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Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1516674


Objetivo: analisar as cirurgias suspensas, realizando previsões futuras de três meses, a partir de outubro de 2022, através de um gráfico de linhas utilizando o software Power BI®. Método: se utilizou a técnica de médias moveis ponderada, alisamento exponencial simples, utilizando a ferramenta gráfico de linhas do Power BI®, com intervalo de confiança de 95% e previsões de três meses. Resultados: os resultados demostraram que existem diferentes etapas para construir previsões e alguns pré-requisitos devem ser preenchidos, foram encontradas as seguintes previsões com seus respectivos intervalos de confiança novembro 134(97,172), dezembro 141(102,180), janeiro 147(106.188). Conclusão: a utilização de previsões pode ser uma ferramenta útil para a tomada de decisão, prever problemas e sempre necessário na gestão de um hospital, podendo até suprimir gastos se antecipando a uma variedade de problemas.

Objective: to analyze the suspended surgeries, making future predictions of three months, starting in October 2022, through a line graph using the Power BI software. Method: we used the technique of weighted moving averages, simple exponential smoothing, using the Power BI® line graph tool, with a confidence interval of 95% and predictions of three months. Results: the results showed that there are different steps to construct predictions and some prerequisites must be fulfilled, the following predictions were found with their respective confidence intervals: November 134 (97,172), December 141 (102,180), January 147 (106,188). Conclusion: the use of forecasts can be a useful tool for decision making, predicting problems and always necessary in the management of a hospital, and can even suppress expenses in anticipation of a variety of problems.

Objetivos:analizar las cirugías suspendidas, haciendo predicciones futuras de tres meses, a partir de octubre de 2022, a través de un gráfico lineal utilizando el software Power BI®. Método: se utilizó la técnica de medias móviles ponderadas, suavizado exponencial simple, utilizando la herramienta de gráfico de líneas de Power BI®, con un intervalo de confianza del 95% y predicciones de tres meses. Resultados: los resultados mostraron que existen diferentes pasos para construir predicciones y se deben cumplir algunos requisitos previos, se encontraron las siguientes predicciones con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza: noviembre 134 (97,172), diciembre 141 (102,180), enero 147 (106,188). Conclusión: el uso de pronósticos puede ser una herramienta útil para la toma de decisiones, predicción de problemas y siempre necesaria en la gestión de un hospital, e incluso puede suprimir gastos en previsión de una variedad de problemas.

Personnel Administration, Hospital , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Software/trends , Health Expenditures/statistics & numerical data
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(3): 1106-1122, 2023.
Article in French | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425438


Objetivo: caracterizar os indicadores bibliométricos da produção científica disponível em periódicos online que abordam a ansiedade no período pré-operatório. Método: Trata-se de uma análise bibliométrica descritiva com abordagem quantitativa de base documental. Para a busca utilizou-se sete bases de dados, com os descritores "ansiedade" e "período pré-operatório". Realizado análise estatística descritiva simples. Resultados: Foram encontrados 10224 artigos e após análises 148 artigos constituíram-se a amostra do estudo. Conclusão: Os indicadores bibliométricos indicam que a produção científica acerca da ansiedade pré-operatória destaca-se no âmbito nacional e internacional, tendo portanto, predomínio as publicações nacionais no idioma inglês, com sistema de produção em coautoria; o Brasil, os EUA e a Turquia foram os países que mais publicaram, sendo a grande maioria no cenário acadêmico das universidades brasileiras. As publicações foram realizadas por diferentes áreas do conhecimento, com destaque para as áreas médica e de enfermagem, o que indica um caráter interdisciplinar acerca da temática.

Objective: to characterize the bibliometric indicators of science available in online journals that address anxiety in the preoperative period. Method: This is a descriptive bibliometric analysis with a document-based quantitative approach. For the search, seven databases were used, with the descriptors "anxiety" and "preoperative period". Simple descriptive statistical analysis. Results: 10224 articles were found and after analysis 148 articles constituted the study sample. Conclusion: The bibliometric indicators indicate that the scientific production about pre-surgical anxiety stands out at the national and international level, having, therefore, domain of national publications in the English language, with a co-authorship production system; Brazil, the USA and Turkey were the countries that published the most, with the vast majority in the academic scenario of Brazilian universities. The publications were carried out by different areas of knowledge, with emphasis on the medical and nursing areas, which indicates an interdisciplinary character regarding the theme.

Objetivo: Caracterizar los indicadores bibliométricos de la producción científica disponible en revistas online que abordan la ansiedad en el periodo preoperato- rio. Método: Se trata de un análisis bibliométrico descriptivo con un enfoque cuantitativo de base documental. Para a busca utilizou-se sete bases de dados, com os descritores "an- siedade" e "período pré-operatório". Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo simple. Resultados: Fueron encontrados 10224 artículos y después del análisis 148 artículos con- stituyeron la muestra del estudio. Conclusión: Los indicadores bibliométricos indican que la producción científica sobre ansiedad preoperatoria se destaca nacional e internacional- mente, con predominio, por lo tanto, de publicaciones nacionales en inglés, con sistema de producción en coautoría; Brasil, EE.UU. y Turquía fueron los países que más publica- ron, y la gran mayoría en el ámbito académico de universidades brasileñas. Las publica- ciones fueron realizadas por diferentes áreas del conocimiento, especialmente las áreas médica y de enfermería, lo que indica un carácter interdisciplinario sobre el tema.

Preoperative Period , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Health-Disease Process , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Bibliometrics
Rev. argent. cir ; 114(4): 307-316, oct. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1422943


RESUMEN Antecedentes: la pandemia por COVID-19 generó importantes cambios en la atención y tratamiento de los pacientes quirúrgicos. Objetivo: los objetivos de este estudio fueron comparar los volúmenes de prestaciones realizadas durante un año de pandemia con un período igual sin pandemia, proyectar su impacto asistencial e institucional, y comparar pacientes COVID+ versus COVID- para determinar complicaciones posoperatorias, mortalidad y los factores de riesgo asociados a estos eventos. Material y métodos: estudio observacional y retrospectivo. Comparamos el volumen de prestaciones realizadas entre el 19/3/20 y el 18/3/21 con idéntico período de 2019/20. Efectuamos un estudio de cohorte emparejada (2:1) entre los pacientes con COVID-19 y sin él y se analizaron las complicaciones posoperatorias, la mortalidad, y doce variables objetivas como factores de riesgo asociados. Resultados: todas las variables prestacionales analizadas disminuyeron, pero solo las internaciones programadas y las cirugías y endoscopias no urgentes cayeron significativamente. De los 979 ingresos, 41 casos fueron COVID+ (4,1%). La mortalidad fue del 29,2% en COVID+ (12/41) vs. 7,3% en COVID- (6/82) P = 0,021. Los factores de riesgo significativos asociados a mortalidad fueron: edad ≥ 75 años, hombres, COVID+, urgencias, neumonía, requerimiento de UTI y ARM. Los pacientes operados presentaron una tasa significativamente mayor de neumonías. El análisis de regresión logística (COVID+ vs. -) mostró que por ser COVID+ y registrar la necesidad de ARM, como variables determinantes, en los COVID+ solo la ARM fue determinante en la mortalidad. Conclusión: la pandemia por COVID-19 disminuyó la actividad prestacional y aumentó la mortalidad de los afectados por la virosis.

ABSTRACT Background: The COVID-19 pandemic produced significant changes in the care and treatment of surgical patients. Objectives: The aims of this study were to compare the volume of services provided during a year of pandemic with an equal period without pandemic, estimate its impact on health care and institutional care, and compare COVID-positive versus COVID-negative patients to determine postoperative complications, mortality and risk factors associated with these events. Material and methods: We conducted an observational and retrospective study, comparing the volume of services performed between March 19, 2020, and March 18, 2021, with the same period in 2019/2020. We performed a matched cohort study (in a 2:1 ratio) between patients with and without COVID-19 and analyzed the postoperative complications, mortality, and twelve objective variables as associated risk factors. Results: There was a significant decrease in planned hospitalizations and non-urgent surgeries and endoscopies, while all the other variables showed a non-significant reduction. Of the 979 admissions, 41 corresponded to COVID-positive patients (4.1%). Mortality was 29.2% in COVID-positive patients (12/41) vs. 7.3%% in those COVID negative (p = 0.021). The significant risk factors associated with mortality were age ≥75 years, male sex, COVID+, emergencies, pneumonia, requirement of ICU and MV. Patients operated on had a significantly higher rate of pneumonia. Logistic regression analysis between COVID+ patients and COVID- patients showed that COVID+ and need for MV were predictors of mortality. In COVID+ patients, only MV was a determinant of mortality. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic reduced healthcare services and increased mortality in patients infected with the virus.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Postoperative Complications , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Mortality , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Laparoscopy/statistics & numerical data , Endoscopy/statistics & numerical data , COVID-19 , Laparotomy/statistics & numerical data
Rev. argent. cir ; 114(4): 317-327, oct. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1422944


RESUMEN Antecedentes: los sistemas de salud del mundo se han visto afectados en su lucha contra el COVID-19, generando efectos negativos tanto en la actividad asistencial como en la formación de los residentes. Suspender cirugías electivas, disminuir la participación de residentes en quirófano y otros cambios estructurales de los hospitales determinó que los residentes de cirugía experimenten un marcado déficit educacional en su formación. Material y métodos: modalidad observacional y transversal. Se realizó una encuesta anónima online de 20 preguntas a residentes de cirugía de la Argentina. Se confeccionó una base de datos para el análisis estadístico. Se valoraron variables categóricas y numéricas. Resultados: se recibieron 100 respuestas de la encuesta en la que se identificó predominio de residentes de instituciones públicas. Se calculó un descenso del 63% en la cantidad de cirugías en las que participaron los residentes durante la pandemia. El 77% usó plataformas virtuales para remediar el impacto en las instancias de formación académica. El 57% de los encuestados cuentan con programas de simulación quirúrgica en su hospital. La mayoría experimentó consecuencias negativas en sus habilidades quirúrgicas y en su formación durante la pandemia, pero se identificaron diferencias entre el grupo que dispone de simulación quirúrgica y el que no. Conclusión: para resolver el déficit educativo que generó la pandemia por COVID-19, y como medida para potenciar el aprendizaje de habilidades quirúrgicas en situaciones normales, este estudio recomendaría contar con programas de simulación quirúrgica y fomentar el uso de plataformas virtuales como herramienta de formación académica.

ABSTRACT Background: Health systems worldwide have been affected in their fight against COVID-19, generating negative effects on both healthcare activity and training of residents. Cancellation of elective surgeries, less participation of residents in the operating room and other structural changes in the hospitals resulted in an educational gap in the training of residents in surgery. Material and methods: We conducted an observational and cross-sectional study. A 20-question online survey was conducted among residents in surgery from Argentina. A database was created for statistical analysis of categorical and continuous variables. Results: The survey was responded by 100 residents in surgery; most of them belonged to public institutions. There was a 63% decrease in the number of surgeries in which the residents participated during the pandemic. Seventy-seven percent used virtual platforms to mitigate the impact on academic training and 57% count with surgical simulation programs in their hospitals. Most of them experienced negative consequences on their surgical skills and training during the pandemic, but there were differences identified between the group with and without surgical simulation programs. Conclusion: The availability of surgical simulation programs and the use of virtual platforms as an academic training tool could solve the educational gap generated by the COVID-19 pandemic and enhance the learning of surgical skills under normal conditions.

General Surgery/education , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Internship and Residency/statistics & numerical data , Argentina , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education, Distance , High Fidelity Simulation Training , COVID-19 , Medical Staff, Hospital/psychology
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 862-877, set-dez. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399484


O acesso limitado do atendimento ao trauma aumenta proporcionalmente à ruralidade, refletindo em uma maior mortalidade e invalidez a longo prazo. A pesquisa objetivou identificar os desfechos de pacientes internados por trauma em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva, acometidos em ambientes rurais. Trata-se de um estudo transversal observacional realizado em uma UTI geral de um hospital da região central do Estado do Paraná entre 2013 a 2019, através da análise de prontuários de 230 pacientes traumatizados em ambiente rural. Os dados foram analisados por meio de testes de Qui-quadrado de Pearson, exato de Fisher ou t de Student. Dentre os desfechos identificados, observou-se associação do sexo feminino com as comorbidades (p=0,024), das regiões mais afetadas de cabeça, pescoço e tórax com a gravidade do trauma (p=0,001), além de variáveis do primeiro atendimento, como suporte respiratório básico, PAS <90mmHg e Glasgow associados à pacientes cirúgicos e pupilas alteradas em pacientes clínicos. Para o desfecho, observou-se que as médias do tempo de permanência hospitalar foi significativamente menor para aqueles que foram a óbito. As características apresentadas assemelham-se às informações mencionadas na literatura, em que as lesões graves com a necessidade de intervenção cirúrgica e maior tempo de permanência hospitalar estão associados ao óbito em traumas rurais. Contudo, o trauma no ambiente rural, apesar de não refletir nem sempre em maior gravidade, apresenta desfechos impactantes para o paciente.

Limited access to trauma care increases proportionally to rurality, reflecting higher mortality and long-term disability. The research aimed to identify the outcomes of patients hospitalized for trauma in Intensive Care Units, affected in rural environments. This is an observational cross-sectional study carried out in a general ICU of a hospital in the central region of the State of Paraná between 2013 and 2019, through the analysis of medical records of 230 trauma patients in a rural environment. Data were analyzed using Pearson's chi-square, Fisher's exact or Student's t tests. Among the outcomes identified, there was an association between female sex and comorbidities (p=0.024), the most affected regions of the head, neck and chest with the severity of the trauma (p=0.001), in addition to variables of the first care, such as basic respiratory support, SBP <90mmHg and Glasgow associated with surgical patients and altered pupils in medical patients. For the outcome, it was observed that the average length of hospital stay was significantly lower for those who died. The characteristics presented are similar to the information mentioned in the literature, in which serious injuries requiring surgical intervention and longer hospital stays are associated with death in rural traumas. However, trauma in the rural environment, although not always reflecting greater severity, has impacting outcomes for the patient.

El acceso limitado a la atención traumatológica aumenta proporcionalmente a la ruralidad, lo que se refleja en una mayor mortalidad y discapacidad a largo plazo. La investigación tenía como objetivo identificar los resultados de los pacientes ingresados por traumatismos en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, afectados en entornos rurales. Se trata de un estudio observacional transversal realizado en una UCI general de un hospital de la región central del Estado de Paraná entre 2013 y 2019, a través del análisis de las historias clínicas de 230 pacientes lesionados en el medio rural. Los datos se analizaron mediante las pruebas de chi-cuadrado de Pearson, exacta de Fisher o t de Student. Entre los resultados identificados, el sexo femenino se asoció con las comorbilidades (p=0,024), las regiones más afectadas de la cabeza, el cuello y el tórax con la gravedad del traumatismo (p=0,001), además de las variables de los primeros cuidados, como la asistencia respiratoria básica, la PAS <90mmHg y el Glasgow asociado a los pacientes quirúrgicos y las pupilas alteradas en los pacientes clínicos. En cuanto al resultado, se observó que la duración media de la estancia hospitalaria fue significativamente menor para los que murieron. Las características presentadas son similares a la información mencionada en la literatura, en la que las lesiones graves con necesidad de intervención quirúrgica y mayor estancia hospitalaria se asocian a la muerte en el trauma rural. Sin embargo, el traumatismo en el medio rural, a pesar de no reflejar siempre una mayor gravedad, presenta resultados impactantes para el paciente.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Wounds and Injuries/diagnosis , Rural Areas , Inpatients/statistics & numerical data , Intensive Care Units/statistics & numerical data , Length of Stay/statistics & numerical data , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Medical Records/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Hospitals/statistics & numerical data
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(3): 307-313, jun. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388817


Resumen Introducción: La pandemia de coronavirus, iniciada en Wuhan el año 2019, ha trastocado al mundo y afectado profundamente a la actividad quirúrgica al restringir el número de intervenciones en forma dramática, después de los reportes iniciales de mortalidad posoperatoria sobre el 20% en pacientes operados portadores de COVID. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar las cifras de mortalidad quirúrgica, en pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Materiales y Método: Cohorte retrospectiva de pacientes operados entre el 15 de marzo de 2020 y el 31 de julio de 2020 en un centro universitario. Se evaluó variables clínicas asociadas a la intervención quirúrgica y coinfección por SARS-CoV-2. Resultados: Se analizaron 344 pacientes quienes presentaron una mortalidad global de 6,1%. Se realizó examen de PCR para COVID a 153 pacientes. Presentaron un riesgo de mortalidad significativo los pacientes: PCR COVID(+) (22,7%), p = 0,01, portadores de hipertensión arterial (11,6%) p = 0,03 y mayores de 60 años (12,4%) p < 0,001. No fueron factores estadísticamente significativos de mayor riesgo de mortalidad, las siguientes variables: género, obesidad, diabetes mellitus, patología oncológica, cirugía de urgencia y clasificación de ASA. Al analizar dos subgrupos se observó que los pacientes menores de 60 años COVID negativo presentaron una cifra de mortalidad de 1,26% versus 36,3% en los mayores de 60 años, COVID positivos (p = 0,01). Discusión: Los resultados del presente estudio sugieren que se deben realizar los mayores esfuerzos para descartar la infección por SARS-CoV-2 en la evaluación preoperatoria para disminuir los riesgos de mortalidad posoperatoria.

Background: The coronavirus pandemic, started in the city of Wuhan in 2019, has disrupted the world and deeply affected surgical activity. Restricting the number of interventions dramatically, after initial reports of postoperative mortality over 20% in patients with COVID. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the figures for surgical mortality, during the coronavirus pandemic. Materials and Method: Retrospective cohort of patients operated between March 15, 2020 and July 31, 2020 at a university center. Clinical variables associated with surgical intervention and coinfection by SARS-CoV-2 were evaluated. Results: 344 patients with an overall mortality of 6.1% were analyzed. PCR testing for COVID was performed on 153 patients. Only from the ninth week of the pandemic did routine preoperative testing begin. Patients who presented a higher risk of mortality were: PCR COVID(+) (22.7%), arterial hypertension (11.6%) and age over 60 years (12.4%). In the present series, the following variables were not statistically significant risk factors for mortality: gender, obesity, diabetes mellitus, oncological pathology, emergency surgery and ASA classification. When analyzing two subgroups, we observed that COVID negative patients under 60 had a mortality rate of 1.26%, versus 36.36% in those over 60 years of age, COVID positive. Discussion: The results of the present study lead us to make every effort to rule out COVID infection preoperatively to reduce the risks of postoperative mortality. Although this is a series of cases and the extrapolation of its results should be cautious, having national figures can be a useful element to make decisions in this stage of reactivation of surgical activity.

Humans , Male , Female , Surgical Procedures, Operative/mortality , COVID-19/complications , Postoperative Period , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Risk Factors , COVID-19/prevention & control
Rev. guatemalteca cir ; 27(1): 16-19, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1381660


Antecedentes: La pandemia de COVID-19 en Guatemala provocó el rebalse de los ya colapsados hospitales. Los servicios de otras especialidades además de Medicina Interna tuvieron que emplearse de lleno en atender la pandemia. En el Hospital General San Juan de Dios, el servicio de operados de emergencia atendió durante 4 meses pacientes con esta enfermedad, a cargo del personal quirúrgico, residentes de infectología y de medicina de emergencias para apoyar a la especialidad de Medicina Interna; mostrando la necesidad de la intervención de todas las especialidades en la atención a la pandemia. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal sobre la experiencia del servicio de operados de Emergencia en la atención a pacientes con enfermedad COVID-19 de julio a octubre del 2020. Resultados: Se atendieron 178 pacientes con COVID-19, con predominio de sexo masculino 57%, con edades de 16 a 91 con una media de 65 años.70 pacientes eran hipertensos, 69 diabéticos y 13 con enfermedad renal. 169 casos tuvieron neumonía por SARS-COV2, 2 con choque y fallo orgánico múltiple. La mortalidad fue de 13 casos (7 %). Los medicamento más utilizados fueron las heparinas de bajo peso molecular. El 86 % recibió terapia con esteroides, 50% con anticuerpos monoclonales, especialmente tocilizumab. El antibiótico más usado fue la Ceftriaxona (32 %). 6 pacientes recibieron remdesivir (3%). CONCLUSIONES: Este estudio evidencia la experiencia del servicio de operados de emergencia durante la pandemia de COVID19, donde médicos no expertos en enfermedades virales infecciosas, aprendieron sobre la marcha el manejo de esta enfermedad. Un significativo número de pacientes fueron beneficiados con la implementación de estos servicios. El aprendizaje, las competencias y los servicios que presta el médico dedicado a urgencias debe adaptarse para responder a las necesidades de la población (AU)

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic in Guatemala collapsed hospitals due to overflow. The services of other specialties in addition to Internal Medicine had to be fully used to attend the pandemic. At the San Juan de Dios General Hospital, the emergency surgery service treated patients with this disease for 4 months, in charge of surgical personnel, infectology residents and emergency medicine support the Internal Medicine specialty; showing the need for the intervention of all specialties in the care of the pandemic. METHODOLOGY: Cross-sectional descriptive study on the experience of the Emergency Service in caring for patients with COVID-19 disease from July to October 2020. Results: A total of 178 patients with COVID-19 were treated, with a male predominance of 57%, aged from 16 to 91 with an average of 65 years. In addition to COVID-19 disease, 70 patients were hypertensive, 69 diabetics, and 13 with kidney disease. 169 cases had SARS-COV2 pneumonia, 2 with shock and multiple organ failure. Mortality was 13 cases (7%). Because most of the cases required oxygen and were moderate, severe and severe, drug treatment was used with high frequency. The drug that was used the most was heparins in all cases, most of them low molecular weight. 86% received steroid therapy, 50% with monoclonal antibodies, especially tocilizumab. Antibiotics were used frequently, the majority (32%) received Ceftriaxone. 6 cases received remdesivir (3%). CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic has demanded that doctors from all specialties join the response and fight against this disease. This study shows that all specialties have the capacity to handle patients with COVID-19 since internal medicine and related services have exceeded their capacity to care (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , SARS-CoV-2/pathogenicity , COVID-19/drug therapy , Ancillary Services, Hospital , Diabetes Complications/surgery , COVID-19/complications , Guatemala/epidemiology , Hypertension/complications , Kidney Diseases/surgery , Hypoxia/diet therapy
Clin. biomed. res ; 41(4): 306-312, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349512


Introdução: A apendicectomia é o tratamento de escolha da apendicite aguda. Embora a preferência pelas técnicas minimamente invasivas seja tendência mundial, a cirurgia aberta ainda é realidade na maioria dos hospitais públicos. O índice de complicações pós-operatórias varia de acordo com a técnica cirúrgica empregada. O presente estudo objetiva comparar a incidência de complicações pós-operatórias entre a apendicectomia aberta e laparoscópica. Métodos: Coorte retrospectiva incluindo pacientes submetidos à apendicectomia no Hospital de Pronto Socorro de Porto Alegre entre novembro de 2015 a novembro de 2019. Foram avaliados dados demográficos, tempo de evolução dos sintomas, técnica cirúrgica, achados transoperatórios, necessidade de drenos ou ostomias, tempo cirúrgico, tempo de internação, experiência do cirurgião e desfechos. Resultados: Foram incluídos 358 pacientes, com idade de 32 ± 13,8 anos, e predomínio do sexo masculino (58,9%); 58,1% foram submetidos a cirurgia aberta, 41,9% a laparoscopia e 8% necessitaram conversão. As apendicites foram classificadas como complicadas em um terço dos casos. O tempo cirúrgico foi menor na cirurgia aberta (79,3 ± 38,8 vs. 104 ± 35,2 minutos; p < 0,001). O índice de complicações pós-operatórias foi de 21,2%, sendo significativamente maior na técnica aberta (26,4% vs. 13%; p = 0,003). O tempo de internação, a necessidade de reintervenção e mortalidade não apresentaram diferença entre as técnicas. Conclusão: Embora a apendicectomia aberta seja um procedimento seguro, com bons resultados e baixa morbimortalidade, a laparoscopia oferece potenciais vantagens em termos de evolução pós-operatória, inclusive em casos complicados. Deve ser indicada rotineiramente havendo disponibilidade de material e capacitação da equipe cirúrgica. (AU)

Introduction: Appendectomy is the treatment of choice for acute appendicitis. Although the preference for minimally invasive techniques is a worldwide trend, open surgery remains a reality in most public hospitals. The rate of postoperative complications varies according to the surgical technique employed. The present study aimed to compare the incidence of postoperative complications between open and laparoscopic appendectomy. Methods: This retrospective cohort study included patients undergoing appendectomy at the Hospital de Pronto Socorro de Porto Alegre between November 2015 and November 2019. Demographic and clinical data, duration of symptoms, surgical technique, intraoperative findings, use of abdominal drains or stomas, operative time, length of stay, surgeon's experience, and outcomes were assessed. Results: Three hundred and fifty-eight patients were included, predominantly male (58.9%), with a mean age of 32 ± 13.8 years; 58.1% underwent open surgery, 41.9% underwent laparoscopic surgery, and 8% required conversion. One third of the cases were classified as complicated. The mean operative time was shorter for open surgery (79.3 ± 38.8 vs. 104 ± 35.2 minutes; p < 0.001). The rate of postoperative complications was 21.2%, with a significantly higher incidence in the open technique (26.4% vs. 13%; p = 0.003). Length of stay, reoperation rate, and mortality did not differ between the techniques. Conclusions: Although open appendectomy is a safe and efficient procedure, associated with low morbidity and mortality rates, laparoscopy provides potential clinically beneficial advantages in terms of postoperative outcomes, even in complicated cases. Therefore, it should be routinely performed where laparoscopic equipment and skillful staff are available. (AU)

Appendectomy/adverse effects , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Laparoscopy , Postoperative Complications
Rev. méd. Urug ; 37(4)2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1389653


Resumen: Introducción: a nivel mundial, la pandemia COVID-19 determinó una disminución significativa en el volumen de cirugía electiva. Existe preocupación por parte de generaciones de residentes quirúrgicos debido a las consecuencias en su formación. Si bien la formación alcanza otros aspectos que exceden a la práctica quirúrgica, ésta no deja de ser un pilar fundamental. Objetivo: cuantificar el impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 en el volumen asistencial de los residentes de cirugía general en un servicio universitario. Método: es un estudio observacional, retrospectivo y analítico. Se comparó el volumen quirúrgico y asistencial de los residentes de cirugía general durante el período entre el 13/03/2020 y el 13/12/2020, posterior al inicio de la pandemia COVID-19, con el volumen registrado en el mismo período previo al inicio de la pandemia. Resultados: todos los residentes participaron en un menor número de cirugías. El mayor impacto fue en la participación de cirugías de coordinación, siendo menores las diferencias en la cirugía de urgencia. El mayor impacto en cuanto a volumen de pacientes operados fue para el residente de primer año. Discusión y conclusiones: a nivel mundial, la pandemia determinó una notoria disminución en el volumen de cirugías electivas. Este trabajo demostró una disminución significativa en el volumen quirúrgico asistencial del residente de cirugía general, por lo que, de prolongarse las medidas sanitarias, sería sustancial evaluar la necesidad de proyectar objetivos e instancias alternativas de aprendizaje.

Summary: Introduction: the COVID-19 pandemic caused a meaningful reduction in the number of elective surgeries at the global level. There is a great concern among different generations of surgical residents, on the consequences this might have on their medical training. Despite the medical training includes other aspects beyond the surgical practice, surgeries constitute an essential foundation. Objective: to quantify the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the number of surgeries where the general surgery residents participated, in a university hospital. Method: observational, retrospective and analytical study where the number of surgeries and assistance by the general surgery residents between March 13, 2020 and December 13, 2020, after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic was compared to the number of surgeries recorded during the same period of time prior to the pandemic. Results: all the residents participated in a smaller number of surgeries. The greater impact was found in their participation in elective surgeries, while the difference in number was smaller in emergency surgeries. The greater impact in terms of number of patients operated involved first year residents. Discussion and conclusions: globally, the pandemic caused a significant reduction in the number of elective surgeries. This study demonstrated an important decrease in the number of assisted surgeries for the general surgery residents. Therefore, if the health emergency measures were extended, it would be important to evaluate the need to set goals and alternative forms of learning.

Resumo: Introdução: em todo o mundo, a pandemia de COVID-19 determinou uma redução significativa na quantidade de cirurgias eletivas. Há preocupação por parte de gerações de residentes cirúrgicos pelas consequências em sua formação. Embora o treinamento alcance outros aspectos que vão além da prática cirúrgica, esta ainda é um pilar fundamental. Objetivo: quantificar o impacto da pandemia COVID-19 na quantidade de atendimento de residentes de cirurgia geral em um serviço universitário. Método: estudo observacional, retrospectivo e analítico. A quantidade de cirurgias e de cuidados dos residentes de cirurgia geral no período de 13/03/2020 a 13/12/2020, após o início da pandemia de COVID-19, foi comparado com a quantidade registrada em um período similar anterior à pandemia. Resultados: todos os residentes participaram de menos cirurgias. O maior impacto foi na participação de cirurgias de coordenação, sendo menores as diferenças nas cirurgias de emergência. O maior impacto em termos de quantidade de pacientes operados foi para o residente do primeiro ano. Discussão e conclusões: em todo o mundo, a pandemia determinou uma diminuição acentuada na quantidade de cirurgias eletivas. Este trabalho demonstrou uma diminuição significativa na quantidade da atenção cirúrgica do residente de cirurgia geral; se as medidas de saúde forem prolongadas, seria fundamental avaliar a necessidade de se projetar objetivos e instâncias alternativas de aprendizagem.

Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Hospitals, University , Internship and Residency/statistics & numerical data
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 6(3): 233-241, jul.-sept. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380130


La actividad quirúrgica es una dimensión de enorme importancia en la actividad asistencial, ya que, se ha determinado que el fortalecimiento de la capacidad quirúrgica, sobre todo en los hospitales, sería un medio sumamente costo eficiente de reducir la carga mundial de morbilidad. Actualmente en Chile la productividad hospitalaria es seguida y medida mediante diferentes indicadores (compromisos de gestión y balance score card) que principalmente se enfocan en el uso eficiente de los recursos. Estos indicadores se obtienen de los diferentes sistemas de registros como REM (resumen estadístico mensual) y GRD (grupo relacionado diagnóstico). El objetivo de este estudio es describir los principales indicadores de producción quirúrgica del hospital Juan Noé Crevani entre los años 2015 al 2019. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo de la producción quirúrgica del Hospital Juan Noé Crevani en los años 2015 al 2019. Se observa en los registros estadísticos de producción en Hospital Juan Noé Crevani según REM, una variación en el trabajo de los pabellones quirúrgicos durante los años estudiados, junto a un aumento en la dotación de pabellones quirúrgicos, específicamente un aumento en la cantidad de horas disponibles para cirugía y un aumento en el número de intervenciones en el tiempo. Además, se observa una disminución del porcentaje de suspensiones. Las estancias medias en preoperatorios de las intervenciones programadas están cercanas a 0 evidenciando una buena gestión pre quirúrgica. Se observa una mejora en la media de los días pre quirúrgicos del servicio de cirugía en comparación al servicio de traumatología. En los años 2017 y 2018 se registra una mayor frecuencia de cirugía mayor ambulatoria. Los datos obtenidos a través de GRD se diferencian de los REM por el uso de diagnósticos CIE-10 y procedimientos CIE-9. Según los expertos, estos son los datos más correctos para poder tomar medidas de gestión clínica. Ambas herramientas no son comparables, pero mediante sus indicadores se pueden utilizar los recursos quirúrgicos en su máximo potencial.

Surgical activity is a very important dimension in healthcare activity, since it has been determined that strengthening surgical capacity, especially in hospitals, would be a highly cost-efficient means of reducing the global burden of morbidity. Currently in Chile, hospital productivity is monitored and measured through different indicators (management commitments and scorecard) that mainly focus on the efficient use of resources. These indicators are obtained from the different registry systems such as REM (monthly statistical summary) and GRD (diagnostic related group). The purpose of this study is to describe the main indicators of surgical production of the Juan Noé Crevani Hospital between the years 2015 to 2019. An observational, descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study of the surgical production of the Juan Noé Crevani Hospital was carried out in the years 2015 to 2019. Statistical records of production in Hospital Juan Noé Crevani according to REM, where the variation in the work of surgical wards is observed over the years, shows an increase in the number of surgical wards, specifically an increase in the number of hours available for surgery and thus the number of interventions has been increasing over time. In addition, the percentage of suspensions has improved, and elective major outpatient surgeries have a tendency to increase over the years. Juan Noé Crevani Hospital surgical production according to IR-GRD, between 50 and 54% of hospital discharges have surgical intervention. The preoperative MEs of the scheduled interventions are close to 0, showing good pre-surgical management. The surgery service has improved the average number of pre-surgical days compared to the trauma service. in 2017 and 2018 there was a higher frequency of major outpatient surgery. The data obtained through DRGs differ from REM data due to the use of ICD-10 diagnoses and ICD-9 procedures. According to experts, these are the most correct data to be able to take clinical management measures. Both tools are not comparable, but through their indicators, surgical resources can be used to their maximum potential.

Humans , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Hospitals/statistics & numerical data , Retrospective Studies , Hospitalization , Length of Stay
Clinics ; 75: e1923, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133461


The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak </mac_aq>started in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, and evolved into a global problem in a short period. The pandemic has led to many social and health-care challenges. In this context, surgery is an area that is facing the need for many adaptations. In this systematic literature review, we analyzed different perspectives concerning this situation, aiming to provide recommendations that could guide surgeons and </mac_aq>entities toward screening, elective and emergency surgeries, decision making, and operating room management. A computerized search in PubMed, Scopus, and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) for relevant literature up to April 4, 2020, was performed. Articles were included if they were related to surgery dynamics in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the 281 articles found in our initial search and 15 articles from alternative sources, 39 were included in our review after a systematic evaluation. Concerning preoperative testing </mac_aq>for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection, 29 (74.4%) articles recommended some kind of </mac_aq>screening. Another major suggestion was postponing all (or at least selected) elective operations (29 articles, </mac_aq>74.4%). Several additional recommendations with respect to surgical practice or surgical staff were also assessed and discussed, such as performing laparoscopic surgeries and avoiding the use of electrocauterization. On the basis of the current literature, we concluded that any surgery that can be delayed should be postponed. COVID-19 screening is strongly recommended for all surgical cases. Moreover, surgical staff should be reduced to the essential members and provided with institutional psychological support.

Humans , Operating Rooms/organization & administration , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Decision Making , Pandemics/prevention & control , Betacoronavirus , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Surgical Procedures, Operative/standards , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Triage/methods , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(12): 4555-4568, dez. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055749


Resumo Este estudo explorou os efeitos da crise financeira nas receitas e despesas, na produção de serviços e indicadores de saúde e de desempenho no município do Rio de Janeiro no período de 2013 a 2018. Analisou-se receitas, despesas, parâmetros de provisão de serviços e indicadores de desempenho e de saúde, a partir de dados de acesso livre e restrito. Utilizou-se a análise institucional de Giddens. As receitas e despesas sofreram redução, sendo maiores nos investimentos e receitas não vinculadas. A provisão de serviços encolheu, com queda da cobertura na Atenção Primária, produção ambulatorial, internações totais, número de leitos, médicos e agentes comunitários de saúde, cirurgias realizadas e taxa de ocupação de hospitais. Os tempos de espera para ambulâncias, exames e consultas ambulatoriais, bem como o número de solicitações pendentes na regulação aumentaram. Indicadores de saúde e desempenho persistiram, em sua maioria, dentro dos parâmetros anteriores, corroborando a potência assistencial da Atenção Primária, apesar do impacto financeiro e estrutural da austeridade. A conjuntura atual ameaça o direito à saúde e as respostas governamentais, como a desvinculação de receitas, sinalizam uma ampliação desse risco.

Abstract This study aimed to portray the effects of the Brazilian financial crisis, and especially in Rio de Janeiro in the 2013-18 period. We analyzed revenues, expenditure, service provision, and health performance indicators from free access and restricted data. We adopted the Giddens' Structuration Theory. Revenues and expenditures shrunk, and this reduction was higher for investments and unlinked revenues. The provision of services declined, resulting in decreased primary care coverage, outpatient production, total hospital admissions, number of beds, doctors, community health workers, surgeries performed, and hospital occupancy rate. An increase was observed in waiting times for ambulances, exams and outpatient visits, as well as the number of pending requests in regulation. Health and performance indicators remained mostly unchanged, within previous parameters, corroborating the care capacity of PHC, despite financial and structural contingencies imposed by austerity. The current situation threatens the right to health, and governmental response, such as unlinking revenues, point to an increased risk of this occurrence.

Humans , Primary Health Care/economics , Health Expenditures , Delivery of Health Care/economics , Economic Recession , Income , Primary Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Time Factors , Bed Occupancy/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Health Care Rationing , Cities , Delivery of Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Ambulatory Care/economics , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 38(1): 1-6, 15/03/2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362608


Introduction Cubital tunnel syndrome (CTS) is responsible for one of the types of ulnar nerve neuropathy and is the second cause of compressive neuropathy of the upper limb, only surpassed by carpal tunnel syndrome. Objective To describe the epidemiological data of the ulnar nerve transposition surgical code in the treatment of CTS by the United Health System (SUS) from 2005 to 2015. Methodology This is a descriptive epidemiological study, in which data were obtained through consultation of the DATASUS database. Results/Discussion During this period, 774 procedures were performed and, despite the addition of 20.3 million people to the Brazilian population, the incidence was 0.33/ 1,000,000. National and international epidemiology point to a slightly higher prevalence of the procedure between men, in the fourth and fifth decades of life. Low permanence rate, as well as the absence of hospital deaths related to the procedure, infer that the procedure is safe, with low morbidity and mortality rates. Conclusion The annual incidence of the cubital syndrome submitted to surgical treatment at SUS in the Brazilian population was 1/7,670,833 in 2005 and½,174,468 in 2015. The cost of each surgical procedure during the same period ranged from R$ 318.88 to R$ 539.74. The mean hospitalization time for CTS surgery was 1.85 days.

Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Unified Health System , Hospital Costs/statistics & numerical data , Cubital Tunnel Syndrome/mortality , Cubital Tunnel Syndrome/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Length of Stay/statistics & numerical data
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 46(4): e2211, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020368


RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar a aplicabilidade do sistema de classificação de cores "Timing of Acute Care Surgery" (TACS) em um hospital público terciário de um país em desenvolvimento. Métodos: estudo longitudinal, retrospectivo, de um único centro, de março a agosto de 2016 e o mesmo período em 2017. Optou-se pela seleção de quatro especialidades cirúrgicas com alta demanda de urgências, as quais foram previamente treinadas sobre o sistema TACS. Para comparação com as classificações prévias de urgência e emergência, emergências foram consideradas como vermelhas e laranjas e urgências como amarelas, com intervalo de tempo ideal para cirurgia de uma hora e de seis horas, respectivamente. Resultados: os procedimentos não eletivos representaram 61% do número total de cirurgias. As classificações vermelha, laranja e amarela foram predominantes. Houve melhora significativa do tempo para a cirurgia na cor amarela após o sistema TACS. Períodos diurnos e noturnos influenciaram os resultados, com melhores resultados durante o período noturno. Conclusão: este é o primeiro estudo que usou o sistema TACS no dia a dia de um centro cirúrgico, e demonstrou que o sistema TACS melhorou o tempo de atendimento das cirurgias classificadas como amarelas.

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the applicability of the "Timing of Acute Care Surgery" (TACS) color classification system in a tertiary public hospital of a developing country. Methods: we conducted a longitudinal, retrospective study in a single center, from March to August 2016 and the same period in 2017. We opted for the selection of four surgical specialties with high demand for emergencies, previously trained on the TACS system. For comparisons with the previous classifications, we considered emergencies as reds and oranges and urgencies, as yellow, with an ideal time interval for surgery of one hour and six hours, respectively. Results: non-elective procedures accounted for 61% of the total number of surgeries. The red, orange and yellow classifications were predominant. There was a significant improvement in the time before surgery in the yellow color after the TACS system. Day and night periods influenced the results, with better ones during the night. Conclusion: this is the first study to use the TACS system in the daily routine of an operating room. The TACS system improved the time of attendance of surgeries classified as yellow.

Humans , Triage/methods , Emergency Treatment/classification , Operating Rooms , Specialties, Surgical/classification , Specialties, Surgical/statistics & numerical data , Surgical Procedures, Operative/classification , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Time Factors , Brazil , Retrospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Operating Room Information Systems , Color , Emergencies , Emergency Treatment/statistics & numerical data , Tertiary Care Centers
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 33(2): 181-186, abr.-jun. 2018. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-909403


Introdução: Desde a década de 1980, com Illouz, a lipoaspiração ganhou popularidade e representa hoje um dos procedimentos mais realizados no mundo. Algumas de suas complicações são graves e potencialmente letais. Não existe, contudo, uma uniformidade em sua prática ou no seu ensino. A avaliação das técnicas empregadas por cirurgiões plásticos pode ser o início de uma padronização. Métodos: Foi aplicado um questionário sobre lipoaspiração no 52º Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia Plástica para cirurgiões plásticos de diferentes faixas etárias e regiões do Brasil, presentes no evento. Resultados: Foram contabilizados 243 questionários preenchidos (n = 243). O número médio de incisões foi de 9 (2 - 16). Duzentos e quarenta e um cirurgiões (99%) realizam incisões na linha mediana/ paramediana anteriormente e 236 (97%) incisam na linha mediana/paramediana na região posterior. Aproximadamente metade dos questionados utilizam a anestesia geral. Duzentos e nove cirurgiões (86%) posicionam o paciente em decúbito ventral durante o procedimento. A lipoaspiração superficial é realizada por 146 (60%) entrevistados, sendo que 22 (9%) fazem a aspiração apenas desta camada adiposa. Oitenta e cinco (35%) participantes relatam controlar a pressão do aparelho durante o procedimento. Conclusão: A lipoaspiração realizada no Brasil apresenta grande variação técnica. Essa constatação nos faz refletir sobre a necessidade de uma uniformização de sua prática e ensino a fim de aumentar o controle e a segurança do procedimento.

Introduction: Since the 1980s, with Illouz, liposuction has gained popularity and represents one of the most commonly performed procedures in the world today. Some of the complications are serious and potentially lethal. Nevertheless, uniformity in its practice or the manner in which it is taught does not exist. Evaluating techniques employed by plastic surgeons may be the start toward standardization. Methods: A questionnaire on liposuction was given to plastic surgeons of different age groups and from regions of Brazil who were present at the 52nd Brazilian Conference for Plastic Surgery. Results: Two hundred forty-three questionnaires were filled out (n = 243). The average number of incisions was 9 (2­16). Two hundred fortyone surgeons (99%) made incisions along the anterior median/ paramedian line, and 236 (97%) made incisions on the posterior median/paramedian line. Approximately half of those surveyed utilized general anesthesia. Two hundred nine surgeons (86%) placed the patient in the prone position during the procedure. One hundred forty-six (60%) interviewees performed superficial liposuction, with 22 (9%) performing liposuction only on this adipose layer. Eighty-five (35%) participants reported controlling the apparatus's pressure during the procedure. Conclusion: Liposuction procedures performed in Brazil have significant technical variations. This finding encourages us to reflect on the need to standardize liposuction practice and the manner in which it is taught so as to increase control over the procedure and its safety.

Humans , History, 21st Century , Patients , Reference Standards , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Back , Lipectomy , Surveys and Questionnaires , Patient Selection , Subcutaneous Fat, Abdominal , Patient Positioning , Surgeons , Anesthesia , Surgical Procedures, Operative/standards , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Back/surgery , Lipectomy/methods , Lipectomy/statistics & numerical data , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , Subcutaneous Fat, Abdominal/abnormalities , Subcutaneous Fat, Abdominal/surgery , Patient Positioning/methods , Patient Positioning/statistics & numerical data , Surgeons/standards , Surgeons/ethics , Anesthesia/methods , Anesthesia/statistics & numerical data
West Indian med. j ; 67(spe): 488-492, 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045874


ABSTRACT Increasing life-expectancy globally and in the Caribbean region has led to an increased proportion of the population being categorized as elderly. The ageing population frequently require elective and emergency surgical procedures often with considerable morbidity and mortality. The amount of strain this paradigm can cause in any healthcare system is a huge challenge for the coming generations. In the Caribbean Islands, these challenges are compounded by several unique factors. This article reviews the impact of ageing upon surgery and associated specialties including anaesthesia and intensive care, with special reference to the Caribbean healthcare sector and attempts to provide some suggestions to mitigate such challenges in the near future.

RESUMEN El aumento de la expectativa de vida tanto a nivel mundial como en la región del Caribe ha llevado a una mayor proporción de la población en la categoría de ancianos. La población en proceso de envejecimiento frecuentemente requiere procedimientos quirúrgicos electivos y de emergencia, acompañados a menudo de considerable morbilidad y mortalidad. La tremenda tensión que este paradigma puede causar en cualquier sistema de salud representa un desafío enorme para las generaciones venideras. En las islas del Caribe, estos desafíos se agravan por varios factores únicos. Este artículo examina el impacto del envejecimiento en la cirugía y las especialidades asociadas incluyendo anestesia y cuidados intensivos, con especial referencia al sector de la salud del Caribe, a la par que persigue brindar algunas sugerencias para mitigar estos desafíos en un futuro cercano.

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Life Expectancy , Frail Elderly , Hospital Mortality , Risk Factors
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 83(4): 352-358, 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978106


RESUMEN Objetivos: El objetivo del estudio es observar los beneficios de la entrada laparoscópica con trocar para la óptica, tras la insuflación previa con aguja de Veress en punto de Palmer, hasta conseguir una presión intraabdominal de 25 mmHg. Material y método: Estudio prospectivo de 115 cirugías laparoscópicas realizadas con la técnica anteriormente descrita, por el mismo equipo quirúrgico; de julio de 2014 a marzo de 2018, en el Departamento de Ginecología del Hospital General Santa María del Puerto. Resultados: El tiempo medio de las maniobras de acceso fue de 175 segundos. En el 84.3 % de las ocasiones, el acceso a la cavidad abdominal se consiguió en el primer intento. Sólo en dos ocasiones (1.7%), fue necesario cambiar la técnica de acceso. No se objetivó ninguna complicación o efecto adverso en el 96.5% de las cirugías. En dos pacientes (1.7%) se produjo un enfisema subcutáneo, en una ocasión un enfisema epiploico (0.9%) y en una paciente (0.9%), se objetivó una ligera intolerancia anestésica durante la realización del neumoperitoneo. No se registró durante el estudio ninguna complicación mayor asociada a las maniobras de acceso. Conclusiones: La entrada con presiones altas intraabdominales tras insuflación con aguja de Veress en punto de Palmer, es una técnica segura y reproducible para evitar complicaciones mayores, durante las maniobras de acceso a cavidad abdominal. Además, esta técnica no produce efectos adversos anestésicos relevantes secundarios a las altas presiones en pacientes sanas, debido al escaso tiempo durante el que se mantienen las mismas.

ABSTRACT Objectives: The aim of the study is to observe the benefits of laparoscopic trocar entry for optics, after previous insufflation with Veress needle at Palmer's point, until an intra-abdominal pressure of 25 mmHg is achieved. Material and method: Prospective study of 115 laparoscopic surgeries performed with the previously described technique, by the same surgical team; from July 2014 to March 2018, in the Department of Gynecology of the Hospital General Santa María del Puerto. Results: The average time of access maneuvers was 175 seconds. In 84.3% of the cases, access to the abdominal cavity was achieved on the first attempt. Only on two occasions (1.7%), it was necessary to change the access technique. No complication or adverse effect was found in 96.5% of the surgeries. Subcutaneous emphysema (1.7%) occurred in two patients, epiploic emphysema (0.9%) and in one patient (0.9%), a slight anesthetic intolerance was observed during the pneumoperitoneum. No major complications associated with the access maneuvers were recorded during the study. Conclusions: The entry with high intra-abdominal pressures after insufflation with Veress needle at Palmer's point, is a safe and reproducible technique to avoid major complications, during maneuvers of access to the abdominal cavity. In addition, this technique does not produce relevant adverse anesthetic effects secondary to high pressures in healthy patients, due to the short time during which they remain.

Humans , Surgical Procedures, Operative/statistics & numerical data , Surgical Instruments , Laparoscopy/methods , Digestive System Diseases/surgery , Abdomen/surgery , Laparotomy/methods , Needles , Prospective Studies , Laparoscopes , Observational Study , Laparotomy/adverse effects