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Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 32: e4143, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1560137


Objectives: this study aimed at estimating and comparing the reliability of temperature measurements obtained using a peripheral infrared temporal thermometer, a central cutaneous thermometer ("Zero-Heat-Flux Cutaneous thermometer") and an esophageal or nasopharyngeal thermometer among elective surgical patients in the intraoperative period. Method: a longitudinal study with repeated measures carried out by convenience sampling of 99 patients, aged at least 18 years old, undergoing elective abdominal cancer surgeries, with anesthesia lasting at least one hour, with each patient having their temperature measured by all three methods. Results: the intraclass correlation coefficient showed a low correlation between the measurements using the peripheral temporal thermometer and the central cutaneous (0.0324) and esophageal/nasopharyngeal (-0.138) thermometers. There was a high correlation (0.744) between the central thermometers evaluated. Conclusion: the data from the current study do not recommend using infrared temporal thermometers as a strategy for measuring the body temperature of patients undergoing anesthetic-surgical procedures. Central cutaneous thermometers and esophageal/nasopharyngeal thermometers are equivalent for detecting intraoperative hypothermia.

Objetivos: el objetivo de este estudio fue estimar y comparar la confiabilidad de mediciones de temperatura obtenidas por medio de un termómetro temporal infrarrojo periférico, un termómetro cutáneo central ("Termómetro cutáneo Zero-Heat-Flux ") y un termómetro esofágico o nasofaríngeo en pacientes sometidos a cirugías electivas durante el período intraoperatorio. Método: estudio longitudinal con mediciones repetidas llevado a cabo con una muestra por conveniencia de 99 pacientes, de al menos 18 años de edad, sometidos a cirugías electivas por cáncer abdominal, con anestesia de al menos una hora de duración, y midiendo la temperatura de cada paciente con los tres métodos. Resultados: el coeficiente de correlación intraclase indicó una correlación baja entre las mediciones realizadas con el termómetro temporal periférico y los termómetros cutáneo (0,0324) y esofágico/nasofaríngeo (-0,138) centrales. Se registró una correlación alta (0,744) entre los termómetros centrales evaluados. Conclusión: los datos del presente estudio no recomiendan utilizar termómetros temporales infrarrojos como estrategia para medir la temperatura corporal de pacientes sometidos a procedimientos anestésico-quirúrgicos. Los termómetros cutáneos centrales y los esofágicos/nasofaríngeos son equivalentes para detectar hipotermia intraoperatoria.

Objetivos: este estudo teve como objetivo estimar e comparar a confiabilidade das medições de temperatura obtidas com um termômetro temporal infravermelho periférico, um termômetro cutâneo central (" Zero-Heat-Flux ") e um termômetro esofágico ou nasofaríngeo entre pacientes cirúrgicos eletivos no período intraoperatório. Método: estudo longitudinal com medidas repetidas realizado por amostragem de conveniência de 99 pacientes, com 18 anos ou mais, submetidos a cirurgia eletiva de câncer abdominal, com duração de anestesia de pelo menos uma hora, com cada paciente tendo sua temperatura medida pelos três métodos. Resultados: o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse mostrou uma baixa correlação entre as medições usando o termômetro temporal periférico e os termômetros cutâneo central (0,0324) e esofágico/nasofaríngeo (-0,138). Houve uma alta correlação (0,744) entre os termômetros centrais avaliados. Conclusão: os dados do presente estudo não recomendam o uso de um termômetro infravermelho temporal como estratégia para medir a temperatura corporal de pacientes submetidos a procedimentos anestésico-cirúrgicos. O termômetro cutâneo central e o termômetro esofágico/nasofaríngeo são equivalentes para detectar hipotermia intraoperatória.

Perioperative Nursing , Surgicenters , Thermometers , Body Temperature Changes , Nursing Care
Zhongguo Yi Liao Qi Xie Za Zhi ; (6): 160-163, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928879


Body temperature is an essential physiological parameter. Conducting non-contact, fast and accurate measurement of temperature is increasing important under the background of COVID-19. The study introduces an infrared temperature measurement system based on the thermopile infrared temperature sensor ZTP-135SR. Extracting original temperature date of sensor, post-amplification and filter processing have been performed to ensure accuracy of the system. In addition, the temperature data of environmental compensation which obtained by polynomial fitting is added to the system to further improve measurement accuracy.

Humans , Algorithms , Body Temperature , COVID-19 , Temperature , Thermometers
Rio de Janeiro; rBLH; 2 rev; set. 2021. [8] p. ilus.(Normas técnicas BLH-IFF/NT, 1, 44). (BLH-IFF/NT 44.21).
Monography in Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS, BVSAM | ID: biblio-1436547


Esta Norma Técnica tem por objetivo estabelecer as orientações necessárias para aferição e leitura dos termômetros utilizados no controle de temperatura nos Bancos de Leite Humano e Postos de Coleta de Leite Humano, visando a garantia da qualidade nestes serviços e sua certificação.

Esta Norma Técnica tiene como objetivo establecer las orientaciones necesarias para la medición y la lectura de los termómetros utilizados en el control de la temperatura en los Bancos de Leche Humana y en los Centros de Recolección de Leche Humana, con el fin de garantizar la calidad de estos servicios y su certificación.

Quality Control , Temperature , Thermometers/standards , Calibration/standards , Milk Banks/standards , Milk, Human
Rio de Janeiro; rBLH; 2 rev; set. 2021. [8] p. ilus.(Normas técnicas BLH-IFF/NT, 1, 38). (BLH-IFF/NT 38.21).
Monography in Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS, BVSAM | ID: biblio-1436526


Esta Norma Técnica tem por objetivo estabelecer as orientações necessárias para o controle de temperatura dos freezers em Bancos de Leite humano e Postos de Coleta de Leite Humano, visando a garantia da qualidade em Bancos de Leite Humano e sua certificação.

Esta Norma Técnica tiene como objetivo establecer las directrices necesarias para el control de la temperatura de los congeladores en los Bancos de Leche Humana y en los Centros de Recolección de Leche Humana con el fin de asegurar la calidad en los Bancos de Leche Humana y su certificación.

Temperature , Thermometers/standards , Milk Banks/standards , Freezing , Milk, Human
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 67(1): 33-41, ene.-abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1127011


RESUMEN La investigación se realizó a fin de evaluar el efecto del gas de formalina sobre el recuento de mesófilos en nailon comercial (poliamida) destinado a procedimientos quirúrgicos. En primer lugar, se evaluó la contaminación de una muestra del material comercial de 1 g expuesta al ambiente de quirófano por 72 horas, a través de la técnica de recuento en placa para mesófilos; se obtuvieron 850 UFC/g. Una vez comprobada la contaminación de la poliamida comercial, esta se sometió a gases de formalina en comprimidos. Se colocaron 5 muestras (n=5) de nailon de 1 g cada una en 5 recipientes herméticos de 1 litro con 1 gramo de formalina cada uno; estos recipientes se almacenaron en un mueble en sala de esterilización a un metro de altura del piso y posteriormente, fueron abiertos y cultivados a través de la técnica de recuento en placa para mesófilos, uno por día a lo largo de 5 días a intervalos de 24 horas. Los resultados obtenidos no registraron crecimientos de microorganismos a partir de las 24 horas y durante los 5 días posteriores y se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,05). Se concluye que bajo las condiciones del presente estudio el tiempo de esterilización de la formalina sobre nailon comercial es de 24 horas.

ABSTRACT Hie present research work was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the effect of formalin gas on the count of mesophiles in commercial nylon (polyamide) destined to surgical procedures. Firstly, the contamination of a 1 g commercial nylon sample, exposed to the operating room environment for 72 hours, was evaluated through the plate counting technique for mesophiles; it yielded a result of 850 CFU / gram. Once the contamination of the commercial polyamide was checked, it was subjected to formalin gases in tablets. Five nylon samples (n=5) of 1 gram each were placed in 5 1 liter airtight containers containing 1 gram of formalin; Hese containers were stored in a cabinet in the sterilization room one meter above the floor, and later opened and cultivated through the plate counting technique for mesophiles, one per day for 5 days at 24 hour intervals. The results obtained after being exposed to formalin gases in tablets did not register growths of microorganisms after 24 hours and during the 5 days after the study, finding statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in relation to the studied times concluding under the conditions of the present study that the sterilization time of the formalin on commercial nylon is equal to 24 hours.

Animals , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Sterilization , Environmental Pollution , Formaldehyde , Gases , Drought Resistance , Nylons , Operating Rooms , Research , Sutures , Tablets , Thermometers , Time , Bacteria , Bacterial Toxins , Colony Count, Microbial , Abscess , Hot Temperature , Inflammation
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;40(3): 197-201, Mar. 2020. tab
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1135609


The temperature gradients are dynamic and noninvasive monitoring techniques that provide information on peripheral blood flow and have been related to the prognosis of patients with circulatory shock. This study evaluated 47 elderly domestic cats' temperature gradients, and we measured central (rectal) and peripheral (palmar, plantar and medial region of the radio) temperatures. Values found in this study are compatible with studies in young felines and differ from dogs and humans. The mean gradients found were 7.5°C for the central-peripheral; 5.6°C for the peripheral-environmental; 2.7°C for the skin-diff; and 0°C for the member-diff and the variables age and gender do not seem to influence these measurements. To the authors' knowledge, there is no description of temperature gradients in elderly domestic cats, so this study pretends to clarify the vasoconstriction response in this group of animals.(AU)

Os gradientes de temperatura são técnicas de monitoração dinâmicas e não-invasivas que fornecem informações sobre o fluxo sanguíneo periférico, e têm sido relacionados ao prognóstico de paciente com choque circulatório. O presente estudo avaliou os gradientes de temperatura em 47 felinos domésticos idosos aferindo as temperaturas central (retal) e periférica (palmar, plantar e região medial do rádio). Os gradientes encontrados foram 7,5°C para o centro-periférico; 5,6°C para o periférico-ambiental; 2,7°C para o skin-diff; e 0°C para o member-diff. As variáveis idade e sexo não pareceram influenciar as mensurações. Não há, em conhecimento dos autores, descrição prévia dos gradientes de temperatura em felinos domésticos idosos, e por isso esse estudo pretende contribuir com o entendimento sobre a capacidade de resposta de vasoconstrição nesse grupo de animais.(AU)

Animals , Cats , Shock/diagnosis , Shock/prevention & control , Skin/blood supply , Vasoconstriction , Body Temperature , Thermometers
Av. enferm ; 37(3): 293-302, sep.-dic. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | COLNAL, BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1055213


Resumo Objetivo: descrever o perfil da temperatura corporal (TC) e o desfecho em pacientes com sepse atendidos em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Método: estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e exploratório. Incluíram-se pacientes maiores de 18 anos, diagnosticados com sepse grave ou choque séptico no período de janeiro a dezembro 2012, atendidos em uma UTI de um hospital púbico. Foram levantadas variáveis sociodemográficas, clínicas e o desfecho. Para a avaliação da TC, consideraram-se todas as medidas registradas durante a internação, aferidas na região axilar por termômetro digital acoplado ao monitor multiparamétrico. Adicionalmente, propuseram-se cenários comparativos entre o número de episódios de febre ou hipotermia nas 24 horas após a internação e nas 24 horas prévias ao desfecho. Os dados foram coletados nos prontuários físicos e eletrônicos. Resultados: foram incluídos 105 pacientes, com predominância de maiores de 60 anos, sexo masculino e cor branca. O desfecho clínico para 26 (24,8 %) foi a alta e para 79 (75,2 %), o óbito. Foram observadas 8778 verificações da TC, sendo a hipotermia mais frequente no grupo óbito (p = 0,00). No grupo alta, as medidas dentro da normalidade foram mais frequentes (p = 0,00). Entre os cenários propostos, houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos quando ocorreram dois ou mais episódios de febre nas 24 horas prévias ao desfecho. Conclusão: a descrição do perfil de termorregulação em pacientes sépticos mostrou que a TC é um indicador complementar capaz de auxiliar a equipe na prática clínica com intuito de propiciar melhores desfechos.

Resumen Objetivo: describir el perfil de la temperatura corporal (TC) y el desenlace en pacientes con sepsis asistidos en una unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI). Método: estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y exploratorio. Se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años, diagnosticados con sepsis grave o shock séptico en el periodo de enero a diciembre de 2012, asistidos en una uci de un hospital púbico. Se construyeron variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y de desenlace. Para la evaluación de la TC se consideraron todas las medidas registradas durante la hospitalización, tomadas en la región axilar con termómetro digital acoplado al monitor multiparamétrico. Adicionalmente, se propusieron escenarios comparativos entre el número de episodios de fiebre o hipotermia en las 24 horas después del ingreso y el número de estos las 24 horas previas al desenlace. Los datos fueron recolectados de registros médicos físicos y electrónicos. Resultados: se incluyeron 105 pacientes, con predominio de mayores de 60 años, sexo masculino y color blanco. El resultado clínico para 26 pacientes (24,8 %) fue el alta y para 79 (75,2 %) la muerte. Se observaron 8778 verificaciones de TC, siendo la hipotermia más frecuente en el grupo de muerte (p = 0,00). En el grupo de alta, las medidas dentro de la normalidad fueron más frecuentes (p = 0,00). Entre los escenarios propuestos hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los grupos cuando ocurrieron dos o más episodios de fiebre en las 24 horas anteriores al desenlace. Conclusión: la descripción del perfil de termorregulación en pacientes sépticos mostró que la TC es un indicador complementario capaz de auxiliar al equipo en la práctica clínica con el objetivo de propiciar mejores resultados.

Abstract Objective: to describe the body temperature profile (TC) and the outcome in patients with sepsis assisted in an intensive care unit (UCI). Method: retrospective, descriptive and exploratory study. Patients over the age of 18 were included, diagnosed with severe sepsis or septic shock in the period from January to December 2012, assisted in an UCI of a public hospital. Sociodemographic, clinical and outcome variables were built. For the evaluation of the TC, all measures recorded during hospitalization were considered, taken in the axillary region by digital thermometer coupled to the multiparametric monitor. In addition, comparative scenarios were proposed between the number of episodes of fever or hypothermia in the 24 hours after internment and the number of these 24 hours prior to the outcome. The data were collected from physical and electronic medical records. Results: 105 patients were included, predominantly over 60 years old, male and white. Clinical outcome for 26 patients (24.8 %) was to be discharged, and for 79 (75.2 %) it was death. 8778 TC verifications were observed, being hypothermia the most frequent in the death group (p = 0.00). In the discharge group, measurements within normality were more frequent (p = 0.00). Among the proposed scenarios, there was statistically significant difference between the groups when two or more episodes of fever occurred in the 24 hours prior to the outcome. Conclusion: the description of the thermoregulation profile in septic patients showed that the TC is a complementary indicator capable of assisting the team in the clinical practice in order to promote better results.

Humans , Aged , Shock, Septic , Body Temperature , Sepsis , Fever , Hypothermia , Intensive Care Units , Thermometers , Body Temperature Regulation , Critical Care , Death , Hospitals, Public
REME rev. min. enferm ; 23: e-1267, jan.2019.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1048093


OBJETIVOS: identificar fatores que alteram a confiabilidade da temperatura axilar em relação à temperatura de cateter artéria pulmonar. MÉTODOS: estudo de medidas repetidas utilizando 67 aferições de temperatura axilar coletadas de 24 pacientes internados em centros de terapia intensiva de dois hospitais da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte entre 2017 e 2018. Realizada análise descritiva e regressão linear dos dados. RESULTADOS: foram encontradas acurácia de 0,48 e precisão de 0,47 referentes à temperatura axilar aferida com termômetro digital comparada com a temperatura de cateter de artéria pulmonar. Os fatores que alteram a confiabilidade da temperatura axilar foram o índice de massa corporal e a dose de dobutamina. CONCLUSÃO: os fatores encontrados foram inéditos em relação à alteração da confiabilidade da temperatura axilar e poderão auxiliar enfermeiros na tomada de decisão ao escolherem um método mais preciso para estimativa da temperatura real do corpo. Ainda é necessária a realização de estudos com amostragem maior para avaliação dos fatores intervenientes da confiabilidade de técnicas de temperatura não invasivas, como a temperatura axilar.(AU)

Objectives: to identify factors that alter the reliability of axillary temperature in relation to pulmonary artery catheter temperature. Methods: studying repeated measures using 67 axillary temperature measurements collected from 24 patients admitted to intensive care centers of two hospitals in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte between 2017 and 2018. Descriptive analysis and linear regression of the data were performed. Results: accuracy of 0.48 and precision of 0.47 were found for axillary temperature measured with a digital thermometer compared with pulmonary artery catheter temperature. Factors that change the reliability of axillary temperature were body mass index and dobutamine dose. Conclusion: the found factors were unprecedented in relation to the change in axillary temperature reliability and may help nurses in their decision making by choosing a more accurate method to estimate the actual body temperature. Studies with larger sampling are still necessary to evaluate the intervening factors of the reliability of noninvasive temperature techniques, such as axillary temperature.(AU)

Objetivos: identificar los factores que alteran la fiabilidad de la temperatura axilar en relación con la temperatura del catéter de la arteria pulmonar. Métodos: estudio de mediciones repetidas utilizando 67 mediciones de temperatura axilar de 24 pacientes ingresados en centros de cuidados intensivos de dos hospitales de la región metropolitana de Belo Horizonte entre 2017 y 2018. Análisis descriptivo y regresión lineal de los datos. Resultados: se encontró precisión de 0,48 y precisión de 0,47 para la temperatura axilar medida con termómetro digital en comparación a la temperatura del catéter de la arteria pulmonar. Los factores que alteran la fiabilidad de la temperatura axilar fueron el índice de masa corporal y la dosis de dobutamina. Conclusión: los factores encontrados no tienen precedentes en relación con la alteración en la confiabilidad de la temperatura axilar y pueden ayudar a los enfermeros en la toma de decisiones al elegir un método más preciso para estimar la temperatura corporal real. Son necesarios estudios con muestras más amplias para evaluar los factores que intervienen en la fiabilidad de las técnicas de temperatura no invasivas, como la temperatura axilar.(AU)

Pulmonary Artery , Axilla , Thermometers , Body Temperature , Catheterization, Swan-Ganz , Risk Factors
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741988


OBJECTIVES: It was the aim of this study to evaluate the effect of cooling water temperature on the temperature changes in the pulp chamber and at the handpiece head during high-speed tooth preparation using an electric handpiece. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-eight intact human molars received a standardized occlusal preparation for 60 seconds using a diamond bur in an electric handpiece, and one of four treatments were applied that varied in the temperature of cooling water applied (control, with no cooling water, 10°C, 23°C, and 35°C). The temperature changes in the pulp chamber and at the handpiece head were recorded using K-type thermocouples connected to a digital thermometer. RESULTS: The average temperature changes within the pulp chamber and at the handpiece head during preparation increased substantially when no cooling water was applied (6.8°C and 11.0°C, respectively), but decreased significantly when cooling water was added. The most substantial drop in temperature occurred with 10°C water (−16.3°C and −10.2ºC), but reductions were also seen at 23°C (−8.6°C and −4.9°C). With 35°C cooling water, temperatures increased slightly, but still remained lower than the no cooling water group (1.6°C and 6.7ºC). CONCLUSIONS: The temperature changes in the pulp chamber and at the handpiece head were above harmful thresholds when tooth preparation was performed without cooling water. However, cooling water of all temperatures prevented harmful critical temperature changes even though water at 35°C raised temperatures slightly above baseline.

Humans , Burns , Dental Instruments , Dental Pulp Cavity , Head , Molar , Thermometers , Tooth Preparation , Tooth , Water
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 547-553, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760955


Psychological distress is common in lung cancer patients with a poor prognosis. The present study aims to investigate the efficacy of collaborative care for patients with newly diagnosed inoperable lung cancer in South Korea. The study is a three-arm parallel-groups non-randomized clinical trial with an active arm that includes distressed patients who receive collaborative care, one comparison arm that includes distressed patients who receive enhanced usual care, and another comparison arm that includes non-distressed patients. In total, 267 consecutive patients newly diagnosed with medically inoperative lung cancer will be recruited. The primary outcomes are the changes in Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-depression and the Distress Thermometer at 12 and 32 weeks after enrollment. Sub-analyses of patients in the active arm of the study will include a comparison of the efficacy of a combination of oral antidepressant (escitalopram) treatment and collaborative care versus that of collaborative care alone.

Humans , Anxiety , Arm , Depression , Korea , Lung Neoplasms , Lung , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Prognosis , Thermometers
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763009


This article reviews the historical development and up-to-date state of thermometric technologies for measuring human body temperature (BT) from two aspects: measurement methodology and signifi cance interpretation. Since the fi rst systematic and comprehensive study on BT and its relation to human diseases was conducted by Wunderlich in the late 19th century, BT has served as one of the most fundamental vital signs for clinical diagnosis and daily healthcare. The physiological implication of BT set point and thermoregulatory mechanisms are briefl y outlined. Infl uential determinants of BT measurement are investigated thoroughly. Three types of BT measurement, i.e., core body temperature, surface body temperature and basal body temperature, are categorized according to its measurement position and activity level. With the comparison of temperature measurement in industrial fi elds, specialties in technological and biological aspects in BT measurement are mentioned. Methodologies used in BT measurement are grouped into instrumental methods and mathematical methods. Instrumental methods utilize results of BT measurements directly from temperature-sensitive transducers and electronic instrumentations by the combination of actual and predictive measurement, invasive and noninvasive measurement. Mathematical methods use several numerical models, such as multiple regression model, autoregressive model, thermoregulatory mechanism-based model and the Kalman fi lter-based method to estimate BT indirectly from some relevant vital signs and environmental factors. Thermometry modalities are summarized on the dichotomies into invasive and noninvasive, contact and noncontact, direct and indirect, free and restrained, 1-D and n-D. Comprehensive interpretation of BT has an equal importance as the measurement of BT. Two modes to apply BT are classifi ed into real-time applications and long-term applications. With rapid advancement in IoT infrastructure, big data analytics and AI platforms, prospects for future development in thermometry and interpretation of BT are discussed.

Humans , Basal Bodies , Body Temperature , Delivery of Health Care , Diagnosis , Human Body , Methods , Thermometers , Thermometry , Transducers , Vital Signs
Asian Oncology Nursing ; : 242-251, 2019.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785474


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to find the factors affecting the decisional conflict of patients undergoing chemotherapy.METHODS: Participants were 137 patients undergoing chemotherapy in a hospital. The Quality Quantity Questionnaire, a distress thermometer and the Decisional Conflict Scale were used to gather self-reported data. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, ANOVA, post-hoc Scheffe's tests, Pearson's correlations coefficients and stepwise multiple regression.RESULTS: The decisional conflict showed that the score for severe to high distress groups were higher than that of the mild distress group. The levels of distress and satisfaction of chemotherapy decisional conflict were positively correlated (p=.043). Decisional conflict was significantly affected by age (p=.041), the burden of treatment costs (p=.047), the support system(p=.049), the current feeling of health(p=.024), and comorbidity (p=.039). The significant predictors of decisional conflict were support system, current feeling of health, age, and the burden of treatment costs, which explained 15% of the variance.CONCLUSION: To improve the decisional conflict patients who are receiving chemotherapy, it is deemed to be necessary to develop an intervention program, for oncology nurses to use regarding decisional conflict over cancer treatment in consideration of the variables we have identified.

Humans , Comorbidity , Drug Therapy , Health Care Costs , Longevity , Quality of Life , Thermometers
Asian Oncology Nursing ; : 204-213, 2019.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785478


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to identify the level of oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy (OIPN), symptoms, distress, and quality of life (QoL) in gastrointestinal (GI) cancer patients and to identify the factors influencing QoL.METHODS: A total of 123 patients were recruited for this cross-sectional study. Surveys used were the Therapy-Induced Neuropathy Assessment Scale (TNAS) for OIPN, the MD Anderson Symptom Inventory (MDASI-GI) for general symptoms associated with gastrointestinal cancer and its treatment, a distress thermometer, and the Euro Quality of Life Questionnaire 5-Dimensional Classification (EQ-5D) for QoL.RESULTS: The patients were classified into three groups based on their treatment completion time (current, completed less than one year ago, completed more than one year ago). The scores of MDASI-GI and distress were significantly lower in patients who had completed chemotherapy compared to those who were undergoing treatment (p=.04 and .02 respectively). However, TNAS score was significantly higher in patients who completed chemotherapy less than one year ago than the other two groups (p=.001). In multivariate regression models, the OIPN and distress or general symptoms were identified as factors associated with QoL.CONCLUSION: In this study, we identified the symptoms that are factors related to the QoL in patients with GI cancer. In particular, the symptoms of OIPN are reported at significantly increased levels for patients who have finished chemotherapy less than one year ago, so efforts to prevent and manage the symptoms of OIPN are needed in this timeframe. To improve QoL of patients with GI cancer, continuous attention and care are required not only during the treatment of cancer but also after the completion of treatment.

Humans , Classification , Cross-Sectional Studies , Drug Therapy , Gastrointestinal Neoplasms , Peripheral Nervous System Diseases , Quality of Life , Thermometers
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2019. 139 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1046196


A aferição da temperatura corporal é uma ferramenta essencial no cuidado de pacientes críticos. Para a identificação da temperatura corporal é necessário o uso de um termômetro preciso e ágil. Quando técnicas invasivas não estão sendo utilizadas, a equipe de enfermagem depende de termômetros não invasivos. Atualmente, na literatura, não há um consenso sobre a acurácia e precisão de métodos como as temperaturas oral, axilar, de membrana timpânica ou de artéria temporal. Ademais evidências acerca dos fatores que podem alterar a confiabilidade desses métodos são escassas. Por isso estudos clínicos devem ser realizados com esses métodos para respaldar o uso dessas técnicas na prática. Objetivo: Comparar a acurácia e precisão de métodos de termometria não invasivas (artéria temporal, membrana timpânica, oral e axilar) em comparação a temperatura de artéria pulmonar. Método: Foram realizados uma revisão sistemática e metanálise e um estudo clínico de medidas repetidas. A metanálise foi realizada com dados de 41 artigos pesquisados na literatura. Os dados do estudo clínico foram coletados em duas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva na cidade de Belo Horizonte. Foram incluídos pacientes adultos em uso do cateter de artéria pulmonar. As cinco temperaturas foram aferidas três vezes de cada paciente. Para análise dos dados foi realizada análise descritiva, gráficos de Bland-Altman e análises de regressão. Resultados: A acurácia e precisão das temperaturas na metanálise foram; temperatura axilar, -0,35 e 0,06; temperatura oral, -0,21 e 0,08; temperatura de membrana timpânica, -0,05 e 0,05; e temperatura de artéria temporal, -0,22 e 0,26. A acurácia e precisão após análise dos dados do estudo clínico foram, respectivamente: temperatura axilar, -0,42 e 0,59; temperatura oral, -0,30 e 0,37; temperatura de membrana timpânica, -0,21 e 0,44; e temperatura de artéria temporal, -0,25 e 0,61. Conclusão: Os termômetros não invasivos mostraram uma boa acurácia e precisão em relação a temperatura de artéria pulmonar, entretanto em pacientes com alterações da temperatura os termômetros não invasivos tornam-se pouco acurados.(AU)

The identification of body temperature is an essential tool in critical care nursing. The use of a reliable and agile thermometer is necessary to identify the real body temperature. When available, invasive thermometer are indicated for its precision. Although, when not available, the nursing staff must rely in noninvasive thermometers. Nowadays, in the literature, there isn´t a consensus about the reliability of noninvasive temperature techniques, such as axillary, oral, tympanic membrane and temporal artery. Furthermore, there is a lack of knowledge about factors that alters the reliability of those thermometers. Clinical studies must be developed to back these techniques in nursing care. Aim: Compare the accuracy and precision of noninvasive techniques (axillary, oral, tympanic membrane and temporal artery) with the pulmonary artery temperature. Methods: An Systematic review/Metanalysis and a Cross-sectional Repeated measure clinical study were developed. The Metanalysis used data from 41 published articles. The data for the clinical study were collected in two intensive care units of two hospitals in Belo Horizonte. Patients with pulmonary artery catheter were included. The five temperatures were measured three times in each patient. Descriptive analyses were made, Bland-Altmann graphics were plotted and a four regression models were developed. Results: The accuracy and precision identified in the Metanalysis were: axillary, -0,35 and 0,06; oral, -0,21 and 0,08; tympanic membrane, -0,05 and 0,05; and temporal artery, -0,22 and 0,26. The accuracy and precision of the noninvasive thermometers and the pulmonary artery temperature identified in the clinical study were: axillary -0,42 and 0,59; oral -0,30 and 0,37; tympanic membrane -0,21 and 0,44; and temporal artery -0,25 and 0,61. Conclusion: The noninvasive thermometers showed a good accuracy and precision when compared with the pulmonary temperature, However, in non-normothermic patients the reliability of the thermometers is poor.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Body Temperature , Thermometry/methods , Nursing Care/methods , Pulmonary Artery , Axilla , Thermometers , Tympanic Membrane , Academic Dissertation , Mouth
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750246


PURPOSE: This study compared the temporal artery temperature (TAT) measured by infrared temporal artery thermometers to the axillary temperature (AT) measured by standard mercury-in-glass thermometers, and evaluated accuracy of the TAT measurement for clinical practice. METHODS: A total of 247 adult inpatients in general wards in a tertiary medical center located in Seoul participated in the study. The TAT was measured within one minute after the AT measurement. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, linear regression, and the Bland-Altman plot. RESULTS: There was a significant difference in mean temperature between AT and TAT, 36.89℃ (SD=0.70) versus 37.35℃ (SD=0.72). The Bland-Altman plots demonstrated the difference between the AT and TAT as −1.29 to +0.33. The specificity and sensitivity of the TAT in detecting fever were high. The positive predictive values were 57.5% and 71.0% when the AT were higher than 38.0℃ and the TAT fever cutoff levels were 38.0℃ and 38.3℃ respectively. CONCLUSION: TAT and AT were highly correlated and agreeable, indicating that TAT is as accurate as AT. The findings suggested that TAT measurement can be used in clinical practice. For accurate communication between medical personnel, medical institutions need to provide guidelines for temperature measurement, especially for the use of thermometer and measurement sites.

Adult , Humans , Body Temperature , Fever , Inpatients , Linear Models , Patients' Rooms , Sensitivity and Specificity , Seoul , Temporal Arteries , Thermometers
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738900


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to identify the group with high risk of suicide in general hospital inpatient by comparing the depression, anxiety, and distress and their clinical characteristics. METHODS: The study included all patients admitted to a general hospital between January 2016 and December 2017, and the final 41,249 patients were analyzed. Distress thermometer (DT) and hospital anxiety-depression scale (HADS) were used for emotional state evaluation. Group with high risk of suicide was defined as showing more than 4 in the DT and more than 8 in one of the two subscales (anxiety and depression) of the HADS. RESULTS: Among the subjects, 3,603 patients (8.7%) met the high-risk criteria for suicide. The group with high risk of suicide experienced more severe pain than the control patient group, and it was found that there was more underlying disease. Patients who reported pain showed higher scores than those who reported no pain on the DT and HADS subscales. CONCLUSIONS: Group with high risk of suicide showed more severe pain and more underlying disease. Therefore, suicide prevention program specifically targeted for the group with high risk of suicide should be developed according to the risk of the patient evaluated at the time of the admission.

Humans , Anxiety , Depression , Hospitals, General , Inpatients , Suicide , Thermometers
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741967


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to measure the temperature of the plugger tip of 3 cordless heat carriers set at 200°C. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pluggers of the same taper (0.06, 0.08, 0.10) and similar tip sizes (sizes of 50 and 55) from 3 cordless heat carriers, namely SuperEndo-α2 (B & L Biotech), Friendo (DXM), and Dia-Pen (Diadent), were used and an electric heat carrier, System B (SybronEndo), was used as the control. The plugger tips were covered with customized copper sleeves, heated for 10 seconds, and the temperature was recorded with a computerized measurement system attached to a K-type thermometer at room temperature (n = 10). The data were analyzed with 2-way analysis of variance at a 5% level of significance. RESULTS: The peak temperature of the plugger tips was significantly affected by the plugger taper and by the heat carrier brand (p < 0.05). The peak temperature of the plugger tips was between 177°C and 325°C. The temperature peaked at 207°C–231°C for the 0.06 taper pluggers, 195°C–313°C for the 0.08 taper pluggers, and 177°C–325°C for the 0.10 taper pluggers. Only 5 of the 12 plugger tips showed a temperature of 200°C ± 10°C. The time required to reach the highest temperature or 200°C ± 10°C was at least 4 seconds. CONCLUSION: When using cordless heat carriers, clinicians should pay attention to the temperature setting and to the activation time needed to reach the intended temperature of the pluggers.

Copper , Hot Temperature , Thermometers
Asian Oncology Nursing ; : 241-246, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-718382


PURPOSE: This study aimed to identify factors affecting cognitive function in stomach cancer patients. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study designed to obtain data from stomach cancer patients. The Global Assessment of Recent Stress, Hospital Anxiety-Depression Scale, Distress Thermometer, Korean version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and electronic medical records were used to assess stress, anxiety, depression, psychological distress, and cognitive function, respectively. RESULTS: Among 182 total participants, there were statistically significant differences in sex between the group of patients who received chemotherapy and those who did not (χ2=5.32, p=.029). There were statistically significant differences in stress and cognitive function between the two groups. The factors affecting cognitive function in stomach cancer patients included distress, stress, anxiety, and depression. CONCLUSION: Cognitive function should be examined with consideration of the psychological distress, stress, anxiety, and depression in patients with stomach cancer. Moreover, an improved program to manage cognitive function is needed, which includes mediation between psychological and physiological factors including stress, anxiety, and cognitive level.

Humans , Anxiety , Cognition , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depression , Drug Therapy , Electronic Health Records , Negotiating , Stomach Neoplasms , Stomach , Stress, Psychological , Thermometers
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-718734


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of integrated psychoeducational program for distress management of newly diagnosed patients with breast cancer. METHODS: A quasi-experimental trial was conducted. The participants consisted of 47 female patients with breast cancer assigned to an intervention group (n=25) and control group (n=22). The intervention group participated in integrated psychoeducational program, consisting of individual face-to-face education and telephone-delivered health-coaching sessions. Data were collected at three time points: pre-intervention (T1), post-intervention (T2), and 6-month follow-up (T3). Study instruments were Distress thermometer, Supportive Care Needs Survey Short Form 34 and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast. RESULTS: Compared with the control group, breast cancer patients in the intervention group reported lower distress and supportive care needs than the control group. The intervention group reported higher quality of life (QOL) overall and higher emotional well-being than the control group. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that the integrated psychoeducational program is an effective intervention for reducing distress and supportive care needs and increasing QOL of newly diagnosed patients with breast cancer. Oncology nurses need to provide psychoeducational intervention to support patients with breast cancer in managing their distress and helping them adjust to their life.

Female , Humans , Breast Neoplasms , Breast , Education , Follow-Up Studies , Quality of Life , Self Care , Social Support , Stress, Psychological , Thermometers
Asian Oncology Nursing ; : 40-46, 2018.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-713570


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the level of distress and quality of life (QoL) in esophageal cancer patients, and to identify the factors influencing QoL METHODS: A sample of 103 patients who have esophageal cancer were included in a descriptive study. The instruments used were the Distress Thermometer and Problem List, and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G) version 4. RESULTS: The mean distress score of the subjects was 4.06±2.04 out of 10. The total mean score of quality of life was 66.39±12.86 out of 108, the highest category was physical well-being with a mean item score of 21.78±5.51, the lowest was emotional well-being with a mean item score of 14.69±3.68. The levels of distress and QoL were negatively correlated (r=−.61, p<.001). Stepwise regression analysis revealed that the QoL of the patients was explained by type of treatment and distress. These variables explained 35% of the variance in QoL. CONCLUSION: The QoL of patients with esophageal cancer was relatively low, and the type of treatment and distress was the most important factor affecting quality of life. Thus, to improve the QoL of patients with esophageal cancer, it is important to assess their distress and to provide appropriate interventions.

Humans , Esophageal Neoplasms , Quality of Life , Thermometers