Objetivo: Cuando las resinas compuestas son expuestas a procesos de envejecimiento naturales en boca, como es el ciclaje térmico, pueden sufrir un deterioro en sus propiedades ópticas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la influencia del envejecimiento térmico sobre la estabilidad del color de dos resinas compuestas. Materiales y métodos: Se confeccionaron 120 pas- tillas de resinas compuestas, divididas en dos grupos: uno de resina Spectra Smart (n=60) y otro de resina Filtex Z350 XT (n=60). Estas muestras fueron sometidas a distintos regíme- nes de ciclaje térmico de 0, 10.000, 20.000 y 30.000 ciclos con temperaturas de entre 5 ºC +/- 2 ºC y 55 ºC +/- 2 °C. Los parámetros de color CIE L*a*b* de cada muestra se mi- dieron con un espectrofotómetro antes y después del proceso de envejecimiento. Las diferencias de color se calcularon me- diante la fórmula CIELAB (ΔE). Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente usando la prueba no paramétrica de Kruskal Wallis y de U-Mann Whitney. Resultados: Los distintos regímenes de termociclado produjeron cambios de color estadísticamente significativos en ambos materiales. El material que tuvo menor estabilidad cromática fue Spectra Smart aunque sin diferencias estadísti- camente significativas. Conclusión: El envejecimiento térmico simulado a tres años afecta la estabilidad de color de las muestras, tanto de las resinas Spectra Smart, como de Filtex Z350 XT, sin alcanzar los valores que clínicamente determinarían la necesidad del reemplazo de las restauraciones (AU)
Aim: When composite resins are exposed to natural ag- ing processes in the mouth, such as the thermal cycling, they may suffer a deterioration in their optical properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of thermal aging on the color stability of two composite resins. Materials and methods: 120 composite resins tablets were made, divided into two groups: one of Spectra Smart res- in (n=60) and another of Filtex Z350 XT resin (n=60). These were subjected to different thermal cycle regimes of 0, 10,000, 20,000 and 30,000 cycles with temperature between 5 °C +/- 2 °C and 60 °C +/- 2 °C. The CIE L*a*b* color parameters of each sample were measured with a spectrophotometer before and after the aging process. Color differences were calculat- ed using the CIELAB formula (ΔE). The data were statisti- cally analyzed using the non-parametric Kruskal Wallis and U-Mann Whitney tests. Results: The different thermocycling regimes produce statistically significant color changes in both materials. The material that had the least chromatic stability was Spectra Smart, although without statistically significant differences. Conclusion: Simulated 3 year thermal aging affects the color stability of the samples, both Spectra Smart resins and Filtex Z350 XT, without reaching the values that would clini- cally determine the need to replace the restorations (AU)
Thermodynamics , Composite Resins/chemistry , Hot Temperature/adverse effects , Spectrophotometry/methods , Materials Testing/methods , Data Interpretation, StatisticalABSTRACT
Aim: The aim of this study was to verify the color variation between different composite resins and the Vita Classical Shade Guide. Methods: Two-millimeter thickness samples were made (n = 6) from eight commercial brands of composite resin (shade A2): Charisma (Kulzer), Forma (Ultradent), Harmonize (Kerr), Luna (SDI), Opallis (FGM), Oppus Bulk Fill (FGM), Vittra (FGM) and Filtek Z250 XT (3M ESPE). Specimens were stored in distilled water for 7 days and then polished. Color measurements of samples and A2 shade of the Vita Classical Shade Guide were performed using the Vita Easy Shade Advance 4.0 spectrophotometer on a black background. Color variations were calculated using the CIEDE2000 formula, considering values ≥0.81 being noticeable by the human eye and ≥1.77 being clinically unacceptable. Results were statistically analyzed with a 5% significance level. Results: Color variation (ΔE) of composite (E1 ) compared to the Vita Classical Shade Guide (E0 ) was greater than clinically acceptable for all the materials evaluated in this study. Forma (ΔE=2.08 ± sd=0.47) and Filtek Z250 XT (2.50 ± 0.20) had the smallest amount of color variation values found in the results. Harmonize (3.32 ± 0.63) presented values similar to Filtek Z250 XT, but it was worse than Forma. Vittra (3.51 ± 0.28), Charisma (3.80 ± 0.20), Opallis (4.24 ± 0.30) and Luna (5.67 ± 0.20) did not differ among each other and presented higher color variation than Forma, Filtek Z350XT and Harmonize. Oppus Bulk Fill (13.94 ± 1.12) was the composite with the greatest color variation. Conclusions: The findings in this study show that attention should be taken when using the Vita Color Shade Guide for composite shade selection
Spectrophotometry , Distilled Water , Color , Composite ResinsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Obtener un fitofármaco a base de extracto seco de limón con estándares de calidad, procesamiento amigable con el medio ambiente y con antecedentes de efectividad y seguridad, evaluando sus efectos en pacientes hipertensos con frecuentes crisis hipertensivas. Métodos y resultados: Se seleccionó la población de limónes de las Regiones Metropolitana y Coquimbo con las concentraciones más altas de ácido ascórbico y flavonoides totales, respectivamente. Se utilizó liofilización para obtener jugo de limón en polvo. Sólo durante el período de estudio, se informó un caso de aumento/ crisis hipertensiva. La formulación con la concentración más alta de ácido ascórbico disminuyó la presión arterial sistólica y diastólica en 16 mmHg desde 10 minutos hasta 60 minutos. Por otro lado, la formulación con mayor concentración de flavonoides disminuyó la presión arterial en 12 a 30 mmHg desde 5 a 60 minutos. Conclusión: Se obtuvo un producto innovador como complemento al manejo de los aumentos de presión arterial. Los principios activos con mayor contribución al mecanismo antihipertensivo del jugo de limón corresponden a compuestos fenólicos, específicamente, flavonoides.
Aim: To obtain a product based on a dry extract of standardized phytodrug lemon with high quality standards, using an environmentally friendly process; to evaluate its effects in hypertensive patients suffering frequent episodes of hypertensive crisis. Methods and Results: Lemons with high concentration of ascorbic acid (Coquimbo Region) or total flavonoids (Metropolitan Region) were selected. Lyophilization was used to obtain juice powder. During the study period only one case of hypertensive crisis was reported. The formula with the highest concentration of ascorbic acid decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 16 mmHg from 10 minutes up to 60 minutes. On the other hand, the formula with the highest concentration of flavonoids decreased blood pressure from 12 to 30 mmHg between 5 and 60 minutes. Conclusion: An novel product to help decrease acutely elevated blood pressure was obtained that can be used as a complement to the management of acute blood pressure rises. The active principles with greater contribution to the antihypertensive mechanism of lemon juice corresponded to phenolic compounds, specifically flavonoids.
Humans , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Citrus/chemistry , Fruit and Vegetable Juices , Hypertension, Malignant/drug therapy , Ascorbic Acid/analysis , Spectrophotometry , Time Factors , Flavonoids/analysis , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Phytotherapeutic Drugs , Arterial Pressure/drug effectsABSTRACT
In this study, we investigated the influence of mixture design on the chemical profile of Eugenia unifloraleaves, evaluating the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, the toxic and hemolytic potential, with the focus on the improvement of the polyphenol's extraction for incorporation of the extract in semi-solid forms with antifungal action. The chemical analysis was evaluated by UV-Vis and HPLC. The antimicrobial, antioxidant, and hemolytic activities were monitored. The flavonoid content ranged from 2.63-7.98 %w/w and tannins from 5.42-18.29 %w/w. The extract consisted of gallic acid (0.09-1.29%; w/w), ellagic acid (0.09-0.37%; w/w), and myricitrin (0.18-1.20%; w/w). The most successful solvent system with the highest level of active extract was water: ethanol: propylene glycol. The extracts showed fungicidal properties (3.9 µg/mL), high antioxidant activity (IC50: 9.50 µg/mL), and low toxicity. These solvent mixtures can improve the in vitro bioactivities when compared to pure solvents and this result demonstrates the importance of mixture designs as useful tools for creating high-quality herbal products and elucidate the potential of E. uniflora glycolic extracts as active herbal pharmaceutical ingredients in topical delivery systems.
En este estudio investigamos la influencia del diseño de mezclas en el perfil químico de hojas de Eugenia uniflora, evaluando las actividades antioxidantes y antimicrobianas, el potencial tóxico y hemolítico, con el foco en la mejora de la extracción de polifenoles para la incorporación del extracto en formas semi-sólidas con acción antifúngica. El análisis químico se evaluó mediante UV-Vis y HPLC. Se monitorizaron las actividades antimicrobianas, antioxidantes y hemolíticas. El contenido de flavonoides osciló entre 2,63 y 7,98% p/p and taninos de 5,42-18,29% p/p. El extracto consistió en ácido gálico (0.09-1.29%; p/p), ácido elágico (0.09-0.37%; p/p) y miricitrina (0.18-1.20%; p/p). El sistema de disolventes más exitoso con el nivel más alto de extracto activo fue agua: etanol: propilenglicol. Los extractos mostraron propiedades fungicidas (3.9 µg/mL), alta actividad antioxidante (IC50: 9.50 µg/mL) y baja toxicidad. Estas mezclas de disolventes pueden mejorar las bioactividades in vitro en comparación con los disolventes puros y este resultado demuestra la importancia de los diseños de mezclas como herramientas útiles para crear productos a base de hierbas de alta calidad y dilucidar el potencial de los extractos glicólicos de E. uniflora como ingredientes farmacéuticos a base de hierbas en sistemas de entrega activos.
Plant Extracts/chemistry , Eugenia/chemistry , Anti-Infective Agents/chemistry , Spectrophotometry/methods , Tannins/analysis , Bacteria/drug effects , Flavonoids/analysis , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Analysis of Variance , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Hemolytic Agents , Phytochemicals , Fungi/drug effects , Anti-Infective Agents/toxicity , Anti-Infective Agents/pharmacology , AntioxidantsABSTRACT
The stem bark of Geoffroea decorticans (Gill.ex Hook. etArn.) Burk. was used medicinally to cure several skin affections; however, phytochemical and biological antecedents were not found. Analyses of purified methanolic extract from G. decorticans bark (PFGB), realized by silylation derivatization for GC/MS, C18-CC and HPLC followed by two-dimensional TLC and UV-Vis spectroscopy, allowed to characterize nine phenolic compounds, among these, two methoxy flavonoids. Antibacterial assays of PFGB showed the highest activity (MICs = 125 µg/mL) against Staphylococcus aureus (25923) and Enterococcus faecalis (29212) ATCC strains. Moreover, PFGB showed the highest intracellular antioxidant activity at low concentration (5 µg/mL), evaluated by using the fluorescent DA-H2DCF probe on lymphocyte culture; cytotoxic effects on lymphocytes activated or not by LPS were not observed, through Trypan Blue Exclusion and MTT colorimetric assays. The results obtained from the ethnomedicinal approach of this work contribute to the scientific validation of the vulnerary medicinal use of G. decorticans.
La corteza de Geoffroea decorticans (Gill.ex Hook. EtArn.) Burk. se utiliza con fines medicinales para curar diferentes afecciones de la piel; sin embargo, no encontramos antecedentes fitoquímicos y biológicos que validen las propiedades medicinales atribuidas. Analizamos el extracto metanólico purificado de corteza de G. decorticans (PFGB), por CG-EM de la muestra derivatizada por sililación, C18-CC y HPLC seguido de CCF bidimensional, y espectroscopia UV-Vis; estos métodos nos permitieron caracterizar nueve compuestos fenólicos, entre estos, dos metoxi-flavonoides. Los ensayos antibacterianos de PFGB mostraron mayor actividad (CIMs = 125 µg/mL) contra las cepas ATCC de Staphylococcus aureus (25923) y Enterococcus faecalis (29212). Además, PFGB evidenció la mayor actividad antioxidante intracelular a baja concentración(5 µg/mL), evaluada en cultivo de linfocitos, mediante el uso de sonda fluorescente DA-H2DCF; no se observaron efectos citotóxicos sobre linfocitos activados o no por LPS, a través de ensayos colorimétricos con MTT y test de exclusión con azul Tripán. Los resultados obtenidos del abordaje etnomedicinal de este trabajo, contribuyen con la validación científica del uso medicinal vulnerario de G. decorticans.
Plant Extracts/chemistry , Fabaceae/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry , Phenols/analysis , Spectrophotometry/methods , Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Chromatography, Liquid/methods , Enterococcus faecalis/drug effects , Plant Bark , Methanol , Medicine, Traditional , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: Evaluar la supervivencia de Streptococcus mutans (S.mutans)en un tipo de fómite. Método: Se reactivó una cepa de S.mutans ATCC25175 criopre-servada en agar TYCSB. El inóculo se estandarizó en PBS buffer hasta obtener turbidez equivalente al 0,5 de Mc Farland y un OD = 0.01 por espectrofotome-tría. Bloques plásticos de 2cm2/superficie fueron seleccionados como fómites. La descontaminación de los bloques se realizó por inmersión en alcohol etílico 70% v/v durante 10 minutos, los que fueron secados en cabina de seguridad biológica. La conta-minación de los mismos se realizó por inmersión en inóculo estandarizado durante 10 minutos. Los blo-ques contaminados se extrajeron y depositaron so-bre placas de Petri estériles hasta cumplir los tiem-pos propuestos (T0-T4 con intervalos de 30 minutos). A cada tiempo, los bloques fueron eluidos en 20 ml de buffer PBS y agitados en vortex durante 30 segun-dos. 100 µl de cada eluato fueron sembrados por dis-persión en agar TYCSB e incubados en anaerobiosis por 48 horas a 37°C. El recuento de colonias (UFC/ml) se realizó bajo lupa estereoscópica 50X. Resulta-dos: El recuento inicial de S.mutans fue de 7,8 X 106(DS+1,7 X 106) UFC/ml y para cada tiempo de estu-dio fue de: T0=3.25 X 104 (DS+1.9 X 103); T1=2.63X104 (DS+4,50E+03); T2= 1.85 X 104 (DS+9,45E+02); T3=1.93 X103(DS+1,29E+03) y T4=1.2X103 (DS+7,21x102). Conclusión: En los rangos de tiempos establecidos, la cepa de S.mutans ensayada permaneció viable sobre la superficie plástica (AU)
Aim: To evaluate the survival time of Streptococcus mutans (S.mutans) in a type of fomites. Method: A strain of cryopreserved S.mutans ATCC 25175 was reactivated in TYCSB agar. The inoculum was standardized in the PBS buffer to obtain turbidity equivalent to 0.5 Mc Farland and OD = 0.01 by spectrophotometry. Plastic blocks of 2 cm2 /surface were selected as fomites. Decontamination of the blocks was carried out for 10 minutes by immersion in ethyl alcohol 70% v/v, which were dried in a biosafety chamber. Contamination was carried out by immersion in standardized inoculum for 10 minutes. The contaminated blocks were extracted and put on sterile Petri dishes until the proposed times were met (T0-T4 at 30-minute intervals). At each time, the blocks were eluted in 20 ml of PBS buffer and vortexed for 30 seconds. 100 µl of each eluate were dispersed on TYCSB agar and incubated anaerobically for 48 hours at 37°C. Colony count (CFU/ml) was performed under a 50X stereoscopic magnifying glass. Results: The initial S.mutans count was 7,8 X 106 (DS+1,7 X 106) CFU/ml and for each study time was: T0=3.25 X 104 (DS+1.9 X 103); T1=2.63X104 (DS+4,50E+03); T2= 1.85 X 104 (DS+9,45E+02); T3=1.93 X103(DS+1,29E+03) y T4=1.2X103 (DS+7,21x102). Conclusion: Within the established time ranges, the tested S.mutans strain remained viable on the plastic surface (AU))
Streptococcus mutans/isolation & purification , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Plastics , Spectrophotometry/methods , Colony Count, Microbial/methods , Decontamination/methods , Culture Media , SurvivorshipABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the quantity and positioning of feldspathic ceramic specimens inside the furnace on their flexural strength and translucency. The tested hypotheses were that the arrangement of specimens in the furnance would not influence 1) the translucency or 2) the biaxial strength of the porcelain. Methods: Ninety porcelain specimens were made (1.2 mm thickness and 13.5 mm diameter) and assigned into two main groups (n=15): G1 group - 15 firing cycles containing only one specimen each, always at the center of the refractory; and G5 group - 15 firing cycles containing five specimen each, where one specimen was at the center of the refractory and four specimens positioned equidistantly on the periphery. The translucency test was performed using a spectrophotometer, followed by the flexural strength test, according to ISO 6872:2015. T-student test was performed for both the mechanical and optical obtained data. Results: The flexural strength of the porcelain was not affected by the positioning (center x periphery) of the specimens inside the furnace (p =0.08), but the translucency was affected (periphery > center; p =0.009). Regarding to the number of feldspathic ceramic specimens, the biaxial flexural strength was affected (p =0.025), as well as the translucency (p <0.05). Conclusion: A higher quantity of feldspathic ceramic specimens for each firing cycle decreased its biaxial flexural strength and translucency. Also, specimens positioned at the center of the refractory became less translucent than those positioned at the periphery.
Humans , Thermodynamics , Dental Porcelain/chemistry , Absorption, Physicochemical , Flexural Strength , Light , Spectrophotometry , Temperature , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Fractographic AnalysisABSTRACT
The purpose of this in vitro study was to analyze the influence of nicotine on the extracellular polysaccharides in Fusobacterium nucleatum biofilm. Methods: F. nucleatum (ATCC 10953) biofilms supplemented with different concentrations of nicotine (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 mg/mL) were grown in two different BHI broth conditions [no sucrose and 1% sucrose]. Extracellular polysaccharides assay, pH measurements, and a spectrophotometric assay were performed. Data were submitted for ANOVA and Tukey honestly significant difference analyses (HSD) tests (α =.05). Results: Extracellular polysaccharides synthesis was influenced by an interaction between nicotine concentrations and growth medium solution containing sucrose (P<.05). The pH values declined in the sucrose-exposed biofilm were greater than in the group exposed only to nicotine (P<.05). The biofilm exposed to sucrose and nicotine had a higher total biofilm growth (P<.05) than the nicotine-treated biofilm without sucrose. Conclusions: Regardless of sucrose exposure, biofilms exposed to different nicotine concentrations influenced the amount of extracellular polysaccharides
Humans , Polysaccharides, Bacterial/chemical synthesis , Fusobacterium nucleatum/growth & development , Biofilms/growth & development , Nicotine/pharmacology , Periodontal Diseases/microbiology , Spectrophotometry , Sucrose/administration & dosage , Culture Media , Dental Caries/microbiology , Nicotine/administration & dosageABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To green synthesise gold nanoparticles using curcumin and to analyse its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial activity among oral pathogens. Material and Methods: Biosynthesised Curcumin Gold nanoparticles (CuAuNP) were evaluated by UV-visible spectrophotometer (UV-Vis), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and evaluation of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity against oral pathogens. Results: Synthesized CuAuNP were characterized using UV-visible spectrophotometry and showed peak absorption at 530nm. CuAuNp showed a 90.3% maximum scavenging ability of DPPH at a concentration of 50 μg/mL. CuAuNP exhibited 79.6 % of the highest anti-inflammatory activity at 50μg/mL than the standard drug diclofenac. TEM image clearly showed uniformly dispersed spherical-shaped gold nanoparticles with a size of about 20 nm. The biosynthesized nanoparticle was tested for its antimicrobial effect, and it showed a potent effect against S. aureus, E. faecalis, and C. albicans at 100µg/ mL. Enterococcus faecalis has a maximum zone of inhibition of 14 mm at 100µg/ mL of CuAuNp. Among gram-positive bacteria, a maximum zone of inhibition of 12 mm at 100µg/ mL was seen in S. aureus compared to S mutans. Candida albicans showed a maximum zone of inhibition of 18 mm at 25 μg/mL of CuAuNp. Conclusion: Curcumin-mediated gold nanoparticles with 20 nm size were effective and had strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity at 50µg/ mL, antimicrobial action inhibiting microbes at 100µg/mL concentration that can be used in treating various Oral mucosal lesions.
Curcumin/adverse effects , Metal Nanoparticles/adverse effects , Anti-Infective Agents/adverse effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/adverse effects , Ascorbic Acid , Spectrophotometry , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission/instrumentation , Gram-Positive Bacteria , Antioxidants/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Abstract The addition of linseed (Linum usitatissimum Linn) in the diet, as a functional food, has increased over the years. However, it possesses cyanogenic glycosides. This study aimed to quantify and compare cyanide concentration in whole seed and bran of brown and golden types to establish a safe limit of intake. Three commercial labels, from brown and golden whole seed types (Ab, Ag, Bb, Bg, Cb and Cg), and six commercial labels of brown and golden bran (1b, 2g, 3g, 4b, 5g, and 6b), were selected, totalizing twelve samples. Total cyanide concentration was quantified by a colorimetric method employing alkaline picrate, after acid hydrolysis. The whole seed cyanide values were between 348.4 and 473.20 µg/g and the bran cyanide values were between 459.53 and 639.35 µg/g. The analyzed bran presented increased cyanide concentrations than the whole seeds with no differences between brown and golden types. Food able to produce cyanide less than 90 µg/kg body weight, daily, is considered secure for consumption. Considering this limit and analyzed samples, it is safe to eat approximately two tablespoons of seeds or one tablespoon of bran. These results point out the importance of cyanide amount daily intake information to be in linseed packaging, to ensure secure consumption
Seeds/adverse effects , Spectrophotometry/methods , Flax/adverse effects , Cyanides/analysis , Functional Food/classificationABSTRACT
En el presente trabajo se realiza la estandarización del procedimiento espectrofotométrico de determinación de polisacárido capsular e intermedios de Neisseria meningitidis serogrupo X, mediante la determinación de los grupos fosfodiéster presentes en su estructura, por el método de Chen. Se realizó un análisis de los siguientes criterios para la estandarización: linealidad, precisión (repetibilidad y precisión intermedia) y exactitud. Se demostró mediante el diseño experimental y los procedimientos estadísticos empleados que el método es lineal (r > 0,99), el coeficiente de variación del factor respuesta < 5 por ciento, la desviación estándar relativa de la pendiente < 2 por ciento, no existiendo diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre el intercepto de la ecuación con respecto a cero; exacto, porque no existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre la concentración determinada en un material de trabajo y su concentración nominal; también demostró ser repetible, pues el coeficiente de variación de las concentraciones de la muestra evaluada (2,44; 2,43; 0,88 por ciento para las concentraciones bajas, medias y altas, respectivamente) es inferior al 3 por ciento y no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las medias de los resultados obtenidos por dos analistas, evaluados durante cuatro días a tres niveles de concentración. La precisión intermedia es satisfactoria(AU)
The present work comprises the standardization a spectrophotometric procedure for assessing Neisseria meningitidis, serogroup X capsular polysaccharide and their intermediates of modification, the phosphodiesters groups present in its structure, based on Chen method. An analysis of the following standardization criteria was performed: linearity, precision (repeatability and intermediate precision) and accuracy. It was demonstrated through the experimental design and the statistical procedures used that the method is linear (r > 0.99), the coefficient of variation of the response factor < 5 percent, the relative standard deviation of the slope < 2 percent, with no statistically significant difference between the intercept of the equation with respect to zero; exact, because there is no statistically significant difference between the concentration determined in a work material and its nominal concentration; it also proved to be repeatable, because the coefficient of variation of the concentrations of the sample (2.44; 2.43; 0.88 percent for low, medium and high concentrations respectively) is less than 3 percent and there is no statistically significant difference between the means of the results obtained by two analysts, evaluated for four days at three concentration levels. Its intermediate precision was satisfactory(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Reference Standards , Spectrophotometry/methods , Virulence Factors , Meningococcal Infections/diagnosis , Meningococcal Infections/epidemiology , Phosphodiesterase InhibitorsABSTRACT
A periodontite é uma condição crônica inflamatória que pode influenciar a microbiota intestinal. O tratamento padrão ouro para a periodontite inclui a raspagem e o alisamento corono-radicular (RACR), porém em casos complexos pode-se utilizar terapias adjuvantes, como os probióticos. A utilização deste tratamento adjuvante poderá contribuir para a melhoria da condição periodontal e a simbiose intestinal. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito na inflamação periodontal e intestinal da utilização do Lactobacillus casei (LC) adjunto a RACR em camundongos Balb/c com periodontite, induzida por ligadura. Este estudo é um ensaio pré-clínico, in vivo, randomizado, cego e controlado por placebo, constituído por 36 camundongos Balb/c machos. Os animais foram submetidos a indução da periodontite por colocação de ligadura com fio de seda 4.0 ao redor do segundo molar superior direito, sendo divididos em 4 grupos,o grupo controle: Sem Periodontite e sem RACR (n=8); Grupo Ligadura: Com Periodondite e sem RACR (n=10); Grupo raspagem: Com Periodontite e com RACR (n=10) ; Grupo raspagem + L.casei (n=8): Com Periodontite e com RACR + administração de LC, por gavagem, durante 30 dias. Foram realizadas análises de citocinas pelo método ELISA no tecido gengival (IL-6), intestinal (IL-1ß, IL-6 e IL-10) e sanguíneo (IL-1ß e IL-6), além de análises bioquímicas (TGO, TGP, ureia e creatinina) e contagem diferencial de leucócitos do sangue. Foram coletados fragmentos do intestino grosso desses animais e analisados quanto a biomarcadores do estresse oxidativo (SOD, GSH e MDA), atividade da acetilcolinesterase (AChE) e foi realizada contagem da população de Bactérias Produtoras de Ácido Láctico das fezes dos animais. A utilização do LC adjunto a RACR resultou em uma redução na expressão da IL-6 no tecido gengival de camundogos com Periodontite (p < 0,05). Para as inteleucinas séricas (IL-1ß e IL-6), não houve diferenças entre os grupos (p > 0,05). Já para as citocinas intestinais houve uma redução na expressão de IL-10 (p < 0,05), para os grupos em que foi induzida a Periodontite. Com relação ao estresse oxidativo intestinal os animais do Grupo raspagem e raspagem + LC tiveram uma redução dos níveis de MDA (p < 0,05), para a SOD e o GSH, não houve diferenças significativas entre os 4 grupos pesquisados (p < 0,05). Conclui-se que o uso de LC adjunto a RACR em camungongos com periodontite induzida por ligadura pode reduzir a liberação de IL-6 no tecido gengival. Com relação aos efeitos intestinais foi observada a modulação da resposta inflamatória, com a redução de MDA, nos animais que receberam o tratamento periodontal. E a redução da expressão da IL-10, nos animais com Periodontite (AU).
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory condition that can influence the gut microbiota. The gold standard treatment for periodontitis includes scaling and crown-root planing, but in complex cases adjuvant therapies such as probiotics can be used. The use of this adjuvant treatment may contribute to the improvement of periodontal condition and intestinal symbiosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on periodontal and intestinal inflammation of the use of Lactobacillus casei (LC) adjunct to scaling and root planing (RACR) in Balb/c mice with ligature-induced periodontitis. This study is a preclinical, in vivo, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trial consisting of 40 male Balb/c mice. The animals were submitted to periodontitis induction by placing a 4.0 silk suture ligature around the upper right second molar. The sample was divided into 4 groups, each with 10 animals: Group I: Without Periodontitis and without RACR; Group II: With Periodontitis and without RACR; Group III: With Periodontitis and with RACR; Group IV: With Periodontitis and with RACR + gavage of LC, for 30 days. Cytokine analyzes were performed by the ELISA method in gingival tissue (IL-6), intestinal tissue (IL-1ß, IL-6 and IL-10) and blood (IL-1ß and IL-6), the blood was also subjected to analysis biochemical (TGO, TGP, urea and creatinine) and differential leukocyte count. Fragments of the large intestine of these animals were collected and analyzed for biomarkers of oxidative stress (SOD, GSH and MDA), acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity, and the population of Lactic Acid-Producing Bacteria in the animals' feces was counted. The use of LC adjunct to RACR resulted in a reduction in the expression of IL-6 in the gingival tissue of mice with Periodontitis (p < 0.05), for the blood inteleukins (IL-1ß and IL-6), there were no differences between the groups (p > 0.05). As for intestinal cytokines, there was a reduction in the expression of IL-10 (p < 0.05), for the groups that presented Periodontitis. Regarding intestinal oxidative stress, the animals in Groups III and IV had a reduction in MDA levels (p < 0.05), for SOD and GSH, there were no significant differences between the 4 groups studied (p < 0.05 ). It is concluded that the use of LC adjunct to RACR in mice with ligation-induced periodontitis can reduce the release of IL-6 in the gingival tissue. Regarding the intestinal effects, two effects were found: The first related to the modulation of the inflammatory response, with the reduction of MDA, in the animals that received periodontal treatment. And the second related to a pro-inflammatory effect, with the reduction of IL-10 expression (AU).
Animals , Mice , Periodontitis/therapy , Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Spectrophotometry/methods , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Oxidative Stress , Probiotics/therapeutic use , Leukocyte Count/methodsABSTRACT
Drugs at high dilution (HD) produce therapeutic effect on man, animals and plants. Experimental evidence shows that free water molecules and hydrogen bond strength of OH groups constitute the physical basis of HDs which are otherwise devoid of original drug molecules. HDs are produced in aqueous EtOH by serial dilution of a substance with mechanical agitation or succussion in each step, and are called potencies. Three potencies 6 cH, 12 cH and 30 cH of two drugs Anacardium orientale and Natrum muriaticum(NaCl) and their mother tincture (MT) are used in this study. Electronic spectra of these MTs and potencies, all in 90% EtOH, were taken in the wavelength region of 190 nm 350 nm. The objective is to find out any additional physical-chemical entities in potencies besides the aforesaid two factors. It was reported earlier that charge transfer (CT) interaction accompanies potentization of drugs. This study focused on the CT interaction. The results indicate that spectral pattern and absorbance intensities of the test samples vary from each other. Natm 6cH (absorbance 0.30 at 196.53nm), 12cH (abs. 0.06 at 196.53nm) and 30cH (abs. 1.32 at 196.5nm). Anac 6cH (abs. 0.33 at 203nm), 12cH (abs. 0.61 at 208nm) and 30cH (abs. 0.09 at 200.67nm). The spectrum of each potency shows two peaks. The 2nd peak at higher wave length belongs to CT interaction. Anac 6cH suc, 7cH unsuc. Insersections at 197.14nm with abs. 0.05, and 290nm with abs. 0.01. Anac 12cH suc, 13cH unsuc. Intersections at 196.93nm with abs. 0.06, and 273nm with abs. 0.00. Anac 30cH suc, 31cH unsuc. Intersections at 194.42nm with abs. -0.05, 238.03nm with abs. -0.01, 252.15nm with abs. -0.002, and 261nm with abs. 0.004. Natm 6cH suc, 7cH unsuc. Intersection at 199.44nm with Abs -0.11. Natm 12cH suc, 13cH unsuc. Instersection at 200.48nm with abs. -0.11. Natm 30cH suc, 31cH unsuc. Intersection at 204.24nm with abs. -0.08. Potentization involves CT interaction in consecutive potencies. Water and EtOH do not form a homogeneous mixture and have aggregates of EtOHand water molecules. CT interactions occur in these individual aggregates and are mostly inter molecular within EtOH or water. These aggregates vary from each other in the test samples. The spectra of test samples were analysed for margin of error (MOE). The MOE is very small (0.001-0.002%), and for this reason the difference between the spectra is significant. Besides that the intersection between consecutive spectra vary in number and position. It is concluded that water and EtOH aggregates and their relative distribution constitute additional physical-chemical basis of potencies.
Spectrophotometry , Preparation Scales , Homeopathic RemedyABSTRACT
Los trastornos hipertensivos asociados al embarazo constituyen uno de los síndromes de mayor interés a escala mundial, cerca de 600 000 mujeres mueren anualmente por causas relacionadas. La Organización Mundial de la Salud considera que la incidencia de preeclampsia es siete veces mayor en los países en vías de desarrollo en comparación a los industrializados (2,8 % y 0,4 %, respectivamente). El estrés oxidativo es una de las principales causas asociadas a la preeclampsia, cuyo diagnóstico y manejo adecuado y oportuno son medidas eficaces para disminuir la tasa de morbimortalidad, por lo que diversos autores se han centrado en la búsqueda de biomarcadores predictores de estrés oxidativo entre los cuales encontramos: especies reactivas del ácido tiobarbitúrico, superóxido, catalasa, superóxido dismutasa y glutatión peroxidasa. El presente trabajo describe los principales biomarcadores de estrés oxidativo estudiados mediante la técnica espectrofotométrica debido a que es económica, rápida y precisa
Hypertensive disorders associated with pregnancy are one of the syndromes of greatest interest worldwide, nearly 600,000 women die annually from related causes. The World Health Organization considers that the incidence of preeclampsia is seven times higher in developing countries compared to industrialized ones (2.8% and 0.4%, respectively). Oxidative stress is one of the main causes associated with preeclampsia, whose proper and timely diagnosis and management are effective measures to reduce the morbidity and mortality rate, which is why various authors have focused on the search for predictive biomarkers of oxidative stress among which we find: reactive species of thiobarbituric acid, superoxide, catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. The present work describes the main biomarkers of oxidative stress studied by means of the spectrophotometric technique because it is cheap, fast and precise
Patients , Pre-Eclampsia , Spectrophotometry , Women , Oxidative Stress , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Morbidity , MethodsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To determine if ARHGEF10 has a haploinsufficient effect and provide evidence to evaluate the severity, if any, during prenatal consultation.@*METHODS@#Zebrafish was used as a model for generating mutant. The pattern of arhgef10 expression in the early stages of zebrafish development was observed using whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH). CRISPR/Cas9 was applied to generate a zebrafish model with a single-copy or homozygous arhgef10 deletion. Activity and light/dark tests were performed in arhgef10 -/-, arhgef10 +/-, and wild-type zebrafish larvae. ARHGEF10 was knocked down using small interferon RNA (siRNA) in the SH-SY5Y cell line, and cell proliferation and apoptosis were determined using the CCK-8 assay and Annexin V/PI staining, respectively.@*RESULTS@#WISH showed that during zebrafish embryonic development arhgef10 was expressed in the midbrain and hindbrain at 36-72 h post-fertilization (hpf) and in the hemopoietic system at 36-48 hpf. The zebrafish larvae with single-copy and homozygous arhgef10 deletions had lower exercise capacity and poorer responses to environmental changes compared to wild-type zebrafish larvae. Moreover, arhgef10 -/- zebrafish had more severe symptoms than arhgef10 +/- zebrafish. Knockdown of ARHGEF10 in human neuroblastoma cells led to decreased cell proliferation and increased cell apoptosis.@*CONCLUSION@#Based on our findings, ARHGEF10 appeared to have a haploinsufficiency effect.
Animals , Humans , Annexin A5 , Apoptosis , Blotting, Western , CRISPR-Associated Protein 9 , CRISPR-Cas Systems , Cell Line , Cell Proliferation , Cells, Cultured , Flow Cytometry , Genotype , In Situ Hybridization , Larva/physiology , Phenotype , RNA/isolation & purification , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/standards , Rho Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factors/metabolism , Sincalide/analysis , Spectrophotometry/methods , Zebrafish/physiologyABSTRACT
Abstract Simple, precise, accurate and speciï¬c spectrophotometric methods are progressed and validated for concurrent analysis of Furosemide (FUR) and Spironolactone (SPR) in their combined dosage form depend on spectral analysis procedures. Furosemide (FUR) in the binary mixture could be analyzed at its λmax 274 nm using its recovered zero order absorption spectrum using constant multiplication method (CM). Spironolactone (SPR) in the mixture could be analyzed at its λmax 238 nm by ratio subtraction method (RS). Concurrent determination for FUR and SPR in their mixture could be applied by amplitude modulation method (AM), absorbance subtraction method (AS) and ratio difference (RD). Linearity ranges of FUR and SPR were (2.0µg/mL-22.0 µg/mL) and (3.0µg/mL-30.0 µg/mL), respectively. Specificity of the proposed spectrophotometric methods was examined by analyzing the prepared mixtures in laboratory and was applied successfully for pharmaceutical dosage form analysis which have the cited drugs without additives contribution. The proposed spectrophotometric methods were also validated as per as the guidelines of ICH. Statistical comparison was performed between the obtained results with those from the official methods of the cited drugs, using one-way ANOVA, F-test and student t-test. The results are exhibiting insignificant difference concerning precision and accuracy
Spectrophotometry/methods , Spironolactone/antagonists & inhibitors , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Furosemide/antagonists & inhibitors , Analysis of Variance , Dosage Forms , MethodsABSTRACT
Abstract Perindopril erbumine (Perindopril tert-butylamine salt) is a potent angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. It is used to treat the patients with hypertension and heart failure problems. A sensitive, inexpensive and precise analytical technique has been developed for the estimation of perindopril in bulk and formulations. The procedure involves the development of colour by forming an oxidative coupling reaction between drug (PPE) and reagent such as 2, 6-dichloroquinone-4-chlorimide (DCQC). The formed colored species were measured at (max=520 nm. The developed method showed linearity within the concentration limits of 25-75 µg mL-1. The linear correlation coefficient (r) and molar absorptivity were found to be 0.9999 and 3.285 x 103 mol-1cm-1. % Recovery ± SD values were in the range of 99.69 - 100.51 (+ 0.42 - ( 0.41) (n=3) which indicates the accuracy of the developed method. The interference of other excipients that are commonly present in formulations is found to be negligible. Precision and accuracy of the proposed method were confirmed by student t-test and F-tests at 95% confidence limits with (n-1) degrees of freedom. The validity parameters of proposed method were calculated by ICH guidelines
Perindopril , Oxidative Coupling , Spectrophotometry/methods , Angiotensins/administration & dosage , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Chemistry, Pharmaceutical/classification , Heart FailureABSTRACT
Abstract Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are among the most known nanomaterials being used for several purposes, including medical applications. In this study, Calendula officinalis L. flower extract and silver nitrate were used for green synthesis of silver nanoparticles under red, green and blue light-emitting diodes. AgNPs were characterized by Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometry, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy, Dynamic Light Scattering, Electrophoretic Mobility, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction. Isotropic and anisotropic silver nanoparticles were obtained, presenting hydrodinamic diameters ranging 90 - 180 nm, polydispersity (PdI > 0.2) and moderate stability (zeta potential values around - 20 mV)
Silver , Silver Nitrate/agonists , Calendula/adverse effects , Flowers/genetics , Nanoparticles/analysis , Spectrophotometry/methods , X-Ray Diffraction/methods , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning/methods , Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared , LightABSTRACT
Abstract Chronic type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its associated diseases are major concern among human population and also responsible for significant mortality rate. Hence, the present study aims to evaluate and correlate the invertase inhibition, antioxidant activity and control against DFU causing bacterial pathogens by Pandanus odoratissimus flowers. Two dimensional preparative thin layer chromatography (2D PTLC) was adopted to purify the phenolic acid component and LC-MS2 was done to predict the phenolic acid structures. Standard spectrophotometry methods were adopted to investigate the in vitro invertase inhibitory and antioxidant (CUPRAC and ABTS) activities. Agar well diffusion and broth dilution assays were used to record the antibacterial property against DFU causing pathogens isolated from clinical samples. Statistical analyses were used to validate the experiments. A new and novel diferuloyl glycerate related phenolic acid (m/z 442) purified from PTLC eluate has recorded satisfactory cupric ion reducing power (ED50= 441.4±2.5 µg), moderate ABTS radical scavenging activity (IC50= 450.3±10 µg; 32.5±1.5%), and a near moderate, in vitro, invertase mixed type inhibition (24.5±4.5%; Ki: 400 µg). Similarly, bacterial growth inhibitory kinetics has showed a significant inhibition against E. coli and S. aureus.
Humans , Male , Female , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Diabetic Foot/pathology , Pandanaceae/adverse effects , Flowers/classification , beta-Fructofuranosidase/isolation & purification , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/pathology , Spectrophotometry/methods , Chromatography, Thin Layer/instrumentation , Antioxidants/adverse effectsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To assess the effects of coloring beverages on the color stability of two types of hybrid ceramics with different surface treatments. Material and Methods 180 specimens of two hybrid ceramics (Vita Enamic and Mazic Duro) and a feldspathic ceramic (Vita Mark II) were prepared (n=60 in each group). Half of the discs in each group were glazed while the other was polished. The specimens were then divided into three subgroups and immersed in distilled water, carrot juice, and coffee. The overall color difference (∆E) was calculated based on CIE L*a*b* color space. Data were analyzed using three-way and one-way ANOVA; Tukey's honest significant difference was also done for pairwise comparisons (α=0.05). Results Vita Mark II specimens revealed less overall color changes compared to other groups. The ∆E of the glazed Vita Enamic specimens was greater than polished specimens following immersion in distilled water (p=0.03) and coffee (p=0.001), but it was not significant for carrot juice. The same results were obtained for polished Mazic Duro specimens. Relatively similar amounts of ∆E were recorded in polished and glazed subgroups of Vita Mark II. Conclusion The ∆E of hybrid ceramics was higher than Vita Mark II. Polishing could be recommended for surface treatment of hybrid ceramics instead of glazing, saving time and facilitating the process.