (RT), which has clear benefits in breast cancer, halving the risk of recurrence andreducing breast cancer death byapproxmatelyone-sixth after breast-conserving surgery. Although not often considered for use prior to surgery, the use of preoperativeradiotherapy in localized breast cancer is not new andhas demonstrated that this therapeutic alternative is feasible, well tolerated and associated with a pathologic complete response rate of 10-40%. We present the case of a patient with metastatic breast cancer who received multiple chemotherapy schedules and who was considered preoperative radiotherapy, receiving the same with very good response, without increasing the technical difficulty for the performance of surgery, and without complications associated with the operative wound. At present, there are few clinical studies on preoperative radiotherapy, and its effect in patients with locally advanced breast cancer is controversial. And although this is a single case, observing a complete pathologic response in the definitive biopsy gives us a great indication of how preoperative radiotherapy in breast cancer could be an option in complex cases with little response to conventional therapy(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Radiotherapy , Breast Neoplasms/radiotherapy
Salud mil ; 43(1): 401, 20240220. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1568299


Introducción: los pacientes concurren habitualmente a la consulta preguntando por los posibles efectos tóxicos del tratamiento oncológico radiante sobre los tejidos normales. Esta breve revisión bibliográfica en formato de preguntas y respuestas, presenta mediante la evidencia científica y la medicina basada en la evidencia, algunas de las preguntas con las que se encuentra el médico que trata o interactúa con un paciente con cáncer. El objetivo de esta revisión es apoyar en la respuesta que dará el médico general, oncólogo médico, físico médico y tecnólogos en radioterapia a esas interrogantes. Metodología: se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica no sistemática en Google Scholar, MedLine/PubMed y Scielo limitando a trabajos publicados en los últimos 10 años. Resultados: tras consultas con profesionales directamente relacionados con la radioterapia, se identificaron las dudas recurrentes planteadas por los pacientes. Discusión: con la información recopilada se dan respuesta a las interrogantes más frecuentes establecidas previamente.

Introduction: Patients routinely come to the office asking about the possible toxic effects of radiation oncology treatment on normal tissues. This brief literature review in question and answer format presents, through scientific evidence and evidence-based medicine, some of the questions encountered by the physician who treats or interacts with a cancer patient. The objective of this review is to support the response of general practitioners, medical oncologists, medical physicists and radiotherapy technologists to these questions. Methodology: A non-systematic bibliographic search was carried out in Google Scholar, MedLine/PubMed and Scielo, limiting the search to works published in the last 10 years. Results: After consultation with professionals directly related to radiotherapy, recurrent doubts raised by patients were identified. Discussion: With the information gathered, answers were given to the most frequent questions previously established.

Introdução: Os pacientes chegam rotineiramente à clínica perguntando sobre os possíveis efeitos tóxicos do tratamento oncológico por radiação nos tecidos normais. Esta breve revisão da literatura em formato de perguntas e respostas apresenta, por meio de evidências científicas e da medicina baseada em evidências, algumas das perguntas encontradas pelo médico que trata ou interage com um paciente com câncer. O objetivo desta revisão é apoiar a resposta de clínicos gerais, oncologistas médicos, físicos médicos e tecnólogos em radioterapia a essas perguntas. Metodologia: foi realizada uma pesquisa não sistemática da literatura no Google Scholar, MedLine/PubMed e Scielo, limitando a pesquisa a artigos publicados nos últimos 10 anos. Resultados: após consulta a profissionais diretamente relacionados à radioterapia, foram identificadas as dúvidas recorrentes levantadas pelos pacientes. Discussão: com as informações coletadas, foram dadas respostas às dúvidas mais frequentes previamente estabelecidas.

Humans , Radiation, Ionizing , Radiotherapy , Radiation Oncology
São Paulo; s.n; 20240104. 86 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1524408


Os pacientes portadores de câncer de cabeça e pescoço realizam tratamento, de radioterapia podendo ou não estar associados à quimioterapia e/ou cirurgias. A qualidade de vida dos mesmos é afetada em função dos efeitos colaterais causados pelos tratamentos. Mucosite, hiposalivação, perda do paladar, trismo e osteorradionecrose são os efeitos colaterais que mais acomentem os pacientes em tratamento para câncer de cabeça e pescoço. A osteorradionecrose é considerada um evento tardio e a maior complicação pós tratamento de radioterapia. Foi realizada uma busca sistemática nas bases de dados eletrônicas MEDLINE / PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, Open Gray e busca manual, sem restrição de idioma e tempo. Os critérios de elegibilidade foram os seguintes: 1) ser revisão sistemática; 2) abordar sobre os efeitos orais e complicações após quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia em pacientes adultos portadores de câncer de cabeça e pescoço e 3) RS baseadas em estudos clínicos prospectivos/ retrospectivos e ECR (estudo clínico randomizado). A elegibilidade foi determinada de acordo com os critérios de exclusão para:1) RS que descrevessem a o tratamento para as sequelas da ORN; 2) as RS baseadas em relatos de casos ou estudos in vitro sobre ORN; 3) ORN em ossos não gnáticos (temporal); 4) não abordarem sobre incidência, tratamento ou prevenção da ORN e 5) revisão da classificação da ORN. Foram identificados 1321 artigos, mas apenas 13 foram considerados elegíveis. A fase de elegibilidade, qualidade metodológica (AMSTAR 2) foi conduzida por dois examinadores independentes e calibrados (RMS e GS), e um terceiro examinador (MSANM) foi consultado para a resolução de incongruências. O número de pacientes avaliados para o desenvolvimento de ORN ao longo do tratamento foi 33.762 sendo que desses, 2.094 desenvolveram a lesão, representando uma incidência de 6,2%. Quanto a localização a mandíbula é o local de maior acometimento. A exodontia após a radioterapia foi apontada como o maior fator causal para o desenvolvimento de ORN. A abordagem de tratamento para a ORN com pentoxifilina e tocoferol demonstrou eficácia superior em relação ao uso de antibioticoterapia e câmera hiperbárica. Baseado no risco de viés, é baixo o nível atual de evidência para as abordagens preventivas e curativas da ORN.

Osteoradionecrosis , Systematic Review , Head and Neck Neoplasms , Radiotherapy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030864


Background@#The effect of treatment delays on the quality of life of breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy remains to be seen, especially from quarantine measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic.@*Objective@#The objective of this study is to assess the health-related quality of life (HR-QOL) of breast cancer patients referred for radiotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic.@*Methodology@#This cross-sectional analysis included histopathologically proven breast cancer patients referred for radiotherapy at the Philippine General Hospital from June to October 2020. The University of the Philippines-Department of Health Quality of Life Scale for Cancer Patients was used to assess the HR-QOL of the respondents across five domains.@*Results@#A total of 60 respondents (median age of 52, range 33-71) were surveyed and eligible for analysis. College degree holders and good performers were associated with higher HR-QOL scores (p=0.008). The median interval from diagnosis to survey was 10.7 (SD±6.18) months and a longer illness duration was detrimental to HR-QOL. Overall, the global HR-QOL score was high (80.0% of respondents, HR-QOL score of 5.38±0.46). This was observed in all, except for the cognitive domain where HR-QOL was moderate among respondents (4.24±0.76).@*Conclusion@#This assessment was conducted within seven months into the pandemic, when an overall high HR-QOL score was observed among breast cancer patients. With further restrictions in treatment census encountered during the pandemic, strategies are recommended to address these indicators of health related QOL in this patient population through equitable and prompt access to needed care, such as radiotherapy.

Breast Neoplasms , COVID-19 , Quality of Life , Radiotherapy
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e243908, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553393


Aim: To carry out a retrospective analysis of the frequency and severity of clinical signs of radioiodine (131I)-induced damage to the salivary glands in the early and long-term post-radiation periods, and identify risk factors for their occurrence in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas. Methods: A total of 330 patients underwent thyroidectomy with dissection of lymphatic nodes. One month after surgery, all the patients received radioiodine therapy. The dose and number of courses varied depending on the stage and morphological type of the tumor. In the late post-radiation period, the patients were surveyed with the use of a standard questionnaire, which allowed retrospective assessment of the nature and severity of symptoms of radiationinduced damage, as well as the time of their onset/subsidence. Results: Radiation-induced sialoadenitis of the salivary glands was observed in 51.2% of patients treated with 131I. The main symptoms included pain and discomfort in the salivary glands (51.2% of patients), swelling (48.8%), transient or permanent dry mouth (38%), and distortion of taste (38%). There were statistically significant correlations between the presence and severity of the main clinical symptoms of salivary gland irradiation. A significant relationship (r = 0.91, p < 0.001) was found between swelling of the salivary glands and the feeling of pain or discomfort, which was indicative of inflammation and retention of saliva. Conclusion: The main factors influencing the formation of chronic radiation-induced sialoadenitis and the severity of the inflammatory process included the tumor stage, the total dose of radiopharmaceuticals, and the duration following radioiodine therapy

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Radiotherapy , Salivary Glands , Xerostomia , Thyroid Neoplasms , Thyroidectomy , Lymph Nodes
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e246798, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1527028


Aim: Hyposalivation and dry mouth affect the quality of life in patients with Head and Neck Cancer, who did the treatment with radiotherapy. Thus this study has the objective to evaluate the dosimetric relationship between 3D radiotherapy and changes in salivary flow, xerostomia and quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer according to the volume of the irradiated parotid gland. Methods: 23 patients with cancer in the head and neck area and in need of 3D radiotherapy were followed up during radiotherapy treatment, and the parotid gland (PG) design was also performed in radiotherapy planning. Questionnaires were carried out to determine xerostomia and quality of life, while the salivary flow was determined through calculations regarding the collection and weighing of saliva. Such data were collected in three moments: before the beginning of the radiotherapy treatment (D0), in the middle of the treatment (D1) and at the end of it (D2). The numerical variables are represented by measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. Results: when associating the salivary flow, the xerostomia questionnaire and the OHIP-14, a statistically significant difference was found (p-value <0.001), as well as when comparing some volumes of irradiated PG with the OHIP-14. However, no relationship was found between dosimetric data, xerostomia and hyposalivation. Conclusion: patients undergoing 3D radiotherapy for malignant neoplasms in the head and neck region had decreased salivary flow, increased complaints of dry mouth and decreased quality of life. However, it was not possible to establish a statistically significant correlation between these findings and the volumes of irradiated parotids

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Parotid Gland , Quality of Life , Radiotherapy , Xerostomia , Head and Neck Neoplasms
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e259618, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558747


A sobrevivência ao câncer de mama é um problema de saúde pública que demanda serviços especializados com foco na reabilitação psicossocial. Entre as necessidades identificadas nesse contexto está o incentivo à adoção de estratégias de promoção de autocuidados pelas mulheres. Uma das estratégias adotadas consiste no grupo de apoio psicológico, que auxilia as pacientes a enfrentar a longa jornada do tratamento. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é compreender os significados produzidos por mulheres com câncer de mama sobre sua participação em um grupo de apoio. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório realizado com dez mulheres com câncer de mama usuárias de um serviço de reabilitação para mastectomizadas. Como referencial metodológico foi utilizada a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista aberta em profundidade e os conteúdos foram transcritos e codificados. A análise indutiva e o método de comparação constante foram aplicados nos processos de codificação aberta, axial e seletiva, que permitiram identificar três categorias nucleares: percepção das atividades realizadas no grupo, identificação de benefícios e barreiras do convívio no grupo e transformações decorrentes da participação. As participantes significaram sua presença no grupo como fonte de acolhimento, apoio, desenvolvimento de recursos pessoais e amizades, contribuindo para promover sua qualidade de sobrevida. Além dos potenciais benefícios, também foram identificadas barreiras que podem dificultar a adesão e continuidade da participação no grupo, o que sugere a necessidade de incorporar no cuidado um olhar para as dimensões subjetivas da saúde da mulher.(AU)

Surviving breast cancer is a public health problem and depends on services focused on psychosocial rehabilitation. Healthcare providers must encourage women to adopt strategies to promote their self-care. The psychological support group is a resource that helps women to face the long journey of treatment. This study aimed to understand the meanings women with breast cancer produced about their participation in a support group. This exploratory cross-sectional study was carried out with 10 women with breast cancer who use a rehabilitation service for mastectomized patients. Grounded Theory was used as a methodological reference. An open in-depth interview was applied for data collection. The contents were transcribed and coded. Inductive analysis and the constant comparison method were applied in the open, axial, and selective coding processes, which enabled the identification of three core categories: perception of the activities carried out in the group, identification of benefits and barriers of living in the group, and transformations resulting from participation. Participants denote their involvement with the group as a source of shelter, support, development of personal resources and friendships that helps promoting quality of life. Besides these potential benefits, participants also evinced barriers that can hinder adherence and continuity of participation in the group, suggesting the importance of incorporating a look at the subjective dimensions of women's health into care.(AU)

Sobrevivir al cáncer de mama es un problema de salud pública que depende de los servicios centrados en la rehabilitación psicosocial. Entre las necesidades identificadas en esta materia se encuentra el uso de estrategias para promover el autocuidado. Uno de los recursos que ayuda a afrontar el largo camino del tratamiento es el grupo de apoyo psicológico. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer los significados que producen las mujeres con cáncer de mama sobre su participación en un grupo de apoyo. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio, realizado con diez mujeres con cáncer de mama usuarias de un servicio de rehabilitación para mastectomizadas. Como referencia metodológica se utilizó la teoría fundamentada en los datos. Se aplicó una entrevista abierta en profundidad para la recogida de datos, cuyos contenidos fueron transcritos y codificados. El análisis inductivo y el método de comparación constante se aplicaron en los procesos de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva, lo que permitió identificar tres categorías centrales: percepción de las actividades realizadas en el grupo, identificación de los beneficios y las barreras de vivir en el grupo y transformaciones resultantes de la participación. Las mujeres denotan su participación en el grupo como una fuente de acogida, apoyo, desarrollo de recursos personales y amistades, que ayuda a promover la calidad de vida. Además de los beneficios potenciales, también se identificaron barreras que pueden dificultar la adherencia y continuidad de la participación en el grupo, lo que sugiere la necesidad de incorporar en la atención una mirada centrada en las dimensiones subjetivas de la salud de las mujeres.(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Psychotherapy, Group , Self-Help Groups , Breast Neoplasms , Mental Health , Grounded Theory , Oncology Nursing , Anxiety , Anxiety Disorders , Pathologic Processes , Patient Care Team , Personal Satisfaction , Physical Examination , Psychology , Psychomotor Performance , Radiotherapy , Relaxation , Religion , Self Care , Self-Care Units , Self Concept , Sleep Wake Disorders , Social Responsibility , Social Support , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Stress, Physiological , Awareness , Yoga , Complementary Therapies , Breast Diseases , Activities of Daily Living , Cancer Care Facilities , Bereavement , Women's Health Services , Grief , Mammography , Biomarkers , Exercise , Mastectomy, Segmental , Family , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Survival Rate , Risk Factors , Morbidity , Mortality , Range of Motion, Articular , Self-Examination , Treatment Outcome , Panic Disorder , Mammaplasty , Breast Self-Examination , Comprehensive Health Care , Meditation , Chemoprevention , Life , Breast Implantation , Wit and Humor , Neoadjuvant Therapy , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Patient Freedom of Choice Laws , Crisis Intervention , Cysts , Personal Autonomy , Death , Information Dissemination , Interdisciplinary Communication , Heredity , Depression , Depressive Disorder , Diagnosis , Drug Therapy , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Emotions , Family Therapy , Early Detection of Cancer , Fatigue , Resilience, Psychological , Fertility , Molecular Targeted Therapy , Catastrophization , Chemoradiotherapy , Courage , Emotional Adjustment , Self-Control , Cancer Pain , Healthy Lifestyle , Surgical Oncology , Psychosocial Support Systems , Survivorship , Psycho-Oncology , Mentalization , Posttraumatic Growth, Psychological , Sadness , Emotional Regulation , Psychological Distress , Preoperative Exercise , Mentalization-Based Therapy , Family Support , Psychological Well-Being , Coping Skills , Emotional Exhaustion , Health Promotion , Holistic Health , Ancillary Services, Hospital , Immunotherapy , Leisure Activities , Life Change Events , Life Style , Mastectomy , Medical Oncology , Mental Disorders , Neoplasm Staging
Braz. dent. sci ; 27(2): 1-10, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567454


Objective: This study evaluated the use of autogenous blood concentrate (injectable platelet-rich fibrin) [i-PRF] for promoting soft tissue healing in osteoradionecrosis (ORN) lesions in patients who underwent head and neck radiotherapy. Material and Methods: This study included five ORN lesions in four patients who were treated with i-PRF (applied weekly for 4 weeks to the lesions). Soft tissue features were evaluated through clinical analysis at baseline and at 7, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days after the first session of i-PRF. Extension of the bone lesions was evaluated radiographically. Patient-centered related outcomes were evaluated using quality-of-life questionnaires at baseline and 90 days after the first treatment session. Quality of life data were analyzed using descriptive and frequency statistics and the Wilcoxon test. Results: Of the 5 treated lesions, 1 was completely closed and 3 remained open. The open lesions showed increased necrotic tissue exposure. No changes were observed in the radiographic appearance of the lesions. There was also no impact on the patient's quality of life. Conclusion: The results suggest that the majority of ORN lesions remained stable after the application of i-PRF, with a slight improvement in the quality of the mucosa around the lesions. Furthermore, it was observed that i-PRF did not compromise the quality of life of patients during treatment.(AU)

Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou o uso de concentrado de sangue autógeno (fibrina rica em plaquetas injetável) [i-PRF] para promover a cicatrização de tecidos moles em lesões de osteorradionecrose (ORN) em pacientes submetidos a radioterapia de cabeça e pescoço. Material e Métodos: Este estudo incluiu cinco lesões de ORN em quatro pacientes tratados com i-PRF (aplicado semanalmente por 4 semanas nas lesões). As características do tecido mole foram avaliadas por meio de análises clínicas no início e aos 7, 15, 30, 60 e 90 dias após a primeira sessão de i-PRF. A extensão das lesões ósseas foi avaliada radiograficamente. Os resultados centrados no paciente foram avaliados usando questionários de qualidade de vida no início e 90 dias após a primeira sessão de tratamento. Os dados de qualidade de vida foram analisados usando estatísticas descritivas e de frequência, além do teste de Wilcoxon. Resultados: Das 5 lesões tratadas, 1 foi completamente fechada e 3 permaneceram abertas. As lesões abertas mostraram aumento na exposição de tecido necrótico. Não foram observadas mudanças na aparência radiográfica das lesões. Também não houve impacto na qualidade de vida do paciente. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que a maioria das lesões de ORN permaneceu estável após a aplicação de i-PRF, com uma discreta melhora na qualidade da mucosa ao redor das lesões. Além disso, observou-se que a i-PRF não comprometeu a qualidade de vida dos pacientes durante o tratamento.(AU)

Humans , Osteoradionecrosis , Quality of Life , Radiotherapy , Platelet-Rich Fibrin , Head and Neck Neoplasms
Rev Enferm UFPI ; 12(1): e4010, 2023-12-12. tab e graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1523661


Objetivo: Caracterizar as metástases ósseas e os eventos relacionados ao esqueleto associando-os ao tempo de sobrevida em pessoas submetidas a radioterapia. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e transversal. Foi realizado em um Centro de Alta Complexidade em Oncologia, com prontuários de pessoas diagnosticadas com metástases ósseas. Resultados: Foram analisados 122 prontuários, a maioria dos pacientes era do sexo feminino (59,02%), com média de idade de 58,86 anos (±14,54). Os sítios primários mais incidentes foram a mama (43,44%) e a próstata (30,33%). O número de osso ou grupo de ossos atingidos foi, em média, de 3,09 (±2,14). A coluna vertebral foi a mais acometida (80,33%). Esta região também foi a mais irradiada no tratamento radioterápico (55,74%). A maioria dos pacientes recebeu 10 sessões de radioterapia (70,49%), em média 9,05 (±2,89). Quanto aos eventos relacionados ao esqueleto, 100% dos pacientes apresentavam registros de dor óssea, 32,78% sofreram fratura patológica, com tempo de sobrevida de 32,53 meses, e 10,65% apresentaram compressão medular, com sobrevida média de 41,52 meses. Conclusão: As metástases ósseas foram mais comuns na coluna vertebral. Todos os pacientes apresentaram registros de dor óssea, e a fratura patológica foi associada à menor sobrevida dos indivíduos. Descritores: Metástase Neoplásica; Osso e Ossos; Radioterapia; Enfermagem.

Objective: To characterize bone metastases and skeleton-related events associating them with survival time in people subjected to radiotherapy. Methods:This is a retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study. It was conducted in a High-Complexity Oncology Center with medical records of people diagnosed with bone metastases. Results:A total of 122 medical records were analyzed and most of the patients were female (59.02%), with a mean age of 58.86 years old (±14.54). The most incident primary sites were breast (43.44%) and prostate (30.33%). The mean number of bones or bone groups affected was 3.09 (±2.14). The spine was the most affected area (80.33%). This region was also the most irradiated in the radiotherapy treatments (55.74%). Most of the patients (70.49%) underwent 10 radiotherapy sessions, with a mean of 9.05 (±2.89). With regard to the skeleton-related events, 100% of the patients reported pain, 32.78% suffered pathological fractures with a survival time of 32.53 months, and 10.65% presented spine compression with a mean survival of 41.52 months. Conclusion:Bone metastases were more common in the spine. All the patients presented bone painrecords, and pathological fractures were associated with lower survival among the individuals. Descriptors: Neoplasm Metastasis; Bone and Bones; Radiotherapy; Nursing.

Radiotherapy , Bone and Bones , Nursing , Neoplasm Metastasis
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(62): 122-135, set-dez. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566281


Xerostomia, a term used to characterize the sensation of dry mouth, it is one of the most common symptoms after radiotherapy treatment of the head and neck region, being also the most expensive, impacting the oral health and quality of life of these patients. We performed a systematic review to identify topical treatments of natural composition in patients with radiation induced xerostomia. Searches were carried out in electronic databases such as the databases consulted were Cochrane library, PubMed (MEDLINE) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences ­ LILACS. The research was carried out from June to July 2022 the period admitted for the results were from 1990 to 2022. We included trials of topical interventions with natural composition such, medicinal mucilage, sprays, oils and chewing gums for the management of dry mouth symptom. Results: 6 studies fully met the desired criteria, totalizing 336 patients. The therapies based on natural products were compared with placebo or other treatments and the forms of presentation were spray, oil, medicinal mucilage, and gel. In general, there was an improvement in some signs and symptoms of xerostomia and the most described adverse effect was nausea. Natural composition products seem to be a good alternative therapy for the relief of xerostomia symptoms and their consistency and form of application seem to exert influence, as evidence is still scarce, more randomized and placebo-controlled clinical studies are needed.

A xerostomia é o termo utilizado para caracterizar a sensação de boca seca, sendo um dos sintomas mais comuns após o tratamento radioterápico da região de cabeça e pescoço e também o mais oneroso, impactando na saúde bucal e na qualidade de vida desses pacientes. Realizamos uma revisão sistemática para identificar tratamentos tópicos de composição natural em pacientes com xerostomia induzida por radiação. As buscas foram realizadas em bases de dados eletrônicas, sendo que as bases de dados consultadas foram a biblioteca Cochrane, PubMed (MEDLINE) e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde ­ LILACS. A pesquisa foi realizada de junho a julho de 2022, o período admitido para os resultados foi de 1990 a 2022. Incluímos ensaios de intervenções tópicas com composição natural como mucilagem medicinal, sprays, óleos e gomas de mascar para o manejo do sintoma de boca seca. Nos resultados 6 estudos preencheram totalmente os critérios desejados, totalizando 336 pacientes. As terapias baseadas em produtos naturais foram comparadas com placebo ou outros tratamentos e as formas de apresentação foram spray, óleo, mucilagem e gel. Em geral, houve melhora de alguns sinais e sintomas da xerostomia e o efeito adverso mais descrito foi a náusea. Os produtos de composição natural parecem ser uma boa alternativa terapêutica para o alívio dos sintomas da xerostomia e sua consistência e forma de aplicação parecem exercer influência, como as evidências ainda são escassas, são necessários mais estudos clínicos randomizados e controlados por placebo.

Quality of Life , Radiotherapy , Xerostomia , Biological Products/therapeutic use , Complementary Therapies , Oral Health
Salud mil ; 42(2): e301, 20230929. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1531703


Introducción: el diseño de los búnkeres de radioterapia es de vital importancia no solo por la seguridad radiológica, sino también por el costo que implican. Los cálculos de blindaje de las paredes primarias de los búnkeres de los aceleradores lineales de radioterapia se determinan a partir del factor de uso de estas paredes. Los documentos internacionales como el NCRP 151 utilizan para el cálculo de estas barreras un factor de uso igual a 0.25. Objetivo: estudiar la distribución del uso de las barreras primarias en función de los tratamientos realizados buscando contrastar la homogeneidad en el uso de las barreras. Material y Métodos: con los datos de pacientes realizados durante un año (2021) en dos aceleradores lineales, uno dual y otro monoenergético, se generó una base de datos con la que se calculó la frecuencia de uso de las paredes primarias. En el presente trabajo se evalúa la diferencia entre el uso dado de las barreras y las estimaciones de uso internacional. Resultados: se encuentra que en el acelerador dual en la energía de 15X los campos más usados tienen ángulos de gantry 0º, 90º, 180º, 270º, teniendo un peso acumulado aproximado al 65% al igual que la carga de trabajo para esos ángulos, esto implica que los ángulos diferentes a estos tienen un uso muy inferior al previsto por el cálculo inicial. En el acelerador dual en la energía de 6X el campo más usado es a 0º teniendo un peso aproximado al 14%, pero la carga de trabajo a 0º no se diferencia apreciablemente del resto de los ángulos ya que la distribución no tiene direcciones preferenciales, ninguno de los valores llega a 10% que concuerda con el uso homogéneo de la barrera. En el acelerador monoenergético el peso relativo de los ángulos de 90º y 270º en el uso de las barreras es aproximadamente 34% para cada una, superior al 25% estimado inicialmente. Conclusiones: las barreras primarias de los búnkeres de radioterapia tienen espesores marcados por el cálculo de blindaje, los cuales se pueden hacer basados en documentos internacionales que son referencia del tema. Se considera en las referencias para la barrera primaria un factor de uso igual para las mismas, sin embargo en la práctica clínica se pueden tener un factor de uso no uniforme respondiendo a los tipos de tratamientos que se designen realizar en el equipo. Esta realidad abre la puerta para plantear blindajes optimizados que podrían generar búnkeres más económicos y mejor utilización del espacio de acuerdo a las condiciones dadas para cada caso en particular.

Introduction: The design of radiotherapy bunkers is of vital importance not only for radiation safety, but also for the cost involved. The shielding calculations of the primary walls of radiotherapy linear accelerator bunkers are determined from the use factor of these walls. International documents such as NCRP 151 use for the calculation of these barriers a usage factor equal to 0.25. Objective: to study the distribution of the use of primary barriers according to the treatments performed, seeking to contrast the homogeneity in the use of the barriers. Material and Methods: with the data of patients performed during one year (2021) in two linear accelerators, one dual and the other monoenergetic, a database was generated with which the frequency of use of the primary walls was calculated. The present work evaluates the difference between the given use of the barriers and the estimates of international use. Results: it is found that in the dual accelerator at 15X energy the most used fields have gantry angles 0º, 90º, 180º, 270º, having an accumulated weight of approximately 65% as well as the workload for those angles, this implies that the angles different from these have a use much lower than the one foreseen by the initial calculation. In the dual accelerator at 6X energy the most used field is at 0º having an approximate weight of 14%, but the workload at 0º is not appreciably different from the rest of the angles since the distribution does not have preferential directions, none of the values reaches 10% which is consistent with the homogeneous use of the barrier. In the monoenergetic accelerator, the relative weight of the 90º and 270º angles in the use of the barriers is approximately 34% for each one, higher than the 25% initially estimated. Conclusions: the primary barriers of radiotherapy bunkers have thicknesses marked by the shielding calculation, which can be made based on international documents that are a reference on the subject. It is considered in the references for the primary barrier an equal use factor for them, however in clinical practice they can have a non-uniform use factor responding to the types of treatments that are designed to be performed in the equipment. This reality opens the door to propose optimized shielding that could generate more economical bunkers and better use of space according to the conditions given for each particular case.

Introdução: O projeto de bunkers de radioterapia é de vital importância não apenas para a segurança da radiação, mas também para o custo envolvido. Os cálculos de blindagem para as paredes primárias dos bunkers de aceleradores lineares de radioterapia são determinados com base no fator de uso dessas paredes. Documentos internacionais, como o NCRP 151, usam um fator de uso igual a 0,25 para o cálculo dessas barreiras. Objetivo: estudar a distribuição do uso de barreiras primárias de acordo com os tratamentos realizados, buscando contrastar a homogeneidade no uso das barreiras. Material e métodos: com os dados de pacientes tratados durante um ano (2021) em dois aceleradores lineares, um dual e outro monoenergético, foi gerado um banco de dados com o qual foi calculada a frequência de uso das paredes primárias. Este artigo avalia a diferença entre o uso determinado de barreiras e as estimativas internacionais de uso. Resultados: verifica-se que no acelerador duplo com energia de 15X os campos mais utilizados são os ângulos de pórtico 0º, 90º, 180º, 270º, com um peso acumulado de aproximadamente 65%, assim como a carga de trabalho para esses ângulos, o que implica que os ângulos diferentes desses têm um uso muito menor do que o previsto pelo cálculo inicial. No acelerador duplo a 6X de energia, o campo mais utilizado é o de 0º com um peso aproximado de 14%, mas a carga de trabalho em 0º não é sensivelmente diferente do resto dos ângulos, já que a distribuição não tem direções preferenciais, nenhum dos valores chega a 10%, o que é consistente com o uso homogêneo da barreira. No acelerador de monoenergia, o peso relativo dos ângulos de 90º e 270º no uso das barreiras é de aproximadamente 34% para cada um, superior aos 25% estimados inicialmente. Conclusões: as barreiras primárias dos bunkers de radioterapia têm espessuras balizadas pelo cálculo de blindagem, que pode ser feito com base em documentos internacionais que são referência no assunto. As referências para a barreira primária consideram um fator de uso igual para elas, mas na prática clínica elas podem ter um fator de uso não uniforme, dependendo do tipo de tratamento que o equipamento foi projetado para realizar. Essa realidade abre as portas para uma blindagem otimizada que poderia gerar bunkers mais econômicos e melhor uso do espaço de acordo com as condições dadas para cada caso específico.

Radiation Protection , Radiotherapy , Shielding against Radiation , Radiation Measurement
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(3): 368-377, May-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449823


Abstract The increase in life expectancy of the world population has led to a concomitant increase in the prevalence of multiple myeloma (MM), a disease that usually affects the elderly population. Bone lesions are frequent in patients with this condition, demanding an early approach, from drug treatment, through radiotherapy to orthopedic surgery (prophylactic or therapeutic) with the objective of preventing or delaying the occurrence of fracture, or, when this event has already occurred, treat it through stabilization or replacement (lesions located in the appendicular skeleton) and/or promote stabilization and spinal cord decompression (lesions located in the axial skeleton), providing rapid pain relief, return to ambulation and resocialization, returning quality of life to patients. The aim of this review isto update the reader on the findings of pathophysiology, clinical, laboratory and imaging, differential diagnosis and therapeutic approach of multiple myeloma multiple myeloma bone disease (MMBD).

Resumo O aumento da expectativa devida da população mundial levou a incremento concomitante na prevalência de mieloma múltiplo (MM), patologia que geralmente afeta a população idosa. Lesões ósseas são frequentes nos portadores desta condição, demandando abordagem precoce, desde o tratamento medicamentoso, passando pela radioterapia até a cirurgia ortopédica (profilática ou terapêutica) com os objetivos de prevenir ou retardar a ocorrência de fratura, ou, quando este evento já ocorreu, tratá-la mediante estabilização ou substituição (lesões situadas no esqueleto apendicular) e/ou promover estabilização e descompressão medular (lesões situadas no esqueleto axial), proporcionando rápido alívio da dor, retorno à deambulação e ressocialização, devolvendo a qualidade de vida aos pacientes. O objetivo desta revisão é atualizar o leitor sobre a fisiopatologia, a clínica, exames laboratoriais e de imagem, diagnóstico diferencial e abordagem terapêutica da doença óssea no mieloma múltiplo (DOMM).

Humans , Radiotherapy , Orthopedic Procedures , Diphosphonates , Prophylactic Surgical Procedures , Fractures, Spontaneous , Multiple Myeloma
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 74(1): 53-67, ene.-mar. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1536053


Objetivos: Reportar un caso de linfoma no Hodgkin de células B primario de mama (LPM) y realizar una revisión de la literatura de su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Materiales y métodos: Se reporta el caso de una paciente de 80 años que acudió a una institución privada de referencia en México por un LPM. Además, se diagnosticó un melanoma primario de hígado, mediante biopsia dirigida y estudio de patología. La paciente recibió tratamiento con R-CHOP (rituximab, ciclofosfamida, doxorrubicina, vincristina y prednisona), cuadrantectomía, resección de cadenas ganglionares y radioterapia. La paciente presenta adecuada respuesta del LPM, sin embargo, el segundo tumor primario progresa llevando a la paciente a cuidados paliativos. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en Medline vía PubMed, LILACS y Google Scholar. Se incluyeron estudios de cohortes, reportes y series de casos en pacientes con LPM que abordaran el diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico de esta patología, publicados en inglés y español entre los años 2000 a 2022. Resultados: Se identificaron 23 títulos, de los cuales 17 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, estos fueron reportes de caso y series de caso. La mayoría de las pacientes recibió un esquema quimioterapéutico R-CHOP, el cual se complementó con radioterapia. Cerca del 80 % presentó remisión completa. El sitio más frecuente de recaída fue el sistema nervioso central. La sobrevida a 5 años fue del 83,6 % en los estudios incluidos. Conclusiones: En la actualidad, el esquema CHOP -con o sin rituximab- es el más empleado y el único que ha mostrado tener un impacto positivo en la supervivencia, este suele acompañarse de radioterapia. Se requieren más estudios clínicos aleatorizados para establecer de manera más clara la efectividad y seguridad de estos tratamientos.

Objectives: To report a case of primary breast B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (PBL) and to conduct a literature review of its diagnosis and treatment. Material and methods: Case report of an 80-year-old female patient who presented to a private referral institution in Mexico, with PBL. She was also diagnosed with primary liver melanoma by means of targeted biopsy and pathology testing. The patient received treatment with R-CHOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone), quadrantectomy, lymph node dissection and radiotherapy. The PBL showed good response but, because of progression of the second primary tumor, the patient went on to receive palliative care. A review of the literature was conducted in Medline via PubMed, LILACS and Google Scholar. Cohort studies, case reports and case series in patients with PBL that discussed diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of this disease, published in English and Spanish between 2000 and 2022, were included. Results: Overall, 23 titles were identified, of which 17 consisting of case reports and case series met the inclusion criteria. The majority of patients received R-CHOP as chemotherapy regimen, with irradiation as adjunct therapy. Close to 80 % went into complete remission. The most frequent site of recurrence was the central nervous system. Five-year survival was 83.6 % in the included studies. Conclusions: At present, the CHOP regimen, with or without rituximab and usually accompanied by radiotherapy, is the most widely used and the only one that has shown a positive impact on survival. Additional randomized clinical trials are needed in order to gain a clearer insight into the effectiveness and safety of these treatments.

Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms , Radiotherapy
Rev. cuba. med ; 62(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1450009


Introducción: El uso clínico de la ozonoterapia se incrementa cada día. Abarca disímiles especialidades médicas como la oncología. En Cuba las investigaciones que evalúan el empleo de la ozonoterapia en pacientes con cáncer son escasas, se precisan estudios científicos que demuestren su eficacia clínica. Objetivo: Explicar los mecanismos farmacológicos y bioquímicos de la ozonoterapia y su uso en el cáncer como terapia complementaria. Métodos: Se consultaron bases de datos disponibles a través de la red de Infomed. Se utilizaron como palabras clave: cáncer, ozonoterapia y estrés oxidativo. Se seleccionaron artículos originales y de revisión sistemáticos de los últimos diez años que evaluaron la utilización de la ozonoterapia en el tratamiento del cáncer. Resultados: El cáncer es per se una enfermedad inductora de estrés oxidativo. La ozonoterapia respalda su utilización como una terapia adyuvante mediante el preacondicionamiento oxidativo que estimula los sistemas antioxidantes de la célula contra la acción de los radicales libres. Así, se logra neutralizar la acción nociva del estrés oxidativo. El ozono incrementa la eficacia de la radio - quimioterapia y ayuda a reducir los efectos secundarios de estos tratamientos al activar los sistemas antioxidantes de la célula. La ozonoterapia se caracteriza por la simplicidad de su aplicación, bajos costos, alta efectividad y prácticamente ausencia de efectos colaterales en comparación con otros tratamientos adyuvantes. Conclusiones: El uso de la ozonoterapia en oncología como una terapia adyuvante representó un recurso terapéutico de gran valor dado por su perfil de efectividad y seguridad. Su uso podría extenderse para disminuir los efectos secundarios y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes(AU)

Introduction: The clinical use of ozone therapy is increasing every day worldwide and it covers different medical specialties, including oncology. However, in Cuba, the investigations that evaluate the use of ozone therapy in cancer patients are scarce, so scientific studies are needed to demonstrate its clinical efficacy. Objective: To explain the pharmacological and biochemical mechanisms of ozone therapy and its use in cancer as a complementary therapy. Methods: Databases available through Infomed Network were consulted. Key words used were cancer, ozone therapy and oxidative stress. Original and systematic review articles from the last ten years that evaluated the use of ozone therapy in the treatment of cancer were selected. Results: Cancer is, as such, a disease that induces oxidative stress. Ozone therapy supports its use as an adjuvant therapy through oxidative pre-conditioning that stimulates the cell's antioxidant systems against the action of free radicals. Thus, it is possible to neutralize the harmful action of oxidative stress. Ozone increases the efficacy of radio-chemotherapy and helps reducing the side effects of these treatments by activating the cell's antioxidant systems. Ozone therapy is characterized by the simplicity of its application, low costs, high effectiveness and with practically no side effects, compared to other adjuvant treatments. Conclusions: The use of ozone therapy in oncology as an adjuvant therapy represented a therapeutic resource of great value given its effectiveness and safety profile. Its use could be extended to improve tissue oxygenation and thus enhance the efficacy of radiochemotherapy, reducing side effects and improving the patients's quality of life(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life , Radiotherapy/methods , Oxidative Stress , Drug Therapy/methods , Ozone Therapy , Neoplasms/therapy
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 34-40, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980234


Background@#To respond to the pandemic, many societies, including the American Society for Radiation Therapy (ASTRO), the United Kingdom’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and the Philippine Radiation Oncology Society (PROS), recommended guidelines to allow for continued safe delivery of oncologic services. Yet, the delivery of radiotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic remains a challenge.@*Objective@#To describe the situation of radiotherapy delivery in Metro Manila (NCR) during the COVID-19-related quarantine. Specifically, the objectives were to determine: (1) how the radiotherapy providers implemented the recommended changes, (2) if these implemented changes allowed the hospitals to operate with pre-COVID capacities, and (3) the causative factors of treatment interruptions if these were present. Additionally, in the face of treatment interruptions, the authors sought to put forth recommendations to decrease treatment interruptions.@*Methods@#Investigators gathered data on the prevailing situation of RT services in their respective institutions during the strictest period of quarantine — Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). Patients aged 18-70 years old who missed at least one fraction during the ECQ from March 16 – April 15, 2020, were invited to participate in a phone survey to determine factors contributing to treatment interruptions.@*Results@#All the institutions implemented global recommendations to adapt to the pandemic, including infection control measures, telemedicine, and modification of RT plans. Despite this, most institutions had increased treatment interruptions during ECQ. The percentage of patients with interruptions was also much higher during the ECQ (66.37%) than during the pre-COVID month (30.56%). Among 142 patients unable to continue treatment, there were no significant differences in demographic variable and oncologic profile rates. The majority were more worried about getting COVID-19 than missing RT. The most common factor for treatment interruptions was transportation, followed by fear of getting COVID-19.@*Conclusion@#Compliance with global recommendations is not enough to ensure that the patients who require radiotherapy will receive it. Based on institutional and patient results, the causative factors of interruptions included suspension of services, lack of transportation, and anxiety of patients and staff. Especially in low-resource settings, recommendations are to use available resources as efficiently as possible by having an organized referral system, providing transportation or nearby accommodation for patients and staff, and communicating effectively to reassure patients that radiotherapy can be continued safely.

Radiotherapy , Radiotherapy , Radiation Oncology