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Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 111-116, feb. 2024. ilus, tab, mapas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528817


El cáncer gástrico (CG), es la primera causa de muerte por cáncer, en hombres, y la tercera en mujeres, en Chile. No obstante ello, el CG bifocal (CGB) es una situación poco frecuente. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue reportar un caso de CGB, con linfonodos negativos en un paciente con cirrosis hepática, que fue intervenido quirúrgicamente; y revisar la evidencia existente respecto de sus características morfológicas, terapéuticas y pronósticas. Caso clínico: Hombre de 74 años diabético, hipertenso, insuficiente cardíaco y cirrótico; portador de CGB (subcardial y antro-pilórico), diagnosticado por endoscopia y con confirmación histológica de ambas lesiones; operado en Clínica RedSalud Mayor Temuco en septiembre de 2023. En el intraoperatorio se verificó además la coexistencia de una lesión de aspecto metastásico en el segmento III del hígado, y adhesión de la región antro-pilórica a la vesícula biliar. Se realizó gastrectomía total, linfadenectomía D2, esófago-yeyuno anastomosis término-lateral, resección segmentaria hepática (segmento III) y colecistectomía. El paciente permaneció 6 días en la UCI debido a que desarrolló insuficiencia hepática (encefalopatía leve y ascitis). Se alimentó vía enteral por sonda naso-yeyunal. Posteriormente inició alimentación oral progresiva, la que fue bien tolerada. Completó 11 días de hospitalización en servicio médico-quirúrgico, donde mejoró actividad neurológica, hasta su alta domiciliaria. Actualmente, lleva dos meses desde su operación, se encuentra en buenas condiciones generales, y el Comité Oncológico decidió no dar quimioterapia adyuvante. Se presenta un caso inusual de CG de tipo bifocal, respecto de lo cual hay escasa información disponible. Se logró realizar cirugía con intención curativa en un paciente de alto riesgo, con un resultado exitoso.

SUMMARY: Gastric cancer (GC) is the first cause of death from cancer in men, and the third one in women, in Chile. However, a bifocal GC (BGC) is uncommon. The aim of this study was to report a case of CGB, with negative-lymph nodes in a patient with liver cirrhosis, who underwent surgery; and review the existing evidence regarding its morphological, therapeutic and prognostic characteristics. Clinical case: A 74-year-old male patient with a medical history of diabetes, hypertension, congestive heart failure, and cirrhosis underwent surgical intervention for GC located in subcardial and antro- pyloric regions. The diagnosis was established via endoscopy and confirmed histologically. Surgery was performed at the RedSalud Mayor Temuco Clinic in September 2023. During intraoperative assessment, the coexistence of a lesion with metastatic-like characteristics in segment III of the liver was also verified, along with adhesions between the antro-pyloric region and the gallbladder. Surgical approach encompassed total gastrectomy, D2 lymphadenectomy, esophago-jejunostomy, segmental hepatic resection, and cholecystectomy. Subsequently, the patient required a six-day stay in ICU due to the development of hepatic insufficiency, characterized by mild encephalopathy and ascites. Enteral nutrition was administered via a naso-jejunal tube, followed by a gradual transition to oral feeding, which was well-tolerated. The patient completed an 11-day hospitalization period in the medical-surgical ward, during which his neurological function improved significantly, resulting in his discharge. At present, 2 months post-surgery, the patient remains in satisfactory general health, and the Oncology Committee decided not to proceed with adjuvant chemotherapy. This case represents a rare instance of bifocal GC, for which there is limited available literature. Surgical intervention with curative intent was successfully carried out in a high-risk patient, yielding a positive outcome.

Humans , Male , Aged , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Neoplasms, Multiple Primary , Gastrectomy
Zhonghua Bing Li Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 454-459, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985700


Objective: To investigate the clinicopathological, immunohistochemical and molecular genetic characteristics of gastric carcinoma with NTRK-rearrangement/amplification. Methods: The clinicopathological data of gastric carcinoma cases with NTRK-rearrangement/amplification diagnosed from January 2011 to September 2020 at the Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, China, were collected. The clinicopathological, immunophenotypic and molecular pathological features were analyzed. The relevant literature was reviewed. Results: There were 4 cases of gastric carcinoma with NTRK-rearrangement/amplification. All 4 patients were male, aged 57-67 years (average, 63 years). Tumor sizes ranged from 3.5 to 5.2 cm (average, 4.8 cm). All tumors were in the antrum. All 4 patients underwent radical gastrectomy and were followed up after the surgery. Morphologically, all tumors showed histological features with enteroblastic-differentiated gastric carcinoma. Tumor cells showed predominantly tubular/papillary architecture, with conspicuous vesicular nuclei and pale staining or transparent cytoplasm. Immunohistochemistry showed pan-TRK expression in all cases, with various degrees of positivity in the cytoplasm. All cases were subject to NTRK1/2/3 detection using fluorescence in situ hybridization. There were NTRK translocations in 2 cases and NTRK amplifications in 2 cases. These cases were further verified by RNAseq next generation sequencing which confirmed that NTRK1 gene translocation (TPM3-NTRK1) and NTRK2 gene translocation (NTRK2-SMCHD1) occurred in two cases, respectively. Conclusions: NTRK mutation occurs less frequently in gastric cancer. In this study, the cases mainly occur in the antrum. The morphology has the characteristics of enteroblastic differentiation. The tumors have unique histological, immunophenotypic and molecular characteristics, which require much attention from pathologists to effectively guide clinicians to choose the best treatment.

Humans , Male , Female , Receptor, trkA/genetics , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence , Biomarkers, Tumor/genetics , Translocation, Genetic , Carcinoma , Oncogene Proteins, Fusion/genetics , Chromosomal Proteins, Non-Histone/genetics
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986798


Objective: To investigate the feasibility of Cai tube-assisted natural orifice specimen extraction surgery (NOSES) in gastrointestinal surgery. Methods: This was a descriptive case-series study. Inclusion criteria: (1) colorectal or gastric cancer diagnosed by preoperative pathological examination or redundant sigmoid or transverse colon detected by barium enema; (2) indications for laparoscopic surgery; (3) body mass index <30 kg/m2 (transanal surgery) and 35 kg/m2 (transvaginal surgery); (4) no vaginal stenosis or adhesions in female patients undergoing transvaginal specimen extraction; and (5) patients with redundant colon aged 18-70 years and a history of intractable constipation for more than 10 years. Exclusion criteria: (1) colorectal cancer with intestinal perforation or obstruction, or gastric cancer with gastric perforation, gastric hemorrhage, or pyloric obstruction; (2) simultaneous resection of lung, bone, or liver metastases ; (3) history of major abdominal surgery or intestinal adhesions; and (4) incomplete clinical data. From January 2014 to October 2022, 209 patients with gastrointestinal tumors and 25 with redundant colons who met the above criteria were treated by NOSES utilizing a Cai tube (China invention patent number:ZL201410168748.2) in the Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Zhongshan Hospital, Xiamen University. The procedures included eversion and pull-out NOSES radical resection in 14 patients with middle and low rectal cancer, NOSES radical left hemicolectomy in 171 patients with left-sided colorectal cancer, NOSES radical right hemicolectomy in 12 patients with right-sided colon cancer, NOSES systematic mesogastric resection in 12 patients with gastric cancer, and NOSES subtotal colectomy in 25 patients with redundant colons. All specimens were collected by using an in-house-made anal cannula (Cai tube) with no auxiliary incisions. The primary outcomes included 1-year recurrence-free survival (RFS) and postoperative complications. Results: Among 234 patients, 116 were male and 118 were female. The mean age was (56.6±10.9) years. NOSES was successfully completed in all patients without conversion to open surgery or procedure-related death. The negative rate of circumferential resection margin was 98.8% (169/171) with both two positive cases having left-sided colorectal cancer. Postoperative complications occurred in 37 patients (15.8%), including 11 cases (4.7%) of anastomotic leakage, 3 cases(1.3%) of anastomotic bleeding, 2 cases (0.9%) of intraperitoneal bleeding, 4 cases (1.7%) of abdominal infection, and 8 cases (3.4%) of pulmonary infection. Reoperations were required in 7 patients (3.0%), all of whom consented to creation of an ileostomy after anastomotic leakage. The total readmission rate within 30 days after surgery was 0.9% (2/234). After a follow-up of (18.3±3.6) months, the 1-year RFS was 94.7%. Five of 209 patients (2.4%) with gastrointestinal tumors had local recurrence, all of which was anastomotic recurrence. Sixteen patients (7.7%) developed distant metastases, including liver metastases(n=8), lung metastases(n=6), and bone metastases (n=2). Conclusion: NOSES assisted by Cai tube is feasible and safe in radical resection of gastrointestinal tumors and subtotal colectomy for redundant colon.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Anastomotic Leak/surgery , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Laparoscopy , Rectal Neoplasms/surgery , Colectomy , Postoperative Complications , Liver Neoplasms/surgery , Treatment Outcome
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986799


Objective: To analyze the risk factors for complications of endoscopic full-thickness resection (EFTR) of upper gastrointestinal submucosal tumors (SMTs). Methods: This was a retrospective observational study. The indications for EFTR included: (1) SMTs originating from the muscularis propria layer and growing out of the cavity or infiltrating the deep part of the muscularis propria layer; (2) SMTs diameter <5 cm; and (3) tumor identified as closely adherent to the serous layer during endoscopic submucosal dissection or endoscopic mucosal resection. This study included patients with SMTs originating from the muscularis propria layer in upper digestive tract, diagnosed preoperatively by endoscopic ultrasonography or computed tomography, who were successfully treated with EFTR. Those with incomplete clinical data were excluded. The clinical data of 154 patients with upper gastrointestinal SMTs who underwent EFTR at the Department of Gastroenterology, First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University from January 2016 to January 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. Post-EFTR complications (such as delayed perforation, delayed bleeding, and postoperative infection, including electrocoagulation syndrome) were monitored and the risk factors for them were analyzed. Results: Among the 154 study patients, 33 (21.4%) developed complications, including delayed bleeding in three (1.9%), delayed perforation in two (1.3%), and postoperative infection in 28 (18.2%). One patient with bleeding was classified as having a major complication (hospitalized for more than 10 days because of complication). According to univariate analysis, complication was associated with tumor diameter >15 mm, operation time >90 minutes, defect closure method(purse string suture), and diameter of resected specimen ≥20 mm (all P<0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that operation time >90 minutes (OR=6.252, 95%CI: 2.530-15.446, P<0.001) and tumor diameter >15 mm (OR=4.843, 95%CI: 1.985-11.817, P=0.001) were independent risk factors for complications after EFTR in patients with upper gastrointestinal SMTs. The independent risk factors for postoperative infection in these patients were operation time>90 minutes (OR=4.993, 95%CI:1.964-12.694, P=0.001) and purse string suture (OR=7.142, 95%CI: 1.953-26.123, P=0.003). Conclusion: Patients with upper gastrointestinal SMTs undergoing EFTR with tumor diameter >15 mm or operation time >90 minutes have a significantly increased risk of postoperative complications. Postoperative monitoring is important for these patients with SMTs.

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Endoscopic Mucosal Resection/methods , Gastroscopy/methods , Retrospective Studies , Endosonography/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Treatment Outcome , Gastric Mucosa/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986812


Objective: To investigate the efficacy of laparoscopic hyperthermic intraperitoneal perfusion chemotherapy combined with intraperitoneal and systemic chemotherapy (HIPEC-IP-IV) in the treatment of peritoneal metastases from gastric cancer (GCPM). Methods: This was a descriptive case series study. Indications for HIPEC-IP-IV treatment include: (1) pathologically confirmed gastric or esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma; (2) age 20-85 years; (3) peritoneal metastases as the sole form of Stage IV disease, confirmed by computed tomography, laparoscopic exploration, ascites or peritoneal lavage fluid cytology; and (4) Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0-1. Contraindications include: (1) routine blood tests, liver and renal function, and electrocardiogram showing no contraindications to chemotherapy; (2) no serious cardiopulmonary dysfunction; and (3) no intestinal obstruction or peritoneal adhesions. According to the above criteria, data of patients with GCPM who had undergone laparoscopic exploration and HIPEC from June 2015 to March 2021 in the Peking University Cancer Hospital Gastrointestinal Center were analyzed, after excluding those who had received antitumor medical or surgical treatment. Two weeks after laparoscopic exploration and HIPEC, the patients received intraperitoneal and systemic chemotherapy. They were evaluated every two to four cycles. Surgery was considered if the treatment was effective, as shown by achieving stable disease or a partial or complete response and negative cytology. The primary outcomes were surgical conversion rate, R0 resection rate, and overall survival. Results: Sixty-nine previously untreated patients with GCPM had undergone HIPEC-IP-IV, including 43 men and 26 women; with a median age of 59 (24-83) years. The median PCI was 10 (1-39). Thirteen patients (18.8%) underwent surgery after HIPEC-IP-IV, R0 being achieved in nine of them (13.0%). The median overall survival (OS) was 16.1 months. The median OS of patients with massive or moderate ascites and little or no ascites were 6.6 and 17.9 months, respectively (P<0.001). The median OS of patients who had undergone R0 surgery, non-R0 surgery, and no surgery were 32.8, 8.0, and 14.9 months, respectively (P=0.007). Conclusions: HIPEC-IP-IV is a feasible treatment protocol for GCPM. Patients with massive or moderate ascites have a poor prognosis. Candidates for surgery should be selected carefully from those in whom treatment has been effective and R0 should be aimed for.

Male , Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Adult , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Peritoneal Neoplasms/secondary , Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention , Hyperthermia, Induced/methods , Combined Modality Therapy , Laparoscopy/methods , Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/therapeutic use , Perfusion , Cytoreduction Surgical Procedures , Survival Rate
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986818


The electrophysiological activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the mechanical anti-reflux structure of the gastroesophageal junction are the basis of the anti-reflux function of the stomach. Proximal gastrectomy destroys the mechanical structure and normal electrophysiological channels of the anti-reflux. Therefore, the residual gastric function is disordered. Moreover, gastroesophageal reflux is one of the most serious complications. The emergence of various types of anti-reflux surgery through the mechanism of reconstructing mechanical anti-reflux barrier and establishing buffer zone, and the preservation of, the pacing area and vagus nerve of the stomach, the continuity of the jejunal bowel, the original gastroenteric electrophysiological activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and the physiological function of the pyloric sphincter, are all important measures for gastric conservative operations. There are many types of reconstructive approaches after proximal gastrectomy. The design based on the anti-reflux mechanism and the functional reconstruction of mechanical barrier, and the protection of gastrointestinal electrophysiological activities are important considerations for the selected of reconstructive approaches after proximal gastrectomy. In clinical practice, we should consider the principle of individualization and the safety of radical resection of tumor to select a rational reconstructive approaches after proximal gastrectomy.

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Gastrectomy , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Esophagogastric Junction/surgery , Pylorus/pathology
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 18-22, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970167


This century has seen significant advances in the treatment and research of gastric cancer in China. Chinese scholars have made a series of key technological breakthroughs in minimally invasive surgery, perioperative treatment and artificial intelligence diagnosis. These world-leading clinical researches have improved treatment outcomes and reduced surgical trauma. Global surveillance of trends in cancer survival 2000-14 reported that survival of gastric cancer in China has significantly improved during the last 20 years. This paper reviews the research history of surgical oncology for gastric cancer in China, summarises the experience and attempts to explore the future direction.

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Surgical Oncology , Artificial Intelligence , Gastrectomy , China/epidemiology , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971245


The postoperative 30-day mortality and morbidity of gastric cancer surgery has markedly improved over the past years due to minimally invasive techniques, perioperative rehabilitation programs and centralization of care. However, there is still need for improvement as postoperative complications may have a serious negative impact on the efficacy of surgical treatment of gastric cancer. High-quality clinical research is a very important tool to analyze treatment outcomes and evaluate new treatment strategies. The meticulous registration of gastric cancer patient data is the basis of high-quality surgical research. In the past 11 years, the Dutch upper gastrointestinal cancer audit (DUCA) database has vast experience in data registration and maintenance of patients with upper gastrointestinal cancer. The effective measures it has taken in data registration, data quality control, data application and use, and data security have maintained quality at a high level. These data has been used for medical care quality monitoring and scientific research leading to a positive impact on the postoperative short-term outcomes of patients with upper gastrointestinal cancer. The work of DUCA may be a good incentive for the setup of population-based databases and clinical research in other countries.

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Digestive System Surgical Procedures , Treatment Outcome , Postoperative Complications
Article in Spanish | BNUY, UY-BNMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1513565


El carcinoma de células en anillo de sello es una variante histopatológica de cáncer gástrico que se encuentra en aumento, se caracteriza por un mal pronóstico. Se presenta el caso de un hombre joven al que se le hizo este diagnóstico en el contexto de una complicación rara como es el síndrome de estenosis gastroduodenal.

Signet ring cell carcinoma is a histopathological variant of gastric cancer that is increasing and is characterized by a poor prognosis. We present the case of a young man who underwent this diagnosis in the context of a rare complication such as upper gastrointestinal stenosis syndrome.

O carcinoma de células em anel de sinete é uma variante histopatológica do câncer gástrico que está aumentando e é caracterizado por um mau prognóstico. É apresentado o caso de um jovem que recebeu este diagnóstico no contexto de uma complicação rara como a síndrome de estenose gastroduodenal.

Humans , Male , Adult , Stomach Neoplasms/diagnosis , Carcinoma, Signet Ring Cell/diagnosis , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Stomach Neoplasms/complications , Carcinoma, Signet Ring Cell/surgery , Carcinoma, Signet Ring Cell/complications , Constriction, Pathologic/etiology , Gastrectomy
ABCD (São Paulo, Online) ; 36: e1745, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447011


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: There are no information in the literature associating the volume of gastrectomies with survival and costs for the health system in the treatment of patients with gastric cancer in Colombia. AIMS: The aim of this study was to analyze how gastrectomy for gastric cancer is associated with hospital volume, 30-day and 180-day postoperative mortality, and healthcare costs in Bogotá, Colombia. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study based on hospital data of all adult patients with gastric cancer who underwent gastrectomy between 2014 and 2016 using a paired propensity score. The surgical volume was identified as the average annual number of gastrectomies performed by the hospital. RESULTS: A total of 743 patients were included in the study. Hospital mortality at 30 and 180 days postoperatively was 36 (4.85%) and 127 (17.09%) patients, respectively. The average health care cost was USD 3,200. A total of 26 or more surgeries were determined to be the high surgical volume cutoff. Patients operated on in hospitals with a high surgical volume had lower 6-month mortality (HR 0.44; 95%CI 0.27-0.71; p=0.001), and no differences were found in health costs (mean difference 398.38; 95%CI-418.93-1,215.69; p=0.339). CONCLUSIONS: This study concluded that in Bogotá (Colombia), surgery in a high-volume hospital is associated with better 6-month survival and no additional costs to the health system.

RESUMO RACIONAL: Não há informações na literatura relacionando o volume de gastrectomias bem como a sobrevida e os custos para o sistema de saúde, no tratamento de pacientes com câncer gástrico na Colômbia. OBJETIVOS: analisar como a gastrectomia para câncer gástrico está associada ao volume hospitalar, mortalidade pós-operatória de 30 e 180 dias e custos de saúde em Bogotá, Colômbia. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo baseado em dados hospitalares de todos os pacientes adultos com câncer gástrico submetidos à gastrectomia entre 2014 e 2016, utilizando um escore de propensão pareado. O volume cirúrgico foi identificado como o número médio anual de gastrectomias realizadas pelo hospital. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 743 pacientes. A mortalidade hospitalar aos 30 e 180 dias de pós-operatório, foram respectivamente, 36 (4,85%) e 127 (17,09%) pacientes. O custo médio de saúde foi de US$ 3.200. Vinte e seis ou mais cirurgias foram determinadas como ponto de corte de alto volume cirúrgico. Pacientes operados em hospitais de alto volume cirúrgico tiveram menor mortalidade em seis meses (HR 0,44; IC95% 0,27-0,71; p=0,001) e não foram encontradas diferenças nos custos com saúde (diferença média 398,38; IC95% −418,93-1215,69; p=0,339). CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo concluiu que em Bogotá (Colômbia), a cirurgia em um hospital com alto volume cirúrgico está associada a uma melhor sobrevida de seis meses e não há custos adicionais para o sistema de saúde.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Gastrectomy/economics , Gastrectomy/mortality , Postoperative Complications/mortality , Stomach Neoplasms/mortality , Survival Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Hospital Mortality , Colombia/epidemiology , Gastrectomy/statistics & numerical data
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(4): 345-353, ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407936


Resumen Introducción: En los últimos años, la gastrectomía laparoscópica ha aparecido como una técnica quirúrgica con resultados oncológicos comparables a la técnica abierta, pero existe poca evidencia en cuanto a la calidad de vida posoperatoria de estos pacientes. Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de vida posoperatoria de pacientes sometidos a gastrectomía total laparoscópica (GTL) en comparación a gastrectomia total abierta (GTA) en cáncer gástrico. Materiales y Método: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional en Hospital Militar de Santiago, entre enero de 2015 y junio de 2020. Se les aplicó 2 encuestas validadas para Chile: EORTC QLQ-30 y EORTC QLQ-OG25. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 60 pacientes; 30 sometidos a GTL y 30 a GTA. Promedio edad fue 66,3 ± 11 años para GTL y 68,2 ± 11 años en GTA (p = 0,5). Se obtuvo un score en GTL versus GTA: global 83,3 y 80,2 (p = 0,6), sintomático 17,1 y 25,5 (p = 0,2) y score funcional 87,9 y 70,9 (p = 0,03). Posterior a eso obtuvimos en funcionalidad GTL versus GTA; física 92,2 versus GTA 73,1 (p = 0,04), emocional 84,1 versus 78,5 (p = 0,6), cognitiva 84,9 versus 79,0 (p = 0,3) y social 80,9 versus 72,2 (p = 0,4). Al analizar síntomas destaco; fatiga 14,6 versus 33,1 (p = 0,04) y dolor 13,4 versus 24,3 (p = 0,05). Finalmente, en síntomas digestivos altos obtuvimos en disfagia 0,84 GTL versus 17,3 GTA (p = 0,04). Conclusión: La GTL logra resultados comparables a GTA en calidad de vida e incluso ofrece ventajas significativas en funcionalidad física como también en síntomas como dolor, fatiga y disfagia.

Introduction: In recent years, laparoscopic gastrectomy has appeared as a surgical technique with oncological results comparable to the open technique, but there is little evidence regarding the postoperative quality of life of these patients. Objective: To evaluate the postoperative quality of life of patients undergoing laparoscopic total gastrectomy (LTG) compared to open total gastrectomy (OTG) in gastric cancer. Materials and Method: Prospective, observational study at Hospital Militar of Santiago, between January 2015 and June 2020. Two surveys validated for Chile were applied: EORTC QLQ-30 and EORTC QLQ-OG25. Results: 60 patients were obtained; 30 subjected to LTG and 30 to OTG. Average age was 66.3 ± 11 years for LTG and 68.2 ± 11 years for OTG (p = 0.5). A score was obtained in LTG versus OTG: global 83.3 and 80.2 (p = 0.6), symptomatic 17.1 and 25.5 (p = 0.2) and functional score 87.9 and 70.9 (p = 0.03). After that we got LTG versus OTG functionality; physical 92.2 versus 73.1 (p = 0.04), emotional 84.1 versus 78.5 (p = 0.6), cognitive 84.9 versus 79.0 (p = 0.3) and social 80.9 versus 72.2 (p = 0.4). When analyzing symptoms I highlight; fatigue 14.6 versus 33.1 (p = 0.04) and pain 13.4 versus 24.3 (p = 0.05). Finally, in upper digestive symptoms, we obtained 0.84 LTG versus 17.3 OTG in dysphagia (p = 0.04). Conclusion: LTG achieves results comparable to OTG in quality of life and even offers significant advantages in physical functionality as well as symptoms such as pain, fatigue and dysphagia.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Middle Aged , Quality of Life , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Adenocarcinoma/surgery , Gastrectomy/adverse effects , Demography , Surveys and Questionnaires , Retrospective Studies
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(4): 368-375, ago. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407938


Resumen Objetivos: El sistema linfático del estómago es complejo y multidireccional, siendo difícil predecir el patrón de diseminación linfática en el adenocarcinoma (ADC) gástrico. Los objetivos de este trabajo son determinar si el analizar los grupos ganglionares de la pieza quirúrgica por separado tiene implicaciones en el estadiaje, además estudiar la afectación de diferentes grupos ganglionares. Materials y Método: Estudio observacional retrospectivo de pacientes intervenidos de gastrectomía y linfadenectomía con intención curativa por ADC en un hospital de referencia (2017-2021).,_Se han comparado aquellos pacientes cuya pieza quirúrgica se estudió en su totalidad (grupo A) con aquellos en los que se separaron los grupos ganglionares para su análisis (grupo B). En el grupo B, se ha analizado la afectación ganglionar de diferentes grupos ganglionares en base a la localización tumoral y el estadio pT. Resultados: Se incluyeron 150 pacientes. La media de ganglios analizados fue significativamente mayor cuando se separaron los grupos ganglionares (grupo B) (24,01 respecto a 20,49). La afectación ganglionar fue del 45,8%, 58,3% y 55,5% en los tumores de tercio superior, medio e inferior respectivamente, y los grupos difirieron en base a la localización tumoral. El riesgo de afectación ganglionar fue significativamente mayor y hubo más grupos ganglionares perigástricos afectos cuanto mayor era el estadio pT. Conclusiones: Separar los grupos ganglionares previo a su análisis aumenta el número de ganglios analizados mejorando el estadiaje ganglionar. Existen diferentes rutas de drenaje linfático dependiendo de la localización tumoral y la afectación ganglionar aumenta de forma paralela al estadio pT.

Objectives: The lymphatic system of the stomach is complex and multidirectional, making it difficult to predict the pattern of lymphatic spread in gastric adenocarcinoma (GAC). The aim of this paper is to determine if analyzing the lymph node groups of the surgical specimen separately has implications in the pathological staging, as well as to study the involvement rate of different lymph node groups. Material and Method: Retrospective observational study of patients who underwent curative intent gastrectomy and lymphadenectomy for GAC in a reference hospital (2017-2021). Those patients whose surgical specimen was studied as a whole (group A) were compared with those in whom the lymph node groups were separated by surgeons before analysis (group B). In group B, the involvement of different lymph node groups was analyzed based on tumor location and pT stage. Results: 150 patients were included. The mean number of lymph nodes analyzed was significantly higher when the lymph node groups were separately analyzed (group B) (24.01 compared to 20.49). Lymph node involvement was 45.8%, 58.3%, and 55.5% in tumors of the upper, middle, and lower third, respectively, and the involved groups differed depending on the tumor location. The higher the pT stage was, the risk of lymph node involvement was significantly higher and there were more perigastric lymph node groups affected. Conclusions: Separating lymph node groups prior to their analysis increases the number of lymph nodes analyzed and therefore improves lymph node staging. There are different lymphatic drainage routes depending on the tumor location and lymph node involvement increases in parallel with the pT stage.

Humans , Male , Aged , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Adenocarcinoma/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Lymph Node Excision/methods , Lymph Nodes/pathology , Lymphatic Metastasis/pathology , Neoplasm Invasiveness/pathology , Neoplasm Staging
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(3): 248-255, jun. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407918


Resumen Introducción: Si bien actualmente la 8a edición de la clasificación del AJCC para cáncer biliar, recomienda una linfadenectomía con 6 o más GL, su aplicación es escasa. Objetivo: Analizar la aplicabilidad y los resultados de la linfadenectomía en pacientes resecados con fines curativos por cáncer biliar. Materiales y Método: Análisis retrospectivo de pacientes operados por cáncer biliar de 2001 a 2018. Se analizaron variables perioperatorias referidas a la linfadenectomía (número de GL, GL+, morbilidad), comparando supervivencia en pacientes con < 6 y ≥ 6 GL resecados. Resultados: en 72 pacientes resecados por cáncer biliar (46 CaV, 26 CC), se realizaron 66 (91.7%) linfadenectomías N1. En 62.1% (n = 41) se obtuvieron < 6 GL y en el 37.9% (n = 25) ≥ 6 GL. El promedio de GL resecados fue de 5. En 16 (24,2%) linfadenectomías se hallaron GL+ sin diferencias entre ambos grupos. La morbimortalidad global fue de 30,3%, con una mortalidad del 4.5% sin diferencias. Con un seguimiento de 36.9 meses, la supervivencia a 5 años fue 43,7% (n = 17), 7 pacientes con ≥ 6 GL, y 10 pacientes con < 6 GL (p = NS). La supervivencia media en pacientes con GL+ fue 15 meses (6-34 meses). Conclusión: la linfadenectomía ocupa un rol primordial en la cirugía curativa del cáncer biliar, tanto para definir una estadificación y un pronóstico adecuados como para optimizar los resultados de la resección curativa en esta entidad. Su indicación debe ser sistemática con la obtención de un número adecuado de GL acorde a las recomendaciones actuales.

Introduction: Currently the 8th edition of the AJCC classification recommends the resection of 6 or more lymph nodes (LN) in gallbladder cancer and cholangiocarcinoma. However, its implementation is universally scarce. Aim: The goal is to analyze the applicability and results of lymphadenectomy in patients resected with curative purposes in biliary cancer. Materials and Method: a retrospective analysis of patients with biliary cancer (gallbladder carcinoma, intrahepatic and hilar cholangiocarcinoma) treated by curative resection from 2001 to 2018 was performed. Perioperative variables related to lymphadenectomy (LN number, LN positive, related morbidity) were analyzed, comparing survival in patients with < 6 and ≥ 6 resected LN. Results: 72 patients resected for biliary cancer (46 gallbladder cancer, 26 cholangiocarcinoma) were included with 66 (91.7%) N1 lymphadenectomies corresponding to the hepatoduodenal ligament nodes performed. In 62.1% (n = 41) < 6 LN and in 37.9% (n = 25) ≥ 6 LN were resected. Average LN count was 5. In 16 (24.2%) patients positive LN were found, 7 in the group with ≥ 6 LN (28%) vs. 9 in the group with < 6 LN (22%) (p = NS). Overall morbimortality was 30.3% (n = 20). Average follow-up was 36.9 months. Survival at 5 years was 43.7% (n = 17), 7 patients with lymphadenectomy ≥ 6 LN, and 10 patients with < 6 LN (p = NS). Survival mean in patients who had positive LN was 15 months. Conclusión: Lymphadenectomy has a primary role in the radical resection with curative intention for biliary cancer. Systematic indication of lymphadenectomy should be prioritized, with the achievement of an adequately number of LN according to the actual recommendations. Lymphadenectomy is crucial for an adequate staging and prognosis, as well as to optimize the results of curative resection in this entity.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Biliary Tract Neoplasms/surgery , Cholangiocarcinoma , Gastrectomy , Survival Analysis , Retrospective Studies
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(2): 223-227, abr. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449891


En este artículo se reseñan los principales hitos en la historia de la cirugía gástrica, en la úlcera péptica y el cáncer gástrico en el mundo y en Chile. Se mencionan los principales protagonistas, su aporte y se establecen líneas de tiempo. Como resumen no es posible detallar contextos ni completar historias, pero se busca dar una visión panorámica del desarrollo de esta cirugía.

This article reviews the main milestones in the history of gastric surgery, in peptic ulcer and gastric cancer in the world and in Chile. The main protagonists are mentioned, their contribution and set time lines. As a summary it is not possible to detail contexts or complete stories, but it seeks to give a panoramic view of the development of this surgery.

Peptic Ulcer/history , Stomach Neoplasms/history , General Surgery/history , Peptic Ulcer/surgery , Stomach Diseases/history , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936040


The incidence and mortality rates of gastric cancer are among the top three cancers in China, which poses great threat to people's lives and health. So far, surgery remains to be the cornerstone of treatment for gastric cancer. With the development of laparoscopic surgery, minimally invasive treatment techniques, together with the deepening of clinical researches, as we review the research progress in 2021, the core controversial issues of gastric cancer surgery have been basically addressed. The series of "minimal-innovation" concepts and technologies represented by single-incision/reduced-port laparoscopic surgeries have been further developed; radiomics and artificial intelligence aided prediction have been applied into the forefront of surgical accurate decision-making; targeted and immune-therapy is about to break through the bottleneck of surgical efficacy of gastric cancer. Currently, molecular imaging and targeted tracer guided precision cancer surgery are being explored, which is expected to revolutionize in key links such as real-time in-vivo determination of tumor margin, tracing of metastatic lymph nodes and visualization of nerves. Looking forward into the future, gastric cancer surgery will break through the century-old ceiling of "gross appearance by naked eye" and "traditional extensive experience", and set off a new round of technological revolutions in molecular visualization intelligent precision minimally invasive surgery.

Humans , Artificial Intelligence , Digestive System Surgical Procedures , Gastrectomy , Laparoscopy , Lymph Node Excision , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936044


Objective: To explore the independent risk factors of lymph node metastasis (LNM) in early gastric cancer, and to use nomogram to construct a prediction model for above LNM. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted. Inclusion criteria: (1) primary early gastric cancer as stage pT1 confirmed by postoperative pathology; (2) complete clinicopathological data. Exclusion criteria: (1) patients with advanced gastric cancer, stump gastric cancer or history of gastrectomy; (2) early gastric cancer patients confirmed by pathology after neoadjuvant chemotherapy; (3) other types of gastric tumors, such as lymphoma, neuroendocrine tumor, stromal tumor, etc.; (4) primary tumors of other organs with gastric metastasis. According to the above criteria, 1633 patients with early gastric cancer who underwent radical gastrectomy at the Department of General Surgery of the Chinese PLA General Hospital First Medical Center from December 2005 to December 2020 were enrolled as training set, meanwhile 239 patients with early gastric cancer who underwent gastrectomy at the Department of General Surgery of the Chinese PLA General Hospital Fourth Medical Center from December 2015 to December 2020 were enrolled as external validation set. Risk factors of LNM in early gastric cancer were identified by using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. A nomogram prediction model was established with significant factors screened by multivariate analysis. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was used for assessing the predictive value of the model. Calibration curve was drawn for external validation. Results: Among 1633 patients in training set, the mean number of retrieved lymph nodes was 20 (13-28), and 209 patients (12.8%) had lymph node metastasis. Univariate analysis showed that gender, resection range, tumor location, tumor morphology, lymph node clearance, vascular invasion, lymphatic cancer thrombus, tumor length, tumor differentiation, microscopic presence of signet ring cells and depth of tumor invasion were associated with LNM (all P<0.05). Multivariate analysis revealed that females, tumor morphology as ulcer type, vascular invasion, lymphatic cancer thrombus, tumor length≥3 cm, deeper invasion of mucosa, and poor differentiation were independent risk factors for LNM in early gastric cancers (all P<0.05). Receiver operating characteristic curve indicated that AUC of training set was 0.818 (95%CI: 0.790-0.847) and AUC of external validation set was 0.765 (95%CI: 0.688-0.843). The calibration curve showed that the LNM probability predicted by nomogram was consistent with the actual situation (C-index: 0.818 in training set and 0.765 in external validation set). Conclusions: Females, tumor morphology as ulcer type, vascular invasion, lymphatic cancer thrombus, tumor length≥3 cm, deeper invasion of mucosa and poor differentiation are independent risk factors for LNM of early gastric cancer. The establishment of a nomogram prediction model for LNM in early gastric cancer has great diagnostic value and can provide reference for treatment selection.

Female , Humans , Gastrectomy , Lymph Node Excision , Lymph Nodes , Lymphatic Metastasis , Nomograms , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936045


Objective: Patients with advanced gastric cancer have a poor prognosis and a possibility of peritoneal metastasis even if receiving gastrectomy. Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) can effectively kill free cancer cells or small lesions in the abdominal cavity. At present, preventive HIPEC still lacks safety evaluation in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer. This study aims to explore the safety of radical resection combined with HIPEC in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer. Methods: A descriptive case series study was carried out. Clinicopathological data of 130 patients with locally advanced gastric cancer who underwent radical resection + HIPEC at the Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology from January 2020 to February 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. Inclusion criteria: (1) locally advanced gastric adenocarcinoma confirmed by postoperative pathology; (2) no distant metastasis was found before surgery; (3) radical resection; (4) at least one HIPEC treatment was performed. Exclusion criteria: (1) incomplete clinicopathological data; (2) tumor metastasis was found during operation; (3) concomitant with other tumors. HIPEC method: all the patients received the first HIPEC immediately after D2 radical resection, and returned to the ward after waking up from anesthesia; the second and the third HIPEC were carried out according to the patient's postoperative recovery and tolerance; interval between two HIPEC treatments was 48 h. Observation indicators: (1) basic information, including gender, age, body mass index, etc.; (2) treatment status; (3) perioperative adverse events: based on the standard of common adverse events published by the US Department of Health and Public Health (CTCAE 5.0), the adverse events of grade 2 and above during the treatment period were recorded, including hypoalbuminemia, bone marrow cell reduction, wound complications, abdominal infection, lung infection, gastroparesis, anemia, postoperative bleeding, anastomotic leakage, intestinal obstruction, pleural effusion, abdominal distension, impaired liver function, and finally a senior professional title chief physician reviewed the above adverse events and made a safety evaluation of the patient; (4) association between times of HIPEC treatment and adverse events in perioperative period; (5) analysis of risk factors for adverse events in perioperative period. Results: Among the 130 patients, 79 were males and 51 were females with a median age of 59 (54, 66) years and an average body mass index of (23.9±7.4) kg/m(2). The tumor size was (5.4±3.0) cm and 100 patients (76.9%) had nerve invasion. All the 130 patients received radical resection + HIPEC and 125 (96.2%) patients underwent laparoscopic surgery. The mean operative time was (345.6±52.3) min and intraoperative blood loss was (82.0±36.5) ml. One HIPEC treatment was performed in 54 patients (41.5%), 2 HIPEC treatments were in 57 (43.8%), and 3 HIPEC treatments were in 19 (14.6%). The average postoperative hospital stay was (13.1±7.5) d. A total of 57 patients (43.8%) had 71 cases of postoperative complications of different degrees. Among them, the incidence of hypoalbuminemia was 22.3% (29/130), and the grade 2 and above anemia was 15.4% (20/130), lung infection was 3.8% (5/130), bone marrow cell suppression was 3.7% (4/130), abdominal cavity infection was 2.3% (3/130), and liver damage was 2.3% (3/130), wound complications was 1.5% (2/130), abdominal distension was 1.5% (2/130), anastomotic leakage was 0.8% (1/130), gastroparesis was 0.8% (1/130) and intestinal obstruction was 0.8% (1/130), etc. These adverse events were all improved by conservative treatments. There were no statistically significant differences in the incidence of adverse events during the perioperative period among patients undergoing 1, 2, and 3 times of HIPEC treatments (all P>0.05). Univariate and multivariate logistic analyses showed that age > 60 years (OR: 2.346, 95%CI: 1.069-5.150, P=0.034) and neurological invasion (OR: 2.992, 95%CI: 1.050-8.523, P=0.040) were independent risk factors for adverse events in locally advanced gastric cancer patients undergoing radical resection+HIPEC (both P<0.05). Conclusions: Radical surgery + HIPEC does not significantly increase the incidence of perioperative complications in patients with advanced gastric cancer. The age >60 years and nerve invasion are independent risk factors for adverse events in these patients.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Gastrectomy , Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy , Peritoneal Neoplasms/therapy , Retrospective Studies , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936048


Objective: It is not yet to be clarified whether proximal gastrectomy with double tract anastomosis reconstruction (PG-DT) for gastric cancer increases postoperative complications. This meta-analysis aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of PG-DT for upper gastric cancer. Methods: The Chinese and English literatures about PG-DT and total gastrectomy with Roun-en-Y digestive tract reconstruction (TG-RY) for upper gastric cancer were searched from PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, Wiley Online Library, Web of Science, CNKI net, Wanfang database and VIP database. Literature inclusion criteria: (1) prospective or retrospective cohort study of PG-DT and TG-RY for upper gastric cancer published publicly; (2) patients with upper gastric cancer; (3) the enrolled literatures included at least one of the following outcome indicators: operation time, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative exhaust time, postoperative feeding time, hospitalization time, number of harvested lymph nodes, postoperative complications, postoperative 1-year albumin, postoperative 1-year hemoglobin and 1-, 3-, 5-year survival after surgery. Literature exclusion criteria: (1) reviews, case reports, conference summaries and other non-control studies; (2) studies published repeatedly, studies with incomplete or unextractable information. The search time ended in February 2021. The basic information and evaluation indicators included in the article were extracted. The retrospective study was evaluated using Newcastle-Ottawa literature quality evaluation scale. The prospective randomized controlled study was evaluated using Jadad modified scale. Meta-analysis was performed using Review Manager 5.3. Publication bias was assessed using funnel map. Publication bias was tested using Egger tools. Results: A total of 385 literatures were searched, finally 2 randomized controlled trials and 16 retrospective cohort study were included. There were 1521 patients, including 692 in the PG-DT group and 829 in the TG-RY group. The meta-analysis of the enrolled indicators showed that as compared to TG-RYT group, PG-DT group had less intraoperative blood loss (OR=-54.58, 95%CI: -57.77 to -51.38, P<0.001), shorter postoperative exhaust time (OR=-0.21, 95%CI: -0.29 to -0.13, P<0.001), shorter hospitalization time (OR=-0.98, 95%CI: -1.31 to -0.64, P<0.001), less harvested lymph nodes (OR=-6.07, 95%CI: -7.14 to -4.99, P<0.001), lower morbidity of postoperative complication (OR=0.32, 95%CI: 0.24 to 0.43,P<0.001), higher level of postoperative 1-year albumin (OR=1.90, 95%CI: 1.08 to 2.77, P<0.001) and postoperative 1 year hemoglobin (OR=5.07, 95%CI: 2.83 to 7.31, P<0.001). While there were no significant differences in operation time (OR=0.08, 95%CI: -4.24 to 4.39, P=0.97), postoperative feeding time (OR=-0.05, 95%CI: -0.15 to 0.06, P=0.39), 1-year survival after surgery (OR=1.61, 95%CI: 0.69 to 3.75, P=0.27), 3-year survival after surgery (OR=1.31, 95%CI: 0.81 to 2.10, P=0.27) and 5-year survival after surgery (OR=1.50, 95%CI: 0.86 to 2.63, P=0.15) between two groups. Conclusions: PG-DT treatment for upper gastric cancer is safe and feasible. Compared with TG-RY, PG-DT has advantages in intraoperative bleeding, postoperative exhaust time, hospitalization time, morbidity of postoperative complication and postoperative nutritional indicators.

Humans , Anastomosis, Surgical , Gastrectomy , Postoperative Complications , Prospective Studies , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Retrospective Studies , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Treatment Outcome
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936051


A greater controversy remains in clinical diagnosis and treatment of Siewert type II adenocarcinoma of esophagogastric junction (AEG), compared with Siewert type I and III AEG. In 2018, the first edition of Chinese Expert Consensus on the Surgical Treatment for Adenocarcinoma of Esophagogastric Junction was published in the Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. In the past few years, the advance in minimally invasive thoracoscopic surgery has been proven to reduce thoracic trauma in Siewert type II AEG. Meanwhile, distal thoracic esophagectomy can achieve more complete resection, and upper abdomen-right thoracic approach can ensure the mediastinal lymph node dissection and improve long-term survival. The concept and practice of endoscopic surgery and the comprehensive treatment also give new supplements to the treatment regimen of Siewert type II AEG. More clinical researches should be conducted to address the surgical residual safety and lymph node dissection issues.

Humans , Adenocarcinoma/pathology , Esophageal Neoplasms/surgery , Esophagogastric Junction/surgery , Gastrectomy , Lymph Node Excision , Retrospective Studies , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Thoracic Surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936052


The proportion of adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (AEG) in gastric cancer is gradually increasing. Due to the unique anatomical structure and biological characteristics of the tumor at this site, AEG has a certain degree of complexity in many aspects of diagnosis and treatment, which brings difficulties to the operation method, the selection of the resection range, the lymph node dissection and the treatment decision-making. Therefore, AEG has always been the focus of academic debate. With the development of minimally invasive surgery in recent years, laparoscopic technology has been increasingly mature and widely used in the treatment of gastrointestinal tumors. Compared with distal gastric cancer, the minimally invasive treatment of AEG is in a lagging state, and there are also a series of problems that have not yet reached a consensus. This article reviews and summarizes the recent research progress in two aspects: proximal gastrectomy for AEG and lymph node dissection. Laparoscopic-assisted proximal gastrectomy is safe for early proximal gastric cancer and has a long-term survival outcome not inferior to total gastrectomy, but the surgical indications must be strictly selected. Abdominal lymph node metastasis of AEG is mainly in group 1, 2, 3, and 7, and mediastinal lymph node metastasis is closely related to the length of the infiltrated esophagus. The abdominal transhiatal (TH) approach can obtain a sufficient number of harvested lymph node, and has good safety and efficacy, which is the first-choice of surgical approach for early AEG. The results of the CLASS-10 clinical trial can provide a higher level of evidence for laparoscopic mediastinal lymph node dissection. Laparoscopic surgery for AEG should be carried out in experienced medical center based on clinical research.

Humans , Adenocarcinoma/surgery , Esophageal Neoplasms/surgery , Esophagogastric Junction/surgery , Gastrectomy/methods , Laparoscopy/methods , Lymph Node Excision/methods , Lymph Nodes/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery