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Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564861


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess sleep quality and stress level and to analyze their effect on the academic performance of undergraduate dental students. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted among 234 undergraduate dental students at Bhubaneswar. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), consisting of 18 items rated on a 4-point Likert scale, assessed sleep quality. Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) evaluated the stress level. Google Forms collected demographic details and marks obtained in their previous examination. Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis tests, and Spearman correlation coefficient were used for analysis (p≤0.05). Results: Mean PSQI and K10 scores were 4.87±4.5 and 17.60±8.5, respectively. 38% of students had poor sleep quality, and mean actual sleep hours were 8.01±1.7. One-fourth (24.8%) of subjects had moderate to severe stress. Sleep quality significantly differed among the various academic years (p=0.001). A post-hoc test showed a difference between 1st and 2nd-year students and 1st and 4th-year students. A statistically significant difference between genders regarding the components of the K10 scale was observed. A non-significant positive correlation between total marks and K10 score and a negative correlation between marks and global PSQI score was found. Conclusion: Sleep quality and stress harm the academic performance of dental students.

Humans , Male , Female , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Students, Dental , Sleep Quality , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Statistics, Nonparametric , India/epidemiology
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(4)dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559853


Introducción: La pandemia por la COVID-19, en sucesivas olas, puede inducir a trastornos emocionales prolongados de estrés, ansiedad y depresión, con mayor impacto psicológico en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud. Objetivo: Determinar el impacto psicológico y los niveles de depresión, ansiedad y estrés en la cuarta ola pandémica en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud. Métodos: Estudio transversal, realizado en el Perú durante junio a noviembre del 2022. Se incluyeron 418 estudiantes universitarios seleccionados de manera aleatoria. Mediante una encuesta virtual se recogieron variables socioeducativas y religiosas-espirituales; se consideró impacto psicológico cuando el estudiante presentó al menos uno de los trastornos reportados en la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés (DASS-21). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y se evaluaron diferencias con el ji cuadrado. Resultados:De los participantes, el 82,5 por ciento tuvo impacto psicológico; mayores proporciones fueron revelados por los estudiantes de sexo femenino (82,6 por ciento ), ≤ 20 años (86,7 por ciento), estudia y trabaja (83,7 por ciento ), estado civil conviviente (96,0 por ciento ), facultad de obstetricia (88,1por ciento ), ateo (91,7 por ciento ), no participa en actividades religiosas (85,3 por ciento ), no se considera una persona religiosa (83,5 por ciento), ni una persona espiritual (84,6 por ciento ), practica la oración semanal (87,2 por ciento ). La prevalencia de la depresión fue del 63,2 por ciento ; ansiedad 78,5 por ciento y el estrés 48,6 por ciento . Conclusiones:La pandemia, en su cuarta ola, impacta psicológicamente a 8 de cada 10 estudiantes peruanos de ciencias de la salud y los niveles de depresión, ansiedad y estrés son altos(AU)

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic, in successive waves, can induce prolonged emotional disorders of stress, anxiety and depression, with greater psychological impact on health science students. Objective: To determine the psychological impact and levels of depression, anxiety and stress in the fourth pandemic wave in health sciences students. Methods: Cross-sectional study, conducted in Peru, from June to November 2022. It included 418 randomly selected university students. A virtual survey was used to collect socio-educational and religious-spiritual variables; psychological impact was considered when the student presented at least one of the disorders reported in the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). A descriptive analysis was performed and differences were evaluated with chi-square. Results: Of the participants, 82.5 percent had psychological impact; higher proportions were revealed by female students (82.6 percent ), ≤ 20 years old (86.7 percent ), studying and working (83.7percent ), cohabiting marital status (96.0 percent ), obstetrics faculty (88.1 percent ), atheist (91.7 percent ), does not participate in religious activities (85.3 percent ), does not consider herself a religious person (83.5 percent ), does not consider herself a spiritual person (84.6 percent), practices weekly prayer (87.2 percent ). The prevalence of depression was 63.2 percent ; anxiety 78.5 percent and stress 48.6 percent . Conclusions:The fourth wave of the pandemic had a psychological impact on 8 out of 10 Peruvian health science students(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Anxiety/psychology , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Impacts of Polution on Health , Affective Symptoms/psychology , Students, Public Health/psychology , Depression/psychology , Health Sciences/education , Cross-Sectional Studies , Pandemics , COVID-19/psychology
Psico USF ; 28(4): 783-797, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529181


O objetivo desse estudo foi desenvolver um instrumento capaz de avaliar o enfrentamento de pacientes oncológicos. Foram construídos 112 itens que passaram por análise teórica de juízes especialistas e pré-teste com o público-alvo. Os 42 que restaram após essas etapas foram respondidos por 392 pacientes oncológicos. A análise de validade de estrutura interna foi realizada por análise fatorial exploratória. Denominada como Escala de Estratégias de Enfrentamento para Pacientes Oncológicos (E3PO), os resultados indicaram uma estrutura de 20 itens divididos em dois fatores que explicam 36,05% da variância total. Engajamento no Tratamento, 14 itens (confiabilidade composta de 0,83), avalia compromisso orientado para mudança do estressor. Reações Emocionais, seis itens (confiabilidade composta de 0,75), avalia enfrentamento baseado na expressão de sentimentos negativos advindos do estressor. A E3PO pode futuramente auxiliar na elaboração de planos terapêuticos e avaliação de intervenções comportamentais que tenham como foco o desenvolvimento ou melhoramento do enfrentamento ao câncer.(AU)

This study aimed to develop a scale to evaluate coping strategies in cancer patients. Initially, 112 items were created and subjected to theoretical analysis by expert judges, followed by a trial with the target population. After these steps, 42 items remained and were answered by 392 cancer patients. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted to assess the scale's Internal structure validity. The resulting Coping Strategies Scale for Cancer Patients (E3PO) consists of 20 items grouped into two factors, explaining 36.05% of the total variance. The first factor, Treatment Engagement, includes 14 items (with a composite reliability of .83), which measure commitment to addressing the stressor. The second factor, Emotional Reactions, includes six items (with a composite reliability of .75) that evaluate coping based on the expression of negative emotions coming from the stressor. In the future, E3PO may help in the development of therapeutic plans and the evaluation of behavioral interventions aimed at enhancing coping strategies among cancer patients.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar una herramienta para evaluar el afrontamiento de pacientes oncológicos. Se construyeron 112 ítems que fueron sometidos a análisis teórico por parte de jueces especialistas y prueba piloto con la población objetivo. Los 42 ítems restantes tras esta etapa fueron contestados por 392 pacientes oncológicos. El análisis de la validez de la estructura interna se hizo por análisis factorial exploratorio. Denominad Escala de Estrategias de Afrontamiento para Pacientes Oncológicos (E3PO), los resultados señalaron una estructura de 20 ítems divididos en dos factores que explican 36.05% de la varianza total. Compromiso con el Tratamiento con 14 ítems (fiabilidad compuesta .83) evalúa el compromiso orientado hacia el cambio del estresor. Reacciones Emocionales con seis ítems (fiabilidad compuesta .75) evalúa el afrontamiento basado en la expresión de sentimientos negativos derivados del estresor. En el futuro, E3PO puede ser útil en la elaboración de planes terapéuticos y en la evaluación de intervenciones conductuales que se centren en el desarrollo o la mejora del afrontamiento del cáncer.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Adaptation, Psychological , Neoplasms/psychology , Psychometrics , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Interviews as Topic , Surveys and Questionnaires , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Qualitative Research , Emotions , Sociodemographic Factors
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536336


Introducción: El impacto psicológico de la pandemia en la población varía de acuerdo al tipo de afección, por el significado que implica a la persona y sus características. Objetivos: Determinar el riesgo de depresión, ansiedad, estrés y suicidio en pacientes en aislamiento por contacto de casos sospechosos de COVID-19. Métodos: Estudio observacional transversal en pacientes en aislamiento domiciliario por contacto de casos sospechosos de COVID-19, Policlínico José Martí Pérez del municipio Gibara, de noviembre del 2020 a febrero del 2021. El universo fue 417 pacientes, de ellos 399 fue la muestra mediante un muestreo no probabilístico y cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se recolectó a través de test que evaluaron las alteraciones psicológicas. La información recogida fue almacenada en una base de datos, y se procesó mediante la utilización del paquete estadístico SPSS 17. Resultados: Predominaron pacientes aislados por contacto directo (194/48,62 por ciento) y en aislamiento por más a 10 días (203/50,89 por ciento). El ser contacto de cualquier tipo de paciente sospechoso de COVID-19 se relacionó con riesgo de depresión (OR: 1,81; IC 95 por ciento: 1,38-2,38), pero no con la ansiedad (OR: 1,05; IC 95 por ciento 0,88-1,25). El estrés no presentó significación estadística (p = 0,341) en relación al tiempo en aislamiento. La ideación suicida estuvo presente en 25 pacientes, relacionándose con el riesgo de sufrirla (OR: 1,39; IC 95 por ciento: 1,03-1,88) en pacientes contactos directos. Conclusiones: Durante el aislamiento, los pacientes presentaron ansiedad como principal alteración psicológica, al estar en contacto con pacientes positivos de COVID-19. Esta situación se relaciona estrechamente con el riesgo de sufrir depresión y presentar idea suicida(AU)

Introduction: The pandemic's psychological impact of the on the population varies depending on the type of condition, according to the meaning that it implies to the person and its characteristics. Objectives: To determine the risk of depression, anxiety, stress and suicide in patients in isolation due to contact with suspected cases of COVID-19. Methods: A cross-sectional and observational study was carried out with patients in home isolation due to contact with suspected cases of COVID-19. The patients belonged to the Policlínico José Martí Pérez, Gibara Municipality, from November 2020 to February 2021. From a study universe of 417 patients, 399 were selected by nonprobabilistic sampling, apart from the fact that they met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The psychological alterations were evaluated through the application of a test. The collected information was stored in a database and processed using the SPSS 17 statistical package. Results: There was a predominance of patients isolated due to direct contact (194/48, 62 percent) and in isolation for more than 10 days (203/50, 89 percent). Having been in contact with any type of patient suspected of COVID-19 was associated with risk of depression (OR: 1.81; 95 percentI: 1.38-2.38), but not with anxiety (OR: 1.05; 95 percent CI: 0.88-1.25). Stress was not statistically significant (p = 0.341) in relation to the isolation time. Suicidal ideation was present in 25 patients, being related, in patients who were direct contact, to the risk of suffering from the disease (OR: 1.39; 95 percent I: 1.03-1.88). Conclusions: During isolation, patients presented anxiety as the main psychological alteration, since they had been in contact with COVID-19 positive patients. This situation is closely related to the risk of suffering depression and presenting suicidal ideation(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Anxiety/psychology , Suicide/psychology , Depression/psychology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational Study
Rev. méd. Maule ; 38(1): 8-18, jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562292


Migrants in Chile are a group of health users with particular needs, at least in mental health, they are faced with factors that can influence their psyche. Thus, the present work summarized the bibliography available in scientific search engines with the aim of summarizing them and associating them with mental symptoms. From it, it can be deduced that 9 factors can influence this group, among them, acculturation, poor access to health and mistreatment. The consequences of these are summarized in the generation of depressive and anxious symptoms, which are often not treated.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Adaptation, Psychological , Emigrants and Immigrants/psychology , Acculturation , Mental Disorders/psychology , Socioeconomic Factors , Stress, Psychological/ethnology , Chile/ethnology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Mental Disorders/ethnology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982053


OBJECTIVES@#To develop a Chinese version of the Stress Adaption Scale (SAS) and to assess its reliability and validity among Chinese patients with multimorbidity.@*METHODS@#The Brislin model was used to translate, synthesize, back-translate, and cross culturally adapt the SAS. A total of 323 multimorbidity patients selected by convenience sampling method from four hospitals in Zhejiang province. The critical ratio method, total question correlation method, and graded response model (item characteristic curve and item discrimination) were used for item analysis. Cronbach's alpha coefficient and split-half reliability were used for the reliability analysis. Content validity analysis, structural validity analysis, and criterion association validity analysis were performed by expert scoring method, confirmatory factor analysis, and Pearson correlation coefficient method, respectively.@*RESULTS@#The Chinese version of the SAS contained 2 dimensions of resilience and thriving, with a total of 10 items. In the item analysis, the critical ratio method showed that the critical ratio of all items was greater than 3.0 (P<0.001); the correlation coefficient method showed that the Pearson correlation coefficients for all items exceeded 0.4 (P<0.01). The graded response model showed that items of the revised scale exhibited distinct item characteristic curves and all items had discrimination parameters exceeding 1.0. In the reliability analysis, Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the revised Chinese version of the SAS scale was 0.849, and the split-half reliability was 0.873. In the validity analysis, the item-level content validity index and scale-level content validity index both exceeded 0.80. In the confirmatory factor analysis, the revised two-factor model showed satisfactory fit indices (χ2/df=3.115, RMSEA=0.081, RMR=0.046, GFI=0.937, AGFI=0.898, CFI=0.936, TLI=0.915). In the criterion-related validity analysis, the Chinese version of the SAS score was negatively correlated with the Perceived Stress Scale and the Treatment Burden Questionnaire, with correlation coefficients of -0.592 and -0.482, respectively (both P<0.01).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The Chinese version of the SAS has good reliability and validity, which can be used to evaluate the stress adaption capacity among multimorbidity patients in China, and provides a reference for developing individualized health management measures.

Humans , Adaptation, Psychological , Asian People , China , Multimorbidity , Reproducibility of Results , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Translating , Cross-Cultural Comparison
Psico USF ; 28(2): 321-332, Apr.-June 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448907


The expectations imposed on students to achieve good academic performance have continually increased. This study's objective was to explore how career adaptability, psychological capital, and mental health indicators predict student burnout. A total of 1,398 students intending to enter higher education in 2020 participated; most were women from the Southeast. The results indicate that perception of control and resilience protects students from exhaustion, while stress and depression favor its emergence. In addition, the concern, anxiety, optimism, and resilience constructs prevent disengagement, while depression facilitates disengagement to be experienced in daily life. These findings reinforce the relationship between personal resources and well-being in the academic environment. (AU)

A expectativa de bom desempenho acadêmico cresce gradualmente e desenvolver habilidades para lidar com os desafios do período do vestibular se faz cada vez mais importante. O objetivo deste artigo foi explorar como recursos de adaptabilidade de carreira, capital psicológico e indicadores de saúde mental predizem o Burnout de estudantes. Participaram deste estudo 1398 estudantes que visavam ingressar no ensino superior no ano de 2020, sendo maioria mulher e que pertencia à região sudeste. Os resultados indicaram que a percepção de controle e resiliência favorecem ao estudante a não vivenciar a exaustão, bem como o estresse e depressão favorecem o seu surgimento. Construtos de preocupação, ansiedade, otimismo e resiliência evitam o desengajamento e a depressão colabora para que este esteja presente no dia a dia. A partir disso, os achados desta pesquisa enfatizam a relação existente entre recursos pessoais e bem-estar no ambiente dos estudos. (AU)

La expectativa de un buen desempeño académico crece gradualmente y el desarrollo de habilidades para enfrentar desafíos del período vestibular es importante. El objetivo del artículo fue explorar cómo recursos de adaptabilidad a la carrera, Capital Psicológico y indicadores de salud mental predicen Burnout de estudiantes. Participaron 1398 estudiantes con objetivo de ingresar a la educación superior en 2020, la mayoría eran mujeres y pertenecían a región sureste. Resultados indicaron que percepción de control y resiliencia favorecen que el alumno no experimente agotamiento, así como el estrés y la depresión favorecen su aparición. Las construcciones de preocupación, ansiedad, optimismo y resiliencia previenen la desconexión y la depresión ayuda a asegurar que esté presente en la vida cotidiana. A partir de esto, los hallazgos de esta investigación enfatizan la relación entre los recursos personales y el bienestar en el ambiente de estudio. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Resilience, Psychological , Burnout, Psychological/psychology , Anxiety/psychology , Psychometrics , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Students , Career Choice , Mental Health , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Depression/psychology , Optimism , Correlation of Data , Psychological Well-Being/psychology
Estilos clín ; 28(3)2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1552544


No cenário das expressões do sofrimento psíquico contemporâneo, os atos terroristas são recortados como veículos privilegiados da violência urbana, sendo examinados no campo de operação da sublimação, em sua relação com a angústia e com a pulsão de morte, no âmbito da sublimação da agressividade. Impõem-se uma peculiaridade essencial da ocorrência terrorista: seu estatuto de espetáculo, em seu atravessamento pela mídia, destacando-se sua repercussão eminentemente visual. Como a pulsão de saber é tributária de duas pulsões parciais, a pulsão escopofílica e a pulsão de dominação, a exposição recorrente ao fascínio de "ver" remete à capacidade de pensar, potencializando-se a operação de uma das vertentes do arcaico, mais facilmente reativada nessas circunstâncias

En el escenario de las expresiones del sufrimiento psíquico contemporáneo, los actos terroristas se acotan como vehículos privilegiados de la violencia urbana, siendo examinados en el campo en que actúa la sublimación, en su relación con la angustia y la pulsión de muerte, en el ámbito de la sublimación de la agresividad. Es necesario considerar una peculiaridad esencial del acto terrorista: su estatuto de espectáculo en su paso por los medios de comunicación, destacando su repercusión eminentemente visual. Como el pulsión del saber es consecuencia de dos pulsiones parciales, el pulsión escopofilica y el de dominación, la exposición recurrente a la fascinación de "ver" aplaza la capacidad de pensar, potenciando el funcionamiento de una de las vertientes de lo arcaico, más fácilmente reactivada en esas circunstancias

In the scenario of the expressions of contemporary psychic suffering, terrorist acts are limited as privileged vehicles of urban violence, being examined in the field of operation of sublimation, in its relation to anguish and death drive, in the scope of the sublimation of aggressiveness. It ́s required to consider an essential peculiarity of the terrorist occurrence: its status of spectacle, in its crossing by the media, highlighting its eminently visual repercussion. As the drive of knowledge is resulting from two partial drives, the scopophilic drive and the drive of domination, the recurrent exposure to the fascination of "seeing" delays the ability to think, potentiating the operation of one of the archaic sides, more easily reactivated in these circumstances

Dans le scénario des expressions de la souffrance psychique contemporaine, les actes terroristes sont définis comme des véhicules privilégiés de la violence urbaine, étant examinés dans le domaine de l'opération de sublimation, dans sa relation avec l'angoisse et la pulsion de mort, plus précisément, dans le contexte de la sublimation de l'agressivité. Une particularité essentielle de l'événement terroriste s'impose: le statut de spectacle qui lui est conféré, dans son traversée par les médias, dans lequel il se demarque sa répercussion éminemment visuelle. Comme la pulsion de savoir est tributaire de deux pulsions partiels, la pulsion scopophile et la pulsion de domination, l'exposition récurrente à la fascination de «voir¼ nous mener à la capacité même de penser, potentialisant le fonctionnement d'un des aspects de l'archaïque, plus facilement réactivé dans ces circonstances

Politics , Psychoanalysis , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Sublimation, Psychological , Violence , Anxiety
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1521295


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the awareness about COVID-19 among dental patients and determine the association between COVID-19 awareness and perceived stress among dental patients. Material and Methods: A selfadministered knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) questionnaire and perceived stress scale (PSS) were employed to assess the knowledge and attitude among dental patients visiting the outpatient department. A p-value of ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. An independent t-test was used to compare the KAP and PSS scores based on age, gender, occupation and the responses to unscorable questions. Spearman's correlation was employed to assess the association between KAP and PSS scores. Results: The older participants (mean KAP score = 16±2.2), the participants who answered that the Coronavirus outbreak changed their daily routine (mean KAP score = 15.8±2.2) and the participants who answered that they changed their plans due to the Coronavirus outbreak (mean KAP score = 16±2.14) had significantly higher KAP scores when compared to their respective counterparts. The Spearman's correlation value of -0.45 suggested a moderate negative association between the KAP and PSS scores, but this correlation was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The participants had a moderate to good level of knowledge related to COVID-19 and were positive in their approach and outlook on overcoming the pandemic.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Dental Care , COVID-19/drug therapy , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Statistics, Nonparametric , India/epidemiology
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 34: e3440, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528867


ABSTRACT Training monitoring is important in the development process of the athlete. The objective of the study was to characterize the psychophysiological response and physical demands of soccer, basketball, handball, and volleyball with young athletes. The sample consisted of 61 young athletes of both genders and members of team sports, 10 training sessions for each modality were monitored. The psychophysiological responses were monitored by the session rating perception of exertion (Session RPE) and training impulse (TRIMP). The physical demands were, distance covered (DC), DC by speed zone (DC_Z1, DC_Z2, DC_Z3, DC_Z4, DC_Z5), number of sprints, and duration of the session. In addition, the recovery status (TQR) was also collected. Differences were noted between duration (p<0.001), DC_Z1 (p<0.017), DC_Z2 (p<0.05), DC_Z3 (p<0.05), DC_Z4 (p<0.003), DC_Z5 (p < 0.05), sprints (p < 0.001), TRIMP (p<0.02), Session RPE (p<0.05) and TQR (p<0.007). In psychophysiological responses, handball showed more time in zones 4 and 5 than other modalities. According to physical demands, basketball, and handball had a higher number of sprints and also higher values ​​in DP_Z5. Therefore, the simultaneous monitoring of physical demands and psychophysiological responses provides supplementary information in monitoring young athletes.

RESUMO O monitoramento do treinamento é importante no processo de desenvolvimento dos atletas. O objetivo do estudo foi comparar as respostas psicofisiológicas e as demandas físicas de jovens atletas de futebol, basquete, handebol e voleibol. A amostra foi constituída por 61 indivíduos de ambos os gêneros que foram acompanhados ao longo de 10 sessões de treino de cada modalidade em questão. As respostas psicofisiológicas foram monitoradas através da percepção subjetiva de esforço da sessão (PSE da sessão) e o impulso de treinamento (TRIMP). As demandas físicas analisadas foram a distância total percorrida (DP), DP por zona de velocidade (DP_Z1, DP_Z2, DP_Z3, DP_Z4, DP_Z5), número de sprints e a duração das sessões. Além disso, o estado de recuperação (TQR) também foi analisado. Foram observadas diferenças significativas entre a duração das sessões (p<0,001), DP_Z1 (p<0,017), DP_Z2 (p<0,05), DP_Z3 (p<0,05), DP_Z4 (p<0,003), DP_Z5 (p <0,05), número de sprints (p < 0,001), TRIMP (p<0,02), PSE da sessão (p<0,05) e TQR (p<0,007). Nas respostas psicofisiológicas, o handebol apresentou mais tempo nas zonas 4 e 5 em comparação demais modalidades. Nas demandas físicas, o basquete e o handebol apresentaram maior número de sprints e também maiores valores na DP_Z5. Dessa forma, o monitoramento em conjunto das demandas físicas e respostas psicofisiológicas fornecem informações complementares no monitoramento de jovens atletas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Physical Education and Training , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Physical Fitness/physiology , Physical Fitness/psychology , Team Sports , Sports/physiology , Basketball/physiology , Basketball/psychology , Adolescent , Volleyball/physiology , Volleyball/psychology , Athletes , Youth Sports/physiology , Youth Sports/psychology
Rev. med. Chile ; 150(9): 1239-1247, sept. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431889


BACKGROUND: COVID-19 pandemic disturbed mental health of healthcare personnel. Residents of the specialization programs could be at risk, since they were reassigned in their functions. Aim: To describe the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety and resilient coping in residents of Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine MATERIAL AND METHODS: Residents were invited to answer an online survey containing the DASS-21 scale for anxiety, stress and depression symptoms and the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) for resilience skills. RESULTS: Fifty four out of 90 residents answered the survey. Eighteen to 24% of respondents had symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress at severe and extremely severe levels. Those with severe and extremely severe symptoms had also the lowest score on the BRCS resilience scale. We did not find an association between severity of symptoms and gender. Discussion: A proportion of respondent residents had severe psychological symptoms and lower resilience scores during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Health Personnel/psychology , Health Personnel/statistics & numerical data , Pandemics , COVID-19/psychology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Internship and Residency , Mental Disorders/psychology , Mental Disorders/epidemiology , Anxiety/psychology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Stress, Psychological/epidemiology , Severity of Illness Index , Surveys and Questionnaires , Depression/psychology , Depression/epidemiology , Resilience, Psychological
Med. infant ; 29(2): 132-138, Junio 2022. Tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1381872


El programa de Diagnóstico y Tratamiento Fetal (PDTF) coordina y optimiza el cuidado prenatal y perinatal de pacientes que consultan por alguna anomalía congénita severa (ACS). El servicio de Salud Mental forma parte del equipo interdisciplinario. Objetivo:Evaluar mediante indicadores específicos (estrés en torno a la internación neonatal, depresión, ansiedad, afrontamiento y apoyo social percibido) el impacto psicológico del PDTF en madres de recién nacidos (RN) con ACS internados en Neonatología, comparándolas con un grupo de pacientes con las mismas ACS ingresados por derivación posnatal habitual (DP). Diseño: transversal, comparativo. Población: madres de niños y niñas con ACS internados en neonatología, que cumplan con los criterios de admisión, con consentimiento. Instrumentos de medición: Cuestionario de MOS de Apoyo Social Percibido, Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI), Inventario de ansiedad estado/rasgo (STAI), Escala de estrés parental: Unidad de cuidados intensivos (PSS: NICU), Inventario de respuestas de afrontamiento de MOOS (CRI-A). Los datos se analizaron con REDCap y stata 12.0. Resultados: muestra constituida por 83 madres. El 61% tuvo seguimiento en PDTF. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la edad (M:24a), nivel educativo(55% estudios secundarios o superiores), situación de pobreza (25%), situación conyugal(89% en pareja estable), presencia de red de apoyo(95%). En cuanto a su procedencia el 62% de las madres del PDTF y el 81% de DP provenían de CABA y el Conurbano. Tenían diagnóstico prenatal solo el 31% de las DP. Los diagnósticos más prevalentes de los niños del PDTF fueron gastroquisis (37%) y hernia diafragmática (30%), en los niños con DP cardiopatía (22%) y gastroquisis (19%). Las madres del PDTF presentaron menores niveles de depresión que las de DP. Estas últimas fueron quienes aumentaron en mayor medida su estado de ansiedad con respecto a su rasgo habitual. El apoyo social percibido fue alto en ambos grupos al igual que el afrontamiento por aproximación. Conclusiones: Las intervenciones del programa tuvieron un efecto positivo sobre la ansiedad y la depresión en las madres durante la internación neonatal. (AU)

The Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment Program ( FDTP) coordinates and optimizes prenatal and perinatal care of patients who consult for severe congenital anomalies (SCA). The Mental Health Department is part of the interdisciplinary team. Objective: To evaluate by means of specific indicators (stress around Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) admission, depression, anxiety, coping, and perceived social support) the psychological impact of the FDTP on mothers of newborns (NB) with SCA admitted to the NICU compared to a group of patients with the same SCA admitted through regular postnatal referral (PR). Design: cross-sectional, comparative study. Population: mothers of children with SCA admitted to the NICU who met the admission criteria and who signed informed consent. Measurement instruments: MOS Social Support Survey, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), StateTrait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Parental Stressor Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PSS: NICU), Moos Coping Responses Inventory (CRI-A). Data were analyzed using REDCap and Stata 12.0. Results: the sample consisted of 83 mothers. Sixty-one percent were followed up by the FDTP. No significant differences were found in age (M:24y), educational level (55% secondary or higher education), poverty status (25%), marital status (89% in stable relationship), or presence of support network (95%). Regarding their origin, 62% of the FDTP mothers and 81% of the PR mothers came from the city of Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires. Only 31% of the PR children had a prenatal diagnosis. The most prevalent diagnoses in the FDTP children were gastroschisis (37%) and diaphragmatic hernia (30%), and in the PR children, cardiopathy (22%) and gastroschisis (19%). FDTP mothers presented with lower levels of depression than PR mothers. The latter were those who increased their state of anxiety to a greater extent compared to their usual trait. Perceived social support was high in both groups, as was coping by proxy. Conclusions: Program interventions had a positive effect on anxiety and depression in mothers during NICU admission (AU)

Humans , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Prenatal Diagnosis/psychology , Congenital Abnormalities/diagnosis , Congenital Abnormalities/psychology , Adaptation, Psychological , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Mothers/psychology , Anxiety/psychology , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Depression/psychology
Psico USF ; 27(2): 369-380, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1406313


Em sua proposição de analisar a relação entre estressores psicossociais e satisfação no trabalho dos responsáveis pela custódia dos presos no sistema tradicional e na Associação de Proteção e Assistência aos Condenados - APAC, o estudo envolveu 206 participantes, que responderam às escalas para avaliação de estressores psicossociais e de satisfação no trabalho e ao formulário sociodemográfico. Após avaliação das propriedades psicométricas dos instrumentos, análises de regressão hierárquica foram desenvolvidas. Os estressores explicaram a variância da satisfação no trabalho, independentemente do tipo de sistema prisional, que também demonstrou capacidade explicativa, indicando maiores níveis de satisfação laboral no método APAC. Os aspectos intrínsecos ao trabalho foram preditores de todas as dimensões de satisfação, seguidos por falta de suporte social e pressão do grau de responsabilidade. A satisfação com a chefia foi a variável mais sensível aos estressores. Os achados salientam a importância da ambiência psicossocial para o bem ou mal-estar dos trabalhadores. (AU)

In its proposal to analyze the relationship between psychosocial stressors and job satisfaction among correctional officers in the traditional system and Association for Protection and Assistance to Convicts - (APAC), the study included 206 participants, who completed the questionnaires for assessing psychosocial stressors, job satisfaction, and sociodemographic data. Psychometric properties of the instruments were evaluated and hierarchical regression analyses were performed. The stressors explained the variance in job satisfaction levels, regardless of the type of prison system, which also showed explanatory power, indicating higher levels of job satisfaction in the APAC method. Aspects intrinsic to the job itself were predictors of all dimensions of satisfaction, followed by lack of social support and level of responsibility. Satisfaction with management was the most sensitive variable to the stressors addressed. The findings highlight the importance of the psychosocial environment for the workers' well-being. (AU)

En la propuesta de analizar la relación entre los estresores psicosociales y la satisfacción laboral de los agentes responsables de la custodia de los presidiarios en el sistema tradicional y en la Asociación de Asistencia y Protección a los Condenados - APAC, el estudio contó con 206 participantes, que respondieron a las escalas de evaluación de estresores psicosociales y satisfacción laboral y al formulario sociodemográfico. Tras evaluar de las propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos, se desarrollaron análisis de regresión jerárquica. Los factores estresantes explicaron la varianza de la satisfacción laboral, independientemente del tipo de sistema penitenciario, que también demostró capacidad explicativa, indicando mayores niveles de satisfacción laboral en el método APAC. Los aspectos intrínsecos al trabajo fueron predictores de todas las dimensiones de la satisfacción, seguidos de falta de apoyo social y presión del grado de responsabilidad. La satisfacción con la gestión fue la variable más sensible a los factores estresantes. Los hallazgos destacan la importancia del ambiente psicosocial para el bienestar o malestar de los trabajadores. (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Prisons , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Job Satisfaction , Psychometrics , Social Support , Surveys and Questionnaires , Regression Analysis , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Sociodemographic Factors
Rev. cuba. med ; 61(2): e2483, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408988


Introducción: El estrés académico resulta de la confrontación de un individuo con las demandas del medio universitario, lo cual puede producir cambios a nivel neuro-endocrino-inmunológico y generar un estado de inflamación crónica en donde los niveles de proteína C-reactiva aumentan. Objetivo: Determinar los niveles de estrés académico y proteína C-reactiva en estudiantes de medicina y su posible asociación con síndrome metabólico. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte longitudinal que determinó el estrés académico en 68 estudiantes de medicina (41 mujeres y 27 hombres). Se obtuvo información sociodemográfica y clínica de cada estudiante. Se aplicó un cuestionario para la evaluación del estrés académico y se obtuvieron dos muestras de sangre para realizar dos pruebas de proteína C-reactiva de alta sensibilidad en dos tiempos diferentes. Resultados: Pese a que se observaron niveles altos de estrés académico y proteína C-reactiva, no hubo una asociación directa; sin embargo, se encontraron relaciones significativas entre proteína C-reactiva y las variables clínicas, además de un riesgo alto de desarrollar síndrome metabólico. Conclusiones: Se observaron altos niveles de estrés académico asociado a las demandas y exigencias de un programa de medicina con acreditación de alta calidad. Los altos niveles de proteína C-reactiva fueron asociados a los altos niveles de obesidad abdominal, lo que hace que un número significativo de estudiantes se encuentre en riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades cardiovasculares y diabetes mellitus tipo 2, sobre todo aquellos en los que se detectó prehipertensión. No se encontró una relación significativa entre el estrés académico y los niveles de proteína C-reactiva(AU)

Introduction: Academic stress results from the confrontation of an individual with the demands of the university environment, which can produce changes at the neuro-endocrine-immunological level and generate a state of chronic inflammation where the levels of C-reactive protein increase. Objective: To determine the levels of academic stress and C-reactive protein in medical students and their possible association with metabolic syndrome. Methods: A longitudinal descriptive observational study was conducted to determine academic stress in 68 medical students (41 women and 27 men). Sociodemographic and clinical information was obtained from each student. A questionnaire was applied to assess academic stress and two blood samples were obtained to perform two high-sensitivity C-reactive protein tests at two different times. Results: Although high levels of academic stress and C-reactive protein were observed, there was no direct association; however, significant relationships were found between C-reactive protein and clinical variables, in addition to a high risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Conclusions: High levels of academic stress associated with the demands and requirements of a medicine program with high quality accreditation were observed. High levels of C-reactive protein were associated with high levels of abdominal obesity, which means that a significant number of students are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus, especially those in whom prehypertension was detected. No significant relationship was found between academic stress and C-reactive protein levels(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Stress, Psychological/psychology , C-Reactive Protein/drug effects , Metabolic Syndrome/epidemiology , Education, Medical , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Longitudinal Studies , Colombia , Observational Study
Rev. Psicol., Divers. Saúde ; 11(1)jan. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377559


INTRODUÇÃO: Variáveis como depressão, ansiedade, estresse e qualidade de vida oferecem indicativos de saúde e doença de jovens, estudantes em fase de formação profissional, uma vez que representam quatro das dez principais causas de incapacidade no mundo. OBJETIVO GERAL: Avaliar e correlacionar a presença de sinais e sintomas de depressão, ansiedade, estresse e qualidade de vida de universitários de duas instituições, sendo uma pública e outra privada; OBJETIVOS: a) Caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico; b) Avaliar sintomas de depressão, sinais de ansiedade e estresse e qualidade de vida geral; c) correlacionar as variáveis qualidade de vida, sinais e sintomas de ansiedade, depressão e estresse. MÉTODO: Pesquisa de cunho quantitativo. Para coleta de dados foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: questionário de dados socioeconômicos e culturais; WHOQOL Breve e EADS ­ Escala de Depressão, Ansiedade e Estresse. Os dados foram avaliados estatisticamente com auxílio do Programa SPSS­ versão 2.0 para Windows. RESULTADOS: Participaram da pesquisa 570 Universitários, 344 estudantes da Instituição Privada e 226 da Instituição Pública, dos gêneros feminino e masculino, entre 16 e 55 anos. Os resultados revelaram que não houve diferença significativa na qualidade de vida nos domínios Psicológico e Social de ambas as Instituições. Os domínios mais afetados, ou seja, aquele, em que os universitários encontram mais prejuízo é no que se referem ao domínio Físico e Meio Ambiente de ambas as Instituições. CONCLUSÃO: Assim sendo, observa-se que os estudantes obtiveram um grau leve de estresse, depressão e ansiedade em ambas as instituições. Ao correlacionar os domínios de qualidade de vida e as variáveis: ansiedade, depressão e estresse, observou-se que quanto maior a depressão, menor a qualidade de vida nos domínios psicológico e ambiental. A partir dos resultados, sugerem-se estudos mais aprofundados.

INTRODUCTION: Variables such as depression, anxiety, stress, and quality of life offer indicators of health and illness in young students undergoing professional training, as they represent four of the ten main causes of disability in the world. General. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the correlation of the presence of signs and symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, and quality of life of university students from two institutions, one public, and one private. OBJECTIVES: a) Characterize the socio-demographic profile; b) Assess symptoms of depression, signs of anxiety and stress, assess general quality of life; c) correlate the variables quality of life, signs, and symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress. METHOD: Quantitative research. The following instruments were used for data collection: socioeconomic and cultural data questionnaire; Brief WHOQOL and EADS ­ Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale Data were statistically evaluated using the SPSS Program ­ version 2.0 for Windows. RESULTS: 570 university students, 344 students from private and 226 from the public, male and female, aged between 16 and 55, participated in the research. The results revealed no significant difference in the quality of life in both institutions' Psychological and Social domains. The most affected domains, that is, the ones in which university students find the most damage, are related to both institutions' physical and Environmental domains. CONCLUSION: Therefore, it is observed that students obtained a mild degree of stress, depression, and anxiety in both institutions. When correlating the domains of quality of life and the variables: anxiety, depression, and stress, it was observed that the greater the depression, the lower the quality of life in the psychological and environmental domains. From the results, further studies are suggested

NTRODUCCIÓN: Variables como depresión, ansiedad, estrés y calidad de vida ofrecen indicadores de salud y enfermedad en jóvenes estudiantes en formación profesional, ya que representan cuatro de las diez principales causas de discapacidad en el mundo. OBJETIVO GENERAL: Evaluar y correlacionar la presencia de signos y síntomas de depresión, ansiedad, estrés y calidad de vida en estudiantes universitarios de dos instituciones, una pública y otra privada; OBJETIVOS: a) Caracterizar el perfil sociodemográfico; b) Evaluar síntomas de depresión, signos de ansiedad y estrés y calidad de vida en general; c) correlacionar las variables calidad de vida, signos y síntomas de ansiedad, depresión y estrés. MÉTODO: Investigación cuantitativa. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos: cuestionario de datos socioeconómicos y culturales; Los datos breves de WHOQOL y EADS - Depresión, Ansiedad and Escala de Estrés se evaluaron estadísticamente utilizando el programa SPSS - versión 2.0 para Windows. RESULTADOS: La encuesta incluyó a 570 estudiantes universitarios, 344 estudiantes de la Institución Privada y 226 de la Institución Pública, hombres y mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre los 16 y 55 años. Los resultados revelaron que no hubo diferencia significativa en la calidad de vida en los dominios Psicológico y Social de ambas instituciones. Los dominios más afectados, es decir, aquél en el que los estudiantes universitarios encuentran más daño está relacionado con el dominio Físico y Ambiental de ambas Instituciones. CONCLUSIÓN: Por lo tanto, se observa que los estudiantes obtuvieron un grado leve de estrés, depresión y ansiedad en ambas instituciones. Al correlacionar los dominios de calidad de vida y las variables: ansiedad, depresión y estrés, se observó que, a mayor depresión, menor calidad de vida en los dominios psicológico y ambiental. A partir de los resultados, se sugieren más estudios.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Anxiety/psychology , Quality of Life/psychology , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Students/psychology , Depression/psychology , Universities , Public Sector , Private Sector , Sociodemographic Factors
Singapore medical journal ; : 140-146, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927274


INTRODUCTION@#Unmet psychosocial concerns are associated with emotional distress among cancer patients. This longitudinal study aimed to identify specific psychosocial concern profiles and trajectories of emotional distress, and examine their association among newly diagnosed adult cancer patients across the first year of diagnosis.@*METHODS@#Adult patients aged 21-64 years were screened to determine their eligibility for this study. Psychosocial concerns and psychological distress were measured using the Problem List and the Distress Thermometer, respectively (n = 221). Latent transition mixture analysis was used to determine specific psychosocial concern profiles and trajectories of emotional distress, and examine associations with adjustments made for demographic and medical variables.@*RESULTS@#Two classes of psychosocial concerns were identified: low (81%) and high (19%) concerns. Two trajectories of distress were identified: low stable (69%) and high stable (31%) trajectories. Patients in the high concerns class were significantly more likely to demonstrate the high stable trajectory of distress.@*CONCLUSION@#Our findings highlight the importance of concurrent assessment of multiple psychosocial concerns and screening of emotional distress throughout a cancer patient's treatment journey. Such assessments can effectively guide interventions to address individual concerns and alleviate emotional distress among newly diagnosed cancer patients.

Adult , Humans , Emotions , Longitudinal Studies , Neoplasms/psychology , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Visual Analog Scale
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 33: e3321, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386002


ABSTRACT The present study estimate the prevalence of negative self-rated health and to analyze its association with simultaneous risk behaviors (insufficient levels of physical activity, greater exposure to sedentary time and inappropriate sleep time) in students at a public university in the state from Minas Gerais, Brazil. It consists of cross-sectional study, with data collected through a questionnaire. The outcome variable was negative self-rated health. The independent variables were estimated by the questions related to the time spent on physical activity, sitting and sleep time, and these three behaviors were considered according to the risk criteria (none, one, two and three risk behaviors). The association was estimated by the Prevalence Ratios (PR), via Poisson regression. 1,110 students participated in the study. The prevalence of negative self-rated health among university students was 47.3%, and the prevalence of two risk behaviors and three risk behaviors were 41.3% and 11.3%, respectively. The simultaneous occurrence of three risk behaviors was associated with negative self-rated health in university students. The information in this study makes it possible to characterize the need for actions to promote health in the university environment.

RESUMO O presente estudo estimou a prevalência da autoavaliação de saúde negativa e analisou a sua associação com comportamentos de risco simultâneos (níveis insuficientes de atividade física, maior exposição ao tempo sedentário e tempo de sono não apropriado) em estudantes de uma universidade pública do ensino superior do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Consiste de um estudo transversal, com informações mensuradas via questionário e a variável desfecho foi a autoavaliação de saúde negativa. As variáveis independentes foram estimadas pelas perguntas referentes ao tempo despendido em: atividade física, tempo sentado e tempo de sono, e esses três comportamentos foram somados conforme os critérios de risco (nenhum, um, dois e três fatores de risco). A associação foi estimada pelas Razões de Prevalências (RP), via regressão de Poisson. Participaram do estudo 1.110 estudantes. A prevalência da autoavaliação de saúde negativa entre os universitários foi de 47,3%, e as prevalências de dois fatores de risco e de três fatores de risco foram de 41,3% e 11,3%, respectivamente. A ocorrência de forma simultânea de três fatores de risco mostrou-se associada com a autoavaliação de saúde negativa em universitários. As informações deste estudo possibilitam caracterizar a necessidade de ações na promoção de saúde no ambiente universitário.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Risk-Taking , Students , Health Status , Risk Factors , Self-Testing , Physical Education and Training , Sleep , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Universities/organization & administration , Exercise , Body Mass Index , Cholesterol , Public Health/education , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Sedentary Behavior , Smokers/statistics & numerical data , Sitting Position , Health Promotion , Life Style
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 22: e200246, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1386808


Abstract Objective: To assess the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on levels of anxiety, stress, and orofacial pain in individuals with and without TMD. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the participants were divided into two groups (n=10, each) experimental group (EG) TMD patients and control group (CG), without TMD. The presence of TMD was confirmed using the RDC/TMD. The Beck Anxiety Scale (BAI), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and Oral Analog Scale were used for assessment. The Beck Anxiety Scale is composed of 21 multiple-choice questions describing symptoms of anxiety, while the PSS is a measure that evaluates life situations as stressful. An Oral Analogue Scale was applied to each individual to quantify orofacial pain, with 0 (zero) without pain and 10 (ten) being the worst pain ever felt. The comparison between groups was performed using the Mann-Whitney test. Logistic regression was used to verify TMD dependence in relation to BAI and PSS-10. Quantitative variables were correlated with each other by Pearson's correlation coefficient. The level of significance considered for all tests was 5%. Results: The association was statistically significant (p≤0.05) for BAI and PSS with a TMD. Conclusion: Although the COVID 19 pandemic has had a psychological impact on the general population, patients with TMD have higher levels of anxiety and stress than the control group.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Anxiety/psychology , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/pathology , Risk Factors , COVID-19/transmission , Social Isolation/psychology , Logistic Models , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Statistics, Nonparametric
Rev Rene (Online) ; 23: e71879, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1376106


RESUMO Objetivo analisar a associação entre o estresse e depressão em estudantes universitários da saúde. Métodos estudo transversal realizado com 792 estudantes universitários da saúde. O instrumento de pesquisa consistiu: caracterização dos estudantes; Inventário de Depressão de Beck versão II e Escala de Estresse Percebido. Empregaram-se análise de frequência absoluta e relativa, média, desvio-padrão, mediana, intervalo interquartil, e estatística analítica. Resultados observou-se associação entre a depressão e o estresse (p<0,001) bem como correlação forte entre eles (r=0,731; p<0,001). Em alto nível de estresse encontraram-se 9,5% dos estudantes e, em moderada a grave intensidade de sintomas comuns de depressão, 23,6% dos mesmos. Conclusão percebeu-se diferença nas médias entre os níveis de depressão e estresse, em que quanto maior o nível de depressão maior a média do estresse. Contribuições para a prática: o estresse está relacionado com a depressão em estudantes universitários da saúde, os quais, após a conclusão da graduação, podem entrar no mercado de trabalho já adoecidos, o que traz implicações para as relações interpessoais, saúde do trabalhador e segurança do paciente. Isso possibilita às instituições de ensino superior uma reflexão acerca da organização de práticas e políticas de intervenções para a redução do estresse e depressão entre os estudantes.

ABSTRACT Objective to analyze the association between stress and depression in university health students. Methods cross-sectional study conducted with 792 university health students. The research instrument consisted of characterization of the students, Beck Depression Inventory version II and the Perceived Stress Scale. Absolute and relative frequency analysis, mean, standard deviation, median, interquartile range, and analytical statistics were used. Results an association between depression and stress was observed (p<0.001) as well as a strong correlation between them (r=0.731; p<0.001). In high level of stress 9.5% of the students were found and in moderate to severe intensity of common symptoms of depression, 23.6% of them. Conclusion a difference was noticed in the averages between the levels of depression and stress, in that the higher the level of depression, the higher the average stress. Contributions to practice: stress is related to depression in university health students, who, after graduation, may enter the labor market already sick, which brings implications for interpersonal relationships, worker health and patient safety. This enables higher education institutions to reflect on the organization of practices and intervention policies for the reduction of stress and depression among students.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Students, Health Occupations/psychology , Depression/psychology , Universities , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 30: e3555, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1376956


Resumo Objetivo avaliar indicadores de sofrimento e prazer em trabalhadores de saúde na linha de frente do cuidado aos casos suspeitos ou confirmados de COVID-19. Método estudo exploratório, analítico, transversal, com abordagem quantitativa. A amostra estudada foi constituída por 437 profissionais da saúde convidados por meio eletrônico, que responderam ao questionário sobre informações sociodemográfica, aspectos ocupacionais e condições clínicas. Foram considerados como desfechos o sofrimento e o prazer no trabalho, os quais foram analisados com regressão logística multinomial quanto às variáveis independentes associadas. Resultados a maioria dos participantes era do sexo feminino (71,0%), enfermeira (55,6%), com jornada de trabalho semanal de 40 horas ou mais (75,8%); 61,6% dos participantes estavam em sofrimento mental. As características psicossociais do trabalho de alta exigência e de baixo apoio social foram informadas, respectivamente, por 23,8% e 52,9% dos participantes. Na análise múltipla, o sofrimento e a falta de prazer no trabalho estiveram associados com a alta exigência no trabalho, baixo apoio dos colegas de trabalho e sofrimento mental. A profissão também está associada ao sofrimento no trabalho. Conclusão o sofrimento e a falta de prazer no trabalho estão associados às características ocupacionais e ao desgaste mental entre trabalhadores da saúde no cenário da COVID-19.

Abstract Objective to evaluate distress and pleasure indicators in health care workers on the front line of care for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases. Method an exploratory, analytical and cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. The studied sample consisted of 437 health professionals invited by electronic means, who answered the questionnaire on sociodemographic information, occupational aspects and clinical conditions. Distress and pleasure at work were considered as outcomes, which were analyzed with multinomial logistic regression regarding the associated independent variables. Results Most of the participants were female (71.0%), nurses (55.6%), with a weekly working shift of 40 hours or more (75.8%); 61.6% of the participants suffered from mental distress. The psychosocial characteristics of high-strain work and low social support were reported by 23.8% and 52.9% of the participants, respectively. In the multiple analysis, distress and lack of pleasure at work were associated with high job strain, low support from co-workers and mental distress. The profession is also associated with distress at work. Conclusion distress and lack of pleasure at work are associated with occupational characteristics and mental strain among health care workers in the COVID-19 scenario.

Resumen Objetivo evaluar indicadores de sufrimiento y placer en trabajadores de la salud en la primera línea de atención de casos sospechosos o confirmados de COVID-19. Método estudio exploratorio, analítico, transversal con enfoque cuantitativo. La muestra estudiada estuvo conformada por 437 profesionales de la salud invitados por medios electrónicos, que respondieron el cuestionario sobre información sociodemográfica, aspectos ocupacionales y condiciones clínicas. Se consideraron como resultados el sufrimiento y el placer en el trabajo, que fueron analizados con regresión logística multinomial en cuanto a las variables independientes asociadas. Resultados la mayoría de los participantes era de sexo femenino (71,0%), enfermera (55,6%), tenía una jornada laboral semanal de 40 horas o más (75,8%); el 61,6% de los participantes presentaban sufrimiento mental. En cuanto a las características psicosociales del trabajo, los participantes lo consideraron de alta exigencia y bajo apoyo social, 23,8% y 52,9% respectivamente. En el análisis múltiple, la angustia y la falta de placer en el trabajo se asociaron con una alta exigencia laboral, poco apoyo de los compañeros de trabajo y sufrimiento mental. La profesión también está asociada al sufrimiento en el trabajo. Conclusión el sufrimiento y la falta de placer en el trabajo se asocian con características ocupacionales y el agotamiento mental en los trabajadores de la salud en el escenario del COVID-19.

Humans , Male , Female , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Stress, Psychological/epidemiology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Pleasure , Psychological Distress , COVID-19/epidemiology , Nurses